Itu-T: Gigabit-Capable Passive Optical Networks (GPON) : Enhancement Band

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I n t e r n a t i o n a l T e l e c o m m u n i c a t i o n U n i o n

ITU-T G.984.5


Digital sections and digital line system – Optical line
systems for local and access networks

Gigabit-capable passive optical networks

(GPON): Enhancement band

Recommendation ITU-T G.984.5



General G.900–G.909
Parameters for optical fibre cable systems G.910–G.919
Digital sections at hierarchical bit rates based on a bit rate of 2048 kbit/s G.920–G.929
Digital line transmission systems on cable at non-hierarchical bit rates G.930–G.939
Digital line systems provided by FDM transmission bearers G.940–G.949
Digital line systems G.950–G.959
Digital section and digital transmission systems for customer access to ISDN G.960–G.969
Optical fibre submarine cable systems G.970–G.979
Optical line systems for local and access networks G.980–G.989
Metallic access networks G.990–G.999

For further details, please refer to the list of ITU-T Recommendations.

Recommendation ITU-T G.984.5

Gigabit-capable passive optical networks (GPON):

Enhancement band

Recommendation ITU-T G.984.5 defines wavelength ranges reserved for additional service signals to
be overlaid via wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) in future passive optical networks (PON)
for maximizing the value of optical distribution networks (ODNs).

Edition Recommendation Approval Study Group Unique ID*
1.0 ITU-T G.984.5 2007-09-22 15 11.1002/1000/9185
1.1 ITU-T G.984.5 (2007) Amd.1 2009-10-09 15 11.1002/1000/10543
2.0 ITU-T G.984.5 2014-05-14 15 11.1002/1000/12184

* To access the Recommendation, type the URL in the address field of your web
browser, followed by the Recommendation's unique ID. For example,

Rec. ITU-T G.984.5 (05/2014) i

The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) is the United Nations specialized agency in the field of
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 ITU 2014
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written permission of ITU.

ii Rec. ITU-T G.984.5 (05/2014)

Table of Contents
1 Scope............................................................................................................................. 1
2 References..................................................................................................................... 1
3 Definitions .................................................................................................................... 2
3.1 Terms defined elsewhere ................................................................................ 2
3.2 Terms defined in this Recommendation ......................................................... 2
4 Abbreviations and acronyms ........................................................................................ 2
5 Conventions .................................................................................................................. 3
6 Reference architecture .................................................................................................. 3
7 Operating wavelength ................................................................................................... 6
8 X/S tolerance of G-PON ONU ..................................................................................... 8
Appendix I – Example of WDM1, WDM1r, CEx and CEMx characteristics ......................... 10
Appendix II – Examples of wavelength allocation for NGA services and video
distribution services ...................................................................................................... 23
II.1 Introduction .................................................................................................... 23
II.2 Case 1: Integrated filter for video ................................................................... 23
Appendix III – Methods for calculating required isolation for WDM/CE/CEM devices ........ 27

Rec. ITU-T G.984.5 (05/2014) iii

Recommendation ITU-T G.984.5

Gigabit-capable passive optical networks (GPON):

Enhancement band

1 Scope
The purpose of this Recommendation is to define wavelength ranges reserved for additional service
signals to be overlaid via wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) in future gigabit-capable passive
optical networks (G-PON) for maximizing the value of optical distribution networks (ODNs). Other
PON systems, such as B-PON, have wavelength plans based on [ITU-T G.983.3], which includes
existing options for enhancement bands. This Recommendation also defines further wavelength
ranges reserved for additional service signals to be overlaid via WDM in future PONs whose
wavelength allocations are based on [ITU-T G.983.3].
For this purpose, this Recommendation defines and provides:
– wavelength ranges to be reserved; and
– X/S tolerance in PON optical network units (ONUs).
Appendices I, II and III provide:
– sample parameters of a discrete WDM filter that combines and isolates the G-PON up/down
signals and enhancement bands at the OLT side;
– examples of wavelength allocation for NGA services and video distribution services;
– methods for calculating required isolation for WDM/CE/CEM devices.
The physical media dependent (PMD) layer specification for G-PON in the absence of an
enhancement band is defined in [ITU-T G.984.2]. PMD layer specifications for G-PON in the
presence of enhancement bands are defined by the combination of [ITU-T G.984.2] and this
Recommendation. Whenever a parameter specified in [ITU-T G.984.2] is not explicitly mentioned in
this Recommendation, its value given in [ITU-T G.984.2] remains valid. Whenever a parameter is
specified in both this Recommendation and [ITU-T G.984.2], the specification in this
Recommendation takes precedence.

2 References
The following ITU-T Recommendations and other references contain provisions which, through
reference in this text, constitute provisions of this Recommendation. At the time of publication, the
editions indicated were valid. All Recommendations and other references are subject to revision;
users of this Recommendation are therefore encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the
most recent edition of the Recommendations and other references listed below. A list of the currently
valid ITU-T Recommendations is regularly published. The reference to a document within this
Recommendation does not give it, as a stand-alone document, the status of a Recommendation.
[ITU-T G.652] Recommendation ITU-T G.652 (2009), Characteristics of a single-mode
optical fibre and cable.
[ITU-T G.671] Recommendation ITU-T G.671 (2012), Transmission characteristics of optical
components and subsystems.
[ITU-T G.983.1] Recommendation ITU-T G.983.1 (2005), Broadband optical access systems
based on Passive Optical Networks (PON).
[ITU-T G.983.3] Recommendation ITU-T G.983.3 (2001), A broadband optical access system
with increased service capability by wavelength allocation.

Rec. ITU-T G.984.5 (05/2014) 1

[ITU-T G.984.2] Recommendation ITU-T G.984.2 (2003), Gigabit-capable Passive Optical
Networks (G-PON): Physical Media Dependent (PMD) layer specification.
[ITU-T G.987] Recommendation ITU-T G.987 (2012), 10-Gigabit-capable passive optical
network (XG-PON) systems: Definitions, abbreviations and acronyms.
[ITU-T G.987.2] Recommendation ITU-T G.987.2 (2010), 10-Gigabit-capable passive optical
networks (XG-PON): Physical media dependent (PMD) layer specification.
[ITU-T G.989] Recommendation ITU-T G.989 (2014), 40-Gigabit-capable passive optical
network (NG-PON2) systems: Definitions, abbreviations and acronyms.
[ITU-T G.989.1] Recommendation ITU-T G.989.1 (2013), 40-Gigabit-capable passive optical
networks (NG-PON2): General requirements.
[ITU-T L.66] Recommendation ITU-T L.66 (2007), Optical fibre cable maintenance criteria
for in-service fibre testing in access networks.

