Mathematical Ability Test: (Topic: Age, Calendar & Clock) - MAA8

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Mathematical Ability Test

[Topic: Age, Calendar & Clock] – MAA8

Test Code MAA8
No. of Questions 20 Page | 1

Maximum Marks 20
Competitive score 16
Time allowed 18 minutes
Answers with explanations have been provided for self-evaluation.
Do send us your score after completing the test.

1. Ram got married 10 years ago. Today his age is 12/3 times of his age at the time of
marriage. What is present age?
a. 25 years
b. 30 years
c. 15 years
d. none of the above

2. The sum of ages of A and B is 78 years. After 6 years, A’s age will be twice of B.
What is the present age of A?
a. 62 years
b. 54 years
c. 52 years
d. 60 years

3. The sum of ages of Suja and her mother is 50 years. 5 years back, mother’s age
was 4 times of Suja’s age. Find the present age of Suja.
a. 15 years
b. 16 years
c. 13 years
d. 12 years

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Mathematical Ability Test
[Topic: Age, Calendar & Clock] – MAA8

4. The sum of present ages of A,B,C is 84. 4 years ago their ages were in the ratio
1:2:3. What is the present age of A?
a. 16 years
b. 17 years
c. 12 years Page | 2
d. 14 years

5. Present age of Ram and Shyam is 50 years and 20 years. In how many years, will
Ram’s age be twice as of Shyam’s age?
a. 10 years
b. 12 years
c. 11 years
d. 9 years

6. The ages of x and y are in the ratio 8:5. If the sum of their ages is 52, what will be
the ratio of their ages after 12 years?
a. 11:8
b. 12:7
c. 9:5
d. none of the above

7. Ram was elder to Sita by 6 years at the time of their wedding. After 12 years,
ram’s age is 6/5 times the age of Sita. What was Sita’s age when they got
a. 18 years
b. 19 years
c. 17 years
d. 16 years

8. The age of P and Q are in the ratio 5:7. 16 years ago, their ages were in the ratio
3:5. What is the current age of Q?
a. 52 years
b. 56 years
c. 54 years
d. 50 years

©SRIRAM LAW ACADEMY, India’s Premier Institute for Law Entrance Exam Training.
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Mathematical Ability Test
[Topic: Age, Calendar & Clock] – MAA8

9. The ratio of ages of Laurel and Hardy is 4:3. The product of their ages is 768.
What will be the ratio of their ages after 8 years?
a. 6:5
b. 5:4 Page | 3
c. 4:3
d. 7:5

10. 10 years ago the age of B was double that of A. If the present age ratio is 3:4,
what is the total of their present age?
a. 35 years
b. 30 years
c. 40 years
d. 36 years

11. A father is 4 times older to his son today. After 20 years, he would be twice as
old. What would have been father’s age at the time of son’s birth?
a. 25 years
b. 30 years
c. 35 years
d. 32 years

12. If 11/2 years is added to 3/7 age of Sashi, she will be half her age, what is her
actual age?
a. 19 years
b. 20 years
c. 21 years
d. 22 years

13. Nitya’s school was closed for summer vacation on April 14, 2012 onwards for 60
days. On what date did the school reopen?
a. 12th June
b. 13th June
c. 14th June
d. 11th June

©SRIRAM LAW ACADEMY, India’s Premier Institute for Law Entrance Exam Training.
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Mathematical Ability Test
[Topic: Age, Calendar & Clock] – MAA8

14. Today is Friday. After 62 days, it will be what day?

a. Thursday
b. Friday
c. Wednesday
d. None of the above
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15. What will be the day of the week on 1st January 2010?
a. Friday
b. Saturday
c. Thursday
d. Wednesday

16. John became a lawyer on 2nd July 2000. What was the day?
a. Sunday
b. Monday
c. Tuesday
d. Saturday

17. At what time between 5 O’clock and 6 O’clock, will the hands of a clock
a. 27 3/11 min
b. 28 3/11 min
c. 24 6/11 min
d. none of the above

18. Find the angle between the hands of a clock at 8:15 hrs.
a. 152 1/20
b. 157 1/20
c. 154 1/20
d. 155 1/20

©SRIRAM LAW ACADEMY, India’s Premier Institute for Law Entrance Exam Training.
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Mathematical Ability Test
[Topic: Age, Calendar & Clock] – MAA8

19. A clock is started at noon. By 10 min past 5, the hour hand has turned through
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what degree?
a. 1550
b. 1650
c. 1500
d. 1450

20. At what time between 7 and 8 O’ clock, will the angle between two hands of a
clock be 00?
a. 7.38 hrs
b. 7.41 hrs
c. 7.35 hrs
d. 7.36 hrs


©SRIRAM LAW ACADEMY, India’s Premier Institute for Law Entrance Exam Training.
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Mathematical Ability Test
[Topic: Age, Calendar & Clock] – MAA8

S.No Answer Explanation/Hints Difficulty

1 a Present age = x. 10 years back = x-10. Given: x = 5/3(x-10), MODERATE
solving, x= 25, option ‘a’ Page | 6
2 b A+B = 78. .(1)
After 6 years, A+6 = 2(B+6) => A-2B =6…(2). SIMPLE
Solving(1) and (2), A= 54, option ‘b’

Short cut: Sum of ages after 6 years = 78 +(2 X 6) = 90. A’s

age after 6 years = 90 X 2/3 = 60 years, so A’s current age =
60-6 = 54.

