SSG General Plan of Action (Gpoa) : Don Marcelo C. Marty Highschool

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Department of Education

Region III
Schools Division of Zambales
Santa Cruz Districts
Poblacion North, Sta. Cruz, Zambales


S.Y. 2019 – 2020
Objectives Strategies Programs Activities Resources Timeline Output/Deliverables
* To promote camaraderie * Participation during Brigada * Help repair, paint and * Manpower May * Readiness of the
among students in school the opening until the Eskwela 2019 clean the school facilities * Personal/ 20 – 25, school for the
community closing program of and surroundings. Voluntary 2019 opening of classes.
* Get involve in the Brigada Eskwela. Contribution * Activity Completion
different activities on * Grouping the SSG * Cleaning Report
Brigada Eskwela. officers and assign materials
them tasks to different
areas in school.

* To spearhead the * Filing of candidacy Election of * Conduct Grade 7 * SSG Team July, 2019 * Well-organized
election of the Grade 7 * Room-to-room Officers Representative Elections * Election election of officer.
Representative campaign materials * Newly elected
* To equip relevant * Conduct School- School-Based * 2 days Leadership Training * Training August 2019 * Proposed leadership
leadership skills among SSG, Based Leadership Leaderhip Program for SSG, Class and kits/materials training program
Class and Club Officers. Training/Workshop Training Club officers * Physical matrix of activities.
Program arrangement * Students acquired
* Voluntary knowledge and skills
contribution that will help them
among become good
participants student leaders of
* SSG school.
Officers * ACR – Activity
Completion Report
* Raise awareness of the * Invite expert speakers Anti-Drug * Form ABKD (Ang Barkada * Support September * Students acquired
students about the ill and conduct a Campaign Kontra Droga) – a student from school 2019 insights/knowledge
effects of Drug Use and seminar/ symposium on organization that will lead head and into drug use and
Abuse. drug use and abuse. the promotion of drug teachers abuse and are more
campaign goals. * SSG aware of the the ill-
Officers effects not only on
their own but also in
the community.
* It can help reduce
or otherwise prevent
young people from
getting into drugs.
* ACR – Activity
Completion Report

* Remind students about * Make signages that Stop, Look * Post signs that contain * SSG May 27 – 28, * Disciplined students
appropriate behaviors and contain the principles and Do it! reminders and standards Officers 2019 of DMCMHS
practices within the school. and precautions that that must be followed and * SSG Fund * Orderliness of school
students must follow arranged within the school. environment
and accommodate in
and out of school.

* To inculcate discipline * Form atleast five Oplan-Sita * Patrol and take rounds * Support Year * Disciplined students
among students. groups of SSG Officers during break time and free from the Round * Orderliness and
together with the time to list down students school head, peacefulness of
Scouts and give each who violates school rules teachers, school environment
group a day or and regulations. class advisers
schedule to patrol the and students
school grounds. * SSG
* Scouts
* Provide conducive * Orient the students Clean and * Provide Mother Trash Bins * Support Year * Cleanliness and
learning environment for about the importance Green for the school. from the Round conduciveness of
students as well as to gain of cleanliness and Campaign/ * Conduct general school head, learning environment
funds from trash. waste segration. Waste cleaning every Friday teachers,
* Strict implementation Management afternoon. class advisers
of homeroom rules and * Collect papers and and students
regulations. bottles to be sold as source * SSG
* Daily campus of funding. Officers
cleaning of area of * Make useful items using * SSG Fund
responsibility to every recyclable waste.
grade level. * Provide/purchase plants
and plant boxes for the
beautification of the
* To encourage students in * SSG will prepare a Search for * Monthly search for Best * SSG Team Monthly * Well-structured,
maintaining the cleanliness plan/proposal Best Classroom * SSG Fund clean and orderly
and orderliness of their regarding this program. Classroom classrooms.
respective classroom. * Daily monitoring of * Classrooms are
classroom’s cleanliness, conducive for
orderliness, waste learning.
management, and
* To encourage and * Post “inspirational Think Big! * Every 2 weeks, the * SSG Year * Motivated and
motivate the students to qoutations” about Dream Big! assigned SSG members will Officers Round eagered learners
habilitate their studies and studies, life, friendship, post inspirational qoutes on * SSG Fund
everyday lives and be an etc. bulletin board or areas
inspiration to them. where fellow students can
notice these qoutations.
* Raise student’s * Conduct reading and Peer Tutorial * Tutoring the slow learners * Support During * High academic
performance. other tutoring services at least 15 minutes during from the remedial performance
* Help slow learners to lift free time in coordination subject classes or * 95% promotion rate
up their low grades. with Remedial Teacher teachers/ week
Coordinator. Advisers before the
* Honor schedule of
students quarterly
* SSG exams

