Dragon Magazine #344

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This issue of Dragon magazine focuses on D&D's 30th anniversary and includes articles about planar dragons, conventions, characters, settings, and ecology.

Articles include pieces about planar dragons, Gen Con previews, characters like Gord the Rogue and the Wizards Three, settings like the Voyage of the Princess Ark and Dreadhold, and the ecology of the dracolich.

A sugar bomb is a sack filled with sugar that is thrown at a dragon's mouth. If it hits, the sugar adheres to the dragon's tongue and impairs its blindsense for 1d6 rounds, making it easier for characters to hide from the dragon.





JUNE 2006

ISSUE 344 · JUNE 2006





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ISSUE 344 JUNE 2006


Publisher: Erik Mona
Editor-in-Chief: Erik Mona
Senior Art Director: Sean Glenn
Managing Editor: Jason Bulmahn
Associate Editors: Mike McArtor and F. Wesley Schneider
Graphic Designers: Drew Pocza and Sarah Robinson
Advertising Director: Joshua J. Frost
Director of Operations: Jeff Alvarez
Prepress Manager: Kelly O’Brien
Circulation Director: Pierce Watters
For Wizards of the Coast: Rich Redman and Ed Stark
Attila Adorjany, Peter Bergting, Rich Burlew, Roberto
Campos, Steve Ellis, Tom Fowler, John Kovalic, Rob
Lazzaretti, Tony Moseley, Ramón Pérez, Steve Prescott, Eva
Widermann, Aaron Williams
Keith Baker, Shelly Baur, K.R. Bourgoine, Jason Bulmahn,
Joshua Cole, Andy Collins, Richard Farrese, Mike
Fehlauer, Mike L. Fiegel, Ed Greenwood, Gary Gygax,
Bruce Heard, James Jacobs, Hal Maclean, Mike McArtor, by Mike McArtor
Richard Pett, F. Wesley Schneider, Amber E. Scott, Mat
Smith, James Sutter, Greg Vaughan Four new planar wyrms.
2700 Richards Road, Suite 201, Bellevue, WA 98005-4200 38 GEN CON PREVIEW
Chief Executive Officer Director of Operations by Gen Con LLC
Lisa Stevens Jeff Alvarez
Technical Director Corporate Accountant What to do at Gen Con Indy 2006.
Vic Wertz Dave Erickson
Dragon® (USPS 318-790) is published monthly by Paizo 46 GORD THE ROGUE
Publishing, LLC, 2700 Richards Road, Suite 201 Bellevue, WA
98005-4200, United States of America. (ISSN# 1062-2101) by Gary Gygax and K.R. Bourgoine
Periodicals Postage Paid at Bellevue, WA, and at additional Watch your purse, Gord is back!
mailing offices.
No part of this magazine may be reproduced (except for review
purposes) without the prior written consent of the publisher.
Material published herein does not necessarily reflect the
opinions of Paizo Publishing, LLC, its employees, or its editorial by Ed Greenwood
staff, who are not liable for opinions expressed herein. Most
product names are trademarks owned by the companies that Dweomers and deviled eggs.
publish those products. Use of the name of any product without
mention of trademark status should not be construed as a
challenge to such status. Trademarks related to the Dungeons 62 VOYAGE OF THE
& Dragons brand, including Dragon, Dungeon, and D&D are
trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and are used under PRINCESS ARK
license from Wizards of the Coast, Inc., a division of Hasbro, Inc. by Bruce Heard
POSTMASTER: SEND ADDRESS CHANGES TO The return of Haldemar and crew.
Paizo Publishing, 2700 Richards Road, Suite 201, Bellevue,
WA 98005-4200.
BACK ISSUES: paizo.com/dragon or call (425) 289-0060. 70 DREADHOLD
SUBSCRIPTIONS/CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Contact Paizo by Keith Baker and Jason Bulmahn
Publishing at [email protected] or call (425) 289-0060. Eberron’s inescapable island prison.
Although we accept subscriptions to prison addresses,
delivery is subject to the discretion and/or whim of prison
personnel. If you have not received a magazine or premium,
please consult with your mail room authorities. This 84 ECOLOGY OF THE
publisher is not responsible for non-delivery. DRACOLICH 56
ADVERTISING: Contact Dragon’s Advertising Director, Josh by Richard Pett and Greg Vaughan
Frost, at (425) 289-1345. All ads are subject to approval by
Paizo Publishing, LLC, which reserves the right to reject any Death can’t defeat some dragons.
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agree not to hold Paizo Publishing, LLC liable for any loss or
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DISTRIBUTION: National and international distribution is Letters to the Editor: [email protected]
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©2006 Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
Sage Advice: [email protected]
Printed in the U.S.A. Advertising: [email protected]

4 DRAGON 344 June 2006 70

Steve Prescott unleashes Tiamat, in all
8 FROM THE EDITOR her multi-headed majesty.
Erik looks back at 30 years of Dragon.

It’s all about #342.

Previews, news, and gear for gamers.


See the Forgotten Realms as never before.


What to do when your Age of Worms
campaign becomes truly epic.

The Sage answers your rules questions.


Options and insights for your favorite classes.



June 2006 DRAGON 344 5


hirty years ago this month, in the infancy of D&D,
The Dragon emerged from its lair. Its opening
“Publisher’s Statement” proclaimed its mission as
“to publish the best magazine devoted to Sword & Sorcery,
Fantasy, Science Fiction, and Role Playing gaming.” The
issue itself included an amusing short story by fantasy
giant Fritz Leiber, in which the author attempts to explain But the story of Dragon has always been about more
roleplaying games to his creations Fafhrd and Grey Mouser, than just new rules, fiction, and inspirational content.
articles on magic, science, and languages in D&D, and the For thirty years, Dragon has also been a peerless source
first-ever appearance of the bulette, a classic D&D monster. of new product information and industry coverage. This
Dragon was innovative from the very start. issue’s D&D Buyer’s Guide provides dozens of scoops and
Since our inaugural issue, the game has seen three edition exclusive information on the future of D&D. Our Gen
shi�s and countless incremental changes. Campaign Con Preview gives a broad overview of the biggest RPG
settings have been born and died and born again, but convention of the year, and believe me when I say there’s
Dragon has remained constant and strong, pushing the more to come on this topic.
limits of the game and imagination itself. To commemorate our 30th anniversary, we’ve entered into
In celebration of Dragon’s anniversary, we’ve pulled a special agreement with Wizards of the Coast to distribute
together an all-star assembly of special articles by some a unique repaint Sorcerer on Black Dragon miniature from
of the magazine’s favorite authors. Gary Gygax, D&D’s co- the War of the Dragon Queen D&D Miniatures expansion, as
creator and Dragon’s first publisher, returns to our pages pictured on the opposite page. For a small fee, subscribers
with “The Return of Gord,” a thrilling fantasy adventure can order their very own dragon, which comes on a special
featuring a character first introduced in Dragon #100. base featuring the Dragon logo. We hope that you’ll enjoy
Ed Greenwood’s “A Dark and Stormy Knight” is the latest your extremely limited edition figure, as we hope to offer
installment of The Wizards Three, a column that ran more exclusive miniatures in the future.
throughout the second edition AD&D era. The world got Looking at the pile of magazines on my desk, it’s difficult
its first glimpses of Ed’s Forgotten Realms campaign to believe that it’s been 30 years. The magazine has generated
setting in these very pages, and it just didn’t seem right so much great material in that time that it’s easy to get
to celebrate the magazine’s birthday without inviting nostalgic. Having put together a celebration of Dragon’s
Elminster and company. Another favorite Dragon column, proud past, I now turn to Dragon’s future, and my word we
The Voyage of the Princess Ark, ran from #153 to #188, and have some excellent things in store.
original author Bruce Heard has returned to offer a “lost” Trust me when I say you’re not going to want to miss the
installment. To represent the new era, Eberron creator next thirty years.
Keith Baker presents Dreadhold, a memorable prison sure
to find a home in your campaign.
June’s theme, appropriately enough, is dragons, and
this year we’ve got plenty of draconic lore to share. Two of
Dungeon magazine’s favorite authors reveal the “Ecology of
the Dracolich,” and our own Associate Editor Mike McArtor’s
new planar dragons add depth (and perhaps death) to the Erik Mona
Outer Planes. The Sage, a mainstay of the magazine for Editor-in-Chief
much of its history, has some words on wyrms as well. [email protected]

8 DRAGON 344 June 2006


Tell us what you think of this issue. Send an email to [email protected].
Please include your name, city, and state.

Thanks again for doing such a

I just got my copy of #340 down here in I’ve greatly enjoyed the content of the Reynolds where you can find him. I
Australia and saw Jennifer Rowe’s letter. last few issues. As the father of a toddler, hope to see more from him soon.
Like her, I’m a long-time female I have very little time in my schedule for Via Email
gamer and a fan of The Order of the game prep and the ideas from your mag Fear not, Via Email! We’ve got Sean
Stick, but unlike her, I’m not a long- help keep my games sharp, original, and locked away in a deadly dungeon cra�ing
time reader of Dragon. fun. I have to say, though, you really out- more Core Beliefs articles even as I write
I’ve glanced at a few issues over the did yourselves with issue #342’s article this. Without question the column is the
years, but each time I’ve decided, “No, on Olidammara. most popular feature we’ve introduced
not this month.” I’ve enjoyed all of the Core Belief since the Demonomicon of Iggwilv, and I
But now that it includes The Order articles, but this article on the god of expect it to continue long into the future.
of the Stick, I don’t care whether rogues really stood out. It had a lot of
there’s anything else good in the mag- new content without making him into PLANT DOMAIN?
azine at all—I’d pay AU $11.95 a month a god other than the one I remember It seems that the Domain Powers
just for an episode of OotS I can’t see from first edition, and the fluff is almost article in Dragon #342 missed the
anywhere else. Any other good stuff always turned into crunch by the end Plant domain. Was that accidentally
(and I have in fact enjoyed the rest of of the article. Not only can I give this cut from the article, or did it just get
the content in the issues I’ve bought) god new life in my campaign, I can also missed entirely?
is simply gravy. make his worshipers markedly differ- Arazyr
Good choice indeed, Dragon; I’ll ent from those of other gods. From the Messageboards
be buying the magazine every month
without fail for as long as OotS is in it.
Arian Hokin
Armidale, NSW, Australia
Fans of some of the more obscure bits of Dungeons
We’re thrilled to have The Order of the & Dragons ephemera might have noticed one of their
Stick in Dragon, where it undoubtedly favorite childhood accomplices back in plastic as part
belongs. The fan response to this strip of the recent War Drums D&D Minis expansion. War
has been nothing short of a phenomenon, Duke, blood-stained champion of the Horned Society,
and it has a very welcome place in these compatriot of the sorcerer Kelek, and terror of
pages. Kudos to Rich Burlew for coming 80s actions figures, appears as a rare
up with one of the funniest gaming car- in this set, complete with his own
toons in years, and kudos to Dragon’s epic-level stat card. His bat-winged
readers for beating down our doors until helm and skull shield appear almost
we finally gave him a spot at the back of exactly as they did in another recent
the magazine. reappearance, that time as a Critical
Threat in Dungeon #105 with art by
Wayne Reynolds. Whether tearing through the battlefields of your campaign
world or the minis skirmish table, this first edition icon refuses to rest quietly.

10 DRAGON 344 June 2006

It appears that some evil gremlins got into to twelve hours.) Needless to say, your
that article and the following text was magazines keep us entertained and
inadvertently cut from the “Domain Power” facing some amazing creatures that
article in Dragon #342. We apologize for none of us have heard of.
the mix-up. Now to the real crunch of my email,
speaking of creatures none of us
PLANT have heard of... In the recent issue of
Verdant Soul (Su): You have a deep Dragon magazine, #342 you made the
connection with plants that allows you worst “Adventurer” I have ever heard
to share their resiliency. Activating this of. I am assuming it was only supposed
ability is a free action. When using this to be a joke, but come on. A level 20
ability you receive a +4 racial bonus human with nearly all the base classes
on saves versus paralysis, polymorph, and impossible gear?
poison, sleep, and stunning effects. Just to name a few errors, you can-
In addition, when using this ability not be a monk AND a barbarian...
there is a 50% chance that any critical their alignment requirements will
hit rolled against you is negated and not work. The same goes for a paladin
damage is instead rolled normally. You and an assassin. Explain to me how
may use this ability 1 round per day per you can have a sword with opposing
cleric level you possess. These rounds enchantments... axiomatic/anarchic
need not be consecutive. followed by holy/unholy? And how
in the world is a human wielding/
BAD ADVENTURER holding the Axe of Dwarfish Lords?!?!
I write to you on behalf of myself While I appreciate the concept of
and my traveling companion, Beasley the impossible adventurer, why not
Quinn. We are avid players of the game make an adventurer that can at least
and have enjoyed the insights and won- be used in the game with amazing
ders you have tempted us with in the features and such?
form of the Ecology sections, the Class Sorry about that barbarian rage there
Acts sections, and especially the com- for a moment, my ogre blood some-
ics. I have had a subscription with your times gets the better of me. But as I was
publication for nearly four years, begin- saying, you put together a really great
ning with issue #299, but I have some magazine and I am glad I just renewed
back issues that go back even further. my subscription... but please, if you are
I would like to start off by saying going to make an insanely high-level
that I still think issue #301 had the character with a bunch of cool stuff
best theme and articles touching on waiting to be smashed and pillaged,
my favorite subject... PIRATES! The at least make sure that he follows the
campaign components from that rules just a little bit better.
issue and issues #299 and #303 were Zander Adelstein
awesome and I think you should do Half-Ogre Cleric of Othr
more themed articles like those. But I
believe that the way in which #301 was So noted.
done was still the best.
I believe that issues #291, #292, #326, GOOD ADVENTURER
#335, and #336 have the best cover art. I have to say that “The Ecology of the
And I will stand by Wayne Reynolds as Adventurer” is probably one of the best
the best damned D&D artist alive! articles you’ve ever published. I haven’t
I love the balance between fluff and had that good of a nerdy, gamer in-joke
crunch in your magazine. I think you laugh since I bought The Order of the
put out a great balance of information Stick: On The Origin of the PCs. Verily, a
for those of us who play as both DMs high five!
and players. (My gaming crew gets Phil C.
together once a week and plays for four Madison, WI

Tell us what you think of this issue. Send an email to [email protected].
Please include your name, city, and state.

Thanks again for doing such a

I just got my copy of #340 down here in I’ve greatly enjoyed the content of the Reynolds where you can find him. I
Australia and saw Jennifer Rowe’s letter. last few issues. As the father of a toddler, hope to see more from him soon.
Like her, I’m a long-time female I have very little time in my schedule for Via Email
gamer and a fan of The Order of the game prep and the ideas from your mag Fear not, Via Email! We’ve got Sean
Stick, but unlike her, I’m not a long- help keep my games sharp, original, and locked away in a deadly dungeon cra�ing
time reader of Dragon. fun. I have to say, though, you really out- more Core Beliefs articles even as I write
I’ve glanced at a few issues over the did yourselves with issue #342’s article this. Without question the column is the
years, but each time I’ve decided, “No, on Olidammara. most popular feature we’ve introduced
not this month.” I’ve enjoyed all of the Core Belief since the Demonomicon of Iggwilv, and I
But now that it includes The Order articles, but this article on the god of expect it to continue long into the future.
of the Stick, I don’t care whether rogues really stood out. It had a lot of
there’s anything else good in the mag- new content without making him into PLANT DOMAIN?
azine at all—I’d pay AU $11.95 a month a god other than the one I remember It seems that the Domain Powers
just for an episode of OotS I can’t see from first edition, and the fluff is almost article in Dragon #342 missed the
anywhere else. Any other good stuff always turned into crunch by the end Plant domain. Was that accidentally
(and I have in fact enjoyed the rest of of the article. Not only can I give this cut from the article, or did it just get
the content in the issues I’ve bought) god new life in my campaign, I can also missed entirely?
is simply gravy. make his worshipers markedly differ- Arazyr
Good choice indeed, Dragon; I’ll ent from those of other gods. From the Messageboards
be buying the magazine every month
without fail for as long as OotS is in it.
Arian Hokin
Armidale, NSW, Australia
Fans of some of the more obscure bits of Dungeons
We’re thrilled to have The Order of the & Dragons ephemera might have noticed one of their
Stick in Dragon, where it undoubtedly favorite childhood accomplices back in plastic as part
belongs. The fan response to this strip of the recent War Drums D&D Minis expansion. War
has been nothing short of a phenomenon, Duke, blood-stained champion of the Horned Society,
and it has a very welcome place in these compatriot of the sorcerer Kelek, and terror of
pages. Kudos to Rich Burlew for coming 80s actions figures, appears as a rare
up with one of the funniest gaming car- in this set, complete with his own
toons in years, and kudos to Dragon’s epic-level stat card. His bat-winged
readers for beating down our doors until helm and skull shield appear almost
we finally gave him a spot at the back of exactly as they did in another recent
the magazine. reappearance, that time as a Critical
Threat in Dungeon #105 with art by
Wayne Reynolds. Whether tearing through the battlefields of your campaign
world or the minis skirmish table, this first edition icon refuses to rest quietly.

10 DRAGON 344 June 2006

It appears that some evil gremlins got into to twelve hours.) Needless to say, your
that article and the following text was magazines keep us entertained and
inadvertently cut from the “Domain Power” facing some amazing creatures that
article in Dragon #342. We apologize for none of us have heard of.
the mix-up. Now to the real crunch of my email,
speaking of creatures none of us
PLANT have heard of... In the recent issue of
Verdant Soul (Su): You have a deep Dragon magazine, #342 you made the
connection with plants that allows you worst “Adventurer” I have ever heard
to share their resiliency. Activating this of. I am assuming it was only supposed
ability is a free action. When using this to be a joke, but come on. A level 20
ability you receive a +4 racial bonus human with nearly all the base classes
on saves versus paralysis, polymorph, and impossible gear?
poison, sleep, and stunning effects. Just to name a few errors, you can-
In addition, when using this ability not be a monk AND a barbarian...
there is a 50% chance that any critical their alignment requirements will
hit rolled against you is negated and not work. The same goes for a paladin
damage is instead rolled normally. You and an assassin. Explain to me how
may use this ability 1 round per day per you can have a sword with opposing
cleric level you possess. These rounds enchantments... axiomatic/anarchic
need not be consecutive. followed by holy/unholy? And how
in the world is a human wielding/
BAD ADVENTURER holding the Axe of Dwarfish Lords?!?!
I write to you on behalf of myself While I appreciate the concept of
and my traveling companion, Beasley the impossible adventurer, why not
Quinn. We are avid players of the game make an adventurer that can at least
and have enjoyed the insights and won- be used in the game with amazing
ders you have tempted us with in the features and such?
form of the Ecology sections, the Class Sorry about that barbarian rage there
Acts sections, and especially the com- for a moment, my ogre blood some-
ics. I have had a subscription with your times gets the better of me. But as I was
publication for nearly four years, begin- saying, you put together a really great
ning with issue #299, but I have some magazine and I am glad I just renewed
back issues that go back even further. my subscription... but please, if you are
I would like to start off by saying going to make an insanely high-level
that I still think issue #301 had the character with a bunch of cool stuff
best theme and articles touching on waiting to be smashed and pillaged,
my favorite subject... PIRATES! The at least make sure that he follows the
campaign components from that rules just a little bit better.
issue and issues #299 and #303 were Zander Adelstein
awesome and I think you should do Half-Ogre Cleric of Othr
more themed articles like those. But I
believe that the way in which #301 was So noted.
done was still the best.
I believe that issues #291, #292, #326, GOOD ADVENTURER
#335, and #336 have the best cover art. I have to say that “The Ecology of the
And I will stand by Wayne Reynolds as Adventurer” is probably one of the best
the best damned D&D artist alive! articles you’ve ever published. I haven’t
I love the balance between fluff and had that good of a nerdy, gamer in-joke
crunch in your magazine. I think you laugh since I bought The Order of the
put out a great balance of information Stick: On The Origin of the PCs. Verily, a
for those of us who play as both DMs high five!
and players. (My gaming crew gets Phil C.
together once a week and plays for four Madison, WI
46 DRAGON 344 June 2006
by Gary Gygax and K. R. Bourgoine • illustrated by Roberto Campos

© Trigee Enterprises Company

ir Margus of the noble Velunese House of Leewes dealt yet another
hand of cards in the back room of the Gold Dragon. To the great
disappointment of those assembled at the table, luck seemed to be
unfavorably on his side. He had sat in the finest gambling den of the High
Quarter all night, expertly cheating his way deeply into his opponent’s
stacks of gold orbs, but the game had long since lost its fascination. What
had kept him in his seat and retained the majority of his attention was the
conversation that was going on at the table behind him.

June 2006 DRAGON 344 47


A captain of the watch, one the hand- outwardly to his opponents as if to Aimlessly, he collected purses, weighty
some young noble had never seen, congratulate them on finally over- pouches, and anything he thought
appeared to have had more than his coming Lady Luck. might be of value from unsuspecting
share of fine wine, and interesting “You must accept my apologies, my members of the crowd. It wasn’t that
and confidential information flowed lord,” lied the noble as he reluctantly he particularly needed the money, but
freely from his lips as he attempted to passed the deck of cards to his right— Gord had always lived by the motto
win over a beautiful courtesan named to the elf lord Trential Orrant who had that you could never have enough
Lorinda, who sat most languidly won, “because you seem to have more practice or enough coin.
upon his lap. Sir Margus paid only skill than I gave you credit for.” As he limped through the packed
half attention to the game at hand. He “So it seems,” replied Trential with crowd, stopping only for well-planned
didn’t want to miss a word the watch a great grin. fits of coughing and retching, he went
captain spoke. As his drunken hands There were smiles all around the over what he had learned about the
ran over the courtesan’s pale and slen- table. Sir Margus’s fellow opponents Mirror Queen since last evening. The
der thighs, the soldier explained that were pleased he was no longer deal- knowledge had cost him more than
the Mirror Queen from the Valley ing and hoped their luck would a few silver nobles and several late-
of the Mage was coming to the city. change—a most likely outcome, the night meetings in dark hidden places,
Her mission was to collect a potent noble knew, without him in control and what he ended up learning wasn’t
enchanted robe that belonged to the of the deck. all that insightful. Queen Gaylathryn,
Mage, but was now in the possession As the elven lord began to shuffle the Mirror Queen, Gord learned, had
of the council. The robe was lost a the cards to his liking, Sir Margus fell never been seen in person. Her reclu-
long time ago to Zagig in a wager, he back to listening intently to the con- sive nature was said to derive from an
continued, and the city’s Council of versation behind him. almost unnatural fear of death, thus
Oligarchs had recently recovered it leading her to reveal her visage only
from the ruins of that crazed wizard’s Later that night, his purse now in a dweomered mirror, a gi� from
abandoned fortress, Castle Greyhawk. nearly flat, Sir Margus climbed the her consort, the Mage of the Valley.
It was the queen’s duty to collect the stairs to his abode, deep in thought. Being the last of her bloodline, she
robe and return it to the Mage. Opening the door, he stood in front used the mirror as a means of defense;
Sir Margus did not know much in of the hall mirror and discarded it awarded her protection from the
the way of details about the secretive his cape, his hat, his mustache and danger of assassins and lords of other
council, except that they were also glasses. Gord the Rogue looked at his kingdoms who might wish to take
sometimes known as the Unnamed visage in the mirror. Stealing the robe her crown, as well as the disease and
Oligarchs and that they went to great or the ship just might be a way to alle- plagues that had swept through the
lengths to makes sure their business viate the lull and boredom that he had northern lands.
was kept under tight lip. Sir Margus settled into since his return to the city A near-deafening roar swept
had inquired about the council in the a�er his adventures with his thiev- through the crowd and pulled Gord
past but had never been able to turn ing companions Telene and Sunray. from his reflections and absent-
up anything except useless specula- It had been some time since he had minded thievery. The massive city
tion. The noble had no doubt that the pulled off a heist of this nature. He gates slowly swung open to herald
captain’s loose tongue would likely must plan carefully, and quickly, for if the arrival of the queen. Gord, along
not go unpunished. This lascivious there was truth to the captain’s story, with the rest of the crowd, marveled
windbag was a font of information. Gord had little time. at the elegance and royal beauty of
In exchange for the recovered robe, The following morning, a brown- the noble’s procession. Dozens of
the captain explained, the Mirror haired, mangy, bearded, limping beg- elite soldiers and guards garbed in
Queen was bringing a potent arti- gar wandered through the massive brightly colored expensive garments
fact to the city: the plans and spells crowd gathered near the Highway and armor marched slowly through
necessary for the construction of an Gate. He knew that while all these the city’s walls, followed by a grand
enchanted metal ship. The Oligarchs people had come to see the mysteri- and golden carriage drawn by eight
planned to use this artifact to help ous Mirror Queen, they very likely proud and mighty griffons. Upon the
control the Lake of Unknown Depths, did not know the true intent of her carriage, sitting like a crown jewel,
insuring that their ships went unmo- visit. Gord had been here all morn- was the queen’s platinum mirror. An
lested by pirates. ing, attentive to anything that might awe-filled silence fell over the crowd
Sir Margus was listening so intently be instrumental to his success, but as at its magnificent splendor. It stood
that he lost the hand of cards he had nothing had really happened except no more than three feet tall and nearly
just dealt. Mentally, he swore at him- a heavy increase in watch patrols, as wide. Encrusted with large jewels
self for the stupid mistake but smiled he had become increasingly bored. of all types, the mirror sparkled like

