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Finite geometries, LDPC codes and

Maria Curie-Sklodowska University
Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science
Institute of Computer Science

Finite geometries, LDPC

codes and cryptography

Vasyl Ustimenko
Urszula Romańczuk

Lublin 2012
Institute of Computer Science UMCS
Lublin 2012

Vasyl Ustimenko
Urszula Romańczuk
Finite geometries, LDPC codes and

Reviewer: Nadiya Gubareni

Technical Editor: Marcin Denkowski

Cover Designer: Agnieszka Kuśmierska

Praca wspófinansowana ze środków Unii Europejskiej w ramach

Europejskiego Funduszu Spolecznego

A free online edition of this book is available at

Maria Curie-Sklodowska University
Institute of Computer Science
pl. Marii Curie-Sklodowskiej 1, 20-031 Lublin
Series Editor: prof. dr hab. Pawel Mikolajczak
email: [email protected]

ISBN: 978-83-62773-39-8

Preface vii

1 Incidence systems and geometries over diagrams 1

1.1. Graphs and incidence structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.2. Incidence systems and geometries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.3. Distance transitive graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
1.4. Some connections between thick geometry An (q) and thin
Tits geometry An . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
1.5. Groups and Tits geometries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
1.6. Cartan matrices and Coxeter groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
1.7. On general constructions of thick flag transitive Tits
geometries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

2 Distance regular graphs, small world graphs and

generalisations of Tits geometries 37
2.1. On Tits geometries, association schemes and distance
regular graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
2.2. On the parallelotopic graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
2.3. On the linguistic graph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
2.4. On small world graphs obtained by blow up operation . . . . 47
2.5. Small word expanding graphs of large girth or large cycle
indicator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61

3 On regular trees and simple graphs given by

nonlinear equations 67
3.1. On biregular trees and free products of finite simple groups . 68
3.2. On infinite family of simple graphs D(n, K) defined by
nonlinear algebraic equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
3.3. On polarity graphs of incidence structures . . . . . . . . . . . 75
3.4. On algebraic dynamical systems and irreversible walks on
simple graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
3.5. Stable cubical polynomial maps corresponding to dynamiacal
systems BD (n, K) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82

3.6. On symmetric bipartite dynamical systems of large cycle

indicator corresponding to graphs A(n, K) . . . . . . . . . . . 85

4 On some LDPC codes corresponding to algebraic

graphs 89
4.1. LDPC codes and Schubert incidence structure . . . . . . . . . 90
4.2. Explicit constructions of Tanner graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
4.3. On the comparrison of some LDPC codes . . . . . . . . . . . 92
4.4. On basics of LDPC codes theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
4.5. Codes based on families of graphs D(n, K), D(n, e K) and
A(n, K) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
4.6. Codes based on generalised polygons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105

5 Directed graphs of high girth and large diagram

indicator 113
5.1. On directed graphs of binary relations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
5.2. On the directed algebraic graphs over commutative rings . . . 115
5.3. On the concept of dooble directed graphs for tactical
configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
5.4. Directed graphs of generalised polygons . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
5.5. Construction of groups of cubical transformations from
special directed graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123

6 On multivariate cryptography, algebraic groups

and graphs 127
6.1. Some historical remarks on multivariate cryptography . . . . 128
6.2. On multivariate cryptography over commutative rings . . . . 129
6.3. On the discrete logarithm problem in Cremona group . . . . 130
6.4. On the idea of key exchange with a subgroups of Cremona
group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
6.5. On the projective limits of stable subgroups and
corresponding multivariate cryptosystems . . . . . . . . . . . 133
6.6. On constructive examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
6.7. On Multivariate Cryptography with stable groups and
Extremal Graph Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
6.8. On the minimal graphs of given degree and girth . . . . . . . 139

A Cartan matrices and Root Systems 143

Bibliography 161

Index 173

Finite geometries are intensively used in the Computer Networking be-

cause geometries with fixed Coxeter diagram form a family of small world
graphs. Such families have many remarkable applications in economics,
natural sciences, computer sciences and even in sociology.
From modern view Geometry is a special graph with the large group
of symmetries. Geometrical studies are very important part of Modern
Mathematics, for resent contribution in Geometry theory J.Tits (Paris) was
awarded by Abel Prize in 2008.
Finite geometries are traditionally used in Classical Coding Theory (prob-
lems of error detection, error correction, fight with the noise). Foundations
of this theory are based on the concept of finite distance - transitive or
distance-regular metrics (distance regular and distance transitive graphs
in other terminology). Great deal of known families of distance transitive
graphs are constructed in terms of finite incidence geometry (geometries
of Lie type and Coxeter geometries). Linear codes are just elements of
projective geometry and all applications of Incidence Geometries are hard
to observe . Notice that some nonclassical areas like LDPC codes and tur-
bocodes use objects constructed finite geometries:for the first constructions
of such codes.Tanner used finite geometries of rank 2. The infinite family
of graphs of large girth (minimal length of the cycle) and its modifications
have been applied to constructions of LDPC codes.
Quite resent development gives an application of linear codes and their
lattices to cryptography. Incidence geometries were used for the develop-
ment of cryptographical algorithms. The handbook is introduction to theory
of finite geometries and its applications to Coding Theory and Cryptogra-
phy. It can be used by students with specialization in Informatics and
Applied Mathematics as a support for special or monographical courses
within the above area. Chapter 1 is devoted to computation in geometries
of Coxeter groups and geometries of simple groups of Lie type. We indicate
the connections of finite geometries theory with classical Coding Theory.
Famous Hamming and Johnson metrics correspond to families of orbital
of Coxeter groups Bn and An on elements of their geometries. Similarly
viii Preface

Grassman metric corresponds to action of group An (q) (projective special

linear P SLn (q) ) on elements of its geometry of chosen type (subspaces of
the n + 1-dimensional vector space of chosen dimension m). We introduce
a geometrically defined functions such as number of small Schubert cells
(in case of grassmanian and general variety of elements of Lie geometry),
Gaussian binomial coefficient and its generalization). We present light in-
troduction to the theory of Shevalley groups (Simple Lie groups of normal
type) Lie type and their geometries. We consider efficient for computations
interpretation of Lie geometries obtained via embedding of such incidence
system into the Borel subalgebra of corresponding Lie algebra. The efficient
computation in the geometry of Weyl group defined by generalized Cartan
matrix can be done via natural embedding of this geometry into Cartan
subalgebra of corresponding Lie algebra.
Chapter 2 is devoted to connections of theory of Tits geometries with the
construction of distance regular but not distance regular graphs. Various
constructions of small world graphs are introduced via generalisations of ge-
ometries of Chevalley groups. Famous example of Ramanujan Cayley graphs
are given with the discussions of their properties (diameter, girth, second
largest eigenvalue). New family of expanding small graphs is introduced.
In chapter 3 is introduced nonlinear equations for the description of
regular tree. The infinite simple graphs with irreversible walks are given
by nonlinear equations over the commutative ring. Subgroups of Cremona
groups with elements of bounded polynomial degree and large order are
Chapter 4 is devoted to examples of LDPC codes. In chapter 5 we
investigate infinite directed graphs with irreversible walks and their appli-
cations to construction of stable subgroups of Cremona group. Last section
is devoted to applications of Algebraic Graph Theory and Extremal Graph
Theory to multivariate cryptography.


I would like to express my deep gratitude to my graduate students

Monika Polak for her advice on technical aspects of Coding Theory, Urszula
Romańczuk, who is a coauthor, active research collaborator and technical
advisor, Aneta Wróblewska for the useful feed back and constant support.
Special thanks to my wife who is always on my side.
Vasyl Ustimenko
Preface ix

First and foremost I would like to thank my advisor Prof. Vasyl Us-
timenko without whose aid and advise, guidance and co-operation this re-
search work would not have been possible. I wish to thank his wonderful
wife for her kindness and advices. I also want to acknowledge and thank
my dear friends Aneta Wróblewska and Monika Polak for their friendship
and significant contributions to the development of this research.
I am forever grateful to Prof. Wojciech Szapiel (1948- 2010) who was a
supervisor of my master thesis in The Catholic University in Lublin. His pro-
fessional conduct and unflagging support of me and my work has provided an
excellent model for me to follow in my career. From The Catholic University
in Lublin, I extend thanks and appreciation to Dr. Armen Grigoryan and
Prof. Dariusz Partyka. I am also greatly indebted to Prof. Jerzy Kozicki,
Prof. Maria Nowak, Prof. Stanisaw Prus and Prof. Zdzisaw Rychlik of
Maria Curie-Sklodowska University in Lublin for their guidance and sup-
Special thanks to my high school teacher Mikolaj Babulewicz. I have
been very fortunate to have the love and support of my family. Especially
I would like to thank my mother and sister for their never-ending belief in
my ability. Finally I would like to thank my fiancé, for all his love, support
and encouragement. Without you I could not have made it.
Urszula Romańczuk
Chapter 1
Incidence systems and geometries over

1.1. Graphs and incidence structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

1.2. Incidence systems and geometries . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.2.1. Flag transitive thin geometry over diagram An 8
1.2.2. Flag transitive thick geometry over diagram An 11
1.3. Distance transitive graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
1.3.1. Johnson graph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
1.3.2. Hamming graph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
1.3.3. Grassman graph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
1.4. Some connections between thick geometry An (q) and
thin Tits geometry An . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
1.5. Groups and Tits geometries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
1.5.1. Group incidence system . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
1.5.2. Coxeter systems and their geometries . . . . . . 21
1.5.3. Case of finite Coxeter groups . . . . . . . . . . 22
1.5.4. On locally finite Coxeter geometries . . . . . . 24
1.6. Cartan matrices and Coxeter groups . . . . . . . . . . . 25
1.7. On general constructions of thick flag transitive Tits
geometries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
1.7.1. On the axioms of BN -pairs and Schubert
geometries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
1.7.2. On Lie algebras, Schevalley groups and their
geometries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
2 1. Incidence systems and geometries over diagrams

1.1. Graphs and incidence structures

The missing definitions of graph-theoretical concepts which appearin this
paper can be found in [10] or [131]. All graphs we consider are simple , i.e.
undirected without loops and multiple edges. Let V (G) and E(G) denote
the set of vertices and the set of edges of G, respectively. Then |V (G)|
is called the order of G, and |E(G)| is called the size of G. When it is
convenient, we shall identify G with the corresponding anti-reflexive binary
relation on V (G), i.e. E(G) is a subset of V (G) × V (G) and write v G u
for the adjacent vertices u and v (or neighbors). We assume that V (G) is a
finite or infinite set. The majority of examples will be locally finite graphs
G, i.e. each vertex v has finite number of neighbours (x ∈ V (G), such that
x G v).
The sequence of distinct vertices v0 , v1 , . . . , vt , such that vi G vi+1 for
i = 1, . . . , t − 1 is the path in the graph. A path in G is called simple if all
its vertices are distinct. The graph is connected if each two its vertices are
joined by some path. The length of a path is a number of its edges. The
distance between two vertices u and v of the graph, denoted by dist(u, v), is
the length of the shortest path between them. The diameter of the graph,
denoted by diam(G), is the maximal distance between two vertices u and
v of the graph. Let Cm denote the cycle of length m, i.e. the sequence of
distinct vertices v0 , . . . , vm such that vi G vi+1 , i = 1, . . . , m − 1 and vm G v1 .
The girth of a graph G, denoted by g = g(G), is the length of the shortest
cycle in G.
The incidence structure is the set V with partition sets P (points) and
L (lines) and symmetric binary relation I such that the incidence of two
elements implies that one of them is a point and another one is a line. We
shall identify I with the simple graph of this incidence relation (bipartite
graph). If number of neighbours of each element is finite and depends only on
its type (point or line), then the incidence structure is a tactical configuration
in the sense of Moore (see [100]). An incidence structure is a semiplane if
two distinct lines are intersecting at most at one point and two distinct
points are incident at most at one line. As it follows from the definition,
graphs of the semiplane have no cycles C3 and C4 .
The graph is k-regular if each of its vertices has degree k, where k is a
Example 1.1.1. Let us consider an example of a locally finite incidence
structure with point set P and line set L, which are two copies of n-dimensional
vector space over the finite field Fq . It will be convenient for us to denote
vectors from P as

x = (x) = (x1 , x2 , x3 , . . . xi , . . . )
1.1. Graphs and incidence structures 3

and vectors from L as

y = [y] = [y1 , y2 , y3 , . . . , yi , . . . ]

We say that point (x) is incident with the line [y] and we write it x I y
or (x) I [y] if and only if the following conditions are satisfied:

yi − xi = yi−1 x1

where i = 2, 3, . . . .
It is easy to see that W (q) is an infinite q-regular graph. Really, there is
the unique neighhbour y = [y] of the given vertex a = (a) with the chosen
first coordinate y1 from Fq . Other coordinates y2 , y3 , . . . can be consecu-
tively computed from the above written equations. The neighbourhood of
the line b = [b] can be observed in a similar way.
Let W(q) be the incidence graph of the structure Γ(Fq ) = (P, L, I). For
each integer n ≥ 2 let Γ(n, Fq ) = (Pn , Ln , In ) be the incidence system, where
Pn and Ln are the images of P and L under the projection of these spaces
on the first n-coordinates and binary relation In is defined by the first n − 1
equations. Finally, let W(n, q) be the incidence graph for Γ(n, Fq ). This
is exactly the graph, which has been defined by Wenger [183] and used in
various problems in Computer Science [178]. Graph W(q) is a projective
limit of W(n, q) when n goes to infinity.
Example 1.1.2. Let Pm be the incidence graph of the incidence structure
of points (vertices) and lines (edges) of the ordinary m-gon. We can identify
P with the set of singletons {i}, i = 1, 2, . . . , m and L with the collection
of subsets {1, 2}, {2, 3}, . . . , {m − 1, m} , {m, 1}. It is easy to see that the
girth of Pm is 2m and the diameter is m.

Figure 1.1. Graph P3 Figure 1.2. Graph P4

According to F. Harary, who is a well known author of didactic books,

Graph Studies consist of Beautiful Graph Theory dealing with graphs, which
are easy to draw and imagine, and Theory of Ugly Graphs, which investi-
gates large graphs, such that the methods of computer drawing are im-
possible to apply. Obviously, graphs Pm and W (n, q) are objects of the
4 1. Incidence systems and geometries over diagrams

Figure 1.3. Graph Pm

Figure 1.4. W(2,3)=A(2,3)

mentioned above different areas. Anyway, in a case of small n and q we can

draw some ugly graphs (look at the pictures below).
Recall, that a tree is a connected graph without cycles, each finite tree
on v vertices contains v − 1 edges. It always has a leaf (vertex of degree
1). So, the tree with degrees ≥ 2 is always a locally finite graph. Vertices
on the even distance from given vertex a form the set of points, the line set
is a collection of vertices on an odd distance from a. There is a unique up
to isomorphism infinite biregular tree Tr,s , which is a tactical configuration
with degrees r, r ≥ 2 and s, s ≥ 2.
We have to mention, that many authors use term bipartite biregular
graph with bidegrees rand s instead of tactical configurations with degrees
r and s. In this book both terms will be used. The tree Tq,q where q is an
odd prime power can be described in the terms of equations over finite field
Fq in the following way.
1.1. Graphs and incidence structures 5

Figure 1.5. Tree T2,2

Figure 1.6. Tree T3,2 Figure 1.7. Tree T3,3

Example 1.1.3. Let us consider the following bipartite finite graph A(n, q)
(alternating graph). The partition sets Pn and Ln are two copies of the
n-dimensional vector space Fnq (point set and line set, respectively). Brack-
ets and parentheses allow us to distinguish point (p) = (p1 , p2 , . . . , pn ) ∈ Pn
and line [l] = [l1 , l2 , . . . , ln ] ∈ Ln . Point (p) is incident to line [l] if and only
if the following equations hold:
li − pi = l1 pi−1
li+1 − pi+1 = p1 li
where i = 2, 3, . . . , 2 2 , but when n is even we have to ignore the last
equation. Similarly to the case of Wenger graphs we can check that graph
A(n, q) is the a q-regular bipartite graph (each vertex has q neighbours).
Clearly, that A(n, q) has 2q n vertices and q n+1 edges.
The naturally defined projective limit of graphs A(n, q) equals Tq,q .
Different description of Tq,q in terms of equations over finite field Fq the
reader can find [152].
Graphs W (n, q) and A(n, q) are examples of semiplanes. Further prop-
erties of A(n, q) the reader can find in [175], [176].
Example 1.1.4. The complete bipartite graph Km,n is biregular graph with
the sets of points P , |P | = m and lines L,|L| = n, such that each point is
6 1. Incidence systems and geometries over diagrams

incident with each line. So, the order of Km,n is m + n (number of vertices),
the size is mn (number of edges) and bidegrees m, and n.

1.2. Incidence systems and geometries

An incidence system over a set ∆ of types is a triple (Γ, I, t), where

Γ is the set of objects of the system, I is a symmetric reflexive incidence
relation over Γ and t is a mapping of Γ onto ∆, |∆| ≥ 2. Sometimes we will
write Γ instead of (Γ, I, t). We assume that xIy implies t(x) 6= t(y). So the
incidence system with |∆| = 2 is an incidence structure.
A flag F of an incidence system is a set of its objects which are pairwise
incident. We assume that

t(F) = {t(x)|x ∈ F}.

The residue of a flag F in Γ, denoted by Res F , is the set of objects

from t−1 (∆ − t(F)) which are incident to each element of the flag, with the
restrictions of I and t on this set.
A morphism of incidence systems Γ and Γ′ over the same set of types
is a mapping of Γ onto Γ′ which preserves the incidence and the type of
An automorphism group G of an incidence system Γ is said to act
flag-transitively on Γ if its action on the flags of a fixed type is transitive.
The rank of an incidence system (of a flag F) is the cardinality of ∆ (the
cardinality of t(F)). The corank of a flag F is defined as the cardinality of
∆ − t(F). The incidence system (Γ, I, t) is said to be connected if the graph
with the vertex set Γ and the edge set I is connected.
An incidence system (Γ, I, t) over ∆ is called geometry if the restriction
of t on each maximal flag F of Γ is a bijection of F onto ∆.
It is easy to see that if F is a flag of a geometry Γ then the residue Res F
is a geometry over the set of types ∆ − t(F).
A diagram over ∆ is a mapping D defined on the totality of the 2-element
subsets A of ∆ such that D(A) is an element from the certain class of
geometries of rank 2 over the set of types A. A geometry Γ is said to be a
geometry over diagram D if for each flag F of corank 2 Res F is contained
in D(∆ − t(F)).
The most important class of rank 2 geometries is the class of so called
generalized m-gons, (see [139], [186]).
Generalized m-gons defined by J. Tits in 1959 (see [139], [140], [141],
[142], [143]) as a tactical configurations of bidegrees s + 1 and t + 1 of girth
2m and diameter m. The pair (s, t) is known as order of generalized m-gon.
1.2. Incidence systems and geometries 7

It is clear that ordinary m-gon Pm is a generalised m-gon of order (1, 1).

A connected generalised ∞-gon is a bipartite tree Tr,s of order (r − 1, s − 1).
The following statement is known as Feit-Higman theorem (see [16]).
Theorem 1.2.1. For a finite generalized m-gon of order (s, t) with s > 1
and t > 1 parameter m is an element of the set {3, 4, 6, 8}.
The known examples of flag transitive generalized m-gons of bidegrees
≥ 3 are incidence graphs of geometries of finite simple groups of Lie type
with rank 2. The regular incidence graphs are m=3 (group A2 (q)), m = 4
(group B2 (q) or C2 (q)), m = 6 (group G2 (q)), in all cases s = t = q, where
q is prime power.
The biregular but not regular generalized n-gons have parameters s = q α
and t = q β , where q is some prime power. The list of such objects is below:
(i) n = 4: s = q, t = q 2 and q is arbitrary prime power or s = q 2 , t = q 3
and q is arbitrary prime power;
(ii) n = 6: s = q 2 , t = q 3 and q = 32k+1 , k > 1;
(iii) n = 8: s = q, t = q 2 and q = 22k+1 .
The known generalised octagon corresponds to finite simple group of
twisted type 2 F4 (q), q = 22k+1 (see [21]).
The genelalised triangle corresponding to A2 (q) is classical projective
plane, i.e. it is the following incidence structure. Let V = F3q be a vector
space of dimension 3. Let us assume that the set of points

P = {W < V |dim(W ) = 1}

is the totality of one dimensional subspaces of V (projective points) and the

set of lines is
L = {W < V |dim(W ) = 2}.
We will use brackets (p) and parenthesis [l] to distinguish point (p) ∈ P
from the line [l] ∈ L.
Point (p) is incident to line [l] exactly if and only if (p) is a subspace of
two dimensional space [l].
Cycles of arbitrary incidence structure have even length. The cycle of
length 4 is K2,2 graph which contains two points (p1 ) and (p2 ) and two lines
[l1 ] and [l2 ]. But the intersection of [l1 ] ∩ [l2 ] is uniquely defined point. So,
we get a contradiction and the proof of nonexistence of cycles of length 4.
We can form a cycle of length 6 from the standard basis e1 , e2 , e3 of the
vector space V as the following sequence of subspaces he1 i, he1 , e2 i, he2 i,
he2 , e3 i, he3 i, he3 , e1 i.
The unique chain between two lines [l1 ] and [l2 ] (points (p1 ) and (p2 )) is
a sequence [l1 ] I ([l1 ] ∩ [l2 ]) I [l2 ] ((p1 ) I [h(p1 ), (p2 )i] I (p2 ), respectively), so
the length is two. The maximal length will be between point (p) and line
8 1. Incidence systems and geometries over diagrams

[l], which are not connected by an edge, the corresponding chain is of kind
(p) I [l′ ] I (p′ ) I [l], where [l′ ] is a line trough the point (p) and (p′ ) is the
point on a line [l]. So, the diameter of our incidence structure is 3. Let us
compute the degree of each vertex. Every two dimensional subspace over Fq
contains q 2 − 1 nonzero vectors, q − 1 proportional vectors and zero vector
form one dimensional subspace. So, we have (q 2 − 1)/(q − 1) = q + 1 points
through chosen line. The change of two dimensional subspace in the written
above computation for the space of dimension 3 will allow us to compute
number of all points, which is (q 3 − 1)/(q − 1) = 1 + q + q 2 . The general
equation of the line is

α1 x1 + α2 x2 + α3 x3 = 0,

where the point with nonzero vector (α1 , α2 , α3 ) gives full information about
the line. It means that we have 1 + q + q 2 lines in our incidence structure.
So, the order of our bipartite graph is 2(1 + q + q 2 ). We can get the size
(number of edges) as a product of number of points 1 + q + q 2 with the
degree q + 1. So, the size e equals (q 3 − 1)/(q + 1). We compute the degree
of line simply by division of e on number of lines (1 + q + q 2 ). So, incidence
graph is regular of degree q +1. Let use the notation P G2 (q) for the classical
projective plane introduced above.
The connected geometries over diagrams D such that D(A) is the class
of generalized m-gons for some m together with the family of complete
bibartite graphs are called the Tits geometries. If A = {i, j} and D(A) is
generalised m-gon, then we shall draw the edge between nodes i and j with
the weight m − 2. If D(A) is a biregular tree we put the weight ∞. Absence
of the edge between nodes i and j means that D(A) is a bipartite complete
graph Kn,m .
We refer to Tits geometry as thin incidence system if all generalised
m-gons of kind D(A) have order (1, 1), i.e. D(A) is an ordinary m-gon Pm ,
tree T2,2 or complite bipartite graph.
In opposite case when all generalised m-gons of Tits geometry are of
order (r, s), r ≥ 2 and s ≥ 2, we will use term thick incidence system. As it
follows from the definitions and Feit Higman theorem the diagram of finite
thick Tits geometry has weights 1, 2, 4 or 6.

1.2.1. Flag transitive thin geometry over diagram An

Let us consider the example of flag transitive thin geometry over diagram
An :
Let N = {1, 2, . . . , n, n + 1} be the set of cardinality n + 1. We will
define the incidence structure (Γ, I, t) on the set Γ of all proper nonempty
subsets of N . Γ is a disjoint union of Γi consisting of subsets of cardinality
1.2. Incidence systems and geometries 9

Figure 1.8. Diagram An

i, i = 1, 2, . . . , n. We assume A I B if A 6= B and A is a subset of B or B is

a subset of A. Type function is introduced by t(A) = |A|.
Let us consider the flag F of corank 2, which consist of {1}, {1, 2}, . . . ,
{1, 2, . . . , n−2}. The incidence structure Res(F) corresponds to nodes n−1
and n. Clearly,

Γn−1 ∩ Res(F) = {A ∪ {n − 1}, A ∪ {n}, A ∪ {n + 1}}


Γn ∩ Res(F ) = {A ∪ {n − 1, n}, A ∪ {n, n + 1}, A ∪ {n + 1, n − 1}},

where A = {1, 2, . . . , n − 2}. So, Res(F) is isomorphic to ordinary triangle

P3 and nodes n − 1 and n are connected by edge with weight 1. Let E be the
maximal flag, which consist of {1}, {1, 2}, . . . , {1, 2, . . . , n−1}, {1, 2, . . . , n}
and Ei,j is obtained by deleting of subsets of cardinalities i and j. It is
easy to see that Res(Ei,j ), j = i + 1 is isomorphic to triangle P3 . Let us
investing are Res(E1,3 ) corresponding to flag {1, 2}, {1, 2, 3, 4}, {1, 2, 3, 4, 5},
. . . , {1, 2, . . . , n}. It contains singletons {1} and {2} together with subsets
{1, 2, 3} and {1, 2, 4}. It means that Res(E1,3 ) is isomorphic to complete
graph K2,2 and nodes 1 and 3 are not connected by edge. In similar way we
proof the absence of edge between i and j, such that |i − j| ≥ 2. We refer
to this Tits geometry as Boolean geometry An .
The symmetric group Sn+1 of all permutations on the set
N = {1, 2, . . . , n, n + 1}
of order (n + 1)! naturally acts on Γ: permutation π sends {i1 , i2 , . . . , im }
to {π(i1 ), π(i2 ), . . . , π(im )}. It is easy to see that A I B implies π(A) I π(B),
t(A) = t(π(A)). So, each permutation π is an automorphism of (Γ, I, t).
The maximal flag F is a collection of {i1 }, {i1 , i2 }, . . . , {i1 , i2 , . . . , in }, there
is a uniquely defined in+1 ∈ N \ {i1 , i2 , . . . , in }. So, flag F corresponds to
permutation i1 , i2 , . . . , in , in+1 and there are exactly (n + 1)! maximal flags.
The symmetric group Sn+1 acts transitively on the set of maximal flags, i.e.
for each pair of maximal flags F and F ′ there is a permutation π ∈ Sn+1
which sends F into F ′ . This action is regular, the permutation π sending F
in F ′ is uniquely determined. Notice, that the map c : A → N \ A, A ∈ Γ is
an automorphism of the incidence graph, which does not preserve the type
10 1. Incidence systems and geometries over diagrams

functions, t(c(A)) can be different from t(A). Anyway t(A) = t(B) implies
t(c(A)) = t(c(B)).
Group Sn+1 appears as the automorphism group of thin Tits geometry Γ.
Vise versa we can reconstruct the geometry from symmetric group. Recall,
that each permutation from the group Sn+1 is a product of transpositions
(i, j), i, j ∈ N . So, the symmetric group is generated by all transpositions.
The number of generators is (n + 1)(n + 2)/2. In fact we may use only
transpositions from the smaller set

{s1 = (1, 2), s2 = (2, 3), . . . , sn−1 = (n − 1, n), sn = (n, n + 1)}

of cardinality n. Really

(23)(12)(23) = (13),
(34)(13)(34) = (14),
(45)(14)(45) = (1, 5),
(n, n + 1)(1, n)(n, n + 1) = (1, n + 1).

So, we have all transpositions with the symbol 1. We can conjugate them
with (12) and get all transpositions with symbol 2: (1, 2) and (2, 3) are
already on our list

(12)(1i)(12) = (2i), i = 4, 5, . . . , n + 1.

We may consider consequtively

(23)(2i)(23) = (3i), i = 4, 5, . . . , n + 1,
(34)(3i)(34) = (4i), i = 5, 6, . . . , n + 1,
(n, n + 1)(n − 1, n)(n, n + 1) = (n − 1, n + 1).

Let Wi be a subgroup of Sn+1 generated by sj , j 6= i. Then W1 and Wn

are isomorphic to Sn , Wi = Si × Sn+1−i (direct product of two symmetric
Let Γ′ be the totality of left cosets of kind gWi , g ∈ Sn+1 , i = 1, 2, . . . , n.
We set t′ (gWi ) = i and α I ′ β for α and β from Γ′ if and only if α 6= β and
set theoretical intersections of α and β is a nonempty set.

Proposition 1.2.2. The incidence system (Γ′ , I ′ , t) is isomorphic to Boolean

geometry An .
1.2. Incidence systems and geometries 11

Proof. The symmetric group Sn+1 acts transitively on the set Γ′i of elements
of the type i from Γ′ . The set Γ′i contains all left cosets of group Sn+1 by
subgroup Wi , which is isomorphic to Si × Si+1 . So

(n + 1)!
|Γ′i | = i
= Cn+1 .
i!(n + 1 − i)!

So, actions of Sn+1 on sets Γi and Γ′i are similar. Let di be the bijection
of Γi onto Γ′i , which send {g(1), g(2), . . . , g(i)} to gWi . Then the map d
of Γ onto Γ′ such that d(x) = di (x) for x ∈ Γi induces the similarity of
intransitive permutation groups (Sn+1 , Γ) and (Sn+1 , Γ′ ) and isomorphism
of incidence structures Γ and Γ′ .

Recall that commutator of Sn+1 , i.e. group generated by elements of

kind aba−1 b−1 , a, b ∈ Sn+1 is alternating group An consisting of all even
permutations. An , n ≥ 5 is finite nonabelian simple group, i. e. it does
not contain normal subgroups (subgroups H, such that gHg −1 = H for all
g ∈ An ). Group A3 is a cyclic group of order 3. Group A4 contains normal
subgroup {e, (12)(34), (13)(24), (14)(23)}. The smallest finite nonabelian
group A5 was discovered by Galois.

1.2.2. Flag transitive thick geometry over diagram An

Now let us consider the example of flag transitive thick geometry over
diagram An , n ≥ 2.

Figure 1.9. Diagram An

Let Fq be a finite field and V = Fn+1 q is the vector space of dimension

n+1. We will define the incidence structure (Γ, I, t) on the set Γ of all proper
nonzero subspaces of V . Γ is a disjoint union of Γi consisting of subspaces
of dimension i, i = 1, 2, . . . , n. We assume that A I B if A 6= B and A is
a subspace of B or B is a subspace of A. Type function is introduced by
t(A) = dim(A).
Let e1 , e2 , . . . , en+1 be the standard basis of V . Let us consider the flag
F of corank 2, which consists of he1 i, he1 , e2 i, . . . , he1 , e2 , . . . , en−2 i. The
incidence structure Res(F) corresponds to nodes n − 1 and n. Clearly,

Γn−1 ∩ Res(F) = {W | he1 , e2 , . . . , en−2 i < W < V, dim(W ) = n − 1}

12 1. Incidence systems and geometries over diagrams


Γn ∩ Res(F) = {he1 , e2 , . . . , en−2 i < W < V, dim(W ) = n}.

So, Res(F) is isomorphic to projective plane P G2 (q) corresponding to

group A2 (q) (thick generalised triangle) and nodes n−1 and n are connected
by edge with weight 1. Let E be the maximal flag, which consists of he1 i,
he1 , e2 i, . . . , he1 , e2 , . . . , en−1 i, he1 , e2 , . . . , en i and Ei,j is obtained by deleting
of subspaces of dimensions i and j. It is easy to see that Res(Ei,j ), j = i + 1
is isomorphic to thick generalised triangle P G2 (q).
Let us investigate Res(E1,3 ) corresponding to flag he1 , e2 i, he1 , e2 , e3 , e4 i,
he1 , e2 , e3 , e4 , e5 i, . . . , he1 , e2 , . . . , en i. It contains q + 1 one dimensional
subspaces of he1 , e2 i together with collection of 3 dimensional subspaces of
he1 , e2 , e3 , e4 i, which contains he1 , e2 i (there are q + 1 of them). Every one
dimensional subspace is incident to every subspace of dimension 3. It means,
that Res(E1,3 ) is isomorphic to complete graph Kq+1,q+1 and nodes 1 and
3 are not connected by an edge. In similar way we prove the absence of
edge between i and j such that |i − j| ≥ 2. The described incidence system
P Gn (q) is a classical projective geometry of rank n.
Let us consider the general linear group GLn+1 (q) of all nonsingular
matrices A = (ai,j ) over the finite field Fq , i.e. matrices of order (n + 1) ×
(n + 1) with entries from finite field Fq and nonzero determinant.
Let us count the order of this finite group. We can choose arbitrary
nonzero vector a1 to form the first row of the matrix. Number of options to
make this step is q n+1 − 1. For the right choice of the second row we have
to use nonproportional to a1 vectors. So, we have to subtract q (number of
bad vectors) from the number q n+1 of all vectors from Fn+1 q on the second
step of forming second row a2 . For the third row we have to avoid linear
combinations of a1 and a2 . So, the total number of right options is q n+1 −q 2 .
We have to continue the design of a matrix. Last row can be chosen in
q n+1 − q n right ways. The number of options for each step of the described
above process does not depend on previous steps. So, we have to apply
multiplication rule for the counting of order for the group GLn (q). It means

|GLn (q)| = (q n+1 − 1)(q n+1 − q)(q n+1 − q 2 ) . . . (q n+1 − q n ).

Group GLn (q) acts on the vectors (rows) from V = Fn+1 q by the rule:
matrix A sends x ∈ V into xA. The action of this group on the set V induces
the action on P Gn (q). Matrix A ∈ GLn (q) moves subspace W into subspace
W ′ = {xA|x ∈ W }. The induced action is not faithful, totality S(q) of scalar
matrices form the kernel. The factor group P GLn (q) = GLn+1 (q)/S(q)
(projective linear group) is the automorphism group of P Gn (q).
1.3. Distance transitive graphs 13

The maximal flag F is a collection of subspaces Wi , i = 1, 2, . . . , n, such

that W1 < W2 < · · · < Wn and dim(Wi ) = i, i = 1, 2, . . . , n.
The group P GLn (q) acts transitively on the set of maximal flags of pro-
jective geometry P GLn (q). The commutator of group P GLn (q) is a group
P SLn (q) = SLn (q)/S(q), where SLn (q) is a totality of all matrices from
GLn (q) with determinant 1. Groups P SLn (q), q > 2 or An (q) in notations
of theory of simple group of Lie type form a family of finite nonabelian
simple groups.

1.3. Distance transitive graphs

1.3.1. Johnson graph

Let us consider some applied object connected with the introduced ge-
Recall that group Sn+1 acts transitively on the set Γi of elements An of
type i, 1 < i < n. Let us consider orbitals of Sn+1 , i.e. classes of equivalence
on the Cartezian product Γi × Γi : (a, b) ⇐⇒ (a′ , b′ ) if and only if there
exists π, such that π(a) = a′ and π(b) = b′ . Each class φj is a binary relation
(graph). In partition of Γi × Γi into φi can be described explicitely in the
following way:

φj = {(A, B)| |A ∩ B| = j}, j = 1, 2, . . . , i.

Each φj is a symmetric relation and φi is equality relation.

We may introduce the function

J(A, B) = i − |A ∩ B|.

Obviously, elements (A, B) and (A′ , B ′ ) are taken from the same orbital
if and only if
J(A, B) = J(A′ , B ′ ).
It is easy to see that symmetric function J(A, B) is a metric on the
finite set Γj , i.e. J(A, B) ≥ 0, J(A, B) = 0 implies A = B and the triangle
inequality holds J(A, B) ≤ J(A, C) + J(C, B).
Recall, that function d is a distance transitive metric d if d(A, B) =
d(A′ , B ′ ), then there exists a metric automorphism π (i.e. d(x, y) = t implies
π(x) = π(y)), such that π(A) = A′ and π(B) = B ′ .
The classical Coding Theory studies examples of finite distance transitive
metrics d on the set X and maximal subsets Y of X such that d(x, y) ≥ t,
where t is fixed parameter ≥ 1, and x, y are arbitrary pair of distinct
14 1. Incidence systems and geometries over diagrams

elements on X. Notice, that in the case of distance transitive metric d can

be given by the family of symmetric binary relations

ψj = {(a, b) ∈ X 2 |d(a, b) = j}, j = 0, 1, 2, . . . , i.

It is clear that ψ0 is identity relation and we can identify ψj , j =

1, 2, . . . , i with corresponding simple graph. It is easy to check that (a, b) ∈ ψj
if and only if the shortest path between vertices a and b in the graph ψ1 has
length j.
Graph of the symmetric binary relation ψ1 is called distance transitive
The function J(A, B) is well known Johnson metric of Coding Theory,
J1 = {(A, B) ∈ Γ2 |J(a, b) = 1}
is known as Johnson graph. This is an example of finite distance transitive
The k-regular tree Tk,k is an example of infinite, but locally finite dis-
tance transitive graph (see [126], [127]).
Notice, that Γj can be generated as a totality of strings (x1 , x2 , . . . , xn+1 ),
xs ∈ {0, 1}, s = 1, 2, . . . , n, n + 1 such that

x1 + x2 + · · · + xn+1 = j.

Dijkstra algorithm will provide us with the distance between A and B for
O(Cnj ln(Cnj )) elementary steps via computation of the shortest path in J1 .
But we can compute this distance J(A, B) as i − |A ∩ B|, where A ∩ B
is obtained by computation of scalar product for vectors (x1 , x2 , . . . , xn+1 )
and (y1 , y2 , . . . , yn+1 ) corresponding to subsets A and B (O(n) elementary
Fast computation of the distance is common feature of all known families
of distance transitive graphs. This is one of the reason for their importance
in Computer Science (Networking, Parallel computations, Coding and etc).
The Johnson metric is connected with the thin Tits geometry with the
diagram An .

1.3.2. Hamming graph

Let us consider the totality Bn+1 of pairs (A, f ), where A is a nonempty
subset of {1, 2, . . . , n, n + 1} of cardinality |A| ≤ n + 1 and f is a map from
A into {0, 1}. It is easy to count Bn+1 as
1 n+1
2Cn+1 + 22 Cn+1
+ · · · + 2n+1 Cn+1 = 3n+1 − 1.
1.3. Distance transitive graphs 15

We consider Bn+1 as incidence system with the incidence relation I:

(A, f ) I (B, g) if and only if A 6= B, A is a subset of B or B is a subset of
A, x ∈ A ∩ B implies f (x) = g(x).
Let us consider the maximal flag F, which contains ({1}, f1 ), ({1, 2}, f2 ),
. . . , ({1, 2, . . . , n}, fn ), ({1, 2, . . . , n, n + 1}, fn+1 ), where fn+1 (x) = 0 for all
x ∈ {1, 2, . . . , n, n + 1}
Let Fi,j , i < j be the flag of corank 2 which is obtained by delet-
ing of elements of type i and j from the maximal flag F. Similarly to
thin flag-transitive geometry An+1 we can show that if |i − j| ≥ 2 then
Res(Fi,j ) is complete graph, if |i − j| = 1 and j 6= n + 1 then Res(Fi,j ) is
isomorphic to thin triangle P3 . The incidence structure Res(Fn,n+1 ) con-
sist on two elements of kind ({1, 2, . . . , n}, fn ), such that fn (i) = 0 for
i = 1, 2, . . . , n − 1 (fn (n) can be chosen as 0 or 1) and two elements of
kind ({1, 2, . . . , n, n+1},fn+1 ), such that fn+1 (i) = 0 for i = 1, 2, . . . , n
(fn+1 (n + 1) can be chosen as 0 or 1). The restriction of our incidence
relation I on Res(Fn,n+1 ) is isomorphic to ordinary quadrangle P4 . This
way we computed the diagram of the incidence structure and prove that the
object is thin Tits geometry with the diagram Bn+1 .

