(Graduate Texts in Mathematics 151) Joseph H. Silverman (Auth.) - Advanced Topics in The Arithmetic of Elliptic Curves-Springer-Verlag New York (1994) PDF
(Graduate Texts in Mathematics 151) Joseph H. Silverman (Auth.) - Advanced Topics in The Arithmetic of Elliptic Curves-Springer-Verlag New York (1994) PDF
(Graduate Texts in Mathematics 151) Joseph H. Silverman (Auth.) - Advanced Topics in The Arithmetic of Elliptic Curves-Springer-Verlag New York (1994) PDF
Editorial Board
S. Axler F.W. Gehring K.A. Ribet
Advanced Topics in
the Arithmetic of
Elliptic Curves
With 17 Illustrations
t Springer
Joseph H. Silvennan
Mathematics Department
Brown University
Providence, RI 02912
[email protected]
Editorial Board
S. Axler F.W. Gehring K.A. Ribet
Department of Mathematics Mathematics Department Department of Mathematics
San Francisco State University East HalI University ofCalifomia at
San Francisco, CA 94132 University of Michigan Berkeley
USA Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Berkeley, CA 94720-3840
I would like to thank Peter Landweber and David Rohrlich for their care-
ful reading of much of the original draft of this book. My thanks also go
to the many people who offered corrections, suggestions, and encourage-
ment, including Michael Artin, Ian Connell, Rob Gross, Marc Hindry, Paul
Lockhart, Jonathan Lubin, Masato Kuwata, Elisabetta Manduchi, Michael
Rosen, Glenn Stevens, Felipe Voloch, and Siman Wong.
As in the first volume, I have consulted a great many sources while
writing this book. Citations have been included for major theorems, but
Preface ix
many results which are now considered "standard" have been presented as
such. In any case, I claim no originality for any of the unlabeled theorems
in this book, and apologize in advance to anyone who may feel slighted.
Sources which I found especially useful included the following:
Chapter I Apostol [1], Lang [1,2,3]' Serre [3], Shimura [1]
Chapter II Lang [1], Serre [6], Shimura [1]
Chapter IV Artin [1], Bosch-Liitkebohmert-Raynaud [1], Tate [2]
Chapter V Robert [1], Tate [9J
Chapter VI Lang [3,4]' Tate [3]
I would like to thank John Tate for providing me with a copy of his
unpublished manuscript (Tate [9]) containing the theory of q-curves over
complete fields. This material, some of which is taken verbatim from Pro-
fessor Tate's manuscript, forms the bulk of Chapter V, Section 3. In addi-
tion, the description of Tate's algorithm in Chapter IV, Section 9, follows
very closely Tate's original exposition in [2], and I appreciate his allowing
me to include this material.
Portions of this book were written while I was visiting the University
of Paris VII (1992), IRES (1992), Boston University (1993), and Harvard
(1994). I would like to thank everyone at these institutions for their hos-
pitality during my stay.
Finally, and most importantly, I would like to thank my wife Susan for
her constant love and understanding, and Debby, Danny, and Jonathan for
providing all of those wonderful distractions so necessary for a truly happy
Joseph H. Silverman
March 27, 1994
Preface vii
Computer Packages viii
Acknowledgments viii
Introduction 1
Elliptic and Modular Functions 5
§l. The Modular Group 6
§2. The Modular Curve X(l) 14
§3. Modular Functions 23
§4. Uniformization and Fields of Moduli 34
§5. Elliptic Functions Revisited 38
§6. q-Expansions of Elliptic Functions 47
§7. q-Expansions of Modular Functions 55
§8. Jacobi's Product Formula for ~(T) 62
§9. Hecke Operators 67
§10. Hecke Operators Acting on Modular Forms 74
§11. L-Series Attached to Modular Forms 80
Exercises 85
Complex Multiplication 95
§l. Complex Multiplication over C 96
§2. Rationality Questions 104
§3. Class Field Theory - A Brief Review 115
§4. The Hilbert Class Field 121
§5. The Maximal Abelian Extension 128
§6. Integrality of j 140
§7. Cyclotomic Class Field Theory 151
§8. The Main Theorem of Complex Multiplication 157
§9. The Associated Gr6ssencharacter 165
§10. The L-Series Attached to a CM Elliptic Curve 171
Exercises 178
xii Contents
Elliptic Surfaces 187
§1. Elliptic Curves over Function Fields 188
§2. The Vv'eak Mordell-Weil Theorem 191
§3. Elliptic Surfaces 200
§4. Heights on Elliptic Curves over Function Fields 212
§5. Split Elliptic Surfaces and Sets of Bounded Height 220
§6. The Mordell-Weil Theorem for Function Fields 230
§7. The Geometry of Algebraic Surfaces 231
§8. The Geometry of Fibered Surfaces 236
§9. The Geometry of Elliptic Surfaces 245
§10. Heights and Divisors on Varieties 255
§11. Specialization Theorems for Elliptic Surfaces 265
§12. Integral Points on Elliptic Curves over Function Fields 274
Exercises 278
The Neron Model 289
§1. Group Varieties 290
§2. Schemes and S-Schemes 297
§3. Group Schemes 306
§4. Arithmetic Surfaces 311
§5. Neron Models 318
§6. Existence of Neron Models 325
§7. Intersection Theory, Minimal Models, and Blowing-Up 338
§8. The Special Fiber of a Neron Model 350
§9. Tate's Algorithm to Compute the Special Fiber 361
§10. The Conductor of an Elliptic Curve 379
§11. Ogg's Formula 389
Exercises 396
Elliptic Curves over Complete Fields 408
§1. Elliptic Curves over C 408
§2. Elliptic Curves over lR 413
§3. The Tate Curve 422
§4. The Tate Map Is Surjective 429
§5. Elliptic Curves over p-adic Fields 438
§6. Some Applications of p-adic Uniformization 445
Exercises 448
Contents xiii
Local Height Functions 454
§l. Existence of Local Height Functions 455
§2. Local Decomposition of the Canonical Height 461
§3. Archimedean Absolute Values - Explicit Formulas 463
§4. Non-Archimedean Absolute Values - Explicit Formulas 469
Exercises 476
Some Useful Tables 481
§l. Bernoulli Numbers and «(2k) 481
§2. Fourier Coefficients of ~(7) and j(7) 482
§3. Elliptic Curves over Q with Complex Multiplication 483
References 488
Index 504
domains and discrete valuation rings have perfect residue fields. Possibly
it would be preferable not to make these assumptions, but we feel that the
loss of generality is more than made up for by the concomitant clarity of
the exposition.
The main prerequisite for reading this book is some familiarity with the ba-
sic theory of elliptic curves as described, for example, in the first volume.
Beyond this, the prerequisites vary enormously from chapter to chapter.
Chapter I requires little more than a first course in complex analysis. Chap-
ter II uses class field theory in an essential way, so a brief summary of class
field theory has been included in (II §3). Chapter III requires various clas-
sical results from algebraic geometry, such as the theory of surfaces and
the theory of divisors on varieties. As always, summaries, references, and
examples are supplied as needed.
Chapter IV is technically the most demanding chapter of the book.
The reader will need some acquaintance with the theory of schemes, such
as given in Hartshorne [1, Ch. II] or Eisenbud-Harris [1]. But beyond that,
there are portions of Chapter IV, especially IV §6, which use advanced
techniques and concepts from modern algebraic geometry. We have at-
tempted to explain all of the main points, with varying degrees of precision
and reliance on intuition, but the reader who wants to fill in every detail
will face a non-trivial task. Finally, Chapters V and VI are basically self-
contained, although they do refer to earlier chapters. More precisely, the
interdependence of the chapters of this book is illustrated by the following
ICh. I I - - - - - - - - - > ICh. VII ICh. III I n_+ ICh. Ivi
The dashed line connecting Chapter III to Chapter IV is meant to indicate
that although there are few explicit cross-references, mastery of the subject
matter of Chapter III will certainly help to illuminate the more difficult
material covered in Chapter IV.
References and Exercises
The first volume of The Arithmetic of Elliptic Curves (Springer-Verlag,
1986) is denoted by [AEC], so for example [AEC, VIII.6.7] is Theorem 6.7
in Chapter VIII of [AEC]. All other bibliographic references are given by
the author's name followed by a reference number in square brackets, for
example Tate [7, theorem 5.1]. Cross-references within the same chapter
are given by number in parentheses, such as (3.7) or (4.5a). References
from within one chapter to another chapter or appendix are preceded by
the appropriate Roman numeral or letter, as in (IV.6.1) or (A §3). Exercises
4 Introduction
appear at the end of each chapter and are numbered consecutively, so, for
example, exercise 4.23 is the 23 rd exercise at the end of Chapter IV.
Just as in the first volume, numerous exercises have been included at
the end of each chapter. The reader desiring to gain a real understanding of
the subject is urged to attempt as many as possible. Some of these exercises
are (special cases of) results which have appeared in the literature. A list
of comments and citations for the exercises will be found at the end of the
book. Exercises marked with a single asterisk are somewhat more difficult,
and two asterisks signal an unsolved problem.
Standard Notation
Throughout this book, we use the symbols
In most of our previous work in [AEC], the major theorems have been of
the form "Let E / K be an elliptic curve. Then E / K has such-and-such
a property." In this chapter we will change our perspective and consider
the set of elliptic curves as a whole. We will take the collection of all
(isomorphism classes of) elliptic curves and make it into an algebraic curve,
a so-called modular curve. Then by studying functions and differential
forms on this modular curve, we will be able to make deductions about
elliptic curves. Further, the Fourier coefficients of these modular functions
and modular forms turn out to be extremely interesting in their own right,
especially from a number-theoretic viewpoint. We will be able to prove
some of their properties in the last part of the chapter.
This chapter thus has two main themes, each of which provides a
paradigm for major areas of current research in number theory and alge-
braic geometry. First, when studying a collection of algebraic varieties or
algebraic structures, one can often match the objects being studied (up
to isomorphism) with the points of some other algebraic variety, called a
moduli space. Then one can use techniques from algebraic geometry to
study the moduli space as a variety and thereby deduce facts about the
original collection of objects. A subtheme of this first main theme is that
the moduli space itself need not be a projective variety, so a first task is to
find a "natural" way to complete the moduli space.
Our second theme centers around the properties of functions and dif-
ferential forms on a moduli space. Using techniques from algebraic geom-
etry and complex analysis, one studies the dimensions of these spaces of
modular functions and forms and also gives explicit Laurent, Fourier, and
product expansions. Next one uses the geometry of the objects to define
linear operators (called Hecke operators) on the space of modular forms,
and one shows that the Hecke operators satisfy certain relations. One then
takes a modular form which is a eigenfunction for the Hecke operators
and deduces that the Fourier coefficients of the modular form satisfy the
same relations. Finally, one reinterprets all of these results by associating
an L-series to a modular form and showing that the L-series has an Euler
6 I. Elliptic and Modular Functions
Recall [AEC VI.3.6] that a lattice A <;;; C defines an elliptic curve E /C via
the complex analytic map
p(z;A) = 12 +
L ((
1 )2
Z -W
£. = {lattices in C}.
cA = {cw : W E A}.
Then the above discussion may be summarized by saying that there is an
£./C* L4 {elliptic curves defined over C}.
According to the Uniformization Theorem for Elliptic Curves (stated
but not proven in [AEC VI.5.1]), this map is a bijection. One of our goals
in this chapter is to prove this fact (4.3). But first we will need to describe
the set £./C* more precisely. We will put a complex structure on £./C*,
and ultimately we will show that £. /C* is isomorphic to C.
Let A E £.. We can describe A by choosing a basis, say
Switching WI and W2 if necessary, we always assume that the pair (W2, WI)
gives a positive orientation. (That is, the angle from W2 to WI is positive
and between 0 0 and 1800 • See Figure 1.1.)
§l. The Modular Group 7
Our choice of orientation implies that the imaginary part of WdW2 satisfies
T f----> AT = ZT +Z
is surjective. It is not, however, injective. When do two T'S give the same
lattice? We start with an easy calculation.
8 1. Elliptic and Modular Functions
Further, using Lemma 1.1 (with T = wl/w2) and the fact that our
bases are oriented, we find that
and so
ad - bc > O.
Lemma 1.2. (a) Let A c C be a lattice, and let Wl,W2 and w~,w& be two
oriented bases for A. Then
W~ = aWl + bw 2
for some matrix
w& = CWl + dW2
(b) Let Tl, T2 E H. Then ATl is homothetic to AT2 if and only if there is a
aTl + b
such that T2=---·
CTI + d
S= (0 -1)
1 0 '
S(T) = --, T(T)=T+1.
Notice also that the elements Sand ST (~ ]1) have finite order,
and (ST)3 = (~ ~1 = 1,
(See Figure 1.2 for a picture of:r and some of its translates by elements
(a) Let T E H. Then there is a, E f(l) such that ,T E:r.
(b) Suppose that both T and ,T are in :r for some, E f(l), , =I- 1. Then
one of the following is true:
§l. The Modular Group
-1 o 1
Figure 1.2
/(T) = bE r(l) : iT = T}
be the stabilizer of T. Then
{I, S} ifT = i;
/( ) = { {I, ST, (ST)2} if T = P = e 27ri / 3 ;
T {I, TS, (TS)2} if T = -15 = e 27ri / 6 ;
{I} otherwise.
12 1. Elliptic and Modular Functions
PROOF. (a) We prove something stronger. Let r' be the subgroup of [(1)
generated by S = (? (/) and T = (6 i), and let T E H. We will prove
that there is a "( E r' such that "(T E 3".
For any "( = (~ ~) E r(l), Lemma 1.1 says that
ImbT) = ICT + d12'
Hence, for our fixed T, there is a matrix "(0 E r' which maximizes the
quantity ImboT). Next, since TnT = T + n, we can choose an integer n so
IRe(Tn"(OT)I-:; ~.
We set "( = Tn,,(o and claim that "(T E T
Suppose to the contrary that "(T ~ T By construction, IRebT) I -:; ~,
so we must have hTI < 1. But then
Im(S"(T) = ~ > ImbT) = ImboT),
Ie = 11
By assumption, ITI ::::: 1 and IT + dl -:; 1. Writing T = S + it, this means that
§1. The Modular Group 13
and d(2s + d) = 0.
We now look at several subcases.
Then, = (1 (/ ), and since ITI = 1, we have
a = 1, ,= (i ,p = -po
Then T = -p, , = (1
-~11 ), and ,T = a + T, so just as in the previous
case there are two possibilities:
S = (~ ~I ) and T = (~ ~).
PROOF. As in the proof of Proposition l.5(a), we let f' be the subgroup
of r(1) generated by Sand T. Fix some r in the interior :f, such as r = 2i.
Let"( E f(1). From the proof of (l.5a) there is a "(' E f' such that "'('("(r) E
:f. Thus r is in the interior of:f, and ("('''()r is in:f. We conclude from (1.5b)
that "("(' = 1. Therefore,,( = ,,('-1 E f/, which proves that f' = f(I). 0
Remark 1.6.1. It is in fact true that r(1) is the free product of its sub-
groups (S) and (ST) of orders 2 and 3. See exercise 1.1.
(: ~) [~] = [::!~].
(Here we use [~] to denote homogeneous coordinates for a point in JlD1(Q).)
Thus r(1) acts on the extended upper half-plane H*. We define
Y(I) = f(I)\H and X(I) = f(I)\H*.
The points in the complement X(I) " Y(I) are called the cusps of X(I).
We now show that X(I) has only one cusp and calculate its stabilizer.
§2. The Modular Curve XCI) 15
Figure 1.3
PROOF. (a) Let [=J E JPll(Q) be any point in H* "H. Since x and yare
homogeneous coordinates, we may assume that x, y E Z and gcd(x, y) = 1.
Choose a, b E Z so that ax + by = 1. Then
,= (a xb) E reI)
form (6 n· o
Remark 2.2.1. For any cusp 70 i 00, Lemma 2.1(a) says that there is
a transformation 'Y E r(l) with 'YOO = 70. Then one easily checks that 'Y
sends a set of the form {Im( 7) > f\;} to the interior of a circle in H tangent
to the real axis at 70. (See exercise 1.2.) In other words, the fundamental
neighborhoods of 00 and of the finite cusps are sent one-to-another by the
elements of r(1).
Remark 2.2.2. From the definition, it is clear that distinct points of H*
have disjoint neighborhoods. Hence H* is a Hausdorff space. It is also clear
from (2.2.1) that the elements of r(1) define homeomorphisms of H*.
The next lemma will help us describe the topology on the quotient
space X(l) = r(l)\H*. It will also be used later to define a complex
structure on X (1).
§2. The Modular Curve X(l) 17
(In other words, if "(UI and U2 have a point in common, then necessar-
ily "(TI = T2.)
It thus suffices to prove the lemma for any r(l)-translates of Tl and T2.
Using (1.5a) and (2.1a), we may assume that
From (1.5) and (2.1), we have a good description of how r(l) acts on H*
and 9'"*, as illustrated in Figure 1.2. We consider three cases, depending on
whether or not our points are at 00.
I TI,T2 E 9'"1
From (1.5) (or Figure 1.2) we see that 1(9'",9'") is finite; explicitly,
1(9, 9) ~ U
" ,,2EI(:T,:T)
-yEI(9,9) -yEI(9,9)
-yIi"I(T"T2) -yIi"I(T"T2)
By construction, 71 E U1 and 72 E U2 , so
But V-y n W-y = 0, so 1 f{. l(V-y, W-y). This contradiction shows the other
inclusion and completes the proof that 1(Tl,T2) = 1(U1 ,U2).
IT1 E 3", T2 =
Let U1 be an open disk centered at T1. As in the proof of Proposition 1.5,
we observe that the quantity
'" = ",(U1 ) = sup Im("(T) = sup
TEU, TEU, Icr + dl 2
-yEr(I) (~ ~)Er(l)
IT1 = T2 = 001
U= = {T E H: Im(T) > 2} U {oo}.
From (1.5) (or Figure 1.2) we see that the only elements of reI) which
take some point in U= to another point in U= are powers of T. Hence
from (2.1b) we conclude that
[(U=, U=) = {Tk E reI) : k E Z} = [(00,00).
Next we define a topology on XCI) and use Lemma 2.3 to show that
XCI) is a Hausdorff space. Note that this fact requires proof; it is not
immediate from the fact that H* is Hausdorff. (See exercise 1.3.)
§2. The Modular Curve X(l) 19
Definition. Let
¢ : H* ------> r(l)\H* = X(l)
be the natural projection. The quotient topology on X(l) is defined by the
condition that U <:;;: X(l) is open if and only if ¢-l(U) is open. Equivalently,
it is the weakest topology for which ¢ is continuous. Note that ¢ is also an
open map, that is, it takes open sets to open sets. For if W c H* is open,
then so is
¢-l(¢W) = U 1'w.
Making X(l) into a compact Hausdorff space is a good start, but recall
that our ultimate goal is to give X(l) a complex structure. We recall what
this means.
Definition. Let X be a topological space. A complex structure on X is
an open covering {UihEl of X and homeomorphisms
Ix # 001
Let r = #I(Tx), and let gx be the holomorphic isomorphism
is already a homeomorphism, so
1 9x
l 1Px 900 "" l 1PX
C --; C C
T - Tx
x =I- 00, gx(T) = --_ x = 00, goo(T) = e2rriT
T - Tx
PROOF (of Theorem 2.5). We already know that X(I) is a compact Haus-
dorff space (2.4), and it is clearly connected due to the continuous surjec-
tion <p : H* ......., X(I). Further, an inspection of Figure 1.2 shows that X(I)
has genus O. (For those who dislike such a visual argument, we will later
give an explicit map j : X(I) ......., pI(C). See (4.1) below. The interested
reader can check that our proof that j is analytic does not depend on the
a priori knowledge that X(I) has genus O. Then the elementary argument
described in exercise 1.11 shows that j is bijective, hence an isomorphism.)
By construction, the set
are well-defined homeomorphisms (onto their images) and that they satisfy
the compatibility conditions for a complex structure.
We begin with a lemma which shows that the function gx(T) behaves
nicely with respect to the transformations in I (T x).
Lemma 2.6. Let a E H, let R : H ......., H be a holomorphic map with
R(a) = a, and let geT) = (T - a)/(T - a). Suppose further that
r times
Ro ... oR(T)=T
and that r :2': 1 is the smallest integer with this property. Then there is a
primitive rth-root of unity ( such that
for all T E H.
We resume the proof of Theorem 2.5. Suppose first that x =I 00. Note
that from (1.5), I(Tx) is cyclic, say generated by R. Then (2.6) implies that
Now gy and g:;l are holomorphic, so the only possible problem would be
the appearance of fractional powers of z. Let ( be the primitive r x th_root
of unity such that gx (Rx T) = (gx (T). Then using the fact that ¢ 0 I = ¢
for any I E r(l), we find
It follows that g~Y 0 g;;l(Z) is a power series in ZT x , which proves that the
composition 1/Jy 0 1/J;;l(Z) is holomorphic. (Note the importance of knowing
that ( is a primitive r x th_ root of unity.)
By exactly the same computation, taking g=(T) = exp(21TiT) , the
is holomorphic.
Finally, we note that
g~Y(T + 1) = 1/Jy 0 ¢ 0 T(T) = 1/Jy 0 ¢(T) = g~Y(T),
so g~Y (T) is a holomorphic function in the variable q = e2 71'iT. (Note T is
restricted to Uy n U=; it is not allowed to tend toward ioo.) Hence the
transition map
is holomorphic.
This completes the proof that the open sets I(Tx)\Ux and the maps
1/Jx : I(Tx)\Ux -> C
define a complex structure on X(l). D
In the previous section we showed that the quotient space X(l) = r(1)\H*
has the structure of a Riemann surface of genus O. It is natural to look at
the meromorphic functions on this Riemann surface.
Example 3.1. Recall that to each T E H we have associated a lattice AT =
ZT + Z and an elliptic curve CI AT' From Lemma 1.2(b) there is a well-
defined map (of sets)
r(l)\H --+ C
T j (CI AT) .
We will show later (4.1) that with the complex structure described in (2.5),
the j function is a meromorphic function on X(l) which gives a complex
analytic isomorphism
j : X(l) --.:::..., jp'1(C).
Every meromorphic function f on X(l) is thus a rational function
of j, that is, f E C(j). In order to have a richer source of functions, we will
study functions on H that have "nice" transformation properties relative
to the action of r(l) on H. Although these transformation properties may
look somewhat artificial at first, the corresponding functions actually define
differential forms on X(l), so they are in fact natural objects to study.
(See (3.5) below for further details.)
24 I. Elliptic and Modular Functions
L anqn.
holomorphic at 00 if J=
is absolutely convergent for all integers k ;:::: 2. (See [AEC VI.3.1].) For T E
H we let
GZd T ) = GzdAr) = L 1
(mT + n)2k'
By inspection,
for any c E C* ,
aT + b 1 1
kyr =Z--d +Z= --d(Z(aT+b)+Z(cT+d)) = --dAr'
Next we look at the behavior of G 2k (T) as T ----- ioo. Since the series
for G 2k converges uniformly, we can take the limit term-by-term. Terms
of the form (mT + n)-2k with m i- 0 will tend to zero, whereas the others
give n-2k. Hence
lim G 2k (T) = ----u; = 2((2k).
It is a modular form of weight 12, since from (3.4.2) we know that G 4(T)
and G 6(T) are modular forms of weights 4 and 6 respectively.
Using the well-known values (see (7.2) and (7.3.2))
((4) = ;0 and
we find that
92(00) = 120((4) = 3' ~(oo) = O.
Hence ~(T) is a cusp form of weight 12. We will see below (3.10.2) that it
is essentially the only one.
aT+b) ad-bc -2
d("(T) =d ( CT +d = + d)2 dT
(IT = (CT + d) dT.
w = g(dt)k
for all x E X.
PROOF. (a) Let r] E 01- be a non-zero I-form with divisor diver]) = Kx.
F = w/r]k E 01- = C(X)
28 I. Elliptic and Modular Functions
is a function on X, so
div(w) = k div(7]) + div(w/7]k) = kKx + div(F)
is linearly equivalent to kKx .
(b) From (a), deg(divw} = kdeg(Kx }. Now apply the Riemann-Roch
theorem [AEC II.5.4bJ, which says that deg(Kx) = 2g - 2. 0
where ¢ : H -> X(l) is the usual projection.
(b) Let x E X(l), and let 7x E H* with ¢(7x ) = x. Then
ordr,,(J) ifx Ie ¢(i),¢(p),¢(oo);
~ordi(J)-~k ifx=¢(i);
ord (wf) =
x ! ordp(J) _ ~k if x = ¢(p);
ordoo(J) - k if x = ¢(oo).
§3. Modular Functions 29
at x. We write
-I() TxZ-Tx
T = gx Z = Z _ 1 '
and so
Finally, we compute
ord x Wj = ~r ord T
J- (1 - ~)r k.
1 if x -I ¢(i), ¢(p),
r= { 2 ifx=¢(i),
3 if x = ¢(p).
Ix = 001
Again using (2.5), we have a local parameter
Let q = e 27riT be the local parameter at 00, and write J(T) /(q) as
in (3.3). Since dT = (27riq)-1 dq, we have
(Here the sum is over any set of representatives for r(1)\H* excluding the
equivalence classes containing i, p, and 00.)
PROOF. First note that from (3.7.1), the sum is independent of the choice
of representatives for r(1)\H*. Let Wj E n~(1) be the k-form corresponding
§3. Modular Functions 31
deg(divwf) = -2k.
Equating these two expressions for deg( div W f) gives the desired formula.
Using Corollary 3.8, we can give a good description of the space of all
modular forms of a given weight. We set the notation
so M2k/M8k has dimension at most 1. On the other hand, for k 2': 2, the
Eisenstein series G2k is in M2k and is not in M8k. (See (3.4.2).) Hence
which implies that G4(p) = 0 and G 6 (i) = O. Since G 4 and G 6 are modular
forms of weight 4 and 6 respectively (3.4.2), it follows from (3.8) that they
have no other zeros in r(I)\H. In particular,
and that ~(T) I- 0 for all T E H. (For an alternative proof that ~(T) I- 0
for all T E H, see [AEC VI.3.6a].) Therefore 1/~ has a simple pole at 00
and no other poles, so the map
M8k ~ M2k-12,
/ t----> / / ~
-a+ -b+c=-
2 3 6
Table 1.1
ordrf basis
k ordi f ordr f
7 # i,p for M2k
1 0
2 0 1 0 G4
3 1 0 0 G6
4 0 2 0 G~
5 1 1 0 G4 G6
Everything in Table 1.1 is clear except that the functions in the final
column actually form a basis. They are in M2k from (3.4.2), so we need to
show that M2k has dimension 1. But if II, h E M2k with 2 :S k :S 5, then
Table 1.1 shows that II and h have exactly the same zeros. Hence II / h E
M o = C, which proves that dim(M2k) = 1 for 2 :S k :S 5.
We have now verified (c) for all integers k :S 5. On the other hand,
if k 2:: 0, then using (a) and (b) we find that
PROOF. From (2.4.2) and (2.4.3), both ~(7) and 92(7)3 = 26 33 53 G 4 (7)3
are modular forms, and both have weight 12, so their quotient is a modular
function of weight o. By (3.7a) with k = 0, j defines a meromorphic
function on X(l). (N.B. This means that j is meromorphic relative to
§4. Uniformization and Fields of Moduli 35
ord oo ~ = 1.
Thus j has a simple pole at the cusp 00 E X(l) and no other poles on X(l),
so the map j : X(l) ----+ JP'1(C) is an analytic map of degree 1 between
compact Riemann surfaces. It is therefore an isomorphism. 0
The map
CC / A ---., E: y2 = x 3 + Ax + B,
Z I-----> (p(z; A), ~p'(z; A))
is a complex analytic isomorphism.
4A 3
j(T) = 1728 4A3 + 27B2'
36 I. Elliptic and Modular Functions
Assume first that AB =I- O. It follows from this and the definition of jeT)
a= and
-4 B2g2(T)3
g2(A) = a g2(A T ) = A2g3(T)2 = -4A,
-6 B3g2 (T)3
g3(A) = a g3(A T ) = A3 g3 (T)2 = -4B.
.G = {lattices in C}
.GjC* +- r(1)\H
{A} = {AT} +- T
§4. Uniformization and Fields of Moduli 37
WI = 1,1 dx
and W2 = 1,2 dx
(See [AEC VI §1].) Switching WI and W2 if necessary, we may assume that
TE =- E H.
Then evaluate the holomorphic function j (T) at T = TE.
Thus the map
j : e££c --+ C, {E} I----t j (TE)
involves two transcendental (i.e., non-algebraic) operations, namely the
computation of the periods WI, W2 and the evaluation of the function j (T).
From this perspective, it seems unlikely that rationality properties of j (TE)
should have anything to do with rationality properties of E. To describe
the relationship that does exist, we make the following two definitions.
Definition. Let {E} E e££c, and let K ~ c.. We say that K is a field
of definition for {E} if there is an elliptic curve Eo in the isomorphism
class {E} such that Eo is defined over K. We say that K is a field of
moduli for {E} if for all automorphisms a E Aut(C/Q),
El7 E {E} if and only if a acts trivially on K.
Note that the field of moduli exists and is unique, since by Galois
theory an equivalent definition is that the field of moduli is the fixed field
of the group
{a E Aut(C/Q): El7 E {E}}.
From the complex analytic viewpoint described above, it is not clear that
the number j ( {E}) should have any relationship to fields of definition and
moduli for {E}. Note that there are lots of bijections e££c -+ c.. For
example, j' ({ E}) = e71"j ({ E}) + e- 7r is also a bijection. But clearly, it is
not possible for both j and j' to have good rationality properties.
38 I. Elliptic and Modular Functions
j(E<7) = j(E)<7.
if and only if
Since j(E<7) = j(E)<7, this shows that Q(j(E)) is the field of moduli
for {E}.
(b) We know from [AEC II1.1.4bc] that there exists an elliptic curve Eo
defined over Q(j(E)) with j(Eo) = j(E), and so satisfying Eo ~/c E. This
shows that Q(j(E)) is a field of definition for {E}.
On the other hand, if K is any field of definition for {E}, let EolK be
a curve in {E} given by an equation
with A,B E K.
j(E) = j(Eo) = 1728 4A3 + 27B2 E K,
so Q(j(E)) s;;: K. o
Remark 4.6. The reader should note that the proof of Proposition 4.5 is
very elementary because we have explicit Weierstrass equations with which
to work. (This is how [AEC III.1.4bc] was proven.) For modular curves
of higher level the problem becomes considerably more difficult, since one
cannot rely on explicit equations. (See Shimura [1, §6. 7].) Finally, we
should mention that an analogous statement is false for abelian varieties of
higher dimension; the field of moduli for an isomorphism class of abelian
varieties need not be a field of definition.
§5. Elliptic Functions Revisited 39
p(z;A) = 1
z + L ((z-w
1 )2 - 1 ) .
p(z; A) = z2
+~ 2k
~(2k + 1)G2k+2(A)z ,
«(z; A) = -1
+" z-w w
~' ( -1- + -1 + 2"
«(z; A) = - -
L G2k+2(A)Z2k+l.
1_ 1_ + ~ +...:...1
Z - W w
= 2
Z2 . _1_ ::; 21wM132 .
w3 1_ ~
40 I. Elliptic and Modular Functions
On the other hand, there are only finitely many terms in the sum with 0 <
Iwl : : : 2M, and for z E C those terms all satisfy
lIz I Izl -1
z - w W w2 < -1- + -
- Iz - wi
Iwl+ -
Iwl<2 - C
- 2.
We know [AEC VI.3.1a] that the last series converges, which proves the
series defining «(z; A) converges absolutely and uniformly on C.
It follows that «(z; A) is holomorphic on C" A, and an inspection of
the series defining ( shows immediately that it has simple poles at each
point of A.
(b) Let z be a complex number such that Izi < Iwl for all non-zero w E A.
«(z;A) = - +
L --1 L (-)
W k=2
=- -
LG k+1(A)zk.
This is the desired series once one notes that Gk(A) = 0 for odd k. 0
Differentiating the series (5.1a), we see that ('(z; A) = -p(z; A). Thus
the derivative of «(z; A) is periodic for the lattice A, so ( itself will have some
sort of "quasi-periodicity" property as explained in the following proposi-
Proposition 5.2. (a) For all z E C,
dz «(z; A) = -p(z; A).
7](W) = 2«(~w;A).
PROOF. (a) The series (5.la) defining (converges absolutely and uniformly,
so it can be differentiated term-by-term. The result is the defining series
for -!J.
d d
dz ((z + w; A) = -!J(z + W; A) = -!J(z; A) = dz ((z; A).
is independent of z. If, further, W ~ 2A, then (does not have a pole at ±~'"-"
Putting z = -~w and using the fact (evident from the defining series)
that «(-z;A) = -«(z;A), we find in this case that T)(w) = 2((~w;A).
(c) We compute
and let
An Offset Fundamental Domain for IC / A
Figure 1.5
r «(z; A) dz
= 27fi.
On the other hand, using (b) we get some cancellation when computing
the line integrals over opposite sides. Thus
j L1+L3
«(z; A) dz = r ((a + tW2; A) W2dt + fO ((a +
WI + tW2; A) W2dt
§5. Elliptic Functions Revisited 43
where'Y runs over all closed paths on E(C). (Equivalently, 'Y runs through
the cycles in Hl(E(C),Z). See [AEC VI §1].) The classical name for an
everywhere holomorphic differential such as WE on a Riemann surface such
as E(C) is a differential of the first kind.
Similarly, a differential of the second kind is a meromorphic differential
with no residues (i.e., with no simple poles), and a differential of the third
kind is a merom orphic differential with at worst simple poles.
The differential
8J(Z; A) dz = X WE
is thus a differential of the second kind on CIA, and its indefinite integral
is the multi-valued function -((z; A). The indeterminacy in ( is given by
the numbers
1, XWE = Ja
8J(z; A) dz = -((a + w; A) + ((a; A) = -1](w),
whose image is the lattice A. Using this to identify A with the first ho-
mology of E(C), we see that the quasi-period map associates to a path the
negative of the corresponding period for the differential XWE:
1] : Hl (E(C), Z) ----7 C,
a(z; A) = z II (1 _ ~) e Z / W +(1/2)(z/w)2
defines a holomorphic function on C with simple zeros on A and no other
zeros. It is called the Weierstrass a-function (associated to the lattice A).
d d2
dz log a(z; A) = ((z; A), dz 2 log a(z; A) = -p(z; A).
§5. Elliptic Functions Revisited 45
c = _e~1/(w)w.
Next, if W E 2A, then u has a simple zero at ±!w. Using L'Hopital's
rule yields
(Note that u' is an even function, since u is odd.) Hence in this case we
find that
div(f) = L ni(ai)
(See [AEC VI §2] for the definition of the divisor of an elliptic function.)
Then there is a constant c E C* so that
u(z) rrr n·
fez) = c u(z _ b). u(z - ai) ' .
• =1
Corollary 5.6.
O'(z) = ±eT/(b)(z-!b)
O'(z - b)
is holomorphic and non-vanishing on all of C. Since O'(z) has simple zeros
on A and no other zeros, it follows that 9 has exactly the same zeros and
poles as f. Hence f (z) / g( z) is everywhere holomorphic.
Next we verify that 9 is an elliptic function. Let w E A, and use (5.4c)
to write
O'(z + w) = Ae Bz
for certain constants A and B which depend on w but not on z. Then
II (AeB(Z-ai)) n,
= e-B(z-b)e Bz
= eB(b-Enia;J (AeBZ)Eni = 1.
The last equality follows from the definition of b and the fact [AEC VI.2.2b]
that the divisor of an elliptic function has degree O.
This proves that g(z) is an elliptic function, and so f(z)/g(z) is an
everywhere holomorphic elliptic function. From [AEC VI.2.1] we conclude
that it is constant. 0
PROOF (of Corollary 5.6). (a) Since tl(z) is an even function of order 2,
we see immediately that the zeros of tl(z) - tl(a) are a and -a. Thus
( ) _ () =CO'(z+a)O'(z-a)
tl z tl a 0'(z)2
with 7 E H.
We will soon see that p, (, and a are quite well behaved when considered
as functions of two variables (z; 7) E C x H.
Note that since 1 E AT) the p function satisfies the relation
and let
defining p. How does it arise? From [AEC VI.2.3] we know that any non-
constant elliptic function must have at least two poles, so we look for a
meromorphic function F( z) satisfying
(i) F(z +w) = F(z) for all z E C, w E A;
(ii) F(z) has a double pole at each point in A and no other poles.
The simplest function with a double pole at w is (z - W)-2. Byaver-
aging over w E A, we find a series
F(z) = 2: (z -
which Jormally satisfies (i) and (ii). The problem is that this series is not
absolutely convergent. However, by subtracting an appropriate constant
from each term, we can create a series which does converge and has the
desired properties. This is how we "discovered" p(z; A) in [AEC VI §3].
We apply the same principle to express p(z; r) as a function of u and q.
Exponentiating the conditions (i) and (ii), we look for a function F(u; q)
(iii) F( qku; q) = F( u; q) for all u E C*, k E 2;
(iv) F(u; q) has a double pole at each u E qZ and no other poles.
As above, we look for F to be an average
F(u; q) = 2: J(qn u )
for some elementary function J. Such an F will clearly satisfy the period-
icity condition (iii).
To obtain (iv), we need J(T) to have a double pole at T = 1. For
example, we might use J(T) = (1 - T)-2. But the series
§6. q-Expansions of Elliptic Functions 49
does not converge, since iqi < 1. The terms with n --t -00 are all right,
since then qrt --t 00. But as n --t 00, the nth term goes to 1.
In order to get convergence, we want f(T) to have a double pole at T =
1 and also to satisfy
lim f(T)
T ..... O
=0 and lim f(T)
T ..... oo
= O.
F(u; q) 1
= (21fi)2z2 - { 12
1 - 2 L
qrt)2 + (powers of z).
(1 - q rt u)2
We use this identity to rewrite the terms in F having n < O. This gives an
alternative expression for F,
This shows that except possibly for the terms with n ::; C2, the series is
absolutely and uniformly convergent on C.
50 1. Elliptic and Modular Functions
Consider now one of the finitely many terms with n ::; C2. We know
that u of q" for z E C, so the compactness of C ensures that
11 - qn u±ll > O.
1 1
(1 - u)2
( . )2 - -
27r~z 12
+ (powers of z).
lim {F(ll:q) - (
= z--->o
lim {F(u;q) - ( u
1- u
. {q"U q"U- 1
L + , }
1l~1 "2"1 (1 - q"U)2 (1 _ qnu-l )2
L (1 _ qTl) 2 •
Theorem 6.2. Let U = e 27riz and q = e 27riT .
§6. q-Expansions of Elliptic Functions 51
PROOF (of Theorem 6.2). (a) Let F(u; q) be as in (6.1). Consider the
From (6.1b) we see that this expression is an elliptic function for the lat-
tice AT which is holomorphic on C '- AT. Further, comparing the Laurent
series for F given in (6.1c) with the known Laurent series for ~, we see that
it is also holomorphic at z = 0, and in fact it vanishes there. It thus repre-
sents an everywhere holomorphic elliptic function which vanishes at z = o.
Applying [AEC VI.2.1], we conclude that it is identically zero. This proves
the first equality in (a), and the second is an easy rearrangement of the
terms in the initial sum. (See the proof of (6.1a).)
d . d
(b) Apply -d = 27rZU- to (a). 0
z du
The next step is to find a q-expansion for ((z; T) analogous to (6.2).
By construction,
dz ((z; T) = -~(z; T),
so we try integrating the series (6.2a) for ~ term-by-term. Proceeding
blindly, we find
J qnu
(1 - qn u)2
dz = J qnu ~ = _1_ .
(1 - qn u)2 27riu
27ri (1 - qnu)
is clearly divergent, the nth term goes to 1 as n ---t 00. But just as in
the original definition of ~, we can improve the convergence by adding a
constant onto each term.
The second expression for ~ in (6.2a) has the form
1 ""' qnu qnu-l
(27ri)2~(Z;T) = ~ (1- qnu)2 +L (1- qnu-I)2 + GI ,
n2:0 n2:1
52 1. Elliptic and Modular Functions
for some constant of integration C 2 = C 2 (q). Note that the last series is
absolutely and uniformly convergent on compact subsets of C " AT, so it
defines a meromorphic function on C. (The proof is identical to the proof
of (6.1a).) Further, the (d/dz)-derivative of this series can be computed
term-by-term and agrees with the series (6.2a) for SJ. This proves that it
equals ( for some choice of C2.
To find C 2 , we compute the first few terms of the Laurent series
around z = O. We already know (5.1b) that
1 .
((z; r) = - - G 4(r)z3 + hIgher powers of z.
On the other hand, the pole at z = 0 (i.e., at u = 1) in the above q-series
comes from the n = 0 term, so we find
-u { -qnu qnu- 1 }
1 - U n>l 1 - qnu
+ 1- qnu-
1 -271'iCl z + C2
- '- v .f
vanishes at z = 0 (u = 1)
e 27riz
1- e 7r'Z
+ C2 + (powers of z)
1 1
= -.- + - + C 2 + (powers of z).
271'lz 2
Since the Laurent series for ( has no constant term, we see that C 2 =- ~.
This proves part of the following theorem.
Theorem 6.3. Let ((z; r) be the Weierstrass (-function and T7 : AT --> C
the quasi-period homomorphism associated to A.
1 _qnu qnu-l 1 1
(a) 271'i((Z;T) = L
1- qnu +L
1- qnu- 1 + 27ri T7 (l)z - 2'
§6. q-Expansions of Elliptic Functions 53
(b) 1 1 { qn }
27rZ( 12 -1+242:( 1 - qn )2.
G1(q) = - (27ri)21](1).
PROOF. By construction,
a'(z; T) d
( ) = -dZ loga(z; T) = ((z; T).
a Z;T
54 L Elliptic and Modular Functions
loga(z;7) = J ((z;7)dz = J 1
= '~
" J _qnu du
1 - qnu -U + '"
J 27ft
qn u -1 du
1 - qnu -1 -U
(77(l)z - 7fi) dz
n;:o.O n;:o. 1
We claim that the series will converge provided we use the principal branch
of the logarithm when evaluating 10g(1 - qnu) and 10g(1 - qn u- 1 ). To see
this, note that for n sufficiently large we have Jq n u ±lJ ~ ~. So, for all but
finitely many n,
. a(z;7)
1 = 11m - - -
Z----""?O Z
= lim e~1)(1)z2-1Tiz+C3 (1 - u)
IT (1 _ qTl. u )(l _ qnu- 1)
u~l n;:o.l
e 3=-27fi
1 IT (1_qn)2'
((s) = ~- and
L...J nS
are respectively the Riemann (-function and the kth-power divisor func-
G 2k (T) = E (mT
+ n)2k
1 1
E n2k +2EE(mT+n)2k'
The first sum is just 2((2k). Notice that the rightmost (inner) sum is
clearly invariant under T t--> T + 1. We now compute its Fourier expansion.
Lemma 7.1.1. Let k :::::: 1 be an integer. Then for all T E H,
E ~--~~
= (21Ti)2k E(X) r 2k-l e 27rirT
(T+n)2k (2k-l)! .
nEZ r=l
1 1 d2k
(T + n)2k = E
(2k _ I)! d 2kT 10g(T + n)
1 d 2k
= (2k _ I)! d2kT log II (T + n).
to see what the answer should be. Otherwise one might rightly object that
dividing by (00!)2 is a highly dubious procedure.) The product
T II (1 + ~) =
T IT (1 - ::)
d . 1 E<Xl -2T
-d log(sm ?TT) =- + 2 2
T T n=l n - T
--+1<Xl (
- T ~ - - +n-T
n+T -- -1 1) .
d 2k
d 2kT log(sin n) = -(2k - I)!
{I T2k
+~ (1+ (n T)2k + (n _1) }
Next we compute the Fourier series of (a branch of) log (sin ?TT). Writ-
sin(?TT) = 1
2i (e" ")
1rtT - e- 1rtT =- 2i "( 1- e2")
1 e- 1rtT 1rtT ,
we find (for T E H)
r=l r
Equating this expression for d2k log(sin 7fT) / dT2k with the expression ob-
tained above gives the desired result.
We resume the proof of Proposition 7.1. Applying (7.1.1) with mT in
place of T, we find
Bo = 1,
For a longer table of Bk's and the corresponding values of ((2k), see (A §1).
Proposition 7.2. For all integers k 2: 1,
(X) 1 (27fi)2k
((2k) = ~ n 2k = - 2(2k)! B 2k.
Next we use the product expansion for sin(7rx) already considered in the
proof of (7.1),
1 = 2x 1
7rcot(7rx) =;: + L ~ n2 . 1 ~ (x2/n2)
1 2 = (X2) k }
= ;: + ~ ~;: {;
D0 {
= ;:{ 1 ~ 2 L
Comparing the two Laurent series for 7rX cot( 7rx) gives the desired result.
The reader will be able to construct many more identities of this sort.
Remark 7.3.2. We can also write g2(T) and g3(T) in terms of normalized
Eisenstein series:
4 1
g2(T) = 60G4(T) = 120((4)E4(T) = (27r) 223E4(T);
6 1
g3(T) = 140G6(T) = 280((6)E6(T) = (27r) 23 3 3 E6(T).
Proposition 7.4. (a) The modular discriminant has the Fourier expan-
~(T) = (27r)12 LT(n)qn,
where T(l) = 1 and T(n) E Z for all n. The arithmetic function n f---+ T(n)
is called the Ramanujan T-function.
(b) The modular j-function has the Fourier expansion
. 1
J(T) = - +~
q n20
E4(T)3 - E6(T)2 = (1 + 240A)3 -(1 - 504B)2
= 122(5A + 7B) + 12 3(100A 2 -147B2 + 8000A3 ).
It remains to show that every coefficient of 5A + 7B is divisible by 12.
We have
(271")12E ( )3
( )3 - - 47
j(7) = 1728~ = 1728_-,,1=23_,.....-_ _
6(7) (271")12 LT(n)qn
Since the 0"3(n)'s and the T(n)'s are all integers, this last expression gives a
Laurent series of the form q-1 + E c( n )qn with integer coefficients. (Note
the reciprocal of a power series with integer coefficient and leading term 1
will again have integer coefficients.) 0
Remark 7.4.4. The values in (7.4.1) and (A §2) suggest that the c(n)'s
grow quite rapidly. This is indeed the case, as is clear from the following
asymptotic formula proven by Petersson [1] using the circle method of
Hardy, Ramanujan, and Littlewood:
e 47ffo
c( n) '" -vI2=2c- as n
n -3 /-4 --> 00.
It also turns out that the c(n)'s are intimately connected with represen-
tations of the largest sporadic groups, in particular with the Fischer-Griess
monster group. See Conway [1] and Conway-Norton [1] for an interesting
account of this surprising connection.
Remark 7.4.5. Ramanujan's T-function also has many interesting prop-
erties. For example, we will later prove (10.7) that it satisfies the identities
These identities were conjectured by Ramanujan; the first proof was given
by Mordell.
We will also prove (11.2) that the r(n)'s grow much more slowly
than the c(n)'s. Precisely, we will show that there is a constant c such
that Ir(n)1 :s: cn 6 for all n 2: 1. Another conjecture of Ramanujan, proven
by Deligne as a consequence of his proof of the Riemann hypothesis for
varieties over finite fields, says that one can do better.
Theorem 7.5. (Deligne [1,2])
for all n 2: 1.
In this section we will prove Jacobi's beautiful product expansion for the
mod ular discriminant 6. (7 ) .
Theorem 8.1. (Jacobi)
Remark 8.2. We will derive the product (8.1) directly from the definition
of 6.(7) and the product representation (6.4) for the Weierstrass IT-function.
There are other methods which can be used to prove (8.1). For example, see
Serre [3, Ch. 7, Thm. 6] for a proof based on rearrangement of conditionally
convergent double series, and Apostol [1, Ch. 3, §2] or Siegel [1] for an
exposition of Siegel's clever proof using residue calculations. The heart of
both of these proofs lies in first proving that the function
F(7) = q II (1 - qn)24
and since Sand T generate the modular group r( 1), it follows that F is
a cusp form of weight 12. Hence F(7)/6.(7) is a holomorphic modular
function of weight 0, so it is constant. Finally, letting 7 --+ ioo, one easily
checks that this constant is (211")-12.
But we know the roots of this polynomial from [AEC, VI.3.6], namely
§8. Jacobi's Product Formula for ~(7) 63
The idea of our proof is to express ~(T) in terms of special values of the
Weierstrass O"-function and then use the product expansion (6.4) for 0".
If we differentiate the equation
. . 1 T T+1 .