48 DRAGON 344 June 2006

a sea of rainbow-hued stars upon its Cursing himself for his choice of
rolling stage. disguises, Gord hurriedly stepped
Gord looked in wondrous greed at into a nearby alley that he knew
the great glittering diamonds, emer- well. Taking only a quick moment
alds, rubies, and sapphires of corn- to remove his beggar’s attire, Gord
flower blue set in its platinum frame speedily found the hidden passage
among a collection of pearls, opals, that he and only a few others knew
and lesser gemstones of deep violet, and snuck through the wall into the
golden yellow, and fiery orange. High Quarter. Running down the
Pulling his eyes from the precious alley on the other side, Gord raced
stones, Gord looked into the mirror back to the main avenue hoping to
itself, to where the queen’s silvery pick up sight of the queen, but by the
image shone in radiant glory as she time he got there she and her entou-
herself peered out from its magical rage were nowhere to be seen. He had
depths to the city beyond. The rogue to find out where she was staying! But
couldn’t quite place her lineage, but how? He didn’t know who the watch
her mysterious features, perhaps captain was, so it was unlikely he
elven, were as beautiful as her mirror. could get the information from him.
All plans Gord had for snatching the It wasn’t until a�er a few blocks
Valley Mage’s robe and the enchanted of aimless wandering through the
ship fled his mind like a mountain High Quarter that his next course of
troll from flame. action finally struck the thief. While
Yes, he had a new plan. He had to he didn’t know who the captain was
do it. He had to have it. He would or how to find him, he did know the
steal the mirror! name of the tart he was talking to. Yes,
It was not a desire, it was a need. thought the thief, perhaps the courtesan
The mirror was too wondrous and Lorinda could help.
valuable a thing to let slip through
his fingers. One of the great jewels Later that evening, Sir Margus
alone would set him up in the High entered the Gold Dragon again. He
Quarter for several years of frolick- had seen Lorinda many times when
ing, drinking, and gambling. Amidst he had frequented this establishment
the steps of the marching soldiers and he hoped tonight would not be
dreams of his new future began to any different. To his good fortune, she
enchant the young thief ’s mind. appeared shortly therea�er. Without
Gord’s first thought was that if he delay Sir Margus ordered a drink
was to have any chance of procuring from the barkeep and made his way
the mirror he needed to learn where over to where Lorinda sat alone.
Queen Gaylathryn was staying. “Some Veluna fire amber, my
Instantly doing away with his beggar darling?” asked the noble with a smile.
act, Gord pushed his way through Lorinda looked up at him, in shock
the crowd, trying to free himself and surprise, and then seeing the
from it so that he could follow the noble’s good looks quickly smiled
parading caravan through the city to back at him. “It would be my plea-
its destination. sure,” she replied.
With ease, the cat burglar was “No, trust me my dear, the pleasure
able to keep the procession in sight is mine,” said Gord, causing the cour-
through the majority of the city, but tesan to blush.
his luck ran out as it made its way to “I have seen you in here before,”
the Garden Gate that separated the she said as her suggestive lips
exclusive High Quarter from the rest took a healthy sip of the amber.
of the city. Much to Gord’s anger, he “You always seem to do very well
in his beggar disguise along with the at cards.”
rest of the crowd were halted by the “It’s a gentleman’s game and I seem
guards at the gate. to catch a bit of luck here and there. I

June 2006 DRAGON 344 49


admit I have noticed you as well.” you have to do is forget about him. The captain woke in startling shock
“So why haven’t you done this Because tonight is not about him, it’s and tried to yell out, but Gord
sooner?” about you and me.” pulled the garrote ends tight and the
“What? Buy you a drink? Being Moments later, Sir Margus le� captain was quickly silenced.
such a pretty girl I figured that you a heart-broken Lorinda at the bar “If you want to live, Farvus, you
had more than your share of suitors and walked down the moonlit street will answer my questions.” Gord
and that I, a petty noble, probably toward the Market Quarter. Once whispered with a fake accent into
wasn’t to your liking.” out of the High Quarter, he ducked the man’s ear. “If you do anything
Just as Gord hoped, at the mention briefly into the shadows of several more, your life ends right here.”
of “noble” Lorinda almost instinctu- tightly packed buildings and pulled Immediately, the terrified Farvus
ally sidled closer to him. The rogue out a sack he had lodged behind began to nod his head in assent.
could also see that the potent fire some broken barrels. One moment, At that moment he would have
amber was already helping his cause. Sir Margus stepped into the agreed to almost anything. The
“Well, I am glad you have finally shadows and the next out stepped rogue smiled.
come to talk to me. I have always fan- Gord, attired in black leather, his “I am going to ask you four
cied wanting to get to know you.” She hair wavy black and his white teeth questions. Answer them quickly
laughed as she finished her drink. showing through his roguish smile and I will be gone. I am sure you

If you want to live, Farvus, you will

answer my questions.
Gord wasted no time calling the bar- as he fastened his trusted dagger at understand what will happen if I
keep to give her a fresh round and as he his hip. don’t like your answers, so answer
did so she nestled herself onto his lap. A�er entering the Market Quarter truthfully and let’s just get through
“Oh thank you, kind sir…?” it took him only a short time to find this. What is the cargo on the ship,
“I am Sir Margus of the noble his way to Farvus Rilleto’s house, to Dark Moon, which is coming into
Velunese House of Leewes,” offered which Lorinda had been kind enough port tomorrow?” Gord slightly
Gord. “And I can’t express to you how to direct him. The captain’s residence relaxed his grip on his garrote.
much it means to me to make your was a large apartment on the top floor “I’m not the wharf master,”
acquaintance this evening.” of a three-story building. The thief the captain coughed out in slight
“Oh, really?” answered the courte- ducked around to the back. There, defiance. Gord harshly pulled the
san in a very pleased fashion. “Aren’t shielded by its shadows, Gord’s gray strings tight again.
you having a drink tonight?” eyes were pleased with what they saw. “Watch your tongue before I make
“No, not tonight. Tonight they are The bricks of the structure were rough you swallow it!” Gord didn’t expect
all for you. I must confess, I saw you and uneven, making for easy foot and the captain to know about the ship
in here last night with a man.” handholds. He began to scale the wall and didn’t really care if he did;
“You did?” Lorinda paused briefly, rapidly with the agility of a cat, and he was just trying to keep his true
as if trying to remember to whom scarcely a minute later the skilled thief purpose from being known. “When
Sir Margus referred. “Oh, him. He is was in the captain’s apartment. is Gangle Gern getting paroled?”
nobody. Nothing compared to you.” From the inner side of his belt “He isn’t. Likely they will hang
She cooed lightly in Gord’s ear. Gord withdrew his slender garrote him—”
“Who was he?” asked Gord, trying to and grabbed it tightly in his hands. “Where is the Mirror Queen
play the slightly jealous suitor who he He crept through the apartment, staying?”
had no doubt Lorinda was used to. making his way into the bedroom “With a lord.”
“You don’t have to worry about him where Gord saw the captain, deep in “Which one?” demanded Gord
at all,” she said as if she was talking slumber. Closer the thief crept, with with a rough shake.
about a vagrant. “He is just a watch feet as silent as the stars and the gar- “Lord Fradel!”
captain from the Market Quarter. I rote firmly in his grasp, until he was Very good, thought Gord, before he
can barely remember his name.” at the head of the bed. asked his final fake inquiry. “What
“Please try,” encouraged Gord. In a blurring movement Gord was the Viscount of Verbobonc’s
“Oh yes, that’s it,” she said finally. struck. The watch captain’s neck was purpose in the city last week?”
“His name is Farvus Rilleto. But all held tightly in the rogue’s garrote. “To visit the Oligarchs.”

50 DRAGON 344 June 2006

“Don’t be a stupid fellow,” the Greyhawk’s uppermost class. Gord tem to be of great use as a means of
young thief growled in his assumed had stolen from him before, but there both access and escape. Down into
accent. “Why did he visit them?!” had been so many heists, he could the sewers the rogue went, hoping to
Farvus coughed involuntarily as barely remember what he had taken bring himself as close as possible to
the garrote was loosened to allow from the lord. Gord chuckled to him- the palace without being seen.
him to respond. “Veluna exchanges self; he could remember that Lord Gord stole through the putrid tun-
intelligence with the Free City, infor- Fradel’s son Arnolf was known to nels until he found the iron ladder
mation regarding brigands and cor- cheat at dice, a fact that Gord himself rungs he was looking for. Silently,
sairs, mostly.” had witnessed when the young noble the thief climbed up to where it met
As the captain gasped out his final had tried to use his tricks unsuccess- with another sewer grate; he pushed
answer, Gord let go of the garrote, fully on the thief. Anyway, none of it open and climbed out into a dark
quickly withdrew his dagger, and that mattered now. What was of inter- narrow street perpendicular to the
slammed the hilt of it into the back est was the likelihood that the aris- lord’s high palace wall.
of the captain’s head. “Sleep well, cap- tocrat was most probably one of the “Well, who do we have here?”
tain,” said Gord as he le� he apartment Oligarchs. Why else would so great asked a gruff authoritative voice from
to head back to the High Quarter and a personage as the Mirror Queen be behind Gord. Startled, the thief ’s
to the residence of Lord Fradel. housed in his palace? heart jumped a beat as he continued
The fact that the Mirror Queen was Once he was within a few blocks to quietly place the grate back into
staying with one of the Lords of Grey- of Lord Fradel’s vast residence, Gord place. “Why don’t you lie down on
hawk excited the thief. The security at ducked down into one of the nar- your stomach for me,” continued the
such a palace would be much easier row causeways. On the edge of the voice. “You would find it in your best
to pass than, say, that of the Citadel. dim and foggy street he pulled up on interest, unless of course you want
Even though it was easier than the a loose sewer grate, li�ing the heavy this crossbow bolt through the back-
Citadel, it was still a great endeavor to metal just enough for him to squeeze side of your heart.”
get into such a place. The thief knew past. During his many raids about Gord had no choice and slowly
who Lord Fradel was: A member of the city he had found the sewer sys- began to do what the voice had asked.

June 2006 DRAGON 344 51


“It’s a good thing Lord Fradel had Watching the guards disappear Off in the hall he could hear
the forethought to have me guard down the street, Gord made his move guards talking, something about
here, isn’t it?” went on the voice as for the palace wall. Nimbly, he scaled yellow light in this direction and
it approached the now prone rogue. the smooth stone barrier and dropped that perhaps one of the wards had
“Cause I am guessin’ you ain’t here to down on the other side next to some gone off. Gord could hear the guards
bring me some tea. Well it’s all sorted finely trimmed bushes that had a approaching. Swearing under his
now, isn’t it?” lovely floral scent. “Night blooming breath he rubbed his eyes fiercely to
Gord waited until the voice was jasmine, perhaps,” he thought. no effect. He heard two sets of boots
right over him. With lightning speed Swi�ly, Gord made his way through enter the room and make their way
he flipped himself over and swung the garden, leaving several guards to the door through which he had
out his legs toward the guard, strik- unconscious in his wake. He made just entered. Gord knew that as soon
ing him hard and knocking him over. it to the ivy-covered wall that lead up as they turned away from the door
Instantly, Gord was on top of him, to a large veranda, where he grabbed they would undoubtedly see him and
one hand over the man’s mouth and a hold of the vines and rapidly made marveled at how they hadn’t already.
the other slamming his head into his ascent. Now on the terrace, Gord Having no choice, Gord drew his
the cobbles. A�er one hit against the faced a pair of glass-paned doors that dagger in one hand and a knife from
rocks the guard stopped moving. led to the interior of the palace. So� his boot in the other. Using the guards’
Gord quickly looked around to make light spilled out from a night lamp voices to determine their location, he
sure he hadn’t been heard. Notic- burning inside. Bent in a crouching got to his feet and crept toward them
ing nothing out of the ordinary he run, Gord hurried over to the doors, as silent as the night from which he
stripped the guard of his uniform knelt down, and pulled out his set came. Without hesitation, he lunged
and put it on. of picks from the inner cuff of his forward in an attempt to stab both of
He had just finished stuffing the boot. Peering into the room beyond, them. Gord knew this would normally
unconscious body through the sewer then at the door closure, it took only have been an easy target for him; but
grate when another voice surprised a second for his experienced eyes to being blinded, one of his strikes went
the thief. Several men, also in watch realize that it was only a simple lock. wide and his knife-wielding hand
uniforms, appeared at the street’s Selecting the proper pick he immedi- flew through a window instead of into
opening, the middle one bearing a ately went to work. Seconds later, his the guard’s neck. His dagger hit true,
lantern. Gord stepped back casually dexterous fingers worked through the sinking into the guard’s neck and for
from its illumination, hoping to hide tumblers; he smiled as he heard the a moment the room was filled with
his features. familiar satisfying click of the lock the mingled sounds of falling glass
“Everything okay over here, Jayrn?” releasing itself under his guidance. and gurgling blood.
asked the lantern wielder. At the moment the trap went off Gord heard the surviving guard
“All quiet here, sir,” replied Gord in Gord realized his mistake. There must spin around and leap forward, grap-
his best attempt at Jayrn’s voice, thank- have been a magical ward of some pling Gord and tackling him. Both
ful that he was relatively the same size sort on the lock as, with a small flash men fell over, toppling first onto the
as the real sentinel. All he could do of yellow light, he was blind. Franti- couch and then jarringly onto the
was hope the newcomers bought his cally, Gord fumbled for the handle of floor. Even blinded, Gord showed his
act. There was a brief pause before the the door, fear about his predicament grappling prowess and he quickly
man spoke again. beginning to overtake him. He knew ended the fight, his dagger entering
“Very good, carry on then.” The lan- he couldn’t stand out here—what if the guard’s throat while his hand
tern bearer and his companions turned somebody else saw the flash of light? clamped over the man’s mouth to
and walked off down the street. Using his memory of what the keep him quiet.
Gord let out a great sigh of relief. room’s interior layout looked like, For a second time that evening,
Two close calls too soon; he couldn’t the thief stumbled in, closed the door Gord began to second-guess his mis-
help but notice an above-average behind him, and then ducked behind sion. It had not been his intent to
number of guards in the area. Per- a large couch just as he could hear a murder, he was blinded, and there
haps, he thought, I should turn back. guard walking through the well-lit could be a possible alarm caused by
Luck didn’t seem to be on his side hallway beyond the room he entered. the sound of the broken glass. Maybe,
tonight and there was no sense get- A heavy dread filled the thief; time he thought disparagingly, it was time
ting himself caught or killed. He and his incessant blinking was not to see the evening as a loss… perhaps
thought about the mirror again and diminishing the blindness of the of his very eyesight!
of the amazing array of gems. It was trap. As Gord lay behind the couch he As the despairing young thief was
too grand a prize to pass up, too excit- wondered if his gray eyes would ever about to give up and flee the palace
ing a challenge. He had to continue. see again. the blindness began to recede.

52 DRAGON 344 June 2006

Encouraged by the hazy sense of similar in structure and fortifica- matching long flowing cloak. On his
vision, the rogue decided he had come tion to the one at the tower’s base. waist dangled a short sword and a
too far to turn back now. He waited He was about to reach once more vicious-looking serrated dagger. He
a few more minutes to determine if for his lock picks, but upon testing was already reloading his crossbow.
anybody would investigate the broken the door he found it unlocked. With “Who are you?” asked Gord with-
glass. By some miracle nobody did, a small push it opened. out hesitation as he continued to
and, counting his blessings, the thief The high-ceilinged circular cham- back away, clutching his wound. He
continued on. ber into which it opened was bedecked spoke through clenched teeth as the
Gord made his way quickly and like a study with several desks and painful poison made its way through
quietly through the palace toward a wooden catwalk lacing the upper his body.
the tower he had seen from out- portion of the vaulted room that was “I am the one who will be paid hand-
side the walls. Remote and secure lined by tall rows of bookcases. Gord somely for a particular cat burglar’s
from all other staff and residence, the Rogue stepped into the room and head,” sneered the grim dwarf. “And it
he surmised the tower would pro- there in the center sat his prize. He looks like my mark will be paid.”
vide the best housing for the Mirror took a small intake of breath, slightly “What?” asked Gord, bewildered.
Queen. It took him more time than awed by the beauty of the silvery mir- The poison made him dizzy and his
he would have liked to pass through ror. He hadn’t seen it this close before heart pounded painfully.
dozens of rooms and locked doors, and even with clouded sight Gord “It seems you have offended the
leaving two more guards uncon- could see it was more magnificent wrong person, thief. And now you
scious, but finally he approached than he had imagined. have walked right into his trap! It has
the middle of the courtyard and the Moving silently toward the mir- cost Lord Fradel a lot of money and
tower. The metal door at its base was ror, his fingers itching to hold its more than a few favors to pull this
new and boasted the most complex encrusted gems, the young thief off, probably more than you ever took
lock the rogue had seen in the estate. hesitated. In the silvery mirror was from him, but he knew with such bait

Having no choice, Gord drew his dagger in one

hand and a knife from his boot in the other
Its remote location and sturdy con- a shadowed and slumbering figure as this mirror the famous cat burglar
struction only added weight to his he could only assume was the Mir- would come. And he was right!”
theory. With his vision still slightly ror Queen. His heart began to race as As the assassin finished speak-
impaired, Gord struggled for several he approached and was close enough ing he smiled and aimed his read-
minutes to pick the lock. He thought to count the large gems by the doz- ied crossbow back at the thief. “You
the task might be beyond his skills, ens. As Gord took a step closer, he played the fool perfectly. The Mir-
but then, as if by accident, his pick saw a flash of movement. The shad- ror Queen was never coming to this
hit something deep in the lock and owed figure from within had moved! city, she is too fearful to even let her
the bolt slid free. Smiling, Gord put Before Gord could react a crossbow mirror travel. But I appreciate you
his pick back in his pouch and gently bolt flew out from the surface of the showing up as this looks like it will
opened the door. He ducked into the shimmering mirror. He was too sur- be one of my easiest jobs ever. And
tower, closing the door behind him, prised and the bolt was moving too now, you die!”
just as he heard a guard approach- fast for him to dodge. It struck pain- The dwarf let the bolt fly, but Gord
ing in the distance. Likely making his fully into his le� arm. was waiting for it. Just was the assas-
rounds, thought the thief. Clamping on his wound with his sin pulled the trigger Gord leapt with
Though his vision was hazy, he right hand, Gord felt the effects of difficulty to his right, rolling behind
could see the room he had entered what he knew to be a poisoned bolt. a desk and evading the attack. The
was empty except for a slender The thief retreated from the mirror, wayward bolt flew out of the wide
staircase that wound upward. Tak- pulling the bolt from his arm as the window behind him. Weakened by
ing two steps at a time, Gord raced figure within stepped out into the the poisoned quarrel and still par-
up the stairs, using his hand on the room. Instead of Queen Gaylathryn, tially blind, Gord fumbled frantically
wall as a guide when his eyes failed as Gord expected, out from the mir- to pull a knife from his boot. Gord
to aide him. Cresting the stairs, he ror stepped a sneering gray dwarf knew he must not only defeat the
came to yet another door, this one garbed in the deepest black with a assassin to live but also to keep his

June 2006 DRAGON 344 53


riedly sprinkled the dust on himself wicked blade the dwarf carried.
THE HISTORY OF GORD and disappeared from sight! Then with a low, underhand stab of
Gord the Rogue first appeared in Gord quickly lunged forward at the his knife, Gord cut through his ene-
Dragon #100’s “At Moonset Black- spot in which the dwarf was stand- my’s leather armor, but only nicked
cat Comes,” in which the young thief ing, hoping to drive home his blade, the agile dwarf in the leg. As he was
plays a game of dragonchess with the but he struck nothing but air. The struck, Mernegul’s face changed
Catlord. That same year saw publica- thief hastily scanned the room, turn- from confident to slightly fearful.
tion of Saga of Old City, Gary Gygax’s ing around and around in panic, Remaining on the offensive, Gord
first novel and the inaugural volume in looking for some sign of the invis- lunged forward, barreling into the
the short-lived Greyhawk Adventures ible dwarf. Seeing nothing he tried smaller opponent and knocking
line that also saw Gord save the day in to use his keen hearing to gauge the him to the floor. The rogue contin-
Artifact of Evil. Gygax published several dwarf ’s location. The only thing Gord ued his forward momentum and
additional Gord novels through New could hear was the sound of guards rolled right over the dwarf, com-
Infinities Productions Incorporated, all around the palace being called to ing up behind him and wielding
including Sea of Death, Night Arrant, arms. His time here was even shorter the dwarf ’s shortsword, taken from
City of Hawks, Come Endless Darkness, than he had anticipated. Mernegul’s scabbard.
and Dance of Demons. “Who are you?” Gord queried, The gray dwarf got to his feet as
hoping to get the dwarf to reveal his fast as he could and spun around
identity a secret—or soon everybody location. “Better yet,” he murmured just as his own shortsword sunk
might know who the famous cat bur- under his breath, “where are you?” deep into his meaty le� shoulder.
glar was. Disoriented, Gord stood up Still lacking his full vision and Once more the dwarf bellowed in
and hurled the knife at the dwarf, feeling the pain of the poison, Gord pain and the look in his cold blue
who sidestepped the feeble attack understood the imminent peril in eyes unmistakably damned the thief
with ease. which he stood. All he could do now to the Abyss. Yanking the blade free
Fighting the poison, Gord didn’t let was wonder from what direction the from Mernegul’s shoulder, Gord only
up on his assault. Without a wasted assassin’s next attack would come and smiled wolfishly. Both of the combat-
action, he leapt over the table and if he would survive. Then he heard it! ants could hear the guards swarming
tumbled forward, trying to close the A groan of wood from above. Gord through the courtyard outside.
distance on the assassin again. looked up to the wooden catwalk that “You have no chance to get out
“It’s so kind of Lord Fradel to hire circled the room and ran for its stairs. alive, thief !” Mernegul cackled as he
a second-rate assassin,” taunted Gord He was only about halfway up the thrust his dagger forward.
angrily as he moved forward. “That stairs when the invisible dwarf hurled Gord managed to just barely parry
makes my job easier.” Seeing Gord’s a vial at him. Gord reacted as quickly the attack again. The poison from the
actions, the dwarf dropped his cross- as he could. Fortunately for the rogue, crossbow bolt was starting to over-
bow and quickly pulled a dagger that the assassin’s aim was slightly off and come him and caused him to stum-
glistened with green poison from his the vial smashed loudly into the rail- ble in agony, each beat of his heart
belt, while his other hand de�ly slid ing at Gord’s le�; he only had to duck causing him horrendous torment.
into a pouch at his waist. By the time a little to avoid the splatter of searing He felt his limbs begin to go numb.
Gord came back to his feet he had his acid that sprayed at him. Seeing the thief hurting, Mernegul
own dagger in one hand and another To Gord’s benefit, just a�er the took advantage of the opportunity
boot knife in his other. dwarf ’s wasted attack he slowly came and harshly kicked Gord over and off
Even in his dizzy and weary state back into sight, the magic of the dust his feet.
the speed of Gord’s attack astonished broken. He cursed in his racial tongue The assassin de�ly stepped forward
the dwarf. It was too fast for the assas- for missing such a crucial assault and and loomed over Gord, the dagger
sin to avoid, and the thrusting thief charged toward Gord, who had finally held over his head ready to end the
stabbed the assassin deeply in the surmounted the steps. fight with a violent thrust into the cat
pouch, penetrating his searching “You want to know who I am? burglar’s chest. But Gord’s reflexes
hand. As Gord pulled back his blade, I am Mernegul the Ancient, and I were faster and in a last excruciat-
silvery dust and blood spilled from have killed all who have learned my ing effort to save himself, he lashed
the tattered leather. name!” the dwarf shouted as he led out with his dagger and sword. Com-
Reflexively, the dwarf pulled his with a savage attack from his poi- ing in well under the assassin’s high
lacerated hand from his pouch with soned dagger. guard, Gord’s dagger pierced itself to
a howl, his fingers covered in blood Gord skillfully parried the assault the hilt in Mernegul’s abdomen, elic-
and glittering with dust. Stepping with his own enchanted dagger, iting a shriek of anguish as the sword
back from the fuming Gord he hur- not desiring to feel the sting of the penetrated deep into his heart.

