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What is HTML?

HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language

HTML is the standard markup language for Web pages

HTML elements are the building blocks of HTML pages

HTML elements are represented by <> tags

HTML Elements
An HTML element is a start tag and an end tag with content in between:

<h1>This is a Heading</h1>

Start tag Element content End tag

<h1> This is a Heading </h1>

<p> This is paragraph. </p>

HTML Attributes
 HTML elements can have attributes
 Attributes provide additional information about the element

 Attributes come in name/value pairs like charset="utf-8"

A Simple HTML Document

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Page Title</title>

   <h1>This is a Heading</h1>
   <p>This is a paragraph.</p>
   <p>This is another paragraph.</p>


Example Explained
HTML elements are the building blocks of HTML pages.

 The <!DOCTYPE html> declaration defines this document to be HTML5

 The <html> element is the root element of an HTML page

 The lang attribute  defines the language of the document

 The <meta> element contains meta information about the document

 The charset attribure defines the character set used in the document

 The <title> element specifies a title for the document

 The <body> element contains the visible page content

 The <h1> element defines a large heading

 The <p> element defines a paragraph

HTML Documents
All HTML documents must start with a document type declaration: <!DOCTYPE html>.

The HTML document itself begins with <html> and ends with </html>.

The visible part of the HTML document is between <body> and </body>.

HTML Document Structure

Below is a visualization of an HTML document (an HTML Page):


<title>Page title</title>



<h1>This is a heading</h1>

<p>This is a paragraph.</p>

<p>This is another paragraph.</p>



Note: Only the content inside the <body> section (the white area above) is displayed
in a browser.

HTML Headings
HTML headings are defined with <h1> to <h6> tags.

<h1> defines the most important heading. <h6> defines the least important heading: 

<h1>This is heading 1</h1>
<h2>This is heading 2</h2>
<h3>This is heading 3</h3>

HTML Paragraphs
HTML paragraphs are defined with <p> tags:

<p>This is a paragraph.</p>
<p>This is another paragraph.</p>
HTML Links
HTML links are defined with <a> tags:

<a href="">This is a link</a>

The link's destination is specified in the href attribute. 

HTML Images
HTML images are defined with <img> tags.

The source file (src), alternative text (alt), width, and height are provided as


<img src="img_w3schools.jpg" alt="W3Schools" style="width:120px;height:150px"

HTML Buttons
HTML buttons are defined with <button> tags:

<button>Click me</button>

HTML Lists
HTML lists are defined with <ul> (unordered/bullet list) or <ol> (ordered/numbered list)
tags, followed by <li> tags (list items):


HTML Tables
An HTML table is defined with a <table> tag.

Table rows are defined with <tr> tags.

Table headers are defined with <th> tags. (bold and centered by default).

Table cells (data) are defined with <td> tags.


Programming HTML
Every HTML element can have attributes.

For web development and programming, the most important attributes

are id and class. These attributes are often used to address program based web page

Attribute Example
id <table id="table01"

class <p class="normal">

style <p style="font-size:16px">

data- <div data-id="500">

onclick <input onclick="myFunction()">

onmouseover <a onmouseover="this.setAttribute('style','color:red')">

HTTP Request / Response

Communication between clients and servers is done by requests and responses:

1. A client (a browser) sends an HTTP request to the web

2. An web server receives the request
3. The server runs an application to process the request
4. The server returns an HTTP response (output) to the browser
5. The client (the browser) receives the response
The HTTP Request Circle

A typical HTTP request / response circle:

1. The browser requests an HTML page. The server returns an HTML file.
2. The browser requests a style sheet. The server returns a CSS file.
3. The browser requests an JPG image. The server returns a JPG file.
4. The browser requests JavaScript code. The server returns a JS file
5. The browser requests data. The server returns data (in XML or JSON).

XHR - XML Http Request

All browsers have a built-in XMLHttpRequest Object (XHR).

XHR is a JavaScript object that is used to transfer data between a web browser and a
web server.

XHR is often used to request and recieve data for the purpose of modifying a web page.

Despite the XML and Http in the name, XHR is used with other protocols than HTTP,
and the data can be of many different types like HTML, CSS, XML, JSON, and plain

The XHR Object is a Web Developers Dream, because you can:

 Update a web page without reloading the page

 Request data from a server - after the page has loaded
 Receive data from a server - after the page has loaded
 Send data to a server - in the background

The XHR Object is the underlying concept of AJAX and JSON:

Why is http important?
HTTP or “HyperText Transfer Protocol” is a fundamental element of the world wide web. It
allows your web browser (i.e. Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari or Internet Explorer)
to communicate with the server where any given website is hosted.

HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol) is a set of rules that a server has to follow when it comes
to the transmission of files (images, videos, audio, and other forms of files) through the World Wide Web (WWW). As
a user opens a browser, they are already making use of an HTTP. Basically, it is an application protocol that runs
through the top of the TCP/IP suite of protocols.