Now If we evaluate successIvely at Z = 2' Z = 2' and Z = -2-' we see III
each case that only one of the three terms survives:
Comparing these formulas with the expression for ~(T), we write ~(T) in
terms of values of p",
Recall (5.6b) that we have expressed p' in terms of the Weierstrass 0"-
'( ) __ 0"(2Z,T)
P Z, T -
0" ( Z,T )4·
Taking derivatives gives
. 1 T 7+1
If we evaluate p" successIvely at = -, -, - - , the second term will
2 2 2
vanish, since O"(z, T) has zeros at points in the lattice ZT + Z. We obtain
Now put z = 0 and use the fact that 0-(0) = 0 and 0-'(0) = 1 to get
o-'(w) = 1/'(w)e w1)(w)/2. Taking w = 1, w = T, and w = T + 1 in succession
Next we use Legendre's relation (5.2d), which in our situation reads 7'1](1)-
'I](T) = 27Ti, to eliminate 'I](T). After some algebra we obtain
In view of the exponent appearing in the product expansion for .6.(T),
it is natural to study the function obtained by taking 24 th -roots.
Definition. The Dedekind TJ-fl1nction TJ( T) is defined by the product
and using the product expansion (6.4) for a will give a formula involving the
quasi-period TJ(l). Why, you may ask, do we continue to use this confusing
notation? Tradition!
Proposition 8.3. (a) The Dedekind TJ-function satisfies the identities
Here we take the branch of V which is positive on the positive real axis.
PROOF. Note first that (b) is immediate from the definition of TJ(T) and Ja-
cobi's product formula (8.1) for .6.(T). Next, since the transformation T ~
T + 1 does not change q, we see from the definition of TJ(T) that
with c:::: o.
Taking the 24th-root of (8.3b) and using the known transformation property
of A(T) shows that
for some integer <I>h) depending on 'Y. For example, (8.3a) says that <I>(S) =
o and <I>(T) = 1. Note that although <I>h) is only defined modulo 24, we
can pin down a particular value for <I>h) by fixing a branch of log 7](T),
if c:::: 0
s(x, y) =
y-l -j (jX
L - - [jX]
- -"21) .
j=l y Y Y
where V is the branch of the square root which is positive on the positive
real axis, <Ph) is given by the formula
1 d
<Ph) = -
+ -c -12s(d,c),
PROOF. Since we will not need this result, we omit the lengthy proof. The
interested reader might consult Apostol [1, Thm. 3.4J or Lang [2, Ch. IX].
Remark 8.6. Dedekind sums s(x, y) satisfy many interesting relations.
Of particular importance is Dedekind's reciprocity law: Let x, y > 0 be
integers with gcd(x, y) = 1. Then
x 1
12s(x,y) + 12s(y,x) = -
+ -Yx + -xy - 3.
See Apostol [1, Thm. 3.7J or exercise 1.17. A good source for information
about Dedekind sums is Grosswald-Rademacher [1].
Definition. For any set S, let Div(S) denote the divisor group of the set S,
that is, the free abelian group generated by the elements of S,
Div(S) = EB z· s.
T(n)A = L (N).
If two lattices are homothetic, then they give the same elliptic curve.
This suggests that we should also look at the following homothety operator.
Definition. Let A E ([*. The homothety operator' R)., is the correspondence
on £., whose value at a lattice A E £., is
R).,A = AA.
Since the T(n)'s and the R).,'s are homomorphisms which map the
group Div(,C) to itself, they can be composed with one another. The fol-
lowing fundamental calculation describes the algebra that they generate.
Theorem 9.1.
for p prime, e 2: 1.
PROOF. (a)
(b) This follows immediately from the definitions and from the fact that N
is a sublattice of A of index n if and only if AN is a sublattice of AA of
index n.
(c) Let A" en
A, where the superscript mn denotes the index. Since m
and n are relatively prime, the quotient AI A" has a unique decomposition
(d) Let A E £.,. For a given sublattice A' c A, let a(A') and b(A') be the
integers defined by
a(A') = #{r: A' err:. A} and b(A') = {Io ifif A'A' cpA,
rt. pA.
T(pe)T(p)A = L L (A') = L a(A')(A'),
e e+1
p p p
reA A'e r A'e A
A'e A
(Note that pA has index p2 in A.) The identity (d) we are trying to prove
is thus reduced to verifying
a(A') = 1 + pb(A') for all A' c A.
0 c A'
c r c
p A
A' npA pA pA'
Not equal, Index p,
since A' rt. pA. since r t A.
But AjpA has order p2, so we conclude that the middle inclusion must be
an equality. Therefore
r = A' + pA.
Thus for a given A' rt. pA there is exactly one r satisfying A' crt A.
a(A') = 1 = 1 + pb(A').
Corollary 9.1.1. Every T(n) is a polynomial in the T(p) 's and Rp's for
primes p. lvIore precisely, the rings
are the same. This ring is called the Heeke algebra (afr(l)). (Notice that
the Hecke algebra is a subring of the ring of correspondences
PROOF. Factor n = p11 ... P;". From (9.1a) and (9.1c) we find
II T (p:i).
Example 9.2. Using (9.1d), it is easy to illustrate (9.1.1) for small pow-
ers T(pe). For example,
[A .. A'] = Area of aD
Area 0 f D
= d ( )
et a .
Conversely, if ad - bc = n, then
TIn = { (~ ~) E M 2 (Z) : ad - bc = n} ,
#Sn = LL 1 = al(n).
din b=O
Note also that SL 2(Z) acts on TIn via multiplication: if, E SL 2(Z) and a E
TIn, then detha) = n, so ,a E TIn.
Lemma 9.3. Let A E £.., be a lattice given with a fixed oriented basis A =
ZWl + ZW2·
(a) There is a one-to-one correspondence
Since a' -I- 0, the lower left-hand entry gives r = O. Next, comparing
diagonal entries, we find
a = a'p, d= d's, ps ad = 1, a,d,a',d' > O.
Hence Id'ql = Ib - b'l < d', from which we conclude that q = 0 and b = b'.
Therefore 0: = 0:'. 0
ad=n, a2l
PROOF. First we check that Ff(A) depends only on A, and not on the
choice of an (oriented) basis for A. From (1.2a), any other oriented basis
has the form
As a special case of (10.3), we list the values of ,(0), ,(I), and ,(p) for
primes p. Notice in particular that ,(I) = c(n). Thus in some sense T2k(n)
acts as a shifting operator on the Fourier coefficients of J.
Remark 10.3.2. Notice that if c(m) = 0 for m ::; -mo ::; 0, then ,(m) = 0
for m ::; -mono This is clear because ,(m) is a sum of terms of the
form c(mn/a 2) with ai gcd(m, n), so mn/a 2 ::; -mo. Thus T2k(n)J will be
meromorphic (respectively holomorphic, respectively zero) at 00 if J is.
§1O. Hecke Operators Acting on Modular Forms 77
PROOF (of Proposition 10.3). We use the formula defining T 2k (n)f and
Replacing m by md = mnja and using njd = a, we find
(T2k(n)f)(T) = L L a2k-le27rimaT c n) ,
mEZ ad=n, a~ 1
and collecting equal powers of q = e 211"iT (let M = ma) yields
L L a 2k - 1c ( ~2n ) e 27riMT .
MEZ al gcd(M,n) 0
Suppose that a modular function f is an eigenfunction for the Heeke
operator T2k(n). This means that there is a constant oXen) E C so that
(T2k(n)f)(T) = oX(n)f(T) for all T E H.
T 2k (n)f = A(n)f·
c(l)i-0, and c(n) = A(n)c(l) for all n ~ 1.
(see (10.3.1b)), we find that c(n) = A(n)c(l). This proves the second part
of the theorem.
Suppose now that c(l) = O. Then what we have proven implies
that c(n) = A(n)c(l) = 0 for all n ~ 1, so f = O. This contradicts
our original assumption that f i- O. Hence c(l) i- O. 0
we find
§10. Hecke Operators Acting on Modular Forms 79
PROOF. (a) We combine (10.5) and (10.6a) to find (note that e(l) = 1)
c(mn)J = ),.(mn)J = T2k (mn)J
= T zdm)T2k (n)J = ),.(m),.(n)J = e(m)e(n)f.
(See (7.4a) and (8.1).) Then (10.4) says that L T(n)qn is a normalized
simultaneous eigenfunction, so (10.6.1) gives the relations
1= L c(n)qn E C[q],
L(f, s) = L c(n)n- s .
(iii) L(/)
,s = IT 1 _ c(p)p-s1+ p2k-1-2s·
= {c(l)+c(p)p-S} - {c(p)c(l)p-S}
+ 2: (c(pe) - c(p)c(pe-l) + c(pe-2)p2k-l)p-eS
" ( e) -es 1
L...Jc P P = 1 _ c(p)p-S + p2k-1-2s'
which proves that LU,s) has the Euler product expansion (iii).
We leave the converse as an exercise, since it will not be needed in the
sequel. See exercise 1.23. 0
PROOF (of Theorem 11.2). For any y > 0, we can extract the nth Fourier
coefficient of 1 by integrating
Ic(n)1 s e 27rny sup
I/(x + iy)l·
Next consider the (non-negative) real-valued function
82 1. Elliptic and Modular Functions
Using (1.1) and the fact that f is modular of weight 2k, we see that
SUp¢(T) = SUP¢(T),
where J'is the usual fundamental domain (1.5) for r(l)\H. Further, ¢ is
continuous on J', and
Substituting this estimate for f into the above inequality for Ic( n) I yields
This inequality is valid for all y > 0. In particular, putting y = lin gives
the desired result. 0
Corollary 11.3. Let f be a cusp form of weight 2k. Then the as-
sociated L-series L(f, s) converges to give a holomorphic function in the
Re(s) > k + 1.
Our next goal is to show that the L-series L(f, s) attached to a cusp
form f has an analytic continuation to all of C and that it satisfies a
functional equation similar to the functional equation satisfied by the Rie-
mann (-function.
§11. L-Series Attached to Modular Forms 83
(For basic facts about f, see Ahlfors [1].) Replacing t by 27rnt in the
integral, we obtain the useful formula
= (2JrYf(S)-l 1=
ts- 1 L c(n)e- 27rnt dt
Note that since Ic(n)1 ::; tcn k from (11.2), the quantity
from above,
1.1. Prove that the modular group rei) is the free product of its subgroups (S)
and (ST) of orders 2 and 3.
Exercises 85
1.2. Let TO E Q, and let "( E r(1) satisfy "(00 = TO. Prove that "( sends the set
is surjective.
(b) Define r(N) to be the subgroup of reI) consisting of matrices congru-
ent to 1 (mod N), that is,
Prove that
if N = 2,
ifN ~ 3.
(a) Prove that rl(N) is a normal subgroup of ro(N), and show that
if N = 2,
if N ~ 3.
Exercises 87
1.8. Let X/C be a smooth projective curve of genus g. For any divisor D =
L nx(x) with real coefficients nx E R, let
1.9. Let tjJ: H* -> X(l) be the usual projection, and let
{G~G~ : a, bE z., a, b ~ 0, 2a + 3b = k}
is a basis for M 2 k.
(b) Conclude that the map
1.11. This exercise outlines an elementary proof that the modular j-invariant
defines a bijectivemap
j : r(1)\H --+ C.
Fix some jo E C, let H be a large real number, and let ~(H) c H be the
region bounded by the curves
ITI = 1, Re(T) =~, Re(T) = -~, Im(T) = H.
Let a~(H) be the boundary of ~(H), which we take with a counter-
clockwise orientation. Assume for now that j(T) # jo for all T E a~(H).
(a) Prove that
(b) Prove that
11m _1
2 . . j'
) . dT -- 1•
H_oo 7l't 8:J'(H) J T - Jo
(Hint. Use j(T) = j(T+1) = j( -l/T) to cancel out most of the line integral,
and use j(T) = q-l + (power series in q) to evaluate the remaining piece.)
(c) Conclude that j(~) = C and that j is injective on the interior of~.
(d) If j(TO) = jo for some T E a~, use a slightly modified region to show
that j is still injective. Conclude that j maps the quotient r(l)\H bijec-
tively to C.
(e) Use the bijectivity from (d) to prove the Uniformization Theorem (4.3).
(p(z + U; A) - p(z + V; A»
2 2 (2N 2 _3)(N 2 _1)
u¥v = ±NN p'(NZ;A)N -l,6,(A) 12 .
(p(U;A) - p(v;A» = ±N- 2 (N -3),6,(A) 6 .
uiE±v (mod A)
u,viEO (mod A)
Exercises 89
1.15. Let EIC be the elliptic curve associated to the oriented lattice A = ZWl +
Zw2. Recall the Weil pairing
em (
awl + bw2 , CWl + riMJ2) _
- e
m m
(Hint. Use (5.5) to write the elliptic functions appearing in the definition
of em as products of (J" functions.)
1.16. Let sex, y) be the Dedekind sum defined in §8.
(a) Prove that
s(l,y) = (y - ~;~ - 2).
(b) Derive a similar formula for s(2, y). (The answer will depend on the
parity of y.)
(c) Prove that S(y2 + 1, y) = 0 for all integers y > o.
1.17. Let 'Y = (~ ~) E SL 2 (Z) with c> 0, and let <I> be as in (8.4) and (8.5).
(a) Prove that <I>("(T) = <I>("() + 1.
(b) • Prove that <I>("(S) = <I>("() - 3 provided that d > O. (Hint. Use the
definition of <I> (8.5) and (8.3a) to show that
2ri ri
2(<I>("(S) - <I>("()) "24 = log(cSr + d) + log(r) -log(dr - c) - "2.
1.18. Let
P2 = II (1 + qn), P3 = II (1 + qn-~).
n2:1 n2:1
90 I. Elliptic and Modular Functions
1.19. Verify the following identities for the Hecke and homothety operators acting
as correspondences on the space of lattices £'. (Note that there are similar
identities for the operators T 2k(n) acting on the space of modular forms of
weight 2k which will differ from these identities by various scalar factors.)
1.20. (a) Let f(T) be a modular function of weight 2k. Prove that
df )2 d2f
9 = (2k + 1) ( -dT - 2k· f ·dr2
1.21. For any matrix a = (~ ~) with real coefficients and det(a) > 0, define
/1(00, r) = cr + d.
For any function f : H ----> C, define a new function fl[abk by
(Here J" is the usual fundamental domain for r(l)\H. See (1.5).)
(a) Prove that the integral converges. (Note that f and 9 are assumed to
be cusp forms.)
(b) Prove that ( , ) is a positive definite Hermitian inner product on the
complex vector space Mfk'
(c) Let w(j, g) be the integrand
-- k dr/\dr
w(j,g) = f(r)g(r)(Imr) -2i(Imr)2
Prove that for any matrix a with real coefficients and det(a) > 0, and any
functions f, 9 on H,
92 I. Elliptic and Modular Functions
(e) If I,g E M~k are normalized eigenfunctions for every T 2k(n), prove
that either
(j,g) =0 or I=g·
(f) Prove that
for all n ~ 1.
for all n ~ 1.
1.25. (a) Prove that the normalized Eisenstein series E2k is a normalized eigen-
function for every Hecke operator T 2 k(n). See (7.3.1) for the definition
of E2k.
(b) Let I E M2k be a modular form of weight 2k ~ 4 which is not a cusp
form, and suppose that I is a normalized eigenfunction for every Hecke
operator T2k(n). Prove that 1= E 2k.
1.26. Let f E M2k be a modular form of weight 2k ~ 4 which is not a cusp
form, say f has the Fourier expansion I = c(O) + c(I)q + ... with c(O) =f O.
Let L(j,s) be the L-series attached to I as described in §11.
(a) Prove that L(j, s) can be analytically continued to C" {2k} and that
it has a simple pole at s = 2k with residue
( _I)kc(0)(271')2k
reSB=2k L(j,s) = r(2k)
(b) Let R(j, s) = (271rBr(s)L(j, s). Prove that L(j, s) satisfies the func-
tional equation R(j, 2k - s) = (_l)k R(j, s).
Exercises 93
(Note that this series converges quite rapidly, since from (11.2), Jc(n) I grows
no faster than n k.)
1.28. Let f( T) = 2: c( n )qn be a cusp form of weight 2k, let p be a prime, and let
X : (Z!pZ)* ---> C*
be a primitive Dirichlet character and extend X to Z be setting X(p) = O.
The Gauss sum g(X) associated to X is given by the formula
L X(b)e
g(X) = 2 11"ib/ p .
We define the the twist of f by X to be the function
(As usual, we set x(n) = 0 if gcd(p, n) > 1.) We will denote the associated
twisted L-series by
L(J, x, s) = L(j(X, . ), s) = L c(n)x(n)n- s.
( a) Prove that
x(n) = !g(x) X( -a) e 2 11"ian/ p •
p a=O
(b) Let R(J, X, s) be the function
R(J,X,s) = ( 27l" g(x)L(J,x,s).
R(j, X, s) = 1:
Prove that R has the integral representation
1.29. Let aI, a2, ... be a sequence of complex numbers, and suppose that there
is a constant c > 0 such that Ian I ::; n C for all n. Let ,\ > 0 be a constant
and k > 0 an integer, and define functions
f(7) = Lane27rinT/>'.
<I>(k - s) = ±<I>(s).
Complex Multiplication
Most elliptic curves over <C have only the multiplication-by-m endomor-
phisms. An elliptic curve that possesses extra endomorphisms is said to
have complex multiplication, or CM for short. Such curves have many spe-
cial properties. For example, the endomorphism ring of a CM curve E is
an order in a quadratic imaginary field K, and the j-invariant and tor-
sion points of E generate abelian extensions of K. This is analogous to the
way in which the torsion points of G m (<C) = <C* generate abelian extensions
of Ql. An important result in the cyclotomic theory is the Kronecker-Weber
Theorem, which says that every abelian extension of Ql is contained in a
cyclotomic extension. We will prove corresponding results for a quadratic
imaginary field K. For example, we will show how to construct an elliptic
curve E such that K (j (E)) is the Hilbert class field of K, and we will
explain how to use the torsion points of E to generate the maximal abelian
extension of K.
We have generally not tried to assign credit for the results described
in this chapter but will content ourselves with mentioning Kronecker, We-
ber, Fricke, Hasse, Deuring, and Shimura, who are largely responsible for
that part of the theory of complex multiplication that we will cover. In
particular, the algebraic proofs in §§4 and 5 are essentially due to Deuring,
and the idelic description of complex multiplication in §§8 and 9 is mainly
due to Shimura.
The material included in this chapter barely scratches the surface of
the theory of complex multiplication; a complete treatment of even the
basics would fill (at least) an entire volume. The reader desiring further
information might profitably consult the following sources, as well as the
references they contain. We must especially acknowledge Lang [1 J, Serre [6J,
and Shimura [1], whose expositions strongly influenced our organization of
this chapter.
Borel et al. [1 J: A development of the basic theory of CM using an analytic
approach, together with some useful computational methods.
Cassou-Nogues-Taylor [lJ: The basic theory of CM is developed in the first
few chapters, followed by the use of CM to generate rings of integers.
96 II. Complex Multiplication
In this section we are going to discuss elliptic curves with complex multi-
plication from the viewpoint of complex analysis. Although interesting in
its own right, this should be viewed mainly as the preparation needed to
study arithmetic questions.
Let E IC be an elliptic curve with complex multiplication. We know
from [AEC VI.5.5] that End(E) Q9Q1 is isomorphic to a quadratic imaginary
field and that End(E) is an order in that field. If End(E) ~ R c C
and K = R Q9 QI, then we will say that that "E has complex multiplication
by R" or that "E has complex multiplication by K." We also let
Much of the theory becomes easier if one restricts attention to elliptic curves
with complex multiplication by R K , so we will usually take this course. For
the general theory, see Lang [1] or Shimura [1, Ch. 5].
The uniformization theorem for elliptic curves [AEC VI. 5 .1] says that
for every elliptic curve E IC there is a lattice A C C and an isomorphism
If E has complex multiplication, then there are two ways to embed the
order End( E) into C. It is important to pin down one of these embeddings.
This is done by the following proposition, which also provides an important
tool for studying arithmetic properties of various analytically defined maps.
The reader might compare Proposition 1.1 with [AEC 111.5.3], which gives
the case that a E Z. We will use Proposition 1.1 to make deductions in a
manner similar to the way we used [AEC 111.5.3] to deduce [AEC 111.5.4]
and [AEC 111.5.5].
Proposition 1.1. Let E/C be an elliptic curve with complex multipli-
cation by the ring R C C. There is a unique isomorphism
[ .] : R --=::.. End(E)
such that for any invariant differential wE OE on E (see [AEC III §5]),
z ........ az
We claim that this map [.] : R --=::.. End(E) satisfies [a]*w = aw.
To verify our claim, we first note that any two non-zero invariant
differentials on EA are scalar multiples of one another. This follows trivially
from the fact that their quotient would be a translation invariant function,
hence would be constant. So if we take any invariant differential w E OE
98 II. Complex Multiplication
f*w = cdz.
Now tracing around the commutative diagram shown above gives the de-
sired result:
Corollary 1.1.1. Let (E1' [ . 1E,) and (E2' [ . 1E2 ) be normalized elliptic
curves with complex multiplication by R, and let ¢ : E1 -+ E2 be an
isogeny. Then
for all a E R.
End(Ea) ~ {a E C : aa C a}
= {a E K : aa C a} since a C K
since a is a fractional ideal.
We will now prove the elementary, but crucial, fact that this induces a
simply transitive action of the ideal class group e.G(RK) on the set of
elliptic curves £.G.G (R K ). This proposition forms the basis for all of our
subsequent work on complex multiplication.
Proposition 1.2. (a) Let A be a lattice with EA E £.G.G(RK)' and let a
and b be non-zero fractional ideals of K.
(i) aA is a lattice in C.
(ii) The elliptic curve EaA satisfies End(E"A) ~ RK.
(iii) EaA ~ EbA if and only if a = b in e.G(RK).
Hence there is a well-defined action of e.G(RK ) on £.G.G(RK) determined
100 II. Complex Multiplication
(The reason for using ll-l instead of II will become apparent below.)
(b) The action ofe,qR K ) on C£.,,qRK) described in (a) is simply transi-
tive. In particular,
(iii) From [AEC VI.4.1.l], the isomorphism class of EllA is exactly deter-
mined by the homothety class of aA. In other words, EllA ~ EbA if and
only if there is acE C' such that llA = cbA. Multiplying by a- 1 and using
the fact that RK A = A, we see that
Hence if EllA ~ EbA, then both Cll- 1 b and c- 1 ab- 1 take A to itself, so they
are both contained in RK, and hence are equal to RK. Therefore
II = cb,
(b) Let EAl and EA2 be two elliptic curves in £'cL(RK). To show that
the class group e,C(R K ) acts transitively on £,C,C(R K ), we must find a
fractional ideal a with the property a * EAl = EA 2 • Choose any non-zero
element >'1 E AI, and consider the lattice al = Al AI. From [AEC VI.5.5]
we see that al is contained in K, and by assumption it is a finitely gen-
erated RK-module, hence it is a fractional ideal of K. Similarly, choosing
a non-zero A2 E A2, we obtain a second fractional ideal a2 = A2 A2 of K.
Note the last equality follows from the fact that homothetic lattices give iso-
morphic elliptic curves. This shows that the action of eL(RK ) on £'cL(RK)
is transitive.
To prove that the action is simply transitive, we must show that if
a * EA = b * EA, then a = b. But this is immediate from part (ii) of (a).
We have already seen two sorts of elliptic curves which have complex
multiplication, namely the curves with j = 0 and j = 1728 whose auto-
morphism groups are strictly larger than {±1}. (See [AEC lILlO.l].) Now
we'll look at these curves from a complex analytic viewpoint.
Example 1.3.1. Let A = Z[i] be the lattice of Gaussian integers. Then
the endomorphism ring of EA is Z[i]. In particular, Aut(EA) ~ {±1, ±i},
so our general theory [AEC IILlO.I] tells us that j(EA) = 1728. But we
can see this directly in the following way. The lattice A satisfies iA = A.
g3(A) = g3(iA) = i 6 g3(A) = -g3(A),
so g3(A) = o. Therefore EA is given by the Weierstrass equation
g2 (Z[i]) = 64 (11
1 - t4
102 II. Complex Multiplication
(b) Continuing with the notation from (a), we choose a non-zero lattice
element'x E A. Then [AEC VI.5.5] says that the lattice (1/ 'x)A is contained
in K, and it is a finitely generated RK-module, so it is a fractional ideal
of K. Since homothetic lattices give isomorphic elliptic curves, we may
assume that A is a fractional ideal of K.
From (a) we know that E[a] ~ a-lA/A as RK/a-modules. Note that
if q is any integral ideal dividing a, then the fact that RK A = A implies
(a-lA/A) Q9RK (RK/q) ~ a-lA/(A+ qa-lA) = a- l A/qa- 1 A.
Hence if we use the Chinese Remainder Theorem to write
RK/a ~ II RK/pe(p), then E[a]~ II a-lA/pe(p)a-lA.
p prime p prime
In this section we will study the field of definition for complex multiplica-
tion elliptic curves and their endomorphisms. We begin by showing that
every elliptic curve with complex multiplication is defined over an algebraic
extension of Q.
Proposition 2.1. (a) Let EIC be an elliptic curve, and let (j : C ----+ C be
any field automorphism of C. Then
End(EO") ~ End(E).
On the other hand, (a) implies that End(E") ~ RK, so (1.2b) implies
that E" is in one of only finitely many ([:-isomorphism classes of elliptic
curves. Since the isomorphism class of an elliptic curve is determined by
its j-invariant [AEC III.1.4b], it follows that j(E)" takes on only finitely
many values as a ranges over Aut(C). Therefore [Q(j(E)) : Q] is finite,
so j(E) is an algebraic number.
(c) For any subfield F of C, let us momentarily denote by e,CJ:.JF(RK) the
e["[,,F(RK) ~ {elliptic cu~ves E/~ with End(E) ~ RK}.
IsomorphIsm over F
If we fix an embedding Q C C, then there is a natural map
Next we study the effect that field automorphisms have on the maps
[a] : E ----t E described in (1.1). In particular, we will find a field of defini-
tion for these maps. Note that if <I> is an endomorphism of E and a is any
automorphism of C, then <1>" will be an endomorphism of E".
Theorem 2.2. (a) Let E/C be an elliptic curve with complex multiplica-
tion by the ring R C C. Then
(b) Let E be an elliptic curve defined over a field L c C and with com-
plex multiplication by the quadratic imaginary field K c C. Then every
endomorphism of E is defined over the compositum LK.
(c) Let Ed Land E2 / L be elliptic curves defined over a field L c C. Then
there is a finite extension L' / L such that every isogeny from E1 to E2 is
defined over L'.
for all ;3 E R.
Thus [a] EO" and [aCT] E~ have the same effect on the invariant differential WCf •
Now we use [AEC II.4.2c]' which says that the natural map
Remark 2.2.1. Notice that the proof of (2.1b) together with the estimate
in (1.2b) shows that if End(E) ~ RK, then
[i](x,y) = (-x,iy).
To see that this is the correct normalization, we compute
[ij*dx = d(~x) =i dx .
y zy y
that is, WI/W2 is an algebraic number of degree at least 3 over 1Ql. Then one
can show that j(EA ) is a transcendental number. Notice the analogy with
the Gel'fond-Schneider theorem, which says that if a E Q with a i=- 0,1
and if f3 satisfies 2 ::; [1Ql(f3) : 1Ql) < 00, then a{J is transcendental. The
transcendence of j(EA) was first proven by Schneider. The interested reader
will find a proof of this fact in Schneider [1, Thm. 17] or Waldschmidt [1,
Cor. 3.2.4]. For a general account of the transcendence properties of elliptic
and modular functions, see for example Waldschmidt [1, Ch. 3].
It is an immediate consequence of (l.4b) and (2.2b) that the torsion
points of E generate abelian extensions of K (j (E) ). Before giving the
proof, we remind the reader of the analogous result for cyclotomic fields.
Thus let (E C* be a primitive Nth-root of unity and let (j E Gal(IQl«()/IQl).
Then (17 is another primitive Nth_root of unity, say C = (PC 17 ), and it is
an easy matter to check that the map
L = K(j(E), E tars )
(See [AEC III §7].) For an arbitrary elliptic curve, all we would be able to
deduce from this is that Gal(L m/ H) injects into the automorphism group
of the abelian group E[m], so we would find that Gal(L m/ H) is isomorphic
to a subgroup of GL 2 (Z/mZ).
But the fact that our elliptic curve has complex multiplication gives us
additional information. We take a model for E defined over H = K(j(E)),
and then (2.2b) says that every endomorphism of E is also defined over H.
So elements of Gal(Lm/ H) will commute with elements of RK in their
action on E[m]:
K =Q(R), RK = Z [R], a = 1 + R;
K = Q (vC2), RK = Z [vC2], a= vC2;
K = Q (V-'l), RK =Z[l+P]
2' a= l+P
Since all three of these rings RK have class number 1, we know from (2.2.1)
that the corresponding elliptic curves have j-invariants in Q.
110 II. Complex Multiplication
How can we find equations for these curves and their endomorphisms?
It is possible to proceed analytically, but we will take another approach.
If ¢ : E -> E has degree 2, then its kernel E[¢] consists of two points, 0
and a point of order 2. If we move the point of order 2 to (0,0), then E
will have a Weierstrass equation of the form
For this elliptic curve E, we have already determined an elliptic curve E'
and an isogeny ¢ : E -> E' whose kernel is {O, (0, O)}, namely
(See [AEC III.4.5]' although note we have taken the negative of the isogeny
defined there and have substituted x 3 + ax 2 + bx for y2.) Hence E will
possess an endomorphism of degree 2 if and only if this E' is isomorphic
to E.
To see when E and E' are isomorphic, we set their j-invariants to be
equal and solve for a and b, or more precisely for the ratio a 2 lb. Now
E' : y2 = X3 - 8X 2 + 8X
with j-invariant j(E') = 8000. Hence E and E' are isomorphic, and we
easily find an isomorphism
E' --+ E, (X Y)
f-----+ (-~X _ _
2' 2H l_y) .
§2. Rationality Questions 111
E : y2 = x 3 + 4x2 + 2x E
(x,y) ( -~2 (X+4+~) , - - y (1- ~)).
x 2yC2 x 2
There remains the case 16a4 - 81a 2 b + 324b2 , which (taking a = 36)
leads to the elliptic curves
E: y2 = x 3 + 36x 2 + 18 (9 + 50) x,
E': y2 = X 3 -72X2 + 72 (9 - 50) X
PROOF. As described above, (2.1) and (1.2b) ensure that for any element
u E Gal(R / K) and any E E ££.-£.,(RK), there is a unique a E e£.,(RK) with
ElI = a * E. So for a fixed E, we get a well-defined map
¢ : a- 1 M -----+ HomR(a, M)
x f---t (¢x: a ax) f---)
is an isomorphism.
PROOF (of Proposition 2.5). Choose a lattice A so that E 9! EA. Also fix
a resolution (i.e., an exact sequence)
0 0 0
1 1 1
0 -----> Hom(a, A) -----> Hom(a,q -----> Hom(a, E)
1 1 1 (iii)
lA lA lA
0 -----> Hom(R K , A) -----> Hom(RK,q -----> Hom(RK' E)
and Hom(a, q = a- 1 e = C,
Using these isomorphisms, we can rewrite the diagram (iii) as
0 0 0
1 1 1
0 -----> a- 1 A -----> e -----> Hom(a,E)
1 1
en En
1 (iv)
Here tA is the transpose of the matrix A, and the bottom two rows are
clearly exact on the right, since they are just a number of copies of the
exact sequence (ii).
Applying the snake lemma to the bottom two rows of (iv) gives the
exact sequence
o -----> a-1 A -----> e -----+ (ker ~on ~ Em) -----+ An jtAA m . (v)
§3. Class Field Theory - A Brief Review 115
to E(T to deduce that
restrict attention to totally imaginary fields, that is, fields with no real
embeddings, since (except for §7) that is the only case we will use in the
Let K be a totally imaginary number field and let L be a finite abelian
extension of Kj that is, L/ K is Galois with abelian Galois group. As usual,
we write RK and RL for the rings of integers of K and L respectively. Let p
be a prime of K which does not ramify in L, and let q:J be a prime of L
lying over p. Thus the picture is
L q:J RL/q:J
I finite abelian
I unra~ified
I extension of
finite fields
K p RK/P
By restriction, we get a homomorphism from the decomposition group of q:J
to the Galois group of the residue fields,
for all x E R L .
Let c be an integral ideal of K that is divisible by all primes that
ramify in L / K, and let
J(c) = group of fractional ideals of K which are relatively prime to c.
Then the Arlin map is defined using the ap's and linearity:
If (3.1) is true for the ideals C1 and C2, then it also true for C1 + C2.
There is thus a largest ideal for which (3.1) is true. We call this ideal the
conductor of L/K and denote it by CL/K.
In view of (3.1), it is natural to define the group of principal ideals
congruent to 1 modulo c:
Intuitively, one can think of the ray class field as the "largest" field
with a given conductor. However, it is important to note that the conductor
of Ke need not actually equal e. For example, the ray class field of Q(i)
modulo the ideal (2) is just Q(i) itself, so Q(i)(2) has conductor (1).
Theorem 3.2. (Class Field Theory) Let L/ K be a finite abelian exten-
sion of number fields, and let e be an integral ideal of K.
(a) The Artin map
is a surjective homomorphism.
118 II. Complex Multiplication
(b) The kernel of the Artin map is (Nj{h)P(cL/ K), where h is the group
of non-zero fractional ideals of L.
(c) There exists a unique ray class field Ke of K (modulo c). The conductor
of Ke/ K divides c.
(d) The ray class field Ke is characterized by the property that it is an
abelian extension of K and satisfies
primes of K that } { .. . }
{ . Ke
splI·t camp1e t e1y In = prIme Ideals In P(c) .
Example 3.3. Consider the ray class field of K modulo the unit ideal c =
(1). It is the maximal abelian extension of K which is unramified at all
primes. We call K(1) the Hilbert class field of K and denote it by H or H K .
Notice that
so the Artin map induces an isomorphism between the ideal class group
of K and the Galois group of the Hilbert class field of K:
We will now briefly recall how class field theory is formulated using ideles.
This material will not be used until §7, so the reader may wish to omit the
rest of this section until arriving at that point.
Let K be a number field, and for each absolute value v on K, let Kv
be the completion of K at v. Further, let Rv be the ring of integers of Kv
if v is non-archimedean, and let Rv = Kv otherwise. The idele group of K
is the group
where prime indicates that the product is restricted relative to the Rv's.
This means that an element SEll K; in the unrestricted product is in A'K
§3. Class Field Theory - A Brief Review 119
since any Q E K* is in R~ for all but finitely many K. Similarly, for any
given v we embed K~ as a subgroup of Ai< via
where the product is over all prime ideal of K. Note that (s) is well defined,
since sp is a p-adic unit for all but finitely many p.
One makes Ai< into a topological group in the usual way; we will not
need the precise definition of the topology. For any integral ideal c of K,
let U, be the subgroup of Ai< defined by
[s,KliL = ((s),L/K).
Here (., L/ K) is the Artin map, and Gal(Kab / K) is given the usual pro-
finite topology. The homomorphism [., K] is called the reciprocity map
The reciprocity map has the following additional properties:
(a) The reciprocity map is surjective, and K* is contained in its kernel.
(b) The reciprocity map is compatible with the norm map,
for all x E A L.
There is, of course, much more to class field theory that we have not
mentioned. For example, one often wants to know the exact kernel of
the reciprocity map and the correspondence between subgroups of Ai. and
subfields of Kab. However, the only additional fact that we will need in
this chapter is the following idelic characterization of ray class fields.
Theorem 3.6. Let K be a number field, let c be an integral ideal of K,
let Kc be the ray class field of K modulo c, and let Uc be the subgroup
of Ai. described above. Then the reciprocity map induces an isomorphism
In other words, [s, K] acts trivially on the ray class field Kc if and only if s
can be written as s = au with a E K* and u E Uc.
§4. The Hilbert Class Field 121
is given in terms of series g2(RK) and g3(RK ) involving the elements of RK.
Alternatively, if we write RK = ZT + Z, then
1 00 .
where the c( n) E Z are the coefficients in the q-series expansion of j (1. 7.4b).
So Theorem 4.1 says that the Hilbert class field of a quadratic imaginary
field K is generated by the value of a certain holomorphic function jeT)
evaluated at a generator for the ring of integers of K.
We will actually prove much more than the mere statement of The-
orem 4.1. We will give an explicit description of how the Galois group
of HI K acts on j (E). To do this, we recall the homomorphism
Note that the kernel of F is actually a finite quotient of Gal(K I K), since
any E will be defined over some finite extension LIK, and then F(a) = 1
for a E Gal(KIL). Since e£,(RK) is an abelian group, F factors through
Remark 4.3.1. It is now clear why we took the inverse when we defined
the action of an ideal class 0. on an elliptic curve EA. If we had used the
more natural definition 0. * EA = EllA, then the action of the Artin symbol
on j(E) in (4.3d) would instead have been j(E)(Il,H/K) = j(o.-l * E). Thus
we put the inverse into the action of eJ:.,(R K ) on ELJ:.,(RK) so that the
Artin symbol would act without an inverse.
PROOF (of Theorem 4.3). Let L/ K be the finite extension corresponding to
the homomorphism F: Gal(K/K) -+ eJ:.,(RK), by which we mean that L
is the fixed field of the kernel of F. Then
Gal(Kj L) = ker F
= {a E Gal(KjK) : F(a) = I}
= {a E Gal(K / K) : F(a) * E = E} since by (1.2), eL(RK )
Let 0 E I( CLj K), and let S be the finite set of primes described in (4.2).
From Dirichlet's theorem (3.4) there exists a degree 1 prime p E I(cLjK)
in the same P(cLjK)-ideal class as 0 and not lying over a prime in S. In
other words, there is an a E K* satisfying
We compute
and not just for those that are congruent to 1 modulo CLjK' We also know
that the map F : Gal(L/ K) ---+ eqR K ) is injective, so this implies that
But the conductor of Lj K is the smallest integral ideal c with the property
a == 1 (mod c) ~ (a),L/K) = l.
(See §3.) It follows that CL/K = (1). The conductor is divisible by every
prime that ramifies (3.1), from which we conclude that the extension Lj K
is everywhere unramified. Therefore L is contained in the Hilbert class
field H of K.
124 II. Complex Multiplication
On the other hand, the natural map 1(cL/K) = 1((1)) --+ eqRK) is
clearly surjective, so the claim implies that F : Gal(LI K) --+ eqRK ) is
surjective, hence an isomorphism. Therefore
since by [AEC III.1.4b] the set e.c.c(RK) may be identified with the j-
invariants of its elements. The map F : Gal(K I K) --+ e.c(RK) is defined
by identifying the action of Gal( K I K) on with the action of eq RK )
on a, so Gal( K I K) also acts ttansitively on a. Therefore a is a complete
set of Gal( K I K) conjugates of j (E), which proves (c).
Finally, we see that the claim proven above gives (d) for all ideals
in 1(cL/K). But CL/K = (1), so 1(cL/K) is the set of all non-zero fractional
ideals of K. 0
It remains to prove Proposition 4.2. For that purpose we will need the
following result which says that isogenies behave nicely under reduction.
Proposition 4.4. Let L be a number field, ~ a maximal ideal of L, Ell L
and E21 L e11iptic curves with good reduction at ~, and El and E2 their
reductions modulo~. Then the natural reduction map
deg(¢) = deg(¢).
¢(T) = ¢(T) = O.
Since ¢(T) E E2[m], it follows that ¢(T) = O. Therefore Edm] C ker(¢).
This holds for arbitrarily large m, so we must have ¢ = [0].
Now we begin the proof that deg(¢) = deg(¢). Choose a rational
prime e relatively prime to 13. Our idea is to use the Weil pairing and
calculate everything on the Tate modules. (See [AEC 111.8.3] for the prop-
erties of the Weil pairing eE : T£(E) x 1£(E) --+ Te(/L) that we will need.)
For any x, y E Tp(Ed we have
eE, (x, y)de g ¢ = eEl ((deg cp)x, y) = eE, (¢cpx, y) = eE 2 (¢x, cpy), (i)
~ dcg¢
- -)deg ¢ = eE, (
eEL (x,y )
x,y from (iii)
This equality holds for all x, y E Te(EJ), hence for all X, y E T£(EJ). The
non-degeneracy of the Weil pairing on Te(EJ) now implies that deg ¢ =
degcp. 0
PROOF (of Proposition 4.2). We know that ££-.qRK) is finite from (1.2b)
and that every curve in ££-£-(RK) can be defined over Q from (2.lc), so
we can choose a finite extension field L / K and representatives E 1 , ... , En
126 II. Complex Multiplication
11 11 11 11
¢ 1/1 A
E ----> P* E ----> a*p*E (a)*E ----> E
2y + alx + a2
be the associated invariant differential on E. The pull-back of w to CI A will
be some multiple of dz. Since the map along the top row of our diagram is
simply z --- az, we see that dz pulls back to d(az) = adz. Tracing around
the commutative diagram, we conclude that
,\ 0 -If; 0 J is inseparable.
On the other hand, using (4.4) and (1.5a), we see that
deg ¢ = deg ¢ = NQIK P = p,
- K
deg 1jJ = deg 1jJ = NQI a,
deg ,\ = deg >. = 1.
Since N{I a is prime to p by assumption, both -If; and ,\ are separable, so we
conclude that
must be inseparable. Now any map (such as J) factors as a qth_power
Frobenius map followed by a separable map [AEC II.2.12], so the fact
that J has degree p and is inseparable implies that J must "be" the pth_
po~Frobenius map. More precisely, there is an isomorphism from E(p)
to p * E so that the composition
pth_power ~
E -----+) E(p) ~ P* E
equals J.
In particular, we find that
if and only if
We also record for later use the following fact which we proved during
the course of proving Proposition 4.2.
128 II. Complex Multiplication
be the group of N-torsion points of G'Tn as usual; that is, /LN is the group
of Nth-roots of unity. As is well known, the extension Q(/LN )/Q is an
abelian extension that is ramified only at primes dividing N. Let p be a
prime with p t N, choose a generator ( for /LN, and let (Tp E Gal(Q(()/Q)
be the Frobenius element associated to p. Also let $ be a prime of Q( ()
lying above p. Then by the definition of (Tp we have
But 1, (, (2, ... , (N-l are distinct modulo $, since our assumption $ t N
implies that X N - 1 is separable in characteristic p. Hence the congruence
is an equality,
evaluated at points of finite order in the circle group lR/Zj that is, they
are generated by numbers of the form e27ria/N with a, NEZ. Further, the
action of a Frobenius element up on the value e27ria/N is given explicitly by
the formula
provided p f N.
1 pth power
E jj;(p)
where the vertical maps are "reduction modulo \13." The content of Propo-
sition 5.3 is that there is an isogeny .x : E ---> E"p which makes this picture
into a commutative square. Thus .x lifts the Frobenius map from charac-
teristic p to characteristic O.
CPwof =r ocpv.
To see that this is true, write f = [fa, ... , fnl (locally) as a map given
by homogeneous polynomials. The desired result then follows from the
observation that for a polynomial f(x) = f(Xl, ... ,xm ) = L: aixi, we have
We now apply this general fact to the map [alE: E ----> E. Note that
[alE = [alE"
Therefore [alE" 0 c = cO [alE'" which completes the proof of our claim and
with it the proof of Proposition 5.3. 0
(p,H/K) = 1,
1 1
1 1
E ~ E.
Now we compute
NQJp = p since l' has degree 1
= deg¢ since ¢ is pth power Frobenius
= deg['iT] from (4.4), since ['iT] = ¢
= INS''iT I from (l.4b).
Since l' is a prime ideal in the quadratic field K, this means that either
134 II. Complex Multiplication
where 7r' is the Gal(K/Ql)-conjugate of 1r. We can use the fact that (E, [.])
is normalized to check which one it is.
We take an equation for E / H with good reduction at \JJ and let W E OE
be a non-zero invariant differential whose reduction wis a non-zero invariant
differential on E. Then the normalization (1.1) says that [7r]*w = 7rW, so
7r == 0 (mod \JJ),
Our goal is to show that the torsion points of an elliptic curve E with
complex multiplication by RK can be used to generate abelian extensions
of K. It would be nice if the torsion points themselves should generate
abelian extensions of K, but unfortunately it turns out that they only
generate abelian extensions of the Hilbert class field H of K. In order to
pick out the correct subfield, we take a model for E defined over H and fix
a (finite) map
h : E ------+ E/ Aut(E) ~ pI
also defined over H. Such a map h is called a Weber function for E / H.
Example 5.5.1. If we take a Weierstrass equation for E of the form
with A,B E H,
if AB i= 0,
h(P) = hex, y) = {~2 if B = 0,
x3 if A = O.
Then L ::J K(j(E)), and from (4.3a) we know that K(j(E)) = H is the
Hilbert class field of K. In order to show that L is the ray class field of K
modulo e, we need to prove that
(p,L/K)=l ¢=} pEP(e).
As usual, it suffices to prove this for all but finitely many degree 1 primes
in K.
Suppose first that p is a degree 1 prime of K with P E P( e). This
means that
E ~ E
Since 7r RK = P = P,RK, there is a unit ~ E R'K such that 7r = ~p,. Notice
that [~] E Aut(E), so [7r] and [p,] differ by an automorphism of E.
We already know that (p,L/K) fixes H = K(j(E)), so in order to
show that it fixes all of L, we must show that it fixes h(E[eJ). Let T E E[e]
be any e-torsion point. Then the commutative diagram gives
On the other hand, [AEC VII.3.1b] tells us that the reduction map E -+ E
is injective on torsion points whose order is prime to p. So if we exclude from
consideration the finitely many p's which divide #E[e], then the reduction
E[e] ------> E[e]
is injective. Therefore
T(p,L/ K) = [7r]T.
Now we compute
(p,HjK) = (p,LjK)1 = 1,
E ~ E
We also choose some a E G K I K whose restriction to K ab is (p, Kab j K).
Then in particular aiL = (p, Lj K) = 1, and also alH = 1 since He L.
Now let T E E[el be any e-torsion point. We compute
h([1rlT) = h([1rlT)
= h(¢(T)) from the commutative diagram
= h (Ta) since a reduces to pth power Frobenius
= h(Ta)
= h(T)a since a IH = 1 and h is defined over H
(N.B. The image is not Ej Aut E, since Aut E may be larger than Aut(E).)
It follows from this and the equality h([1rlT) = h(T) proven above that
there is an automorphism [~l E Aut(E) such that
Again using the injectivity of the torsion E[e] '"--> E[e] from [AEC VII.3.1b]'
we find that [1r - ~]T = o.
A priori, the particular ~ for which [1r - ~]T = 0 might depend on T.
But from (l.4b) we know that E[e] is a free RKje-module of rank one.
138 II. Complex Multiplication
Hence there is a single ~ E R'K such that [7f - ~] annihilates all of E[c],
which implies that 7f == ~ (mod c). Therefore
C l 7f == 1 (mod c),
and of course we have p = 7fRK = (~-l7f)RK since ~ is a unit. This proves
that p E P(c), which completes the proof of Theorem 5.6. 0
PROOF (of Corollary 5.7). Let L / K be any finite abelian extension and
let CL/K be the conductor of L/ K. By class field theory (3.2c), L is con-
tained in the ray class field of K modulo CL/K' Using (5.6), this means
L C K(j(E), h(E[CL/K]))'
Taking the compositum over all conductors gives L c K(j(E),h(Etors )),
and then taking the union over all L's gives Kab C K(j(E),h(Etors))'
But (5.6) says that K(j(E), h(Etors )) is a compositum of abelian exten-
sions, hence it is abelian, hence it equals Kab. This completes the first part
of (5.7).
The second part of (5.7) is then immediate from (5.5.1), which says
that if j(E) f= 0,1728, then the x-coordinate on a Weierstrass equation
for E/Q(j(E)) is a Weber function for E. 0
Example 5.8. Corollary 5.7 raises the obvious question of what happens if
we adjoin all of E tors to K, rather than just the values of a Weber function.
In general one does not get an abelian extension of K, although we have
seen (2.3) that E tors generates an abelian extension of H. (The reader
might try to use (5.4) to construct another proof of this fact.) Suppose
now we look at the special case that K has class number 1, so H = K.
Then we have inclusions
E: y2 = x3 + x
which has complex multiplication by the ring of Gaussian integers Z[i] in
the field K = Q(i). Clearly
so K (E[2]) = K. One can easily check that the ray class field of K mod-
ulo 2 is K, so this confirms (5.6).
Next we look at points of order 3. Letting T = (x, y) E E, the dupli-
cation formula reads
_ (X4 - 2X2 + 1 x 6+ 5x 4- 5x 2 -
2T - 4y2' 8y3 .