Figure 1.10. Diagram Bn+1

The maximal flag of our geometry is an element of kind

({i1 }, f1 ),
({i1 , i2 , }f2 ),
({i1 , i2 , . . . , in }, fn ),
({i1 , i2 , . . . , in , in+1 }, fn+1 ),

where fn+1 (i) = bi , i = 1, 2, . . . , n, n+1 for some vector b = (b1 , b2 , . . . , bn+1 )

belonging to Fn+1
2 .
16 1. Incidence systems and geometries over diagrams

Let us consider the totality of pairs and (π, c), where π ∈ Sn+1 and
c ∈ Fn+1
2 . Each pair (π, c) moves written above flag into
({π({i1 })}, f1′ ),
(π({i1 , i2 }), f2′ ),
(π({i1 , i2 , . . . , in }), fn′ ),

(π({i1 , i2 , . . . , in , in+1 }), fn+1 ),
where fn+1′ (π(i)) = bi +ci . It is easy to see that the transformation group on
the set of maximal flags is isomorphic to the group of bijections x → xA + c
on the set of row vectors from Fn+1 2 , where A is permutational matrix and
c ∈ Fn+1
2 . Recall, that the entries of permutational matrix are taken from
{0, 1} and each row or column contains exactly one symbol 1. We refer
to this group as hypercubical group and denote it via HCn+1 . Obviously
|HCn+1 | = 2n+1 (n + 1)!. This group acts naturally on the set of elements of
our incidence systems. This action allow us treat each element of HCn+1 as
an automorphism of our thin Tits geometry with the diagram An+1 . Notice
that HCn+1 acts regularly on the set of maximal flags, i.e. for each pair of
flags F1 , F2 there exist unique group element, which moves F1 into F2 .
Notice, that the group HCn+1 acts on the set of elements corresponding
to the node n + 1 similarly to (HCn+1 , Fn+1 2 ). Two pairs of functions (f , g)
and (f ′ , g ′ ) from {1, 2, . . . , n, n + 1} into F2 are in the same group orbital if
and only if sets A = {x|f (x) = g(x)} and A′ = {x|f ′ (x) = g ′ (x)} have the
same cardinality k.
We can introduce distance regular metric
H(f, g) = n + 1 − |{x|f (x) = g(x)}|
and write the condition (f, g) and (f ′ , g ′ ) are from the same orbital as
d(f, g) = d(f ′ , g ′ ). The symmetric function d(f, g) is, in fact, famous Ham-
ming metric, which has various applications in Computer Science. Let us
consider distance transitive Hamming graph
H1 = {(f, g)|H(f, g) = 1}.
In case of dimension 2, 3 graphs H1 are isomorphic to of P4 and 3
dimensional cube, for which HC2 and HC3 are full automorphism groups,

1.3.3. Grassman graph

Recall that group P SLn+1 (q) acts transitively on the set Γi of elements
of geometry An (q) of type i, 1 < i < n Let us consider orbitals of Sn+1 , i.e.
1.4. Some connections between thick geometry An (q) and thin Tits geometry A17

classes of equivalence on the Cartezian product Γi × Γi : (a, b) ⇐⇒ (a′ , b′ ) if

and only if there exist π, such that π(a) = a′ and π(b) = b′ . Each class φj
is a binary relation (graph). In partition of Γi × Γi into φi can be described
explicitely in the following way:

φj = {(W1 , W2 )|dim(W1 ∩ W2 ) = |W1 ∩ W2 | = j}, j = 1, 2, . . . , i.

Each φj is a symmetric relation and φi is equality relation.

We may introduce the function

G(W1 , W2 ) = i − |W1 ∩ W2 |.

Obviously elements (W1 , W2 ) and (W1′ , W2′ ) are taken from the same orbital
if and only if G(W1 , W2 ) = G(W1′ , W2′ ). it is easy to see that symmetric
function G(A, B) is a metric function on the finite set Γj . The function is
an other example of distance transitive metric known as Grassman metric.
If G(W1 , W2 ) = G(W1′ , W1′ ), then there exists a metric automorphism
g ∈ P SLn (q), such that g(W1 ) = W1′ and g(W2 ) = W2′ . The classical
Coding Theory studies examples of maximal subsets Y of Γi such that
d(W1 , W2 ) ≥ t, where t is fixed parameter ≥ 1, and W1 , W2 are arbitrary
pair of distinct elements on Γj .
Information on the Grassman metric G can be given by the family of
symmetric binary relations

Gj = {(W1 , W2 ) ∈ Γi 2 |G(W1 , W2 ) = j}, j = 0, 1, 2, . . . , i.

It is clear that φ0 is identity relation and we can identify φj , j = 1, 2, . . . , i

with corresponding simple graph. It is easy to check that (W1 , W2 ) ∈ Gj if
and only if the shortest path between vertices W1 and W2 in the graph G1
has length j.
Graph of the symmetric binary relation G1 is called Grassman graph. It
is an example of distance transitive graph.

1.4. Some connections between thick geometry An (q) and

thin Tits geometry An .
Let us consider some connections between thick geometry An (q) and
thin Tits geometry An . Let e1 , e2 , . . . , en , en+1 be the standard basis of the
vector space Fn+1 q . The simplex Sim(n + 1) is formed by subspaces of kind
hei1 , ei2 , . . . , eis i, 1 ≤ s ≤ n. It is easy to see that it contains exactly 2n+1 −2
subspaces and the restrictions of the incidence relation I of geometry An (q)
and type functions on Sim(n + 1) introduce incidence system isomorphic
to An .
18 1. Incidence systems and geometries over diagrams

We can treat the totality of unitriangle group U (n + 1, q) consisting on

matrices with entries ai,j such that (i < j) implies ai,j = 0 and ai,i = 0, as
a subgroup of P SLn (q). Let us investigate the orbits of this group on the
variety of elements of geometry An (q). Let E(A) = hei1 , ei2 , . . . , ees i, where
i1 < i2 < · · · < is and A = {i1 , i2 , . . . , is } be a subspace from Sim(n+1). An
element g, g ∈ U (n + 1, q) will send E(A) to g(W ) with the basic elements

e′i1 = ei1 + a1,i1 e1 + a2,i2 e2 + ai1 −1,i1 ei1 −1 ,

e′i2 = ei2 + a1,i2 e1 + a2,i2 e2 + ai2 −1,i2 ei2 −1 ,
e′is = eis + a1,is e1 + a2,is e2 + ais −1,is eis −1 .

We can make zero instead ail ,il by subtraction of uniquely determined

linear combination of previous vectors e′ik , k < l. So without loss of gener-
ality we assume ail ,it = 0 for il < it .
We refer to written above basis as canonical basis of g(W ). In fact
we described all q i1 +i2 +···+is /q s(s+1)/2 elements of the orbit. We will write
W ⇐⇒ W ′ if and only if W and W ′ are elements of the same orbit of
U (n + 1, q).
Notice that group U (n + 1, q) acts regularly but not faithfully on each
orbit. Let Ret be the map from geometry An (q) which maps subspace W
into uniquely determined representative E(A) of the simplex in the orbit.
It is easy to see that Ret is homomorphism of An (q) onto thin geometry
An .
Let F = {he1 i , he1 , e2 i , . . . , he1 , e2 , . . . en i} be the standard maximal flag
of An (q). The relation W1 ⇐⇒ W2 holds if and if dim(W1 ∩W ) = dim(W2 ∩
W ) for each subspace W from the standard maximal flag. Notice that we
have exactly n options. Classes of the above equivalence relation are known
as large Schubert cells.
We can investigate another equivalence relation W1 ⇐⇒ W2 if and only if
dim(W1 ∩W ) = dim(W2 ∩W ) for each subspace W from the simplex Sim(n+
1). In this definition subspace W can be chosen in 2n+1 − 2 distinct ways.
The classes of equivalence relation ⇐⇒ are known as small Schubert cells.
studies of such cells have various applications - theory hypergeometrical
functions, coding theory and etc (see [48]).
Obviously, we can change finite field Fq for general field F in the written
above definition and study projective geometry P Gn (F) and its partition
into small Schubert cells. In the case of algebraically closed field F with
char(F) = 0 there is a following nice topological definition of small cell.
Let us consider the action of group T = T (n, F) of triangular matrices
on the set P G(n, F). The description of T orbits, i.e. classes of equivalence
1.4. Some connections between thick geometry An (q) and thin Tits geometry A19

relation xÔy if and only if there exist g in T such that g(x) = y is ”wild ”
algebraic problem (see [47] and further references for the definition of alge-
braic wilderness). The description of classes as above heavily depends on
the choice of field F. We can consider the algebraic closure of this partition
in Zarisski topology. Instead of orbit we can take the minimal topologi-
cally closed subset in P Gn (F). D. Hilbert defined small Schubert sets as a
collection of such subsets (see [55]).
Recall, that algebraically closed sets in Zarisski topology are simply sets
of solutions of algebraic system of algebraic equations. It is interesting that
the number of small sch(n) does not depend on the choice of F if parameter n
is ”sufficiently large”. Function cch(n) is an important example of function
which is hard to compute.
The number gn+1 m (q) of m-dimensional subspaces of Fm is known as
Gaussian binomial coefficient. Group GLn+1 (q) of order

(q n+1 − 1)(q n+1 − q) . . . (q n+1 − q n )

acts transitively on subspaces of dimension m. The stabiliser of he1 , e2 , . . . em i

has order |GLm (q)| · |GLn+1−m (q)|q m(n+1−m) . It means that Gaussian bi-
nomial coefficient can be computed as
|GLn+1 (q)|
|GLm (q)| · |GLn+1−m (q)|q m(n+1−m)
m (q) equals
So the number gn+1

(q n+1 − 1)(q n − 1)(q n−1 − 1) . . . (q − 1)

[(q m − 1)(q m−1 − 1) . . . (q − 1)] · [(q n+1−m − 1)(q n+m − 1) . . . (q − 1)]
We can assume that parameter q in the expression for Gaussian binomial
equations can be any positive integer ≥ 2.
m (q) = C m
Lemma 1.4.1. gn+1 n+1 mod(q − 1)

Proof. We can compute the number of m-dimensional subspaces as sum

of Schubert cells orders of kind q i1 +i2 +···+im −m/(m−1)/2 . So we have Cn+1

expressions equals to 1 mod q − 1.

Let us introduce Schubert projective geometry. We consider ”largest

large” Schubert cells, i.e. Schubert cells of maximal dimension as algebraic
varieties. The list is the following, cell of size q n containing hen + 1i, cell
of size q 2(n−1) with the representative hen , en+1 i, cell of size q 3(n−2) with an
element hen−1 , en , en+1 i from the simplex, . . . , cell of size q n with the hy-
perplane he2 , e3 , . . . , en i. The disjoint union of our cells with the restriction
of I and t on it is a Schubert projective geometry SP G(n, q).
20 1. Incidence systems and geometries over diagrams

1.5. Groups and Tits geometries

1.5.1. Group incidence system

An important example of the incidence system as above is the so-called

group incidence system Γ(G, Gs )s∈S . Here G is the abstract group and Gs ,
s ∈ S is the family of distinct subgroups of G. The objects of Γ(G, Gs )s∈S
are the left cosets of Gs in G for all possible s ∈ S. Cosets α and β are
incident precisely when α ∩ β 6= ∅. The type function is defined by t(α) = s,
where α = gGs for some s ∈ S.
One of the important direction in studies of groups is so called Com-
binatorial Group Theory which uses language of generators and generic
Let S = {s1 , s2 , . . . , sn } be a finite alphabet. We consider the totality
F s(S) of all words in S. Let w = si1 si2 . . . sil be the word of length l = l(w)
in our alphabet. The empty word e of length 0 will be also an element F s(S).
We introduce the product (operation of concatenation) of w1 = si1 si2 . . . sil
and w2 = sj1 sj2 . . . sjs as word w = si1 si2 . . . sil sj1 sj2 . . . sjs of length l + s.
It is easy to see that written above rule introduces a semigroup F s(S) with
unity e i.e. ew = we for each w ∈ F s(S). The semigroup F s(S) is known
as free semigroup.
Obviously, in the case of nonempty word w the equation wx = e does not
have a solution.It means that nonempty word is not an invertible element
of F s(S).
We may expand set F s(S) and introduce a free group F g(S) in the
following way. Let S −1 be the collection of symbols s−1 −1 −1
1 , s2 , . . . , sn . We
−1 −1
introduce a cutting rules as si si = e and si si = e, i = 1, 2 . . . , n, and
declare that the word s′i1 s′i2 . . . s′il , where s′ik ∈ S ∪ S −1 , k = 1, 2, . . . , l, is
irreducible in case of absence s′ji s′ji+1 6= e for i = 1, 2, . . . , n − 1 (cutting
rules are not applicable).
We assume that si −1 = si for each i = 1, 2, . . . , n. The inverse word for
si1 s′i2 . . . s′il can be written as s′−1
′ ′−1 ′−1
il sil−1 . . . si1 . It is easy to see that F g(S)
is group containing all elements of F s(S) as irreducible words. F g(S) is
known as free group.
We may introduce additional cutting rules of kind s′i1 s′i2 . . . s′il = e
(generic relations) and consider new group of irreducible words. Combi-
natorial Group Theory contains a theorem, that any group can be obtained
via list of generic relations.
Let G be the group with generators g1 , g2 , . . . gn , i.e. each g ∈ G can
be obtained as a product of several gi . The rules φ(si ) = gi , i = 1, 2, . . . , n
define the homomorphism φ of free group F g(S) onto group G.
1.5. Groups and Tits geometries 21

1.5.2. Coxeter systems and their geometries

Let (W, S) be a Coxeter system, i.e. W is a group with set of distin-
guished generators given by S = {s1 , s2 , . . . , sm } and generic relation

(si × sj )mi,j = e.

Here M = (mi,j ) is a symmetrical m × m matrix with mi,i = 1 and

off-diagonal entries satisfying mi,j ≥ 2 (allowing mi,j = ∞ as a possibility,
in which case the relation (si × sj )mi,j = e is omitted).
We obtain the diagram D on the set of nodes 1, 2, . . . , m by putting edge
between nodes i and j with weight equal to mi,j − 2. As usually absence of
edge corresponds to mi,j = 2, weight is zero. Absence of weight at the edge
between i and j means that mi,j = 3 (weight is 1).
We saw that symmetric group Sm+1 corresponds to the Coxeter system
with diagram Am . We may identify s1 with the transposition s1 = (1, 2),
s2 = (2, 3), . . . , sm = (m, m + 1) and check that the image homomorphism
φ of free group F g(S) given by rules φ(si ) = (i, i + 1) is a Coxeter system
(W, S) with diagram Al and W is isomorphic to Sl+1 .
Letting Wi = hS − {si }i, 1 ≤ i ≤ m in the case of general Coxeter
system we obtain a group incidence system ΓW = Γ(W, Wi )1≤i≤m called the
Coxeter geometry of W . The Wi are referred to as the maximal standard
subgroups of W (see [15]).
We saw that in the case of diagram Al groups Wi are isomorphic to direct
products of Si and Sm−i+1 , corresponding geometry is thin Tits geometry
with diagram Am . This fact holds in the general case (see, for instance [21],
Theorem 1.5.1. Let (W, S) be the Coxeter system with the diagram D.
Then the corresponding Coxeter geometry is thin flag transitive Tits geom-
etry over diagram D.
Example 1.5.2. (Infinite Coxeter group with the diagram Ã1 ) Notice, that
the group W and its geometry can be infinite objects. Obvious example is
a geometry with the following diagram (Fig. 1.11).

Figure 1.11. Diagram Ã1

So generic relations are given by the list: s21 = e and s22 = e. Irre-
ducible words are s1 s2 s1 s2 . . . s1 s2 , s2 s1 . . . s2 s1 in case of even length and
22 1. Incidence systems and geometries over diagrams

s1 s2 s1 s2 . . . s2 s1 , s2 s1 . . . s1 s2 in case of odd length. The length of the prod-

uct of two words w1 and w2 will be the sum of lengthes if the last character
of w1 differs from the first character of w2 , otherwise the length is the
difference of lengthes. This Coxeter geometry is isomorphic to T2,2 .
Group and geometry can be infinite in the case of finite diagram. You
can play with the case of D = P3 (ordinary triangle) and produce infinitely
many irreducible words.

1.5.3. Case of finite Coxeter groups

The following statement brings us the list of finite Coxeter groups.
Theorem 1.5.3. Coxeter system (W, S) is finite (|V | < ∞) if and only if
its digram belongs to the list diagrams in Table 1.1.
Let us consider the description of all infinite families of Coxeter groups.

Figure 1.12. Diagram Im−2

Example 1.5.4. (Finite Coxeter group with the diagram Im−2 ) In case
of diagram (Fig. 1.12) the geometry is orginary m-gon Pm . We have to
generators s1 and s2 and unique generic relation (s1 s2 )m = e.
The list of irreducible words contains 2m irreducible words e, s1 , s2 ,
s1 s2 , s2 s1 , . . . , the maximal length of the word is m. We may identify
s1 and s2 with mirror symmetries of Pm , which fix the line [1, 2] together
with incident points (1) and (2), so s1 s2 is a rotation of regular polygon Pm
corresponding to the angle 2π/m.
We already discuss the case of Coxeter diagram Bn and corresponding
group of transformations x → xA + b of vector space Fn2 , where b ∈ Fn2 and
A permutational matrix. We may identify set S of generators with permu-
tational matrices corresponding to transpositions (12), (23), . . . , (n − 1, n)
and translation τ adding 1 ∈ F2 to the last coordinate of vector x. It is
easy to check that τ (n − 1, n) has order 4. So τ corresponds to extremal
right node of the diagram. The action of group W = Bn on the left cosets
by Wn = h(12), (23), . . . , (n − 1, n)i is similar to natural action of Bn onto
vector space Fn2 . Hamming metrics corresponds to this action.
Let us change τ for τ ′ adding 1 to the last two coordinates of vector
x. It is easy to see that τ commutes with linear transformation (n − 1, n)
and generic relations between (12), (23), . . . , (n − 1, n), τ ′ are ”encoded”
1.5. Groups and Tits geometries 23

Table 1.1. Diagrams of irreducible finite Coxeter systems

24 1. Incidence systems and geometries over diagrams

by diagram Dn . Group Dn can be identified with the subgroup of Bn

which consist on map x → xA + b, where A is permutational matrix and
coordinates b = (b1 , b2 , . . . , bm ), satisfy to relation b1 + b2 + · · · + bn = 0.
Action Dn on left cosets by Wn = h(12), (23), . . . , (n − 1, n)i is similar to
natural action on vectors from hyperplane H given by equation

x1 + x2 + · · · + xn = 0.

This action corresponds to distance transitive metric for Dn which is the

restriction of Hamming metrics onto the set of vectors from H.
Various descriptions and interpretations of ”sporadic” thin flag transitive
Tits geometries the redear can find in [15], [16], [43], [44].

1.5.4. On locally finite Coxeter geometries

Let us consider locally finite Coxeter geometry Γ(W ), where (W, S) is
Coxeter system with S = {s1 , s2 , . . . , sm }. The length l(w) of minimal
irreducible representation of the word w is the minimal length of the irre-
ducible word s′1 s′2 . . . s′k , s′i ∈ S which is equal to w. We introduce the set T
of reflexions of W as the totality of elements of kind g −1 si g, si ∈ S, g ∈ W .
The information on the element gWi of type i can be given by word

w = s′−1 ∈ gWi

with minimal length l(w). We set l(β) = l(w) for β = gWi , 1 ≤ i ≤ m.

We can introduce a triple T + (β), T 0 (β) and T + (β), where

T + (β) = {r ∈ T |l(rβ) < l(β)},

T 0 (β) = {r ∈ T |l(rβ) = l(β)},
T + (β) = {r ∈ T |l(rβ) > l(β)}.

In fact T + (β) is a collection

{s′1 , s′1 s′2 s′1 , s′1 s′2 s′3 s′2 s′1 , . . . , s′1 s′2 . . . s′n s′n−1 . . . s′1 }.

Let us treat string

β, T + (β), T 0 (β), T − (β), i

as a code of an element β ∈ Γi (W ). As it was proven in [169] the condition

of incidence of β ′ , T + (β ′ ), T 0 (β), T − (β), i is the following relation:

|T + (β) ∩ T − (β ′ )| = |T − (β) ∩ T + (β ′ )| = 0.

We can rewrite this condition in the form: T + (β ′ ) is a subset T + (β) ∪ T 0 (β)

and T + (β) is a subset T + (β ′ ) ∪ T 0 (β).
1.6. Cartan matrices and Coxeter groups 25

So we can investigate an adjacency matrix of induced subgraph Ik for

the graph I with the vertex set

{β ∈ Γ(W )|l(β) ≤ k}

by the following algorithm

1. Create T2k−1 = {r ∈ T |l(r) ≤ 2k − 1}
2. Encode β via string T + (β), T 0 (β), T − (β)
3. check the written above condition of incidence of β and β ′ for time
O(|T2k−1 |).
In case of finite Coxeter system we have to change T2k+1 for T [169].
Elements of T are in one to one correspondence with positive roots. The
implementation of the above algorithm can be done with in GAP software.
In the Appendix we put the description of root systems for finite Weyl

1.6. Cartan matrices and Coxeter groups

Let A = (ai,j ), i, j ∈ M , |M | = m is a matrix with the integer entries,

such that ai,i = 2 for i ∈ M , and (ai,j = 0) ⇒ aj,i = 0. We refer to A as
Cartan matrix .
Let us consider the integer lattice, denoted by Lat(A) spanned by formal
elements α1 , α2 , . . . αm (simple roots) and introduce the transformations ri
acting on the lattice according to rule:

rj (αi ) = αi − ai,j αj .

We refer to the group W (A) generated by rj , j ∈ M as Weyl group of

matrix A.
Lemma 1.6.1. Group W (A) is a Coxeter system with the diagram for which
nodes i and j are joint by the edge with the weight ni,j , where ai,j aj,i = 0,
1, 2, 3 implies ni,j = 0, 1, 2, 4, respectively, and (ai,j aj,i ≥ 4) implies
ni,j = ∞.
The group is finite if and only if A is nonsingular matrix. Each crystal-
lographic Coxeter group (case of weights 1, 2, 4, ∞ on the edges of diagram)
can be obtained as W (A).
We refer to the set ∆ of all elements of kind g(α), i ∈ M from the
lattice Lat(A) as set of real roots. We can prove the set ∆ is partited
into subsets ∆+ of positive roots (linear combinations of simple roots with
nonpositive coefficients) and ∆− of negative roots (combinations of simple
roots with nonnegative coefficients). For each simple root αi , i = 1, 2, . . . we
26 1. Incidence systems and geometries over diagrams

introduce the dual element αi ∗ , which is a linear function l(x) from Lat(A)
into Z, such that l(αi ) = 1 and l(αj ) = 0 for j 6= i. Notice, that group
W (A) acts naturally on linear functions l(x) from dual lattice for Lat(A):
g(l(x)) = l(g(x)).
Let Hi = Hi (A) be the orbit of group W (A), which contains αi ∗ . We
consider an incidence structure defined on the set H(A) = H1 ∪H2 ∪· · ·∪Hm
with the type function t(h(x)) = i ⇐⇒ x ∈ Hi and incidence relation
hIh′ ⇐⇒ h(x)h′ (x) ≥ 0 for all x ∈ {α1 , α2 , . . . , αm }
The following statement the reader can find in [151], [153].
Proposition 1.6.2. The incidence system H(A) is isomorphic to Coxeter
geometry W (A).
The information on element h in H(A) can be given by string
(h(α1 ), h(α2 ), . . . , h(αm ), i),
where i is the type of elements. So we can check the incidence of elements
for time O(m).
If Γ is a finite subset of H(A) of cardinality k, then adjacency matrix of
Γ can be computed for time O(k 2 m).
In the case of finite group W (A) linear functions αi ∗ corresponds to
fundamental weights fi . Linear function αi∗ can be given as a map
x → (fi , x),
where scalar product (·, ·) is defined by Killing form (see [43], [44]).
We assume that Cartan matrices A1 and A2 are equivalent if correspond-
ing Weyl groups W (A1 ) and W (A2 ) act similarly on lattices Lat(A1 ) and
Lat(A2 ). If the Coxeter diagram W (A) is different from Bl , then class of
equivalent matrices is uniquely defined by diagram: A1 ⇐⇒ A2 if and only
if diagrams for W (A1 ) and W (A2 ) coincide. There are exactly two classes
of equivalent Cartan matrices in the case of diagram Bn , n ≥ 3. Each claa is
denoted by the directed graph which can be obtained by putting the double
arrow instead of the underected edge with weight 2. This way we obtained
two ”Coxeter-Dynkin” diagrams Bn and Cn . In case of Weyl groups we will
use term Coxeter-Dynkin diagrams. We are not discussing here the symbolic
meaning, of the directions (from left to right or opposite). We simply will
put the list of positive roots in both cases Bn and Cn in the Appendix (last
pages of manuscript).
Theorem 1.6.3. The list of finite Weyl groups is given by the list of dia-
grams in table 1.2.
In case of rank (A) = m − 1 we use term affine Coxeter-Dynkin diagram.
Theorem 1.6.4. The affine Coxeter matrix uniquely defined up to equiva-
lence by its Coxeter-Dynkin diagrams from the list given in Table 1.3.
1.6. Cartan matrices and Coxeter groups 27

Table 1.2. Coxeter-Dynkin diagrams

28 1. Incidence systems and geometries over diagrams

1.7. On general constructions of thick flag transitive Tits


1.7.1. On the axioms of BN -pairs and Schubert geometries

Let G be a group, B and N subgroups of G, and S a collection of cosets
of B ∩ N in N . We call (G, B, N, S) a Tits system ( or we say that G has
a BN -pair) if
(BN 1) G = hB, N i and B ∩ N is normal in N ,
(BN 2) S is a set of involutions which generate W = N/(B ∩ N ),
(BN 3) sBw is a subset in BuB ∪ BswB for any s ∈ S and w ∈ W ,
(BN 4) sBs 6= B for all s ∈ S.
Properties (BN 1)-(BN 4) imply that (W, S), S = {s1 , s2 , . . . , sm }, is a
Coxeter system (see [15], [142]). Whenever (G, B, N, S) is a Tits system, we
call the group W the Weyl group of the system, or more usually the Weyl
group of G. The subgroups Pi of G defined by BWi B are called the standard
maximal parabolic subgroups of G, where Wi = hS − {si }i, 1 ≤ i ≤ m. The
group incidence system ΓG = Γ(G, Pi )1≤ilel is commonly referred to as the
Lie geometry of G (see [15]).
Note that the Lie geometry of G and the Coxeter geometry of the corre-
sponding Weyl group have the same rank. In fact there is a type preserving
morphism from ΓG onto ΓW given by gPi → wWi , where w is determined
from the equality BgPi = BwPi . This morphism is called a retraction
(see [16]).
Let G be a group with a BN -pair (a Tits system (G, B, N, S) in the sense
of [15]) and (W, S) be the corresponding Coxeter system. The maximal
subgroups of the group G containing B (the maximal standard parabolic
subgroups) have the form Pi = BWi B, 1 ≤ i ≤ m. It can be shown that
the incidence system Γ(G, Gs ) is a Tits geometry. This geometry is called
the geometry of the BN -pair or the geometry of G.
Written above text means that we can get thick Tits geometry if finite
BN pair is exist. At the moment we move from system of axioms on combi-
natorial level (definitions of geometry over the diagram and Tits geometry)
to the system of axioms in the language of group theory.
Example 1.7.1. (BN -pairs for the projective geometry) We start with the
explicit description of BN - pair related to the Group GLn+1 (q) to show
that some BN -pairs are really exist.
The unitriangular subgroup U (n + 1, q), which consist of all matrices
(ai,j ), such that j > i ⇒ ai,j = 0 and for each i entry ai,i = 0, maximal torus
T = Tn+1 (q) , which contains all elements of kind diag(λ1 , λ2 , . . . , λn+1 )
and group of permutational matrices Sn+1 are subgroups of GLn+1 (q). We
1.7. On general constructions of thick flag transitive Tits geometries 29

Table 1.3. Affine Coxeter-Dynkin diagrams

30 1. Incidence systems and geometries over diagrams

may check that that group Bn+1 (q) of triangular matrices which is minimal
subgroups, which contains Tn+1 (q) and Un+1 (q), together with the group
N = Nn+1 (q) of monomial matrices for which exactly one entry of each row
differs from zero, form BN -pair.
The maximal standard parabolic subgroup, i.e group X, such that Bn+1 (q) <
X < GLn+1 (q) is a totality of matrices Pi
A 0

where A is i × i matrix with det(A) 6= 0, and det(B) 6= 0.

The standard parabolic subgroup Pi , i = 1, 2, . . . , n is a stabiliser of
subspace he1 , e2 , . . . , ei i. It means that cosets of kind gPi are in natural
one to one correspondence with i-dimensional subsets of Fn+1 q . The reader
can use this correspondence to show the existence of isomorphism between
incidence system of left cosets by Pi and projective geometry P G(n, q).
We can check that subgroups SLn+1 (q)∩Nn+1 (q) and SLn+1 (q) ∩ Bn+1 (q)
form a BN -pair for SLn+1 (q). Factorization of SLn+1 (q) ∩ Nn+1 (q) and
SLn+1 (q) ∩ Bn+1 (q) by subgroup S = Sn+1 (q), which is a the totality of
scalar matrices, will provide simple group P SLn (q) with the structure of
BN -pair.

Let us consider the action of group B onto left cosets of kind gPi .
We refer to the orbits of this action as large Schubert cells for Γ(G) they
are in one to one correspondence with the double cosets of kind BgPi . It
can be prowen that there is unique represantative w ∈ Wi of the shortest
length such then BgPi = wWi . Let Retr be the map from Γ(G) such that
Retr(gPi ) = wWi if an only if BgPi . The map Retr is a homomorphism of
Γ(G) onto Γ(W ) (retration map).
Let us consider groups of kind w−1 Bw, w ∈ W and equivalence relation
gPi ⇐⇒ g ′ Pi if and only if there exist w ∈ W such that cosets gPi and
g ′ Pi are in the same orbit of w−1 Bw. We refer to classes of this equivalence
relation as small Schubert cells of Tits geometry Γ(G).
Let G be a split finite BN -pair with cooresponding geometry Γ(G).
Let us consider the largest orbits of Borel subgroup B acting on Γ(G),
i.e. orbits corresponding to double coset GwPi with maximal l(wWi ) for
each i = 1, 2, . . . , n. As it follows directly from definition disjoint union [Γ]
(”integer part” of Tits geometry) with the restriction of incidence I and
type function t on this set is a flag transitive incidence system. In fact,
Borel subgroup B acts transitively on the totality of maximal flags (cosets
of kind gB, g ∈ G. We refer to this incidence system as Schubert geometry
and use notation Sch(Γ(G)).
1.7. On general constructions of thick flag transitive Tits geometries 31

Let us consider class of finite BN -pairs of rank 2. For each thick m-gon
from this class m ∈ {3, 4, 6, 8} we consider biregular incidence structure
Sch(Γ(G)). Tis incidence structure a(m) = aqr ,qs (m) is uniquely determined
by the triple m, q r , q s , where last two parameters stands for the bidegrees
of corresponding incidence graph. We refer to a(m) as affine part of gener-
alised m-gon (see [156]). We associate with the general Schubert geometry
Sch(Γ(G)) the diagram obtained from diagram of Γ(G) simply by the change
of weight m − 2 of the edge for symbol a(m). It is easy to see that Schubert
geometry Sch(Γ(G)) is a diagram geometry over new diagram.
The idea of diagram geometry allows easily expand the class of geometry.
For instant adding some new incidence structures to the list of generalised
polygons brings famous class of Buekenhout-Tits geometries, which contains
geometries of finite nonabelian sporadic groups together with the geometries
of BN -pairs (see [18], [19]).

1.7.2. On Lie algebras, Schevalley groups and their geometries

In this section we associate Tits system of kind (G, B, N, S) with each
Chevalley group G. Recall, that C. Shevalley for each pair (Xl , F), where
F is general field and Xl is a Coxeter - Dynkin diagram for the Weyl group
associated with the Cartan matrix A of dimension l, det(A) 6= 0, constructed
simple group G = Xl (F) to signify that G is the Chevalley group over the
field F, with associated Dynkin diagram Xl . We are most interested in the
case when F is finite, and we shall write Xl (q) instead of Xl (Fq ) in that
Let, fixe Chevalley group G = Xl (F) with Weyl group defined by Coxeter
Dynkin diagram. As in the previous section ΓW and ΓG are associated with
G thin and thick Tits geometries, respectively.
The axioms of BN -pairs are very convenient for the investigations Of
geometrical properties. We may easily generalise the concepts of large
and small Schubert cells and retraction map for the geometry of general
BN -pair.
Simple Lie group of normal type (Shevalley groups in other terminology)
had been obtaines as groups of internal automorphism of simple groups. We
introduce briefly the method by C. Shevalley (see [132], [135]) with the usage
of some ideas from Kac-Moody Algebras Theory ([63], [64], [65]). Let us
assume for a while that F is general algebraic field. Lie algebra L is a vector
space over F with the bilinear product [x, y], for which the relations

[x, y] + [y, x] = 0

[x, [y, z]] + [y, [z, x]] + [z[x, y]] = 0
32 1. Incidence systems and geometries over diagrams

hold for all vectors x, y, z from L.

For each x ∈ L we can consider the linear transformation a → [a, x],
a ∈ L. The standard notation for this map is ad(x). For x, y ∈ L we
consider the bilinear symmetric form

(x, y) = T r(ad(x)ad(y)),

where operator T r is a trace of linear map.

Let A = (ai,j ), i, j ∈ M be an arbitrary finite Cartan matrix.
Let us denote as L(A) special Lie algebra over the general field F,
char(F) = 0 with distinguished generators ei , fi , hi , i ∈ M , which satisfy
to following conditions

[ei , fj ] = σi,j ,
[hi , hj ] = 0,
[hi , ej ] = ai,j ej ,
[hi , fj ] = −ai,j fi ,
(ad(ei ))1−ai,j (ej ) = (ad(fi ))1−ai,j (fj ) = 0, i 6= j.

This Lie algebra is known a Kac-Moody algebra.

It is easy to check that in case det(A) = 0 the dimension of algebra L(A)
is infinity, we can obtain infinite BN - pairs corresponding to L(A). In this
section we are concentrated on finite dimensional objects. So, we assume
that det(A) = 0. Elements h1 , h2 , . . . , hn form a basis of Cartan subalgebra
L0 . It is abelian subalgebra [h, h′ ] = 0 for h, h′ ∈ L0 .
We define the simple roots αi , i = 1, 2, . . . , m in dual space L∗0 for the
Cartan subalgebra via relations hi (αj ) = ai,j , i, j ∈ M . As it follows from
condition det(A) 6= 0 roots αi are linearly independent. Let Lα denote the
totality of x ∈ H ∗ , such that

[h, x] = h(α)

for arbitrary α ∈ L∗ . We refer to α as a root if dim (Lα ) 6= 0. The totality

of such elements α form so called root system ∆ for Cartan matrix A. It
agrees with the previous definition of real roots. In case nonsingular matrix
A all roots are real and dim (Lα ) = 1 for each root α. Lie algebra L can be
treated as directed sum
L(A) = L0 + Lα .

We can choose basis of simple roots α1 , α2 , . . . , αm and partite all roots in

the set of positive roots and ∆+ (totality of linear combinations of basic
roots with nonnegative coefficients) and ∆− consisting on negative roots.
1.7. On general constructions of thick flag transitive Tits geometries 33

Basis of lie algebra consisting on ei , hi , fi can be expanded to the basis

of the entire vector space hi ∈ L0 , eα ∈ Lα such that Lie product of each two
basic elements is a linear combinations of basic elements with integer coeffi-
cients. The existence of such basis was great break through by C. Chevalley.
It allows to define our object L(A) over arbitrary field. We are particularly
interested in the case of Fq . Notice, that

[eα , eβ ] = 0

if α + β is not a root, and

[eα , eβ ] = rα+β eα+β

in opposite case.
Let us consider BN -pairs corresponding to algebra L(A) over various
fields F. Let (L(A), ad) be adjoint representation of L(A). As it follows
from the definitions transformations
exp(ad(λei ))(v) = (1/n!)λn (ad(ei ))n (v),
exp(ad(λfi ))(v) = (1/n!)λn (ad(fi ))n (v),

are well defined automorphisms for arbitrary t ∈ Fq .

In case of char F = 0 we may assume that Lat(A) with basic elements
αi ∗ is a collection of vectors from the Cartan algebra L0 . The orbits

Hi = {w(α1 ∗ )|w ∈ W (A)}

of Weyl group and their union H are also subsets of L0 . Recall that we treat
the set H as an incidence system. Linear functionals l1 (x) and l2 (x) are
incident if and only if products l1 (α)l2 (α) ≥ 0 for all roots α corresponding
to Cartan matrix A. The type function t is defined by t(l(x)) = i where
l(x) ∈ Hi . We already discussed the isomorphism of (H, I, t) and Coxeter
geometry Γ(W ). In fact there is a unique isomorphism of ΓW with (H, I, t),
which sends Wi to αi , 1 ≤ i ≤ m.
We now consider an analogous embedding of the Lie geometry ΓG into
the Borel subalgebra B = L0 + L+ of L. Let d = α1 ∗ + α2 ∗ + · · · + αm ∗ .
Than we can take
∆+ = {α ∈ ∆|d(α) ≥ 0}
to be our set of positive roots in ∆. For any l(x) ∈ Lat(L) define

∆− (l) = {α ∈ ∆+ |l(α) < 0}.

34 1. Incidence systems and geometries over diagrams

Let Lα be the root space corresponding to positive root α. For each

h ∈ H from Lat(A) we define the subalgebra Lh as the sum of Lα , α ∈ δ − (h).
Bi = {(h, v)|h ∈ Hi , v ∈ Lh }
and B(A) is a disjoint union of Bi .
Let us introduce h′ for h ∈ Lat(A), where

h = x1 α1∗ + x2 α2∗ + · · · + xm αm


simply as linear combination of kind

[x1 (mod p)]α1∗ + [x2 (mod p)]α2∗ + · · · + [xm (mod p)]αm

if char F = p and in case of charF = 0 we set

h′ = h.

We can check that values of l(α), where l(x) ∈ Lat and α in L0 are < 5 .
So, the embedding of H into L0 is still working for a field F of characteristic
≥ 5 . So we may use it in the case of finite field.
We give B = B(A, F) the structure of an incident system as follows.
Elements (h1 , v1 ) and (h2 , v2 ) are incident if and only if each of the following
(i) h1 (α)h2 (α) ≥ 0 for all α ∈ ∆, i.e. it means that h1 and h2 are incident
in (H, I, t).
(ii) [h′1 + v1 , h′2 + v2 ] = 0
Element (h, v) has type i if h + v ∈ Ui .
In [151] it is shown that this newly defined incident system is isomorphic
to the Lie geometry ΓG , provided that the characteristic of K is zero or
sufficiently large to ensure the isomorphism at the level of the subgeometries
(H, I, t) and ΓW . Then analogous to the Weyl case, there exists a unique
isomorphism Retr of Γ(G) into (B, I, t) which sends Pi to αi , 1 ≤ i ≤ l.
The following statement
Theorem 1.7.2. Let Γ(A, q) = Γ(G) be the Tits geometry of finite group
G = Xn (q) corresponding to Cartan matrix A, char(Fq ) ≥ 5. Then Γ is
isomorphic to the incidence system (B(A, Fq ), I, T )
Γ(A, q) in O(|Γ|) elementary steps and check whether or not two elements
of Γ are incident for time O(N 2 ), where N is the number of positive roots.
Corollary 1.7.3. Geometry Γ(A, q) o can be generated in computer memory
in time O(|Γ|). The check whether or not two elements of Γ are incident
can be O(m2 ), where m is the number of diagram nodes.
1.7. On general constructions of thick flag transitive Tits geometries 35

Interpretation of the geometry of group G with BN -pair in the form of

U (A, F) is convenient for studies of small Schubert cells. Rather fast general
algorithms for check whether or not two elements from Γi (G) are from the
Small Schubert cell is introduced in [173].
From the mentioned above constructions we can get the following de-
scription if Schubert geometry Sch(Γ(G)). We have to take elements (−αi∗ , vi ),
vi ∈ Lh , h = −αi∗ and consider the incidence of (−αi∗ , vi ) and (−αj∗ , v), i 6= j
defined by the relation:

[−αi∗ + vi , −αj∗ + vj ] = 0.

