FS Matthew: Information Guide

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Information Guide Volume 1.

W X Y Zab cd efghijk lm n o p qr s tu v
w xyz À Á Â Ã Ä Ā Ă Å Ǻ Ą Æ ǼĆÇĈČĊ
FS Matthew
x Ẁ Ẃ Ŵ Ẅ Ỳ Ý Ŷ Ÿ Ź Ž Ż a Ð Þ fi fl ff ffi fflĝ
ğġģĥħıìí î ĩ ï ī ĭ įij ĵ ķĸĺłľ ļŀńňñņʼn
û ũ ü ū ŭ ů ű ų ẁ ẃ ŵ ẅ ỳ ý ŷ ÿ ź ž ŋ ð þ 012
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¶•@©®™`´ ¨ ˆ ˜ ¯ ˘˙˚¸˝˛ˇ_ABC
Typeset in FS MatthewTypeset
| Copyright
in FS©Matthew
| Copyright
2013 | www.fontsmith.com 1
© Fontsmith 2013 | www.fontsmith.com
FS Matthew

FS Matthew is a multi-talented type.

A clear, stylish and structured sans
with swooping curves of openness.
A lively, flavourful character with
unexpected drama. A structured
type system for solid corporate
identities, signage systems,
logotypes, screens, websites and
billboard ads. A feel-good font –
radiant, efficient and sound.

FS Matthew Light 32/36pt Typeset in FS Matthew | Copyright © Fontsmith 2013 | www.fontsmith.com 2

FS Matthew Range of Weights

Four versatile and FS Matthew Light

distinctive weights

Carefully crafted to
enhance the meaning FS Matthew Light Italic

of our words.
FS Matthew Regular

FS Matthew Italic

FS Matthew Medium

FS Matthew Medium Italic

FS Matthew Bold

FS Matthew Bold Italic


Typeset in FS Matthew | Copyright © Fontsmith 2013 | www.fontsmith.com 3

FS Matthew Font Specification

Formats OpenType (.otf) and TrueType (.ttf) for Mac Os and Windows desktop software.
Web Open Font Format (.woff and .woff2) for all modern browser platforms.

For more information please visit: https://www.fontsmith.com/faqs

Languages Latin
Afrikaans Estonian Italian Slovenian
FS Matthew includes
Albanian Faroese Latvian Serbian
characters for use
Basque Finnish Lithuanian Sorbian
in the following:
Breton French Luxembourgish Spanish
Catalan Gaelic Malagasy Swahili
Croatian Galician Maltese Swedish
Czech German Norwegian Turkish
Danish Greenlandic Polish Walloon
Dutch Hungarian Portuguese Welsh
English Icelandic Romanian
Esperanto Irish Slovak

Special Features Discretionary Ligatures

4 Arrows
OpenType format only. - > = -> (Hyphen + Greater)
- < = -< (Hyphen + Less)
- ^ = -^ (Hyphen + Ascii Circumflex [Command-6])
^ - = ^- (Ascii Circumflex [Command-6] + Hyphen)

Note: Please check your software manual to find

details of which OpenType features are supported.

Typeset in FS Matthew | Copyright © Fontsmith 2013 | www.fontsmith.com 4

FS Matthew Alphabet


Lowercase abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzàáâãäāăåǻąæǽćçĉčċď
đèéêěëēĕėęĝğġģĥħıìíî ĩïīĭįijĵķĸĺłľļŀńňñņʼnòóôõöōŏő


Typeset in FS Matthew | Copyright © Fontsmith 2013 | www.fontsmith.com 5

FS Matthew Figures & Punctuation


Season finale*
£890.673,42 × 5
{5¼ disk drive}
π = 3,141592...

Figures, currency Tabular Lining (Default)

and related forms 0123456789



Punctuation @ © ® ™ ! ¡ ?¿&( )[]{}/\*†‡§¶•

and marks _-– —’”‘’“”‚„ ‹ › « » . ,:;… · ·

Accents `´¨ˆ˜¯˘˙˚˝ˇ�����������¸˛

Typeset in FS Matthew | Copyright © Fontsmith 2013 | www.fontsmith.com 6

FS Matthew Light / Light Italic


Talk to me... FS Matthew is a multi-talented type. A clear, stylish and

16pt/21pt structured sans with swooping curves of openness.
A lively, flavourful character with unexpected drama.
A structured type system for solid corporate identities,
signage systems, logotypes and screens.