3 c Sum of ages 5 years ago = 50 – (5 X 2) = 40.

Ratio = 4:1. Hence Suja’s age 5 years ago = 1/5 X 40 = 8. Her SIMPLE
current age = 8 + 5 = 13, option ‘c’

4 a A+B+C 4 years ago = 84 – 12 = 72. SIMPLE

A’s age 4 years ago = 1/6 X 72 = 12.
A.s present age = 12 + 4 = 16, option ‘a’

5 a Double of Shyam’s age = 40 years. Difference between Ram’s

current age and Shyam’s double age = 10 years, Ram will be MODERATE
twice as old as Shyam after 10 years.

6 a Sum of ratio = 13. 13 ratio = 52 years, hence one ratio = 4

years, so 12 years will have 12/4 = 3 ratio. SIMPLE
Hence new ratio = (8+3) : (5+3) = 11:8, option ‘a’

©SRIRAM LAW ACADEMY, India’s Premier Institute for Law Entrance Exam Training.
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Mathematical Ability Test
[Topic: Age, Calendar & Clock] – MAA8

S.No Answer Explanation/Hints Difficulty

7 a Ratio of ages after 12 years = 6:5. Difference in age = 6 years.
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Sita’s age = 5 X 6 = 30 years, hence her age at the time of MODERATE
wedding = 30 – 12 = 18 years, option ‘a’

8 a Increase in ratio = 2. Implies 2 ratio accounts for 16 years,

hence 1 ratio = 8 years. Q’s age will be 8 X 7 = 56 years, MODERATE
option ‘a’

Can be solved by traditional linear method also

9 b Let the ages be 4x and 3x. Their product = 12x2 = 768 => x = SIMPLE
8. Hence current ages = 32 and 24. Ratio after 8 years = 40:32
=> 5:4, option ‘b’

10 a Ratio 10 years back= 1:2. Ratio currently = 3:4. Difference = 2

ratio which accounts for 10 years=> 1 ratio = 5 years. Current MODERATE
total ratio = 7 which relates to total age of 7 X 5 = 35 years,
option ‘a’
Can be solved using traditional linear method also.

11 b Let the current age of father and son be 4x and x. After 20

years, 4x + 20 = 2(x+20) => x = 10 years. Hence age of father MODERATE
at the time of son’s birth = 4x-x = 30 years, option ‘b’

12 c Let her age be x. Implies, 3x/7 + 3/2 = x/2. Solving, x = 21,

option ‘c’ SIMPLE

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Mathematical Ability Test
[Topic: Age, Calendar & Clock] – MAA8

S.No Answer Explanation/Hints Difficulty

13 b No of days in April = 17. No of days in May = 31. No fo days
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in June = 60-(48) = 12. Hence the school is closed till 12th MODERATE
June, and reopened on 13th June, option ‘b’

14 a Each day of the week is repeated after 7 days. Hence, after 63

days, it will be Friday, so after 62 days, it should be Thursday, DIFFICULT
option ‘a’

15 a 2000 years have ‘0’ odd days.

Year 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
Odd days 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1
Total odd days = 11 = 4 odd days. DIFFICULT
1st Jan 2010 has 1 odd day.
Hence total odd days = 0+4+1 = 5 odd days, corresponds to Friday, option ‘a’

16 a 2nd July 2000 = 1999 years + 1st Jan 2000 to 2nd July 2000
Counting of all odd days:
1600 years have ‘0’ odd day DIFFICULT
300 years have ‘1’ odd day
99 years = 24 leap years + 75 ordinary years= (24 X 2) +
(75X 1) = 123 odd days = 4 odd days( because 17 weeks + 4

No of days from January to 2nd July 2000 = 184 days = 2 odd

Hence total odd days = 0+1+4+2 = 7 odd days = Sunday,
option ‘a’

©SRIRAM LAW ACADEMY, India’s Premier Institute for Law Entrance Exam Training.
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Mathematical Ability Test
[Topic: Age, Calendar & Clock] – MAA8

S.No Answer Explanation/Hints Difficulty level

17 c At 5 O clock, the minute hand is 25 minute space behind the
hour hand. In order to coincide, min hand must gain 25 min MODERATE
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space over hour hand.
Time taken to do so = 25 X (1 + 1/11) = 27 3/11 min past 5.

18 b At 8:15, the min hand is at 3. Angle between 3 and 8 = 5 X

300 = 1500
0 1/2
Angle made by the hour hand in 15 min = 15 X ½ = 7 deg.
Hence required angle

= 157 1/20, option ‘b’

19 a Angle traced by the hour hand in 12 hours = 3600 , in 1 hour

= 300. Angle traced by the hour hand in 5 hr 10 min = 31/6 MODERATE
hrs = 31/6 X 300 = 1550, option ‘a’

20 a At 7 O’clock, the min hand is 35 min space behind the hour

hand. Hence, the min hand must gain 35 min over the hour MODERATE
hand to coincide.
= 35 X (1+1/11) = 38 2/3 min= 38 min approx.
Hence, They coincide at 7.38 hrs, option’a’

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