PLN-1400-0000-014 Cultural Heritage Management Plan 25 October

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No: PLN-1400-0000-014
Cultural Heritage Management
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Date: 03 July 2016 1010

Cultural Heritage Management Plan

Date Prepared by Reviewed by Approved by

Department Jacobus
03 July 2016 Lynn McBrien Heads/Managers/Leads Nieuwenhuijze
Project Director
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Cultural Heritage Management
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1 Introduction .................................................................................................................... 3
2 Policy & legislative requirements ................................................................................... 3
2.1 Corporate Objectives ........................................................................................... 3
2.2 Omani Legislative Requirements ......................................................................... 3
2.3 EIA Commitments ................................................................................................ 4
2.4 International Guidelines ....................................................................................... 5
3 Roles and Responsibilities ............................................................................................. 6
3.1 Company Responsibilities.................................................................................... 6
3.2 Contractor Responsibilities .................................................................................. 6
4 Chance Finds ................................................................................................................ 7
4.1 Chance Finds Definition ....................................................................................... 7
4.2 Chance Find Procedure ....................................................................................... 7
4.3 Chance Finds Documentation .............................................................................. 8
5 Awareness and Training ................................................................................................ 8
6 Verification and Monitoring ............................................................................................ 8
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This Cultural Heritage Management Plan (CHMP) describes Duqm Refinery and
Petrochemical Industries Company LLC (“DRPIC”), or COMPANY, approach to protecting
items, fragments and sites of archaeological (prehistoric), palaeontological, historical, cultural,
artistic and religious values during Project activities.

The EIA has indicated that there are no known or suspected archaeological or heritage sites
or artefacts within the planned project area and therefore there is a low likelihood of project
impacts to cultural heritage. However, in the wider Duqm area, 174 archaeological sites have
been recorded as per the Duqm IDZ Archaeological Gazetteer; to minimize the chance of
damage to any archaeological or culturally significant sites during construction, or “chance
finds”, DRPIC is initiating this management plan.

The purpose of this plan is to outline the cultural heritage management principles and
procedures to be followed by DRPIC and CONTRACTORS during the construction phase in
order to ensure that archaeological and cultural heritage in the Project area are managed in
accordance with the Project’s policies and legal requirements. A corresponding Cultural
Heritage Management Implementation Plan (CHMIP) will be developed by the
CONTRACTORS to show how the procedures and requirements of this Plan will be
implemented by them.

The overall objective of the Cultural Heritage Management Plan is to preserve and protect
cultural heritage sites or artefacts from adverse impacts associated with project activities.


2.1 Corporate Objectives

The corporate objectives of COMPANY are set out in the Health, Safety, Environmental and
Social (HSES) Policy which states “…respect the laws and regulations of the governments
with whom we work and the beliefs, values, traditions and cultural heritage of the country and

2.2 Omani Legislative Requirements

The main national regulatory instruments relating to Cultural Heritage are RD114/2001, Law
on Conservation of the Environment and Prevention of Pollution and the Law of Protection of
National Heritage (RD 6/80).

Article 7 of RD 114/2001 states “It is not allowed to use Oman environment for the disposal of
environmental pollutants in such quantities and types that may adversely affect its intactness
and its natural resources or nature conservation areas and the historical and cultural heritage
of the Sultanate.” Additionally, the law sets forth the requirement for assessing impacts to
cultural heritage in the Environmental Assessment under the Guidelines for Obtaining
Environmental Permits.

RD 6/80 provides for the protection and conservation of cultural heritage, including all types
of monuments and antiquities, chattels of cultural properties including archaeological fossils
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and fragments of monuments / ancient ruins or sites and ancient building blocks. It defines a
heritage asset as being any archaeology / monument or movable cultural property greater
than 50 years of age as national heritage.