English/French Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs. Emballez ma boîte avec cinq douzaines
11/16pt Waltz, nymph, for quick jigs vex Bud. de cruches d’alcool. La valse, la nymphe,
Sphinx of black quartz judge my vow. pour les gigues rapides vexent le
Crazy Fredericka bought many very Bourgeon. Le sphinx de quartz noir juge

How razorback-jumping frogs can level Comment les grenouilles sautant le

six piqued gymnasts! Jaded zombies pécari peuvent raser six gymnastes
acted quaintly but kept driving their oxen froissés! Les zombis blasés ont agi
forward. Six big juicy steaks sizzled in a pittoresquement, mais ont continué

Czech/Icelandic Existenci České republiky jako subjektu Íslenskt ritmál hefur lítið breyst síðan á
11/16pt mezinárodního práva uznává drtivá landnámsöld með þeim afleiðingum að
většina států světa Česko však není Íslendingar geta enn í dag – með herkjum
uznáno ze strany Lichtenštejnska, které og skrekkjum – lesið forn rit á borð við

Majetkové spory existovaly již Samræmd stafsetning auðveldar

mezi Lichtenštejnskem a lesturinn þó talsvert, auk þess sem
Československem od vzniku orðaforði þessara rita er heldur
Československa, v současné takmarkaður. Meiri breytingar hafa

Typeset in FS Matthew | Copyright © Fontsmith 2013 | www.fontsmith.com 7

FS Matthew Regular / Regular Italic


Talk to me... FS Matthew is a multi-talented type. A clear, stylish

16pt/21pt and structured sans with swooping curves of openness.
A lively, flavourful character with unexpected drama.
A structured type system for solid corporate identities,
signage systems, logotypes and screens.

English/French Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs. Emballez ma boîte avec cinq douzaines
11/16pt Waltz, nymph, for quick jigs vex Bud. de cruches d’alcool. La valse, la
Sphinx of black quartz judge my vow. nymphe, pour les gigues rapides
Crazy Fredericka bought many very vexent le Bourgeon. Le sphinx de

How razorback-jumping frogs can level Comment les grenouilles sautant le

six piqued gymnasts! Jaded zombies pécari peuvent raser six gymnastes
acted quaintly but kept driving their froissés! Les zombis blasés ont agi
oxen forward. Six big juicy steaks sizzled pittoresquement, mais ont continué

Czech/Icelandic Existenci České republiky jako subjektu Íslenskt ritmál hefur lítið breyst síðan
11/16pt mezinárodního práva uznává drtivá á landnámsöld með þeim afleiðingum
většina států světa Česko však není að Íslendingar geta enn í dag – með
uznáno ze strany Lichtenštejnska, které herkjum og skrekkjum – lesið forn rit á

Majetkové spory existovaly již Samræmd stafsetning auðveldar

mezi Lichtenštejnskem a lesturinn þó talsvert, auk þess sem
Československem od vzniku orðaforði þessara rita er heldur
Československa, v současné takmarkaður. Meiri breytingar hafa

Typeset in FS Matthew | Copyright © Fontsmith 2013 | www.fontsmith.com 8

FS Matthew Medium / Medium Italic


Talk to me... FS Matthew is a multi-talented type. A clear, stylish

16pt/21pt and structured sans with swooping curves of openness.
A lively, flavourful character with unexpected drama.
A structured type system for solid corporate identities,
signage systems, logotypes and screens.

