Sentiment Analysis On Transcript Calls

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Using Earnings Call

Transcripts to Predict Stock

Jonathan Khalfayan, Justin Kahl, Santiago Rodriguez, Matthias
Schmitz, Sam Sklar, Juan Pablo Villarreal
1. Obtain Earnings Call Transcripts
2. Apply Natural Language Processing algorithm
3. Run regressions to weight keywords
4. Develop scoring algorithm to determine when to buy/sell
5. Run backtest evaluation of algorithm
Earnings Calls
Stock Criteria
● Small
○ Between the 25th and 75th percentile based on their market capitalization
● Cheap
○ Below 25th percentile EV to Ebitda ratio
● Highly Leveraged
○ Above mean LT Debt/EV
Binary Variables
LT debt year 1 > LT debt year 2

Prior year returns below median:

% Revenue Growth > % Asset Growth

High Gross Profit/Assets relative to LT Debt/Assets

Benchmark and Relative Performance
Data Collection
● Earnings call transcripts from THOMSON REUTERS, manually scraped
Data Collection
Next Steps:

1. Incorporate a larger number of equities in the dataset.

a. Available extensive dataset still pending exploitation
2. Enhance current dataset
a. Fill in gaps of non-existent data
1. Obtain Earnings Call Transcripts
2. Apply Natural Language Processing algorithm
3. Run regressions to weight keywords
4. Develop scoring algorithm to determine when to buy/sell
5. Run backtest evaluation of algorithm
Language Processing

1. Categorize words from .txt file into their corresponding fiscal quarter
2. Account for discrepancies in length of transcript, case, and punctuality
3. Count the frequency of specific words in each quarter
4. Write csv files of organized data for regression analysis
Language Processing
Next Steps:

1. Account for different tenses of words.

a. Potentially use global vectors for word representation (GloVe research
group at Stanford)
b. Multi-Dimensional Matrixes with similar words mapped at neighboring
locations within the Matrix, word frequency calculated for set of words.
2. Investigate two word keyphrases such as “Pay Down”
Word Selection Criteria
● We started analyzing the frequencies of 26 keywords that could possibly
predict future growth.
● The presence of words like “cost-cutting,” “deleveraging,” and “growth” that
we believe will lead to these small, highly-leveraged, companies to produce
higher returns than the benchmark

● For every company’s earnings call transcript:

○ Frequency = # of appearances of keyword within specified fiscal quarter
Screenshot table containing frequency values for one company for desired fiscal
quarters and keywords:
1. Obtain Earnings Call Transcripts
2. Apply Natural Language Processing algorithm
3. Run analysis to weigh keywords
4. Develop scoring algorithm to determine when to buy/sell
5. Run backtest evaluation of algorithm
Key Word Analysis
Word Score Number of Occurrences

Save 1.37 122

Dividend .894 739

cutting .805 92

cut .772 473

short-term .754 333

pay .720 594

demand .685 2053

prudent .682 195

reduction .657 1107

Next Steps
1. Obtain Earnings Call Transcripts
2. Apply Natural Language Processing algorithm
3. Run regressions to weight keywords
4. Develop scoring algorithm to determine when to buy/sell
5. Run backtest evaluation of algorithm
Insight: By using the correlations found in the Earnings Call Transcript analysis, we
can score companies by quarter as new transcripts are released.


● When high frequencies of key terms occur (cost cutting, dividend, reduce,
save) increment score.
● Add additional binary values for whether long term debt has decreased from
last year (signalling debt paydown) as well as increasing Gross Profit/Assets
● Buy companies with highest scores that also meet binary metrics. Try on
Quarterly vs Yearly holding period
1. Obtain Earnings Call Transcripts
2. Apply Natural Language Processing algorithm
3. Run regressions to weight keywords
4. Develop scoring algorithm to determine when to buy/sell
5. Run backtest evaluation of algorithm
Stock Performance
● To prevent look-ahead bias, we will trade with one quarter lag.
● For instance, we will act upon data obtained from Q1 2010 at the beginning of
Q3 2010.
Hypothesis and Predictions
● Investing in small, cheap, highly-leveraged stocks with improving asset turnover and
estimated debt paydown that we filter by keywords such as “cost-cutting” will lead to
a strategy that will outperform the S&P 500 Index.
Thank You!

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