Investor Presentation May-2020 PDF

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Investor Presentation

May 2020
Safe harbour statement

This presentation and the accompanying slides (the ‘Presentation’), which have been prepared by LT Foods Limited (the “Company”), have been
prepared solely for information purposes and do not constitute any offer, recommendation or invitation to purchase or subscribe for any securities, and
shall not form the basis or be relied on in connection with any contractor binding commitment whatsoever. No offering of securities of the Company will
be made except by means of a statutory offering document containing detailed information about the Company.

This Presentation has been prepared by the Company based on information and data which the Company considers reliable, but the Company makes
no representation or warranty, express or implied, whatsoever, and no reliance shall be placed on, the truth, accuracy, completeness, fairness and
reasonableness of the contents of this Presentation. This Presentation may not be all inclusive and may not contain all of the information that you may
consider material. Any liability in respect of the contents of, or any omission from, this Presentation is expressly excluded.

This presentation contains certain forward-looking statements concerning the Company’s future business prospects and business profitability, which are
subject to a number of risks and uncertainties and the actual results could materially differ from those in such forward-looking statements. The risks and
uncertainties relating to these statements include, but are not limited to, risks and uncertainties regarding fluctuations in earnings, our ability to manage
growth, competition (both domestic and international), economic growth in India and abroad, ability to attract and retain highly skilled professionals,
time and cost over runs on contracts, our ability to manage our international operations, government policies and actions regulations, interest and other
fiscal costs generally prevailing in the economy. The Company does not undertake to make any announcement in case any of these forward-looking
statements become materially incorrect in future or update any forward-looking statements made from time to time by or on behalf of the Company.

02|LT Foods Investor presentation, May 2020

Q4 FY20 Key Highlights (y-o-y)

Branded Revenue
Gross Profit up by 29%
up by 20%

International Branded EBITDA1 up by 54%

Business up by 32%

Organic Revenue up by PAT up by 167%


1. EBITDA includes impact of Rs. 5.7 Cr on account of IND AS 116

03| LT Foods Investor presentation, May 2020

Q4 FY20 - Strong Growth in Revenue & Profitability

Revenue EBITDA & EBITDA Margin

• Revenue up 20% y-o-y
11.7% 12.3%
9.6% • Gross Profit margin increased by 190 bps on y-o-y
basis, due to:
1,018 150
117 • Change in product mix towards higher margin
Q4FY19 Q3FY20 Q4FY20 Q4FY19 Q3FY20 Q4FY20
• Robust growth in international and organic
Gross Profit & Gross Margin PAT & PAT Margin

4.8% 4.8% • EBITDA higher by 54% and margin have increased by

26.4% 26.5%
24.6% 2.2% 275 bps on y-o-y due to increased Gross Profit and
operational efficiencies
323 58 • PAT increased by 167% y-o-y and margin have
263 48
22 increased by 265 bps, aided by saving in Finance Cost

Q4FY19 Q3FY20 Q4FY20 Q4FY19 Q3FY20 Q4FY20

All Figures in Rs. Cr unless specified

04| LT Foods Investor presentation, May 2020

FY20 Key Highlights

Gross Profit up by 14%

Branded Portfolio Improvement in Debt to EBITDA

74% vs 69% ratio (2.9x vs 4.0x)

EBITDA1 up by 21%
Branded Revenue up by 14% Debt down by Rs. 235 cr
EPS up by 46%
International Branded Business ROCE improved by 230 bps
up by 20% (13.6% vs 11.3%)
Cash Generated from
Operations up by 365%
(Rs. 477 cr vs Rs. 103 cr)

1. EBITDA includes impact of Rs. 21.1 Cr on account of IND AS 116

05| LT Foods Investor presentation, May 2020

FY20 - Performance Driven by Branded Revenue Growth and
Improved Operational Efficiencies
Revenue EBITDA & EBITDA Margin

12.2% • Revenue up by 7%
• Gross Profit up by 14% and Gross Profit margin improved
by c. 174 bps on driven by:
4,184 509
421 • Higher growth of branded and organic business

• Strong growth in US and Europe

FY19 FY20 FY19 FY20
• EBITDA up by 21% and EBITDA margin improved by c.140
Gross Profit & Gross Margin PAT & PAT Margin bps due to increased Gross Profit and operational
24.9% 26.7% 4.8%
• PAT increased by 45% and PAT margin improved by c.
125 bps, aided by savings in Finance Cost
1,117 199

