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Simulation Analysis For Assembly Line Workstation Layout: Case Study

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Simulation Analysis for Assembly Line Workstation Layout: Case Study

Simulation Analysis for Assembly Line Workstation

Layout: Case Study
I. B. Mohd and A. Ibrahim

Faculty of Engineering Technology, Universiti Malaysia Pahang, 26600 Malaysia

[email protected]

Abstract—The paper explores the cost saving Lemmes [1] proved that the value of system
projects that have been implemented in an dynamic simulation in a real-life setting as
electrical product assembly line, so called an indispensable tool. Reiner and Trcka [2]
subwoofer speaker. Observation has been initiated that the improvement and simulation
conducted on 26 workstations in an assembly model developed to allow further research
line. Group discussion, real time study and on the analysis of supply chains and suggest
simulation analysis have been performed to that universally valid statements based on
reduce operational cost. The result shows that the behaviour of specific supply chains can be
the proposed layout was improved 22.68% quite doubtful. Besides, Er and MacCarthy [3]
space utilization in the production area which identified that increasing the level of product
representing 0.56 percent of production rate. The variety has a detrimental impact on production
simulation result gave the production personnel line performance. In the presence of supply
to decide the best improvement workstation lead-time and demand uncertainty, high levels
layout and enhance the participation of employee of variety result in much longer flow time and
in cost saving activities while improve production much higher system inventory relative to more
capacity. stable conditions. The impact is greatest when
variety involves critical materials which are
Keywords—modelling and simulation; required early in the production process and
production layout; assembly line entail long set-up times. Krajewski and Ritzman
[4] stated that demand is used as a main key
element in calculating the economic order
I. INTRODUCTION quantity (EOQ) to minimise the total of holding

M ANY researchers and practitioners had

explored the effectiveness as well as the
utility of production system to enhance the
inventory and ordering costs.
For Mahmood, et. al. [5], managing
inventory is one of the essential concerns in the
production productivity through strengthen lean production system implementation. The
the workstation. There are a lot of issues had issue of inventory management was fascinated
been rising and until today, redevelopment of some researchers to use simulation in operation
the production system is still having a space to research. It is said that the ultimate goal of
improve due to the need and significant role in any effective production system is to reduce
the industry. inventory (with the assumption that products
From the study, the authors identified are available when needed) [6].
that most researchers used to study on demand Petrovic [39] found that uncertainty in
uncertainty in production line. The researchers customer demand, external supplier reliability
used simulation to predict demand uncertainty and lead times to inventories in a serial
based on fluctuated order from customers and production, supply chain (SC) can be effectively
increasing number of competitors that offer described by fuzzy sets. In contrast, the results
similar products and services. Ashayeri and of Fleisch and Tellkamp [7] indicate that
eliminating inventory inaccuracy can reduce
Article history: Manuscript received 14 February 2019; received in
revised form 6 April 2019; Accepted 8 April 2019. supply chain cost as well as reduce the level of

