Hifz Programme Child Details Form: Section I: Child Section

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Hifz Programme Child Details Form

Ref: name of country/ no of form

- Orphan, max 12 years old (birth certificate) - Orphan (father’s death certificate)
- Learning & memorizing Al qur’an (at least 1 juz) - Fakir/miskin (poor) family

Section I: Child Section


First Name Middle Name Surname

Sex: M F
Date of Birth (dd/mm/yy):
Address Line 1:
Address Line 2: Picture
City/ District:

Is the child?
Orphan: Yes No Medical Information:
General health: Poor Good
Needy: Yes No If condition is poor, give details;

With a disability: Yes No

Kind of disability: -

Is the child receiving a sponsorship/ financial support from any other organisation?
Yes No
If yes, Name of organisation:
Full Address:
Name of Representative:
Tel no:
Amount of financial support per month/ year: N/A (in kind)
What does it cover? Education Health Food Clothes Other

School/Madrasa Information:
Name of school:
Full Address :
Tel No:
Type of School (ex: Government, Private): Private
Grade/ class Attending:
Does the family pay school fees? Yes No
If yes, what are the School Fees per month: IDR /month

Section II: Family Section

Father’s Name:

First Name Middle Name Surname

Father’s work: -

Date of death, if applicable: Cause of death:

Mother’s Name:

First Name Middle Name Surname

Mother’s work:

Date of death, if applicable: Cause of death:

Who is taking care of the child? Parent Guardian

If Guardian,
Guardian’s name:

First Name Middle Name Surname

Relationship to child: (Uncle/Grandmother etc) Guardian’s work:

Guardian’s address

Number of brothers and sisters:

Names and ages of brothers: Names and ages of sisters:

1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
5. 5.

Do any of the sisters/ brothers receive any sponsorship from Muslim Aid/ any other organization?
Yes No

If yes, How many children are receiving sponsorships in the family -

Name of sponsor/ organisation -

Average Total Monthly Income: IDR Per month (uncertain)

Is the family eligible for Zakah payments? Yes No

Is the family receiving any financial assistance? Yes No

If yes how much -

Section III: Relevant Information

State any information about the child/ family?

- Health problems

- Economic situation of the family


- The child’s school progress/Hifz progress (how many Juz completed/How many years remaining till
completion of Hifz?)

- Expenses required by school/Madrasa?

- What will the sponsorship funds cover?

Declaration: (From partner organisation / Field Office) For office use

I herby confirm that the information provided in this Date approved:

application has been verified by our organisation:
Child ID:
Name of Organisation: YKMI Yogyakarta

Prepared by, Acknowledged by,

Supporting documents (please tick in the box the documents that you attached to the CDF)

Birth certificate (obligatory)

Parents/ guardian IDs (obligatory)
Death certificate/ father (obligatory)
Death certificate/ mother
Medical report
Consent form

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