NSO Layered Service Architecture: Americas Headquarters

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NSO Layered Service Architecture

First Published: October 9, 2016

Last Modified: November 29, 2019

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CHAPTER 1 Going big - Layered service architecture 1

Introduction to the layered service architecture 1
Separating the service into CFS and RFS 2
New design - green field 2
Existing monolithic application 3
Existing monolithic application with stacked services 3
Dispatching 3
Scalability and performance aspects 3
Multiple CFS nodes 5
Pros and cons of layered service architecture 6
Pros 6
Cons 6

CHAPTER 2 LSA examples 7

Greenfield LSA application 7
Greenfield LSA application designed for easy scaling 13
Rearchitecting an existing monolithic application into LSA 15

CHAPTER 3 LSA compared to NSO clustering 21

LSA compared to NSO clustering 21

CHAPTER 4 Setting up LSA deployments 23

RFS-node prerequisites 23
CFS-node 23
The RFS-nodes as devices 24
Device compiled RFS services 25
The use of lsa-additional-ned-id 26
The lsa-common standard package 27

NSO Layered Service Architecture


NSO Layered Service Architecture

Going big - Layered service architecture
• Introduction to the layered service architecture, page 1
• Separating the service into CFS and RFS, page 2
• Dispatching, page 3
• Scalability and performance aspects, page 3
• Multiple CFS nodes, page 5
• Pros and cons of layered service architecture, page 6

Introduction to the layered service architecture

This section describes how to design massively large and scalable NSO applications. Large service
providers/enterprises want to use NSO to manage services for millions of subscribers/users, ranging over
several hundred thousand managed devices. To achieve this, you can design your services in the layered
fashion described here. We call this the Layered Service Architecture, or LSA for short.

The basic idea is to split a service into an upper layer and one or more lower layer parts. This can be
viewed as splitting the service into a customer-facing (CFS) and a resource-facing (RFS) part. The CFS
code (upper-layer) runs in one (or several) NSO cfs-nodes, and the RFS code (lower-layer) runs in one
of many NSO rfs-nodes. The rfs-nodes have each a portion of the managed devices mounted in their /
devices tree and the cfs-node(s) have the NSO rfs-nodes mounted in their /devices tree.

NSO Layered Service Architecture

Going big - Layered service architecture
Separating the service into CFS and RFS

Figure 1. Layered CFS/RFS architecture

The main advantage of this architecture is that we can add arbitrary many device nodes. The major
problems with monolithic NSO applications are memory and provisioning throughput constraints.
Especially the device configurations can sometimes become very large. This architecture attempts to
address both of these problems as will will show in the sections below.

Separating the service into CFS and RFS

Depending on the situation, the separation can be done in different ways. We have at least the following
three different scenarios: new green field design, existing stacked services and existing monolithic design.

New design - green field

If you are starting the service design from scratch, it's obviously ideal. In this case you can choose the
partitioning at leisure. The CFS must obviously contain YANG constructs for everything the customer, or
an order capture system north of the service node can enter and order. The RFS YANG constructs however
can be designed differently. They are now system internal data models, and you as a designer are free to
construct them in such a way so that it makes the provisioning code as easy as possible.

We have two variants on this design, one where one CFS node is used to provision different kinds of
services, and one where we also split up the CFS node into multiple nodes, for example one CFS node per
service type. This latter design caters for even larger systems that can grow horizontally also at the top
level of the system.

NSO Layered Service Architecture

Going big - Layered service architecture
Existing monolithic application

A VPN application for example could be designed to have two CFS YANG models. One for the infra-
structure and then one for a CPE site. The customer buys the infra-structure, and then buys additional
CPE sites (legs on the VPN). We can then design the RFS models at will, maybe divide the results of an
instantiated cpe-site into 3 separate RFS models, maybe depending on input parameters to the CFS, or
some other configuration the CFS code can choose to instantiate a physical CPE or a virtual CPE, i.e., the
CFS code chooses where to instantiate which RFSs.

Existing monolithic application

A common use case is when a single node NSO installation grows and we're faced with performance
problems due to growth and size. It's possible to split up a monolithic application into an upper-layer
and lower-layer service, we show how to do that in the following chapters. However, the decision to that
should always be accompanied by a thorough analysis determining what makes the system too slow.
Sometimes, it's just something trivial, like a bad MUST expression in service YANG code or something
similar. Fixing that is clearly easier that re-architecting the application.

Existing monolithic application with stacked services

Existing monolithic application that are written using the stacked services design can sometimes be easy to
rewrite in the LSA fashion. The division of a service into an upper and lower layer is already done, where
the stacked services make ideal candidates for lower layer (RFS) services

Regardless of whether we have a green field design, or if we are extending an existing monolithic
application, we always face the same problem of dispatching the RFS instantiation to the correct lower-
layer NSO node.
Imagine a VPN application where the customer orders yet another leg in the VPN. This will (at least) result
in one additional managed device, the CPE. That CPE resides in the /devices/device tree on one,
and only one of the RFS-nodes. The CFS-node must thus:

• Figure out which RFS-node is responsible for that CPE.

• Dispatch the RFS instantiation to that particular RFS-node.

Techniques to facilitate this dispatch are:

• This first and most straightforward solution to the dispatch problem is to maintain a mapping list at
the CFS-node(s). That list will contain 2-tuples that map device name to RFS-node. One downside
to this is clearly the fact that the list must be maintained. Whenever the /devices/device is
manipulated at one RFS-node, the mapping list at the CFS-node must also updated.
It's straightforward to automate the maintenance of the list though, either through NETCONF
notifications whenever /devices/device is manipulated, or, alternatively, by explicitly asking
the CFS-node to query the RFS-nodes for its list of devices.
• Another scenario is when the RFS-nodes are geographically separated, different countries, different
data centers. If the CFS service instance contains a parameter indicating which country/data center
is to be used, the dispatching of the RFS can be inferred or calculated at the CFS layer. This way, no
mapping needs to be maintained at all.