1 1 J2v'3 - 3
a, -a, v'3a' - v'3a' where a= 3'
(3 = «8v'3 - 12 = ~
9 yJ3'
then the nine points in E[3] are
§6. Integrality of j
We have seen (2.1b) that the j-invariant of an elliptic curve E with complex
multiplication is an algebraic number. In this section we are going to
prove that j(E) is in fact an algebraic integer or, equivalently, that E has
everywhere potential good reduction. The results of this section will not
be needed until §1O, so the reader primarily interested in the relationship
between complex multiplication and class field theory may wish to skip
directly to §7.
Theorem 6.1. Let EIC be an elliptic curve with complex multiplication.
Then j (E) is an algebraic integer.
We are going to give three proofs of this important fact, two in this section
and a third in (V.6.3). In order to help the reader understand the different
approaches used in these three proofs, we will start with a brief description
of each.
The Complex Analytic Proof
Let Al and A2 be lattices corresponding to elliptic curves EriC and E2/C,
and suppose that El and E2 are isogenous. Then we will show that j(E 1 )
and j(E2 ) are algebraically dependent over IQl by explicitly constructing
a polynomial F(X, Y) E Z[X, Y] with F(j(E 1 ),j(E2)) = O. If E has
complex multiplication, then by taking El = E2 = E we will obtain a
monic polynomial with j(E) as a root. Thus we show that j(E) is integral
over Z by explicitly constructing a monic polynomial with j(E) as a root.
This proof has the advantage of being very explicit, and the disadvantage
that it does not generalize to higher dimensions.
The f-adic (Good Reduction) Proof
This proof, which is due to Serre and Tate [1], readily generalizes to abelian
varieties of arbitrary dimension. The idea is to use the criterion of Neron-
Ogg-Shafarevich [AEC VII.7.3] to prove directly that E has potential good
reduction at all primes, which implies by [AEC VII.5.5] that j(E) is in-
tegral at all primes. Thus let L be a local field and ElL an elliptic
curve with complex multiplication. We have seen (2.3) that the action
of Gal(LI L) on the Tate module Ti(E) is abelian. (For another proof ofthis
fact that uses nothing more than a little linear algebra, see exercise 2.6.)
In other words, Gal(Lab I L) acts on Ti(E). Next we use the description
of Gal( Lab I L) provided by local class field theory to show that the action
must factor through a finite quotient of Gal(Lab I L), which allows us to
apply [AEC VII.7.3J.
The p-adic (Bad Reduction) Proof
For this proof, which is due to Serre, we assume that j(E) is not integral at
some prime p and prove that E has no non-trivial endomorphisms. Let L
§6. Integrality of j 141
is very small. Thus the main term in j(q) will be l/q, which means that l/q
should be "almost" an integer. Computing l/q to 40 significant digits we
find that
(Notice in this case that q = _e- V15 71' E JR, so j(RK) E JR.) Similarly for a
we calculate
j(R K ) +2-
~ -95512.5 - 42997.5V5 = -52515 - 85995- 1 v'5 [1 + v'5]
E Z -2- .
Thus j(R K ) is (at least approximately) integral over Z, which gives a nu-
merical verification of Theorem 6.1 for this example.
'Dn = { (~ ~) E M 2 (Z) ad - be = n} ,
We also recall (1.9.2), which says that Sn = SL 2 (Z)\'D n . For any ma-
trix a = (~ ~) E M2 (JR) with det a > 0, we define the function j 0 a as
usual by the formula
. () =J.(aT
Joa T -+ -b) .
144 II. Complex Multiplication
(3 ~) E 3 n we have
2rr'; ar+b
qOO(T)=e d = (abQa 2 •
j 0 a(t) = (-abQ-a 2 +L
"" Ck(abkQa 2 k,
where CO, Cl, ... are integers. In particular, the Fourier coefficients of j 0 0
lie in Z[(], and so the same is true of the 3 m 'S.
Let a E Gal(Q(()/Q), and write ('" = (r(O") for some integer r(a)
relatively prime to n. If we apply a to the Q-Fourier coefficients of j 0 0,
we get the series
(j 0 or = (-r(u)abQ-a 2 +L
"" Ckc(u)abkQa 2 k.
Comparing the series for j 0 0 and (j 0 0)"', we see that
d .
{. (a
)0 0
d :
(a 0
which will give the desired result. Let f(j) E C[j] n Z[q, q~l] be a polyno-
mial of degree d, and wriLe f(j) = ao1'l + add~l + ... + ad with ai E C.
Substituting in the q-expansion of j (1. 7.4b) gives
f = ao + a 1 + 744dao + ...
qd qd~l '
II (X - j 00) = Fn(j,X).
nES n
(b) Let ,3 E J\h(Z) be a matrix with integer coefficients and det;3 > O.
Then the function j 0 .3 is integral over the ring Z [j].
(c) Ifn is not a perfect square, then the polynomial Hn(X) = F,,(X,X)
is non-constant and has leading coefficient ± 1.
II (X - j 0 0) = L 8m X m with 8m E Z[j].
nES n
for some m ~ 1. But we also know that Fn(j,j) E ZU] and that j has a
simple pole at q = O. Hence Fn(j,j) = ±j'm + ... E Z[j], which proves
that Fn(X, X) is a non-constant polynomial with leading coefficient ±l.
pT = aT +b
for some a, b, c, d E Z with ad - bc = n.
J(aT) = J
. (aT +
CT + d
b).J(T) = J(E).
By definition, j 0 a is a root of Fn(j, X), so if we substitute X = j 0 a and
evaluate at T, we get
From (6.3c), the polynomial Hn(X) has integer coefficients and leading
coefficient ±1. This proves that j(E) is integral over Z.
148 II. Complex Multiplication
Lv = the completion of L at v,
Rv = the ring of integers of Lv,
rotv = the maximal ideal of R v ,
p = char Rv/rotv = the residue characteristic of R v ,
f = a rational prime not equal to 2 or p,
Iv = the inertia subgroup of Gal(Lv/Lv),
L~b = the maximal abelian extension of Lv,
I~b = the inertia subgroup ofGal(L~b/Lv).
ab!:>! R*
lv -v·
(See, e.g., Lang [5], Serre [4, XIV §6, Cor. 2(ii) to Thm. 1], Serre [5].) This
gives us a very good picture of I~b, since we can decompose R~ using the
exact sequence
(Rv/rotv )*
1 ~
R~,l ~ R*v ~ ~ 1.
pro-p group
t f-----+ 1 + t.
150 II. Complex Multiplication
Hence R~,l is a pro-p group; that is, it is the inverse limit of finite groups
of p-power order (see [AEC IV.3.l.2] and [AEC IV.3.2]).
Similarly, if we fix an isomorphism Aut T£(E) ~ GL 2 (Z£) correspond-
ing to some basis for T£ (E), then there is an exact sequence
1 --> R~,l R*v --> (Rvlmv)* --> 1
1 --> GL2(Z£h --> Aut Tl(E) --> GL 2 (ZI CZ) --> 1
Next we observe that since i!. i= p, then there can be no non-trivial ho-
momorphisms from a pro-p group to a pro-i!. group, so the images of R~,l
and GL2(Zlh in Aut T£(E) have trivial intersection. Therefore there is an
Image(R~,l --> Aut T£(E)) <---> GL 2 (ZIi!.Z).
f: C/Z
Sitting inside of Gm(C) is its torsion subgroup
From class field theory (see §3) we have the reciprocity map, which is
a surjective homomorphism
AQ -+ Gal(Qab /Q), 8 t---+ [8, Q].
Each idele 8 thus defines an isomorphism
Gm(Chors -+ IGm(C}tors,
( t---+ ([s,lQll.
p p
The last equality follows from the fact that ordp(Nx ) = ordp(xp), so the
ideals NxZ p and xpZp are the same. Now we can define the multiplication-
by-x map to be multiplication of the p-component by xp; in other words,
multiplication-by-x is defined by the commutativity of the following dia-
p p
We are now ready for the main theorem of this section. The reader
should compare this cyclotomic result (7.1) with the corresponding complex
multiplication theorem (8.2).
Theorem 7.1. Fix the following quantities:
u E Aut(C), an automorphism of the complex numbers,
8 E AQ, an idele ofQl satisfying [8, QlJ = UllQlab.
sp == 1 (mod nZp ) for all primes p, and further that s= > o. (*)
[s,Q]IQl(() = ((s),Q(()/Q).
For any idele s, we will write Ns E Q* for the unique rational number
== t.
This suggests that we should take f' to be the map is defined by
This completes the proof of the existence half of (7.1), with the additional
information that f' is given by the map f' (t) = fs (t) = e27riNs t. As for
uniqueness, we need merely observe that the commutative diagram deter-
mines f' on IQ/ s -1 Z, which is a dense subset of G mUC), so there is at most
one possibility for f'. 0
Gm(C) ~ GmUC).
More precisely, Ns is the unique rational number satisfying
156 II. Complex Multiplication
PROOF. During the proof of (7.1) we showed that f' is the map f'(t) =
where Ns is as specified in (*). The commutative square in (7.1)
then says that
AQ ----> Q* c C,
and it is clear that this map is a homomorphism. Further, the explicit
description of Ns given by (*) in (7.2) shows that the map is continuous.
Recall that for any number field L, a homomorphism
NsZ=(s)=sZ and
Then X is a Grossencharacter of Q.
is an isomorphism. Here the sums are over all prime ideals of R K , and /-Lp
denotes the p-component of /-L.
(b) Let (1 be a fractional ideal of K. Then for each prime ideal p of K, the
inclusion K '----+ Kp induces an isomorphism
Remark 8.1.1. As our proof will show, Lemma 8.1 is true more gen-
erally for any Dedekind domain R with fraction field K. For example,
taking R = Z gives the decomposition of a torsion abelian group into p-
primary components as discussed in §7.
PROOF (of Lemma 8.1). (a) Suppose first that /-L E kereS). For each
prime p, let e(p) 2: 0 be the smallest integer such that pe(p) /-Lp = (0).
Note that e(p) exists, since /-Lp E M[poo], and that all but finitely many
of the e(p) 's are zero since /-L has only finitely many non-zero components.
Now fix a prime ideal q and let
158 II. Complex Multiplication
which proves that J-tq = O. Since q was arbitrary, we have proven that J-t = 0
and hence that 8 is injective.
Next we check surjectivity. Take any element m E M, and choose a
non-zero a E RK with am = O. Factor the ideal aRK as
then J-t E EBM[poo] and 8(J-t) = L,J-tp = 101m + ... + Crm = m. This
completes the proof that 8 is surjective.
(b) First, suppose that a E (Kia) [pOOl is in the kernel of T. Choosing a
representative a E K for a, this means that pea C a for some integer e ~ 0
and that a E ap = aR p • These two inclusions imply respectively that
The first inequality says that a == (3 (mod ap), so T(a) = 13. Let e be a non-
negative integer greater than ordp(a) - ordp(a). Then ordq(pe a ) ~ ordq(a)
for all primes q, including q = p, so pea Ea. Hence a E (K/a) [1'00], which
completes the proof that T is surjective.
(c) This is immediate from (a) and (b). 0
K/a ~ K/xa
11 11
EBKp/ap ~ EB Kp/xpap
p p
(tp) f---+ (Xptp)
I: Cia ~ E(<C),
if if'
E(<C) ~ Ea(<C).
Remark 8.2.1. The statement of Theorem 8.2 remains true for elliptic
curves whose endomorphism ring is a non-maximal order of K. Of course,
one first must explain how to mUltiply Kia by an idele x when a is an
arbitrary lattice in K. For details, see Shimura [1] or Lang [1, Ch. 8, 10].
Remark 8.2.2. Notice how Theorem 8.2 transforms the algebraic action
of 0" on the torsion subgroup I (Kia) = E tors into the analytic action of
multiplication by S-l:
Hence (8.2) is true for (E, f) if we take for f' the map
We note that (5.6) implies that L contains K(m), the ray class field of K
modulo m. We are going to begin by proving that (8.2) is true on the m-
torsion points of E. As usual, our main tool will be reduction modulo a
suitable prime.
Let l,}} be a prime ideal of L satisfying the following five conditions:
(i) aiL = (l,}}, Lj K); that is, the restriction of a to L is a Frobeniuse-
lement for l,}}.
(ii) P = l,}} n K is a prime of degree 1; that is, p = Nffp is a rational
(iii) p is unramified in L.
(iv) p is not one of the finitely many primes excluded in (4.5).
(v) l,}} does not divide m.
Such an ideal always exists, since the Tchebotarev Density Theorem (Lang
[5, Ch. VIII, Thm. 10]) says that there are infinitely many primes satis-
fying (i) and (ii), whereas each of (iii), (iv), and (v) excludes only finitely
many primes.
162 II. Complex Multiplication
Uq E R~ and Uq == 1 (mod mR q ).
Next we use (5.3) to find an isogeny
whose reduction modulo IlJ is the pth_power Frobenius map. Note that
since L contains K(j(E)), (i) implies that
Since E is defined over Q(j(E)), we see that the isogeny described in (5.3)
is indeed from E to Er7.
We claim that on m-torsion points, ). acts like a. To see this, let T E
E[m] and use tilde's to denote reduction modulo 1lJ. Then
since both), and aiL = (1lJ, L/ K) act on the residue field modulo IlJ as
the pth_power map. Now IlJ f m from (v), so [AEC VII.3.1b] says that
on m-torsion points the reduction map ElT[m] --+ ElT[m] is injective. Hence
E[m] ~ ElT[m]
1 1
E(C) ~ E""(C).
§8. The Main Theorem of Complex Multiplication 163
1 1
C/p-1 a (*)
1 1 11
Cia ------> C/p-1 a ------> C18- a (** )
if A
E(C) ------> EO'(C) ------> EO'(C).
Here f' : C I 8 -1 a -=:-. EO' (C) is the unique analytic isomorphism making (**)
commute. We claim that f' satisfies
f(t)O' = >.(J(t)).
164 II. Complex Multiplication
or equivalently that
(7r q U q - l)a q C ma q .
By construction, u q is in R~ and satisfies u q 1 (mod mRq), so we are
red uced to proving
(7r q -l)a q C ma q •
There are two cases to consider. First, if q # p, then 7r q = 1, so we are
done. Second, if q = p, we know that 7rp is a uniformizer, so (7r p -1) ap = ap.
Further, we know from (v) that p f m, so m is a p-adic unit and hence map =
ap . This proves the desired inclusion for all q, thereby completing the proof
of our claim.
To recapitulate, for each integer m ::::: 3 we have produced an analytic
1/ 1/:..
E(C) ---+ Ei7(C).
To complete the proof of (8.2) it suffices to show that all of the maps f:n
are the same, since then these commutative diagrams will fit together to
give the desired result on all of K/a.
§9. The Associated Grossencharacter 165
L' = L(Etors ).
Since j(E) E L, it follows from (5.7) and (2.3) respectively that there are
alLab = [x,L].
8- 1
Kia -----+ Kis-la
E(C) -----+ ECT(C).
E(C) ~ E(C).
§9. The Associated Grossencharacter 167
E(Ub ) ~ E(Lab),
which is exactly (ii). Further, we have an equality of ideals
so o:R K = (s).
This proves that 0: satisfies both (i) and (ii), which completes the proof of
the existence of part of (9.1).
Next we check that 0: is unique. Suppose that 0:' E K* also has prop-
erties (i) and (ii). From (ii) and the fact that f and [x, L] are isomorphisms,
we get a commutative triangle
~ 0",.,--1
Kia Kia
Hence multiplication by 0:'0:- 1 is the identity map on Kia, so 0:' = 0:.
Finally we must show that 0: is independent of the choice of f. Suppose
that!, : Cia' -> E(C) is another analytic isomorphism. Then a = ,a'
for some, E K*, and I' 0 f- 1 is an automorphism of E, so there is a
unit ~ E R'K such that I'(z) = f(~,z). Then (ii) for f gives
l'(t)[x,L] = f(~,t)[x.L] = f(O:S-lbt) = !'(o:s-l t ) for all t E Kia,
(a ) 'l/JE / L is a Grossencharacter of L.
(b) Let S-lJ be a prime of L. Then 'l/J E /L is unramified at;:p if and only if E
has good reduction at S-lJ. (Recall that a Grossencharacter 'l/J : At ---> C* is
said to be unramified at S-lJ if 'l/J(R~) = 1.)
Ni(x{3)oo = II fr = Ni{3·
Wm = {8 E x
A 8p E R~ and 8p == 1 (mod mRp) for all p},
and let
Urn = Em n {x E At : Nix E W rn }.
We note that Urn is an open subgroup At. We are going to prove the
Let x E UTn, and to ease notation let a = a E / d x). Also fix an analytic
f: Cia ~ E(C)
§9. The Associated Grossencharacter 169
for all x E Um .
From this formula it is clear that '¢E/L is continuous on Um. But Um is
an open subgroup of At. Therefore '¢E/L is continuous on all of Ai" which
completes the proof that '¢E/L is a Gr6ssencharacter.
(b) Let I~r c Gal(Lab / L) be the inertia group for~. The reciprocity map
sends % to I~b,
[R~, L] = I~b,
where we embed R~ into At in the usual way,
R~ ~At, U f----> [ ••• , 1, l,u, 1, 1, ... ].
~ - component
Let m be an integer with ~ t m. We know from (2.3) that E[m] C
E(Lab), so I~b will act on E[m]. We want to characterize when this action
is trivial in terms of values of the Gr6ssencharacter '¢E/L. Thus
I~b :~t~t[~iallY ~ f(t)U = f(t) for all (J' E I~b and all t Em-la/a
where for the last equivalence we have used (9.1). We make two observa-
tions. First,
for all x E R~,
since the archimedean components of x E R~ are all 1. Second, multipli-
cation by NJ<x- 1 induces the identity map on m-1a/a. This follows from
Lemma 9.3 (see below) and the assumption that Ifj t m. Hence we find
I<$b acts trivially on E[m] for -¢==} E has good reduction at Ifj.
infinitely many m prime to Ifj
Combining this with the equivalence proved above, we obtain the desired
E has good there are infinitely many m with Ifj t m such that
reduction at Ifj 'l/JE/L(X) == 1 (mod mR K) for all x E R~
-¢==} 'l/JE/L(X) = 1 for all x E R~
Here the last equality follows from the fact that bp = Rp for all p t b,
so the only non-zero terms in the direct sum are those with plb. The
multiplication-by-s map on b-1aja is now defined by the commutative
diagram s
Remark 10.1. In the case that E has good reduction at Sfj, we can give
a more intrinsic definition of the local L-factor in terms of the action of
Frobenius on the Tate module. Thus let ¢<p : E - t E be the q<p-power
Frobenius map, and let
be the associated map on the Tate module of E (see [AEC III. §7]), where
we take some P relatively prime to the characteristic of IF'<p. If we choose a
basis for the Tate module, so Tp(E) ~ Zp x Zt, then ¢<p,£ is represented by
a 2 x 2 matrix with coefficients in Z£. The characteristic polynomial of the
linear transformation cP<p,£ is
det ¢<P'£ = deg ¢ from [AEC V.2.3]
= qu from [AEC 1I.2.l1c].
We now piece together the local L-factors to form the global L-series
of E.
L(E/L,s) = II L<p(E/L,q;p8)-1,
Using the estimate la<p1 :S 2VQ\i3 from [AEC V.2.4], it is not hard to
show that the product converges and gives an analytic function for all s
satisfying Re( s) > ~. Conjecturally, far more is true.
§1O. The L-Series Attached to a CM Elliptic Curve 173
'IjJ: Ai - t C*
is a Grossencharacter on Lj that is, 'IjJ is a continuous homomorphism which
is trivial on L * . Let ~ be a prime of L at which 'IjJ is unramified, so
'IjJ(R;JJ) = 1. We then define 'IjJ(~) to be
'IjJ: Ai - t C*
is defined by the Euler prod uct
1 <P'P
------+. E,
where the vertical maps are reduction modulo \13.
PROOF. Before we begin the proof, two remarks are in order. First, 'l/JE/L
is unramified at \13 from (9.2b), so 'l/JEI d\13) is well-defined. Second, since
'l/JE/d\13) is the value of 'l/JE/L at an idele with l's in its archimedean com-
ponents, we have 'l/JE/d\13) = D:E/d\13) E R K , so it makes sense to talk
about ['l/JE/d\13)] as an endomorphism of E.
Let x E At be an idele with a uniformizer in its \13-component and l's
elsewhere. Then as we just remarked,
Fix some integer m with \13 f m. Then (9.3) says that Nix-It = t for
all t E m-In/n, so we get
Now consider what happens when we reduce modulo \13. We have [x, L] =
(\13,p b IL) from (3.5), so [x,L] reduces to the q'lJ-power Frobenius map.
Since this is true for all m prime to \13, and since an endomorphism of E
is determined by its effect on torsion (or even on e-primary torsion for a
fixed prime e [AEC 111.7.4]), we conclude that
§10. The L-Series Attached to a CM Elliptic Curve 175
deg [1/JE/dl.l3)] from (10.4)
= deg[1/JE/dq3)] from (4.4)
= N{f (1/JE/L(I.l3)) from (1.5).
L(E/L,s) = L(S,1/JE/dL(s,1/JE/d.
176 II. Complex Multiplication
(b) Suppose that K is not contained in L, and let L' = LK. Further
let'l/JEILI : ALI - t C* be the Gr8ssencharacter attached to E/L'. Then
L(E/L,s) = L(S,'l/JElu).
A(E/L,s) = (N~(1)LIQC",)r(27r)-sr(s))[L:Q]L(E/L,s),
where c", is the conductor of the Grossencharacter 'l/JEIL, 1)L/Q is the dif-
ferent of L/Q, and res) = 00 tS-1e- t dt is the usual r-function.
(ii) If K ct
L, let L' = LK and
where the quantity w = WElL E {±1} is called the sign of the functional
equation of ElL.
PROOF (of Theorem 10.5). We know from (6.1) and [AEC VII.5.5] that E
has potential good reduction at every prime of L, so [AEC VII.5.4(b)] tells
us that E has no multiplicative reduction. Hence
On the other hand, (9.2b) says that 'l/JE/L is unramified at $ if and only
if E has good reduction at $, and the same is true for 'l/JE/L. Thus
so the formula given above for L'i3(E / L, T) is also true for primes of bad
reduction, since it reduces to L'i3(E / L, T) = l. Therefore
L(E/L,s) = IT L'i3(E/L,q;i/)-l
= IT(1- 'l/JE/d$)q$S)-l(l- 'l/JE/d$)q$S)-l
= L(s, 'l/JE/dL(s, 'l/JE/d.
(b) See exercises 2.30, 2.31, and 2.32. D
where (:;)6 is the 6th -power residue symbol; that is, (:;)6 is the 6th -root of
unity satisfying
a(N{iP-l)/6 == (;)6 (mod 7r).
Using (10.4.1), we see that the Grossencharacter attached to E is given
either by
or else by
L(E/K,s) = II
7rE RK prime
(1+ C:),K'-"-')-'
,,=2 (mod 3)
X (1 + (4;)6 7r- S n1 - S ) -1 ,
L(E/Ql, s) = II
7rERK prime
(1+ (4:)/,._,)-'
7r=2 (mod 3)
2.1. Let K/Q be a quadratic field with ring of integers RK, and let R c K be
an order in K. Prove that there is a unique integer f 2: 1 such that
R = Z+ f· RK.
1 dt
A- ---
- o~·
(b) More generally, prove that for all integers n 2: 1, G 4n (A) is a rational
number multiplied by A4n .
2.3. Let K/Q be a quadratic imaginary field, and let E/C be an elliptic curve
with End(E) @ Q ~ K. Let E' /C be another elliptic curve. Prove that E'
is isogenous to E if and only if End(E') @ Q ~ K.
Exercises 179
2.4. Let E be an elliptic curve defined over a number field L with complex
multiplication by K, and let '+l be a prime of L of characteristic p at which E
has good ordinary reduction. Prove that Qp contains a subfield isomorphic
to K.
2.5. Let EjQ be an elliptic curve with complex multiplication by the ring of
integers in Q (~). 'Without using an explicit Weierstrass equation for E,
prove the following two facts:
(a) If cjJ : E -+ E is an endomorphism of degree 2 and P is the non-zero
point in the kernel of ¢, then P rt E(Q) and PEE (Q (~)).
(b) R(Q) contains exactly one point of order 2.
(Hint. Use (2.2a).)
2.6. (a) Let F be a field, let G be a subgroup of GL 2 (F), and let C(G) be the
centralizer of G; that is,
C(G) = {ex E GL 2 (F) : ex, = ,cx for all, E G}.
Prove that one of the following two conditions is true.
2.10. Let K be a number field, RK its ring of integers, and c an integral ideal
of RK. Prove that there is an exact sequence
2.16. For each of the quadratic imaginary fields in the following table, verify that
the given a generates the Hilbert class field of K, and calculate the value
of j (RK) explicitly as an element of K (a). (We have filled in the first row
for you, see Example 6.2.2.)
(d) -24 2 x 2 +3
(e) -31 3 x3 + x-I
2.17. Let 'D~ and S~ be the sets of matrices defined by
#S~ = n II (1 + ~ ) .
(Notice that if n is squarefree, then 'D~ and S~ are just the sets 'Dn and Sn
considered in §6.)
2.18. Let S~ be as in the previous exercise, and define
<pn(X) = II (X - j 0 a).
2.19. Let Fn(Y,X) be the polynomial from (6.3), and let <l>n(Y,X) be the poly-
nomial from the previous exercise. Let El/C and E 2 /C be elliptic curves.
(a) Prove that F n (j(E 1 ),j(E2 )) = 0 if and only if there is an isogeny
El --> E2 of degree n.
(b) Prove that <l>n (j (Ed, j (E2)) = 0 if and only if there is an isogeny
El --> E2 whose kernel is cyclic of degree n.
2.20. Let p be a prime. Prove Kronecker's congruence relation
nA n
is a well-defined isomorphism.
2.23. This exercise generalizes the previous one. Let L be a finite extension of Qe,
let R be the ring of integers of L, and let wt be the maximal ideal of R.
For each integer r 2': 1 define a subgroup G r of GLn(R) by
1 1
----> E'(C)
where the vertical maps are complex analytic isomorphisms and c is the
constant from part (a).
2.25. Let ElL be an elliptic curve defined over a number field L with com-
plex multiplication by the ring of integers of K, and assume that K c L.
Let X E H1(GL/L,Aut(E)), and let EXIL be the corresponding twist
of E. (See [AEC X §5] for basic facts about twists.) If we identify Aut(E)
with p,n [AEC III.1O.2], then X gives a homomorphism
2.26. Let ElL be an elliptic curve defined over a number field (not necessar-
ily with complex multiplication). Prove that the infinite product defin-
ing the L-series L( ElL, s) converges absolutely and uniformly in the half-
plane Re(s) > ~.
2.27. Let ElL be an elliptic curve defined over a number field (not necessarily
with complex multiplication), let \P be a prime of L at which E has good
reduction, and let IF<,p be the residue field at \p. For each integer n ~ 1,
let IF<,p,n be the extension of IF<,p of degree n. Recall [AEC V §2] that the
zeta function of EIlF<,p is the formal power series
Z(E/lF<,p,T) = exp(f:#E(lF<,p,n)~).
184 II. Complex Multiplication
Z(EIF T) = £.:p(EIF'i), T)
'i), (1 - T)(l - q'i)T) ,
where L'i) is the local L-series described in §1O and q'i) = N~\p.
(b) The zeta function of the field L is given by the usual Euler product
((ElL,s) = 11 Z(EIF'i),q-il 8
Find the "correct" definition for the factor Z(EIF'i) , T) in the case that E
has bad reduction at \p, and prove that
((ElL,s) = (ds)(ds - l)L(EIL,s)-I.
ll''i),q'i)-1) -_ #En.(F'll) .
L 'i) (E-/""
Here En. is the non-singular part of E. Note that we do not assume E has
good reduction at \p. (See [AEC III §2] and [AEC exer. 3.5].)
2.29. Prove the functional equation (10.5.1) for the L-series of an elliptic curve
with complex multiplication. (Hint. Use the functional equation for Hecke
L-series with Grossencharacter as described, for example, in Tate [8].)
In the next three exercises we sketch the proof of Theorem 1O.5(b). We
set the following notation: Let ElL be an elliptic curve with complex
multiplication by the ring of integers RK of K, and assume that L does
not contain K. Let L' = LK, so L' is a quadratic extension of L, and let \p
be a prime of L. From (9.2) there is a Grossencharacter 'l/JE/LI : ALI --+ C'.
Let q'i), a'i),'" be the quantities described in §1O.
2.30. Assume that E has good reduction at \p.
(a) Prove that \p is unramified in L'.
(b) Suppose \p splits in L' as \pRu = \p'\p". Prove that
(c) Suppose \p remains inert in L', say \pRu = \p'. Prove that
a'll = 0,
(d) Let E be the reduction of E modulo \p, and let p be the residue
characteristic of \p. Prove that
-. {ordinary if \p splits in L' and p splits in K,
supersingular if \p is inert in L' and p does not split in K.
Exercises 185
2.31. We continue with the notation and assumptions from above. Let \13' be a
prime of L' lying over \13.
(a) If \13 ramifies in L', prove that E has bad reduction at \13.
(b) If \13 is unramified in L', prove that
L(E/L,s) = L(S,V;E/L')'
E : y2 = x 3 - Dx.
V;E/Q(i)(P) = (~) 4 7r ·
n = 1,2, ....
(a) Prove that Tp(E) is a free Rp-module of rank 1. Deduce that Aut Tp(E)
is isomorphic to R; ~ Z;.
(b) Let Lp be the compositum of the fields L(E[pnJ) for all n ~ lor,
equivalently, the field defined by
(c) Let r = Zp, and define a ring Zp[q to be the inverse limit
(Note that Zp[q is not the same as the group ring Zp[r].) Prove that
(Hint. Write pRK = PI". Show that Lp = LpLp/, and that Lp n Lpl is a
finite extension of L.)
Elliptic Surfaces
(11.1, 11.3.1) and for the homomorphism from sections to points on fibers
(11.4). Unfortunately, it will not be possible to prove all of the background
results we need from algebraic geometry. However, we will give a pre-
cise statement of the results we use and give at least some indication of
the proofs. Briefly, we will use abelian varieties and Jacobian varieties in
§2, rational maps between varieties in §3, intersection theory and minimal
models of surfaces in §§7 and 8, and divisors on varieties in §10. Much of
the material we need is contained in Hartshorne [1], but in any case, we
will give references for all assertions that we do not prove.
E' 2 X _ 3 _ 36 x _ 1
.Y + Y- x jo - 1728 jo - 1728
with j-invariant jo. In reality, E is a family of elliptic curves, one for
each choice of the parameter jo (except that E is singular or non-existent
for jo = 0 and jo = 1728). Similarly, in [AEC IX §7] and [AEC X §6] we
looked at the elliptic curves
for varying values of D. Again these are families of elliptic curves, in this
case parametrized by D, and each value of D other than D = 0 gives an
elliptic curve.
More generally, if k is any field (of characteristic not equal to 2) and
if A(T), B(T) E k(T) are rational functions of the parameter T, then we
can look at the family of elliptic curves
ET : y2 = x3 + A(T)x + B(T).
For most values of t E k we can substitute T =t to get an elliptic curve
Et : y2 = x3 + A(t)x + B(t).
Precisely, E t will be an elliptic curve provided
A(t) =I 00, B(t) =I 00, and ~(t) = -16(4A(t)3 + 27B(t)2) =I O.
Later in this chapter we will pursue further this idea of an algebraic
family of elliptic curves. But for now we want to alter our perspective a
bit. Rather than considering the equation
E : y2 = x 3 + A(T)x + B(T)
§l. Elliptic Curves over Function Fields 189
with discriminant
f}. = 16T4 (4T 2 - 27).
This curve has the rational point
P= (T,T) E E(Q(T)),
and one can easily use the addition law to compute
2P = (T2 - 2T, _T3 + 3T 2 - T),
3P = (T 3 - 2T2 - 3T +
(T - 3 ) 2 '
3T4 4 - 15T3 + 21T2 - 9T +
(T - 3)3
8) .
If we substitute T = t for some t E Q, then we will obtain an elliptic
curve E t unless t = 0 or t = ±~V3.
Example 1.1.2. The elliptic curve
E : y2 = x 3 + (T2 - l)x + T2
has many rational points defined over Q(T), such as the point (-1,0) of
order 2 and the point (0, T) of infinite order. However, if we replace Q
by Q ( V2), we find a new point of infinite order:
(1, V2T) E E(Q(vI2) (T)).
In general, if E/Q(T) is a non-constant elliptic curve (i.e., j(E) (j. Q), then
there exists a finite extension k/Q so that
E(k(T)) = E(CCT)).
In practice it is often difficult to find k. See Kuwata [1,2J and exercise 3.17.
Shioda [lJ has constructed an interesting example for which the action
of Gal(k/Q) on E(k(T)) is a representation of type E 8 , so [k : QJ may be
quite large.
190 III. Elliptic Surfaces
P = (0,0) E E(Q(C)).
It is not hard to verify (at least if you have access to a computer with a
symbolic processor) that
[l1lP = 0,
Our task in this section is to prove the following weak Mordell-Weil theorem
for elliptic curves defined over function fields. We emphasize again our
assumption that the constant field k always has characteristic O.
rem that the "ideal class group" of a function field K = k( C) is the Picard
group Pic( C), that is, the group of divisors modulo linear equivalence. The
Picard group need not be finitely generated; see (2.6) below.
However, all is not lost. A closer examination of [AEC, VIII.l.6] shows
that it does not require the full strength of the finiteness theorems. In-
stead we used the facts that the ideal class group has only finitely many
elements of order m and the unit group R* has the property that the quo-
tient R* / R*m is finite. These weaker results are true for function fields
under appropriate assumptions on the constant field k of K. For exam-
ple, if k is algebraically closed, then k* / k*m is certainly finite, since it is
actually trivial.
Similarly, the Picard group Pic( C) has only finitely many elements of
order m. Unfortunately, the proof of this last statement requires results
from the theory of Jacobians and abelian varieties which we will not be
able to develop in full. So we will just state here the proposition that we
need and postpone until the end of the section a sketch of the proof. For
the proof of the weak Mordell-Weil theorem (2.1), we will only need to use
the m = 2 case of the following proposition.
Proposition 2.2. Let C be a non-singular projective curve defined over
an algebraically closed field k. Then for any integer m 2 1, the Picard
group Pic( C) has only finitely many elements of order m.
PROOF. See (2.7) at the end of this section for a complete description of
the torsion subgroup of Pic(C). In particular, if C has genus g, then (2.7)
implies that Pic(C)[m] is isomorphic to (Z/mZ)29. 0
defined by
if x = e2,
if x = 00 (P = 0).
- [2J -
o ----+ E[2] ----+ E(K) ----+ E(K) ----+ 0
Now our assumption that E[2] c E(K) implies that there are isomorphisms
Finally, the Kummer sequence for fields and Hilbert's theorem 90 give an
isomorphism [AEC, VIII.2.2]
is finite.
Let f (mod K*m) E K(0, m). Then div(f) has the form
p, : A x A -----> A, i :A -----> A,
dimension is equal to the genus of the curve. Some general references for
Jacobian varieties include Griffiths-Harris [1, Ch. 2, §§2, 3, 7], Milne [3],
and Mumford [2].
Proposition 2.6. Let C be a non-singular projective curve of genus 9
defined over an algebraically closed field k.
(a) The degree map deg : Div(C) ----> Z induces an exact sequence
Pico(C) ~ Jac(C).
(For the meaning of "natural", see (2.6.1) below.) Jac(C) is called the
Jacobian variety of C.
PROOF. (a) The exact sequence merely defines the subgroup Pico(C), so
all we need to do is verify that the degree map is well-defined on Pic( C).
This follows immediately from the fact that every principal divisor has
degree 0 [AEC, II.3.l].
(b) (Proof Sketch) We start with the two easy cases. First, if 9 = 0, then
every divisor of degree 0 on C ~ pI is principal [AEC, II.3.2]. It follows
that Pico (C) = 0, which is the desired result in this case.
Next suppose that 9 = 1. Fixing a point 0 E C(k), we turn Clk into
an elliptic curve, so C is an abelian variety (2.4.1). Then there is a natural
group isomorphism Pico(C) ..::-. C as described in [AEC, III.3.4]. Hence C
is its own Jacobian variety.
For curves of higher genus, one can construct the Jacobian variety
analytically if k = <C or algebraically in general. We briefly describe both
approaches. For the algebraic method, we fix a basepoint Po E C and
consider the map
characteristics. We refer the reader to the discussion in (IV, §6) for further
details. See also exercise 4.29.
The analytic approach to constructing the Jacobian for curves over «:::
is much older. The Riemann-Roch theorem [AEC, 11.5.3, 1I.5.5a] says that
on a curve of genus g, the space of holomorphic differential forms has di-
mension g. Let l<h, ... , Wg be a basis for this space. Next, a curve C of
genus 9 over «::: is a Riemann surface with 9 holes, so there are 2g inde-
pendent cycles on C. Let r 1 , ... , r 2g be a basis for the space of cycles;
that is, r 1 , ... ,r2g is a basis for the first homology Hl(C,Z). We fix a
basepoint Po E C and consider the map
In other words, use d> to map the points in a divisor to points of J ac( C), and
then use the group law on Jac(C) to add them up. Finally, the theorems
of Abel and Jacobi say that the map cp : Divo(C) -+ Jac(C) is a surjective
homomorphism whose kernel consists of precisely the principal divisors.
Hence d> induces the desired isomorphism Pico(C) ..::::. Jac(C). For further
details, see Griffiths-Harris [1, Ch. 2, §§2,7]. 0
Remark 2.6.1. What do we mean in (2.6b) when we say that the isomor-
phism Pico(C) -+ Jac(C) is "natural"? Recall [AEC, 11.3.7] that a mor-
phism d> : C 1 -+ C 2 of curves induces a homomorphism cp* : Pico(C2 ) -+
PicO(C1 ) of their Picard groups. Then one can prove that the corresponding
map cp* : Jac(C2 ) -+ Jac(C1 ) is a morphism of varieties. In fancy language,
the association C f---> Jac(C) is a functor from the category of (non-singular
projective) curves to the category of abelian varieties.
§2. The Weak Mordell-Weil Theorem 199
In particular, for any integer m ::::: 1, Pic(C)[m] ~ (ZjmZ)2g, so Pic (C) has
only finitely many elements of order dividing m.
This proves the first assertion of (2.7), and the other assertions are an
immediate consequence. 0
200 III. Elliptic Surfaces
ET : y2 = x 3 + A(T)x + B(T)
with rational functions A(T), B(T) E k(T). Or, more generally, we could
fix a non-singular projective curve C / k and take
E : y2 = x 3 + Ax + B
for some A, B E k( C) with 4A 3 + 27 B2 =I O. Then for almost all points t E
C(k) we can evaluate A and B at t to get an elliptic curve
Et : y2 = x 3 + A(t)x + B(t).
Suppose now that we do not evaluate A and B at particular points
of C, but instead we treat t as a variable just like x and y. In other words,
we look at the subset of]P>2 x C defined by
2 A or B has a pole at t, or }
{ ([X, Y, z], t) E]P> xC: y2 Z = X 3 + A(t)X Z2 + B(t)Z3 .
This set will consist of a number of irreducible components, all but one of
which will look like
]p>2 X {to}
for a pole to of A or B. We take c to be the one component not of this
form. Equivalently, c is the Zariski closure in JP'2 x C of the set
7r: c -----> C,
([X, Y, Z], t) f------7 t.
§3. Elliptic Surfaces 201
it will be true that almost every fiber £t is an elliptic curve. We just need
to choose points t E C such that A(t) i- 00, B(t) i- 00, and ~(t) i- O.
However, our family of elliptic curves £ has one other important prop-
erty. Recall [AEC III §3] that an elliptic curve is really a pair (E,O),
where E is a curve of genus 1, and 0 is a point of E. The equation we
used to define £ gives a one-parameter family of elliptic curves. This means
that for almost all values of t we get an elliptic curve £t, which we should
really write as (£t, Ot) to emphasize that each £t comes equipped with a
zero element Ot E £t.
The family £ is an algebraic family, which is a fancy way of saying
that it is given by an equation whose coefficients A and B are algebraic
functions, in our case functions on the curve C. The additional property
that £ possesses is that the collection of zero elements Ot is an algebraic
family of points. In other words, we claim that the coordinates of Ot are
algebraic functions of t; the coordinates of Ot are in the function field of C.
Using the definition of £ given above, we see that
Ot = ([0,1,0], t) E £t C jp'2 x C.
0'0: C -----+ £,
t ~ Ot.
t The phrases "for almost every" and "for almost all" are contractions of the
expression "for all but finitely many."
202 III. Elliptic Surfaces
such that for all but finitely many points t E C(k), the fiber
£t = Jr-I(t)
is a non-singular curve of genus 1,
(iii) a section to Jr,
ao : C ----+ £.
Let £ -+ C be an elliptic surface. The group of sections of £ over C is
denoted by
£(C) = {sections a : C -+ £}.
Note that any rational map C -+ £ is automatically a morphism, since C
is a non-singular curve and £ is a projective variety [AEC, II.2.1], so every
section is a morphism. We will see later (3.10) that fCC) is a group with
zero element ao.
§3. Elliptic Surfaces 203
Remark 3.3.1. Since all but finitely many fibers of an elliptic surface
have genus 1, one can show that any fiber which is a non-singular curve
will automatically have genus 1. See Hartshorne [1, III.9.13]. These non-
singular fibers are often called the good fibers. The fibers Gt which are
not non-singular curves will be called the singular fibers or the bad fibers.
Of course, when we refer to the non-singular fiber Gt, we really mean the
elliptic curve consisting of the pair (Gt, ao (t)) .
Remark 3.3.2. Our definition of elliptic surface is non-standard in two
ways. First, most books require that G be a non-singular surface. In such
a case we will call G a non-singular elliptic surface. Second, most algebraic
geometers would define an elliptic surface to be a (non-singular) surface
satisfying properties (i) and (ii) of our definition; they would not require
that there be a section. This leads to many interesting geometric questions,
such as the possible existence of multiple fibers. (See Griffiths-Harris [1,
p. 564].) It is only our emphasis on questions with an arithmetic flavor
which prompts us to require the existence of at least one section.
Remark 3.3.3. The classical theory of elliptic surfaces deals with surfaces
defined over the field k = <C, or more generally over an algebraically closed
field. We will also want to look at other fields, such as k = IQ. We will say
that an elliptic surface E over C is defined over k if the curve C is defined
over k, the surface G is defined over k, and both of the maps
for the group of sections defined over k. For example, the elliptic sur-
face (3.2) is defined over IQ, and the section a = (T, T) is in G(C /IQ).
Let E be an elliptic surface over C defined over k. We would like
to associate to E an elliptic curve E / k( C). Conversely, to each elliptic
curve E / k( C) we will assign a birational equivalence class of elliptic sur-
faces. In this way we will be able to apply our earlier results to study
elliptic surfaces.
We begin by recalling some general definitions and basic facts about
rational maps. For more details, see Hartshorne [1, I §4]' Harris [1, Lec-
ture 7], or Griffiths-Harris [1, 4 §2J.
Definition. Let V and W be projective varieties. A rational map from V
to W is an equivalence class of pairs (U, <Pu), where U is a non-empty Zariski
open subset of V and <Pu : U ----> W is a morphism. Two pairs (U, <Pu)
and (U', <Pu are deemed equivalent if <Pu = <Pu on un U'. If <P is repre-
1 ) 1
{(u,¢(u)) E V x W : u E U},
¢o'lj;:W~W and
are the identity maps at all points for which they are defined. If there
is a birational isomorphism from V to W, then V and Ware said to be
birationally equivalent. If V, W, ¢, and 'lj; are all defined over a field k,
then we say that V and Ware birationally equivalent over k.
Remark 3.4. In [AEC, I §3] we defined rational maps more naively using
coordinates on lpm. The reader will easily check that the two definitions
are equivalent. For examples of rational maps that are not morphisms,
see [AEC, 1.3.6 and 1.3.7]. Notice that [AEC, 1.3.7] gives an example of non-
isomorphic varieties that are birationally equivalent. Another important
example of this phenomenon is provided by the process of "blowing-up";
see Hartshorne [1, I §4] or Harris [1, Lecture 7].
Proposition 3.5. Let ¢ : V ~ W be a rational map of projective
(a) The image ¢(V) is an algebraic subset ofW. If V is irreducible, then
so is ¢(V).
(b) Suppose that V is non-singular. Then ¢ is defined except on a set of
codimension at least two. In other words, every component of the comple-
ment of Dom( ¢) in V has codimension at least two.
PROOF. (a) See Harris [1, Lecture 7, p. 75] or Griffiths-Harris [1, 4 §2,
p. 493] for the first part. The second part is immediate from the definition
of irreducibility; see exercise 3.7.
(b) See Griffiths-Harris [1, 4 §2, p. 491]. 0
§3. Elliptic Surfaces 205
Proposition 3.6. Let V/k and W/k be projective varieties. The follow-
ing are equivalent.
(i) V and Ware birationally equivalent over k.
(ii) The function fields k(V) and k(W) are isomorphic as k-algebras.
(iii) There are non-empty Zariski open sets U 1 C V and U2 C W defined
over k such that U 1 and U2 are isomorphic over k.
PROOF. This is a standard (and elementary) result in algebraic geometry.
See, for example, Hartshorne [1,1.4.5] or Harris [1, exercise 7.10]. 0
The next result says that the theory of varieties up to birational equiv-
alence is essentially the same as the theory of their function fields. (See
Hartshorne [1,1.4.4] for a more precise categorical statement.)
Proposition 3.7. Let V/k and W/k be projective varieties. The associ-
is a bijection.
We are now ready to apply the theory of rational maps to study elliptic
surfaces. Recall that according to our definition, an elliptic surface consists
of three pieces of data:
(i) a projective surface c,
(ii) a projection map 7r : C ----> C,
(iii) a zero section 0'0 : C ----> c.
Given two elliptic surfaces c and C' over the same base curve C, it thus
makes sense to consider the rational maps c ----> C' which commute with
projections and/or zero sections. This prompts us to make the following
206 III. Elliptic Surfaces
Definition. Let 7r : £ --+ C and 7r' : £' --+ C be elliptic surfaces over C.
A rational map from £ to £' over C is a rational map ¢ : £ --+ £' which
commutes with the projection maps, 7r' 0 ¢ = 7r. The elliptic surfaces £
and £' are birationally equivalent over C if there is a birational isomor-
phism ¢ : £ --+ £' which commutes with the projection maps. If the elliptic
surfaces and rational maps are defined over a field k, we will say that £
and £' are k-birationally equivalent over C.
The next two propositions explain precisely how the theory of elliptic
curves over k( C) is the same as the birational theory of elliptic surfaces
over C.
Proposition 3.8. (a) Fix an elliptic curve E/k(C). To each Weierstrass
equation for E,
E : y2 = x 3 + Ax + B, A, BE k(C),
PROOF. (a) Suppose we take another Weierstrass equation for E/k(C), say
Then there is au E k(C)* such that u 4 A' = A and u 6 B' = B [AEC III.1.3].
Now the map
£(A', B') ---+ £(A, B), ([X',Y',Z'],t) t---+ ([u 2 X',u 3 Y',Z'],t)
shows that £(A, B) and £(A', B') are k-birationally equivalent over C.
§3. Elliptic Surfaces 207
Projection onto the second factor gives a map V --> G which makes k(V)
into a k(G)-algebra, and by construction we see that k(V) is isomorphic
to k(G)(E) as k(G)-algebras. Hence k(V) is isomorphic to k(£) as k(G)-
algebras, so (3.6) tells us that V and £ are birationally equivalent over G.
In particular, for almost all t E G the fibers Vi and £t are isomorphic, so
almost all of the Vi's are curves of genus 1.
Now suppose that W E OEjk(C) is a differential form on E. (See
[AEC, II §4] for general properties of differential forms on curves.) Any such
differential can be written as a sum W = 2: Uj dVj with Uj, Vj E k( G) (E).
For almost all t E G we can evaluate the Uj'S and Vj'S at t to get a differ-
ential form Wt = wet, x) on Vi. Further, if w is a holomorphic differential
form on E, then Wt will be a holomorphic differential form on Vi for almost
all t E G.
Let WI,W2 E OE/k(C) be non-zero holomorphic differential forms. We
claim that they are k(G)-linearly dependent. To prove this, we observe
that for almost all t E G, the forms WI (t, x) and W2(t, x) are holomor-
phic differentials on the curve Vi of genus I, so they are k-linearly de-
pendent from [AEC, II.5.3,II.5.5a]. In other words, there are non-zero
constants at, bt E k such that
with A, B E keG).
where we identify the set of elliptic curves defined over k( G) with the set
of (birational equivalence classes) of elliptic surfaces over G as described in
Proposition 3.8.
PROOF. Let <p : £ ----+ £' be a dominant rational map over G. Choose
Weierstrass equations for £ and £', or equivalently for E and E',
£ : y2 = x 3 + Ax + B, C' : y,2 = X,2 + A'x' + B'.