Table of contents
1. Functionality
2. Difference between HTTP and [HTTPS](/wiki/https/)

1. Summary of technical difference between HTTP and HTTPS:

The mechanics and concept behind HTTP includes is that files are related to other files through a series of references.
This selection will elicit the additional transmission requests. Any web server device actually contains a program that
is called an HTTP daemon, which is a designed to anticipate HTTP requests and handle them when they arrive. Your
typical web browser is an HTTP client  which is constantly sending requests to server devices. The user enters file
requests by going through a web file, which in this case is usually a URL, or click a link; the browser builds up an HTTP
request and then sends it to an IP which is indicated through the URL.

HTTP follows the given cycle whenever it sends out a request:[

1. The browser would request an HTML page. The server would then return an HTML file from the host 1
2. The browser would request a style sheet. The server then returns a CSS file.

3. The browser requests a JPG image. The server returns a JPG file.

4. The browser would request a JavaScript code (a programming language). The server would then return a JS

5. The browser requests different forms of data. The server returns data in the form of XML or JSON files.

Difference between HTTP and HTTPS

Most individuals are not aware of the differences between the http:// and https:// since both are almost visually
similar. Knowing the differences between these is paramount in being able to maintain a secure and efficient site that
can protect information and data. Browsers have been designed so that the URL bar will highlight the S in HTTPS
with a different color so that users will be able to notice.

Here are some clear differences between the two:

1. HTTP – There is no data encryption that is being implemented.
1. Every URL link uses the HTTP as the most basic type of Hypertext Transfer Protocol. With that in
mind, an HTTP is likened to a system which does not belong to any state. This allows any
connection to be enabled on demand.

2. This protocol is basically an application layer protocol. What that means is that it focuses more on
information that is being presented towards the user but does not focus on how that data is being
transmitted from the source host towards the recipient. This can become a detriment since this
means of delivery can easily be intercepted and traced by malicious third party users (usually
known as hackers).

2. HTTPS – The data is encrypted.

1. Compared to HTTP, user information, such as credit card numbers and other forms of important
personal information are encrypted. This stops any form of malicious third party users from
accessing these forms of sensitive data.

2. With a more secure network, users will have a higher level of confidence when using the site since
their data is encrypted and users with malicious intent will have a difficult time hacking into their

1. Statistics show that 84% of shoppers abandon websites once they know that the website
is transferring data through an insecure channel.

2. 29% of users are aware of the difference between HTTP and HTTPS and they actively look
for this difference on the address bar.

3. Being a new form of technology, HTTPS still has a few traits that are still considered experimental.
As such, older types of browsers will have a difficult time adapting to these websites.

4. As compared to just setting up a site with HTTP, transitioning towards HTTPS requires a user to go
through several legal processes in order to acquire an SSL certificate. This means that owners of
pages and sites have to expend money. Obtaining an SSL certificates is a paid service from a
Certificate Authority.

5. Because of the encoding process, the server routes power and processing time towards encoding
the information before it is being transmitted.

Summary of technical difference between HTTP and HTTPS:

 HTTP is insecure while HTTPS is a secure protocol.
 HTTP uses TCP port 80 while HTTPS uses TCP port 4433.

 HTTP works within the application layer while HTTPS works within the Transport Layer Security (TLS).

 There is no SSL certificate that is required for HTTP but HTTPS requires an SSL certificate to be signed and
implemented by a Certification Authority (CA).

 HTTP does not necessarily require domain validation while HTTPS mandatorily requires domain validations
and certain certifications which do require a legal process.

 There is no data encryption in HTTP while data is being encrypted right before it is being transmitted for the
 HTTPS is an extension of HTTP. In this case, it jointly works together with another protocol, namely Secure
Sockets Layer (SSL) in order to transmit the data safely.

 Both HTTP and HTTPS do not address the data will be transmitted towards its target destination. Inversely,
SSL does not have any function whatsoever to do with how the data will appear.

Users often falsely believe that HTTPS and SSL are the same protocols. HTTPS is secure since it uses SSL in order to
transmit data. Currently, SSL is slowly being phased out by TSL since it is an even more secure method of data
encryption that is going to be sent.




4. ↩︎

HTTP - HyperText Transfer Protocol

HTTP means HyperText Transfer Protocol. HTTP is the underlying protocol used by the World Wide Web and this protocol

defines how messages are formatted and transmitted, and what actions Web servers and browsers should take in response
to various commands.
For example, when you enter a URL in your browser, this actually sends an HTTP command to the Web server directing it to
fetch and transmit the requested Web page. The other main standard that controls how the World Wide Web works
is HTML, which covers how Web pages are formatted and displayed.