Scalability and performance aspects

This architecture scales horizontally at the RFS-node layer. Each RFS-node needs to host the RFSs that
touch the devices it has in its /devices/device tree.

NSO Layered Service Architecture

Going big - Layered service architecture
Scalability and performance aspects

If one RFS node starts to become overloaded, it's easy to start an additional RFS node for e.g., that
geographical region, or that data center, thus catering for horizontal scalability at the level of number of
managed devices, and number of RFS instances.

As stated above, the main disadvantages to a monolithic application design are memory consumption
and overall throughput. Memory is cheap, so unless the throughput is the major concern, we generally
recommend staying with the monolithic application design. However, an LSA design can greatly improve
overall throughput, especially in combination with the commit queue. In general we recommend to enable
the commit queue in LSA applications. If the commit queue is not enabled, overall throughput is still
limited by the slowest device on the network, at least for applications that do not use reactive FastMap.

Let's go though the execution scenario for a set of LSA configurations. The first is the default, no commit
queue, and also a standard FastMap application with no Reactive FastMap at all. This is common for
many VPN type of applications with NSO. A prerequisite for the discussion below is for the reader to
understand the operational behavior of the commit queues as well as the difference between a regular
FastMap application and a Reactive FastMap application.

1 A transaction arrives at the CFS node from the northbound, maybe from a customer order portal.
2 The CFS code determines which RFSs need to be instantiated where, NSO will send the appropriate
NETCONF edit-config RPCs to the RFS nodes. These are synchronous.
3 The chosen RFS nodes get the edit-config RPCs. The RFS FastMap code runs at the RFS nodes,
manipulating the /devices/device tree, i.e., updating the managed devices.
4 The configuration change is accepted by the choosen devices, and the RFS-node transactions return,
thereby replying to the CFS-node, synchronously.
5 The reply to the initial northbound request from the customer portal is sent by the CFS node.

The entire sequence is serialized though the system as a whole. This means that if another northbound
request arrives at the CFS node while the first request is being processed, the second request is
synchronously queued at the CFS node, waiting for the currently running transaction to either succeed or

If we enable the commit queue between the CFS node and the RFS nodes, we may achieve some increased
parallelism in the system, and thus higher overall system throughput. Not much though; here is the
execution sequence with commit queue enabled between CFS-node and RFS-nodes

1 A transaction arrives at the CFS node from the northbound, maybe from a customer order portal.
2 The CFS code determines which RFSs need to be instantiated where, NSO will send the appropriate
NETCONF edit-config RPCs to the RFS nodes, the transaction is finished. Depending on commit flags
(as requested by the northbound caller), a reply is either sent now, or the reply is delayed until all items
in the commit queue generated by this transaction are finished.
3 A second request arrives from the northbound, while the first one is being processed by the commit
queue. The CFS code determines which RFSs need to be instantiated where. The "where" in the
sentence above, means "which RFS nodes" need to be touched. If the set of chosen RFS nodes is
completely disjoint from the set of RFS nodes chosen for the first transaction, the second one gets to
execute in parallel, if not, it gets queued. Thus just enabling the commit queue between the CFS node
and the RFS nodes doesn't buy us a lot of parallelism.

What is required to achieve really high transaction throughput, is to not allow the slowest device to lock up
the system. This can be achieved in two radically different ways. Either enable the commit queue between
the RFS-nodes and their managed devices, or alternatively, if the RFS FastMap code is reactive, we almost
get the same behavior, but not quite. We'll walk through both scenarios. First, enable the commit queue
everywhere, we get:

NSO Layered Service Architecture

Going big - Layered service architecture
Multiple CFS nodes

1 A transaction arrives at the CFS node from the northbound, maybe from a customer order portal.
2 The CFS FastMap code determines which RFSs need to be instantiated where, NSO will send the
appropriate NETCONF edit-config RPCs to the RFS nodes, the transaction is finished, no need to wait
for the RFS nodes to reply.
3 The RFS nodes receive the edit-config RPC, and the FastMap code is invoked. The RFS FastMap
code determines which devices need to be configured with what data, the proposed router configs are
sent to the commit queue and the transaction is finished.

Regardless of when additional data is received from the northbound of the CFS node, data is processed and
the level of concurrency in a system configured this way is very high.

If the RFS nodes FastMap code is reactive, we get similar behavior since usually Reactive FastMap
applications are very fast during its first round of execution. Usually something must be allocated, an IP
address or something, thus when the RFS node receives the edit-config from the CFS node and the
RFS node FastMap code is invoked, that first round of Reactive FastMap execution returns fast, without
waiting for any provisioning of any actual devices, thus the CFS node edit-config executes fast. We
will not achieve equally high provisioning numbers as with the commit queue though, since eventually
when devices actually has to modified, execution is serialized.

Multiple CFS nodes

It's possible to scale the CFS layer horizontally as well.

Figure 2. Layered CFS/RFS architecture - multiple CFS nodes

NSO Layered Service Architecture

Going big - Layered service architecture
Pros and cons of layered service architecture

Typically we would assign a separate CFS node per application, or group of applications. Maybe a
provider sells L2 and L3 VPNs. One CFS node could be running the CFS provisioning code for L2 VPNs
and another CFS node the L3 VPNs.
The RFS nodes though would all have to run the RFS code for all services. Typically the set of service
YANG modules related to L2 VPNs would be completely disjoint from the set of services YANG modules
related to L3 VPNs. Thus we do not have any issues with multiple managers (CFS nodes). The CFS node
for L2 service would see and manipulate the RFSs for L2 RFS code and vice versa for the L3 code. Since
there is no overlap between what the two (or more) CFS nodes touch on the RFS nodes, we do not have a
sync problem. We must however turn off the sync check between the CFS nodes and the RFS nodes since
the sync check is based on CDB transaction ids. The following execution scenario explains this:

1 CFS node for L2 VPNs execute a transaction towards RFS node R1.
2 CFS node for L3 VPNs execute a transaction towards RFS node R1.
3 CFS node for L2 VPNs is now out of sync, the other CFS node touched entirely different data, but that
still doesn't matter since the CDB transaction counter has been changed.