The requirements of RD6/80 include:

 It is forbidden for any person to destroy national heritage in any way unless that person
obtains a permit from the Ministry of Heritage and Culture (MoHC)
 No development can be built adjacent to a Registered Monument or within its visual
range without written permission from the Ministry of Heritage and Culture.
 If archaeological items are discovered during construction, these shall be reported to
the Ministry of Heritage and Culture; failure to notify could result in fines or
 It is forbidden to destroy, deface, damage or export any national heritage.

2.3 EIA Commitments

The Project EIAs have indicated that in some areas there are no known or suspected
archaeological or heritage sites or artefacts and therefore there is a low likelihood of project
impacts to cultural heritage. The Pipeline EIA indicates that a pre-construction Archaeological
Survey should be undertaken to identify potential sites.

Specific EIAs commitments related to Cultural Heritage Management include:

DR Ref EIA Ref Environmental Protection Measure

DLBBX ACC1 Should any archaeological structures be found or suspected in the area the
same shall be reported to the Ministry of Heritage and Culture, SEZAD and
DLBBX ACC2 Should any archaeological or culturally significant features be identified work in
the area shall be stopped until the same can be investigated by the respective
DR AMP EPC contractor to provide training and education on the existing archaeological
and culturally significant sites in and around the project area.
DR AMP Training and awareness programs on local culture, social settings etc. shall be
given to the construction workers;
DR AMP Any object or site of archaeological or cultural significance should immediately
be reported to the EPC contractor/DUQM REFINERY, and in turn, DUQM
REFINERY should communicate the findings to SEZAD and MoHC
DR AMP DUQM REFINERY social responsibility team to have the contractor and
workers aware of the local system in the Wilayat of Duqm and at Al Wusta
DR AMP Sign boards shall be displayed at places where any findings or significant sites
of archaeological or cultural are present;
DR AMP Methods of preservation and/or restoration to be discussed with MoHC based
on the nature of the finding
DR AMP Findings of archaeological or culturally significant sites to be recorded and
reported to SEZAD and MoHC;
DR AMP The EPC HSE manager along with the CSR head of DUQM REFINERY will be
reporting any findings to SEZAD and MoHC and will await further instructions
from MoHC on the way forward
DR AMP In a case of an incident of non-compliance occurs, the EPC HSE Manager will
take the necessary actions to identify the causes of non-conformance with the
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procedures and implement immediate actions necessary to ensure compliance

and prevent its recurrence.
Pipe EIA Should any minor archaeological resources be identified the same will be
managed as per the Archaeological Finds Management Plan. (p43)
Pipe EIA EPC contractor would need to undertake a visit with the Ministry of Heritage
and Culture to review archaeological sensitivities along the pipeline route.
Pipe EIA The EPC Contractor shall prepare the document [Archaeological Finds
Management Plan] and COMPANY shall approve: identifies potential
archaeological sensitivities along the pipeline ROW and identifies the
procedures for handling and reporting archaeological finds in the event
encountered during construction works. (p195)
Tank NA

2.4 International Guidelines

International guidelines applicable to the Project are derived largely from the requirements of
export credit agencies providing financing to DPRIC and therefore rely on the Equator
Principles. The Equator Principles refer to the IFC Sustainability Framework and its
Performance Standards as “the then applicable standards” under Principle 3.

Cultural heritage standards and guidelines are primarily found in the International Finance
Corporation’s Performance Standard 8 (PS8), Cultural Heritage and its guidance document.

Under PS8, cultural heritage refers to physical forms of cultural heritage, such as tangible
property and sites having archaeological (prehistoric), palaeontological, historical, cultural,
artistic and religious values, as well as unique features that embody cultural values, such as
sacred graves. The relevant IFC requirements apply to cultural heritage regardless of whether
or not it has been legally protected or previously disturbed.