FY19 FY20 FY19 FY20

All Figures in Rs. Cr unless specified

06| LT Foods Investor presentation, May 2020

Business Segment Performance

Branded Revenue Private Label Revenue Organic Revenue

700 338 102

650 286
646 635 89 89 90
584 200 86
196 195

Q4FY19 Q1FY20 Q2FY20 Q3FY20 Q4FY20 Q4FY19 Q1FY20 Q2FY20 Q3FY20 Q4FY20 Q4FY19 Q1FY20 Q2FY20 Q3FY20 Q4FY20

Branded & Private Label Volume Branded India Revenue & Volume Branded International Revenue & Volume

275 275 483

84 81 84 88 219 217 416
76 219 366 371 375
39 45
26 28 27 45
50 52
40 43 44 36 34 38 33

Q4FY19 Q1FY20 Q2FY20 Q3FY20 Q4FY20 Q4FY19 Q1FY20 Q2FY20 Q3FY20 Q4FY20 Q4FY19 Q1FY20 Q2FY20 Q3FY20 Q4FY20
Branded Volume(MT '000) PL Volume(MT '000) Domestic Volume(MT '000) Domestic Revenue (Cr) International Volume(MT '000) Internaational Revenue (Cr)

All Figures in Rs. Cr unless specified

07| LT Foods Investor presentation, May 2020

Inventory and Working Capital

Inventory Days • Procurement of Paddy starts in Q3; this results in

increase in inventory in Q3. It starts reducing in
242 subsequent quarters and reaches the lowest level
216 222 222 214 208 by Q2
197 186

• Basmati Rice is aged up to 24 months to enhance

& intensify taste, aroma ,and cooking
characteristics. This requires company to maintain
Q4FY18 Q1FY19 Q2FY19 Q3FY19 Q4FY19 Q1FY20 Q2FY20 Q3FY20 Q4FY20 large inventory of paddy & rice.

Working Capital Days Inventory Value (Rs. Cr)

235 250 232

209 Mar-19 Mar-20 Working Capital Days Paddy Rice
have reduced
by 18 days 778
35 31 50 55

637 513
Inventory Days Payable Days Recievable Days Working Capital
Mar-19 Mar-20

08| LT Foods Investor presentation, May 2020

Key Financial Ratios and Other Growth Parameters

Debt/Equity Interest Coverage Ratio Current Ratio

2.7 Total Debt Long Term Debt 1.43
2.3 3.2 1.35
2.5 2.5
1.3 2.1 2.2 1.03 1.09
0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1

FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20

Debt EBITDA Ratio Net worth (Rs. Cr) Book value per share (Rs.)

1,435 1,599
1,235 44.9
4.4 38.6
4.0 3.7 4.0
712 22.1 26.7
2.9 591

FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20

Strength of Balance Sheet being reflected with Strong Credit Rating: A- Stable Outlook (CRISIL)

09| LT Foods Investor presentation, May 2020

Maximising Shareholders Wealth by Strategic Focus towards
Profitable Growth

CAGR: 9% 4,184 CAGR: 9% CAGR: 29% 199



FY16 FY20 FY16 FY20 FY16 FY20

Growth in revenue is being supported by strengthening the brands, widening distribution

network and increasing brand penetration across all consumer segments. Margin expansion
supported by change in product mix towards higher margin brands and ensuring cost
All Figures in Rs. Cr unless specified

10| LT Foods Investor presentation, May 2020

Partnership with SALIC to create new growth opportunities
• SALIC (Saudi Agricultural & Livestock Investment Company) acquired stake in Daawat Foods Limited (Subsidiary of LT Foods
Ltd) through its subsidiary United Farmers Investment Company

LT Foods Limited
Parent Company

Daawat Foods
LT Foods’s Subsidiary

LT Foods
70.09% Stake 29.91% Stake

• Transaction: United Farmers Investment Company acquired 29.81% stake of India Agri Business Fund (Sponsored by
Rabobank) and 0.1% stake of REAL Trust, for an amount of USD 17.23 million. There shall be no impact on the shareholding
of LT Foods Limited.

