Financial Risk Measurement and Management: Volatility Forecast: Beyond Riskmetrics

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Financial Risk Measurement and Management

Session 8

Dilip Kumar 1

Volatility forecast: Beyond RiskMetrics

RiskMetrics forecast for t+1 variance can be written as
= + 1−
As we saw earlier, RiskMetrics sets  = 0.94, for all asset classes
You don’t like such “dirty” ad-hoc estimates?
The above expression for volatility forecast can be written more generally as
=+ +
If we set =0,  = 1 - , = , then we get the RiskMetrics model
The generic model is the simplest GARCH model
GARCH refers to Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity
The model that we have shown is commonly referred to as GARCH(1,1) model

Dilip Kumar 2


Introduction to Maximum Likelihood Estimation

Let us say I give you a set of random numbers. I just tell you that they
have been drawn from a normal distribution. How do you find the mean
and std. deviation of the distribution from which they were drawn?
Obvious solution: Estimate the sample mean and standard deviation.
Use this as our “estimate” for the true mean and std. deviation of the population
from which these random numbers were drawn
Here is another way of estimating the same: Maximum Likelihood
It answers the basic question: Given a particular sample, what is the distribution
that is most likely to have given rise to such data?

Dilip Kumar 3

Introduction to Maximum Likelihood Estimation

Concept 1: The notion of likelihood:
Assume that these random numbers were drawn from a distribution of mean 
and standard deviation .
What is the probability that this number is equal to the number drawn, say x?
Given a sample data point x, if we were to assume that it came from a N(, )
distribution, we can define the associated likelihood function as
1 −
, | = −
2 2
Look familiar? Should be! Likelihood function is exactly equal to the pdf
It is important to understand what L represents: given that x is observed, what is
the likelihood that it came from a normal distribution with mean  and std. dev 
It is a common mistake to think of L as the probability of x; it is incorrect!
You can easily estimate this in Excel
, | = , , ,
Dilip Kumar 4


Introduction to Maximum Likelihood Estimation

Concept 2: The notion of joint likelihood
We similarly calculate the likelihood values for all random numbers provided
Since each of these are assumed to be iid, the joint likelihood of having drawn the
numbers x1, x2, …., xN is merely the product of individual likelihoods
Concept 3: Optimization
Remember MLE answers the basic question: Given a particular sample, what is the
distribution that is most likely to have given rise to such data?
Now, finding ,  reduces to an optimization problem: What value of , 
maximizes the likelihood of having drawn this set of random numbers?
Useful simplification: Instead of maximizing the joint likelihood (which is a
product), we usually maximize the log of joint likelihood (which is merely
a sum).

Dilip Kumar 5

Introduction to Maximum Likelihood Estimation

Exercise: In the worksheet “MLE”, you have been provided a set
of random numbers. These have been drawn from a normal
distribution of unknown mean and unknown standard
deviation. Provide an estimate of those.
Sample mean: 0.17049; sample 0.81358
MLE Estimate: Mean: 0.17049; std. dev: 0.81358
As an aside, these random numbers were generated from a normal
distribution with mean 0.2 and std dev of 0.8
Now, how are we going to use this idea for estimating GARCH
Dilip Kumar 6


Volatility forecast: GARCH Estimation

The GARCH (1,1) model can be summarized as:
= , ~ 0,1
=+ +
The returns are conditionally normally distributed, i.e., return for period
t+1 follows normal distribution with mean 0 and standard deviation .
Note, is based on information available up to time t.
It is also dependent on the three parameters : , ,
Estimate the GARCH model for the period under consideration
Assume the following starting values: =0.00005,  = 0.15, =0.75

Dilip Kumar 7

Volatility forecast: GARCH Estimation

The GARCH (1,1) model can be summarized as:
= , ~ 0,1
=+ +
Methodology (Assume the following starting values: =0.00005,  = 0.15, =0.75)
Take first estimate of variance as a sample variance.
Starting 2nd day onward, our variance forecast will be a weighted-sum of variance forecasted
for the previous day and today’s returns as given by the GARCH equation (above) and the
values for parameters we assumed.
For each of the given days, we calculate the likelihood that the returns are from a normal
distribution of mean zero and variance equal to the conditional variance forecasted by
GARCH model
We then calculate the sum of (log) likelihood and find that values of , , that maximizes
the (log) likelihood function!

Dilip Kumar 8


Volatility forecast: GARCH Estimation

Results: For the period under consideration, we arrived at the
following parameter estimates
=0.000022,  = 0.085152, =0.905315
So, the estimated GARCH (1,1) model is:
= , ~ 0,1
= 0.000022 + 0.085152 + 0.905315
Now, we can use this equation to forecast variances for next periods.
Note that, while RiskMetrics gave a weightage of 0.06 to the most recent
shock, the GARCH model gives a higher weightage : 0.08
Splitting hairs? How significant a difference is this? (can use larger sample to
fit GARCH model)
Let us plot!
Dilip Kumar 9

Volatility forecast: GARCH Estimation

The GARCH (1,1) model can be summarized as:
= , ~ 0,1
=+ +
The returns are conditionally normally distributed, i.e., return for period
t+1 follows normal distribution with mean 0 and standard deviation .
Note, is based on information available up to time t.
It is also dependent on the three parameters : , ,
Estimate the GARCH model for the period under consideration using R.

Dilip Kumar 10


Comparison of Variance Forecasts

0.2 0.003

0.15 0.0025

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

-0.1 0.0005

-0.15 0
Return 252D 126D RM GARCH

Dilip Kumar 11

Value at Risk: RiskMetrics & GARCH





2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017



Dilip Kumar 12


Value at Risk: RiskMetrics & GARCH

Now, let us compare Value at Risk number obtained using
various methodologies (for Nifty)
Comparision of VaR Methodologies: Breaches
Historical Simulation 146 (out of 2816) 5.185%
252D Variance 145 (out of 2816) 5.149%
126D Variance 147 (out of 2816) 5.220%
RM Model 150 (out of 2816) 5.327%
GARCH Model 134 (out of 2816) 4.758%

From the above table it is clear that, for the current example, GARCH
does a better job in terms of forecasting volatility for VaR estimates
Note, the results are typical of most scenarios. However, it cannot be taken as a
statement of fact; it needs to be verified for different settings.
Dilip Kumar 13

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