32-Acute Otitis Media

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Acta Pædiatrica ISSN 0803-5253


Breastfeeding and childhood acute otitis media: a systematic review and

G Bowatte1, R Tham1, KJ Allen2,3, DJ Tan1,4, MXZ Lau1, X Dai1, CJ Lodge ([email protected])1,2
1.Allergy and Lung Health Unit, Centre of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, School of Population and Global Health, The University of Melbourne, Carlton, Vic., Australia
2.Murdoch Childrens Research Institute and University of Melbourne Department of Paediatrics, Royal Children’s Hospital, Parkville, Vic., Australia
3.Institute of Inflammation and Repair, University of Manchester, Manchester, UK
4.NHMRC Centre of Research Excellence for Chronic Respiratory Disease, School of Medicine, University of Tasmania, Hobart, TAS, Australia

Breastfeeding, Child, Formula feeding, Otitis media Aim: To synthesise the evidence on the association between duration and exclusivity of
Correspondence breastfeeding and the risk of acute otitis media (AOM).
C Lodge, MBBS Grad Di Epi PhD (Postdoctoral
Methods: Systematic review and meta-analysis following searching of PubMed, CINAHL
Research Fellow), Allergy and Lung Health Unit
(ALHU), Centre for Epidemiology and Biostatistics, and EMBASE electronic databases.
School of Population & Global Health, Faculty of Results: Twenty-four studies, all from the USA or Europe, met the inclusion criteria. In the
Medicine, Dentistry & Health Sciences,
The University of Melbourne, Level 3, 207 Bouverie
pooled analyses, any form of breastfeeding was found to be protective for AOM in the first
Street, 2 years of life. Exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months was associated with the
University of Melbourne VIC 3010. greatest protection (OR 0.57 95% CI 0.44, 0.75), followed by ‘more vs less’ breastfeeding
Tel: +61 3 83440848|
Fax: +61 3 93495815|
(OR 0.67; 0.59, 0.76) and ‘ever vs never’ breastfeeding (OR 0.67; 0.56, 0.80).
Email: [email protected] Conclusion: This systematic review and meta-analysis provides evidence that
breastfeeding protects against AOM until 2 years of age, but protection is greater for
13 May 2015; revised 3 July 2015; exclusive breastfeeding and breastfeeding of longer duration. Exclusive breastfeeding
accepted 5 August 2015. during the first 6 months was associated with around a 43% reduction in ever having AOM
DOI:10.1111/apa.13151 in the first 2 years of life. After 2 years of age, there is no evidence that breastfeeding
protects against AOM; however, there were few studies and the evidence quality was low.

INTRODUCTION persistent middle ear effusion with short-term hearing

Acute otitis media (AOM) is an infection of the middle ear impairment, perforation of the ear drum with chronic
usually caused by a complication of viral infection in the discharge (chronic suppurative otitis media) and persistent
upper respiratory tract (1). The interaction of virus and hearing impairment. Less common complications include
bacteria plays an important role in the development of mastoiditis, brain abscess and meningitis.
AOM and in the latter case can be treated with antibiotics Globally, the incidence of acute otitis media (AOM) is
(1,2). Due to limited space in the middle ear and relatively estimated to be 11% per year, representing 709 million
poor drainage through the Eustachian tube, especially in cases annually (3). The peak incidence rate is in the 1- to 4-
young children, AOM is often accompanied by significant year age group (61%) with a wide variation in overall
pain and other characteristics including fever, acute loss of incidence from 4% in Central Europe to 43% in sub-
hearing and general lethargy. The sequelae of AOM include Saharan Africa (3). AOM is responsible for a huge burden
of disease in both emerging and established economies and

AAAAI, American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunol-
ogy; AHRQ, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality; AOM, Key notes
Acute Otitis Media; ASCIA, Australasian Society of Clinical  Systematic review and meta-analysis found that breast-
Immunology and Allergy; CINAHL, Cumulative Index of Nurs-
feeding was associated with a reduced risk of AOM
ing and Allied Health Literature; EMBASE, Excerpta Medica
database; ESPGHAN, The European Society for Paediatric during the first 2 years of life.
Gastroenterology Hepatology and Nutrition; GRADE, Grading  Infants exclusively breastfed for the first 6 months
of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation; derived the most benefit with around 43% reduction
NHMRC, National Health and Medical Research Council; NOS, in ever AOM during the first 2 years.
Newcastle–Ottawa scale; PRISMA, Preferred Reporting Items for  There was no clear evidence of continued benefits of
Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses; PUBMED, Search breastfeeding on AOM incidence after the age of
Engine for Published Medical Literature; WHO, Word Health
2 years.