3 Definitions
This Recommendation makes frequent use of the terms defined in [ITU-T G.983.1], [ITU-T G.983.3]
and [ITU-T G.984.2]. For purposes of convenience, the main definitions related to the G-PON
enhancement bands are reported in this clause.

3.1 Terms defined elsewhere

This Recommendation uses the following terms defined elsewhere:
3.1.1 optical distribution network (ODN): [ITU-T G.984.2].
3.1.2 optical line termination (OLT): [ITU-T G.984.2].
3.1.3 optical network unit (ONU): [ITU-T G.984.2].
3.1.4 wavelength division multiplexing (WDM): [ITU-T G.984.2].
3.1.5 10-Gigabit-capable passive optical network (XG-PON): [ITU-T G.987].
3.1.6 TWDM PON: [ITU-T G.989].
3.1.7 PtP WDM PON: [ITU-T G.989].
3.1.8 NG-PON2: [ITU-T G.989].
3.1.9 coexistence element (CE): [ITU-T G.989].
3.1.10 wavelength multiplexer (WM): [ITU-T G.989].

3.2 Terms defined in this Recommendation

This Recommendation defines the following terms:
3.2.1 next generation access (NGA): A possible new optical access system that coexists with
G-PON on the same ODN.
3.2.2 wavelength blocking filter (WBF): An optical filter to prevent an optical receiver from
receiving unwanted optical signals with different wavelengths.

4 Abbreviations and acronyms

This Recommendation uses the following abbreviations and acronyms:
B-PON Broadband Passive Optical Network
CE Coexistence Element

2 Rec. ITU-T G.984.5 (05/2014)

CEM Coexistence Element/Multiplexer
CNR Carrier-to-Noise Ratio
DBA Determined By Application
DFB Distributed Feedback Laser
G-PON Gigabit-capable Passive Optical Network
NRZ Non Return to Zero
NG-PON2 Next Generation Passive Optical Network phase 2
NGA Next Generation Access
OAN Optical Access Network
ODN Optical Distribution Network
OLT Optical Line Termination
ONU Optical Network Unit
OTDR Optical Time Domain Reflectometer
PMD Physical Media Dependent
PON Passive Optical Network
PtP WDM Point-to-Point Wavelength Division Multiplexing
RF Radio Frequency
TWDM Time and Wavelength Division Multiplexing
WBF Wavelength Blocking Filter
WDM Wavelength Division Multiplexing
WM Wavelength Multiplexer
XG-PON 10-Gigabit-capable Passive Optical Network.

5 Conventions

6 Reference architecture
Figure 1 (reproduced for convenience from Figure 5 of [ITU-T G.983.1]) shows the generic physical
configuration of an optical access network.

Rec. ITU-T G.984.5 (05/2014) 3



Ord, Oru


Ord, Oru Old, Olu

R and S Reference points

Ord, Oru, Old, Olu Optical interfaces
Represent one or more fibre
Represent optional protection fibres

Figure 1 – Generic physical configuration of the optical access network

(Reproduced from Figure 5 of [ITU-T G.983.1])

The two directions for optical transmission in the ODN are identified as follows:
– downstream direction for signals travelling from the OLT to the ONU(s);
– upstream direction for signals travelling from the ONU(s) to the OLT.
According to [ITU-T G.983.1], transmission in downstream and upstream directions can take place
on the same fibre and components (duplex/diplex working) or on separate fibres and components
(simplex working). This Recommendation covers only diplex working, i.e., bidirectional
transmission using different wavelengths over a single fibre.
There can be several types of ODN architectures to achieve the coexistence of G-PON and additional
services including next generation access (NGA) and video distribution services.
Figures 2 and 3 are reference diagrams of optical access network (OAN) architectures and assume
that wavelength blocking filters (WBF) are used when G-PON, video and NGA share the same ODN.
Note that these reference diagrams only provide reference configurations of the ODN and WBF and
are not intended to limit future designs and implementations.

4 Rec. ITU-T G.984.5 (05/2014)

(NOTE – WDM1 can be replaced by WDM1r, CE or CEM.)

Figure 2 – Optical access network architecture reference diagram 1

Figure 3 – Optical access network architecture reference diagram 2

The following abbreviations are used in Figures 2 and 3:

CE Coexistence element that may be located in the central office to combine/isolate the
wavelengths of NG-PON2 and legacy PON signals and which occasionally combines
the video signals and/or OTDR signals
CEM Coexistence element that may be located in the central office to combine/isolate the
wavelengths of TWDM PON, PtP WDM PON and legacy PON signals and which
occasionally combines the video signals and/or OTDR signals
Rx Optical receiver
Tx Optical transmitter
V-Rx Video receiver

Rec. ITU-T G.984.5 (05/2014) 5

V-Tx Video transmitter
WBF Wavelength blocking filter for blocking interference signals to Rx
WBF-V Wavelength blocking filter for blocking interference signals to V-Rx
WDM-N WDM filter in G-PON ONU to combine/isolate the wavelengths of G-PON upstream
and downstream
WDM-N' WDM filter in G-PON ONU to combine/isolate the wavelengths of G-PON upstream
and downstream and isolate the video signal(s)
WDM-NGA WDM filter in NGA ONU to combine/isolate the wavelengths of NGA upstream and
WDM-NGA' WDM filter in NGA ONU to combine/isolate the wavelengths of NGA upstream and
downstream and isolate the video signal(s)
WDM-L WDM filter in G-PON OLT to combine/isolate the wavelengths of G-PON upstream
and downstream
WDM-NGA-L WDM filter in NGA OLT to combine/isolate the wavelengths of NGA upstream and
downstream of one or more channels
WDM1 WDM filter that may be located in the central office to combine/isolate the
wavelengths of G-PON and NGA signals and which occasionally combines the video
signals and/or OTDR signals
WDM1r WDM filter that may be located in the central office to combine/isolate the
wavelengths of G-PON and XG-PON signals and which occasionally combines the
video signals and/or OTDR signals.

7 Operating wavelength
The wavelength range of the G-PON downstream signal (single fibre system) is specified in
[ITU-T G.984.2] as 1480 nm to 1500 nm and that of the G-PON upstream signal as 1260 nm to
1360 nm. This Recommendation redefines the reserved wavelength range and specifies the tolerance
for interference signals of G-PON ONUs to enable the coexistence of G-PON and additional services
including NGA and video services.
Figure 4 and Table 1 define the wavelength allocation plan including the wavelength bands reserved
for additional services. The wavelength range of the G-PON downstream signal is referred to as the
"basic band". Reserved bands are referred to as the "enhancement band". Applications for the
enhancement band include video services and NGA services. The wavelength range for video services
remains as defined in [ITU-T G.983.3].
A guard band separates the G-PON upstream and/or basic band from the enhancement band.
Interference between signals in these two bands causes signal degradation to each. This signal
degradation must be kept to a negligible level. Wavelength blocking filters (WBFs) are used to obtain
the required isolation outside the guard band. The wavelength values specified in Table 1 take into
account guard bands that may be achievable by commercially available low-cost WBFs.
NOTE  Wavelengths in the enhancement band may be used not only for downstream but also for upstream
signal transmission in the WDM scheme.

