Journey Towards A Model-Based Enterprise

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Journey towards a

Model-Based Enterprise
RE-defining the Industry’s vision &
progress towards true digital

19030241077- NARENDER REDDY


Related goods and services now offer a way to interrupt their business strategies and
functions for manufacturing operations. This disruption is facilitated through a
digital thread along with technologies such as big data and the internet of things.
These techniques enable producers leverage the amount of data that is produced,
consumed and referenced in their organisations during the product life cycle.

Despite the advantages of the digital thread, full-scale implementation needs very
early investment. While companies can choose to incorporate instead of the digital
thread, this method only links historically siloed business processes and does not
always produce the desired rewards.

The creation of an effective digital thread and the realisation of expected benefits is
problematic because of complex product environments, inflexibility of technology
piloting, standardized processes and organisational complexities. It is therefore
important for manufacturers to recognize what their organisations mean by the digital
The vision for a Model Based Enterprise & why is
it critical now
The market is rapidly evolving, and the share, and refuse involvement by incoming
pioneers are making the most progress. staff. Today, Companies must:
There are four main Cs of radical change:
connectivity, cooperation, compression and • Manufacture more, higher quality and
complexity. In the sense of the increased lower-cost goods
numerical thread, extensive set-up • More easily meet consumer
management, enhanced use of applied requirements and rising demands that
analytics and AI, and the rapid appearance are not an option but a necessity.
of an industrial Internet of Things, for • Adjust the method to engineering to
instance, we are discovering different levels create more complex ideas, but make
and requests for connectivity[1]. In order them consumable through
for more players to interact and collaborate production systems
than before, the need to have real time, • Streamline production partners'
multidisciplinary and daily collaboration architecture, supply chain processes and
has become more essential. Much of A&D data
face extreme multi-axis contraction with • Reap the benefits both in
tightening budgeting, forcing all to do more implementation and in the product itself
with less time, less money and few bugs. of emerging technologies
Finally, the increasing complexity of the • Design for the full life cycle of the
product tends to challenge the entire value product through retirement,
chain, including the emergence of cross including transformation to a new
products, the requirement for prolonged type of availability and revenue the
product life and highly complicated aftermarket/sustainable process
regulatory environments[2]. • Stay competitive, not fall back – even
This provides an opportunity for an • Target an advanced workforce, where
evolving, technologically competent new, younger workers lacking social
workforce to have the resources and media or smartphones do not know a
information they need to develop smarter whole new world, expect a digital
designs, goods or models of service that workplace and process.
best satisfy consumer demand, and quicker,
with the most innovative features, higher These challenges and opportunities
quality, lower cost and greater benefit. This stimulate a new outlook, namely that of the
also has an imperative: turn or be in trouble model business.
as consumers switch to rivals, suffer market
The Rise of the MBE (Model Based Enterprise)

The MBE is a computer-based company elements (e.g. The state-of-the-art

with the following applications: computer computerised 3D models manage the range
modelling and simulation, algorithm and of materials / Environmental/Physical
optimisation capability in all areas of the models, etc.).
value chain: e.g. final capacity planning,
demand and delivery optimisation for The MBE extends the whole value chain to
service parts, diagnostics, prescribing, these activities.
forecasting, autonomy, etc. They are used
to design, engineer, produce and service View the model-based organisation as
resources and goods in a fashion that links perhaps the most obvious focus of wider
and interoperables models and information market developments: digital
in the entire organisation. A dream that transformation across the entire company.
eliminates waste, increases lean This will cover data usage and product
production, hits Six Sigma and enhances integration, including costs, commodity
customer loyalty is a smooth end-to-end markets, production, finances, inventory,
process. Its goal is to build more tight production scheduling, management,
design cycles, to reducing time to the employees and the weather. It's about using
market, and to encourage more beneficial data in the entire organisation to know the
productive relationships. real facts, to get it correct, to analyse and
evaluate it and use the information to take
The MBE's core concept originated with optimal decisions and behave with great
model-based designs and the practise that consistency, precision and accuracy,
all of their relevant information elements sometimes in the deliberate 'sense and
e.g. Digital and Digital Thread response' decision-making cycle.
environment) were used with all their
related data

A View of the MBE (Model Based Enterprise)

The following illustrates an elevated level mixtures of competences and capabilities.
view of the MBE and its associated We categorise design (or engineering),
practises. The understanding of the scale manufacture and sustainability for
of MBEs and the context of digital simplification but the whole process goes
transformation can be difficult, as they pretty deep.
cover a wide array of functions with

