Science Education Lesson Plan Format: NGSS Performance Expectation

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Names Leanne Vargas, Loni Salhus Subject Life Science
Unit Name and (Leave this
Unit Name: Natural Selection and Evolution Week (Leave this blank for
Driving blank for EDSC to
Unit Driving Question: Why are the finches dying? of EDSC 442C)
Question 442C)
Anchoring Phenomenon:

You are a researcher in the Galapagos island. You have not been here since last year and you are excited to
see the finches because you remember how beautiful they are. Last time you went, the island was full of
finches. Upon arriving however, you are shocked to learn that the finches are dying and that the few birds
that you do see have holes in their beaks. You are wondering why you are seeing these changes over a
short period of time and wonder what caused this. You are going to gather evidence as an up and coming
researcher and plan to present your findings to the Galapagos Research Station through a model.

Anchoring Activity:

Anchoring The anchoring activity is the model that students will be creating and editing throughout the entirety of the
Phenomenon or lessons. After being introduced to the anchoring phenomena, students will make observations and work
Design Problem together to create preliminary models of their claims as to how the phenomena occurred. As new
(with Anchoring information is presented in each lesson, students will be able to refine and update their preliminary model.
Activity for the Their initial model will illustrate their preconceptions on the content matter, and each edit of the model will
unit) exemplify the knowledge that they have gained and how their understanding is being molded. By their final
draft, students should have an accurate model of the phenomena that demonstrates an accurate and deep
understanding of the concepts we have covered. Throughout their lessons they are playing the role of a
researcher attempting to gather accurate data for their presentation to the research committee. Articles
will be framed within the context of their research, such as, “you went hiking in search of nests and
gathered larvae samples from nests with egg shells”.

“A face-eating parasite is devastating Darwin's famous Galapagos finches”
This article illustrates the battle that Galapagos finches are currently facing against the parasitic white fly. Teachers
may choose to select specific excerpts from this article as to not give the phenomena away.
NGSS Performance
HS-LS4-4. Construct an explanation based on evidence for how natural selection leads to
adaptation of populations.

Provide the Standard and Element(s) that Students Will

Where in the lesson can this be found?
be Engaging In
LS4.C: Adaptation Natural selection leads to
adaptation, that is, to a population dominated by
organisms that are anatomically, behaviorally, and
physiologically well suited to survive and reproduce in Students will illustrate their initial ideas of how finches are
a specific environment. dying by drawing a preliminary model based on the
Disciplinary Core
That is, the differential survival and reproduction of population of finches that are dying vs a population that is
Ideas (DCIs)
organisms in a population that have an advantageous anatomically, behaviorally and physiologically well suited
heritable trait leads to an increase in the proportion of to survive and reproduce in a specific environment.
individuals in future generations that have the trait and
to a decrease in the proportion of individuals that do
Constructing Explanations and Designing Solutions
Constructing explanations and designing solutions in 9–
12 builds on K–8 experiences and progresses to
explanations and designs that are supported by multiple
and independent student-generated sources of evidence
Science and consistent with scientific ideas, principles, and theories. Students will construct an explanation that identifies the
Engineering Construct an explanation based on valid and reliable cause and effect relationship between natural selection
Practices (SEPs) evidence obtained from a variety of sources (including and adaptation.
students’ own investigations, models, theories,
simulations, peer review) and the assumption that
theories and laws that describe the natural world
operate today as they did in the past and will continue
to do so in the future.
Practice(s) Modeling and Experimentation
(Bundled SEPs)
Cross Cutting Cause and Effect Students will use evidence to distinguish between cause
Concepts (CCCs) Empirical evidence is required to differentiate between and effect to construct the explanation about how natural
cause and correlation and make claims about specific selection provides a mechanism for species to adapt to
causes and effects. changes in their environment.
● Biotic and abiotic differences in ecosystems
contribute to changes in gene frequency over
time through natural selection.
● Over time, this process leads to a population that
is adapted to a particular environment by the
widespread expression of a trait that confers a
competitive advantage in that environment.

3D Learning
Objective (Lesson-
Level Learning

Lesson-Level Essentially, the students will be presented the current phenomena of the finches in a story time format. The teacher
Phenomenon may use excerpts from the article provided above while giving an oral storytelling of what is currently being observed
in the Galapagos, but must be sure to not give away the cause of the phenomena.

