Calibration of Angstrom Equation For Estimating Solar Radiation
Calibration of Angstrom Equation For Estimating Solar Radiation
Calibration of Angstrom Equation For Estimating Solar Radiation
The solar radiation received by earth surface is one of the most applicable parameter that is usable in hydrology, agriculture,
climatology and meteorological modeling. Many different experimental equations had been suggested by researchers to estimate
this parameter in different climates. In this paper, Meta-Heuristic Harmony Search Algorithm (HS) has been developed for
determining the Angstrom equation coefficients, by using the daily solar radiation and daily sunshine duration data of Mashhad
Synoptic station from 1993 to 2007 (4765 daily data). Also the Angstrom equation coefficients have been estimated for all the
month. 70 of data used for train and 30 of them for test. Three statistical parameters Root Mean Square Error (RMSE), Index of
agreement (d) and Mean Bias Error (MBE) have been used to estimate error and model validation. The results showed that, the
value of RMSE, d and MBE for HS algorithm were 0.1265, 0.8323 and -0.0280, respectively. The value of Angstrom coefficients
for Mashhad station in HS method is 0.4743 (for b coefficient) and 0.2657 (for a coefficient). The value of correlation in this
method is obtained (R= 0.9047).
© 2012
2010 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Selection and/or peer-review
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The TerraGreen
Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.
Knowledge of solar radiation on the earth’s surface is required for many applications. In many applications of solar
energy by solar engineers, architects, meteorologists, agriculturists and hydrologists a reasonably accurate knowledge
about the availability of solar resources is a prerequisite at any desired site [1, 2].
The amount of global solar radiation is one of the primary variables for determining solar energy production in a
region. It is Depending on the latitude, altitude and many meteorological factors [3]. The simple model used to
estimate daily global solar radiation on horizontal surface is the modified form of the Angstrom-type equation. The
original Angstrom type regression equation related monthly average daily radiation to clear day radiation at the
location in question and average fraction of possible sunshine hours [2]. The first correlation between the global solar
irradiation and the sunshine duration was first exhibited by Angstrom (1924) using a simple linear model[4], but later,
Prescott [5] put this equation in a more convenient form by replacing the monthly global irradiation on a clear day by
the monthly average daily extraterrestrial radiation, H0 as:
H S (1)
a b
H0 S0
1876-6102 © 2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Selection and/or peer review under responsibility of The TerraGreen Society.
Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license. doi:10.1016/j.egypro.2012.05.078
Isaac Rahimi et al. / Energy Procedia 18 (2012) 644 – 651 645
Where a and b are the model coefficients; H, S and S0 are the daily global irradiation, daily sunshine duration and
maximum possible daily sunshine duration, respectively. These ratios (H/H0 and S/S0) vary between zero and one.
From a mathematical point of view a is the intercept and b is the slope parameter of a straight line expression.
Physically, if the sky is completely clear, then the meteorological and astronomical sunshine durations become equal
to each other (S=S0) and consequently, Eq. (1) yields a+b=1. Many articles have been published for the efficient
estimation of model parameter from available data [5], (Prescott, 1940 [5]; Rietveld, 1978 [6]; Gopinathan, 1988 [7];
Lewis, 1989 [8]; Akinoeglu and Ecevit, 1990 [9]; Wahab, 1993 [10]; Hinrichsen, 1994 [11]).
The extraterrestrial solar radiation on a horizontal surface (H0) explained as the short-wave solar radiation in the
absence of an atmosphere, is a well-behaved function of the day of the year, time of day, and latitude. For daily
(24-hour) periods, H0 can be calculated from the solar constant, the solar declination, and the day of the year [12]:
H0 Gsc d r [ s sin sin cos cos sin s ] (2)
Where, H0 is extraterrestrial radiation [MJ m-2d-1], Gsc is solar constant [4.92 MJm-2h-1], dr is inverse relative distance
factor (squared) for the earth-sun [unitless], ws is sunset hour angle (radians), is latitude (radians), and is solar
declination (radians) [12-13].
The latitude is positive for the Northern Hemisphere, negative for the Southern hemisphere and is calculated as
2 (3)
dr 1 0.033 cos J
2 (4)
0.409 sin J 1.39
Where, J is the number of the day of the year starting from the first of January.
The coefficients of the Angstrom–Prescott equation were calculated from regression analysis between H/H0 and n/N
for each day. Regression were then made to obtain final estimates for the coefficients a and b for each day. These
parameters are calculate for all the sites available in a region, then according to the climatologically and geographical
similarities, the coefficients at other locations are adjusted subjectively by expert experiments. Finally, the sunshine
data at these places can be used to generate the values of the global irradiation with the help of Eq.1 [1]. Since the
Angstrom’s publications, numerous evaluations of a and b coefficients have been made for various locations [14,15].
Several authors have suggested the convenience of a monthly data partitioning in the Angstrom–Prescott values
calibration [14, 16, 17]. Numerous methods are suggested to estimate Rs, including those based on generation from
stochastic weather models [18], satellite image [19], linear interpolation [20], artificial neural network (ANN) [21] and
physical transfer processes [22].