Remark 1.7.4. The change of subalgebra Lh , which is a direct sum of

Lα , such that h(α) > 0 for L′h which is direct sum of Lα , h(α) ≤ 0 will
lead to isomorphic incidence system. It follows from the fact that elements
αi∗ and −αi∗ both are elements of the same orbit of transformation group
(W (A), Lat(A))
In fact we can consider similar incidence systems in the case of affine
Coxeter-Dynkin diagram (see [166] , [170], [171]). Families of subalgebras
Lh and L′h in this case lead to distinct geometrical objects. The list of
diagrams related to the case when the rank of Cartan matrix is m − 1 is
The theory of root system in the case of rank A differs seriously from
the case of nonsingular matrix. We have to use so called ”imaginary” roots
together ith real roots (conjugates of basic roots in the Weyl group).
In the example of diagram Ã1 the imaginary roots are of kind c(α1 + α2 ),
where c can be arbitrary nonzero integer. Totality Of real consist on ele-
ments of kind kα1 + (k + 1)α2 or (k + 1)α1 + kα2 , where k is arbitrary
In this book we introduce only Schubert geometry defined for the case
of general Cartan matrix A in the following way.
We have to take subalgebra L+ (A) over the field F , which is a direct
sum of subspaces Lβ , where β is positive root (real or imaginary) from the
root system corresponding to Cartan matrix A. It is easy to see that in case
of singular matrix Borel subalgebra is infinitedimensional vector space.
Foe each i ∈ M we consider the subalgebra Li , which is a direct sum of
root spaces Lβ , such that β is positive and αi∗ (β) 6= 0. The incidence system
consist on elements (αi∗ , vi ), vi ∈ Li , incidence of (αi∗ , vi ) and (αj∗ , vj ), i 6= j
is defined by the relation: [αi∗ +vi , αj∗ +vj ] = 0. The type function is defined
simply by relation t(αi∗ , vi ) = i.
To avoid problems in case of small characteristic we can work with ”de-
formated” Lie product [αi∗ , β] = β if αi∗ (β) 6= 0. It means that [β, αi∗ ] = −β.
We set [eβ1 , eβ2 ] = eβ1 +β2 , if β1 + β2 is also a positive root and β1 > β2
36 1. Incidence systems and geometries over diagrams

according to natural lexicographical order on positive roots. Notice, that if

β2 > β1 we need to write −eβ1 +β2 in the right hand side.
We refer to the above incidence system as Schubert geometry Sch(A, F)
with Cartan matrix A over the field F.
Remark 1.7.5. If detA 6= 0 then incidence system Sch(A, F) coincides with
the Schubert geometry of some BN -pair.
Remark 1.7.6. An interesting new incidence systems can be obtained from
Sch(A, F) via the deformation rules. For instance rule [eβ1 , eβ2 ] = eβ1 +β2 , if
β1 + β2 is also a positive root and one of the roots β1 , β2 is simple.
Natural approximations of infinite graph Sch(A, F) can be obtained in
the following way.
Let us take the set ∆n of n first positive roots β1 , β2 , . . . , βn according
to lexicographical order and consider subspace Ln = L+ (A, F, n), which is
directed sum of Lβi , i = 1, 2, . . . , n. We can consider bilinear product such
that [eβi , eβj ] = eβi +βj if βi + βj ∈ ∆n and [eβi , eβj ] = 0 if βi + βj does not
belong to ∆n .
We define an incidence system Sch(A, F, n) simply by the change of
L (A) for finite dimensional space Ln .
Proposition 1.7.7. Let A be a singular Cartan matrix. Then natural pro-
jective limit of incidence systems Sch(A, F, n) coincides with Sch(A, F).
Chapter 2
Distance regular graphs, small world
graphs and generalisations of Tits

2.1. On Tits geometries, association schemes and distance

regular graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
2.2. On the parallelotopic graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
2.3. On the linguistic graph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
2.4. On small world graphs obtained by blow up operation . 47
2.4.1. On blowing of incidence systems in term of
linear algebra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
2.4.2. Blow-up of the graph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
2.4.3. Blow diagram and Schubert cells . . . . . . . . 55
2.4.4. Coxeter groups and Schubert cells . . . . . . . 56
2.4.5. Blowing of Coxeter geometries and Lie geometries 58
2.4.6. Regular small world graphs with unbounded
diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
2.5. Small word expanding graphs of large girth or large
cycle indicator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
2.5.1. On the expansion properties of special graphs . 61
2.5.2. On small world Ramanujan graphs . . . . . . . 62
2.5.3. On small world graph with large cycle indicator
and their expansion properties . . . . . . . . . 64
2. Distance regular graphs, small world graphs and generalisations of Tits
38 geometries
2.1. On Tits geometries, association schemes and distance
regular graphs

Theory of association schemes is one of the important directions of Al-

gebraic Combinatorics.
Association scheme Ω consist of finite set X and a collection of binary
relations R0 , R1 , . . . , Rd , such that
1. R0 = {(x, x)|x ∈ X}
2. for each i, i = 1, 2, . . . , d the inverse relation

Ri −1 = {(x, y)|(y, x) ∈ Ri }

coincides with some Rj from the collection.

3. for i, j, k ∈ {0, 1, 2, . . . , d} the number

pki,j = pki,j (a, b) = |{x ∈ X|(a, x) ∈ Ri , (x, b) ∈ Rj }|

does not dependend on the choice of the pair (a, b) ∈ Rk

Let (G, X) be the transitive permutation group acting on the set X.
Orbitals of (G, X), i.e. orbits of natural action of G on the set X × X, are
binary relations (subsets of Cartezian product of X with itself). Let a ∈ X
H = {g ∈ G|g(a) = a},
then orbitals of (G, X) are in one to one correspondence with double cosets
HgH, g ∈ G.
For each directed graph Ri of associative scheme we consider its adja-
cency matrix Ai of size |X|×|X| with entries aix,y ∈ {0, 1} such that aix,y = 1
if and onlyPif (x, y) ∈ Ri . As it follows from definition matrix product of Ai
and Aj is pki,j Ak .
So the vector subspace A(Ω) = hA0 , A1 , A2 , . . . , Ad i in Mn (C), n = |X|
(matrix algebra over the field C of complex numbers) is closed under matrix
multiplication. Such algebras appeared in different areas of mathematics un-
der different names such as Bose-Messner algebra, cellular algebras, V -Shur
rings (see [2], [18], [29], [47]). We will use term Bose Messner algebra in this
book. In the case of association schemes of orbitals for permutation group
(G, X) we will use term Hecke algebra (see [15]) instead of Bose Messner
algebra. Hecke algebra H = H(G, X) can be identified with the centralizator
of the totality of all permutations from (G, X):

H = {M ∈ Mn (C)|Aπ M = M Aπ for all π ∈ G}

Aπ here is a permutational n × n matrix corresponding to permutation π.

2.1. On Tits geometries, association schemes and distance regular graphs 39

We can consider also the totality HG of formal linear combinations of

formal symbols a0 , a1 , . . . , ad such that relations
ai × aj = zi,j ak

give us definition of associative algebra with unity a0 . This object is known

in Functional Analisis as hypergroup (see [53], [54]). Notice that hypergroup
is an abstract algebra with fixed basis a0 , a1 , . . . , ad and integer structure
constants pki,j ≥ 0.
We will refer to nonisomorphic matrix Bose-Messner algebras with the
same hypergroups as hyperequivalent BM algebras.
Let us consider the concept of fusion hypergroup. With the equivalence
relation τ on the set {1, 2, . . . , d} formed by classes T1 , T2 , . . . , Tr we can
associate algebraic elements
a(T1 ) = ai ,
a(T2 ) = ai ,
a(Tr ) = ai .

In case, when a(T1 ), a(T2 ), . . . , a(Tr ) form a basis of subalgebra HGτ

in HG we refer to a new hypergroup as fusion hypergroup of HG and refer
to τ as fusion equivalence. Let Ω be association scheme, we use notations
BM (Ω) and HG(Ω) for corresponding Bose-Messner algebra and hyper-
group, respectively.
Notice, that the existence of fusion hypergroup HGτ (Ω) in the hy-
S of association scheme Ω means that the binary relation R0 and
′ ′
Rj = Ri , i ∈ Tj , j = 1, 2, . . . , r form new association scheme Ω = Ωτ and
BM (Ω′ ) = BMτ (Ω) is a subalgebra in BM (Ω), HG(Ω′ ) = HGτ (Ω).
Let us assume that association schemes Ω1 and Ω2 are hyperequivalent
and τ is a fusion in HG(Ω1 ). As it follows from definitions HGτ (Ω1 ) =
HGτ (Ω2 ), but Bose Messner algebras BMτ (Ω1 ) and BMτ (Ω2 ) can be non-
isomorphic and association schemes Ω1τ and Ω2τ can be different up to iso-
Recall, that metric on the set X is the symmetric integer function ρ(x, y)
in two variables such that (ρ(x, y) ≥ 0, ρ(x, y) = 0) ⇒ (x = y) and triangle
inequalities holds ρ(x, y) ≤ ρ(x, z) + ρ(z, y).
Let us assume that for the association scheme R0 , R1 , . . . , Rd there is a
metric ρ such (x, y) ∈ Rd if and only if ρ(x, y) = d. In case of such scheme
2. Distance regular graphs, small world graphs and generalisations of Tits
40 geometries

we refer to the graph R1 as distance regular graph. The adjacency matrix

A1 of R1 is special: for each matrix Ai there is a polynomial fi (x) ∈ Z[x]
(polynomial with integer coefficients) such that Ai = fi (x).
We already notice that orbital schemes of Coxeter groups An , acting
on elements of corresponding geometry of type i, 1 < i < n and groups
Bn , acting on elements of geometry of type n, form Johnson and Hamming
schemes of Coding theory. From other side orbital scheme of simple group
An (q) corresponds to Grassman metrics, which has some similarity with
Johnson group. Let us consider finite BN -pair G(q) defined over finite field
Fq with the Weyl group W .
We can consider the decomposition of G into double cosets by Borel
subgroup B: [
G= BgB.
The well known Bruhat lemma each double class BgB has unique repre-
sentative w ∈ W . So there is natural one to one correspondence η between
double classes by Borel subgroup and elements of Weyl group:
η(BwB) = w.
Let us change Borel subgroup for maximal standard parabolic Pi i.e.
Pi = BWi B.
G = Pi gPi
contains uniquely defined element w from the Weyl group of the shortest
length from Wi wWi . So we have natural η one to one correspondence be-
tween orbitals of G, acting on cosets gPi , and orbitals of permutation group
(W, W : Wi ). The following statement was formulated in [66].
Proposition 2.1.1. Orbital scheme of group (G, G : Pi ) is metric associa-
tive scheme if and only if orbital scheme of its Weyl group (W, W : Wi ) is
a metric one.
It means that orbitals Ri , i = 0, 1, 2, . . . , d and Ri′ , i = 0, 1, 2, . . . , d of
transformation groups (Bn (q), Bn (q) : Pn ) and (Cn (q), Cn (q) : Pn ), respec-
tively, for which η(Ri ) and η(Ri′ ) are same orbitals of Hamming scheme,
form metric association schemes
The following fact had been formulated in [149].
Proposition 2.1.2. Let Bn (q) and Cn (q), n ≥ 2 are simple groups acting
on the totalities of left cosets by maximal parabolic subgroup Pn correspond-
ing to extreme right point of Coxeter diagram. Then their Hecke algebras
H(Bn (q)) and H(Cn (q)) are hyperequivalent.
2.1. On Tits geometries, association schemes and distance regular graphs 41

It means that structure constant of H(Bn (q)) and H(Cn (q)) are equal
and there is a natural one to one correspondence between fusions of H(Bn (q))
and H(Cn (q)). Notice that groups B2 (q) and C2 (q) are isomorphic. So,
H(B2 (q)) = H(C2 (q)).
Let (G, X) be a permutation group. We refer to

N (G) = {π ∈ S(X)|π −1 Gπ = G}

as permutational normalizer of G.
The group of automorphism of distance transitive metric corresponding
to the action of Bn (q) on Bn (q) : Pn (Cn (q) on Cn (q) : Pn ) coincides with
N (Bn (q)) (N (Cn (q))), respectively. In fact N (Bn (q)) and N (Cn (q)) are
simply extensions of Bn (q) and Cn (q) by automorphisms of finite field Fq
(see [31]). So N (Bn (q)) and N (Cn (q)) are different quasisimple finite group.
So, we prove the following statement.
Proposition 2.1.3. Hyperequivalent Hecke algebras H(Bn (q)) and H(Cn (q))
are not isomorphic.
In paper [173] the following problem had been investigated. Let G be
a finite BN pair acting on G : Pi . Describe over groups X of (G, G : Pi ),
i.e. subgroups Z of symmetric group S(G : Pi ) such that Z > G. The
proof of this results use some corollaries from the classification theorem of
finite simple groups (t.f.s.g.). The compact solution independent from for
the (t.f.s.g.) for the case of classical BN pairs, i.e. simple groups with
diagrams An , Bn , Cn and Dn , was obtained in [188], [189]. In particular,
the following statement was proven.
Theorem 2.1.4. (i) Let Z be over group of (Cn (q), Cn (q) : Pn ), n ≥ 2
then Z is subgroup of permutational normalizer N (Cn (q)).
(ii) Let Z be over group of (Bn (q), Bn (q) : Pn ), which is not a subgroup
N (Bn (q)). Then
Dn+1 (q) < Z < N (Dn+1 (q))
The nature of the embedding of Bn (q) into Dn+1 (q) was investigated
in [104]. Orbitals of Dn+1 (q) : Pn on Bn (q) : Pn obviously form distance
transitive orbital scheme corresponding to Hecke algebra H(Dn+1 (q)) but
the image Ωn (q) of H(Dn+1 (q)) under the hyperequivalence ηη ′ sending
Ri to Ri′ is distance regular but not distance transitive map. The distance
regular graph of Ωn (q) is called ”Ustimenko graph” according to subject
index of [16]. J. Hemmeter used the existence of Ωn (q) for the prove of
existence of other family of distance regular but not distance transitive
graphs of unbounded diameter (see Hemmeter graphs in the subject index
in [16]).
2. Distance regular graphs, small world graphs and generalisations of Tits
42 geometries

We may consider an interesting family of hypergroups associated with

An (q), Bn (q), and Dn+1 (q). The structure constant pki,j (q) are polynomial
expression in variable q. We can change q for positive integer parame-
ter t which is not a prime power and get a new hypergroups HG(An (t)),
HG(Bn (t)) and HG(Dn (t)).
Notice that HG(An (1)), HG(Bn (1)) and HG(Dn (1)) are hyperequiva-
lent to Hecke algebras of Weyl groups An , Bn and Dn acting on elements
of their Coxeter geometry of type corresponding to right extreme node of
Recall, that the most important task of Coding Theory is search for
large subsets Y on finite metric space (X, ρ), such that for each pair y, y ′ of
distinct elements from Y the distance ρ(y, y ′ ) ≥ t, where t is fixed nonzero
parameter. If t = 1 then vertices from Y form a clique of distance regular
graph of relation {(x, y)|ρ(x, y) = 1}. In case of distance transitive metrics
related to G ∈ {Bn (q), Cn (q), Dn (q)} we can take an element v ∈ Γn−1 and
form a maximal clique {x ∈ Γn (G)|xIv} (see [16] and further references).
This method is not working for the case of distance regular but not distance
transitive metrics Ωn (q). The description of the maximal cliques for the
distance regular graph in Ωn (q) the reader can find in [60].
Let us discuss the automorphism of graphs ΦJ = {(x, y)|ρ(x, y) ∈ J},
where J is a proper subset of {1, 2, . . . , n} for the above mentioned metrics.
For the cases of metrics related to Γn (G), where G is one of groups Cn (q),
Dn (q), we have Aut(Φj ) = N (G). In case of association scheme Ωn (q) we
have Aut(ΦJ ) = N (Cn (q)). Case of the action of Bn (q) onto Bn (q) : Pn is an
interesting one: if J correspond to union of orbitals for Bn (q), which is not
a union of orbitals of Dn+1 (q), then Aut(ΦJ ) = N (Bn (q)), in the opposite
case of union orbitals of larger group we have Aut(ΦJ ) = N (Dn+1 (q)).
The structure constants for Bose-Messner algebas corresponding to met-
ric spaces of classical simple groups of Lie type were computed in [190].

2.2. On the parallelotopic graphs

Definition 2.2.1. Let Γ be a bipartite graph with partition sets Pi , i = 1, 2.
Suppose that C be a disjoint union of finite sets C1 and C2 . We say that Γ
is a bipartite parallelotopic graph over (C1 , C2 ) if
(i) there exists a function π : V (Γ) → M such that if p ∈ Pi , then
π(p) ∈ Ci ,
(ii) for every pair (p, j), p ∈ Pi , j ∈ Ci , there is a unique neighbour u
with given π(u) = j.
It is clear that the bipartite parallelotopic graph Γ is a biregular graph
with bidegrees r = |C1 | and s = |C2 |.
2.2. On the parallelotopic graphs 43

We refer also to the function π in the definition of bipartite parallelotopic

graph as a labelling. We will often omit the term ”bipartite”, because all
our simple graphs are bipartite.
It is clear that a parallelotopic graph is biregular graph with bidegrees r
and s. The neighbourhood of each vertex is ”rainbow like” set - collection
of elements of different colour.
Walks in the parallelotopic graph are in one to one correspondence with
chains of colours (c1 ∈ C1 , c2 ∈ C2 , c3 ∈ C1 , . . . ). Let Nc (v) be the operator
of taking the neighbour of v with the colour c.
Linguistic graph is a parallelotopic graph as above such that C1 , C2 , P
and L are Cartesian powers of the alphabet M .
Example 2.2.2. Planary Linguitic Graphs Let us consider the bipartite
graph L (incidence structure) with the points set Dn and the line set Dm
such that the point (x1 , . . . , xn ) is incident with line [y1 , . . . , ym ] if and only
if the following k equalities (k ≤ m, k ≤ n) hold
x1 ×1 y1 = f1 (xk+1 , . . . , xn , yk+1 , . . . , yn )
x2 ×2 y2 = f2 (x1 , y1 , xk+1 , . . . , xn , yk+1 , . . . , yn )
xk ×k yk = fk (x1 , . . . , xk−1 , y1 , . . . , yk−1 , xk+1 , . . . , xn , yk+1 , . . . , ym ),
where ×j are quasigroups (latin squares) on D, Fj are chosen functions with
the codomain D (governing functions).
Let us define structure of the parallelotopic graphs via the following
colouring functions
ρ1 ((x1 , . . . , xn )) = (xk+1 , . . . , xn ),
ρ2 ([y1 , . . . , yn ]) = (yk+1 , . . . , ym ).
Thus C1 = Dn−k and C2 = Dm−k are colour sets.
Example 2.2.3. Linguistic polynomial graphs over the commutative ring
(K, +, ×) We shall use the term as above in case of planary linguistic graphs
for which D is the ring K and
x i × i yi = λ i x i + µ i yi ,
and each polynomial expression fi from K[x].
Example 2.2.4. This is generalisaion of the planary linguistic graphs ob-
tained by rewriting the equations (i) in the form xi = fi (yi , x1 , . . . , ym ).
We require that for each i, i = 1, . . . , k equation (i) has unique solution in
variable yi , when other variables are specialised. We have the same colouring
functions as in the Example 2.2.2. The important particular case here is
fi (y1 , . . . , ym ) = y1 (straight linguistic graph).
2. Distance regular graphs, small world graphs and generalisations of Tits
44 geometries

Example 2.2.5. Graded graphs We may generalise the previous example

via consideration of Cartesian products of D1 , . . . , Dn and D1 , . . . , Dm as
partition sets and assuming that the domain of each variable xi (or yi ) is
Di .
Example 2.2.6. Group parallelotopic graph. Let G be a group with the
proper subgroups G1 and G2 such that hG1 , G2 i = G. Let us consider the
incidence structure Γ(G) = Γ(G)G1 ,G2 with a set of points P = (G : G1 ) and
set of lines L = (G : G2 ). The group G is a subgroup of the automorphism
group of Γ(G), the action of G on the set of edges being equivalent to its
action on (G : G1 ∩ G2 ) by right shifting.
The following elementary statement is well known.
Lemma 2.2.7. The incidence graph for Γ = Γ(G)G1 ,G2 is connected if and
only if the subgroups G1 and G2 generate G. Every connected component of
Γ is isomorphic to Γ(G′ )G1 ,G2 where G′ = hG1 , G2 i.
We will say that a bipartite parallelotopic graph is a group parallelotopic
graph if it is isomorphic to the incidence graph of an incidence structure
Γ(G)G1 ,G2 , where G is a group with subgroups G1 and G2 .
We will consider further the case of a unipotent-like factorisation, i.e.
a factorisation of a group U into 3 subgroups U1 , U2 and U3 such that
U1 ∩ U2 = 1, U1 ∩ U3 = 1, U2 ∩ U3 = 1, and U3 contains [U1 , U2 ]. Thus, there
are unique decompositions u ∈ U of the kinds u = u1 u2 u3 and u = u2 u1u′3
where u1 ∈ U1 , u2 ∈ U2 and u3 , u′3 ∈ U3 .
Let us consider the incidence structure Γ = Γ(U )U1 ,U2 . Directly from
definitions we obtain:
1. For every coset U1 u there is a canonical representative u2 u3 , u2 ∈ U2 ,
u3 ∈ U3 . Let us call u2 = π(U1 u) the colour of the coset U1 u.
2. For every coset U2 u′ there is a canonical representative u1 u′3 , u1 ∈ U1 ,
u′3 ∈ U3 . Let us call u1 = π(U2 u′ ) the colour of the coset U2 u′ .
Lemma 2.2.8 (16). Let U = U1 U2 U3 be a unipotent-like factorisation of
the group U . Then the incidence graph of Γ(U ) = Γ(U )U1 ,U2 is a group
parallelotopic graph with color set U1 ∪ U2 and with parallelotopic colouring
Remark 2.2.9. Graph Γ(U )U1 ,U2 is a biregular with bidegrees a = |U1 | and
b = |U2 | and r = |U3 |.

2.3. On the linguistic graph

Let P and L be copies of n + r-dimensional free module Kn+r and
n + s-dimensional free module Kn+s over the finite commutative ring K,
2.3. On the linguistic graph 45

respectively. Elements of P will be called points and those of L lines. To

distinguish points from lines we use parentheses and brackets: If x ∈ V ,
then (x) ∈ P and [x] ∈ L. It will also be advantageous to choose two fixed
bases and write:

(p) = (p1 , . . . , pn , c1 , c2 , . . . , cr )
[l] = [l1 , . . . , ln , t1 , t2 , . . . , ts ]

We now define an incidence structure (P, L, I) as follows. We say the

point (p) is incident with the line [l], and we write (p)I[l], if the following
relations between their coordinates hold:
a1 l1 − b1 p1 = f1 (c1 , . . . cr , t1 , . . . , ts )
ai li − bi pi = fi (c1 , . . . cr , t1 , . . . , ts , l1 , . . . , li−1 , p1 , . . . , li−1 ) (2.3.1)
an ln − bn pn = fn (c1 , . . . cr , t1 , . . . , ts , l1 , . . . ln−1 , p1 , . . . , pn−1 )

where fi , i = 2, . . . , n can be any polynomial expressions in variables c1 , . . . ,

cr , t1 , . . . , ts , l1 , . . . , li−1 , p1 , . . . , pi−1 over K, ai , bi can be any nonzero
elements from K.
It is easy to see that the above graph is a parallelotopic graph such that
tuples c1 , . . . cr and t1 , . . . , ts be the ”colours” of (p) and [l], respectively.
Let C(P ) = Kr and C(L) = Ks are sets of colours for points and lines.
Let us refer to the graph I = I(n, r, s) defined by above equations as
linguistic graphs of triangular type over K of type (r, s, n). We assume that
one of the expressions fi , i = 1, 2, . . . , n has degree ≥ 2.
The colour function π for such a graph is just a projection of tuples
(p) ∈ P and [l] ∈ L onto r and s last components, respectively. We assume
that Nc (v) is the operator of taking the neighbour of v of colour c in our
linguistic graph.
The linguistic graphs naturally appear as induced subgraphs of Incidence
Geometries of Finite Simple Groups of Lie type. They play an important
role in studies of Large Schubert cell related to the geometry ([151], [153].
The following examples are induced subgraphs of incidence geometries of
rank 2. The theory of incidence geometries corresponding to finite simple
groups of Lie type the reader can find in [19], [145]. Special dynamical
systems related to linguistic graphs will be discussed in next chapter.
Example 2.3.1. Let P = {(x1 , x2 )|xi ∈ GF (q)}, L = {[y1 , y2 ]|yi ∈ GF (q)}.
Let us define an incidence relation I1 as: (a, b)I1 [x, y] if and only if
y − b = xa .
2. Distance regular graphs, small world graphs and generalisations of Tits
46 geometries

Let us consider the function π : P ∪ L → GF (q), such that

π((x1 , x2 )) = x1 , and π([y1 , y2 ]) = y1 .
It is easy to check that π is a labelling for the graph I1 . It is a linguistic
graph of type (1, 1, 1) over GF (q). This is the induced subgraph of the
incidence graph of the geometry for simple group A2 (q) (classical Desargues
projective plane).
Example 2.3.2. Let P = {(x1 , x2 , x3 )|xi ∈ GF (q)} be the set of points
and L = {[y1 , y2 , y3 ]|yi ∈ GF (q)}. be the set of lines. Let us define an
incidence relation I2 as: (a, b, c)I2 [x, y, z] if and only if
y − b = xa and z − c = xb.
Let us assume that π((x1 , x2 , x3 )) = x1 and π([y1 , y2 , y3 ]) = y1 . It is
clear, that I2 defines a family of linguistic graphs over GF (q) with param-
eters (1, 1, 2). This is the induced subgraph of the incidence graph of the
geometry for simple group B2 (q) (classical regular generalised quadragon).
So the girth of I2 (length of minimal cycle) is at least 8.
Example 2.3.3. Let P = {(x1 , x2 , x3 , x4 , x5 )|xi ∈ GF (q)} be the set of
points and L = {[y1 , y2 , y3 , y4 , y5 ]|yi ∈ GF (q)} be the set of lines. Let us
define an incidence relation I3 as: (a, b, c, d, e)I3 [x, y, z, u, v] if and only if

y − b = xa
z − 2c = −2xb
u − 3d = −3xc
2v − 3e = 3zb − 3yc − ua

From the equations above, it follows that π : π((x1 , x2 , x3 , x4 , x5 )) = x1

and π([y1 , y2 , y3 , y4 , y5 ]) = y1 is a labelling for I3 .
This is the induced subgraph of the geometry of group G2 (q) (generalised
If charGF (q) > 3 then the girth of this graph is at least 12. Directly
from the equations above we can get that I3 is the linguistic graph with
parameters (1, 1, 4) over GF (q).
Example 2.3.4. Let GF (q 2 ) be the quadratic extension of GF (q) and
x → xq be the Frobenius automorphism of GF (q 2 ). Let

P = {(x1 , x2 , x3 )|x1 ∈ GF (q), x2 ∈ GF (q 2 ), x3 ∈ GF (q)},

L = {[y1 , y2 , y3 ]|y1 ∈ GF (q 2 ), y2 ∈ GF (q 2 ), y3 ∈ GF (q)}.

Let us define the incidence relation I4 as: (a, b, c)I4 [x, y, z] if and only if

y − b = xa
z − c = ay + ay q .
2.4. On small world graphs obtained by blow up operation 47

It is clear that rules π((x1 , x2 , x3 )) = x1 and π([y1 , y2 , y3 ]) = y1 define

the parallelotopic graph over GF (q 2 ), It is a linguistic graph over Fq of the
type it’s parameters are (1, 2, 3).
Example 2.3.5. Let us consider the following bipartite algebraic graph
A(n, K) ( alternating graph) defined over commutative ring K by the fol-
lowing rules.
Partition sets Pn and Ln are two copies of the free module Kn . Brackets
and paranthesis allow us to distinguish point p = (p1 , p2 , . . . , pn ) and line
l = [l1 , l2 , . . . , ln ]. We say the point p is incident to line l if and only if the
following equations hold:
(1) l2s − p2s = l1 p2s−1 for s = 1, 2, . . . , t,
(2) l2s+1 − p2s+1 = p1 l2s for s = 1, 2, 3, . . . , d,
where d = t − 1 for even n (n = 2t) and d = t if n is odd (n = 2t + 1). The
graph is a linguistic graphs of triangular type over K of type (1, 1, n − 1).

2.4. On small world graphs obtained by blow up operation

The term graphs with memory used for an infinite family of finite graphs
Γi (K) with the vertices and which are tuples over the alphabet K and the
choice of neighbour described by disjoint union of several Cartesian powers
of K.
The family of graphs with memory can be treated as special models of
Turing machina with the internal and external alphabet K and few special
Definition 2.4.1. We define, that family of k-regular graphs Γi (or graph
with the average degree k) and increasing order vi is a family of graphs of
small world if
diam(Γi ) ≤ clogk (vi )
for some independent constant c, c > 0, where diam(Γi ) is diameter of graph
Γi .
The chapter is devoted to explicit constructions of new families of small
world tactical configurations with memory. They form wide class of graphs
containing incidence graphs of geometries of finite simple groups of Lie type.
The examples can be partited into three following categories - cases of graphs
with bounded diameter, unbounded diameter, and the case of bounded de-
For the defined class of graphs the natural parametrisation of walks
(computations in the corresponding Turing machine) will be given. It is
allow to introduce analogs of small Schubert sells on the set of vertices.
2. Distance regular graphs, small world graphs and generalisations of Tits
48 geometries

It is well known that the diameter of a k-regular graph (or graph with
the average degree k) of order v is at least logk−1 (v) and that the random
k-regular graph has diameter close to this lower bound (see [3, X]). Only
several explicit constructions of families of k-regular graphs with diameter
close to logk−1 (v) are known(see [11], X, sec.1) and further references or
geometrical construction .
In case of irregular graph with the list of valencies k1 , k2 , . . . , kt , we shall
use the term small world graph for the graph with the diameter bounded
by ci logki (v) for each i = 1, . . . , t for appropriate constant ci .
In case of that family of irregular graphs Γi of degree ki and increasing
order vi , we shall use also the term family of graphs of small world if

diam(Γi ) ≤ ci logki (vi )

for some independent constant ci , ci > 0, where diam(Γi ) is diameter of

graph Γi .
The problem of constructing infinite families of small world graphs with
given degrees and certain additional properties is far from trivial. This
problem has many remarkable applications in economics, natural sciences,
computer sciences and even in sociology. For instance, the ”small world
graph” of binary relation ”two person shake their hands” on the set of
people in the world, has small diameter.
The restriction of this problem on the class of bipartite graphs has addi-
tional motivations because such problem for random graphs has been studied
by Klee, Larman and Wright, Harary and Robinson, Bollobas and others
(see the survey in [11], chapter 10, section 5). The purpose of the paper is
to define explicitly wide class of small world graphs which contains graphs
[171], [174] and incidence graphs of finite Lie geometries, in particular (see

2.4.1. On blowing of incidence systems in term of linear algebra

Let (A, +) be an abelian group and be an arbitrary set. Let u denote
a certain subgroup
P P of the abelian
P group consisting of all functions from
to A. For 0 ⊆ letPu( 0 ) denote thePsubgroup of the functions from u
which vanish outside P |P0 be the function which
0 and for f ∈ u( 0 ) let fP
coincides with f inside 0 and vanishes outside 0 . We will assume that
on u a distributive operation ∗ is defined:

(f + g) ∗ h = f ∗ h + g ∗ h,

h ∗ (f + g) = h ∗ f + h ∗ g.
2.4. On small world graphs obtained by blow up operation 49

DefinitionP2.4.2. Let Φ aPbinary relation on a set N and η be a mapping

of N into 2 . Let Φ̃ = Φ̃( , u, ∗, η) be the relation on
Ñ = {(α, f )|α ∈ N, f ∈ u(η(α))}
defined as follows: ((α, f ), (β, g)) ∈ Φ̃ if and only if (α, β) ∈ Φ and
f − g|η(α)∩η(β) = f ∗ g|η(α)∩η(β) .

Then Φ̃ is called a blowing of the relation Φ.

If u coincides with the set of all functions from to A (with all functions
having a finite support) then a blowing is said to be cartesianP (direct).
If A is a module over a ring K, u is a submodule of A and ∗ is a bilinear
operation on u then the blowing Φ̃ is said to be linear over K.
If the relation Φ is symmetric and the operation ∗ is alternating (i.e.
x ∗ y = −y ∗ x) then the relation Φ̃ is symmetric. In particular if (Γ, I, t) is
an incidence system over a set of types ∆, then for an alternating operation
˜ t̃), where t̃(α, f ) = t(α), is an incidence system over
∗ the covering (Γ̃, I,
∆ and the mapping (α, g) → α is a morphism. Such a morphism will be
˜ t̃) will be referred as a blowing of the system
called retract. The system (Γ̃, I,
(Γ, I, t).
Example 2.4.3. Let N be the set of all subsets of a finite set Ω = {1, . . . , n}
and Φ be the symmetric inclusion relation on N . Put
= {(i, j) ∈ Ω2 , i > j}.

For α ∈ N , let us consider

∆(α) = {(i, j) ∈ L, i ∈ α, j 6= α}.
Let F be an arbitrary skew field. In the vector space V = F = {f : → F},
let us fix the basis elements vij such that
1, x = (i, j)
vij (x) =
0, x 6= (i, j)
and let us define an alternating bilinear multiplication ◦ by the following
rule: 
 vil , j = k

vij ◦ vkl = −vjk , l = i

0, otherwise.
Let us consider the relation Φ̃ = Φ̃( , F , ◦, ∆) and let Γ(N, F) be the
incidence system (Ñ , Φ̃, t̃), where t̃(α, f ) = |α| = t(α). It is clear that Φ̃ is
a linear blowing of Φ.
2. Distance regular graphs, small world graphs and generalisations of Tits
50 geometries

Let us show that the incidence system Γ(N, F) is isomorphic to the

projective geometry P Gn−l (F). The latter is the set of all proper subspaces
of the space Vn (F) with the incidence relation
(u, w) ∈ I ⇐⇒ [(u > w) ∨ (w > u)]
and the type function dim.
Let us fix a basis in Vn (F). With an arbitrary collection h̄1 , h̄2 , . . . , h̄t
of vectors from Vn (F) let us associate the number
l({h̄1 , . . . , h̄t }) = max{i|hs,i 6= 0 for some h̄s = (hs,1 , hs,2 , . . . , hs,n )}
i.e., the maximum of the largest number of nonzero components of the
vectors h¯s in the chosen basis.
Let W be a subspace of Vn (F), dim W = m. Then

W = b̄1 , b̄2 , . . . , b̄m
for some vectors
b̄i = (bi,1 , . . . , bi,n ), i = 1, 2, . . . , m.
Let us transform the basis b̄i into another basis by the following algorithm:
Step 1 Let
lm = l({b̄1 , b̄2 , . . . , b̄m })
and b̄s be a vector such that bs,lm 6= 0. Let us fix a vector
Γ̄lm = (bslm )−1 × b̄s
and consider the new basis
(1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1)
b̄1 , . . . , b̄s−1 , b̄s+1 , . . . , b̄m , Γ̄lm , where b̄i = b̄i − bilm × Γ̄lm .
Suppose that in the new basis
(1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1)
b̄i = (bi,1 , bi,2 , . . . , bi,n ), Γ̄lm = (glm ,1 , glm ,2 , . . . , glm ,n ).
(1) (1) (1) (1)
Step 2 Put lm−1 = l({b̄1 , b̄2 , . . . , b̄m }). Let us consider the vector bs′
such that bs′ ,lm−1 6= 0. Put
(2) (1) (1)
Γ̄lm−1 = (bs′ ,lm−1 )−1 × b̄s′ .
Let us consider also
(2) (1) (1) (2)
Γ̄lm = Γ̄lm − glm ,lm−1 × Γ̄m−1
and come to the system of vectors
(2) (1) (1) (2)
b̄i = b̄i − bi,lm−1 × Γ̄lm−1 .
We will use the notation
(2) (2) (2) (2)
b̄i = (b̄i,1 , b̄i,2 , . . . , b̄i,n ), i 6= s,
(2) (2) (2)
Γ̄lm = (ḡlm ,1 , . . . , ḡlm ,n ),
(2) (2) (2)
Γ̄lm−1 = (ḡlm−1 ,1 , . . . , ḡlm−1 .n ).
2.4. On small world graphs obtained by blow up operation 51

1 l1
· · ւ
∗ ∗ 1 l2
· · · · ւ
∗ ∗ 0 ∗ 1 l3
· · · · · · ւ
∗ ∗ 0 ∗ 0 ∗ 1

Figure 2.1.

Let us continue this process and consider the step m. The system
{b̄1m−1 , b̄2m−2 , . . . , b̄m
contains the unique vector b̄lm−1 such that all its
m−1 }

components having number > l1 are equal to 0, where

l1 = l({b̄1m−1 , . . . , b̄m
m−1 }).

(m) m−1 −1
Γ̄l1 = Γ̄l1 = (bl,l 1
) × b̄lm−1
(m−1) (m−1) (m−1)
and exchange the vectors Γ̄l2 , Γ̄l3 , . . . , Γ̄lm by

(m−1) (m−1)
Γ̄li = Γ̄li − gli ,l1 · Γ̄l1 .

It can be shown that the result of application of the presented-variation

of the Gauss method does not depend on the choice of the basis b̄1 , b̄2 , . . . ,
b̄n and on the choice of the vector b̄sk−1 with the property that bs,lk−1 6= 0
on the step number k of the algorithm.
Lemma 2.4.4. The system Γ̄l1 , Γ̄l2 , . . . , Γ̄lm of vectors is uniquely deter-
mined by the subspace W .
It is convenient to present the vectors Γ̄l1 , Γ̄l2 , . . . , Γ̄lm as rows with
numbers l1 , l2 , . . . , lm in an n × n matrix Γ(W ). In this case the component
gi , i < ls of the vector Γ̄ls will be in the (ls , i)-item of the matrix. If we put
the vector ej , j 6= ls as the j-th rows of the matrix, we obtain a triangular
matrix of a special type (the Gaussian matrix in the sense of [149], see
Fig. 2.1).
Let us consider the algorithm which associate with a subspace W the
subset {l1 , l2 , . . . , lm } of Ω and the triangular matrix Γ(W ) = (gij ) such
that gij = 0 if (i, j) ∈ ∆({l1 , l2 , . . . , lm }). It is clear that P the matrix
Γ(W ) is uniquely determined by the function g(W ) from to K such
that g(W )((i, j)) = gij . So the algorithm associates with W the element
ρ(W ) = ({l1 , l2 , . . . , lm }, gij ) of the set Ñ of the incidence system Γ(N, F)
2. Distance regular graphs, small world graphs and generalisations of Tits
52 geometries

and determing
P mapping ρ : P Gn−1 (F) → Ñ . Notice that it is convenient to
identify either with the set of transpositions of the group Sn (the Weil
group An−1 of the general linear group P Gn (F) ) or with the positive roots
of the system An−1 (i.e. with the vectors ei −ej ). Here ei is the orthonormal
basis vectors of the Euclidean space of dimension n.

Proposition 2.4.5. The mapping ρ is an isomorphism of the geometries

P Gn−1 (F) and Γ(N, F).

Proof. If U and W are distinct subspaces then ρ(U ) and ρ(W ) are dis-
tinct elements of Ñ . In fact, the equality ρ(U ) = ρ(W ) implies the equality
of the Gaussian basises Γ̄l1 , Γ̄l2 , . . . , Γ̄lm a Γ̄′l1 , Γ̄′l2 , . . . , Γ̄′lm of the subspaces
U and W , respectively.

In this case

U = Γ̄l1 , Γ̄l2 , . . . , Γ̄lm = Γ̄′l1 , Γ̄′l2 , . . . , Γ̄′lm = W .
On the other
hand the image of an element (B, f ) is nonempty. It contains
the subspace Γ̄l1 , Γ̄l2 , . . . , Γ̄lm where {l1 , l2 , . . . , lm } = B and Γ̄l1 , Γ̄l2 , . . . , Γ̄lm
is the Gaussian basis determined by the function f . Thus the mapping ρ is
a bijection.
Let U be a subspace of W and ρ(U ) = (B, f ), ρ(W ) = (A, g). Let us
show that B ⊂ A. Suppose to the contrary that i ∈ B & i ∈ / A. The vector
Γ̄i of the Gaussian basis of U is a linear combination of the vectors Γ̄′j of the
Gaussian basis of W . Moreover the coefficients behind the vectors having
number j > i should be equal to zero:
Γ̄i = λj Γ̄′j . (2.4.1)

But the i-th component of the vector on the right is zero while this
component of the vector on the left is 1, a contradiction. Notice that if
i ∈ B then
Γ̄i − Γ̄′i = λj Γ̄′j . (2.4.2)

Finally let us show that

g − f |∆(A)∩∆(B) = g ◦ f.

Notice that the vectors from F∆(A) = {f |f (x) = 0 for x ∈ / ∆(A)} form
an abelian subalgebra (since x ◦ y = 0 for all x, y ∈ F∆(A) ). This is due to
the fact that if the elements of ∆(A) are considered as the roots ei − ej of
the system An−1 then the sum of two roots from ∆(A) is not a root. So

g ◦ f = g|∆(A)\∆(A)∩∆(B) ◦ f |∆(B)\∆(A)∩∆(B)
2.4. On small world graphs obtained by blow up operation 53

An element ei − ej from ∆(A) ∩ ∆(B) has i − j − 1 presentations as sum of

two roots: ei − ej = (ei − ek ) + (ek − ej ), i < k < j. Hence
g ◦ f (ei − ej ) = g(ei − ek )f (ei − ej ).
k∈A & i>k>j

The right side of the above equality is just the j-th component of the right
side of (2.4.2).
Definition 2.4.6. Let (Γ̃, I, ˜ t̃) be a blowing of an incidence system (Γ, I, t)
with the set of types ∆. For an element y ∈ U let us define a transformation
ŷ of the set Γ̃i by the following rule:

ŷ : (α, x) → (α, x + (y + x ∗ y)|η(α) ),

where (α, x) ∈ Γ̃i . The incidence system (Γ̃, I, ˜ t̃) will be called a smooth
blowing of an incidence system (Γ, I, t) if there is an element i ∈ ∆ (the
distinguished type) such that
(a) an element a ∈ Γ is uniquely determined by the set Oa of elements
from Γ̃i which are incident to a;
(b) for arbitrary y and a the transformation ŷ maps Oa into the set Ob
for some b;
(c) the action of ŷ on Γ̃ defined by the rule:

aŷ = b ⇐⇒ (Oa )ŷ = Ob

is an automorphism of Γ̃.
The incidence system (Ñ , Φ̃, t̃) considered in Example 2.4.3 is a smooth
blowing of the system (N, Φ, t). For the distinguished type one can take 1
or n − 1 (remind that t(A) = |A| for A ∈ N ).
Example 2.4.7. Geometry of the Weyl groups of classical groups.
The relation Φ on the set N considered in the previous example can
be identified with the incidence relation of the geometry of the Coxeter
group An−1 (i.e. of the symmetric group S(Ω) with the set of generating
transpositions (1, 2), . . . , (n − 1, n)).
Let us consider the geometry of the Coxeter group Bn . 1ts elements can
be interpreted as the partially defined functions on the set n taking values
in the field F2 . So

Γ(Bn ) = {(B, f )|B ⊂ Ω and f ∈ FB

2 }.