HTTP is a Stateless Protocol

HTTP is called a stateless protocol because each command is executed independently, without any knowledge of the
commands that came before it. This is the main reason that it is difficult to implement Web sites that react intelligently to
user input. This shortcoming of HTTP is being addressed in a number of new technologies,
including ActiveX, Java, JavaScript and cookies.
HTTP Status Codes are Error Messages
Errors on the Internet can be quite frustrating — especially if you do not know the difference between a 404 error and a 502
error. These error messages, also called HTTP status codes are response codes given by Web servers and help identify the
cause of the problem.
For example, "404 File Not Found" is a common HTTP status code. It means the Web server cannot find the file you
requested. This means the webpage or other document you tried to load in your Web browser has either been moved or
deleted, or you entered the wrong URL or document name.
Knowing the meaning of the HTTP status code can help you figure out what went wrong. On a 404 error, for example, you
could look at the URL to see if a word looks misspelled, then correct it and try it again. If that doesn't work, backtrack by
deleting information between each backslash, until you come to a page on that site that isn't a 404. From there you may be
able to find the page you're looking for.
Additional information on HTTP error codes can be found in Webopedia's common HTTP status codes article.

Custom 404 Error Pages

Many websites create custom 404 error pages that will help users locate a valid page or document within the website. For
example, if you land on a 404 File Not Found page via, a custom error page will load providing quick links
to on-site navigation and site search features to help you find what you were looking for.

Image: Webopedia's custom "404 File Not Found" (HTTP status code) page.

What about HTTPS?

A similar abbreviation, HTTPS means Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure. Basically, it is the secure version of HTTP.
Communications between the browser and website are encrypted by Transport Layer Security (TLS), or its predecessor,
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL).

Related Terms
 HTML - HyperText Markup Language
 HTTPD - HTTP daemon
 HTTP request header
 HTTP response header
 FTP - file transfer protocol
 ICAP - Internet Content Adaption Protocol
 Nginx
 virtual Web site
 Firesheep
 REST - Representational State Transfer


Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) is the secure version of HTTP,
the protocol over which data is sent between your browser and the website that you are
connected to. The 'S' at the end of HTTPS stands for 'Secure'. It means all
communications between your browser and the website are encrypted.

Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure is an extension of the Hypertext Transfer Protocol.
It is used for secure communication over a computer network, and is widely used on the
Internet. In HTTPS, the communication protocol is encrypted using Transport Layer
Security or, formerly, its predecessor, Secure Sockets Layer. 
Standard port: 443
HTTPS: What It Does, Why You Need It and How to Get It

Definition - What does Hypertext Transport Protocol Secure (HTTPS) mean?

Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) is a variant of the standard web transfer
protocol (HTTP) that adds a layer of security on the data in transit through a secure
socket layer (SSL) or transport layer security (TLS) protocol connection.
HTTPS enables encrypted communication and secure connection between a remote
user and the primary web server.

Techopedia explains Hypertext Transport Protocol Secure (HTTPS)

HTTPS is primarily designed to provide enhanced security layer over the unsecured
HTTP protocol for sensitive data and transactions such as billing details, credit card
transactions and user login etc. HTTPS encrypts every data packet in transition using
SSL or TLS encryption technique to avoid intermediary hackers and attackers to extract
the content of the data; even if the connection is compromised.
HTTPS is configured and supported by default in most web browsers and initiates a
secure connection automatically if the accessed web servers requests secure
connection. HTTPS works in collaboration with certificate authorities that evaluates the
security certificate of the accessed website.
Related Terms
 Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
 Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)

 Secure Sockets Layer Certificate (SSL Certificate)

 Forward Secret HTTPS
 Extended Validation SSL (EV SSL)
 Virtual Private Network Appliance (VPN appliance)
 Secure Socket Layer Virtual Private Network (SSL VPN)
 HTTP Header
 Encrypted Web
 Banker Trojan

HTTP has been around since the very beginning of the internet in the late 1980s. You
see it at the beginning of every website URL in your web browser’s address bar, but
what exactly is it?
HTTP, which is short for HyperText Transfer Protocol, is a set of rules for transferring a
web page between a web server and your browser. When you browse to a specific URL
in your browser, it starts a conversation with the website’s server to download
everything it needs to render that web page.
What if your browser needs to send or receive information that is private? The
conversation that takes place with HTTP happens in “plain text” which means a third-
party can listen in on your browser’s conversation and see everything that is being said.
This is a great way to steal personal information like your credit card number or other
sensitive stuff. To discourage this, we need to use HTTPS.
HTTPS is the exact same conversation your browser and the web server were having
before, but now all of that information is encrypted. Only your browser and the web
server possess the key to decrypt it. This prevents any eavesdroppers from
understanding what is being said.

How does it work?