Performance Standard 8’s applicable objective is to preserve and protect cultural heritage
from Project impacts and specifies methods as follows:

 Include cultural heritage concerns in Project assessment process and management

 Integrate cultural heritage impacts into the Social and Environmental Assessment
 Include direct and indirect impacts and opportunities for enhancement to cultural
heritage in the Assessment
 Consult with experts, government authorities, local communities, and Indigenous
Peoples to identify cultural heritage resources
 Comply with National laws and any applicable treaties and conventions
 Design and site Projects to avoid cultural heritage
 Develop and implement Chance Finds Procedures for construction and operation
 Preserve sites in place unless there are no technically or financially feasible
alternatives; and/or benefits from Project outweigh heritage losses
 Remove cultural heritage that cannot be avoided using the best available techniques
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3.1 Company Responsibilities

DRPIC responsibilities are to:

 Establish an inventory of identified archaeological, paleontological, historic and cultural

heritage sites in the project area from SEZAD and handover to Contractors.
 Communicate the CHMP, specifying the Project’s commitments and requirements
regarding archaeological and cultural heritage management, to the CONTRACTOR
 Review and approve the CONTRACTOR’S CHMIP.
 Monitor and audit the implementation of the CHMP and CONTRACTOR performance
with respect to the requirements of this CHMP.
 Liaise with the MoHC and SEZAD and notify them of chance finds.
 Determine appropriate corrective action for any non-compliance with the requirements
within this plan.

3.2 Contractor Responsibilities

CONTRACTOR responsibilities are to:

 Prepare a CHMIP, including a chance finds procedure, showing how the requirements
of the CHMP and regulations will be implemented.
 Ensure known archaeological and cultural sites are reflected on project mapping and
plans (see Appendix A).
 Provide a description to DRPIC of the roles and responsibilities of all key project
personnel concerning archaeological and cultural heritage management.
 Cascade the CHMIP to any Sub-contractors and consultants.
 Communicate the contents of the CHMIP to the workforce and train all personnel and
Sub-contractors to ensure they understand their responsibilities, including the chance
find policies and procedures.
 Ensure that the procedures established in the CHMIP are complied with by their staff
and Sub-contractors.
 Use disciplinary action for personnel failing to comply with CHMIP requirements
 Stop work in the case of a chance find, report to DRPIC site management (DRPIC
takes responsibility for government notification).
 Strictly enforce any archaeological and heritage resource stop-work orders. Apply
appropriate site protection measures in the event that ground disturbing activities are
required in areas adjacent to areas of known archaeological resources.
 Provide documentation related to archaeological and cultural heritage resources to
DRPIC, including all supporting documentation if applicable.
 Ensure effective supervision and monitoring of implementation of all aspects of the
 Pipeline contractor is to undertake a pre-construction archaeological survey on the
crude oil pipeline route and any associated workspaces / access roads.
 Crude Tank contractor shall validate baseline survey in tank farm area specific to its
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The objective of the chance find procedure is to protect previously unrecorded archaeological
and historic sites from Project-related damage. All CONTRACTORS shall implement DRPIC’s
chance find site procedure when conducting ground-disturbing activities.

4.1 Chance Finds Definition

Chance finds are defined as archaeological or palaeontological objects, features, and sites
that are identified outside of, or after, a formal site reconnaissance, normally as a result of
construction monitoring. Potential chance finds may be identified by any member of the Project
including CONTRACTORS, archaeologists, maintenance workers, and visitors or guests. It is
then the responsibility of the CONTRACTOR to stop work and notify DRPIC to determine
whether this potential chance find is in fact an archaeological heritage resource.
Archaeological and heritage resources may include:

 Artefacts, whole or partial, such as flaked or ground stone, flints, metal, textiles, and
plant and animal remains that were modified or utilized by humans.
 Features associated with human occupation including discoloration of soil (potentially
indicating more extensive buried objects), middens, hearths and structural remains
such as houses, animal corrals, temporary shelters, terraces, and monuments and
 Prehistoric or historic human remains found in formal graves, cemeteries, or as an
isolated occurrence.
 Paleontological resources include fossilized plant or animal remains or their

Chance finds that are not archaeological or heritage resources include modern objects,
features, and burials as well as isolated artefacts (out of context and therefore lacking research
potential or value), however this determination shall be made by MoHC.

