DemonSteele v0.9 Credits

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// For Hae-Lin and/or general purpose


- Special thanks to Combine_Kegan and Shiga95, who respectively made GMOTA and
Swan Fox, both of which were big inspirations for this.
- Special thanks to Flying Wild Hog and MAIET Entertainment, respectively for
Shadow Warrior 2013 and GunZ, both also big inspirations for this.
- Special thanks to Mike12 for his incredible patience in dealing with my
stubborn push of ideas and my flighty attention span, as well as his jaw-
droppingly astounding artistic work.
- Special thanks to Sgt. Shivers for his numerous, numerous contributions to
animation, idea-polishing, and custom graphics, as well as his insane amount
of patience in dealing with my extreme forgetfulness and absent-minded-ness.
- Special thanks to Doom667Shogun for allowing me to use Doom Radys assets for
kickstarting DemonSteele with, letting me have a headstart on everything.
- /vr/, as always, for being an incredible source of support and ideas.

- Numerous artists for custom deaths (All sorted in folders according to the
^ Mike12
^ DrDoctor
^ David G
^ Vader
^ Eriance
^ Minigunner
^ Funktasm
^ Neoworm
^ ojsclatchford
^ Sgt. Shivers
^ Xim
- Mike12
^ Numerous custom deaths (as mentioned)
^ The gore decals/graphics
^ The custom blood for the Kharon
^ The Acacia A-22 hunting pistol
^ The Kharon
^ The polished Marathon shotgun for the Testament
- Sgt. Shivers
^ All of the idle animations
^ The henshin animation
^ Animating the Exodus
^ The pillow for the dakimakura
^ The Frosthammer cryo railgun
^ The animation for the Legion's special attack
^ The Iron Maiden weapon sprites
^ The animation for the Acacia's special attack
- Absolutely no thanks to Rottsprite for shitting out on us and not letting us
rotate the Kharon properly forcing us to rely on Photoshop's really ugly and
- Shiga95/Angel_Neko-X (The Swan Fox image used for the dakimakura)
- Captain J/Cortlong50 (The base of the Sabbath, dramatically rehauled by Mike12)
- Captain J (The Sabbath large ammo pack)
- Bloax (The broken bone sprites)
- DonaldDuck (The Priest's sprites)
- Shadow Warrior (The Exodus grenade sprites, the Yakuza enemy sprites)
- Aeons of Death (The Exodus explosion graphics)
- Ettingrinder (The Candelabra)
- NeuralStunner (The Omen's pickup sprite)
- Rogue Software (The lightning effects, the keycard bases, and the gunsmoke, from
- Raven Software
^ The skull keys edited from Hexen
^ The Steel Beast edited from the Heretic Sabreclaw
^ The Wizard edited from the Hexen Bishop
^ The Blackened edited from the Hexen Reiver
^ The Priest edited from Hexen's Parias and the Heretic Iron Lich
^ The Priest/Imp's fire effects nicked from Hexen
^ The hook and chain for the Kharon's special
- Id Software (The laser shots from the zombies, some electricity sprites for Omen)
- Ravage/rf' (The red/blue/green torches)
- KeksDose (The miniature explosions and particles used for the bullet puffs)
- CastleVania: Dawn of Sorrow/Order of Ecclesia/Portrait of Ruin (Bits and pieces
of the HUD)
- CastleVania: Symphony of the Night (The skull used for the main menu selector)
- Chrono Trigger (Bits and pieces of the HUD)
- Dark Kingdom (Yup, HUD bits)
- Final Fantasy 6 (The fire used to represent health)
- Dungeons n' Dragons (Font used for the HUD)
- HellCattX (The base for the Exodus/Acacia A-22 ammo pickups)
- amv2k9 (The base for the Testament ammo pickups)
- Eriance/JoeyTD (The base for the placeholder hands used for the Kharon)
- Eriance
^ Custom deaths (As mentioned)
^ The explosion used for the Steel Beast death
^ The balls used for the Wizard spell
^ The skull head used for the souls
- Tormentor667/Z86 (The pretty effects for the Imp/Hell Noble balls, taken from
UTNT/Particle Fire Enhancer)
- Jimmy91 (The fonts used, Gargoyle Wing for BIGFONT and Apostacy for SMALLFONT)
- Brothers of Metal (Font used for the main menu options)
- Blood (The graphics for the Black Soul)
- Diavolo no Daibouken (The base for the bag of holding)
- Caddilacs & Dinosaurs (One of the apples and one of the burgers)
- Arx (One of the apples)
- Final Fight (One of the burgers)
- Knights of the Round (One of the Apples)
- Grand Knights History (The Blind Guardian shield)
- PresidentPeople (Fixing the Blind Guardian's rotations so it had a proper front
- MartyKirra (The very sexy sprites for the Omen)
- Scuba Steve/Mike12/torridGristle (The sheathe for the Kharon, heavily edited from
Action Doom 2)
- The Guided Fate Paradox (The halo for the Majestic Vanguard)
- SoloSpaghetti (The Boots of Protection, modified from the Doom Roguelike Arsenal
- zrriontheinsect (The gothic candles, modified from his Doom 64 candles)
- Horrormovieguy (The launched sprites for the Hell Baron and Hell Knight)
- Monolith Productions (The pile of skulls from Blood)
- Bungie (The shotgun, taken from Marathon and polished dramatically, the
Acacia/Sabbath casings)
- Moorhuhn 3: Es Gibt Huhn (The Testament shell casings)
- Touhou Hisouten/Doorhenge (The explosion shockwave)
- Marrub (The DevilDriver's sprites)
- DavidG (The alternate attack frames for the Baron)
- Virtue (All of the texture brightmaps)
- Kyle873 (The Exodus/Frosthammer brightmaps)
- Seryder (Decorating and polishing up MAPTEST)
- Gundere (Hae-Lin's player sprites)
- Herictator (The Game Over screen)
- Exhumed (The damned soul the Blackened emits on death)

