Genetic Influence On Football Performance: A Systematic Review

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Genetic Influence on Football Performance: A Systematic Review


The Human Genetics serves as a basic information for our build and blueprint for our growth
and development but not all genes are the same certain factors affect the genes’ overall build due to
adaptations. Over the last 20 years, there has been a significant increase in interest regarding genetic
factors that affects sporting performance. The purpose of this is to systematically review and organize
the available literature devoted to the topic of genetics and is relation to performance in football. By
conducting a systematic search in line with the PRISMA guidelines in Web of Science, SPORTDiscus, and
PubMed for original research published before October 2019. Specified keywords were used in order to
find a number of articles. The articles were screened by using pre-defined selection criteria and
methodological quality was assessed independently by 2 Authors. The electronic searches yielded 872
articles, and after the screening process, a total of 38 studies met the eligibility criteria and were
subsequently included for review. The reviewed studies identified the most frequently addressed topics
in this area of research: (1) performance related genes; (2) injury-related genes; (3) body composition-
related genes; and (4) cardiac adaptations. This area of research is still at an early stage, and there is a
need for studies to develop knowledge of genetics and its link with physical, technical, and cognitive
performance in football with a view to facilitating talent identification in young players.


The aim of Physical Therapy is to improve the quality of life through prescribed exercise and
gives hope to individuals with difficulties in doing simple tasks. With the proper examination a Physical
Therapists can easily identify an individual’s problem based from their genetic build up and can
accurately give an intervention to return the normal function of the patient. The study gives us a new
perspective on the different genetic build up among different countries, furthermore genetics gives a
wider range of understanding on the different capabilities of different genetic build up can do. With the
new and ever-changing world, the knowledge and discoveries of genetics in Physical Therapy would
greatly help us to fully understand what our bodies are capable of through further research onto
genetics. As we progress as a society we also evolve as humans by changing our physical built to suit or
adapt to our current geography, hence leading to different traits and capabilities.

Sarmento H, Marques A, Field A, Martins J, Gouveia ER, Mondragón LP, Saavedra NO, Rodríguez DA,
Clemente FM. Genetic influence on football performance: a systematic review. Hum Mov. 2020;21(4):1–
17; doi:
An Evaluation of Fine and Gross Motor Skills in Adolescents with Down Syndromes
By Şehmus ASLAN, Ummuhan BAŞ ASLAN


Developmental delay can be prominently seen in cases for people involved with genetic
disorders. In this case, the journal tackled how Down Syndrome (DS) affected the fine and motor skills of
people. The study shows the comparison of development between adolescents with DS and without DS.
There was no significant difference found in terms of their physical development. However, in the
development of fine and motors skills, the researchers found a huge variance between the two groups
using the Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Profeciency, second edition or BOT-2 SF. People without DS
ended up with higher scores than the group with DS. With the result, it was seen that people with DS
had problems with posture control, poor balance, impairments, which resulted to congenital heart
disease and obesity. This study was however, a cross sectional study with exclusion on the criteria’s
history of congenital heart defects and orthopaedic surgery, and normally developing adolescents with
any diseases and injury which affect the development such as diseases such as metabolic, cardio-
respiratory system, Musculo-skeletal system and metabolic diseases. And as the result of the research,
children with DS tend to have delays in developing their fine and motor skills. This feedbacks to children
with DS to experience frustration and difficulty in learning of more advanced skills. Thus, correlates
these children having lower levels of health-related fitness and participated less in sports. To summarize
everything, the journals stresses the importance of interventions facilitating motor skills and that the
knowledge of differences in both fine and gross motor skills in adolescents with DS adolescents should
be of great interest to physical educators and could be of benefit in the designing and planning of
physical activity programs or sports according to the adolescents’ abilities, thereby improving both fine
and gross motor skills.


The relevance of this study with Physical Therapy (PT) is that it shows how it could help in
molding and creating a better life for people with Down Syndrome, especially in their younger years.
This also indicates the importance of how PT can give these children a chance to grow with their peers
of their age and a chance to participate in the normal events and activities. Having physical therapy in
their life could also improve not just their Fine and Gross Motor skills but could also improve their
physical and mental well-being, and their health.

Aslan, S. (2016). An Evaluation of Fine and Gross Motor Skills in Adolescents with Down

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