ISSN: 2590-3551 eISSN: 2600-8122 Vol. 3 No. 1 April 2019 47

International Journal of Human and Technology Interaction

out-of-stock, even if the level of process quality, and simulation approach in an electrical
stolen and unsaleable items remains unchanged. product for cost saving projects. The analysis
Tannock et. al. [8] suggest that data-driven were also based on lean production concepts
simulation can be useful to support the design in improving workstation layout. Section 2 will
and improvement of supply chains especially in present the reseach methods, and followed by
managing inventory. results in section 3. Finally, the discussion and
On the other hand, the researchers used conclusion were described in section 4.
to study the optimizing lead time in operation
lines using simulation. Persson and Olhager II. RESEARCH METHODS
[9], was identified an alternative supply chain The study involved observation, group discussion,
design with respect to quality, lead-times and real-time study and action research on the selected
costs, meanwhile O’kane [10] studied the impact assembly line was performed as shown in the Fig.
of adding new machines to the existing layout 1 (see APPENDIX). The assembly line performs
in optimising lead time. Moreover, the results the assembly in two different types of products
of the simulation show that the revised process, where both products were assembled at different
sheeting by combining paper of all grades with assembly line at the inspection station. Both of the
same size to cut at a sheet cutter, gives a better products were paired together, Product X going
outcome in terms of productivity, cost saving through nine workstations (WS1 – WS9), five
and efficiency, than that of the original process inspection stations (WS10 – WS14) and adopted by
[11]. The process improvement can be effectively another four sub-assembly workstations (WS15 –
accomplished with an integrated approach WS18) meanwhile Product Y was going through
of using proposed computer based tools. of three workstations (WS 19 –WS21) and one
Nevertheless, Ozbayrak et. al. [12] found that inspection station (WS22). Both products were
the modelling effort has focused on measuring paired (WS23) and inspected for final checking
the production system performance in terms (WS24 – WS25) before it’s entering the packaging
of key metrics such as inventory, WIP levels, station (WS26).
backlogged order, and customer satisfaction. Table I shows the mean cycle time (from
Subsequently, the simulation is able to time study) and the distribution coefficient,
allocate the operator's assembly operations which had been analysed by Input Analyser.
into a parallel machine-scheduling problem The Input Analyser is a standard component
with precedence constraints using the objective provided in the ARENA software. The function
of minimizing the work flow among the of the input analyser itself is to identify the
operators [13]. It allowed the management quality of fits of the distribution function of
to predict if line-balancing strategies such as the input data station. The data show the result
set-up reduction and parts sequencing would on the histogram chart where from there, the
be sufficient, or if more fundamental changes function such as a specific distribution function
such as the addition of lines or the replacement of the data allows comparing the distribution
of machines was required [14]. However, the and showing the effect of the changes in
enlargement of the domain of application and parameter on the same distribution. Based on
consequently, enrichment of the simulation the trials data of each of the station, the input
model by incorporating other types of resources analyser can be made to show the changes of the
and by considering resource reliability and parameter in each of the stations between the
routing flexibility [15]. distributions, the statistic test of the chart. Trials
In addition, the enrichment of the reasoning of data were important to the input analyser,
mechanism by incorporating new knowledge because the more the trials data, the better
acquired from sets of planning simulations and distribution it will. Total lead time for the single
investigation of the approach robustness and pairing product is 2218.1 seconds and required
applicability in various scenarios.Thus, the main 443,620 seconds or 7393.67 minutes to complete
objective of this article is to deploy modelling 200 unit daily demands.

