Civil Cases-Jurisdiction

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CIVIL Actions involving personal Actions involving personal Petitions for Actions for Cases involving Petitions for certiorari,
CASES property property guardianship, annulment of violations of: prohibition, or
Value of the property in Value of the property custody of children, judgments of the 1. E.O. No 1 mandamus against:
controversy does not exceed exceeds P300,000 (outside habeas corpus in RTC. (B.P. 129, Sec. 9, (Creating the 1. Court of
P300,000 (outside Metro Metro Manila), or does relation to the latter; Blg. 2) PCGG);; Appeals
Manila), or does not exceed exceed P400,000 in Metro 2. E.O. No. 2 (Illegal (Judiciary Act of
P400,000 in Metro Manila; Manila; Petitions for Acquisition and 1948, Sec. 17)
adoption of children
(Sec. 33[1], B.P. 129, as (Sec. 33[1], B.P. 129, as Misappropriations 2. Commission on
and the revocation
amended; Sec. 3, R.A. 7691) amended; Sec. 3, R.A. 7691) of Ferdinand Election
Marcos, Imelda (CONST. Art. IX,
Complaints for Marcos their Sec. 7)
All actions in admiralty and All actions in admiralty and annulment of close relatives, 3. Commission on
maritime jurisdiction maritime jurisdiction marriage, subordinates, Audit (CONST.
Demand or claim does not Demand or claim exceeds declaration of nullity business Art. IX, Sec. 7)
exceed P300,000 outside P300,000 outside Metro of marriage and associates, 4. Sandiganbayan
Metro Manila, or in Metro Manila, or in Metro Manila, those relating to dummies, agents (P.D. No. 1606,
Manila, where such demand where such demand or marital status and or nominees). as amended)
or claim does not exceed claim exceeds P400,000 property relations of 3. E.O. No. 14 (Cases 5. Court of Tax
P400,000 (Sec. 1(3), R.A. 7691) husband and wife or involving the ill- Appeals (R.A.
(Sec. 1(3), R.A. 7691) those living together gotten wealth of NO. 9282)
under different he immediately
Probate proceedings Probate proceedings status and mentioned Disciplinary
(Testate and Intestate) (Testate and Intestate) agreements, and persons); and proceedings against
petitions for
Gross value of the estate Gross value of the estate 4. E.O. No. 14-A members of the Bar
dissolution of
does not exceed P300,000 exceeds P300,000 outside (Amendments to and court personnel
conjugal partnership
outside Metro Manila or Metro Manila or exceeds of gains; E.O. No. 14) (R.A. (CONST. Art. VII, Sec. 6;
does not exceed P400,000 P400,000 within Metro No. 10660, Rules of Court, Rule 56)
within Metro Manila; Manila; Petitions for support otherwise known
(Sec. 3, R.A. 7691; Sec. (Sec. 3, R.A. 7691; Sec. and/or as An Act
19[4], B.P. 129, as amended; 19[4], B.P. 129, as amended; acknowledgment; Strengthening
Sec. 33[1], B.P. 129, as Sec. 33[1], B.P. 129, as Further the
amended) amended) Summary judicial Functional and
proceedings brought Structural
In all other cases in which under the provisions Organization of
the demand, exclusive of of Executive Order the
interest, damages of No. 209, otherwise
whatever kind, attorney's known as the
Sec. 2)
fees, litigation expenses, "Family Code of the
and costs or the value of Philippines";
the property in
controversy does not Petitions for
exceed P300,000 or, in declaration of status
such other cases in Metro of children as
Manila, or does not exceed abandoned,
P400,000 (Metro Manila) dependent o
neglected children,
Actions involving title to, petitions for
possession of, real Actions involving title to, voluntary or
possession of, real involuntary
property, or any interest
property, or any interest commitment of
therein children; the
Assessed value of the suspension,
property involved does not Assessed value of the
termination, or
exceed P20,000 or, in Metro property involved exceeds
restoration of
Manila, where such P20,000 or, in Metro
parental authority