The encryption that happens when you’re using HTTPS is done using a special
“SSL/TLS certificate” from the website’s server as well as a unique encryption key from
your browser. Both the certificate and your key are used throughout your conversation
to prove to the other party that they are who they say they are. Without these, a third-
party could intercept your conversation and pretend to be either the server or your

Before the conversation begins, your browser and the server say hello and agree on
two things: the type of encryption they are going to use and the encryption keys that are
going to be used to perform the encryption. Once this initial handshake is complete,
both your browser and the server can speak the same encrypted language and can
have a private conversation that is very hard to eavesdrop on.

How you know it’s working?

Despite all of this complicated technology happening behind the scenes, your browser
makes it very easy to make sure HTTPS is on and working properly. In addition to
having “https://” in the URL bar on your browser, you will also see a padlock icon
somewhere nearby indicating that your connection to the website is secure.
If you don’t see that confirmation in your browser, then HTTPS is not active and
everything your browser is sending and receiving is not encrypted. This is actually OK if
you’re just browsing a website without entering in any personal information. However,
you should always make sure HTTPS is active whenever you are performing activities
such as logging into a website, filling out a form, or checking out on an ecommerce site.

How does it benefit your site?

 Security & Privacy

The most important benefit for you, your site, and your site’s users is of course the
security that HTTPS gives. If your site is running HTTPS, that means that everything
your browser sends and receives from the web server is done so with a strong
encryption so that third-parties can’t easily eavesdrop on you and/or perform malicious
activities. This is absolutely essential if your website is ecommerce, has a log-in system,
or any other kind of interface that lets users send and receive sensitive information.
You’re not only protecting them, but you are also insulating yourself from any penalties
or lawsuits that could potentially arise if a user’s security is breached and exploited.
 Perceived Security
Today, the general public is becoming more and more concerned about their privacy.
Who can blame them in an age where viruses, malware, phishing, and other naughty
behavior is more common than ever before? You also read news stories about
companies having major security breaches almost every week. As a result, major
internet technology companies like Google are taking a stand and treating HTTPS as a
“must have”. For example, Google Chrome will now show a warning that a site is “not
secure” if it’s not running HTTPS.

This doesn’t actually mean there is a problem with the site, but Google is now taking the
responsibility of warning Chrome users to not enter sensitive information on this site. If
your users are concerned about their privacy, seeing the words “this site is not
secure” does not instill confidence in your website. More and more people are
looking for that little padlock icon to give them peace of mind about their privacy and
security. If they have that, they will trust your website more, and in turn will be more
likely to return.
 SEO Boost 
Back in 2014, Google shook things up by including HTTPS as a ranking signal for their
search engine. It’s by no means a large factor in your rankings, but it is a small one. It
can come in handy if your site ties with a competitor on every other ranking signal
because if you have HTTPS you will rank higher. If you’re competing for some major
search keywords, it’s almost irresponsible not to have HTTPS.
 Website Performance 
A great side-effect of using HTTPS, if you are on the right web host, is that your website
will get a nice performance boost. There is a new technology on the web called HTTP/2.
Without going into a lot of detail, this technology is the new protocol your web browser
can use to connect to web servers. The current HTTP protocol (HTTP 1.1) was created
over 15 years ago. Since then, websites have become dramatically more complex.
Instead of a single HTML document and a few images, your average web page will
have dozens of images, several stylesheets and JavaScripts, and will load a few
external APIs like Facebook, a live chat, etc. HTTP/2 was built with the modern web in
mind and dramatically speeds up the connections between your browser and the web
server resulting in a much faster page load time. Check out this fun demonstration of
HTTP vs. HTTP/2 and see for yourself!
So where can you get HTTP/2? The good news is that all modern web browsers
support it, but they also require that the website is using HTTPS in order for it to work.
The bad news is that you need to have a web host that supports HTTP/2.
WP Engine is an ideal host because they support HTTP/2 and requires almost no effort
to set up. By simply installing an SSL certificate, HTTP/2 immediately turns on and
you’re ready to go. There are other hosts out there that support it and they can be found
by a simple search for “http/2 web hosts.” If you are stuck on a web host that doesn’t
support it, you can use a third-party service like CloudFlare. Their service will handle
serving up your website’s content via HTTP/2 but your web host still hosts and runs the
site itself.

What are the risks?

Despite all of the awesome that HTTPS gives you, there can be some risks to making
the switch if you’re not prepared.
 Temporary Drop in Traffic
If you have an existing site using HTTP and you switch to HTTPS, Google counts this
as a site move. That brings with it the usual SEO penalties that comes with it. However,
you can mitigate the effect by adding your HTTPS site to Google Search Console and
Bing Webmaster Tools. After making the switch, Google specs SEO recovery time from
a few weeks (likely) to 2–3 months (less likely).
 Duplicate Content and Link Dilution
Because switching from HTTP to HTTPS counts as a site move, you will need to make
sure only one version of your site (the HTTPS version) is active. This can be done by
taking the following steps:
Use 301 redirects — Anytime you permanently move content, you need to set up a 301
redirect for search engines. For the HTTP to HTTPS switch, just one rule in your
.htaccess file should take care of it.