Partnership with SALIC will help to open up and create new opportunities in the Middle East
besides strengthening our presence there
11| LT Foods Investor presentation, May 2020
Early Action to Minimize COVID- 19 Impact and Win in the Post
COVID-19 World

Employee Safety Supply Chain, Logistics and

• Have adopted ‘Work from Home’ for all employees
• Ensured requisite inventory availability, to meet the consumer needs
at all offices across globe
• Got regular support from the packaging vendors and increased our
• The Company has taken additional insurance for
number of packaging vendors
employees working during COVID times
• Got regular support from transport and shipping companies due to
• Accelerated digital initiatives in light of COVID 19
our long standing relationships
• Incentivized workers working during lockdown
• E-commerce has emerged as a winner in these trying times. Also
partnered with Swiggy, Zomato and Dominos

• Well entrenched procurement network headed by Production

experienced professionals
• All the plants were operational post obtaining requisite
• We have adequate inventory of paddy and rice to
take care of increased demand
• Only essential workforce on the shop floor and adhering to all
safety guidelines and strict adherence to “Social Distancing”
12| LT Foods Investor presentation, May 2020
Initiatives to Help the Community during COVID-19
• Donated Rice for the needy and migrants workers in collaboration with
Chef Vikas Khanna

• Obtained requisite permission from Government to arrange for buses and

cars to help the migrant workers reach home

• Helping daily wage workers with income, food, water, shelters and
medical testing to ensure good health

• Working on providing subsidized seeds, compost, etc. to farmers for

helping them increase their income in this time of crisis
• Donated to Chief Minister Fund of Madhya Pradesh

• Distributed soaps and sanitizers to migrant workers Our newly launched

“Daawat Sehat”
collaborated with Feed
My City to provide meals
to the needy

13| LT Foods Investor presentation, May 2020

Who Are We
We are a 70-year-old Consumer
Food Company delivering the
finest quality rice and rice-based
food brands, providing taste and
nutrition in more than 80 countries.
We also produce organic agri
ingredients, supplying them
to leading businesses in Europe
and the US for 25 years.

Our product offerings are across

Basmati Rice, Regional Rice,
Organic and Health &
Convenience Foods.
Milestones In Our Progress

Business &
Pre 1995- 2015- Geographies 2020-
Foundation 1985 2006 2016 • Greenfield onwards
• 1950s: Founded operations in
by the Globalization Europe, turns EBITDA
Focus on B2B
Arora Family • Acquired ‘Royal®’ positive in 2018-19 Next Stage of
(Private Label)
1978: 1st Rice mill brand in US Growth
• • Incorporation of LT Focus on Brands Strategic Acquisitions • Launched ready-to-
Overseas Ltd • Infusion of equity by heat (RTH), Saute • To become
and Product Value • Expanded our
Rabobank - India Sauces, Daawat category leader
• 1980s: Launched Chain presence to 65+
Agri Business Fund Sehat and Kari Kari in key markets
‘DAAWAT’ brand in • Became a Public countries
India as well as the Listed Company • Strengthened products • Expand EBIDTA
• Launched “Ecolife”
global market process and systems • Marquee investors join margin to ~15% in
• Setup state-of-the- in USA & India
and invested in hands through 2 years
art manufacturing • Acquired “Gold Seal
adopting best Qualified Institutional
facilities in India Indus Valley”, • Aim to grow faster
industry practices Placement (QIP)
“Rozana”, “817 than industry
Elephant” brands • Strengthen the
Balance Sheet
1985- 2007- 2016-
1995 2014 2019

Our journey from a bulk rice player to a leading Consumer Food Company

15| LT Foods Investor presentation, May 2020

Opportunity Landscape
World of Rice Basmati Rice
• Rice is a staple food and one of the most widely consumed
grains in the world • India is the largest Basmati rice producer (producing 7 MMT
out of the total industry size of 8.5 MMT)1and it continues to
• India is one of the biggest producers of rice globally (23%) and
grow, driven by international market demand and potential
forecasted to grow at CAGR of above 6% in the near future
upside from branded demand/premiumisation in India
• Organised market is growing nearly at a CAGR of 12% playing
an essential role in developing the packed rice market in India • Out of India's market of 2 MMT consumption market size, only
35% is branded packaged rice market
Export value of rice from India (USD bn)
Majority of Basmati is exported (~75%). Overseas markets for
Basmati include the Middle East, U.S., U.K. and parts of EU