48 ISSN: 2590-3551 eISSN: 2600-8122 Vol. 3 No. 1 April 2019

Simulation Analysis for Assembly Line Workstation Layout: Case Study

TABLE I. CYCLE TIME DISTRIBUTION ANALYSIS problem on sending inventory and material for
WS Mean CT Distribution Square assembly were not enough caused the assembly
(in Errors
process delay. The production line was too long,
there were unnecessary table placed in the line
WS1 75.8 75.1 + 1.45 * BETA(1.43, 0.018456
1.63) make the line longer.
WS2 85.7 84 + 2.96 * BETA(1.17, 0.018570 After considering the above factors and
0.951) other constraints such several operators who
WS3 176.0 TRIA(173, 176, 177) 0.100998 only skilled at using a certain machine and
WS4 146.0 143 + 5.72 * BETA(1.07, 0.9) 0.056070 each of the operators have an approval tag
WS5 88.5 85 + 6 * BETA(0.991, 0.708) 0.008087 as evidence that the operator itself skilled at
WS6 83.8 82.1 + LOGN(1.75, 1.44) 0.011701
certain station for handling certain equipment,
proposed layout is determined as in Fig. 2 (see
WS7 112.0 110 + LOGN(1.93, 1.3) 0.019281
APPENDIX). As can be seen in Fig. 1, there are
WS8 113.0 109 + 7 * BETA(0.893, 0.848) 0.057365
several strategies had been identified, including
WS9 86.3 TRIA(83.1, 87.1, 88.8) 0.013379
minimise working space, remove backward
WS10 69.1 66 + 5 * BETA(0.835, 0.525) 0.044335 conveyor, applying one-piece flow production
WS11 71.8 TRIA(70.3, 70.6, 74.5) 0.004522 line, and relocating buffer for WIP material
WS12 88.6 85 + 6 * BETA(1.1, 0.777) 0.022879 handling. The proposed layout may improve at
WS13 75.5 UNIF(73, 78) 0.020000 least six workstations; WS3, WS11, WS14, WS18,
WS14 85.1 NORM(85.1, 1.39) 0.027741 WS22 and WS23 with specific improvement
WS15 73.1 71 + GAMM(0.989, 2.11) 0.047108 ratio. Table II shows new comparative cycle
WS16 82.2 UNIF(80, 84) 0.080000
time distribution analyses (current vs. proposed
layout). Based on the analysis, the proposed
WS17 86.7 TRIA(83.2, 88, 89) 0.050658
layout was improved at least 22.68% space
WS18 58.6 56.3 + LOGN(2.45, 1.83) 0.061772
utilisation in the production area. In other word,
WS19 62.4 58.1 + 6.84 * BETA(1.86, 0.062194
1.18) the manufacturing company has additional
22.68 % production capacity.
WS20 88.6 85 + ERLA(1.79, 2) 0.040622
The simulation model was developed
WS21 70.4 TRIA(68, 70.4, 73) 0.090324
based on Fig. 1. Each workstation (WS) required
WS22 84.3 83.1 + 2.53 * BETA(1.3, 1.45) 0.007049
at least one operator to do the assembly job. All
WS23 80.9 79.6 + ERLA(0.41, 3) 0.017899
of the operators work daily from 8:00 a.m. to
WS24 62.3 NORM(62.3, 0.659) 0.014317 5:30 p.m. with an hour break between 9:30 a.m.
WS25 41.7 TRIA(40.7, 41.2, 43.3) 0.029892 and 10:00 a.m., one hour lunch break from 1:00
WS26 69.7 64 + 8 * BETA(0.646, 0.347) 0.044358 p.m. to 2:00 p.m., and 30 minutes’ tea break after
Lead 2218.1 3:30 p.m. The overtime was allowed but not
time more than two hours.
Fig. 2 shows a simulation model for the
III. RESULTS current layout with 26 workstations. There were
From observation and group discussion with two parts required to assemble in an assembly
production line personnel, the usage current line. At this time, WS19 to WS22 were prepare
layout was considered beyond the capacity part X before delivering to WS23 for main
(as Fig.1). Besides, the assembly line required assembly preparation. WS23 was also considered
operators employ unnecessary time for taking pre-assembly workstation between part X and
material from previous process and passing the Y. This was the bottleneck area because the
work in progress product to the next station. workstation received both part X and Y at the
Motion lost by the operator, the operator needs same time. However, the simulation model
to take the set and walk to their station to begin assumes that no bottleneck in WS 22 while W19
assembling. In addition, the material handling to WS 21 were not included in the modelling
or inventory are too messy and not suit lead to phase. The next process in WS24 to WS26 were

ISSN: 2590-3551 eISSN: 2600-8122 Vol. 3 No. 1 April 2019 49

Humanand Technology
and Interaction
Technology (IJHaTI), Vol. 3, No. 1, April 2019

other word, the manufacturing company has additional Current layout Proposed Layout Improvement Rate
involved the main
22.68 % production assembly operation and final
The simulation model was developed based on Fig. 1. ANALYSIS
packaging. The scope of simulation model was
Each workstation (WS) required at least one operator to do
Input 180 180 1/180*100 =
WIP 37 36
Current Proposed Current Proposed
ended at thejob.
the assembly point.
All of the operators work daily from 8:00 Output layout 143 layout 144 layout layout
a.m. to 5:30 p.m. with an hour break between 9:30 a.m. and
10:00 a.m., one CYCLE
hour lunch break from 1:00 p.m. to 2:00








p.m., and(CURRENT
30 minutes’ tea break after
VS PROPOSED 3:30 p.m. The
overtime was allowed but not more than two hours. Current Proposed Current Proposed
WS Improvement CT Distribution (Proposed WS1 - layout
39.86 - layout
39.91 WS13 1 layout
32.45 layout
- 32.67
Fig. 2 shows a simulation model for the current layout
Ratio Layout)
with 26 workstations. There were two parts required to