Then the map <p will have the form
<p: ((x,y),t) >-> ((J(t,x,y),g(t,x,y)),t),
where f,g E k(£) ~ k(G)(E) = k(G)(x,y). Hence F = (f,g) defines a
Suppose that F is a constant map from E to E' over keG). This
means that f, 9 E k( G), so <p( (x, y), t) = ((J(t), g(t)), t) depends only on t,
independent of x and y. It follows that the image of <p has dimension at
most one, since it is the image of a map G ----+ £', so in particular <p is not
dominant. This proves that if <p : £ ----+ £' is dominant, then the associated
map F : E ----+ E' is non-constant.
The proof going the other direction is similar. Fix Weierstrass equa-
tions for E and E' as above, and let F : E ----+ E' be a map defined over k( G).
Then F has the form F = (f,g) for some f,g E k(G)(E) ~ k(£), and we
can define a map <p: £ ----+ C' over G by
<p: ((x,y),t) >-> ((J(t,x,y),g(t,x,y)),t).
If <p is not dominant, then its image must consist of a curve, since 1f
maps the image <p(c) onto G. But this means that if we fix (almost any
point) t E G and vary x, yon the fiber Ct, then <p((x, y), t) can assume only
finitely many values. In other words, the map <p(', t) : Ct ----+ p1 takes on
only finitely many values, so it is constant [AEC 11.2.3]. Hence f and g do
not depend on x,y, so f,g E keG) and F = (f,g) : E ----+ E' is a constant
map. This proves that if F : E ----+ E' is non-constant, then the associated
map <p : C ----+ £' is dominant, which completes the proof of Proposition 3.9.
Our final task is to explain how the set of sections £ (G) has a natural
group structure. Recall that for almost all points t E G, the fiber Ct is an
elliptic curve (3.3.1), so given any two points on Ct, we can add them or
take their inverses. Let 0'1,0'2 E C(G) be two sections to £. We define new
sections 0'1 + 0'2 and -0'1 by the rules
valid for all t E G such that the fiber Ct is non-singular. We will verify
below (3.10) that 0'1 + 0'2 and -0'1 define rational maps G ----+ C, so in fact
they define morphisms since G is a non-singular curve [AEC,]. The
next proposition says that this "fiber-by-fiber" addition makes £(G) into a
210 III. Elliptic Surfaces
E(k(C)) c(Cjk),
P=(xp,yp) (CTP : t ---> ((xp(t), yp(t)), t)).
A,B E k(C).
which satisfy the given Weierstrass equation for (almost all) t E C. Equiva-
lently Xi, Yi E k(C) are functions satisfying Y; = xy + AXi + B as elements
of k (C). By definition, (CTI + CT2) (t) is the sum of the two points CTI (t)
and CT2(t) using the addition law on the elliptic curve
Ct : y2 = x3 + A(t)x + B(t).
So the usual addition formula [AEC III.2.3] says that if XI(t) f= X2(t), then
which shows that CTI +CT2 is a rational map from C to c defined over k. Simi-
larly, if Xl = X2 and YI f= Y2, the duplication formula [AEC III.2.3(d)] yields
the same conclusion. Finally, the map -CTI is given by -CTI = (Xl, -yd,
so -CTI also gives a rational map C ---> c defined over k. But C is a non-
singular curve, so all of these rational maps are morphisms [AEC],
which completes the proof that CTI + CT2 and -CTI are in c( C j k).
§3. Elliptic Surfaces 211
(b) This is clear from the fact that the points on almost every fiber form a
group. For example, for any three sections 0'1,0'2,0'3 E [( C I k) and almost
all points t E C, we have
It follows that Po- = (xo-, Yo-) satisfies the given Weierstrass equation,
so Po- E E(k(C)). The identifications P f--+ ap and a f--+ Po- are clearly
inverse to one another, so they define bijections E(k(C)) +-+ [(Clk). Fi-
nally, for any PI, P2 E E(k(C)) we have
(a P, + ap2) (t) = (xP, (t), YP, (t)) + (XP2 (t), YP2(t)) = ap, +P2 (t).
Similarly, -ap = a_p, which shows that the map E(k(C)) ---+ [(Clk) is a
homomorphism, hence an isomorphism. 0
[ Xc [ ---t [
h(P) _ { 0 if P = 0,
- hex) if P = (x, y).
(Note that h(f) is really the height relative to the field K, and h(P) depends
on the choice of a Weierstrass equation for E, although our notation does
not reflect this. See [AEC VIII §5].)
Remark 4.1. For each t E G, let
ord t : k(G)* ~ Z
be the normalized valuation on keG) [AEC II §1]; that is, ordt(f) is the
order of vanishing of the function f at the point t. Then [AEC II.2.6a]
implies that
The properties that we want the height to possess are of two very
different sorts. First, we want the height to satisfy certain transformation
properties relative to the group law on E. We will be able to prove this
below by a straightforward calculation that is very similar to the proof in
the number field case. Indeed, there is a theory of height functions for
a wide class of fields which includes number fields and function fields as
special cases. (See Lang [4] for details.)
The second property we require of the height is a finiteness property,
namely that a set of bounded height should contain only finitely many
points. In the case of a number field K, we first showed that this was true
of K itself; that is, a number field contains only finitely many elements of
bounded height [AEC VIII.5.11]. This immediately implied the same result
for E(K). However, matters are more complicated for function fields, since
a function field may have infinitely many elements of bounded height. For
example, the elements of height 0 in k(T) are precisely the elements of the
field k. More generally, the elements of height at most d in k(T) are the
rational functions of the form
ao + a1T + a2T2 + ... + ad Td
bo + bIT + b2T2 + ... + bdTd .
PROOF (of Theorem 4.2). Fix a Weierstrass equation for E of the form
E : y2 = x 3 + Ax + B.
Note that the (non-archimedean) triangle inequality for 7ft has the form
7ft(f + 1') :::; max{ 7ft(f), 7ft(f')}, with equality unless 7ft(f) = 7ft(f').
(a) Let P = (x, y) E E(K). The duplication formula [AEC III.2.3d] says
that x(2P) = ¢j1j;, where
It follows from the triangle inequality that 7ft(¢) = 7ft(x4) and 7ft(1/J)
7ft(x3). We also have 7ft(x) > JLt .:2: 0, which proves that
max{ 7rt( 4», trt (1,b)} :::; 4J.tt :::; 4J.tt + 4 max { 7rt(x), O}.
In order to get a lower bound, we need to know that 4> and 1,b cannot
both vanish to high order at t. We define functions
ord t (6.) = ord t (q>4> - w1,b) ~ min{ ord t (4)), ord t (1,b)} - max{ 7rt(q», 7rt(w)}
~ min {ordt ( 4», ord t (1,b)} - 3J.tt·
-7J.tt - ord t (6.) :::; max{ 7rt(4)), 7rt('l/J)} - 4 max { 7rt(x), O} :::; 4J.tt.
where the quantities CI (t) and C2(t) have the property that they are inde-
pendent of the point P = (x, y) and are equal to zero for all but finitely
many t E C. Summing this inequality over t E C gives the desired estimate
The condition that P -I ±Q ensures that the coordinates are all finite. The
addition formula [AEC III.2.3d] on the elliptic curve gives
where the last inequality needs some justification. In fact, for any func-
tions a, b, c, d E k( C)* we have
max { 7rt(a), 7rt(b)} + max{ 7rt(c), 7rt(d)} = max {7rt(ac), 7rt(ad + bc), 7rt(bd)}.
This is easily verified using the triangle inequality and checking the various
cases. For reasons which will become apparent in a moment, we will add
o = E 7rt ((Xl - X2)2) to both sides of this inequality, which yields
h(P + Q) + h(P - Q) ::; Lmax{7rt((XI - X2)2 X3X4 ),
Next we use a little algebra and the fact that the points P3 and P4 lie
on E to compute
h(P + Q) + h(P - Q)
~ L max { trt ((XIX2 - A)2 - 4B(XI + X2)),
tEe 7rt (2(Xl + X2) (A + XIX2) + 4B), 7rt ((Xl - X2)2) }
~ L max{ 7rt(xix~), 7rt(AXIX2), 7rt(A2), 7rt(BXl), 7rt(BX2),
tEe 7rt(AXl), 7rt(AX2), 7rt(XrX2), 7rt(XIX~),
7rt(B), 7rt(xi), 7rt(XIX2), 7rt(X~)}
~ L(2max{7rt(Xl),O} +2max{ 7rt(X2),O}
tEe +2max{7rt(A),o} +max{7rt(B),O})
= 2h(XI) + 2h(X2) + 2h(A) + h(B)
= 2h(P) + 2h(Q) + 0(1).
It remains to prove an inequality in the opposite direction. It is possi-
ble to do this directly, as is done, for example, in [AEC VIII.6.2]. But we
will instead use the following clever trick which is due to Don Zagier. We
have proven that the inequality
holds for all P, Q E E(K). Given two points P', Q' E E(K), we apply this
identity with P = pI + Q' and Q = P' - Q' and then use (a) to obtain
exists. The quantity h( P) is called the canonical (or N eron- Tate) height
of P.
(b) The canonical height has the following properties:
(i) h(P) = ~h(P) + 0(1) for all P E E(K).
(ii) h(mP) = m 2 h(P) for all P E E(K) and all mE Z.
(iii) h(P + Q) + h(P - Q) = 2il.(p) + 2h.(Q) for all P, Q E E(K).
(c) The canonical height is a quadratic form on E(K). In other words,
h(-P) = h(P), and the pairing
( . , . ) : E(K) x E(K) -+ lR
(P, Q) = h(P + Q) - i~(p) - h(Q)
(e) Any function E( K) -+ lR which satisfies (b )(i) and (b )(ii) for some
integer m 2:: 2 is equal to the canonical height.
PROOF. We will just briefly sketch the proof, since it is exactly the same
as in the number field case [AEC VIII.9.1, VIII.9.3]. For any integers n 2::
m 2:: 0 we have
::; L 4- i - 1 0(1) from (4.2a)
This shows that the sequence 4-7) h(2n P) is Cauchy, hence converges, which
proves (a). Further, taking m = 0 and letting n -+ oc gives
which is (b)(i).
§4. Heights on Elliptic Curves over Function Fields 219
Taking m = 0 gives h( -Q) = h(Q), and then an easy induction (up and
down) on m gives (b)(ii). This completes the proof of (b).
It is a standard computation to show that a function satisfying the
parallelogram law (b)(iii) is a quadratic form; see for example the proof
of [AEC VIII.9.3c]. This gives (c).
If P E E(K) has finite order, then 2n P takes on only finitely many
values, so it is obvious from the definition that h(P) = O. Conversely,
suppose that h(P) = o. Then for all m E Z we use (b)(ii) and (b)(i) to
We proved in the last section that the height function h : E(K) ----+ lR.
behaves nicely with respect to the group law on E. In order to prove
that E(K) is finitely generated, it remains to show that sets of bounded
height in E(K) are necessarily finite. The reader will recall that in the
case of number fields, this was comparatively easy to do. Unfortunately,
for function fields it is easy to construct a counterexample to this assertion!
For example, let Eo I k be an elliptic curve, let E = Eo x C be the elliptic
surface with E ----+ C being projection onto the second factor, and let ElK
be the corresponding elliptic curve over K. Then every point, E Eo(k)
gives a section
(J', : C ---+ E = Eo X Co
i: E ~ Eo x C
Eo xC
PROOF. Suppose first that 7r : e ---+ C splits. This means that there is a
birational isomorphism i : e ---+ Eo x C so that proh 0 i = 7r. A dominant
rational map induces a corresponding map on function fields (3.7), so we
obtain an isomorphism k(c) ~ k(Eo x C) which is compatible with the
keG) '--> k(c) and keG) '--> k(Eo x G).
In other words, if we let K = keG) as usual, then the fields k(c) = K(E)
and k(Eo x G) = K(Eo) are isomorphic as K-algebras. Each of them is
a field of transcendence lover K, so each corresponds to a unique non-
singular curve defined over K (see [AEC, II.2.5] or Hartshorne [1, 1.6.12]).
In other words, there is an isomorphism E ~ Eo defined over K. This
completes the proof that (i) implies (ii).
Conversely, suppose that we are given an elliptic curve Eo/ k and an
isomorphism E ...:::..... Eo defined over K. Then K(E) ~ K(Eo) as K-
algebras, which is the same as saying that k(e) ~ k(Eo x C) as k(C)-
algebras. Again using (3.7), this isomorphism of fields induces a birational
isomorphism of varieties c ---+ Eo x G commuting with the maps to G, which
shows that e ---+ G is split over k. Hence (ii) implies (i), which completes
the proof of (5.1). 0
Cl : y2 = x3 + 1, C2 : y2 = x3 + T 6 ,
C3 : y2 = x 3 + T, e4 : y2 = x 3 + X + T.
Also let Eo/k be the elliptic curve
Eo : y2 = x 3 + 1.
Then Cl is clearly split over k, since it is precisely Eo x G. The surface e2
also splits over k, as can be seen from the isomorphism
The elliptic surface e3 does not split over k, although it will split if we
replace the base field k(T) by the larger field k(T 1 / 6 ). Finally, C4 does not
split over k; and since its j-invariant is non-constant, it will still not split
even if we replace k(T) by a finite extension. See exercises 3.9 and 3.10 for
general statements.
222 III. Elliptic Surfaces
Remark 5.3. For a number field K, it was not hard to show that there are
only finitely many elements of K having bounded height [AEC VIII.5.11],
which immediately gave the same result for E(K). Unfortunately, this
assertion is clearly false for function fields, since there may be infinitely
many maps C -> 1P'1 of any given degree. In other words, for number fields
we proved that a set of bounded height
{p E E(K) : h(P):::; d}
with A, BE K = k(C),
§5. Split Elliptic Surfaces and Sets of Bounded Height 223
The key here is that we have taken a collection of maps in Map( C, lP'2)
and have parametrized this collection using the points of the algebraic
variety lP'3R-l, where to ease notation we will write Cfor C(D). Some of these
maps C --. lP'2 will actually correspond to elements of E(K). The next step
is to show that the maps corresponding to E(K) form an algebraic subset
of lP'3R-l .
For simplicity, we will assume henceforth that D 2: 0, and we fix a
basis h, ... , Ie for L(D). Further, we choose a divisor D' 2: 3D large
enough so that 1, A, B E L(D' - 3D), and we let hI, .. " hr be a basis
for L(D').
Every element in L(D)3 can be written uniquely in the form
f f R
F = (Fa,Fb,Fc) = (I:adi,I:bdi,I:cdi)'
i=1 i=1 i=1
Such an F will give an element of E(K) if and only if Fa, Fb, Fe satisfy the
homogeneous equation of E,
Multiplying this out gives a sum involving monomials of the form fdjik
and Afdjik and Bfdjfk. Our choice of D' ensures that each of these
monomials is in L(D'), hence can be written uniquely as a linear com-
bination of h 1 , ... , hr. So finally we end up with an equation that looks
Now the maps C ---+ jp'2 from above which correspond to elements of E(K)
are associated to the points of the variety
We let D = n(=), which means that L(D) is the set of polynomials in k[T]
of degree at most n. (Here £(D) = n + l.) The corresponding family of
maps jp'1 ---+ jp'2 is parametrized by jp'3n+2 as described above,
Map(jp'1, jp'2),
Writing A(T) = I: Ai Ti and B(T) = I: BiTi , this map jp'l ---+jp'2 will give
an element of E(K) if it satisfies the equation
and the system of homogeneous equations <Po = <PI = ... = <PI' = 0 defines
the variety VD.
§5. Split Elliptic Surfaces and Sets of Bounded Height 225
{[O, 0, u, v, 0, OJ} U {[O, 0, iu, iv, u, vJ} U {[O, 0, -iu, -iv, u, vJ}
5 1
degD ~ g + "2d + "2 (deg A + degB),
226 III. Elliptic Surfaces
then the image of VD in E(K) contains E(K, d). (For a more accurate
estimate, see exercise 3.13')
where divo (f) and div 00 (f) are the divisors of zeros and poles of f respec-
tively. (See [AEC 11.3.5].) We also note from [AEC, I1.3.6(a)] that
To check this last assertion, we use the fact that div(F) + D" ;::: 0 and
¢ :f x C -----> e,
is dominant, then the proof of Proposition 5.5 will be complete. So we
assume that ¢ : f x C ----> e is not dominant for every irreducible curve f c
VD and derive a contradiction.
Let f C VD be an irreducible curve. We are assuming that ¢ : f x C ---->
e is not dominant, so the image ¢(f x C) has dimension at most one.
However, we know that 7f(u"{(t)) = t, which shows that 7f maps ¢(f x C)
onto C. It follows that the image ¢(f x C) must have dimension exactly
one. Further, the product f x C is irreducible, so ¢(f x C) is also irreducible
by (3.5a). Therefore ¢(f x C) must consist of a single irreducible curve. On
the other hand, for any given 'Y E f the map u"{ is a section to 7f : e ----> C,
so we have
228 III. Elliptic Surfaces
Then c splits.
PROOF. The fact that ¢ is a dominant map of varieties of the same di-
mension means that there is a non-empty Zariski open subset cO of cover
which ¢ is a finite map, say of degree m. Let to E C be a point such that
the fiber Cto is non-singular and such that ¢ is well-defined at every point
of r x {to}. Note that the set of such to's is a non-empty Zariski open
subset of C, since Ct is non-singular for all but finitely many t E C, and ¢
is well-defined except at finitely many points of r x C by (3.5b). To ease
notation, we let Eo = Ct o ' Note that Eo/ k is an elliptic curve.
We define a map
'lj;: Eo x C,
In other words, 'ljJ takes a point on eO, pulls it back by ¢ to get a collection
of m points on r x C (counted with multiplicity), changes the t-coordinate
to to to get a collection of points on r x {to}, uses ¢ to push them forward
to a collection of points on Eo, and finally uses the group law on Eo to add
them up.
Note that the map 'ljJ is a well-defined rational map on eO. This is
true despite the fact that the definition of 'ljJ involves applying ¢-I, since
ultimately we take a symmetric expression of the points in ¢-l((X,y),t),
so the resulting point can be expressed as a rational combination of x, y, t.
This is clearest for those points ((x,y),t) E eO for which ¢-l((x,y),t)
consists of m distinct points, which suffices for our purposes since we only
need to define 'ljJ on an open subset of eO.
(Aside: An alternative description of 'ljJ is as follows. Let r(m) be
the m-fold symmetric product of r. Then the map ¢ defines in a natural
way a morphism from eO to r(m) x C which sends a point in eO to the
collection of points in its inverse image. Next we use the map ¢( . ,to) : r --+
Eo to map r(m) xC --+ Egm ) x C. Finally, the summation map Egm ) --+ Eo
using the group law on Eo gets us to Eo x C, and the composition of all
these maps is 'ljJ : eO --+ Eo x C. For information about the symmetric
product, see Harris [1, Lecture 10, especially 10.23].)
Note that if 'ljJ were a (birational) isomorphism, we would be done.
Unfortunately, there is no reason that this should be true. We begin our
analysis of the map 'ljJ by computing it on the fiber over to.
Thus 'ljJ : eto --+ Eo x {to} is just the multiplication-by-m map on Eo.
In particular, since the multiplication-by-m map is surjective, we see that
'ljJ(e O) contains Eo x {to}. This implies that the rational map e --+ Eo x C
is dominant, since otherwise the irreducibility of 'ljJ( eO) would imply that
'ljJ(e O) = Eo x {to}, contradicting the fact that 'ljJ(e O) maps onto C (Le.,
'ljJ(e O) must contain at least one point on each fiber on r x C --+ C).
We now consider the elliptic curve E / K associated to the elliptic sur-
face e. We also take the elliptic curve Eo/k and think of it as the el-
liptic curve Eo/ K associated to the split elliptic surface Eo x C. Then
the dominant rational map 'ljJ : e --+ Eo x C defined above corresponds
to a non-constant map E --+ Eo of elliptic curves over K (3.9). Any such
map can be written as the composition of a translation followed by an
isogeny [AEC, 11104.7], so we obtain a non-zero isogeny
A:E -----+ Eo
defined over K. Taking the dual isogeny [AEC, III §4] gives a map 5. : Eo --+
E defined over K, and this induces an isomorphism [AEC, 111.4.11,111.4.12]
5. : Eo/ ker(5.) ~ E.
230 III. Elliptic Surfaces
We have now assembled all of the tools needed to prove the following im-
portant result.
Theorem 6.1. (Mordell-Weil Theorem for Function Fields) Let e ----t C
be an elliptic surface defined over a field k, and let E / K be the correspond-
ing elliptic curve over the function field K = k(C). If e ----t C does not split,
then E(K) is a finitely generated group.
The first two statements are (4.2a,b), whereas the third statement is (5.4)
and uses the assumption that e ----t C does not split. We now have all of the
hypotheses needed to apply the Descent theorem [AEC, VIII.3.1], which
completes the proof that E(K) is finitely generated under the assumption
that k is algebraically closed. Finally, for arbitrary constant fields k, it suf-
fices to observe that E(K) = E(k(C)) is a subgroup of E(k(C)), so E(K)
is finitely generated. 0
Remark 6.2.1. If C ----t C splits over k, then the group E(K) need not be
finitely generated. More precisely, if C ~ Eo x C, then each point Z E Eo(k)
§7. The Geometry of Algebraic Surfaces 231
All of our previous work in this chapter has dealt with the birational ge-
ometry of elliptic surfaces. In order to investigate the finer structure of
elliptic surfaces, we will need to study them up to isomorphism. This sec-
tion reviews the basic theory of non-singular algebraic surfaces, including
especially intersection theory and minimal models. Our main reference will
be Chapter 5 of Hartshorne [1], specifically §1 for intersection theory and
section 5 for the theory of minimal models, although we will also need a
few additional facts from other sources concerning minimal models. For
more information about surfaces, the reader might consult Beauville [1]
and Griffiths-Harris [1, Ch. 4].
Let Sjk be a non-singular surface defined over an algebraically closed
field k of characteristic O. A divisor on S is a formal sum
D = Laifi,
Example 7.3. We have seen ((7.1) and exercise 3.18) that the degree
map defines an isomorphism Pic(]P2) ~ Z. Let r l ,r 2 C ]p2 be curves of
degrees nl,n2 respectively, and let HI,H2 C]p2 be (distinct) lines. Then
where the middle equality follows from the fact that x -1 is a unit in k[xlo.
k[x,yl(o,o) (k k
(f l ' f) d·
2 P = Imk (2
y -x ,y
3 ) = Imk + x + k x 2 + k x 3) = 4.
Notice that f1 is singular at P, but it has a unique tangent line there which
is the same as the tangent line to f2 at P. This explains why (fl' f2)P is
so large.
Remark 7.6. Proposition 7.4 gives a method for computing the inter-
section number D1 . D2 when the divisors D1 and D2 have no common
components. However, one frequently wants to compute the intersection of
divisors with components in common. An important example is the self-
intersection D2 = D . D of a divisor D. This cannot be calculated directly
using (7.4). One approach to calculating D2 is to find a D' '" D such
that D and D' have no common components, and then compute D . D'.
For example, if f c ]p>2 is a curve of degree n, then the computation in (7.3)
shows that r 2 = n 2 . The argument in (7.3) works for self-intersections be-
cause r '" nH for any line H C ]p>2. In general, it may be difficult to find
an appropriate D'. Another approach to computing self-intersections is to
use the adjunction formula; see Hartshorne [1, V.1.5l.
§7. The Geometry of Algebraic Surfaces 235
P = (0,0)
A Fibered Surface with Horizontal and Fibral Curves
Figure 3.2
entirely in the fiber St, and we call r fibral. If not, then 7f : r --> C is a
finite map of positive degree, and we call r horizontal. See Figure 3.2.
Definition. A divisor D E Div(S) on a fibered surface S is called fibral if
all of its components are fibral. D is called horizontal if all of its components
are horizontal. Note that every divisor can be uniquely written as the sum
of a horizontal divisor and a fibral divisor, since every irreducible curve is
either horizontal or fibral.
Let 7f : S --> C be a fibered surface. If t E C, then the components
of 7f- 1 (t) are irreducible fibral divisors. We assign multiplicities to these
components in the following way. Let Ut E k(C) be a uniformizer at t, that
is, ordt(u) = 1. Then Ut 07f is a function on S, so we can take its divisor,
or more precisely that part of its divisor lying in the fiber St. Extending
linearly, this gives us a homomorphism from Div(C) to Div(S).
Definition. Let 7f : S --> C be a fibered surface, and for each t E C, fix a
uniformizer Ut E k( C) at t. We define a homomorphism
7f* : Div(C) ---7 Div(S),
L nt(t) t---> L nt L ordr(ut 07f)r,
tEG tEG reS,
where the inner sum on the right is over all irreducible curves r contained in
the fiber St = 7f- 1 (t). It is easy to see that 7f* is independent of the choice
of uniformizers Ut, since if u~ is another uniformizer, then (ut/u;)(t) =1= 0,00
at t. Hence (ut/uD 07f is not identically 0 or 00 on any component of St,
so ordr(ut 0 7f) = ordr(u; 07f).
238 III. Elliptic Surfaces
It is clear from the definition of Jr* that the divisors in Jr* (Div( C))
are fibral. We begin by showing that they have trivial intersection with all
other fibral divisors.
Lemma 8.1. Let Jr : S --+ C be a fibered surface, let 8 E Div(C), and
let D E Div(S) be a fibral divisor. Then D . Jr*8 = O.
PROOF. Using the linearity of the intersection pairing and the fact that Jr*
is a homomorphism, we may assume that D is an irreducible fibral divisor
and that 8 = (t) consists of a single point. Then Jr(D) consists of one point.
If that one point is not t, then D and Jr* (t) have no points in common, so
clearly D . Jr* 8 = O.
We have reduced to the case that Jr(D) = {t}. To complete the
proof, we will move 8 = (t) by a linear equivalence. We can choose a
non-constant function f E k(C)* by applying the Riemann-Roch theorem
for curves [AEC, II.5.5c] to the divisor (29 + l)(t) E Div(C), where 9 is
the genus of C. Riemann-Roch then says that £ ( (29 + 1) (t») = 9 + 2, so in
particular there exists a non-constant function f whose only poles are at t.
Let ordt(f) = -n, and consider the divisor
F ~f ]f*(t) = nifi
as a sum of irreducible divisors. It is clear from the definition of ]f" that
the ni's are all positive. Our assumption that D c St means that D has
the form
= L -(n.if;),
r 2
L a; (nifd.
D and D' =
n "t i=O n,
The terms with i = j in this last sum are zero, so we find that
= -2
LT ( ai
~ - -;;: )2 (nifi)' (njf
j ).
i.)=O L J
In other words, the ratios ad ni and aj / n J will be the same if the divi-
sors fi and f j have a point in common. On the other hand, it is a general
240 III. Elliptic Surfaces
fact that the fibers of a fibered surface are connected. This is a special
case of Hartshorne [I, nI.l1.3j, or see exercise 3.21. So given any two
components f i and f j, we can find a sequence of components
with fik . f ik + 1 > 0 for all k = 0, 1, ... , m - 1. Hence ai/ni = aj/nj for
all i and j. Let a = ao/no E Q be this common ratio. Then
r r r
Remark 8.2.3. With notation as in the proof of (8.2), consider the inci-
dence matrix
1= (fi . fj)O~i,j~r
which describes how the components of the fiber St intersect one another.
Then (8.2) may be restated as follows: The quadratic form
(The quantity D· 7r*(t) is independent oft; see exercises 3.22 and 3.23 or
Hartshorne [1, exercise V.1.7}.) Then there exists a fibral divisor 1> D E
Div(S) ® Q such that
PROOF. We are going to try to write <PD in the form E arf and solve for
the coefficients ar. More precisely, for every point t E C, write
7r*(t) = L ntifti
L atifti . f tj = -D· f tj , l:Sj:STt·
has the desired property. Note that this is a finite sum, since Tt = 0 for all
but finitely many t, and atO = O. To check that <PD works, it suffices by
linearity to show that (D+<p D)·F = 0 for every irreducible fibral divisor F.
Each irreducible fibral divisor has the form F = f tj for some tEe and
some 0 :s j :s Tt. We consider three cases.
First, ifTt = 0, then F = ftO = 7r*(t). Using (8.1) and the assumption
that D· 7r*(t) = 0, we find that
(D + <PD) • F = D· f tj +L L atifti . f tj = O.
tEG i=l
242 III. Elliptic Surfaces
• c
A Reducible Fiber on a Fibered Surface
Figure 3.3
This completes the proof that (D + if> D) . F = 0 for all tibral divisors F.
It remains to show that if> D is unique up to addition of a divisor from C.
Suppose if>~ is another divisor with the same property. Then for every tibral
divisor F we have
But 1>D -1>~ is itself fibraL so (1)D -1>~j2 = o. It follows from (8.2b)
that if> D - 1>~ is in Jr* (Div( C) G-0 Q). 0
if i - j := ± 1 (mod 4),
Jr* (t) = r 0 + r 1 + r 2 + r :0 with r i · rj = { ~ if i - j := 2 (mod 4).
§8. The Geometry of Fibered Surfaces 243
so f6 = -2, and similarly f; = -2 for the other i's. Thus the incidence
matrix for this fiber is
~ ).
-2 1 0
( -2 1
1= (fi · fJ')O<i - =
- ,J'<3 1
0 1 -2
1 o 1 -2
D· fo = -1, D· r l = 1, D· r 2 = 0, D· f3 = O.
<I>D ,t = -rl
+ -f2
+ -f3'
D· fo = -1, D· r l = 0, D· r 2 = 1, D· r3 = 0,
See exercise 3.24 for a generalization to the case that the fiber is an n-gon
with transversal intersections.
The final topic for this section is minimal models of fibered surfaces.
These will be minimal models which respect the fact that the surface is
fibered. More precisely, we might say that a fibered surface 8 --; C is
relatively minimal if for every fibered surface 8' --; C, every birational
map 8 --; 8' commuting with the maps to C is a morphism. In the case
that the non-singular fibers of 8 --; C have genus at least 1, then it turns
out that there is a unique relatively minimal model. Further, this model
will have the stronger minimality property described in the next theorem.
244 III. Elliptic Surfaces
'\, 1 /
extends to a morphism.
PROOF. The basic idea is as follows. For any given 8, let 8 min be obtained
from 8 by blowing down all of the exceptional curves on the reducible
fibers. Next, given an 8' birational to 8, take the resulting birational
map 8,min ~ 8 min and factor it into the smallest number of quadratic
8 ,min = 8 0 --+ 8 1 --+ 8 2 --+ ... --+ 8 n = 8 min .
Then by studying the behavior of the exceptional curves on these quadratic
transformations, one shows that it is possible eliminate one of the "blow-
up-blow-down pairs." In other words, if n ;:::: 1, then one shows that 8,min
and 8 min are connected by a smaller chain of quadratic transformations.
Hence 8,min and 8 min are isomorphic, which gives the desired result.
Unfortunately, we do not have at our disposal the tools needed to turn
this brief sketch into a rigorous proof. We refer the reader to Lichten-
baum [1, Thm. 4.4] or Shafarevich [2, p. 131] for the complete proof of
Theorem 8.4. 0
Tp: C ----+ C
extends to an automorphism of c.
(b) Let
is a homomorphism.
PROOF. (a) This a special case of Corollary 8.4.1, which says that any bi-
rational map of a minimal fibered surface to itself extends to a morphism.
(b) If the fiber Ct is non-singular, then Tp maps Ct to itself by definition.
It follows that 7f 0 Tp = 7f on all non-singular fibers. But the non-singular
fibers are Zariski dense in C, and a morphism is determined by its values
on any Zariski dense set (Hartshorne [1, I.4.1]), so 7f 0 Tp = 7f on all of c.
This proves that Tp E Aut(cjC). Similarly, the identity Tp+Q = TpOTQ is
clearly true on all non-singular fibers, so it is true everywhere. Finally, TO
is the identity map, which completes the proof that E(K) ---+ Aut(cjC) is
a homomorphism. 0
(P) E Div(c)
246 III. Elliptic Surfaces
are very different. The former is the sum of the two divisors (P) and (Q)
in Div(£), whereas the latter is the image of the section O"P+Q = O"p + O"Q
which is defined using the group law on E. The following proposition shows
how they are related.
Proposition 9.2. With notation as above, let PI"'" Pr E E(K) be
points, and let nl, ... ,n r E Z be integers such that
E : y2 = x 3 + Ax + B, A,BEK,
are almost the same. To see this, note that f E K(E) = k(C)(x,y) is a
rational function in x and y with coefficients in k( C). Hence for all but
finitely many t E C, we can evaluate those coefficients to get a function it E
k(c.t) whose divisor will be precisely
For any point P E E(K), the divisor (P) - (0) E Div(c.) satisfies
This is true because the image of a section will intersect a fiber 7r*(t)
exactly once. (See exercise 3.22.) This shows that we can apply (8.3) to
the divisor (P) - (0), as in the following definition.
Definition. For each point P E E(K), let <Pp E Div(c.) ® Ql be a fibral
divisor so that the divisor
The next result shows that this geometrically defined pairing is equal
to the canonical height pairing (4.3), which justifies our use of the same
notation for the two pairings! This geometric construction of the canonical
height is due to 11anin [1]. See also Shioda [2] for a more detailed analysis
of the induced Euclidean structure on the lattice E(K)j E(K)tors.
Theorem 9.3. (l\lanin [1]) Let 7r : C. -+ C be a minimal elliptic surface
with associated elliptic curve E j K. The pairing
(b) (P, P; = h(P) + 0(1) for all P E E(K), where we recall from §4
that h(P) = h(xp) is the degree of the map Xp : C ~ pl.
Hence this pairing agrees with the canonical height pairing defined
in (4.3). In particular, h(P) = ~(P, P; E Q for all P E E(K).
The last line follows from the fact that D p has trivial intersection with all
fibral divisors. Hence
(P,P; = -Dp· Dp
= -((P) - (0) + <pp). Dp
= -((P) - (0») . Dp since Dp· (fibral) = 0
= 2(P) . (0) - (P) 2 - (0) 2 + ( (P) - (0) ) . <Pp.
Our first claim is that (P)2 does not depend on P. To see this, consider
the translation-by- P map
7p: e - - 7 e.
We know from (9.1a) that 7p extends to an automorphism of e. It follows
that 7pDl . 7pD2 = Dl . D2 for any two divisors D 1 , D2 E Div(e). Hence
7[*(t) = L ntifti
for some 0 E Div(C), where the integers ati are uniquely determined by
the finitely many intersection indices
k[w, z, u](O,o.O)
(z - w 3 - Awz 2 - B z3)'
Further, in this ring, (P) has the local equation w - wp = and (0) has °
the local equation w = 0, so by definition the intersection index (P,O)t is
equal to the dimension over k of the vector space
Note the last equality follows from the fact that z - Bz:l = z(l - Bz2)
and 1 - Bz2 is a unit in k[z, uj(o.O)' If we write Wp = uew'p for some
function w~, that is neither nor ex:; at t, then we have
. k[u]o . k[u]o
dank -(- )
wp = dlmk ~(
u e~) = e,
and also
e = ord t Wp = ordt(xp/yp) = -2 ordt(xp).
This proves that
( p·O) _
t -
{o_~ ordt(xp)
if ordt(;Y;p) :2" 0,
if ordt(xp) < 0.
(P, P) = 2(P) . (0) + 0(1) = h(P) + 0(1),
which completes the proof of (b).
Let g(P) = ~ (P, P) be the quadratic form associated to our pairing.
Then g(P) = ~h(P) + 0(1) from (b), whereas the bilinearity in (a) tells
us that g(2P) = 4g(P). This shows that g satisfies properties (i) and (ii)
of (4.3b), so by the uniqueness (4.3e) of the canonical height, we have g = h.
Theorem 9.3 shows that the canonical height on E(K) can be com-
puted using intersection theory. Our next goal is to define a natural pair-
ing on a certain subgroup E(K)o of E(K). This pairing takes its values
in Pic(C), and the composition .
But <I>P,Q itself is fibral, so we deduce that <I>~,Q = O. It follows from (8.2b)
that there is a divisor [P, Q] E Div( C) ® Q such that <I> P,Q = 71'* ([p, QJ).
This will suffice for our purposes in this chapter, so we will leave it for the
reader (exercise 3.28c) to show that [P, Q] is actually in Div(C).
The divisor <I> P,Q is clearly determined by P and Q up to linear equiv-
alence on E'... In order to show that [P, Q] is determined up to linear equiv-
alence on C, we will prove that if 8 E Div( C) satisfies 71'* 8 '" 0, then 8 '" O.
Write 71'*8 = div(f) for some I E k(E'..). For all but finitely many t E C
we can restrict I to the fiber E'..t to get a rational function It E k(E'..t). By
assumption, the poles and zero of I lie on finitely many fibers, so for almost
all t E C we see that It E k(E'..t} has no zeros or poles. It follows that It
is constant. Let (J : C ----> E'. be any section, for example the zero section.
Then the fact that I is constant on almost all fibers means that the func-
tion I - I 0 (J 0 71' is identically 0 on those fibers. But a rational function
is determined by its values on any non-empty open set, so I = f 0 (J 0 71'.
Note that the last equality is true because R E E(K)o, so TR fixes the fibral
divisor <I> P,Q' Now write each <I> X,Y as 71'* ([X, YJ) and use the fact proven
above that 71'* : Pic( C) ----> Pic( E'..) is injective. This yields the desired result,
(c) Let P E E(K)o. Then for every fibral divisor FE Div(E'..) we have
so in the notation of (9.2), Dp = (P) - (0). Note that this is only valid
for points in E(K)o. Let P, Q E E(K)o. We compute
-(P, Q) = Dp . DQ by definition of (', .)
= (P) - (0)) . (Q) - (0)) from above
= (P) . (Q) - (P) . (0) - (Q) . (0) + (0) . (0)
= LP(P) . Lp(Q) - Lp(P) . Lp(O) - (Q). (0) + (0) . (0)
= (0) . (-P + Q) - (0) . (-P) - (Q) . (0) + (0) . (0)
= (-P + Q) - (-P) - (Q) + (0))· (0)
= 7[* ([-p, Q]) . (0) by definition of [', .] in (a)
= deg[-P, Q] from exercise 3.22(b)
= - deg[P, Q] by linearity of [', .] from (b).
This proves that (P, Q) = deg[P, Q] for all P, Q E E(K)o. Putting P = Q
gives h(P) = ~ (P, P) = ~ deg[P, P], which completes the proof of Theo-
rem 9.5.
Remark 9.6. Theorem 9.5 says that the canonical height pairing (', .) en-
dows E(K)o with the structure of a Euclidean lattice whose inner product
takes integer values. Similarly, the height pairing gives E(K) a Euclidean
structure with an inner product taking rational values having severely lim-
ited denominators. It is an interesting problem to classify the possible lat-
tice structures on E(K)o and E(K). In a series of papers, T. Shioda [1,2,4-
7] has investigated these Mordell-Wei 1 lattices and proven many interesting
results, including the construction of examples for which E(K)o is isomor-
phic to a root lattice of type E 6 , E 7 , and Es.
Remark 9.7. Let c ----> C be a non-split minimal elliptic surface, and
let E / K be the associated elliptic curve. The Neron-Severi group of C, de-
noted by NS(c), is the group of divisors modulo algebraic equivalence. (For
the definition of algebraic equivalence, see Hartshorne [1, exercise V.1.7].)
One can prove that NS(c) is a finitely generated group and that the inter-
section pairing on Div( c) gives a well-defined pairing on NS (c). It is thus
an interesting question to relate NS(c) and its intersection pairing to E(K)
and its height pairing. Shioda [3, Thm. 1.1] has shown how to find genera-
tors for NS(c) by using generators for E(K) and fibral components of C. In
particular, he proves the fundamental rank relation (Shioda [3, Cor. 1.5])
where the sum is over all irreducible divisors tJ. E Div(V) and we are writing
ord,6. : k(V)* -+ Z for the normalized valuation on the local ring eJ v ,,6.. Of
course, we have cheated a little bit. The divisor ¢*r will only be defined if
the image ¢(V) is not contained in r, since otherwise Ur 0 ¢ is identically
zero. However, ¢* sends principal divisors to principal divisors, so it induces
a map ¢* : Pic(W) -+ Pic (V) which is well-defined on all of Pic(W), since
we can always move r by a linear equivalence so that it intersects ¢(V)
256 III. Elliptic Surfaces
maps V isomorphically onto its image.) The divisor D is called ample if
there is an integer n > so that nD is very ample.
Theorem 10.3. Let DE Div(V) be an ample divisor on V, and let hD :
V(k) --+ lR be an associated height function. Then for all a, b > 0, the set
{p E V(k) : hD(P) ::; a and [k(P): k] ::; b}
is finite. In particular, the set {p E V(k') : h(P) ::; a} is finite for any
finite extension k' / k.
Example 10.3.1. Let C be a non-singular curve of genus g, and let D E
Div(C) be a divisor. Then D is ample if deg(D) > 0, and D is very
ample if deg(D) 2: 2g + 1. See Hartshorne [1, IV.3.2, IV.3.3] or [AEC,
exercise I1I.3.6].
258 III. Elliptic Surfaces
We also observe that the Fi's have no common zeros on Vj, since any
common zero would lie on all of the Di's.
We need to recall how the maximal ideals in the ring 9t = k[Fo, ... , Frl
correspond to the points of Vj. If 9J1 c 9t is a maximal ideal, then 9t/9J1
is a finitely generated k-algebra which is also a field. It follows from
the weak Nullstellensatz (Atiyah-MacDonald [1, 5.24, 7.10]' Lang [7, X §2
Cor. 2.2]) that 9t/9J1 is isomorphic to k. More precisely, the natural in-
clusion k - t 9t/9J1 is an isomorphism. This means that there are unique
elements ao, ... , a r E k so that Fi == ai (mod 9J1), and then there is a
unique point P!Vl E Vj(k) with F(P!Vl) = (ao, ... , a r ). Equivalently, the
point P!Vl is determined by the congruences
Now consider the ideal J = (Fo, ... , Fr) C 9t generated by the Fi's.
We claim that J must be the unit ideal. To prove this, we assume that J
is not the unit ideal and derive a contradiction. Every non-unit ideal is
contained in at least one maximal ideal, so we take a maximal ideal 9J1
with J c 9J1. Then 9J1 corresponds to a point P!Vl E Vj as described above.
On the other hand, we have Fi E J c 9J1 from the definition of J, so
For any finite extension k' /k, any point P E Vj(k'), and any absolute
value v on k', we evaluate this identity at P, take the v-adic absolute
value, and use the triangle inequality to get an estimate of the form
260 III. Elliptic Surfaces
Notice that this bound is still valid if gj (P) = 0, so it holds for all points at
which the Ii's and gj'S are defined, that is, at all points on the complement
of D. Taking the maximum for 0 :s: j :s: s gives
where C2 = C2(V, ¢, 1/J, D) is again positive and is equal to 1 for all but
finitely many v. Now we take the logarithm of both sides, multiply by the
local degrees [k~ : QvJ/[k' : Q], and sum over all absolute values on k' to
h( [go(P), ... , gs(P)j) :s: h( [fo(P), ... , fr(p)]) + C3,
where C3 = C3(¢, 1/J, D) is independent of P. In other words, we have shown
h(1/J(P)) :s: h((¢(P)) + C3 for all P E (V" D)(k).
This is one of the inequalities we are trying to prove, and the opposite
inequality follows if we interchange the role of ¢ and 1/J. D
D = (D + n(P)) - n(P)
by choosing n = 2g + 1 + Idl. Similarly, let V be a surface, D E Div(V)
an arbitrary divisor, and H E Div(V) an ample divisor. Then one can use
the Nakai-Moishezon criterion (10.2.2) to show that nH + D is ample for
all sufficiently large n, after which it is easy to write D as a difference of
very ample divisors. We will leave the details to the reader (exercise 3.30)
and go on to the general case.
Let D E Div(V) be an arbitrary divisor, and fix a very ample divi-
sor H E Div(V). Serre's theorem (Hartshorne [1, II.5.17, II.7.4.3]) says
that there is an integer n 2': 1 so that D + nH is ample. (Note we have
translated from the language of invertible sheaves into the language of divi-
sors, as explained in the last part of Hartshorne [1, II §6].) It follows from
Hartshorne [1, II.7.6] that m(D+nH) is very ample for all sufficiently large
integers m. Further, nH is very ample, so nH + m( D + nH) is very ample,
since it is the sum of two very amples. Hence
PROOF. (a) The Segre embedding (Hartshorne [1, exercise I.2.14] or Har-
ris [1, 2.11-2.29]) is the map
IP'r x IP's ------> IP'rs+r+s
([xo, ... , Xr], [Yo, ... , Ys]) f------+ [xoYo, ... , XiYj,···, xrYs].
262 III. Elliptic Surfaces
It is clear from this definition that if we pull a hyperplane back by the Segre
embedding, we will get H x IP's + IP',. x H, where the H's are hyperplanes
in the appropriate projective spaces. Hence Dl + D2 is associated to the
(b) Write
with rational functions fo, ... , 9s E k(V). Lemma 10.4 says that it suffices
to prove (b) for anyone morphism ¢ associated to Dl + D 2, so we will
take ¢ to be the map using the Segre embedding described in (a). In other
¢ = [f090, ... , fi9j, ... , f1'9s] : V --+ lP'1's+1'+s.
Let P E V(k) be any point. Replacing k be a finite extension, we may
assume that P E V(k). Then directly from the definition of the height on
projective space we have
hq,(P) = h(¢(P))
= h([fogo (P) , ... , J;gj(P), ... , f,.gs(P)])
= "~: ~l] (log (max
0<,<1' IJ;(P)I) + log (max
O<J<S Igj(P)I))
vEMk - - - -
(d) By the linearity proven in (b), it suffices to prove (d) for a divisor D
associated to a morphism ¢ : W ---4 IP'T. Then the divisor 'Ij;* D is associated
to the morphism ¢ 0 'Ij; : V ---4 W ---4 IP'T. Using (a) twice, we find
PROOF (of Theorem 10.2). Let d = deg(D) and d' = deg(D'). Replacing D
by - D if necessary, we may assume that d :2: 1. For any integer n we
consider the divisor
PEC(k), hD(P)-+OO
n (d'- - - - -
hD1(P)) >
hD(P) -
This is true for every value of n (positive and negative), which gives the
desired result,
PROOF (of Theorem 10.3). Replacing D by nD and using the fact (1O.lb)
that hnD = nhD + 0(1), we may assume that D is very ample. Let ¢ :
§11. Specialization Theorems for Elliptic Surfaces 265
This last set is finite from [AEC, VIII.5.n], which proves the first part
of (10.3). The second part follows by setting b = 1. 0
In this section we will prove a theorem of Tate which describes how the
canonical height h(O"P(t)) varies as one moves along a section of an elliptic
surface. As a corollary we obtain a theorem of Silverman, strengthening
earlier results of Neron, Dem'janenko, and Manin, which says that the
specialization homomorphism E(K) ----t Ct(k) is injective for all but finitely
many t E C(k).
Let 7r : C ----t C be a minimal elliptic surface with corresponding elliptic
curve Ej K, and let P E E(K). To ease notation, we will write
Pt = O"p(t)
for the image of a point t E C by the section O"p : C ----t C associated to P.
Theorem 11.1. (Tate [4]) Assume that the elliptic surface C ----t C is
defined over a number field k. For each t E C(k) such that the fiber Ct is
non-singular, let
(', ·)t : ct(k) x ct(k) ----+ lR
be the canonical height pairing on the elliptic curve Ct [AEC, VIII §9].
Fix two points P,Q E E(K)o, let [P,Q] E Div(C) be the divisor
described in (9.5), and let h[p,Q] : C(k) ----t lR be an associated height
function on C (10.1). Then
(Pt , Qt)t = h[p,Q] (t) + 0(1) for all t E C(k) such that Ct is non-singular.
266 III. Elliptic Surfaces
Note that the 0(1) bound depends on P and Q but is independent oft.
Remark 11.1.1. Putting P = Q in (11.1) gives hE,(Pt ) = h(p,p](t)+O(l),
hE, : et(k) ----> ~
is the canonical height on e [AEC, III §9]. In other words, for any point P E
E(K)o, the map
C(k) ----- ~,
is a height function on C(k) corresponding to the divisor [P, Pl. Silver-
man [6] shows that it is possible to choose the height h(p,p] in such a way
that the difference hE,(Pt ) - h(p,p] (t) varies quite regularly as a function
of t. For example, consider the elliptic surface and section
Then there is a power series fez) E ~[zn with f(O) = 0 so that for all
sufficiently large integers t E Z,
(N.B. Even if the surface G is minimal, the rational map [n] : e ----> 8- will
generally not extend to amorphism.) With these preliminaries completed,
we are ready for the following lemma.