3.5 3.2
3.0 4-5% Expected CAGR of global
2.4 2.5 Growth of India’s basmati
1.8 rice exports 2019-20 Basmati rice market till 2024

2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 US$ 7 bn

Estimated size of the Indian packaged dry rice
Basmati rice Non-basmati rice
market in 2023 growing at a CAGR of more than 11%
Source : Market Research

Lifestyle-Induced changes reshaping Food Market

16| LT Foods Investor presentation, May 2020 16

Opportunity Landscape
Region Wise Basmati Rice Market

Middle East India

Basmati Rice 4.2 0.2
• India is the largest Basmati rice producer, accounting for over MMT
70% of its output in the global basmati rice market
Europe Rest of the world
0.4 0.2
LT Foods is one of the leading players in Basmati Rice segment in India and globally

Regional Rice
• There are several types of regional rice available in India like Swarna rice, Sona masoori rice several others
• ~USD 30 million worth of Sona masoori rice gets exported from India every year month and the figure is consistently increasing
LT Foods has started offering high quality Sona Masoori rice and Lachkari Wada Kolam in India and globally, to leverage the
growing opportunity
Source : Market Research. MMT: million metric tonne

17| LT Foods Investor presentation, May 2020

Experiencing Changes in Consumption Trends

Rising disposable income Rapid urbanisation with growing Increasing demand for
and global exposure affluence and need for organic products

Growing middle class and Increasing spending on premium Digital inclusion and rise
increasing brand awareness quality branded products of e-commerce

Lifestyle-induced changes reshaping food market

18| LT Foods Investor presentation, May 2020

Opportunity Landscape: Organic, Health and Convenience foods

Organic Food Global Organic Food and Beverages Market

(USD bn)
• Demand for natural, fresh and locally sourced foods, which 680
are healthier and more wholesome than packaged foods
with more shelf life are rising CAGR 17%
• 23% expected CAGR of global organic food market by 2023
LT Foods deals in organic products and ingredients and supplies 166
to food companies in the US and Europe. Launched organic 2018 2027
brand "EcoLife”

Health food Convenience food

• Consumers are adapting to healthy eating habits for • Food sector is rapidly evolving on the back of lifestyle-
leading a good life. They are looking for options that are induced changes in consumer preference towards
indulgent, delicious and produced with quality ingredients convenience foods and experiencing robust demand

• Global Health and Wellness Food Market is expected to • Global packaged rice snacks market size has the potential
grow by USD 236 bn by 2024, with at a CAGR of 6% to grow by USD 6 bn by 2024

LT Foods has been keeping a tap on the changing consumer needs and preferences and has ventured in the Organic and Health &
Convenience products, such as Quick Cooking Brown Rice, Saute Sauces, Kari Kari, Ready-to-Heat products and others
Source : Market Research
19| LT Foods Investor presentation, May 2020
Driven by
Strong Product
Portfolio Across
Segments and
Perfectly positioned across
channels to leverage on the
growth opportunity
We Are Poised to Grow Across Markets

India Americas Europe Middle East Rest of the world

• Indian basmati rice • Americas basmati • European basmati • Middle East • Rest of world’s
market rice market is of rice market is of basmati rice basmati rice
is of ~2 MMT ~0.2 MMT ~0.4 MMT market is of ~4.2 market is of ~0.2
• LT Foods is present in • LT Foods is present • LT Foods had set up
India with its flagship in US and Canada a facility in Europe • LT Foods has • LT Foods present
brand ‘Daawat; that with its flagship in 2017, to capture ground presence in in more than 80
holds a market share brand ‘Royal’ that the growing Middle East, with countries with
of ~26% and other hold ~45% market demand for flagship brand flagship brand
brands Heritage, share and is the No. Basmati in Europe ‘Daawat, acquired ‘Daawat’ and
Rozana, Deevaya, 1 Basmati brand in in United Kingdom well known brands other brands such
etc. the US - Gold Seal Indus as Heritage,
• Europe contributes Valley & Rozana Rozana, Deevaya,
• India contributes ~36% • US contributes ~36% ~11% to overall and strong private etc.
to overall revenue to overall revenue revenue label partnerships
• Rest of world
• Offerings: Basmati • Offerings: Basmati • Offerings: Basmati • Middle East contributes ~5% to
Rice, Regional Rice, Rice, Regional Rice, Rice, Organic, contributes ~12% to overall revenue
Health & Organic, Health & Health & overall revenue
Convenience Convenience Convenience • Offerings: Basmati
Products Products Products • Offerings: Basmati Rice

21| LT Foods Investor presentation, May 2020

Our Strategies
Consumer need-
based product range

Formulated channel-wise
Strong back-end infrastructure to strategy to grow the business
ensure consistent and good quality with dedicated sales force

Leveraging strong brand equity

Inhouse Integrated Model
and robust distribution, to
with complete control over
venture into the new categories
the entire Value Chain from
and geographies
“Farm to End Consumer".