Digital Thread Digital Thread

Model Based Model Based Model Based

Designing Manufacturing Sustainment
Unlocking Business Value with Digital Thread

Digital threads can be used

on another level and information from services effectively.
model while maintaining technology to seamless The GO-TO Mantra:
the main components production for all potential • Knowledge of patterns
preserved. situations, including and jobs
However, the digital thread product structure • Meet a competitive
is not necessary in the early synchronisation, progress benchmark
phases, as it entails a huge concomitant • Strategy formulation
early capital expenditure, manufacturing process • Build a strategy and
for the whole value chain. design, manufacturing a goal
With a value chain processes linked with visual • Set up the transition
approach manufacturer can mock ups and more. case
formulate the competitive Industrial production • Sprint for schedule.
policy to optimally disrupt companies integrate their
and to maximise their value PLMs with IoT for data Business value through a
creation with digital management and the as- digital thread often
thread. installed bases con depends on the maturity of
resource. an enterprise. This can be
For example, companies measured in conjunction
may use digital Threads to The digital thread also with imagined business
bring about corporate strengthens organisations case and roadmap by
change and to maintain especially during and after describing the existing and
products throughout their disruptions like COVID-19. objective status of digital
enterprises by using PLM as Active cooperation thread in terms of scale
an integrated platform for between investors involved and model. Key elements
application cycle in product development and essential elements for
management (ALM), and maintenance of the the effective
product data management value chain can be transformation of an
(PDM) and corporate accomplished during the organisation including
resource planning. To product life cycle via a people, method, advanced
illustrate, airline companies digital thread. analytics are also crucial.
can use PLM as an
innovation platform to For any company to achieve A digitally advanced
implement a digital thread digital twin, efficient digital company has the potential
that can bidirectional thread deployment using to create an ecosystem
platform to fabricating the model-based approach with its partners that
operations management is crucial. Digital twins generates exponential
with all key designing and closely emulate the value for its end consumers
engineering applications. conduct of the actual while producing high
This platform enables product and give commercial value for itself.
continuity of part businesses the probability
to adapt new products and

the transformation of model-based engineering processes and thereby providing innovative efficiencies, improv
Weaving a Digital Thread maintenance and enhanced transactional processes and
from Engineering to operating efficiency for supplier information for
Manufacturing: Raytheon airline customers with advanced analytical
is also developing a digital rising fleets of aircraft in applications into a setting.
line for manufacturing Singapore, a big MRO
innovation. The (maintenance, repair and The Skywise platform, for
organisation has invested revision) market. In 2016, example, handles a large
extensively in various Airbus unveiled its "Hangar number of details from
disciplines to support its of the Future" to explore in- aircraft operated by Airbus.
model-based business service aviation The platform integrates
skills. It promotes digitalisation and servicing airline, supplier and OEM
development through automation. Innovative data and performs
traditional product data technology such as robots, comprehensive data
processing, mechanical drones, scanners, cameras analysis to create
CAD, reinvention of as well as non-destructive applications to predict and
processes and production sensors is included in this optimise maintenance and
systems. largest MRO hanger. The to improve fleet efficiency
MBSE offers a more exact automatic inspection and and operations.
and reliable digital Thread collection of data when
Production through planes reach the hanger is Airbus shall provide any
Raytheon's device design allowed. The hanger airline that submits its own
process and delivers provides automated job free access to anonymised
operable information over preparation and effective operational data. Involved
the product life cycle tracking of employees. airlines thus benefit from a
through up- and Simple maintenance valuable optimization tool,
downstream effect activities are driven by while Airbus is given the
analytics. And its digital increasing fact and knowledge it requires to
hardware thread is the maintenance schedule improve its paid service
basis for model-based which is supported by data product. Maintenance data
development and digital storage and sharing. can be archived, preserved
twin construction[3]. and returned to the
Skywise offers detailed data premises of the
Rebooting the MRO Sector collection from the open manufacturer. The platform
& creating a digital thread data platform of Airbus for has historic information
from in-service aircraft to forecasting repair work and and the organisation aims
aircraft- design: Airbus has improving maintenance to review the data so that
seen an opportunity to preparation and task aircraft models can be
support MRO providers use efficiency, to reduce aircraft changed and production
the digital technologies to downtime. It incorporates defects can be resolved[4].
fulfil demands for quick engineering data,

Beginners Laggards Late Adopters Leaders
• Information capability • Continuity of data and • Significant capacity for • Broad capabilities of
not leveraged across Coherence of data for flexibility deployed information deployed information implemented
functions one or two information •Numerous functions • Substantially controlled • Controlled digital
• Functions managed in capabilities handled linked by a digital thread digital thread through threads in the value chain
Value Chain silos features
• Integration of data
managed between at
least two functions

• A loosely related • Stretched to other • Model-based • System Engineering • Full device engineering
system-to-component tasks, model-based innovation Model-based model-based-RFLP
level practice • Engineering a device • Description of the modeling
Model Based • Hardware, • Definition of • The model-based RFL device level (hardware, • Complex system-level
Practice technology, and Machine Engineering model that has not yet electrical, software), definition system that is
electrical equipment in Adapted been implemented specified and controlled controlled and planned
silos through MBSE

