Reflection Essay

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Arevalo, Jonathan

Professor Beadle

English 115

15 December 2020

Reflection Essay

The first semester of English was a very different experience for myself. The online

factor had a major influence on that feeling. This caused me to merely take this class as a

learning experience since I did not know what to expect. At the same time, I thought I would

know most of the material that would be taught in the course. I was right in some aspects, but I

was completely wrong most of the time. With the three essays that I wrote in this class, I had my

mindset changed from thinking I knew everything, to having to improve my work constantly to

perfect the work.

The project space essay was the first essay in this course that had me thinking I knew

what I was doing. I used my knowledge from high school to get the grade that I wanted without

putting that much work. I was able to cruise right along with my writing to match up with the

prompt. I was confident in this work that I had written, and I was proud of myself to get the

grade that I wanted with high school experience. Looking back now, this essay was just set to see

what I knew what to do, and I see that as I continued in the course, it became more difficult.

As we continued to project text essay, I noticed that I was going to be tested more on this

essay. I had to read over the two sources that were given to us, and I had to really think about

what point I wanted to argue for in this essay. Once I figured out exactly what I wanted to argue

about, I had to look for two sources that would go in favor with my argument. It was hard to find

valuable sources on the CSUN library. The sources that were available were all over the place
and hardly any of them related exactly to what I wanted to say. After some time, I found some

sources that would do me justice and those worked fine enough for the argument. I wasI also

learned for the first time in writing to incorporate a counter argument and a rebuttal. I have never

done this in my previous writing, and I was not expecting to do very well at it. Overall, I was

shown by this essay that I still had so much to learn.

Lastly, the Project Media essay expanded my skills as a writer in a weird way. I was

given liberty to come up with my own argument based on my choice of media. So of course, I

chose one of my favorite movies to make it easy on myself. It was easy to make an argument out

of it, but searching for sources was somewhat difficult. I used a better process of finding sources

and that made it a bit easier. I also was able to give myself another try at the counterargument,

and I felt somewhat comfortable since it was my second time doing it. I was able to organize

myself with confidence this time in every aspect of this essay. It just felt weird writing an essay

on something that I enjoy and know well. This essay was probably the best to incorporate

everything that I have learned from the previous essays in order to create a stable essay.

In all, all three essays have shown me the proper way to approach essays in college. I was

able to decipher what the material read said and use it in a way to answer the prompt of any

essay. I have learned how to use the sources that I have found in ways to best support my

argument that answers the prompt. That is the one skill that I have improved out of countless

mistakes. The addition of counter arguments will forever be something that will be implemented

into my essay when always arguing a point.

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