Academic Freeze

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Academic Freeze

- No, Academic freeze should not be what we yearn for. I agree that learning doesn’t need
to stop as the youth deserves quality education. Having Academic Freeze will only leave
a lot of workers unemployed and more stomachs left starving since there is a no work no
pay policy
- As the decisions of the higher ups are against academic freeze and still pushed through
the academic year. Many have said that we can do is learn to adapt.

- But is our educational system really giving us that quality? According to the 1987
Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines Article 14 Section 1, “The State shall
protect and promote the right of all citizens to quality education at all levels, and shall
take appropriate steps to make such education accessible to all”

- Due to the pandemic, it showed the true face of our system. Amidst the pandemic the
government prioritized the ABS-CBN shutdown, passing the terror bill, while the covid
cases continues to rise and still no nationwide mass testing. The government is failing to
address the pandemic, yet they still manage to hold the door open for capitalism
- As I’ve realized that Academic Freeze isn’t the one we need, but what we truly need is a
safe comeback to open classes. Where we are comfortably learning and conversing with
our mentors and co-students. Where the environment for learning is even.
- There are many problems that occur in this new normal; problems with connection,
problems with digesting the learnings by yourself, financial problems, the lack of
empathy to the underprivileged. Mental health problems. Not just students but
professors are also struggling.
- These times proven that even the ones who are privileged and has advantages when it
comes to access to technology are said to be struggling with learning by themselves,
how more the ones who are at a disadvantage but still striving for they do not want to be
left behind.

- That is why we need a safe return, I do not support Academic Freeze, but I
wholeheartedly support A safe return to school. We need to pressure the government to
do their responsibility and urging them to give concrete plans and take action,. So that
no students are left behind and teachers can teach again to their full potential.

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