Put (B, f ) ≺ (C, g) if and only if C ⊂ B and the restrictions of the functions
f and g on the set B coincide. The incidence relation Φ′ of the geometry
2. Distance regular graphs, small world graphs and generalisations of Tits
54 geometries

is the symmetrization of the relation ≺. The type is of a partial function

(A, f ) is by definition |A|.
The incidence relation of the geometry Γ(Bn ) can be considered as a
direct blowing of Γ(An ). In fact, let us consider the directed blowing Φ̃ =
Φ̃(Ω, FΩ Ω
2 , ◦, e), where e is the identity mapping of N = 2 onto itself, x◦y = 0
Ω ′
for all x, y ∈ F2 . Then it is easy to see that Φ = Φ̃ and that Φ̃ is a smooth
blowing of Φ.
The geometry Γ(Dn ) is a subset Γ′ of the partially defined functions
from Γ(Bn ) with the incidence relation and the type function restrict Γ′ .
The set Γ′ consists of all functions which either are defined everywhere or
have an even number of values 1.
Example 2.4.8. Let us consider the segment [0, 1] of the real line. Let D be
the set of intervals [a, b], where 0 ≤ a < b ≤ 1. Let Φ be the symmetrization
of the inclusion relation, on D. For P [a, b] ∈ D put t([a, b]) = b − a. So
(D, Φ, t) is a incidence
P system. Let = {(x, y) ∈ [0, 1] × [0, 1]|x P
> y},
η([a, b]) = {(x, y) ∈ |a ≤ x ≤ b, 0 ≤ y ≤ a}. The subgroup U in R and
the bilinear multiplication will be defined as follows.
Let us consider a partially continuous bounded function f which is de-
fined on [0, 1] × [0, 1]. This means that [0, 1] × [0, 1] is divided into a finite
number of domains with continuous boundaries and the restriction of f on
either of these domains is a continuous function. The space L of all these
functions will be considered as a linear algebra with the mu1tiplication
Z 1 Z 1
f (x, y) ∗ g(x, y) = f (x, y)g(z, y)dz − g(x, z)f (x, y)dz.
0 0

Let us consider
P the subalgebra U in η consisting
P of all functions which
are zero outside . A direct check shows that Φ̃( , U, ∗, η) is a blowing of
the incidence system (D, Φ, t).

2.4.2. Blow-up of the graph

Definition 2.4.9. Let Γ be the simple graph with the vertex set V = V (Γ),
E = E(Γ). For each v, u ∈ V we chose the set Uv the set Uv , and for each
edge e = {v, u} ∈ E we chose the parallelotopic graph Ge with partition
sets Uv and Uu and the colour sets Cv (e) and Cu (e).
We define the parallelotopic blow of Γ as the graph Γ̃ with the vertex
set V (Γ̃) = {(v, x)|v ∈ V (Γ), x ∈ Uv } such that (v, x)Γ̃(u, y) if and only if
e = (v, u) ∈ E(Γ) and (x, y) ∈ E(Ge ).
Definition 2.4.10. We refer to the paralelotopic blow up as distributed
blow up if we have the map ∆ : V (Γ) → 2Y and chosen weights my ≥ 1
for each y ∈ Y such that |Uv | is the product of my , y ∈ ∆(v) and sets
2.4. On small world graphs obtained by blow up operation 55

of colours for the parallelotopic graph Ge , e = (v, u) are Cv (e) is the

product of my , y ∈ ∆(v)\∆(v) ∩ ∆(u) and Cu (e) is the product of my ,
y ∈ ∆(u)\∆(u) ∩ ∆(v).
Definition 2.4.11. (Graded blow up). Let Γ be the simple graph with the
vertex set V = V (Γ), E = E(Γ). The distributed blow up as above such that
there is a family of finite sets My , y ∈ Y such that for each edge e = (u, v) in
E(Γ) we have the parallelotopic graph Ge with the point set Pe which is the
product of My , y ∈ ∆(v), the line set Le is the product of My , y ∈ ∆(u) and
the colourings ρ : Pe → M ∆(v)\∆(v)∩∆(u) and ρ2 : Le → M ∆(u)\∆(v)∩∆(u) .
To the parallelotopic blow up as above we refer as graded blow up of Γ.
1. The order of Γ̃ is the sum of cardinalities of Uv , v ∈ V (Γ).
2. Let {w1 , w2 , . . . , wm } be the list of neighbours of the vertex v an ei =
{v, wi }, i = 1, . . . , m, then deg(v) is the sum of |Cwi (ei )|, i = 1, . . . , m.
3. Let v be the vertex of Γ̃ with |Uv | = 1 then

diam(Γ) ≤ diam(Γ̃) ≤ 2diam(Γ).

We can write more precise bound

diam(Γ̃) ≤ 2 max(d(v, u)).


We refer to the homomorphism map Retr : Γ̃ → Γ as retraction map.

2.4.3. Blow diagram and Schubert cells

Let Γ be the simple graph. For each edge e = {u, v} ∈ E(Γ) we chose
sets of colours Ce (u) and Ce (v). We assume that for each c ∈ Ce (u) (Ce (v))
there is the arrow directed from v to u (from u to v, respectively) labeled
by c. We refer to this multigraph as blow diagram D(Γ).
We refer to the paralletopic blow up with the sets of colours as repre-
sentation of the blow diagram.
Let v ′ = (v, x), v ∈ Γ be chosen vertex from Γ̃ (initial state). The totality
of walks from v ′ are in one to one correspondence with walks from the blow
diagram D(Γ) starting from initial state v. Really, the walk (or computa-
tion) in our automaton is the object defined by the walk vΓu1 Γu2 Γ . . . Γuk
in Γ and sequence of colours (or arrows): β1 ∈ Ce1 (u1 ), e1 = (v, u1 ), . . . ,
βk ∈ Cek (uk ), ek = (uk−1 , uk ). The last element of computation (walk) c
with the initial state (v, x) we write as c(v, x). We say that computations c1
and c2 are equivalent if the images of retraction map of states from c1 and
c2 form same walk in Γ. We refer to the totality Sv of all elements (v, x),
x ∈ Uv as Schubert cell.
2. Distance regular graphs, small world graphs and generalisations of Tits
56 geometries

In the case of linguistic blow up we say that element 0 of the alphabet is

neutral if the induced graph on the set Γ′ of elements of kind (v, x), v ∈ Γ,
x = 0, 0, . . . 0, is isomorphic to the Γ. We refer to Γ′ as standard camera
with respect to chosen neutral element. Two elements (v, x) and (u, y) we
call computationally equivalent if v = u and for each computation c1 with
the starting element v, x and last element from the Γ′ there is equivalent
computation c2 with the starting point (u, y) such that c1 (x) = c2 (y).
We refer to the class of computational equivalence as computational cell.
The Grassmanian over the field F is the linguistic blow up of the geometry
of Coxeter group An and the computational cells are small Schubert cells in
this case (see [169]).

2.4.4. Coxeter groups and Schubert cells

Let W be the finite Coxeter group, S = {s1 , . . . , sn } be the set of stan-
dard generators, i.e. (W, S) be the Coxeter system. Let T be the totality
of reflections, i.e. elements of kind z = gsg −1 , g ∈ W , s ∈ S, |S| = n.
The geometry of the group geometry of the groupW , denote by Γ(W ), is the
disjoint union of (W : Wi ) i.e. collections of the right cosets of the group W
by standard maximal subgroups Wi = hS\{si }i, i = 1, . . . , n with the type
function t(α) = i for α ∈ (W : Wi ) and the incidence relation I such that
αIβ if and only if α ∩ β = ∅.
We consider the flag systems GF (W ) as disjoint union of the sets (W :
WJ ), where J is a proper subset of S, and WJ = hS\Ji. We assume
t(gWJ ) = J and αIβ if and only if α ∩ β is not the empty set and t(α) ∩ t(β)
is empty. Let l(g) be the minimal length of irreducible decomposition of g
with respect to S, we assume

l(α) = min l(g), α ∈ GF (W ).


The elements of T partited onto at most 2 classes of conjugate elements.

Let c(α) = |∆(α)| for the α ∈ GF (W ). Let T1 and T2 be two classes of
conjugate reflections. We assume that

a(α) = |∆(α) ∩ T1 |

b(α) = |∆(α) ∩ T2 |.

Let us consider the polynomial expressions gJ which is the sum of mono-

mial terms z c (α), t(α) = J and GJ which is the sum of monomial terms
xa(α) y b(α) , t(α) = J.
2.4. On small world graphs obtained by blow up operation 57

For each ordered edge (α, β), αIβ in GF (W ) such that t(α) = J1 and
t(β) = J2 we consider set

C(α, β) = ∆(α)\∆(α) ∩ ∆(β).

Let c(α, β) = |C(α, β)| and rJ1 ,J2 (α) which is the sum of monomial terms
xc(α,β) , βIα and t(β) = J2 .
If T is not a collection of conjugate elements we consider

a(α, β) = |T1 ∩ C(α, β)|, b(α, β) = |T2 ∩ C(α, β)|.

Let sJ1 ,J2 (α) be the sum of monomial expressions xa(α,β) y b(α,β) , such
that αIβ and t(β) = J2 .
Proposition 2.4.12. Let W be the finite Coxeter group with the stan-
dard set of generators S, then polynomial expressions rJ1 ,J2 (α)(x) = rJ1 ,J2
does not depend on α. If not all elements are conjugate, then polynomials
sJ1 ,J2 (α) does not depend on α.
Theorem 2.4.13. Let us consider a distributed blow up Γ̃(W )(a) of the
geometry Γ(W ) (GF (W )) such that Y = T , m(x) = m(y) if x and y are
conjugate and
∆(α) = {w ∈ T |l(αw) < l(α)}.
Let a = m(x) for each x if all elements of T are conjugate (conjugate case),
and a and at , t ≥ 1 are weight of elements from different conjugate classes
of T in the case of existence of two conjugate classes. Then Γ̃(W ) is geo-
metrical incidence structure, GF (Γ̃(W )J1 ,J2 (a)) (GF ′ (W )J1 ,J2 , respectively)
a = 2, 3, . . . are small world tactical configurations with bidegrees rJ1 ,J2 (a)
and rJ2 ,J1 (a) in conjugate or sJ1 ,J2 (a, at ) and sJ2 ,J1 (a, at ) otherwise.
Let us refer to the blow up for Γ(W ) as balanced blow up.
Let us consider the retraction map r : Γ̃ → Γ(W ) such that r(v, x) = v
which is graph homomorphism.
We refer to reimage Sch(v) of the element v ∈ Γ under the retraction
map as Schubert cell. Let Sch(Γ̃) be the disjoint union of the Schubert cells
Sch(v) where cosets v contain the Coxeter element i.e. element with the
maximal length of the irreducible decomposition relatively to the standard
set of generators S.
The complete list of finite Coxeter groups contains several sequences
An , Bn , Dn , Im (groups of symmetries for incidence graphs of m-gons) and
the following ”sporadic groups”: F4 , E6 , E7 , E8 , H3 , H4 (see [15]). The
properties of graphs ΓJ1 ,J2 , J1 ∩ J2 = ∅ such as bidegrees and diameters the
reader can find in [16]] (look at ”incidence Coxeter graphs” in the subject
2. Distance regular graphs, small world graphs and generalisations of Tits
58 geometries

Theorem 2.4.14. Let (W, S) be the finite Coxeter System, GF (W ) be the

totality of cosets by hS\J2 i, where J2 is a proper nonempty subset of S,
GFJ1 ,J2 be the tactical configuration corresponding to the incidence relation
on GF (W ) restricted on GFJ1 ∪ GFJ2 . Let GF ˜ J ,J (a) (GF
˜ (W )(s)) be
1 2
the graded linguistic blow up of the graph GFI,J (a) (GF (W ), respectively),
a ≥ 1 over the reflection set T with the basic data Mr = Aamr , r ∈ T ,
mr ≥ 1 are constant, A is the finite set (alphabet).
(i) The family GF ˜ J ,J (a) is a small world graph with memory over the
1 2
alphabet A.
(ii) If cr = c for each r ∈ T or W contains two classes of conjugates T1
and T2 and cr = ai for each r ∈ Ti , i = 1, 2, then GFJ1 ,J2 (sa) be the
family of tactical configurations.
(iii) If J1 and J2 are conjugated under the automorphism graph related to
involutive symmetry of the diagram (case of An , Dn , Gn , F4 , E6 ) then
GFJ1 ,J2 is a family of regular graphs.
˜ (W ) formed by infinite
Remark 2.4.15. In case of basic data for the GF
sets Mi the blow up of each GFJ1 ,J2 is an infinite bipartite graph with
infinite valencies.
Let GF˜ J ,J be the finite o infinite blow up with the basic data Mr ,
1 2
r ∈ T . Let us consider the union Sch ˜ J ,J of Schubert cells Schv such
1 2
that v contains the Coxeter element, i.e. uniquely determined element w ∈
W with the maximal length of irreducible decomposition l(w), with the
restriction of the incidence relation on it. There is precisely one Schubert
˜ J ,J is the graded
cell Schv and Schu for each type (J1 or J2 ). The graph Sch 1 2
parallelotopic graph. In finite case it is tactical configuration with bidegrees
which are products of |Mr |, r ∈ ∆(v)\∆(v) ∩ ∆(u) and products of |Mr |,
r ∈ ∆(u)\∆(v) ∩ ∆(u), respectively.

2.4.5. Blowing of Coxeter geometries and Lie geometries

Let G be the finite simple group of Lie type of rank n defined over the
field K with the Borel subgroup B and Weyl group W . Let B = U λT be the
decomposition of B into semidirect product of unipotent subgroup U and the
maximal torus T . The Coxeter group W is the Weyl group of certain root
system R. Let ri , i = 1, . . . , n be the system of fundamental roots (base)
for R, R+ and R− are sets of positive and negative roots relatively to the
chosen base. Let Ur , r ∈ R be the root subgroup of the unipotent subgroup
U , which admit the factorisation U into the product of Ur with respect to
Bruhat’s order on R+ . Each parabolic subgroup, i.e. proper subgroup of
G containing the Borel subgroup of G containing the Borel subgroup B, is
a subgroup of kind BWJ B, where J is a proper subset of standard set S
2.4. On small world graphs obtained by blow up operation 59

of generators formed by reflactions corresponding to ri , i = 1, . . . , n. It is

known that (see [6])

diam(GF (G)) = diam(GF (W )),

diam(GFJ1 ,J2 (G)) = diam(GFJ1 ,J2 (W )
diam(Γ(G)) = diam(Γ(W )).

We can reformulate results of the previous section on the interpretations

of Lie geometries in the following form.
Theorem 2.4.16. Let G be the simple group of Lie type over the finite
field Fq , q = pm with the Weyl group W with the set S, |S| = n of standard
generators. Then
(i) the incidence systems GF (G), GFJ1 ,J2 , Γ(W ), where J1 and J2 are
subsets of S such that J1 ∩ J2 = ∅, Γ(G) are unipotent balanced blow up
of GF (W ), GFJ1 ,J2 (W ) and Γ(W ) over Fq .
(ii) if G is a group of normal type then it is a linguistic blow up over Fq
with the generic functions which are bilinear forms over this field.
(iii) if G is twisted group then it is a linguistic blow up with the bilinear
form generic functions over the invariant subfield Fq for the field auto-
morphism of same order with the corresponding symmetry of Coxeter-Dynkin
Let p be the prime number and m = 1, 2, . . . (m greater then the order
of diagram symmetry in the twisted case). Then ΓJ1 ,J2 (G(pm )) as in the
statement above form edge transitive family of small world graphs with
memory. Graphs Γ(G(pm )) and GF (G(pm )) are also small world graphs
with memory.
Remark 2.4.17. Let us consider the orbitals of transformation group
(G, GF (G(pm ))) ((W, GF (W )), respectively) i.e. binary relations of orbits
for the transformation group (G, GF (G)×GF (G)) ((W, GF (W )×GF (W )),
respectively). Their disjoint unions form a coherent configuration C(G)
generated by the incidence relation I . There is a natural one to one corre-
spondence ηpm between elements of C(W ) and C(G(pm ) induced by Bruhats
decomposition. Let φ be of the symmetric connected relation from C(W )
then ηpm (φ), m = 1, 2, . . . form a family of small world graphs with memory
over the alphabet Fp . In fact neighbours of the vertex v in such graph can
be given via list of types for walks with initial state v.

2.4.6. Regular small world graphs with unbounded diameter

In previous chapter we consider the examples of families of small world
graphs with bounded diameter and logki (v). This unit is devoted to some
2. Distance regular graphs, small world graphs and generalisations of Tits
60 geometries

construction of families of small world graphs with increasing diameter. In

particular we consider several families of such graphs of bounded degree.

Theorem 2.4.18. Let W be the Coxeter group corresponding to the Coxeter

diagram An , ρ the diagram symmetry, j1 and j2 are of distinct nodes such
that ρ(j1 ) = j2 and difference |i − j| is numerical constants, which does not
depend on n. Let us chose balanced blow up graph G(a, n) = GF ˜ j ,j (a)(n)
1 2
with the weight a for, each n = 2, 3, . . . . Then G(a, n) with n = 2, . . . form
the family small world graphs with increasing diameter for each a ≥ 2.

Theorem 2.4.19. Let W be the Coxeter group corresponding to the Coxeter

diagram Dn . Let n − 1 and n be nodes of the diagram ρ(n − 1) = n for
the involutive diagram symmetry ρ. Let us chose balanced blow up Ga (n) =
˜ n,n−1 (a) with the weight a for each n = 4, 5, . . . . Then the graphs Ga (n),
n = 4, . . . form the family of small world graphs for each integer a ≥ 2.

Theorem 2.4.20. Let W be the Coxeter group corresponding to the Coxeter

diagram Im with two nodes. Let us choose the balanced blow up
P (a, 2k + 1) = Γ(W̃ )(a)
for each pair (a, 2k + 1) with weight a, k ≥ 0 and P (a, 2k), k ≥ 2 with both
weights equal to a. Then graphs P (a, n), n = 1, 2, . . . form an infinite family
of small world graphs of fixed valency a + 1 and diameter d, n ≤ d ≤ 2n.

Remark 2.4.21. In fact, families G(a, n), Ga (n), and P (a, n) are families
of small world graphs depending from two parameters a and n.

Remark 2.4.22. If a is prime degrees then for the proper choice of linguistic
blow up P (a, n) will be the graph without cycles C4 (see examples in [9] and
[17]. In this case graph P 2 (a, n), n = 1, 2, . . . binary relation: two points of
P (2, n) are incident to common line, form an infinite family of small world
graphs of diameter D, n/2 ≤ D ≤ n with fixed degree (a + 1)2 − 1.

Let us remove all edges between elements from the ”largest Schubert
cells” in P (a, m) i.e. elements of kind (α, x), where l(α) = m − 1. After the
completion of this operation we shall get the graph STm (a).

Lemma 2.4.23. STm (a) is a spanning tree for the graph P (a, m).

Proof. Let us consider the process of walking from one of the vertices (hai , 0)
or (hbi , 0) which does not contain the edge between these two verices. This
branching processes produce rooting trees Thai and Thbi . They do not contain
common vertices. So adding extra edge between (hai , 0) and (hbi , 0) leads
to the tree STm (q), which contains all vertices of P Cm (q).
2.5. Small word expanding graphs of large girth or large cycle indicator 61

2.5. Small word expanding graphs of large girth or large

cycle indicator

2.5.1. On the expansion properties of special graphs

Many applications of tree approximations use expansion properties of
graphs (Coding Theory, Cryptography, parallel computations and some
other area of Computer Science (see [57] and further references).
The families of graphs of large girth, i.e. infinite families of simple regular
graphs Γi of degree ki and order vi such that

g(Γi ) ≥ γlogki vi ,

where c is the independent of i constant (see [7], [8]). Erdős proved the
existence of such a family with arbitrary large but bounded degree ki = k
with γ = 1/4 by his famous probabilistic method.
Just two explicit families of graphs of large girth with unbounded girth
and arbitrarily large k are known: the family of Cayley graphs had been
defined by G. Margulis (see next unit) and investigated further by several
authors and the family of algebraic graphs CD(n, q) (see Chapter 3).
The first explicit examples of families with large girth were mention
above given by Margulis [93], [94], [95] with γ = 0.44 for some infinite
families with arbitrary large valency, and γ = 0.83 for an infinite family of
graphs of valency 4. The constructions were Cayley graphs of SL2 (Zp ) with
respect to special sets of generators. Imrich [59] was able to improve the
result for an arbitrary large valency, γ = 0.48, and to produce a family of
cubic graphs (valency 3) with γ = 0.96. A family of geometrically defined
cubic graphs, so called sextet graphs, was introduced by Biggs and Hoare.
They conjectured that these graphs have large girth. Weiss proved the
conjecture by showing that for the sextet graphs (or their double cover)
γ ≥ 4/3. Then independently Margulis (see [93], [94] , [95]) and Lubotsky,
Phillips, and Sarnak [87] came up with similar examples of graphs (graphs
X(p, q)) with γ ≥ 4/3 and arbitrary large valency (they turned out to be,
additionally, so-called Ramanujan graphs). In [9] Biggs and Boshier showed
that that γ is asymptotically 4/3 for graphs from [93], [94], [95].
Let us consider these facts in more details. Recall, that adjacency matrix
T for k-regular graph X on the vertex set {1, 2, . . . , m} is m × m matrix
(ti,j ) such that ti,j = 1 if nodes i and j are connected by an edge, if i
and j do not form an edge in X, then ti,j = 0. The matrix T of simple
graph is symmetrical, so all its eigenvalues (eigenvalues of the graph) are
real numbers. It is easy to see that k is the largest eigenvalue of the graph.
Let λ1 (X) be the second largest eigenvalue.
2. Distance regular graphs, small world graphs and generalisations of Tits
62 geometries

Let A be a set of vertices of simple graph X. We define ∂A to be the

set of all elements b ∈ X − A such that b is adjacent to some a ∈ A.
We say that k-regular graph with n vertices has an expansion constant
c if there exists a constant c > 0, such that each set A ⊂ X with |A| ≤ n/2,
that |∂A| ≥ c|A|.
One says that the infinite family of graph Xi is a family of expanders, if
there exists a constant c which is an expansion constant for each graph Xi .
An explicit construction of infinite families of t-regular expanders (k-fixed)
turns out to be difficult. It can be shown that if λ1 (X) is the second largest
eigenvalue of the adjacency matrix of the graph X, then c ≥ (k − λ1 )/2k.
Thus, if λ1 is small, the expansion constant is large.
So, the family Xi of t-regular graphs will be a family of expanders, if
the upper bound for the limit λ1 (Xn ), n → ∞ is bounded away from t.
A well-known result of Alon and Bopanna says, that if Xn√is an infinite
family of k-regular graphs (k fixed), then lim λ1 (Xn ) ≥ 2 k − 1. This
statement was the motivation of Ramanujan graphs as special objects among
k-regular graphs. A finite t-regular graph Y √ is called Ramanujan, if for every
eigenvalue λ of Y , either |λ| = k or |λ| ≤ 2 k − 1. So, Ramanujan graphs
are, in some sense, the best expanders. There is an interest to families of
the Ramanujan graph of unbounded degree too.
Gregory Margulis constructed the first family of expanders via studies
of Cayley graphs of large girth. He uses representation theory of semisimple
Lubotzky, Phillips and Sarnak [87] proved that defined below Cayley
graphs introduced by G. Margulis [93] are Ramanujan graphs of degree
p + 1 for all primes p.

2.5.2. On small world Ramanujan graphs

In this section we describe Ramanujan graphs and discuss their use for
the generation of matrices with large order. We give a brief outline of the
explicit construction of a class of Cayley graphs called the Ramanujan Graph
X(p, q) due to Lubotzky, Phillips and Sarnak [87].
Let p and q be primes, p ≡ q ≡ 1(mod 4). Suppose that i is an integer so
that i2 ≡ −1(mod q). By a classical formula of Jacobi, we know that there
are 8(p + 1) solutions α = (a0 , a1 , a2 , a3 ) such that a20 + a21 + a22 + a23 = p.
Among these, there are exactly p+1 with a0 > 0 and a0 odd and aj even for
j ∈ {1, 2, 3}, as is easily shown. To each such α we associate the matrix

a0 + ia1 a2 + ia3
α̃ =
−a2 + ia3 a0 − ia1
2.5. Small word expanding graphs of large girth or large cycle indicator 63

which gives us p+1 matrices in PGL2 (Fq ). We let S be the set of generators
of these matrices α̃ and take PGL2 (Fq ). In [6], it is shown that the Cayley
graphs X(p, q) will be a (p + 1)-regular graph,
  namely the Cayley   graph
of PSL2 (Fq ) if q = 1 and PGL2 (Fq ) if q = −1, (where pq is the
p p

Legendre symbol). As we vary q, we get an infinite family of such graphs,

all p + 1-regular.
Moreover, in papers written by Lubotzky, Phillips and Sarnak [6], an
explicit formula for the girth g(X(p, q)) of X(p, q) was found.
 [87] The following cases draw ahead:
(1) If q = −1 then X(p, q) is bipartite of order n = |X(p, q)| =
q(q 2 − 1) and

g(X(p, q)) ≥ 4 logp q − logp 4

(2) If q = 1 then X(p, q) is not bipartite, n = |X(p, q)| = q(q 2 − 1)/2
g(X(p, q)) ≥ 4 logp q.
Corollary 1 above shows that the Ramanujan graph X(p, q) of order v
asymptotically satisfies g(X(p, q)) ≥ 4 logp v/3 [87].
Theorem 2.5.2. Graphs X(p, q), q → ∞ form a family of (p + 1) regular
small world Ramanujhan graphs of large girth with the diameter bounded by
2 logp (v) + 2 and the girth g(X(p, q)) ≈ 4 43 logp (v).
Here we can use the Ramanujan graphs to generate matrices with large
order. The algorithm is:
Algorithm 2.5.3. Let X(p, q) be the Ramanujan graph. Then
(1) Take the product

g = s i1 s i2 . . . s ik , (k − small, sij ∈ S, j = 1, . . . , k)

and si1 6= s−1

ik . (We can chose the sequence si1 si2 . . . sik in 
a way that g

1 0
is not similar to a diagonal matrix or matrix of the kind )
α 1
(2) The order |g| of g is such that |g| ≥ k , where (g (X (p, q))-girth
of the Ramanujan graph X (p, q)).
Example 2.5.4. We now construct the sequence of the Ramanujan graphs
X(p, q), where p = 5 and q is prime. For the equation a20 + a21 + a22 + a23 = 5
there are 8(p + 1) = 48 solutions, with 6 of them having the property that
a0 > 0 and a0 is odd and a1 , a2 , a3 are even. To each of these solutions
2. Distance regular graphs, small world graphs and generalisations of Tits
64 geometries

αk = (ak,0 , ak,1 , ak,2 , ak,3 ), k = 1, 2, . . . , 6 we associate a matrix α˜k in

P GL(5, q) as follows:
ak,0 + iak,1 ak,2 + iak,3
sk = α˜k =
−ak,2 + iak,3 ak,0 − iak,1

where i2 ≡ −1(mod q).

We have α1 = (1, 0, 0, −2), α2 = (1, 0, −2, 0), α3 = (1, −2, 0, 0), α4 =
(1, 0, 0, 2), α5 = (1, 0, 2, 0), α6 = (1, 2, 0, 0). For example, if q = 17, then
1 9 1 15 10 0
s1 = s2 = s3 =
9 1 2 1 0 9
1 8 1 2 9 0
s4 = s5 = s6 =
8 1 15 1 0 10

2.5.3. On small world graph with large cycle indicator and their
expansion properties
We generalize the concept of family of large girth in the following way
Let gx = gx (Γ) be the length of the minimal cycle through the vertex x
from the set V (Γ) of vertices in graph Γ. We refer to

Cind(Γ) = max{gx , x ∈ V (Γ)}

as cycle indicator of the graph Γ.

We refer to the graph Γ as cycle irregular graph if

Cind(Γ) 6= g(Γ).

We refer to the family of regular simple graphs Γi of degree ki and order

vi as family of graphs of large cycle indicator, if

Cind(Γi ) ≥ clogki (vi )

for some independent constant c, c > 0. We refer to the maximal value of c

satisfying the above inequality as speed of growth of the cycle indicator for
family of graphs Γi .
We refer to such a family as a family of cyclically irregular graphs of
large cycle indicator if almost all graph from the family are cycle irregular
We got the algebraic construction of the family of cyclically irregular
graphs of large cycle indicator. The pseudorandom nature of graphs can be
used for the development of algorithms for Post-Quantum Cryptography.
2.5. Small word expanding graphs of large girth or large cycle indicator 65

The size of constructed sequence of graphs A(n, q), n = 2, 3, . . . with

the given degree of kind q = ps , where p is arbitrary odd prime and s is
arbitrary positive integer, belongs to the upper bound of previous theorem.
Irregularity of cycle indicator insure that graphs are not vertex transitive.
The description of this extremal graphs is below.
Let Fq be a finite field of order q. Recall, that a bipartite graph A(n, q) =
A(n, Fq ) with the set of points P = Fnq and set of lines L = Fnq via incidence
relation I: xIy for x = (x1 , x2 , . . . , xn ) ∈ P and y = [y1 , y2 , . . . , yn ] ∈ L if
and only if, when conditions y2 − x2 = y1 x1 , y3 − x3 = x1 y2 , y4 − x4 = y1 x3 ,
y5 − x5 = x1 y4 , . . . with the last equation yn − xn = y1 xn−1 in the case of n
even or the last equation yn − xn = x1 yn−1 in the case of n odd. Brackets
and parenthesis will allow us to distinguish points and lines again.
Theorem 2.5.5. Graphs A(n, q) form a family of graphs of small word
graphs which is a family of cyclically irregular graphs of large cycle indicator.
The computer simulations are supporting the following assumption.
Conjecture 1. Graphs A(n, q), n = 2, 3, . . . form a family of graphs of
large girth.
Theorem 2.5.6. The second largest eigenvalue of A(n, q) is bounded by

2 q.
So they are very good expanders which close to Ramanujan graphs [176].
In fact , q-regular Wegner graphs W (n, q) and graphs CD(n, q) have the

second largest eigenvalue ≤ 2 q also. Graphs W (n, q) form a family of
small world graphs. There is a conjecture that CD(n, q) is an other family
of small world graphs (see [178] for further details).
Chapter 3
On regular trees and simple graphs
given by nonlinear equations

3.1. On biregular trees and free products of finite simple

groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
3.2. On infinite family of simple graphs D(n, K) defined by
nonlinear algebraic equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
3.3. On polarity graphs of incidence structures . . . . . . . 75
3.4. On algebraic dynamical systems and irreversible walks
on simple graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
3.5. Stable cubical polynomial maps corresponding to
dynamiacal systems BD (n, K) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
3.5.1. Transformation FD,α1 ,n . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
3.5.2. Transformation FD,α1 ,α2 ,n . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
3.5.3. Transformation FD,α1 ,α2 ,...,αm ,n . . . . . . . . . 83
3.6. On symmetric bipartite dynamical systems of large
cycle indicator corresponding to graphs A(n, K) . . . . 85
68 3. On regular trees and simple graphs given by nonlinear equations

3.1. On biregular trees and free products of finite simple


We need the following well known results on groups acting on graphs.

Let G be a group with proper distinct subgroups G1 and G2 . Let us
consider the incidence structure with the point set P = (G : G1 ) and the
line set (G : G2 ) and incidence relation I : αIβ if and only if the set
theoretical intersection of cosets α and β is nonempty set. We shall not
distinguish the incidence relation and corresponding graph Γ(G)G1 ,G2 .
Lemma 3.1.1. Graph I is connected if and only if G = hG1 , G2 i.

A = ha1 , . . . , an |R1 (a1 , . . . , an ), . . . , Rd (a1 , . . . , an )i ,

B = hb1 , . . . bm |S1 (b1 , . . . bm ), . . . , St (b1 , . . . , bm )i

are subgroups with generators ai , i = 1, . . . , n and bj , j = 1, . . . , m and

generic relations Ri , i = 1, . . . , d and Sj , j = 1, . . . , t, respectively. Free
product F = A ∗ B of A and B (see [19]) is the following group

ha1 , . . . , an , b1 , . . . , bm |R1 , . . . Rd , S1 , . . . , St i .

The definition of an operation of free product FH of groups A and B

amalgamated at common subgroup H can be found in [20]. If H = hei,
then FH = A ∗ B.
Theorem 3.1.2. (see, for instance [19]) Let G acts edge transitively but not
vertex transitively on a tree T . Then G is the free product of the stabilizers
Ga and Gb of adjacent vertices a and b amalgamated at their intersection.
Corollary 3.1.3. Let G acts edge regularly on the tree T , i.e. |Ga ∩ Gb | = 1.
Then G is the free product Ga ∗ Gb of groups Ga and Gb .
Corollary 3.1.4. Let A and B be a finite groups and G = A ∗ B is their
free product. Then ΓA,B (G) is an infinite biregular tree Tr,s with bidegrees
r = |A| and s = |B|.

3.2. On infinite family of simple graphs D(n, K) defined by

nonlinear algebraic equations

We define the family of graphs D(n, K), where n > 2 is positive integer
and K is a commutative ring, such graphs have been considered in [81] for
the case K = Fq ( some examples are in [78]).
3.2. On infinite family of simple graphs D(n, K) defined by nonlinear algebraic
equations 69

Let P and L be two copies of Cartesian power KN , where K is the

commutative ring and N is the set of positive integer numbers. Elements of
P will be called points and those of L lines.
To distinguish points from lines we use parentheses and brackets: If
x ∈ V , then (x) ∈ P and [x] ∈ L. It will also be advantageous to adopt the
notation for co-ordinates of points and lines introduced in [79] for the case
of general commutative ring K:

(p) = (p0,1 , p1,1 , p1,2 , p2,1 , p2,2 , p′2,2 , p2,3 , . . . , pi,i , p′i,i , pi,i+1 , pi+1,i , . . .),
′ ′
[l] = [l1,0 , l1,1 , l1,2 , l2,1 , l2,2 , l2,2 , l2,3 , . . . , li,i , li,i , li,i+1 , li+1,i , . . .].

The elements of P and L can be thought as infinite ordered tuples of

elements from K, such that only finite number of components are different
from zero.
We now define an incidence structure (P, L, I) as follows. We say the
point (p) is incident with the line [l], and we write (p)I[l], if the following
relations between their co-ordinates hold:

li,i − pi,i = l1,0 pi−1,i

li,i − p′i,i = li,i−1 p0,1
li,i+1 − pi,i+1 = li,i p0,1
li+1,i − pi+1,i = l1,0 p′i,i

(This four relations are defined for i ≥ 1, p′1,1 = p1,1 , l1,1

′ = l1,1 . This
incidence structure (P, L, I) we denote as D(K). We speak now of the
incidence graph of (P, L, I), which has the vertex set P ∪ L and edge set
consisting of all pairs {(p), [l]} for which (p)I[l].
Theorem 3.2.1. If K is the finite field Fq then D(Fq ) = D(q) is a infinite
For each positive integer n ≥ 2 we obtain an incidence structure (Pn , Ln , In )
as follows. First, Pn and Ln are obtained from P and L, respectively, by
simply projecting each vector onto its n initial coordinates. The incidence
In is then defined by imposing the first n−1 incidence relations and ignoring
all others. The incidence graph corresponding to the structure (Pn , Ln , In )
is denoted by D(n, K).
To facilitate notation in future results, it will be convenient for us to
′ = −1, and
define p−1,0 = l0,−1 = p1,0 = l0,1 = 0, p0,0 = l0,0 = −1, p′0,0 = l0,0
to assume that (6) are defined for i ≥ 0.
Notice that for i = 0, the four conditions (6) are satisfied by every
point and line, and, for i = 1, the first two equations coincide and give
l1,1 − p1,1 = l1,0 p0,1 .
70 3. On regular trees and simple graphs given by nonlinear equations

The incidence relation motivated by the linear interpretation of Lie ge-

ometries in terms their Lie algebras [39] (see [151]). [153]). Let us define the
”root subgroups” Uα , where the ”root” α belongs to the root system Root =
{(10), (01), (11), (12), (21), (22), (22)′ , . . . , (i, i), (ii)′ , (i, i + 1), (i + 1, i) . . . }.
Group Uα generated by the following ”root transformations” tα (x), x ∈ K
of the P ∪ L :
1. The transformations t1,0 (x), acts on the coordinates of l and p by the
following rules.

lt1,0 (x) =[l1,0 + x, l1,1 , l2,1 − l1,1 x, l1,2 , l2,2 , . . . , ls,s

+ ls−1,s x, ls+1,s + ls,s x,
ls,s+1 , ls+1,s+1 , . . . ];
t1,0 (x)
p =(p0,1 , p1,1 − p0,1 x, p2,1 − 2p1,1 + p0,1 x2 , p1,2 , p2,2 + p1,2 x, . . . ,
ps+1,s − (ps,s + p′s,s )x + ps−1,s x2 , ps,s+1 , ps+1,s+1 − ps,s+1 x, . . . )

2. The transformations t0,1 (x), acts on the coordinates of l and p by the

following rules.

[l]t0,1 (x) =[l1,0 , l1,1 + l1,0 x, l1,2 + 2l1,1 x + l1,0 x2 , l2,1 , l2,2 + l2,1 x, . . . ,
′ ′
ls,s + ls,s−1 x, ls,s+1 + (ls,s + ls,s )x + ls,s−1 x2 , ls+1,s , ls,s + ls,s−1 x, . . . ]
(p)t0,1 (x) =(p0,1 + x, p1,1 , p1,2 , p2,1 , p2,2 , . . . )

3. The transformations t1,1 (x), acts on the coordinates of l and p by the

following rules.

lt1,1 (x) =[l1,0 , l1,1 + x, l1,2 , l2,1 + l1,0 x, l2,2 − l1,1 x, l2,2

+ l1,1 x, . . . ,

ls,s − ls−1,s−1 x, ls,s + ls−1,s−1 x, ls,s+1 − ls−1,s x, ls+1,s + ls,s−1 x, . . . ]
pt1,1 (x) =(p0,1 , p1,1 + x, p1,2 − p0,1 x, p2,1 , p2,2 − p2,1 x, . . . ,
ps,s − ps−1,s−1 x, p′s,s − p′s−1,s−1 x, ps,s+1 − ps−1,s , ps+1,s + ps,s−1 x, . . . )

4. The transformations tm+1,m (x), m ≥ 1 acts on the coordinates of l and

p by the following rules.

lm+1,m → lm,m+1 + x, pm,m+1 → pm,m+1 + x,

′ ′
lm+1,m+1 → lm+1,m+1 , p′m+1,m+1 → p′m+1,m+1 + p0,1 x,
′ ′
lm+r,m+r → lm+r,m+r − lr−1,r x, p′m+r,m+r → p′m+r,m+r − pr−1,r x, r ≥ 2,
lm+r+1,m+r → lm+r+1,m+r − lr,r x, pm+r+1,m+r → pm+r+1,m+r − pr,r x, r ≥ 2.

All other components are unchanged.

3.2. On infinite family of simple graphs D(n, K) defined by nonlinear algebraic
equations 71

5. The transformation tm,m+1 (x), m ≥ 1 is defined by following rules.

lm,m+1 → lm,m+1 + x, pmm +1 → pm,m+1 + x,

lm+1,m+2 → lm+1,m+2 + l1,1 x, pm+1,m+2 → pm+1,m+2 + p1,1 x,
lm+1,m+1 → lm+1,m+1 + l1,0 x

lm+r,m+r+1 → lm+r,m+r+1 + lr,r x, r ≥ 2.

All other components are unchanged.

6. The transformation t′m,m (x) acts on vertices of D(K) by the following
′ ′
lm,m → lm,m + x, p′m,m → p′m,m + x,
lm+1,m → lm+1,m + l1,0 x, pm+1,m+1 → lm+1,m+1 + p1,1 x,
lm+1,m+1 → lm+1,m+1 + l1,1 x, pm+r,m+r → pm+r,m+r + p′r,r x, r ≥ 2,

lm+r,m+r → lm+r,m+r + lr,r x, pm+r+1,m+r → pm+r+1,m+r + pr+1,r x, r ≥ 2.
lm+r+1,m+r → lm+r+1,m+r + lr+1,r x,

All other components are unchanged.

7. The transformation tm,m (x), m ≥ 1 act on coordinates of vertices by the
following rules.

lm,m → lm,m + x, pm,m → pm,m + x,

lm+r,m+r → lm+r,m+r − lr,r x, pm,m+1 → pm,m+1 − p0,1 x,
pm+r,m+r → pm+r,m+r − pr,r x, r ≥ 1.

All other components are unchanged.

