04 Internal Audit Procedures
04 Internal Audit Procedures
04 Internal Audit Procedures
KIT 04
Based on International Standard
ISO/IEC 17025 2017
Document Name Internal Audit Issue No. 01
clause Amendment Summary Release Date Accreditation
1- Purpose:
1.1 This procedure aims to determine the method for conducting
periodic internal audits on the quality management system, making
the system more effective and ensuring that the system is applied
with high efficiency.
2- Scope:
2-1 This procedure applies to all departments and divisions in the
3- Definitions:
Document Name Internal Audit Issue No. 01
4- References:
ISO/IEC 17025-2017
Quality Manual
5- Responsibilities:
5-1 Quality Management Representative.
5-2 Internal Auditors.
6- Procedures:
6-1 The Quality Management representative prepares and plans for
the internal audit process between the departments that the internal
audit must be performed at least once every 6 months or according to
the internal audit scheme form (kit 04-01).
6-4 The audit team is prepared to conduct the audit process. The team
is composed of heads of departments in the company, so that each
department head can conduct the audit on the other section.
6-5 The audit team shall be informed of the date of the audit according
to the scheme, and provide them with the date of the audit and the
section to be audited.
6-6 The audit process begins according to what is planned and in the
presence of the head of the audited department, and at the end of the
audit process a final session is held in which the deficiencies in the
procedures that were audited are clarified, the type and nature of the
non-conformity, if any, is identified, and any observations are indicated
according to the form Internal audit report (kit 04-02).
Document Name Internal Audit Issue No. 01