If there is overlapping configuration between two CFS applications, the code has to run on the same CFS
node and it's not allowed to have multiple northbound configuration system manipulate exactly the same
data. In practice this not a problem though.

Pros and cons of layered service architecture

Clearly the major advantages of this architecture are related to scalability. The solution scales horizontally,
both at the upper and the lower layer, thus catering for truly massive deployments.
Another advantage not previously mentioned in this chapter is upgradability. It's possible to upgrade the
RFS nodes one at a time. Also, and more importantly is that if the YANG upgrade rules are followed, the
CFS node and the RFS nodes can have different release cycles. If a bug is found or a feature is missing
in the RFS nodes, that can be fixed independent of the CFS node. Furthermore, if the architecture with
multiple CFS nodes is used, the different CFS nodes are probably programmed by separate teams, and the
CFS nodes can be upgraded independently of each other.

Compared to a provisioning system where we run everything on a single monolithic NSO system, we get
increased complexity. This is expected.
Dividing a provisioning application into upper and lower layer services also increase the complexity of the
application itself. Also, in order to follow the execution of a reactive FastMap RFS, typically additional
NETCONF notification code has to be written. These notifications have to be sent from the RFS nodes,
and received and processed by the CFS code. If something goes wrong at the device layer, this information
has to be conveyed all the way to the top level of the system.
We do not get a "single pane of glass" view of all managed interfaces on any one node. Managed devices
are spread out over independent RFS nodes.

NSO Layered Service Architecture

LSA examples
• Greenfield LSA application, page 7
• Greenfield LSA application designed for easy scaling, page 13
• Rearchitecting an existing monolithic application into LSA, page 15

Greenfield LSA application

In this section we'll describe a very small LSA application. The application we describe exists as a running
example under: examples.ncs/getting-started/developing-with-ncs/22-layered-

This example application is a slight variation on the examples.ncs/getting-started/

developing-with-ncs/4-rfs-service where the YANG code has been split up into an upper-
layer and a lower-layer implementation. The example topology (based on netsim for the managed devices,
and NSO for the upper/lower layer NSO instances) looks like:

NSO Layered Service Architecture

LSA examples
Greenfield LSA application

Figure 3. Example LSA architecture

The upper layer of the YANG service data for this example looks as:
module cfs-vlan {
list cfs-vlan {
key name;
leaf name {
type string;

uses ncs:service-data;
ncs:servicepoint cfs-vlan;

leaf a-router {
type leafref {
path "/dispatch-map/router";
mandatory true;
leaf z-router {
type leafref {
path "/dispatch-map/router";
mandatory true;
leaf iface {
type string;
mandatory true;

NSO Layered Service Architecture

LSA examples
Greenfield LSA application

leaf unit {
type int32;
mandatory true;
leaf vid {
type uint16;
mandatory true;

Instantiating one CFS we have:

admin@upper-nso% show cfs-vlan
cfs-vlan v1 {
a-router ex0;
z-router ex5;
iface eth3;
unit 3;
vid 77;

The provisioning code for this CFS has to make a decision on where to instantiate what. In this example
the "what" is trivial, it's the accompanying RFS, whereas the "where" is more involved. The two
underlying RFS nodes, each manage 3 netsim routers, thus the given the input, the CFS code must be able
to determine which RFS node to choose. In this example we have chosen to have an explicit map, thus on
the upper-nso we also have:
admin@upper-nso% show dispatch-map
dispatch-map ex0 {
rfs-node lower-nso-1;
dispatch-map ex1 {
rfs-node lower-nso-1;
dispatch-map ex2 {
rfs-node lower-nso-1;
dispatch-map ex3 {
rfs-node lower-nso-2;
dispatch-map ex4 {
rfs-node lower-nso-2;
dispatch-map ex5 {
rfs-node lower-nso-2;

So, we have template CFS code which does the dispatching to the right RFS node.
<config-template xmlns="http://tail-f.com/ns/config/1.0"
<devices xmlns="http://tail-f.com/ns/ncs">
<!-- Do this for the two leafs a-router and z-router -->
<?foreach {a-router|z-router}?>
Pick up the name of the rfs-node from the dispatch-map
and do not change the current context thus the string()

NSO Layered Service Architecture

LSA examples
Greenfield LSA application

<vlan xmlns="http://com/example/rfsvlan">
<!-- We do not want to change the current context here either -->
<!-- current() is still a-router or z-router -->
<description>Interface owned by CFS: {/name}</description>

This technique for dispatching is simple, and easy to understand. The dispatching might be more complex,
it might even be determined at execution time dependent on CPU load. It might be (as in this example)
inferred from input parameters or it might be computed.
The result of the template based service is to instantiate the RFS, at the RFS nodes.
First lets have a look at what happened in the upper-nso. Look at the modifications but ignore the fact that
this is an LSA service:
admin@upper-nso% request cfs-vlan v1 get-modifications no-lsa
cli {
local-node {
data devices {
device lower-nso-1 {
config {
+ rfs-vlan:vlan v1 {
+ router ex0;
+ iface eth3;
+ unit 3;
+ vid 77;
+ description "Interface owned by CFS: v1";
+ }
device lower-nso-2 {
config {
+ rfs-vlan:vlan v1 {
+ router ex5;
+ iface eth3;
+ unit 3;
+ vid 77;
+ description "Interface owned by CFS: v1";
+ }