Note that action of each transformation above on the n-s component of
a vertex from P ∪ L depends only from this component itself and previous
components. Thus we can define a natural projection of this transformation
onto the graph D(n, K).
Proposition 3.2.2. (i) For each pair (α, x), α ∈ Root, x ∈ K the trans-
formation tα (x) are automorphisms of D(K). The projections of these
maps onto the graph D(n, K), n ≥ 2 are elements of Aut(D(n, K)).
(ii) Group U(K) acts edge regularly on the vertices of D(K).
(iii) Group U(n, K) generated by projections of tα (x) onto the set of ver-
tices V of D(n, K) acts edge regularly on V .
Proof. Statement (i) follows directly from the definitions of incidence and
closed formulas of root transformations tα (x). Let < be the natural lexi-
cographical linear order on roots of kind (i, j), where |i − j| ≤ 1. Let us
assume additionally that (i, i) < (i, i)′ < (i, i + 1). Then by application of
72 3. On regular trees and simple graphs given by nonlinear equations

transformations tα (xα ), α 6= (0, 1) to a point (p) consecutively with respect

to the above order, where parameter xα is chosen to make α component
of the image equals zero, we are moving point (p) to zero point (0). A
neighbour [a, 0, . . . , 0] of the zero point can be shifted to the line [0] by the
transformation t(1,0) (−a). Thus each pair of incident elements can be shifted
to ((0), [0]) and group U acts edge regularly on vertices of D(K). This action
is regular ((ii)) because the stabilizer of the edge (0), [0] is trivial. Same
arguments about the action of U (n, K) justify (iii).

Lemma 3.2.3. Let φa be a binary relation : ”difference of colours of the

same type is a”. Then group U (U (n, K)) preserves φa .
Proof. Transformations tα , α 6= (0, 1), (1, 0) preserves colours of vertices.
Maps t(0,1) (x) and t(1,0) (x) preserve the binary relation φa for each a ∈ K.

Let k ≥ 6, t = [(k+2)/4], and let u = (uα , u11 , · · · , utt , u′tt , ut,t+1 , ut+1,t , · · · )
be a vertex of D(k, K) (α ∈ {(1, 0), (0, 1)}, it does not matter whether u is
a point or a line). For every r, 2 ≤ r ≤ t, let
ar = ar (u) = (uii u′r−i,r−i − ui,i+1 ur−i,r−i−1 ),

a = a(u) = (a2 , a3 , · · · , at ).
Proposition 3.2.4. (i) The classes of equivalence relation

τ = {(u, v)|a(u) = a(v)}

form the imprimitivity system of permutation groups U(K) and U(n, K).
(ii) For any t − 1 ring elements xi ∈ K, 2 ≤ t ≤ [(k + 2)/4], there exists
a vertex v of D(k, K) for which

a(v) = (x2 , . . . , xt ) = (x).

(iii) The equivalence class C for the equivalence relation τ on the set
Kn ∪ Kn is isomorphic to the affine variety Kt ∪ Kt , t = [4/3n] + 1 for
n = 0, 2, 3 mod 4, t = [4/3n] + 2 for n = 1 mod 4.
Proof. Let C be the equivalence class on τ on the vertex set D(K) (D(n, K)
then the induced subgraph, with the vertex set C is the union of several
connected components of D(K) (D(n, K)).
Without loss of generality we may assume that for the vertex v of C(n, K)

satisfying a2 (v) = 0, . . . at (v) = 0. We can find the values components vi,i
3.2. On infinite family of simple graphs D(n, K) defined by nonlinear algebraic
equations 73

from this system of equations and eliminate them. Thus we can identify P
and L with elements of Kt , where t = [3/4n] + 1 for n = 0, 2, 3 mod 4, and
t = [3/4n] + 2 for n = 1 mod 4.

We shall use notation C(t, K) (C(K)) for the induced subgraph of D(n, K)
with the vertex set C.

Remark 3.2.5. If K = Fq , q is odd, then the graph C(t, k) coincides with

the connected component CD(n, q) of the graph D(n, q) (see [164]), graph
C(Fq ) is a q-regular tree. In other cases the question on the connectedness
of C(t, K) is open. It is clear that g(C(t, Fq )) is ≥ 2[2t/3] + 4.

We define an incidence structure with point set P ′ and line set L′ . It

will be convenient for us to denote vectors from P ′ as
x = (x) = (x0,1 , x1,1 , x1,2 , x2,2 , . . . xi,i , xi,i+1 . . . , )
and vectors from L′ as
y = [y] = [y1,0 , y1,1 , y1,2 , y2,2 , . . . , yi,i , yi,i+1 , . . . ].
We say that point (x) is incident with the line [y] and we write it xJy or
(x)J[y] if and only if the following condition are satisfied:

yi,i − xii = xi−1,i y1,0

yi,i+1 − xi,i+1 = x0,1 yi,i

where i = 1, 2, . . . .
Let E(K) be the incidence graph of the incidence graph of the inci-
dence structure Γ(K) = (P ′ , L′ , J ′ ). For each integer k ≥ 2 let Γ(k, q) =
(Pk′ , L′k , Jk ) be the incidence system, where Pk and Lk are images of P and
L under the projection of these spaces on the first k -coordinates and binary
relation J(k) is defined by the first k equations. Finally, let E(k, K) be the
incidence graph for Γ(k, K).
Similarly we can define an incidence structure E ′ (K) with points of kind
(x) = (x0,1 , x1,1 , x2,1 , . . . , x′i,i , xi+1,i , . . . ), i ≥ 2,
lines of kind
[y] = [y1,0 , y1,1 , y2,1 , . . . yi,i′ ,y
i+1,i , . . . ]
and the incidence relation given by equations

yi,i − x′i,i = yi,i−1 x0,1 ,
yi+1,i − xi+1,i = y1,0 x′i,i .

By projections of the point space and the line space on the first k com-
ponents we get the quotient graph E ′ (n, K). It is easy to see that graphs
E(K) and E ′ (K) (E(n, K) and E ′ (n, K)) are isomorphic.
74 3. On regular trees and simple graphs given by nonlinear equations

Let us recall some information from graph theory. Let G be the graph
with the colouring ρ : V (G) → C of the set of vertices V (G) into colours
from C such that the neighbourhood of each vertex looks like rainbow, i.e.
consists of |C| vertices of different colours. In case of pair (G, ρ), we shall
refer to G as parallelotopic graph with the local projection ρ.
It is obvious that parallelotopic graphs are k-regular with k = |C|. Lin-
guistic graphs are just bipartite parallelotopic graphs of order 2q t and degree
q = ps where p is a prime number.

If C ′ is a subset of C, then induced subgraph GC of G which consists
of all vertices with colours from C ′ is also a parallelotopic graph. It is clear
that connected component of the parallelotopic graph is also a parallelotopic
The arc of the graph G is a sequence of vertices v1 , . . . , vk such that
vi Ivi+1 for i = 1, . . . , k−1 and vi 6= vi+2 for i = 1, . . . , k−2. If v1 , . . . , vk is an
arc of the parallelotopic graph (G, ρ) then ρ(vi ) 6= ρ(vi+2 ) for i = 1, . . . , k−2.
The trail of the graph G is the sequence of vertices v1 , . . . , vk , such that
vi 6= vi+1 , i = 1, . . . , k − 1 and v1 = vk .
If (G1 , ρ1 ) and (G2 , ρ2 ) be two parallelotopic graphs over the same set of
colours. We say that graph homomorphism φ : G1 → G2 is a parallelotopic
morphism if ρ1 (v) = ρ2 (φ(v)) for each vertex v of the graph G1 .
Parallelotopic morphism moves arc of the graph G1 into the arc of graph
G2 .
Example 3.2.6. Let Γ = Γk (K) be one graph among the graphs D(k, K),
CD(k, K) and E(k, K). Γ with the colouring ρ([x]) = x1 , ρ((x)) = x1 is a
parallelotopic graph. If K = Fq , then it is q-regular bipartite graph with 2q k
vertices. The map ηs of deleting the s last components of the tuple-vertex
(point or line) of Γk+s (q) is a parallelotopic morphism onto Γk (q).
Example 3.2.7. Let φ be a map of deleting of coordinates with indices
(i, i + 1), (i, i)′ for vertices of D(K) (or CD((K)). Then φ is a parallelotopic
morphism onto the graph E(K). It is preserves not only colours but all
components xα , α ∈ Root′ , where Root′ contains exactly (1, 0), (0, 1), (i, i),
(i, i + 1), i = 1, 2, . . . .
Example 3.2.8. We can consider the map φn (φ′n )on the set of vertices of
the graph D(n, K). The image of this parallelotopic morphism belongs to
the family E(k, K) (E ′ (k, K), respectively).
Let Uα = htα (x)|x ∈ Ki be a subgroup of U (K). It is isomorphic to the
additive group K+ of the ring K. Let U C be subgroup generated by tα (x),
x ∈ K, α ∈ {(0, 1, (1, 0), . . . , (i, i), (i, i + 1), . . . }. Let Un C be the subgroup
generated by transformations tα (x) from U C onto the graph D(n, K) (or
C(t, K)).
3.3. On polarity graphs of incidence structures 75

Proposition 3.2.9. (i) The connected component CD(n, K) of the graph

D(n, K) (or its induced subgraph C(t, K)) is isomorphic to Γ(Un C )U(0,1) ,U(1,0) .
(ii) Projective limit of graphs D(n, K) (graphs C(t, K), CD(n, K) ) with
respect to paralletopic morphisms of D(n + 1, K) onto D(n, K) (their
restrictions on induced subgraphs) equals to D(K) (C(K), CD(K) =
U C U(0,1) ,U(1,0) , respectively).
Remark 3.2.10. Let v1 , v2 , . . . vk be the pass in the parallelotopic graph G,
then it is uniquely determined by the starting point v1 of the colour c1 and
the sequence of colours c2 , . . . ck of colours of vertices v2 , . . . , vk , respectively.
We have ci 6= ci+2 , for i = 1, . . . , k − 2.
The following statement can be proven by straightforward induction
on n.
Lemma 3.2.11. (two numbers lemma)
Let [y1 ]I(y2 )I . . . Iyn be the path in the graph E(n, K), n ≥ 4 starting
from the zero point (y1 = 0) defined by the sequence of colours 0, x1 , x2 ,
. . . , xn−1 . Then two last components of the vertex yn are
α = x1 x2 (x1 − x3 ) . . . (xn−3 − xn−1 ) and β = −xn−2 α.

3.3. On polarity graphs of incidence structures

Let P and L be disjoint sets, the elements of which we call points and
lines, respectively. A subset I of P × L is called an incidence relation on
the pair (P, L). The incidence graph Γ of geometry (P, L, I) is defined to
be the bipartite graph with vertex set P ∪ L and edge set {{p, l}|p ∈ P, l ∈
L, (p, l) ∈ L}.
Let π : P ∪ L → P ∪ L be a bijection for which the following hold
(i) P π = L and Lπ = P ,
(ii) for all p ∈ P , l ∈ L (lπ , pπ ) ∈ I if and only if (p, l) ∈ I,
(iii) π 2 = 1.
We call such π a polarity of the incidence structure (P, L, I). Note
that π induces an order two automorphism of the incidence graph Γ which
interchanges the bipartition sets P and L. We shall use the term ”polarity”
and the notation ”π” for the graph automorphism as well.
We now define the polarity graph Γπ of the structure (P, L, I) with re-
spect to polarity π. It is the graph with the vertex set V (Γπ ) = P and edge
set E(Γπ ) = {{p1 , p2 }}|p1 , p2 ∈ P, p1 6= p2 , (p1 , p2 π ) ∈ I}.
Finally, we call point p ∈ P an absolute point of the polarity π provided
(p, pπ ) in I.
Let Nπ denote the number of absolute points of π.
76 3. On regular trees and simple graphs given by nonlinear equations

Proposition 3.3.1. (see, for instance [85])

Let π be be a polarity of the finite incidence structure (P, L, I) and let Γ
and Γπ be the correspondent incidence and polarity graphs.
(a) degΓπ = degΓπ − 1 if p is an absolute point of π, and degΓπ = degΓ
(b) |V (Γ)π | = 1/2|V (Γ)|, |E(Γπ )| = |E(Γ)| − Nπ ,
(c) If Γπ contains a (2k + 1)-cycle then Γ contains a (4k + 2) cycle.
(d) If Γπ contains a 2k-cycle then Γ contains two vertex disjoint 2k cycles
C and C ′ such that C π = C ′ . Consequently, if Γ is 2k-cycle-free then so
is Γπ .
(e) The girth of the two graphs are related by g(Γπ ) ≥ 1/2g(Γ).
It is clear that statements (c), (d) and (e) are valid for an infinite inci-
dence structure with polarities.
Let us consider the case of the incidence structure with paralleloopic
graph (Γ, ρ) with the polarity π which is the parallelotopic morphism. We
call such π a parallelotopic polarity. In that case we can define the regular
folding graph

RΓ = R(Γπ ) = {(p, p′ )|ρ(p) 6= ρ(p′ ), (p, p′ ) ∈ E(Γπ )}.

Let us consider the case when the set B of colours of the absolute points
is a proper subset of the set of all colours C. In that case we can define an
induced subgraph IΓ = IΓπ with the set of vertices

{v ∈ Γπ |ρ(v) ∈ C − B}.

Directly from the definitions and above proposition we are getting the
following statement.
Lemma 3.3.2. Let P, L, I be the incidence structure with the k-regular
parallelotopic incidence graph Γ and parallelotopic polarity π : Γ → C.
Then R(Γπ ) is k − 1-regular graph of girth g(R(Γπ )), where

g(R(Γπ )) ≥ g(Γπ ) ≥ g(Γ).

If the set B of colours for absolute points of π is different from C, then

IΓ is |C − B|-regular graph and

g(IΓ)) ≥ g(Γπ ) ≥ g(Γ)

Remark 3.3.3. Graph IΓ is a parallelotopic graph. Let S be a finite proper

subset of C − B of cardinality s. Then the graph IΓS has valency s and

g(IΓS ) ≥ g(IΓ).
3.4. On algebraic dynamical systems and irreversible walks on simple graphs 77

Remark 3.3.4. Graph RΓ is not a parallelotopic graph because of sets

of colours from tne neighbourhoods differs from vertex to vertex. Let S,
|S| = s be a subset of the colour set C of the parallelotopic graph Γ. Then
parallelotopic polarity π induces a parallelotopic polarity π of RΓS . The
graph RΓS shall be a graph of valency s − 1 and

g(RΓS ) ≥ g(ΓS ) ≥ g(Γ).

Proposition 3.3.5. The map π given by the close formula

pπ = [p0,1 , −p1,1 , p2,1 , p1,2 , −p′2,2 , −p2,2 , . . . , −p′i,i , −pi,i , pi+1,i , pi,i+1 , . . . ],
lπ = (l1,0 , −l1,1 , l2,1 , l1,2 , −l2,2
′ ′
, −l2,2 , . . . , −li,i , −li,i , li+1,i , li,i+1 , · · · )

is a parallelotopic polarity of D(n, K). It preserves blocks of the equivalence

relation τ . It is restriction on V (CD(n, K)) is a parallelotopic polarity of
CD(n, K).
Let L(n, K) be regular folding graph corresponding to the parallelotopic
polarity π induced on the vertices of the graph C(n, K). In case of charK = 2
the colours of absolute points of the polarity graph of C(n, K) corresponding
to the polarity π form the set B = {x|x2 = 0}. Thus colours of the vertices
of B(n, K) are elements of K − B.
Directly from the fact g(D(n, Fq )) ≥ 2[(n + 5)/2] from above we are
Proposition 3.3.6. (i) The girth of the graph L(n, Fq ) = L(n, q) and
B(n, Fq ) = B(n, q), q is even is, at least 2[(n + 5)/2]. They are regular
graphs of degrees q−1 and q t with q t and (q−1)q t−1 vertices, respectively.
(ii) For each q they form a families of graphs of large girth with the
γ = 2/3logq−1 (q).
(iii) Let S be a subset of nonzero elements of Fq , |S| = s then L(n, Fq )S
and B(n, Fq )S (q is even) are graphs of the order sq t−1 , girth is greater
than or equal to 2[(n + 5)/2] and degrees s − 1 and s, respectively.

3.4. On algebraic dynamical systems and irreversible walks

on simple graphs

This section is devoted to studies of linguistic dynamical system of di-

mension n ≥ 2 over arbitrary commutative ring K, i.e. family F of nonlinear
polynomial maps fα : Kn → Kn depending on ”time” α ∈ K − {0} such that
fα −1 = f−α and fα1 (x) = fα2 (x) for some x ∈ Kn implies α1 = α2 , each
map fα has no invariant points.
78 3. On regular trees and simple graphs given by nonlinear equations

The neighbourhood {fα (v)|α ∈ K − {0}} of element v defines the graph

Γ of a dynamical system FΓ (n, K) on the vertex set Kn .
We refer to a string α1 , α2 , . . . , αr of elements from K such that
(α1 + α2 )(α2 + α3 ) . . . (αr−1 αr ) 6= 0
as accepting string. Let ASr = ASr (K) be the totality of all accepting string
of length r.
We refer to a subset M of K as multiplicative set of ring K if M is
closed under multiplication (x, y ∈ M implies xy ∈ M ) and M does not
contain zero. We will use term M -regular string for an accepting string
α1 , α2 , . . . , αr such that αi + αi+1 , i = 1, 2, . . . , r − 1 are elements of mul-
tiplicative set M in commutative ring K The reader may keep in mind the
following simple examples:
(1) Obvious example of multiplicative set is the multiplicative group F∗q of
finite field Fq , where q is a prime power.
(2) Let us consider the ring Zm corresponding to arithmetic modulo m,
a ∈ Zm is some residue modulo m. The totality of elements b ∈ Zm ,
which are mutually prime with a, form a multiplicative set Qa of the
(3) The Cartesian power Fm 2 of the finite field F2 with two elements is a
Boolean ring Bm containing all functions f from the finite set M =
{1, 2, . . . , m} into F2 . Recall, that

(x1 , x2 , . . . , xm ) + (y1 , y2 , . . . , ym ) = (x1 + y1 , x2 + y2 , . . . , xm + ym )

(x1 , x2 , . . . , xm ) · (y1 , y2 , . . . , ym ) = (x1 y1 , x2 y2 , . . . , xm ym ).

We can identify ring Bm with the totality of subsets of {1, 2, . . . , m}

with operation of symmetric difference of subsets and intersection. The
totality Qi = {y ∈ Bm |yi = 1} is an example of multiplicative subset in
Bm .
(4) If K is a general commutative ring with unity, I is some ideal of K,
then the totality of all invertible elements modulo I is a multiplicative
set. Symbol Reg(K) stands for the totality of regular elements of K, i.e.
nonzero divisors. Free module Kn is a Cartesian product of n copies of
(5) Symbol Reg(K) stands for the totality of regular elements of K, i. e. non
zero divisors. Set Reg(K) is a multiplicative set for each commutative
ring K.
We shall refer to F as symmetric linguistic dynamical system of rank
d, d ≥ 1, denote also by SF d (n, K), if for each accepting string a =
(α1 , . . . , αs ), s ≤ d vertices v and va = fα1 × · · · × fαs (v) in the graph
are connected by a unique path.
3.4. On algebraic dynamical systems and irreversible walks on simple graphs 79

For each commutative ring K and even integer number n 6= 0 mod 3

there is family of symmetric linguistic dynamical systems SFL (K) of rank
d ≥ 1/3n. Let L(n, K) be the graph of a dynamical system SFL (n, K). If
K = Fq graphs L(n, Fq ) form a new family of graphs of large girth. The
projective limit L(K) of L(n, K), n → ∞ is well defined for each commuta-
tive ring K, in case of integral domain K graph L(K) is a forest, if K has
zero divisors the girth of K is dropping to 4.
It is well known that a continuous bijection of the interval [a, b] has
a fixed point. In case of open variety Kn , where K is commutative ring
situation is different. For each pair (K, n), n ≥ 3 and each t ∈ K − {0} we
shall construct a symmetric linguistic dynamical system, SF (n, K) i.e family
F = Fn (K) contains invertible nonlinear polynomial maps ft : Kn → Kn
without fixed points (ft (x) 6= x for each x ∈ Kn ), such that ft −1 = f−t and
t1 6= t2 implies ft1 (x) 6= ft2 (x) for each x. For each sting a = (a1 , a2 . . . as )
we consider the composition
Fa,n = fa1 ,n ◦ fa2 ,n ◦ · · · ◦ fas ,n
of transformations fai ,n , i = 1, 2, . . . , s.
The level of symmetric linguistic dynamical system SF (n, K), denoted
by d = d(SF (n, K)), d ≥ 1, is the maximal number s such that for each
a ∈ ASs (K) condition Fa,n (x) = Fb,n (x), b ∈ (K − {0})s for some x ∈ Kn
implies a = b.
The rank of symmetric linguistic dynamical system SF (n, K), denoted
by r = rank(SF (n, K)), r ≥ 1 , is the maximal number s, such that for
each a ∈ ASs (K) the condition Fa (x) = Fb (x), b ∈ (K − {0})l , l ≤ s implies
a = b.
Let us consider simple graph Γ(n, K) = Γ(F (n, K)) of the dynamical
system F (K) with the vertex set V = Kn such that u ∈ V and v ∈ V are
connected by edge if and only ft,n (u) = v for some t ∈ K.
The property d(F ) ≥ s means that for each vertex x and ”regular” string
a = (a1 , . . . , as ), s ≤ d as above x and Fa,n (x) = fa1 ,n ◦ . . . ◦ fas ,n (x) are not
included together in a cycle of even length ≤ 2d in the graph Γ(F (n, K)).
The property rank(F (n, K)) ≥ s means that for each vertex x and
a ∈ ASs (K) vertices x and Fa,n (x) are connected by the unique path of
length ≤ s in graph Γ(n, K).
We consider the definition of symmetric arithmetical dynamical system
SAF (Q, K) = {fα |α ∈ Q} simply via consideration of quasi projective
manyfold M of Kn instead of Kn and requirement fα,n ∈ SAF (Q, K) instead
of fα,n −1 = f−α,n ,where Q is just a subset of K. Major justification of arith-
metical graphs related to such dynamical systems is that they are examples
of graphs with memory (see [164]) because we can not only consider such a
graph as finite automaton where states v and fα,n (v) are connected by the
80 3. On regular trees and simple graphs given by nonlinear equations

arrow with the label α, but each state v is a string of characters from the
alphabet K.
We consider explicit construction of symmetric arithmetic dynamical
systems SFD (n, K) and SFC (n, K) on Kn ∪ Kn related to permutational
representations of infinite group UD (K) and UC (K) defined over arbitrary
commutative ring, if K is an integral domain than UC (K) is a free product
K+ ∗ K+ , where K+ is an additive group of the ring, well defined projective
limit of graphs Γ(SFC (nK)) is an infinite tree. If K has zero divisors, then
the girth of each graph Γ(SFC (n, K)) and their projective limit is dropping
to 4 (see section 4).
The following statement is the generalisation of statement in [164].
Theorem 3.4.1. Let ND,x,n (v) be the operator of taking the neighbour of
the vertex v = (v1 , v2 , . . . , vs ) of the colour v1 + x in the graph D(n, K).
Then operator it defines symmetric arithmetical dynamic system SAFD (n, K)
on Kn ∪ Kn of level d = [(n + 5)/2] − 1.
Proof. Let us consider the action of operator

Fd = FD,t1 ,...,td ,n = ND,t1 ,n ND,t2 ,n . . . ND,td ,n ,

where t1 , t2 , . . . , td is accepting string, on the vertex u.

Consecutive applications of ND,ti ,n produce the walk

u0 = u, u1 = ND,t1 ,n (u0 ), . . . , ud = ND,td ,n (ud−1 ),

where the difference of colours for elements ui and ui+2 is ti + ti+1 . The
group UD (n, K) acts transitively on the vertex set of D(n, K) and preserves
difference of colours for elements of same type. Thus without loss of gener-
ality we may assume that u is zero point.
We can apply map φn (or φ′ n ) to ud and compute the common for ud and
its image component α via two numbers lemma. It is product of M -regular
elements and one nonzero element. Thus it differs from zero. Let us assume
Fs′ (u) = FD,t′1 ,...,t′s ,n (u) = ND,t′1 ,n . . . ND,t′s ,n (u) = Fd (u).
Without loss of generality we may assume that t′i 6= t′i+1 , i = 1, . . . , s-1.
If s ≤ d, the component with number α for F ′ (u) = 0 according to the 2
numbers lemma and we are getting a contradiction. So s = d and consec-
utive execution of transformation ND,t′i ,n , (i = 1, . . . , d) produces the walk
u′1 , . . . u′d . Let t1 6= t′1 . Then we can apply operator t0,1 (−t′ ) to each ele-
ment ui , u′i , i = 1, . . . , d and get elements vi , vi′ , i = 1, . . . , d, respectively.
Conditions ud = u′d and vd = vd′ are equivalent.
According to two numbers lemma component α of vd′ equals zero but
same component of vd is not a product of regular and nonzero elements.
3.4. On algebraic dynamical systems and irreversible walks on simple graphs 81

Thus t1 = t′1 . Application of same argument to the sequence ui , . . . ud ,

i = 1, . . . , d − 1 gives us ti = t′i for i = 2, . . . d.

Operator ND,x,n preserves connected components of D(n, K) and blocks

of equivalence relation τ .
Corollary 3.4.2. Let NC,x,t (v), t ∈ K be the operator of taking the neigh-
bour of the vertex v of the colour v1 + x in the graph C(t, K), which is the
restriction of operator NC,x,t (v) on the equivalence class C. Then it defines
symmetric arithmetical dynamic system SFC (t, K) on Kt ∪ Kt over Q = K
of rank d = [2/3t] + 1.
Theorem 3.4.3. (i) Let NRC,x,t (v), x ∈ K−{0} be the operator of taking
the neighbour of the vertex v ∈ V (RC(t, K)) = Kt , of colour v1,0 + x,
then it defines the linguistic dynamical system FRC (t, K) on Kt , t ≥ 2 of
level d = [2/3t] + 1 and rank r ≥ [1/3t]
(ii) Let charK = 2, B is the set of roots for the equation x2 = 0,
NIC,x,t (v), x + ρ(v) 6= y, y ∈ B be the operator of taking the neighbour of
v ∈ V (IC(t, K)) = (K − B) × Kt−1 of the colour v1,0 + x, then it defines
an arithmetical dynamic system AFIC (t, K) of level d = [2/3t] + 1 and
rank r = [1/3t] + 1.
Proof. Let FΓ (K) be one of the systems FRC (t, K), AFIC (t, K). Let us
consider the action of operator Fd = Nt1 Nt2 . . . Ntd , where ti + ti+2 are
elements of multiplicative subset M of ring K, on the vertex u.
Consecutive applications of NΓ,ti ,t produce the walk
u = u0 , u1 = NΓ,t1 ,t (u0 ), . . . , ud = NΓ,td ,t (ud−1 ), where the difference of
colours for elements ui and ui+2 is ti + ti+1 . Let us consider the -dynamic
equation- Fs′ (u) = Fd (u), where
Fs (u) = NΓ,t′1 ,t . . . NΓ,t′s ,t (u) = Fd (u). Without loss of generality we may
assume that t′i 6= t′i+1 , i = 1, . . . , s − 1.
Consecutive execution of transformation NΓ,t′i ,t , i = 1, . . . , s produces
the walk u′1 , . . . , u′s .
So, we are getting -the dynamical trail-: u0 , . . . ud , u′s−1 , . . . , u′1 , where u′1
is adjacent to u0 . We can consider elements of the trail as points in D(n, K).
Then u0 , π(u1 ), u2 , π(u3 ), . . . is a dynamical trail in D(n, K) corresponding
to the same dynamical equation. But the only trail in D(n, K) can be
related to the sequence of colours x, x + t1 , x + t1 + t2 , . . . , x + t1 + · · · + td ,
x + t1 + . . . td−1 ,. . . , x + t1 , x where x is the colour of u. Thus s = d,
tuple (t1 , . . . , td )∗ = (t′1 , . . . t′d ) and G(K) is an invertible dynamical system
of level d.
Let us investigate possible odd cycles in the graph. If NΓ,ts ,t . . . NΓ,t1 ,t (x) =
x and pl = NΓ,tl−1 ,t , l = 2, . . . , 2k+1. Then p1 , (p2 )π , . . . , p2k+1 , (p1 )π . . . (p2k+1 )π
82 3. On regular trees and simple graphs given by nonlinear equations

are consecutive verices of a (4k + 2)-cycle in the bipartite graph. Half of

this cycle has colours from the regular string.

3.5. Stable cubical polynomial maps corresponding to

dynamiacal systems BD (n, K)

We are going to evaluate degrees of transformations

FD,α1,α2 ,...,αk ,n = ND,α1 ,n ND,α2 ,n . . . ND,αk ,n

from bipartite dynamical systems BFD (n, K) given by graphs D(n, K) (see
[175], [176]), where αi ∈ K, i = 1, 2, . . . , k. We will assume that the point
set Kn is the domain of our map. The codomain will be the set of points in
the case of even k, and the set of lines for odd parameter k.
The following computations the reader can find in [184] and [120]

3.5.1. Transformation FD,α1 ,n

Our research we start with studying transformation FD,α1 ,n = ND,α1 ,n .
Hence we have:

l1,0 = p0,1 + α1 deg l1 = 1

l1,1 = p1,1 + l1,0 p0,1 = p1,1 + α1 p0,1 + p20,1
l1,2 = p1,2 + p0,1 l1,1 = p1,2 + p0,1 p1,1 + α1 p20,1 + p31
li,i = pi,i + l1,0 pi−1,i = pi,i + α1 pi−1,i + p0,1 pi−1,i
li,i+1 = pi,i+1 + p0,1 li,i = pi,i+1 + α1 p0,1 pi−1,i + p0,1 pi,i + p20,1 pi−1,i .

Similarly we are receiving:

′ ′ ′
li+1,i = pi+1,i + l1,0 pi,i = pi+1,i + α1 pi,i + p0,1 pi,i

li,i = p′i,i + p0,1 li,i−1 = p′i,i + α1 p0,1 p′i−1,i−1 + p0,1 pi,i−1 + p20,1 pi−1,i−1 .

So if we take the plane data (p) as (p1 , p2 , . . . , pn ) after this transforma-

tion we get the line vertex f1 (p1 ), f2 (p1 , p2 ), . . . , fn (p1 , p2 , . . . , pn ),

 1, n = 1,

2, n = 2,
deg fn (p1 , p2 , . . . , pn ) =

 2, n = 4k, 4k + 1,

3, n = 4k + 2, 4k − 1 where k = 1, 2, 3 . . .
3.5. Stable cubical polynomial maps corresponding to dynamiacal systems
BD (n, K) 83

3.5.2. Transformation FD,α1 ,α2 ,n

Using the previous part of the calculation (transformation FD,α1 ,n ) we
can calculate the composition with transformation ND,α2 ,n .

p0,1 = p0,1 + α1 + α2
p1,1 = l1,1 − l1,0 p0,1 = −(α1 + α2 )(α1 + p0,1 )
(2) (2)
p1,2 = l1,2 − p0,1 l1,1 = p1,2 − (α1 + α2 )p1,1 − α1 (α1 + α2 )p0,1 − (α1 + α2 )p20,1
(2) (2)
pi,i+1 = li,i+1 − p0,1 li,i = pi,i+1 − (α1 + α2 )(pi,i + α1 pi−1,i + p0,1 pi−1,i )
(2) (2)
pi,i = li,i − l1,0 pi−1,i = pi,i + (α1 + p0,1 )(α1 + α2 )(pi−1,i−1 + α1 pi−2,i−1 + p0,1 pi−2,i−1 )

Similarly we are receiving:

′(2) ′ (2) ′
pi,i = li,i − p1 li,i−1 = pi,i − (α1 + α2 )(pi,i−1 + α1 pi−1,i−1 + p1 p′i−1,i−1 )
(2) ′(2)
pi+1,i = li+1,i − l1,0 pi,i = pi+1,i + (α1 + p1 )(α1 + α2 )(pi−1,i−1 + α1 p′i−1,i−1 + p1 p′i−1,i−1 )

Hence we got vertex point from codomain in the form

(p) = (g1 (p1 ), g2 (p1 , p2 ), . . . , gn (p1 , p2 , . . . , pn ))

and degrees of each component are following:

 1, n = 1,

1, n = 2,
deg gn (p1 , p2 , . . . , pn ) =
 2,
 n = 4k − 1, 4k + 2,

3, n = 4k, 4k + 1 where k = 1, 2, 3 . . .

3.5.3. Transformation FD,α1 ,α2 ,...,αm ,n

Degrees of elements of vertex point and vertex line after transformation

FD,α1 ,α2 ,...,αm−1 ,n = ND,α1 ,n ND,α2 ,n . . . ND,αm−1 ,n

FD,α1 ,α2 ,...,αm ,n = ND,α1 ,n ND,α2 ,n . . . ND,αm ,n ,
respectively, we will calculate using induction, imposing m-even.
Assume transformation FD,α1 ,α2 ,...,αm−3 ,n = Nα1 Nα2 . . . Nαm−3 ,n gave us
vertex point:
(m−3) (m−3)
(p)(m−3) = (g1 (p1 ), g2 (p1 , p2 ), . . . , gn(m−3) (p1 , p2 , . . . , pn ))
84 3. On regular trees and simple graphs given by nonlinear equations

with degree

 1, n = 1,

(m−3) 1, n = 2,
deg gn (p1 , p2 , . . . , pn ) =

 2, n = 4k − 1, 4k + 2,

3, n = 4k, 4k + 1 where k = 1, 2, 3, . . .

and vertex line after transformation FD,α1 ,α2 ,...,αm−2 ,n :

(m−2) (m−2)
[l](m−2) = (f1 (p1 ), f2 (p1 , p2 ), . . . , fn(m−2) (p1 , p2 , . . . , pn ))

with degree

 1, n = 1,

2, n = 2,
deg fn(m−2) (p1 , p2 , . . . , pn ) =

 2, n = 4k, 4k + 1,

3, n = 4k + 2, 4k − 1 where k = 1, 2, 3, . . .
Now we have to check the degree of polynomial gn .
p1 = p1 + α1 + α2 + . . . + αm−3 + αm−2 + αm−1
= p1 + αm−2 + αm−1
(m−1) (m−2) (m−1) (m−2)
pi,i+1 = li,i+1 − p1 li,i
(m−3) (m−3) (m−2) (m−3) (m−2) (m−2)
= pi,i+1 + p1 li,i − p1 li,i − (αm−2 + αm−1 )li,i
(m−3) (m−2)
= pi,i+1 − (αm−2 + αm−1 )li,i .
(m−3) (m−3)
Since pi,i+1 is independent from αm−2 and αm−1 and both pi,i+1 and
(m−2) (m−1)
li,i have degree equal 2, we get that pi,i+1 has degree 2.
(m−1) ′ (m−1)
By similar reasoning we obtain that pi,i has degree 3, pi,i degree
2, pi+1,i
degree 3.
Hence by means of transformation FD,α1 ,α2 ,...,αm−1 ,n we encoded plain
text (p1 , p2 , . . . , pn ) on ciphertext
(m−1) (m−1)
(p)(m−1) = (g1 (p1 ), g2 (p1 , p2 ), . . . , gn(m−1) (p1 , p2 , . . . , pn ))

with degree

 1, n = 1,

1, n = 2,
deg gn(m−1) (p1 , p2 , . . . , pn ) =

 2, n = 4k − 1, 4k + 2,

3, n = 4k, 4k + 1 where k = 1, 2, 3, . . .
3.6. On symmetric bipartite dynamical systems of large cycle indicator
corresponding to graphs A(n, K) 85

In the same way using second part of inductive assumption we get the
(m) (m)
[l](m) = (f1 (p1 ), f2 (p1 , p2 ), . . . , fn(m) (p1 , p2 , . . . , pn ))

after transformation FD,α1 ,α2 ,...,αm ,n with

 1, n = 1,

2, n = 2,
deg fn(m) (p1 , p2 , . . . , pn ) =

 2, n = 4k, 4k + 1,

3, n = 4k + 2, 4k − 1 where k = 1, 2, 3, . . .

We refer to the string α1 , α2 , . . . , αm as antinilpotent sequence if each

power of the product of α1 + α2 , α2 + α2 , . . . , αm−1 + αm and α1 + αm is
different from zero.
It is easy to see that antinilpotent sequence is an accepting string.

Theorem 3.5.1. Let GD (n, K) be the group of cubical transformations of

free module Kn ∪ Kn over finite commutative ring, generated by FD,t,n =
ND,t,n , t ∈ K and GD (K) is the projective limit of GD (n, K), n → ∞.
Each element FD,α1 ,...,αm ,n = ND,α1 ,n ND,α2 ,n . . . ND,αm ,n ∈ GD (n, K),
where α1 , α2 , . . . , αm is accepting string of length m < n + 5, has no fixed
points over K. If α1 , α2 , . . . , αm is antinilpotent sequence then the order of

FD,α1 ,...,αm = ND,α1 ND,α2 . . . ND,αm ∈ GD (K)

is infinity.

Corollary 3.5.2. The order of transformation ND,t,n ∈ GD (n, K), where

t = (t1 , t2 , . . . , tm ) is antinilpotent string is growing to infinity with the
growth of n.

Remark 3.5.3. The commutator CGD (n, K) generated by FD,t1 ,t2 ,n , t1 , t2 ∈ K

acts faithfully on the set of points P (or set of lines L).

3.6. On symmetric bipartite dynamical systems of large

cycle indicator corresponding to graphs A(n, K)

We will define graph A(n, K) with the vertex set Kn ∪ Kn , where K is

general commutative ring.
Let K be a arbitrary commutative ring. We define a infinte bipartite
graph A(K) (alternating graph) with the set of points P = KN and set of
86 3. On regular trees and simple graphs given by nonlinear equations

lines L = KN are two copies of infinite dimensional free module via incidence
relation I. Let us denote point (p) from P by
(x) = (x1 , x2 , . . . , xi , xi+1 , . . . )
and line [y] form L by
[y] = [y1 , y2 , . . . , yi , yi+1 , . . . ].
We say that point (x) is incident with the line [y] if and only if the following
conditions are satisfied
yi − xi = y1 xi−1
yi+1 − xi+1 = x1 yi ,
where i = 2, 3, . . . . Brackets and parenthesis will allow us to distinguish
points and lines again.
This incidence structure (P, L, I) we denote as A(K). We identify it with
the bipartite incidence graph of (P, L, I), which has the vertex set P ∪ L
and the edge set consisting of all pairs {(p), [l]} for which (p)I[l].
For each positive integer n ≥ 2 we obtain an incidence structure (Pn , Ln , In )
as follows. First, Pn and Ln are obtained from P and L respectively by sim-
ply projecting each vector onto its n initial coordinates with respect to the
above order. The incidence In is then defined by imposing the first n−1 inci-
dence equations and ignoring all others. The incidence graph corresponding
to the structure (Pn , Ln , In ) is denoted by A(n, K).
Natural canonical homomorphism of A(n, K) onto A(n − 1, K) given
by procedure to delete last coordinate of the vertex (point or line) allow
us to consider well define projective limit A(K) of A(n, K) n → ∞. It
is very interesting that A(n, K), which is not an edge transitive incidence
structure which aproximaates infinite graphs A(K) = limn→∞ A(n, K) with
edge-transitive automorphism group.
Similarly to the case of D(n, K) we assume that the colour of the vertex v
is the first coordinates of this vector (point or line). So colours are elements
of K. Each vertex v of graph A(n, K) has unique neighbour of given colour.
Let NA,t,n be the map on the vertex set of graph A(n, K), which transform
point x = (x1 , x2 , . . . , xn ) to its neighbour of colour x1 + t, t ∈ K and
transform line y = [y1 , y2 , . . . , yn ] into its neighbour of colour y1 + t.
We define in this chapter the incidence structure E(K) with point set P ′
and line set L′ . It will be convenient for us to denote vectors from P ′ as
x = (x) = (x0,1 , x1,1 , x1,2 , x2,2 , . . . xi,i , xi,i+1 . . . , )
and vectors from L′ as
y = [y1,0 , y1,1 , y1,2 , y2,2 , . . . , yi,i , yi,i+1 , . . . ].
3.6. On symmetric bipartite dynamical systems of large cycle indicator
corresponding to graphs A(n, K) 87

We say that point (x) is incident with the line [y] and we write it xJy
or (x)J[y] if and only if the following condition are satisfied:

yi,i − xii = xi−1,i y1,0 ,

yi,i+1 − xi,i+1 = x0,1 yi,i

where i = 1, 2, . . . .
The simplification of notations by the following change of indices:

x0,1 = x1 , x1,1 = x2 , y1,0 = y1 , y1,1 = y2 ,

x1,2 = x3 , x2,2 = x4 , y1,2 = y3 , y2,2 = y4 ,
... ... ... ...
xi,i = xi+1 , xi,i+1 = xi+2 yi,i = yi+1 , yi,i+1 = yi+2
... ... ... ...

allows us to establish isomorphism of E(K) and A(K).