6 Rec. ITU-T G.984.5 (05/2014)

Figure 4 – Wavelength allocation

Table 1 – Parameters for wavelength allocation

Items Notation Unit Nominal value Application examples
1.3 μm wavelength band For use in G-PON upstream.
– Regular wavelength band option
Lower limit λ1 nm 1 260 e.g., ONUs based on Fabry-Perot lasers.
Upper limit λ2 nm 1 360
– Reduced wavelength band option
Lower limit λ1 nm 1 290 e.g., ONUs based on ordinary DFB lasers.
Upper limit λ2 nm 1 330
– Narrow wavelength band option
e.g., ONUs based on wavelength selected
Lower limit λ1 nm 1 300
Upper limit λ2 nm 1 320
Enhancement band (option 1-1)
Lower limit λ3 nm 1 415 For next generation access (NGA).
(Informative) (See Note 2)
Upper limit λ4 nm 1 450
Enhancement band (option 1-2)
Lower limit λ3 nm 1 400 For next generation access (NGA).
(Informative) Applicable for low-water-peak fibre only.
(See Note 3)
Upper limit λ4 nm 1 450

Rec. ITU-T G.984.5 (05/2014) 7

Table 1 – Parameters for wavelength allocation
Items Notation Unit Nominal value Application examples
Basic band
Lower limit – nm 1 480 For use in G-PON downstream.
Upper limit – nm 1 500
Enhancement band (option 2, see Note 1) For next generation access (NGA).
Lower limit λ5 nm 1 530 (See Note 4 and Note 5)
Upper limit λ6 nm 1 580 to 1 625
Enhancement band (option 3, see Note 1)
Lower limit – nm 1 550 For video distribution service.
Upper limit – nm 1 560
NOTE 1  Additional guard bands are needed in the case of the coexistence of option 2 and option 3
(see Appendix II).
NOTE 2 – The values are informative. The loss in this band is not guaranteed in optical branching
components for PON (i.e., power splitters) as specified in [ITU-T G.671] nor in optical fibres specified as
G.652A and G.652B (non-low-water-peak fibres).
NOTE 3 – The values are informative. The loss in this band is not guaranteed in optical branching
components for PON (i.e., power splitters) as specified in [ITU-T G.671].
NOTE 4 – The value of 1530 nm assumes use of the wavelength for downstream NGA transmission. If it
is used for upstream transmission, the value can be smaller.
NOTE 5 – The upper-limit value is determined as an operator choice from 1580 to 1625 nm taking into
account the following factors:
– Bending loss of optical fibre that increases at longer wavelengths.
– Loss of a filter that separates/combines a monitoring signal and NGA signal(s) (if an optical monitoring
system is used).

8 X/S tolerance of G-PON ONU

The minimum optical sensitivity requirements of a G-PON ONU must be met in the presence of the
interference signals caused by NGA and/or video signals in the enhancement bands specified in
Table 1. To minimize the effect of interference signals, G-PON ONUs need to isolate interference
signals using an appropriate WBF and WDM filter. This Recommendation does not specify the
isolation characteristics of the WBF and WDM filters themselves, but does specify the X/S tolerance
of the G-PON ONU.
In Figure 5, S is the optical power of the basic band signal and X is the optical power of the
interference signal(s). Both S and X are measured at the point IFG-PON on the optical network unit
(ONU) side of the network shown in Figures 2 and 3. Figure 5 shows the X/S tolerance mask that
should not cause the sensitivity of the basic band receiver to fail to meet the specified limit.
Implementers need to specify the isolation characteristics of the WBF and WDM filter needed to
obtain enough isolation of the interference signal(s) that will allow the sensitivity requirements to be
respected in the presence of this level of interference. In the case of coexistence with G-PON, the
wavelengths and total optical launch power of additional services including NGA and video services
must be considered with reference to Figure 5.
The interference signal format for measuring X/S tolerance should be NRZ pseudo-random coded
with the same bit rate as the G-PON downstream signal or with a lower bit rate within the bandwidth
of the basic band receiver.

8 Rec. ITU-T G.984.5 (05/2014)

Wavelength (nm) λ3 λ4' λ4 λ5 λ5' λ6'
1415/1400 1441 1450 1530 1539 1675
(Informative) (Informative) (Informative)
X relative to S (dB) y2 y2 y1 y1 y2 y2

22 22 7 7 22 22
(Informative) (Informative) (Informative)
S Received power of basic band
X Maximum total power of NGA and video received in the blocking wavelength range
X/S Inside the mask (hatching area) should not cause the sensitivity of the basic band receiver to fail to meet the specified limit
NOTE – λ3 value of 1400 (Informative) may be applicable for low-water-peak fibre only.

Figure 5 – X/S tolerance mask for ONU

Rec. ITU-T G.984.5 (05/2014) 9

Appendix I

Example of WDM1, WDM1r, CEx and CEMx characteristics

(This appendix does not form an integral part of this Recommendation.)

The WDM1, WDM1r, CEx and CEMx devices can have several different configurations depending
on whether a video overlay service or an optical time-domain reflectometer (OTDR) is provided. This
appendix presents several examples of device characteristics.
The first example given of a WDM1 filter was defined in the first approved version of this
Recommendation (released in September 2007). This WDM1 filter is hereby obsoleted, as the
wavelength plan for NGA systems has become incompatible with its definition. Its description is
retained below for historical reference.
The subsequent examples of filters (from Table I.2 to Table I.6 and Figure I.2 to Figure I.7) are termed
"WDM1r" to signify that they are revised specifications that reflect the approved newer wavelength
plan for NGA systems. There are two examples of the NGA interface: a single-fibre NGA interface
and a deprecated dual-fibre NGA interface. There are four examples of added wavelength service
ports: none, video, OTDR and video+OTDR. There are two upstream wavelength plans for the G-
PON interface that allow coexistence with NGA.
The next examples of devices (from Table I.7 to Table I.10 and Figure I.8 to Figure I.11) are termed
"CEx", and support the coexistence of NG-PON2 with legacy PON systems.
The final examples of devices (from Table I.11 to Table I.14 and Figure I.12 to Figure I.15) are termed
"CEM" to signify that they include the functions of CEx and partial wavelength multiplexer (WM)
which combine/isolate the TWDM PON and PtP WDM PON bands.
The isolation values in the following tables may be determined depending on the application and they
can be calculated using the methods described in Appendix III.
In the following tables (except for Table I.3), G-PON with reduced upstream band is considered as
an example. The values of insertion loss for G-PON with narrow upstream band are expected to be
the same.
Table I.1 shows sample parameters of the deprecated WDM1 filter that combines (downstream) and
isolates (upstream) the G-PON up/down signals and enhancement band. Figure I.1 shows the
reference diagram of WDM1.

