Negative Filipino Values

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What is Ningas Cogon

The phrase “ningas cogon” is a Filipino idiom which describes someone who is
only doing well, in whatever it is that they’re doing, during the beginning. It
figuratively means that the individual is unable to maintain the quality of his/her
work any better than a Cogon grass maintains its burn (ningas).
How do we know that we have this mentality?
 You won’t be able to finish everything on time.
 You will always be cramming and might have unwanted results and unbearable
mistakes because of hurrying.
 You might become lazy and unreliable and people will see these as a hindrance
to connecting with you.
 You’re bound to waste material, efforts and time.
Tips to Overcome Ningas-kugon trait:
 Give and accept more compliments and encouragements – this is to avoid
hopelessness, rather gives strength and enthusiasm to finish what has been
 Avoid starting a project if you know you know in yourself that you cannot finish it.
 Be aware of the consequences of procrastination and reflect on these.
 Ask help from somebody else, that way the work will be easier and there will be
lesser chances of not finishing it.
 Make it a point that finishing what you started will reflect who you are and what
you have achieved.
What is Mañana Habit?
Manana habit is one of the most negative traits of some people. It means
“mamaya na” in Filipino or to do a certain thing in a later time. It is a procrastinate
way of doing a things or simple means finding a way to delay a work to be done.
How do we know that we have this mentality?
If we do it habitually in our lives that affects our way of living.
If we forget the things that we tend to do because of this habit.
Tips to Overcome Mañana Habit trait:
 We should set our goal first.
 We should know the importance of why we need to do it.
 Concentrate and have focus.
 We should pursue and stimulate ourselves in order to be more eager in finishing
our goal.
 Have a good plan, we should know everything about what we need to do,
especially the time.
 We should manage our time carefully and make our priority to make it in time.
 Do it as you as can or as you are available.
What is Filipino Time?
 In other countries, that’s simply called “late.” In the Philippines, it’s called “Filipino
time.” Filipino time means being minutes to hours late compared to the standard
time. It’s like having our own clock, albeit aware that the right time is the World
Standard Time.

How do we know that we have this mentality?

 If we cannot go on time in an activity that we planned.
 If we always do it.
Tips to Overcome Filipino Time trait:
 Accept the flaw. Tell yourself that you’re missing out on opportunities and losing
the trust of people around you because you always come late and do not take
time seriously.
 Set the alarm earlier. If you have a meeting at 9 am, consider various factors
such as the total time you spend getting dressed, eating breakfast and traveling.
 Avoid overburdening yourself. Do not accept invitations that do not suit your
 Don’t take time for granted. Avoid wasting your time doing unnecessary things.
If you should spend time on social media sites or watching TV, time it properly by
setting an alarm.
 Be optimistic. Think of the rewards and benefits that you can have by being on
time. You will look very professional in meetings or job interviews.
 Spend ample time on people. Meeting people spontaneously is one of the
reasons why Filipinos tend to be late. They spend too much time talking and
doing things that weren’t intended in the first place.
What is Onion-Skinned (Balat Sibuyas)?
We Filipinos are famous for being onion-skinned or easily slighted at
perceived insults. While it’s perfectly normal for us to taunt and criticize others,
we can’t handle the same when it’s being hurled back at us.
How do we know that we have this mentality?
 If we always get hurt by something unusual to us.
 If we take a lot of things seriously and sensitively.
Tips to Overcome this trait:
 Do not take things seriously.
 Don’t be too harsh with other people around you.
 Live the values that is taught by our ancestors.
What is General Disregard for Rules.
 This social phenomenon is not exclusive to hardened criminals either a look at
everyday life in the country shows Filipinos from the entire social strata
nonchalantly breaking the rules, whether it is something as begin as jaywalking
or as dangerous as beating the red light.
How do we know that we have this mentality?
 If we are lacking discipline to obey the rules.
 If we are just obeying our own rules.
 Simple rules and regulations whether on the road or in the workplace are for the
most part ignored. 
Tips to Overcome this trait.
 Obey the rules that is being regulated whether it is simple or not.
 Be a role model so that everyone would do the same.
What is Colonial Mentality.
Probably one of the biggest flaws we have as a nation is our colonial
mentality, defined as a preference for all things foreign over our own, a
negative trait we acquired from our days under the S p a n i s h a n d t h e
Americans. As a result, we Filipinos have been indoctrinated
w i t h t h e misconception that our culture is inferior to that of our past colonizers.
How do we know that we have this mentality?
 Hating the color of your skin, especially if you are dark skinned.
 Using whitening products to lighten your skin. Glutathione injections, bleaching
soaps, whitening lotion.
 Being seriously worried about getting a tan. You avoid the sun. The only times
you ever considered getting tanner or finally loving your natural Morena skin was
when your favorite celebrities started promoting tan skin.
  Making fun of others and looking down on them for their dark skin.
 Laughing at against indigenous people. You think that native Filipinos are
disgusting, lower class, thieves, or in any way inferior than you.
Tips to Overcome this trait:
 Be proud of what you are, and what you have.
 Love your imperfections.
 Always remember that all race is beautiful and perfect.





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