4597 AAB SC 07 Addendum 2 R0v0 7

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Za'abeel | 4597‐AAB‐SC‐07 Addendum 2
Structural Design Criteria.xmct
Section Page 1 of 5 
Design and Engineering Dept.

A. Structural Design Criteria
i. Overview 
The design parameters that are to be used on various calcula ons for the project will be based on this part. This sec on is
divided into four parts. Part 1 presents the code of prac ce and standards that serve as basis for the system design, etc. Part 2
presents the serviceability requirements, Part 3 presents the principal loads and the load combina ons and Part 4 presents the
computer so ware that are to be u lized on the analysis and engineering notes that are to be considered on the calcula on. All
parameters are substan ated by industry wide prac ces, relevant codes and standards, technical ar cles.

ii. Contents

Part 1 - Code of Prac ce

The system design complies but not limited to the following Standards and Codes of Prac ce:

Standard Description
BS 6399‐1 Part 1: Loadings for Building ‐ Code of Practice for Dead Load and Imposed Loads
BS 6399‐2 Part 2: Loadings for Building ‐ Code of Practice for Wind Loads (Areas not covered in WTTR)
BS 6180 Barriers in and About Building
Eurocode 1 Basis of Design and Action on Structures
ASCE 7‐05 Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures
IBC 2009 International Building Code
CWCT Center for Windows and Cladding Technology

Section 4.3.3 Façade Specification for additional loadings
WTTR SN T140612 Appendix S2 Wind Tunnel Test Report
BMU BM loadings to be considered whenever applicable

Design of Elements
Standard Description Element
AS 1288 Glass in Buildings ‐ Selection and Installation Glazing
Standard Specification for Determining Load Resistance of Glass for Buildings, 
ASTM E‐1300 Glazing
American Standard
BS 8118‐1 Part 1: Structural Use of Aluminum Frameworks
BS 5950‐1 Part 1: Structural Use of Steelwork in Building Frameworks
SCI 123 Stainless Steel Design Frameworks
ETA / Eurocode 1 European Technical Assessment Anchors

Architecturally Exposed 
Structural Steel (AESS)
ANSI/AISC 360‐16 Specification for Structural Steel Buildings
Steel Frame Works / 
Architecturally Exposed 
Structural Steel (AESS)
AISC 325‐11 Steel Construction Manual, 14th Edition
Steel Frame Works / 
Architecturally Exposed 
BS EN 10025‐2:2005 Hot Rolled Products of Structural Steels Structural Steel (AESS)
Steel Frame Works
Architecturally Exposed 
AWS D1.1/D1.1M:2008 Structural Welding Code ‐ Steel Structural Steel (AESS)

All facade elements' grade, alloy and mechanical proper es to be used throughout the facade calcula ons are based from
the standards above.

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TempVer20.0_012018 | Engineer: S.M.LomboyJr.

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