Income Taxation Term Assessment 2 SEM SY 2019 - 2020: Coverage: Chapter 8 - 11
Income Taxation Term Assessment 2 SEM SY 2019 - 2020: Coverage: Chapter 8 - 11
Income Taxation Term Assessment 2 SEM SY 2019 - 2020: Coverage: Chapter 8 - 11
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A. They are included as part of gross income but A. On or before the 10th day of the month
are subsequently deducted following the month in which the fringe
B. They are not included in gross income but are benefits were granted to the recipient
added to the taxable income B. 15th day of the month following the month in
C. They are not considered in the computation of which the fringe benefits were granted to the
taxable income recipient
D. They are synonymous with deductions C. 25th day after the end of the calendar quarter
14. A policy holder who outlived the policy and D. 30th day after the end of the calendar year
received a cash surrender value in excess of 22. One who is vested with powers or prerogatives to
premiums paid is exempt upon lay down and execute management policies
A. The amount representing a return on and/or hire, transfer, suspend, lay-off, recall,
premiums discharge, assign or discipline employees
B. The entire amount received A. Managerial employee
C. The excess of amount received over the B. Supervisory employee
premiums paid C. Rank and file employee
D. The entire amount is taxable D. Managerial or rank and file employee
15. Termination benefits are exempt from income tax 23. Fringe benefit tax is imposed on
provided that the reason for termination is A. All employees
A. Beyond the employee’s control B. Consultants
B. Within the employee’s control C. Managerial and Supervisory employees
C. Within the employer’s control D. Rank and file employees
D. Beyond the employer’s control 24. Statement 1: The fringe benefit tax is imposed only
16. Which is not a requisite of exemption of a when the employer is a corporation.
retirement benefit plan? Statement 2: The fringe benefit tax shall be
A. Ten years of employment withheld and paid by the employer in accordance
B. The employer maintains a reasonable with the provision of the Tax laws.
pension benefit plan A. Both statements are correct
C. The retiree must be a senior citizen B. Both statements are incorrect
D. First time availment of retirement exemption C. Only statement 1 is correct
17. Which of the following is not an exclusion from D. Only statement 2 is correct
gross income? 25. The fringe benefit furnished to employees who are
A. Income of government properties non-resident aliens not engaged on trade or
B. Income taxes collected by the Bureau of business within the Philippines (except rank and
Internal Revenue file) shall be taxed at:
C. Dividend income payable to foreign A. 33% C. 25%
government B. 32% D. 15%
D. Social Security Benefits 26. In which one of the following fringe benefits cases
18. Which is not included in the gross taxable involving motor vehicle shall the monetary value
compensation income of an employee? be 50% of the value of the benefit?
A. Fixed monthly allowances A. If the employer purchases the motor vehicle
B. Performance based bonus in the name of the employee
C. 13th month pay and other benefits not in B. If the employer provides the employee with
excess of P90,000 cash for the purchase of a motor vehicle, the
D. 13th month pay and other benefits in excess ownership of which is placed in the name of
of P90,000 the employee
19. Which is not a supplemental compensation C. IF the employer purchases the car on
income? installment, the ownership of which is placed
A. De minimis benefits C. Allowances in the name of the employee
B. Honoraria D. Bonuses D. If the employer owns and maintains a fleet of
20. Which of the following is subject to income tax? motor vehicle for the use of the business and
A. Minimum wage employees
B. De minimis benefits 27. The cost of educational assistance extended by an
C. Voluntary contribution to SSS, PHIC and employer to the dependents of the employee shall
HDMF be treated as fringe benefits of the employee
D. GSIS benefits unless the assistance was:
21. When will the fringe benefit tax be paid? A. Provided through a competitive scheme
under the scholarship program of the
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B. Paid directly to the school where the 3. In 2018, Mata Optical Shop purchased a motor