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>

RewriteCond %{SERVER_PORT} !^443$

RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301]</IfModule>

If editing your website’s files isn’t something you’re comfortable with, there are plugins
for all the major CMSs that will do this for you.
Update your sitemap — Make sure your XML sitemap is only using HTTPS URLs.
If your site uses a CMS and has an SEO plugin installed, it should take care of this for
you if your CMS is configured with an HTTPS URL.
Ensure all internal links point to your HTTPS URL — Any internal links on
your website will need to be using the HTTPS version. If your site uses a CMS like
Drupal, it uses relative URLs in its content and will automatically update. If you’re using
WordPress which uses absolute URLs in its content, you’ll need to do a search and
replace of your database to change all HTTP URLs to HTTPS.
Ensure canonical tags point to your HTTPS URL — The rel=canonical tag on
all of your site’s pages must point to the HTTPS versions. A CMS website with an SEO
plugin should take care of this automatically.
Ensure external links to your site point to your HTTPS URL — This one is
more tricky since you obviously won’t have the ability to change all the external links to
your website. However, you should change the ones that you do have access to, such
as within social profiles. It’s not worth the effort to pester other website owners to
update their links to your site. After all, that’s what the 301 redirect is for.
Beware of Mixed Content

It’s very satisfying to see that nice green padlock icon in your browser when HTTPS is
up and running on your site. However, it only takes one single piece of your site that is
not loading via HTTPS to change that.

For example, if your site is set up 100% correctly for HTTPS and you decide to embed a
YouTube video in a blog post, you must make sure you use YouTube’s HTTPS URL for
the video. Otherwise, the video loads over HTTP and the browser will see this,
triggering a “mixed content error.” Chrome shows this by switching from the padlock
icon to an information icon and saying your site “is not fully secure.”

If you find it frustrating to constantly make sure you’re using HTTPS URLs in your
website’s content, there are plugins available for the major CMSs that will “force” all
URLs to be HTTPS. That means if an HTTPS version of the URL exists, it will switch to
it. However, you should still be vigilant in case you embed content from a provider that
doesn’t have an HTTPS version.

Is Your SSL Certificate Valid and Active?

HTTPS only works if your SSL certificate is valid and active, so you must keep track of
the expiration date on your certificate. If you let it expire, HTTPS will break and the
browser will display a big scary warning to everyone visiting your

This won’t do any good in terms of establishing trust between you and your users. You
must always make sure your certificate is renewed annually.

You can set up auto-renewals with your certificate issuer, but you (or your developer)
are still required to install the renewed certificate in your server. If you can’t do this, then
try to pick a web host that auto-renews and auto-installs certificates for you. That way
you will always ensure your certificate is OK.

How to Get HTTPS

Now that you’re an expert on what HTTPS is, how it works, and the pros and cons, how
do you actually get started with using it?
Purchase a Certificate
The first step is to purchase the SSL certificate for your site. Often times, your web host
will be the easiest place to get a certificate from. If they don’t offer their own SSL, some
reputable certificate issuers include DigiCert, VeriSign, and GeoTrust. For the budget
conscious, GoDaddy and Namecheap have the most affordable options.

Always make sure you are buying a certificate that is “SHA-2”, also referred to as “2,048
bit”. This represents the strength of the encryption and is currently the industry

Next, you will be faced with a menu of certificate options. Depending on the certificate
issuer, you could be faced with two or three certificate options or sometimes a dozen.
So which option is the one you need? All of them can be broken down into just a few
certificate types:

 Domain Validation
This is the most common type of certificate. It validates that you have the right to use
your domain name. This is probably the one you’ll want.
 Organization Validation
In addition to validating your domain name, this type of certificate will also validate the
existence of your company or organization. Some company details will also be
displayed in your public certificate information to pass along that trust to the website
 Extended Organization Validation
This type will go even further with the process of validating your company or
organization. This will involve actual paperwork and processing. They will verify the
legal, physical, and operational existence of the company, among other things. You will
also get extra-special treatment by people’s web browsers, displaying your company’s
name in a lovely shade of green next to the secure padlock