Lemma 11.2. Let 7r : e ----> C be an elliptic surface defined over a number
field k, and let hE,(o) : e(k) ----> ~ be a heigh! function on 8- associated to the
divisor (0) E Div(G). Then for all t E C(k) such that et is non-singular,
and all points (x, y) E et(k),
We also write cPt : et --> e for the inclusion of the fiber et into the surface e.
Now let (x, y) E et(li:) be any point on a non-singular fiber. We use
standard properties of the Height Machine (10.1) to compute
h£,(o)(x, y, t)
= h£.(o)(cPt(x, y)) definition of cPt
= h£"q,;(O)(x, y) + 0(1) functoriality of height (lO.ld)
= h£,,(o,)(x, y) + 0(1) since cP;(O) = (Od
= "2h£,,2(O,J(X, y) + 0(1) additivity of height (10.lb)
= "2h£"p;(oo)(x, y) + 0(1)
= "2hIP1,(oo) (Pt(x,y)) +0(1) functoriality of height (10.ld)
= "2h(x) + 0(1) definition of Pt.
For any point (x, y) E et(7;;) and integer n, write [nJt(x, y) = (xn' Yn).
Then standard properties of the canonical height [AEC, VIII.9.3b,ej allow
us to compute
1 1 1 A
= hc,(x, y).
268 III. Elliptic Surfaces
n '
(o)([n](x,y,t)) = lim
n '
lim z
= n--<Xl n
1 (1-2 h (xn) + Ot(l) ) = -1 lim zh(x
2 n __ n
1 '
n) = hc,(x,
It is instructive to note that the Ot(l) disappears in the limit because the
"t-coordinate" of [n](x, y, t) is independent of n.
This completes the proof of (11.2) for all points t E Gek) such that A
and B are defined at t and ~(t) =I O. But by choosing different Weierstrass
equations for e, we can cover {t E G(k) Ct is non-singular} by finitely
many such sets. D
For any point Z E c(k) lying on a non-singular fiber et, we use standard
properties of the Height Machine (10.1) to compute
Summing this identity over 1 ::; i, j ::; n, we find that most of the terms
telescope, leaving
. 1 . 1
= hm zh(o)(nPt
+ nQd - n--+O()
hm zh(o)(nPt
n )
- lim
+ Op,Q(l)
= hc,(Pt + Qt) - hc,(Pt ) - hc,(Qt) + Op,Q(l)
= (Pt, Qt)t + Op,Q(l).
This completes the proof of Theorem 11.1. o
Taking the limit of (11.1) as the height of t goes to infinity, we can re-
cover the following result of Silverman which will be used below to prove the
injectivity of the specialization map. In the special case that the elliptic sur-
face e -+ G is split, this result had earlier been proven by Dem'janenko [1]
and Manin [2].
Corollary 11.3.1. (Silverman [1], [7]) Let e -+ G be an elliptic surface
defined over a number field k, fix two points P, Q E E(K), and let (P, Q)
denote the canonical height pairing (4.3,9.3) of P and Q on E(K). Further,
let ho : GCk) -+ ~ be a height function on G corresponding to a divisor 8 E
Div(G) of degree 1, and for each t E G(k) such that et is non-singular
let (', ')t be the canonical height pairing on et(k). Then
Notice that (11.3.1) applies to all points in E(K), not just those in the
subgroup E(K)o. It is possible to improve (11.3.1) as described in our next
result, but we will only give the proof in the case that the base curve G
is pl.
Corollary 11.3.2. (Tate [4]) Let e -+ G, P, Q E E(K), ho, and (., ')t
be as in (11.3.1).
(a) Suppose that the base curve G is isomorphic to pl. Then
(Pt, Qt)t = (P, Q)h6(t) + O( y'h 6(t) ) for t E C(k) with Ct non-singular.
(See exercise 3.34 for the case that C has genus 1.)
We will prove (11.3.1) and (11.3.2) simultaneously.
PROOF (of Corollaries 11.3.1 and 11.3.2). The subgroup E(K)o has finite
index in E(K) from (9.4), so given any two points P, Q E E(K), we can
find an integer N such that N P, NQ E E(K)o. Note that N depends only
on P and Q. Further, the canonical height pairings on E(K) and Ct(k) are
bilinear, so
This follows from the fact that on a non-singular fiber et, the section ap+Q
is defined by the relation ap+Q(t) = ap(t) + aQ(t). We now show that for
"most" values of t the specialization homomorphism is injective.
(One says that the set of points where at fails to be injective is a set of
bounded height.) In particular, the specialization map at : E(K) -+ et(k)
is injective for all but finitely many points t E C(k).
Remark 11.4.1. In the case that the elliptic surface is split, there is a
version of (11.4) due to Dem'janenko [1] and Manin [2]. Both Dem'janenko
and Manin used their results to prove the Mordell conjecture (now Faltings'
theorem) for certain curves. See exercise 3.16.
272 III. Elliptic Surfaces
Remark 11.4.2. There is an earlier result, due to Neron [3] using a Hilbert
irreducibility argument, which says that if C(k) is infinite, then there are in-
finitely many t E C(k) for which the specialization map at : E(K) ---> Gt(k)
is injective. This is sufficient for one of the main applications of (11.4),
namely the construction of elliptic curves of elevated rank over Q or over
number fields k. The idea is to find an elliptic surface G ---> Cover k for
which C(k) is infinite and such that E(K) has high rank. Then specializ-
ing t E C(k) gives elliptic curves over k of high rank. Neron [3] used this
procedure to construct infinitely many elliptic curves over Q with rank at
least 10. More recently, Mestre [2] constructed an elliptic surface G ---> ]P'l
defined over Q so that E(Q(t)) has rank at least 12, and Nagao [2] extended
this result to get rank at least 13. By taking particular values for t E Q,
it is possible to find specific elliptic curves over Q with even higher ranks.
See Fermigier [1], Nagao [1], and Nagao-Kouya [1] for examples with ranks
at least 19, 20, and 21. And the quest continues!
PROOF (of Theorem 11.4). Our assumption that G ---> C is non-split means
that the Mordell-Weil theorem (6.1) is valid, so the group E(K) is finitely
generated. In particular, the torsion subgroup E(K)tors is finite.
Let P E E(K) be any non-zero point. Then there are only finitely
many t E C(k) for which Pt = Ot, since the two divisors (P) and (0)
intersect in only finitely many points. This holds for each of the finitely
many points in E(K)tors, so we see that on torsion points, the specialization
is injective for all but finitely many t E C(k). (In fact, the specialization
map is injective on torsion whenever Gt is non-singular, since the residue
field k has characteristic O. This follows from the identification of the
kernel of the specialization map with the formal group of the elliptic curve;
see [AEC, IV.3.2b, VII.2.2].)
Next let pl, ... ,pr E E(K) be generators for the free part of E(K);
that is, pl, ... , pr give a basis for the free group E(K)/ E(Khors. Then
the non-degeneracy of the canonical height pairing on E(K) described
in (4.3cd) implies that
It follows from (11.5) and the non-degeneracy of the height pairing on Ct(k)
[AEC, VIII.9.3 or VIII.9.6j that the points Pl, ... ,P; are linearly indepen-
dent provided that hlj (t) > c.
Adjusting c if necessary to account for the finitely many points in
the torsion subgroup E(K)tors, we have now proven that for all t E C(k)
with hlj(t) > c, both of the specialization maps
are injective. Now a simple diagram chase using the commutative diagram
o ---> E(K)tors ---> E(K) ---> E(K)jE(Khors ---> 0
1 1 1
---> 0
shows that E(K) ---t Ct(k) is injective, which completes the proof of the
first part of (11.4).
The second part is then an immediate consequence of the first part and
of (10.3) once we observe (10.3.1) that on a curve, any divisor of positive
degree is ample. 0
PROOF. Suppose first that the determinant is O. This means that there
are integers aI, ... , ar, not all zero, so that
r r r r
For example, if
and P=(T,T),
then (1.1.1) says that P and 2P are polynomial points, but 3P is not.
One way to characterize the polynomial ring k[T] is to observe that it
is the sub ring of k(T) consisting of functions with no (finite) poles. More
generally, we define the ring of S-integers of an arbitrary function field in
the following way.
§12. Integral Points on Elliptic Curves over Function Fields 275
PROOF. Our first observation is that it suffices to prove (12.1) for the
special case that F is taken to be the x-coordinate on some Weierstrass
equation for E / K. The reduction from the general case to this special case
is given for number fields in [AEC, IX.3.2.2]' but the proof is the same for
function fields. So we are reduced to showing that
is a finite set.
H P is a point in this set, then the height of P is a sum of local
contributions coming from the points in 8. More precisely, we have
Further, our assumption that E does not split combined with (5.4) tells
us that E(K) has only finitely many points of bounded height. Hence the
following result (12.2) completes the proof of (12.1). 0
E : y2 = x 3 + Ax + B.
276 III. Elliptic Surfaces
The following short proof of (12.2), which is due to Voloch [1], uses
the formal group and depends crucially on the fact that the base field k
has characteristic O.
PROOF. (of Theorem 12.2, Voloch [1]) We may replace the constant field k
by its algebraic closure, since this will only have the effect of making E(K)
larger. Further, replacing x by u 2 x for some u E K*, we may assume that
the given Weierstrass equation is a minimal equation for the valuation ord t .
For each integer n 2: 1, let
(The last isomorphism uses Rt/M t ~ k.) Now the fact that En(K)
E(K) n En(Kt) immediately implies our two assertions that En(K) is a
subgroup of E(K) and En(K)/En+1(K) is isomorphic to a subgroup of k.
In particular, our assumption that k has characteristic zero means that the
quotient groups En(K)/ En +1 (K) have no elements of finite order.
Suppose now that ordt{x(P)) is not bounded below on E(K). Then
we can choose a sequence of points PI, P2 , ... with
We claim that the points PI, P 2 , ... are linearly independent, which will
contradict the Mordell-Weil theorem (6.1) and thus complete the proof
of (12.2).
§12. Integral Points on Elliptic Curves over Function Fields 277
with mI =1= O.
Using the fact that nI < n2 < ... < nr and that the En(K)'s are nested
subgroups of E(K), we see that
But as noted above, the quotient Enl (K) / Enl +1 (K) is isomorphic
to a subgroup of k, and k is a field of characteristic zero. So the fact
that mI PI is zero in this quotient implies that PI itself is zero in the
quotient. In other words, PI E En1+I(K), which contradicts the fact that
ordt{x(Pd) = -2nI. Hence the Pi'S are independent. 0
The proofs of (12.1) and (12.2) are ineffective because they depend on
the Mordell-Weil theorem (6.1). Notice that (12.2) is analogous to Siegel's
theorem [AEC, IX.3.1]' although (12.2) is both stronger and considerably
easier to prove.
Similarly, one can prove effective bounds for S-integral points in the
function field case which are analogous to the bounds provided by linear-
forms-in-Iogarithms methods for number fields [AEC, §5J. Again the func-
tion field estimates are stronger and much easier to prove. A number of
people have given such bounds, including for example Schmidt [1], Ma-
son [1], and Hindry-Silverman [2]. We will briefly sketch the proof of the
following version. The argument is the same for elliptic or hyperelliptic
curves, so we give the more general case.
Theorem 12.3. Let K = keG) be the function field of a curve G of
genus g, let S c G be a non-empty finite set of points of G, let Rs be the
ring of S-integers of K, and let f(x) E Rs[x] be a monic polynomial with
discriminant ~ satisfying ~ E R'S. Suppose that x, y E Rs satisfy
y2 = f(x).
h{y4 /~) :s: 4n(n - 1) max{2g - 2 + #S, a}.
(Recall from §4 that the height of an element f E K is defined to be the
degree of the map f : G - t ]P'I. Also note that the set S has to be chosen
large enough to contain all of the zeros and poles of ~.)
Remark 12.3.1. The bound in (12.3) is stated for y4 / ~ because this
quantity is invariant under linear change of variables. However, it is easy
to use (12.3), the relation y2 = f(x), and elementary properties of height
functions to give a bound for hex) in terms of the coefficients of f. See
exercise 3.39 for the particular case of an elliptic curve.
278 III. Elliptic Surfaces
PROOF. (Sketch of Theorem 12.3) The first step is to reduce the problem
of S-integral points on elliptic curves to the problem of solving the S-unit
u +v = 1, u,v E R~.
Ea,b : y2 + axy + by = x 3 + bx 2 .
C : y2 + (t + 1 )xy + ty = x 3 + tx 2
Let 8 c G be the set of points where anyone of e1, e2, e3 has a pole together
with the points where the product (e1 -e2) (e1 -e3)( e2 -e3) vanishes. Prove
rank E(K) s:
4g + 2#8 - 2.
with A,B E K.
Let 8 c G be the set of points where A or B has a pole together with the
points where ~ = 4A 3 + 27B2 vanishes. Find an explicit bound for the
rank of E(K) in terms of 9 and #8.
3.4. Let klQ be a finitely generated field extension, that is, k = Q( 01, ... ,Or)
for some 01, ... ,Or E C. Let G Ik be a curve with function field K = keG),
and let ElK be an elliptic curve. Prove that E(K) is a finitely generated
group. In particular, this is true if k is a number field. (Hint. You may
find exercise 3.15 below useful for doing this problem.)
3.5. Let A be an abelian variety of dimension one, so in particular A is a non-
singular projective curve. (See §2 for the definition of abelian variety.)
Prove that A has genus 1, so A is an elliptic curve.
3.6. Let ¢ : V --> W be a rational map of projective varieties.
(a) Prove that the image ¢(V) is an algebraic subset of W.
(b) Suppose that V is non-singular. Prove that the set of points where ¢
is not defined has codimension at least two in V.
280 III. Elliptic Surfaces
by substituting P into the equation for E and solving for ao, . .. ,C1. How
many of these points are defined over Q(T)?
3.13. With notation as in the statement of Lemma 5.5.2, prove that if
then the image of Vv in E(K) contains E(K, d). This provides a strength-
ened version of (5.5.2).
3.14. Let V be an irreducible projective variety defined over an algebraically
closed field, and let ,/,1, '/'2 E V be distinct points. Prove that there exists
an irreducible curve reV with ,/,1, '/'2 E r.
3.15. This exercise describes the Mordell-Weil theorem (6.1) for split elliptic
surfaces. Let Cjk be a curve, let Eojk be an elliptic curve, and let c =
Eo x C be the corresponding split elliptic surface. Further, let Map k ( C, Eo)
be the set of morphisms from C to Eo defined over k. We use the group
structure on Eo to make MaPk(C, Eo) into a group in the usual way, (c/J +
'IjJ)(t) = c/J(t) + 'IjJ(t). Notice that the constant maps in MaPk(C, Eo) form a
subgroup isomorphic to Eo(k).
(a) Prove that there is a natural isomorphism c(Cjk) ~ Mapk(C, Eo). In
particular, the group of sections c(Cjk) contains a subgroup isomorphic
to Eo(k).
(b) Prove that the quotient group c(Cjk)jEo(k) is finitely generated.
(c) If k is a number field, prove that c(Cjk) is finitely generated.
3.16. Let k be a number field, and let Cjk, Eojk, c = Eo x C, and MaPk(C, Eo)
be as in the previous exercise.
(a) Let 0 E Div(C) be a divisor of degree 1, and fix a height function h6 :
C(k) -+ IR associated to o. Prove that for any map c/J E MaPk(C, Eo),
is an injective homomorphism.
282 III. Elliptic Surfaces
(c) Suppose that the quotient group MapdC, Eo)/Eo(k) has free rank r,
say generated by the maps (PI, ... ,cPT: C ----> Eo. Suppose further that the
group Eo(k) has rank strictly less than r. Prove that C(k) is finite.
(d) Fix an element b E k*, and let C / k and E o/ k be the curves
Eo : y z = x
+ bz 3 .
Prove that the group Map k (C, Eo) / Eo (k) has rank at least two by showing
that the maps
2 3 3 2 3 3
cPI ( [X, Y, Zl ) = [-X Z,Y ,Z], cP2 ( [X, y, Zl ) = [- Y Z, X ,Z 1
give independent elements. Use this to prove that if rank Eo(k) :S 1, then
C(k) is finite.
3.17. Let E be an elliptic curve defined over Q1(T) that does not split over C(T).
(a) Suppose that kdQl and k2/Q1 are fields with the property that
E : y2 = x 3 + A(T)x + B(T)
with A(T), B(T) E Z[T], and let .6..(T) = 4A(T)3 + 27 B(T)2. Prove that
the extension kE /Q1 is unramified except possibly at 2, 3, and the primes
dividing the discriminant of the polynomial .6..(T) E Z[T].
3.18. (a) Let f E k(JP'2). Prove that deg(div(f)) = 0, and deduce that the
degree map deg : Pic(JP'2) ----> Z described in (7.1) is a well-defined homo-
(b) Prove that the degree map deg : Pic(JP'2) ----> Z is an isomorphism.
(c) Generalize ( a) and (b) to JP'H.
3.19. Let P = (0,0) E A 2 , and let h, h E k(JP'2) be rational functions satisfying
h(P) = h(P) = 0. Let f] and f2 be the curves h = and h = ° °
respectively. Prove that f 1 and f 2 intersect transversally at P if and only
if the following three conditions are true:
(i) f 1 is non-singular at P;
(ii) f2 is non-singular at P:
(iii) the tangent line to flat P is distinct from the tangent line to f2 at P.
3.20. For each of the following curves f 1, f2 C JP'2, calculate the local intersection
index (fl' f2)P at the point P = [0,0,1]. (Hint. First de homogenize by
setting Z = 1.)
(a) f 1 :y 2 Z=X 3 +X 2 Z, f 2 :Y=0.
(b) f 1 :y 2 Z=X 3 +X 2 Z, f 2 :Y=X.
(c) fl :y 2 Z=X:l , f 2 :Y=X.
(d) f l :y 2 Z=X:l +X 2 Z, f 2 :y 2 Z=X 3 .
Exercises 283
3.21. *Let 7r : S -> C be a fibered surface. Prove that every fiber St is connected.
(You may want to take k = IC.)
3.22. Let 7r : S -> C be a fibered surface, let reS be a non-singular irreducible
horizontal curve, and let ¢ : r -> C be the restriction of 7r to r.
(a) Let PEr and t = ¢(P) E C. Prove that
where ep(¢) is the ramification index of ¢: r -> Cat P (see [AEC, II §2]).
(b) Prove that r . 7r* (8) = deg( ¢) deg( 8) for all divisors 8 E Div( C).
(c) 'Prove that r . 7r*(8) = deg(¢) deg(8) remains true even if the irre-
ducible horizontal curve r is allowed to be singular.
3.23. Let 7r : S -> C be a fibered surface, and let 8 E Div( C) be a divisor of
degree O. Prove that D . 7r*8 = 0 for every divisor D E Div(S). (Hint.
Use (8.1) and the previous exercise.)
3.24. Generalize (8.3.1) as follows. Let 7r : S -> C be a fibered surface, and
suppose that the fiber St consists of n components arranged in the shape
of an n-gon with transversal intersections. In other words,
. { 1 ~f ~ == ~ ± 1 (mod n),
7r*(t) = ro+r 1 + .. ·+rn- 1 with ri·rj = -2 If l =),
o otherwise.
(a) Draw a picture illustrating this fiber, and show that the self-intersec-
tion values r; = -2 follow from the values of r i . r j for i i j.
(b) Let I = (ri . rj)oS;i,jS;n-l be the incidence matrix of the fiber, and
let 100 be the minor obtained by deleting the first row and column from I.
Find the value of det(Ioo) in terms of n.
(c) Let k be an integer between 0 and n - 1, and let D E Div(S) be a
divisor satisfying
D· ro = -1, D· r k = 1, D· r i = 0 for i i 0, k.
<I>v = L airi such that (D + <I>v) . r i = 0 for all 0:::; i :::; n - 1;
3.31. Let Vjk be a non-singular projective variety defined over a number field,
let D E Div(V) be a positive divisor, and let hD : V(k) ---> lR be an
associated height function. (A divisor is positive if it can be written as a
sum 2: niDi, where the Di'S are irreducible subvarieties of V and the ni's
are positive.)
(a) Prove that there is a constant c = c(V, D, hD) such that
Thus the usual canonical height h is the height associated to the divi-
sor (0).
(a) If the divisor f3 is symmetric, that is, [-1]*f3 = f3, prove that
(b) If the divisor f3 is anti-symmetric, that is, [-1]*f3 = -f3, prove that
Also prove in this case that the map h{3 : E(K) ---> lR is a homomorphism.
(c) Let f3 E Div(E) be a divisor of degree O. Prove that there is a con-
stant c = c(E, (3) so that
3.34. Let c ---> C be an elliptic surface defined over a number field k, and fix two
points P, Q E E(K). Suppose that the base curve C is an elliptic curve, and
let he be the canonical height on C. With notation as in (11.1) and (11.3),
prove that
for some A, BE K.
(Here [r] is the greatest integer in r.) Define the minimal discriminant
divisor of ElK to be the divisor
(This is the analogue of the minimal discriminant ideal for an elliptic curve
defined over a number field [AEC, VIII §8].)
(a) Prove that'D E / K is a positive divisor and that it is independent of the
choice of the Weierstrass equation for ElK.
(b) Let C ---> C be a minimal elliptic surface associated to E. Prove that
the fiber et is non-singular if and only if ordt('D E / K ) = o.
(c) Prove that if 'D E / K = 0, then the j-invariant j(cd is constant.
(d) Prove that if 'D E / K = 0 and C = jp'l, then £ splits over C.
(e) Let Clk and ElK be given by
Prove that 'DE / K = 0 and that the associated elliptic surface e ---> C does
not split.
(f) For the example in (e), show that P = (u 2 ,uv) E E(K) is a point of
infinite order.
Exercises 287
3.36. We continue with the notation from the previous exercise, with the addi-
tional assumption that E does not split over K. Let 9 be the genus of C.
For each point t E C, we take a Weierstrass equation for E that is minimal
for the valuation ord t and we let E t be curve obtained by evaluating the
coefficients at t. We define integers it by
0 if E t is non-singular (good reduction),
it = { 1 if E t has a node (multiplicative reduction),
2 if E t has a cusp (additive reduction).
Then the conductor divisor of E j K is defined to be the quantity
3.39. Let K = k(C) be the function field of a curve C of genus g, let SeC be a
non-empty finite set of points of C, let Rs be the ring of S-integers of K,
and let E / K be an elliptic curve given by a Weierstrass equation
Let R be a discrete valuation ring with maximal ideal p and fraction field K,
and let ElK be an elliptic curve given by a Weierstrass equation
prove helpful for those readers who have not studied group schemes pre-
viously. Section 2 contains some basic material on abstract schemes and
schemes over a base S, including material on fiber products, special fibers,
regularity, properness, and smoothness. In §3 we define group schemes
and describe some of their elementary properties. Section 4 is devoted to
the theory of arithmetic surfaces. An arithmetic surface e over a discrete
valuation ring R is a "nice" scheme whose generic fiber is a non-singular
curve C / K. We give several examples and prove that the smooth part eO
of a regular proper arithmetic surface e has the point extension prop-
erty C(K) = eO(R). We also state the fundamental existence theorems
concerning minimal regular models of arithmetic surfaces.
In §5 we define Neron models and show that the smooth part WO
of a Weierstrass equation is a group scheme. In some cases, for example
when E/ K has good reduction, this will imply that WO is a Neron model
for E / K. The general construction of Neron models is given in §6, where
we prove that the smooth part c / R of a minimal proper regular model e/ R
for E / K is a Neron model. The proof is quite technical and may be omitted
on first reading. This is especially true for those readers who are mainly
interested in applications of the theory of Neron models. Frequently, it is
enough to know that a Neron model for E / K is a group scheme cover R
whose generic fiber is K and which has the property that c(R) = E(K).
We next take up the question of what the special fibers E. (mod p) and
e (mod p) look like. Section 7 contains a discussion of intersection theory
on general arithmetic surfaces, and then in §8 we apply this theory to give
the Kodaira-Neron classification of the special fibers of an elliptic fibration.
Section 9 contains a description and verification of an algorithm of Tate
which gives an efficient method of computing the special fiber (mod p)
from a given Weierstrass equation. In §10 we define the conductor of an
elliptic curve and give some of its properties. Finally, in §11, we state
and mostly verify an important formula of Ogg which gives a relation be-
tween the conductor, the minimal discriminant, and the special fiber of the
minimal proper regular model of an elliptic curve.
In order to simplify the discussion in this chapter, we will make the
following convention:
All Dedekind domains and all discrete
valuation rings have perfect residue fields.
Notice this includes Dedekind domains and discrete valuation rings whose
residue fields are finite, which is the case that will mainly interest us.
GL n = {
M= (
Example 1.4.1. Let ElK be an elliptic curve. Then E(K) is the group
of K-rational points of E. If K is a number field, then E(K) is a finitely
generated group [AEC, VIII.6.7J.
Example 1.4.2. For any field K we have Ga(K) = K and Gm(K) = K*.
Similarly, GLn(K) is the group of n x n invertible matrices with coefficients
in K.
Proposition 1.5. Let G be a group variety.
(a) G is a non-singular variety.
(b) Every connected component of G is irreducible.
(c) The connected component of G which contains the identity element is
a normal subgroup of G of finite index.
Definition. Let G be a group variety. The connnected component of G
containing the identity element is denoted by GO and is called the identity
component ofG. The quotient group GIGO called the group of components
§1. Group Varieties 293
¢j : G ----t G,
We have seen above (1.1.1, 1.1.2) that the additive group, the multi-
plicative group, and elliptic curves are group varieties. We will now prove
that these are the only connected group varieties of dimension one.
Theorem 1.6. Let G be a connected group variety of dimension one de-
fined over an algebraically closed field. Then either G ~ eGa, G ~ eG m, or G
is an elliptic curve. (For non-algebraically closed fields, see exercise 4.13')
Before beginning the proof, we prove a lemma that gives conditions
under which a curve has only finitely many automorphisms.
294 IV. The Neron Model
Aut(C; S) def {4> E Aut(C) 4>(S) c S}
is a finite set.
Aut( C; S) --+ C,
PROOF (of Theorem 1.6). We know that the variety G is non-singular, irre-
ducible (1.5), and has dimension one, so we can embed it as a Zariski open
subset of a non-singular projective curve, say G C C (Hartshorne [1, I §6]).
Let S = C '-. G be the complement of Gin C.
For every point PEG, the translation-by-P map Tp : G --+ G is an
automorphism of G as a variety. Then Tp induces a rational map Tp : C --+
C which extends to an isomorphism since C is non-singular [AEC, II.2.1j.
Clearly, we have Tp(S) C S, since TP(G) = G. In this way, we obtain an
§1. Group Varieties 295
Such a map has the form p,(x,y) = [f(x,y),g(x,y)], where f and g are
bihomogeneous polynomials. The fact that p, is a morphism means that f
and g can have no common roots in pI x pI, which implies that p, must
look like either
We further know that p,(1, y) = y, which rules out the second possibility
and tells us that a(l) = 0 and b(l) = 1. In particular, b(x) i= o.
If a(x) i= 0, then we can find an 0: E K* so that a(o:) i= 0 and {3(0:) i= O.
M(o:,-~~:D =0,
which contradicts the fact that p,( G x G) c G. Therefore a( x) = O. We
have now shown that p,(x, y) = b(x)y. Reversing the roles of x and y
and using the fact that p,(1, 1) = 1, we conclude that p,(x, y) = xy, which
completes the proof that G ~ G m .
It remains to consider the case that C = G is a curve of genus 1.
The group variety G has an identity element 0, and we use this point to
give (C,O) the structure of an elliptic curve. It remains to show that the
identification G and C as curves is also an isomorphism of groups. In other
words, we need to prove that
In this section we are going to review some basic notions about schemes,
especially schemes over a fixed base scheme. We assume that the reader
has some familiarity with this material, as covered for example in Hart-
shorne [1, II §§2,3] or Eisenbud-Harris [1].
Definition. Let S be a fixed scheme. An S -scheme is a scheme X equipped
with a morphism X ---* S. A morphism of S-schemes (or S-morphism) is a
morphism X ---* Y so that the diagram
'" /
is commutative. If S = Spec(R), we will often refer to R-schemes and R-
Tnorphisms instead of Spec(R)-schemes and Spec(R)-morphisms.
298 IV. The Neron Model
IfT = 5, we will sometimes call X(5) the set of sections of the 5-8cherne X.
Similarly, if 5 = T = Spec(R), we will refer to the R-valued points 01 X
and write X(R).
Example 2.1.1. Let K be a field, let 5 = Spec(K), and let XI K be an
affine scheme, say given by equat.ions
={PEK n : h(P)=···=f,.(P)=O}.
Thus X(5) agrees with our intuition of what X(K) should be. l\Iore gen-
erally, if R is any ring and X c AR is an affine scheme given by equations
h = ... = IT = 0 with fi E R[XI"'" xn], then X(R) is naturally identified
with the set of n-tuples (Xl, ... ,X n ) E R n satisfying the equations.
Remark 2.1.2. Each 5-scherne X defines a functor Fx on the category
of 5-schemes by assigning to an 5-scheme T the set of T-valued points
of X. Thus
X X xsY ~ Y
The fiber product exists and is unique up to unique isomorphism; see Hart-
shorne [1, II.3.3] or Eisenbud-Harris [1, LC.i, IV.BD. If S = SpeeR, we will
often write X XR Y.
The fiber product is the smallest scheme that fits into the commutative
X xsY ---> X
Y ---> S.
In some sense, X x s Y should "look like" the set of ordered pairs (x, y)
having the property that x and y have the same image in S. This is
literally true in the category of sets, but care must be taken when applying
this intuition in the category of schemes. In fact, X x s Y will generally
be quite large, even when S consists of a single point; see for example
Hartshorne [1, II, exercise 3.1].
300 IV. The Neron Model
X, clef
= }
It is a scheme over k(s). In this case the underlying topological space
of X x s {s} actually equals the set of points x E X such that the image
of x in 5 is s, see Hartshorne [1, II exercise 3.10]. Thus at the level of
points, this definition of the fiber X, agrees with our intuition of what the
fiber should be.
Example 2.2.2. Let R be a ring, let p be a maximal ideal of R, and let X
be an R-scheme. Then the fiber
is the reduction of X modulo p. It is a scheme over the residue field Rip.
This agrees with our intuition, since an (affine) scheme X over R is defined
by a system of polynomial equations with coefficients in R, and Xp is the
scheme defined by reducing the coefficients of the polynomials modulo p.
Example 2.2.3. Let R be an integral domain, and let TJ = (0) E Spec R
be the generic point of Spec R. If X is an R-scheme, then the fiber
is called the generic fiber- of X. It is a scheme over the fraction field K
of R. In particular, if R is a discrete valuation ring with maximal ideal p,
then X has two fibers, its gener-ic fiber- XY]I K and its special (or closed)
fiber Xplk, where k = Rip is the residue field of R.
For example, suppose that X C lP'7t is given by a single homogeneous
equation f(x, y, z) = with coefficients in R. Then the generic fiber XI) C
lP'~ is the variety defined by the same equation f(x, y, z) = 0, and the
special fiber Xp C lP'~ is the variety defined by the equation j(x, y, z) = 0,
where j is obtained by reducing the coefficients of f modulo p.
Example 2.3. Let 7r : X -+ S be an S-scheme. In the definition of the
fiber product, if we take Z = X and f and 9 to be the identity map X -+ X,
then we obtain the diagonal morphism
Ox : X ---+ X Xs X:
that is, Ox is the unique map to the fiber product with the property that P10
Ox and P2 0 Ox are each the identity map on X.
More generally, let ¢ : X -+ Y be an 5-morphism. Then the graph
of ¢ is the unique morphism
fir/>: X ---+ X X8 Y
such that Pl 0 o¢ is the identity map on X and P2 0 o¢ = (p. Notice the
diagonal morphism is the graph of the identity map X -+ X.
§2. Schemes and S-Schemes 301
A local ring A with maximal ideal 9)1 is called regular if the dimension
of9)1/9)12 as an A/9)1-vector space is equal to the Krull dimension of A. (See
Matsumura [1, Ch. 7] or Atiyah-MacDonald [1, Ch. 11] for basic material on
regular local rings.) Intuitively, 9)1/9)12 is the cotangent space of Spec(A)
at the point 9)1, and the regularity of A is an assertion that 9)1 is a non-
singular point of Spec(A). For arbitrary schemes one defines dimension
and regularity in terms of the local rings as follows:
Definition. The dimension of a point P of a scheme X is the Krull di-
mension of the local ring () p at P. If every closed point of X has the same
dimension, we call this the dimension of X.
Definition. A point P of a scheme X is said to be regular (or non-
singular) if the local ring (') p is a regular local ring. The scheme X is
regular (or non-singular) if every point of X is regular. In fact, it suffices
to check that every closed point is regular; see exercise 4.5.
Example 2.6.1. Let R be a Dedekind domain. Then Spec(R) is a regular
scheme of dimension one. To see this, note that in a Dedekind domain,
every non-zero prime ideal is maximal by definition. Hence the longest
chain of prime ideals is (0) C p, so R has dimension one. Further, each
localization Rp is a discrete valuation ring, so its maximal ideal Mp is
principal. It follows that Mp/M'i has dimension one as an Rp/Mp-vector
space, so Rp is regular.
Example 2.6.2. If R is a regular local ring, or more generally if Spec(R)
is regular, then both A'R and IP''R are regular schemes.
Example 2.6.3. Let R be a discrete valuation ring, let 7[ be a uniformizer
for R, and assume that 2,3 E R*. Let a E R, and define a scheme X c IP'h
by the equation
X : y2 z = x 3 + az 3 .
Then X is a regular scheme if and only if a ¢ (mod 7[2). To see this, one
first checks that the only possible singular point is the point "( = [0,0,1]
on the special fiber Xp and that this can only occur if a == 0 (mod 7[).
Dehomogenizing the equation by setting z = 1, we find that the maximal
ideal M"( of the local ring (')"( is generated by x, y, and 7[, and that these
quantities are related by the equation
so x and y generate M"(/M~, which shows that ()"( is regular. Conversely,
if a == (mod 7[2), then M"( / M~ cannot be generated by fewer than three
elements, so (')"( is not regular.
§2. Schemes and S-Schemes 303
Spec(R) ---> S,
there is a unique morphism Spec(R) -+ X fitting into the diagram. (In
other words, there is a unique morphism Spec(R) -+ X so that the compo-
sition Spec(R) -+ X -+ S agrees with the bottom line of the square.)
PROOF. Hartshorne [I, II.4.7]. See also Hartshorne [I, exercise H.4.11] for
the assertion that it suffices to consider only discrete valuation rings. D
There are many theorems in algebraic geometry which say that some
property of morphisms, such as properness, smoothness, separability, finite-
ness, etc., is preserved under composition, base extension, and products.
The only result of this sort that we will need is the following assertion that
the composition of smooth morphisms is again smooth.
Proposition 2.10. If ¢ : X ---> Y and 'ljJ : Y ---> Z are smooth morphisms,
then the composition 'ljJ 0 ¢ : X ---> Z is a smooth morphism.
X : x2 + 7fy2 = Z2.
Then X is proper over R from (2.8), since it is a closed subscheme of IP'~. It
is also easy to check that the scheme X is irreducible and regular. However,
the special fiber of X is given by the equation x 2 = z2, so the special fiber
is reducible and singular. Hence X is not smooth over R.
Example 2.11.2. We continue analyzing example (2.6.3), so R is a dis-
crete valuation ring with uniformizer 7f and 2,3 E R*, and X C IP'~ is the
scheme defined by the equation
for some a E R.
We also let K be the fraction field of R, k the residue field of R, and p the
maximal ideal of R. Notice that X is proper over R by (2.8), since it is a
closed subscheme of IP'~.
§2. Schemes and S-Schemes 305
Suppose first that a E R*. Then the special fiber Xp/ k is a non-
singular curve, so X is smooth over R from (2.9).
Next, suppose that a == 0 (mod p). Then the special fiber Xp/k is
given by the equation y2 z = x 3 , so the special fiber is singular and X
is not smooth over R. Let 'Y E Xp C X be the singular point on the
special fiber, and let XO = X " 'Y be the scheme obtained by removing 'Y
from X. This makes the special fiber xg / k non-singular, so X D is smooth
over R. However, removing the point 'Y has destroyed the completeness of
the special fiber, so XO is not proper over R.
Finally, we observe that if a is a uniformizer for R, then (2.6.3) says
that X is regular. This is true despite the fact that its special fiber Xp
is singular and so X is not smooth over R. We will prove later (4.4) that
since X is regular, every R-valued point of X lies in the smooth part XO.
In other words, the natural inclusion XO(R) C X(R) is an equality, so in
this situation XO retains a sort of properness property over R.
This last example (2.11.2) illustrates an important general phenome-
non. Let X be a (nice) scheme which is proper over a discrete valuation
ring R and which has a smooth generic fiber. Then X need not be smooth
over R, since its special fiber Xp may have singularities. We can create
a smooth R-scheme XO by removing from X the singular points on its
special fiber, but then XO will not be proper over R. Thus the attributes
of properness and smoothness are somewhat antithetical to one another.
However, if the original scheme X is regular, then it turns out that
every R-valued point in X(R) actually lies in XO(R). So for regular
schemes, XO still behaves to some extent as if it were proper over R. We
will prove this later (4.4) when X has relative dimension one over R. The
general case we leave as an exercise.
We are now ready to define properness and smoothness, but we want to
stress that the most important thing is for the reader to understand the un-
derlying intuitions and the examples described above. For further reading
on this material, see Hartshorne [1, III §§9,10], Altman-Kleiman [1, V,VI],
and Bosch-Liitkebohmert-Raynaud [1, 2.1-2.4].
Definition. Let ¢ : X --- S be a morphism of finite type. The map ¢
is separated if the diagonal morphism Ox : X --- X Xs X (2.3) is a closed
immersion. The map ¢ is universally closed if for any base extension S' ---
S, the map X Xs S' --- S' sends closed set to closed sets. The map ¢ is
proper if it is separated and universally closed. We also say that X is
proper over S, or that X is a proper S -scheme.
Definition. Let ¢ : X --- S be a morphism of finite type, let x EX, and
let s = ¢(x) E S. The map ¢ is smooth (of relative dimension r) at a
point x E X if there are affine open neighborhoods
s E Spec ReS and x E Spec A C X
306 IV. The N eron Model
A = R[t 1 , ... , tn+r]/(h, ... , In) for some h,···, In E R[tl, ... , t n+r ]
so that the n x n minors of the Jacobian matrix (aId atj) generate the unit
ideal in A.
We say that <p is smooth (or that X is smooth over S) if <p is smooth
at all points of X. A morphism that is smooth of relative dimension zero
is called an elale morphism.
Remark 2.12. The Jacobian condition in the definition of smoothness is
similar to the criterion we used to define non-singular points on varieties
in [AEC, I §1]. In particular, it is clear that if X --> SpecR is a smooth
morphism and p E Spec R is a maximal ideal, then the fiber Xp is a non-
singular variety over the residue field Rip, which is a special case of (2.9).
There are many other ways to define smoothness. One of the most useful
is in terms of the sheaf of relative differentials of XIS, see for example
Hartshorne [1, II §8, III §1O], Altman-Kleiman [1, VI,VII], Milne [4, 1§3]
or Bosch-Ltitkebohmert-Raynaud [1, §2.1,2.2]. For a fancy functorial defi-
nition, see Milne [4, 1.3.22].
G xsG G xsG
0"0 X 1 1x 0"0
/ /
S Xs G G G Xs S G
§3. Group Schemes 307
(ii) (inverse)
lxi ixl
G xsG GxsG G xsG G xsG
loa 1p
G ~
~ G G ~
s ~ G
GxsG G
~ SpecZ[T],
where the morphism Spec Z[Tl' T 2 ] --; Spec Z[T] is induced by the ring
For any ring R, we have Ga(R) = R with group law given by addition
on R. The additive group scheme Gals over an arbitrary scheme S is the
group scheme G a Xz S obtained by base extension. In particular, G alR =
308 IV. The Neron Model
--> SpecZ[T, T- 1 ],
where the morphism Spec Z[Tb T1- 1, T 2 , T2- 1j --+ Spec Z[T, T-1j is induced
by the ring homomorphism
For any ring R, we have Gm(R) = R* with group law given by multi-
plication on R*. The multiplicative group scheme G m / s over an arbitrary
scheme S is the group scheme G m Xz S obtained by base extension. In
particular, G mlR = Spec R[T, T-1j.
Example 3.1.4. Let R be a discrete valuation ring with maximal ideal p
and fraction field K, and let ElK be an elliptic curve with good reduction
at p. Fix a minimal Weierstrass equation for E,
We know from [AEC, III.3.6j that the addition law E x E --+ E on the
generic fiber is a morphism. We will later give two proofs that M itself is
an R-morphism. The first proof (5.3) uses explicit equations and is similar
to the argument in [AEC, III.3.6, III.3.6.1j. The second proof (6.1) uses
fancier machinery to prove a much stronger result.
The next proposition shows that the set of T-valued points of a group
scheme form a group.
§3. Group Schemes 309
T G,
This operation gives G(T) the structure of a group. The identity element
is 0"0 o 7fT, where 7fT : T ~ S is the map making T into an S-scheme. The
inverse of ¢> is i 0 ¢>.
More precisely, the association T ~ G(T) is a contravariant functor
from the category of S-schemes to the category of groups.
PROOF. All of this follows from the definitions and elementary diagram
chases. For example, to verify that 0"0 o 7fT is the identity element of G(T),
we observe that the following diagram is commutative:
G xsT G XsS
11 XC70
T xsT GxsG
But the definition of 0"0 tells us that the map J-lO (1 x 0"0) : G Xs S ~ G
down the right-hand side of this diagram is projection onto the first factor.
Hence tracing around the boundary of the diagram yields
T' T G
The map (4; x 'ljJ) 0 (f x f) along the top row of this diagram is equal to
(4; 0 f) x ('ljJ 0 f), so by definition the map along the bottom row equals
(4; 0 f) * ('ljJ 0 f). This is the desired result, which completes the proof of
Proposition 3.2. 0
Remark 3.3. In our study of elliptic curves and group varieties, the
translation-by-P maps provided an important tool. A group scheme GIS
is not a group, so we cannot translate G by a point of the scheme G. In-
stead, G is a family of groups parametrized by the points of S. So in order
to translate G, we need to start with a family of points on G parametrized
by S. Then we can translate each group in the family by the appropriate
point. We formalize this idea in the following manner.
Let GIS be a group scheme, and let 0" E G(S) be an S-valued point
of G. Then the (right) translation-by-O" morphism is the S-morphism
Tu : G -> G defined by the composition
Tu : G C:;! G Xs S GxsG G.
To understand Tu further, we note that the S-valued point 0" is a map
0" : S -> G. In particular, for each point 8 E S, we get a point 0"(8) on
the fiber G., where G s is a group variety over the residue field at s. The
restriction of T u to the fiber G s is precisely translation by the point 0"( s) E
G s . Thus Tu can be viewed as a family of translations of the fibers of G.
Remark 3.4. Another important tool in our study of elliptic curves was
the collection of multiplication-by-m maps. These maps can be defined
inductively on every group scheme in the following way. Let 7r : G -> S be
a group group scheme over S with identity element 0"0 : S -> G, inverse map
i : G -> G, and group multiplication f.L : G x s G -> G. Also let ide: G -> G
be the identity map on G. For each integer m, the multiplication-by-m map
on G is the morphism
[mJ: G --> G
defined inductively by the rules
[IJ = ide, [m+ 1] = f.L0 ([m] x [1]), [m - 1] = f.L 0 ([m] x i).
§4. Arithmetic Surfaces 311
where K(e) is the function field of e. For the basic thoery of Weil divisors,
principal divisors, and the divisor class group, see Hartshorne [1, II §6]. We
will continue our discussion of divisors on arithmetic surfaces in section 7.
Example 4.2.1. The projective line lP'k over R is an arithmetic surface
over R. For any maximal ideal p of R, the fiber over p is lP'~., the projective
line over the residue field k = R/p. Notice that lP'k is both proper and
smooth over R.
Example 4.2.2. Let e C lP'i be the closed subscheme of lP'i given by the
e: y2 = x 3 + 2X2 + 6.
The generic fiber of e is an elliptic curve E /Q with discriminant ~ =
-2 6 ·3· 97, so for all primes p i= 2,3,97, the fiber ep is a (non-singular)
elliptic curve over lFp . The fibers over the "bad" primes are
e97 : Y
= (x + 66) 2 (x + 64).
The arithmetic surface e/z is illustrated in Figure 4.l.
The arithmetic surface e is proper over Z, since it is a closed subscheme
of lP'~ (2.8). It is clear that e is not smooth over Z. since it has singular
fibers. \Ve claim that e is a regular scheme. To see this, it suffices to
§4. Arithmetic Surfaces 313
check that e is regular at the singular points on the fibers. We will check
that the point PEe corresponding to the cusp x = y = 2 = 0 on the
fiber e2 is non-singular. The maximal ideal Mp of the local ring (') p at P
is generated by x, y, and 2, and the residue field at P is (')p/Mp ~ IF2 • By
definition, e is regular at P if
This dimension cannot be less than two, so we must show that Mp /M~
can be generated by two of x, y, 2. Using the equation for e, we see that
ep = e XR p = e xSpec(R) Spec(kp)
is a curve, but it may be reducible or singular or even non-reduced. More
precisely, we can write the fiber as a union
ep = 2: n F i i
for certain irreducible curves Fl, ... ,Frj kp and multiplicities nl, ... ,nr 2: 1
in the following manner. Fix a uniformizer U E R for p, that is, ordp(u) = 1.
Then 7r*(u) = U 0 7r is a rational function on e, and the fiber of e over p is
given by
ep = 2: ordF(7r*u)F.
314 IV. The Neron Model
Here the sum is over the irreducible components of the fiber over p, and
ordF is the normalized valuation on K(e) corresponding to F (4.1.2).
There are several ways in which a point x E ep can be a singular point
of the fiber ep . It may lie on a component F with multiplicity n ~ 2, it
may be a point where two or more components intersect, or it may be a
singular point of a particular component. The following example illustrates
these ideas.
Example 4.2.4. Consider the arithmetic surface ec A~ defined by the
We are going to look at the special fiber e5 of e over the point (5) E Spec Z.
This special fiber is the curve in A~5 defined by reducing the equation of e
modulo 5, so after some algebra we find
for the fiber of e over p, and we will let llJ = n* (p )(')e,x' Notice that llJ C
Me,x, since x lies on the special fiber over p.
(a) We first assume that llJ ct. M~,x and prove that x is a non-singular point
of e. We are given that e is regular, so, by definition, Oe,x is a regular local
ring of dimension two. This means that we can find elements II, hEMe ,x
so that
Me,x = II (')e,x + h(')e,x + M~,x'
If we write p = tR, then n*(t) E llJ c Me,x, so
Our assumption is that n*(t)(')e,x = llJ ct. M~,x' which means that at least
one of al and a2 is not in Me,x, and hence at least one of them is a unit
in (')e,x' Switching II and h if necessary, this means that
The last equality follows from the fact that P : Spec(R) -> e is a mor-
phism of schemes, so by definition (Hartshorne [1, II §2]) the induced map
P* : C)e,x -> Rp is a local homomorphism of local rings. This means in
particular that P*Me,x = p.
But P is a maximal ideal of the Dedekind domain R, so the inclu-
sion p C p2 is impossible. Therefore 7r*(p) 1:. M~ x. Applying (a), we
conclude that x is a non-singular point of the fiber e~, which concludes the
proof of (b). 0
C(K) = e(R).
(b) Suppose that the scheme e is regular, and let eO c e be the largest
subscheme of e such that the map eo -> Spec(R) is a smooth morphism.
PROOF. (a) This is really just a special case of the valuative criterion of
properness. Any point in e(R) can be specialized to the generic fiber to
give a point in C(K), so there is a natural map e(R) ~ C(K). This
map is clearly one-to-one, since two morphisms Spec(R) ~ e which agree
generically (i.e., on a dense open set) are the same. Thus e(R) '--+ C(K).
Let P E C(K) be a point. We are given that e is proper over R, so the
valuative criterion (2.7) says that there is a morphism O'p : Spec(R) ~ e
making the following diagram commute:
This proves that every point in C(K) comes from a point in e(R), so
e(R) = C(K).
(b) Proposition 4.3 says that every point in e(R) intersects each fiber
at a non-singular point of the fiber. But, by definition, eO is the com-
plement in e of the singular points on the fibers. Therefore the natural
inclusion eO(R) '--+ e(R) is a bijection.
(c) This is immediate from (a) and (b). D
PROOF. (a) See Abhyankar [1,2] and Lipman [1,2]. There is also a nice
exposition of Lipman's proof in Artin [2]. In the case that C has genus 1,
we will explicitly construct a proper regular model for C / K in §9.
(b) See Lichtenbaum [1, Thm. 4.4] and Shafarevich [2, lectures 6,7,8].