©2015 The Authors. Acta Pædiatrica published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Foundation Acta Pædiatrica 2015 104, pp. 85–95 85
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly cited and is not used for commercial purposes.
Breastfeeding and otitis media Bowatte et al.

leads to a high use of healthcare resources including local reported effect estimates (odds ratio (OR)/risk ratio (RR))
doctor visits, antibiotics and adenoidectomy or tympanos- and their 95% confidence intervals (CIs).
tomy (4–6). It is the most common reason for prescription All studies looked at the effect of breastfeeding, and no
antibiotics in developed countries where AOM is estimated restrictions were made in the selection of studies based on
to affect more than 60% of children under one year and breastfeeding exposure. The studies had to have reported
more than 80% of children under three years (7–9). There is our outcome of interest, that is development of AOM
also a considerable health burden from the sequelae of defined as: physician/doctor diagnosed AOM, parent or
AOM both in children and adults (10). It is estimated that self-reported AOM, or AOM recorded on health-related
there are globally around 31 million cases of chronic databases. We included studies reporting either current or
suppurative otitis media, and the prevalence rate for AOM past disease (doctor diagnosis of AOM by symptoms and
induced permanent hearing impairment is 31 per 10 000 otoscopic examination (distinct redness and outward
(3). bulging or reduced mobility of the eardrum)) or recorded
Given the high healthcare burden, a number of risk healthcare utilisation for AOM. Physician/doctor diag-
factors for AOM have been investigated. The factors nosed AOM and recorded healthcare utilisation for AOM
currently identified as associated with a reduced risk of provide an accurate diagnosis of AOM. Parent reported
AOM include breastfeeding, avoidance of in utero and AOM episodes can be less accurate (14); however, high
childhood passive tobacco smoke exposure, and avoidance correlation was observed for doctor diagnosed AOM and
of indoor air pollution (3,11–13). Evidence from the parent reported AOM when recall duration was shorter
literature supports a reduction in AOM risk from breast- (15–17).
feeding; however, there has been no recent comprehensive
systematic review, particularly addressing issues related to Quality assessment/risk of bias in included studies
the effect of duration and exclusivity of breastfeeding on the Two authors (GB & RT) independently assessed the study
risk of AOM. Therefore, we aimed to systematically review quality using the Newcastle–Ottawa scale (NOS) for indi-
published studies on the effects of exclusive breastfeeding vidual studies (18). NOS study quality was graded by giving
and partial breastfeeding on childhood AOM during the a score. Cohort studies: very good = 9–10; good = 7–8;
first 2 years of life and beyond. satisfactory = 5–6; unsatisfactory = 0–4. Cross-sectional:
very good = 6–7; good = 5; satisfactory = 4; unsatisfac-
tory = 0–3. Risk of bias was then assessed using the
METHODS GRADE (Grading of Recommendations Assessment,
Search strategy Development and Evaluation) guidelines for quality of
We performed a systematic search of electronic databases in evidence of observational studies (19). Any disagreements
PubMed, CINAHL and EMBASE without any restrictions between two authors were resolved by consulting a third
from their inception to the present. The search strategy author (CL).
included terms related to breastfeeding and otitis media
outcomes. The comprehensive search strategy is reported in Data extraction
the supplementary materials (Table S1). In addition to the Data extraction was carried out by one author (GB) and
electronic search, we manually searched reference lists of checked by a second author (CL). Data extracted included
primary studies and review articles for additional refer- study design; country of the study; age of children; sample
ences. Titles and abstracts of all the located articles were size; definition of exposure and outcome; effect estimates
screened by two authors (GB and RT) independently. Full and 95% CIs; confounders included in analysis; subgroup
texts of the selected articles were reviewed by the two analyses; and interactions.
authors to assess for inclusion. A third author (CL) was
consulted in any cases of disagreement between the two Suitability for inclusion in pooled analysis
authors. Studies which provided an effect estimate and 95% CIs for
the association of breastfeeding and AOM were considered
Eligibility criteria suitable to include in the meta-analysis. Inverse effect
We included only observational studies (no experimental measures and 95% CIs were calculated when studies
studies resulted from electronic search) with full texts considered the exposed group (breastfeeding) as the refer-
published in the English language. We sought studies ence group. Four breastfeeding categories were identified as
assessing the association between breastfeeding and acute important groups to be meta-analysed: exclusively breastfed
otitis media. We did not restrict our review to studies of vs not exclusively or not breastfed during the first 6 months;
general populations and included high-risk groups (e.g. low ever vs never breastfed (children who were breastfed for any
socio-economic communities and children at high risk of duration compared with children who were never breast-
allergies). Studies on participants who were born prema- fed); any breastfeeding ≥3–4 months (exclusive or partial)
turely or infants with co-morbidities (e.g. cleft palate) were vs ≤3–4 months (exclusive or partial); and more or less
excluded. We did not include studies where the only breastfeeding (this group included infants who were breast-
outcome was OM with effusion (a common consequence fed more compared to infants who were breastfed less
of AOM). Furthermore, we only included studies that within each study regardless of the duration or type of