54 DRAGON 344 June 2006

Mernegul the Ancient fell dead at to the window. With a mighty heave
Gord’s side. For a moment both men he was able to secure it to one of the
lay on the floor, still as death. Gord many other palace buildings below
lay just long enough to gather his his vantage point. Then, using his
remaining strength before he rolled acrobat training, he slid down along
over and searched the dwarf with the slender rope just as the guards
skilled but frantic hands. burst into the study.
He was certain that such an assas- The foggy night helped conceal
sin wouldn’t have brought such the thief from sight. As he tumbled
deadly poison without the antidote onto the nearby roof he offered a
in case he accidentally contaminated small thanks to Beory. With all the
himself. To Gord’s relief, a�er only a guards now at the tower, the cat
brief search he found the vial he was burglar knew the rest of his escape
looking for. Prying free the stopper, would go unimpeded.
he drank down the wondrous blue
liquid. Within seconds, the thief felt The following day, Sir Margus of
the antidote working. With a sigh the noble Velunese House of Lee-
of relief, he noted that his eyesight wes walked through the streets of
seemed to have cleared, now nearly the High Quarter in exquisite new
back to normal. clothes made of the finest silks and
Gord could hear the guards so�est leathers available. Gord had
arriving outside at the base of the spent the rest of the previous evening
tower. Without a wasted moment fencing all the stones he had taken
he leapt over the railing, landing in and had spent a sleepless morning
a roll that brought him right to the enjoying his spoils. At first, Gord had
imposter mirror. He could now hear wondered why the irate lord would
guards coming up the stairs at the use real gems at all, even only semi-
bottom of the tower. Quickly, Gord precious ones, to catch a thief; but
began to pry the gems on the mir- because he had been around enough
ror free. While he knew the mirror magic Gord surmised they were nec-
was a fake, he could only hope that, essary to enable the assassin to mate-
a�er all his efforts, there was some- rialize from the mirror. Whatever the
thing here of value. Prying the gems case, the thief was pleased with the
free he could see the diamonds were results. He had thought it might be
not diamonds but rather were white in good measure to pay Lord Fradel
sapphires, the emeralds were green a personal visit to show him what
garnets, the rubies just spinels, and revenge really meant, but a�er he
the other sapphire stones aquama- took stock of the value of the stones
rines, amethysts, and topaz. What he realized they were sufficient for
he had thought would be worth him to spend at least a month or two
millions of gold orbs was probably living in luxury, as befit a foreign
worth only tens of thousands. While noble of great means.
not as valuable as the real queen’s No, Gord the Rogue was in no
mirror, the huge faceted gems were hurry for revenge. Perhaps thwart-
still worth far more than he had sto- ing Lord Fradel again was enough of
len in many years. a payback, but then again cheating
To Gord’s good fortune, he realized his son at dice, or perhaps reveal-
that the frame was silver, making it ing to all that the lord’s whelp was
all the easier for him to pull loose the a cheat, might just be the frosting
great gems that bedecked it. Taking on the cake. Imagine the scandal,
as much as he could, Gord stuffed his Gord thought, if at the same time it
prizes into his bag. Knowing that he was discovered that Lord Fradel was
couldn’t use the stairs to escape, Gord an Oligarch.
stood up, pulled out his silken line Humming a jaunty aire, Gord
with a small grappling hook, and ran strolled off to enjoy the day. E

June 2006 DRAGON 344 55

56 DRAGON 344 June 2006
STORMY KNIGAnother Evening With The Wizards Three
by Ed Greenwood illustrated by Tom Fowler

ne last effortful tug brought “Ah,” another familiar voice said table with unlit pipe in one hand and
the huge old green couch in satisfaction, “same old proper fire, a large snowman of white chocolate in
into place across the front of same well-laden board. That’s better!” the other.
the china cabinet, sealing me in for —arrived. Or rather, the remains of a choco-
the evening. The flames had risen up out of my late snowman who seemed to have
Puffing a little, I let go of the rope I’d hearth in a great reaching wave that been murdered by a monster that took
wrapped around its rear feet. Getting had just turned into the approving great bites out of him. Archmage-
back out again was going to involve my Lord Mage of Greyhawk. sized bites.
shoulder and some muscles I hadn’t Smiling, Mordenkainen strode right “Oooh,” Rautheene almost purred,
used since my high school football days. to his usual chair. “Wind’s picking up rising to accept the glass and find her
I hope I hadn’t le� them in my locker out there. Right stormy night building.” feet in one smooth, graceful move-
all those years ago, because if I ended Elminster’s eyebrows rose as he ment that made Elminster swallow
up begging Elminster to get me out, handed the decanter of amaretto across and Mordenkainen grin apprecia-
it would probably cost me all the ice the table. “Where’s thy lass?” tively. “Chocolate.”
cream in the house, the barn, and the “Rautheene? Finding her own The Old Mage crooked a finger—
local supermarket. To say nothing of all way here; trying out a new spell.” and a sphere of white chocolate rose
the Christmas chocolates. Mordenkainen looked around the out of a bowl of such spheres on the
As usual, I had scarcely settled into room. “In fact, she should be—” table (hey, I know archmages) and
my hiding place when the flames in the My long-suffering suit of armor glided through the air toward her.
fireplace emitted a sharp whoomph. All burst apart, pieces clanging around the Rautheene eyed it a little warily.
the candles I’d lit throughout the room room, and all that was le� of it—two Then she relaxed, catching the
went out and Elminster’s familiar voice forlorn, disembodied legs—toppled incoming confection gently out of the
observed, “Wise enough to stay out of slowly over. The crash as they struck air and thanking him with a smile.
yon suit of armor for good, hmm? Well, the carpet sounded like two loosely- Whereupon she winced and glanced
lad, there’s hope for ye yet.” assembled steam locomotives mating. quickly back over her shoulder.
I heard him sit down and start to hum And yes, courtesy of Elminster’s sense “Ah, pray pardon about your armor,”
a snatch of tune I didn’t know. By then of mischief, I have heard two loosely— she said with real contrition. “I—”
I’d crawled my way along the rubber Suddenly the air above the vacated “Never ye mind!” Elminster said
mats to where I could just see an inch- armor’s pedestal shimmered. A black- airily. “The man who owns it will
wide slice of him. I was in time to watch gowned, long-limbed woman suddenly be honored that a lady mage of thy
the Old Mage of Shadowdale lick the fell out of nothingness onto it, landing beauty and grace saw fit to disar-
finger he’d just dipped into my curry, in a heap with a startled gasp, hair range his armor. Why, I daresay he’ll
frown critically, and ask, “What’s wrong swirling wildly and hands clutching be delighted!”
with the lamb that ye had to do this vainly at empty air. Rautheene’s eyes narrowed. “Oh?
to it?” Then her fingertips encountered Who is this man? I’ve always wondered
I knew better than to reply. something, and she gasped again—in who owns this place; is he watching us
Mordenkainen of Greyhawk liked alarm this time—only to find herself right now?”
to arrive just as early as Elminster— blinking at a brimful goblet that was Elminster waved away that sudden,
probably so there’d still be some wine floating serenely in the air in front of sharp question. “My wards protect all
le�—and it would be just my luck to be her. Elminster smiled fondly at her in this room against intrusion and
caught in mid-word when he— from beyond it, where he sat at the covert oversight.”

June 2006 DRAGON 344 57


Oerth were now shoveling and gob-

bling food like they’d been starving
for months. Jeez, didn’t they have food
Mordenkainen in the Free City of Greyhawk?
Or drink? Mordenkainen finished
off his third slender bottle of wine and
tossed it casually over his shoulder,
knowing El’s unseen servant would field
it in midair and drop it into the recy-
cling bin in the kitchen.
Rautheene’s sudden burp was as long
and sharp as my table saw slicing ply-
wood. An entire sheet of plywood.
Mortified, she turned a deep, rich
crimson—right down her shoulders
to her ankles, I noticed, thanks to the
rather more daring gown she’d favored
“By which,” Mordenkainen attempts to learn the fate this evening—and clapped both hands
observed, from where he of Dalamar?” over her mouth, as if slamming stable
peered into a dish of mushroom The lady mage made a face as doors a�er—
caps filled with crab, “my esteemed she came to table, saluting him in silent Well, no, perhaps that wasn’t the
colleague means to say: ‘No.’” thanks with her glass. “Not well,” she politest saying to bring to mind just
Rautheene’s hand raced to her sighed. “My magic is not so strong, I fear, now, particularly as one of her hands
mouth, but failed to entirely stifle as to let me pry overmuch into Krynn had still been holding a deviled egg,
her tinkling giggle. My, but the Lord without wizardly aid from Krynn itself. and she was now blinking at her two
Mage of Greyhawk had an eye for And my entreaties in that regard have fellow wizards through a mask of frothy
beautiful apprentices. With a kindly thus far met with stone-cold failure. golden egg flecked with green (chives)
but somewhat distracted smile, the lady I’ve always known that wizards, taken and red (powdered paprika).
made a wave of her hand and the suit as an assemblage, have a regrettable The two great archmages who
of armor remade itself. Mostly. I have tendency to be difficult, but I’d have were now hooting and snorting, and
no doubt had she cared to give more to call the mages of Krynn I’ve thus slapping the table like country yokels
attention she could have remade it in far contacted...” who’d just understood the punchline of
full, but I’ll not complain. She waved an exasperated hand as a joke uttered several minutes ago.
“A-hem,” Elminster growled she searched for the right word, and Her eyes flamed—.
warningly in Mordenkainen’s direction. two great archmages sprang to her aid. Uh oh.
“Uncouth tongues should be still when “Gasbags?” Mordenkainen suggested. When Elminster saw sparks swirling
I’m addressing so charming a lady.” “Utter twits?” Elminster offered. around her, he mastered his mirth
“I’d say,” Mordenkainen agreed in Arrogant gluttons, I contributed enough to flick his fingers and release
dry tones, addressing his words to silently—and froze as Elminster some hanging spell or other that made
my overhead light as he tilted back smiled right at the tiny gap I was the egg vanish from Rautheene’s face in
his head to slide an oyster down his peering through. Crimminy. I’d better an instant.
throat—and follow it with a swig keep my thoughts to myself. Unfortunately, the magic worked a
of amaretto. The Old Mage made what was to little too well, hauling forth some food
Elminster winced at the sight of half his two fellow diners a whimsical already well on its way down to her
a decanter of almond liqueur vanishing gesture with his goblet—but was stomach. Her face changed from fury
at one slake, but failed to turn his to me an unmistakable salute of to nauseated astonishment to shocked
head away in time to miss seeing approval. Right. realization and then to dark and real
Mordenkainen right the decanter, give I settled right down on the mat to rage just about that quickly, as I watched
him what can only be described as a listen, trying like fury to suspend all and wondered if I’d still have a house in
wide, brightly cheesy grin, and crook judgement and just be a fly on the w— a few moments.
his little finger in mockery of a cultured No no no! Don’t give him ideas! Snarling, Mordenkainen’s appren-
matron’s teatime manners. Elminster grinned at me, and tice flung up her hands like claws in
The Old Mage suppressed a reached out de�ly to pluck up an Elminster’s direction, glaring at him
shudder, and deliberately turned to entire brick of extra old cheddar from as she hissed something swi�, slithery,
face Rautheene. “And how fare your the table where the two mages of and horrible.

58 DRAGON 344 June 2006


plucked up another
deviled egg, in as swi�
and de� a movement as I’ve
ever seen, and swiped
its contents across
Elminster’s face.
Something that ended Then she shrieked
in a finger-wagging declaration I a little, at what she’d
couldn’t understand a word of. just done, and tried to
Whereupon— pull her fingers free.
Nothing happened. The Old Mage hung on as his spell wiped
Nothing at all. In a tense silence his face clean, and as she cowered back in
wherein Rautheene’s mouth fell open her seat, he started to laugh.
in astonishment, she sank back down In relief Mordenkainen’s mirth burst
in confusion, darting swi� glances all forth, too. The wizard of Oerth let fall
around, and her sudden exclamations hands that I’d just noticed were raised
made no sound at all. to work some powerful magic or other.
She heard that—or didn’t hear it, Two roaring-with-mirth archmages
of course—and fear flashed up into were nigh-deafening, but I distinctly
her face as she clutched at her throat, heard Rautheene’s high, merry tinkling
lips working rapidly. Yet managing to join in, a�er what seemed like quite a
say nothing. long time.
“I believe that’s enough, El,” When at last it all died away and they
Mordenkainen said quietly, then. sat grinning at each other, bright-faced
The Old Mage nodded, rose, and and with chests heaving, Elminster
went around the table to Rautheene. got up off his knees with a grunt and
Kneeling, he took her hand as gently announced, “Well, now! Battle averted,
as any courtier, put her fingers to his I hope.”
lips, and waved his other hand. “Battle averted,” Rautheene agreed,
“Boccob strike down this serpent relief clear in her voice and face. She
who enspells... me...” The lady mage’s made a face. “That felt awful, feeling the
fast-spitting words faltered as she heard food wrenched back up my...”
them ring out clearly, and then faded. “Gullet?” Elminster suggested. “Pray
Elminster stared up into her face, forgive me if there’s a more polite and
looking contrite. “Lass, lass,” he ladylike equivalent.”
murmured, “please believe I meant “Gullet,” Rautheene said firmly,
ye no harm, nor sought to humiliate flashing him a grin and reaching for
or chasten. I have a dozen magics at more food.
work, to protect this place against any “No throwing food,” Mordenkainen
affliction and all of us against each other, said then, very firmly. “If that’s not a
and—what befell ye was a result of my rule yet—I confess I forget—let’s make
own clumsiness and pure mischance. it one. This is all too good to waste.”
Pray accept my deepest apologies.” He waggled his fingers, the doors of
Face quivering, Rautheene stared my sideboard all obediently flew open.
down her arm at him—and then He smiled in satisfaction, crooked one

June 2006 DRAGON 344 59


finger, and then opened his hand to Rautheene sighed, looked at the Range: Medium (100 �. + 10 �./level)
receive my second decanter of amaretto ceiling, and murmured, “Bright blis- Area: 20-�.-radius spread
as it soared over to him. tering basilisks. These ‘DVDs’ he was Duration: 1 round/level (D)
“Well, now,” Elminster told a large blathering about had better be worth Saving Throw: None
bottle of sour cherries in syrup, as he all this.” Spell Resistance: No
opened it with a sudden wrench of “Aha!” Elminster said, waving a fin-
suprisingly-powerful wrists, “that sug- ger at her. “They are—just ye wait!” This spell conjures a field of rubbery
gests a theme to me: battle spells?” I winced, and then sat back with a black tentacles very similar to those
Mordenkainen crooked an eyebrow. widening grin of my own, wondering created by the well-known Evard’s
“Against beasts or soldiery, you mean? just which movies would the Old Mage black tentacles spell. These waving
As opposed to what I might use ‘gainst choose to show the master and appren- members seem to spring up from
a hostile mage?” tice of Greyhawk? the floor, soil, water, or whatever
“Beasts or soldiery, precisely,” El “And if they’re not,” Rautheene other surface is underfoot. They
agreed, through a mouthful of cher- teased him, scooping sour cream and bash and slice creatures that enter
ries, pushing a large bowl gently in onion potato chips into her mouth and the tentacle field, assaulting their
Rautheene’s direction. “Ye must try washing it down with French vanilla- targets with great strength. The
this trifle.” flavored coffee cream (I saw Elminster tentacles are studded with irregular
“Trifle?” she asked a little suspi- wince), “just what new and special lure short finlike spines, having edges as
ciously. “What’s in it?” will you promise us for next time?” sharp as many swordblades.
“Ah,” the Old Mage said darkly, “that “Ah,” the Old Mage said slyly, “as to The tentacles make one melee
would be telling.” that: what would ye say if I told ye this attack every round against every
Rautheene rolled her eyes. “If all world has something called a ‘choco- creature within the spell area. Treat
this food wasn’t so delightful, I doubt late fountain’?” the tentacles as a Medium creature
anything would induce me to sit in the Mordenkainen’s groan of desire was with a base attack bonus equal to
same room as you two.” almost as loud as Rautheene’s. Almost. your caster level and a Strength
“Why, thank you,” the two archmages score of 19. They deal 2d6+4 points
said in mock-haughty unison—and FOR YOUR of damage with each successful hit.
then looked at each other and started CAMPAIGN This damage is half bludgeoning
snorting and chuckling and slapping As usual, in the morning, I found (under and half slashing.
the table again. the large note that read “DON’T YE Any creature that enters the area
FORGET THE CHOCOLATE FOUN- of the spell is immediately attacked
TAIN, NOW!”) neatly written-out game by the tentacles and can only move
Rautheene synopses of the trio of battle spells through the area at half normal
the Three had traded, to whit: speed. To you, the tentacles seem
insubstantial: you can pass freely
BATTLE through them as if they don’t exist,
TENTACLES without impairing their attacks or
Conjuration (Creation) your movement at all.
Level: Sor/Wiz 5 Material Components: A piece of
Components: V, S, M tentacle from a giant octopus or a
Casting Time: 1 giant squid, and a fragment of spine
standard action or bone from any aquatic creature.

Level: Sor/Wiz 8
Components: V, S, F
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target: Touched armor pieces
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
This spell animates up to two pieces
of metal armor into up to two

60 DRAGON 344 June 2006

variant helmed horrors that fight When the spell expires, these originates at your hand and extends
for you (or fetch, carry, open doors, constructs abruptly fade away and the outward in a cone. Its sharp-edged
or perform any other simple action pieces of armor that made them fall to and pointed force deals 2d4 points
you command). These constructs the ground. of damage per caster level (maximum
explode into a spray of metal shards Focus: Two pieces of nonmagical 30d4). This damage is half slashing
when destroyed. See page 175 of Lost metal armor previously worn in a battle. damage and half energy damage.
Empires of Faerûn for helmed horror The pieces’ condition does not matter The type of energy depends on the
stats. If you lack that source, you can use (they can be damaged), but all of their color of the dragon used as the spell’s
shield guardians instead. metal must be present. They need not material component, as shown on the
The helmed horrors created by this be from the same suit of armor. The following chart.
spell silently follow your will. If you pieces cannot be worn by you or any
don’t direct them to do anything, they other creature while the spell is cast. Dragon Energy
stand idle. Once given a task, they Black, copper, green Acid
pursue it until completed, even if you WYRMCONE Blue, bronze Electricity
turn your attention to other matters. Evocation Brass, gold, red Fire
Unlike most helmed horrors, Level: Sor/Wiz 6 Silver, white Cold
the ones you create with this spell Components: V, S, M/DF
have no crossbows and make no Casting Time: 1 standard action Material Component: A very small
missile attacks. If destroyed they Range: 60 �. crystal or glass cone and a tiny
explode, with effects equal to a shard Area: Cone-shaped burst fragment or speck of dragon scale,
storm spell (see page 187 of the Spell Duration: Instantaneous bone, tooth, or talon.
Compendium: 20-�.-radius burst, Saving Throw: Reflex half
3d6 force damage to all creatures, Spell Resistance: Yes I’m still guessing as to which of
Reflex half, spell resistance yes, the Wizards Three contributed just
lasts for only 1 round). Note that the Wyrmcone momentarily creates an area which spell. I daren’t ask Elminster,
damage is force damage. No metal of chaotically-whirling, translucent of course, until I’ve run out and
shrapnel survives. dragonlike claws and fanged jaws that found that chocolate fountain. E

June 2006 DRAGON 344 61

62 DRAGON 343 May 2006
The Voyage of
the Princess Ark
 Part 36: Home and Away Again
by Bruce A. Heard • illustrated by Attila Adorjany

his series chronicles the adventure of an heaved to, carrying a member of the Council of Wizards,
Alphatian explorer and his crew as they journey palace guards, and a few hooded individuals.
across the D&D Known World (i.e., Mystara) Without proper invitation, they climbed aboard. I
in their skyship. The information herein may be confronted them, demanding an explanation for their
used to expand D&D campaigns using the original conduct. The councilman, Lord Niborray, ignored
Gazetteer series. The column ran from issue 153 to 188, my question and ordered, “First Officer, fetch your
and this “lost” installment by the series’s original author commander at once!”
appears here in celebration of Dragon’s 30th anniversary. By then, most of the crew was on deck. At Lord Niborray’s
word, some pulled out their wands. Others hesitated,
From the journals of Prince Haldemar of Haaken, Lord Admiral looking uncomfortable. Lord Niborray added, “Order your
of the Mightiest Empire, Captain of the Ever-Victorious Princess crew to stand down. Now. This is imperial business.”
Ark, Imperial Explorer, etc., etc. I responded: “We take orders from the commander
and proprietor of this skyship only. You have no authority
Sulamir 14, ay 2001—Haldemar: Six months already here. Come back when he returns.”
since we returned from our last mission on the Ethereal Xerdon, the chief of the Princess Ark’s guard, sheathed
Plane. The vision I had there about the Glantrian artifact his sword, ignoring me. Part of the crew followed his
still burrowed through my everyday thoughts like an example and lowered their weapons. A handful of others,
infectious worm. Helpless was I at the idea it would along with Myojo, stood at my side, bearing their weapons
forever drain magic from our beloved world. Indeed, defiantly. An uneasy stand-off followed.
I warned Her Imperial Majesty Eriadna. And yet, no To the strange hooded ones, Lord Niborray snapped,
answer came forth. Worse, I was granted no further “Find him.” A hood slid off, revealing the growling,
audience with Her Majesty, and I dared not approach slobbering head of a bloodhound. These lupins looked
the Council of Wizards on a matter so grave without like the spying-types. They must have found service at
her assent. Trouble was afoot at the palace, and yet my the palace since our last visit to their land. One came too
assistance lay without a summons. close to sniffing at Myojo, and the catman’s sword slashed
Weary, I le� Talasar in command of the Princess Ark across the bloodhound’s snout. A fight broke out between
and decided to celebrate the Wine Festivals of Alphatia. my supporters and Lord Niborray’s escort. It soon came to
I found my way to the Lady Luck, a familiar haunt of an end when two skyships’ worth of marines boarded the
mine in years past. There among the clouds I wished Princess Ark. We were forced to surrender, and the entire
to find temporary solace to my worries and my old crew was taken to the main prison at Sundsvall, including
friend, Mungo, the Lady Luck’s proprietor. A�er many those with Xerdon.
platinum coins foolishly wagered with the help of as Sulamir 15, ay 2001—Haldemar: I woke up in Mungo’s
many samplings of the best vintages, I staggered to the cabin just a�er the middle of the night. My head was
upper deck of the flying casino for a breath of fresh air. pounding. Under the candlelight, I saw Mungo sitting
Then, as I gazed at the moon, something very heavy and next to me.
hard landed on the back of my head. “I truly apologize for the clubbing,” he said with
Sulamir 14, ay 2001—Talasar, from a later account: embarrassment. “I had to act quickly. Imperial Guards
While on my watch, six imperial skyships approached came looking for you. There was no time to explain,
the Princess Ark. The boltmen on watch readied their considering your state of mind just then. So I kept you
combat rods, showing confusion and unease from this in the… well, in a place the imperial bloodhounds would
unexpected visit. Without the customary ahoy, a launch not find you. Sorry for the smell.” Mungo handed me a

June 2006 DRAGON 344 63


cleansing potion and continued. “They’re looking for The magical heralds recognized the seal and called out
you, old friend. They’ve arrested your kin and seized your the name of its owner. The voices from the big statues
mansion and all of Floating Ar. The Council of Wizards boomed in unison, “His Highness Hal... Haaaah... Ahmed
posted a ransom for your head. I just thought to give you Al-Khileem, Illustrious Ambassador from the Ineffable
a head start. Never liked the Council sniffing around my Emirate of Nithia.” Several guests glanced at the statues
business. Maybe you’ll make some sense of all this. It with surprise, and then shrugged.
makes none to me.” I mingled with the crowd of other eminent visitors in
I thanked him, and took my leave. the throne room, staying well away from Her Majesty or
“Wait! Take this, old friend,” Mungo added, shoving a anyone I knew personally. The statues’ voices boomed
stone badge into my hands. “A patron le� this behind. I again, “His Highness, Lord Niborray, Grand Secretary to
wager it’ll come in handy.” He winked. the Council of Wizards!”
Despite my headache, I managed to cast a few spells Tromping down the main hallway, Lord Niborray
and make it back to the Princess Ark in no time, unseen. approached the throne, along with an old servant and
As I suspected, navy sentinels had taken my ship in their none other than Xerdon.
custody. There was no sign of my crew. “Well, well, Niborray,” said the empress coldly. “At last
I was glad to feel a slight tremor under my feet when you show up. What news do you bring?”
Princess Ark’s spirit sensed my presence on her deck. I “Your Imperial Majesty, Lord Haldemar still eludes
knew my ship’s magical wards well enough to get to the us. However, his chief of guard, right here at my side,
storeroom without being detected. I picked up needful has agreed to help. He knows him well. I think he will
things for the days to come. Surely, this elixir of aranea be of use.”
ichor would help me reach my ends. A few wands and “Very well, Niborray. Carry on. I have more pressing
rings later, I was off as fast and as quietly as I came. I was affairs to attend.” She gave Xerdon a sideway look. Standing,
going to get my audience, like it or not. she walked past her entourage in a rustle of spidersilk.
Sulamir 16, ay 2001—Haldemar: Dressed in the man- Everyone bowed very low, as did I to hide my face.
ner of a foreigner with a keffieh partially covering my Partially hidden behind a pillar, I watched the
face, I entered the main hallway at the imperial palace. councilman speak with Xerdon, who was quietly nodding
I placed Mungo’s stone badge into a recess in the wall. to him while observing the room. Lord Niborray then

64 DRAGON 344 June 2006

told his servant to fetch them drinks. On a hunch, I Lord Haldemar of Haaken: An admiral of the Empire of Alphatia
followed the old man into a corridor. While no one else and a prince of the House of Haaken, Haldemar also is the owner
was around, I cast a spell of holding on him and quickly and captain of the Princes Ark. He is a native of Floating Ar. Many
dragged his body into an empty room. wizards who study magic related to air and flight hail from this
“My apology, old man,” I said, while knocking him archipelago of levitating islands. Although a gambler and an adven-
unconscious. I quaffed the aranean ichor and, as I turer at heart, he stands as a very skillful wizard, merchant, and dip-
suspected, it went beyond simply altering my appearance— lomat. The Empress of Alphatia, Eriadna the Wise, tasked him with
it changed the very fiber of my identity to that of the old the mission to explore the world of Mystara and negotiate trade
man. At first, I struggled to overcome the confusion and agreements with faraway nations. Haldemar is a pure Alphatian, in
remember who I really was. Someone with a weaker mind his forties, with black hair, blue eyes, and fair skin.
could very well succumb to this enchantment. I hoped it Lupins: The crew of the Princess Ark had visited two rival nations—
would last long enough. Renardy and Bellayne—where they first encountered native Mysta-
A�er taking his clothes, I transported the servant to a ran lupins (dog people) and rakastas (cat people). Both races come in
place far away with a flick of my wand. I then returned a large variety of breeds with different skills and abilities. The Council
to his master with drinks. I wanted to learn more about of Wizards got wind of Haldemar’s report to the empress regarding
the Council’s machinations before contacting Her these creatures’ detection abilities. Soon a�erward, Alphatian wizards
Majesty. This seemed like a perfect occasion. of the Blackheart region kidnapped a number of bloodhound pups at
By the time I got back, Xerdon had already le�. Lord the Council of Wizards’ behest. Using their notorious knowledge of
Niborray said, “Forget the drinks, Merod. I have work to monster-breeding, these wizards reproduced the pups in their magi-
do. Let’s go.” cal vats, accelerated their aging, and mentally conditioned them to
Sulamir 16, ay 2001—Talasar, from a later account: establish a sect of spies at the Council’s service.
By nightfall, young Ashari the navigator sneaked to my Myojo: Born of the Katamura Clan, Myojo hails from a world of
cell door. She smiled wrily, holding up a bent hairpin. humanoid cat people, called rakastas, on one of Mystara’s moons.
I was free a moment later. A few guards showed up He served as his shogun’s personal bodyguard. While visiting Myo-
just then, but I convinced them to rest upon the floor, shima, Haldemar saved Myojo from a dragon. His admiration for
unconscious. To the rest of the crew in other cells, I the Alphatian captain, a foreigner, made Myojo a pariah among his
then made an offer. “Well boys, the choice is yours. You kind. When a fight broke out between his clan and the crew of the
may serve loyally for the purposes of the Council and Princess Ark, Myojo had no other choice but to join the crew and
remain here, or, you may serve loyally your commander leave his ancestral world. Myojo now does what he does best: serv-
to whatever end. Savvy?” A monster’s rage bellowed ing as Haldemar’s devoted bodyguard. Attractive by rakasta stan-
somewhere in a deeper crypt. The crew’s support was dards, Myojo sports short gray fur. Always alert, his yellow eyes and
immediate and unanimous. large pointy ears never miss a detail. Myojo o�en wears Myoshiman
We ruffled the feathers of disagreeable guards on the armor and a kabuto war helm decorated in the colors of the House
way out. By chance we located the Lord Warden’s private of Haaken (black and crimson, with a gold crescent).
skyship moored at the main tower. It was a sleek beauty, Talasar: An accomplished pirate, his true name is Yodar of the
small and unarmed, but fast and maneuverable. The Sea Wolves. His name remains as notorious as the havoc his raiders
weather had been stormy for some time, and it helped inflicted upon coastal cities. He was eventually captured, reduced
us shake off our pursuers. We darted between towers to slavery, and later sold to the Temple of Razud, where he atoned
and under bridges. We finally spotted a breach in the for his nefarious deeds and became a priest. Reborn as Talasar, his
imperial skyships’ disposition above us and flew up seamanship, wisdom, and natural leadership ability led him to find
into the clouds. We nearly lost the ship up there, for the work aboard the Princess Ark. Talasar is now Haldemar’s right hand
lightning was vicious. man. Talasar is an imposing man in his mid fi�ies who shaves his
Sulamir 16, ay 2001—Haldemar, later the same day: head in accordance with the precepts of his temple. His dark com-
Lord Niborray’s flying coach cut effortlessly through plexion contrasts with his slanted green eyes and a thin, long mus-
the winds. The blue dragon pulling the carriage seemed tache hanging down past his chin, now grown white with age.
to relish the raging storm. The posh cabin was far Xerdon [“zard’n”]: His duties aboard the Princess Ark include
larger inside than the coach’s outer dimensions, and commanding the ship’s contingent of “boltmen,” Alphatian marines
surprisingly stable. Lord Niborray kicked off his shoes trained in the use of magic wands. Xerdon is a professional soldier:
and groaned, “This project will be the death of me.” cool, logical, and effective. He once was a general but was betrayed
“Any luck so far, my lord?” I risked. by his superiors for executing their orders too well. Following his
“What do you say, old man?” he yawned. “Oh, yes. This exile, he found service aboard the Princess Ark. Xerdon is an ambi-
devil will get his comeuppance. He’s a minor nuisance, tious elf who looks upon his past glory with envy and bitterness. Tall
though. Indeed, I have a much bigger fish to fry. I’ll have and athletic, he keeps his long silver hair tied behind his neck. His
that drink now.” golden suntan attests to all his years in the Imperial Navy, much as
“Yes, my lord,” I agreed, bowing away. “As you wish.” his scars from his life.