WS2 - 45.12 - 45.08 WS14 - 36.48 1 35.52
WS3 in an assembly
1:3 line. At this time,
TRIA(173, WS19
175, 176) to WS22 WS1 27 - 78.47
WS3 21- 39.91
78.47 WS13
WS15 11 32.45
31.32 -- 32.67
were prepare part X before delivering to WS23 for main
WS11 1:1.5 68 + WEIB(1.6, 1.47) WS2 - 45.12 - 45.08 WS14 - 36.48 1 35.52
assembly preparation. WS23 was also considered pre- WS4 1 64.97 1 65.30 WS16 - 35.07 1 35.28
WS3 2 78.47 21 78.47 WS15 1 31.32 - 31.35
WS14 workstation
assembly 1:5 between NORM(82.5,
part X and Y. 1.37)
This was the WS5 1 7 39.15 - 39.37 WS17 1 36.95 - 37.00
area because
the workstation received both part
55.5 + LOGN(2.41, 1.83) WS4 1 64.97 1 65.30 WS16 - 35.07 1 35.28
X and Y at the same time. However, the simulation model WS6 - 37.02 1 37.30 WS18 - 24.96 - 24.73
WS5 1 39.15 - 39.37 WS17 1 36.95 - 37.00
WS22 that no bottleneck
assumes 1:7 77 +22
in WS 1.79 * BETA(0.9,
while W19 to 0.7)
WS 21 WS7
WS6 1 - 49.21
37.02 -1 49.55
37.30 WS22
WS18 -- 35.74
24.96 -1 33.15
WS23not included1:1.2
in the modelling
79.2 +phase. The next process
GAMM(0.386, 3.19) WS7 - 1 49.41
WS8 49.21 1- 49.55
49.43 WS22
WS23 1- 35.74
34.02 1- 33.15
in WS24 to WS26 were involved the main assembly
WS8 - 49.41 1 49.43 WS23 1 34.02 - 34.04
operation and final packaging. The scope of simulation WS9 1 37.62 - 37.85 WS24 - 26.28 1 26.34
modelThe improvement
was ended at the point. strategies were based WS9
WS10 -
1 37.62
30.07 1
- 37.85
WS10 - 30.07 1 30.20 WS25 - 17.60 - 17.57
on the reduction
time by reducing the gap of
WS11 1 1 31.09
31.09 -- 30.25
30.25 WS26
WS26 11 28.99
28.99 -- 29.02
material transportation. PROPOSEDImprovement
LAYOUT) ratio as in WS12
WS12 - - 38.29
38.29 11 38.49
38.49 Total
Total 37
3 -- 36
36 - -
Table III was considered in the
WS Improvement CT simulation model.
Distribution 7
The simulation result for 8 hours
(Proposed Layout)operation is

shown in Table III. The proposed

WS3 1:3 TRIA(173, 175, layout
176) is able
to improve at least 0.56 percent of
WS11 1:1.5 68 + WEIB(1.6, production