86 ©2015 The Authors. Acta Pædiatrica published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Foundation Acta Pædiatrica 2015 104, pp. 85–95
Bowatte et al. Breastfeeding and otitis media

Records identified through database Additional records identified through
searching other sources
(n = 693) (n = 1)

Records after duplicates removed

(n = 529)

Records screened by title

and abstract Records excluded
(n = 529) (n = 436)

Full-text articles assessed for Full-text articles excluded, with reasons

eligibility (n = 69)

(n = 93) 1. No appropriate statistical test = 39

2. No AOM = 9
3. Children with cleft palate =1
4. Retracted paper = 1
5. Cost estimations = 2
Studies included in
6. Other substrates in BF = 6
qualitative synthesis
7. OM combined with other = 4
(n = 24)
8. Knowledge of BF (not real BF) =1
9. Mothers with multiple sclerosis =1

10. Pathogens causing OM =1

11. BF used as a confounder =1
Studies included in
12. Results not given = 1
quantitative synthesis (meta-
13. Only HIV children = 1
14. Introduction of a drug =1
(n = 22)

Figure 1 PRISMA flow diagram breastfeeding and AOM.

breastfeeding). When studies reported effect estimates for Study characteristics

multiple breastfeeding groups, then priority was given to All included studies reported effect estimates as ORs or
exclusive breastfeeding. Secondly, the estimate comparing RRs. Among the 24 included articles, 18 were from cohort
the longest duration of breastfeeding with the shortest was studies and 6 were from cross-sectional studies. Three
chosen. Meta-analyses were carried out in both fixed- and articles were from the same cohort demonstrating differing
random-effects models. To assess the heterogeneity among analytical approaches (14,20,21). All the articles were from
the studies I2 statistics were carried out, if the I2 was 25– studies based in Europe or North America.
75%, then random effect pooled effect estimates were The cohort studies followed subjects from birth to a mean
presented, and if the I2 was <25%, then fixed effect pooled of 6 to 24 months; however, two studies reported outcomes
effect estimates were presented. Funnel plots were assessed at 5 and 6 years. The cross-sectional studies reported
for publication bias, and heterogeneity was tested by outcomes from 12 months up to 8 years. Sample sizes of
excluding studies with high standard errors. Small study the 24 studies ranged from 281 to 11 349 (Table S3). NOS
effects were tested using Egger’s test when the included quality of the cohort studies ranged from 5 to 10 of 10
studies were 10 or more. (satisfactory to very good) and in the cross-sectional studies
from 3 to 5 of 7 (unsatisfactory to good) (Table S4&S5).
Definitions of the exposed group and comparison
RESULTS groups were highly variable concerning duration and
The electronic search strategy located 693 articles (search methods of feeding practices (exclusive, partial, formula,
performed 14th October 2014), and one further article was solid or combinations coupled with duration of feeding).
found through a manual search of reviews. Following AOM definitions in the studies were also diverse. Several
removal of duplicates, 529 articles were selected for studies defined AOM as parent-reported ear infections
screening. Titles and abstract screening determined 93 (12,22–34) and others used physician-diagnosed AOM
articles for full-text review. Finally, 24 articles were symptoms (7,35) or both symptoms combined with oto-
selected for inclusion (Fig. 1) and 69 were excluded scopic findings (14,20,21,36). GRADE quality assessment
(Table S2). for the outcome of AOM was low to very low quality of