assessed value does not Manila, where such and other cases
exceed P50,000 exclusive of assessed value exceeds cognizable under
interest, damages of P50,000 exclusive of Presidential Decree
whatever kind, attorney’s interest, damages of No. 603, Executive
fees, litigation expenses and whatever kind, attorney’s Order No. 56, (Series
costs; fees, litigation expenses and of 1986), and other
(Sec. 33(3) of R.A. 7691) costs; related laws;
Sec. 33(3) of R.A. 7691 (Sec. 7, R.A. 8369)
Inclusion and exclusion of
voters from the list in their Actions incapable of
respective municipalities or pecuniary estimation Special Provisional
cities (Sec. 19(1), B.P. 129, as Remedies. - In cases
(Sec. 138, B.P. 881) amended by R.A. 7691) of violence among
immediate family
members living in the
Actions for forcible entry
same domicile or
and unlawful detainer All cases not within the household, the Family
Regardless of the assessed exclusive jurisdiction of any Court may issue a
value of the property court, tribunal, person or restraining order
involved body exercising judicial or against the accused of
(Sec. 33[2], B.P. 129, as quasi-judicial functions defendant upon
amended; Sec. 3, R.A. 7691) Described as court of verified application by
general jurisdiction the complainant or the
Other civil cases, except victim for relief from
probate proceedings, Jurisdiction over intra- abuse.
the total amount of the corporate controversies
plaintiff’s claim does not By virtue of Item 5.2 of The court may order
exceed P100,000 or does Section 5 of The Securities the temporary custody
not exceed P200,000 in Regulation Code (R.A. of children in all civil
Metro Manila, exclusive of 8799): actions for their
custody. The court
interests and costs (a) Devises or schemes
may also order support
(As amended by A.M. No. employed by or any acts, of
pendente lite,
02-11-09-SC, effective Nov. the board of directors, including deduction
25, 2002) business associates, its from the salary and
officers or partnership, use of conjugal home
Cases under 2016 Revised amounting to fraud and and other properties in
Rules on Summary misrepresentation which all civil actions for
Procedure may be detrimental to the support.
(Sec. 36, B.P. 129, as interest of the public and/or (Sec. 7, R.A. 8369)
amended) of the stockholders,
partners, members of *IN ABSENCE WHERE
Cases under Rule of associations or THERE ARE NO
Procedure for Small Claims organizations registered FAMILY COURTS, THE
Cases with the Commission; ABOVEMENTIONED
Value of the civil claims (b) Controversies arising out CASES SHALL BE
does not exceed P400,000 of intra-corporate or ADJUDICATED BY RTC.
exclusive of interest and partnership relations,
costs, for MeTCs P300,000 between and among
exclusive of interest and stockholders, members or
costs, for MTCs, MTCCs, and associates; between any or
MCTCs; all of them and the
(a) For money owned under corporation, partnership or
any of the ff.: association of which they
Contract of Lease; are stockholders, members
Contract of Loan; or associates, respectively;
Contract of Services; and between such
Contract of Sale; or corporation, partnership or
Contract of Mortgage; association and the state
(b) For liquidated damages insofar as it concerns their
arising from contracts; individual franchise or right
(c) The enforcement of a to exist as such entity;
barangay amicable (c) Controversies in the
settlement or arbitration election or appointments of
award on money claim. directors, trustees, officers
(As amended by OCA or managers of such
Circular No. 45-2019, corporations, partnerships
effective 01 April 2019) or associations; and
(d) Petitions of corporations,
partnerships or associations
to be declared in the state
of suspension of payments
in cases where the
corporation, partnership or
association possesses
sufficient property to cover
all its debts but