Table I.1 – Parameters for WDM1 (deprecated)

Specification Value
Loss without connectors – G-PON wavelength span < 0.7 dB (1260-1500 nm)
Loss without connectors for enhancement bands < 1.0 dB (1524-1625 nm)
Isolation – COM – OLT (1524-1625 nm) To be determined (> 30 dB (higher values may be
required depending on the application))
Isolation – COM – UPGRADE > 30 dB
(1480-1500 nm, 1260-1360 nm)
Maximum optical power +23 dBm

10 Rec. ITU-T G.984.5 (05/2014)

Table I.1 – Parameters for WDM1 (deprecated)
Specification Value
Return loss > 50 dB
Directivity > 50 dB
NOTE 1 – The wavelength range of 1524-1530 nm should not be used by NGA downstream signals.
NOTE 2 – The specification of WDM1 in the range of 1625-1660 nm for applications such as inserting an
OTDR signal onto the PON is for future study.

Figure I.1 – Reference diagram of WDM1 (deprecated)

Table I.2 shows sample parameters of the single-fibre WDM1r filter that combines (downstream) and
isolates (upstream) the G-PON up/down signals and NGA bands. Figure I.2 shows the reference
diagram of the single-fibre WDM1r.

Table I.2 – Parameters for a WDM1r with G-PON and NGA ports
Specification Value
Loss without connectors for G-PON bands < 0.8 dB (1290-1330 nm and 1480-1500 nm)
Loss without connectors for NGA bands < 1.0 dB (1260-1280 nm and 1524-1625 nm)
Isolation – COM – G-PON OLT DBA (see Appendix III)
(1260-1280 nm and 1524-1625 nm)
Isolation – COM – NGA OLT DBA (see Appendix III)
(1290-1500 nm)
Maximum optical power +23 dBm
Return loss > 50 dB
Directivity > 50 dB

Figure I.2 – Reference diagram of a WDM1r with G-PON and NGA support

Rec. ITU-T G.984.5 (05/2014) 11

Table I.3 shows sample parameters of the single-fibre WDM1rn filter that combines (downstream)
and isolates (upstream) the G-PON up/down signals and NGA bands. The WDM1rn can be used
when all of the G-PON ONUs comply with the narrow upstream wavelength option. Figure I.3 shows
a reference diagram of a single-fibre WDM1rn.

Table I.3 – Parameters for a WDM1rn with narrow upstream wavelength G-PON
and NGA ports
Specification Value
Loss without connectors for G-PON bands < 0.8 dB (1300-1320 nm and 1480-1500 nm)
Loss without connectors for NGA bands < 1.0 dB (1260-1280 nm and 1524-1625 nm)
Isolation – COM – G-PON OLT DBA (see Appendix III)
(1260-1280 and 1524-1625 nm)
Isolation – COM – NGA OLT DBA (see Appendix III)
(1300-1500 nm)
Max optical power +23 dBm
Return loss > 50 dB
Directivity > 50 dB

Figure I.3 – Reference diagram of a WDM1rn with narrow upstream

wavelength G-PON and NGA support

Table I.4 shows sample parameters of the deprecated dual-fibre WDM1r filter that combines
(downstream) and isolates (upstream) the G-PON up/down signals and NGA bands. Figure I.4 shows
the reference diagram of the dual-fibre WDM1r.

Table I.4 – Parameters for a dual-fibre WDM1r with G-PON

and NGA ports (deprecated)
Specification Value
Loss without connectors for G-PON bands < 0.8 dB (1290-1330 nm and 1480-1500 nm)
Loss without connectors for NGAd band < 0.8 dB (1575-1581 nm)
Loss without connectors for NGAu band < 0.8 dB (1260-1280 nm)
Isolation – COM – G-PON OLT To be determined (> 30 dB (higher values may be
(1260-1280 and 1524-1625 nm) required depending on the application))
Isolation – COM – NGAd OLT N/A
(1480-1500 nm, 1260-1360 nm)
Isolation – COM – NGAu OLT To be determined (> 30 dB (higher values may be
(1480-1625 nm, 1290-1360 nm) required depending on the application))
Maximum optical power +23 dBm

12 Rec. ITU-T G.984.5 (05/2014)

Table I.4 – Parameters for a dual-fibre WDM1r with G-PON
and NGA ports (deprecated)
Specification Value
Return loss > 50 dB
Directivity > 50 dB

Figure I.4 – Reference diagram of a dual-fibre WDM1r with G-PON

and NGA support (deprecated)

Table I.5 shows sample parameters of the single-fibre WDM1r filter supporting OTDR capability.
The wavelength range assumed for the OTDR is referred from [ITU-T L.66]. Note that the
wavelength range of the NGA port changes when these optional ports are present. Figure I.5 shows
the reference diagram of this filter.

Table I.5 – Parameters for a WDM1r with G-PON, NGA and OTDR ports
Specification Value
Loss without connectors for G-PON bands ≤ 1.0 dB (1290-1330 nm and 1480-1500 nm)
Loss without connectors for NGA bands ≤ 1.2 dB (1260-1280 nm and 1524-1581 nm)
Loss without connectors for OTDR band ≤ 1.1 dB (1625-1675 nm)
Isolation – COM – G-PON OLT DBA (see Appendix III)
(1260-1280 and 1524-1675 nm)
Isolation – COM – NGA OLT DBA (see Appendix III)
(1290-1500 nm and 1600-1675 nm)
Isolation – COM – OTDR DBA (see Appendix III)
(1260-1581 nm)
Maximum optical power for G-PON or NGA ports +23 dBm
Maximum optical power for OTDR port For further study
Return loss > 50 dB
Directivity > 50 dB

Rec. ITU-T G.984.5 (05/2014) 13

Figure I.5 – Reference diagram of a WDM1r with G-PON, NGA and OTDR support

Figure I.6 shows the reference diagram of the deprecated dual-fibre WDM1r with video support.