4.2 Chance Find Procedure

The following procedure must be followed in the event of a suspected chance find:

 The CONTRACTOR shall stop work in the immediate area.

 CONTRACTOR personnel will notify their line manager and/or HSE Manager who will,
in turn, contact Duqm Refinery.
 The CONTRACTOR shall install temporary site protection measures (warning tape and
stakes, and avoidance signs).
 DRPIC shall contact SEZAD and the Ministry of Heritage and Culture (if SEZAD
defers this duty to DRPIC). and will await further instructions from MoHC.
 If the potential chance find is not an archaeological, paleontological or heritage
resource, DRPIC will authorize the removal of the site protection measures and work
may continue at an appropriate distance from the discovery.
 If the potential chance find IS an archaeological, paleontological or heritage resources,
methods of preservation and/or restoration to be discussed with MoHC based on the
nature of the finding; DRPIC shall coordinate with CONTRACTOR on further actions
required, and a further work / monitoring plan developed with MoHC.
 In a case of an incident of non-compliance occurs, the CONTRACTOR and/or DRPIC
will take the necessary actions to identify the causes of non-conformance with the
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procedures and implement immediate actions necessary to ensure compliance and

prevent its recurrence.

4.3 Chance Finds Documentation

DRPIC staff and Contractors (and subcontractors) will be required to maintain records of
monitoring, Chance Finds, and Chance Find response measures executes. These will

 Daily monitoring records indicating areas and ground disturbance activities monitored
and any Chance Finds. Communications and instructions (such as stop work and
resume work) will also be included.
 Monthly reports summarizing monitoring, status of any site protection measures
required, instructions to Contractor, and other internal and external communications.
 Any additional reporting required by MoHC on Chance Finds.

Documentation and Records shall be held by the HSE or Social teams, with summary reports
submitted monthly to COMPANY HSE Department.


The EIA stipulates the following awareness and training requirements with regards to
Cultural Heritage:

 CONTRACTORS are to train the workers in this procedure and make them aware of
the local system in the Wilayat of Duqm and at Al Wusta governorate.
 CONTRACTORS are to provide training and education on the existing archaeological
and culturally significant sites in and around the project area;
 Training and awareness programs on local culture, social settings etc. shall be given
to the construction workers;
 Sign boards shall be displayed at places where any findings or significant sites of
archaeological or cultural are present;
 COMPANY shall provide cultural heritage awareness training to all employees
 COMPANY will roll out this management plan to those responsible for Contractor
management or other activities where Chance Finds are likely.

Additionally, CONTRACTORS are to roll out the full requirements of this Plan and related
Implementation Plan to their personnel, subcontractors and visitors.


DRPIC will carry out monitoring to ensure that Contractor and subcontractors are adhering to
the requirements and commitments contained in the DRPIC’s Management Plans and
Contractor Implementation Plans. All monitoring requirements shall be established within the
Contractor Plans with details of resources, monitoring, and assurance methods included within
the Contractor’s ESMS.

DRPIC environmental processes include verification and monitoring. This monitoring by or on

behalf of DRPIC will be independent of the monitoring that the Contractor will undertake.
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As part of the CHMIP, Contractor shall develop monitoring measures in respect of each of the
commitments identified in this Plan. The Contractor Cultural Heritage CHMIP shall commit
Contractors to prepare and submit a monitoring report to DRPIC each month for review and
approval. This report shall include the monthly Chance Finds summary report.

Monitoring of cultural heritage including any artefacts discovered during the works will also be
reviewed by third parties undertaking external audits such as Government regulatory agencies
and Lenders.

Key performance indicators will be developed and reported within the ESMS including
the following specific to Cultural Heritage in the table below, applicable to both COMPANY

Theme ID KPI Reporting Description Performance Monitoring Reportable

Unit Target Frequency
Cultural Chance Number # Number of 0 Non Monthly
Heritage Finds chance finds compliances
not in
with the
chance finds
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APPENDIX A – Duqm IDZ Archaeological Gazetteer

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