dependents are studying vehicle for its Manager. It was registered in the
C. Given through the employee-parent of the manager’s name. The cost of the vehicle was
dependent P400,000.. It was used partly for the benefit of the
D. Answer not given company. How much is the fringe benefit tax?
28. Medical cash allowance to dependents of A. P215,385 C. P37,647
employee shall be considered “de minis” benefit B. P188,235 D. P0
not subject to income tax as well as withholding 4. A resident citizen, widower, with a dependent
tax on compensation of both managerial and rank minor brother, had the following data on income
and file employees of not exceeding and expenses:
A. P1,500 per semester or P250 per month Gross sales ₱1,500,000
B. P1,200 per semester or P200 per month Cost of sales 1,000,000
C. P900 per semester or P150 per month Business Expenses 200,000
D. P750 per semester or P125 per month Interest from savings deposit, BPI-Makati
29. In general, fixed or variable transportation, Philippines 50,000
representation and other allowances which are Prize in a literary contest he joined 100,000
received by a public officer or employee of a Prize received for achievement in literature
private entity, in addition to the regular (did not join the contest) 10,000
compensation fixed for his position or office, is Gain from sale of bonds (maturity is 6
compensation subject to withholding tax except: years) 5,000
I. Representation and transportation Separation pay from his former job
allowance (RATA) granted to public (resigned) 250,000
officers and employees under the Cash inherited from his uncle 300,000
General Appropriation Act Proceedsof his wife's life insurance
II. Personal economic relief allowance (irrevocable beneficiary) 1,000,000
A. Both exceptions are correct Amoutn received as return of premium
B. Both exceptions are incorrect (Premium paid: P150,000) 200,000
C. Only first exception is correct Tax informer's reward 500,000
D. Only the second exception is correct Interest income from Government bonds 20,000
30. Statement 1: The excess of advances over the Winnings from gambling 10,000
actual expenses shall constitute taxable income if
such is not returned to the employer
How much was the total amount excluded or
Statement 2: Reasonable amounts of
exempted income?
reimbursements or advances for travelling and
A. P1,815,000 C. P1,465,000
entertainment expenses which are pre-computed
B. P1,715,000 D. P0
on a daily basis are paid to an employee while he
is on an assignment or duty need not be subject to
A married resident citizen has five (5) dependent
the requirements of substantiation and to the
children. The following information pertains to his
income and expenses in the year 2019:
A. Both statements are true
Salary, net of P20,000 withholding tax ₱380,000
B. Both statements are false
Interest income, bank deposit - BPI Manila 50,000
C. Only statement 1 is true
Yield from money market placement, State
D. Only statement 2 is true
Investment House, Manila 30,000
Rent expense, apartmetn house 36,000
PROBLEMS: (3 points per correct answer. No need
Health insurance premium paid 5,000
to show solutions)
Use the following data for Nos. 1-2: During the year 5. How much is the taxable compensation income?
2018, ABC Corporation paid for the monthly rental of a A. P400,000 C. P250,000
residential house of its branch manager amounting to B. P336,000 D. P230,000
1. How much is the monetary value of the fringe 6. How much is the tax due?
benefit? A. P80,000 C. P17,200
A. P68,000 C. P16,000 B. P30,000 D. P0
B. P34,000 D. P11,333
2. How much is the fringe benefit tax? 7. The taxable income before income tax of Sarah
A. P18,308 C. P6,000 Corporation for the current year was P500,000.
B. P16,000 D. P0 During the year, the corporation received the
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How much would be the adjusted taxable income “A positive attitude may not solve all your problems,
of the corporation for the current year? but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the
A. P410,000 C. P117,000 effort” – Unknown
B. P390,000 D. P0
8. A VAT registered drugstore sells ten (10) pieces of God bless and take care everyone!
prescription medicine to a senior citizen at an nml/2020
undiscounted selling price of P5 per piece. It
issues the following receipt
Selling Price (VAT exempt 10
pcs@P5 per piece) ₱50
Less: 20% discount 10
Amount payable by senior citizen ₱40
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