Recently many kind of meta-heuristic algorithm are used in optimization problem. Few applications of meta-
heuristic methods to solve solar energy problems have been reported, Genetic Algorithm (GA) is one of these
methods. Sen et al. (2001) [1] has been used application of the GA method for determination of the Angstrom equation
coefficients. One of the meta-heuristic algorithm are used in optimization problem, the meta-heuristic Harmony
Search (HS) optimization algorithm, which is imitating the music improvisation process where musicians improvise
their instruments’ pitches searching for a perfect state of harmony, was developed by Geem et al. (2001)[23,24].The
HS algorithm has been recently applied to various engineering optimization problems including traveling salesman
problem (Geem et al., 2001) [24], optimization of the river flood model (Kim et al., 2001) [25], optimum design of
water distribution network (Geem, 2006) [26], optimum design of truss structures (Lee and Geem, 2004)[27] and the
simultaneous determination of aquifer parameters and zone structures by an inverse solution algorithm
(Ayvaz, 2007)[28].
The objective of this study is to present the application of the Harmony Search Algorithm (HS) for determination of
the Angstrom equation coefficients variability for each month separately in an objective manner, Mashhad synoptic
station east of Iran by using the daily solar radiation and sunshine duration data.
646 Isaac Rahimi et al. / Energy Procedia 18 (2012) 644 – 651
A meta-heuristic algorithm, mimicking the improvisation process of music players, has been recently developed and
named harmony search (HS) [24]. The HS algorithm proposed by Geem et al. (2001) [24] is a met-heuristic
optimization algorithm and a new HS meta-heuristic algorithm was conceptualized using the musical process of
searching for a perfect state of harmony [27, 29]. In this improvisation process, members of the musical group try to
find the best harmony as determined by an aesthetic standard, just as the optimization algorithm tries to find the global
optimum as determined by the objective function. HS algorithm presenting several advantages with respect to
traditional optimization techniques such as the following [27]: (a) HS algorithm imposes fewer mathematical
requirements and this algorithm does not require initial values and uses a random search instead of a gradient search,
so derivative information is unnecessary. (b) The HS algorithm generates a new vector, after considering all of the
existing vectors, whereas the genetic algorithm (GA) only considers the two parent vectors [29]. The HS algorithm
parameters that are required to solve the optimization problem; Harmony Memory Size (HMS) that represents the
number of solution vectors in the harmony memory (HM); Harmony Memory Considering Rate (HMCR) that is the
probability of assigning the values to the variables from HM; Pitch Adjusting Rate (PAR); and the number of
improvisations (NI) that represents the number of iterations or stopping criterion (Lee et al., 2005), (Lee and Geem,
2004)[23,27,29,31].The optimization procedure of the HS algorithm, consists of Steps 5, as follows [27]:
Step1. Initialize the optimization problem and algorithm parameters.
Step2. Initialize the harmony memory (HM).
Step3. Improvise a new harmony from the HM.
Step4. Update the HM.
Step5. Repeat Steps 3 and 4 until the termination criterion is satisfied
Step 1: Initialize the optimization problem and algorithm parameters. First, the optimization problem is specified as
follows [27, 28]:
Step3. Improvise a new harmony from the HM. Generating a new harmony is called improvisation. New harmony
vector, X'= (X'1, X'2 … X'N) is generated from the HM based on memory considerations, pitch adjustments, and
randomization. The pseudo code of the harmony improvisation strategy is as follows [27]:
Isaac Rahimi et al. / Energy Procedia 18 (2012) 644 – 651 647
x'i = LBi + r × (UBi - LBi), (LBi and UBi are the lower and upper bounds for each decision variable,
(4) Step 4. Update the HM. In
Step 4, if the new harmony vector is better than the worst harmony in the HM in terms of the objective function value,
the new harmony is included in the HM and the existing worst harmony is excluded from the HM.
(5) Step 5. Repeat Steps 3 and 4 until the termination criterion is satisfied. In Step 5, the computations are
terminated when the termination criterion is satisfied. If not, Steps 3 and 4 are repeated [27].
In this paper, the HS procedure is applied to Eq. (1) for estimating the Angstrom coefficients for given irradiation
and sunshine duration data.
In Mashhad's special geographical situation, interfacing different weather fronts make it such a region with a special
different continental climate. Overall, its climate is as mid dry and cold with dry hot summers and wet-cold winters.
The maximum annual temperature is about +350 C and the minimum is about -150 C. The annual average precipitation
is about 253 mm. This station is located at 36º 16' Northern latitude, 59º 38' Eastern longitude and 999.2 meter
elevation. The daily data of solar radiation and sunshine duration prepared from The Islamic Republic of Iran
Meteorological Organization (IRIMIO). The Mashhad synoptic station has daily data over a 15 year period from 1993
to 2007. In general, daily global radiation and sunshine duration measurement considered for the HS algorithm
application in this paper. For this algorithm, 70 of data have been used to train, and 30 of them for test.
In the literature, there are numerous statistical methods available to compare the models of solar radiation estimation.