It means that linear operator η of deleting coordinates with indices of
kind (i+1, i) and (i, i)′ for points and lines D(K) defines the homomorphism
of this incidence structure onto A(K). Notice that for the computations
of coordinates (i, i), (i, i + 1) of vector ND,t (x) or ND,t (y) we need only
coordinate x and y with indices (1, 0), (0, 1), (i, i) and (i, i + 1). So, we
prove the following proposition.
Proposition 3.6.1. Let FA,t1 ,...,tm ,n be the composition of maps NA,t1 ,n ,
NA,t2 ,n , . . . , NA,tm ,n . Then cubical map FA,t1 ,...,tm ,n can be computed as a
composition of linear projection η of cubical map FA,t1 ,t2 ,...,tm .
As we mention before the polynomial equations yi = fi (x1 , x2 , . . . , xn ),
which are made public, have the degree 3. Notice, that we computed degrees
of components of FA,t1 ,t2 ,...,tm ,n in previous unit of the section.
Now we define as special class of linguistic bipartite dynamical system
on the variety Kn ∪ Kn dimension n ≥ 2 over arbitrary commutative ring
Theorem 3.6.2. Let NA,t,n be the operator of taking the neighbour in the
graph A(n, K), where K is a commutative ring. For each accepting string
t = (t1 , t2 , . . . , ts ), s ≤ n there exists a vertex v of the graph such that v and
FA,t1 ,t2 ,...,ts ,n (v) are connected by unique path in the graph A(n, K).
Corollary 3.6.3. Polynomial maps of kind NA,t,n and NA,t′ ,n corresponding
to different strings accepting strings of length ≤ n are different.
Polynomial maps NA,t,n , n = 2, 3, . . . form a family of symmetric bi-
partite dynamical systems SBA (n, K) with large cycle indicator defined in
[175], [176]
88 3. On regular trees and simple graphs given by nonlinear equations

Theorem 3.6.4. Let GA (n, K) be the group of cubical transformations of

Kn ∪Kn over finite commutative ring, generated by NA,t,n , t ∈ K and GA (K)
is a projective limit of GA (n, K), n → ∞.
Then order of transformation FA,t ∈ GA (K), where t = (t1 , t2 , . . . , tm ),
where is an antinilpotent string, is infinity.
Corollary 3.6.5. The order of transformation FA,t,n ∈ GA (n, K), where
t = (t1 , t2 , . . . , tm ) is antinilpotent string is growing to infinity with the
growth of n.
Remark 3.6.6. The commutator CGA (n, K) generated by

FA,t1 ,t2 ,n = NA,t1 ,n ◦ NA,t2 ,n , t1 , t2 ∈ K

acts faithfully on the set of points Pn (or set of lines Ln ).

Chapter 4
On some LDPC codes corresponding to
algebraic graphs

4.1. LDPC codes and Schubert incidence structure . . . . . 90

4.2. Explicit constructions of Tanner graphs . . . . . . . . . 91
4.3. On the comparrison of some LDPC codes . . . . . . . . 92
4.4. On basics of LDPC codes theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
4.5. Codes based on families of graphs D(n, K), D(n,e K)
and A(n, K) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
4.5.1. Description of graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
4.5.2. Codes construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
4.5.3. Example codes and them properties . . . . . . 98
4.5.4. Remarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
4.6. Codes based on generalised polygons . . . . . . . . . . 105
4.6.1. Description of generalised polygons . . . . . . . 105
4.6.2. Code construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
4.6.3. Example codes and them properties . . . . . . 109
90 4. On some LDPC codes corresponding to algebraic graphs

4.1. LDPC codes and Schubert incidence structure

Families of simple graphs of high girth had been used for the development
of algorithms in Cryptography and Turbocoding. Recent results in that
directions show the interest of applied researchers to ”families of directed
graphs of high girth” as possible source of applied ideas, In this chapter we
discussed some explicit construction of simple and directed graphs which
can be applicable to Theory of LDPC codes Turbocoding.
Various applications of graph theory to Coding Theory are hard to ob-
serve. We just mention that the code is just subset in finite metric space
defined via distance regular graph (see [8], [29] , [2] ) and expanding graphs
(superconcentrators, magnifyers) had been used for the design of important
codes (see [57], [87]).
Similar situation is in Cryptography: each computation can be defined
in terms of finite automaton, roughly directed graph with labels on arrows,
various applications of automata theory to cryptography are very hrd to
observe. We just mention [38]( see also further references in this survey).
In this chapter we briefly observe some traditional applications of fam-
ilies of simple graphs of large girth to construction of LDPC and Turbo
Codes (see [115], last chapter of[64], [137], [138], , [107], [51], [50]).
Low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes were originally introduced in
his doctoral thesis by Gallager in 1961 [45]. Since the discovery of Turbo
codes in 1993 by Berrou, Glavieux, and Thitimajshima [5], and the redis-
covery of LDPC codes by Mackay and Neal in 1995 [90], there has been
renewed interest in Turbo codes and LDPC codes, because their error rate
performance approaches asymptotically the Shannon limit. Much research
is devoted to characterizing the performance of LDPC codes and designing
codes that have good performance. Commonly, a graph, the Tanner graph (
see [61] and further references), is associated with the code and an important
parameter affecting the performance of the code is the girth of its Tanner
graph. In [93], [50], [51] authors consider the design of structured regular
LDPC codes based on Tanner graphs of large girth. The regularity and
structure of LDPC codes utilize memory more efficiently and simplify the
implementation of LDPC coders. The Tanner graph is a special type of
graph, a bipartite graph, where the nodes divide into two disjoint classes
with edges only between nodes in the two different classes.
Large girth speeds the convergence of iterative decoding and improves
the performance of LDPC codes, at least in the high SNR range, by slowing
down the onsetting of the error floor. Large size of such graphs implies fast
On the web page of Professor Moura (see also [101]) one can find the
following text: ”Commonly, a graph, the Tanner graph, is associated with
4.2. Explicit constructions of Tanner graphs 91

the code and an important parameter affecting the performance of the code
is the girth of its Tanner graph. In our work, we consider the design of
structured regular LDPC codes whose Tanner graphs have large girth. The
regularity and structure of LDPC codes utilize memory more efficiently and
simplify the implementation of LDPC coders. The Tanner graph is a special
type of graph, a bipartite graph, where the nodes divide into two disjoint
classes with edges only between nodes in the two different classes. The
problem we have been considering is a generic problem in graph theory,
namely, that of designing bipartite graphs with large girth. We actually
have studied a more special class of this generic problem, in particular, the
design of undirected regular bipartite graphs with large girth”.
So here we can see clearly two ideas:
(i) new families of bipartite simple graphs of large girth can be used as
families of Tanner’s graphs
(ii) for the constructions of LDPC codes and turbo codes we can use di-
rected graphs which are analogs of bipartite graphs of large girth.

4.2. Explicit constructions of Tanner graphs

The induced biregular bipartite subraphs of graphs D(n, q) of order 2q n ,

degree q and girth ≥ n + 4 or their connected components CD(d, q) had
been used by Guinnand and Lodge for the construction of turbocodes. The
description of the class of biregular subgraphs of the above graphas the
reader can find in previous chapter. The parameters of related codes are
very close to the Shannon bound.
We notice that the family of graphs D(n, q) depending on two parameters
n and q = pm , where p is prime, is not the unique known family of graphs
of unbounded degree and arbitrarily large girth. For ”sufficiently large p”
the exact girth is computed in [129].
Recall, that the first explicit examples of families of simple graphs with
large girth of arbitrary large degree were given by Margulis. The construc-
tions were Cayley graphs X(p, q) of group SL2 (Zq ) with respect to special
sets of q+1 generators, p and q are primes congruent to 1 mod 4. The family
of X(p, q) is not a family of algebraic graphs because the neighborhood of
each vertex is not an algebraic variety over Fq . For each p, graphs X(p, q),
where q is running via appropriate primes, form a family of small world
graph of unbounded diameter (see Chapter 2).
Of course Cayley graph corresponding to finite group G and symmetrical
set of generators S (s ∈ S leads to s−1 ∈ S) is not a bipartite graph. But we
can take it bipartite analog - the graph of incidence structure I = I(G, S)
for which the point set P and line set L are two distinct copies of G and
92 4. On some LDPC codes corresponding to algebraic graphs

p ∈ P is incident to l ∈ L if and only if ps = l in group G for some generator

s ∈ S.
Let R be arbitrary subset of S containing at least 3 elements, GR be the
group generated by R ∪ R−1 and GR < H < G.
We can consider the bipartite graph I ′ = I(H, R) with the partition sets
P = P ∩ H and L′ = L ∩ H such that p ∈ P ′ and l ∈ L′ are incident (pI ′ l

or lI ′ p) if and only if ps = l for some s ∈ R. Notice, that last condition is

equivalent to ls = p for some s ∈ R−1 .
We set the Cayley graph corresponding to G, S is X p,q . then g(I(H, R))
is larger than the girth of X(p, q). So I(H, R) can be used as Tanner graph.

4.3. On the comparrison of some LDPC codes

Recent results show that very good codes can be obtained from families
of simple, bipartitee graphs of high girth. There is only a few known infinite
families suitable for this purpose: Ramanujan expander graps, generalised
polygons, construction based on finite geometries (graphs D(n, K), D(n, K)
and A(n, K)). Graphs D(n, q) and them compact parts CD(n, q) were use to
create LDPC by Guinand and Lodge [50], [51]. This codes are use by NASA
and have very good error correcting properties. Families based on similar
algebraic constructions D(n, K) and A(n, K) give codes witch even beter
properties which was show in [117]. Codes obtained using affine generalized
polygons allow you to get the codes with good properties [116]. Other alge-
braic constructiong based on graphs: Margulis and Ramanujan-Margulius
give interesting codes but in 2003 D. MacKay and M. Postol shown the
weaknesses of this two constructions in [91]. They reported that the Mar-
gulis construction gives code with near-codewords, which cause problems
for the sum-pruduct decoder. The Ramanujan-Margulis construction gives a
code with low-weight codeword which contributes to the effect of error-floor.
Since 1997, when D(n, q) and CD(n, q) was first use to construct LDPC
there has been no information about the weaknesses of codes based on such
construction. For this reason, the codes with similar designs are good.

4.4. On basics of LDPC codes theory

Information is always transmitted through the communication channels
with interferences, which can be an air, a telephone line, a beam of light or
a cable. An interference could cause errors in the transmited messages. It
is very important for the recipient to receive exactly the same message as
it was sent, in order to minimize the number of errors in the transmission
we can use error correcting codes.
4.4. On basics of LDPC codes theory 93

All information in a computer is represented as zeros-ones sequences.

Coding of information using linear error correcting codes means adding to
the sequences of k elements some extra bits in a certain way. Such codes
are called redundant codes, extra bits don’t carry any information and are
used for error detection and correction. We denote by [N, k] the code, which
has a length of code words N and k information bits. Error correcting code
is A ⊂ FN 2 , where F2 = {0, 1} and codewords are in classical Hamming
d(x, y) = |{i : xi 6= yi }|.
In that code we have r = N − k parity checks. The ratio r/N is called
code rate and is denoted by RC . It is interesting to look for codes with
the best correction properties at the lowest code rate for economic reasons.
In 1948 Claude Shannon in his works defined the concept of capacity and
proved that there exists code allowing the transfering of information from
any small error probability if the rate of information transmission is below
the capacity. Let T be the time of transmition of a single bit. Then the rate
of information transmission is

Rt = .
Unfortunately, he didn’t show a way of constructing such codes. The
most known classes of error correcting codes are Turbocodes and Low Den-
sity Parity Check Codes (LDPC codes). In this article we are only interested
in LDPC codes. They were introduced in 1963 by Robert G. Gallanger.
These codes have a high possibility of selection of parameters N and r,
making it possible to create codes with a large block size and excellent
correction properties. Their advantage is the existence of efficient decoding
algorithms of linear complexity of the block length N .
LDPC codes can be obtained by few methods but a very good codes can
be obtained from families of graphs with certain specific properties. The
ability to use graphs to construct error correcting codes was first discussed
by Tanner [137], [138]. This is the area where we can work because only
specified graphs are suitable for creating a good code. Usually for this pur-
pose, simple graphs are used, which means graphs undirected and containing
no graph loops or multiple edges. The graph should be bipartite, sparse,
without small cycles and biregular or regular with the possibility to obtain
There are three ways to represent linear error correcting code allowing
us to obtain LDPC codes: generator matrix G, parity checks matrix H or
Tanner graph Γ(V, E). Parity checks matrix for [N, k] code is r × N matrix
which words are zeros or ones. Rows of this matrix correspond to the parity
94 4. On some LDPC codes corresponding to algebraic graphs

checks and the column to codeword bits. If a bit number j in codeword is

checked by a parity check number i then the number on a position (i, j) in
matrix H is one, otherwise the number is zero. Each bit is checked by a
unique set of control equations. In regular LDPC code every row has the
same constant weight r and every column has the same constant weight s.
Switching columns doesn’t change code properties and gives an equivalent
code. We assume that every codeword is from set

C = {y ∈ FN T
2 | Hy = 0}.

Generator matrix G for [N, k] code is k × N zeros-ones matrix, which rows

create code base. G creates a codeword y for information vector x of length
k: y = x · G. Each information vector corresponds to exactly one codeword.
Parity checks matrix and generator matrix are dependent. It is known that
if G = [Ik |A] is generator matrix in standard form for the [N, k] code C then
H = [−AT |IN −k ] is a parity check matrix for C.
Bipartite graph we call graph Γ(V, E), in which a set of nodes V can be
divided into two subsets V = V1 ∪ V2 in such a way that no two vertices
from each set Vi , i = 1, 2 are connect by an edge. The only connection is
an edge from V1 to V2 .
Tanner graph we call bipartite graph in which one subset V1 corresponds
to codeword bits and the second subset V2 corresponds to the parity checks.
Vertex from the subset V1 is connected to a vertex from the subset V2 if
and only if a bit corresponding to vertex from V1 is controled by the parity
check corresponding to vertex from V2 . There is a standard way to create
LDPC codes depending on adjacency matrix of bipartite, biregular Tanner
graph. Parity check matrix H is a part of the adjacency matrix for a graph
used to create a code. Adjacency matrix has the form:
0 H
HT 0

Determination of the matrix H is equivalent code designation.

Codes which have sparse parity checks matrices H we call Low Density
Parity Checks Codes (LDPC). Matrix is called a sparse matrix if the ratio
of ones to the number of zeros in each row and column is small comparing
to the length of the rows and columns. Code has a sparse matrix H if and
only if when it has a representation as sparse Tanner graph. Sparse graph
has a small number of edges in comparison to the number of vertices. A
simple relationship describing the density of the graph Γ(V, E) is

g= ,
|V |(|V | − 1)
4.4. On basics of LDPC codes theory 95

where |E| is the number of edges of graph Γ and |V | is the number of

verteces. The parameter g can take values from the interval [0, 1]. If g = 1,
then the graph is totally connected.
Example 4.4.1. A very primary example of LDPC code is [7, 4] Hamming
code with RC = 37 and density g = 4/15. Parity check matrix for this code
has the form:
 
1 0 1 0 1 0 1
0 1 1 0 0 1 1
0 0 0 1 1 1 1
and Tanner graph of the code have the following structure:

To encode information vector x it is sufficient to determine the values of

control bits. The remaining positions in codeword y contain all the bits of
information vector x. H[7, 4] has codewords of length 7 and information
vectors of length 4:

x = [x1 , x2 , x3 , x4 ]
y = [y1 , y2 , x1 , y3 , x2 , x3 , x4 ]

To encode information vector [1, 1, 0, 0] we must designate coordinates

y1 , y2 , y3 in codeword y = [y1 , y2 , 1, y3 , 1, 0, 0]. The parity check equations
have the form:

 y1 + x 1 + x 2 + x 4 = 0

y2 + x 1 + x 3 + x 4 = 0

y4 + x 2 + x 3 + x 4 = 0
We substitute values xi , i = 1, 2, 3, 4 and solve equations:

 y1 + 1 + 1 + 0 = 0

y2 + 1 + 0 + 0 = 0

y4 + 1 + 0 + 0 = 0
All calculations must be performed in the field F2 .
96 4. On some LDPC codes corresponding to algebraic graphs

e K) and
4.5. Codes based on families of graphs D(n, K), D(n,
A(n, K)

4.5.1. Description of graphs

Described families consist of simple, bipartite graphs of high girth ( girth
bigger or equal 6 for any parameters so there is no short cycles) . It is good
for codes because short cycles decrease the speed of decoding algorithms.
Girth in graphs from described families increasing with growing n. In fact
adverse influence of short cycles decreases with increasing length of the
codewords N , but they also contribute to the formation of the error-floor.
Family of graphs D(n, K) described below come from Cartan matrix
2 −2
−2 2

Let us to use the analogical notions for points and lines in graph D(n, K):

(p) = (p0,1 , p1,1 , p1,2 , p2,1 , p2,2 , p2,3 , . . . , pi,i , pi,i+1 , pi+1,1 , . . . ),
[l] = [l1,0 , l1,1 , l1,2 , l2,1 , l2,2 , l2,3 , . . . , li,i , li,i+1 , li+1,1 , . . . ].

Infinite incidence structure (Pe, L,

e I)
e is defined in a following way. We say
that the point (p) is incident with the line [l], and we write (p)I[l], if the
following relations between their coordinates hold:

l1,1 − p1,1 = l1,0 p1,0

l1,2 − p1,2 = l1,1 p1,0
l2,1 − p2,1 = l0,1 p1,1
li,i − pi,i = l0,1 pi−1,i − li,i−1 p1,0
li,i+1 − pi,i+1 = li,i−1 p1,0
li+1,i − pi+1,i = l0,1 pi,i

where i ≥ 2. The graph corresponding to the finite incidence structure

(Pen , L
e n , Ien ) obtained by the way described above is denoted by D(n,
e K).
For graph A(n, K) let us use the notion for points and lines :

(p) = (p0,1 , p1,1 , p1,2 , p2,2 , p2,3 , . . . , pi,i , pi,i+1 , . . . ),

[l] = [l1,0 , l1,1 , l1,2 , l2,2 , l2,3 , . . . , li,i , li,i+1 , . . . ].

For this graph we define an incidence structure (P, L, I)A as follows. We

say that the point (p) is incident with the line [l], and we write (p)I[l], if
the following relations hold:
4.5. Codes based on families of graphs D(n, K), D(n, K) and A(n, K) 97

e 3) = A(2, 3) = W (2, 3)
Figure 4.1. Graph D(2, 3) = D(2,

li,i − pi,i = l1,0 pi−1,i

li,i+1 − pi,i+1 = li,i p0,1

Denote this infinite incidence structure (P, L, I)A as A(K) and it can be
identify with the bipartite incidence graph of (P, L, I)A . A(K) is an infinite
tree. For each positive integer n > 2 we obtain an finite incidence structure
(Pn , Ln , In )A as above. The incidence graph corresponding to the structure
(Pn , Ln , In )A is denoted by A(n, K).
In case K = Fq , where q is prime power we denote D(n, Fq ), D(n, e Fq )
and A(n, Fq ) simply as D(n, q), D(n, q), A(n, q) accordingly.
D(n, K) and D(n, e K) have the same structure for n < 6. For n ≤ 3
graphs D(n, q), D(n, q) and A(n, q) are isomorphic. For n ≥ 4 A(n, q) has
different structure than: D(n, q), D(n, q) and lead as to different codes. For
example, graphs D(n, q) are disconnected for k ≥ 6 when A(n, q), q 6= 2 are
For all n they are |K|-regular but have a structure that allows us to
remove points and lines in such a way that we can obtain arbitrary bidegree
(a, b) for 1 ≤ a, b ≤ |K|. We can make it as was shown in [59]. When L is
a set of all lines and P is a set of all points to obtain the desired bidegree
(a, b) we must put restriction on coordinates. Let A ⊂ Fq and B ⊂ Fq be
an a-element and b-element subsets respectively and let VP and VL be sets
of points and lines in new bipartite graph. They are the following sets:

VP = {(p) ∈ P |cp ∈ A}
VL = {[l] ∈ L|cl ∈ B},

where cp is fixed coordinate of points and cl is fixed coordinate of lines.

Usually restriction are imposed on first coordinates.
98 4. On some LDPC codes corresponding to algebraic graphs

4.5.2. Codes construction

To create LDPC code with codeword of length N we use D(n, K) (D(n, K),
A(n, K)), where n > N . Each of these graphs is already bipartite. To
obtain biregularity we can use method described above. Let denote the
number of parity checks by d and it should be at least 2. We reduce the
bidegree to (d, |K|) by the method shown above. We can also reduce the
bidegree to (d, e), where d, e ≤ |K| by taking smaller subsets A, B of Fq .
We can impose restrictions on the value of chosen coordinate of lines or
points. Bidegree reduction can only increase the girth so there is no risk
that short cycles will appear. After bidegree reduction the graph can be-
come disconnected and divided into several components. Choose one vertex
and take the component containing this selected vertex (point or line)and
find all other vertices for which there is a path to the chosen one. We use
this component to create a parity check matrix. If |VP | > |VL | then points
correspond to code words bits and lines to parity checks, if not then lines
correspond to code words bits and points to parity checks. We decide to
put one or zero on position (i, j) in parity check matrix H by checking
if relations on coordinates of point number j and line number i hold (for
example when we create code based on graph A(n, K) we check if relations
4.5.2 hold ).

4.5.3. Example codes and them properties

Transmission quality depends mainly on code, decoding algorithm and
the level of noise in a communication channel. Properties of error-correcting
codes are tested by determining the relationship between noise level and bit
error rate. Bit error rate (BER) is the ratio of number of error bits to
the total number of transferred bits. Simulation usually is carried out for
Gaussian Channel where disruptions are modeled by White Gaussian Noise.
Our simulations were done using BPSK modulation over AWGN channel
and simple MAP decoder implementation with 10 iteration. Let y be the
received codeword. MAP decoder works according to the rule which returns
an output value x̂ of a code word x for which the a posterior probability
P = (x|y, H) is maximized.
Traditionally dv means the number of ones per column in the matrix H
and dc number of ones per row. In general it is assumed that dv < dc in case
the number of bits of information will not be greater than the number of
control bits for economic reasons. In 1948 Claude Shannon [133], [134] in his
works proved that there exists code allowing the transferring of information
from any small error probability if the rate of information transmission is
below the capacity. Parameter related to the error correction properties
of the code is the minimum distance dmin between codewords measured
4.5. Codes based on families of graphs D(n, K), D(n, K) and A(n, K) 99

in Hamming metric. Correction properties are better for codes that have a
higher minimum distance or a very small amount of codewords which are on
the minimum distance from each other. A study of asymptotic performance
[191] shows the future for degree distribution: dv ≥ 2 is enough. Every bit
in codeword should be checked by unique set of control equations. If dv = 2
then every bit is checked by 2 equations and the condition:
is necessary. It is easy to see that for every code in this section r2 > 2N .
If dv ≥ 3 then dmin for code is growing linear with increasing N , so error
probability decreases exponentially with increasing length of the block. 4.2,
4.3, 4.4 show that presented codes give good results for dv = 2. The codes
considered in this section have dv =min(a, b). 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4 and 4.5 show
properties of sample described codes.
4.2, 4.3, 4.4 show BER for codes obtained from graphs described in
4.1, 4.2, 4.3 accordingly. With increasing parameter n graphs for the same
field produce codes with better correcting properties (4.2, 4.3, 4.4) and
bigger block length N . In order to compare 4.8 shows codes based on some
representatives of family A(n, q) and 4.9 of family D(n, q) with the same
paremeter accordingly. We see that codes based on representatives of family
A(n, q) have better error correcting properties. This fact is supported by a
dozen other simulations conducted.
The most consistent structure have graphs A(n, q), so that they give
codes with the best correcting properties. For example, graph A(8, 5) after
the reduction of bidegrees to (2, 5) splits into 125 components and D(8, 5)
into 625, A(10, 3) after the reduction of bidegrees to (2, 3) splits into 81
components and D(10, 3) into 243. The worst results in the case of the
considered families of graphs give codes obtained from graphs D(n, q). The
structure of A(n, q) after biregularity reduction allows us to obtain codes
with bigger block size than for codes obtained from D(n, q). When we use
bigger field we obtain better code rate. Reducting bidegrees to (2, q) gives
code rate 2q . Obviously, in a case of each code we can reduce the bidegrees
of a graph. After the reduction the code rate can increase. A good example
is a case of bidegrees 3 and q.
Use bidegree (a, b), where a ≥ 3 makes the desired codes much better
(4.6) and of bigger block size. For this two presented codes dv = 3. In case
of codes which come from presented families, reducing bidegrees to (a, b)
gives code rate RC = ab . Codes described in 4.1, 4.2, 4.3 (4.2, 4.3, 4.4)
have code rate 0.4. When we use bigger field Fq we can obtain different and
often better (more economic) code rate (For example see 4.4) and usually
code correcting properties don’t change much. However, we must be carefull
100 4. On some LDPC codes corresponding to algebraic graphs

because used much bigger field and reduced biregularity to (2, q) or (3, q)
can give RC close to zero, but error correcting properties can be much worse.
Presented codes have a high possibility to choose the code rate RC . In
many well known constructions the code rate is strictly determined, for
example is equal to 1/2. David MacKay considerd [107], [90] very good,
randomly generated codes with code rate 1/2 and 1/4. Codes arising from
graphs with symmetric adjacency matrix, which was considered in [145] have
code rate 1/2 and 1. 4.6 shows codes: [75, 150] (blue), [500, 1000] (green),
[1875, 3750] (purple), [250, 500] (black) obtained from random construction
based on Radford M. Neal’s programs available from [102]. Radfold M. Neal
and David MacKay reinvented LDPC codes in the mid-1990’ (see [107]).
4.7 shows codes based on presented graphs with accordingly to randomly
generated codes with the same number of information bits k. It is easy
to see that codes (blue, green and purple) based on graphs (4.7) with the
same number of information bits as random codes (4.6) have better error
correcting properties and less code rate ( 4.5).

Table 4.1. Properties of graphs D(n, 5) after receiving bidegree (2, 5) used for pre-
sented sample codes
Based graph |P | = |L| Size of desired H Block length
e 5)
D(2, 25 10 × 25 25
e 5)
D(3, 125 10 × 25 25
e 5)
D(4, 625 50 × 125 125
e 5)
D(5, 3125 50 × 125 125
e 5)
D(6, 15625 50 × 125 125
e 5)
D(7, 78125 1250 × 3125 3125
e 5)
D(8, 390625 1250 × 3125 3125
e 5)
D(9, 1953125 1250 × 3125 3125
D(10, 5) 9765625 6250 × 15625 15625
4.5. Codes based on families of graphs D(n, K), D(n, K) and A(n, K) 101

e 5), [1250, 3125]

Figure 4.2. Bit error rate for [50, 125] code (blue) based on D(6,
e 5), [1250, 3125] code (purple) based on D(8,
code (red) based on D(7, e 5) and
[1250, 3125] code (black) based on D(10, 5)

Figure 4.3. Bit error rate for [50, 125] code (green) based on D(6, 5), [50, 125] code
(blue) based on D(7, 5), [250, 625] code (purple) based on D(8, 5) and [1250, 3125]
code (black) based on D(9, 5)
102 4. On some LDPC codes corresponding to algebraic graphs

Figure 4.4. Bit error rate for [250, 625] code (blue) based on A(6, 5), [1250, 3125]
code (green) based on A(7, 5), [1250, 3125] code (purple) based on A(8, 5) and
[1250, 3125] code (black) based on A(9, 5)

e 5) and [375, 625]

Figure 4.5. Bit error rate for [1875, 3125] code (red) based on D(6,
code (blue) based on D(5, 5) after reducing bidegree to (3, 5)
4.5. Codes based on families of graphs D(n, K), D(n, K) and A(n, K) 103

Figure 4.6. Bit error rate for [75, 150] code (blue), [500, 1000] code (green),
[1875, 3750] code (purple) and [250, 500] code (black), all based on Radford M.
Neal random constructions [27] with code rate RC = 1/2.

e 5), [250, 625] code

Figure 4.7. Bit error rate for [50, 125] code (blue) based on D(6,
(green) based on A(6, 5) , [1250, 3125] code (purple) based on A(9, 5) and [375, 625]
e 5)
code (black) based on D(5,
104 4. On some LDPC codes corresponding to algebraic graphs

4.5.4. Remarks
Instead of using Fq as K we can use ring Zn and modulo operations.
Modified codes where rings are used, based on subgraph of A(n, Zm ) give
better code than those based on subgraph of D(n, Zm ) (4.10 shows results
for fixed parameters ).
In [51] authors as coordinates used elements from Fq where q is the first

Table 4.2. Properties of graphs D(n, 5) after receiving bidegree (2, 5) used for pre-
sented sample codes
Based graph |P | = |L| Size of desired H Block length
D(2, 5) 25 10 × 25 25
D(3, 5) 125 10 × 25 25
D(4, 5) 625 50 × 125 125
D(5, 5) 3125 50 × 125 125
D(6, 5) 15625 50 × 125 125
D(7, 5) 78125 50 × 125 125
D(8, 5) 390625 250 × 625 625
D(9, 5) 1953125 1250 × 3125 3125
D(10, 5) 9765625 1250 × 3125 3125

Table 4.3. Properties of graphs A(n, 5) after receiving bidegree (2, 5) used for pre-
sented sample codes
Based graph |P | = |L| Size of desired H Block length
A(2, 5) 25 10 × 25 25
A(3, 5) 125 10 × 25 25
A(4, 5) 625 50 × 125 125
A(5, 5) 3125 50 × 125 125
A(6, 5) 15625 250 × 625 625
A(7, 5) 78125 1250 × 3125 3125
A(8, 5) 390625 1250 × 3125 3125
A(9, 5) 1953125 1250 × 3125 3125
A(10, 5) 9765625 6250 × 15625 15625

e q), D(5, q) and A(5, q) after receiving bidegree

Table 4.4. Properties of graphs D(5,
to (2, 5) and (2, q)used for presented sample codes
Based graph |P | = |L| Biregularity Size Block RC
of desired H length
e 5), D(5, 5), A(5, 5)
D(5, 3125 (2,5) 50 × 125 125 0.4
e 7), D(5, 7), A(5, 7)
D(5, 16807 (2,5) 98 × 245 245 0.4
e 11), D(5, 11), A(5, 11)
D(5, 161051 (2,5) 242 × 605 605 0.4
e 7), D(5, 7), A(5, 7)
D(5, 16807 (2,7) 98 × 343 343 0.28
D(5, 11), D(5, 11), A(5, 11) 161051 (2,11) 242 × 1331 1331 0.18
4.6. Codes based on generalised polygons 105

prime greater than n. We take q which is first prime power greater than n.
4.11 shows that for the code based on D(3, 16) we obtain as good results
as for D(3, 17). D(3, 16) gives [256, 32] code with slightly better code rate
than code [255, 34] arising from D(3, 17).

4.6. Codes based on generalised polygons

4.6.1. Description of generalised polygons

The missing definitions on theory of simple graphs the reader can find
in [16].
The distance between vertices v1 and v2 of the graph is the length of
minimal pass from v1 and v2 . The graph is connected if for arbitrary pair

Table 4.5. Properties of graphs after receiving bidegree (2, s) used for presented
sample codes
Initial Number Number Code
graph Biregularity of lines of points rate
in fixed in fixed
component component
A(6, 6) (2, 6) 648 216 0.(3)
A(6, 7) (2, 7) 2401 686 ≈ 0.286
A(8, 5) (2, 5) 3125 1250 0.4
A(10, 3) (2, 3) 729 486 0.(6)
D(6, 6) (2, 6) 216 72 0.(3)
D(6, 7) (2, 7) 2401 686 ≈ 0.286
D(8, 5) (2, 5) 625 250 0.4
D(10, 3) (2, 3) 243 162 0.(6)

Table 4.6. Comparison between presented codes and other effective LDPC
Number Block Number
Code of information length RC of ones
bits per column
random [75, 150] 75 150 0.5 2
random [500, 1000] 500 1000 0.5 2
random [1875, 3750] 1875 3750 0.5 2
random [250, 500] 250 500 0.5 3
e 5)
[50, 125] based on D(6, 75 125 0.4 2
[250, 625] based on A(6, 5) 500 1250 × 3125 0.4 2
[1250, 3125] based on A(9, 5) 1875 1250 × 3125 0.4 2
e 5)
[375, 625] based on D(5, 250 625 0.6 3
106 4. On some LDPC codes corresponding to algebraic graphs

Figure 4.8. Bit error rate for [2401, 686] code (green) based on A(6, 7), [3125, 1250]
code (red) based on A(8, 5) and [729, 486] code (black) based on A(10, 3)

of vertices v1 , v2 there is a pass from v1 to v2 . The diameter of connected

simple graph is the maximum od distances between vertices of the graph.
We refer to bipartite graph Γ(V, E) with partition sets Vi , i = 1, 2,
V = V1 ∪ V2 as biregular one if the number of neighbors for representatives
of each partition sets are constants r + 1 and s + 1 (bidegrees). We call the
regular graph in case r = s.
Generalized m-gons are connected biregular bipartite graphs with girth
2m and diameter m. Traditionally, in case of generalised m-gon Γ(V1 ∪V2 , E)
one partition set of V1 = P is called set of point and other V2 = L is called
the set of lines. Vertex corresponds to point can be connected be edges only
with some vertex from L and vertex corresponds to line can be connect only
with vertex from set P .
When two vertices point (p) and line [l] are connected by edge we call
this incidence pair (p, l) flag. We define the distance from flag (p, l) to vertex
v ∈ V as the sum of distances from p to v and l to v.
Affine generalized m-gon can be obtained by the following way. Let us
chose flag (p, l) and remove all points and lines except these with are on
maximal distance from the flag. By this method we obtain biregular graph
with bidegrees r and s. It is clear that affine generalized m-gons have girth
4.6. Codes based on generalised polygons 107

Figure 4.9. Bit error rate for [2401, 686] code (green) based on D(6, 7), [625, 250]
code (red) based on D(8, 5) and [243, 162] code (black) based on D(10, 3)

Figure 4.10. Bit error rate for [648, 216] code (red) based on A(6, Z6 ), [625, 250]
code (blue) based on D(6, Z6 )
108 4. On some LDPC codes corresponding to algebraic graphs

Figure 4.11. Bit error rate for [256, 32] code (square) based on D(3, 16) and [255, 34]
code (circle) based on D(3, 17)

≥ 2m. If the generalised m-gon is edge transitive then the construction of

generalised m-gon does not depend on the choice of flag. In case m = 6
there is only one known family of regular generalised m-gons. Ii is bidegree
is r + 1 = s + 1, where r = q = pm , p is prime, m ≥ 1. Each representative
of this family is an edge transitive graph.
When m = 6 we denote generalized m-gon as GH(q, q) and affine gener-
alized m-gon as AH(q, q), where q is a prime power. For more details about
the structure we refer to [16]. Notice that q + 1-regular graph GH(q, q) has
1 + q + q 2 + q 3 + q 4 + q 5 points and the same number of lines. The order of
q regular AH(q, q) is 2q.
The following interpretation of AH(q, q) the reader can find in [156]. Let
Fq be the finite field containing q elements. Each point can be identified
with (p) = (x, y, z, u, w) ∈ and each line with [l] = [a, b, c, d, f ]. Brackets
and parenthesis allow us to distinguish points and lines. We say point (p)
is incident to line [l], and we write (p)I[l], if following relations on their
coordinates hold:
y − b = xa
2c − z = 2xb
u − 3d = −3xc
2w − 3f = 3zb − 3yc + ua
where all coordinates are elements of Fq . Any bipartite graph Γ(P ∪ L, E)
has bidegree (r, s) if every vertex from P has degree r and every vertex from
L has degree s. AH(q, q) has a structure that allows us to remove points and
lines in such a way that we can obtain arbitrary bidegree. We can make
it exactly the same as it was done with D(n, q) and A(n, k) in previous
4.6. Codes based on generalised polygons 109

section. Let L be set of all lines and P set of all points. To obtain the
desired bidegree (r, s) we must put restriction on coordinates. Let R ⊂ Fq
and S ⊂ Fq be an r-element and s-element subsets respectively and let VP
and VL be sets of points and lines in new bipartite graph. They are the
following sets:

VP = {(p) ∈ P |x ∈ R}
VL = {[l] ∈ L|a ∈ S}.
If set of points is bigger than set of lines then points correspond to codeword
bits and lines correspond to parity checks. Otherwise, lines correspond to
codeword bits and points correspond to parity checks. The ratio of total
number of bits in codeword to number of parity bits is called code rate and
is denoted as RC . The lower the code rate is the more economic the code
is. Thus, the most wanted codes are those with low code rate and the best
error correcting properties.

4.6.2. Code construction

To create LDPC code of dimension d containing (N, k) Hamming code as
component codes we must use AH(q, q), where q is the first prime which is
greater than N . Then we reduce the bidegree to (d, N ). Bidegree reduction
can only increase the girth. After reduction the bidegree graph can be
disconnected. When we put restriction on coordinates x of point the graph
will be divided into several components, but when we put restriction on
first coordinates a of lines graph remains connected. This is due to lack
of symmetry AH(q, q). Next we take one component containing a chosen
vertex (point or line) and find all other vertices for which there is a path to
the chosen vertex. We use this component to create a parity checks matrix.
If |VP | > |VL | then points correspond to code words bits and lines to parity
checks if not then lines correspond to code words bits and points to parity
checks. We decide to put one or zero in parity check matrix by checking
if relations 4.6.1 on their coordinates holds. Every bit from codeword is
checked by d parity checks. In the case of graphs D(n, q) resulting graphs
are always disconnected.

4.6.3. Example codes and them properties

It is interesting that the properties of codes obtained from D(5, q) and
AH(q, q) through the restriction on points coordinates are similar as seen
in 4.12 and 4.13. 4.7 contains the data about resulting graphs.
Graphs D(5, 7) and AH(7, 7) with x ∈ R after reduction bidegree to
(2, 7) split into 49 components and D(4, 7) splits into 7 ones. They all
110 4. On some LDPC codes corresponding to algebraic graphs

give equivalent codes os there is no different which component we choose.

Graphs AH(17, 17) with restriction on points coordinate x ∈ R, |R| = 2
and D(5, 17) after reduction bidegree to (2, 15) split into 289 components.
When we use bigger field we obtain better code rate, for example taking F7
for codes based on these graphs code rate is RC ≈ 0.286 but taking F17 we
have RC = 0.1(3). Obviously in each code we can reduce the bidegree of
graphs to (3, 7) or (3, 15) depending on a field and a graph. But then code
rate increases.
In D(n, q) there is no differences if we put restriction on points or lines.
When we take lines from smaller partition set in a reduced AH(q, q), we
obtain better code but with exactly the same code rate RC ≈ 0.286 as if we
take points from R, |R| = 2. 4.14 shows results.

Remark 4.6.1. It is also possibility to construct LDPC codes based on

graphs AO(q, q 2 ), q = 22k+1 arising from generalized 8-gons, which girth is
16, so it seems that this kind of codes have better error correcting properties.
Graph AO(q, q 2 ) has bidegree (q, q 2 ). It also has structure which allows
easily to remove points and lines to obtain arbitrary bidegree exactly as it
was done with D(k, q) and AH(q, q).

