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1. The primary distinction between a change in accounting estimate and the correction of an error is
the timing of availability of information; a change in estimate is based on new information not
previously available. TRUE

0. All changes in accounting policy are accounted for by retrospective application. FALSE

0. A company changes its depreciation method for machinery and equipment from sum-of-the-
years'-digits depreciation to the straight-line method. This is a change in accounting
estimate. TRUE

0. A company reduces the lives of several patents from 17 to 10 years because of rapid
technological change. This is a change in accounting policy. FALSE

0. An analysis of the allowance for doubtful accounts showed the balance should be reduced
by ₱27,500 due to recent changes in economic conditions. This is a change in accounting
estimate. TRUE

0. A company changes from a non-acceptable to an acceptable accounting principle. This is a

change in accounting policy. FALSE

0. A company changes its depreciation method at the same time it recognizes a change in the
estimated useful life of the asset. This is a change in accounting policy.FALSE

0. The understatement of merchandise inventory is an example of an error that counterbalances

after two years. TRUE

0. Failure to record amortization is an example of a non-counter balancing error. TRUE

0. An understatement in ending inventory results to overstatement of profit during the period.



11.Assume that no correcting entries were made at December 31, 20x1, or December 31, 20x2, and
that no additional errors occurred in 20x3. Ignoring income taxes, by how much will working capital
at December 31, 20x3, be overstated or understated?
a. ₱0. c. ₱1,000 understated.
b. ₱1,000 overstated. d. ₱1,700 understated.

12.Bren Co.'s beginning inventory at January 1, 20x3, was understated by ₱26,000, and its ending
inventory was overstated by ₱52,000. As a result, Bren's cost of goods sold for 20x3 was
a. Understated by ₱26,000. c. Understated by ₱78,000.
b. Overstated by ₱26,000. d. Overstated by ₱78,000.
The next three items are based on the following:
The bookkeeper of Latsch Company, which has an accounting year ending December 31, made the
following errors:
 A ₱1,000 collection from a customer was received on December 29, 20x0, but not recorded until
the date of its deposit in the bank, January 4, 20x1.
 A supplier's ₱1,600 invoice for inventory items received in December 20x0 was not recorded until
January 20x1. (Inventories at December 31, 20x0 and 20x1, were stated correctly, based on physical
 Depreciation for 20x0 was understated by ₱900. In September 20x0, a ₱200 invoice for office
supplies was charged to the Utilities Expense account. Office supplies are expensed as purchased.
 December 31, 20x0, sales on account of ₱3,000 were recorded in January 20x1.

Assume that no other errors have occurred and that no correcting entries have been made. Ignore
income taxes. 

13.Profit for 20x0 was

a. Understated by ₱500. c. Overstated by ₱2,500.
b. Understated by ₱2,100. d. Neither understated nor overstated.

14.Assume the same facts as above. Working capital at December 31, 20x0, was
a. Understated by ₱3,000. c. Understated by ₱1,400.
b. Understated by ₱500. d. Neither understated or overstated.

15.Assume the same facts as above. Total assets at December 31, 20x0, were
a. Overstated by ₱2,500. c. Understated by ₱2,500.
b. Overstated by ₱2,100. d. None of the above.

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with
thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses
all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:6-7)

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