Just the dispatched data is shown. As ex0 and ex5 resides on different nodes the service instance data has
to be sent to both lower-nso-1 and lower-nso-2.
Now lets see what happened in the lower-nso. Look at the modifications and take into account these are
LSA nodes (this is the default):
admin@upper-nso% request cfs-vlan v1 get-modifications

NSO Layered Service Architecture

LSA examples
Greenfield LSA application

cli {
local-node {
lsa-service {
service-id /devices/device[name='lower-nso-1']/config/rfs-vlan:vlan[name='v1']
data devices {
device ex0 {
config {
r:sys {
interfaces {
+ interface eth3 {
+ enabled;
+ unit 3 {
+ enabled;
+ description "Interface owned by CFS: v1";
+ vlan-id 77;
+ }
+ }
lsa-service {
service-id /devices/device[name='lower-nso-2']/config/rfs-vlan:vlan[name='v1']
data devices {
device ex5 {
config {
r:sys {
interfaces {
+ interface eth3 {
+ enabled;
+ unit 3 {
+ enabled;
+ description "Interface owned by CFS: v1";
+ vlan-id 77;
+ }
+ }

Both the dispatched data and the modification of the remote service are shown. As ex0 and ex5 resides on
different nodes the service modifications of the service rfs-vlan on both lower-nso-1 and lower-nso-2 are

The communication between the NSO nodes is of course NETCONF.

admin@upper-nso% set cfs-vlan v1 a-router ex0 z-router ex5 iface eth3 unit 3 vid 78
[ok][2016-10-20 16:52:45]

admin@upper-nso% commit dry-run outformat native
native {
device {
name lower-nso-1
data <rpc xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0"

NSO Layered Service Architecture

LSA examples
Greenfield LSA application

<edit-config xmlns:nc="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0">
<with-inactive xmlns="http://tail-f.com/ns/netconf/inactive/1.0"/>
<vlan xmlns="http://com/example/rfsvlan">

The YANG model at the lower layer, also know as the RFS layer, is similar, but different:
module rfs-vlan {


list vlan {
key name;
leaf name {
type string;

uses ncs:service-data;
ncs:servicepoint "rfs-vlan";

leaf router {
type string;
leaf iface {
type string;
mandatory true;
leaf unit {
type int32;
mandatory true;
leaf vid {
type uint16;
mandatory true;
leaf description {
type string;
mandatory true;

and the task for the RFS provisioning code here is to actually provision the designated router. If we log
into one of the lower layer NSO nodes, we can check.

NSO Layered Service Architecture

LSA examples
Greenfield LSA application designed for easy scaling

admin@lower-nso-1> show configuration vlan

vlan v1 {
router ex0;
iface eth3;
unit 3;
vid 77;
description "Interface owned by CFS: v1";
[ok][2016-10-20 17:01:08]
admin@lower-nso-1> request vlan v1 get-modifications
cli {
local-node {
data devices {
device ex0 {
config {
r:sys {
interfaces {
+ interface eth3 {
+ enabled;
+ unit 3 {
+ enabled;
+ description "Interface owned by CFS: v1";
+ vlan-id 77;
+ }
+ }

To conclude this section, the final remark here is that to design a good LSA application, the trick is to
identify a good layering for the service data models. The upper layer, the CFS layer is what is exposed
northbound, and thus requires a model that is as forward looking as possible since that model is what
system north of NSO integrates to, whereas the lower layer models, the RFS models can be viewed as
"internal system models" and they can be more easily changed.

Greenfield LSA application designed for easy scaling

In this section we'll describe a lightly modified version of the example in the previous section. The
application we describe here exists as a running example under: examples.ncs/getting-

Sometimes it is desirable to be able to easily move devices from one lower LSA node to another. This
makes it possible to easily expand or shrink the number of lower LSA nodes. Additionally, it is sometimes
desirable to avoid HA-pairs for replication but instead use a common store for all lower LSA devices, such
as a distributed data base, or a common file system.

The above is possible provided the LSA application is structured in certain ways.

• The lower LSA nodes only expose services that manipulate the configuration of a single device. We
call these device RFSs, or dRFS for short.
• All services are located in a way that makes it easy to extract them, for example in /drfs:dRFS/device
container dRFS {
list device {
key name;

NSO Layered Service Architecture

LSA examples
Greenfield LSA application designed for easy scaling

leaf name {
type string;
• No RFS takes place on the lower LSA nodes. This avoids the complication with locking and
distributed event handling.
• The LSA nodes need to be set up with the proper NEDs, and with auth groups such that a device can
be moved without having to install new NEDs or update auth groups.

Provided that the above requirements are met it is possible to move a device from one lower LSA node
by extracting the configuration from the source node, and installing it on the target node. This, of course,
requires that the source node is still alive, which is normally the case when HA-pairs are used.

An alternative to using HA-pairs for the lower LSA nodes is to extract the device configuration after each
modification to the device, and store it in some central storage. This would not be recommended when
high throughput is required but may make sense in certain cases.

In the example application there are two packages on the lower LSA nodes that provides this functionality.
The package inventory-updater installs a database subscriber that is invoked every time any device
configuration is modified, both in the prepare phase and in the commit phase of any such transaction. It
extracts the device and dRFS configuration, including service meta data, during the prepare phase. If the
transaction proceeds to a full commit, the package is again invoked and the extracted configuration is
stored in a file in the directory db_store.

The other package is called device-actions. It provides three actions: extract-device,

install-device, and delete-device. They are intended to be used by the upper LSA node when
moving a device either from a lower LSA node, or from db_store.