June 2006 DRAGON 344 65


The carriage stopped soon a�erward, on top of Lord Niborray’s manor

house. He clambered down and, running in the rain, shouted over his
shoulder, “Get Ghorogg to its stable.”
I gazed at the large dragon. It eyed me maliciously, rumbling, and rearing
its head. Glancing at Lord Niborray, I told the foul beast, “Shut up, you. I
don’t have time to mess with you tonight. I’ve knocked the block off bigger
ones than your kind. You get in there and behave, right now.”
Ghorogg did a double-take and groused, surprised at the old man’s retort. I
jumped several times, trying to grab its harness, and finally kicked the dragon
into its stable. There was just enough time to catch up with Lord Niborray.
As soon as I entered the manor, the large double doors slammed and locked
behind me. I could hear the creaks, rattles, and haunting whines of magical
protections resetting. The place was hot with magical wards.
Lord Niborray glanced at his servant and said, “Disturb me not. I have
much work to do this night.” Without waiting for an answer he went
his way and I followed from a distance down two floors until he
entered his chambers. I began feeling the tingling of the aranean
potion wearing off. Tucked between a massive closet and the
twisted wood carving of a misbegotten ancestor, I waited for my
transformation to end. When all was quiet, I peeked inside.
There, hunched over a massive tome, Lord Niborray laboriously
deciphered a page, scribbling notes on scrolls, totally absorbed with
his work.
“Aha,” he muttered. “This is how she will do it. I’ll have her imperial
throne for this!”
The door creaked as I stepped in. Lord Niborray li�ed his head and
shouted, “You! How in the blazes—”
He scrambled for his wand. My spell went first. The stone floor
under his feet turned into mud and he lost his balance. Arms flailing,
he fell backward into the mud. I ended the spell, encasing the hapless
councilman’s lower body and both his hands within the floor.
“You shall pay for this, Admiral,” he spat in a furor. “You have no
idea what you are getting yourself into. This is far bigger than you.”
“Well then,” I answered. “I’m damned if I do, and I’m damned
if I don’t. And I am the kind who’d rather do something. Now,
why the arrests?”

Empress Eriadna

The Princess Ark

The original vessel was a common three-masted merchantman imbued
with the ability to fly. In the course of its captain’s adventures, it
transformed into a very odd-looking airship. Multi-decked, its masts
jut out at an angle from its sides, and the main hull follows a separate
mobile section including the steering deck. This deck levitates ahead of
the ship and leans in the direction given by the steersman.
The magical alteration bound to the ship is the spirit of a powerful
creature named Berylith. As a result, the Princess Ark became a
sentient creature linked to its captain, as a familiar would be to its
wizard master.
The Champions of Mystara boxed set compiles the adventures of
the Princess Ark and details of the ship and its crew from Dragon’s
original series.

66 DRAGON 344 June 2006

“I’ve nothing to say to you,” Niborray raged. Alphatia and the Artifact
“Undo your spell at once and begone, lest you Alphatia is a gigantic but sparsely-populated magiocracy centered on its capital
worsen your case and that of your crew.” city of Sundsvall. Wizards own and govern the vast majority of the empire’s
“Pity,” I sighed. I grabbed the large tome and dominions. They are mostly autonomous, which demands much diplomacy on
le� quickly as some of the magical wards began the part of their empress. To make matters worse for any centralized authority,
howling and screeching. I ran down the stairs the imperial dynasty and the Council of Wizards share the political power. The
and melted part of the wall to get out of the constant intrigue and the magnitude of personal magical ability wielded by so
building. I ended up in a large backyard. The many people makes Alphatia a thrilling but dangerous place to live.
rain had stopped and fog had arisen. Under one Many other nations thrive in the world of Mystara. The “Known World” is
of the spheres of light glowing in the garden I a small region made up of a mosaic of countries with a specific cultural or
chanced a quick look into the mysterious tome. racial makeup. In the eyes of Alphatians, the two most important states in
My heart sank at the sight of the first few lines. the Known World are the Empire of Thyatis and the Principalities of Glantri.
“With this enchantment, I, Eriadna the The former is a militaristic autocracy with an expansionist agenda. Although
Wise, endeavor to suppress powers of magic less than half Alphatia’s size, the over-populated Empire of Thyatis desperately
of the greatest magnitude, within Our Domin- seeks more land to feed its people and its armies. Its warriors also have
ion and all confines of the Empire, thus for- presented a major challenge to the more loosely organized and self-centered
bidding the utter destruction that others seek Alphatian aristocracy.
to wreak upon our lands.” Alphatians view Glantri as an upstart magiocracy and a dangerous rival,
I could not believe it. There it was. Proof although it claims even less land than Thyatis. Glantrians do not favor a unique
of the empress’ treachery. How could this race like the Alphatians do—as long as wizards remain the supreme authority.
be? Shocked and angry, I blasted the fence Their magical style nowadays is eclectic, but originally they favored fire and
into a heap of twisted metal and stepped into energy. Unbeknownst to all but a select few minds in Mystara, an artifact lies
the street. Only then did I notice two figures beneath Glantri City. It is the result of rivalries between immortals—godlike
approaching in the fog. beings who oversee the fate of Mystara. The artifact’s original role was to
It was Xerdon with an imperial bloodhound. boost the magical power of Glantrian wizards. Unfortunately, some immortals
“Admiral,” Xerdon said calmly, “drop the book, objected and introduced a tradeoff to the artifact’s power. In exchange for the
please.” He was poised for combat, rapier in one Glantrian power boost, a small part of magical energy is now permanently
hand, wand in the other. “I have you at a disad- drained from the entire world. In other words, wizards and magical beings
vantage, Your Highness.” are bound to disappear sooner or later. A dispute yet rages among immortals,
“How did you know I was here?” I inquired. during which the artifact might run amok if tampered with. If that happened,
Xerdon grinned and said, “I did serve with it would erase magic on Mystara for some time.
your crew for a long time. I had an idea you’d
try something like this. Besides, I saw you at the
palace. Nice costume.” the bloodhound grew into a nine-foot-tall monstros-
“Not bad, chief. But you should trust me more. There ity, slobbering and gnashing its fangs. The howl of the
is serious trouble in our land, and it is unclear where the ogrelike bloodhound echoed in the empty streets. Imme-
truth really lies.” diately, wails and barks near and far responded to the call,
Xerdon turned serious and declared, “My loyalty has approaching fast.
been to the empress all along, and my task today is to The lumbering lupin lunged at me. A pair of leather
return to her that which you hold. I have no choice.” boots landed squarely upon its snout—it was Myojo, my
“There is always a choice, my friend. Trust yourself.” I devout bodygard, swinging from a rope. Above him floated
raised the book and added, “Part of the truth lies in this a sleek skyship, and over its railing leaned Talasar with a
tome. We must unravel its secret for all our sakes: Her broad smile. He hailed. “Well my lord, it’s not the cavalry,
Majesty’s, the Council’s, and the whole empire’s. Is this not but I trust this ship will do just as well! Grab the rope!”
what matters most in the end?” In a moment, I was hoisted aboard along with the
The bloodhound growled menacingly, “Take the book. Clever Myojo skillfully dodged the oversized lupin
book, now!” and quickly followed, holding Xerdon. He dropped him
I sensed Xerdon’s hesitation. Sadness welled in his eyes on the deck with a grunt of obvious disdain.
when he lowered his weapons. At once, pain flashed on his Sensing what had happened, I said, “He was not at
face. He fell to the ground, gasping and writhing in agony. fault. He did his duty. Bear him no grudge.”
He had been cursed to serve another, no matter what. And Talasar nodded, and concluded, “Fine then. Best we
he had made his choice. leave quickly.”
I cast a spell on him to knock him out. I would tend to Sulamir 17, ay 2001—Haldemar: The booming voices
his curse at another time. While I did so, the bloodhound echoed once again throughout the palace’s main hall-
imbibed a potion. Suddenly, ripping through its robes, way, “His Highness Hal… Haaaah… Ahmed Al-Khileem,

June 2006 DRAGON 344 67


Elixir of aranea Ichor salvation from ultimate doom, and it demands magic
Haldemar and his crew discovered these spiderlike itself be voided when the artifact truly comes to life. Its
araneas during one of their adventures. Araneas from the powers are greater than that of mere mortals. Yet I may
Kingdom of Herath developed a magical ability that allows have a defense against the worst of its effects. It needs
them to blend in with the non-aranean populations living only last a day at most. But my work isn’t done. The spell
nearby. They do not simply change shape: Herathians, requires years of research, and I fear time will run out.
from their youngest age, adopt a single and specific This tome is but a beginning.”
alternative identity and shape. The change is so profound It all became clear and I could do nothing but agree
that they effectively “become someone else” and are barely with her wisdom. And then I asked, “But why the arrests
able to remember their original selves. of my kin and my crew?”
The elixir of aranea ichor is a medicinal elixir for araneas She smiled. “Haldemar, have you already forgotten about
unable to effect their transformation due to sickness or palace intrigue? You were one of its many casualties. You
age. If used by a non-aranea, the elixir functions as alter see, word of your report leaked to the likes of Lord Niborray
self, with the following exceptions: its imbiber adopts and a few others at the Council of Wizards. They covet my
the appearance, size, voice, speech-pattern, mannerisms, demise. Alas, my foes succeeded in stealing the repository
personality, and smell of the first creature of his type he of my research. With this evidence in their possession, I
sees a�er drinking the elixir. It does not give the drinker became powerless to oppose them. They sought to weaken
the original subject’s memories, knowledge, or skills. The me first by removing you and others close to me. I could
drinker must succeed on a DC 16 Will save to remember not approach you for I and those I trust were being
his past identity and to overcome any personality issues. watched. I had to go along with their insidious schemes.
If the check fails, the drinker remains totally convinced It was only a matter of time before my research would be
he is the other person until the elixir wears off. The publicly revealed before the Grand Council. Without proof
transformation is temporary for non-araneas, and lasts of the Glantrian artifact’s existence, it would have been the
for 48 hours minus 2 hours per point of Intelligence of end of the Imperial Dynasty. Fortunately, you did what I
the imbiber (minimum 2 hours). expected. And your chief of the guard, Xerdon, became a
Moderate transmutation; CL 7th; Brew Elixir, fail-safe, especially if the Council’s bloodhounds got hold
polymorph; Price 1,400 gp; Weight —. of the tome.”
I realized the extent of her revelation and the conse-
quences for my own lands and for Berylith, the spirit
Illustrious Ambassador from the Ineffable Emirate of imbuing my ship.
Nithia.” I made my entrance and the eminent visitors in “But then,” I asked, “am I to become the casualty of
the throne room quickly stepped out of the way, their your defense strategy? Removing magic of a greater
gazes switching from Her Majesty to me, and back to magnitude, even for a moment, implies the lands of
her. I was expected. Floating Ar crashing to the ground, as well as both
“Please, Haldemar,” she said coldly, “the first time my death and that of the spirit to whom my soul
was bad enough!” Palace guards lined up between the is bound.”
empress and me, halberds and rods at the ready. Sadly, Her Majesty nodded, “Yes, Haldemar. Such is
“Your Imperial Majesty, I have that which you seek. implied. It would be best for you and your ship to stay far
And I will have my audience now.” away from the center of my spell when I invoke it. Only
She gauged my resolve for a moment, then stood up. then will you survive. Your domain can be rebuilt. This
“Fine,” she responded haughtily. “Follow me.” much I owe you. And if I fail, I suspect Floating Ar may
I followed. The palace guards snapped to attention. A yet avoid the fate of the lowlands. I bid you now farewell,
sigh of relief and muttering rose from the crowd while a my old friend. Your kin, your lands, your ship, your crew
few visitors scurried toward the exit. and their personal effects will be released. The Council
Once in her quarters, Her Majesty plopped herself can no longer intervene—at least for now. I shall need
into a large armchair, and without waiting she inquired, your assistance to secure important components for my
“And what exactly do I seek, Haldemar?” research. Until then, sail forth and linger no more, for
“A very large tome,” I answered, “with a word about the palace is unsafe.”
your plans and the fate of magic in the empire, written I made arrangements to return the tome safely and, as
of your own hand. Why, Your Majesty?” I was about to take my leave, another thought occurred
“Is that not obvious, Haldemar?” she replied. “You to me. “Your Majesty, are there any more of my crew
warned me of this Glantrian artifact. It will indeed bring under certain curses of which I should know?”
about the empire’s destruction. As its leader, it is my duty From the icy look in her eyes, I dared not insist.
to protect the Way of the Wizards and their lands. I know
the possible paths the future may follow. Therein lies To be continued, as always…

68 DRAGON 344 June 2006

70 DRAGON 344 June 2006
Eberron’s Inescapable Island Prison
by Keith Baker and Jason Bulmahn • illustrated by Ramón Pérez • cartography by Rob Lazzeratti

ust north of Cape Far, a barren rock juts out of the Lhazaar Ironroot Mountains, Galifar encountered the dwarves of Clan
Sea. A massive fortress dominates this island, a citadel Kundarak and saw their skills with traps and fortifications.
hidden by a clinging shroud of dark mists and protected Soon a�er, he recruited a band of Kundarak dwarves to build
by the powers of the strange black stone from which it is hewn. his prison and assist in securing it. Within a century, Clan
This is the prison of Dreadhold, built to hold criminals too Kundarak had become House Kundarak. Backed by the power
dangerous to be kept within the Five Nations. More than just of the other dragonmarked houses, the Kundarak barons con-
a prison, Dreadhold is a stronghold of House Kundarak, and vinced Galifar I’s weaker-willed grandson to cede the fortress
many treasures are hidden in its secret vaults. to the dwarves who built it. The renamed island of Dreadhold
There are many ways to work Dreadhold into a campaign. became part of the territory of House Kundarak, for as long as
A party of adventurers might need to speak to a prisoner held they continued to serve the Kingdom of Galifar.
in one of the deepest cells. They might be paid—or black- This arrangement continued for almost eight hundred
mailed—to extract an inmate from the jail or a priceless trea- years. With each passing century, the dwarves expanded the
sure from the vaults of the house. An ancient evil might escape prison, adding new levels and new warding spells. Architects
from the prison to threaten the world anew, or perhaps the added vaults to the fortress and magical workshops where
adventurers find themselves imprisoned. Can they discover a artificers and wizards could work on secretive projects of the
way to escape from this supposedly inescapable fortress? house. Today, Dreadhold is an important enclave of House
Kundarak, second only to the capital city of Korunda Gate.
BACKGROUND In 896 yk, the Kingdom of Galifar collapsed into civil war. It
Two thousand years ago, Karrn the Conqueror founded a soon became clear there would be no swi� end to this conflict.
prison colony on an island he called Blackrock. He used it In 900 yk, the Lord Warden of Dreadhold, Zaxon d’Kundarak,
as a place of exile but did not build a true prison. The dis- contacted the leaders of the land. The rules under which the
sidents and criminals stranded on the island lived in a small prison had run were a contract between Galifar and House
thorp that has since evolved into the village of Gaolgate. Over Kundarak, but Galifar was no more. Dreadhold would continue
the years, a few of the later kings of Karrnath made use of to serve as a prison, but it would therea�er be an independent
the island, but it was largely ignored. As the Lhazaar Princes operation. Any legitimate authority could send criminals to
spread out across the region, the people of Blackrock were Dreadhold, provided they paid for the stay.
either taken as slaves or became subjects of the princes, and Today, the present prisoners of Dreadhold
eventually the island fell empty again. include deposed Lhazaar princes, heirs who
Centuries passed before Blackrock came back into the pub- betrayed the dragonmarked houses, war crimi-
lic eye. King Galifar I was more of a diplomat than his ances- nals, and insurgents from across the Five Nations.
tor, Karrn the Conqueror, and even as he fought his war of Some say Zaxon has made mysterious and unknow-
conquest he realized he would need a place to hold hostages able arrangements with the High King of
and political prisoners—people too important to kill but too Valenar and has had dark dealings with
dangerous to be kept close at hand. During his wars in the the Inspired lords of Sarlona.
DREADHOLD IN OTHER SETTINGS manage the message stations of the
The island of Dreadhold is drawn from the Eberron Campaign Setting, although it can island. There are also a handful of
easily be incorporated into any other setting—the only thing that needs to be removed others, mostly being former prison-
are the dragonmarks and Eberron-specific references. The core idea remains intact: ers who chose to remain on the island
an island prison holding the worst criminals from nations across the world. a�er serving their sentences.
The prison itself can be placed on any island, fairly remotely located from the rest Residents of Gaolgate: While most
of civilization. In the Forgotten Realms, the island might be placed off the northern of the guards of the prison live in
reaches of the Sword Coast or one of the northernmost Pirate Isles. In Greyhawk, you the garrison town of Gaolgate, other
could place the prison in the Grendep Bay or in the southern waters of the Azure Sea. island residents spend most of their
House Kundarak can be replaced with any powerful clan of wealthy and influen- time in town and are only called to the
tial dwarves, while the gnomes of House Sivis might become any cabal of powerful prison when their skills are needed or
spellcasters with a focus on communication magic. Instead of a connection to Lam- when working on a specific project.
mania, the island could possess a natural affinity for the same traits or be the site of The inhabitants of Gaolgate have two
powerful magic wards with the same effects, both making it an ideal prison. things in common: Most are highly
skilled in a specific trade or cra�,
tall, 5 feet thick, and is penetrated by a assuring everyone has something to
THE ISLAND strong wooden gate. The harbor is pro- contribute to the community, and the
The island of Dreadhold is an out- tected with numerous magical wards vast majority are trained for combat,
cropping of rock covered by a thin (see The Defenses of Dreadhold). Nor- ready to grab a waraxe and join the fray
layer of dirt. Sheer cliffs form an inhos- mally, these are le� inactive, but a sen- should the island fall under attack or a
pitable coastline, ranging from 40 to 60 try can activate them using an amulet of prison break occur.
feet in height. The black stone is slick the silent word (see Tools of the Trade). The Trench: A winding, 10-foot-wide
and smooth, and scaling it requires a Gaolgate: Gaolgate is a garrison and 15-foot-deep trench leads up from
DC 25 Climb check. A Kundarak war- town. Every building supports the the village. Three gate stations stand
ship circles the island at night, and two prison in some way, from the mas- along the way, each manned by two
manticores with dwarf riders watch sive smithy to the small brewery. A wand guards and a scout. While there
the island from the air. Any ship that fleet of fishing boats brings in food are curves in the path, the final 400 feet
weighs anchor off the coast is swi�ly for the villagers and the prison, as of the trench is a straight line to the
spotted unless it employs magical the waters around the island teem prison, ending smoothly in a path that
camouflage. Four patrols wander the with fish. Gaolgate is not designed winds around to the main gate.
island at all times. These patrols are with the comfort of travelers in mind,
fully explored in the section Guards but there is one large inn—The Gal- THE FORTRESS
and Wardens. lows—which caters to the crews of At the end of the long path stands a mas-
The Harbor: There is only one safe support ships and prison transports. sive fortress shrouded in shadow. This
harbor on the island and there lies the Most of the inhabitants of the island shadow has the effect of a permanent
village of Gaolgate. The wall between are Kundarak dwarves, but there are Mordenkainen’s private sanctum; people
the harbor and the village is 20 feet a few gnomes from House Sivis who within can see out, but even darkvision

CG male half-elf ranger 3/bard 10
Briar the Greensinger spent decades wandering the eastern Eldeen
Reaches and Aundair, raising spirits and encouraging the farmers and
plainsfolk to rise up against the absentee nobles. His actions set the wheels
of secession in motion, ultimately resulting in the great split of 958 yk. Even
then, Briar was not satisfied, though, and he continued to roam the borders,
darting into Aundair and embarrassing the queen with his words and deeds.
The crown devoted considerable resources to capturing the insurgent, and in
968 yk he was brought to justice. The queen knew Briar was a folk hero, and
his execution might make him a martyr. Instead, he was sent to Dreadhold,
where he sits in a magically silent cell. He has not heard a sound in thirty
years. A lesser man might have been driven mad by this experience, but Briar
can still hear music in his head, giving him the strength to carry on.

72 DRAGON 344 June 2006

TERMS OF IMPRISONMENT Kundarak and the Kingdom of Gali-
The dwarves of Dreadhold are not interested in the legal proceedings of the out- far. The upper levels are illuminated
side world and don’t care if a prisoner is innocent or guilty. They only deal with by everbright lanterns, but there are no
those they recognize as legitimate authorities, generally the appointed officials of lights beneath the surface. The guards
a nation. House Kundarak also recognizes the right of dragonmarked houses to rely on darkvision, and the prisoners in
determine the fate of their members and for the Keeper of the Flame to condemn the deep cells are le� in the darkness.
a fallen priest—or, for that matter, a demon. As such, it is whispered there are a All of the walls, floors, ceilings, and
few fiends bound in Dreadhold’s lowest cells. doors of Dreadhold are strengthened
Initial arrangements are made via speaking stone. First, the warden establishes by the effects of the manifest zone (see
the length of the sentence, level of maintenance, and other details, such as whether the Manifest Zone sidebar). In most
the prisoner is allowed to receive visitors or have contact with the outside world. cases, the doors are simply strong
These details determine the price of imprisonment. Typically, the warden expects wood, and an arcane seal enhances those
full payment up front. In a few cases—especially life sentences for extremely long- of any consequence. Truly important
lived criminals—the prison accepts payment over time. If a client defaults on pay- doors, such as those in the Deep Ward
ment, a short grace period is usually given to make amends, but if the situation and those separating the prison wards
isn’t resolved swi�ly, the prisoner is released. Nations have their own laws, and the are instead made of adamantine.
Kundarak dwarves aren’t concerned with these. They abide by their contracts. Exterior Stone Walls: 3 �. thick;
Under normal circumstances, the only person who can secure the release of a pris- Hardness 18; hp 1,080; Climb DC 25;
oner is the one who paid for his incarceration. There is one exception: if two people Break DC 55.
are within the same chain of command, the higher-ranking member can override Inner Stone Walls and Gate: 1 �.
the lower. Thus if a Brelish count imprisons a thief, King Boranel can order the thief’s thick; Hardness 18; hp 360; Climb DC
release, as the count is his subject. In this case, the house returns one half of the fee 25; Break DC 40.
paid for the remaining period of the sentence. Strong Wood Doors: 2 in. thick; Hard-
On Dreadhold itself, the High Warden holds the full force of law. Prisoners ness 15; hp 40; Open Lock DC 40 (if
have no rights beyond those negotiated in their contracts. House Kundarak takes locked); Break DC 38 (due to arcane seal).
pride in the integrity of its guards and outright brutality is rare. The guards have Adamantine Doors: 2 in. thick;
the authority, however, to take whatever actions they deem necessary to maintain Hardness 20; hp 80; Open Lock DC 40;
order—and a wise prisoner keeps this in mind. Break DC 43 (due to arcane seal).