There is a nice summary of the main results with sketches of the proofs in
Chinburg [1]. See also §7 for a further discussion. D
Let K be the fraction field of a discrete valuation ring R. The Neron model
of an elliptic curve E / K is an arithmetic surface G/ R whose generic fiber is
the given elliptic curve. The scheme G/ R is characterized by the fact that
it is large enough so that every point of E gives a point of G, but small
enough so that the group law on E extends to make G into a group scheme
over R. Of course, when we talk of "points of E," we mean more than just
the points of the underlying scheme. This leads to the following definition.
§5. Neron Models 319
Neron model for ElK'. (N.B. If K' I K is ramified, this result will generally
not be true.)
PROOF. (a) The identity map ElK -> ElK is a rational map from the
generic fiber of £1 to the generic fiber of £2, and £1 is smooth over R,
so the Neron mapping property for £2 says that the identity map extends
uniquely to an R-morphism 'lj; : £1/ R -> £21 R. In a similar fashion we
obtain a unique R-morphism cP : £21 R -> £1/ R which is the identity map
on the generic fiber. But then cP 0 'lj; : £1/ R -> £1/ R and the identity map
£1/ R -> £1/ Rare R-morphisms which are the same on the generic fiber, so
the uniqueness part of the N eron mapping property says that cP 0 'lj; equals
the identity map. This proves that cP and 'lj; are isomorphisms.
(b) Let X' I R' be a smooth R'-scheme with generic fiber X' I K', and let
cPK' : X/ K , -> ElK' be a rational map. The composition
X' -----> Spec(R') -----> Spec(R)
makes X' into an R-scheme. Further, our assumptions on K' imply that
the map
Spec(R') -----> Spec(R)
is a smooth morphism. (See exercise 4.19.) Hence the composition is a
smooth morphism (2.10), so X' is a smooth R-scheme.
Now the Neron mapping property for £1 R tells us that there is an R-
X'.!!.!!... £
whose restriction to the generic fiber is the composition
The two R-morphisms cPR : X' -> £ and X' -> Spec(R') determine an R-
morphism (and thus an R'-morphism) to the fiber product,
cPR' : X' -----> £ xR R'.
Further, the restriction of cPR' to the generic fiber is cPK'. This gives the
existence part of the N eron mapping property. We will leave it to the reader
to prove the uniqueness part, which completes the proof that £ x R R' is a
Neron model for ElK'. 0
which make WO into a group scheme over R. The addition map further
extends to an R-morphism
W O xRW --+ W
Remark 5.4.2. If E / K has bad reduction, then there is exactly one sin-
gular point on the reduction E (mod p). In other words, the special fiber W
of W contains exactly one singular point, say r EWe W, and then WO is
obtained by discarding that point,
WO = W" {r}.
Its generic fiber is the variety in IP'k defined by this same equation. Thus
the generic fiber of W is precisely E / K.
IfWo is not equal to W, then as described above in (5.4.2), WO consists
of W with one point on the special fiber removed. In particular, WO and W
have the same generic fiber, so the generic fiber of WO is also E / K.
(b) The scheme W is a closed subscheme of IP'~, so it is proper over R (2.8).
Further, its generic fiber is E / K from (a), so (4.4a) tells us that E(K) =
W(R). This proves the first part of (b). If in addition W is regular,
then (4.4b) says that W(R) = WO(R), which gives the second equal-
ity E(K) = WO(R).
§5. Neron Models 323
(c) Let
J-l : W xR W ----t W and i: W ----t W
be the rational maps on W induced by the addition and negation laws on
the generic fiber E / K of W. The fact that the generic fiber is a group
variety means that J-l and i satisfy all of the group axioms on a non-empty
open subscheme of W, so they will satisfy the group axioms on the largest
open subscheme on which they are defined. In other words, if we can show
that J-l is a morphism on WO XR Wand that i is a morphism on W, then
the group axioms are automatically true.
If W is smooth over R, we are going to prove that J-l is a morphism on
all of W XR W. If W is not smooth over R, then as explained above (5.4.2),
the special fiber Wcont(l,ins a unique singular point 'Y and WO = W " b}.
In this situation we will show that J-l is a morphism except at the single
In particular, it is a morphism on WO x R W.
In order to simplify our calculations, we will assume that the residue
field k does not have characteristic 2 or 3 (equivalently, 2 and 3 are units
in R). The general case is similar, but the formulas are considerably longer.
This assumption allows us to make a change of variables in IP'~ and put our
Weierstrass equation in the form
W : y2 Z = X 3 + AX Z2 + BZ3.
In other words, W is the closed subscheme of IP'~ defined by this homoge-
neous equation.
Let Waft be the affine open subscheme of W defined by
Waft = {Z I- O} c W,
and let x = X/Z and Y = Y/Z be affine coordinates on Waft. The addition
map J-l is then given by the usual formula [AEC, III.2.3]
More precisely, this formula gives the restriction of J-l to Waft XR Waft,
and on this affine scheme J-l will be a morphism except possibly along the
closed subscheme where its three coordinate functions vanish. Looking
at the third coordinate and then at the second coordinate, we see that J-l
is a morphism on Waft XR Waft except possibly on the closed subscheme
defined by the equations
X2 - Xl = Y2 - YI = O.
324 IV. The Neron Model
and Y§ = x~ + AX2 + B
which hold identically on Waif XR Waif to rewrite the addition map /-L as
(See [AEC, III.3.6.1] for a similar calculation.) Just as above, we see that /-L
is a morphism on Waif XR Waif except possibly on the closed subscheme
defined by the equations
YI + Y2 = xi + XIX2 + x~ + A = 0.
We have now proven that /-L is a morphism on Waif XR Waif except on
the sub scheme defined by the four equations
X2 - Xl = Y2 - YI = YI + Y2 = xi + XIX2 + x§ + A = 0.
A little algebra and the fact that 2 E R* shows that this subscheme is
defined by the equations
YI = Y2 = 0, 3xi + A = 0.
In particular, it is contained in the diagonal of Waif X R Waif, so if we iden-
tify Waif with this diagonal, then /-L is a morphism except on the subscheme
Y = 3x2 +A = 0.
Using the relation y2 = x3 + Ax + B and the fact that 3 E R*, we see that
the discriminant 4A 3 + 27 B2 is contained in the ideal generated by Y and
3x2 + A. Hence if W is smooth over R, which implies that its discriminant
is a unit in R, then /-L is a morphism on all of Waif X R Waif. Similarly, if W
is not smooth over R, then /-L will be a morphism on Waif X R Waif away
from the subscheme
YI = Y2 = 0, 3xi + A = 0,
which is precisely the singular point on the special fiber of the diagonal.
Next let W~1f be the affine open subscheme of W defined by
W~1f = {Y t O} C W.
§6. Existence of Neron Models 325
Waff XR Waff,
In this section we are going to prove the existence of Neron models for ellip-
tic curves. The proof, which closely follows the exposition of Artin [1, §1]'
is largely scheme-theoretic and is at a more advanced level than the other
material in this chapter. The reader who is willing to accept the statement
of Theorem 6.1 should read Remarks 6.1.1-6.1.3 and can then proceed to
the next section with no loss of continuity.
ep = l:.: npiFpi.
Then £ is formed by discarding from e all Fp;'s with npi 2': 2, all singular
points on each F pi , and all points where the FPi'S intersect one another.
326 IV. The Neron Model
Remark 6.1.2. Continuing with the notation from (6.1.1), the group
scheme el R comes equipped with an identity element, which is an R-valued
point 0'0 E e(R). The image O'o(R) of the identity element is a curve on e
which will intersect the fiber ep at the point O'o(p). Proposition 4.3 tells us
that 0'0 (p) will be a non-singular point of ep , so it will lie on an FPi hav-
ing multiplicity npi = 1. The component of ep containing O'o(p) is called
the identity component of ep . The scheme obtained by removing all non-
identity components from the fibers of e is called the connected component
(of the identity) ofe. The image O'o(R) of the identity element lies in e, so
we can define the identity component of ep and the connected component
(of the identity) of e in an analogous manner. The connected component
of e is a subgroup scheme of e; see exercise 4.25. We will see later (9.1)
that it is isomorphic to the smooth part of the scheme defined by a minimal
Weierstrass equation for E.
Remark 6.1.3. With notation as in (6.1), one can prove that the group
law e x R e ---+ e extends to give a group scheme action
let ¢ : X --.. G be a rational map over R. Write Dom(¢) for the domain
of ¢, and suppose that Dom( ¢) is dense in every fiber of XI R.
(a) The complement X" Dom(¢) is a subscheme of X of pure codimension
(b) If G is proper over R, then Dom(¢) = X. In other words, ¢ is a
PROOF. We will write }L(g,h) = gh and i(g) = g-l. Further, to simplify
our exposition and help reveal the underlying ideas, we will phrase our
argument in terms of points. But the reader should be aware that in
order to be completely rigorous, our "points" should be T-valued points for
arbitrary R-schemes T. As an alternative, the proof can be given purely
scheme-theoretically, a task which we will leave for the reader.
Having made this disclaimer, we begin by considering the rational map
Combining this with our description of the domain of ¢ from above yields
from the generic point of X to the generic point of~. In other words,
composition with ¢ induces an inclusion of function fields K(~) ~ K(X).
§6. Existence of Neron l\1odels 329
Spec (')x,z
Spec K(X) -+ SpecK(13).
The discrete valuation ring (')x.z has fraction field K(X), and we are given
that 13 is proper over R, so the valuative criterion of properness (2.7) implies
that the rational map
Spec (')x.z -+ X ---~ 13
extends to a morphism Spec (') x, z ----+ 13. This says precisely that cP is defined
at the generic point of Z, which completes the proof of (6.2.1), and with it
also the proof of (6.2b). 0
We can use (6.2) to find the Nerem model of an elliptic curve with
good reduction.
Corollary 6.3. Let R be a Dedekind domain with fraction field K,
let ElK be an elliptic curve given by a Weierstrass equation
PROOF. Theorem 5.3 says that the addition law on ElK extends to make
W into a group scheme over the localization of R at each of its prime ideals.
These group laws are given by the same equations, so they fit together to
make W into a group scheme over R. It remains to verify that W has the
Neron mapping property.
Let XI R be a smooth R-scheme with generic fiber XI K, take any
rational map cPK : X IK --~ ElK defined over K, and let cP : X --~ W be
the associated rational map over R. The fact that W is a closed subscheme
of lP'~ implies that it is proper over R (2.8), so we can use (6.2b) to deduce
that the rational map c/J extends to a morphism. This proves that WI R
has the Neron mapping property, so it is a Neron model for ElK. 0
ph = pR h , kh = k, psh = pRsh , k sh = k.
Further the natural map
332 IV. The Neron Model
PROOF. (a) We are going to verify that Rh has the Henselian property.
Let f(x) E Rh[x] be a monic polynomial, which we may assume to be
irreducible and separable over Kh. (If f is inseparable, then f' (x) is iden-
tically 0, so the Henselian property is vacuously true!) Factor f over K S
f(x) = (x - al)(x - (2)··· (x - ad).
Suppose that a E Rh satisfies f(a) E ph and f'(a) t/: ph. This implies that
there is exactly one root, say a = ai, with the property that a - a E pS.
Further, if a E D is any element of the decomposition group of pS, then we
a - a(a) = a(a - a) E a(pS) = pS.
But there is exactly one root of f which is congruent to a, so a(a) must
equal a. This shows that a is fixed by D, and hence a E Rh.
(b) The proof that R sh is Henselian is similar to the proof of (a), and it
is a standard fact that the residue field is an algebraic closure of k; see for
example Serre [4, I §7]. (Remember we are assuming that k is perfect.)
(c) Again these are standard properties of Galois extensions of local fields.
Remark 6.6.1. It is clear from the construction (6.5) that the fraction
fields Kh and K sh are separable algebraic extensions of K. Note that in
general the fraction field of the completion of R will be transcendental
over K, in fact, of infinite transcendence degree. This is one reason why it
is often better to work with the Henselization. The moral is that one should
work with Henselizations if one only needs to solve polynomial equations,
but one has to go to the completion in order to use convergent power series.
We also mention that strictly Henselian rings play the same role for the
etale topology that local rings play for the Zariski topology.
Remark 6.6.2. The Henselization can also be described in terms of a
universal mapping property, which essentially says that it is the smallest
Henselian extension of R, and similarly for the strict Henselization. See
exercise 6.28.
Proposition 6.7. Let R be a strictly Henselian discrete valuation ring
with fraction field K, let ElK be an elliptic curve, let e I R be a minimal
proper regular model for ElK (4.5), and let cI R be the largest su bscheme
ofel R which is smooth over R (6.1.1). If the group law on ElK extends to
make c into a group scheme over R, then cIRis a Neron model for ElK.
cP: 1: ---~ E
Then the domains of definition of 4> and 'ljJ contain a dense subset of
each fiber of V XR V, and the restriction of 4> and 'ljJ to each fiber is a
birational isomorphism.
Remark 6.8. If G is a group scheme over a Dedekind domain R, then its
group law is a normal law. Condition (i) is true because the group law
on G is associative by definition, and condition (ii) is immediate since 4>
and 'ljJ are isomorphisms. For example, the inverse of 'ljJ is the map
For a general normal law p" the requirement that the rational maps 4>
and 'ljJ satisfy condition (ii) provides a sort of inverse for the hidden group
law that p, is trying to emulate.
The following theorem says that a normal group law on V makes a
large chunk of V into a large chunk of a group scheme.
Theorem 6.9. (Weil [3]) Let R be a Dedekind domain, and let V/ R be
a smooth R-scheme of finite type over R. Suppose that every fiber of V is
non-empty and that VCR) is dense in each fiber.
§6. Existence of Neron Models 335
PROOF. (Sketch) The underlying idea is to start with a good open sub-
scheme U of V and construct G as a union of translates of U. More pre-
cisely, for each x E U(R), let Ux be a copy of U. Then one treats Ux as if
it were "U translated by x" and uses J-l to provide gluing data to attach Ux
to U. For further details, see Artin [I, Thm. 1.12]. 0
The next result, combined with (6.7), will complete the proof that c/R
is a N eron model for E / K, at least over strictly Henselian rings.
Proposition 6.10. Let R be a strictly Henselian discrete valuation ring
with fraction field K, let E / K be an elliptic curve, let e/ R be a minimal
proper regular model for E/ K (4.5), and let E/ R be the largest subscheme
of e/ R which is smooth over R (6.1.1). Then the group law on E extends
to make E into a group scheme over R.
PROOF. The proof consists of two steps. First, we verify that the group
law on E defines a normal law on E. This allows us to apply (6.9), which
yields a group scheme G / R that is birational to E. The second step is to
show that the resulting birational map E -> G is actually an isomorphism.
Notice that the proof is somewhat indirect. Rather than proving that the
group law on E extends to E, we instead construct an auxiliary group
scheme G which extends the group law on E, and then we show that G
must equal E.
We begin with the assertion that the group law on E defines a normal
J-l: E XR E ---~ E.
are defined on a dense subset of the special fiber and that their restrictions
to the special fiber are birational isomorphisms.
Suppose that R' is any discrete valuation ring which is the localization
of a smooth R-scheme, and let K' be the fraction field of R'. Then the
336 IV. The Neron Model
Note that the special fiber £ need not be irreducible, so it may have several
generic points, one for each component. We can take R' to be the local
ring at anyone of these generic points. Note also that here is where we
use the fact that e is smooth over R, since this fact implies that R' is the
localization of a smooth R-scheme.
There is a natural map Spec(R') = ~ ---> e, in other words an R'-valued
point of e. We let T be the corresponding translation map,
Spec(R') XR e ~ Spec(R') XR e
1 1
This proves that 1> is defined at every generic point of the special fiber
of £ XR e lying over~. But ~ is an arbitrary generic point of the special
fiber £, which implies that 1> is defined at every generic point of the special
fiber of £ x R e. A similar argument can be applied to 1/;, which proves that
the domains of definition of 1> and 1/; contain a dense subset of the special
fiber of e XR e. This verifies the first part of property (ii) in the definition
of a normal law.
Now take any point P E e(R), and let Tp : £ ---> £ be the automor-
phism of e extending the translation-by-P morphism on the generic fiber
of E (4.6). Then the map
Spec(R) XR e Pxl
is precisely the map P x Tp, so it is one-to-one. It follows that the fibers of 1>
are not all positive dimensional. Therefore 1> must be generically surjective,
and hence a birational isomorphism on the closed fiber of e x R e. Similarly
for 1/;, which completes the verification that J.L is a normal law on e.
We can now apply (6.9) to deduce the existence of a group scheme
G / R, open subschemes U / R c £ and U' / ReG / R which are dense in
§6. Existence of Neron Models 337
\iVe now have all of the tools needed to prove the existence of Neron
models for elliptic curves over Dedekind domains.
PROOF (of Theorem 6.1). If the ring R is strictly Henselian, then combin-
ing (6.7) and (6.10) shows that G is a N eron model for ElK. There are
two more steps needed to complete the proof of (6.1). First, we have to
descend from the strict Henselization of a discrete valuation ring down to
the ring itself. Second, we have to glue together Neron models over discrete
valuation rings to create a Neron model over a Dedekind domain.
So suppose first that R is a discrete valuation ring, and let R sh be the
strict Henselization of R (6.5). Then esh = e XR R sh will be a minimal
proper regular model for E I Rsh. To see this, we note first that proper
morphisms are stable under base extension (Hartshorne [1, II.4.8c]), so esh
is proper over R sh . Next, the regularity of esh follows, since is regular
and R sh is fiat and unramified over R. Finally, the minimality of esh is
a consequence of the construction of the minimal proper regular model
in terms of a regular model with all exceptional curves blown down. See
Lichtenbaum [1], Shafarevich [1], Chinburg [1], and the discussion in §7 of
this chapter.
338 IV. The Neron Model
1 <PK
X ---~ E,
where the top row is obtained from the bottom row using the base extension
Spec R sh --> Spec R. The strict Henselization Rs h is faithfully flat over R
(Bosch-Liitkebohmert-Raynaud [1, 2.4, corollary 9]), so this is exactly the
situation in which we can apply faithfully flat descent (see, e.g., Bosch-
Liitkebohmert-Raynaud [1, Chap. 6] or Milne [4, I §2]) to conclude that
the rational map on the bottom row is a morphism. Therefore EI R has the
Neron mapping property, which concludes the proof that EI R is a Neron
model for ElK in the case that R is a discrete valuation ring.
Finally, suppose that R is a Dedekind domain. From what we have
already done, we know that for each prime P E Spec R, the localization
E XR Rp is a Neron model for E over Kp. Further, (6.3) tells us that if we
fix a Weierstrass equation WI R for ElK, and if we let S c Spec R be the
set of primes for which W has bad reduction, then W XR Rs (i.e., the part
of W lying over Rs) is a Neron model for E over Rs. This gives the Neron
model over a dense open subset of Spec R, and gluing this large piece to
the finitely many bad fibers produces a Neron model over all of Spec R.
This completes the proof of (6.1). 0
compute intersections with divisors which lie on the special fiber. In the
next section we will use intersection theory to completely describe all of
the possible special fibers for a minimal proper regular model of an elliptic
curve. We will work over a discrete valuation ring, rather than a Dedekind
domain, since everything we do in this section can be done fiber-by-fiber.
Let R be a discrete valuation ring with maximal ideal p and residue
field k = RIp, and let el R be an arithmetic surface over R. The scheme e
is normal by definition, so there is a good theory of Wei! divisors on e
as described in Hartshorne [1, II §6]. An irreducible divisor r on e is a
closed integral subscheme of dimension one, in other words a curve, and
the divisor group Div(e) of e is the free abelian group generated by the
irreducible divisors. Further, each non-zero function J E K(e) defines a
principal divisor
div(f) = L ordr(f)r E Div(e),
and as usual we say that two divisors are linearly equivalent if the differ-
ence is principal. Here ord r is the normalized valuation associated to the
irreducible divisor r; see (4.1.2).
Let r E Div(e) be an irreducible divisor and let x E e p be a point on
the special fiber of e. Informally, a uniJormizer Jar r at x is a function
which vanishes to order 1 along r and has no other zeros or poles in a
neighborhood of x. More precisely, a uniformizer for r at x is a function J E
(')e,x in the local ring of e at x with the property that
Notice that this is the same definition that we gave in (III §7) for
the local intersection index on geometric surfaces. Just as in Chapter III,
we would like to add up these local intersection indices to get a global
theory. Further, we would like our intersection theory to have the important
functorial properties described in (III.7.2). In particular, linearly equivalent
divisors should give the same intersection index. Unfortunately, it is not
possible to define an intersection theory on Div(e) with this property. The
problem is that e is not complete. This is true even if e is proper over R,
340 IV. The Neron Model
which will ensure that the fibers are complete, because the base Spec(R)
itself is not complete. This non-completeness means that it is possible to
use a linear equivalence to move an intersection point "out to infinity,"
where it then disappears. The following simple example illustrates this
Example 7.1. Let e = IP'k = Proj R[X, Y], and consider the two divisors
r1 = {X = O} and
x = {X = 7r = O} E ep = lP'i
on the special fiber. To compute the local intersection index we dehomog-
enize by setting Y = 1 and then compute
r·F= L (r·F)x.
More generally, if we write the special fiber as e p = 2:. niFi, then any
positive fibral divisor F = 2:. aiFi is a one-dimensional scheme over k.
If F is connected, the arithmetic genus of F is defined by exactly the
same formula. See Hartshorne [1, exercise III.5.3J for a discussion of the
arithmetic genus. The next proposition describes the few facts that we will
need to know about the arithmetic genus.
Proposition 7.4. Let R be a discrete valuation ring with maximal
ideal 13, fraction field K, and algebraically closed residue field k. Let e/ R
be a regular arithmetic surface proper over R.
(a) (Adjunction Formula) There is a divisor Ke E Div(e) with the property
F2 + Ke' F = 2Pa(F) - 2 for every FE Divp(e).
§7. Intersection Theory, Minimal Models, and Blowing-Up 343
(See Hartshorne [1, I §4, II §7, V §3] and the discussion (7.7, 7.7.1) at the
end of this section.) The map ¢ is an isomorphism away from x, and the
inverse image of x is a divisor D = ¢-l(x) with the property that
344 IV. The N eron Model
PROOF. (a) See Hartshorne [1, V.5.7] for a proof in the geometric situation.
The arithmetic version is due to Lichtenbaum [1, Thm. 3.9] and Shafare-
vich [1, p. 102], see also Chinburg [2, Thm. 3.1].
(b) If e contains an exceptional curve, then (a) says that we can blow
it down to get a smaller regular model for C / K. But a blow-down map
is clearly not an isomorphism, which contradicts the assumed minimality
of e. 0
Remark 7.5.1. Continuing with the notation from (7.5b), it can be shown
that a proper regular model e/ R for C / K is minimal if and only if it con-
tains no exceptional divisors. Further, starting with any proper regular
model for e/ R, one can produce a minimal model by blowing down ex-
ceptional curves until none are left. The geometric case is described in
Hartshorne [1, V §§3,5]. The arithmetic case is due to Lichtenbaum [1,
Thm. 4.4] and Shafarevich [1, p. 126]; see also Chinburg [2, Thm. 1.2].
Remark 7.6. Let R be a Dedekind domain, say the ring of integers of a
number field K, and let e/ R be an arithmetic surface. Then we can define
an intersection pairing
f(O,O) =of
ox (0, 0) =of
oy (0, 0) =0 (mod 7r).
and y = 7rYl,
Chart 2. The second chart is formed using new variables 7f', x' ,Y' defined
7f = 7f'y', x = x'y', y = y'.
We substitute these into the polynomial f(x, y). This means we do two
things. First, we replace x and y by x'y' and y'. Second, we take each
coefficient a of f(x, y) and replace the largest power of 7f dividing a by that
power of 7f'y'. For example, if 7f21a and 7f3 f a, then we would replace a
by (1f'y')27f-2 a. We factor out the largest possible power of y' to get
and then the second coordinate chart of the blow-up is the scheme
e' : Spec R[7f', x', y'l/ (7f - 7f' y', J' (x', y')).
Note that 7f' is a new variable, just like the variables x' and y'. The
scheme e' is the closed subscheme of A~ = Spec R[7f', x',y'] defined by the
two equations 7f = 7f'y' and J'(x',y') = o.
Chart 3. The third chart is formed similarly to the second chart using the
variables 7f", x", y" defined by
It is easy to see how to glue the three coordinate charts together. For
example, in order to map e l to e', we just need to solve for (7f', x', y') in
terms of (7f, Xl, yd. Thus
, 7f 7f 1 , x x
7f =-=-=- X=- y' = y = 7fYI·
y' Y YI' y' y YI
These equations define a birational map e l -+ e' which is defined every-
where except at the points of e l with YI = O. Similarly, we get a birational
map e l -> e" by using the equations
7f 7f 1 " y y
x" = x = 7fXl,
y = x"
x" X x
§7. Intersection Theory, Minimal Models, and Blowing-Up 347
These maps are used to glue the three coordinate charts together, and the
resulting scheme is the blow-up of e at m.
In order to find the special fiber of the blow-up, we take the special
fibers of each of the coordinate charts and then glue them together. The
special fiber of a coordinate chart is calculated by setting n = 0 and looking
at the resulting curve defined over k. The first coordinate chart is easiest,
and we find that
1 = Spec k[Xl' Yl]/(il(Xl, yd)·
In other words, 1 is the curve in A% defined by the single equation = o. A
Similarly, the special fiber of e' is obtained by setting n = 0, which
means that
= Spec k[n', x', y']/(n'y', l' (x', y')).
e" = Spec k[n", x", y"] / (nil x", j" (x", y")),
so e" also consists of two pieces, one with nil = 0 and the other with x" = o.
Example 7.7.1. We are going to illustrate (7.7) by blowing-up the arith-
metic surface
e : x 2 + y5 = n 4
at its singular point n = x = y = O. For simplicity, we will assume that
the residue field does not have characteristic 2, 3, or 5.
To find the first coordinate chart of the blow-up, we substitute x = nXl
and y = nYl into the equation for e and cancel n 2 , which yields
The second coordinate chart is obtained by substituting n = n' y', x = x' y',
and y = y', and then canceling y,2 to obtain
,2 +,3 ,4,2
y =n y, n = n'y'.
Finally, to get the third chart we substitute n = nil x", x = x", and y =
y" x" and cancel X" 2 to get
L.: 1 + x 11 3 y 115 =n114 x 112 , n = nil x" .
348 IV. The Neron Model
e'= { F'·
1r' - 0
x,2 + y,3 -
- 0
2F~ : y' = 0, X,2 = o.
Keep in mind that F{ and F~ are curves in A~ = Spec k[1r', x', y']. Thus F{
is a rational curve with a cusp, whereas F~ is a non-singular rational curve
which appears with multiplicity 2 in the fiber. In other words, as a divisor
we have e'
= F{ + 2F~.
Similarly, the special fiber of elf is obtained by setting 1r = 1r"X" = o.
However, when we set x" = 0 we obtain the equation 1 = 0, so x" = 0 does
not give any components of e".
Hence elf consists of the single rational
e" : 1r" = 0, 1 = x,,3 y1l5.
We claim that when we glue e1 , e', and elf together, the special
fiber e" e
is identified with F{, and the special fiber 1 is identified with 2F~.
To verify the first statement, we observe that the special fiber elf is defined
by the equations 1r" = 0 and 1 = X,,3 y ,,5. According to (7.7), the gluing
map e' -+ e" is given by the substitutions
1r'lx' = 0 and
which are exactly the equations of F{. We leave it to the reader to verify
the assertion that 1 is glued to 2F~.
Thus the special fiber of e' contains all of the components of the special
fiber of the blow-up. If e' were regular, we would have completed our
construction of a regular model, but unfortunately it is not regular. In
fact, every point on the component F~ of the special fiber is a singular
point, so next we want to blow up e' along the entire curve y' = o. We
didn't discuss blowing up a surface along a curve in (7.7), but the procedure
is very similar.
Recall that e' c 1\1
= Spec R[1r', x', y'] is given by the equations
and cancel y2 from the first equation. This yields the arithmetic sur-
face S c A'k = Spec R[T, X, YJ given by the equations
S : X2 + Y = T 4 , 7r = TY.
Note that S is regular at X = Y = T = 7r = 0, since the equations
for S show that the maximal ideal at that point is generated by the two
variables X and T. One can similarly verify that S is regular at all other
points, so it is a regular model for e.
To compute the special fiber S of S, we set 7r = TY = 0. The part
with T = ° is the non-singular rational curve X 2 + Y = 0, whereas the
part with Y = 0 factors as
Fl : Y = X - T2 = 0, F2 : Y = X + T2 = 0, F3: T = X2 + Y = o.
Looking at Figure 4.3 or directly from the equations for the components,
we can compute the pairwise intersections
Next, using the fact (7.3) that the intersection of a component with the
entire fiber S = Fl + F2 + F3 is zero, we compute the self-intersections,
The incidence matrix of the special fiber of a minimal proper regular model
of a curve can be used to compute the group of components of the Neron
model of its Jacobian variety, see Raynaud [1] and exercises 4.32 and 4.33.
In this example, the 2 x 2 minors of the incidence matrix have determi-
nant 5. Raynaud's theorem then implies that the group of components of
the Neron model of the Jacobian variety is a cyclic group of order 5.
ep = LniFi'
e~ = 0 from (7.3b)
Pa(e p ) = g(E) = 1 from (7.4b)
e~ + Ke· ep = 2Pa(e p ) - 2 adjunction formula (7.4a).
Ke· ep = o.
We next apply the adjunction formula (7.4a) to an irreducible fibral
component Fi to get
In case (i) we know from (7.3b) that Fi must be a multiple of the entire
special fiber. More precisely, we must have r = 1 and ep = nIFI . Then (a)
tells us that nl = 1, so FI = ep . Now the equality Ke· ep = 0 proven
above gives us (b), and the facts e~ = 0 and Pa(e p ) = 1 noted above give
us (c). This completes the proof of Proposition 8.1 in case (i).
352 IV. The Neron Model
Next consider case (ii). Each term in the left-hand side of the adjunc-
tion formula is negative, whereas the right-hand side is at least -2. The
only way for this to happen is if
Now (7.4c) says that Fi ~ lP'L and hence Fi is an exceptional divisor. But
Castelnuovo's criterion (7.5b) says that a minimal proper regular model
contains no exceptional divisors, so case (ii) cannot occur.
It remains to consider case (iii). The strict inequality F? < 0 implies
in particular that r ?: 2. We take the equality Ke' ep = 0 proven above
and write it out in terms of the fibral components as
LniKe' Fi = O.
Each ni ?: 1, and since we are in case (iii), each Ke' Fi ?: 0, so the only
way that this can be true is if we have
following forms. (See Figure 4.4. Note that the small numbers in Figure 4.4
indicate the multiplicities of the components.)
Type 10. ep is a non-singular curve of genus l.
Type Ii. ep is a rational curve with a node.
Type In. ep consists of n non-singular rational curves arranged in the
shape of an n-gon, where n 2: 2.
Type II. ep is a rational curve with a cusp.
Type III. ep consists of two non-singular rational curves which intersect
tangentially at a single point.
Type IV. ep consists of three non-singular rational curves intersecting at
a single point.
Type 10. Cp is a non-singular rational curve of multiplicity 2 with four
non-singular rational curves of multiplicity 1 attached.
Type I~. Cp consists of a chain of n + 1 non-singular rational curves of
multiplicity 2, with two non-singular rational curves of multi-
plicity 1 attached at either end.
Type IV*. Cp consists of seven non-singular rational curves arranged as
pictured in Figure 4.4.
Type III*. Cp consists of eight non-singular rational curves arranged as
pictured in Figure 4.4.
Type II*. Cp consists of nine non-singular rational curves arranged as
pictured in Figure 4.4.
10 1 C :=:>1
II 1
In n
01 1
IV 3
10 5 111 I 111 I
1*n n+5
1 1
2 2
IV* 7
21 21' 21 3
111* 8
1 I 31 21 13 11
2 2
4 2
II* 9
1 I 31 51 31 41
2 6
Remark 8.2.4. Ogg [3J and Namikawa and Ueno [IJ have given a classi-
fication, similar to (8.2), for the special fibers of proper regular minimal
models of curves of genus 2. It turns out that there are more than 100
PROOF (of Theorem 8.2). We will write the special fiber of ep as usual as
ep = LniFi.
We are going to consider a number of cases, which we will box for clarity.
Ie p has r = 1 component I
Proposition 8.1(a,c) tells us that nl = 1 and Pa(e p ) = 1, so ep = Fl is an
irreducible curve of arithmetic genus 1. If ep is non-singular, then it is a
non-singular curve of genus 1 (Hartshorne [1, IV.l.l]), so we have Type 10 .
If ep is singular, then Hartshorne [1, V.3.7] and the fact that Pa(e p ) = 1
means that a single blow-up of a singular point on ep will produce a non-
singular rational curve. Hence ep is a rational curve with exactly one
singular point of multiplicity 2, from which it is not hard to show that the
singular point is either an ordinary node or an ordinary cusp. This gives
Types II and II.
(Alternative proof for r = 1. We will see in the next section that
if r = 1, then the scheme W / R defined by a minimal Weierstrass equation
for E is already a regular scheme. It will follow that e = w, so the
special fiber p is obtained by reducing the minimal Weierstrass equation
modulo p. But we already know from [AEC, VII §5] that the reduction Wp
is either a non-singular curve of genus 1, a rational curve with a node, or
a rational curve with a cusp.)
We assume henceforth that r ~ 2, which means that we can apply the
formula given in (8.1d),
L njFj . Fi = 2ni·
vVe now multiply these two estimates to obtain the strict inequality
r r
since FI ·F2 = 1 and nl = n2 = 1. This means that there is exactly one more
component intersecting F 2 , call it F 3 , and n;, = 1. If F3 also intersects F I ,
then we get two possible configurations depending on whether or not F1 nF3
is the same point as F2 n Fc,. If they are the same point, then we get a fiber
§8. The Special Fiber of a Neron Model 357
of Type IV, and if they are not, then we get three rational curves arranged
in a triangle, which is Type 13 .
Suppose now that F3 does not intersect Fl. Then applying (*) to F3
+L L
+L L
Building a Fiber of Type I;,
Figure 4.5
Fi I F3 3
2 ' ...
.... " F
' .... , t-l t-l
Ft F 1+1
-+_ __
F2 Ft+3 Ft+4
F 1+2
Building Fibers of Type IV*, III*, II*
Figure 4.6
ntFt ·FH1 + 2..: njFj ·FH1 = 2nHl, and hence 2..: njFj ·Ft+1 = 1,
j=t+3 j=t+3
ntFt ·Ft+l + 2..: njFj ·FH1 = 2nt+l, and hence 2..: njFj ·Ft+l = 0,
j=t+3 j=H3
= 1,
.L njFj · Ft+3 = 2nt+3 -
-2- =
(6 - t)/2
if nt+3
if nt+3 = 2,
since Ft+2 . Ft+3 = 1 and nt+2 = (t + 2)/2. But the sum is non-negative,
and t is even and 2': 3 by assumption, so we must have
t = 4 or 6 and nt+3 = 2.
If t = 6, then there are no additional components, and Figure 4.6(d) is
exactly Type II*. Finally, if t = 4, then there is one more component FtH
hitting F t +3 , and its multiplicity is ntH = 1. This gives Type III*, which
completes the proof of Theorem 8.2. 0
c(R) ::) cO(R) ::) c1(R).
E(K)jEo(K) ~
c(R)jcO(R) '---+ £(k)j£O(k)
E(K)j El(K) ~
c(R)jc1(R) '---+
Remark 9.2.2. Corollary 9.2 can be used to bound the torsion subgroup
of an elliptic curve defined over a local field or a number field. Con-
tinuing with the notation set at the beginning of this section, we recall
from [AEC, VII.3.1(a)] that the subgroup EI(K) contains no prime-to-p
torsion, since it is isomorphic to the formal group of E. Suppose now
that E has additive reduction. Then £O(k) = Ens(k) = k+ is a p-group
from (9.2c), whereas the quotient E(K)jEo(K) ~ £(k)j£O(k) is a group of
order 1, 2, 3, or 4 from (9.2d). Using these facts and the exact sequences
Remark 9.3. If K is a complete local field, then (9.2b) says that c(E/ K)
equals the order of E(K)/ Eo(K). This quantity is the so-called Birch-
Swinnerton-Dyer "fudge factor." It is a sort of p-adic period and appears
in the conjectural formula for the leading coefficient of L( E, s) around
s = 1 [AEC, C.16.5]. See Tate [2, §5] for details.
Tate's Algorithm 9.4. (Tate [2]) The following algorithm computes the
reduction type, the values ofm(E/K), v('D E / X ), !(E/K), and c(E/K),
and the various other quantities described during the course of the algo-
Remark 9.4.1. At the conclusion of Tate's algorithm, one obtains a min-
imal Weierstrass equation for the given elliptic curve. In practice, however,
it is considerably easier to implement Tate's algorithm if one knows, a pri-
ori, that the initial Weierstrass equation is minimal. Further, if one only
wants a minimal equation and is not interested in computing other quan-
tities, such as the reduction type, then there are easier methods available.
For example, if the characteristic p of k satisfies p 2': 5, then a given Weier-
strass equation is minimal if and only if either V(C4) < 4 or V(C6) < 6.
In general, one can use a short algorithm of Laska [1] to find a minimal
Weierstrass equation. See also exercise 4.36 for another method.
Remark 9.4.2. In the case that the residue field k is algebraically closed,
we have assembled information about the various reduction types in Ta-
ble 4.1. This table is taken, with minor modifications, from Tate [2, §6].
Notice that if char(k) i= 2,3, then everything about E (reduction type,
exponent of conductor, group of components E(K)/Eo(K)) can be read
off from Table 4.1 once one has a minimal Weierstrass equation for E / K.
Our description of Tate's algorithm follows very closely Tate's exposi-
tion [2]. The idea is to begin with an arbitrary Weierstrass equation
41E '0
n odd [
taCk) E(k) k" k+ k+ k+ k+ k+ k+ k+ k+ 'Tj
Entries below this line only valid for char(k) = p as indicated
char(k) = p p f. 2,3 pf.2 pf.3 pf.2 pf.2 pf.3 pf.2 p f. 2,3
V('D E/ K)
0 n 2 3 4 6 6+n 8 9 10
0 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
behavior of j v(j) 2: 0 v(j) =-n 3=0 3 = 1728 3=0 v(j) 2: 0 v(j) =-n 3=0 3 = 1728 3=0
~- --_. -_.- - ~
be the usual quantities [AEC, III §1] associated to the given Weierstrass
It is not necessary to assume that the original Weierstrass equation is
minimal. When the algorithm terminates, the resulting Weierstrass equa-
tion will be minimal, so its discriminant will equal V('D E/ K ). Further, we
will see that the smooth part of the final Weierstrass equation, considered
as a scheme over R, is the identity component of e, which will prove (9.1).
Step 1. If Jr f 6., then the special fiber E/ k is an elliptic curve, and we
Type la, v(6.) = 0, m = 1, f = 0, c = 1.
Step 2. Assume iJr/6.i. This means that f;; has a singular point.
Make a change of variables to move the singular point to (0,0). Then
iJr/a3, a4 and aGIo If Jr f b2, then we have Type In with n = v(6.). More pre-
cisely, let k' be the splitting field over k of the polynomial T2 + a1T - a2.
Then we have
From now on, f;; has a cusp and 1EO(k) ~ k+ I. We are going transform
the Weierstrass equation so as to make the ai's more and more divisible
by Jr. To keep track, we introduce the convenient notation
a':.T = Jr -1'
Step 4. Assume that iJr2/a6i (which implies that Jr2/b 6 and Jr2/b s ). If
Jr3 f bs , then
Step 5.Assume that iJr3/bs i (which implies that Jr 2/b 4 ). If Jr3 f b6, then
Type IV. Let k' be the splitting field over k of T2 + a3,lT - a6.2 = 0. Then
= k,
Type IV, m=3, f = v(6.) - 2, c = {~ if k'
if k' 1= k.
§9. Tate's Algorithm to Compute the Special Fiber 367
Step 6. Assume that 17r 3 1b6 1. Then we can change coordinates to get
More precisely, the boxed assumptions up to this point show that we can
and then the substitution y' = y + ax + (37r will have the desired effect.
Having done this, we consider the factorization over k of the polynomial
Step 7. If P(T) has one simple root and one double root in k, then
4 if k' = k,
Type!:}, m=7, f=v(.6.)-6, c= { 2 ifk'oJk.
368 IV. The Neron Model
Step 9. Suppose now that y2+a:;.2Y -a6.4 has a double root in k. Making
a translation on we may aSHume that the root is Y = 0, which means
that 7r 3 1a3 and 7r 5 1a6 . If 7r 4 t a4, then
Step 11. Finally, suppose that I7rDla6i. Then the original Weierstrass
equation was not minimal. The substitution (x, y) = (7r 2 :r', 7r 3 y') leads to
the equation
then /(0, 0) == 0 (mod n), and further both partial derivatives (8f j8x)(0, 0)
and (8fj8y)(0,0) vanish modulo n. Hence Ha3,a4,a61.
Proof of Step 2. This is the case that E has multiplicative reduction.
We are going to leave it to the reader (exercise 4.37) to perform the blow-
ups necessary to resolve the singularity in this case. At the end of this
section (9.6) we will briefly explain another approach to analyzing mul-
tiplicative reduction using Tate's analytic models for elliptic curves over
complete local fields. We will also prove the following lemma which covers
Types II and II.
Lemma 9.5. Let R be a discrete valuation ring with fraction field K,
let E j K be an elliptic curve given by a Weierstrass equation
PROOF. (a) As described above, the fact that nib.. means that we can make
a linear change of variables to get nla3, a4, a6. This implies that nlb4' b6 , bs .
370 IV. The Neron Model
Therefore the maximal ideal (7r, x, y) of (')W,m is generated by the two el-
ements x and y, so (')W,m is a regular local ring. This proves that W is
regular, and since it is clearly also proper over R, we find that e = W
and c = Woo This pro~es t~e first part of (a) and (b).
The special fiber e = W is the curve
Proof of Step 3. We are given that 7rla3, a4, a6, b2 and that 7r 2 t a6' This
is exactly the situation in (9.5b), which shows that the special fiber is of
Type II.
Proof of Steps 4 and 5. We now add the assumption that 17r2Ia61, and
recall that our model satisfies 7rlal, a2, a3, a4. We are going to blow up the
singular point 7r = x = y = 0 of W using the procedure described in (7.7).
Thus the blow-up consists of the following three coordinate charts glued
together in an appropriate fashion:
7r'y' = 7r,
7r" x" = 7r.
Note that we are using the notation ai,r = 7r- r ai introduced earlier.
Looking at the special fibers of each of WI, W', and W", it is easy to
verify that the special fiber of W" contains all of the components and all of
the singular points of the special fiber of the blow-up. Thus all of the action
will be happening on W". Further, it is not hard to see that the projec-
tion A~ -+ Ah induced by the natural inclusion R[y", 7r"l '--+ R[x", y", 7r"l
maps W" isomorphically to the subscheme of Ah = Spec R[y", 7r"l given
by the single equation
Thus the special fiber consists of the line Z = 0 and the (possibly degen-
erate) conic
372 IV. The Neron Model
and our cumulative assumptions imply that every term except the last one
is divisible by 71"3. Hence 71"3 f bs if and only if 71"2 f a4, and this in turn
is equivalent to the assertion that (*) is a non-singular conic (as opposed
to being two lines). So 71"3 f bs implies that V consists of two non-singular
rational curves intersecting at a single point with multiplicity 2, which is
exactly Type III.
Next assume that 17I"31bs or equivalently that 7I"2Ia4' This means that
the special fiber V is given by the equation
so over k it consists of three lines. These lines will be distinct if and only
if the quadratic form y2 + a3,l y Z - a6,2Z2 has distinct roots, which is
equivalent to the condition that its discriminant a~,l + 4a6,2 = b6,2 does
not vanish. So if we assume that 71"3 f b6 , which is exactly the condition for
Step 5, then Vconsists of three non-singular lines intersecting transversally
at a single point, which is a fiber of Type IV. Further, the number c of
components defined over k will be 3 if y2+ a3 ,l y Z -a6,2Z2 splits into linear
factors over k and will be 1 otherwise. This completes our consideration of
Steps 4 and 5 of Tate's algorithm.
We now assume that 17I"31b61. This means that the quadratic form
in (**) has a double root in k. Making a translation Y ---> Y + (3Z moves
the double root to y = O. We now have 17I"Ial,a2, 7I"2Ia3,a4, and 7I"3Ia61.
The equation for V can be written as
and divide the equation for V by 71". (The reason for the subscripts on Xl
and Y2 is that they are related to our original Weierstrass coordinates by
the formulas X = 7I"Xl and Y = 7I"2 y2 . For the rest of this proof we will use
the notation x = 7I"TXT and Y = 7I"TYT')
§9. Tate's Algorithm to Compute the Special Fiber 373
and the total blow-up consists of V and Vo glued together in the natural
way. The special fiber of the total blow-up is thus formed by gluing together
the two pieces
V: y 2 Z = 0,
170 : 0 = xf + a2,lxi + a4,2xl + a6,3'
There are now three cases to consider, depending on the number of distinct
roots (in k) of the polynomial
Proof of Step 6. For Step 6 we assume that P(T) has distinct roots
in k. Then 170 consists of three distinct lines, so the blow-up is composed
of the double line y2 = 0 together with four lines of multiplicity 1 in-
tersecting it. This means we have a fiber of Type 10, Further, there is
always one component Z = 0 of multiplicity 1 defined over k, and the
other multiplicity-l components correspond to the roots of P(T). Hence
the number c of multiplicity-l components is one more than the number of
roots of P(T) in k.
Proof of Step 7. For Step 7 we assume that P(T) has one simple root and
one double root. Making a translation of the form Xl --> Xl + '"Y, we may
assume that the double root is T = 0, which implies that 7r 2 f a2, 7r 3 !a4,
and 7r 4 !a6. The special fiber of Vo is now
Our total special fiber is now composed of the following components: the
simple lines Z = 0 and Xl + a2,1 = 0, the double lines Y = 0 and Xl = 0,
and the special fiber of VI' Notice how a fiber of Type I~ is emerging.
The special fiber of VI is
V- 1 : Y22 + a3,2Y2
- -
- a6,4 =
if n = 2v - 3 is odd,
if n = 2v - 2 is even.
So each two steps of the algorithm force a3, a4, and a6 to be divisible by
an additional power of 7l'. This implies the same for b4 , b6 , and bs , and
hence also for ~. But ~ is invariant under the various translations we are
using, which shows that eventually we must get a quadratic polynomial
with distinct roots. We will leave for the reader the easy verification that
if the residue characteristic p i= 2, then the fiber Vn consists of two distinct
lines precisely when n = v(~) - 6. This concludes our discussion of Step 7
of Tate's algorithm.
Proof of Step 8. We now assume that the polynomial P(T) has a triple root
in k, which after a translation we can take to be T = O. This means that
17l'2ta2, 7l'3ta4, and 7l'4ta61, so the special fiber Vo is the triple line x~ = O.
Our total special fiber now consists of the simple line Z = 0, the double
line y2 = 0, and the triple line xr = O. The scheme Vo is regular except at
the points on the special fiber satisfying
7r = 7r'y'.
The special fiber of 11' consists of three components, which we label as
F{ : 7r' = x' = 0, F~: 7r' = y' = 0, F~: y' = ib,2 - a4,3x' - a6,57r' = o.
Notice that when we glue 11' to Vo, F{ is identified with the mul-
tiplicity-3 component x~ = 0 of 170 . Our next step is to compute the
multiplicities of the new components F~ and F~. To do this, we rewrite the
equation for 11' as
7r Y
'{ , + al,lx ,Y, + a3,2 ,2 ,
- a2,2x Y - a4,3x - a6,57r
, ,},3 ,
= X y.
The function x' does not vanish identically on F~, so it is a unit in the local
ring (') F~. Similarly, since we are making the Step 8 assumption that 7r 3 f a3,
the quantity in braces is also a unit in (') pl.
It follows that both 7r' and y'
are uniformizers for (') F~; that is, they each vanish to order 1 on F~, so
We leave for the reader the analogous verification that ordF~ (11') = l.
But we're not done with Step 8, because we have to perform an iden-
tical blow-up of Vo at the singular point 7r = Xl = Y2 + a3,2 = o. This gives
another pair of components, one of multiplicity 2 and one of multiplicity l.
The resulting configuration is of Type IV· , which completes the verification
of Step 8 of Tate's algorithm.
Proof of Step 9. For this step we have 1~3Ia31, so the scheme 11' given
above is singular at the point 7r' = x' = y = o. We blow it up at that
point by making the substitution
7r' = 7r" x", X' = x", y' = y"x".