 Wildcard
If you have multiple subdomains that you use for different websites, products, etc. then
a wildcard certificate may be best. Instead of buying a certificate for every single
subdomain, a single wildcard certificate will take care of the job. This will save a lot of
 Multi-Domain
These are also known as “Subject Alternative Name” (SAN) certificates or a “Unified
Communication Certificate” (UCC). This is an option from some issuers that let you use
one certificate on multiple domain names. This is different from a wildcard which only
works on one domain name and is designed for subdomains.
 Free SSL Certificates
Yes, this is really a thing! Created by organizations that believe in “HTTPS everywhere”,
there are a few issuers that will give you a domain validated certificate for free. Let’s
Encrypt is a great example. The only problem is that if you’re not a developer, these can
sometimes be difficult to set up. However, there are web hosts out there that have
included a free SSL option in their plans. WP Engine, A2 Hosting, and Dreamhost are
examples. Just do a search for “free ssl web hosting”. Free certificates are a major leap
forward in the goal towards making the web a more secure place.
No matter what level of validation or type of certificate you choose, always remember
that there is absolutely no difference in the level of security or encryption. You can use a
free certificate or pay hundreds of dollars and your users’ data will be just as secure as
long as they are using SHA-2 encryption. By paying extra for more validations, you’re
getting a more trustworthy stamp of approval on your certificate due to how heavily your
website and company have been vetted.
What are the 5 parts of a URL?
A URL consists of five parts -- the scheme, subdomain, top-level domain, second-level
domain, and subdirectory.
The first part of the URL is called a protocol identifier and it indicates what protocol to use, and
the second part is called a resource name and it specifies the IP address or the domain name
where the resource is located. The protocol identifier and the resource name are separated by a
colon and two forward slashes.
URL is the abbreviation of Uniform Resource Locator and is defined as the
global address of document and other resources on the World Wide Web. To visit this
website, for example, you'll go to the URL
We all use URLs to visit webpages and other resources on the web. The URL is an
address that sends users to a specific resource online, such as a webpage, video or
other document or resource. When you search Google, for example, the search results
will display the URL of the resources that match your search query. The title in search
results is simply a hyperlink to the URL of the resource.
A URL is one type of Uniform Resource Identifier (URI); the generic term for all types of
names and addresses that refer to objects on the World Wide Web.
What Are the Parts of a URL?
The first part of the URL is called a protocol identifier and it indicates what protocol to
use, and the second part is called a resource name and it specifies the IP address or
the domain name where the resource is located. The protocol identifier and the
resource name are separated by a colon and two forward slashes.

For example, the two URLs below point to two different files at the
domain The first specifies an executable file that should be fetched
using the FTP protocol; the second specifies a webpage that should be fetched using
the HTTP protocol:
Accessing a URL that ends in .com, .html, or .htm will display a webpage located at that
address. If, for example, you visit a URL that ends in .jpg or .png you can expect to view
an image file.  
Web Address is a URL with HTTP/HTTPS
The term "web address" is a synonym for a URL that uses the HTTP or HTTPS
protocol. The Uniform Resource Locator (URL) was developed by Tim Berners-Lee in
1994 and the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) URI working group. Today, the
format of the URL has not changed. The URL format is specified in RFC 1738 Uniform
Resource Locators (URL).
In Programming: The URL Class
Note that in object-oriented programming, such as Java, programs can use a class (a
category of objects) called URL. You can create a URL object to represent the URL
Recommended Reading: See Java Tutorials: Working with URLs in the Related Links
section below for additional information on using the URL object in a Java program.
Related Terms
 Internet address
 IP address - Internet Protocol (IP) address
 virtual IP address
 loopback address
 address
 martian address
 static NAT
 APIPA - Automatic Private IP Addressing
 address bar spoofing
 ARP - Address Resolution Protocol
What are the different parts of URL explain with example?
A URL usually consists of the following components:

 Protocol – the method used to process the URL eg. http or https.
 Domain – the domain name eg. ...
 Path – the section and page on the site.
 Hash – identifies a section within the page.
 Query String – key/value parameters containing dynamic data passed to the page.
 What is a URL made up of?
 A basic URL will consist of three parts, or substrings, separated by defining characters.
These include the protocol, the host name or address, and the resource location. A
simple example of a URL string would take the following form:
How do I create a URL?
Create a short URL

1. Visit the Google URL shortener site at

2. If you aren't signed in, click the Sign in button in the top right corner.
3. Write or paste your URL in the Paste your long URL here box.
4. Click Shorten URL.

How do URLs work?

5. The URL contains the name of the protocol needed to access a resource, as well
as a resource name. The first part of a URL identifies what protocol to use as the
primary access medium. The second part identifies the IP address or domain
name -- and possibly subdomain -- where the resource is located.

What is the most important part of a URL?

site name
The most important part of a URL is the site name.
What is a URL and where is it located?
Short for Uniform Resource Locator, a URL is the location of a specific website, page,
or file on the Internet. For example, if you enter
website-url/ in your web browser, your web browser will take you to this post.
What is the .com called?
The “.com” part is called the top level domain (TLD).

What is a HTTP call?

The Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is designed to enable communications between clients
and servers. HTTP works as a request-response protocol between a client and server. ...
Example: A client (browser) submits an HTTP request to the server; then the server returns a
response to the client.

What is the structure of HTTP messages?

HTTP messages are how data is exchanged between a server and a client. There are two
types of messages: requests sent by the client to trigger an action on the server, and
responses, the answer from the server. HTTP messages are composed of textual information
encoded in ASCII, and span over multiple lines.

What is HTTP protocol and how it works?

HTTP is a connectionless text based protocol. Clients (web browsers) send requests to web
servers for web elements such as web pages and images. After the request is serviced by a
server, the connection between client and server across the Internet is disconnected. A new
connection must be made for each request.
How many HTTP methods are there?
HTTP 1.1. HTTP 1.1 is officially defined in RFC 2068. This spec added five more methods.

I count 9 HTTP request methods (aka verbs):


The HTTP 1.1 spec defines an Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) Method Registry. As
of 2017-01, shows 39 entries:
HTTP 1.0

HTTP 1.0 defined three methods (“verbs”):

… retrieve whatever information … is identified by the Request-URI…
… to request that the destination server accept the entity enclosed in the request as
a new subordinate of the resource identified by the Request-URI in the Request-
Line… Posting a message to a bulletin board, newsgroup, mailing list … Providing a
block of data … Extending a database through an append operation …
… identical to GET except that the server MUST NOT return a message-body in the
response … for obtaining metainformation about the entity implied by the request
without transferring the entity-body itself…
HTTP 1.1

HTTP 1.1 is officially defined in RFC 2068. This spec added five more methods.
…a request for information about the communication options available on the
request/response chain… determine the options and/or requirements associated
with a resource, or the capabilities of a server, without implying a resource action or
initiating a resource retrieval
…requests that the enclosed entity be stored under the supplied Request-URI. If …
already existing resource, the enclosed entity SHOULD be considered as a modified
version of the one residing on the origin server…
…delete the resource identified by the Request-URI…
…loop- back of the request message…
…for use with a proxy that can dynamically switch to being a tunnel (e.g. SSL
HTTP Extensions

Other protocols extend HTTP to define additional methods/verbs.

 Applies partial modifications to a resource
 Defined by RFC 5789
 WebDAV specifies seven more methods:

HTTP/2 is defined in RFC 7540. Section 3.5 defines a PRI method.

In HTTP/2, each endpoint is required to send a connection preface as a final confirmation of the protocol
in use and to establish the initial settings for the HTTP/2 connection. … the connection preface starts with
the string "PRI * HTTP/2.0\r\n\r\nSM\r\n\r\n") …
 What is the HTML structure?
 HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language and is the basic structural element that is
used to create webpages. HTML is a markup language, which means that it is used to
“mark up” the content within a document, in this case a webpage, with structural and
semantic information that tells a browser how to display a page.
What are the 10 basic HTML tags?
Your First 10 HTML Tag:

Tags and elements

An HTML tag is a special word or letter surrounded by angle brackets, < and >. You use
tags to create HTML elements, such as paragraphs or links.

Many elements have an opening tag and a closing tag — for example, a p (paragraph)
element has a <p> tag, followed by the paragraph text, followed by a closing </p> tag.

Some elements don’t have a closing tag. These are called empty elements. For
example, the br element for inserting line breaks is simply written <br>.

If you’re working with XHTML then you write empty elements using self-closing tags —
for example, <br />.

Now let’s look at those 10 tags!

1. <html> … </html> — The root element

All web pages start with the html element. It’s also called the root element because it’s
at the root of the tree of elements that make up a web page.

The html 
element sits at the root of the tree of elements in a web page.
To create the html element, you write an opening <html> tag followed by a
closing </html> tag. Everything else in your web page then goes between these 2


(all other page elements go here)


2. <head> … </head> — The document head

The head element contains information about the web page, as opposed to the web
page content itself. There are many elements that you can put inside the head element,
such as:

 title (described below)

 link, which you can use to add style sheets and favicons to your page

 meta, for specifying things like character sets, page descriptions, and keywords
for search engines
 script, for adding JavaScript code to the page
Here’s a typical head element:


<title>The Adventures of My Cat Lucky</title>

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;


<meta name="description" content="The adventures of my

favourite pet cat Lucky, with stories, pictures and movies.">

<meta name="keywords" content="cat,Lucky,pet,animal">

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/style.css">

<link rel="shortcut icon" href="/favicon.ico">


3. <title> … </title> — The page title

The title element contains the title of the page. The title is displayed in the browser’s
title bar (the bar at the top of the browser window), as well as in bookmarks, search
engine results, and many other places.

The title should describe the page’s content succinctly and accurately. Try to give each
page of your site its own unique title.

