Module 1. Lesson1
Module 1. Lesson1
Module 1. Lesson1
SSP Research
Quarter 1- Module 1:
Nature of Inquiry and Research
SSP Research
Quarter 1- Module 1:
Nature of Inquiry and Research
SSP Research- Grade 10
Alternative Delivery Mode
First Quarter- Module 1: The Importance of Research in Daily Life
This learning module can be used for blended learning and remote learning
modalities. It is also designed such that it encourages independent and self-regulated
learning among the students and develops their 21st century skills. The activities
provided in this learning module are individualized for this is to be read and answered by
students at home.
Schools, teachers and students may reproduce this learning module so long as
such reproduction is limited to non-commercial, non-profit educational purposes.
How to Learn from this Module
Welcome to this module! You are now eager to embark on the activities
prepared specially for you. The learning activities from this module are all intended to
provide you with inspirational and motivational learning experiences in Special Science
Program (SSP) Research that will make you learn more about the Research in Science
and enhance your creativity. But before proceeding to the module, let us familiarize the
different parts of the module. It is important to follow each part of the module in order to
attain the learning objectives for each part.
Each part of the module is presented with the specific heading and icon.
Familiarize the heading and icon so that you will know your task in each part.
PRE-ASSESSMENT is an assessment on what you know about the
content of the module which includes your skills before you proceed to the
activities on the modules instilled for you. It represented by the icon on the
left. Do not pay too much concern on your answers in this part. You will
have related activities
and test after doing all the varied activities in the module. Do
your best to progress at the end of the module.
In this part, an activity is given to recall your past knowledge
related to the lesson.
An activity will be given for the learners to have an idea on
what will be the concepts of lesson for this module.
This is where a discussion about the lesson will be given.
Enrichment activities that will help you learn more about the
This activity is done to apply what the learners learned from the
ASSESSMENT is done after all the activities in the module to
assess on how the learners achieve the objectives of the module. It
contains activities that will cater most of the lessons in the module.
Through this, you can assess if you learned from this module.
This additional activity is done to supply the learner more about
Now that you already familiar with the various parts of this module, you are on
your way towards gaining more knowledge about the subject matter.
1. Read the title of the module and the introduction to acquire an idea of
what the module is all about.
2. Read the objective is the section “What I Need to Know” to gain thoughts of
the skills you are to expand in this module.
3. Answer and to the activities and check your answers on the Self-Check
part at the back of the module. Keep a record of your score.
4. Take the Assessment after you are done with all the activities in the module.
Write all your answers of the activities of the module notebook or answer
sheets. For this purpose, you should have an English notebook, journal, or
portfolio. Please do not write on the module itself. Your notebook, journal, or
portfolio will have an important record of your accomplishments for this subject
Have fun learning and good luck as you begin this module!
To keep up with this noble vision or objective, the department pursues the
implementation of a Special Science Curriculum. This is a special curriculum specifically
designed and formulated to enrich the competencies of advanced and scientifically
inclined learners.
As you go through the activities of this module, you will also discover that learning
is totally fun. There might be challenges along the way but just bear in mind that these
challenges will help you become a better person, a better version of yourself, and most
importantly, an expert when it comes to research and project designs.
Now that you know what you are expected to learn from this Module, let’s find out
first how much you know about them.
A. Write CORRECT if you think it is TRUE or WRONG if you think it is FALSE. Write your
answers in your notebook.
_______ 2. To have an objective view of his or her study, the researcher should avoid
listening to another researcher.
_______ 3. A researcher must read literature that relates to the problem he or she is
B. Copy the table below and write it in your notebook. Encircle the words in the box
that are related to the definition of research.
Literature opinions discovery drama productivity
intuition theories phenomena data Interview
dreams experiences subjective system guessing
investigation factual validate Instrument biases
C. Using the words encircled, formulate your own definition of research. Write your
answer in your notebook.
a. Example: the encircled word is factual.
i. Research is done through a Factual data gathering.
Now that you have an idea of what this module covers, are you eager to get
started? As you do the following activities, pay attention to the skills that can help you
study and learn more about yourself. Good luck as you begin!
The Importance of Research in
1 Daily Life
What’s In
In your lower year levels, you learned the significance of research in your daily life.
It will enable you for inquiry and research in finding solutions to the basic problems you
encountered through scientific experiments. Sharing your experiences and knowledge on
the importance of research develops your skills to think critically and relate it in every
decision you do.
What’s New
I. What is Research?
Investigation has a deeper meaning compared to “inquiry”.
It is a systematic examination of a certain event or phenomenon.
V. Purpose of Research
a. To inform action.
b. To prove or generate a theory.
c. To augment knowledge in a field or study.
Directions: Answer the questions briefly. Write your answers on your notebook.
1. What is Research?
What is It
You just learned the importance of research in daily life. Answer the following questions
briefly on your notebook.
1. Was there an instance in your life when you did an inquiry or research? Share and
describe your experiences .What are your challenges and difficulties?
What’s More
Direction: The images shown below portray research. What make these images a
portrayal of what research is? Write your reflection on your notebook.
. .
. .
Let’s check how well do you know about research. Write your answers on your notebook.
1. Research is different from inquiry because the later will ask you a question .If
inquiring is synonymous with investigation then what makes inquiry different from
research which also investigates?
2. Research in our daily life help us to understand various issues in life leading to a
solution, in what way does research empowers you with knowledge to learn new
What I Can Do
Direction. Answer the following question. Write your answer in your notebook.
Post Assessment
A. Read the following statements. Answer TRUE if the statement describes a research, FALSE if
you think it is not. Write your answers on your notebook.
_______2. A researcher must read literature that relates to the problem he or she is
_______4.To have an objective view of his or her study, the researcher should avoid
listening to another researcher.
phenomena experiences theories discovery validate
biases interview investigation intuition dreams
guessing system instrument Literature drama
subjective factual opinions data productivity
C. Copy the table below and write it in your notebook. Encircle the words in the box that
are related to the definition of research.
Additional Activities
Conduct an interview with any of the barangay officials (preferably the chairperson)
about their plans on ICT development of the barangay. Ask them how research played a
major role in selecting their ICT infrastructure. Make a report about it and share it to your
Write your report using a narrative format. Make use of the notes you wrote down
before and after you conducted your interview to flesh out the report. The first is the brief
detail about what the report is, who is the interviewee and the location of the interview.
Then break up the interview into paragraphs, like narrating a story and finally a
conclusion paragraph to end your report.
Write your output in a short bond paper and insert it or staple it in your notebook.