This gives the scheme 11" C A1. = Spec R[7r", x", y"] defined by the equa-
11" : y" 7r" + a 1,1 x"y" 7r" + a3,3 x"y"7r,,2
= X,,2 Y " + a2,2x ,,2 Y" 7r " + a4,37r " + a6,57r ,,2 ,
7r = X,,2 y" 7r".
376 IV. The Neron Model
Under our Step 9 assumption that 11.4 f a4, we find that U" consists of the
following four components:
II {
Y II + aI,Ix II Y" + a3,3 x II YII 1':II - a2,2x
Y II - a4,3 - a6,51': " } = x 112 y.
U '" : 1': ", + aI,Ix ", Y"'1':", + a3,3x ", Y",2 1': ",2
= X ,"2 Y", + a2,2x ",2 Y",2 1':", + a4,4x ",2 Y",3 1':",2 + a6,51':,
", {I + a1,lx", Y", + a3,3 x ",y",2",
71" -
X",2 y ",2
",2 ",3
Y 71"
- a6,571"
= x",2 y '" .
Both x'" and the quantity in braces are units in (') Fill,
which shows that 71"'"
and y'" each vanish to order 1 on F~". This allows us to compute
Further, the Step 10 assumption that 71"6 t a6 implies that U'" is regular
at the intersection point 71"'" = x'" = y'" = 0 of F{" and F~". Hence the
appearance of the multiplicity-5 component F~" tells us that the fiber is of
Type II*. As usual, we leave for the reader the enthralling task of perform-
ing the additional blow-ups necessary to find the other II* components.
Proof of Step 11. Finally, suppose that i71"6Ia6i. Our cumulative assump-
tions to this point are that 71"la1, 71"2Ia2, 7r3Ia3, 7r4Ia4, and 7r6Ia6' In U'" we
make the substitutions
K* jqZ ~ E(K).
n = v(q) = v(~).
Note the last isomorphism depends on the fact that K' / K is unramified.
Finally, we have
The fact that K' / K is unramified means that the norm map is surjective on
units, Nk : R'* ---» R*, from which one easily deduces that this last group
is trivial if n is odd, and has order 2 if n is even.
PROOF (of Corollary 9.2). (a) First, the equality E(K) C(R) follows
from the definition of the Neron model (5.1.3). Next we observe that the
definitions of Eo and WO are both given in terms of the reduction of the
given Weierstrass equation, so Eo(K) = WO(R) is automatic. Now (9.1)
says that WO = £0, so we get the middle equality Eo(K) = £O(R). Fi-
nally, El (K) and £ 1 (R) each consists of the points which reduce to the
identity on the special fiber, and these reductions are compatible since
we already know that Eo(K) = £O(R). This proves the third equal-
ity El(K) = £l(R).
§10. The Conductor of an Elliptic Curve 379
We write
gi(L/ K) = #Gi(L/ K)
for the order of the ith-ramification group. One should think of the higher
ramification groups as measuring the extent to which the extension L/ K
is wildly ramified. The following lemma records some basic facts about the
higher ramification groups.
Lemma 10.1. Let L/ K be a finite Galois extension of local fields.
(a) The higher ramification groups Gi(L/ K) are normal subgroups of
(b) G_1(L/K) = G(L/K).
(c) Go(L/K) is the inertia group of L/K.
(c) [Go(L/K): G1(L/K)] is relatively prime to p.
(d) G1(L/K) is a p-group. Thus L/ K is wildly ramified if and only
if G 1 (L/ K) i- 1.
PROOF. See Serre [4], especially Chapter IV, Proposition 1 and Corollar-
ies 1 and 3 to Proposition 7. 0
Next let L = K(E[£]). Then the wild part of the conductor of E/K is the
The exponent of the conductor of E / K is the sum of the tame and wild
f(E/K) = c(E/K)+8(E/K).
The conductor is a representation-theoretic quantity, since it is defined
in terms of the action of the Galois group G(K / K) on the torsion subgroup
§10. The Conductor of an Elliptic Curve 381
For any abelian group A, we let Te(A) denote the Tate module of A,
and we set
Now we compute
where the last line follows from the standard description of the various
reduction types [AEC, VII.5.1]. Using the fact that f i p, we find that
(1) [K': K] = 1 or 2.
(2) K'/ K is unramified (respectively ramified) if E/ K has multiplica-
tive (respectively additive) reduction.
(3) There is a q E K' such that K'(E[l]) = K'(J.t£,ql/£).
Here J.tl denotes the group of fth_roots of unity.
Thus the extension K'(E[lJ)/K' is composed of an unramified cyclo-
tomic extension K'(J.tl)/K' and a Kummer extension K'(J.t£,ql/£)/K'(J.te)
whose order divides f. This shows that the extension K'(E[lJ)/K' is
at worst tamely ramified. It follows from properties (1) and (2) that
K (E[l]) / K is tamely ramified if either E / K has multiplicative reduction
or if p ~ 3, which completes the proof of (1O.2b) in the case that jE is
Finally we consider the case that E / K has integral j-invariant, or
equivalently from [AEC, VII.5.5], E has potential good reduction. A key
tool in proving (10.2) in this case is the following strengthening of the
criterion of Neron-Ogg-Shafarevich.
Proposition 10.3. Let K be a local field of residue characteristic p, and
let E / K be an elliptic curve with integral j-invariant.
(a) The following are equivalent.
(i) E has good reduction over K.
(ii) E[m] is unramified for every integer m ~ 1 relatively prime to p.
(iii) E[m] is unramified for at least one integer m ~ 3 relatively prime
to p.
(b) Let m ~ 3 be an integer relatively prime to p. Then E has good
reduction over K(E[mJ).
PROOF. (a) The equivalence of (i) and (ii) is [AEC, VII.7.1], and the im-
plication (ii) =? (iii) is trivial. So it suffices to prove that (iii) implies (i).
We are given that E / K has potential good reduction, so we can find
a finite Galois extension L / K such that E has good reduction over L. We
are also given an integer m ~ 3 such that E[m] is unramified over K. Let f
be the largest prime dividing m, and let
It follows that
#G(Ld K) 1# GL2(Z/£Z),
But we showed above that the field Lc = L is independent of £, so we find
that #G(L/ K) divides # GL2(Z/£Z) for all £ =l2,p. The group GL 2 (Z/£Z)
has order £(£ - 1)2(£ + 1), and it is easy to see using Dirichlet's theorem
on primes in arithmetic progressions that
gcd {£(£ - 1?(£ + 1)} = 48.
§10. The Conductor of an Elliptic Curve 385
since the proof is easier and the weaker estimate suffices for most appli-
cations. For an elementary, but involved, proof of the stronger inequality
in certain cases, see Lockhart-Rosen-Silverman [1]. The proof for gen-
eral K requires heavier machinery from representation theory; see Brumer-
Kramer [1].
We begin with the observation that if p :::: 5, then 8(E/K) = 0
from (10.2b) and c(E/K) :::; 2 directly from its definition, so f(E/K) :::; 2.
It remains to deal with the cases p = 2 and p = 3.
386 IV. The Neron Model
Let £ be any prime other than p, let L = K(E[£]), let 'IJ L1K be the
different of L/ K, and let r be the smallest integer such that Gr(L/ K) = l.
We will need the following elementary properties of local fields:
See Serre [4, IV, §1, Prop. 4J for (i), Serre [4, III, § 7, remark following
Prop. 13J for (ii), and Serre [4, IV, §2, exercise 3(c)J or Lockhart-Rosen-
Silverman [1, Lemma l.2(b)] for (iii).
We are now ready to compute.
f(E/K) = c(E/K)+8(E/K)
:S 2+8(E/K) since clearly c(E/K):S 2
= go(L/ K) ~ gi(L/ K)
2 00
Example 10.5. Let ElK be an elliptic curve defined over a number field,
and suppose that E has everywhere semi-stable reduction, by which we
mean that E has either good or multiplicative reduction at every prime.
Then the conductor of E / K is the product of the primes of bad reduction,
f(EIK) = II 13,
P!"D E / K
This conjecture, if true, lies very deep. Its validity would imply the
solution to many other Diophantine problems, including for example the
assertion that if a, b E IQ* are fixed, if n ;::: 2, and if m is sufficiently large,
then the equation ax n + bym = 1 has no non-trivial solutions x, y E IQ.
Surprisingly, it is quite easy to prove a function field analogue of
Szpiro's conjecture; see exercise 3.36. One can even prove such a result
with c = 0 and with an explicit constant c. The function field version
of Szpiro's conjecture was originally discovered by Kodaira (see Shioda [3,
Prop. 2.8]) long before Szpiro formulated his conjecture, and it has been
frequently rediscovered since that time; see for example Hindry-Silverman
[2, Thm. 5.1] and Szpiro [1].
§11. Ogg's Formula 389
Let ElK be an elliptic curve defined over a local field. Ogg's formula relates
the minimal discriminant of ElK, the exponent of the conductor of ElK,
and the number of components on the special fiber of the minimal model
of E over the ring of integers of K. This formula was originally proven
by Ogg [2] in all cases except when K is a field of characteristic with
residue field of characteristic 2. Ogg's proof relies on a lengthy case-by-
case analysis. A more conceptual proof using scheme-theoretic techniques
and working in all residue characteristics has been given by Saito [1], who
proves Ogg's formula as a special case of a general result for curves of
arbitrary positive genus. An expanded exposition of Saito's proof just in
the case of elliptic curves can be found in Liu [1].
Ogg's Formula 11.1. (Ogg [2], Saito [1]) Let KIQp be a local field,
let ElK be an elliptic curve, and let
for ElK is already the Neron model, so its special fiber is irreducible.)
This verifies Ogg's formula when ElK has good reduction.
Next suppose that ElK has multiplicative reduction. Then f(EI K) =
1 from (1O.2b). Further, Step 2 of Tate's algorithm (9.4) tells us that the
special fiber of the minimal model of ElK is an m( E I K)-sided polygon,
with m(EIK) = VK('D E / K ). This verifies Ogg's formula when ElK has
multiplicative reduction.
Finally, suppose that ElK has additive reduction. Consider first the
case that p 25. Then (10.2b) tells us that f(EI K) = 2, so Ogg's formula
VK('D E / K ) = m(EIK) + l.
It is now a simple matter using Table 4.1 to verify Ogg's formula case-by-
case, checking each of the reduction types II, III, ... , II*.
It remains to consider p = 3 and p = 2 when ElK has additive
reduction. We will give a direct case-by-case verification for p = 3, since
it only takes a few pages. A similar proof for p = 2 would be extremely
lengthy, so for this last case we refer the reader to Saito's proof [1] which
works in all residue characteristics and does not rely on a case-by-case
analysis. (See also Liu [1].) Unfortunately, the papers of Saito [1] and
Liu [1] use techniques which are beyond the scope of this book.
So we now assume that p = 3 and that ElK has additive reduc-
tion. In particular, (9.2a) tells us that the tame part of the conductor
is c(E I K) = 2. Further, the fact that p = 3 means that we can find a
minimal Weierstrass equation for ElK of the form
which completes the proof of Ogg's formula for p = 3 and Type III reduc-
If ElK has Type III* reduction, then a similar calculation shows
that VK(~) = 9 and that K(E[2]) is tamely ramified over K. So again we
find that
for all i 2: 1.
392 IV. The Neron Model
6(E / K) = f=
gi(L/ K) dimlF (E[2j/ E[2jG i (L/ K»)
go(L/ K) 2
8~ 2go(L/M)
gi(L/M) dim
= ~6(E/M).
Notice that the full conductor does not satisfy such a simple relation,
since E(E/K) = 2, and we will see that E(E/M) may be any of 0, 1,
or 2.
The next step in our proof that Ogg( L / M) = 2 Ogg( L / K) is to verify
the following table describing how various quantities change when we make
the ramified quadratic extension M/ K. (For more extensive tables, see
exercises 4.48, 4.49, and 4.50.)
Notice that the value of 2m(E/K) - m(E/M) in the last line is easy to
compute by using the first two lines and reading off the number of com-
ponents for each reduction type from Table 4.1. Similarly, the identity
6(E/K) = 6(E/M)/2 that we proved above implies that
so the penultimate line of the table follows immediately from the first two
lines and the fact (9.2a) that E = 0 for good reduction, E = 1 for multi-
plicative reduction, and E = 2 for additive reduction. The verification of
the remainder of the table is now simply a matter of tracing the various
reduction types through Tate's algorithm. We will do Type IV* reduction
to illustrate the idea, and leave the other cases for the reader.
So suppose that E / K has Type IV* reduction. Then Step 8 of Tate's
algorithm gives a minimal Weierstrass for E / K satisfying
§11. Ogg's Formula 393
Now a quick check of Step 5 of Tate's algorithm shows that this is a minimal
equation for ElM and that ElM has Type IV reduction. Further, ~' =
M12 ~ , so
Finally, a fiber of Type IV* has seven components, and a fiber of Type IV
has three components, so 2m( ElK) - m( ElM) = 11. This completes the
verification of the Type IV* column in the above table. The other columns
may be verified similarly.
We now use this table to compute
20gg(EIK) - Ogg(EIM)
= {2VKCD E / K ) - vMCD E / M )} - {2f(EIK) - f(EIM)}
- {2m(EIK) - m(EIM)} + {2 -I}
0 - 2 - (-1) + 1 = 0 if Type(EIK)=II or IV,
_ { 12-4-9+1=0 if Type(EIK)=I(j,
- 12 - 3 -10 + 1 = 0 if Type(EIK)=I~, n ~ 1,
12 - 2 - 11 + 1 = 0 if Type(EIK)=IV* or II*.
This completes the proof that Ogg(EIM) = 20gg(EIK), so it now suffices
to prove Ogg's formula for ElM. We note from the table that ElM is of
Type IV, IV*, 10, or In, so it suffices to consider these four cases.
If ElM has Type 10 reduction, which is to say ElM has good reduc-
tion, or if ElM has Type In reduction with n ~ 1, which means ElM has
multiplicative reduction, then we are done, since we have already verified
Ogg's formula for good and multiplicative reduction.
Suppose now that ElM has Type IV reduction. Using Step 5 of Tate's
algorithm, we see that our Weierstrass equation satisfies
which gives the opposite inequality 2/3 :::: vA[(a). Hence vA[(a) = 2/3. In
particular, this proves that L /!vI is totally ramified of degree 3, so L / A1 is
wildly ramified. Further, if we choose a uniformizer 7rA{ for AI, then
def /
7rL = 7rA[ n E L
We substitute 7rL = 7rM /0' and use the fact that 7rA{ E AI to get
r=vda- n O")-1.
Further, the exact same calculation gives r = vL(a - n a ) - 1, and since
the valuation is Galois invariant, we also find that r = udn a - nO" ) - 1.
Adding these three expressions for r yields
Notice that a, a lT , and 0:',.2 are the three roots of f (x), so the discrim-
inant of f(x) is
(a - aO")(a - alT )(a IT - aO" )
2 2 )
Disc(f) = - (
This relation is the key to proving Ogg's formula, since it relates the conduc-
tor, via the higher ramification groups, to the discriminant of the minimal
Weierstrass equation.
The non-trivial elements of G (L / AI) ad on the non-zero elements
of E[2] via a permutation of order 3, so the only element of E[2] fixed
by G(L/M) is O. This means that E[2]G i (L/AI) equals E[2] for i :::: rand
is trivial for i < r, and hence
Using this and the value for T" computed above, we can determine the wild
part of the conductor directly from the definition:
6(E/M) = f.
9i(L/M) dimF 2 (E[2]/ E[2]G,(L/M))
= VM(6.) - 4
= vM('D E / M ) - 4.
Adding this to the tame part c(E / Ai) = 2 of the conductor gives the
f(E/M) = c(E/M) + 6(E/M) = VM('D E / M ) - 2.
It only remains to recall that we are working with a curve E / AI having
Type IV reduction. This means that m( E / A1) = 3, so the last relation can
be rewritten as
This completes the proof of Ogg's formula when E /!vi has Type IV reduc-
tion. The proof for Type IV' reduction is similar, so we leave it for the
reader. 0
396 IV. The N eron Model
Corollary 11.2. Let KIQp be a local field, let ElK be an elliptic curve,
let VK('D E/ K) be the valuation of the minimal discriminant of ElK, and
let f (E I K) be the exponent of the conductor of ElK. Then
with equality if and only if ElK has reduction type la, h, or II.
PROOF. When p 2: 5, the stated inequality is quite easy to verify by a
direct calculation, since it essentially comes down to showing that if the
discriminant satisfies VK('D E/ K ) = 1, then ElK has multiplicative reduc-
tion. We proved this fact earlier (9.5a). In general, Ogg's formula (11.1)
tells us that
Gd XR Gd ---+ Gd,
(Xl,yI), (X2,Y2») I----> (XIX2 + dYIY2,XIY2 + X2Yl)
gives Gd the structure of a group scheme over R.
(b) Prove that Go fits into the following exact sequence of group schemes
over R:
o ----> G a / R ----> Go ----> 1'2/ R ----> 1.
(Here 1J.2jR = SpecR[T]/(T2 - 1) is the scheme of square roots of unity;
see exercise 4.1O(a).)
(c) Prove that Go is isomorphic to G a / R x Rp,2/R as group schemes over R.
(d) Let d 1 , d2 E R. Prove that Gdl is isomorphic to Gd2 as group schemes
over R if and only if there is a unit U E R* such that d 1 = u 2d2'
(e) If 2 E R*, prove that G 1 and G mjR are isomorphic as group schemes
over R.
4.13. Let K be a field of characteristic 0, and for each d E K, let Gd/ K C Ak
be the group variety
described in the previous exercise. Prove that every connected group va-
riety of dimension one defined over K is isomorphic over K to one of the
other following group varieties:
(i) The additive group G ajK .
(H) The group G d for some d E K*. (Note that G 1 is isomorphic to the
multiplicative group G m / K .)
(Hi) An elliptic curve defined over K.
4.14. Let e C 1P'~ be the arithmetic surface given by the equation
4.15. Let R be a discrete valuation ring with normalized valuation v, and let W c
lP'~ be the arithmetic surface given by the Weierstrass equation
W : y2 + alxy + a3Y = X3 + a2x 2 + a4X + a6.
Let ~ and j be the associated discriminant and j-invariant.
(a) If v(~) = 1, prove that W is a regular scheme.
(b) If v(~) = 2 and v(j) ?: 0, prove that W is a regular scheme.
(The computations are simpler if you assume that 2 and 3 are units in R,
but the results are true in general.)
4.16. Let elzbe the arithmetic surface in A~ defined by the equation
e: (x3 + 4X2 + 3x - 1)y3 - (2X4 + x 3 - x 2 - 2x)l
_ (x 6 _ 3x 5 + 3x4 _ x 3 )y + 2X7 + x6 - x 5 - 2X4 = 7.
Describe the special fiber e7 of e over the point (7) E Spec Z; that is,
describe the components of 7 , their multiplicities, and their intersection
points. Draw a sketch (in ]R2) illustrating 7 . (See (4.2.4) and Figure 4.2
for a similar calculation.)
4.17. Let 7r : e -+ Spec(R) be a regular arithmetic surface over a Dedekind
domain R, let p E Spec(R), and let x E ep c e be a non-singular closed
point on the fiber of e over p. Complete the proof of Proposition 4.3 by
proving that 7r*(p) rt M~,x'
4.18. This exercise generalizes (4.4). Let R be a Dedekind domain with fraction
field K, and let X be a "nice" scheme over R whose generic fiber XI K is
a smooth, projective variety. (Here "nice" has the same meaning as in the
definition of arithmetic surface; see §4.)
(a) If X is proper over R, prove that X(K) = X(R).
(b) Suppose that X is a regular scheme, and let XO c X be the largest
subscheme of X with the property that XO is smooth over R. Prove
that X(R) = XO(R).
4.19. Let R' I R be an extension of discrete valuation rings with maximal ide-
als p, p', fraction fields K, K', and residue fields k, k' respectively. Sup-
pose that K' I K is a finite extension. Prove that R' is the localization of a
smooth R-scheme if and only if p' = pR' (Le., R' IRis unramified).
4.20. Let R be a discrete valuation ring with fraction field K, and let ElK be
an elliptic curve given by a Weierstrass equation
E: y2 + ajxy = x 3 + a6 with al E R* and a6 E R.
Let W c lP'~ be the R-scheme defined by this Weierstrass equation.
(a) Prove that W is a regular scheme if and only if v(a6) ::::: 1.
(b) Prove that W is smooth over R if and only if v(a6) = O.
4.21. Let ElK, WIR and WOIR be as in the statement of Theorem 5.3, where
we assume that we start with a minimal Weierstrass equation for ElK.
(a) If ElK has split multiplicative reduction, prove that the special fibers
of WO and G m / R are isomorphic as group schemes over the residue field
of R.
(b) If ElK has additive reduction, prove that the special fibers of WO
and G a / R are isomorphic as group schemes over the residue field of R.
(c) Give a similar description of the special fiber of WO in the case that
the curve ElK has non-split multiplicative reduction.
400 IV. The N eron Model
4.22. Let R be a discrete valuation ring with fraction field K, let ElK be an
elliptic curve, and choose a Weierstrass equation for ElK with coefficients
in R,
Let W c lP'h be the R-scheme defined by this Weierstrass equation, and let
f1 : W x W --- .. W
be the rational map induced by the addition law on the generic fiber. Define
affine subsets of W by
rankJ(a) = n - dimXp.
(c) Assume that X is irreducible, reduced, and has non-empty generic fiber.
Suppose further that the ring R is Henselian, and let a = (al, ... , an) E
An(R) be a point satisfying
J-t(x, y) ~ x +y - g(Po).
4.33. Let R be a discrete valuation ring, and let e/ R be a proper regular model
of a curve of positive genus. Generalize part (b) of the previous exercise
by showing that the incidence matrix of its special fiber has determinant O.
(For a generalization of part (c), see Raynaud [1].)
4.34. Let R be a discrete valuation ring with maximal ideal p, fraction field K,
and algebraically closed residue field k. Let C / K be a non-singular projec-
tive curve of genus 9 2: 1, and let e/ R be a minimal proper regular model
for C / K. Suppose that the special fiber ep of e contains a configuration
with t components of the form shown in Figure 4.6(b), where each of the
illustrated components satisfies Pa(F;) = 0 and F? = -2.
(a) Prove that t :s:
4g + 2.
(b) If t = 4g + 2, complete the picture of p • In particular, show that ep
has exactly 4g + 5 components. (For 9 = 1, you'll get a fiber of Type 11*.)
4.35. Let R be a complete discrete valuation ring with fraction field K and al-
gebraically closed residue field k of characteristic P of- 2,3. Let E / K be
an elliptic curve with additive reduction, and let Eo(K) be the subgroup
of E(K) consisting of points with non-singular reduction (9.2).
(a) Prove that Eo(K) is uniquely divisible by 2 and 3.
(b) Prove that E(K)/ Eo(K) is killed by 12.
(c) Prove that the natural map E(K)[12] -> E(K)/Eo(K) is an isomor-
4.36. (a) Let C 4 , C6 E Z be integers with C] - cl of- O. Prove that there exists
a Weierstrass equation
with coefficients in R, and assume that 7r!a3, a4, 7r 2!a6, and 7r f b2. Resolve
the singularity on the special fiber by a sequence of blow-ups and show that
the special fiber is of Type In with n = v(.6.).
4.38. Let £ be a prime, let £' = £ if £ i- 2, and let £' = 4 if C = 2. Prove that the
{M E GL2(Ztl : M == 1 (mod £')}
contains no elements of finite order.
404 IV. The Neron Model
4.39. This exercise generalizes the previous exercise. Let K/Qp be a p-adic field
with ring of integers R, maximal ideal p, and normalized valuation VK.
(a) Suppose that there is a matrix M E GLn(R) of exact order m ~ 2
Prove that
4.48. Let KIQ3 be a 3-adic field with normalized valuation VK, and let ElK be
an elliptic curve. Prove that there exists a minimal Weierstrass equation
for ElK with al = a3 = 0, and with az, a4, a6, and .6. as described in the
following table:
4.49. Let KIQp be a p-adic field with p 2 3, let VK be the normalized valuation
on K, and let ElK be an elliptic curve with Type I~ reduction.
(a) If n = 0, prove that vdj(E)) 2 0 and VK('])EjK) = 6.
(b) If n 21, prove that vK(j(E)) = -n and VK('])EjK) = n + 6.
(c) Let LI K be a tamely ramified extension with ramification degree e =
e(LI K). Prove that E / L has Type Ine reduction if e == 0 (mod 2), and ElL
has Type I~e reduction if e == 1 (mod 2).
(d) Give an example of an elliptic curve EIQ2 with Type I~ reduction
satisfying n 21 and v2(j(E)) 2 O. This shows that (b) is not true for p = 2.
What is the largest possible value of n in this situation?
4.50. Let KIQ3 be a 3-adic field with normalized valuation VK, and let LIK be
a tamely ramified extension with normalized valuation VL. Let e = e(LIK)
be the relative ramification degree, so v L = ev K. Let E / K be an elliptic
curve whose reduction type is one of II, IY, IY', or II'.
(a) Prove that the reduction type of ElL is given by the following table:
(b) Let ']) E j K and ']) E j L be the minimal discriminants of ElK and ElL
respectively. Prove that the value of the difference
4.51. This exercise illustrates how wild ramification can cause the reduction type
of an elliptic curve to change in an irregular fashion. It may be compared
with the previous exercise, which dealt with the tamely ramified case.
Let KIQ3 be a 3-adic field with normalized valuation VK, and let ElK
be an elliptic curve given by a Weierstrass equation
(a) Prove that the equation given for E is a minimal Weierstrass equation
and that VK('D ElK) = 6VK(2) + 3.
(b) Prove that E has Type III reduction and that the special fiber of E
has two components.
(c) Prove that the conductor exponent of ElK is f(EIK) = 2 + 6VK(2).
Notice that (10.4) says that this is the largest allowable conductor exponent
for an elliptic curve defined over a 2-adic field.
4.54. This exercise asks you to verify two cases of Ogg's formula (11.1) that were
not completed in §11. Let KIQ3 be a 3-adic field, let ElK be an elliptic
curve, and let L = K(E[2]).
(a) If ElK has Type III- reduction, prove directly that LIK is a tamely
ramified extension. Use this to verify Ogg's formula for ElK.
(b) Let M = K(VK), and suppose that ElM has Type IV- reduction.
Give a direct proof of Ogg's formula in this situation. (Hint. Mimic the
proof for Type IV reduction given in §11.)
AT = ZT + Z for some T E H.
We know that E(C) ~ CI AT) the isomorphism being given in terms of the
Weierstrass gJ-function and its derivative. As in (I §6), it is convenient to
§l. Elliptic Curves over C 409
Note that since Im(T) > 0, we have iqi < 1. There is a complex analytic
Z t-----+ U = e 27riz ,
and we can use the q-expansions from (I §§6,7) to explicitly describe the
isomorphism E(C) ~ C* fl--.
The elliptic curve E has the Weierstrass equation
1 1
(271"i)492(T) = 12 [1 + 240S3(q)] ,
1 1
(271"i)693(T) = 216 [-1 + 504s 5 (q)] ,
where in general
(For the second equality, see exercise 5.1. Here O"k (n) = :Ldln d k as usual.)
We've collected the powers of 271"i as indicated to make it easier to eliminate
Next, the isomorphism
= - + 744 + 196884q + ... = - +
L c(n)qn with c(n) E Z.
q q n?-O
1 ,1
(27ri)2X = X + 12'
1 "
(27ri)3 Y = 2y + x ,
1 1 1
a4 = -4: . (27ri)4 g2 (T) + 48'
1 1 1 1 1
a6 = -4: . (27ri)6 g3 (T) - 48 . (27ri)4 g2 (T) + 1728'
Now using the seriefl for g2, g3, 8J, 8J' and doing a little algebra, we find we
have proven virtually all of the following result.
Theorem 1.1. For U, qE C with Iql < 1, define quantities
Eq : y 2 + xy = x3 + a4(q)x + ao(q).
(a) Eq is an elliptic curve, and X and Y define a complex analytic isomor-
if U tf. q'L,
if U E q'L.
§1. Elliptic Curves over C 411
(b) Written as power series in q, both a4(q) and a6(q) have integer coeffi-
cients; that is, a4(q), a6(q) E Z[q]'
(c) The discriminant and j-invariant of Eq are given by the formulas
. 1
J(q) = - + 744 + 196884q + ...
= - +
L 1
c(n)ql1 E - + Z[q].
q n;:,O q
(d) For every elliptic curve EIC there is a q E C* with Iql < 1 such that E
is isomorphic to E q •
PROOF. The discussion given above has proven all of (a), (b), and (c)
except for the minor point that the power series for a6(q) has integer coef-
ficients. Since
To check that these two expressions for 81 (q) are the same, we substi-
tute T = qn into
(1 - T)2 = T dT
d(l) d
1 _ T = T dT L T
= L mT
m;:,O m;:,l
412 V. Elliptic Curves over Complete Fields
from (1.5.6) in terms of X(u, q) and Y(u, q). For this purpose, we introduce
a normalized theta function.
Proposition 1.3. Define a normalized theta function 8(u, q) by the for-
U, q
) = (1 _
) II (1 - qn u)(l - qnu- l )
(1 _ n)2 .
n~l q
(a) 8(u,q) converges for all u,q E C* with Iql < 1 and satisfies the func-
tional equation
8(qu,q) = --8(u,q).
(b) 8 is related to the Weierstrass (]' function by the formula
1 1 (1) 2 .
(]'(u,q) = --2.e 2 '7 z e- 7nz 8(u,q),
PROOF. (a) Since Iqnul < 1 and Iqnu-ll < 1 for all sufficiently large n, it
is clear that the product defining 8 converges. Then replacing u by qu and
renumbering the factors in the product gives
§2. Elliptic Curves over IR 413
(b) This is immediate from the definition of () and the product formula
for a given in (1.6.4).
(c) From above, X and Yare related to g;J and g;J' by the formulas
X(ud - X(U2) = (27ri)2 (g;J(Ul) - g;J(U2))
1 a(ulu2)a(ului 1)
from (1.5.6a)
- (27ri)2 a(ul)2a(u2)2
= _e!1/(l)«(Zl +Z2)2+(Zl-Z2)2_2z~ -2z~)
. e-7fi((Zl+Z2)+(Zl-Z2)-2z1-2z2). 8(UIU2)e(UIUi 1 )
()( ud 2()( U2)2
from (b)
The uniformization theorem (1.4.4) says that every elliptic curve defined
over C is analytically isomorphic to C* / qZ for some q = e 27fir • Since an
elliptic curve defined over ffi. is automatically defined over C, it has such a
model. We begin by describing a set of r's which classifies elliptic curves
over ffi. up to C-isomorphism.
414 V. Elliptic Curves over Complete Fields
c(n) E Z,
so in general
) _ . ( -1712)
T -J - .
lim j(it)
= lim q-l +
L c(n)qn = +00,
lim j (-21 + it) = lim q-l + L c(n)qn = -00.
t-->oo q-->O-
Proposition 2.2. (a) Let E/IR be an elliptic curve. Then the C-iso-
morphism class of E contains exactly two IR-isomorphism classes. (In the
notation of [AEC X §5], Twist((E,O)/IR) ~ {±1}.)
(b) More precisely, define an invariant I'(E/IR) E {±1} by the rule
Since n is even, IR* /IR*n ~ {±l} has two elements. This completes the
proof of (a).
416 V. Elliptic Curves over Complete Fields
For (b) we use the more precise description of the twist provided by
the second part of [AEC X.5.4]. If E/ffi. is given, and if E' /ffi. is the twist
of E/ffi. corresponding to some D E ffi.* /ffi.*" , then [AEC X.5.4] says that
Remark 2.2.1. For an analogous result over p-adic fields, see (5.2).
By combining Propositions 2.1 and 2.2, we can now give a convenient
set of q's which completely classifies all ffi.-isomorphism classes of elliptic
curves. For any q = e 2 -rr:iT, we let Eq be the elliptic curve
where a4(q) and a6(q) are the power series described in (1.1), and we let
¢(u) = (X(u,q),Y(u,q)),
which commutes with complex conjugation, that is, 7./J is defined over R In
is an ffi.-analytic isomorphism.
PROOF. Note first that if q E ffi., then the series (1.1) imply that a4(q)
and a6(q) are in ffi., so Eq is defined over R We want to start by using (2.1)
§2. Elliptic Curves over lR 417
to find a T with j(T) = j(E). As noted during the proof of (2.1), the
points T = it and T = ~ + it give real values of q. However, for T = eiO we
do not have q E 1Ft So we use the transformation
-1 iO 1 i ()
a(T) = - - which satisfies a( e ) = - + - cot -.
T-1 2 2 2
Since j(aT) = j(T), we conclude from (2.1) that there is a unique T in the
{it : t ~ 1} U { ~ + it :t > ~}
such that j ( T) = j (E). Note that in the second set we do not allow t = ~,
since this would give the duplicate value
The set of q = e 27riT E 1R. with 0 < Iql < 1 corresponds bijectively with
the T'S in the set
1 T-1 -1
ST = --, {3T = 2T - l' aT = - -
T T-1
give identifications
o 1
Since j({7) = j(7) for any, E SL2(Z), we see from above that the
Then using the l'-invariant defined in (2.2b) and the fact that g2 and g3
are modular forms, we find that
I'(Eql/JR) = sign
6(q')) = sign (93( T')) = sign{ (CT + d)6}
if jeT) =1= 1728.
I'(Eq)JR) = sign (C4(q')) = sign
I'(Eq/JR) C4(q)
(92( T'))
= sign{ (CT + d)4}
if jeT) = 1728.
We must show that for the T'S and T"S described above, all of these signs
are -1. This requires checking several cases.
lease III: T=
2. T = 007
= T _ 1 = 2 + 22.
1 1. I
This is the case that j (T) = 1728, and
(CT + d)4 = (T - 1)4 = (i - 1)4 = -4 < O.
Hence in all cases Eq and Eql are distinct twists, which completes the
proof of (a).
(b) The series for X(u,q) and Y(u,q) show that if q E JR, then the map
¢: C* /q'lt ~ Eq(C), ¢(u) = (X(u, q), Y(u, q))
commutes with complex conjugation. Since the isomorphism E ~ Eq in (a)
is defined over JR, it follows that the composition 'IjJ : C* /q'lt ----> E(C) is also
defined over lR. This proves the first half of (b), and the second follows by
taking GlCjlR-invariants of the exact sequence
1 --> q'lt --> C* --> E(C) --> 0,
so we get JR* /qZ ~ E(JR). (Note that HI (Gc / lR , qZ) = Hom(Gc / lR , Z) =
0.) Finally, it is clear that this isomorphism is lR.-analytic, since we know
that 'IjJ is C-analytic and is given by power series with coefficients in lR.
An elliptic curve over lR. has either one or two components. We can
use (2.3) to give a criterion to determine which case holds.
420 v. Elliptic Curves over Complete Fields
Corollary 2.3.1. Let E(lR.) be an elliptic curve, and let tl.(E) be the
discriminant of some Weierstrass equation for E /R Then there is an iso-
morphism of real Lie groups
WC(E/ffi.) C:<
{OZ/2Z if tl(E) <
if tl(E) > O.
PROOF. From [AEC X.3.6] there is an isomorphism
as Gc/lR-modules,
of Gc/lR-modules. Since
from Hilbert's Theorem 90 (or by an easy direct calculation), the long exact
sequence in GC/'R-cohomology gives
where the right-hand map is induced by the natural inclusion qZ '--> ~*.
From this exact sequence we immediately conclude that
WC(E/~) ~ {O
if q < 0,
Z/2Z if q > O.
We have seen that every elliptic curve defined over the complex numbers
has a parametrization C/ A for some lattice A c C. Suppose we replace C
by rQp and endeavor to parametrize an elliptic curve E /rQp by a group of the
form rQp/ A. Unfortunately, this approach immediately fails, because <Q!p
has no non-trivial lattices. Indeed, if A c rQp is any non-zero subgroup
:md 0 i- tEA, then
Further, the series described in (1.1) will converge in rQp and give a p-adic
analytic isomorphism of the quotient rQ;/ qZ with a certain elliptic curve E q .
§3. The Tate Curve 423
1 exponential
map e 27riz
no exponential available
More generally, we can work over any p-adic field K, by which we mean
a finite extension K/Qp. All of these facts (and more) are contained in
the next theorem, the proof of which will keep us busy for the next two
Theorem 3.1. (Tate) Let K be a p-adic field with absolute value 1 . I,
let q E K* satisfy Iql < 1, and let
(b) The Tate curve is an elliptic curve defined over K with discriminant
f)" =q II (1 - qn)24
and j-invariant
. 1
J(Eq ) = - + 744 + 196884q + ... = -1 + L c(n)qn,
q q n2':O
¢: K* Eq(K)
{bX(u,q), Y(u,q») ifu ¢ qZ,
ifu E qZ.
PROOF. (a) From (LIb), the series defining a4 and a6 are in Z[q], so they
will converge in K for any value of q E K satisfying Iql < 1.
(b) The discriminant of Eq is
Substituting in the series for a4(q) and a6(q), we find the usual power series
~(q) = q II (1 - qn)24
holds for all q E C with Iqloo < 1, where for the moment we write I . I
for the usual absolute value on C. It follows that this identity is true as
an identity of formal power series in Z[q]. Hence it remains true when we
take q to be an element of absolute value less than 1 in any field that is
complete with respect to a non-archimedean absolute value.
Finally, the formula
.( ) _ (1 + 48a4(q)) 3
J q - ~(q)
1 + 240q + 2160q2 + .. .
q - 24q2 + 252q3 + .. .
= -(1 + 744q + 196884q2 + ... )
These expressions show immediately that X(u, q) and Y(u, q) converge for
all u E K*" qZ. (Note that although K itself is not complete, every term in
these series is in the field K(u) = Qp(u, q), which is a finite extension of Qp;
so we are really working in the complete field K(u). Similar comments will
apply below whenever we speak of substituting elements of K into a series.)
The functional equations
are now obvious, the first equality from the original series for X and the
second from the rearranged series we just gave. A little algebra gives similar
functional equations for Y,
If we restrict u to the range Iql < lui < Iql~l, we have Iqnul < 1
and Iqnu~ 11 < 1 for all positive integers n. So we can use the expansion
Y( )= u2 m_m(m+1) ~m
U, q (1 _ U)3 + ""(,,,,{(m-1)m
L L 2 u 2 u + m } ) qd
d~l mid
E Q(u)[q], valid for Iql < lui < Iql~l.
We begin our proof of (c) by showing that the image of the map ¢ is
contained in the curve Eq given by the Weierstrass equation
This amounts to showing that when we substitute the series X(u,q) and
Y(u, q) for x and y in this equation, we get an identity valid for all u E
K* "qz. By the periodicity of X and Y, it is enough to consider values
of u such that Iql < lui :S: 1 and u oJ 1. In this range we can use the above
formulas which express X and Y as power series in q with coefficients that
are rational functions of u. Thus we will be done if we can show that the
Then all three Ui are within the domain of convergence of the power series
expressions for X, Y E lQl(u)[q] described above.
Since cP(I) = 0 by definition, the relation P 3 = PI + P2 holds triv-
ially if UI = 1 or U2 = 1. Using the functional equations for X(u-l,q)
and Y(u-l,q) and the fact that PI + P2 = 0 if and only if Xl = X2
anel YI + Y2 = -Xl, it is also not hard to verify that P3 = PI + P 2 in the
case that u I U2 = 1. So we are reel uced to the case that PI, P2 , and P3 are
all different from O. We write Pi = (Xi, Yi); that is, we set Xi = X(Ui, q)
and Yi = Y(Ui, q) for i = 1,2,3.
Suppose first that Xl i= X2. Then writing out the addition law on E q ,
we see from [AEC, III.2.3] that the relation PI + P2 = P 3 is equivalent to
the two identities
(X2 - xd2X3 = (Y2 - YI)2 + (Y2 - YI)(X2 - Xl) - (X2 - Xd(XI + X2),
(X2 - XdY3 = -((Y2 - yd + (X2 - Xl))X3 - (YIX2 - Y2xd·
Now we can argue as above that (1.1) implies that these identities hold for
all complex numbers UI,U2,q in the specified ranges. Hence they are iden-
tities in the ring 1Ql( UI, U2) [q] of formal power series in q with coefficients
that are rational functions of UI and U2, and so are true for UI,U2,q E K.
To deal with the remaining case Xl = X2, we could use the duplication
formula, or we could invoke a p-adic continuity argument, but perhaps the
simplest solution is to observe that Xl = X2 if and only if PI = ±P2, and
then use the following lemma.
Lemma 3.1.2. Let cP be a map of a (multiplicative) group into an (addi-
tive) group which takes on an infinite number of distinct values and satisfies
the identity
428 v. Elliptic Curves over Complete Fields
Then ¢ is a homomorphism.
PROOF. Given any Ul and U2, the fact that ¢ takes on infinitely many
distinct values means that we can choose a U such that
¢(u) i- ±¢(ut},
Then ¢(uut} = ¢(u) + ¢(Ul) i- ±¢(U2), so
¢(u) + ¢(ud + ¢(U2) = ¢(uud + ¢(U2) = ¢(UUIU2) = ¢(u) + ¢(UIU2).
Canceling ¢(u) gives ¢(Ul)+¢(U2) = ¢(UIU2), valid for all Ul and U2, which
shows that ¢ is a homomorphism. 0
We now know that the maps in this exact sequence commute with the
action of G K / K. Hence for any algebraic extension L / K, we can take G K / L
invariants of this short exact sequence to obtain the exact sequence
exactly this fact in the next section. Alternatively, we may observe that
the next term in this last sequence is the cohomology group HI (G K / L, qZ).
Since q E K, the action of G K / L on qZ is trivial, so this is just the group
of continuous homomorphisms from the profinite group G K / L to the dis-
crete group qZ ~ z. The only such homomorphism is the trivial one,
so HI(G K / L , qZ) = 0, which proves that L* - t Eq(L) is surjective. This
completes the proof of (d). 0
= (1 _ ) II (1 - qn u)(1 - qnu- I )
u, q ) u (1 _ n)2 .
n~l q
(a) O(u,q) converges for all u,q E Q; with iqi < 1 and satisfies the func-
tional equation
O(qu,q) = --O(u,q).
PROOF. The convergence of the infinite product defining 0 is clear, and the
functional equation follows formally by substituting qu for u and renum-
bering. This proves (a). Next we observe from (1.3) that the two for-
mulas in (b) are valid over C. Now an argument similar to that used to
prove (3.1c) shows that they are valid over K. We will leave the details to
the reader. 0
430 V. Elliptic Curves over Complete Fields
The final step in the proof of (3.1), which we postponed from the previous
section, is to show that the map
where the product is over all roots a of f. Then one constructs the field
of p-adic meromorphic functions on K* /qZ and shows using Riemann-Roch
that it is a field of genus lover K.This leads to an isomorphism with some
elliptic curve, and after some work with the classical power series for p
and p', one deduces that the elliptic curve is indeed the curve we have
denoted E q . For details of this line of proof, see Robert [1], Roquette [1],
and Tate [9]. We will take a more computational, geometrically inspired
approach. However, we should note that the theory of p-adic analytic
functions has many important applications in modern arithmetic geome-
try. The reader might consult Bosch-Giinter-Remmert [1] for a thorough
introduction to this subject which is called rigid analysis.
In order to prove that ¢ : K* -> Eq(K) is surjective, we need to show
that for any given point P E Eq(K) there is some u E K* with ¢(u) = P.
But the point P will be defined over some finite extension of K, so it suffices
to prove that ¢ : L* -> Eq(L) is surjective for all finite extensions L/ K. In
fact, this is even stronger than the original statement of (3.1c), although
it is precisely the result we needed to complete the proof of (3.1d). For
notational simplicity, we will write K in place of L, so we are reduced to
showing that for any finite extension K/Qp and any q E K with iqi < 1,
the map ¢ : K* -> Eq(K) described in (3.1) is surjective.
We also set the following notation which we will use for the remainder
of this section:
R the ring of integers of K,
9J1 the maximal ideal of R,
1f a uniformizer for R, 9J1 = 1f R,
k the residue field of R, k = Rj9J1,
ord v the normalized valuation ord v : K* --» Z on K.
§4. The Tate Map Is Surjective 431
The group Eq(K) admits the usual filtration (see [AEC, VII §2])
Eq,o(K) = {p E Eq(K) : FE Eq,ns(k)},
Eq,l(K) = {P E Eq(K) : F = 6}.
Here Eq/k is the reduction of Eq modulo VJt, and Eq,ns are the non-singular
points on Eq • From [AEC, VII.2.1] and [AEC, VII.2.2] we have isomor-
Ri = {u E R : u == 1 (mod VJt) }
is the group of I-units in R. There are also isomorphisms
UI C1 ~U)2' (1 ~2U)3).
This map k* ----> Eq,ns(k) is clearly surjective, the inverse being
(x,y) I---t 3 '
so the map on the quotient groups is an isomorphism. (Note that Eq has
the equation y2 + xy = x 3.) Then the commutative diagram
1 ~ R*1 ~ R* ~ k* ~ 1
1/ 1q; 1/
a ~ Eq,l(K) Eq,o ~ Eq,ns(k) ~ ~ a
implies that the map ¢ : R* ~ Eq,o(K) is an isomorphism.
We are left to show that the injective homomorphism
¢: K* /R*qZ ~ Eq(K)/Eq,o(K)
is surjective. The group on the left is easy to describe, since the map
K* / R*qZ ~ Z/ordv(q)Z
is clearly an isomorphism. So the following proposition will complete the
proof of (3.1).
§4. The Tate Map Is Surjective 433
Proposition 4.1.
Ixl 3 = ly2 + xy - a4X - a61 ~ max{lyI2, Ixyl, la4xl, la61} < max{l, Ixl}.
This strict inequality is a contradiction, so Ixl 2': 1 implies Iyl 2': 1. Similarly,
the assumption Iyl 2': 1 > Ixl gives the contradiction
(In fancy terminology, we've blown up the scheme E q / Spec(R) to find
the affine subscheme on which P lies.) Since ja4(q)j = ja6(q)j = jqj, it is
immediate from this equation that 7r-2na6(q) E R, so
But they cannot both be zero, since otherwise Xn == Yn == 0 (mod 7r), which
would contradict the definition of n. Hence one of the following two asser-
tions is true:
(i) Yn"¢ 0 (mod 7r) and Yn + Xn == 0 (mod 7r),
(ii) Yn == 0 (mod 7r) and Yn + Xn "¢ 0 (mod 7r).
These correspond to (i) and (ii) in the statement of the lemma. For exam-
ple, for (i) we find that
It remains to deal with the case n = ~N. Since a6(q) = -q + .. " our
equation becomes
§4. The Tate Map Is Surjective 435
Lemmas (4.1.1) and (4.1.2) allow us to divide Eq(K) into the following
Eq,o(K) = {(x,y) E Eq(K) Ixl 2: 1 or Iyl 2: 1},
Un = {(x, y) E Eq(K) 17rl n = Iyl > Ix + yl},
Vn = {(x, y) E Eq(K) 17rl n = Ix + yl > Iyl},
W = {(x,y) E Eq(K) Iyl = Ix+yl = Iql!}.
Notice that (4.1.2) says that Un and Vn are empty unless n < ! ordv q,
so Eq(K) can be written as the union
Eq(K) = Eq,o(K) UW U
Then P - pI E Eq,o(K).
and P' = (x', y'), the addition law on Eq and a little algebra yield the
(P _ P') = (y + y' + x')(y + x + y') _ _ '
x (x-x
')2 X x.
In all three cases, (i), (ii), and (iii), we have Ixl < 1 and Ix'i < 1, so (4.1.1)
and the formula for x(P - P') gives
On the other hand, since Iyl = 11l"In and Iy' + x'i < 11l"1n, we get
then we compute
The only way that this strict inequality can possibly be true is if
Here f(x) and g(x) are the indicated polynomials. From general principles,
one knows that f(x) and g(x) are relatively prime in K[x]. More precisely,
if we let
438 V. Elliptic Curves over Complete Fields
1:::; Igt) 1 = Ix(2P)F(x) - G(x)1
:::; max{lx(2P)I'IF(x)l, IG(x)1}
:::; max{lx(2P)I, Iql}·
Since Iql < 1, it follows that Ix(2P)1 ~ 1, so 2P E Eq,o(K) from (4.1.1).
This completes the proof of Lemma 4.1.4, and with it the proofs of Propo-
sition 4.1 and Theorem 3.1.
In the previous two sections we have shown that for any p-adic field K /Qp
and any q E K* with Iql < 1, the quotient group K* /qZ is (analytically)
isomorphic to an elliptic curve Eq(K). In the analogous situation over
the complex numbers, we know (LId) that every elliptic curve E/C is
isomorphic to Eq for some q E C*. However, in the p-adic case we have
so it is clear that not every elliptic curve over K can be isomorphic (over K)
to an Eq. A necessary condition is Ij(E)1 > 1. We begin by showing that
this condition is also sufficient.