English/French Pack my box with five dozen liquor Emballez ma boîte avec cinq
11/16pt jugs. Waltz, nymph, for quick jigs vex douzaines de cruches d’alcool. La
Bud. Sphinx of black quartz judge my valse, la nymphe, pour les gigues
vow. Crazy Fredericka bought many rapides vexent le Bourgeon. Le sphin

How razorback-jumping frogs can level Comment les grenouilles sautant le

six piqued gymnasts! Jaded zombies pécari peuvent raser six gymnastes
acted quaintly but kept driving their froissés! Les zombis blasés ont agi
oxen forward. Six big juicy steaks pittoresquement, mais ont continué

Czech/Icelandic Existenci České republiky jako subjektu Íslenskt ritmál hefur lítið breyst síðan
11/16pt mezinárodního práva uznává drtivá á landnámsöld með þeim afleiðingum
většina států světa Česko však není að Íslendingar geta enn í dag – með
uznáno ze strany Lichtenštejnska, herkjum og skrekkjum – lesið forn rit á

Majetkové spory existovaly již Samræmd stafsetning auðveldar

mezi Lichtenštejnskem a lesturinn þó talsvert, auk þess sem
Československem od vzniku orðaforði þessara rita er heldur
Československa, v současné takmarkaður. Meiri breytingar hafa

Typeset in FS Matthew | Copyright © Fontsmith 2013 | www.fontsmith.com 9

FS Matthew Bold / Bold Italic


Talk to me... FS Matthew is a multi-talented type. A clear, stylish

16pt/21pt and structured sans with swooping curves of openness.
A lively, flavourful character with unexpected drama.
A structured type system for solid corporate identities,
signage systems, logotypes and screens.

English/French Pack my box with five dozen liquor Emballez ma boîte avec cinq
11/16pt jugs. Waltz, nymph, for quick jigs vex douzaines de cruches d’alcool. La
Bud. Sphinx of black quartz judge my valse, la nymphe, pour les gigues
vow. Crazy Fredericka bought many rapides vexent le Bourgeon. Le sphin

How razorback-jumping frogs can level Comment les grenouilles sautant le

six piqued gymnasts! Jaded zombies pécari peuvent raser six gymnastes
acted quaintly but kept driving their froissés! Les zombis blasés ont agi
oxen forward. Six big juicy steaks pittoresquement, mais ont continué

Czech/Icelandic Existenci České republiky jako Íslenskt ritmál hefur lítið breyst síðan
11/16pt subjektu mezinárodního práva á landnámsöld með þeim afleiðingum
|uznává drtivá většina států světa að Íslendingar geta enn í dag – með
Česko však není uznáno ze strany herkjum og skrekkjum – lesið forn rit

Majetkové spory existovaly již Samræmd stafsetning auðveldar

mezi Lichtenštejnskem a lesturinn þó talsvert, auk þess sem
Československem od vzniku orðaforði þessara rita er heldur
Československa, v současné takmarkaður. Meiri breytingar hafa

Typeset in FS Matthew | Copyright © Fontsmith 2013 | www.fontsmith.com 10

FS Matthew

W X Y Zab cd efghijk lm n o p qrs tu v
w xyz À Á Â Ã Ä Ā Ă Å Ǻ Ą Æ ǼĆÇĈČĊ
Ų Ẁ Ẃ Ŵ Ẅ Ỳ Ý Ŷ Ÿ Ź Ž Ż Ŋ Ð Þ fi fl ff ffi fflĝ
ğġģĥħıìí î ĩ ï ī ĭįijĵķĸĺłľļŀńňñņʼn
û ũ ü ū ŭ ů ű ų ẁ ẃ ŵ ẅ ỳ ý ŷ ÿ ź ž ŋ ð þ 0 12
3 45 6 7 8 9 # $ ¢ £ € ¥ ƒ %‰ + − ± ×÷ ≠ ≈ ~
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‚ „ ‹ › « » . , : ; … · ! ¡ ?¿ & ( ) { } [ ] / \ * † ‡ §
¶•@©®™`´¨ ˆ ˜ ¯ ˘˙˚¸˝˛ˇ_ABC
XYZ a b c d e fg h i j k l m n o p q r stu v
Typeset in FS MatthewTypeset
| Copyright
in FS©Matthew
| Copyright
2013 | www.fontsmith.com 11
© Fontsmith 2013 | www.fontsmith.com

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