Gaolgate (Village): Nonstandard (dragonmarked house); AL LN; 200 gp limit; There are five observation posts in
Assets 5,720,000 gp; Population 800; Isolated (95% dwarf, 2% gnome, 2% Dreadhold. These are circular barri-
human, 1% other). cades that provide guards with partial
Authority Figures: Lord Warden Zaxon d’Kundarak (LN male dwarf wizard 13); cover. The posts possess various magic
Warden Oralys d’Kundarak (LN female dwarf cleric 9/dragonmarked heir 1); War- items allowing those stationed within
den Darunthar d’Kundarak (LN male dwarf artificer 10). to keep a watch on their assigned sec-
Gaolgate’s assets represent the vast treasures hidden in the vaults of Dread- tion of the prison. Observation posts
hold. The people of Dreadhold have access to masterwork and magic gear, but also double as guard stations. A group
they do not sell these goods. The 200-gp limit reflects what can actually be pur- of soldiers remains at each post, where
chased in the market. they can be swi�ly dispatched to prob-
At any given time 180 people are on duty in the prison. Kundarak conducts most lem areas (see Guards and Wardens for
of its secret research at Dreadhold, and there may be up to twenty additional arti- complete details).
ficers, wizards, or magewrights working on secret projects on behalf of the house. Each post contains an orb of observa-
The population does not include the prisoners incarcerated in Dreadhold. tion, a minor artifact similar to a crystal
ball with a few exceptions. Most impor-
cannot penetrate it. This effect also field covers the central 20 feet of the hall- tantly, the orbs are designed to work
makes it difficult to scry into Dreadhold. way. This field serves to reveal the pres- within Dreadhold, making them
Dreadhold has only one gate. A few ence of invisible intruders or disrupt the only form of scrying that
barred windows and narrow arrow slits magical disguises, resulting in immedi- functions within the prison.
break the smooth surface of the upper ate action on the part of the guards. The visions seen through the
towers. People who pass through the The interior of Dreadhold is as deso- orbs also provide the benefits
front gate must walk down a hallway to late as the island itself. It is built using of see invisibility and arcane sight.
the inner gate, where three elite and six the smooth dark stone of the cliffs, and All alarms—including
regular guards keep the area under con- the design is grim and functional. The the arcane seals—
stant observation. A permanent antimagic only decorations are the seals of House are routed to
MANIFEST ZONE Thanks to her dragonmark she can
The island of Dreadhold lies within a manifest zone tied to Lammania, a plane of also use sending once per day.
primal nature and elemental forces. This planar connection extends for 100 feet Within the prison, communication is
from the rock of the island and has a number of important effects. equally important. All of the wardens,
Any liquids, fruits, or vegetables brought onto the island are affected by purify captains, lawkeepers, wand guards,
food and drink. This effect is continuous—meat does not decay, stored vegetables and elite guards wear modified circles
never rot, and salt water brought in from the sea becomes pure and fresh. This of sound (presented on page 271 the
also means that poisoned food and drink are automatically neutralized when they Eberron Campaign Setting), allowing
are brought onto the island—although someone who has already been poisoned them to communicate freely with one
is not cured by this effect. another. Unlike normal circles of sound,
In addition, items of wood and stone are strengthened. The hardness of these these rings generally require their users
substances is increased by 10, and the number of hit points per inch are doubled. to visualize who they wish to speak to
The break DC of an object made from wood or stone is increased by 5. This effect instead of sending the message to every-
is more than just physical. Any attempt to directly harm a wood or stone object one wearing a ring. Only the wardens
through use of magic—be it a fireball or stone to mud—must overcome a spell and captains are capable of sending
resistance of 35. Anyone who tries to pass through wood or stone using teleport, messages to all of the rings. These rings
phase door, passwall, or similar effects must also overcome this resistance. While also have an enhanced range, allowing
this helps prevent break-ins or escapes, it also restricts most of the spellcasters of them to communicate with any other
the prison from using teleportation magic themselves. These bonuses only apply ring wearer in the prison.
to materials while they are on the island. Once removed from the zone, stone and
wood items revert to their normal statistics. THE WARDS
Dreadhold is divided into a num-
the observation posts, and any orb can be of the prison, and one in Gaolgate. ber of wards for the incarceration of
used to activate or deactivate the walls of Sixteen house Sivis gnomes reside on prisoners with differing security lev-
force scattered throughout the prison. Dreadhold, charged with operating els and social status.
The orbs of observation have a few the speaking stones (see page 263 of the The Red Ward: As the primary prison
limitations. They can only be used by Eberron Campaign Setting). The leader complex, this is where most prisoners
someone who possesses the Mark of of this stonespeaker corps is Lady Tyrin are held. The Red Ward is designed to
Making or the Mark of Warding. In Torralyn d’Sivis (N female gnome bard hold up to three hundred prisoners,
addition, the scrying effect has a maxi- 5/dragonmarked heir 5), a member of the and currently averages two hundred.
mum range of 10 miles. inner circle of her house. In addition to Prisoners are kept two to a cell. They
a telepathic bond with warden Zaxon, spend most of their time there but are
COMMUNICATION Tyrin has permanent telepathic bonds usually brought out in 4-hour shi�s for
There are three speaking stone stations with her aide Sarya and with Baron work duty and recreation. Work typically
on Dreadhold: one in the observation Odian Torralyn d’Sivis, an influential involves small groups, chained together,
tower, one just inside the front gate member of the house council in Zilargo. mining below Dreadhold, from where


Human male, details unknown
The prisoner in the Deep Ward, cell fourteen, is a mystery even to his jailers. Only
Zaxon d’Kundarak knows the identity of this man, although it is common knowl-
edge that he was shipped to Dreadhold by order of King Kaius III. He arrived at
Dreadhold in 995 yk, and was immediately sent to his cell. His head and face are
hidden beneath a steel mask sealed with an arcane lock. While this leaves his mouth
free, some enchantment woven into the metal prevents him from speaking, and
the guards have instructions not to allow him near anything that could be used as
a writing implement. His movements are sluggish, leading some to believe that
he has suffered brain damage, while others say this is another magical effect
of the mask. All that is known for certain is that Kaius III wants this man kept
alive—but he must not communicate with anyone.

74 DRAGON 344 June 2006

Khyber dragonshards are erratically stone transforms the malefactor into a allows travelers to move between the
produced. Depending on their talents, statue, a�er which he is taken to one of two levels. The controls for the cage
prisoners might perform other forms the seventeen vaults of the ward. reside in the observation post at the
of menial or even skilled labor. A work- In addition to criminals, there are a top of the sha�, and the magewright on
shop in the ward allows trusted prison- few people who have voluntarily cho- duty does not allow the cage to return
ers to practice their trades. Any large sen to become inmates of the Stone to the surface if there are any signs of
work detail is accompanied by a wand Ward. Some are afflicted with strange trouble in the lower staging area.
guard, an elite guard, two guards, a curses that cannot be cured in the No light sources exist in the
scout, and a slaughterstone eviscerator. present age. Others merely want to Deep Ward, and inhabitants with-
The Golden Ward: The Golden outlive certain problems. Most notably, out darkvision are forced to wander
Ward is designed for the comfort of a number of people went into “stone blindly. There are one hundred cells,
its inmates. This is the usual desti- sleep” during the Last War, with orders and prisoners are generally held one to
nation for exiled nobles or powerful that they be resuscitated once the con- a cell. Over the centuries, a number of
people imprisoned for political rea- flict came to an end (the warden is still the cells have been imbued with magic
sons as opposed to criminal actions. It deciding whether or not it has ended to counter abilities prisoners might
is designed to hold eighty prisoners, or merely taken a pause). While this possess. Spellcasters might be bound
and currently holds forty-three. Cells could be done anywhere, by engaging in heavy hand manacles and placed in
are designed for single occupancy and the services of Kundarak a client knows silent cells, chambers bathed in magi-
include well-appointed furnishings, her body is safe during her “sleep.” A cal silence. Creatures with dangerous
such as a feather beds, finished tables, petrified character receives all of the innate magical abilities can be incar-
and comfortable chairs. Trusted prison- benefits the manifest zone provides to cerated in one of the dead cells, which
ers are allowed to spend up to 12 hours stone objects; the effects of the zone do lie within the radius of an antimagic
per day out of their cells, and can take not block stone to flesh. field. There are only six dead cells, and
advantage of a library, luxurious bath Currently, one hundred and seventy- currently no artificers or wizards in
house, and other assorted recreational five prisoners and thirty-two voluntary House Kundarak can reproduce this
facilities. Security, however, remains sleepers reside in the Stone Ward. effect. These special cells are reserved
tight. Dwarf guards and slaughterstone A single slaughterstone eviscerator for magical beings that cannot be
eviscerators patrol the ward. Disrup- patrols the area, along with a minimal bound any other way.
tions are dealt with swi�ly, and trouble- force of guards. There is no recreation or work for
some prisoners might lose their privi- The Deep Ward: The most danger- those in the Deep Ward. They remain
leges or be reassigned to another ward. ous inmates in Dreadhold are held in in their cells for the duration of their
The Stone Ward: Some prisoners the cells that lie beneath the prison. sentences. Food and water are passed
are too dangerous to allow any sort of There is only one path to this lower into the chambers through narrow
freedom—yet for some reason, execu- level: a sha� that extends 100 feet into passages with two locked doors so the
tion is not an option. These prison- the earth. Its smooth walls are coated prisoner never has direct access to the
ers are kept in the Stone Ward. Flesh to with grease, but a levitating metal cage outside. Even if an inmate does escape


NE female elven lich necromancer 12
Saeria is an elven lich from the island of Farlnen. In 545 yk, she became
the leader of the Talons of Ice, a cabal of necromancers who served Lady Vol.
In the middle of the sixth century, Erandis d’Vol sent the Talons to spread fear
and death across the Five Nations. Initial success made her overconfident,
and she was defeated by an alliance of the knights of Dol Arrah, warriors of the
Silver Flame, and soldiers of Karrnath. While her followers were destroyed,
no one knew where to find the lich’s phylactery—so killing her would simply
allow her to return elsewhere.
Saeria has been chained to the wall of a deep cell for over four hundred
years. She does not require food or water, and as a result she has had no
contact with living beings since she was imprisoned. A character in need of
information about the Order of the Emerald Claw or the Blood of Vol might be
led to speak with the known confidant of Erandis d’Vol.

June 2006 DRAGON 344 75

Dreadhold One square = 10 feet

The Watchtower Red Ward

Prisoner Tower The
The Red Ward The Stone
Red Ward
Prisoner Tower

The Golden

Golden Ward
Prisoner Tower

76 DRAGON 344 June 2006

from his cell, a number of physical teleporation are expected to message
doors and walls of force divide the halls. ahead of time, to ensure that the
Currently, forty living prisoners symbols are deactivated.
reside in the Deep Ward. There are also
six petrified prisoners—people too dan- GUARDS AND
gerous to be trusted to the Stone Ward. WARDENS
The Vaults: Although not a ward The commander of Dreadhold is
for holding prisoners, the vaults are Lord Warden Zaxon d’Kundarak (LN
secured like any other. As a stronghold male dwarf wizard 13), who has held
of House Kundarak, the western side of this post for over a hundred years.
Dreadhold is devoted to house opera- Many of his subordinates refer to
tions. This includes mystical workshops, him as “the Old Rock,” saying he
luxurious living quarters for visiting is as cold and hard as the people
nobles, and massive vaults for storing he transforms into statues. While
treasures of the house, its clients, and he rarely lets his emotions slip, he is
the personal belongings of inmates. a good judge of character and little
These treasure vaults have many of the escapes his notice. Over the course of
same protections as the deep cells. In his long life he has imbued himself with Lord Warden
addition to ordinary defenses, the vaults a number of permanent spells. These Zaxon d’ Kundarak
are shielded with forbiddance attuned to include arcane sight, resistance, see invis-
creatures of lawful neutral alignment. ibility, tongues, and a permanent Rary’s most common, but the armories include
There is no password to bypass this telepathic bonds connecting him with the a few flaming, ghost touch, and bane
protection, but the house possesses a two wardens, Lady Tyrin, the guard cap- weapons that can be distributed to deal
supply of twenty silver amulets. Anyone tains, and Baron Morrikan d’Kundarak, with problems. Guards with exceptional
wearing one of these amulets can avoid the current patriarch of the house. equipment (well beyond their normal
taking damage from the spell, regardless Zaxon’s immediate subordinates are limit) should have a CR modifier or +1
of alignment. These amulets are stored the two wardens, Oralys and Darunthar. (+2 in extreme circumstances).
in the protected area and brought out Warden Oralys d’Kundarak (LN female
when they are needed. dwarf cleric 9/dragonmarked heir 1) TYPICAL GUARD PATROL (EL 13)
The ward also contains a nexus with served as a lawkeeper for decades before These groups can be found wandering
three extradimensional vaults. These can rising to her current post; she is as icy and the corridors of Dreadhold at all times.
be attuned to the Kundarak vault system determined as Zaxon. Warden Darunthar A guard patrol always accompanies
(described on page 234 of the Eberron d’Kundarak (LN male dwarf artificer 10) is prisoners when they are being escorted
Campaign Setting). Many of the supplies in charge of maintaining and improving outside their assigned ward. Particularly
of the prison are delivered through these the island’s magical security systems. dangerous inmates might warrant an
vaults. If the prison comes under attack, Darunthar is remarkably hyperactive for even larger group. There are a total of
the dwarves start passing the most valu- a dwarf. He remains in constant motion, ten of these patrols, although generally
able treasures to other Kundarak facilities fidgeting if he has to stay in one place for only seven are active at any one time.
through these special vaults. more than a minute. Guard (4): hp 38 each; see page 79.
All of the guards of Dreadhold are Elite Guard: hp 55; see page 79.
THE WATCHTOWER fanatically loyal to the warden and Wand Guard: hp 28; see page 80.
A single dark tower rises up out of the their house. These dwarves have been Slaughterstone Eviscerator: hp 112;
black mists that shroud the prison. This selected for their skill, courage, and Monster Manual III page 160.
is the watchtower. It protrudes out of integrity, and are ready to lay down their
the Mordenkainen’s private sanctum effect, lives if need be. As exceptional people, OBSERVATION POSTS (EL 16)
allowing those stationed within to use all of the guards of Dreadhold use the Located at five key junctions of the
teleportation, scrying, and similar effects, elite array for ability scores. Because prison (one each at the front gate,
as well as making it the destination of of the resources House Kundarak has the sha� leading to Deep
anyone hoping to teleport to the island. placed on the island, guards’ equip- Ward, in the Red Ward, in
The tower contains an observation post ment can exceed the usual gp limit, the Gold ward, and one in the
with a speaking stone. An adjoining portal although these items are the property watchtower), these posts are
chamber contains alarms, a permanent of the house. While on duty, guards, elite manned by a host of guards
symbol of death, and a symbol of stunning, guards, and guard captains typically and a slaughterstone
along with a slaughterstone eviscerator. carry magical weapons with a base price behemoth. The front
Those hoping to arrive at the prison via modifier of +2: +1 merciful weapons are gate and Deep
RUMORS OF DREADHOLD patrolling the streets and standing post
Prisons are rife with rumor and speculation from both the prisoners and their guards. at key lookout points throughout the
Here are just a few currently making the rounds or scrawled on the walls of some cells. town, while the rest are here only in case
Ghosts in the Deep: There was a prisoner kept in one of the deep cells for so long of emergency.
that even the guards forgot who he was. Eventually, he took his own life a�er he Guard (20): hp 38 each; see page 79.
himself forgot his name. Now his vengeful spirit wanders the Deep Ward and the Elite Guard (8): hp 55 each; see page 79.
only chance to put the ghost to rest is to call out his name. Wand Guard (8): hp 28 each; four of
The Tunnel: One of the cells in Dreadhold contains a tunnel that leads down into Khy- each; see page 80.
ber. No one, not even the guards, know which cell it is, but anyone lucky enough to find Scout (6): hp 29 each; two with Track;
it could escape easily (if a journey through Khyber could ever be considered easy). see page 80.
Stone Wizard: One of the statues in the Stone Ward is actually a wizard under Slaughterstone Eviscerator (4): hp
the effects of a permanent statue spell. Using abilities to change his shape before 112 each; Monster Manual III page 160.
reverting to a statue, the cunning mage has managed to elude detection for some Slaughterstone Behemoth: hp 199;
time now. Rumors say he searches for either his imprisoned brother or seeks Monster Manual III page 159.
revenge against one of the voluntary sleepers who fled here to escape his wrath.
The Prison Master: Nothing at Dreadhold is as it appears. A secretive cabal, lead ADDITIONAL GUARDS AND STAFF
by a powerful rakshasa, actually controls the prison, and they are looking for a The following guards, prison offi-
prisoner who has yet to arrive known only as the “dark baron.” When he does, all cials, cra�smen, and spellcasters can
will be released so long as they swear allegiance to the cabal and its new leader. be found anywhere throughout the
prison or in the town of Gaolgate. Sta-
Ward posts are also manned by a law- serving as a last line of defense to capture tistics for these guards can be found
keeper and a spellbinder (see Additional escaped prisoners. They do not follow any in the Dungeon Master’s Guide and
Guards and Staff). set pattern, but the four groups cover the Eberron Campaign Setting.
Guard (9): hp 38 each; see page 79. entire island every 3 hours. Chainmaker (6): LN dwarf artificer
Elite Guard (3): hp 55 each; see page 79. Scout (2): hp 29 each; one with Track; 6. These dwarves are charged with
Wand Guard (2): hp 28; one of each; see the sidebar. maintaining constructs and traps and
see page 80. Wand Guard (2): hp 28; one of each; with developing magic equipment for
Scout: hp 29; with Track; see page 79. see page 80. the prison.
Slaughterstone Behemoth: hp 199; Slaughterstone Behemoth: hp 199; Guard Captain (6): Four of the guard
Monster Manual III page 159. Monster Manual III page 159. captains are soldiers (LN dwarf fighter 7/
dwarven defender 2), while the other two
ISLAND PATROLS (EL 15) GAOLGATE GUARDS are wizards (LN dwarf evoker 9). At any
These groups wander the island of Dread- These troops are stationed in and time, two captains are in the prison for-
hold itself, looking for intruders and around Gaolgate. Most take turns tress and one is watching the harbor wall.


LE female human cleric 11 (cleric 21 in Flamekeep)
In 497 yk, Melysse Miron challenged the Keeper of the Flame for control of the church
of Thrane. Born a peasant, Melysse claimed that she had been visited by Tira Miron,
the Voice of the Silver Flame, who revealed that Melysse was her direct descendant
and the rightful Keeper. She challenged many of the existing doctrines of the church,
claiming it had strayed from its proper path. Initially, divination magic failed to prove
or disprove her story, but eventually the truth was revealed: Melysse was the chosen
hand of the Shadow in the Flame—the demon lord bound beneath Flamekeep. Mely-
sse and her followers were brought to justice a�er a brief but bloody conflict, but the
Council of Cardinals chose not to kill her, as church diviners believed if she were slain
the dark voice would find a new agent. Instead, she was sent to the Stone Ward of
Dreadhold, there to remain for eternity.
Melysse has been held in Dreadhold for over five hundred years and has never been
revived. She is a skilled orator and experienced cleric on her own, but within the confines of
Flamekeep she gains access to the power of her dark lord—making her extremely danger-
ous. The church, meanwhile, has stricken all mention of Melysse from their records and
only the highest-ranking clergy know of her existence.

78 DRAGON 344 June 2006

Skills Intimidate +6, Listen +3, Spot +3
Lawkeeper (9): LN dwarf cleric 5/ Spellbinder (9): LN dwarf wizard
Possessions combat gear plus masterwork
dragonmarked heir 1. The majority of (enchanter) 5. Spellbinders learn spells
full plate, masterwork heavy steel shield,
the dwarves of House Kundarak are to help control prisoners and counter
masterwork manacles
devoted to the Sovereign Aureon. The escapes. Common spells include charm
lawkeepers are his most gi�ed priests, person (DC 15), deep slumber (DC 17), dispel
possessing both the gi� of divine magic, glitterdust (DC 15), hold person (DC Elite Guard CR 6
magic and the Lesser Dragonmark 17), shockwave (DC 16), Tasha’s hideous Dwarf fighter 6
of Warding. In addition to providing laughter (DC 16), and web (DC 15). Spell- LN Medium humanoid
magical healing and support in battle, binders cannot prepare necromancy or Init +3; Senses Listen +4, Spot +4
the lawkeepers use their dragonmarks illusion spells. Languages Common, Dwarven
to create most of the lesser defenses of AC 21, touch 9, flat-footed 21
the prison. Guard CR 4 hp 55 (6 HD)
Magewright (90): LN dwarf warrior Dwarf fighter 4 Fort +10, Ref +3, Will +7 (+2 against spells,
2/magewright 2. Some Kundarak mage- LN Medium humanoid poison)
wrights are laborers who incorporate Init +3; Senses Listen +3, Spot +3 Spd 20 �. (4 squares)
identify, magecra�, prestidigitation, or sim- Languages Common, Dwarven Melee +1 merciful dwarven waraxe +11/+6
ilar spells into their work. AC 19, touch 9, flat-footed 19 (1d10+4 plus 1d6 nonlethal/x3)
Manticore (6): See Monster Manual hp 38 (4 HD) Ranged mwk heavy crossbow +6 (1d10/19–20)
page 179. A pride of powerful man- Fort +7, Ref +0, Will +4 (+2 against spells, Base Atk +6; Grp +8
ticores roosts in the watchtower of poison) Atk Options Cleave, Power Attack
Dreadhold. House Kundarak has a long Spd 20 �. (4 squares) Combat Gear 2 potions of cure moderate
relationship with the manticores of the Melee +1 merciful dwarven waraxe +9 wounds, potion of haste, potion of resist
Ironroot Mountains, and these lawful (1d10+4 plus 1d6 nonlethal/x3) energy (fire)
neutral creatures are proud of the role Ranged mwk heavy crossbow +4 (1d10/19–20) Abilities Str 16, Dex 8, Con 16, Int 10, Wis
they play in protecting the prison. The Base Atk +4; Grp +7 13, Cha 10
manticores perform aerial patrols, o�en Atk Options Power Attack SQ dwarf racial traits
accompanied by a dwarf rider. The Combat Gear 2 potions of cure light wounds Feats Cleave, Improved Initiative, Iron Will,
Dreadhold manticores are chosen for Abilities Str 16, Dex 8, Con 16, Int 10, Wis Power Attack, Weapon Focus (dwarven
their strength and intelligence; three of 13, Cha 10 waraxe), Weapon Specialization
them have 12 HD, two have 15 HD, and SQ dwarf racial traits (dwarven waraxe)
the eldest has 18 HD. Their riders are Feats Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Skills Intimidate +6, Listen +4, Spot +4
elite guards who trade ranks in Intimi- Power Attack, Weapon Focus (dwarven Possessions combat gear plus +1 full plate,
date for ranks in Ride (+5) and have waraxe), Weapon Specialization +1 heavy steel shield, cloak of resistance
Mounted Combat instead of Cleave. (dwarven waraxe) +2, masterwork manacles


LE male human marshal 7/fighter 3
Brilliant and charismatic, Kolas Verdgrin was one of Breland’s finest gener-
als during the Last War. As he served in the war, he became increasingly
bloodthirsty and infamous for terror tactics, butchery, and the mistreatment
of prisoners. His acts weighed heavily on the heart of King Boranel, who
wished to win the war with a clean conscience. In 994 yk, Kolas finally went
too far. A�er he massacred a peaceful monastic community in Cyre, Boranel
stripped the general of command. The king could not bear to execute him
a�er so many years of service, but he was also aware of the dangers pre-
sented by Kolas’s fanatical followers. In the end, he shipped Kolas to Dread-
hold and dispersed his soldiers among other units.
Kolas resides in the Golden Ward. Now in his early forties, he is a hand-
some and well-spoken man. He conceals his ruthless temperament beneath
a façade of charm. Kolas still has loyal followers in Breland who believe his
ruthless temperament is required to lead Breland to dominance.