In the upper LSA node there is one package for coordinating the movement, called move-device. It
provides an action for moving a device from one lower LSA node to another. For example when invoked
to move device ex0 from lower-1 to lower-2 using the action
request move-device move src-nso lower-1 dest-nso lower-2 device-name ex0

it goes through the following steps:

• A partial lock is acquired on the upper-nso for the path /devices/device[name=lower-1]/

config/dRFS/device[name=ex0] to avoid any changes to the device while the device is in
the process of being moved.
• The device and dRFS configuration is extracted in one of two ways:
• Read the configuration from lower-1 using the action
request device-action extract-device name ex0
• Read the configuration from some central store, in our case the file system in the directory.
The configuration will look something like this
devices {
device ex0 {
port 12022;
ssh {
/* Refcount: 1 */
/* Backpointer: [ /drfs:dRFS/drfs:device[drfs:name='ex0']/rfs-vlan:vlan[rfs-vlan:

NSO Layered Service Architecture

LSA examples
Rearchitecting an existing monolithic application into LSA

interface eth3 {
dRFS {
device ex0 {
vlan v1 {
private {
• Install the configuration on the lower-2 node. This can be done by running the action:

request device-action install-device name ex0 config <cfg>

This will load the configuration and commit using the flags no-deploy and no-networking.
• Delete the device from lower-1 by running the action

request device-action delete-device name ex0

• Update mapping table

dispatch-map ex0 {
rfs-node lower-nso-2;
• Release partial lock for /devices/device[name=lower-1]/config/dRFS/
• Re-deploy all services that have touched the device. The services all have back pointers from /
devices/device{lower-1}/config/dRFS/device{ex0}. They are re-deployed
using the flags no-lsa and no-networking.
• Finally the action runs compare-config on lower-1 and lower-2.

With this infrastructure in place it is fairly straightforward to implement actions for re-balancing devices
among lower LSA nodes, as well as evacuating all devices from a given lower LSA node. The example
contains implementations of those actions as well.

Rearchitecting an existing monolithic application into LSA

If we do not have the luxury of designing our NSO service application from scratch, but rather are faced
with extending/changing an existing, already deployed application into the LSA architecture we can use
the techniques described in this section.

Usually, the reasons for rearchitecting an existing application are performance related.

In the NSO example collection, one of the most popular real examples is the examples.ncs/
service-provider/mpls-vpn code. That example contains an almost "real" VPN provisioning
example whereby VPNS are provisioned in a network of CPEs, PEs and P routers according to this picture:

NSO Layered Service Architecture

LSA examples
Rearchitecting an existing monolithic application into LSA

Figure 4. VPN network

The service model in this example, roughly looks like:

list l3vpn {
description "Layer3 VPN";

key name;
leaf name {
type string;

leaf route-distinguisher {
description "Route distinguisher/target identifier unique for the VPN";
mandatory true;
type uint32;

list endpoint {
key "id";
leaf id {
type string;
leaf ce-device {
mandatory true;
type leafref {
path "/ncs:devices/ncs:device/ncs:name";

leaf ce-interface {
mandatory true;
type string;


leaf as-number {
tailf:info "CE Router as-number";
type uint32;

NSO Layered Service Architecture

LSA examples
Rearchitecting an existing monolithic application into LSA

container qos {
leaf qos-policy {

There are several interesting observations on this model code related to the Layered Service Architecture.

• Each instantiated service has a list of end points, CPE routers. These are modeled as a leafref into
the /devices tree. This has to be changed if we wish to change this application into an LSA application
since the /devices tree at the upper layer doesn't contain the actual managed routers, instead the /
devices tree contains the lower layer RFS nodes.
• There is no connectivity/topology information in the service model, instead the mpls-vpn example
has topology information on the side, and that data is used by the provisioning code. That topology
information for example contains data on which CE routers are directly connected to which PE router.
Remember from the previous section, one of the additional complications of an LSA application
is the dispatching part. The dispatch problem fits well into the pattern where we have topology
information stored on the side and let the provisioning FASTMAP code use that data to guide the
provisioning. One straightforward way would be to augment the topology information with additional
data, indicating which RFS node is used to manage a specific managed device.

By far the easiest way to change an existing monolithic NSO application into the LSA architecture, is to
keep the service model at upper layer and lower layer almost identical, only changing things like leafrefs
direct into the /devices tree which obviously breaks.

In this example the topology information is stored in a separate container share-data and propagated to
the LSA nodes by means of service code.

The example, examples.ncs/service-provider/mpls-vpn-layered-service-

architecture does exactly this, the upper layer data model in upper-nso/packages/l3vpn/
src/yang/l3vpn.yang now looks as:
list l3vpn {
description "Layer3 VPN";

key name;
leaf name {
type string;

leaf route-distinguisher {
description "Route distinguisher/target identifier unique for the VPN";
mandatory true;
type uint32;

list endpoint {
key "id";
leaf id {
type string;
leaf ce-device {
mandatory true;
type string;

The ce-device leaf is now just a regular string, not a leafref.

NSO Layered Service Architecture

LSA examples
Rearchitecting an existing monolithic application into LSA

So, instead of an NSO topology that looks like

Figure 5. NSO topology

we want an NSO architecture that looks like:

Figure 6. NSO LSA topology

The task for the upper layer FastMap code is then to instantiate a copy of itself on the right lower layer
NSO nodes. The upper layer FastMap code must:

• Determine which routers, (CE, PE or P) will be touched by it's execution.

• Look in it's dispatch table - which lower layer NSO nodes are used to host these routers
• Instantiate a copy of itself on those lower layer NSO nodes. One extremely efficient way to do that, is
to use the Maapi.copy_tree() method. The code in the example contains code that looks like:

NSO Layered Service Architecture

LSA examples
Rearchitecting an existing monolithic application into LSA

public Properties create(

NavuContainer lowerLayerNSO = ....

