Jarvlepp (1983) Conlon Nancarrow's Study #27 For Player Piano Viewed Analytically PDF
Jarvlepp (1983) Conlon Nancarrow's Study #27 For Player Piano Viewed Analytically PDF
Jarvlepp (1983) Conlon Nancarrow's Study #27 For Player Piano Viewed Analytically PDF
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Jan Jarvlepp
-5%/6%/8%/11%," is an example of modern polyphony
createdusingtemporalcompositional techniquesto whichpitch,
dynamics and ordinaryrhythmictechniquesare of secondary
importance. The composeroriginally punchedthepieceontotwo
playerpianorollsto be playedsuccessivelyon twoplayerpianos.
GordonMummasuggestedthathe had to repunchthepieceonto
a singlerollmovingat a slowerspeedbecause it was impossible
to getthesecondpiano tobeginat thesame tempothatthefirst
The problemwithtworolls was not as describedby him,
because afterall it wouldbe verysimpleto startthesecond
rollat thespeedthefirstone ends.Hereis theexplanation.
The pianos can be adjusted to a speed fromzero to about
fifteenfeeta minute.WhenI workon a pieceI usuallythink
ofa speed roughlyin the middle,so whenI put it on I can
adjust thespeeda littlemoreor a littleless. Buton thisroll
I made a bad mistake.The moreI playedit at topspeedthe
moreI realizeditwas tooslow.So I re-drewand re-punched
thewholething.You haveno idea theamountofworkthat
involved,but since I ratherliked the piece,I wantedit to
be right.,
Anessentialfeatureofthispieceis thealways-recognizable
ostinato-like middlevoicecomposedonlyofstaccatonotescon-
1) ConlonNancarrow,SelectedStudiesforPlayerPiano,Sound-
ings,Book4, PeterGarland,editor(Berkeley: SoundingsPress
2) Personalcommunication fromMr.Nancarrow, Feb. 28, 1982.
3) Ibid.
4) Ibid.
in SelectedStudiesforPlayer
5) Thescoreis printedin itsentirety
Piano. Page numbersreferto score pages ratherthan the
book's pages. The book and a recordingof the workcan be
obtainedfrom1750 ArchRecords,1750 ArchStreet, Berkeley,
CA 94709.