- Scroton
^ Pretty much the entirety of ds_cl_toaster
^ Optimizing a lot of rough spots
^ Rehauling the destructable decorations to throw their items at the players
- Ijon Tichy
^ The shockwave from the spin attack
^ The trail for the zombie lasers/razor wind
^ The second level spatter for the Omen
^ The buzzsaw special for the Omen
- Doom667Shogun (For the blood/dismembering effects)
- Vaecrius (For the redone Archvile (taken from Make It Snappy))
- Kyle873 (Polishing the post-damage invulnerability code, rehauling the double-
jump code)
- MagSigmaX (Inspiration for the dodging code)
- Lioyd_Irving/le_L (The basis for the Omen's impact code)
- Scroton (The 3rd level spatter for the Omen)
- PillowBlaster (The overcharge shockwaves for the Omen)
- Xaser/Enjay/Corwin (The TERRAIN lump from Psychic)
- Tormentor667/Ghastly_Dragon (The Powerline spawners for the armor, from the
Stronghold Powerpad)
- PresidentPeople (Fixing the corpses to keep them from bouncing everywhere)
- IvanDobrovski (Fixing the eternally-looping imp blood fountain)
- Xaser/Tormentor667/Z86 (The explosive barrel, nicked from the Particle Fire
Enhancer Mod)
- TiberiumSoul (The code for the bulletpuffs based off of his neat little effects)
- Zael (For the Ultima Cannon, which I shamelessly ripped off for the not-
Kamehameha. May your mass never go inert)
- amv2k9 (The launching system, adapted from his old Devil May Cry mod)
- jpalomo (Joystick and touchscreen support, written entirely by him!)
- Vince (Pretty much all of the DevilDriver)
- FuzzballFox (All of the extra fontcolors)

- Cryptomnesia (Titlescreen: Live Like a God, Die Like a God - Free to download off
- Megadeth (Intermission: Kick the Chair - Released as a free download in 2004)
- SlayeR (Read Me: Chaos Abounds - Free to download)
- Finntroll (Final1/MAPTEST: Haterop - Released as a free download in 2005)
- Yasuharu Takanashi (Final2: Power Up, Akanbe! - Released as a promotional CD to
Precure anime)
- Bolt Thrower (Iron Maiden Song 1: Cenotaph - Cover downloaded from ModArchive)
- Ravenlord (Iron Maiden Song 2: Erased Fantasy - Downloaded from ModArchive)
- Unknown (Iron Maiden Song 3: Grey Void - Downloaded from ModArchive)
- SlayeR (Iron Maiden Song 4: Come In My Pants - Downloaded from
^ Iron Maiden Song 5: Get In2 It - Downloaded from
^ Iron Maiden Song 6: Running Blood - Downloaded from
^ Iron Maiden Song 7: Uncontrollable Dancing Fury - Downloaded from
- Adoxographist ( - Going above and beyond the line of duty
for Hae-Lin's voice!)
- John Archer (The Blackened's voice)
- torridGristle (The robotic voice of the Iron Maiden, ripping numerous sound
- Combine_Kegan (Ripping and gathering all of the Sentinel's sound bytes)
- Marrub (Ripping the Killing Floor sound effects)
- MartyKirra (The announcer for the ranking system)
- All sounds are credited to their respective owner in SNDINFO.

// For Sun Shihong

- Hands by Marty Kirra and Sgt. Shivers
- Pizza sprite taken off Pizza Hut
- Doritos sprite originally by Golly Gosher/Orig01
- Scorpions dual pistols ripped by torridGristle
- Viper revolver ripped by torridGristle, edited by Mike12 and Sgt. Shivers
- Wolf shotgun ripped by Sgt. Shivers, edited by Mike12
- Dragon grenades ripped by Captain J
- Mines by Captain J
- Tiger sword ripped by Sgt. Shivers, edited by CrasicalTheMage and Mike12
- Yuki Nagato sprites from Doom Radys Classes, made by Doom667Shogun
- Melee style swapping icon from Fallout: Tactics
- Ranged style swapping icon from Grand Knights History
- Dodger style swapping icon from Strider 2
- Hud pieced together with sprites from:
^- Super Star Wars
^- X-COM: Terror From the Deep
^- Shaq Fu
^- Super Metroid
^- Mega Man X
^- Mega Man & Bass
^- Armored Warriors
- Hit sparks from Street Fighter Alpha 2
- Raven sprites by Neoworm and Sgt. Shivers
- Raven lasers from Freedoom
- for the HUD graphic for the Raven
- for the dog plush sprite
- Sgt. Shivers for the Mastodon nuclear death kill big gun
- Sgt. Shivers for the Raven pickup sprites
- Aeons of Death for the raw energy pickup sprites
- PresidentPeople for the Mode Change inventory graphics

- Opening binary sequence coded by Kyle873
- Wallgrabbing by Xaser
- Grappling hook and walljumping by Ijon Tichy
- Enemy-tazed code by WildWeasel
- Data stream weapon spawns by PresidentPeople
- Enemy stomping by Marrub
- Mastodon functions by PillowBlaster

- Heidi Tabing ( - Going above and beyond the line
of duty for Shihong's voice!)

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