Maapi maapi = service.context().getMaapi();

int tHandle = service.context().getMaapiHandle();
NavuNode dstVpn = lowerLayerNSO.container("config").
container("l3vpn", "vpn").
ConfPath dst = dstVpn.getConfPath();
ConfPath src = service.getConfPath();

maapi.copy_tree(tHandle, true, src, dst);

Finally, we must make a minor modification to the lower layer (RFS) provisioning code too. Originally,
the FastMap code wrote all config for all routers participating in the VPN, now with the LSA partitioning,
each lower layer NSO node is only responsible for the portion of the VPN which involves devices that
reside in its /devices tree, thus the provisioning code must be changed to ignore devices that do not reside
in the /devices tree.
As an example of the different YANG files and namespaces, we'll walk through the actual process of
splitting up a monolithic service, let's assume that our original service resides in a file, myserv.yang
and looks like:
module myserv {

namespace "http://example.com/myserv";
prefix ms;


list srv {
key name;
leaf name {
type string;

uses ncs:service-data;
ncs:servicepoint vlanspnt;

leaf router {
type leafref {
path "/ncs:devices/ncs:device/ncs:name";

In an LSA setting, we want to keep this module as close to the original as possible. We clearly want to
keep the namespace, the prefix and the structure of the YANG identical to the original. This is to not
disturb any provisioning systems north of the original NSO. Thus with only minor modifications, we want
to run this module at the CFS node, but with non applicable leafrefs removed, thus at the CFS node we
would get:
module myserv {

namespace "http://example.com/myserv";
prefix ms;


NSO Layered Service Architecture

LSA examples
Rearchitecting an existing monolithic application into LSA

list srv {
key name;
leaf name {
type string;

uses ncs:service-data;
ncs:servicepoint vlanspnt;

leaf router {
type string;

Now, we want to run almost the same YANG module at the RFS node, however the namespace must
be changed. For the sake of the CFS node, we're going to NED compile the RFS and NSO doesn't like
the same namespace to occur twice, thus for the RFS node, we would get a YANG module myserv-
rfs.yang that looks like:
module myserv-rfs {

namespace "http://example.com/myserv-rfs";
prefix ms-rfs;


list srv {
key name;
leaf name {
type string;

uses ncs:service-data;
ncs:servicepoint vlanspnt;

leaf router {
type leafref {
path "/ncs:devices/ncs:device/ncs:name";

This file can - and should - keep the leafref as is.

The final and last file we get is the compiled NED, that should be loaded in the CFS node. The NED is
directly compiled from the RFS model, as an LSA NED.
$ ncs-make-package --lsa-netconf-ned /path/to-rfs-yang myserv-rfs-ned

Thus we end up with 3 distinct packages from the original one.

1 The original, slated for the CFS node, with leafrefs removed.
2 The modified original, slated for the RFS node, with the namespace and the prefix changed.
3 The NED, compiled from the RFS node code, slated for the CFS node.

NSO Layered Service Architecture

LSA compared to NSO clustering
• LSA compared to NSO clustering, page 21

LSA compared to NSO clustering

The NSO clustering technology, as described in Chapter 7, NSO Clustering in NSO 5.3 Administration
Guide is a technique to build larger scale NSO installations. However, experience with clustering over the
years has taught us that clustering didn't work as well as we thought it would. In this section we will try to
list some of the characteristics that the clustering technique has and compare them to LSA.
Clustering works well when we only wish to manage a large number of devices through the device
manager, however it doesn't always work that well together with NSO services and FastMap, especially
when some of the managed devices have very large configurations.
With clustering, the devices are remotely mounted at the top node, and they are fully visible there. If the
operator executes from the CLI:
admin@upper-nso> show configuration devices device x config interfaces interface

This is internally executed in the NSO transaction manager as a series of data provider API calls to
functions get_next() get_elem() and exists().
For example, the NSO transaction manager would execute a call:
get_next(transaction, "/devices/device[name='x']/config/interfaces/interface")

Since the interfaces/interface part is remotely mounted at the NSO device node, the call will
be transformed into a NETCONF call to the NSO device node to execute the get_next(trans,
"/interfaces/interface") remotely. And so forth for all the calls required to show the
configuration. Each low level call is transformed to the equivalent NETCONF call.
The advantage of this scheme is scalability, very little data is stored at the upper NSO node for each
managed device and we can thus from the same NSO node see and manage a very large number of devices.
The obvious disadvantage is performance, a call like the show configuration above can potentially
translate into a very large number of NETCONF RPCs.
If you have performance problems with a clustered NSO installation, it's a good idea to first investigate the
number of RPCs getting executed for the operations you perform. This can be done by turning on traffic
trace for the clustered node and simply count the number of NETCONF RPCs that occur in the trace log.
Obviously, network latency between the upper and the lower NSO nodes is important here too.
The solution for performance problems with clustered NSO installations is to turn on the cluster cache,
paying with memory for performance. This is configured under /cluster/global-settings/

NSO Layered Service Architecture

LSA compared to NSO clustering
LSA compared to NSO clustering

caching. The cluster cache will make the NSO transaction manager order the cluster code to cache the
entire configuration of a device. The above show configuration call would then initially issue a
command to get the entire configuration of device x and then issue all the remaining data provider API
calls towards that cache. Note, the call is executed from the upper NSO node to the lower NSO node, thus
we do not get the configuration from the device itself. The lower NSO node already has a complete copy of
the device configuration. Usually NSO is much faster than the typical managed device to produce the full
Remember how FastMap works for NSO services. When the service is modified or re-deployed the entire
output result of the service code is deleted, and then the FastMap create() code is once again invoked.
Typically the FastMap code modifies the device tree, this is usually the purpose of NSO services, to
implement a higher level service in the network. These FastMap operations, deleting the previous output
and also re-creating the same (or similar) output from the create() code, operates on the device tree.
The device tree is remotely mounted, thus typically FastMap results in a massive amount of NETCONF
RPCs, usually unacceptably many. Hence, if we combine FastMap and clustering, it's almost always
required to turn on the cluster cache.
So, to conclude, we have the following scenarios and configuration combinations:

• The case with large number of devices, and no FastMap services at all. This will work just fine with
clustering. The provisioning system works directly towards the /devices tree.
The cache may or may not be turned on, depending on performance/memory considerations.
• The case with large number of devices, and FastMap services. If FastMap is used we must
always turn on the cache, if the cache is not used, the number of RPCs will be excessive. If all
managed devices are small, this will still work fine, however if some of the devices have very large
configurations, populating the cache for those devices can be too time consuming.
Thus, if your service code modifies devices that have large configuration, the LSA architecture is
better. Cluster architecture will be too slow due to the time to populate the cache. Luckily it's not an
impossible task to change an NSO clustered solution into an LSA solution as described above.