§5. Elliptic Curves over p-adic Fields 439
1 q
I(q) = j(q) = 1 + 744q + 196884q2 +.""
= q- 744q2 + 356652q3 - .. " E Z[q].
0= I/(q) - l(q')1
= Iq - q'l .11 - 744(q + q') + 356652(q2 + qq' + q'2) +···1
= Iq-q'l·
Therefore q = q'. o
Before proving the p-adic uniformization theorem, we describe an in-
variant which is useful for studying the twists of a curve.
Lemma 5.2. Let Ej K be an elliptic curve defined over a field oE char-
acteristic not equal to 2 or 3, and choose a Weierstrass equation
440 V. Elliptic Curves over Complete Fields
for ElK. Let C4 and C6 be the usual quantities [AEC, III §1} associated to
this equation. Assuming that j (E) f:- 0, 1728, we define
(The reason for the negative sign will become apparent later when we prove
that ,(EqIK) = 1.)
(a) ,( ElK) is well-defined as an element of K* I K* 2 , independent of the
choice of Weierstrass equation for ElK.
(b) Let E'I K be another elliptic curve with j (E') f:- 0, 1728. Then E
and E' are isomorphic over K if and only if
(c) Let ElK and E'IK be elliptic curves with j(E') = j(E) f:- 0,1728,
and suppose that ,(ElK) f:- ,(E'IK), so
,(ElK) )
,(E'I K)
PROOF. (a) The condition j(E) f:- 0,1728 is equivalent to C4 f:- 0 and C6 f:-
0, so ,(ElK) exists. If we choose a new Weierstrass equation for EI K, then
the new C4 and C6 are related to the old ones by the formulas u4c~ = C4
and u6c~ = C6 for some u E K*. (See [AEC, III Table 1.2]. The fact
that u E K follows from [AEC, III.3.1].) Hence
(b) If E and E' are isomorphic over K, then [AEC, III.1.4b] asserts that
j(E) = j(E'). Further, since the Weierstrass equations for E and E' are
Weierstrass equations for the same elliptic curve over K, it follows from (a)
that '"'((ElK) = '"'((E'IK).
Conversely, suppose that j(E) = j(E') and '"'((EI K) = '"'((E'I K). Since
the characteristic of K is not 2 or 3, we can find Weierstrass equations for E
and E' over K of the form
4A 3
since j(E) = 1728 4A3 + 27B2
E ---> E',
is a K-isomorphism.
(c) We take models for ElK and E'I K as in (b), and again the assump-
tion j (E) = j (E') 01 0, 1728 implies that A 3 B,2 = A,2 B3. Next we let
PROOF. (a) From (5.1) there is a unique q E K* with Iql < 1 such that
j(Eq) = j(E). This implies [AEC, III.1.4b] that Eq is isomorphic to E
over K, which completes the proof of (a).
(b) From (5.2) we know that E is isomorphic to Eq over K if and only
if j(E) = j(Eq) and ,(ElK) = ,(EqIK). So in order to prove that (i)
and (ii) are equivalent, we must show that ,(Eq / K) = 1. Using (3.1) we
find that the C4 and C6 values associated to the Tate curve
C4(q) = 1 - 48a4(q) = 1 + 240S3(q),
C6(q) = -1 + 72a4(q) - 864a6(q) = -1 + 504s5(q).
So the ,-invariant of Eq / K equals
Next we note that since la4(q)1 = la6(q)1 = Iql < 1, the equation of
the reduced curve Eq is
which clearly has split multiplicative reduction. This shows that (i) im-
plies (iii).
Conversely, suppose that E has split multiplicative reduction. We will
show that 'Y(E/K) = 1, which will prove that (iii) implies (ii). Take a
minimal Weierstrass equation for E,
Making a linear change of variables, we may assume that the singular point
modulo wt is the point (0,0), where as usual we write wt for the maximal
ideal of the ring of integers of K. Then the fact that (0,0) is on the curve
and singular modulo wt implies that
1- 24b4 )
'Y( E / K) = _ C4 = ~ . ( b~
C6 b2 1- 36 b4 +216 b6
b~ b~
The fact that E has multiplicative reduction means that E has a node,
so Q =f. i3i and the fact that the reduction is split means that Q and i3 are
actually in the residue field of K, rather than in a quadratic extension.
(See [AEC, III §1, VII §5].) It follows from Hensel's lemma applied to the
polynomial T2 + alT - a2 that Q and {3 lift uniquely to elements a, f3 E K
such that
Remark 6.1.2. It is also worth pointing out that the proof of Proposi-
tion 6.1 does not need the full strength of Theorem 3.1. Specifically, we
only need to know that the map ¢ : K* /qZ ---t Eq(K) is an injective ho-
momorphism; we do not need to know that it is surjective. The reason
injectivity suffices is that we are really only interested in the torsion sub-
group of E q , and a simple count shows that the there are m 2 points of
order m in K* /qZ, so we get (essentially for free) that ¢ is an isomorphism
on torsion.
PROOF. First we observe that if L/ K is a finite extension of degree prime
to f, and if (6.1) is true for E / L, then it is true for E / K. This follows from
the equality ord w j(E) = ew / v ordv j(E), where w is the extension of v
to L, and the ramification index ew / v is prime to f, since it divides [L : K].
Hence f will not divide ord w j (E), so there is a a E G K / LeG K / K that
acts as a transvection on E[f].
From (5.3b) we know that E is isomorphic to a (unique) Tate curve Eq
over an (at most) quadratic extension of K. So replacing K by this ex-
tension, it suffices to prove (6.1) for E q , where q E K*. Similarly, we may
assume that K contains a primitive fth_root of unity (, since the degree
of K «() / K divides £ - 1, so the degree is prime to e.
Let Q = qi E K be a fixed fth_root of q. Since ordvj(Eq) = -ordvq
is not divisible by £, the Kummer extension K(Q)/K is totally ramified
of degree f. Hence there exists a a in the inertia subgroup of G K / K such
that QU = (Q. We claim that this is the desired a; it remains to pick the
right basis for Eq[f].
To do this, we use the p-adic uniformization (3.1)
¢: K* /qZ ~ Eq(K).
With this identification we clearly have
¢: (e. QZ)/qZ ~ Eq[f].
Further, the p-adic uniformization map ¢ commutes with the action of
Galois (3.1d) (Le., ¢(PU) = ¢(P)U), so the action of G K / K on Eq[f] is
the same as its action on the quotient group (e· QZ)/qz. As our basis
for Eq[f], we take the elements PI = ¢«() and P2 = ¢(Q). Then
Pf = ¢«()U = ¢«(U) = ¢«() = P1 ,
Pf = ¢(Q)U = ¢(Qr7) = ¢«(Q) = ¢«() + ¢(Q) = PI + P2 . o
We next observe that Proposition 6.1 remains true for certain elliptic
curves over number fields.
§6. Some Applications of p-adic Uniformization 447
pe(cr) == (~ ~) (mod f)
End(E) -+ End(Te(E») ,
Further, we proved in [AEC, V.2.3] that for any'ljJ E End(E), this repre-
sentation can be used to compute the degree of 'ljJ via the formula
deg('ljJ) = det('ljJe).
(This result appears in [AEC] in the chapter on elliptic curves over finite
fields, but the proof depends only on the non-degeneracy of the Wei! pair-
ing, which is valid in general.)
Let 'ljJ E End(E) be an isogeny. Taking a finite extension of K if
necessary, we may assume that 'ljJ is defined over K. This means that
(We will see below that any f larger than deg( m - 2'IjJ) will suffice.) Looking
at the action of'IjJ on E[f], we find that 'IjJ is represented by a matrix
'ljJt == (~ ~) (mod f)
for some a, b, c, dE Z/fZ. In other words, 'IjJ(Pl ) = aPl + cP2 and 'IjJ(P2 ) =
bPl +dP2 . Now, since'IjJ and a commute in their action on E(K), it follows
that their matrices commute in End(E[f]) ~ GL 2 (Z/fZ):
(~ ~) (~ ~) == (~ ~) (~ ~ ) (mod f).
Multiplying this out, we find that a = d and c = 0, so
== 2a (mod f).
This now allows us to compute the degree of m - 2'IjJ, at least modulo e.
deg(m - 2'IjJ) = det(m - 2'IjJt) from [AEC, V.2.3] again
5.1. Let q E IC, Iql < 1, and let k E JR. Prove that
5.2. Let G be a cyclic group of order n, let t7 be a generator for G, and let M
be a G-module.
(a) Prove that
Use this directly to show that for q E JR., the Weil-Chatelet group
If 6(E) < 0, prove that all three terms are O. If 6(E) > 0, prove that the
sequence is
5.4. (a) Let a, b E JR, and let E /JR be the elliptic curve
E : y2 = x 3 + ax 2 + bx.
If t:.(E) > 0, so in particular if b < 0, prove that WC(E/JR) has order 2,
and its non-trivial element is represented by the homogeneous space
5.5. °
Let E/JR be an elliptic curve, and choose q E JR, < Iql < 1, so that j(E) =
j(Eq). Suppose, however, that E is not JR-isomorphic to E q. Then if we
consider the isomorphisms
the second map will not be defined over R Prove that with this identifica-
5.6. For this problem we will write E(r) for Eq with q = e 27ri -r, and for a
given E/JR we write EX for the non-trivial twist of E. (See Proposi-
tion 2.2(a).)
(a) Prove that
5.7. Let KIQp be a finite extension with ring of integers R and normalized
valuation ord v • Let q E K* satisfy Iql < 1, let Eq be the corresponding
Tate curve, and let <p : K* -> Eq(K) be the homomorphism described
in (3.1). Prove that for every r ::::: 1, <p induces an isomorphism
<p: R; ---> Eq.r(K),
R; = {u E K* : ord v (u - 1) ::::: r},
Eq,r(K) = {(x,y) E Eq(K) : ordv(x) S -2r} U {O}.
5.8. (a) Let L I K IQp be a finite tower of fields with L Galois over K, let ai E L
be a sequence of elements such that the series L: ai converges, and let 0' E
G L / K . Prove that
(f>~ir =
(faJ' # faf.
i=l i=l
5.12. (a) Prove that Lemma 5.2 is still true if K has characteristic 3.
(b) Show that if K has characteristic 2 and E / K is an elliptic curve
with j (E) f 0, then ,( E / K) is always equal to 1. Hence Lemma 5.2
is not true in characteristic 2.
5.13. Let K be a p-adic field, and let E / K be an elliptic curve with split multi-
plicative reduction.
(a) Prove that for each prime l f p there is an exact sequence of GkIK-
1 ~ Ti(p,) ~ Tt(E) ~ Zi ~ 0,
where T£(p,) is the Tate module of K (see [AEC, III.7.3]) and GklK acts
trivially on Z£.
(b) Prove that there is a basis for Ti(E) so that the image of the inertia
group of f< / Kin Aut(Tt(E)) ~ GL 2 (Zt) is equal to
(Hint. For the second isomorphism, use local class field theory.)
(c) It is well known from local class field theory Serre [4J that there is an
isomorphism H2(GkIK' f<-) = Br(K) ~ Q/Z. Prove that the map
obtained by composing this isomorphism with the maps from (a) and (b)
is given by the rule f 1--+ f(q).
(d) Deduce that
5.15. Let KIQp be a p-adic field, let ElK be an elliptic curve, let N 2:' 5 be a
prime not equal to p, and suppose that there is a point P E E(K) of exact
order N.
(a) Prove that E has either good or multiplicative reduction.
(b) Let E -+ E' be an isogeny of elliptic curves whose kernel is the cyclic
subgroup generated by P (i.e., E' = EIZP). Prove that
h(P) =
2[K: Q] E
nv max{ -v(x(P)), o}.
The canonical height is then the limiting value of these ordinary heights,
, 1
h(P) = lim 2h([n]P).
n-+oo n
It is natural to ask whether the canonical height itself can be natu-
rally decomposed as a sum of quadratic forms, one for each absolute value
in K. The answer is "no," but Neron and Tate have shown that there is a
decomposition into local functions which are almost quadratic. Precisely,
they show that for each v E MK there is an almost quadratic function
Av : E(Kv) ,,{O} ------> lR
such that
h(P) 1 '"
= [K : Q] ~ nvAv(P) for all P E E(K) " {O}.
In §1 of this chapter we will use an averaging argument to prove the
existence of local height functions for all absolute values v E MK, and in
§2 we will prove that the canonical height is equal to the sum of the local
heights. It is also of interest to have explicit formulas for the local height
functions, so we will give such formulas for archimedean absolute values in
§3 and for non-archimedean absolute values in §4. For further information
about local height functions, see for example Lang [3] and Zimmer [2].
§1. Existence of Local Height Functions 455
where E( K) " {O} is given the v-adic topology induced from E( K), and lR
is given its usual topology. The following formulation is due to Tate.
Theorem 1.1. (N eron, Tate) Let K be a field which is complete with
respect to an absolute value I . Iv, and let
v( . ) = -log I . Iv
(iii) For all P E E(K) with [2]P =1= 0,
lim A(P)
exists; so if we define A(O) to be this limiting value, then (i) implies that
A(P) = 4~A(2N P), valid for all P E E(K) and all N :::: 1.
§l. Existence of Local Height Functions 457
F(P) = max{I¢(P)lv' I~(P)IJ,
max{ Ix(p) Iv' I}
s01= ~log(F)+~v(~). Clearly,FiscontinuousonE(K),,{O}. Further,
as P --; 0, we find
The polynomials ¢(x) and 1jJ(x) are relatively prime in K[x]. We give
two quick proofs of this fact.
Proof 1 (theoretical): The map [2] : E --; E has degree 4 [AEC III.6.2(d)].
From the commutative diagram
E ------> E
1" 11
pI ¢/1/J pI
the rational map ¢/1f0 has degree 4, so ¢(x) and 1f0(x) have no common
Proof 2 (computational): An explicit computation shows that
Resultant(¢(x),1f0(x)) = ~2,
Evaluating this identity at x = x(P) and using the triangle inequality yields
the desired result:
f: E(K) -t JR
PROOF. If the function Jl exists, then we can use its defining relation N
times to compute
1 1
Jl(P) = 4: f(P) + 4:Jl([2]P)
= 4: f (P) + 16 f ([2]P) + 16 Jl ([4jP)
Jl(P) = f :+
47 1 f([2 n jP)
460 VI. Local Height Functions
and verify that it has the required properties. (Notice that if /-L exists, it
must be given by this formula, so we get uniqueness for free.)
First, since I is a bounded function, it is clear that the series is ab-
solutely convergent, so /-L is well-defined. But more is true. Each of the
Al(P) = "2 max{ v(X(p)-l ),O},
I(P) = Al ([2JP) - 4Al(P) - v((2y + alx + a3)(P)) + 4v(.6.).
A(P) = Al(P) + /-L(P).
We now verify that A satisfies properties (i), (ii), and (iii) of Theorem 1.1.
(i) By inspection, Al is continuous on E(K) " {O} and is bounded on the
complement of any v-adic neighborhood of O. Since /-L is continuous and
bounded on all of E(K), A satisfies (i).
(ii) If Pis v-adically close to 0, then Al(P) equals -~v(x(P)). We com-
lim {>.(P)
+ ~v(x(P))}
= lim {Al(P)
+ /-L(P) + -21v(x(P))}
= lim /-L(P) = /-L(O).
(iii) Using the formulas defining and relating A, AI, /-l, and j, we find
PROOF. This lemma says that for almost all absolute values, the naive
local height ~ max { v(x- 1 ), a} actually satisfies the quadratic property (iii)
of Theorem 1.1. We will postpone the proof of (2.2) until §4, where we
462 VI. Local Height Functions
will prove the more precise result (4.1) that Av = ~ max{ v(x- 1 ), o} for all
finite places v such that the given Weierstrass equation has good reduction.
PROOF (of Theorem 2.1). Let S be the set described in (2.2). Define a
and (2.2) allows us to take Cv = 0 for all v rt. S. Now multiply by n v , sum
over v E M K , and divide by [K : Q]. This gives
-c:::; L(P) - "2h(x(P)) :::; c for all P E E(K) " {O},
L([2]P) = [K: Q]
L nv Av([2]P)
Av([3]Q) = 9>'v(Q) + v((3x4 + b2 x 3 + 3b4x 2 + 3b6 x + bs)(Q)) - 3v(~)
for all Q E E(Kv) with [3]Q 1= O.
Summing over v E MK as above gives
Therefore L = h. o
having discriminant
(See [AEC VI.3.6] and (1.4.4).) We put this in standard Weierstrass form
by the substitution
1 ,
x = p(z), y = 2P (z),
yielding the equation
a(z)=a(z;A) = IT (1_~)e~+~(;~)2,
which has a simple zero at each lattice point and satisfies the transformation
Here 'Ij; : A --> {±l} is the map with 'Ij;(w) = 1 if and only if w E 2A,
and TJ: A --> C is the quasi-period homomorphism.
We have seen (1.5.6b) that there is a factorization
'( ) __ a(2z)
p z - a(z)4.
Z17(W) - W17(z)
is purely imaginary.
(b) Define a function
PROOF. (a) Choose a basis Wl,W2 for A with Im(wt/w2) > o. Legendre's
relation (1.5.2d) says that
with a, b, c, d E JR..
(b) Using the transformation formula (1.5.4) for a(z) stated above, we
F(z + w) = e-!(z+w)1J(z+w)a(z + w)
= e-!(z+w)1J(z+w)'Ij!(w )e1J(w)(z+!w) a(z)
= 'Ij!(w)e!(Z1J(w)-W1J(z» F(z).
(c) Since 'Ij!(w) = ±1, and since (a) implies that
466 VI. Local Height Functions
Theorem 3.2. Let EIC be an elliptic curve with period lattice A. Then
the Neron local height function
PROOF. Let A(Z) be the indicated function. We must verify that A satisfies
properties (i), (ii), and (iii) of Theorem 1.1. First, (3.1c) ensures that A
is well-defined on E(C) ,,{O}. Further, since a(z) is holomorphic on C
and non-vanishing on C" A, it is clear that A(Z) is actually a real-analytic
function on E(C) " {O}. Hence it satisfies property (i) of Theorem 1.1.
Next we observe that the limit
. 1
l~A(Z) + 2"V(p(z))
= lim
Re(z1](z)) l
- l} -logla(z)2p(z)l- -logl~(A)1
2 12
exists, since a(z) has a simple zero and p(z) has a double pole at z = o.
(In fact, the limit equals 112 10gl~(A) I.) This verifies property (ii).
Finally, we must check property (iii). From (I.5.6b) we have
Re(2z1](2z)) = 4 Re(z1](z)).
Subtracting the first equation from half the second, and then subtract-
ing 11210gl~(A)1 from both sides, we obtain the desired relation
A(2z) = 4A(Z) -loglp'(z)1 + 4Iogl~(A)I·
§3. Archimedean Absolute Values - Explicit Formulas 467
Remark 3.2.1. In proving Theorem 3.2, we verified directly that the func-
-log le-!Z'1(Z)O"(z)~(A)i21
has properties (i), (ii), and (iii). This gives an alternative proof of existence
for Theorem 1.1 in the case of archimedean absolute values.
Corollary 3.3. The local height function
'\(P + Q) + '\(P - Q) = 2A(P) + 2A(Q) + v(x(P) - x(Q)) - 6v(~)
for all P,Q E E(C) with P,Q,P±Q =I O.
(Note that the quantity (x(P) - x(Q))6 / ~ is well-defined, independent of
the choice of a particular lVeierstrass model for E.)
Apply ~ Re( . ) to this last equation and add it to the previous one. Com-
parison with the formula (3.2) for A(Z) yields
A(Z + w) + A(Z - w) = 2A(Z) + 2A(W) -loglp(z) - p(w)1 + -logl~(A)I,
which is exactly the desired identity. o
It is often convenient to use the Fourier expansions for O"(z) and ~(T)
to rewrite the formula for the local height A(Z).
468 VI. Local Height Functions
and identify
z u.
(See (1 §6) and (V §1).) Then the local height function
2 1
B 2 (T)=T -T+ 6
is the second Bernoulli polynomial.
Remark 3.4.1. The formula (3.4) for the local height >.(z) is sometimes
rewritten using the equivalent quantities
= le~Z(rl(1)z-1](Z)-211"i) q+'- (1 - u) II (1 - qnu) (1 - qnu- 1 ) \.
§4. Non-Archimedean Absolute Values - Explicit Formulas 469
z = aT +b with a, b E JR.,
we find
e ~ z(1)(1)z-T/(z)-27ri) q-f2 = e ~ (ar+b)·27ri(a-l) . e-f2 ·27rir
= e(a 2-a+i )7rir . e(a-l)b7ri,
Theorem 3.2 says that applying -log(· ) to the left-hand side gives the
local height 'x(z). Since Im(z) = Im(aT + b) = aIm(T), this completes the
proof of Theorem 3.4. 0
Let .t. be the discriminant of this equation. Then the Neron local height
function A : E(K) " {O} ----+ lR is given by the formula
1 1
A(P) = "2 max{ v(X(p)-l), o} + 12 v(.t.) for all P E Eo(K).
However, this new formula for A(P) is valid only for points in Eb(K),
where Eb(K) is defined using the equation with coordinates (x', y'). One
can verify that the two formulas agree on the intersection Eo(K) n Eb(K),
as they should.
PROOF (of Theorem 4.1). Let
As usual, let
¢(x) = X4 - b4 x 2 - 2b 6 x - bs,
1jJ(x) = 4x 3 + b2 x2 + 2b 4 x + b6 = (2y + alx + a3)2
be the functions appearing in the duplication formula
x([2]P) = 1jJ(P)'
We also recall the addition formula [AEC IlI.2.3(c)], which says that
472 VI. Local Height Functions
Theorem 4.2. Let K be a p-adic field (i.e., a finite extension ofQp) with
absolute value v = -log I . Iv, let q E K* satisfy Iqlv < 1, and let E q / K be
the Tate curve (V.3.4) with its parametrization
I B (v(u)) () if 0 < v(u) < v(q),
.>.(¢(u)) = { "2 2 v(q) 1 v q ,
v(l - u) + 12 v(q), ifv(u) =0.
defined by
uO( U 2 )
2Y(u) + X(u) = - O(U)4 .
v(qu) v(u) 1
----+1 O(qu) = --O(u)
v(q) - v(q) , u
(the last is (V.3.2a», it is easy to check that ,\(qu) = '\(u); so'\ is well-
defined on
} -B
{'\(u) + -v(X(u» 12 2(O)v(q) + 1
= -2 lim V(O(U)2 X(u»
= -B2(O)V(q)
+ -12 u~l
hm v«l - U)2 X(u»).
so we see that the pole at u = 1 comes only from the n = 0 term. Hence
lim(l- U)2X(U)
= 1,
which proves that the above limit exists. (In fact, the limit is 112v(q).)
Finally, we verify the duplication formula (iii). Note first that for
all n ::::: 1 we have v(l - qn) = 0, so
( -1 (V(U2))2
-- + -1 ) v(q) = 4 (1- (V(U))2
- + -1 ) v(q) - -v(q).
2 v(q) 12 2 v(q) 12 4
A(U 2) = 4A(U) +v(2Y(u) +X(u)) - 4v(.6.(q)).
We have now shown that A(U) satisfies properties (i), (ii), and (iii) of
Theorem 1.1, so it is the Neron local height function.
(b) Since 0 S v(u) < v(q), we have
A(U) = 'iB2 (v(u))
v(q) v(q) + v(l - u).
If in addition v(u) > 0, then v(l - u) = 0, which gives the first expres-
sion. Similarly, if v(u) = 0, then the second expression is a consequence
of B 2 (0) = 1/6. 0
Remark 4.2.1. The proof of (4.2) shows directly that the function de-
scribed in (4.2a) satisfies conditions (i), (ii), and (iii) of Theorem 1.1, so
we obtain an independent proof of the existence of the Neron local height
for Tate curves. We have now given proofs of the existence of the Neron
local height, independent of the proof in §1, in the following three cases:
476 VI. Local Height Functions
is continuous. (Here Uf(K) inherits the v-adic topology from E(K), and JR
is given the usual topology.)
(b) Prove that the topology on E(K) described in §1 is the weakest topol-
ogy (i.e., the topology containing the fewest open sets) such that the maps
in (a) are continuous for every rational function f E K(E).
6.2. Let K be a field, I . Ivan absolute value on K, and E/ K an elliptic curve.
If K is locally compact, prove that E(K) is compact. In particular, E(K)
is compact if K = JR, K = IC, or K is a finite extension of Qp.
6.3. Let K be the completion of a number field with respect to some abso-
lute value, and let E / K be an elliptic curve. Prove that for all P, Q E
E(K) with P, Q, P ± Q =1= 0, the Neron local height>. satisfies the quasi-
parallelogram law
6.4. Let K and E be as in the previous exercise, and fix a Weierstrass equation
E : y2 + alXY + a3Y = x 3 + azx2 + a4X + a6.
For each integer m define a function
6.6. Let K be a field with absolute value v and let E / K be an elliptic curve.
Fix a Weierstrass equation for E,
E : y2 = X3 + Ax + B,
with discriminant and j-invariant
(b) Assume that v(D.) > 0 and V(C4) = O. (This means that E has multi-
plicative reduction at v; see [AEC VII.5.1bJ.) Let
Prove that if P rt Eo(K), then the local height of P is given by the formula
.>.(P) = "2B2(a(P))v(D.).
Exercises 479
6.9. Let EjR be an elliptic curve given by the usual Weierstrass equation
and suppose that x(P) # 0 for all P E E(R). (Note that one can always
achieve this condition by making a shift x = x' + r for sufficiently large T.)
Then the functions
L ;n logiz([2n]p)i
= 2Iogix(P)i-
12 log ID.I
+8 L4
00 1
n logiz([2 n ]P)i·
(d) Give a modification of the series in (c) which converges to give the
local height function on E(C) ,,{O}. (Note that in this case there will
always be points with x(P) = 0.)
480 VI. Local Height Functions
6.10. Using the previous three exercises, compute the canonical height h(P) of
the indicated point on each of the following curves.
(a) y2+ y =X 3 _x, P=(O,O),
(b) y2+y=X 3 _x 2 , P=(O,O),
(c) y2 + xy + y = x 3 - x 2 - 48x+ 147, P = (13,33),
(d) y2 + xy + y = x 3 + x 2 - 100lx + 12375,
P = (45,224).
6.11. Define the periodic second Bernoulli polynomial B2(t) by
>'(Pi-Pj)=-~V(~)(l- N~I)'
1r2 1r4
«(2) = «(4) = 2.3 2 .5
1r6 1r s
«(6) = 33 .5.7
«(8) = 2.3 .5 2 .7
1r1O 6917r 12
«(10) = 35 .5.7.11
«(12) = 36 . 53 . 72 . 11 . 13
«(14) = 36 . 52 . 7 . 11 . 13
x 00 Xk
Bernoulli Numbers - -
eX -1
= ~ Bk-
~ kl.
1 1 1
B2 = 6
- B4 = -- B6 =
30 42
1 5 691
Bs = BlO = BI2 =
30 66 2730
7 3617 43867
BI4 = B16 = B I8 =
6 510 798
283·617 11 ·131·593 103·2294797
B 20 = - B22 = B24 = -
330 138 2730
13·657931 7 . 9349 . 362903
B 26 = B 28 = -
6 870
482 A. Some Useful Tables
Fourier Coefficients of jeT) = - + l:
q n20
In this section we describe all elliptic curves defined over Q with complex
multiplication by an order R = Z + f RK of conductor f in a quadratic
imaginary field K = Q ( J - D) of discriminant - D. The first table gives
the j-invariant for each such order. The second table gives a representative
elliptic curve E over Q with the specified j, together with the minimal
discriminant llE and conductor N E of E. Those curves possessing endo-
morphisms of degree 2 are discussed in (II.2.3.1).
Minimal Weierstrass
-D f equation of E over Q
llE NE
-3 1 y2 +y= x3 33 33
2 y2 = x 3 - 15x + 22 2833 2233
3 y2 + y = x 3 - 30x + 63 35 33
-4 1 y2 = x 3 + X 26 26
2 y2 = x 3 - 11x + 14 29 25
-7 1 y2 + xy = x3 - x 2 - 2x - 1 73 72
2 y2 = x3 - 595x + 5586 212 73 24 72
-8 1 y2 = x3 + 4x 2 + 2x 29 28
-11 1 y2 +y = x3 - x 2 - 7x + 10 11 3 112
-19 1 y2 +y = x3 - 38x + 90 193 19 2
-43 1 y2 +y = x3 - 860x + 9707 43 3 43 2
-67 1 y2 +y = x3 - 7370x + 243528 673 67 2
-163 1 y2 +y = x3 - 2174420x + 1234136692 1633 163 2
Notes on Exercises
Many of the exercises in this book are standard results which were not included
in the text due to lack of space, whereas others are special cases of results which
appear in the literature. The following list thus serves two purposes. First, it
is an attempt by the author to give credit for the theorems which appear in the
exercises, and second, it will aid the reader who wishes to delve more deeply into
some aspect of the theory. However, since any attempt to assign credit is bound
to be incomplete in some respects, the author herewith tenders his apologies to
anyone who feels that they have been slighted.
Except for an occasional computational problem, we have not included so-
lutions (nor even hints). Indeed, since it is hoped that this book will lead the
student on into the realm of active mathematics, the benefits of working without
aid clearly outweigh any advantage that might be gained by having solutions
readily available.
(1.1) For an elementary proof, see Alperin [1].
(1.5) (e) Let h( -D) denote the class number ofQ (y'-D). Then h( -3) = 1,
h( -5) = 2, h( -23) = 3, h( -29) = 6, h( -47) = 5.
(1.10) See Serre [3, VII, §3.2, Cor. 2].
(1.11) A similar argument is given in Serre [3, VII, Thm. 3] and Apostol [1,
(1.13) See de Shalit [1, II §2, equation (4)]. See also Weil [1, Ch. III, IV].
(1.14) Proven in Stark [2] using Kronecker's limit formula. Alternatively, one
can compare poles and zeros to see that the ratio is constant, and then
let z ----> 0 to find the constant.
(1.16) Answer: s(2,y) = (y-1)(y-5)/24 ifyisodd,and s(2,y) = (y2+5)/24y
if Y is even.
(1.19) (a) See Shimura [1, exercise 3.27]. (b,c) See Shimura [1, Thm. 3.24].
(1.20) (a,b) See Shimura [1, exercise 2.8].
(1.22) See Lang [2, Ch. III §4], Shimura [1, Ch. 3, §§4,5], or Ogg [1].
(1.24) See Serre [3, Ch. VII §4.3].
(1.25) See Apostol [1, Thm. 6.16].
(1.26) This is due to Hecke. See Apostol [1, Thm. 7.20].
Notes on Exercises 485
(1.29) (c) This is due to Hecke. See Ogg [1, Ch. I, Thm. 1, p. 1-5].
(2.1) Write RK = Z + ZT, and for any a E R, write a = a", + b",T with
a", E Z and b", E Z. Then f = min{b", : a E R,b", > O}.
(2.2) This is due to Hurwitz [1]. A nice exposition of the proof is given in
the appendix to Rosen [1].
(2.9) (a) See Shimura [1, (5.4.3), p. 124]. (b) See Shimura [1, exercise 5.8,
p. 124].
(2.12) (b) This exercise was suggested by David Rohrlich.
(2.13) The minimal polynomial of j3 is 27x 8 + 72x 4 - 16.
(2.14) K2 = L2 = K, K3 = K, L3 = K( if.4), K4 = K()3), and
L4 = K( -9 + 6)3). Gal(L4/ K) is cyclic of order 4. In computing
L4, the identity -10 - 6)3 = (-1- )3)3 is useful.
(2.17) See Lang [1, Ch. 5, §1].
(2.18) (a,b,c,d) See Lang [1, Ch. 5, §2]' Shimura [1, Ch. 4.6]. (f) See P. Cohen
[1] and Silverman [4].
(2.19) See Lang [1, Ch. 5, §3].
(2.20) See Lang [1, Ch. 5, §2].
(2.21) See Lang [1, Ch. 5, Thm. 2].
(2.25) See Gross [1, Lemma 9.2.5].
(2.30) See Lang [1, Ch. 10, §4, Thm. 10]. For the general case of abelian
varieties, see Shimura [1, Thm. 7.46 and Prop. 7.47].
(2.33) See Ireland-Rosen [1, Ch. 18, §4].
(3.4) The Mordell-Weil theorem for abelian varieties over finitely generated
fields is due to Neron. See, for example, Lang [4, Ch. 6, Thm. 1].
(3.11) (c) See also Chapter VI text and exercises for an approach using local
height functions which give a better estimate in (c). One can then use
(c) to prove (a) and (b).
(3.12) [0,1,0], [0, ±T, 1], [T, 0,1]' [1 - T, ±(1 - 2T), 1],
[v'2, ±(2T - 1), 2v'2].
(3.14) See Mumford [1, §6, Lemma on p. 56].
(3.15) In general, the Mordell-Wei! group of an abelian variety is finitely gen-
erated in the following two cases: (i) (Neron) if the field of definition is
finitely generated over Q. (ii) (Lang-Neron) if one takes the quotient
by the subgroup of points defined over the constant field. For details,
see Lang [4, Ch. 6, theorems 1 and 2].
(3.16) This version of (III.11.3.1) and (III.l1.4) for split elliptic surfaces is
due to Dem'janenko [1], with a generalization to abelian varieties due
to Manin [1]. The example in (d) is due to Dem'janenko.
(3.17) See Kuwata [1,2].
(3.20) (a) 2. (b) 3. (c) 2. (d) 4.
486 Notes on Exercises
(3.21) This is a special case of Zariski's Main Theorem, see Hartshorne [1,
V.5.2, III.11.3, exercise III. 11.4).
(3.23) This is a special case of the general fact that algebraically equivalent
divisors are numerically equivalent, see Hartshorne [1, exercise V.1.7].
(3.24) (b) det(Ioo) = n. (c) ai = i(n ~ k)!n if 1::; i::; k, and ai = ken ~ i)!n
if k < i < n. See, for example, Cox and Zucker [1, Table 1.14).
(3.31) See Lang [4, Ch. 4, Prop. 5.2).
(3.32) See Lang [4, Ch. 4, Prop. 3.3 and Cor. 3.4).
(3.34) This estimate is due to Tate [4), see also Lang [4, 12 Cor. 5.4).
(3.36) (b) This is due to Kodaira, see Shioda [3, Prop. 2.8). It has been
frequently rediscovered, see for example Hindry-Silverman [2, Thm. 5.1)
and Szpiro [1).
(3.37) This result is due to Hindry and Silverman [2).
(3.38) For an explicit construction of the Jacobian variety of a hyperelliptic
curve, see Mumford [3, Ch. IlIa). In particular, Pic(C)[2) is described
in Mumford [3, Ch. lIla, Lemma 2.4 and Cor. 2.11).
(3.40) See Shioda [3, Prop. 1.6).
(4.5) (a) See Matsumura [1, corollary to Thm. 45 (18.G)).
(4.7) See Bosch-Liitkebohmert-Raynaud [1, §2.4, Prop. 8).
(4.10) See Shatz [1, §2) or Waterhouse [1, Ch. 1 and 2].
(4.15) (a) This is a restatement of Lemma IV.9.5.
(4.16) e7 : (y2 ~ x 3)(x ~ 1)3(y ~ 2x) = O.
(4.19) See Artin [1, §O).
(4.24) See Bosch-Liitkebohmert-Raynaud [1, Ch. 7, Prop. 6).
(4.25) Combine (IV.5.3) and (IV.9.1). For a more intrinsic proof for general
group schemes, see Artin [1, Lemma 1.16).
(4.26) See Greenberg [1, §3, Lemma 2) for a multi-variable version.
(4.27) (b) See Bosch-Liitkebohmert-Raynaud [1, 2.2, Prop. 7]. (c) See Bosch-
Liitkebohmert-Raynaud [1, 2.3, Prop. 5).
(4.29) See Milne [3, §7) or Wei! [3).
(4.30) See Artin [1, Cor. 1.6).
(4.31) (c) The special fiber has five components, three of multiplicity 1 and
two of multiplicity 2. This is a fiber of Type IX-1 in the classification
of Namikawa and Ueno [1). (d) The special fiber has four components,
one of multiplicity 1, two of multiplicity 2, and one of multiplicity 3.
This is a fiber of Type VIII-3 in the classification of Namikawa and
Ueno [1).
(4.32) (c) Raynaud [1) has proven a general result which allows one to compute
the group of components on the Neron model of the Jacobian of a curve
in terms of the incidence matrix of the special fiber of a minimal proper
regular model of the curve.
(4.35) This exercise is taken from Tate [2, end of §6).
(4.36) (a,b) This is an unpublished result of Mestre; see Kraus [1]. (c) This
is due to Kraus [IJ.
(4.37) See Neron [1, §IIIJ.
Notes on Exercises 487
(4.39) The proof is essentially the same as the proof of [AEC, IV.6.1]. See
also exercises 2.22 and 2.23.
(4.43) (a) {I}. (b) 7l./27l.. (c) Hs.
(4.44) This follows easily from [AEC, IX.6.1].
(4.45) See Serre [4, Ch. IV, Section 1].
(4.46) (b) See Serre [4, Ch. VI, Thm. 1']. (d) See Ogg [2], Serre-Tate [1, §3],
and Serre [7, Ch. 19]. (e) This is due to Ogg [2].
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List of Notation
1] quasi-period homomorphism, 41
o-(z; A) Weierstrass 0- function for the lattice A, 44
1j; character describing periodicity of Weierstrass 0- function, 44
AT normalized lattice Z7 + Z, 47
8J(Z;7) Weierstrass 8J function for the normalized lattice AT, 47
«(Z;7) Weierstrass ( function for the normalized lattice AT, 47
0-(Z;7) Weierstrass 0- function for the normalized lattice AT, 47
U = Uz = e 27riz , 47
q = qT = e 27riT , 47
qZ the cyclic group generated by q, 47
F(u;q) an elliptic function, 49
o-k (n) sum of kth powers of divisors of n, 55
Bk Bernoulli number, 57
E2k(7) normalized Eisenstein series, 58
T(n) Ramanujan 7 function, 59
c(n) Fourier coefficients of the modular j function, 59
1](7) Dedekind 1] function, 65
.ph) integer in Dedekind 1] function transformation formula, 66
SeX, y) Dedekind sum, 66
Div(S) divisor group of a set, 68
T(n) nth Hecke operator, 68
R>. homothety operator, 68
A'CA A' is a sublattice of A of index n, 69
M2(Z) ring of 2 x 2 matrices with integral coefficients, 72
Q(A) the lattice Z(awl + bW2) + Z(CWI + dW2), 72
TIn integer matrices of determinant n, 72
Sn special integer matrices of determinant n, 72
Fj lattice function associated to the modular function I, 74
IF modular function associated to the lattice function F, 74
T2k(n) nth Hecke operator on space of modular functions, 76
"((m) mth Fourier coefficient of T 2k (n)I, 76
L(f, s) formal Dirichlet series attached to the power series I, 80
R(f, s) normalized L-series attached to I, 83
r(s) gamma function, 83
r(N) a congruence subgroup of rei), 86
ro(N) a congruence subgroup of r(I), 87
rl(N) a congruence subgroup of r(I), 87
qD) linear series attached to the divisor D, 87
Weil pairing, 89
/1>(Q,7) = C7 + d, where = ( ~ ~), 91
II[Qhk = (detQ)k/1>(Q,7)-2kIoQ, 91
(j,g) Petersson inner prod uct of I and g, 92
r(s,x) incomplete gamma function, 93
g(X) Gauss sum associated to X, 93
I(x,7) twist of the cusp form I by the character X, 93
L(j, x, s) twist of the L-series L(j, s) by the character X, 93
RK ring of integers (maximal order) of K, 96
EA the elliptic curve isomorphic to iC/ A, 97
500 List of Notation
Jacobian variety, 197, 199, 402 of an elliptic curve, 171, 172, 175, 183,
canonical height on, 271 185
construction of, 197 relations satisfied by coefficients, 80,
curve of genus two, 287 92
dimension of, 197 residue of, 93
field of definition, 199 special values of, 93
is a functor, 198 £-adic cohomology, 172
Neron model, 350 Lang, S., 231, 275, 285, 485
of a homogeneous space, 199 Lang's conjecture, height lower bound,
of a hyperelliptic curve, 199 287
of genus one curve, 197 Laska's algorithm, 364
of genus zero curve, 197 Laska, M., 364
of hyperelliptic curve, 486 Lattice
Jordan normal form, 179 associated to a Weierstrass equation,
Jugendtraum, 96 35,88,89
Euclidean, 254
Heeke correspondence on, 68, 90
Kernel of Artin map, ll7, ll8, 179 homothetic, 6, 9, 14, 37, 101, 103, 161
Kodaira, K., 287, 352, 486 homothety correspondence on, 68, 90
Kodaira-Neron classification of fibers, normalized, 47
350, 352 normalized basis, 7
Kodaira notation for special fiber, 353 of an abelian variety, 196, 198
Kodaira reduction type, 352, 353, 363, of an elliptic curve, 408
364 oriented basis, 6, 9, 71, 72, 73, 89
Kouya, T., 272 set of all (,C), 6, 36, 68, 74
Kramer, K., 385 sublattice, 67
Kraus, A., 486 sublattice of index n, 71, 72, 73
Kronecker, L., 95 Lattice function, 74
Kronecker congruence relation, 182 associated to a modular function, 74,
Kronecker Jugendtraum, 96 79
Kronecker limit formula, 484 Laurent series
Kronecker-Weber theorem, 95, 129 for F(u; q), 49, 51
Krull dimension, 301, 302 for 1", 39, 51
Kummer extension, 383, 446 for (, 39
Kummer sequence p-adic, 429
for an elliptic surface, 193 Lefschetz principle, 199, 463
for fields, 193 Legendre relation, 41, 465, 469
Kummer theory for function fields, 191 Lehmer, D.H., 61
Kuwata, M., 189,485 Lehner, J., 60
Kuyk, W., 389 L'Hopital's rule, 45
Lichtenbaum, S., 317, 338, 344
Lie group
L-series complex, 48
See also Dirichlet series real, 420
analytic continuation, 83, 93, 94, 173, Limit formula of Kronecker, 484
176 Linear equivalence
attached to a cusp form, 83, 85, 93 and height functions, 256
attached to a modular form, 93 intersection index, 341
attached to a power series, 80 of divisors on a surface, 232
attached to a twisted cusp form, 94 Linear fractional transformation, 294
elliptic curve, 364 Linear group, 292, 396
Euler product expansion, 80, 92, 172, Linearly equivalence, 339
173 Lipman, J., 317
for j = 0 curve, 178 Littlewood, J., 61
functional equation, 83, 93, 94, 173, Liu, Q., 390
176, 184 Local L-series of E, 171, 184, 185
half-plane of convergence, 83, 172, 183 Local class field theory, 140, 148, 149,
Heeke, 171, 173, 175, 185 452
integral representation, 84, 85, 94 Local degree n v , 461
leading coefficient, 364 Local equation for a divisor, 232, 233
local of B at p, 171, 184, 185 Local field
Index 517
Artin character, 405 l\lanin, Yu., 247, 265, 269, 271, 275, 485
different, 386 Mason. R.e., 277, 278
higher ramification group, 379 Masser, D .. 278
index function, 405 Matrix
inertia group, 380 incidence, 350, 402, 40:3, 486
maximal unramified extension. 381 Jacobian, 330, 401
Swan character, 405 Maximal abelian extension
Local height function, 429 of exponent m unramified outside S,
algorithm to compute, 478, 479 191
associated to v, 461 of quadratic imaginary field, 135
comparison with naive height, 478 Maximal unramified extension
differential equation for, 477 abelian
duplication formula, 456, 475 See Hilbert class field
existence of, 455-461, 476 of a local field, 381
archimedean absolute values, 467 Merumorphic function
non-archimedean absolute values, j is a, 23, 35
470.475 on X(I), 23, 35
integral over E(C), 477 on pI, 35
is a Green's function, 477 on H, 24
is continuous, 456 Mestre, J.-F., 272, 486
is invariant under field extension, 456, Minimal discriminant, 363, 361, 388, 389
476 greater than conductor, 396
is well-defined, 456, 470 of an elliptic surface, 286
is zero for almost all v. ,161 of isogenous curves, 4-53
lower bound for. 480 over 2-adic field, 407
multiplication formula. 477 over 3-adic field, 406
on Eo(K), 469, 478 Szpiro's conjecture, 287, 388
on Tate curve E q . 473, 475 valuation one, :369, 399
over IC, 464, 466, 477, 479, 480 valuation two, :399
over non-archimedean fields, 469-476 Minimal fibered surface, 244
over p-adic fields. 469-476, 478, 479, birational map is morphism, 244
480 Minimal proper regular model
over nt 479 components of special fiber, 389
quasi-parallelogram law, 467, 476 connected component, 326, 361, 401
triplication formula, 463 identity component of special fiber,
Local intersection index, 233
on pk, 340, 341
326, 361
number of components of special fiber,
on an arithmetic surface. 3:39
363, :~64
Local Neron height function
of a curve, 317, :318, 344
See Local height function
of an elliptic curve, 325, 332, :335, 3:37,
Local parameter, 19. 20, 29, 30, 85
350, 361, 400
Local ring
reduction type, 352, 353, 363, 364
is discrete valuation ring, 232
special fiber, 350, 352, 403
of a curve on an arithmetic surface,
Minimal surface, relatively, 235
:311, 313, 3:39
Minimal Weierstrass equation, 321. 403,
of a surface at a curve. 231
478, 480
of a surface at a point, 231
algorithm. 364, 403
of arithmetic surface, 315
for p ?: :3, 406
of group scheme along identity, 327
for p ?: 5, 405
regular, 302, 370, 397
Modular j-invariant
regular of dimension two, 315
Localization, 179 See j-invariant
Modular curve X(I), 14
Locally compact field, 476
Lockhart, P., 385 affine part Y(l), 14
Logarithm complex structure on, 16, 20, 26, 28,
formal, 150. 182 35
principal branch, 44, 54, 56, 66 cusp, 14
differential forms on, 23, 28, 87
has genus zero, 20, 21
Magic, 48 is a Hausdorff space, 18, 19
Main theorem of complex multiplication, is a Riemann surface, 20, 32
157, 159, 166 is compact, 19
518 Index
Vojta, P., 278 Weierstrass <7 function, 44, 62, 412, 464
Voloch, J.F., 276 factorization of elliptic functions, 45
factorization of p, 45, 63, 90
Fourier expansion, 53, 467, 468
Weak approximation theorem, 155, 158
Weak Mordell-Weil theorem, 191-195,
relation to e, 412
special values of, 63
230 \Veierstrass ( function, 39, 43
\Veakly modular function, 24, 74, 91 Fourier expansion, 52
See also Modular function Laurent series, 39, 52
Weber, R., 95 quasi-periodicity property, 40
Weber function, 134, 135 \Veight of a modular function, 24
analytic definition, 135 Weight 12 cusp form is unique, 34
field of definition, 135 Wei!, A., 198, 256, 327, 334,402
Weierstrass equation Weil-Chatelet group
addition is morphism, 323 of an elliptic curve over 1Ft, 421, 449
algorithm to find minimal, 364, 403 of Tate curve E q , 452
associated lattice, 35, 88, 89 Weil divisor on an arithmetic surface,
bad reduction, 321 311, 339
blow-up of, 371 Weil height
good reduction, 321, 329 See Height
group scheme, 321, :{29, 362, 369, 378, Weil pairing, 89, 125, 387
399,400 Wild part of the conductor, :{80, 381, 405
identity component of Neron model, invariant under isogeny, 404
362. 378 \Vild ramification, 380
mini~al, 321, 403, 478, 480
for p :::: 3, 406
for p :::: 5, 405 X(I), See rvlodular curve X(I)
negation map is morphism, 325
over IQ, 403
proper ticheme, 321, 329 Y(I), See Modular curve X(I), affine
reduction modulo p, 362, 378 part
scheme defined by, 321, :{29, 362, 369, Yoneda's lemma, 299
378, 399, 400
smooth => Neron model, 329 Zp-extension, 186
smooth part over R, 321, 362, 369, ( function
378, 399, 400 See also Weierstrass ( function; Rie-
with good reduction, 462, 469 mann ( function
with rational two-torsion, 192, 194 of a number field, 18:{
Weierstrasti p function, 6, 34, 39, 408, of an elliptic curve over a finite field,
464 183
at ha.lf periods, 62, 90 of an elliptic curve over a number field,
at N-torsion points, 89 183
factorization by <7, 45, 63, 90, 412, 464, Zagier, D., 217
467 Zariski's l\lain Theorem, 283, 486
Fourier expansion, 47, 50, 409 Zero section to an elliptic surface, 202
Laurent series, 39 Zucker, S., 486
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