* To promote goodwill, * Maintain on-campus Clean-up * Cleaning of school * Student Monthly * Developed sense of
unity and cooperation and off-campus Drive grounds, classroom as well Leaders of unity and
among students. cleanliness. as Barangay Paths. (Scouts, cooperation among
Class, Club, students, teachers
SSG Officers) and other
* Advisers stakeholders from the
* Cleaned, ordelry,
safe and pleasant

* To give updates on * Structure bulletin SSG * Maintenance of bulletin * SSG Monthly * Well-structured and
activities of the SSG and board for information Information board. Officers maintained bulletin
related events. dissemination. Board * Regularly post news and * SSG Fund board for information
updates on the SSG bulletin dissemination.
board. * Students are always
on track for new
reminders and school
* To talk about the plans of * Reading of minutes of SSG Monthly * General Meeting * SSG June - * Well-planned,
the group and updates in previous meetings and Assembly Advisers and March organized, and
the school, including the other reports. Officers (every last implemented SSG
activities and financial * Planning and/or Friday of activities/projects.
reports. updating on status of the month)
SSG activities, finances
(fund raising) and
* Announce and make ALL Leaders * Meeting of all school * SSG June – * Well-planned,
plans of the upcoming Assembly organization members. *Classroom March organized, and
activities in the school. and Club (every first implemented school
Presidents Friday of activities.
the month) * Cooperative school
* To honor teachers and * Make an activity Teacher’s * Conduct a monthlong * SSG Team September * ACR – Activity
give them break from their plan/proposal. Day school celebration/ * SSG Fund 5 – October Completion Report
untiring services for the program 5, 2019

* Recognize the special * Gawad Parangal sa Family Day * Culmination Activity * SSG Team December, * Developed
role of the family as Natatanging * Students 2019 camaraderie among
stakeholder. Pamilyang Don * PTA DMCMHS family.
Marcelonian * Faculty * ACR – Activity
* Lend a hand to a family in * Don High Gives Back * Voluntary Completion Report
need through an outreach Contribution/
activity. Solicitation
* Design set of activities in * Plan and create Foundation * Culmination Activity * SSG Team February, * Demonstrated a
relation to the celebration unique, challenging Day * Students 2019 nuanced
of school’s founding and diverse live * PTA understanding of
anniversary. activities and share * Faculty collaboration in the
them with our * Voluntary creative process
community. Contribution/ through
Solicitation camaraderie.
* Turn-over the position to * Assist the students SSG Election * 1st week: Filing of * SSG Team February, * Well-organized and
the next student leaders of and the candidates on of Officers Candidacy * Candidates 2019 peaceful election
the school for the S.Y. 2020 the election day. S.Y. 2020 - * 1st – 3rd day of the 2nd * Students * ACR – Activity
– 2021. 2021 week: Campaign * Election Completion Report
* 4th day of the 2nd week: materials
Election and Counting of
* 5th day: formal
proclaimation of the
elected officers

Prepared by: Certified Correct:


SSG President Principal

Noted: Approved by:


SSG Adviser Chief ES, SGOD

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