foresees the impossibility of

meeting them when they
respectively fall due or in
cases where the
corporation, partnership or
association has no sufficient
assets to cover its liabilities,
but is under the
management of a
Rehabilitation Receiver or
Management Committee.
(Securities Regulations
Code, Sec. 5.2 and P.D. No.
902-A, Sec. 5)

In all other cases in which

the demand, exclusive of
interest, damages of
whatever kind, attorney's
fees, litigation expenses,
and costs or the value of
the property in
controversy exceeds
P300,000 or, in such other
cases in Metro Manila, or
does exceed P400,000
(Metro Manila)

Petition for writ of habeas Special jurisdiction to try
corpus special cases
In absence of all the RTC Certain branches of the RTC
judges in the province or may be designated by the
city SC to handle exclusively
(Sec. 35, B.P. 129, as criminal cases, juvenile and
amended) domestic relations cases,
agrarian cases, urban and
land reform cases which do
not fall under the
jurisdiction of quasi-judicial
bodies and agencies, and/or
such other special cases as
the SC may determine in the
interest of a speedy and
efficient administration of
(Sec. 23, B.P. 129, as
Actions affecting Petitions for Petitions for certiorari, Cases affecting
ambassadors, other public certiorari, prohibition prohibition, and ambassadors, other
ministers, and consuls or mandamus mandamus whether or public ministers, and
(Sec. 21[2], B.P. 129, as against: not in aid of its appellate consuls
amended; Sec. 5, Art. VIII, a. RTC (B.P. 129, jurisdiction;
Constitution of the Sec.21, par. 1) Petitions for certiorari,
Philippines) b. Civil Service Petitions for Habeas prohibition or
Commission Corpus, injunction and mandamus against:
Petitions for quo warranto (R.A. No. other ancillary writs in 1. RTC
and habeas corpus 7902) aid of its appellate 2. Civil Service
(Sec. 9[1], B.P 129) c. Central Board jurisdiction, including Commission
of Assessment Quo Warranto arising in 3. Central Board of
Petitions for certiorari, Appeals cases falling under E.O. Assessment
prohibition, and mandamus (P.D. No. 464) No. 1, 2, 14 and 14-A. Appeals
against lower courts and d. NLRC 4. National Labor
bodies e. Other quasi- Petitions for Writ of Relations
(Sec. 21[1], B.P 129) judicial Amparo; Commission
agencies 5. Other quasi-
Petitions for Writ of judicial agencies
Amparo and Habeas Data Petitions for Writ of
(A.M. No. 07-9-12-SC; A.M. Petition for Writ of Habeas Data
No. 08-1-16-SC) Kalikasan Petitions for Writ of
(A.M. 09-6-8-SC, Rule Kalikasan
Petition for continuing 7, Sec. 3)
mandamus Petitions for Habeas
Petitions for Habeas Corpus
With the Insurance Corpus
Commissioner over single Petitions for Quo
claim not exceeding Petitions for Quo Warranto
P5,000,000 Warranto
(R.A. 10607) Petitions for certiorari,
Petitions for prohibition, or
certiorari, mandamus against
prohibition, or inferior courts and
mandamus against other bodies
inferior courts and
other bodies Petitions for
(B.P. 129, Sec. 9, par. continuing mandamus
1, Sect. 21, par. 1;
CONST. Art VII, Sec. 5, Petitions for Writ of
par. 1) Amparo

Petition for Petitions for Writ of

continuing Habeas Data
(A.M. No. 09-6-8-SC,
Rule 8, Sec. 2)

Petitions for Writ of

(A.M. 07-9-12-SC,
Sec. 3)

Petitions for Writ of

Habeas Data
(A.M. 08-1-16-SC,
Sec. 3)

Appellate jurisdiction over 1. By way of By way of appeal of
all cases decided by MeTC, ordinary appeal certiorari under Rule 45
MTCs, and MCTCs in their from the RTC and against the:
respective territorial Family Courts; 1. Court of
jurisdictions 2. By way of petition Appeals
(Sec. 22, B.P. 129, as for review from 2. Sandiganbayan
amended) the RTC rendered 3. RTC pure
in the exercise of questions of law
its appellate 4. In cases
jurisdiction; involving
3. By way of petition constitutionality
for review from or validity of a
the decisions, law or treaty,
resolutions, international
orders, or awards agreement or
of the: Civil executive
Service agreement, law,
Commission, presidential
Office of the decree,
Ombudsman in proclamation,
administrative order,
disciplinary cases; instruction,
and Other bodies ordinance, or
mentioned in Rule regulation,
43. legality of tax,
4. By way of ordinary impost,
appeal over decisions assessment, toll
of MTCs in cadastral or penalty,
or land registration jurisdiction of a
cases pursuant to its lower court;
delegated 5. Court of Tax
jurisdiction. Appeals En Banc
(B.P. 129, Sec. 34, as
amended by R.A.

Cadastral and land
No controversy or
opposition, or contested
lots, the value of which does
not exceed P100,000 as
may be delegated by the SC
under certain
(Sec. 34, B.P. 129; Sec. 4,
R.A. 7691)

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