©2015 The Authors. Acta Pædiatrica published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Foundation Acta Pædiatrica 2015 104, pp. 85–95 87
Breastfeeding and otitis media Bowatte et al.

the overall meta-analysed results. Meta-analyses including

only cohort studies showed comparatively higher quality



than studies including only cross-sectional studies

(0.78, 0.92)
(0.56, 0.80)
(0.59, 0.72)
(0.60, 2.45)

1.03 (0.59, 1.79)

0.67 (0.28, 1.63)
1.49 (0.57, 3.92)
(Table 1).

OR (95% CI)

Overview of study results

0.57 Fourteen cohort studies reported a reduced risk of AOM in
childhood in at least one breastfeeding category, and four
reported no beneficial effects of breastfeeding on the risk of
Sample size

AOM. However, none of the cohort studies reported an

17 735

19 650

39 380

increased risk of AOM associated with breastfeeding. Five
cross-sectional studies found a reduced risk of childhood
AOM, one showed no association, and two found an

increased risk of AOM associated with breastfeeding.


Twenty-one studies used breastfeeding as a categorical

exposure in the statistical analysis, of which two studies

investigated a continuous exposure and categorical expo-

No serious imprecision
No serious imprecision
No serious imprecision

sure, while one investigated breastfeeding as only a contin-

uous exposure. Effect modification by ethnicity and siblings
for the association of breastfeeding and AOM was investi-

gated in two studies (Table S3).

One study found that children without siblings gained a

greater beneficial effect from breastfeeding compared to

children with siblings (37). Another study that stratified by

No serious indirectness
No serious indirectness
No serious indirectness

ethnicity found that Caucasian, but not Black, Asian or

Hispanic children who were breastfed had significantly
reduced AOM during the first 6 months of life when

compared with those not breastfed (12).


Meta-analysis results
Exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months vs
No serious Inconsistency*

No serious inconsistency*
No serious Inconsistency‡

nonexclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months and AOM

Serious Inconsistency †

Serious Inconsistency†

Serious Inconsistency†
Serious Inconsistency†
Serious Inconsistency†

up to 2 years of age
Exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months and AOM was meta-
analysed for five cohort studies (27,30,33,36,37). All except

one (27) were adjusted for important confounders (day care

attendance, presence of siblings, socio-economic status,
*heterogeneity can be explained by excluding two ORs in Raisler 1999 study;

second-hand smoke exposure and ethnicity). The quality of

studies ranged from 6 to 8: four were ‘good’ quality, and one

Serious limitations
Serious limitations
Serious limitations

was ‘satisfactory’ quality (Table S4). Infants who were

exclusively breastfed for the first 6 months of life showed
Table 1 GRADE evidence profile: breastfeeding and childhood AOM


high heterogeneity resolves with exclusion of Labout 2011.

43% less AOM risk by 24 months compared to infants who


were not exclusively breastfed (OR 0.57 95%CI 0.44, 0. 75

I2 = 62.1%) (Fig. 2). Excluding two studies with higher
standard errors did not result in a substantial difference in
No of




the pooled OR compared to meta-analysis including all five

studies (Fig. S1).
Meta-analyses with high heterogeneity.
More vs less BF (Cohort+ cross-sec)

More vs less BF (Cross-sectional)

More vs less BF (cross-sectional)

Any breastfeeding more than 3–4 months vs any

breastfeeding <3–4 months and AOM up to 2 years of age
AOM beyond 2nd year of life
Exclusive BF 1st 6 months

More vs less BF (Cohort)

Any breastfeeding for <3–4 months vs more than 3–

Any BF >3–4 months

4 months and childhood AOM was reported by only three

cohort studies and two cross-sectional studies
Ever vs never BF
More vs less BF
AOM 1st 2 years

(21,26,29,34,38). Among the three cohort studies, two were

‘satisfactory’ quality, and one was ‘very good’ quality
(Table S4). Only one of the cohort studies adjusted for
potential confounders (38). In the pooled analysis for
cohort studies, infants who were breastfed for more than

88 ©2015 The Authors. Acta Pædiatrica published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Foundation Acta Pædiatrica 2015 104, pp. 85–95
Bowatte et al. Breastfeeding and otitis media

Figure 2 Pooled odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) of meta-analysis for exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months vs not exclusive breastfeeding
for the first 6 months and AOM during first 2 years of life in cohort studies. N – Number of subjects in each study.