Connections to
other standards
Initiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with
Math) diverse partners on grades 9-10 topics, texts, and issues, building on others' ideas and expressing their own clearly and
mutate / mutation
Target Vocab to be
natural selection
*note* These are some of the potential vocabulary terms that could be brought up by the students and then validated
and refined by the teacher. The first day of this unit is not about introducing new vocabulary, but rather about
focusing on what they know and illustrating their preliminary conceptions.

The 5E Model
Teacher investigates what funds of knowledge students
Lesson Intro are bringing to the classroom by initiating a whole class Students participate in whole class discussion and share
(Engage) discussion brainstorming what we know about what they already know about the Galapagos Finches.
Galapagos finches. The teacher can create thought Students listen to their peers and glean understanding
TIME: 30m bubbles on the board, connect ideas, elaborate on from communal insights.
concepts, etc.
After the class discussion, the teacher will introduce the
Lesson Body current Galapagos Finch phenomena. Propose the Students work in groups and use their collective funds of
(Explore, Explain,
question; why are the finches dying? Instruct students to knowledge to create initial models that may explain why
work in groups to create initial models explaining why the finches are dying and why those that survive have
TIME: 50m the birds are dying and their beaks are having holes in holes in their beaks.
Teacher instructs students to hang their initial models
Students will hang up their initial models and then walk
and walk around the room in order to observe other
around the room and observe the other groups’ initial
Lesson Closure groups' initial models. Before class ends, the teacher will
models. Students will then sit back down with their group
(Evaluate) ask students to sit back down with their groups for a
and share what observations were notable for them. One
brief discussion about what they observed and what was
TIME: 40m student from each group will write down bullet points of
notable for them. The teacher will ask students to write
this final discussion and turn it in as an exit ticket for each
bullet-pointed notes from this discussion to turn in as an
exit ticket before leaving for the day.


Instructor collects data on

student funds of knowledge Instructor gives feedback
Ask students to draw an initial (in the classroom/zoom) within 15 minutes about
Pressing for initial
Entry Level model as to why finches are - what are the students student ideas on natural
ideas/funds of knowledge
dying. drawing? What are they selection.
discussing during the written
This assessment will help
teachers identify the following:
Verbal feedback from the
Determine if student Do students still think natural
teacher to individual students;
thinking is changing as they Check for revisions of selection involves organisms
PM (Formative) peer critiques of models as
gather more evidence from models. trying to adapt? Are they
students participate in a final
resources given to them. making correct relationships
gallery walk
between the components in
their models?
Determine if students can
create or analyze a model
Using the modeling rubric, the
that shows how a What component of the
Final model of how instructor will assign students
population that is modeling rubric are students
populations change through a score. Students can use this
Summative anatomically, behaviorally successful and still need
natural selection. (Group feedback to alter their
and physiologically well improvement (components,
Model). design/thinking before the unit
suited to reproduce in a relationships, connections)
test on natural selection.
specific environment will
DIFFERENTIATION Students with Special
English Learners Striving Readers Advanced Students
Articles can be Accommodate needs:
Small group discussions simplified/highlight ● Students can get Offer challenges:
Think/Pair/ Share important parts of the more time drawing Write a description of the
Utilize pictures articles. their models. limitations of their models.
Speak slowly ● Small group
Write down key terms discussions before
Offer a model template sharing with the
● Word bank for
creating model.
poster paper, markers, paper, pens/pencils

“A face-eating parasite is devastating Darwin's famous Galapagos finches”

Materials Needed
and Links to
Resources 1.5182764#:~:text=The%20parasite%20Philornis%20downsi%2C%20a,disfiguring%20deformities%20of%20their
This article illustrates the battle that Galapagos finches are currently facing against the parasitic white fly. Teachers
may choose to select specific excerpts from this article as to not give the phenomena away.
This lesson is intended to make clear students' ideas and preconceptions of what changes in the ecosystem are
Reflection, contributing to changes in gene frequency over time through natural selection and to see if they can make a
Summary, connection between natural selection and adaptation. Most students believe that natural selection involves organisms
Rationale, trying to adapt. Challenges in this lesson will be to get students to participate in both the written conversation and
Implementation verbal conversation. A way to address this challenge is to make the lesson meaningful and authentic to what is going
on in the world today.

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