• No established • No established • Strategy of enterprise • Cloud integration at • Multi-tier, cloud-based

enterprise architecture enterprise architecture architecture described certain stage design phase (major)
strategies approach • Framework aligns with • Integration platform to • Framework for handling
Integration • No norms of • Integration integrations of legacy manage significant part all flows of knowledge
Architecture incorporation standards/strategy, • Standards/strategy of of information seeps across enterprise
Platformization • No standard established and placed integration described for between numerous structures
integration for to use by the the business enterprise systems
platform/strategy community

• In silos, applications • In certain • Organization linked • Linked company • Linked company through
• Manually controlled systems/enterprises, inside functions (engine (engineering- features
reviews, data incorporation eering, output, manufacturing, (engineering,
Connected consistency • manufacturing, manufacturing-service) manufacturing, operation,
Enterprise Synchronize/triggerbas Service service, etc.) inside functions etc.)
ed transfer of • Compatible Runtime for • Allows bi-directional • Activate a reverse and
knowledge Data Exchanges loop feedback forward loop through the
value chain
• Smart visualization • Embraced analytics • Extension of analytics to • Predictive analytics and • Prescriptive analytics
and market in a system with synopsis diagnosis perceptions all over and feature perspectives,
by reporting • Some pattern of • Ingesting data in a functions business
Data Analytics
consumption of data massive pool, limited to a • Data Lake for digital • Data Lake for digital
few features thread handling thread handling

• Concept of data exists • Proposals on data • Installation of master • Incorporated master • Key information,
• Not Streamlined Data quality practiced data for core data model data for vital master data structured data model
• Accuracy of • Embraced data • Reforms for data • For most roles, data across functions and the
Data Management information is description and standardization and data standardization/governa value chain
compromised management governance nce • Completely effective
governance of data

• Current, but not • Deployed Central • Key business system • Platform-interoperable • All key business systems
completely capable, Business Framework with expanded resources central business with new-age capabilities
core business systems • Established method available framework are deployed
• There is no for managing purpose • Description of process • Maturity and • Best-in-class process for
Enterprise & harmonization of initiated to exploit the harmonization of Process the implementation of
System Process processes digital thread Description linked company
Purpose of the Study:
Defining model-based traceability to the left to easy. In order to keep data
activities in the supply the right, from idea to consistency across the
chain: The manner in which design, planning and value chain and improve
information is collected and development and servicing, data integration, the
shared through various by linking processes and Business Architecture
roles in a manufacturing data. In the phases of should be built using the
organisation would be development, warranty heterogenous
ultimately modified by and service life, for environments of the
digital thread. Most example, design may have enterprise which can be
organisations still use a long- term effect. A incorporated into the
papers as a way of sharing closed loop feedback platform. For example, PLM
information. This helps it to system offers a link right to may serve as an innovation
reuse their information or left which can provide input and integration framework
data and track them. from horizontal value for the use of digital
Transforming your data into chains to an upstream threads that run on many
a model-based organisation value chain. devices and technologies.
allows to gain information For example, in the new
from your own data. A development cycle, input Providing qualitative
system engineering model- from a product in the insights into business via
based practise is important market can be filtered back analytics: As the digital
for traceability through the to help companies to thread links functions and
dynamic multidisciplinary evolve and enhance their allows knowledge to be
environment[5]. items / solutions. translated throughout the
value chain, the genuine
Developed connection and Deploying an insightful advantage is analysis from
closed loop reviews: related innovation information that is
Digital thread does not platform: Companies collected in different
function unless it is typically have many tools processes. For example, the
designed in the required and applications for the design engineer may gain
business use cases, based management of their meaningful insights from
on end-to-end product operational and assurance data received by
communication system, data information through services[6].
forward connection and the value chain. So,
closed loop feedback. creating a digital thread
Forward link allows from scratch technology is

progress in

es also generate downstream benefits that bring manufacturing teams more together and more efficient.
el-based capabilities to industrialise technology in scale while making improvements in their production strategie

[1] D. Thread, D. Twin, and B. D. Analytics, “Digital Thread and Digital Twin ( DT ^ 2 ): Providing Product Lifecycle
[2] R. Blake et al., “Transforming Systems Engineering through Model-Centric Engineering A013 Interim Technical
Report SERC-2017-TR-111 U . S . Army Armament Research , Development and Engineering Center ( ARDEC ),
Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for System,” pp. 1–145, 2018.
[3] B. Young and P. Clements, “Combining Two Powerful Approaches at Raytheon,” no. Is, 2017.
[4] “Transforming Product Design and Energizing Innovation with Digital PLM,” no. May, 2019.
[5] Capgemini, “Journey towards a Model-Based Enterprise.”
[6] M. F. J.Singh, “DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION IN MEDICAL DEVICES: It’s All About the Mindset!,” pp. 1–9, 2018,
[Online]. Available:

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