Strong R&D and Implementing various marketing

innovation capabilities and brand building initiatives to
with quality assurance strengthen the brand position
22| LT Foods Investor presentation, May 2020

Basmati Rice Business

• Flagship Basmati Rice brand in India, offering premium quality Basmati Rice
across all price points in India
• Portfolio consists of DAAWAT, Heritage, Rozana, Chef Secretz
among others
• Present across all channels such as General Trade, Modern Trade, HORECA,
E-Commerce, and all price points from Specialty to Mid–Range to Value-
• Consumer need-based product range, recipe variants such as Biryani and
Pulav, Food service cooking need-based range – DAAWAT Chef’s Secretz

26%+ 23%+ 30%+

Market share(Rural & Urban) Market share in Grocers for Market share in modern trade
basmati rice

23| LT Foods Investor presentation, May 2020

Regional Rice

• Leveraging strong brand equity of brand "Daawat"

and robust distribution ventured into the Regional
Rice category
• Product Portfolio includes - Sona Masoori, Lachkari
Wada Kolam
• Getting positive response from the market
• Launched in a few cities and across channels such
as General Trade, Modern Trade and Food Service
• Implementing various marketing and brand building
initiatives to strengthen the brand position

24| LT Foods Investor presentation, May 2020

Health and Convenience Foods

Daawat Quick Cooking

Daawat Sehat Kari Kari Daawat Sauté Sauces
Brown Rice

• First Company to introduce 15- • Launched to meet the health • Entered into the Healthy and
• Just add these sauces to cooked
minute Quick Cooking Brown and nutritional needs of the Premium snacks category
rice and a new flavorful dish is
Rice consumer • Launched under a Joint Venture
ready in minutes
• Fastest growing product in the • Range of daily consumption with Kameda Seika, a Japanese
• Available in 5 different variants:
new innovations segment basmati fortified with iron, snack food major
Dum Biryani, Masala. Hot Garlic
• Available across all channels vitamins and folic acid, to • Flavours: Chilli Garlic, Spice
Manchurian and Schezwan
Pan -India addresses the incidence of Mania, Salt n Pepper and
• Available across Modern Trade
under nutrition amongst all Wasabi
stores Pan-India
children • Successful test launch
• The brand is certified F+ by • Recently set up a
FSSAI manufacturing unit in Haryana

25| LT Foods Investor presentation, May 2020

North America
Basmati Rice Business
• Present in Branded and Private Label Basmati
• Present across all channels through its flagship brands
Royal - Largest selling Basmati Rice brand in North
America, Daawat and 817 Elephant
• Product portfolio consists of Basmati rice, Jasmine rice,
Arborio rice, Wheat Flour, and Flavored Rice
• Present across all channels such as - Multi-Cultural
(Ethnic channel), Mainstream, Food Service channel
Snapshot of some of Our Key Customers
and E-Commerce channel
• Leveraging the brand’s equity and distribution network, Canada US-Mainstream Retail
to expand the product portfolio in the US market

45%+ 39%+
Market share of the US Market share of the branded US- Club US-Ecomm
basmati rice segment segment in the US

26| LT Foods Investor presentation, May 2020

North America
• Leveraging the back-end strength from India and the
distribution channel of "Royal" started selling organic
products under brand "EcoLife".
• Also, selling organic ingredients to major organic
food companies

Health and Convenience Products

• Based on changing consumer needs and
preferences, LT Foods has launched Royal Ready-to-
Heat products in 7 variants leveraging the brand
equity and distribution network
• Received overwhelming response from the market