3–4 months had less risk of AOM within the first 12 months in 1- to 3-year-olds (26). Pooled results of
24 months compared to infants who were breastfed for cross-sectional studies also showed a protective effect of
<3–4 months (OR 0.85 95%CI 0.70, 1.02) (Fig. 3). How- AOM for breastfeeding more than 3–4 months compared to
ever, study heterogeneity was high in the pooled analysis breastfeeding <3–4 months (OR 0.71 95%CI 0.42, 1.20
(I2 = 81%). The two cross-sectional studies were of ‘good’ I2 = 37.8%) (Fig. 4).
and ‘unsatisfactory’ quality (Table S5). Only one study was
adjusted for potential confounders (26). One study reported Ever vs never breastfeeding and AOM up to 2 years of age
outcomes up to 18 months from retrospectively collected Ever vs never breastfeeding and outcome of AOM during the
data (34), and the other reported AOM in the preceding first 24 months was reported by five cohort studies

Figure 3 Pooled odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) of meta-analysis for any breastfeeding more than 3–4 months vs any breastfeeding <3–
4 months and AOM during first 2 years of life in cohort studies. N – Number of subjects in each study.

©2015 The Authors. Acta Pædiatrica published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Foundation Acta Pædiatrica 2015 104, pp. 85–95 89
Breastfeeding and otitis media Bowatte et al.

Figure 4 Pooled odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) of meta-analysis for any breastfeeding more than 3–4 months vs any breastfeeding <3–
4 months and AOM during first 2 years of life in cross-sectional studies. N – Number of subjects in each study.

(7,27,33,37,39). Four included studies’ quality ranged from More vs less breastfeeding and AOM up to 2 years of age
‘satisfactory’ to ‘good’ (Table S4). Infants who were ever Altogether, 12 cohort studies were included in the more vs
breastfed were protected against AOM during the first less breastfeeding and AOM during the first 2 years of life
24 months of the life compared to infants who never meta-analysis (7,12,21,27,29,30,33,36–40). Study quality
breastfed (OR 0.67 95%CI 0.56, 0.80 I2 = 51.2%) (Fig. 5). ranged from ‘satisfactory’ to ‘very good’ (Table S4). In the
Only one cross-sectional study (24) reported ever vs never pooled analysis, infants who were breastfed longer had
breastfeeding (full breastfeeding ≥6 months) and AOM dur- greater protection from AOM in the first 24 months when
ing the first year of life and the study found no significant compared with infants who were breastfed for shorter time
association (OR 1.57 95%CI 0.91, 2.71) (Table S3). periods (OR 0.67 95%CI 0.59, 0.76 I2 = 56.0%) (Fig. 6).

Figure 5 Pooled odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) of meta-analysis for ever vs never breastfeeding and AOM during first 2 years of life in cohort
studies. N – Number of subjects in each study.

90 ©2015 The Authors. Acta Pædiatrica published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Foundation Acta Pædiatrica 2015 104, pp. 85–95
Bowatte et al. Breastfeeding and otitis media

Figure 6 Pooled odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) of meta-analysis for more vs less breastfeeding and AOM during first 2 years of life in cohort
studies. N – Number of subjects in each study.

