Comunicaciones Digitales Avanzadas DEBER 1 (Select Max. 10 Problems and Answer The Two Questions)

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DEBER 1 (Select max. 10 Problems and answer the two questions)

1) Consider a 4-PSK constellation with dmin = √2. What is the additional energy required to send one
extra bit (8-PSK) while keeping the same minimum distance (and consequently the same bit error

2) The two signal constellations shown in the figure exhibit the same average probability of
symbol error. Justify the validity of this statement

Which of these two constellations has minimum average energy? Justify your answer.
Assume that the symbols pertaining to the message points displayed are equally likely.

3) Consider the octal signal point constellation in the figure shown below

(a) Determine the average transmitter powers for the two signal constellations and compare the two
powers. What is the relative power advantage of one constellation over the other? (Assume that all
signal points are equally probable.)
(b) Is it possible to assign three data bits to each point of the signal constellation such that nearest
(adjacent) points differ in only one-bit position?

4) Show that the minimum frequency separation for FSK such that the cos(2πfjt) and cos(2πfit) are
orthogonal is Δf = minij |fj − fi| = 0.5/Ts.

5) An FSK system transmits binary data at the rate of bits/s. During the course of transmission, white
Gaussian noise of zero mean and power spectral density 10–20 W/Hz is added to the signal. In the
absence of noise, the amplitude of the received sinusoidal wave for digit 1 or 0 is 1mV. Determine the
average probability of symbol error for the following system configurations:
a. Binary FSK using coherent detection;
b. MSK using coherent detection;
6) Consider a digital communication system that transmits information via QAM over a voice-band
telephone channel at a rate of 2400 symbols/s. The additive noise is assumed to be white and
Gaussian. Determine the Eb/N0 required to achieve an error probability of 10−5 at 4800 bits/s.

7) Find the bit error probability Pb and symbol error probability Ps of QPSK assuming una SNR per bit of

8) Digital information is to be transmitted by carrier modulation through an additive Gaussian noise

channel with a bandwidth of 100 kHz and N0 = 10−10 W/Hz. Determine the maximum rate that can be
transmitted through the channel for binary FSK.

9) Consider a system in which data is transferred at a rate of 100 bits/sec over the channel.
(a) Find the symbol duration if we use sinc pulse for signaling and the channel bandwidth is 10 kHz.
(b) If the received SNR is 10 dB. find the SNR per symbol and the SNR per bit if 4-QAM is used.
(c) Find the SNR per symbol and the SNR per bit for 16-QAM and compare with the corresponding
metrics for 4-QAM.

10) A wireless communication system must transmit 3Mbit/s guaranteeing a bit error probability of 10 -4.
Assuming that the single carrier modulation adopted is 8PSK (uncoded) and the single sided noise
spectral density No = -160 dBm/Hz, find the required transmitted Power (Pt) in such a way to guarantee
the requested bit error probability. The transmitter and the receiver have distance d=200 (meters) while
the channel gain (Gamma) is a function of the distance as:
Gamma= -50dB – 20log10 (d/2) [dB]
Assuming that the maximum power available at the transmitter is Pt=100 mW (20dBm) compute the
maximum distance between the transmitter and the receiver to guarantee the required bit error

11) A digital communication system is designed to transmit 64Kbit/s over radio-frequency and occupies a
max bandwidth of 50Khz. The supported (single carrier) modulation is M-QAM (with unknown M)
and root-raised cosine functions are used as modulated signals (with unknown roll-off “alpha”). Find a
reasonable value for M and for the roll-off (alpha) so as to meet the system requirements

12) The M-ary linear modulation scheme is described by the following signals (with symbol time T=
2 2 2 2
𝑠1 (𝑡) = +√ 𝑐𝑜𝑠( 2𝜋𝑓𝑡); 𝑠2 (𝑡) = −√ 𝑐𝑜𝑠( 2𝜋𝑓𝑡); 𝑠3 (𝑡) = +√ 𝑠𝑖𝑛( 2𝜋𝑓𝑡); 𝑠4 (𝑡) = −√ 𝑠𝑖𝑛( 2𝜋𝑓𝑡)

Can you explain the difference of this system compare to a classic QPSK.


-1 +1

Express the symbol error rate for the noise spectral density No= 0.06 W/Hz and the average symbol
energy 𝐸𝑆
Assign a proper mapping (symbol to bits) and calculate the bit error probability

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