27| LT Foods Investor presentation, May 2020

Middle East
Basmati Rice Business

• Present in Branded and Private Label Basmati business

• 10% market share in Premium Basmati segment
• Present across all channels - Modern Trade, Self Service,
Traditional Trade and Food Service across all price points
through our and acquired brands
• Our flagship brand ‘Daawat’ well-known brands of the
Middle Eastern region – Gold Seal Indus Valley and
Rozana from Hindustan Unilever to strengthen our
presence in this geography
• Strong presence across countries such as UAE, Kuwait,
Qatar, Oman, Yemen, Saudi Arabia and Bahrain among
• Recent strategic association with SALIC will help us
further strengthen our position in Saudi Arabia
• Increasing the number of activations to strengthen our
presence in this region

28| LT Foods Investor presentation, May 2020

Basmati Rice Business
• Present in Branded and Private Label Basmati business
• Set up a manufacturing Facility in Europe in 2017 which currently running at full
• Present across all channels across all price points through our flagship brand
• Strong strategic presence in Germany and Scandinavia nations and consistently
growing ethnic business across various European markets
• Launched the new avatar brand "Daawat" to make Daawat a household name in
• Continuously adding new customers and expanding to new regions such as UK
and France

• Leveraging the back-end strength from India and the distribution channel of
"Daawat", started selling organic products under brand "EcoLife".
• Also, selling organic ingredients to major organic food companies

29| LT Foods Investor presentation, May 2020

Rest of World
Basmati Rice Business
• Present in Branded and Private Label Basmati business
• Present across more than 80 countries through flagship brands ‘Daawat’,
Heritage and Devaaya
• Consistently filling the portfolio gaps by launching new products based on
changing consumer trends
• Various marketing and brand building initiatives implemented to strengthen
the brand position
• Australia remained one of the largest contributors also present across
countries such as Malaysia, Singapore, New Zealand, Maldives, Hong Kong,
etc. with leading position in most of the countries
• Enjoy leadership position in Israel and the Reunion Island

30| LT Foods Investor presentation, May 2020


Nature Bio Foods Limited (LT’s subsidiary), has emerged as a trustworthy and
innovative global leader in providing authentic organic ingredients to the global
consumers Marquee Organic
Ingredient Buyers
Range includes rice, pulses, oil seeds, cereal grains, spices and nuts

Ingredient business associated with marquee customers

Ecolife – Recently launched organic food brand

Introducing a range of organic ‘ready to heat’ products for the overseas market with
a facility in the United States

Rabobank has made an investment in this Company

Associated with 60,000 farmer families and c. 80,000 hectares of certified organic land

Incorporated subsidiaries in both Europe & US to strengthen local presence in these markets

90% 100% First

of business is from ingredient sales organic food facility with cold and Organic company in the country to be conferred
CO2 treatment in Sonepat, Haryana with the coveted CII Food Safety Award

31| LT Foods Investor presentation, May 2020

Bespoke Online and Offline Marketing

India International
• Master Chef Sanjeev Kapoor continues to be • Multicultural channel catering to core
associated with the brand basmati rice consumers such as the South
Asian, Arabic and Persian diaspora
• Bollywood actress and fitness expert Shilpa Shetty
got associated with Daawat Brown Rice • Mainstream channel reaching out to the
general US population
• Enhancing point of sale visibility

Market-leading brands in action in FY2019-20

Highest Subscriber 3,10,570 1,36,100

base in our Category in YouTube visits to Biryani corner on our Fan Base in Facebook

Strengthening our brands with consumer communication highlighting superior quality and product performance to capitalise on the new
opportunities of growth

32| LT Foods Investor presentation, May 2020

Growing Brand Equity

Launch of New Television New Campaign Launched in South India

Diwali Digital Film Campaign 4500 TV Spots in 4 months Campaign in
“Iss Diwali mein Farq lao, Kise ki 7600 TV Spots in 2 months Campaign all key Channels & also did Digital
Diwali Khas Banao” in all key Channels Campaign

Total Impressions Total Views

Across all major Channels in
3.78 Cr. South India
1.26 Cr.
Strengthening our brands with consumer communication highlighting superior quality and product performance to capitalise on the new
opportunities of growth

33| LT Foods Investor presentation, May 2020

Daawat offers consumer, variants for their specific recipes
which are all promoted
Biryani Dedicated Traditional Rice Promotion of newly
Campaign on Social Daawat Brown Rice Campaign
Digital Campaign launched – Daawat Sehat
Media Reaching potential users by targeting on Across print and digital media
Daawat Created 12 most Targeting Consumers through contextual & behavioural basis
searched Biryani Recipes Progmatic