Egger’s test for small study effects showed weak evidence for More vs less breastfeeding and risk of AOM after 2 years of age
publication bias (p = 0.360). There were no substantial The association between breastfeeding and the risk of AOM
differences in effect estimates after removing two studies after 2 years of age was reported by 7 studies (three cohorts
with higher standard errors (OR 0.69 95%CI 0.61, 0.78) and four cross-sectional) (7,23,26,28,31,32,34). Studies
(Fig. S2). Pooled results for more vs less breastfeeding in included in this meta-analysis reported AOM up to 8 years
cross-sectional studies (24,26,28,32,34) did not show a of age. Pooled analysis of cohort and cross-sectional studies
similar protective effect (OR 1.21 95%CI 0.60, 2.45 showed no beneficial effect of longer breastfeeding duration
I2 = 84.2%) (Fig. 7). against AOM beyond 2 years compared to infants who had

Figure 7 Pooled odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) of meta-analysis for more vs less breastfeeding and AOM in cross-sectional studies. N – Number
of subjects in each study.

©2015 The Authors. Acta Pædiatrica published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Foundation Acta Pædiatrica 2015 104, pp. 85–95 91
Breastfeeding and otitis media Bowatte et al.

a shorter breastfeeding duration (OR 1.03 95%CI 0.59, 1.79 Longer duration of breastfeeding has also been found to be
I2 = 84.7%) (Fig. S3). protective for many childhood diseases (45) including acute
childhood infections (46), childhood diabetes (47), respira-
tory and atopic diseases (45) and obesity (48). Human milk
DISCUSSION contains unique biologically active substances such as
There is good evidence from this systematic review and immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial
meta-analysis for a protective effect of breastfeeding on the agents which provide protection to infants while their
risk of AOM in the first 2 years of life. Exclusive breast- immune system matures. These substances protect against
feeding for 6 months was associated with the greatest bacterial pathogens (49,50), support the growth of com-
protective effect in the pooled analyses. Longer duration mensal bacteria which compete with pathogens (50,51) and
of breastfeeding and ever breastfeeding were also associated inhibit the binding capability of pathogenic bacteria to
with significant reductions in the risk of AOM in the first epithelial cells (49,51).
2 years of life. The evidence derived from pooled analysis of A human breastmilk microbiome is a novel concept.
cohort studies was stronger than for cross-sectional studies Human milk contains beneficial bacteria which can
indicating that recall bias may be an issue. There was no enhance protection against pathogens for infants and helps
significant effect found for breastfeeding during infancy and in maturation of the infant’s immune system (52). Little is
the risk of AOM after 2 years; however, only a few studies known about the infant oral microbiome; however, ecolog-
looked at the association of breastfeeding and AOM after ical niches in the human microbiome are a network of
2 years old. None of the studies reported exclusive breast- communities interconnected with each other experiencing
feeding and AOM after 2 years old. constant exchange (53). Recent studies have demonstrated
A systematic review of the relationship between breast- that microbiota of the pharynx differs between breastfed
feeding and AOM published in 1996 (41) found that and nonbreastfed children (54), and have found that
breastfeeding for at least 3 months reduced the risk of colonisation by Corynebacterium and Dolosigranulum in
AOM. However, this review did not consider the included the upper respiratory tract is associated with a reduced risk
study quality and did not account for confounders. Also, of AOM (54–56). Corynebacterium is a known member of
neither clinical nor statistical heterogeneity of the studies the breastmilk microbiome (52). We hypothesise that
were considered (41). To address these issues, the U.S. through ingestion of the microbiota in breastmilk, there is
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) colonisation of the mouth, pharynx and also the middle ear
published an updated meta-analysis in 2007 (42), finding with beneficial microbiota that can reduce the risk of AOM.
that ever breastfeeding and exclusive breastfeeding were Breastmilk also contains numerous human milk oligosac-
associated with reduced risk of AOM. However, they charides (HMOs) which act as prebiotics. These HMOs are
included only six studies in the meta-analysis, two in ‘ever nondigestible carbohydrates that selectively promote the
vs never’ and three in ‘3 or 6 months exclusive breastfeed- growth of commensal bacteria (57,58). Neonatal intestinal
ing categories’, and provided little information on their bacteria are thought to play an important role in shaping
search strategy. Further, their exclusive breastfeeding meta- the infants immune response. The combination of micro-
analysis included two overlapping results from one study biota and oligosaccharides in human breastmilk may
which may have led to bias in the pooled estimate. Another provide greater protection against AOM in breastfed chil-
review by McNiel in 2010 (43) reanalysed the same studies dren.
included in the AHRQ. In the most recent review in 2011, In addition to the biochemical components in human
Abrahams & Labbok (44), narratively reviewed studies milk, there are also physiological mechanisms explaining
published in 2010 and 2011. the association between breastfeeding and reduced risk of
In summary, Previous reviews have not provided a AOM. Strong negative pressure is generated by breastfeed-
comprehensive account of the existing literature (41–44) ing, in contrast to bottle-feeding. Suck, swallow and
or meta-analysed relevant studies published after 2007. breathing patterns are also different from bottle-feeding
Furthermore, these reviews did not consider differences in infants (59). In bottle-feeding children, pooling of formula is
breastfeeding exposure within their meta-analyses. The more likely (44). The low beneficial biological components
current systematic review and meta-analysis is a compre- in formula coupled with pooling of milk create an increased
hensive update of the current literature in the field. risk of pathogen colonisation in the eustachian tube leading
We assessed the quality of the studies using a NOS to an increased risk of AOM.
scale, which provides an overall quality estimate for each The protective effect of breastfeeding against AOM was
study by considering selection of the sample, comparability evident among the infants who had breastfed for a longer
of the nonexposed group, definitions of outcomes and duration compared to shorter duration, and in infants
definitions of exposure and adequacy of the follow-ups. who were breastfed ever compared to never. This
Consideration of the quality of included studies can assist provides evidence that not only exclusive breastfeeding,
in interpretation of the strength of evidence provided by but shorter duration of breastfeeding provides some
the pooled estimate. degree of protection against AOM during the first two
Our analysis showed that longer duration of breastfeed- years of life. The protective effect of breastfeeding for
ing was protective for AOM during the first 2 years of life. AOM after 2 years of life was not evident. However, this