The simulation
1:5 result gave the
NORM(82.5, 1.37) production

WS18 to
1:1.5 decide the 55.5 + best

WS22 layout. Investment
1:7 cost and
77 + 1.79 * BETA(0.9, 0.7)time to

WS23 the 1:1.2 new layout influenced
79.2 + GAMM(0.386, the3.19)
to re-consider the improvement methods.
The improvement
Table IV compares strategies were based
both current layout on andthe
reduction time by reducing the gap of material Fig. 3.Fig.Manpower utilisation comparison analysis.
transportation.layout performances
Improvement ratio as by in a number
Table III was of 3. Manpower utilisation comparison analysis.
consideredin inprogress andmodel.
the simulation manpower utilisation
The simulation result
Table V shows an efficiency measure for improving
8 hours 26operation is shown in Table
workstations. III. The proposed
Meanwhile, Fig. 3 Table V shows an efficiency measure
workstation layout based on discussion outcome with
layout is able to improve at least 0.56 percent of production for improving workstation layout
shows manpower utilisation analysis between production line personnel. New proposed layoutbased
was ableonto
rate. The simulation result gave the production personnel to
discussion 22.68 percent
outcomespace utilisation. However, for output
with production line
decidedifferent types of layout.
the best improvement workstationBased onInvestment
layout. Table IV and WIP only 0.56 percent were able to count for efficiency
cost Fig.
and and 3,timeit wasto prepare
foundthe thatnewthelayout
proposedinfluenced the
layout personnel. New proposed layout was able
measure. In other words, the proposed layout showed the very
manager to re-consider the improvement methods.
reduced thecompares
utilisation of manpower while to impact
less improveto the 22.68 percent
productivity. Comparedspace utilisation.
to using time saving
Table IV both current layout and proposed
However,as proposed by Das et.
for output andal. WIP
[16], without new percent
only 0.56 layout the
improving the number
layout performances by a number of ofworks
works ininprogress
progress and
production line was still able to meet quantity demand within
manpower utilisation
especially at WS3.in every 26 workstations. Meanwhile, were
takt time.able to count for efficiency measure. In
Fig. 3 shows manpower utilisation analysis between two
other words, the proposed layout showed the
different types of layout. Based on Table IV and Fig. 3, it TABLE V. EFFICIENCY MEASURE FOR IMPROVING WORKSTATION
was found thatIII.theINPUT AND
proposed OUTPUT
reduced the utilisation very less impact to the productivity. Compared
manpower Current
while improving the number
Proposed of works in
Improvement to using time Space
saving tricksOutput
as proposedWIP by Das
IV. especially
layoutat WS3. Layout Rate et. al. [16], without
utilisation new layout the production
Efficiency 22.68% 144/180 ~ 80% 0.56%
Input 180 180 linemeasure
was still able to meet quantity demand
36 OUTPUT1/180*100
ANALYSIS = 0.56%
within takt time.
Output 143 144
ISSN: 2590-3551
Space Output WIP
Efficiency 22.68% 144/180 ~ 80% 0.56%

50 ISSN: 2590-3551 eISSN: 2600-8122 Vol. 3 No. 1 April 2019

Simulation Analysis for Assembly Line Workstation Layout: Case Study

IV. DISCUSSION AND utilization [23]. Asef-Vaziri and Kazemi [24]

CONCLUSIONS mentioned that the movement of material is
In summary, the paper has explained that influenced by the production layout. It consists
workstation layout improvement strategies can of the types of material handling and the
be implemented in many efforts. There are no transportation inside the factory. However,
specific ways, but required the organization Caputo et. al. [25] stated that the material flow
to define the best towards productivity must consider occupational safety and health
improvement especially in reducing workspace for man, machine and inventories.
capacity utilization. Meanwhile, the simulation For space utilisation, Gerald et. al. [26]
test was used to validate the predetermined revealed that the firms are currently having
layout that can be implemented in achieving a limited space and require them to maximise the
better productivity performance. facility layout. Mirko et. al. [27] found that to
Although the results show that there are optimise the capacity firms must utilise all work
small impact on productivity rate, the analysis space, including the upper position of building
proved that new layout had a chance to reduce capacity especially small medium enterprise
the number of work-in-progress especially in in particular factory lot. Administration office,
WS3. Moreover, the most obvious finding to miscellaneous items store, or light materials
emerge from the analysis is that the improvement were suggested to be placed at upper side
of workstation layout is significant with effective while the substantial machine or equipment
layout. The focus of improvement is to minimize utilises the ground space. The configuration
the imbalance between man and machine while was a proven arrangement for material flow,
meeting a required output from the production including incoming and outgoing material
line. Aghazadeh et. al. [17] mentioned that to which involved third parties firm.
improve workstation layout is being one of the Next, minimizing the number of
important strategies as steps for cost reduction and workstations was acknowledged as a parameter
standardization. Many firms started to re-organise for workspace optimisation. There are several
about the production layout to reduce the cost and methods achieved to make the workstation
time, hence growth the number of outputs [18]. minimization such as multitasking job by
However, some literature studies found that there employees [26], subcontract item from third
are a few things that need to take into consideration party firms [2], the use of automation machinery
such as the number of product, model, the line [22], the use of conveyor [28] and the integrated
balance, the automation used in the line, the product design [29]. Wei et. al. [30] mentioned that
flow of work piece throughout every station, the firms have no specific approach to determine the
complexity of the production environment [19-21]. most effective workstation towards cost effective.
Shigematsu et. al. [22] identified that layout However, Sodhi and Tang [31] summarised that
configuration is a timeless challenge for all firms firms have no preference when producing own
due to technological change, unpredictable products due to specific process that asked by
demand, and complex working environment. the customer. Although, the firms can suggest a
Nevertheless, the firm must determine the best win-win decision basis when expanding business
alternative to cope with latest product demand operation with other customers.
and not fix the facts to improve the layout up-to- Last but not least, workspace optmisation
date. The commitment of top management and can be achieved by simplifying the operation
the readiness of all employees to recognize the procedure. The organised workspace can help to
appropriate solution were the key success factor get rid of wasted time, especially in recovering
for effective layout configuration because every the equipment. This consequently will expedite
change may require additional cost and critical the processing time [32,33]. It will also
decision making. subsequently increase the safety and the focus of
On the other hands, an effective layout workers when performing the work, hence the
is significant with material flow and space production of defective products can be avoided