Table 4.7. Graphs property after receiving bidegree (2, 7) and (2, 15) respectively
Initial Girth Restriction Number Number Code
graph on of lines of points rate
coordinates in fixed in fixed
component component
AH(17, 17) 12 a ∈ S, |S| = 2 167042 1252815 0.1(3)
x ∈ R, |R| = 15
AH(17, 17) 12 x ∈ R, |R| = 2 4335 578 0.1(3)
a ∈ S, |S| = 15
D(5, 17) 10 x ∈ R, |R| = 2 4335 578 0.1(3)
a ∈ S, |S| = 15
D(5, 17) 10 a ∈ S, |S| = 2 578 4335 0.1(3)
x ∈ R, |R| = 15
AH(7, 7) 12 a ∈ S, |S| = 2 4802 16807 ≈ 0.286
AH(7, 7) 12 x ∈ R, |R| = 2 343 98 ≈ 0.286
D(5, 7) 10 x ∈ R, |R| = 2 343 98 ≈ 0.286
D(5, 7) 10 a ∈ S, |S| = 2 98 343 ≈ 0.286
D(4, 7) 8 x ∈ R, |R| = 2 98 343 ≈ 0.286
D(4, 7) 8 a ∈ S, |S| = 2 343 98 ≈ 0.286
4.6. Codes based on generalised polygons 111

Figure 4.12. Bit error rate for [343, 98] code (circle) based on AH(7, 7) and [343, 98]
code (square) based on D(5, 7), both with x ∈ {0, 1}

Figure 4.13. Bit error rate for [4335, 578] code (circle) based on AH(17, 17) and
[4335, 578] code (square) based on D(5, 17), both with x ∈ {0, 1} and a ∈ {0, 14}
112 4. On some LDPC codes corresponding to algebraic graphs

Figure 4.14. Bit error rate for [16807, 4802] code (square) with a ∈ {0, 1} and
chosen vertex [l] = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0] and [343, 98] code (circle) with x ∈ {0, 1} and
chosen vertex (p) = (0, 0, 0, 0, 0), both based on AH(7, 7)
Chapter 5
Directed graphs of high girth and
large diagram indicator

5.1. On directed graphs of binary relations . . . . . . . . . . 114

5.2. On the directed algebraic graphs over commutative rings 115
5.3. On the concept of dooble directed graphs for tactical
configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
5.4. Directed graphs of generalised polygons . . . . . . . . . 118
5.5. Construction of groups of cubical transformations from
special directed graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
114 5. Directed graphs of high girth and large diagram indicator

5.1. On directed graphs of binary relations

It is known that rooted tree is a directed graph. The concept of a tree

which allows consideration of simple and directed trees as members of one
class of graphs the reader can find in [127].
The missing theoretical definitions on directed graphs the reader can
find in [105]. Let Φ be an irreflexive binary relation over the set V , i.e.,
Φ ∈ V × V and for each v the pair (v, v) is not the element of Φ. We refer
to the graph of Φ as directed graph (shortly digraph).
We say that u is the neighbour of vertex v and write v → u if (v, u) ∈ Φ.
We use the term balanced binary relation graph for the graph Γ of irreflexive
binary relation φ over a finite set V such that for each v ∈ V the sets
{x|(x, v) ∈ φ} and {x|(v, x) ∈ φ} have the same cardinality. It is a directed
graph without loops and multiple edges. We say that a balanced graph Γ is
k-regular if for each vertex v ∈ Γ the cardinality of {x|(v, x) ∈ φ} is k.
Let Γ be the graph of binary relation. The path between vertices a and
b is the sequence a = x0 → x1 → · · · → xs = b of length s, where xi ,
i = 0, 1, . . . s are distinct vertices.
We say that the pair of paths a = x0 → x1 → · · · → xs = b, s ≥ 1 and
a = y0 → y1 → · · · → yt = b, t ≥ 1 form an (s, t)-commutative diagram Os,t
if xi 6= yj for 0 < i < s, 0 < j < t. Without loss of generality we assume
that s ≥ t.
We refer to the number max(s, t) as the rank of commutative diagram
Os,t . It is ≥ 2, because the graph does not contain multiple edges.
Notice that the graph of antireflexive binary relation may have a directed
cycle Os = Os,0 : v0 → v1 → · · · → vs−1 → v0 , where vi , i = 0, 1, . . . , s − 1,
s ≥ 2 are distinct vertices.
We will count directed cycles as commutative diagrams.
Let dirg(G) be a directed girth of the graph G, i.e., the minimal length
of a directed cycle in the graph.
For the investigation of commutative diagrams we introduce diagram
indicator of a directed graph Γ, denoted by Dind(Γ), which is the minimal
value for max(s, t) for parameters s, t of a commutative diagram Os,t , s+t ≥
3. The minimum is taken over all pairs of vertices (a, b) in the directed
graph. Notice that two vertices v and u at distance < Dind(Γ) are connected
by the unique path from u to v of length < Dind(Γ).
We assume that the girth g(Γ) of a directed graph Γ with the girth
indicator d + 1 is 2d + 1 if it contains a commutative diagram Od+1,d . If
there are no such diagrams we assume that g(Γ) is 2d + 2.
In case of a symmetric binary relation Dind(Γ) = d implies that the
girth of the graph is 2d or 2d − 1. It does not contain an even cycle 2d − 2.
In general case Dind(Γ) = d implies that g(Γ) ≥ d + 1. So in the case
5.2. On the directed algebraic graphs over commutative rings 115

of the family of graphs with unbounded girth indicator, the girth is also
unbounded. We also have

Dind(Γ) ≥ g(Γ)/2.

In the case of symmetric irreflexive relations the above mentioned general

definition of the girth agrees with the standard definition of the girth of
simple graph, i.e., the length of its minimal cycle.
We will use the term the family of directed graphs of large girth indicator
for the family of balanced directed regular graphs Γi of degree ki and order
vi such that
Dind(Γi ) ≥ c logki vi ,
where c is a constant independent of i.
As it follows from the definition g(Γi ) ≥ c′ logki (vi ) for an appropriate
constant c′ . So, it agrees with the well known definition for the case of
simple graphs.
The directed diameter of the strongly connected digraph Γ, denoted by
dirdim(Γ) is minimal number d such that every pair of vertices is connected
by a directed path of length at most d (see [105]). We denote directed path
of length d between two vertices a and b by a = x0 → x1 → x2 · · · → xd = b.
Recall that a digraph is k-regular, if each vertex of G has exactly k outputs.
Let F be the infinite family of ki regular directed graphs Γi of order vi ,
i = 1, 2, . . . . We say, that F is a family of small world directed graphs if

dirdiam(Γi ) ≤ C logki (vi ),

for some constant C independent on i.

The definition of small world simple graphs and related explicit con-
structions the reader can find in [11]. For the studies of small world simple
graphs without small cycles see [9], [178].

5.2. On the directed algebraic graphs over commutative


Let K be a commutative ring. A directed algebraic graph φ over K

consists of two things, such as the vertex set Q being a quasiprojective
variety over K of nonzero dimension and the edge set being a quasiprojective
variety φ in Q × Q. We assume that (xφy means (x, y) ∈ φ).
The graph φ is balanced if for each vertex v ∈ Q the sets
Im(v) = {x | vφx} and Out(v) = {x | xφv}
are quasiprojective varieties over K of the same dimension.
116 5. Directed graphs of high girth and large diagram indicator

The graph φ is homogeneous (or (r, s)-homogeneous) if for each vertex

v ∈ Q the sets
Im(v) = {x|vφx} and Out(v) = {x|xφv}
are quasiprojective varieties over K of fixed nonzero dimensions r and s,
In the case of balanced homogeneous algebraic graphs for which r = s
we will use the term r-homogeneous graph. Finally, regular algebraic graph
is a balanced homogeneous algebraic graph over the ring K if each pair of
vertices v1 and v2 is a pair of isomorphic algebraic varieties.
Let M (K) be the totality of nonzero ring elements from K, such that for
each x and y ∈ K the product xy is also an element of M (K). We refer to
M (K) as a multiplicative set. We assume that the M (K) contains at least 3
elements. We assume here that K is finite, thus the vertex set and the edge
set are finite and we get a usual finite directed graph.
We apply the term affine graph for the regular algebraic graph such that
its vertex set is an affine variety in Zarisski topology.
Let G be r-regular affine graph with the vertex V (G), such that Out v,
v ∈ V (G) is isomorphic to the variety R(K). Let the variety E(G) be its
arrow set (a binary relation in V (G) × V (G)). We use the standard term
perfect algebraic colouring of edges for the polynomial map ρ from E(G)
onto the set R(K) (the set of colours) if for each vertex v different output
arrows e1 ∈ Out(v) and e2 ∈ Out(v) have distinct colours ρ(e1 ) and ρ(e2 )
and the operator NG,α (v) of taking the neighbour u of vertex v ( v → u) is
a polynomial map of the variety V (G) into itself.
We will use the term rainbow-like colouring in the case when the perfect
algebraic colouring is a bijection.
Studies of infinite families of directed affine algebraic digraphs over com-
mutative rings K of large girth with the rainbow-like colouring is a nice and
a difficult mathematical problem. Good news is that such families do ex-
ist. In the next section we consider the example of such a family for each
commutative ring with more than 2 regular elements.

5.3. On the concept of dooble directed graphs for tactical


E. Moore used term tactical configuration of order (s, t) for biregular

bipartite simple graphs with bidegrees s + 1 and r + 1. It corresponds to the
incidence structure with the point set P , the line set L and the symmetric
incidence relation I. Its size can be computed as |P |(s + 1) or |L|(t + 1).
Let (P, L, I) be the incidence structure corresponding to regular tactical
configuration of order t. Let
5.3. On the concept of dooble directed graphs for tactical configuration 117

F1 = {(l, p)|l ∈ L, p ∈ P, lIp} and F2 = {[l, p]|l ∈ L, p ∈ P, lIp}

be two copies of the totality of flags for (P, L, I). Brackets and parenthesis
allow us to distinguish elements from F1 and F2 . Let DF(I) be the directed
graph (double directed flag graph) on the disjoint union of F1 with F2 defined
by the following rules
(l1 , p1 ) → [l2 , p2 ] if and only if p1 = p2 and l1 6= l2 ,
[l2 , p2 ] → (l1 , p1 ) if and only if l1 = l2 and p1 6= p2 .
We already consider the family of graphs D(n, K), where n > 5 is a posi-
tive integer and K is a commutative ring. Let DD(n, K) (DD(n, K)) be the
double directed graph of the bipartite graph D(n, K) (D(K), respectively).
Remember, that we have the arc e of kind
(l1 , p1 ) → [l2 , p2 ]
if and only if p1 = p2 and l1 6= l2 . Let us assume that the colour ρ(e) of the
1 − l2 .
arc e is l1,0 1,0
Recall, that we have the arc e′ of kind
[l2 , p2 ] → (l1 , p1 )
if and only if l1 = l2 and p1 6= p2 . Let us assume that the colour ρ(e′ ) of arc
e′ is p10,1 − p20,1 .
It is easy to see that ρ is a perfect algebraic colouring. If K is finite,
then the cardinality of the colour set is (|K| − 1).
Let M be the multiplicative set of the ring K. It means that x ∈ M
and y ∈ K imply xy ∈ K, and 0 does not belong to M . Let us delete all
arrows with colour, which is not an element M . We will show that a new
graph DD(n, M, K) (DD(M, K)) with the induced colouring into colours
from the alphabet M is vertex transitive. Really, according to theorem of
previous chapter graph D(n, K) is an edge transitive. This fact had been
established via the description of regular on the edge set subgroup UD (n, K)
of the automorphisms group Aut(D(n, K)). The vertex set for the graph
DD(n, K) consists of two copies F1 and F2 of the edge set for D(n, K).
If K is finite, then the cardinality of the colour set is |M |. We can
show that a new affine graph DD(n, M, K) with the induced colouring into
colours from the alphabet M (K) is vertex transitive (see previous chap-
ter). We can change graphd D(n, K) for graphs CD(n, K) consider double
directed graphs DCD(n, K) for CD(n, K). Let ψn be canonical homomor-
phism of graph D(n, K) onto CD(n, K), which send point (p01 , p11 , . . . ) and
line [l1,0 , l1,1 , . . . ] to the vectors without coordinates with indexes of kind
(i, i).
We may mark vertices of DCD(n, K) by colours from K − {0} of their
preimages for ψn , choose multiplicative subset M of commutative ring K and
delete all arrows of colours from K − M and obtain family DCD(n, M, K)
118 5. Directed graphs of high girth and large diagram indicator

Theorem 5.3.1. Let K be finite ring and M , |M | ≥ 2 be a multiplicative

set of K. Then families DD(n, M, K) and DCD(n, M, K) , n = 1, 2, . . . are
families of directed graphs of large girth indicator.
Let us consider the map δn of deleting components of points and lines of
D(n, K) with coordinates of kind (i, i) and (i, i + 1) . It is easy to see that
δn is a homomorphism of graph D(n, K) onto graph A(n, K). We assume
that colours of v ∈ V (D(n, K)) and δn (v) are the same. It is clear, that
the map δn induces homomorphism of DD(n, K) onto the double directed
graph DA(n, K) for the simple graph A(n, K). We will use the same symbol
δn for the induced homomorphism. Let us denote by DA(n, M, K) the
homomorphic image of DA(M, K) under the map δn .
Theorem 5.3.2. Let K be a finite commutative ring and M , |M | be the mul-
tiplicative subset, then graphs DCD(n, M, K) of DD(n, M, K) form families
of directed graphs of large girth. Well defined projective limits of this graphs
are infinite directed trees DCD(M, K).

5.4. Directed graphs of generalised polygons

Let F = {(p, l)|p ∈ P, l ∈ L, pIl} be the totality of flags for the tactical
configuration with partition sets P (point set) and L (line set) and incidence
relation I. We define the following irreflexive binary relation φ on the set
((l1 , p1 ), (l2 , p2 )) ∈ φ if and only if p1 Il2 , p1 6= p2 andl1 6= l2 .
Let F(I) be the binary relation graph corresponding to φ. The order of
F(I) is |P |(s + 1) (or |L|(t + 1) We refer to it as directed flag graph of I.
Lemma 5.4.1. Let (P, L, I) be a tactical configuration with bidegrees s + 1
and t + 1 of girth g ≥ 4k. Then the girth indicator of directed graph F(I)
with the output and input degree st is > k.
Proof. The absence of even cycles C2s , 2 < s < 2k − 2 in the graph I insure
the absence of commutative diagrams Or,s , 1 ≤ s ≤ r ≤ k in the directed
graph F(I).
Let (P, L, I) be the incidence structure corresponding to regular tactical
configuration of order t.
Let F1 = {(l, p)|l ∈ L, p ∈ P, lIp} and F2 = {[l, p]|l ∈ L, p ∈ P, lIp}
be two copies of the totality of flags for (P, L, I). Brackets and parenthesis
allow us to distinguish elements from F1 and F2 . Let DF(I) be the directed
graph (double directed flag graph) on the disjoint union of F1 with F2 defined
by the following rules
5.4. Directed graphs of generalised polygons 119

(l1 , p1 ) → [l2 , p2 ] if and only if p1 = p2 and l1 6= l2 ,

[l2 , p2 ] → (l1 , p1 ) if and only if l1 = l2 and p1 6= p2 .

Lemma 5.4.2. Let (P, L, I) be a regular tactical configuration of order s

with the girth g ≥ 2m. Then the girth indicator of double directed graph
DF(I) with the output and input degree s is > m.

Proof. The absence of even cycles C2s , 2 < s < m − 1 in the bipartite graph
I insure the absence of commutative diagrams Or,s , 1 ≤ s ≤ r ≤ m in the
double directed graph DF(I).

Generalized m-gons GPm (r, s) of order (r, s) were defined by J. Tits in

1959 (see [140], [141]and survey [139]) as tactical configurations of order
(s, t) of girth 2m and diameter m.
According to well known Feit-Higman theorem a finite generalized m-gon
of order (s, t) has m ∈ {3, 4, 6, 8, 12} unless s = t = 1.
The known examples of generalized m-gons of bidegrees ≥ 3 and m ∈
{3, 4, 6, 8} include rank 2 incidence graphs of finite simple groups of Lie type
(see [21]). The regular incidence structures are
(i) I1,1 (3, q) for m = 3 (groups A2 (q)),
(ii) I1,1 (4, q), m = 4 (groups B2 (q)),
(iii) I1,1 (6, q), m = 6 (group G2 (q)).
In all such cases s = t = q, where q is prime power.
The biregular but not regular generalized m-gons have parameters s = q α ,
t = q β , where q is a prime power. The list is below:
(i) I2,1 (4, q), s = q 2 , t = q, q is arbitrary large prime power for m = 4;
(ii) I3,2 (6, q), s = q 3 , t = q 2 , where q = 32k+1 , k > 1 for m = 6;
(iii) I2,1 (8, q), s = q 2 , t = q, q = 22k+1 for m = 8.
For each triple of parameters (m, s, t) listed above there is an edge transitive
generalized m-gon of order (s, t) related to certain finite rank 2 simple group
of Lie type. In the cases of m = 3 (projective planes) and m = 4 (gener-
alized quadrangles) some infinite families of graphs without edge transitive
automorphism group are known.
The following 2 lemmas can be obtained immediately from the axioms
of generalized polygon.

Lemma 5.4.3. Let (P, L, I) be the generalized 2k-gon of order (r, s). Then
|P | = (rt st + rt+1 st ),
|L| = (st rt + st+1 rs ).
120 5. Directed graphs of high girth and large diagram indicator

Lemma 5.4.4. Let (P, L, I) be regular generalized m-gon of degree q + 1.

|P | = |L| = 1 + q + · · · + q m−1 .
Corollary 5.4.5. For each m = 3, 4, 6 and prime p the family Fm (q),
q = pn , n = 1, . . . of edge transitive polygons is an algebraic family over
Fp of cages of girth 2m of degree q + 1 with the order on the Tutte’s lower
Let (P, L, I) be generalized m-gon of order (s, t), s ≥ 2, t ≥ 2 and
e = {p, l}, (p ∈ P , l ∈ L, pIl) be chosen edge of this simple graph.
Let Se = Sche (I) be the restriction of incidence relation I onto P ′ ∪ L′
where P ′ (L′ ) is the totality of points (lines) at maximal distance from p
(l, respectively). It can be shown that (P ′ , L′ , Se ) is a tactical configuration
of degree (s − 1, t − 1). Let us refer to (P ′ , L′ , Se ) as Schubert graph. If
the generalized polygon is edge-transitive its Schubert graph is unique up
to isomorphism. In this case Schubert graph corresponds to the restriction
of incidence relation onto the union of two of the largest ”large Schubert
cells”, i.e. orbits of standard Borel subgroups of the highest dimension.
The following statement immediately follows from the definitions of
graphs Sm (q).
Proposition 5.4.6. For each Sm (p) m = 3, 4, 6 and prime p the family
of Schubert graphs Sm (p) of regular generalized m-gons Fm (q) is algebraic
over Fp family of asymptotical cages of even girth with the order 2q m−1 and
degree q.
The extremal properties of finite generalized polygons, their Schubert
graphs and some of their induced subgraphs have been considered in [167].
Remark 5.4.7. The girth of Sm (q) is 2m for ”sufficiently large” parameter
Let (P, L, I) be a regular tactical configuration of order (t, t). The double
configuration I ′ = DT (I) is the incidence graph of the following incidence
structure (P ′ , L′ , I ′ ) : P ′ = F(I) = {(p, l)|p ∈ P, l ∈ L, pIl}, L′ = P ∪ L,
f = (p, l)Ix, x ∈ L′ if p = x or l = x. It is clear that the order of tactical
configuration I ′ is (1, t).
If (P, L, I) is a generalized m-gon, then (P ′ , L′ , I ′ ) is a generalized 2m-gon.
Proposition 5.4.8.

(i) If the girth of regular tactical configuration (P, L, I) of degree s + 1

is 2t, then the girth of DT (I) is 4t. The order of DT (I) is (s, 1).
(ii) Let (P, L, I) be regular generalized m-gon, then DT (I) is generalized
5.4. Directed graphs of generalised polygons 121

Proof. It is clear that cycle Cl of length 2l in the simple graph DT (I)

corresponds to the cycle Cl of original tactical configuration. Notice that
bipartite graphs does not contain odd cycles. So equality g(I) = 2t implies
g(DT (I)) = 4t.
Let I be generalised m-gon. Then the girth and diameter of m-gon are
g(I) = 2m and d(I) = m respectively. As it follows from the definition the
diameter of DT (I) is twice large than d(I). So the girth and diameter of
DT (I) are 4m and 2m, respectively.

Corollary 5.4.9. The configurations DT (I) = I 2 (m, q) for known regular

m-gons, m = 3, 4, 6 of degree q + 1, q is a prime power, are generalized
2m-gons of order (1, q).
Theorem 5.4.10. (i) Let Is,t (m, q), m ≥ 4 be the incidence relation of
one of the known edge transitive m-gons defined over the field Fq , q = pn ,
where p is a prime number. Then for each tuple (m, s, t, p) the family of
directed flag-graphs F n = F n (m, s, t, p), n = 1, . . . for generalized m-gon
of order (q s , q t ) is an algebraic over Fp family of asymptotic cages of odd
girth. The girth indicator of each graph from the family is m/2 + 1 and
the girth is m + 1 (5, 7, 9).
(ii) Let Ss,t (m, q), m ≥ 4 be the Schubert graph of the incidence rela-
tion Is.t (m, q) of one of the known edge transitive m-gons defined over
the field Fq , q = pn , where p is a prime number. Then for each tuple
(m, s, t, p) the family of directed flag-graphs SF n (m, s, t, p) for Ss.t (m, q)
is an algebraic family of asymptotic cages of odd girth defined over Fp .
The girth indicator of graph from the family is m/2 + 1 and the girth is
m + 1 if parameter q is sufficiently large.
(iii) Let I1,1 (m, q) be the incidence relation of one of the known edge
transitive regular m-gons defined over the field Fq , q = pn , where p
is a prime number. Then for each pair (m, p) the family DF (m, p) of
double flag graphs DF (m, i) = DF (I1,1 (m, pi )), i = 1, . . . is an algebraic
over family of directed asymptotic cages of even girth defined over Fp .
The girth indicator of each DF (m, i) is m + 1 and the girth is 2m + 2
(possible values are (8, 10.14)). Double flag graphs of Schubert subgraphs
for I1,1 (m, pn ), n = 1, . . . form the family of asymptotical directed cages
as well.
(iv) Let I 2 (m, q), m ≥ 3 be the incidence relation of double tactical con-
figuration of regular generalized m-gon defined over Fq , q = pn , where
p is a prime. Then for each pair (m, p) the family F (m, p) of directed
flag-graphs F n (m, p) of I 2 (m, pn ) , n = 1, . . . is an algebraic family of
directed graphs of large girth over Fp . The girth indicator of each graph
is m + 1 and girth is 2m + 1 (possible values are 7, 9, 13).
122 5. Directed graphs of high girth and large diagram indicator

Proof. As it follows from lemma 11 the girth indicator of each directed graph
F n is > m/2. The existence of cycles C2m in the corresponding generalised
m-gon leads to the existence of commutative diagrams Om/2+1,m . So the
girth indicator of each graph is m/2 + 1 and the girth is 2(m/2) + 1.
The order of each directed graph F n coinsides with the cardinality of
the flag set of the correspondent generalised m-gon or its size and can be
given by polynomial expession f (q) in single variable q (see lemmas 13 and
14 for the close formulae for the order ). The degree of the balanced graph
F n is q s+t . The highest term for the polynomial F (q) is q (s+t)m/2 .
So for each prime p the family F n is the family of asymptotical cages of
odd girth and we proved statement (i) of the theorem.
The Schubert subgraphs SF n is the induced subgraps of F n . So for
the the girth indicator and the girth of the Schubert subgraph we have
Dind(SF n ) ≥ Dind(F n ) ≥ m/2 + 1 and g(SF n ) ≥ g(F n ) ≥ m + 1.
Notice that the order of SF n is exactly q (s+t)m/2 . The assumption that
Dind(SF n ) > Dind(F n ) ≥ m/2 + 1 for sufficiently large q contrudict to
previously proven statement (i) (or established upper bound for directed
cages). So graphs (SF n ), n = 1, . . . form the family of asymptotical cages
and we proved (ii).
The graphs DF (m, i). i = 1, . . . are graphs of order 2f (q) where f (q) is
the order of corresponding directed flag graph F i . As it follows from lemma
12 the girth indicator of each double directed graph DF (m, i) is > m. The
bipartite structure of the graph corresponding to the partition which formed
by 2 copies of F (I) insures the absence of commutative diagrams Om+1,m
The existence of cycles C2m in the corresponding generalised m-gon leads to
the existence of commutative diagrams Om+1,m+1 . So the girth indicator of
each graph is m+1 and the girth is 2m+2. The highest term of polyniomial
expression 2f (q) is 2q m . So the graphs form the family of asymptotical
directed cages. Double flag graphs of Schubert subgraphs for I1.1 (m, pn ),
n = 1, . . . have order 2q m , q = pn . So if n is sufficiently the girth indicator
and girth of such graph is m + 1 and 2m + 2, respectively. Thus we show
that they form the family of asymptotical cages as well. So we proved point
Acording to proposition 17 the double tactical configuration I 2 (m, q),
q = pn , p is prime is generalised 2m-gon. Similarly to part (i) of the proof
we can show that the girth indicator of directed flag graph of I 2 (m, q) is
m + 1 and its girth is 2m + 1 (7, 9, 13). The order v = v n (m, p) of the graph
F n (m, p) can be computed as the size of generalised 2m-gon of order (q, 1).
It is polynomial expression in variable q of degree m. So these graphs form
the family of graphs of large girth.
5.5. Construction of groups of cubical transformations from special directed
graphs 123

5.5. Construction of groups of cubical transformations from

special directed graphs
Let K be a commutative ring,Kn is n-dimensional module.
Cremona group C(Kn ) is a totality of all bijective polynomial maps
f of Kn onto itself such that the inverse map f −1 is also a polynomial
transformation, We introduce infinite-dimensional Cremona group denoted
by C(K∞ as natural projective limit C(Kn ), where n is going to infinity .
Let us consider double directed graph DD(n, K) for the bipartite graph
D(n, K) and infinite double directed flag graph DD(K) for D(K) defined
over the commutative ring K.
Let NDD,α,β,n+1 (v) (NDD,α,β (v)), be the operator of taking the neighbor
alongside the output arrows of colours α, β ∈ K − {0} of vertex v ∈ F1 ∪ F2
in graph DD(n, K) (DD(K)),respectively, by the following rule
(i) if v = h(p), [l]i ∈ F1 then

NDD,α,β,n (v) = v ′ = [[l], (p′ )] ∈ F2 (NDD,α,β (v) = v ′ = [[l], (p′ )] ∈ F2 ),

where the colour of v ′ is α = p′1,0 − p1,0 .

(ii) if v = [[l], (p)] ∈ F2 then

NDD,α,β,n+1 (v) = v ′ = (p), [l′ ] ∈ F1 (NDD,α,β (v) = v ′ = (p), [l′ ] ∈ F1 ),

where the colour of v ′ is β = l1,0

′ −l .
Let us consider the elements

ZDD,α,β,n+1 = NDD,α,0,n+1 NDD,0,β,n+1 (ZDD,α,β = NDD,α,0 NDD,0,β ).

It moves v ∈ F1 into v ′ ∈ F1 at distance two from v and fixes each u ∈ F2 .

Notice that ZDD,α,β,n+1 ZDD,−α,−β,n+1 (ZDD,α,β ZDD,−α,−β ) is an identity
We consider the group GDD (n, K) (GDD (K)), generated by all transfor-
mations ZDD,α,β,n+1 (ZDD,α,β ) for nonzero α, β ∈ K acting on the variety
F1 = Kn+1 (K∞ ), respectively.
Theorem 5.5.1. Each element subgroups GDD (n, K) of Cremona group
C(Kn+1 ) is a cubical multivariable map from Kn+1 to Kn+1 .
Proof. In the first step we connect point with line to get two sets of vertices
of new graph:
F = {h(p), [l]i | (p)I[l]} ∼
= Kn+1
F = {{[l], (p)} | [l]I(p)} ∼

= Kn+1 .
Now we define the following relation between vertices of the new graph:
′ ′ ′ ′
h(p), [l]iR{[l ], (p )} ⇔ [l] = [l ] & p1 − p1 ∈ K
124 5. Directed graphs of high girth and large diagram indicator

′ ′ ′ ′
{[l ], (p )}Rh(p), [l]i ⇔ (p ) = (p) & l1 − l1 ∈ K
Our key will be α1 , α2 , . . . , αn , such that αi ∈ RegK.
As a first vertex we take

{[l], (p)} = (l1 , l1,1 , l1,2 , . . . , li,j , p1 )

(our variables) . Using the above relation we get get next vertex:
(1) (1)
h(p)(1) , [l](2) i = (p1 , p1,1 , . . . , pi,j , l1 + α1 )

with coefficients of degree 2 or 3, where

p1,1 = l1,1 − l1 p1 , deg = 2
p1,2 = l1,2 − l1,1 p1 deg = 2
p2,1 = l2,1 − l1 (l1,1 − l1 p1 ) deg =3
′ (1) ′
pi,i = li,i − p1 li,i−1 deg = 2
pi,i+1 = li,i+1 − p1 li,i deg = 2
pi,i = li,i − l1 (li−1,i − p1 li−1,i−1 ) deg = 3
(1) ′
pi+1,i = li+1,i − l1 (li,i − p1 li,i−1 ) deg = 3

Similarly we get third vertex:

{[l](2) , (p)(3) } = (l1 + α1 , l1,1 , . . . , li,j , p1 + α2 )

also with coefficients of degree 2 or 3, where
l1,1 = l1,1 − l1 p1 , deg = 2
l1,2 = l1,2 − l1,1 p1 deg = 2
l2,1 = l2,1 − l1 (l1,1 − l1 p1 ) deg = 2
(2) (1)
li,i = li,i + α1 pi−1,i deg = 2
(2) ′ (1)
li+1,i = li+1,i + α1 pi,i deg = 2
′ (2) ′ ′ (1)
li,i = li,i + α1 p1 pi−1,i−1 deg = 3
(2) (1)
li,i+1 = li,i+1 + α1 p1 pi−1,i deg = 3

Let us represent:
(2k−1) (2k−3)
p1 = p1 + α2 + α4 + . . . + α(2k−2) = p1 + α(2k−2)
(2k) (2k−2)
l1 = l1 + α1 + α3 + . . . + α(2k−1) = l1 + α(2k−1)
Assume that the following vertices:
(2k−1) (2k−1) (2k−1) (2k)
h(p)(2k−1) , [l](2k) i = (p1 , p1,1 , . . . , pi,j , l1 )
5.5. Construction of groups of cubical transformations from special directed
graphs 125

(2k) (2k) (2k) (2k+1)

{[l](2k) , (p)(2k+1) } = (l1 , l1,1 , . . . , li,j , p1 )
have degrees:
(2k−1) 2, (i, j) = (i, i) or (i, j) = (i, i + 1),
deg pi,j (l1 , l2 , . . . , lk , p1 ) =
3, (i, j) = (i, i) or (i, j) = (i + 1, i)

(2k) 3, (i, j) = (i, i) or (i, j) = (i, i + 1),
deg li,j (l1 , l2 , . . . , lk , p1 ) =
2, (i, j) = (i, i) or (i, j) = (i + 1, i)

Now we would like to find out degrees of polynomials of the vertices

h(p)(2k+1) , [l](2k+2) i and {[l](2k+2) , (p)(2k+3) }.
We have the components of the vertices with corresponding degrees: :
′ (2k+1) ′ (2k−1) (2k)
pi,i = pi,i − α2k li,i−1 deg = 2
(2k+1) (2k−1) (2k)
pi,i+1 = pi,i+1 − α2k li,i deg = 2
(2k+1) (2k−1) (2k)
pi,i = pi,i + α2k l1 li−1,i−1 )(2k) deg = 3
(2k+1) (2k−1) (2k) (2k)
pi+1,i = pi+1,i + α2k l1 li,i−1 deg =3

(2k+2) (2k) (2k+1)
li,i = li,i + α2k+1 pi−1,i deg = 2
(2+2) (2k) ′ (2k+1)
li+1,i = li+1,i + α2k+1 pi,i deg = 2
′ (2+2) ′ (2k) (2k+1) ′ (2k+1)
li,i = li,i + α2k+1 p1 pi−1,i−1 deg = 3
(2+2) (2k) (2k+1) (2k+1)
li,i+1 = li,i+1 + α2k+1 p1 pi−1,i deg = 3
Hence using the induction we got:
(2k+1) 2, (i, j) = (i, i) or (i, j) = (i, i + 1),
deg pi,j (l1 , l2 , . . . , lk , p1 ) =
3, (i, j) = (i, i) or (i, j) = (i + 1, i)

(2k+2) 3, (i, j) = (i, i) or (i, j) = (i, i + 1),
deg li,j (l1 , l2 , . . . , lk , p1 ) =
2, (i, j) = (i, i) or (i, j) = (i + 1, i)

Remark 5.5.2. We may change the group GDD (n, K) for its conjugation
τ −1 GDD (n, K)τ , where τ is an affine invertible transformation of Kn+1 .
Let α1 , α2 , . . . , α2m is a string of nonzero ring elements. We define the
map FDD,α1 ,α2 ,...,α2m ,n+1 as the composition of transformations ZDD,α1 ,α2 ,n+1 ,
ZDD,α3 ,α4 ,n+1 , . . . , ZDD,α2m−1 ,α2m ,n+1 acting on the free module Kn+1 . Sym-
bol FDD,α1 ,α2 ,...,α2m as the composition of transformations ZDD,α1 ,α2 , ZDD,α3 ,α4 ,
. . . , ZDD,α2m−1 ,α2m from the group GDD (K).
126 5. Directed graphs of high girth and large diagram indicator

We refer to sequence α1 , α2 , . . . , α2m as multipicative string if product

d = α1 α2 . . . α2m is nonzero ring element.
We will use term irreversible string if d is antinilpotent ring element, i.
e. dx 6= 0 for each positive integer x.
Theorem 5.5.3. (i) Let α1 , α2 , . . . , α2m is irreversible string then the
order of FDD,α1 ,α2 ,...,α2m is infinity.
(ii) Let 2m < n + 5, then transformation FDD,α1 ,α2 ,...,α2m ,n+1 correspond-
ing to multiplicative string α1 , α2 , . . . , α2m does not have fixed points on
Kn+1 .
(iii) Let 4m < n + 5 and α1 , α2 , . . . , α2m is multiplicative string, then for
each x ∈ Kn+1 the inequality

FDD,α1 ,α2 ,...,α2m ,n+1 (x) 6= FDD,β1 ,β2 ,...,β2m ,n+1 (x)

holds for each string β1 , β2 , . . . , β2m from (K − {0})2m .

Remark 5.5.4. Properties (i)- (iii) formulated in previous statements hold
for the conjugates
H −1 FDD,α1 ,α2 ,...,α2m H, H ∈ C(K∞ )
Hn+1 FDD,α1 ,α2 ,...,α2m ,n+1 Hn+1 , Hn+1 ∈ C(Kn+1 ),
of transformations FDD,α1 ,α2 ,...,α2m and FDD,α1 ,α2 ,...,α2m ,n+1 , respectively.
Chapter 6
On multivariate cryptography,
algebraic groups and graphs

6.1. Some historical remarks on multivariate cryptography . 128

6.2. On multivariate cryptography over commutative rings . 129
6.3. On the discrete logarithm problem in Cremona group . 130
6.4. On the idea of key exchange with a subgroups of
Cremona group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
6.5. On the projective limits of stable subgroups and
corresponding multivariate cryptosystems . . . . . . . . 133
6.6. On constructive examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
6.7. On Multivariate Cryptography with stable groups and
Extremal Graph Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
6.8. On the minimal graphs of given degree and girth . . . . 139
128 6. On multivariate cryptography, algebraic groups and graphs

6.1. Some historical remarks on multivariate cryptography

Multivariate cryptography in the narrow sense is the generic term for

asymmetric cryptographic primitives based on multivariate polynomials over
finite fields. In certain cases these polynomials could be defined over both a
ground and an extension field. If the polynomials have the degree two, we
talk about multivariate quadratics. Solving systems of multivariate poly-
nomial equations is proven to be N P -Hard or N P -Complete. That is why
these schemes are often considered to be good candidates for post-quantum
cryptography, once quantum computers can break the current schemes based
on difficult problems of Number Theory.
We are given a shorter version of historical survey given in [113]. Multi-
variate cryptography is quite popular nowadays because it can be a possible
option applicable to both conventional and quantum computers (see [35]).
In multivariate cryptography the public key cryptosystems are based on
the problem of solving system of nonlinear equations which complexity we
discuss above. Imai and Matsumoto (1988, see [96]) have been proposed,
the first cryptosystem (MIC) based on the map from Cremona group over
the finite field of characteristic 2. The MIC* cryptosystem was based on the
idea of hiding a monomial x2 + 1 by left and right shifts by two invertible
affine transformations (see [75]). This cryptosystem was rather efficient for
implementations. Unfortunately this cryptosystem was broken by Patarin
(see [124], 1995). Next year [108] J. Patarin proposed a generalization of
MIC cryptosystem called HFE. In attempt to improve security level of HFE
the proposed secret key computation was more sophisticated in comparison
with MIC cryptosystem. Unfortunately the efficient cryptanalisis for the
primitive instance of HFE was broken in 1999 (see [68]). The attack uses
a simple fact that every homogeneous quadratic multivariate polynomial
has a matrix representation. Using this representation a highly over defined
system of equations can be obtained which can be solved by a new technique
called relinearization [68]. Other efficient attacks on the HFE scheme can be
found in [26], [41], [28]. J. Patarin [109] investigated whether it is possible
to repair MIC with the same kind of easy secret key computations. He de-
signed some cryptosystems known as Dragons with multivariate polynomials
of total degree 3 or 4 in public key (instead of 2) with enhanced security and
with efficiency comparable to MIC. In Dragon cryptosystems the public key
was of mixed type of total degree 3 which is quadratic in plaintext variables
and linear in ciphertext variables. However Patarin found [109] that Dragon
scheme with one hidden monomial is insecure. A public key scheme based
on the composition of tame transformation methods (TTM) was proposed in
1999 (see [97]). Next year this scheme has been broken (see [27], where the
cryptanalysis is reduced to an instance of the Min-Rank problem that can
6.2. On multivariate cryptography over commutative rings 129

be solved within a reasonable time. In 2004 Ding [34] proposed a perturbed

variant of MIC* cryptosystem called PMI. The PMI system attempts to
increase the complexity of the secret key computations in order to increase
security, using a system of r arbitrary quadratic equations over Fq with the
assumption that r << n, where n is the bitsize. The PMI Cryptosystem
was broken by Fouque, Granboulan and Stern [42]. The trick of the attack
on PMI is to use differential cryptanalysis to reduce the PMI system to
the MIC* system. A cryptosystem called Medium Field Equation [86] was
proposed in 2006 but it also was broken one year later of appearance (Ding,
[36] using high order linearization equation attack.
Despite mention above sequence of unsuccessful attempts to construct
secure and efficient multivariable cryptosystems public key development
based on symbolic computation became a popular area of research [35].
Rather informative introduction to hidden monomial cryptosystems can be
found in reference [75]. An example of cryptosystem which are still under
the investigation of cryptoanalitics is given in [113].

6.2. On multivariate cryptography over commutative rings

We define multivariable cryptography as studies of cryptosystems based

on special regular automorphism f of algebraic variety Mn (K) of dimension
n in a sense of Zarisski topology over finite commutative ring K. An example
of algebraic variety is a free module Kn which is simply a Cartesian product
of n copies of Kn into iself. Regular automorphism is a bijective polynomial
map of Mn (K) onto itself such that f −1 is also a polynomial map.
Elements of Kn can be identified with strings (x1 , x2 , . . . , xn ) in alphabet
K, nonlinear map f of restricted degree d can be used as a public rule if the
key holder (Alice) knows the secret decomposition of f into composition
of special maps f1 , f2 , . . . , fs with known inverse maps fi −1 . So she can
decrypt by consecutive application of fs −1 , fs−1 , . . . , f1 −1 . Of course Kn can
be changed for the family of varieties Mn (K), n = 1, 2, . . . , the commutative
ring can be treated as an alphabet, element v ∈ Mn (K) as a ”potentially
infinite” plaintext, parameter n (dimension) as a measurement of size of v.
The complexity of the best general algorithms for the solution of non-
linear system of equation of kind f (x) = y, x, y ∈ Kn equals d0(n) (see
recent paper [20]). One can use Gröbner basis, Gauss elimination method
or alternative options for the investigation of the system. Of course, one can
write simple nonlinear equations which are easy to solve. So the system of
nonlinear equations has to be tested on ”pseudorandomness” and the map
f has to be of large order. Notice, that one of the first attempts to create
workable multivariate cryptosystem was proposed by Imai and Matsumoto.
130 6. On multivariate cryptography, algebraic groups and graphs

They used finite field of characteristic 2 and its extension, f has a decom-
position f1 f2 f3 , where f1 and f2 are affine maps (of degree 1) and f2 is a
Frobenius automorphism. Cryptanalysis for the scheme the reader can find
in [76]. We have to notice that the failure of this cryptosystem is not a
surprise for specialists in algebra. Despite its formal quadratic appearance
Frobenius automorphism is quite close to linear maps (in his famous book
[31] J. Dieudonne uses term 3/2 linear map for such automorphism). One
of the new directions in multivariate cryptography is the use of tools out-
side commutative algebra such as dynamical systems or algebraic automata
theory for the creation of nonlinear maps of pseudorandom nature.
The goal of the chapter is a discussion of new cryptosystems in the area of
Multivariate Cryptography, which have some potential to be used in the era
of Postquantum Informatics. The Quantum Computer is a special random
computational machine. The cryptographical algorithm have to produce
a ciphertext which is ”a seeming chaos”. So The Theory of Continuous
Dynamical Chaos and its discrete approximation can be used in multivariate

6.3. On the discrete logarithm problem in Cremona group

Group theoretical discrete logarithm problem (DLP is a generalisation of

classical DLP known in a Number Theory used in a well known Diffe-Hellman
protocol ([32], [74]), ElGamal method and other cryptosystems (see [75]).
In the case of subgroups of Cremona group DLP is closely connected to
the following classical difficult mathematical problems:
(1) solving the system of nonlinear polynomial equations over finite fields
and rings
(2) problem of finding the inverse map of bijective polynomial multivariable
Any finite abstract group can be considered as a subgroup of certain
Cremona group. It means that complexity of DLP depends heavily on the
choice of a base. Generation of a good ”pseudorandom” base guarantees
the high complexity of (1) and (2) and security of related proposed crypto-
graphical security tools.
Let us discuss the known results on the oldest classical problem (1) of
investigation of the system of nonlinear equations

g(x) = b.