NSO Layered Service Architecture

Setting up LSA deployments
• RFS-node prerequisites, page 23
• CFS-node, page 23
• The lsa-common standard package, page 27

RFS-node prerequisites
Here we expect the RFS-nodes to be already configured and setup as stand-alone nodes. This implies also
that the distribution of devices that each RFS-node manages are already decided and setup.
Also the actual RFS services need to be implemented and loaded as packages.
All in all the RFS nodes are ordinary NSO nodes managing a certain number of a devices and containing a
number of RFS. The only other requirement is that these nodes enable NETCONF communication north-
bound since this is how the CFS-node will interact with the RFS-nodes. To enable NETCONF north-bound
the following config snippet is necessary in ncs.conf on the RFS-nodes:

The purpose of the CFS-node is to manage all CFS services and to push the resulting service mappings to
the RFS services. The RFS-nodes are found as devices in the device tree and the RFS services are located
under the /devices/device/config accordingly.
This is almost identical to the relation between a normal NSO node and the normal devices. However
there are differences when it comes to the commit-queue and there are also some specific features that are
special to LSA. For this reason the CFS-node need to be configured to be an LSA top node.
To enable the LSA features on a CFS-node the following config snippet is necessary in ncs.conf:

NSO Layered Service Architecture

Setting up LSA deployments
The RFS-nodes as devices


The RFS-nodes as devices

In the CFS-node the RFS-nodes are configured as devices in the /devices/device tree. These devices
are communicating via NETCONF and the ned-id must be lsa-netconf or a ned-id that is derived from lsa-
netconf. This is important because this identifies the device as being a RFS-node. This ned-id is set under /
devices/device/device-type/netconf/ned-id for each RFS-node.

The meaning of "derived from" here comes from the fact that ned-ids are YANG identities. As such an
identity that is defined can have a base. The base is also an identity and can therefore in turn have a
base an so on. A ned-id being derived from lsa-netconf implies that along its chain of bases we will
eventually find lsa-netconf.

In the example: examples.ncs/getting-started/developing-with-ncs/22-layered-

service-architecture the CFS-node is called upper-nso and there are two RFS-nodes called lower-
nso-1 and lower-nso-2 respectively. The device configuration in the CFS-node is the following:

admin@upper-nso% show devices device | display-level 4

device lower-nso-1 {
port 2023;
ssh {
host-key ssh-rsa;
authgroup default;
device-type {
netconf {
ned-id lsa-netconf;
state {
admin-state unlocked;
device lower-nso-2 {
port 2024;
ssh {
host-key ssh-rsa;
authgroup default;
device-type {
netconf {
ned-id lsa-netconf;
state {
admin-state unlocked;

NSO Layered Service Architecture

Setting up LSA deployments
Device compiled RFS services

Note The RFS nodes can be managed locally and out of band changes must therefore be expected. Hence it is
a strong recommendation to accept the RFS nodes to be out of sync. The following command will handle
admin@upper-nso% set devices device lower-nso-* out-of-sync-commit-behaviour accept

The specific RFS services should only be managed by the CFS node. If not, this will be a brown field
scenario where the CFS node cannot rely on the RFS service data that is stored in CDB on the CFS node.
In that case the commit no-overwrite functionality should be used for all commits from the CFS

Device compiled RFS services

On the CFS-node we need to load device compiled RFS YANG models that comes from the RFS-nodes.
This resembles the way we compile device YANG models in normal NED packages.
For this purpose the ncs-make-package tool has a specific argument --lsa-netconf-ned which creates
a basic package that compiles YANG models with the lsa-netconf ned-id as default. In the example:
architecture the Makefile uses the ncs-make-package to create a NED package in the upper-nso for
the lower-nso-1 RFS YANG model:
ncs-make-package --no-netsim --no-java --lsa-netconf-ned \
../../lower-nso-1/packages/rfs-vlan/src/yang --build rfs-ned

The ncs-make-package tool will in this example create a NED package called rfs-ned. Under the path ./
packages/rfs-ned/src we will find the generated Makefile:
all: fxs
.PHONY: all

# Include standard NCS examples build definitions and rules

include $(NCS_DIR)/src/ncs/build/include.ncs.mk

SRC = $(wildcard yang/*.yang)

FXS = $(SRC:yang/%.yang=ncsc-out/modules/fxs/%.fxs)
DIRS = ncsc-out ../load-dir
DIRS += ../python/rfs_ned
NED_ID_ARG = --ncs-ned-id tailf-ncs-ned:lsa-netconf

## Uncomment and patch the line below if you have a dependency to

## other YANG files
# YANGPATH += ../../<pkg-name>/src/yang

NCSCPATH = $(YANGPATH:%=--yangpath %)

fxs: $(DIRS) ../package-meta-data.xml ncsc-out/.done

.PHONY: fxs

mkdir -p $@

../package-meta-data.xml: package-meta-data.xml.in
rm -rf $@
cp $< $@; \
chmod -w $@

ncsc-out/.done: $(SRC)

NSO Layered Service Architecture

Setting up LSA deployments
The use of lsa-additional-ned-id

$(NCSC) --ncs-compile-bundle yang \

--ncs-device-dir ncsc-out \
--ncs-device-type netconf \
cp ncsc-out/modules/fxs/*.fxs ../load-dir;
for f in `echo ../load-dir/*.fxs`; do \
$(NCSC) --emit-python ../python/rfs_ned $$f || exit 1; \
true; \
touch ncsc-out/.done

rm -rf $(DIRS)
rm -rf ../package-meta-data.xml
.PHONY: clean

In this makefile we find a variable

NED_ID_ARG = --ncs-ned-id tailf-ncs-ned:lsa-netconf

which is the reference to the lsa-netconf ned-id that is later passed into the ncsc compiler tool. Also the
YANG models are compiled using the --ncs-compile-bundle.