ISSN: 2590-3551 eISSN: 2600-8122 Vol. 3 No. 1 April 2019 51

International Journal of Human and Technology Interaction

or reduced [34]. This will eliminate inefficiency line that consequently makes the production job
in hiring the workers, which subsequently cause can go smoothly without any disruptions due to
a substantial impact on the higher additional supply issues [36]. As a result, products can be
costs. AsJournal
well, itofwill
Human and Technology
enhance Interaction (IJHaTI),
the manufacturing Vol. 3,made
quickly No. 1, April
and 2019
sent out to customers within
flexibility Journal
International and ofsimultaneously moves
Human and Technology the stipulated
the (IJHaTI),
Interaction Vol. 3, No. time at 2019
1, April high service levels [37,38].
inventory and storage level in the work area For future study, the authors will include the
[35]. This consequently allows the materials result of the study in the simulation model
needed to be placed closer to the production to identify the other significance of the lead
line. It subsequently enables manufacturers to time reduction strategies as total towards
plan the right volume of buffer in the output workstation layout improvement.
22.5 m

22.5 m
3 2 1 COLD
3 2
14 13 12 1 11 10
14 13 12 11 10 B
6.5 m

22 E B
&T A
21 4 5 6 7 8 16
D 9 17 P
B 26
N B 24 P 25
6.5 m

B I E DC & T P A
21 4 5 6 7 8 9 B D 16
15 D 1723 18 P 26
20 U
N 24 P 25
20 D P 23 Operation details:
19 H
Operator: 26 person C
K (Include Quality operator)
SUB- I P H length Operation
Line : 22.5details:
Operator: 26 person
K (Include
Production areaQuality
: 145.5operator)
ASSEMBL I I Line length : 22.5 m
Y WOOFER N R Production area : 145.5 m2
ASSEMBL Fig. 1. General layout of an assembly line G I
Y Fig. 1. General layout of an assembly line N
Fig. 1. General layout of an assembly line G

22.5 m
22.5 m
9 10 11 12 13 14
10 B
5.0 m

9 11 12 13 14 & P
15 16 17 P
18 23 26
N B A 24 25
5.0 m

8 7 6 5 C & I P
4 B
15 16 17 P
18 26
6.5 m

U R 23
A 24 25
7 I I
1 8 6 5 4 19 20 21 22
6.5 m

2 3 N R
PRESS1 2 3 19 20 21 22 WOOFE
1.5 m

1.5 m

s: Product y
Product x
s: FinalProduct y
Product x
Forward Conveyor
Extra Production Area
Forward Conveyor
Extra Production Area
Fig. 2. Proposed layout of an assembly line
Fig. 2. Proposed layout of an assembly line

Fig. 2. Proposed layout of an assembly line

52 ISSN: 2590-3551 eISSN: 2600-8122 Vol. 3 No. 1 April 2019

ISSN: 2590-3551 5
Simulation Analysis for Assembly Line Workstation Layout: Case Study

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