Figure I.6 – Reference diagram of a dual-fiber WDM1r with G-PON, video

and NGA support (deprecated)

Table I.6 shows sample parameters of a single-fibre WDM1r filter supporting OTDR and video
capability. Note that the wavelength range of the NGA port changes when these optional ports are
present. Figure I.7 shows the reference diagram of this filter.

Table I.6 – Parameters for WDM1r with G-PON, RF video, NGA and OTDR ports
Specification Value
Loss without connectors for G-PON bands ≤ 1.0 dB (1290-1330 nm and 1480-1500 nm)
Loss without connectors for NGA bands ≤ 1.5 dB (1260-1280 nm and 1575-1581 nm)
Loss without connectors for OTDR band ≤ 1.1 dB (1625-1675 nm)
Loss without connectors for RF video band ≤ 1.7 dB (1550-1560 nm)
Isolation – COM – G-PON OLT DBA (See Appendix III)
(1260-1280 and 1550-1675 nm)
Isolation – COM – NGA OLT DBA (see Appendix III)
(1290-1560 nm and 1625-1675 nm)
Isolation – COM – OTDR DBA (see Appendix III)
(1260-1581 nm)
Isolation – COM – RF video NA (RF is downstream only)
(1260-1500 nm, 1575-1675 nm)
Maximum optical power for G-PON or NGA ports +23 dBm
Maximum optical power for OTDR port For further study
Maximum optical power for RF video port +23 dBm
Return loss > 50 dB
Directivity > 50 dB

14 Rec. ITU-T G.984.5 (05/2014)

Figure I.7 – Reference diagram of a WDM1r with G-PON, RF video,
NGA and OTDR support

Table I.7 shows sample parameters of a CEx supporting G-PON (reduced upstream band as an
example), XG-PON1 and NG-PON2 (wide range TWDM PON upstream band and shared spectrum
PtP WDM PON as an example). Figure I.8 shows the reference diagram of this device.

Table I.7 – Parameters for a CEx with G-PON, XG-PON1 and NG-PON2 ports
Specification Value
Loss without connectors for G-PON bands ≤ 0.8 dB (1290-1330 nm and 1480-1500 nm)
Loss without connectors for XG-PON1 bands ≤ 1.1 dB (1260-1280 nm and 1575-1581 nm)
Loss without connectors for NG-PON2 bands ≤ 1.0 dB (1524-1544 nm and 1596-1625 nm)
Isolation – COM – G-PON OLT DBA (see Appendix III)
(1260-1280 nm and 1524-1675 nm)
Isolation – COM – XG-PON1 OLT DBA (see Appendix III)
(1290-1560 nm and 1596-1675 nm)
Isolation – COM – NG-PON2 DBA (see Appendix III)
(1260-1500 nm, 1550-1581 nm and 1640-1675 nm)
Maximum optical power +23 dBm
Return loss > 50 dB
Directivity > 50 dB

Figure I.8 – Reference diagram of a CEx with G-PON, XG-PON1

and NG-PON2 support

Table I.8 shows sample parameters of a CEx supporting G-PON (reduced upstream band as an
example), XG-PON1 and NG-PON2 (wide range TWDM PON upstream band and shared spectrum
PtP WDM PON as an example) and OTDR (with wavelength range of 1640-1660 nm as an example)
capability. Figure I.9 shows the reference diagram of this device.

Rec. ITU-T G.984.5 (05/2014) 15

Table I.8 – Parameters for a CEx with G-PON, XG-PON1, NG-PON2 and OTDR ports
Specification Value
Loss without connectors for G-PON bands ≤ 0.8 dB (1290-1330 nm and 1 480-
1 500 nm)
Loss without connectors for XG-PON1 bands ≤ 1.1 dB (1260-1280 nm and
1575-1581 nm)
Loss without connectors for NG-PON2 bands ≤ 1.2 dB (1524-1 544 nm and
1596-1625 nm)
Loss without connectors for OTDR band ≤ 1.4 dB (1640-1660 nm)
Isolation – COM – G-PON OLT DBA (see Appendix III)
(1260-1280 nm and 1524-1675 nm)
Isolation – COM – XG-PON1 OLT DBA (see Appendix III)
(1290-1560 nm and 1596-1675 nm)
Isolation – COM – NG-PON2 DBA (see Appendix III)
(1260-1500 nm, 1550-1581 nm and 1640-1675 nm)
Isolation – COM – OTDR DBA (see Appendix III)
(1260-1625 nm)
Maximum optical power for G-PON, XG-PON1 or NG-PON2 ports +23 dBm
Maximum optical power for OTDR port For further study
Return loss > 50 dB
Directivity > 50 dB

Figure I.9 – Reference diagram of a CEx with G-PON, XG-PON1,

NG-PON2 and OTDR support

Table I.9 shows sample parameters of a CEx supporting G-PON (reduced upstream band as an
example), RF video and NG-PON2 (wide range TWDM PON upstream band and shared spectrum
PtP WDM PON as an example). Figure I.10 shows the reference diagram of this device.

16 Rec. ITU-T G.984.5 (05/2014)

Table I.9 – Parameters for a CEx with G-PON, RF video and NG-PON2 ports
Specification Value
Loss without connectors for G-PON bands ≤ 0.8 dB (1290-1330 nm and 1480-1500 nm)
Loss without connectors for RF video band ≤ 0.8 dB (1550-1560 nm)
Loss without connectors for NG-PON2 bands ≤ 1.0 dB (1524-1544 nm and 1596-1625 nm)
Isolation – COM – G-PON OLT DBA (see Appendix III)
(1260-1280 and 1524-1675 nm)
Isolation – COM – RF video NA (RF is downstream only)
(1260-1544 nm, 1575-1675 nm)
Isolation – COM – NG-PON2 OLT DBA (see Appendix III)
(1260-1500 nm, 1550-1581 nm and 1640-1675 nm)
Maximum optical power for G-PON or NG-PON2 ports +23 dBm
Maximum optical power for RF video port +23 dBm
Return loss > 50 dB
Directivity > 50 dB

Figure I.10 – Reference diagram of a CEx with G-PON, RF video

and NG-PON2 support

Table I.10 shows sample parameters of a CEx supporting G-PON (reduced upstream band as an
example), RF video, NG-PON2 (wide range TWDM PON upstream band and shared spectrum PtP
WDM PON as an example) and OTDR (with a wavelength range of 1640-1660 nm as an example)
capability. Figure I.11 shows the reference diagram of this device.