Here’s an example:

<title>The Adventures of My Cat Lucky</title>

4. <body> … </body> — The page’s content

The body element appears after the head element in the page. It should contain all the
content of your web page: text, images, and so on. All web pages have 1
single body element, with the exception of frameset pages, which
contain frame elements instead.

Here’s the general format of the body element:


(all page content goes here)


5. <h1> … </h1> — A section heading

Headings let you break up your page content into readable chunks. They work much
like headings and subheadings in a book or a report.

HTML actually supports 6 heading elements: h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, and h6. h1 is for the

most important headings, h2 is for less important subheadings, and so on. Typically you
won’t need to use more than h1, h2 and h3, unless your page is very long and

Here’s an example of an h1 heading element:

<h1>The Adventures of My Cat Lucky</h1>

6. <p> … </p> — A paragraph

The p element lets you create paragraphs of text. Most browsers display paragraphs
with a vertical gap between each paragraph, nicely breaking up the text.
While you can create “paragraphs” of text just by using <br> tags to insert blank lines
between chunks of text, it’s better to use p elements instead. Not only is it neater, but it
gives browsers, search engines and other non-humans a better idea of how your page
is structured.

Here’s an example of a paragraph:

<p>My cat Lucky has a lot of adventures. Yesterday she caught a

mouse, and this morning she caught two!</p>

A good rule of thumb when writing text for the web is to make sure that each paragraph
contains a single point, topic or thought. If you want to talk about 2 different things, use
2 paragraphs.

7. <a> … </a> — A link

One of the most important elements in a web page, the a element lets you create links
to other content. The content can be either on your own site or on another site.

To create a link, you wrap <a> and </a> tags around the content you want to use for
the link, and supply the URL to link to in the <a> tag’s href attribute.

Here’s how to create some text that links to

<a href="">Visit this great website!</a>

8. <img> — An image

The img element lets you insert images into your web pages. To insert an image, you
first upload the image to your web server, then use an <img> tag to reference the
uploaded image filename. Here’s an example:
<img src="myphoto.jpg" alt="My Photo">

The alt attribute is required for all img tags. It’s used by browsers that don’t display
images to give alternative text to the visitor.

Find out more about using images in web pages.

9. <div> … </div> — A block-level container for content

The div element is a generic container that you can use to add more structure to your
page content. For example, you might group several paragraphs or headings that serve
a similar purpose together inside a div element. Typically, div elements are used for
things like:

 Page headers and footers

 Columns of content and sidebars

 Highlighted boxes within the text flow
 Areas of the page with a specific purpose, such as ad spots
 Image galleries

By adding class and/or id attributes to your div elements, you can then use CSS to

style and position the divs. This is the basis for creating CSS-based page layouts.

Here’s an example that uses a div to contain the content for a sidebar in the page:

<div id="sidebar">

<h1>Sidebar Heading</h1>

<p>Sidebar text</p>

<p>More sidebar text</p>

10. <span> … </span> — An inline container for content

The span element is similar to div in that it’s used to add structure to your content. The
difference is that div is a block-level element, while span is an inline element:

 Block-level elements, such as div, h1, and p, are elements that are designed
to hold relatively large or stand-alone blocks of content, such as paragraphs of
text. A block-level element always starts on a new line.

 Inline elements, such as span, a, and img, are designed to hold smaller pieces
of content — such as a few words or a sentence — within a larger block of content.
Adding an inline element doesn’t cause a new line to be created. Block-level
elements can contain inline elements, but inline elements can’t contain block-level

As with a div, you often add a class and/or id attribute to a span so that you can
style it using CSS.

The following example uses span elements to indicate product names within a

paragraph. These product names could then be highlighted using CSS. A custom
search engine could also potentially use the information provided by the span elements
to identify the products within the page.

<p>Some of our products include <span class="product">SuperWidgets</span>,

<span class="product">MegaWidgets</span>, and <span

Bringing it all together

Now that you’ve learned these 10 essential HTML tags, let’s put them all together in a
single web page:


<title>The Adventures of My Cat Lucky</title>

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">

<meta name="description" content="The adventures of my favourite pet

cat Lucky, with stories, pictures and movies.">

<meta name="keywords" content="cat,Lucky,pet,animal">

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/style.css">

<link rel="shortcut icon" href="/favicon.ico">



<h1>The Adventures of My Cat Lucky</h1>

<div id="mainContent">

<p>My cat Lucky has a lot of adventures. Yesterday she <a

href="mouse.html">caught a mouse</a>, and this morning she caught two!</p>

<p>Here's a picture of Lucky:</p>

<img src="lucky.jpg" alt="Lucky">


<div id="sidebar">

<h2>Buy our stuff!</h2>

<p>Some of our products include <span

class="product">SuperWidgets</span>, <span
class="product">MegaWidgets</span>, and <span

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