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Soc 101 Assignment Sociologiest PDF

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Soc 101, SECTION- 04

ASSIGNMENT-01(Quiz alternative)

Submitted To:


Department of Political Science and Sociology

Submitted By:

Sanjida Sarker Borsha

ID- 1731059030

Theoretical Contribution of August Comte:

1. Created sociology as ‘the science of society’ or ‘the science of human behavior’.
2. Positivism theory- there exist some truths or facts in the society and can be found by
some scientific method and our understanding about society should be based on that
scientific methods.
3. Positive philosophy- Society has its own set of laws.
4. Law of stages: theological-belief in supernatural
Metaphysical- belief in god
Positivism- belief in science
5. Hierarchy of science
6. Discovered the method of invariant laws of the natural and social world.
7. Religion of Humanity- improved religious order that emphasized more on reason and
8. Totally neglecting the revolutionary and religious ideas, he Invented new philosophy to
organize the pre-existing social order and gave it a new scientific outlook and analyzed
everything scientifically.
9. Invented new philosophy distinguished ‘social statics’ from ‘social dynamics’.

Theoretical Contribution of Karl Marx:

1. Main contribution to sociology is analysis of class inequality- the economy on the basis
of poverty.
2. By conflict theory in which social organization and change is based upon conflicts built
into society.
3. By the theory of dialectical materialism based on class struggles.
4. By the theory of alienation of workers under capitalist conditions.
5. The communist manifesto is considered one of the most influential political manuscripts.
6. Capitalism system- bourgeoisie and proletariat
7. Economic determinism- economics (wealth, money and supply) are the driving forces of
the society.
8. Socialism- no more class, inequality and cooperative economy.
9. The theory of Class consciousness- is an awareness of social or economic class relative to
others, an understanding of economic rank of class in the context of society.
10. The theory of false consciousness- the opposite of class consciousness.

Theoretical Contribution of Max Weber:

1. Theorized the connection between culture and economy in the text book The Protestant
Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism.
2. Conceptualizing how people and institutions come to have authority.
3. Social action theory or micro or interpretive perspective- individuals are considered
powerful social actors who control their destiny.
4. The "iron cage" of bureaucracy and how it shapes social lives.
5. Theory of social stratification- that saw political power as an interplay between class,
status and group power.
6. Method ‘Verstehen’ (understanding) when examine people’s actions and behaviors.
7. Rationality- people act with variety of motive
8. Bureaucracy- Bureaucracy is system with a complex set of rule and procedure as
individual are more rational in capitalist industrial society.
9. Authority- authority is a legitimated as a belief system. 3 types of authority are traditional
authority, charismatic authority and legal-rational authority.
10. The protestant ethnic and the spirit of capitalism- relationship between the ethics of
ascetic Protestantism and the emergence of the spirit of modern capitalism.

Theoretical Contribution of Durkheim:

1. Distinguish and elaborating the field of sociology from other social sciences.
2. Giving the concept regarding social facts, defined as the norms, values, and structures of
3. Functionalism- This theory viewed society as interrelated parts where no one part
functions without them. If something happens to disrupt the flow of the system, society
must adjust to achieve a stable state.
4. Division of labor- A mixture of the concentration of people and the amount of
5. Anomie- the breakdown of social norms and regulations(Abnormal forms of division of
6. Crime- serves as a social function, it has a purpose in society(Abnormal forms of
division of labor)
7. Mechanical solidarity- Society is dominated by collective consciousness.
8. Organic solidarity-this society is characterized by interdependence and the division of
labor leading to anomie.
9. Emphasize on empirical data to lend support to social speculation.

Theoretical Contribution of Herbert Spencer

1. Defined sociology as the study of societal evolution and believed the ultimate goal of it is
harmony and happiness.
2. Theory of evolutionary of societies – “survival of the fittest”
3. Theory of structural functional- he explain society as a structure with interrelated parts
designed to meet the biological and social needs of the individuals in that society.
4. Theory of social Darwinism- He explained that human beings best adapted to the
environment survive and prosper whereas poorly adapted die out.
5. Organismic theory explain that society behave like organism.
6. In organic analogy theory he compared human organisms with societies.
7. In the theoretical argument he claimed that all spheres of the universe are subject to
8. Compare the similarities from social institution with organ system.


Sociologygroup, 2020. https://www.sociologygroup.com/contribution-auguste-comte-sociology/

(as on 26 July 2020)

Learnodo Retaino Newtonic, 2017. https://learnodo-newtonic.com/karl-marx-contribution (as on

26 July 2020)

Sociologygroup, 2020. https://www.sociologygroup.com/max-weber-biography-contributions/

(as on 26 July 2020)

Thoughtco, 2019. https://www.thoughtco.com/class-consciousness-3026135(As on 27th July


Lumen, 2020. https://courses.lumenlearning.com/boundless-sociology/chapter/systems-of-

stratification/(As on 28th of July)

Sociology250,2003. http://uregina.ca/~gingrich/250j1503.htm(As on 29th July)

Thouhtco, 2020. https://www.thoughtco.com/emile-durkheim-relevance-to-sociology-today(As

on 29th of July)

Frontiers, 2019. https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fsoc.2019.00077/full(As on 30th of


Your article library,2020.https://www.yourarticlelibrary.com/sociology/the-contribution-of-

herbert-spencer-to-sociology-1110-words/6268(As on 30th of July)

ThoughtsCo, 2019. 2https://www.thoughtco.com/max-weber-relevance-to-sociology(As on 3rd of July)

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