INSET Monitoring Tool
INSET Monitoring Tool
INSET Monitoring Tool
School: _____________________________________________________
School Head: _______________________________________________
Monitoring Date: ____________________________________________
Monitoring Officer: __________________________________________
Directions: Kindly fill-in the boxes with information based on the training matrix of the sub-office being monitored
and feedback based on your observation. Objective, Actual objective, and Recommendations for TA
columns shall contain quantitative and qualitative information.
Directions: Accomplish the rubrics below by putting a check mark on the suitable box that corresponds to your observation.
century skills.
-Contains sufficient contents (activities, tasks, assessment,
etc.) and reasonable workload that are appropriate to the
segments or parts as described in the format.
-Highlights constructivist, inquiry-based, reflective,
collaborative and integrative pedagogical approaches. -Varies
dynamics for individual, pair and group activities that
promote self-learning, collaboration and creativity through
real-world context, situation and tasks.
-Presents error-free (conceptual and factual) contents.
Structure and -Contains all parts as specified in the format and are ☐ ☐ ☐
Sequence arranged in the given order.
-Manifests systematic presentation of contents (logical,
chronological, psychological, simple to complex, etc.)
-Presents contents in varied media (video, audio, written,
visual and/or combination), formats (word, PDF, photo), and
style (infographics, graphic organizers) from different credible
sources that are cited.
-Provides and labels mandatory and optional tasks for the
Functionality -Allows easy access, use and navigation for learners to be ☐ ☐ ☐
/ Usability accountable in successfully completing all activities, tasks,
assessments, etc.
-Allows flexibility and applicability to individual, small-
and large-scale audience.
-Allows easy facilitation for teachers, parents or any person
to serve as guide for learners on the use of learning module.
-Fits for print, digitized and online format and is
readily convertible/adoptable to another format.
-Provides self-help instructions, user’s guide, rubrics
and other troubleshooting support to the learner.
-Ensures learner’s successful completion of the module
using typical equipment and materials that are available
or with less cost.
Language -Displays error-free use of language in terms of grammar ☐ ☐ ☐
and and choice of words.
Mechanics -Applies proper spelling, punctuation, capitalization and
other writing mechanics.
-Uses words, phrases, sentences and discourse that are
grade level-appropriate.
- Instructions/directions and/or process of completion
are clear and concise.
-Follows the DepEd Manual of Style and the DepEd Service
Marks and Identity Manual.
Inclusivity -Reinforces or complements concepts within and across the ☐ ☐ ☐
curriculum and in other field of knowledge/specialization.
-Considers Gender and Development principles and
advocacy (i.e. use of gender-fair language, content, tasks,
assessments and activities, promotion of gender equity
-Specifies provision for privacy, data protection and other
rights of the learners and individuals.
-Incorporates social content such as global citizenship,
social responsibility, nation/community-building, health
and safety, environment, etc. and supports the Sustainable
Development Goals and Ambisyon 2040.
INSET Monitoring Officer