This problem is investigated for centuries and modern research on this

topic is very interesting but in principal the complexity of the best known
6.3. On the discrete logarithm problem in Cremona group 131

algorithm is practically same with those given by the famous Gauss elimina-
tion method. If the degree of g is d then the best known general algorithm
has complexity dO(n ) . In the case of some special restrictions on g solution
can be found for dO(n) . It is clear, that if g −1 is known, then x = g −1 b. So
the problem (2) of finding the inverse map of bijective polynomial multivari-
able map is more sophisticated. In fact it is much harder algebraic problem
in comparison with the solving of non linear equation. Traditionally spe-
cialists use dO(n) as a lower bound for the complexity of both problems.
The efficient general algorithm of finding g −1 is known only in the case
when g is linear map. There is an amassing gap between linearity and
nonlinearity, which can be used to guarantee the security of cryptographical
tools. Of course specialists have to use g which is close to pseudorandom
The old problem DLP for the group F∗p , where prime p is ”sufficienly
large”, has been used in a well known Diffie-Hellman algorithms for the
key exchange and several public-key cryptosystems, including the ElGamal
system and DSS. Recall that multiplicative group F∗p is isomorphic to ad-
ditive group Zp−1 , for which DLP is equivalent to the finding the solution
of linear equation. This fact demonstrates that group theoretical DLP, in
fact, depends not only on chosen abstract finite group, but also on the ways
of its representations. Both groups F∗p and Zp−1 are isomorphic subgroups
of symmetric group Sp of order p!. They are isomorphic but not similar
(groups are not conjugated by some permutation from Sp ). So they are
distinct transformation groups.
DLP problem can be considered formally for any finite transformation
group. In fact even the case of group Z∗n , where n is a composite num-
ber, is not investigated properly. We can consider the following natural
generalisations of DLP for F∗p .
It is well known that each permutation from Sp can be written in the
form of polynomial transformation x → f (x). We can identify F∗p with
totality of maps x → ax of degree 1, where a 6= 0.
The simplest generalisation DLP can be obtained by the change of the
pair F∗p , Sp on the pair of groups GLn (Fp ) (general linear group over Fp ) and
symmetric group Spn . Recall that GLn (Fp ) consists of all bijective linear
transformations x → xA of the vector space Fnp , where A is non singular
quadratic matrix with entries from Fp . Notice, that each permutation from
Spn can be written in the form x → F (x), where F is a bijective polynomial
map from the vector space Fnp onto itself. Similarly to the case n = 1 we
can identify GLn (Fp ) with totality of invertible polynomial maps x → xA of
degree 1. It is clear that GL1 (Fp ) = F∗p and we have natural generalisation
of classical DLP.
The natural second step of generalisation DLP is the change of the field
132 6. On multivariate cryptography, algebraic groups and graphs

Fp on the general finite commutative ring K, vector space Fnp onto free
module Kn , symmetric group Spn onto Cremona group C(Kn ) of all bijective
polynomial maps F of Kn onto Kn such that the inverse map F −1 is also a
polynomial one.
The DLP problem for the cyclic group generated by nonlinear transfor-
mation g of order t from Cremona group C(Kn ), i.e. problem of solving
g k = h is more difficult than the problem of finding h−1 . If x is known
together with t, then our equation can be written in the form g t−k = h−1
and we are computing the inverse map for b, last computation generally
requires dO(n ) operations, where d is the degree of polynomial map g.
Cremona group C(Kn ) is an important object of algebraic geometry.
There are many open questions connected with cryptographical aspects
about this group. For instance, let AGLn (K) be the totality of all invertible
affine maps of Kn onto itself, i.e. maps x → xA + b, where x and b are
row vectors from V and A is invertible square matrix with entries from K.
Describe subgroups X of C(Kn ) containing AGLn (K) as a subgroup. This
problem is still open.
In the next section we consider new problem of construction families of
polynomial maps g = gn ∈ C(Kn ) of large order (order of gn is going to
infinity with the growth of n) and small degree (bounded by small constant)
for all powers g k of g (iteration of g with itself). Such maps can be used as
bases for DLP.

6.4. On the idea of key exchange with a subgroups of

Cremona group
We can choose the base of Kn and write each transformation g ∈ C(Kn )
as a ”public rule” in this base:

x1 → g1 (x1 , x2 , . . . , xn ),
x2 → g2 (x1 , x2 , . . . , xn ),
xn → gn (x1 , x2 , . . . , xn ).

Let g k ∈ C(Kn ) be the new public rule obtained via iteration of g.

We consider Diffie-Hellman algorithm for the key exchange in the case
of group C(Kn ). Correspondents Alice and Bob establish g ∈ Spn via open
communication channel, they choose positive integers nA and nB , respec-
tively. They exchange public rules hA = g nA and hB = g nB via open
channel. Finally, Alice and Bob compute common transformation T as hnBA
and hnAB , respectively.
6.5. On the projective limits of stable subgroups and corresponding multivariate
cryptosystems 133

In practice they can establish common vector v = (v1 , v2 , . . . , vn ), vi ∈ K

via open channel and use the collision vector T (v) as a password for their
private key encryption algorithm. Other option is usage of ordered array of
the coefficients of collision map. In the case of DLP with ”pseudorandom”
family gn of growing order we can use the term hidden symbolic discrete
logarithm problem, word hidden is used because the order t of cyclic group
usually is impossible to compute for the adversary.
This scheme of ”symbolic Diffie - Hellman algorithm” can be secure, if
the order of g is ”sufficiently large” and adversary is not able to compute
number nA (or nB ) as functions from degrees for g and hA . Obvious bad
example is the following: g sends xi into xi t for each i. In this case nA is
just a ratio of deghA and degg.
To avoid such trouble one can look at family of subgroups Gn of C(Kn ),
n → ∞ such that maximal degree of its elements equal c, where c is small
independent constant (groups of degree c or groups of stable degree). This
chapter is devoted to some explicit constructions of such families.
We refer to a sequence of elements gn ∈ Gn such that all its nonidentical
powers are of degree c as element of stable degree. This is equivalent to
stability of families of cyclic groups generated by gn . Of course, cyclic
groups are important for the Diffie-Hellman type protocols.
It is clear that affine groups AGLn (K) of all invertible affine transfor-
mations, n → ∞ form a family of subgroups of stable degree for c = 1 and
all nonidentical affine transformations are of stable degree. Notice that if
g is a linear diagonalisable element of AGLn (Fp ), then discrete logarithm
problem for base g is equivalent to the classical number theoretical problem.
Obviously, in this case we are loosing the flavor of symbolic computations
and multivariate cryptography.
One can take a subgroup H of AGLn (K) and consider its conjugation
with nonlinear bijective polynomial map f . Of course the group

H ′ = f −1 Hf

will be also a stable group, but for ”most pairs” f and H group H ′ will be
of degree degf × degf −1 ≥ 4 because of nonlinearity f and f −1 .
So the problem of construction an infinite families of subgroups Gn in
C(Kn ) of degree 2 and 3 may attract special attention.

6.5. On the projective limits of stable subgroups and

corresponding multivariate cryptosystems
General problem of construction an infinite families of stable subgroups
Gn of C(Kn ) of degree c satisfying some additional conditions (unbounded
134 6. On multivariate cryptography, algebraic groups and graphs

growth of order of ”pseudo random” nonidentical group elements, existence

of well defined projective limit, etc) can be also interesting because of pos-
sible applications in cryptography.
Notice, that even we conjugate nonlinear map F with invertible linear
transformation τ ∈ AGLn (K), some of important cryptographical parame-
ters of F and F ′ = τ −1 F τ can be different. Of course conjugate generators
F and F ′ have the same number of fixed points, same cyclic structure as
permutations, but counting of equal coordinates for pairs (x, F (x)) and
(x, F ′ (x)) may bring very different results.
So two conjugate families of stable degree are not quite equivalent be-
cause corresponding cryptoanalytical problems may have different complex-
Let Gn = Gn (K), n ≥ 3, n → ∞ be a sequence of subgroups of C(Kn ).
We say that Gn is a family of groups of stable degree (or subgroup of degree
c) if the maximal degree of representative g ∈ Gn is some independent
constant c. Recall, that cases of degree 2 and 3 are especially important.
Now, let us assume that there is a well defined projective limit G of
Gn , n → ∞ and G is the group of infinite order, it contains elements
of infinite order. In case of finite commutative ring we assume that G is
finitely generated group with the set of generaters S = {g1 , g2 , . . . , gr }. We
assume that Gn = hg1,n , g2,n , . . . , gr,n i and gi is a natural limit of gi,n when
number of variables n growth to infinity.
We will refer to sequence i1 , i2 , . . . is as irreversible string if the order of
gi1 gi2 . . . gis is infinity and use the following multivariate cryptosystem.
Private-key algorithms.
We assume that two users Alice and Bob share a common password for the
simple graph based encryption which is the irreversible string i1 , i2 , . . . is ,
and two affine transformations τ1 , τ2 from the affine group AGL(n, K)
Then, they encrypt the plaintext m and obtain ciphertext c as follows:

c = τ1 Fn τ2 (m)

where Fn = Fi1 ,i2 ,...,is ,n = gi1 ,n gi2 ,n . . . gis ,n . Decryption process is as follows:

m = τ2−1 Fn−1 τ1−1 (c),

Fn−1 = gi−1 g −1 . . . gi−1
s ,n is−1 ,n 1 ,n

Public-key algorithm
We assume that password as a string i1 , i2 , . . . , is . Alice pick up parameter n.
6.5. On the projective limits of stable subgroups and corresponding multivariate
cryptosystems 135

She takes invertible affine transformations τ1 , τ2 of the free module Kn also,

She stores this secret information in secure way and computes the element

Fn = Fi1 ,i2 ,...,ik ,n = gi1 ,n gi2 ,n . . . gis ,n

and the map

fA = τ1 Fn τ2
in symbolic way (she can use packages ”Maple” , ”Mathematica” or tools of
Computer Algebra for specialists). She gets a public rule, which is a map
of bounded degree c:
x1 → f1 (x1 , x2 , . . . , xn ),
x2 → f2 (x1 , x2 , . . . , xn ),
xn → fn (x1 , x2 , . . . , xn ),
where fi are multivariate polynomials from K[x1 , x2 , . . . , xn ]. If she uses the
irreversible string i1 , i2 , . . . , is and affine maps τ1 , τ2 , such that τ2 = τ1−1 ,
then the order of transformation Fn of bounded polynomial degree is grow-
ing with the growth of n.
Alice can decrypt with the consequtive applications of maps τ2−1 , gi−1 s ,n
−1 −1 −1
gis−1 ,n , . . . , gi1 ,n and τ1 .
She can use numerical computations for the private key. We refer to
scheme as multivariate cryptosystem with fast decryption if Alice can de-
crypt for O(n). The computation of the ciphertext for public user will take
time O(nc+1 ).
Notice that general algorithm for the solution of nonlinear system of
polynomial equations over finite field takes cO(n) (see, for example [20]).
Symbolic Diffie-Hellman algorithm
Suppose Alice and Bob want to agree on a key KAB .
1. Alice use the information on the family of groups Gn and set of gener-
ators. She picks up the irreversible string i1 , i2 , . . . , is and parameter n.
She chooses the invertible affine transformation τ of the free module Kn .
The first step Alice computes symbolically

F = τ Fi1 ,i2 ,...,ts ,n τ −1 .

She sends the cubical symbolic map F to Bob. The next step is for Alice
to pick a secret integer nA that she does not reveal to anyone, while at
the same time Bob picks an integer nB that he keeps secret.

2. Alice and Bob use their secret integers (nA and nB , respectively) to
compute A = F nA and B = F nB in Cremona group, respectively. Re-
call, that they use composition of multivariable map f with itself. After
136 6. On multivariate cryptography, algebraic groups and graphs

that they exchange these computed cubical transformations.

3. Finally, Alice and Bob again use their secret integers to compute KAB =
B nA = (f nB )nA = f nA nB , and KAB = AnB = (f nA )nB = f nA nB , respec-
Recall, that, g is cubical map if has a form

g = (f1 (x1 , . . . , xn ), . . . , fn (x1 , . . . , xn )),

where fi (x1 , . . . , xn ) are polynomials of n variables written as the linear

combination of monomials of kind

xni11 xni22 xni33 ,

for i1 , i2 , i3 ∈ 1, 2, . . . , n; n1 , n2 , n3 ∈ {0, 1, 2, 3}, n1 + n2 + n3 ≤ 3 with the

coefficients from K.
Security of the cryptographic algorithms usage based on the complexity
of hard discrete logarithm problem for the group generated by polynomial
transformations of degree ≤ c from the subgroup Gn of Cremona group
C(Kn ).

6.6. On constructive examples

Example 6.6.1. Let us consider family of graphs D(n, K) over finite com-
mutative ring K. Let ND,t,n be the operator of taking the neighbour of
the vertex from Kn ∪ Kn . Let GD (n, K) be the group of cubical trans-
formations from C(Kn ) generated by ND,t1 ,n ND,t2 ,n , t1 , t2 ∈ K. The pro-
jective limit GD (K) is well defined and we can use described above cryp-
tosystem. The string t1 , t2 , . . . t2s of ring elements produce irreversible
string ND,t1 ,n ND,t2 ,n , . . . , ND,t2s−1 ,n ND,t2s ,n if the product d of ti + ti+1 ,
i = 1, 2, . . . , 2s − 1 is antinilpotent ring element, i.e. dx 6= 0 for each positive
integer x.

Example 6.6.2. Let us consider family of graphs A(n, K) over finite com-
mutative ring K. Let NA,t,n be the operator of taking the neighbour of
the vertex from Kn ∪ Kn Let GA (n, K) be the group of cubical transfor-
mations from C(Kn ) generated by NA,t1 ,n NA,t2 ,n , t1 , t2 ∈ K. The pro-
jective limit GA (K) is well defined and we can use described above cryp-
tosystem. The string t1 , t2 , . . . t2s of ring elements produce irreversible
string NA,t1 ,n NA,t2 ,n , . . . , NA,t2s−1 ,n NA,t2s ,n if the product d of ti + ti+1 ,
i = 1, 2, . . . , 2s − 1 is antinilpotent ring element.
6.7. On Multivariate Cryptography with stable groups and Extremal Graph
Theory 137

Example 6.6.3. Let us consider family of graphs DD(n, K) over finite

commutative ring K. Let NDD,t,n+1 be the operator of taking the neighbour
of the vertex from Kn+1 ∪ Kn+1 Let GD D(n, K) be the group of cubical
transformations from C(Kn ) generated by NDD,t1 ,n+1 NDD,t2 ,n+1 , t1 , t2 ∈ K.
The projective limit GDD (K) is well defined and we can use described above
cryptosystem. The string t1 , t2 , . . . t2s of ring elements produce irreversible
string NDD,t1 ,n+1 NDD,t2 ,n+1 , . . . , NDD,t2s−1 ,n+1 NDD,t2s ,n+1 if the product
d of ti , i = 1, 2, . . . , 2s is antinilpotent ring element, i.e. dx 6= 0 for each
positive integer x.

Some other examples of such multivariate cryptosystem the reader can

find in [175], [176]. The first example of quadratic stable maps the reader
can find in [182].
Multivariate cryptosystem corresponding to group D(n, K) were intro-
duced in [157] [159]. The theorem on stability of group GD (n, K) was proven
in [184]. Private key algorithm for this system was introduced earlier [152],
[154]. Properties of corresponding stream ciphers over special rings and
fields and technicalities of the implementations the reader can find in [76],
[146], [147], [163] see also [168] for earlier implementations.
Cryptoalgorithms corresponding graphs A(n, K) were introduced in [119],
[121], some properties are investigated [77] , [122] and implementations [69].
Multivariate cryptosystem corresponding to directed graphs DD(n, K)
were introduced in [162], [165].
The implementations of this multivariate cryptosystem were described
in [70], [72], [73], [162].
In all three examples (1) - (3) the stable groups are formed by cubical
maps. So, the complexity of ciphertext computation is O(n4 ). In case of
strings t1 , t2 , . . . , t2s of finite length s and sparse affine transformations τ1
and τ2 for which exactly O(n) entries are distinct from zero, the decryption
takes time O(n).

6.7. On Multivariate Cryptography with stable groups and

Extremal Graph Theory

The goal of Multivariate Cryptography, which have some potential to be

used in the era of Postquantum Cryptography. The Quantum Computer is a
special random computational machine. Recall that computation in Turing
machine can be formalised with the concept of finite automaton as a walk in
the graph with arrows labelled by special symbols. ”Random computation”
can be defined as a random walk in the random graph. So we are looking
for the deterministic approximation of random graphs by extremal algebraic
138 6. On multivariate cryptography, algebraic groups and graphs

graphs. It is known that the explicit solutions for an optimization graphs

have properties similar to random graphs.
The probability of having rather short cycle in the walking process on
random graph is zero. So the special direction of Extremal Graph Theory of
studies of graphs of order v (the variable) without short cycles of maximal
size (number of edges) can lead to the discovery of good approximation for
random graphs. On can use dual problem of finding k-regular graphs of
minimal order v without cycles of given length 3, 4, . . . , d during the search
for good pseudorandom graphs. We can try to use similar idea for directed
graphs, which are important for automata theory. In that case we have to
prohibit commutative diagrams instead cycles. So we will look for optimal
algebraic graphs. Recall that in case of algebraic graph, its vertex set and
edge set (arrow set for directed graph) are algebraic varieties over special
finite ring K. Of course for the purposes of Multivariate Cryptography we
need a strong additional condition that walk of the graph produce bijective
polynomial nonlinear automorphism of the vertex set of restricted polyno-
mial degree.
In the case of simple graphs we concentrate mainly on the investigation
of maximal size
ex(C3 , C4 , . . . , C2m , v) of the graph on v vertices without cycles of length
3, 4, . . . , 2m i.e. graphs of girth > 2m. Recall that the girth is the length of
minimal cycle in the simple graph. As it follows from famous Even Circuit
Theorem by P. Erdős we have inequality

ex(C3 , C4 , . . . , C2m , v) ≤ cv 1+1/m ,

where c is a certain constant. The bound is known to be sharp only for

m = 4, 6, 10.
The first general lower bounds of kind

ex(v, C3 , C4 , . . . Cn ) = Ω(v 1+c/n ) (6.7.1)

The best known lower bound for d 6= 2, 3, 5 had been obtained in [82]:

ex(v, C3 , C4 , . . . , C2d ) = c(v 1+2/(3d−3+e) ) (6.7.2)

where e = 0 if d is odd, and e = 1 if d is even. This results is based on

studies of graphs CD(n, q). Let Γi be a family of regular simple graphs of
order vi of increasing girth gi . We refer to Γi as a optimal family of large
graphs if there is a constant d such that vid is on the upper bound of Erdos
Even Circuit Theorem.
Graphs CD(n, q) and X(p, q) are examples of optimal graphs of large
girth with d = 3/2. The first family of nonlinear algebraic graphs is con-
nected with cubical stable group of previous section.
6.8. On the minimal graphs of given degree and girth 139

Recall that we refer to minimal length of a cycle, through the vertex

of given vertex of the simple graph as cycle indicator of this vertex. The
cycle indicator of the graph will be defined as maximal cycle indicator of
its vertices. We refer to the simple graph as cycle irregular graph if this
indicator differs from the girth (the length of minimal cycle). The solution
of the optimization problem of computation of maximal size e = e(v) of the
graph of order v with the cycle indicator greater than d, d > 2 has been
found very recently (see [175], [176]).
Theorem 6.7.1. Let e(v, d) be the maximal size of the simple graph on v
with the cycle indicator at least d + 1, d ≥ 2. Then

e(v, d) ⇔ O(v 1+[2/d] ).

Let Γi be a family of regular simple graphs of order vi with the increasing

cycle indicator gi . We refer to Γi as a optimal family of graphs with large
girth indicator if there is a constant d such that vid is on the written above
upper bound. Graphs A(n, q) form a family of optimal graphs with large
cycle indicator with best possible constant d = 1. This family of nonlinear
algebraic graphs is used for the generation of cubical stable groups (example
2 of previous section).
Theorem 6.7.2. Finally, let Ex(v, d) be the maximal size of balanced di-
rected graph on v vertices with the girth indicator > d. Then

Ex(v, d) ⇔ O(v 1+1/d ).

Let Γi be a family of directed balanced graphs of order vi with the

increasing cycle indicator di . We refer to Γi as a optimal family of directed
graphs with large girth indicator if there is a constant d such that vi d is
on the written above upper bound. Graphs DD(n, M, K) form a family
of optimal directed graphs with large cycle indicator for some constant
d = d(M, K). This family of nonlinear algebraic graphs over rings is used
for the generation of cubical stable groups (example 3 of previous section).
Behaviour of optimal graphs from mentioned above classes (large girth,
large cycle indicator, large girth indicator) are similar to random graphs.

6.8. On the minimal graphs of given degree and girth

Graphs of large girth have not only cryptographical applications, they

used in Networking, Theory of parallel computations, Error correction, Im-
age Processing and etc. Quite often solutions for the minimization problem
of the order of k-regular graph with prescribed girth can be used.
140 6. On multivariate cryptography, algebraic groups and graphs

Let k ≥ 3 and g ≥ 3 be in integers. A (k, g)-graph is a k-regular

graph with girth exactly g. A (k, g) − cage is a (k, g)-graph of minimal
order. The problem of determining the v(k, g) of a (k, g)-cage is unsolved
for most pairs (k, g) and is extremely hard in general case. By counting
the number of vertices in the breadth-first-search tree of a (k, g)-graph, one
easily establishes the following lower bounds for v(k, g):
v(k, g) ≥ k(k − 1)(g−1)/2 /(k − 2) for g odd, k ≥ 4
v(k, g) ≥ 2(k − 1)g/2−2 /(k − 2) for g even, k ≥ 4
The problem of determining v(k, g) was posed in 1959 by F. Kartesi who
observed that v(3, 5) = 10 was realized by the Petersen graph (see [164]).
The above lower bound had been established by Tutte [148].
Let us consider the family of graphs Gi of degree li and unbounded girth
gi such that
gi ≥ γ logli −1 (vi )

The last formula means that Gi , i = 1, . . . form an infinite family of

graphs of large girth in the sense of N. Biggs [7], [8].
The order of graphs from such a family is close to the lower bound on
v(k, g), this bound shows that γ ≤ 2 but no family has been found for which
γ = 2. Bigger γ’s correspond to the larger girth.
For many years the only significant result were the theorems of Erdø”s’
and Sachs [37], and its improvement by Sauer [127], Walther and others
(see [10], [11] for more details and references), who using nonconstructive
methods proved the existence of infinite families with γ = 1.
The problem of estimation of order of cages is dual to problem on the
maximal size of graphs on girth g.
Let v(k, C2n ) be the minimal order of k-regular graph without cycles of
the length 2n. The problem to evaluate v(k, C2n ) is dual to famous problem
on the maximal size of the graph on v vertices without even cycles C2n by
Erdø”s’ (see [38]). As it follows from definitions

v(k, C2n ) ≤ v(k, 2n + 1),

v(k, C2n ) ≤ v(k, 2n + 2).

The construction of graphs L(n, q) and B(n, q) implies the following result
(the best known upper bounds on v(k, C4n ) (see [84]).

Theorem 6.8.1. Let k ≥ 2 and g ≥ 5 be integers, and let q denote the

smallest prime power for which k < q, let b be the smallest power of 2 for
which k ≤ q.
Then the following upper bounds hold
6.8. On the minimal graphs of given degree and girth 141

v(k, C4n ) ≤ (k + 1)q (3/4) (6.8.1)
v(k, C4n ) ≤ kb (6.8.2)

It is clear, that for some very special k the bound 6.8.2 is better then
By Chebyshev’s Theorem for a fixed integer k ≥ 3 there is always a
prime between k and 2k − 2. For any e ≥ 0 and k > k0 (e), this interval can
be narrowed to [k, k + k 2/3+e ].
The best known bound for v(k, 2n), n is odd, follows from the bound on
v(k, 2n):
Let k ≥ 2 and g ≥ 5 be integers, and let q denote the smallest odd prime
power for which k ≤ q. Then

v(k, g) ≤ 2kq (3/4) (6.8.3)

where α = 4, 11/4, 7/2, 13/4 for g = 0, 1, 2, 3 mod 4, respectively. It is clear

that bound on v(k, C4n ) is always better then .
Appendix A
Cartan matrices and Root Systems
144 A. Cartan matrices and Root Systems


I V is the hyperplane of E = Rn+1 consisting of the points the sum of
whose coordinates is zero.
Roots: ei − ej (i 6= j, 1 ≤ i ≤ n + 1, 1 ≤ j ≤ n + 1).
Number of roots: N = n(n + 1)
II Basis: α1 = e1 − e2 , α2 = e2 − e3 , . . . , αn = en − en+1
Positive roots:
ei − ej = αk (1 ≤ i < j ≤ n + 1),

(more details reader can find in [15]).

III Coxeter number: h = n + 1.
IV Coxeter diagram:

V Highest root: α̃ = e1 − en+1 = α1 + α2 + · · · + αn .

VI Completed Coxeter-Dynkin diagram:

for n = 1:

for n ≥ 2:

VII Cartan matrix (n × n)

 
2 −1 0 0 ... 0 0
 −1 2 −1 0 . . . 0 0 
 
 0 −1 2 −1 . . . 0 0 
 
 0 0 −1 2 . . . 0 0 
 
 . .. .. .. .. .. .. 
 .. . . . . . . 
0 0 0 0 ... −1 2
146 A. Cartan matrices and Root Systems


SYSTEM OF TYPE Bn (n ≥ 2 )
I V = E = Rn .
Roots: ±ei (1 ≤ i ≤ n), ±ei ± ej (1 ≤ i < j ≤ n).
Number of roots: N = 2n2
II Basis: α1 = e1 − e2 , α2 = e2 − e3 , . . . , αn−1 = en−1 − en , αn = en .
Positive roots:
ei = αk (1 ≤ i ≤ n),
ei − ej = αk (1 ≤ i < j ≤ n)
ei + ej = αk + 2 αk (1 ≤ i < j ≤ n),
i≤k<j j≤k≤n

(more details reader can find in [15]).

III Coxeter number: h = 2n.
IV Coxeter diagram:

V Highest root: α̃ = e1 + e2 = α1 + 2α2 + 2α3 + · · · + 2αn .

VI Completed Coxeter-Dynkin diagram:

for n = 2:

for n ≥ 3:

VII Cartan matrix (n × n)

 
2 −1 0 0 ... 0 0
 −1 2 −1 0 . . . 0 0 
 
 0 −1 2 −1 . . . 0 0 
 
 0 0 −1 2 . . . 0 0 
 
 .. .. .. .. .. 
 . . . . . 0 0 
 
 0 0 0 0 ... 2 −2 
0 0 0 0 ... −1 2
148 A. Cartan matrices and Root Systems


SYSTEM OF TYPE Cn (n ≥ 2 )

I V = E = Rn .
Roots: ±2ei (1 ≤ i ≤ n), ±ei ± ej (1 ≤ i < j ≤ n).
Number of roots: N = 2n2 .

II Basis: α1 = e1 − e2 , α2 = e2 − e3 , . . . , αn−1 = en−1 − en , αn = 2en .

Positive roots:

ei − ej = αk (1 ≤ i < j ≤ n)
ei + ej = αk + 2 αk + αn (1 ≤ i < j ≤ n),
i≤k<j j≤k<n
2ei = αk + αn (1 ≤ i ≤ n)

(more details reader can find in [15]).

III Coxeter number: h = 2n
IV Coxeter diagram:

V Highest root: α̃ = 2e1 = 2α1 + 2α2 + 2α3 + · · · + 2αn−1 + αn .

VI Completed Coxeter-Dynkin diagram:


VII Cartan matrix (n × n)

 
2 −1 0 0 ... 0 0
 −1 2 −1 0 . . . 0 0
 
 0 −1 2 −1 . . . 0 0
 
 0 0 −1 2 . . . 0 0
 
 .. .. .. .. .. .. 
 . . . . . . 
 
 0 0 0 0 ... 2 −1 
0 0 0 0 ... −2 2
150 A. Cartan matrices and Root Systems


I V = E = Rn
Roots: ±ei ± ej (1 ≤ i < j ≤ n); (ei ) the canonical basis of Rn .
Number of roots: N = 2n(n − 1)
II Basis: α1 = e1 − e2 , α2 = e2 − e3 , . . . , αn−1 = en−1 − en , αn = en−1 + en .
Positive roots:
ei − ej = αk (1 ≤ i < j ≤ n),
ei + en = αk + αn (1 ≤ i < n),
ei + ej = αk + 2 αk + αn−1 + αn (1 ≤ i < j < n),
i≤k<j j≤k<n−1

(more details reader can find in [15]).

III Coxeter number: h = 2n − 2.
IV Coxeter diagram:

V Highest root:

α̃ = e1 + e2 = α1 + 2α2 + 2α3 + · · · + 2αn−2 + αn−1 + αn .


VI Completed Coxeter-Dynkin diagram (n ≥ 4):

VII Cartan matrix (n × n)

 
2 −1 ... 0 0 0 0
 −1 2 ... 0 0 0 0
 
 .. .. .. .. .. 
.. ..
 . . . . . 
. .
 
 0 0 ... 2 −1 0 0 
 
 0 0 ... −1 2 −1 −1 
 
 0 0 ... 0 −1 2 0 
0 0 ... 0 −1 0 2
152 A. Cartan matrices and Root Systems


I V is the subspace of E = R8 consisting of the points whose coordinates
(xi ) are such that x6 = x7 = −x8 .
Roots: ±ei ± ej (1 ≤ i < j ≤ 5),
X 5
± (e8 − e7 − e6 + (−1)ν(i) ei ) with ν(i) even
i=1 i=1

Number of roots: N = 72.

II Basis: α1 = 12 (e1 + e8 ) − 12 (e2 + e3 + e4 + e5 + e6 + e7 ), α2 = e1 + e2 ,
α 3 = e2 − e1 , α4 = e3 − e2 , α5 = e4 − e3 , α 6 = e5 − e4 .
Positive roots: ±ei + ej (1 ≤ i < j ≤ 5),
X 5
1 ν(i)
(e8 − e7 − e6 + (−1) ei ) with ν(i) even
i=1 i=1

Positive roots with at least one coefficient ≥ 2 we denote the root aα1 +
bα2 + cα3 + dα4 + eα5 + f α6 by a c db e f

01210 11210 01211 12210 11211 01221

1 1 1 1 1 1
12211 11221 12221 12321 12321
2 1 1 1 2
(more details reader can find in [15])
III Coxeter number: h = 12.
IV Coxeter diagram:

V Highest root:
α̃ = (e1 + e2 + e3 + e4 + e5 − e6 − e7 + e8 )
= α1 + 2α2 + 2α3 + 3α4 + 2α5 + α6 .

VI Completed Coxeter-Dynkin diagram:

VII Cartan matrix (6 × 6)

 
2 0 −1 0 0 0
 0 2 0 −1 0 0 
 
 −1 0 2 −1 0 0 
 
 0 −1 −1 2 −1 0 
 
 0 0 0 −1 2 −1 
0 0 0 0 −1 2
154 A. Cartan matrices and Root Systems


I V is hyperplane in E = R8 ortogonal to e7 + e8 .
Roots: ±ei ± ej (1 ≤ i ≤ j ≤ 6), ±(e7 − e8 ).
X 6
1 ν(i)
± (e7 − e8 + (−1) ei ) with ν(i) odd
i=1 i=1

Number of roots: N = 126.

II Basis: α1 = 12 (e1 + e8 ) − 12 (e2 + e3 + e4 + e5 + e6 + e7 ), α2 = e1 + e2 ,
α 3 = e2 − e1 , α4 = e3 − e2 , α5 = e4 − e3 , α 6 = e5 − e4 , α 7 = e6 − e5 .
Positive roots:

±ei + ej (1 ≤ i < j ≤ 6), −e7 + e8 ,

X 6
(−e7 + e8 + (−1)ν(i) ei ) with ν(i) odd
i=1 i=1

Positive roots containing α7 and having at least one coefficient ≥ 2, we

denote the root aα1 + bα2 + cα3 + dα4 + eα5 + f α6 + gα7 by a c db e f g

012111 112111 012211 122111 112211

1 1 1 1 1
012221 122211 112221 122221 123211
1 1 1 1 1
123221 123211 123321 123221 123321
1 2 1 2 2
124321 134321 234321
2 2 2
(more details reader can find in [15])
III Coxeter number: h = 18.
IV Coxeter diagram:

V Highest root: α̃ = e8 − e7 = 2α1 + 2α2 + 3α3 + 4α4 + 3α5 + 2α6 + α7 .

VI Completed Coxeter-Dynkin diagram:

VII Cartan matrix (n × n)

 
2 0 −1 0 0 0 0
 0 2 0 −1 0 0 0 
 
 −1 0 2 −1 0 0 0 
 
 0 −1 −1 2 −1 0 0 
 
 0 0 0 −1 2 −1 0 
 
 0 0 0 0 −1 2 −1 
0 0 0 0 0 −1 2
156 A. Cartan matrices and Root Systems


I V = E = R8 .
Roots: ±ei ± ej (i < j),
8 8
1X X
(−1)ν(i) ei with ν(i) even.
i=1 i=1

Number of roots: 240.

II Basis: α1 = 21 (e1 + e8 ) − 12 (e2 + e3 + e4 + e5 + e6 + e7 ), α2 = e1 + e2 ,
α 3 = e2 − e1 , α4 = e3 − e2 , α5 = e4 − e3 , α 6 = e5 − e4 , α 7 = e6 − e5 ,
α8 = e7 − e6 .
Positive roots: ±ei + ej (i < j),
X 7
(e8 + (−1)ν(i) ei ) with ν(i) even
i=1 i=1

Positive roots containing α8 and having at least one coefficient ≥ 2, we

denote the root aα1 + bα2 + cα3 + dα4 + eα5 + f α6 + gα7 + hα8 by
acdef gh

0121111 0122111 1121111 0122211 1221111

1 1 1 1 1
1122111 1222111 1122211 0122221 1232111
1 1 1 1 1
1222211 1122221 1232111 1232211 1222221
1 1 2 1 1
1232211 1233211 1232221 1233211 1232221
2 1 1 2 2
1233221 1243211 1233221 1233321 1343211
1 2 2 1 2
1243221 1233321 2343211 1343221 1243321
2 2 2 2 2
2343221 1343321 1244321 2343321 1344321
2 2 2 2 2
1354321 2344321 1354321 2354321 2354321
2 2 3 2 3

2454321 2454321 2464321 2465321 2465421

2 3 3 3 3
2465431 2465432
3 3
(more details reader can find in [15]).
III Coxeter number: h = 30.
IV Coxeter diagram:

V Highest root: α̃ = e7 +e8 = 2α1 +3α2 +4α3 +6α4 +5α5 +4α6 +3α7 +2α8 .
VI Completed Coxeter-Dynkin diagram:

VII Cartan matrix (n × n)

 
2 0 −1 0 0 0 0 0
 0 2 0 −1 0 0 0 0 
 
 −1 0 2 −1 0 0 0 0 
 
 0 −1 −1 2 −1 0 0 0 
 
 0 0 0 −1 2 −1 0 0 
 
 0 0 0 0 −1 2 −1 0 
 
 0 0 0 0 0 −1 2 −1 
0 0 0 0 0 0 −1 2
158 A. Cartan matrices and Root Systems


I V = E = R4 .
±ei , (1 ≤ i ≤ 4), ±ei ± ej (1 ≤ i < j ≤ 4),
(±e1 ± e2 ± e3 ± e4 ).
Number of roots: N = 48.
II Basis: α1 = e2 − e3 , α2 = e3 − e4 , α3 = e4 , α4 = 21 (e1 − e2 − e3 − e4 ).
Positive roots:
ei (1 ≤ i ≤ 4), ei ± ej (1 ≤ i < j ≤ 4), (e1 ± e2 ± e3 ± e4 ).
Positive roots with at least one coefficient ≥ 2, we denote the root
aα1 + bα2 + cα3 + dα4

0120 1120 0121 1220 1121 0122 1221

1122 1231 1222 1232 1242 1342 2342

(more details reader can find in [15]).
III Coxeter number: h = 12.
IV Coxeter diagram:

V Highest root: α̃ = e1 + e2 = 2α1 + 3α2 + 4α3 + 2α4 .

VI Completed Coxeter-Dynkin diagram:

VII Cartan matrix (n × n)

 
2 −1 0 0
 −1 2 −2 0 
 
 0 −1 2 −1 
0 0 −1 2


I V is hyperplane in E = R3 with equation x1 + x2 + x3 = 0.

±(e1 − e2 ), ±(e1 − e3 ), ±(e2 − e3 ), ±(2e1 − e2 − e3 ),

±(2e2 − e1 − e3 ), ±(2e3 − e1 − e2 ).
Number of roots: N = 12.
II Basis: α1 = e1 − e2 , α2 = −2e1 + e2 + e3 .
Positive roots: α1 , α2 , α1 + α2 , 2α1 + α2 , 3α1 + α2 , 3α1 + 2α2 ,
(more details reader can find in [15]).
III Coxeter number: h = 6.
IV Coxeter diagram:

V Highest root: α̃ = −e1 − e2 + 2e3 = 3α1 + 2α2 .

VI Completed Coxeter-Dynkin diagram:

VII Cartan matrix (n × n)  

2 −1
−3 2

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V -Shur rings, 38 Coxeter system, 20, 56

Coxeter-Dynkin diagrams, 26
hypercubical group, 16 cubical map, 136
Schubert geometry, 30 cycle indicator of vertex, 138
cycle indicator of the graph, 139
absolute point of the polarity, 75 cycle irregular graph, 139
accepting string, 78
affine Coxeter-Dynkin diagram, 26 diagram, 6
affine generalized m-gon, 106 digraph, 114
affine graph, 116 directed algebraic graph, 115
alternating graph, 5 directed cycle, 114
antinilpotent sequence, 85 directed diameter, 115
association scheme, 38 directed girth of the graph, 114
directed graph, 114, 117
balanced binary relation graph, 114 distance and diameter, 2
balanced directed algebraic graph, 115 distance regular graph, 40
balanced graph, 114 distance transitive graph, 14
BER, 98 distance transitive metric, 13
Bipartite graph, 94 distributed blow up of simple graph,
bipartite graph, 2 54
biregular graph, 106 double configuration, 120
Bit error rate, 98 double directed flag graph, 117
blow diagram, 55 dynamical system, 78
blowing of the relation, 49
blowing of the system, 49 element of stable degree, 133
Boolean geometry An , 9
Bose Messner algebra, 38 family of directed graphs of large girth
indicator, 115
Cartan matrix, 25 family of groups of stable degree, 134
cellular algebras, 38 flag of an incidence system , 6
Chevalley group, 31 flag systems, 56
code rate, 93 free group, 20
commutative diagram, 114 free semigroup, 20
commutative diagrams, 114 fusion equivalence, 39
computational cell, 56 fusion hypergroup, 39
connected graph, 2
connected ncidence system, 6 Gaussian binomial coefficient, 19
corank of a flag, 6 general linear group, 12
Coxeter geometry, 21 generalized m-gons, 106
174 Index

generalized m-gons , 119 locally finite graphs, 2

geometry, 6 Low Density Parity Checks Codes, 94
geometry of the BN -pair, 29
geometry over diagram, 6 maximal standard parabolic subgroup,
girth, 2 30
girth indicator of a directed graph, maximal standard subgroups , 21
114 multipicative string, 126
girth of a directed graph, 114 multiplicative set, 116
girth of simple graph, 115 multiplicative set of ring, 78
Graded graphs, 44 multivariable cryptography, 129
graded blow up of simple graph, 55
Grassman graph, 17 natural generalisation of classical dis-
Grassman metric, 17 crete logarithm problem, 131
group incidence system, 19 negative roots, 25
group parallelotopic graph, 44 neighbour of vertex, 114
group parallelotopic graph , 44
groups of stable degree, 133 orbitals of transitive permutation group,
Hamming graph, 16 order of generalized m-gon, 6
Hamming metric, 16
Hecke algebra, 38 parallelotopic blow of simple graph,
hidden symbolic discrete logarithm prob- 54
lem, 133 parallelotopic graph, 74
homogeneous, 116 parallelotopic polarity, 76
hyperequivalent BM algebras, 39 Parity checks matrix, 93
hypergroup, 39 path, 114
path in a graph, 2
incidence graph of geometry, 75 perfect algebraic colouring of edges,
incidence structure, 2 116
incidence system, 6 permutational normalizer, 41
integer lattice, 25 planary linguitic graphs, 43
irreflexive binary relation, 114 polarity graph, 75
irreversible string, 126, 134 positive roots, 25
projective linear group, 12
Johnson graph, 14 projective plane, 7
Johnson metric, 14
rainbow-like colouring, 116
Kac-Moody algebra, 32 rank of an incidence system, 6
rank of commutative diagram, 114
large Schubert cells, 18, 30 rank of symmetric linguistic dynami-
LDPC, 94 cal system, 79
level of symmetric linguistic dynami- real roots, 25
cal system, 79 regular algebraic graph, 116
Lie geometry, 29 regular folding graph, 76
linguistic graph, 43 regular graph, 106
linguistic graphs of triangular type, residue of a flag, 6
45 retraction, 29
locally finite Coxeter geometry, 24 retration map, 30
Index 175

Schubert cell, 55, 57

Schubert graph, 120
Schubert projective geometry, 19
semiplane, 2
Shevalley groups, 31
simple graphs, 2, 93
Simple Lie group of normal type, 31
simple path in a graphs, 2
small Schubert cells, 18
small Schubert cells of Tits geometry,
smooth blowing of an incidence sys-
tem, 53
sparse matrix, 94
standard maximal parabolic subgroups,
symbolic Diffie - Hellman algorithm,
symmetric linguistic dynamical sys-
tem, 79
symmetric linguistic dynamical sys-
tem of rank, 78

tactical configuration, 116

tactical configuration in the sense of
Moore, 2
Tanner graph, 94
the rate of information transmission,
thick incidence system, 8
thin incidence system, 8
Tits geometries, 8
Tits system, 29
tree, 4

unitriangle group, 17
Ustimenko graph, 41

Weyl group, 25, 29

Weyl group of the system, 29
176 Index

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