June 2006 DRAGON 344 79

Wand Guard CR 6 Skills Concentration +11, Cra� Skills Climb +8, Hide +9, Listen +8, Move
Dwarf magewright 6 (stoneworking) +5, Knowledge (arcane) Silently +9, Search +6, Spot +8, Survival +8
LN Medium humanoid +12, Listen +4, Spellcra� +12, Spot +4 Possessions combat gear plus masterwork
Init +3; Senses Listen +4, Spot +4 Possessions combat gear plus breastplate, chain shirt, masterwork buckler
Languages Common, Dwarven, Elven, heavy steel shield
Gnome, Orc Scout CR 4 THE DEFENSES OF
AC 16, touch 9, flat-footed 16 Dwarf scout 4 DREADHOLD
hp 28 (6 HD) LN Medium humanoid Although Dreadhold’s security systems
Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +6 (+2 against spells, Init +8; Senses Listen +8, Spot +8 are vast and varied, here is a breakdown
poison) Languages Common, Dwarven of the most common defenses. Anything
Spd 20 �. (4 squares) AC 16, touch 9, flat-footed 16; Dodge, over CL 13 is a long-term protection cre-
Melee mwk dwarven waraxe +7 (1d10+2/x3) skirmish (+1 AC), uncanny dodge ated over the course of centuries, possi-
Ranged heavy crossbow +2 (1d10/19–20) hp 29 (4 HD) bly with the help of House Cannith. The
Base Atk +3; Grp +5 Fort +4, Ref +7, Will +2 (+2 against spells, lesser defenses are the work of lawkeepers
Combat Gear 2 potions of cure moderate poison) and the wardens. A typical lawkeeper can
wounds, eternal wand (fireball or Spd 30 �. (6 squares) set a glyph of warding every day. As a result,
shockwave, CL 6th, DC 14) Melee mwk dwarven waraxe +6 (1d10+2/x3) the island is filled with hidden glyphs.
Magewright Spells Known (CL 6th, 1d20+8 Ranged mwk composite longbow +6 In addition to these broad defenses,
to overcome SR, 40% spell failure while (1d8+2/x3) dangerous prisoners might be bound
in armor) Base Atk +3; Grp +5 through magical means. Blindness and
2nd (2/day)—arcane lock, make whole Atk Options skirmish (+1d6) bestow curse might be used to handicap
1st (3/day)—alarm, grease (DC 14), mount Combat Gear 2 potions of cure light wounds, a prisoner considered a threat. A mark of
0 (3/day)—detect magic, message 4 sleep arrows justice might be used if the wardens dis-
Abilities Str 14, Dex 8, Con 15, Int 16, Wis Abilities Str 14, Dex 16, Con 15, Int 8, Wis trust a prisoner but wish to give him the
12, Cha 8 12, Cha 8 benefit of the doubt.
SQ dwarf racial traits, spell mastery SQ battle fortitude +1, dwarf racial These are just a few examples of
Feats Improved Initiative, Spell traits, fast movement, trackless step, Dreadhold’s protections. House Kunda-
Penetration, Weapon Focus (dwarven trapfinding rak has had hundreds of years to develop
waraxe) Feats Dodge, Improved Initiative, Track (or Mobility) its defenses. Golems, bound efreet,

80 DRAGON 344 June 2006

illusion tricks—a DM should add to prevent prisoners from mapping at the dock wall separating the docks
whatever seems necessary to chal- their locations. from Gaolgate.
lenge the party.
CELL WARDS Major intersections in the prison, Visitors are rarely welcome at Dreadhold.
There are generally two levels of wards including the areas around the obser- To gain access to a prisoner, a visitor
placed on the doors of cells: those vation posts, are warded with powerful must have an influential friend in House
placed on Deep Ward doors and those spells and magic traps. These traps gen- Kundarak (or the Favored in House feat)
upon all other cell doors. General cell erally consist of: permanent alarm (CL or the support of the government or
doors are warded with an arcane seal (CL 7th), two glyphs of warding per entry way individual responsible for the prisoner’s
7th) and a fire trap (1d4+7 fire damage; CL into the intersection (3d8 energy damage incarceration. The guards at the front
7th; DC 13 Reflex half; Search/Disable (type varies); CL 7th; Reflex DC 14 half; observation post examine all visitors with
Device DC 27). Deep Ward cell doors Search/Disable Device DC 28), forcecage arcane sight, and any weapons or suspicious
add glyphs of warding (3d8 energy dam- (windowless prison; CL 15th; Search/ magic items are confiscated for the dura-
age; CL 7th; Reflex DC 14 half; Search/ Disable DC 32); and up to three symbols tion of the visit. Changelings are required
Disable Device DC 28) of two energy (type varies; CL 16th; death Fortitude DC to strip and don bright, distinctive outfits
types and one charged with a hold per- 22, fear Will DC 20, persuasion Will DC provided by the prison, limiting the effec-
son (7 rounds, Will DC 13 negates). All of 20, sleep Will DC 19, stunning Will DC tiveness of their shapeshi�ing powers. A
these wards can be temporarily disabled 21 negates; Search/Disable DC 33). The spellbinder uses detect thoughts to study
with the proper command word. forcecage effect is triggered through the visitors while a stonespeaker questions
use of passwords and requires 1d4 hours them about the purpose of their visit and
HALL WARDS to recharge once used. The symbols are their race (to detect changelings). Visitors
The hallways are generally free of wards, triggered activated through the use of are not allowed to enter the prison until
with the exception of occasional perma- passwords as well. the spellbinder is satisfied. If the guards
nent alarm spells (CL 7th) and glyphs of These wards are also placed in the have any concerns, a visitor might be
warding (hold person; CL 7th; Will DC 13 sha� leading up from the Deep Ward, forced to submit to bestow curse (–4 penalty
negates; Search/Disable Device DC 28). at the main entrance to the prison, on attack rolls, saves, and checks) for the
These protections are moved frequently in the sha� of the watchtower, and duration of the visit. A lawkeeper places

June 2006 DRAGON 344 81

the curse and removes it at the conclusion few Kundarak dwarves would ever ally dispelling the seal triggers the mental
of the visit. with the coin lords, there are exceptions alert. A rogue or artificer can sense the
Visitors are accompanied by a guard to every rule. Anyone in the prison could presence of an arcane seal by making a
detachment at all times, the size of which be an agent of the Aurum, from a lowly successful DC 28 Search check. A rogue
depends on the reputation of the party laborer to one of the wardens. The party or artificer can temporarily disable the
and the nature of the prisoner in ques- might be hired by the Aurum to perform alarm using an arcane key (see page 169
tion. Prisoners in the Gold, Stone, or Red a task in the prison, or the Shadow Cabi- of Sharn: City of Towers).
Wards are brought out to the visitor’s net might use its influence to settle a Focus: A finely cra�ed platinum key
gallery. Only the Lord Warden can per- debt with the adventurers. Either way, an worth 50 gp.
form stone to flesh to release a petrified agent on the inside could provide adven-
prisoner, and he might require a day to turers with passwords, keys, and other SHOCKWAVE
prepare the spells he needs. A party must critical information. Evocation (Force)
have considerable influence to get this Level: Sorcerer/wizard 3
request granted. As for prisoners in the TOOLS OF THE TRADE Components: V, S, M
Deep Ward, visitors are escorted to the The Kundarak dwarves have devel- Casting Time: 1 standard action
appropriate cell and allowed to talk to oped a variety of spells, magic items, Range: Close (25 � + 5 �./2 levels)
the prisoner through his cell door. This and other tools to help their cause. Area: 20-�.-radius burst
is a serious risk, and the guard detail for Some of the more important ones are Duration: Instantaneous
such a visit might include a lawkeeper, a provided below. Others can be found Saving Throw: Fortitude partial
spellbinder, a slaughterstone eviscerator, in the web enhancement for this arti- Spell Resistance: Yes
one of the guard captains, or even one of cle at paizo.com/dragon.
the wardens. Shockwave creates a burst of concussive
ARCANE SEAL force that stuns victims without causing
USING DREADHOLD Abjuration any permanent damage. The burst deals
With all of the elite guards, formidable Level: Magewright 3, sorcerer/wizard 3 1d4 points of nonlethal damage per
magic, and geographic isolation, Dread- Components: V, S, F caster level (maximum 10d4) to every
hold makes for the perfect “impenetra- Casting Time: 1 standard action creature within the area and stuns them
ble” prison. That alone is reason enough Range: Touch for 1 round. A successful Fortitude save
for some to want to try to break in or Target: The door, chest, or portal touched, reduces the damage by half and negates
out, the lure of being the one who pulled up to 30 sq. �./level in size the stun effect. Shockwave has no effect
off the impossible. Cracking Dreadhold Duration: Permanent on nonliving creatures or objects. Crea-
should be incredibly difficult for a party Saving Throw: None tures immune to nonlethal damage are
acting entirely on its own, but there are a Spell Resistance: No immune to the stun effect as well.
few places they might get help. Material Component: A small crystal
House Cannith: The House of This spell can be cast upon a door, chest, sphere.
Making helped the Kundarak dwarves or portal. This magically seals the target
create many of the more powerful and attaches a mystical alarm to this loca- AMULET OF THE SILENT
defenses, such as the permanent sym- tion. The focus of the spell is a platinum WORD
bols and the orbs of observation. Perhaps a key. This key is bound to the target of the Spells such as alarm, fire trap, and glyph
wily Cannith artificer wove a few hidden spell and cannot be used again for any of warding respond to verbal passwords.
flaws into the system. The party could other purpose. The bearer of the key may But how can a guard speak the password
be approached by House Cannith itself freely pass the arcane seal without affecting without revealing it to her prisoners? The
with this information or they might it. Otherwise, a door or object secured with amulet of the silent word allows the wearer
find an old journal in which an artificer this spell can be opened only by breaking to affect these wards without speaking.
describes these weaknesses. it or with a successful dispel magic or knock As a free action, the wearer thinks of
The Gnomes: Both House Sivis and spell. Add 10 to the normal DC to break the password and the amulet causes the
the Trust have agents in influential posi- open a door or portal affected by this thought to have the same effect as if she
tions inside Dreadhold. The gnomes spell. In addition, if the door is opened in had spoken it. The wearer must know
would never risk their reputation with any manner, the bearer of the key receives the location of the ensorcelled object or
direct action against House Kundarak, a mental alert—a single word, set when area. The amulet has a range of 110 feet,
but they might aid a party of adventurers the spell is cast. provided the wearer has a clear line of
if it suited their purposes. A knock spell suppresses the seal sight to the target.
The Aurum: Never underestimate the for 10 minutes. Dispel magic perma- Faint transmutation; CL 1st; Cra�
power of gold. The Aurum and House nently destroys the seal if the dispel Wondrous Item, message; Price 500 gp,
Kundarak are old enemies, and while check is successful. However, the act of Weight —. E

82 DRAGON 344 June 2006

ECOLOGY by Richard Pett and Greg A. Vaughan • illustrated by Peter Bergting

“And naught will be le� save shattered thrones with no rulers.

But the dead dragons shall rule the world entire…”
—From Maglas’s The Chronicles of Years to Come
as translated by Sammaster the Mad, circa 887 dr

The Ecology of the

ho does not fear the great unknown that is the night,
when spectral winds carry strange sounds from the dark- HISTORY OF THE DRACOLICH
ness? That time when dread clutches the stomach and Many sages and magical practitioners—“experts” in the
fear tingles along the spine of even the most stout-hearted; realm of dragons—claim that Falazure the Night Dragon
where every mundane shadow becomes a sinister, alien visi- created the first dracoliches. There might be some truth
tor. Night terrors have haunted the living since time began, to this, considering that “night dragon” is a commonly
and with good reason, for many imagined fears are all too accepted term when referring to a dracolich. As wholly
real. None, though, commands the dark of midnight skies unnatural, created beings, however, a common heritage is
and abyssal caverns with the horror and the authority of the hard to trace. The origins of dracoliches are as varied as
immortal night dragon—the dracolich. The most powerful the locales in which they appear, whether they come about
creatures of nature and magic transformed into ever-living, through the machinations of madmen and demented
undead monstrosities, they are threats to all who fall under cults or by dragons instigating the unnatural process
their sway and few can flee beyond their skeletal claws. through their own arrogance and naked ambition.

84 DRAGON 344 June 2006

The earliest known dracolich, the KNOWLEDGE OF DRACOLICHES
infamous Dragotha, was created from The following table shows the results of a Knowledge (religion) check regarding
the body of one of Tiamat’s favored dracoliches. Those who study the magic of necromancy, dragons, and the most
consorts. The god of undeath, Kyuss, ancient of occult tomes might possess this information. A Knowledge (arcana) check
granted him unlife in exchange for can still reveal information about the type of dragon a dracolich was in life.
his eternal servitude. Since then,
mortal adepts have developed dim Knowledge (religion)
echoes of Kyuss’ magics in the form DC Result
of a powerful ritual accompanied by 15 A dracolich is a fearsome foe combining all the powerful abilities a
the consumption of a foul magical dragon enjoyed in life with those granted by an undead existence. As
concoction—part poison to slay the skeletal beings, they are most vulnerable to bludgeoning weapons.
imbiber and part elixir to bring about 20 Dracoliches are formed when a dragon drinks a foul concoction called dracol-
the cold existence of undeath—called ich brew and then partakes in a vile ritual of reanimation. The complex ritual
The Damnable Libation, or more requires the cooperation of clerics and wizards in addition to the dragon.
simply, dracolich brew. 25 Like liches, dracoliches hide their life force in phylacteries. Only if the
One other commonality in the ori- phylactery is found and destroyed can a dracolich be permanently slain.
gins of dracoliches is their absolute 30 Dracoliches are masters of the dead, possessing paralyzing abilities and
reliance on a magical phylactery in mastery over lesser undead creatures. A slain dracolich can possess the
which to store their souls. In this they body of any draconic corpse within a short distance of its phylactery.
parallel their humanoid counterpart 35 When inhabiting a body other than its own, a dracolich spends a few
in undeath, the lich. No one is sure days as a weakened proto-dracolich. If the proto-dracolich can be found
how they came to follow this path and during this time it is more easily destroyed and might serve as a clue to
no other form of undead is so reliant the hiding place of its phylactery.
upon such a receptacle—except per-
haps vampires’ connections to their they trade it for extreme vulnerability holds some symbolic significance,
coffins. Perhaps dracoliches rely at the hands of anyone who should such as being a representation of the
upon these essential repositories for locate their soul-storing phylactery. Hades Pyxis, the receptacle of Fala-
their nigh invulnerability, although Perhaps this crucial vulnerability zure hidden somewhere within the

June 2006 DRAGON 344 85


THE FIRST DRACOLICH that one day they will succeed in all
While the dracolich as a monster was their goals and face the ultimate terror
introduced in 1986 with Dragon #110 of torpidity. They are thus creatures of
and Ed Greenwood's article “The Cult of great distraction, able to juggle a thou-
the Dragon,” this was not the first appear- sand plots at any time, almost needing
ance of an undead dragon in D&D. Some to do so. They are also, therefore, many
7 years earlier, with 1979’s White Plume things to many people: a tyrant rul-
Mountain, an arrow pointing off the map ing a kingdom, a benefactor to sages
of the mountain’s environs bore a sketch engaged in unfathomable studies,
of a fearsome skeletal dragon and the a fearsome battle lord conquering
note, “Beyond to the lair of Dragotha, the vast territories, and a terrible legend.
undead dragon, where fabulous riches and Uniquely driven, dracoliches are ter-
hideous death await.” In June 1988, this rible creatures indeed, sometimes
note led to William Simpson’s article in seemingly mad in their goals and
Dragon #134, “Lords & Legends,” which desires—which are almost as endless
presented stats for Dragotha, the one-time as their own lives.
consort of Tiamat and a unique undead When two or more of these fero-
menace. Dragotha rears his deathless skull again as part of the Age of Worms cious, proud, and terrible creatures
Adventure Path, coincidentally in Dungeon #134, with the adventure "Into the meet, such engagements frequently
Wormcrawl Fissure." end in one’s destruction. A dracolich
is a terrifying foe, and other dracoli-
shadowed plains of the Gray Waste murder to assure complete immortal- ches rightly avoid their own kind for
and said to hold the accumulated ity. Could it be that all dragons, tor- fear of being matched. As such, they
knowledge of all dead dragons. tured by the knowledge of their own use their ancient cunning to lure oth-
transience, face this death gladly? Could ers to do their dirty work for them,
PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DRACOLICH their near endlessness be a living curse; spreading rumors of boundless trea-
Dracoliches have no metabolism and the very nearness of immortality being sure along with their opponents’ pos-
therefore no need to eat. Old habits die a madness that mortal minds cannot sible weaknesses, all the while dou-
hard, however, and the desire and racial conceive? Dare they trust those who bling and redoubling their already
hunger to consume lesser creatures promise them immortality in the final obsessively thorough defenses.
might still exist. Some dracoliches still moments before their deaths?
carry out the function of devouring Some believe that a dracolich must, PHYLACTERIES
prey, but the flesh simply falls through by necessity, be insane: a dragon The one true weakness of a dracol-
their rotting skeletal forms, leaving driven by such insatiable need and ich is its phylactery. As the destruc-
mountains of mangled corpses. Some- ego that it cannot perceive its own tion of this relic spells calamity for its
times, a dracolich eats foes simply death and is willing go to any lengths draconic owner, a dracolich obsesses
out of malice or to feed parasites that to avoid it—including the tortuous about its phylactery and weaves plots
cling to its remaining flesh. A dracol- ritual of death followed by an appall- of astonishing complexity around
ich is aware that its maw makes for a ing undead rebirth. Others say that its whereabouts. The destruction of
fearsome weapon—what better way lichdom is something most dragons a kingdom or loss of a hoard means
to make an example out of an enemy some day strive for, as the thought of nothing to the dracolich compared to
than consume him before his friends’ their own mortality is unbearable to the safety of its precious soul.
eyes? In all other physiological aspects such narcissistic creatures. Perhaps Dracoliches thus devise an amazing
dracoliches follow the same path as they are to be pitied—creatures so array of lies and ruses, rumors, false
liches, having no need to eat nor hav- unable to face rest that they will- leads, and fakes to prevent their true
ing any inescapable cravings or depen- ingly go to any lengths to avoid it, so phylacteries from falling into the wrong
dency on diets. Dracoliches are magi- fuelled by greed and desire that they hands. Alternatively, some dracoliches
cally created and, therefore, have no cannot conceive of such hungers prefer to keep their phylacteries with
ability to propagate. ending. Avoiding death becomes an them—cunningly hidden beneath the
obsession, a need so great that it strongest metals, or held within their
causes them to face their own ago- form—sometimes melded to appear
PSYCHOLOGY AND SOCIETY OF nizing poisoning to achieve it. like parts of their own skeletal bodies.
THE DRACOLICH Dracoliches, as creatures of great Other dracoliches prefer more obvious
Consider a creature that lives almost intelligence, are consumed by needs approaches, like horrendously trapped
forever agreeing to its own excruciating and quests, driven by the knowledge dungeons guarded by the toughest

86 DRAGON 344 June 2006

monsters. Some prefer the double bluff phylacteries can be found on page 120 the heart of its web, a living building of
approach—hiding their phylacteries of the Draconomicon.) bone, decay, and hate. Vast canvases of
in places so obvious that no one would skin flap from the frame, like sails on
think to find them—wreathed beneath EXAMPLE DRACOLICHES some huge vessel, and ribs like towers
protection spells within a cathedral, for No two dracoliches are alike, either rise sharply upward to a gablelike back
example, or perhaps built into the foun- physically or mentally, and each indi- and a great green head. Two huge black-
dations of some huge civic building in vidual creature makes a special lair ened sockets stand like caves at the top
the center of a city. with unique followers, and shaped of this terrible form, and from within
Phylacteries are as unique as the by its motives and desires. In creat- them burns a malicious green fire.
dracolich to which they belong; exam- ing lairs for dracoliches, bear in mind The Breather of Locusts is an
ples include sheets of paper-thin iron that such places are littered with so evolved great wyrm green dracolich
covered in sigils and bizarre illustrations, many potential escape routes that (see Libris Mortis) capable of vomiting
a length of horn from some impossible reaching their residents at all could from its rotting stomach huge plagues
creature woven into an incredible knot be a task worthy of several adventures. of bloodfiend locusts (10 swarms at a
of rune-inlaid ivory, or a stone puzzle- Such lairs are guarded not only by the time). Of almost unfathomable age, it
box with a hundred different possible dracolich but by the surrounding ter- dwells in the legendary Twilight Mires,
shapes. Regardless of how a phylactery rain and devout followers both secret part of a great rainforest from where
looks, most possesses the same statis- and overt. it plans, occasionally sending its chil-
tics—a Tiny object with 40 hp, hardness dren—swarms of bloodfiend locusts or
20, a break DC of 40, and immunity THE BREATHER OF LOCUSTS hullathoin (both from the Fiend Folio)—
or resistance to a variety of energies, At the heart of the rainforest lies a into the world to do its bidding.
o�en related to the color the dracol- steep hill strangled by twisting jungle The Twilight Mires are a nightmare
ich possessed in life. If the phylactery boughs. This hill is alive: a brooding land of bottomless, sucking pools, of
is destroyed, the dracolich suffers no draconic terror that merely appears to floating bogs where whole horizons
physical harm but it is unable to create be held amid the overgrowth. Yellow seem to sway like bloated skins, of riv-
a new phylactery. Thus, if it is slain, its bones and decaying green flesh fester ers that twist like mazes through deep
death is permanent. (More on dracolich in the vines—a rotting olive spider in canyons, and twisted rainforests filled

June 2006 DRAGON 344 87


DRACOLICHES IN FAERÛN fixation with collecting every scale

In Faerûn, the first known dracoliches appeared nearly 500 years ago through the she has ever lost and fusing each
machinations of Sammaster First-Speaker—mad archmage, former Chosen of Mys- brittle obsidian shard back onto her
tra, and founder of the Cult of the Dragon. While studying an ancient work of the seer undead form, partially disguising her
Maglas, Sammaster mistranslated a key passage that led him to believe he alone had undead nature. Through her subtle
uncovered the destiny of Faerûn—to be ruled by undead dragons. As a result of this manipulations from deep within
and the influence of one Algashon Nathaire, Sammaster devised the means to create the mountain, Aurgloroasa controls
dracoliches. Virtually every dracolich in Faerûn has some connection to the cult. All a vast network of worshipful agents,
known dracoliches were originally “Sacred Ones” created by the cult and either serve dictating events through them and
a cult cell, lead a cult sect, or have rebelled and now plot their own schemes outside from the shadows that cloak her every
the scope of the cult’s activities (o�en involving the destruction of the cult that created movement. The poisoned whispers
and tried to dominate them). she hisses from the darkness and her
A recent development in the continual plotting of the Cult of the Dragon mastery of shadows have led her to be
involves the Grail of Shargrailar, a cup fashioned from one of the horns of the known as the Sibilant Shade.
first dracolich created by Sammaster and the mightiest dracolich to ever walk
the face of Faerûn. It is believed that somehow some part of that great night AURGLOROASA CR 23
dragon lives on in the cup that bears his name, and the cult seeks to use the jew- Female ancient shadow dragon
eled goblet as a phylactery for a new dracolich (preferably Nartheling, the ancient dracolich
fang dragon that dwells atop Umbergoth in eastern Aglarond). It is believed that CE Huge undead
such a dracolich will possess the animating spirit of Shargrailar, restoring the Draconomicon 146 and 191
most fearsome of all dracoliches to once again terrorize the lands. The leader in Init +2; Senses blindsense 60 �.,
this scheme is the necromancer Winn Kardzen of Glarondar (CE male half-elf darkvision 120 �.; Listen +31, Spot +29
necromancer 7). Unfortunately, his plans have hit a snag, as the fabled grail has Aura frightful presence (300 �., Will
disappeared somewhere in the Yuirwood. DC 35)
The 1998 release, Cult of the Dragon, details more of the cult’s history and activi- Language Abyssal, Celestial,
ties, as well as the ongoing plots of numerous dracoliches currently active across Common, Draconic, Dwarf, Elven,
the Realms. Gnome, Goblin, Infernal, Terran,
with ancient trees that weep in the in vast numbers in the dreadful city of AC 52, touch 8, flat-footed 52
dark. In the deepest quicksand abyss webs, making it a nightmare of arachnid hp 387 (31 HD); DR 15/magic and
of this place the Breather of Locusts horrors. The spiders have spread their 5/bludgeoning
hides his phylactery, a sphere of fused influence over the rocky hills and deep Immune cold, electricity, energy drain,
animal skulls. Nothing else lives in the valleys, giving the region its name: the paralysis, polymorph, sleep;
forest, its floor of fallen leaves hiding Ill-Woven Vales. undead traits
uncountable numbers of bones. SR 33
SIN FEASTER Within the lost dwarven city of
Sin Feaster—the LychSpider, Slayer of Thunderhome—a realm she person-
Harvests, the Nightmare that Watches ally destroyed—the shadow dragon
and Waits—dwells in an abandoned dracolich Aurgloroasa scrys all
cathedral on the edges of a cliff over- those she calls foes. Vain and
looking the ruins of a city the dracol- powerful, Aurgloroasa is
ich destroyed on a whim. The Feaster, a an obsessive schemer
corrupted wyrm black dragon dracolich and calculating adver-
(see the Book of Vile Darkness), has made sary—traits exem-
an alliance with the followers of Lolth plified by her
and claims to be a consort of the Spi-
der Queen herself. Its ruinous
cathedral is choked with vast
webs, with the dracolich lair-
ing in the spire itself, hundreds
of feet up, where it watches and
broods over its phylactery, an
iron sphere that sits at the top of
the spire. Driders and spiders live

88 DRAGON 344 June 2006

Spd 80 �. (6 squares), 150 �. fly (poor) Who knows what intrigues work within the mysterious land of Argonnessen? Some
Melee bite +40 (2d8+10 plus 1d6 cold historians claim to have found evidence implying that some dragons allied them-
plus paralysis) and selves with the forces of Khyber during the Age of Demons, the cost of their alle-
2 claws +37 (2d6+5 plus 1d6 cold plus giance being a dark gi� of immortality—the secrets of creating dracoliches. Some
paralysis) and wonder if the draconic stewards of this knowledge still secretly create undead
2 wings +37 (1d8+5 plus 1d6 cold dragons for their own unfathomable purposes. Perhaps they seek to retain the
plus paralysis) and wisdom of their elders like the elves of Aerenal, or possibly an army of undead
tail slap +37 (2d8+12 plus 1d6 cold dragons now bides its immortal time deep within the draconic continent.
plus paralysis) As an aside, the Keeper, one of the Dark Six, also takes the form of a skeletal
Space 15 �.; Reach 10 �. dragon, and makes his lair in the Demon Wastes.
Base Atk +31; Grp +49
Special Actions breath weapon (50- +39, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +34, until such a time—if ever—that
foot cone, 6 negative levels, DC 37), Knowledge (history) +34, Knowledge a corpse becomes available. If her
paralyzing gaze (local) +24, Knowledge (nature) +24, phylactery is destroyed while it
Spells Known (CL 13th, +29 ranged touch) Knowledge (religion) +43, Knowledge contains the dracolich’s spirit and a
6th (5/day)—create undead, disintegrate (the planes) +43, Listen +31, Move suitable corpse is not within range,
(DC 26) Silently +35, Sense Motive +39, Aurgloroasa is permanently slain.
5th (8/day)—magic jar (DC 27), mind Spellcra� +43, Spot +29 Likewise, she is unable to possess
fog, persistent image (DC 25) Possessions bracers of armor +8, the corpses of other dragons if her
4th (8/day)—bestow curse (DC 26), crystal ball with true seeing, darkskull, phylactery is destroyed.
crushing despair (DC 24), summon gem of seeing, ring of wizardy III, wand Shadow Blend (Su) In any condition
monster IV, unholy blight (DC 24) of gentle repose (44 charges) of illumination other than full
3rd (16/day)—clairaudience/ Breath Weapon (Su) Aurgloroasa’s daylight, Aurgloroasa can disappear
clairvoyance, dispel magic, fireball breath weapon is a 50-foot cone of into the shadows, giving her total
(DC 23), ray of exhaustion (DC 25) billowing smoky shadows. Those concealment. Artificial illumination,
2nd (8/day)—alter self, blindness/ affected by this breath attack gain even a light or continual flame spell,
deafness (DC 24), darkness, desecrate, 6 negative levels. Those who make does not negate this ability. A daylight
web (DC 22) a successful DC 37 Reflex save gain spell, however, does.
1st (9/day)—chill touch (DC 23), only 3 negative levels. Removing a
magic missile, obscuring mist, ray of negative level requires a DC 37 For- BECOMING A DRACOLICH
enfeeblement (DC 23), shield titude save 24 hours later (see the Although the dracolich brew and accom-
0 (6/day)—arcane mark, dancing rules for energy drain on page 308 panying ritual is by far the most com-
lights, daze (DC 20), detect magic, of the Monster Manual). mon method of becoming a dracolich
ghost sound, mage hand, message, Paralyzing Gaze (Su) Aurgloroasa’s gaze (if such a thing can be considered com-
prestidigitation, read magic can paralyze victims within 40 feet mon), there are other, even less-known,
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 13th) who fail a DC 35 Fortitude save. If the paths to this form of immortality.
3/day—mirror image, nondetection saving throw is successful, the victim is The Well of Dragons: Hidden in an
2/day—dimension door forever immune to her gaze. If it fails, ancient caldera deep within a range
1/day—shadow walk the victim is paralyzed for 2d6 rounds. of violently active volcanic spires, the
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 15th) The save DC is Charisma-based. Well of Dragons is difficult to reach
1/3 days—control undead Paralyzing Touch (Su) Any creature struck even by draconic standards. This stag-
Abilities Str 31, Dex 10, Con —, Int 28, by one of Aurgloroasa’s physical attacks nant lake has been a dragon grave-
Wis 28, Cha 31 must make a DC 35 Fortitude save or yard for untold centuries, its murky
SQ invulnerability, shadow blend be paralyzed for 2d6 rounds. The save black waters riddled with ash and
Feats Blind-Fight, Flyby Attack, Greater DC is Charisma-based. islands of dragon bones. Unlike other
Spell Focus (necromancy), Hover, Invulnerability If Aurgloroasa is slain, dragon graveyards, though, this place
Improve Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, her spirit immediately returns to her has been forsaken by all goodly drag-
Multiattack, Quicken Spell, Silent phylactery, a single unremarkable ons, and thus only chromatic dragons
Spell, Spell Focus (necromancy), onyx gem she hides in plain sight come here to die.
Weapon Focus (bite) upon a towering obsidian pillar A cursed place said to have once been
Skills Appraise +24, Bluff +44, within her lair. If no dragon-type a brooding pit of the great dragon Tia-
Concentration +25, Diplomacy +35, corpse lies within 90 feet for her mat, the dragon mother beckons her
Gather Information +40, Hide +30, spirit to posess, the dracolich is most powerful children back to the
Intimidate +44, Knowledge (arcana) trapped within her phylactery Well of Dragons as they near the times