Note When a service model from the RFS-node is compiled as a NED for the CFS-node there are caveats
correlated to this. The original RFS service YANG model can have dependencies to other YANG models
in the RFS-node that are not present in the CFS-node.

A common example is when the RFS YANG model has a leafref to the NSO device tree. This tree does
not exist on the CFS-node and the compilation will break.

The solution to this problem is to remove the dependencies in the YANG model before compilation.
Normally this can be solved by changing datatype in the NED compiled copy of the YANG model,
e.g. from leafref or instance-identifier to string. There will then be an implicit conversion
between types, at runtime, in the communication between the CFS-node and RFS-node.

It is only the NED compiled copy of the YANG model in the CFS-node that need to change. The RFS-
node YANG model should remain the same.

The use of lsa-additional-ned-id

It is normal that there are several RFS services that should be exposed to the CFS-node. The number of
RFS services usually grows over time. A convenient way of handle these RFS service are to create a new
LSA NED package for each service and load all of these into the CFS-node.

Splitting these YANG models into several packages is however a different paradigm from the normal
where one device instance uses one NED packages with a defined ned-id and it comes with an caveat.
All the LSA NED packages must be compiled with the same ned-id as the one that is set under the path /
devices/device/device-type/netconf/ned-id in the CFS-node for respective RFS-node.
Note that this ned-id must be derived from, or be lsa-netconf.

To overcome the caveat a new list /devices/device/device-type/lsa-additional-ned-

id is available on the CFS-node. The primary ned-id for a RFS-node is still found under /devices/
device/device-type/netconf/ned-id, but if the RFS-node exposes packages with a different

NSO Layered Service Architecture

Setting up LSA deployments
The lsa-common standard package

ned-id these can be stored in the lsa-additional-ned-id list. This way the CFS-node can still
access all YANG modules from the different LSA NED packages.

The lsa-common standard package

The NSO release includes a package specifically tailored for LSA to be used by the CFS-nodes. The
package is named tailf-nso-nc-X.Y where X.Y are the two most significant numbers of the NSO
This package contains the complete NSO model device compiled as an LSA NED. The ned-id coincide
with the package name.
This package can be copied into the CFS-nodes package directory and its ned-id can be set in the lsa-
additional-ned-id list for the RFS-nodes. Doing this implies that the complete NSO model for the
underlying RFS-node will be accessible from the CFS-node. The only exception is that device config from
the RFS-node will not be visible from the CFS-node.
In the example: examples.ncs/getting-started/developing-with-ncs/22-layered-
service-architecture the tailf-nso-nc-X.Y is already copied to the path upper-nso/
packages but not registered as an ned-id to be used by the RFS-nodes named lower-nso-1 and lower-
nso-2 respectively. We can start this example to illustrate how the lsa-common package works and can be
First start the application and do a sync-from to retrieve the data from the RFS-nodes.
$ make start
$ make cli-upper-nso

admin@upper-nso> request devices sync-from

sync-result {
device lower-nso-1
result true
sync-result {
device lower-nso-2
result true

admin@upper-nso> configure

This is a pristine state of the NSO and no service are created. This implies that no data is yet available from
the RFS-nodes.
admin@upper-nso% show devices device lower-nso-* config
No entries found.

We now set the lsa-common ned-id in the lsa-additional-ned-id list for both RFS-nodes. Note,
the lsa-common package was already loaded at start since it was present in the upper-nso/packages
admin@upper-nso% set devices device lower-nso-* device-type \
lsa-additional-ned-id tailf-nso-nc-5.1

admin@upper-nso% commit
Commit complete.

Now the ned-id is registered and we can do an new sync-from action to retrieve data from the RFS-nodes.
admin@upper-nso% request devices sync-from

NSO Layered Service Architecture

Setting up LSA deployments
The lsa-common standard package

sync-result {
device lower-nso-1
result true
sync-result {
device lower-nso-2
result true

Once again we show config from the RFS nodes. This time since also the lsa-common ned-id has been
added all config that belong to NSO models are shown.

admin@upper-nso% show devices device lower-nso-1 config

ncs:devices {
global-settings {
authgroups {
mib-group snmp {
device ex0 {
port 12022;
ssh {
authgroup default;
device-type {
netconf {
ned-id router-nc-1.0:router-nc-1.0;
state {
admin-state unlocked;
device ex1 {
port 12023;
ssh {
authgroup default;
device-type {
netconf {
ned-id router-nc-1.0:router-nc-1.0;
state {
admin-state unlocked;
device ex2 {
port 12024;
ssh {
authgroup default;

NSO Layered Service Architecture

Setting up LSA deployments
The lsa-common standard package

device-type {
netconf {
ned-id router-nc-1.0:router-nc-1.0;
state {
admin-state unlocked;
ncs:smart-license {
ncs:services {
ncs:python-vm {
ncs:cluster {
al:alarms {
nacm:nacm {

Specifically we can see the devices from the RFS-node and how they are setup but not their respective

NSO Layered Service Architecture

Setting up LSA deployments
The lsa-common standard package

NSO Layered Service Architecture


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