Table I.10 – Parameters for a CEx with G-PON, RF video, NG-PON2 and OTDR ports
Specification Value
Loss without connectors for G-PON bands ≤ 0.8 dB (1290-1330 nm and 1480-1500 nm)
Loss without connectors for RF video band ≤ 1.0 dB (1550-1560 nm)
Loss without connectors for NG-PON2 bands ≤ 1.1 dB (1524-1544 nm and 1596-1625 nm)
Loss without connectors for OTDR band ≤ 1.3 dB (1640-1660 nm)
Isolation – COM – G-PON OLT DBA (see Appendix III)
(1260-1280 nm and 1524-1675 nm)
Isolation – COM – RF video NA (RF is downstream only)
(1260-1544 nm, 1575-1675 nm)
Isolation – COM – NG-PON2 OLT DBA (see Appendix III)
(1260-1500 nm, 1550-1581 nm and 1640-1675 nm)
Isolation – COM – OTDR DBA (see Appendix III)
(1260-1625 nm)

Rec. ITU-T G.984.5 (05/2014) 17

Table I.10 – Parameters for a CEx with G-PON, RF video, NG-PON2 and OTDR ports
Specification Value
Maximum optical power for G-PON or NG-PON2 ports +23 dBm
Maximum optical power for RF video port +23 dBm
Maximum optical power for OTDR port For further study
Return loss > 50 dB
Directivity > 50 dB

Figure I.11 – Reference diagram of a CEx with G-PON, RF video,

NG-PON2 and OTDR support

Table I.11 shows sample parameters of a CEMx supporting G-PON (reduced upstream band as an
example), XG-PON1, TWDM PON (wide range upstream band as an example) and PtP WDM PON
(shared spectrum as an example) capability. Figure I.12 shows the reference diagram of this device.

Table I.11 – Parameters for a CEMx with G-PON, XG-PON1,

TWDM PON and PtP WDM PON ports
Specification Value
Loss without connectors for G-PON bands ≤ 0.8 dB (1 290-1 330 nm and 1 480-1 500 nm)
Loss without connectors for XG-PON1 bands ≤ 1.1 dB (1 260-1 280 nm and 1 575-1 581 nm)
Loss without connectors for TWDM PON bands ≤ 1.2 dB (1 524-1 544 nm and 1 596-1 603 nm)
Loss without connectors for PtP WDM PON band ≤ 1.3 dB (1 606-1 625 nm)
Isolation – COM – G-PON OLT DBA (see Appendix III)
(1 260-1 280 nm and 1 524-1 675 nm)
Isolation – COM – XG-PON1 OLT DBA (see Appendix III)
(1 290-1 560 nm and 1 596-1 675 nm)
Isolation – COM – TWDM PON OLT DBA (see Appendix III)
(1 260-1 500 nm, 1 550-1 581 nm and 1 606-1 675 nm)
Isolation – COM – PtP WDM PON OLT DBA (see Appendix III)
(1 260-1 603 nm and 1 640-1 675 nm)
Maximum optical power +23 dBm
Return Loss > 50 dB
Directivity > 50 dB

18 Rec. ITU-T G.984.5 (05/2014)

Figure I.12 – Reference diagram of a CEMx with G-PON, XG-PON,
TWDM PON and PtP WDM PON support

Table I.12 shows sample parameters of a CEMx supporting G-PON (reduced upstream band as an
example), XG-PON1, TWDM PON (wide range upstream band as an example), PtP WDM PON
(shared spectrum as an example) and OTDR (with wavelength range of 1640-1660 nm as an example)
capability. Figure I.13 shows the reference diagram of this device.

Table I.12 – Parameters for a CEMx with G-PON, XG-PON, TWDM PON,
PtP WDM PON and OTDR ports
Specification Value
Loss without connectors for G-PON bands ≤ 0.8 dB (1290-1330 nm and 1480-1500 nm)
Loss without connectors for XG-PON1 bands ≤ 1.1 dB (1260-1280 nm and 1575-1581 nm)
Loss without connectors for TWDM PON bands ≤ 1.4 dB (1524-1544 nm and 1596-1603 nm)
Loss without connectors for PtP WDM PON band ≤ 1.3 dB (1606-1625 nm)
Loss without connectors for OTDR band ≤ 1.6 dB (1640-1660 nm)
Isolation – COM – G-PON OLT DBA (see Appendix III)
(1260-1280 nm and 1524-1675 nm)
Isolation – COM – XG-PON1 OLT DBA (see Appendix III)
(1290-1560 nm and 1596-1675 nm)
Isolation – COM – TWDM PON OLT DBA (see Appendix III)
(1260-1500 nm, 1550-1581 nm and 1606-1675 nm)
Isolation – COM – PtP WDM PON OLT DBA (see Appendix III)
(1260-1603 nm and 1640-1675 nm)
Isolation – COM – OTDR DBA (see Appendix III)
(1260-1625 nm)
Maximum optical power for G-PON, XG-PON, TDM +23 dBm
PON or PtP WDM PON ports
Maximum optical power for OTDR port For further study
Return loss > 50 dB
Directivity > 50 dB

Rec. ITU-T G.984.5 (05/2014) 19

Figure I.13 – Reference diagram of a CEMx with G-PON, XG-PON, TWDM PON,
PtP WDM PON and OTDR support

Table I.13 shows sample parameters of a CEMx supporting G-PON (reduced upstream band as an
example), RF video, TWDM PON (wide range upstream band as an example) and PtP WDM PON
(shared spectrum as an example) capability. Figure I.14 shows the reference diagram of this device.

Table I.13 – Parameters for a CEMx with G-PON, RF video, TWDM PON
and PtP WDM PON ports
Specification Value
Loss without connectors for G-PON bands ≤ 0.8 dB (1290-1330 nm and 1480-1500 nm)
Loss without connectors for RF video band ≤ 1.2 dB (1550-1560 nm)
Loss without connectors for TWDM PON bands ≤ 1.1 dB (1524-1544 nm and 1596-1603 nm)
Loss without connectors for PtP WDM PON band ≤ 0.9 dB (1606-1625 nm)
Isolation – COM – G-PON OLT DBA (see Appendix III)
(1260-1280 nm and 1524-1675 nm)
Isolation – COM – RF video NA (RF is downstream only)
(1260-1544 nm and 1575-1675 nm)
Isolation – COM – TWDM PON OLT DBA (see Appendix III)
(1260-1 500 nm, 1550-1581 nm and 1606-1675 nm)
Isolation – COM – PtP WDM PON OLT DBA (see Appendix III)
(1260-1603 nm and 1640-1675 nm)
Maximum optical power for G-PON, TWDM PON or +23 dBm
PtP WDM PON ports
Maximum optical power for RF video port +23 dBm
Return loss > 50 dB
Directivity > 50 dB

20 Rec. ITU-T G.984.5 (05/2014)

Figure I.14 – Reference diagram of a CEMx with G-PON, RF video,
TWDM PON and PtP WDM PON support

Table I.14 shows sample parameters of a CEMx supporting G-PON (reduced upstream band as an
example), RF video, TWDM PON (wide range upstream band as an example), PtP WDM PON
(shared spectrum as an example) and OTDR (with a wavelength range of 1640-1660 nm as an
example) capability. Figure I.15 shows the reference diagram of this device.