June 2006 DRAGON 344 89


of their deaths. The Chromatic Dragon ALTERNATE DRACOLICHES

is not a nurturing mother, though, and Not all dracoliches are true dragons. In fact, any creature with the dragon type
seeks the service of her spawn even can become one of these undead horrors, opening the door for dracolich wyverns,
in death. Most dragons who drink dragon turtles, and all manner of half-dragons. Surviving the process of becom-
directly from the Well of Dragons are ing a dracolich is an incredibly painful and trying experience for a mortal spirit,
stricken down and die immediately, and one that not even all dragons survive. Thus, while non-true dragon dracoli-
animating as mindless zombie drag- ches do exist, they are incredibly rare. For an example, find Sakatha the Deathless,
ons (see the Draconomicon, page 198) a half-black-dragon twelve-headed hydra dracolich in this issue’s web enhance-
in 1d4 days. Those with exceptionally ment available at paizo.com/dragon.
powerful personalities (Charisma of 25
or greater) sometimes manage to retain
their minds, awaking in 1d4 days as than ever—but occasionally they return alternates between visiting the giantholds
dracoliches, the skulls of nearby lesser to their phylacteries as trapped souls. of the mountains as a lorekeeper and
dragons spontaneously becoming their Such phylacteries, known as spiritgorg- entertainer or razing them as a draconic
phylacteries. The waters of the Well of ers, are dangerous to deal with. The attacker—o�en both on the same lodge
Dragons have no effect if removed from hateful unlife within the phylacteries within a week.
their tainted caldera. whisper and make promises to anyone Soul Substitution: On very rare
Through the centuries the Well of who has the misfortune to find them. occasions, when the circumstances
Dragons has become a legend among If the owner makes a willing pact with are just right, a dragon skeleton that
dragonkind, leading countless wyrms the phylactery he curses himself with has been necromantically charged
on fruitless and o�en fatal searches for lichdom—his physical form is instantly and kept in long proximity with a
its location. Those who find the cal- destroyed and he rises as a lich with receptacle holding the essence of
dera must still contend with the dead two minds in one corrupt body. Such some powerful evil being—such as an
wyrms that have come before them, schizophrenic abhorrences are usually entrapped fiend or bound soul—can
now total slaves to Tiamat’s will and driven mad by their impossible double spontaneously arise as a dracolich.
protectors of the foul well. mind or are wholly overwhelmed by the One occurrence of this phenomenon
Spiritgorgers: A�er uncounted eons lich’s ancient sentience. bides its time at the Silphar Royal
of undeath some liches’—and even Rare cases exist of demented dracoli- Museum in the Kingdom of Raoke.
some dracoliches’—physical forms ches being created in such a way. The For long years this museum has dis-
decay to dust, leaving only their phy- mad dracolich of the Corusk Mountains played the treasures of the ancient
lacteries behind. In most cases such calling himself the Infernal Skald is one priest-king Ramaket, looted from his
undead reform in some hateful new such example of this sort, combining the hidden burial site by graverobbers.
body, refreshed and more powerful essence of the ancient dragon Prystis- Among these treasures is a jeweled urn
these the White with the frost giant said to hold Ramaket’s ashes. Yet also
sorcerer/bard Beostagg. within the urn resides Ramaket’s soul,
Able to assume either which has been helplessly imprisoned
form, the Skald in the vessel for millennia. In an adja-
cent gallery hangs a display featuring
the mounted skeleton of an old blue
dragon. The curator of the museum,
a sorcerer, secretly cast animate dead
on the skeleton to guard the treasures
of the museum against thieves. Unbe-
knownst to the curator, the powerful
will of Ramaket’s entrapped soul has
slowly begun influencing the necro-
mantic magic animating his mindless
guardian, gradually transforming the
undead thing into a dracolich with
the mind of the evil priest-king—the
ancient urn serving as its phylactery.
Dracolich It is only a mater of time before the
soul will have attained sufficient con-
Phylactery trol of its new body to launch a second
reign of Ramaket. E

90 DRAGON 344 June 2006

by James Jacobs • illustrated by Eva Widermann

surviving the Age of Worms
Adventure Path

Becoming Epic Heroes

W hile the pages of Dungeon present

everything a DM needs to run the Age of
Worms Adventure Path, every month Dragon
gives the players of that—or any other campaign—tools to
enhance their gaming experience.
The first thing you should do when your character becomes
21st level is to check out pages 206–210 of the Dungeon
Master’s Guide. Here, you’ll find a bare-bones primer for
In “Dawn of a New Age,” the final adventure in the advancing into epic levels; these rules explain how your
campaign, your heroes stand an excellent chance of class features progress and give a small handful of feats to
transcending the boundary between high-level and epic- choose from.
level play. Certainly the villains you’ll be facing in this The Complete books (Complete Warrior, Complete Divine,
final battle are epic-level threats. As the campaign comes Complete Arcane, and Complete Adventurer) each feature sections
to a close, your heroes join the ranks of the greatest of the at the end that expand this information, including numerous
land, and in some cases, might even be the most powerful new feats to choose from.
members of their classes in the campaign world. Of course, the best place to go to for guidance and options
What does this mean, exactly? What is the difference with epic-level play is the Epic Level Handbook. If you use this
between high-level play and epic-level play? Where do book, be sure to check out the 3.5 rules update that Wizards of
you go to level up your character once you gain your the Coast has available on their website at wizards.com.
210,000th experience point? What kind of benefits tailored
specifically for the Age of Worms campaign should you YOUR FIRST EPIC FEAT
seek out? This article provides you with what you need When you reach 21st level, you qualify for your first epic
not only to face the Age of Worms endgame, but to carry feat. Unless your group intends to carry on the campaign
on beyond the campaign into new regions of heroism a�er finishing “Dawn of a New Age,” the feat you select will
and glory. be your character’s only epic feat. So choose wisely!

92 DRAGON 344 June 2006

It goes without saying, in feat, but since it only triggers when you key ability score is high enough (30+)
this case, that you should avoid make a critical hit and a lot of the foes in to grant you a bonus 10th-level spell.
selecting “gateway” feats that exist Age of Worms are undead, you should Being able to cast a quickened greater
primarily to serve as prerequisites look to Complete Warrior for better epic dispel magic or a quickened heal gives
for higher-level feats. Likewise, feat choices. Feats like Armor Skin, you a great advantage. Of course, if
certain feats have little to no use in Epic Prowess, and Epic Weapon Focus you don’t have any metamagic feats,
the limited span of time you have might seem minor, but that extra point this feat is still useful since you can
remaining to play your character. to your Armor Class or your attack roll apply it to any spell level. There’s
For example, there’s no sense in might save your life. Ranged weapon quite a few evil outsiders le� to fight
selecting Augmented Alchemy, specialists should definitely check out as well, so Planar Turning isn’t a bad
since you probably won’t have time Combat Archery, if only because a lot of choice (especially if you’ve picked up
to create many alchemical items high-level monsters have exceptional a lot of other feats to augment your
during this last adventure. reach with their attacks, and being able turning checks). Bonus Domain is
Breaking down the types of classes to fire your weapon without worrying a good choice only if the granted
into the classic four archetypes, the about attacks of opportunity is really domain is particularly useful at high
following epic feats (taken from the nice. Perfect Two-Weapon Fighting is level—gaining a larger spell selection
Complete books and the Dungeon an excellent choice if you qualify, since really only makes things more
Master’s Guide) are your best choices. it’s always best to add a new attack to complicated. And finally, although
Warrior: Barbarians, fighters, your full-attack actions. it’s not an epic feat, you certainly
paladins, and other classes focused on Divine: Improved Spell Capacity can’t go wrong with Persistent Spell
combat who qualify for Overwhelming is probably your best bet if you’re a from Complete Arcane, especially with
Critical might be tempted to take this divine spellcaster, especially if your spells like aid, divine favor, and resist

June 2006 DRAGON 344 93

energy just begging to be augmented enemies come to expect it. Make sure
in this way. to leave your real bodies in a well- FOR THE DM
Arcane: As far as spellcasting goes, defended place (such as Magepoint) With this Wormfood, the Age of
arcane spellcasters benefit from so if the enemy tracks them down Worms Adventure Path comes to
Improved Spell Capacity and Persistent you’ll at least have a few rounds to get a close. While you might wish to
Spell as much as divine casters. If you back there to save them. continue the campaign into the
have a familiar, Familiar Spell is a Death Ward: If you’re buying magic, epic levels, you might be inter-
handy way to increase the number of you can’t go wrong with a wand of ested in a change of scenery. Far
spells you can effectively cast in that death ward, especially in an adventure to the south, in the exotic port city
all-important first round of combat. If that features a lot of undead. of Sasserine, trouble is brewing.
your spellcaster is into damage spells, Free Enhancement Bonuses: If A noblewoman’s parents lie dead,
Enhance Spell isn’t a bad choice either. you find yourself shopping for new her brother has gone missing, and
Adventurer: Not every encounter weapons and armor, keep in mind that greedy creditors haunt her door-
in Age of Worms is built for combat; at high level paying for enhancement step, ready to steal away her ances-
there are several places where bonuses is wasting money if someone tral home. Yet in providing aid to
characters with high Bluff, Diplomacy, in your group can cast greater magic this desperate woman, your PCs
Intimidate, and similar skills can turn weapon or magic vestment. These spells might unwittingly entangle them-
the tide of battle with a single skill take up lower-level spell slots that selves in a sinister plot to spread
check. Feats like Epic Reputation or generally aren’t as useful in high-level madness across the globe—a plot
Epic Skill Focus can be invaluable to combat, so dedicating several spell destined to send them to the infa-
roguish characters. Feats like Improved slots to these spells can really make a mous pirate city of Scuttlecove, the
Sneak Attack aren’t that great (again, difference if you and your friends are notorious Isle of Dread, and deep
since many of the villains in Age of armed with +1 weapons loaded with all into the Abyss itself. Look for the
Worms are undead)—an adventurer sorts of other abilities. first adventure of Adventure Path
who focuses on combat is better served Heroes’ Feast: This spell is invaluable III: Savage Tide to begin in issue
by delving into some of the epic feats a for the immunity to fear and poison #139 of Dungeon.
combat class might take. effects it grants.
Maze: This spell is great for getting
EPIC STUNTS a monster out of the way, but it doesn’t Suit Up!: Before you head in to the
Of course, keeping track of your work as well against really smart last adventure, remember that you
character’s newfound power can be an creatures. That said, it’s also an excellent probably won’t have a chance to fully
epic stunt in and of itself. Note that defensive spell. Cast on yourself or an utilize any magical gear you find. Put
in many cases, the use of these tactics ally, it whisks away your target from another way; make sure you’re as well-
applies even to standard high-level danger, giving him all the time he equipped as you can be. Take a moment
games, not just epic-level games. probably needs to recover from a near- to look over your character’s magic
Astral Projection: The ultimate death situation. item body slots, if you see one that’s
in exploration spells. With astral Mind Blank: Once you can cast this empty, put something on! If you’ve got
projection you can engage your enemy spell, you might as well simply reduce the money to spare, you can even pay
with little to no risk to yourself, the number of 8th-level spells you double the normal price for an item
since if your astral body is killed, can cast per day by one: you should that normally takes up a slot to make it
it vanishes and you awaken in your never go out without this spell active. a “slottless” item. Your DM might limit
real body unharmed. This is also an If you don’t have mind blank handy, access to such items, and it’s perfectly
excellent spell to use when you’re an excellent poor-man’s alternative is reasonable to assume that such non-
heading into environments or up protection from evil. It doesn’t grant you standard items must be cra�ed to order,
against enemies who can ruin your the sweeping immunities mind blank which might take up more time than
valuable gear. Astrally projecting does, but it does keep you from being you are willing or able to wait.
characters really have only four controlled via dominate effects. Time Stop: This spell’s use for mid-
major disadvantages. First, they can’t No Save Allowed: Focus on spells combat recovery is unparalleled. A
enter areas warded by antimagic. that don’t allow saving throws. Maze, character with time stop can take his
Second, they can be dispelled. Third, forcecage, and Otto’s irresistible dance 1d4+1 rounds of free actions to heal
you can still be ruined by effects that are the classic examples, but spells himself, re-apply defensive spells, or
immobilize you without killing you like gate and summon monster are simply find better ground to continue
(flesh to stone, imprisonment, and even also effective ways to use magic to the battle. Spending those 1d4+1
hold person). Finally, if you use this damage creatures with really good rounds to summon monsters around
tactic too much, you can bet your saving throws. your enemy is also a good idea. E

94 DRAGON 344 June 2006


by Andy Collins • illustrated by Andrew Hou

In honor of this month’s theme, the Sage takes on questions
primarily dealing with matters of a draconic nature. Send the Sage
your questions at [email protected].

Can or do creatures other than drag- can’t use a divine scroll with such

oes a dragon’s crush attack pro-
voke attacks of opportunity when ons have overland travel speeds? a spell on it, any more than a wizard
it enters its targets’ squares? What The overland travel speeds listed for could use a divine scroll of dispel magic
about if its targets have reach weap- dragons in the Monster Manual are a (even though it’s on her spell list).
ons? What about when the dragon special ability of dragons. Other crea-
moves away a�er the crush attack? tures could potentially be created with If a dragon with racial access to domain
No, maybe, and yes. a similar quality, but it would have to be spells takes a cleric level, can it pick
The initial crush attack does not pro- included in the creature’s description. from the domains it has racial access
voke attacks of opportunity, even though to in addition to those granted by its
the dragon is entering enemy spaces. Dragons are immune to sleep and paral- deity? Does it gain any special benefit
Assuming the dragon has to move up ysis effects. Does this include “uncon- if it selects a domain that it already has
to its targets to deliver the crush attack, sciousness” effects, such as from drow access to from its dragon kind?
enemies with reach get attacks of oppor- poison or a color spray spell? No. Racial access to a domain allows
tunity if the dragon leaves threatened No. Both sleep and paralysis effects a dragon to learn and cast spells from
squares. It’s not the crush attack that create specific conditions defined in the that domain as if they were sorcerer
provokes, but the dragon’s movement. rules (although the “sleeping” condition spells, but doesn’t allow any access to
When the dragon moves away a�er created by most sleep effects is typically that domain for other purposes, nor
the crush attack, it provokes attacks of defined in the effect, rather than the does it grant any special stacking bene-
opportunity as normal for movement. glossary). Unconsciousness is an entirely fit if the dragon later gains the domain
different condition, and dragons are not from cleric levels or any other feature.
Can a dragon use its breath weapon as immune to becoming unconscious.
an attack of opportunity? Does a dragon with Power Attack add
No. Only melee attacks may be used Can a dragon use wands and scrolls of twice the number subtracted from
as attacks of opportunity. the cleric spells it’s allowed to cast as attack rolls to damage rolls when
arcane spells? What about spells from making a tail slap?
Can a dragon’s breath weapon harm the domains it can cast as arcane spells? No. While it shares some math-
a golem? Yes, no, and maybe. ematical similarity to a two-handed
Yes. Although the golem main Many dragons can cast cleric spells weapon, the tail slap (or any other nat-
entry describes “immunity to magic” and spells from certain domains as ural weapon that adds 1-1/2 the crea-
as granting immunity to “most arcane spells. Effectively, these spells ture’s Strength bonus on damage rolls)
magical and supernatural effects,” are added to the dragon’s sorcerer spell doesn’t gain any other benefits applied
individual golem entries clearly list as arcane spells. This means that it to the use of a two-handed weapon.
state that it applies only to “any can activate spell trigger items (such as
spell or spell-like ability that allows wands and staffs) containing such spells. Can a dragon wear magic rings,
spell resistance.” Thus, golems are Scrolls, however, always have a type cloaks, bracers, and so on built by and
affected normally by a dragon’s of magic (arcane or divine) inherent to for humanoids? Can it wield rods,
breath weapon unless the golem’s them. A dragon who can learn and cast staves, wands, or weapons? If it can,
entry states otherwise. cleric or domain spells as arcane spells does it have to take off or put away its

98 DRAGON 344 June 2006

equipment when it changes forms using alternate form,
or do the items it wishes to use in its new form remain
intact and useable through its transformation?
As described in an earlier Sage Advice column (issue #337),
most magic items can be worn by any creature that has an
appropriate body part upon which to wear it, regardless of
the creature’s (or the item’s) normal size. Draconomicon has a
sidebar dedicated to precisely this topic (page 24); basically,
the answer is that a dragon can wear or use just about any
magic item other than armor (unless it’s specially made for
the dragon, of course).
A dragon using alternate form would follow the normal
rules for polymorph to determine whether items remain on
its body or meld into its new form (see the alter self spell on
page 197 of the Player’s Handbook and new errata for poly-
morph and similar effects at wizards.com/dnd).

Does a dragon use its HD or its sorcerer caster level as the

caster level for alternate form?
As noted on page 315 in the Monster Manual, supernatural
abilities (such as the dragon’s alternate form) have “an effective
caster level equal to the creature’s Hit Dice” unless otherwise
noted. The “Caster Level” column on each dragon’s “Abilities
by Age” table applies to its sorcerer spellcasting ability and its
spell-like abilities (see page 69 of the Monster Manual).

A very young silver dragon (Constitution 15) uses alternate

form to take the form of an average elf (Constitution 8). He
takes 4 points of Constitution damage. When he changes
back to his natural form, does the Constitution damage
remain? What if he takes elf form again—does his Consti-
tution become normal for an average elf again (8), or does
the damage still remain?
Alternate form doesn’t eliminate any penalties, damage,
or drain currently affecting your ability scores. The dragon
with 4 points of Constitution damage would have Constitu-
tion 11 in dragon form and Constitution 4 in elf form until
the damage was removed.

If you cast resurrection on dragonhide armor does the

dragon come back to life?
Yes. The resurrection spell states that “so long as some
small portion of the creature’s body still exists, it can be
resurrected” and that “the condition of the remains is not a
factor.” It would be up to the DM to determine the age and
kind of the dragon resulting from such a spell, using the
guidelines for minimum size required to make the armor
in question (see page 284 in the Dungeon Master’s Guide).
The same would apply to any object cra�ed from part of a
living creature, such as leather or hide armor, a necklace of
boar tusks, or a cloak made from the fur of a dire weasel.

What are the rules for leaping onto the back of a dragon?
What about leaping onto the back of a flying dragon (such
as from off a carpet of flying)?

June 2006 DRAGON 344 99


Assuming you’re not talking about any character of the dragon type who
leaping onto the back of your dragon meets the prerequisites is technically
mount (which is covered by the Ride allowed to take levels in these classes,
skill), you’re in uncharted territory. A and thus exceed the normal limit on
Jump check seems like a good start base attack and save bonuses.
(you must jump high enough or far DMs who want to avoid this head-
enough to get into position), and ache are encouraged to adopt either
a�er that it seems like you’re doing or both of the following house rules:
something much like initiating a 1) The classes are available only to true
grapple (a dragon who doesn’t want dragons (not simply to creatures of
you on its back should get a chance the dragon type); or
to resist your attempt). 2) The base attack and base save bonus
Whenever you’re trying something progressions listed only apply to
that doesn’t seem covered in the game characters who haven’t already
rules, start by looking for existing reached ECL 20. In some cases
rules that mimic what you’re attempt- (such as the bloodscaled fury, which
ing, rather than simply creating a new requires the creature to already have
rule from scratch. You may well find a base attack bonus above +20), this
that existing rules for similar actions means that the entire progression
get you most of the way there. is effectively eliminated.

Do I have to use the Leadership feat Does a paladin’s mount share the pal-
or the Dragon Cohort feat for my adin’s non-spell special abilities, such
15th-level paladin to gain a juvenile as immunity to fear?
celestial bronze dragon (CR 9 + 2 with No. A paladin’s mount can use the
celestial template) as his mount? Or paladin’s base save bonuses, and the
can I gain a draconic mount without paladin can have any spell (but not any
making him a cohort? spell-like ability) she casts on herself
There’s nothing stopping your DM also affect the mount, but this doesn’t
from allowing you to gain a draconic extend to other special abilities.
mount (or any other kind of cohort,
follower, or ally) without spending Do goliaths (from Races of Stone)
a feat. The feats are there to provide have darkvision? The Monster Manual
mechanical guidelines for DMs and says that monstrous humanoids have
players who aren’t comfortable adju- darkvision unless stated otherwise,
dicating such things on the fly. but Races of Stone doesn’t say one way
or the other.
Are the epic rules for advancement by Yes. Ideally, the goliath description
prestige classes different for dragons? should have reiterated this, but since it
Some prestige classes for dragons in doesn’t state otherwise, it can safely be
Draconomicon effectively require the assumed that goliaths have darkvision.
dragon to be epic but still list base
attack bonus and base save progres- Can a dwarf wearing medium or heavy
sions. Are those values used instead armor or carrying a medium or heavy
of the epic attack and save bonus pro- load use the Tumble skill?
gressions described in the Dungeon Yes. Thanks to the dwarven racial
Master’s Guide? And if so, does this ability to move at full speed even
let dragon characters (or half-dragon when armored or encumbered, the
characters) break the normal limit of character’s speed hasn’t been “reduced
base attack and save bonuses? by armor, excess equipment, or loot”
The prestige classes in Draconomicon (Player’s Handbook, page 84), so he’s
are special exceptions to the normal free to use the Tumble skill. Of course,
limits on base attack and save bonuses he still suffers an armor check pen-
listed in the Dungeon Master’s Guide. alty for either the armor or the load
While they are designed for monsters, (whichever is worse). E

100 DRAGON 344 June 2006

CLASS ACTS by Hal Maclean • illustrated by Steve Ellis


may apply multiple ambush feats to

or every hero born to stride through
the sunlit fields of valor there the same attack so long as you still deal
lurks another who lives within the at least one extra die of damage with
shadows. Cunning and anonymous, he the attack. Creatures immune to sneak
shuns the clash of blades. He devotes attacks are immune to the secondary
endless hours to his cra� and embraces effects created by ambush feats.
discretion as his highest virtue. Those
who follow this path learn to strike at BURNING LINK [AMBUSH]
their foes’ most vulnerable points and You can harm creatures possessing a
bear many different names—rogues, mystical connection to your opponent.
ninjas, even spellthieves—but regardless Prerequisites: Knowledge (arcana) 1
of the title all share one common trait: rank, Knowledge (nature) 1 rank, sneak
an almost supernatural ability to topple attack +3d6.
the mighty with a single well-timed, Benefit: By reducing your sneak
perfectly placed blow. attack damage by two damage dice,
A few you can deal sneak attack damage to a
such creature linked with your target from
shadow a class ability—such as a druid or
stalkers, ranger’s animal companion, a sorcerer
the elite of the elite, or wizard’s familiar, or a paladin’s
regard the training special mount. Only your sneak attack
in their professions damage (that which remains a�er
as merely the first subtracting two dice to use this feat)
step. Delving deeply applies, and that damage only affects
into the mysteries of anatomy and the target’s linked creature—not
physiology, they uncover startling your target. The base damage of your
insights into the workings of the weapon, your Strength bonus, poison,
mortal body and learn myriad ways to and similar types of damage do not
lay low their enemies. transfer and apply to your target
Unless otherwise noted, any normally. A creature has a special
reference to sneak attack also connection to your target if it gains
includes skirmish, sudden strike, and Hit Dice, hit points, or other abilities
any other class ability that allows due to the target’s level. Creatures
a character to make a precision- of a type normally immune to sneak
based attack that deals extra attack damage (such as constructs or
dice of damage. undead) are immune to the effects of
this feat.
Ambush feats allow you to use DAZZLING STRIKE [AMBUSH]
your sneak attack to deal some Your attack reflects light into your
other, additional, disability upon opponent’s face, leaving him with
an opponent at the cost of one or more watering eyes and cringing from
of the extra damage dice you normally the light.
deal with a successful hit. You must Prerequisite: Sneak attack +2d6.
declare your intent to use an ambush Benefit: By reducing your sneak
feat’s ability before making your attack attack damage by one damage die,
roll and you must deal at least one your attack leaves your opponent
extra die of damage with the attack. You dazzled for 1 round. If you reduce