92 ©2015 The Authors. Acta Pædiatrica published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Foundation Acta Pædiatrica 2015 104, pp. 85–95
Bowatte et al. Breastfeeding and otitis media

finding is limited by power as only a few studies reported Combining different study designs may be a source of
AOM after 2 years. heterogeneity in meta-analysis. In the meta-analysis of
Assuming around 80% of nonbreastfed children will get AOM outcomes beyond 2 years of age, we pooled both
AOM at least once by the age of 2 years (7), the absolute cross-sectional and cohort studies.
risk reduction in ever having AOM would be 52% for
children exclusively breastfed for the first 6 months of life.
To demonstrate a benefit of breastfeeding against AOM, CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS
only two infants need to be exclusively breastfed for This systematic review found good evidence that breast-
6 months. feeding is associated with a reduced risk of AOM during the
Recommendations for duration of exclusive breastfeeding first two years of life, with an average reduced risk of 30–
are different locally and globally. Recent guidelines intro- 40% in all categories of breastfeeding. These risk reductions
duced by WHO (60), Australian NHMRC (2013) (61) and may be mediated through unique biologically active sub-
the New Zealand National guidelines (2008) (62) recom- stances found in breastmilk including microbiota and
mend exclusive breastfeeding until around 6 months. human milk oligosaccharides. Future studies should
Guidelines from the Australasian Society of Clinical address the role of these breastmilk components in the
Immunology and Allergy (ASCIA) (63), American Academy colonisation of the middle ear by AOM pathogens and the
of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (AAAAI) (60) (64) and response of the infant’s immune system. Researchers are
the European guidelines (ESPGHAN Committee on Nutri- also advised to record breastfeeding in a uniform manner
tion) (65) recommend the introduction of solids between 4 using validated questions and definitions, to avoid exposure
and 6 months. In this systematic review, we found, in misclassifications.
agreement with all the guidelines, that any breastfeeding
was protective for AOM in the first two years of life.
Although the greatest risk reduction was observed in those CONFLICT OF INTEREST AND FUNDING STATEMENT
exclusively breastfed for 6 months, the available literature None of the authors has any conflict of interests to
did not allow us to directly compare with those exclusively declare. Funding for this research was provided by the
breastfed for 4–6 months, so we are unable to provide any Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Preparation of the
further evidence to inform this debate. manuscript was assisted by funding from the WHO which
had no part in determining the outcomes or the presen-
Limitations tation of findings.
We only included articles in the English language, and this
may have caused selection bias. All included studies were
from North America and Europe; therefore, interpretation
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©2015 The Authors. Acta Pædiatrica published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Foundation Acta Pædiatrica 2015 104, pp. 85–95 95

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