Present Perfect Tense: Choose The Correct Option. Make Present Perfect Questions

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Choose the correct option. Make present perfect questions.

1 I have / has already finished my homework. 1 your father / pay the bill? Has your father paid the bill?

2 My son have / has just started the university. 2 Peter / lose his keys? Has Peter lost his keys?

3 The Black family have / has gone to the seaside. 3 Susan / come back? Has Susan come back?

4 Dad haven’t / hasn’t watered the plants. 4 you / hear about Mary? Have you heard about Mary

5 Have / Has Sam ever been to the USA? 5 everybody / go home? Have everybody gone home?

6 Our English teachers have / has never ridden a horse. 6 what / John / tell his teacher? What has Jhon told this

7 Ann, Frank and Jim have / has bought a new house. teacher?

8 Have / Has you taken the dog for a walk? 7 where / your neighbours / go? Where have your

9 The weather have / has been terrible since yesterday. neighbours gone?

10 My little sister have / has just stopped crying. 8 why / you / get lots of presents? Why have you got lots of

Complete the sentences with the suitable verb from the box in present perfect. Then match them to the
pictures. 9 what / your mother / cook for dinner? ______________
have / iron / break / do(2x) / not read / clean / not correct / speak / not finish
10 where / Diana / put her bag? ____________________

1 I have had the house.

2 Dad has done the shopping.
3 Mrs Brown have ironed the clothes.
4 Susan has spoken to her colleague.
5 Pam and Joe have done their breakfast.
6 My neighbour has cleaned the gardening.
7 Our Maths teacher hasn´t corrected our
tests yet.
8 The basketball match hasn´t finished yet.
9 My brother has broken a window.
10 Mr White hasn´t read the newspaper yet.

Make present perfect sentences. Complete the sentences with since or for.

1 Ernie / break / his leg / four times 1 My grandparents have lived here ___
_______Ernie has broken his leg four times. 1962.
2 I / never / fly a kite __________I have
2 My grandparents have lived here ___ 50
never flown a kite.
3 your brother / ever / eat / snails? Has your
brother ever eaten snail? 3 We have stayed at our friends’ house
4 our friends / not play / volleyball / this ___ a long time.
month our friends haven´t played volleyball 4 Kate has been away ___ two weeks.
this month. 5 We have been friends ___ we were
5 he / borrow / your pen? He has borrowed
your pen.
6 Joe and Tina have lived in England ___
6 my father / never / read / romantic books
__________________________________ 10 years.
7 I / not see / Julia / this morning 7 My brother has worked hard ___ the
__________________________________ beginning of February.
8 Mrs Salwick / ever / write a book? 8 I haven’t seen Eric ___ yesterday.
__________________________________ 9 Our friends haven’t visited us ___
9 my family / lived / in this town / for 6 years
10 My father has had this car ___ two
10 your grandma / ever / ride a bike ?
__________________________________ years.

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