102 DRAGON 344 June 2006

your sneak attack damage by more For example, a 13th-level ninja uses Special: This feat only affects living
than the one die, the duration of the Rapid Shot and Flurry of Throws to creatures able to feel pain.
dazzle effect increases by 1 round per make six attacks (two normal attacks
damage die reduction. You and your plus one Rapid Shot attack plus three PAINFUL STRIKE [AMBUSH]
foe must both be in an area of bright Flurry of Throws attacks). The ninja’s Your attack causes your opponent
illumination for you to make use of attacks have the following base attack intense agony.
this feat. bonuses (counting only his base attack Prerequisites: Str 13, Power Attack,
bonus and penalties for attacking more sneak attack +3d6.
ELDRITCH EROSION [AMBUSH] than once in a round): +6/+1/+6/+6/+6/+6. Benefit: By reducing your sneak
You can weaken your opponents’ ability His three Flurry of Throws attacks deal attack damage by two damage dice,
to withstand magical threats. normal shuriken damage plus 4d6 you can strike to cause your target
Prerequisite: Sneak attack +3d6. points of sudden strike damage and intense, throbbing pain. This pain
Benefit: By reducing your sneak must be made against three different imposes a –2 penalty on attack rolls,
attack damage by two damage dice you foes who lack their Dexterity bonuses to skill checks, and ability checks for
can reduce the target’s spell resistance AC and are thus susceptible to sudden 1 minute.
by 5 (minimum 1) for 1 minute. strike damage. Special: This feat only affects liv-
Multiple attacks made with this feat ing creatures able to feel pain.
do not stack. Each use of this feat HINDER [AMBUSH]
begins the 1 minute duration anew. Your attack leaves your opponent RING THE EAR [AMBUSH]
limping in pain. A mighty buffet leaves your opponent
FLURRY OF THROWS Prerequisites: Improved Initiative, reeling and his ears buzzing.
[AMBUSH] skirmish +2d6. Prerequisites: Improved Unarmed
When you catch opponents unawares Benefit: By reducing your skirmish Strike, sneak attack +2d6.
you can unleash a storm of shuriken damage by one damage die, you can Benefit: By reducing your sneak
striking at their most vulnerable points. reduce your target’s base land speed attack damage by one damage die
Prerequisites: Dex 13, Point Blank by up to 10 feet for 1 minute. Multiple you can make a special unarmed
Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot, Weapon attacks made with this feat stack, but strike attack that forces your target
Focus (shuriken), Acrobatics, sudden you cannot reduce a creature’s base to make a Fortitude save (DC 10 +1/2
strike +4d6. land speed below 5 feet. This feat does your class level + your Str modifier).
Benefit: As part of a full-round not affect any other type of movement, If your target fails this save he loses
attack using Rapid Shot, you can such as flying or climbing. the ability to hear for 1 minute.
throw additional shuriken by Special: A scout may take Hinder
reducing your sudden strike damage. as one of her scout bonus feats (see WEAKEN THE HEART
You make every attack in the round page 13 of Complete Adventurer). [AMBUSH]
with a –2 penalty. For each die by Your attack leaves your opponent
which you reduce your sudden strike LACERATE [AMBUSH] gasping for air and watching spots
damage you gain one additional With a single viper-swi� blow you dance before his eyes.
attack and you deal your remaining strike and temporarily paralyze your Prerequisites: Base attack bonus
damage dice to each target struck by opponent’s hand. +4, sneak attack +3d6.
the additional attacks gained from Prerequisites: Str 13, Int 13, Combat Benefit: By reducing your sneak
this ability. You can sacrifice up to Expertise, Improved Disarm, Painful attack damage by two damage dice
three bonus damage dice to gain Strike, Power Attack, sneak attack +4d6. you can make a special melee attack
three extra attacks in a round. Each Benefit: By reducing your sneak targeting your foe’s vital organs
target of a shuriken attack must be attack damage by three damage dice, that forces your target to make a
vulnerable to your sudden strike (i.e., you can make a melee attack that causes Fortitude save (DC 10 +1/2 your class
does not currently have a Dexterity your target to lose the use of one of his level + your Int modifier). If your
bonus to AC), and each shuriken hands (your choice) for 1 minute. Your target fails this save, at any time in
you throw in this way must target target can make a Fortitude save to the next 10 minutes that he attempts
a different creature. Other attacks resist (DC 10 + 1/2 your level + damage to make a Strength-, Dexterity-,
you make as part of your full attack dealt). If he fails the save he drops or Constitution-based skill check
action that are not extra attacks from whatever he is holding in that hand, or on ability checks using one of
Rapid Shot or Flurry of Throws do cannot use two-handed weapons, and these scores he becomes fatigued.
not have to be made with shuriken, he may not engage in any action that If already fatigued he becomes
and they do not gain bonus sudden requires the use of both hands (such as exhausted instead. E
strike damage. using the Climb or Use Rope skills).

June 2006 DRAGON 344 103

CLASS ACTS by Richard Farrese • illustrated by Steve Ellis

mysterious cra� by rote and study their

ost primitive societies have
sorcerers, shamans, or witch spells each day, using their superior
doctors among their ranks, but intellects to master the peculiar power
a lesser-known tradition of cunning of the arcane. Those who follow this
arcanists has existed for thousands of path are called anagakoks.
years. Found among some of the most An anagakok (ah nah GA kawk) is an
barbaric tribes of the world, those who alternative specialist wizard from a
learn this magical discipline do not primitive society. Born and raised in
rely on instincts, personal magnetism, nature and bound by the traditions
or divinity to weave their magic. of an ancient people, an anagakok has
Instead, much like the wizards of more great respect for and control over the
civilized societies, they environment in which he lives. From an
learn their early age, he learns to master the art of
survival in the most extreme conditions.
Many of his spells grant him a measure
of control over animals and plants,
and others allow him to move through
nature unhindered or unseen. Although
he does not necessarily worship deities
associated with the wilderness and the
source of his power comes from arcane
forces rather than from the divine, an
anagakok attracts the attention of
many lesser spirits of the wild. These
fickle beings bestow special boons
on the anagakok that make him
unnaturally lucky. The members of
his tribe regard him as someone who
brings good fortune to the people.
Most of his tribesmen cling to the
belief that a guardian spirit possesses
this mysterious magic weaver.
The anagakok is especially concerned
with the wellbeing of his tribe. He helps
gather food, finds safe shelter in times of
crisis, and defends tribesmates against
sometimes impossible odds. Because of
his connection to nature and the useful
spells he can cast, the anagakok is a vital
member of his society. Nevertheless,
like many wizards the anagakok is o�en
attracted to a life of adventure and
exploration. When an anagakok chooses
to become an adventurer, he travels the
world seeking to perfect his art.
An adventuring anagakok can be
of valuable assistance to any party.
Because his magic is especially useful
in the wild, he is a great addition to

104 DRAGON 344 June 2006

any group that lacks a druid or ranger spell list). As a type of specialist wizard,
in its ranks, as well as to any party that an anagakok can prepare one additional THE ANAGAKOK
specializes in wilderness exploration. spell of this specialty school per spell
A versatile character, the anagakok is level each day, as normal. These spells Level Special
not lost in environments unknown to go on the anagakok’s spell list, allowing 1st Good fortune 2 points,
him—such as in great cities. him to prepare them in any spell slot. illiteracy, spontaneous
The anagakok originally appeared He also gains a +2 bonus on Spellcra� casting, wilderness lore
as a kit in second edition’s Complete checks to learn spells of this school. The 2nd
Wizard’s Handbook. anagakok’s prohibited schools are always 3rd
Alignment: Any. Although an illusion and necromancy, and he may 4th
anagakok is rarely lawful, he can be of never learn or cast spells from them. An 5th Good fortune 4 points
any alignment. anagakok cannot become a specialist in 6th
Hit Die: d4. any other school. 7th
The anagakok’s school includes the 8th
GAME RULE INFORMATION following spells. 9th
The anagakok is a variant wizard. Unless Level Spells 10th Good fortune 6 points
otherwise noted, an anagakok advances 0 create water, know direction, 11th
in the same manner as a wizard purify food and drink 12th
(same base attack bonus, saving throw 1st calm animals, charm animal, 13th
bonuses, skill points, and so on). When a detect animals or plants, 14th
character elects to take a level of wizard detect snares and pits, 15th Good fortune 8 points
or anagakok, he may not later take levels longstrider, pass without trace 16th
in the other class. This prevents the 2nd animal trance, hold animal, 17th
character from gaining the benefits of a reduce animal, wood shape 18th
1st-level wizard twice. 3rd diminish plants, dominate 19th
An anagakok can prepare as many animal, neutralize poison, 20th Good fortune 10 points
spells per day a regular specialist. quench, snare
Class Skills: In addition to those 4th antiplant shell, command
of the standard wizard, the anagakok plants, repel vermin, rusting can “lose” any prepared spell of 1st level
also has Survival as a class skill. grasp or higher that is not his specialist bonus
Spellbooks: Just like a wizard, an 5th awaken, commune with nature, spell in order to cast endure elements.
anagakok must study his spellbook control winds, tree stride Wilderness Lore: An anagakok is
each day to prepare his spells. He 6th find the path, repel wood, learned in the ways of nature. He gains
cannot prepare any spell not recorded stone tell, transport via plants a +2 bonus on Knowledge (nature) and
in his spellbook, except for read magic, 7th animate plants, transmute on Survival checks.
which all anagakoks can prepare from metal to wood, windwalk Good Fortune: The anagakok is well
memory. An anagakok’s spellbook is 8th animal shapes, control regarded by the many spirits that inhabit
usually made from crudely cut layers plants, repel metal or stone the wilderness and begins to attract their
of bark. Some anagakoks even carve 9th elemental swarm, attention early in his career. Blessed by
the formulas for their spells on stone, regenerate, shambler the spirits of nature, he gains a number
tree roots, or other materials found in Illiteracy: With the exception of of good fortune points he can apply (as
nature, but most prefer bark because it arcane spell formulas, the anagakok an immediate action) to any die roll to
is lighter and easier to write on. cannot read or write. He may spend gain a luck bonus equal to the number of
School Specialization: An anagakok 2 skill points to gain the ability to points he expends. At 1st level, he receives
is a specialist wizard (see page 57 of read and write all languages he is able 2 good fortune points per day, and this
the Player’s Handbook) specializing in a to speak. number increases by 2 more points at
distinctive school of magic unique to An anagakok who gains a level 5th level and every five levels therea�er.
anagakoks. Unlike typical wizard schools, in any other class except barbarian The anagakok may spread out his good
the anagakok’s school of magic regroups automatically gains literacy. Any other fortune points to add bonuses to a
spells especially useful to survival in character who gains an anagakok level number of rolls, checks, or saving throws
harsh environmental conditions as well does not lose the literacy he already had. or expend them all on a single die roll.
as spells affecting nature in general. As Spontaneous Casting: An anagakok As a readied action, the anagakok may
such, the anagakok school of magic allows can channel stored spell energy into an also choose to expend his good fortune
him to cast spells not typically available endure elements spell the anagakok did points to grant a luck bonus on the roll
to other wizards (i.e., not on the wizard not prepare ahead of time. The anagakok of an ally he can touch. E

June 2006 DRAGON 344 105

CLASS ACTS by Joshua Cole • illustrated by Steve Ellis


are deific spirits of the Celestial

o many of the lesser species with
which they share the Material Plane, Bureaucracy and expect veneration
dragons are beings of almost deific as a matter of course. Gem dragons
might and immortal lifespan. Some are more likely to tutor monks or
humanoids even go so far as to worship members of the psionic classes, but
dragons as a group or focus on one sometimes accrue followers with
specific dragon. divine spellcasting ability. Even
Of the major breeds of true dragon, the noble metallic dragons are not
two groups actively solicit worshipers: entirely immune to the supreme
Arrogant chromatic dragons delight flattery of worship—nor do they
in presenting themselves as divine necessarily know of (or care enough
beings, while the serpentine to correct) humanoids who consider
lung dragons actually them deities.

A cleric may pay homage to dragons
in general by selecting the Dragon
domain (see Spell Compendium, page
273), but a true devotee of the dragon
supplements these broader draconic
spells with magic inspired by the par-
ticular type he venerates: Chromatic,
Gem, Lung, or Metallic. These domains
may be taken alone or in conjunction
with the Dragon domain.
Chromatic dragons usually com-
pel worship through terror. Red and
white dragons in particular delight
in the abject submission of their fol-
lowers. Blue dragons sometimes rule
expansive theocracies, using the devo-
tions of their adherents less to stroke
their egos and more to control masses
of subjects.
Gem dragons rarely seek out follow-
ers, but when they acquire worshipers
they do not necessarily object to being
seen as deities. A gem dragon rarely
interacts with its devotees directly, but
it might serve as an inspirational fig-
ure to primitive psionic humanoids.
Many shamans (see Oriental Adven-
tures, page 22) select the Lung Dragon
domain as part of their veneration of
the wider spirit world. A cleric who
worships a lung dragon tends to live
with the misapprehension that the
object of his devotions is a singularly
divine entity.

106 DRAGON 344 June 2006

Metallic dragons are, as a rule, too GEM DRAGON DRACONIC DOMAINS
honest to accept open worship. A few, Granted Power: Add Autohypno- WITHOUT THE SPELL
however, placing the greater good sis, Knowledge (psionics), and Psi- COMPENDIUM
(and, perhaps, their own draconic cra� to your list of cleric class skills.
egos) ahead of personal honor, do All four draconic domains include
teach would-be clerics how to use their Gem Dragon Domain Spells spells from the Spell Compendium.
dragon-inspired powers for good. 1 True Strike: +20 on your next If you lack access to that book you
In addition to humanoid worship- attack roll. can substitute appropriate spells
ers, some dragons take levels in cleric 2 Detect Thoughts: Allows “listening” from the Player’s Handbook or other
and adopt the appropriate draconic to surface thoughts. supplements. Chromatic dragon
domains. wing lists define the four 3 Mesmerizing Glare SC: Your gaze spells tend to revolve around
draconic domains. Spells marked with fascinates creatures. breath weapons and fear effects.
“SC” are from the Spell Compendium. E 4 Suggestion: Compels subject to Gem dragon spells are primarily
follow stated course of action. enchantments and divinations that
5 Dragonsight SC, F: Gain low-light mimic psionic powers. Lung dragon
CHROMATIC DRAGON vision, darkvision and blindsense. spells chiefly involve nature, the
Granted Power: Choose a chromatic 6 Probe Thoughts SC: Read subject’s elements (especially air and water),
dragon color. You cannot later change memories, one question/round. mutability, and warding areas
the kind of dragon. Once per day, you 7 True Seeing M: Lets you see all or items. Metallic dragon spells
may use a breath weapon similar to the things as they really are. emphasize those involving metal,
chosen dragon’s. This breath weapon 8 Mind Blank: Subject is immune personal protective spells, and spells
deals 1d6 points of damage per five to mental/emotional magic and for bargaining with dragons.
cleric levels you possess. A successful scrying.
Reflex save (DC 10 + 1/2 your cleric level 9 Foresight: “Sixth sense” warns of
+ your Charisma modifier) halves the impending danger.
damage. A black breathes a 60-foot line METALLIC DRAGON
of acid, a blue breathes a 60-foot line LUNG DRAGON Granted Power: You gain damage
of electricity, a green breathes a 30-foot Granted Power: You gain a +2 com- reduction 1/adamantine. This increases
cone of acid, a red breathes a 30-foot petence bonus on Charisma-based by 1 per five cleric levels.
cone of fire, and a white breathes 30- skill checks and Charisma checks
foot cone of cold. against creatures of the dragon type or Metallic Dragon Domain Spells
spirit subtype. This bonus increases to 1 Vision of Glory SC: Subject gains
Chromatic Dragon Domain +4 against dragon (spirit) creatures. morale bonus equal to your Cha
Spells modifier to one saving throw.
1 Cause Fear: One creature of 5 HD or Lung Dragon Domain Spells 2 Shield Other: You take half of sub
less flees for 1d4 rounds. 1 Unseen Servant: Invisible force ject’s damage.
2 Gust of Wind: Blows away or knocks obeys your commands. 3 Diamondsteel SC, M: Metal armor pro-
down smaller creatures. 2 Fog Cloud: Fog obscures vision. vides damage reduction.
3 Claws of Darkness SC: Claws deal 3 Sign of Sealing SC, M: Magical sigil 4 Protection from Energy: Absorb 12
1d8 cold damage and have reach. protects door or chest, deals 1d4/ points/level of damage from one kind
4 Fear: Subjects within cone level (max 10d4) if opened. of energy.
flee for 1 round/level. 4 Air Walk: Subject treads on air as if 5 Globe of Invulnerability, Lesser:
5 Rebuking Breath SC: Your breath solid (climb at a 45º angle). Stops 1st- through 3rd-level spells.
weapon rebukes undead. 5 Draconic Might SC: Gain +5 to Str, 6 Wall of Iron: 30 hp/four levels, can
6 Symbol of Fear M: Triggered rune Con, Cha; +4 natural armor; immunity topple onto foes.
panics nearby creatures. to magic sleep and paralysis effects. 7 Ironguard SC, F: Subject becomes
7 Aura of Terror SC: You gain an 6 Sign of Sealing, Greater SC, M: immune to all metal weapons.
aura of fear, or your frightful Magical sigil protects door or chest, 8 Iron Body: Your body becomes living
presence becomes more effective. deals 1d6/level (max 20d6) if opened. iron.
8 Stunning Breath, Greater SC: Your 7 Control Weather: Changes weather 9 Dragon Ally, Greater SC, XP: As lesser
breath weapon also stuns creatures in local area. dragon ally, but up to 21 HD. (Metallic
for 2d4 rounds. 8 Polymorph Any Object: Changes dragons only.)
9 Weird: As phantasmal killer, but subject into anything else.
affects all within 30 �. 9 Meteor Swarm: Four exploding
spheres each deal 6d6 fire damage.

June 2006 DRAGON 344 107

CLASS ACTS by Amber E. Scott. • illustrated by Steve Ellis


though, the carapace vest breaks and

ome claim a
dragon hunter becomes useless.
A brave man and a fool entered a courage in excess LIQUID COURAGE
room, and found himself alone. of the average It should be no surprise that dwarves
—Proverb person, for he were the first to distill this potent
marches into the alcoholic beverage with courage-boosting
lairs of the most properties. Dwarves refuse to reveal
dangerous crea- the exact ingredients, but researchers
tures in existence. believe the drink is distilled from several
Others claim dragon varieties of fungus, including one with
hunters are the greatest hallucinogenic properties.
idiots in the world—for A character who imbibes a glass of
the same reasons. liquid courage feels brave and arrogant.
The bolstering effects of liquid courage
CARAPACE VEST last for 1 hour and provides the drinker
Elven dragon hunters cra�ed these with a +2 alchemical bonus on saving
items a�er one sage accidentally stepped throws against extraordinary fear effects
on a beetle, then li�ed his foot to find (such as a dragon’s frightful presence)
the insect unharmed. Cra�smen make and a –2 penalty on Dexterity checks and
these vests out of flexible strips of wood, Dexterity-based skill checks.
coated multiple times with sap-derived A bottle of liquid courage holds
resin. When worn, the carapace vest fits enough for five glasses.
over light or medium armor and forms
a bubble of air between the vest and the PLATE THINNER
wearer’s chest. This clear, turpentinelike liquid so�-
A carapace vest protects the wearer ens hard organic matter, such as teeth,
from the worst of a dragon’s crush bones, and scales.
attack. The wearer takes half A ranged touch attack is required to
damage from the dragon’s saturate the dragon with plate thinner.
initial crush attack, as the On a successful hit, the dragon’s scales
carapace vest shields become so�er and more permeable.
him from internal inju- A dose of plate thinner, which comes
ries. In addition, the in large glass bottles, affects a Medium
protection afforded dragon for 1 minute, a�er which time
by the carapace vest its scales dry and harden. During that
allows the wearer to time, however, any critical hits scored by
catch his breath and rolling a natural 20 against the dragon
muster a concen- increase their damage multiplier by 1
trated effort to escape (thus, a weapon that normally deals ×2
from the dragon’s pin, damage instead deals ×3 damage).
granting him a +4 bonus Two doses are required to coat a Large
on his next grapple check dragon, with four for a Huge, eight for a
(provided that check Gargantuan, and sixteen for a Colossal.
is made to escape the Plate thinner affects any creature of
dragon’s pin). A�er the the dragon type or reptilian subtype
first round of damage, with a natural armor bonus.

108 DRAGON 344 June 2006

SNOUT SNARE If used as a weapon to strike a crea- a wing clip. Throwing one is a ranged
A gnome inventor discovered that ture, the snout snare breaks apart on a attack with a 10-foot range increment.
webbing from giant spiders made an successful hit and deals no damage. A wing clip is an exotic weapon, and
incredibly strong, sticky rope when because of the item’s awkwardness it
treated with the proper chemicals. He SUGAR BOMB imposes a further –2 penalty on all attack
then added a sliding pole, creating the Once scholars uncovered the draconic rolls made with it (thus, a nonproficient
first snout snare. dislike for things that taste sweet (see user takes a –6 penalty on his attack roll
A snout snare is a 10-foot-long pole Draconomicon, page 18), alchemists with a wing clip). On a failed attempt,
topped with a giant hoop holding open a (particularly gnome and halfling the wing clip snaps shut but does not
massive lasso.The pole telescopes to 20 feet alchemists, who seemed to have a knack penetrate the dragon’s tough hide; the
in length and a sliding lever tightens the for such things) went to work trying to clip bounces off and must be reset (most
noose. A snout snare requires two hands to uncover ways of utilizing that particular wing clips come with a 100-foot trailing
use properly. draconic weakness. cord so the thrower can easily retrieve
The wielder uses a snout snare to lasso A sugar bomb is exactly that: a poorly the clip).
a dragon’s snout, pinning its jaws shut constructed sack of flimsy paper or On a successful ranged attack, a wing
and rendering it unable to use its breath parchment filled with sugar. Recent clip clamps down on a dragon’s wing
weapon or bite attack. As most dragons sugar bombs contain pockets of sticky and impairs its flight ability. Dragons
are exceptionally powerful, snout snares alchemical goo as well, to help the sugar are lighter than land-bound creatures
only inconvenience the beasts for a short adhere to the dragon’s tongue. The sugar of their size, but they still require a great
time. In dragon hunting, though, every bomb’s wielder must make a ranged deal of power and momentum to li�
second counts. attack to hit the dragon’s mouth (a target them off the ground. A single wing clip
A snout snare has a reach of up to 15 up to three size categories smaller than reduces the dragon’s fly speed by 30 feet
feet and can be used against an adjacent the dragon, but no smaller than Fine) and decreases its maneuverability by one
foe as well. The wielder must success- directly with the sugar bomb. A dragon category. Additional wing clips slow the
fully grapple the dragon with the snout hit by a sugar bomb loses its blindsense dragon by 30 feet each and reduce its
snare (this particular grapple attempt ability for 1d6 rounds. When faced with maneuverability by an additional category
does not provoke an attack of opportu- a dragon lacking blindsense, characters (to a minimum of clumsy). A dragon can
nity) and achieve a hold. The snout snare can make Hide and Move Silently checks no longer fly if its movement is reduce
allows the wielder to successfully hold a normally, opposed only by the dragon’s to 0 feet. Dragons smaller than Medium
creature of any size, although it deals no Spot and Listen checks. cannot be affected by wing clips (they
damage. Most wielders drop the pole are too small), while Medium and larger
a�er successfully snaring a dragon’s WING CLIPS dragons can be affected by a number of
snout. Alternatively, the wielder can A wise old orc woman invented these wing clips equal to one plus one per size
choose to keep hold of the pole and try dragon hunting staples when a fierce category larger than Medium (minimum
to control the dragon. In that case, the adult red terrorized her clan. She set the of one for each wing). Dragons without
dragon and the wielder make opposed clan’s warriors to cra�ing steel-toothed wings are immune to wing clips.
Strength checks each round as free clamps like narrow bear traps. The next A dragon can remove one wing clip
actions. If the dragon wins the opposed time the dragon swooped low, the orcs, with a standard action or all wing clips
Strength check it can move as it wills. If threw the clamps onto its back, pulling attached to it as a full-round action. Wing
the wielder wins, the dragon remains it from the sky. clips can affect any creature that flies with
snared and cannot move farther than Wing clips measure 3 feet in diameter wings (as opposed to magical flight, such
the pole’s reach. when open. It takes a move action to ready as that possessed by beholders). E
To break free of the snout snare, a
dragon can attempt a DC 17 Strength DRAGON-HUNTING GEAR
check (DC 21 for masterwork snout
snares) as a free action once per round. Item Cost Weight Cra� Skill Cra� DC
The dragon can also elect to use a stan- Carapace vest 35 gp 10 lb. Armorsmithing 15
dard action to automatically remove Liquid courage, bottle 50 gp 1–1/2 lb. Alchemy 20
the snout snare as long as it can use its Liquid courage, glass 10 gp — Alchemy 20
front claws. A dragon three or more size Plate thinner 25 gp 2 lb. Alchemy 20
categories larger than the snout snare’s Snout snare 30 gp 6 lb. Weaponsmithing 18
wielder and who succeeds on its opposed Snout snare, masterwork 80 gp 5 lb. Weaponsmithing 20
Strength check can fly, swim, or move Snout snare, replacement lasso 7 gp 1 lb. Weaponsmithing 10
normally, even if the wielder continues Sugar bomb 1 gp — Alchemy 10
to dangle from the snare’s pole. Wing clip 40 gp 14 lb. Weaponsmithing 18

June 2006 DRAGON 344 109


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June 2006 DRAGON 344 129

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