Table I.14 – Parameters for a CEMx with G-PON, RF video, TWDM PON,
PtP WDM PON and OTDR ports
Specification Value
Loss without connectors for G-PON bands ≤ 0.8 dB (1290-1330 nm and 1480-1500 nm)
Loss without connectors for RF video band ≤ 1.2 dB (1550-1560 nm)
Loss without connectors for TWDM PON bands ≤ 1.3 dB (1524-1544 nm and 1596-1603 nm)
Loss without connectors for PtP WDM PON band ≤ 0.9 dB (1606-1625 nm)
Loss without connectors for OTDR band ≤ 1.5 dB (1640-1660 nm)
Isolation – COM – G-PON OLT DBA (see Appendix III)
(1260-1280 nm and 1524-1675 nm)
Isolation – COM – RF video NA (RF is downstream only)
(1260-1544 nm, 1575-1675 nm)
Isolation – COM – TWDM PON OLT DBA (see Appendix III)
(1260-1500 nm, 1550-1581 nm and 1606-1675 nm)
Isolation – COM – PtP WDM PON OLT DBA (see Appendix III)
(1260-1603 nm and 1640-1675 nm)
Isolation – COM – OTDR DBA (see Appendix III)
(1260-1625 nm)
Maximum optical power for G-PON, TWDM PON or +23 dBm
PtP WDM PON ports
Maximum optical power for RF video port +23 dBm
Maximum optical power for OTDR port For further study
Return loss > 50 dB
Directivity > 50 dB

Rec. ITU-T G.984.5 (05/2014) 21

Figure I.15 – Reference diagram of a CEMx with G-PON, RF video, TWDM PON,
PtP WDM PON and OTDR support

22 Rec. ITU-T G.984.5 (05/2014)

Appendix II

Examples of wavelength allocation for NGA services

and video distribution services
(This appendix does not form an integral part of this Recommendation.)

II.1 Introduction
Considering the possible network scenarios that allow the coexistence of G-PON, NGA and video
services, it is assumed that additional guard bands are needed at both sides of the video band to avoid
interference which could cause the degradation of video CNR performances of the video receiver. To
take the guard bands for both basic band and video into account, the wavelength range between basic
band and video may not be applicable for NGA downstream signals. Figure II.1 shows the wavelength
plan of the 1.5 μm wavelength band for these scenarios. The ranges of the guard bands depend on the
filter characteristics of the video band pass filter and the performance of the video receiver. In this
clause, two types of filters are considered. One is the integrated filter within the G-PON ONU
transceiver such as triplexer type transceiver and the other is the discrete filter outside of the G-PON
diplexer type transceiver and the video receiver. The examples of wavelength allocation and filter
characteristics for each case are provided below.

Figure II.1 – Wavelength allocation

II.2 Case 1: Integrated filter for video

Figure II.2 shows an example configuration of a G-PON ONU using a triplexer type transceiver
including an integrated video filter. This figure does not intend to limit filter configurations of the
triplexer. Filter configurations may be different in each implementation and also depend on the
implementations of optics (e.g., micro-optics or PLC-based). In this figure, the isolation values at the
reference point are the sum of the isolation values of the WDM filter and the wavelength blocking
filter (WBF) in front of the V-Rx. Figure II.3 shows an example of isolation and Table II.1 shows an
example of wavelength allocation including the tentative wavelength value of λ7 in Figure II.3. One
of the example isolation values of y3 in Figure II.3 is 30 dB with reference to the realistic isolation
performances of an integrated filter. Service operators and implementers should take the actual filter
characteristics and performance of the video receiver into account when considering additional
enhanced services.

Rec. ITU-T G.984.5 (05/2014) 23

Figure II.2 – Example configuration of G-PON ONU with video (Case 1)

Figure II.3 – Example of integrated filter characteristics for video

Table II.1 – Example of wavelength allocation (Case 1)

Items Notation Unit Nominal value Application examples
Enhancement band (option 3)
Lower limit – nm 1550 For video distribution service
Upper limit – nm 1560
Enhancement band (option 4)
Lower limit λ7 nm To be determined (1574
For next generation access (NGA)
or 1575)
Upper limit λ6 nm 1580 to 1625
NOTE  Typically applied to the integrated filters inside the triplexer type optical transceiver.

24 Rec. ITU-T G.984.5 (05/2014)

II.3 Case 2: Discrete WDM filter for video
Figures II.4 and II.5 show example configurations of a G-PON ONU (and a video ONU) using
discrete WDM filters. These figures do not intend to limit filter configurations. In these figures, the
isolation values at the reference point are the sum of the isolation values of the discrete WDM filter
and the WBF in front of the V-Rx. Figure II.6 shows an example of isolation and Table II.2 shows an
example of wavelength allocation. One of the example isolation values of y4 in Figure II.6 is 35 dB
with reference to the realistic isolation performances of a discrete filter. Service operators and
implementers should take actual filter characteristics and performance of the video receiver into
account when considering additional enhanced services.

Figure II.4 – Example configuration of G-PON ONU with video (Case 2)

Figure II.5 – Example configuration of G-PON ONU and video ONU (Case 2)

Rec. ITU-T G.984.5 (05/2014) 25

Figure II.6 – Example of discrete filter characteristics for video ONU

Table II.2 – Example of wavelength allocation (Case 2)

Items Notation Unit Nominal value Application examples
Enhancement band (option 3)
Lower limit – nm 1550 For video distribution service
Upper limit – nm 1560
Enhancement band (option 5)
Lower limit λ7' nm For further study For next generation access (NGA)
Upper limit λ6 nm 1580 to 1625

26 Rec. ITU-T G.984.5 (05/2014)

Appendix III

Methods for calculating required isolation for WDM/CE/CEM devices

(This appendix does not form an integral part of this Recommendation.)

This appendix provides guidance to implementers of WDM1r, CE and CEM components concerning
the isolation requirements. It is not appropriate to specify a single value for the isolation requirement
for each WDM1r, CE and CEM device, as it depends on the particular operational use case, so a
simple formula is provided below to enable implementers to derive indicative isolation values.
By way of example, Figure III.1 shows the assumed network topology for calculating the required
isolation for the GPON port of a WDM device enabling coexistence with XG-PON1. The GPON
ONUs are assumed to be at the maximum differential loss expected in the deployment and the
XG-PON1 ONU is at the minimum loss i.e., their relative ODN losses are equal to the maximum
expected differential loss in the ODN. Note that this does not need to be the same as the maximum
differential loss supported in [ITU-T G.984.2] and [ITU-T G.987.2] if the ODN design is such that it
limits the expected differential loss. The expected differential loss may be limited for example by
ODN component specification or by limiting drop fibre lengths.