The most widely used statistical indicators are relative, correlation coefficient (R), index of agreement (d), Mean Bias
Error (MBE) and Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) [32], (Ma and Iqbal 1984 [33]; Akinoglu and Ecevit 1990 [34];
Tiris et al. 1996 [35]; Ertekin and Yaldiz 2000 [36]; Ulgen and Hepbasli 2003 [37]). In the present study, these
statistical indicators are used to evaluate the accuracy of estimating the Angstrom equation parameters. They are
calculated as:
1 2
RMSE ( Pi Oi )
N i 1
( Pi Oi ) 2 (8)
i 1
d 1 N
[( Pi Oavg ) (Oi Oavg )]2
i 1
MBE ( Pi Oi )
N i 1
648 Isaac Rahimi et al. / Energy Procedia 18 (2012) 644 – 651
Where Pi is estimated or calculated data; Oi is observed data, Oavg is mean value of the observed data. Lower values
of MBE and RMSE indicate a better model performance; the unit of them is (MJ m-2 d-1). Perfect agreement would
exist between Pi and Oi if d=1.
The HS algorithm was coded with MATLAB 2010(a). The sensitivity analysis of the HS model is performed with
different combinations of each parameter. Here, we make a sensitivity analysis only to find suitable initial values of
the parameters for better performance in our problem because these parameters directly influence the solution
accuracy. Hence, Sensitivity analyses were examined for varying user-specified parameters of HS such as: HMCR,
bw and NI, the value of this parameters are 0.9, 0.1 and 1000, respectively. For this case HMS and PAR parameters are
fixed at 40 and 0.5, respectively. Each user-specified parameter combination was tested 10 times. In general, a had the
variability of 26%, varying from 0.2553 to 0.3212 (0.2828± 0.020), followed by b with variability of 50%, varying
from 0.4030 to 0.6028 (0.4715 ±0.066), whereas sum (a + b) had the variability of 25%, varying from 0.700 to 0.8780
(0.7609 ± 0.057). The values of R ranged from 0.80 to 0.95 (0.88 ± 0.053).The results in terms of various performance
statistics from the HS and GA methods for all historical period data are presented in Table 1. The result of this
comparison show that the values of RMSE, d and R for both of these methods are the same but MBE parameter the
result of HS algorithm is better than GA algorithm. The values of the Angstrom coefficient for each season are
presented in Table 2. b coefficient has been increased from spring to winter. The minimum and maximum value of
RMSE is 0.0808 for spring and 0.1456 for summer, respectively. R and MBE for all season to some extent is the same
but d in summer is better than other season. According to Table 2 the average values of a and b in this table have the
same value of the HS performance of them in 1 but average of RMSE has a smallest than RMSE in Table 1.
a and b are the Angstrom coefficient, RMSE is Root Mean Square Error (MJ m-2 d-1), R is correlation coefficient,
d is index of agreement, MBE is Mean Bias Error (MJ m-2 d-1).
a and b are the Angstrom coefficient, RMSE is Root Mean Square Error (MJ m-2 d-1), R is correlation coefficient,
d is index of agreement, MBE is Mean Bias Error (MJ m-2 d-1)
The result of HS algorithm for each month is presented in Table 3, its graph has shown in Fig 1 (a) and the result of
GA performance is presented in Table 3 and its graph has shown in Fig 1 (b). The value of statistical parameter in HS
algorithm for most of month is better than GA. In February, March, April, September and December for both of
algorithm, the same value of a and b have been calculated. The minimum and maximum value of b coefficient for both
of algorithm has been obtained in July and January (Fig 1 (a)). The minimum and maximum value of a coefficient for
Isaac Rahimi et al. / Energy Procedia 18 (2012) 644 – 651 649
both of algorithm has been obtained in July and February (Fig 1 (b)). According to Fig 1 (a), b coefficient in HS and
GA methods for February, March, April, September and December has the same value. The average values of b and a
in Table 2 and Table 3 approximately are the same with respect to the value of them in Table 1.
0.65 0.36
0.6 0.34
0.55 0.32
a v alu e
b v a lu e
0.4 0.24
0.35 0.22
0.3 0.2
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Month HS GA
Month HS GA
Fig 1. (a) b value of GA and HS; (b) a value of GA and HS
a and b are the Angstrom coefficient, RMSE is Root Mean Square Error (MJ m-2 d-1), R is correlation coefficient,
d is index of agreement, MBE is Mean Bias Error (MJ m-2 d-1).
650 Isaac Rahimi et al. / Energy Procedia 18 (2012) 644 – 651
a and b are the Angstrom coefficient, RMSE is Root Mean Square Error (MJ m-2 d-1), R is correlation coefficient,
d is index of agreement, MBE is Mean Bias Error (MJ m-2 d-1).
5. Conclusion
As can be seen from the simulations summarized above, the heuristic HS algorithm may be effectively used as an
optimization technique. This paper has presented an efficient heuristic algorithm, Harmony search algorithm to
calculate the Angstrom coefficient for Mashhad East of Iran, showed very good results. According to the statistical
test, all the specific monthly equations gave very good results and the values of RMSE, d and MBE are in the
acceptable ranges. The difference between monthly, seasonally and annual Angstrom–Prescott coefficients has shown
that applying this model should be used or each months separately.
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