Total Impressions Total Views Total Impressions Total Views

5.7 mn. 3.4 mn. 2.4 mn. 1.1 mn. Total Impressions Total Views

7.46 Cr. 5.27 Cr.

Strengthening our brands with consumer communication highlighting superior quality and product performance to capitalise on the new
opportunities of growth

34| LT Foods Investor presentation, May 2020

Leveraging our
Operations and
Global Supply
Chain Network
Fully integrated Organization
having complete control over
the entire value chain and
strategic location of our
manufacturing facilities close
to procurement areas helping
us to strategize our growth
plans effectively
Integrated Farm-to-fork Business Model

• Robust backward integration through partnerships with farmers

Sustainable under Sustainable Rice Production (SRP) Programs to deliver 5,000+ 60,000+ acres
farming residue-compliant products. farmers associated under growing residue
• Agri extension team supports farmers throughout the year for the SRP programme complaint paddy
rice farming.

Procurement • Wide procurement network with strong quality control across all 234+ 270+
mandis (procurement markets) Procurement markets (mandis) Network of agents

• State-of-the-art processing and packaging facilities in India,

State-of -the-art Europe and the US Five Three
• Advanced milling and packaging infrastructure incorporate Manufacturing facilities in India Packaging units and a ready-
processing to-heat facility in US
global best practices and continuously focuses on cost
facilities effectiveness 1
• Strategically located facilities Manufacturing facility in Europe

Wide • Global distribution network including India across all channels

such as, Mainstream, Retail Outlet, and Hotels/Restaurants and
1,50,000+ 250+
distribution Retail outlets, 3,600+ International distributors to
Caterers (HORECA). Ground presence in US, the Middle East
wholesalers, and 2,500+ cater to the global market
reach and Europe
• Present across all major E-commerce platforms globally. Also modern trade stores in India;
tied up with Food Delivery partners such as Swiggy, Zomato supported by 800+ distributors 80+
and Dominoes in India during the COVID-19 times Country global presence

Integrated operations provide several competitive advantages, including the ability to purchase large quantities of paddy at competitive prices,
and effectively plan, schedule and implement production, storage and further distribute it pan-India and across geographies through its well-
entrenched distribution network

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Global Market & Supply Chain Hubs

37| LT Foods Investor presentation, May 2020

Key Takeaways

A strong back- A strong and

LT Foods is a 70 Company has A sustainable and
end infrastructure vibrant branded
year old an Integrated profitable business
to ensure product
Consumer Food Model with model with strong
consistent and portfolio that is
Company with complete financial metrics
good quality evolving based
presence in 80+ control over the supported by highly
inputs at all time on the
countries offering entire Value experienced,
and a robust changing
Basmati Rice, Chain from qualified and
global consumer
Regional Rice, “Farm to End professional
distribution trends
Organic Food Consumer". workforce
network across leveraging
and Rice Based
all channels and brand and
at all distribution
price points strength

38| LT Foods Investor presentation, May 2020

Strategic Focus

Margin Expansion • Solidify the leadership position in key
• Change in Product Mix • Increase consumer penetration across Financial Metrics
segments to grow current market share • Improve EBITDA
• Efficiencies across value • Strengthen & widen distribution network
chain • Expand existing product portfolio and
margins by ~ 50bps -
• Economies of Scale launch new products leveraging brand 100bps p.a.
& distribution strength i.e. Rice based • Strengthen the
snacks, Ready to Eat and Ready to Balance Sheet
Cook • Improve ROCE in line
• Expand organic portfolio in value with EBITDA margins
added segments

Maximizing shareholder return through creating a fully integrated, global, sustainable, predictable, profitable and growing consumer
branded business model

39| LT Foods Investor presentation, May 2020

Shareholding Pattern
As on March 31, 2020

Other, 35.5%


Other DII's, 1.3%

FII, 1.4%

Mutual Funds , 5.1%

40| LT Foods Investor presentation, May 2020

World of LT foods

Ms. Monika Chawla Jaggia
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 0124-3055210

CIN: L74899DL1990PLC041790
Address: Unit-134, 1st Floor, Rectangle-1,
Saket District Centre, Saket, New Delhi-110017


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