Figure III.1 – Network topology assumed for calculating the required isolation
for the GPON port of a WDM device enabling coexistence with XG-PON1

In addition to being at the highest loss, the GPON ONUs are assumed to be transmitting at the lowest
power permitted in [ITU-T G.984.2]. The XG-PON1 ONU is transmitting at the highest power
permitted in [ITU-T G.987.2].
On the OLT side, the internal diplexer of the GPON OLT transceiver may also add some isolation
that could be taken into account if known by the implementer. This is illustrated in Figure III.2. Other
sources of intrinsic OLT isolation may also be considered e.g., any additional filtering in the Rx path
or additional filtering inserted between the WDM and the OLT. If the isolation is not known, or if a
worse case assumption is preferred, then the isolation of this diplexer (and other elements after the
WDM) may be set to zero.

Rec. ITU-T G.984.5 (05/2014) 27

Figure III.2 – Isolation factors to consider at the OLT

To derive the required isolation, the allowed crosstalk ratio is to be calculated at the tolerable penalty
in the particular deployment scenario being considered (this is a design choice for the implementer
and is not specified by ITU-T Recommendations). The following equation, taken from
[ITU-T G.Sup39], for inter-channel crosstalk power penalty may be used to derive the allowed
For a single interfering channel:
 CC
r  1 

PC  10 log10 1  10 10 dB (9-28)
 r 1
 
where r is the linear extinction ratio.
Using this formula, the chart shown in Figure III.3 can be plotted from which the allowed crosstalk
for the system design penalty assumption can be extracted. This chart shows the calculation for
GPON, XG-PON1 and NG-PON2 (both 2.5G and 10G US). The source of the difference between
each system is the minimum extinction ratio specification in each case i.e., 10 dB, 8.2 dB and 6 dB
for GPON, XG-PON1/NG-PON2(2.5G) and NG-PON2(10G) respectively.

Figure III.3 – Power penalty as a function of inter-channel crosstalk ratio

28 Rec. ITU-T G.984.5 (05/2014)

The following formula may be derived for calculating the required isolation in terms of the allowed
crosstalk, differential ODN loss, launch power difference between ONUs (GPON(min) –
XG-PON1(max)), diplexer (or other WDM to Rx path) isolation and bandwidth ratio. All parameters
are in dB.
IW DM  XT dB   P  ODN  I BiDi  Bcomp
IWDM: Port isolation at the interferer wavelength for the WDM device enabling
XT: Allowed inter-channel crosstalk power ratio in dB
∆P: ONU launch power ratio in dB between the target signal (minimum) and the
interfering signal (maximum)
∆ODN: ODN loss difference in dB for the target signal (minimum) and the interfering
signal (maximum)
IBiDi: Isolation in the receive path (external to the WDM used for coexistence) at the
interferer wavelength e.g., from the internal transceiver diplexer (BiDi)
Bcomp: Relative bandwidth compensation factor to account for signal bandwidth
difference between the target signal and the interfering signal as given by:
R 
Bcomp dB   10 log int 
 Rt arg et 

To illustrate the application of the formula, worked examples are given below:
Example 1
For a 0.5 dB penalty to GPON in a GPON and XG-PON1 coexistence scenario the permitted
inter-channel crosstalk (XT) is approximately 10 dB (from Figure III.3).
For a B+/N1 class ODN, the power ONU launch difference (∆P) is 0.5 dBm − 7 dBm = −6.5 dB.
The designed ODN loss differential (∆ODN) is 5 dB.
The post WDM isolation (IBiDi) is assumed to be 2 dB.
The bit-rate compensation factor (Bcomp) is 10log(2.5/1.25) = 3 dB.
So, the required WDM isolation (IWDM) at the GPON port for the XG-PON1 US wavelength is:
10 − (−6.5) + 5 − 2 − 3= 16.5 dB.
Example 2
For a 0.1 dB penalty to GPON in a GPON and XG-PON1 coexistence scenario, the permitted
inter-channel crosstalk (XT) is approximately 17 dB (from Figure III.3).
For a B+/N1 class ODN The power ONU launch difference (∆P) is 0.5 dBm − 7 dBm = −6.5 dB.
The designed ODN loss differential (∆ODN) is 10 dB.
The post WDM isolation (IBiDi) is assumed to be 0 dB.
The bit-rate compensation factor (Bcomp) is 10log(2.5/1.25) = 3 dB.
So, the required WDM isolation (IWDM) at the GPON port for the XG-PON1 US wavelength is:
17 − (−6.5) + 10 − 0 − 3 = 30.5 dB.
To extend the above equation for the required WDM isolation to include multichannel systems (e.g.,
NG-PON2) acting as the interferer, the number of interfering channels (N) can be included as a

Rec. ITU-T G.984.5 (05/2014) 29

IW DM  XT  P  ODN  I BiDi  Bcomp  10 logN 

The simple analysis above assumes there is one interfering system where all the interferers are at the
same line rate and power. In the event that the three systems (e.g., GPON, XG-PON1 and NG-PON2)
are to coexist, the analysis becomes more complex and the details are for further study. In general
terms the total interfering power needs to be carefully apportioned among the various interfering
systems and wavelength channels based on their transmitter characteristics.

30 Rec. ITU-T G.984.5 (05/2014)


Series A Organization of the work of ITU-T

Series D General tariff principles

Series E Overall network operation, telephone service, service operation and human factors
Series F Non-telephone telecommunication services

Series G Transmission systems and media, digital systems and networks

Series H Audiovisual and multimedia systems
Series I Integrated services digital network
Series J Cable networks and transmission of television, sound programme and other multimedia

Series K Protection against interference

Series L Construction, installation and protection of cables and other elements of outside plant

Series M Telecommunication management, including TMN and network maintenance

Series N Maintenance: international sound programme and television transmission circuits

Series O Specifications of measuring equipment

Series P Terminals and subjective and objective assessment methods
Series Q Switching and signalling

Series R Telegraph transmission

Series S Telegraph services terminal equipment
Series T Terminals for telematic services
Series U Telegraph switching

Series V Data communication over the telephone network

Series X Data networks, open system communications and security

Series Y Global information infrastructure, Internet protocol aspects and next-generation networks

Series Z Languages and general software aspects for telecommunication systems

Printed in Switzerland
Geneva, 2014

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