Smart Goal Rubric - Virtual

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SMART goal Rubric

10 points

For each large project, each group will write one SMART goal(s) for that entirety of the project. The SMART
goal will be evaluated based on the following rubric. Use the SMART goal graphic organizer for examples and
to construct your goal. If you receive a zero in any category, you will be asked to address and rewrite that
section of your SMART goal before you are approved to move forward. The Measurable and Time-bound
sections should be thorough and detailed, as they are super important to structure your progress on
this project.
2 Outstanding 1 Acceptable 0 Unacceptable

S - Specific Goal is clearly stated, has well- A goal relating to the the No goal related to the project is
defined parameters, and project is stated stated
contributes to fulfilling the
objective of the project.

M - Measurable Process is broken down into a Some measurable No means of measuring

complete series of clear, intermediate steps are defined progress toward the final goal
successive, measurable is defined
intermediate steps toward
meeting the goal

A - Attainable The goal and intermediate The goal is challenging but The goal is insufficiently
steps are challenging but reasonable to achieve within challenging or unreasonable
reasonable to achieve within the specified time frame. within the specified time frame
the time frame specified, with
any plans to acquire necessary
skills clearly specified

R - Relevant The goal relates to the project The goal, as stated, is relevant The goal, as stated, is not
and its relevance is clearly to the project and will help you relevant to the project
stated in terms of how it will develop proficiency in course
help you develop proficiency in skills
course skills

T - Time-Bound The goal has a reasonable, The goal has a reasonable or There is no clear schedule for
well-defined schedule for all well-defined schedule for some intermediate steps.
intermediate steps toward intermediate steps and a
completion (as defined in completion deadline, either in
Measurable) and a completion the form of days from present
deadline, either in the form of or of a completion date, not
days from present or of a later than the due date for the
completion date. The project
completion date should not be
later than the due date for the

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