Psychoanalytic Diagnoses Chart Summary

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Overview of Psychoanalytic Personality Diagnosis (PPD) (www.jacobsmallphd.

com) (rev 6/16/08)

Style Core Organizational Features of P Style Conscious and Unconscious Affects Core Defenses
Depressive loss, sadness, negative self, introjection Cs sadness, guilt; Uncs anger, sadness introjection, idealizes objects, devalues self
Hypomanic avoidance of severe depressive experience Cs social, energetic; Uncs guilt, deeply sad avoid depressive xp (denial, minimization, humor)
Masochistic association of attachment and pain Cs sadness, moral rectitude; Uncs anger victimization, moralization; introjection
Obsessive values thought over feeling; rigidity, control Cs anxious, guilt; Uncs shame, anger isolation (intellectual-, rational-, moralization)
Compulsive wish that action will master/rid self of feelings Cs anxious, guilt, out of control; Uncs anger Obsessive isolation defenses + undoing, acting out
Narcissistic grandiosity split from empty depletion Cs grandiose; Uncs shame, weak, vulnerable idealization/devaluation, minimization, denial
Sociopathic Conscienceless victimizer; destroys weaknss Cs unbounded power; Uncs powerless, envy omnipotent control, denial, dissociation, acting out
Hysterical sex- and anger-avoidant, stereotyped F Cs jovial, sensitive;Uncs anger, anxious, envy regression, repression, acting out, sexualization
Paranoid Distrust; hreat consumed; projection Cs suspicious, angry; Uncs intrusion fear, need projection, denial, displacement
Schizoid turn away from people and toward fantasy Cs detachment; Uncs object hunger withdrawal to fantasy, regression, detachment

Style Core Experiences of Self and Others Typical Themes in Object Relations Typical Transferences to Therapist
Depressive defective, unworthy, unlovable critical, hostile; selflessness; signif. loss xp idealized figure/critical, punishing parent
Hypomanic must not show self or others sadness similar to depressive; hx of traumatic loss inquiry threatens depress avoidance,urge to flee
Masochistic depressive with hope' of love thru suffering neglected but attended to when in pain must prove victimhood to get love/moral outrage
Obsessive anger, shame, humiliation, powerless intense criticism; rigidity; control; humiliation xp Cs compliance; Uncs rigid undermining of tmt
Compulsive anxious; loss of control of ego dystonic bx (similar to obsessive); emphasis on right/wrong Cs compliance; behavioral undermining of tmt
Narcissistic grandiose/powerful vs. injury, empty, shame love' for what pt provides, not who they are grandiose devalution, masking vulnerability/rage
Sociopathic power/sadism avoiding weakness, envy all-powerful sadist vs weak, helpless victim con (power) or be conned by tpist
Hysterical anxious, powerless, resentful, overstimulated exciting, feared oppos-sex/same-sex competes desired but feared; overstimulated; seductive
Paranoid suspicious, angry, fearful of intrusion threat/danger, intrusion xps, boundary loss suspicion; anger; expects persecution, betrayal
Schizoid seemingly content detached; 'inhuman' engulfing/neglectful xps result in psychic retreat detached curiosity; engulfment fear

Style Typical Countertranferences to Pt. Treatment Implications Treatment Implications 2

Depressive protective; rescue fantasy; depressive ID don't support ego, attack superego Primacy of loss, unexpressed anger
Hypomanic charmed; collusion; fearful of pt fleeing tmt anticipate desire flee in psychotherapy contract gently encourage approaching depressive core
Masochistic excessive self sacrifice; anger and sadism anger and agency; separate feeling/principle de-associate attachment and pain, 'no rachmones'
Obsessive exasperation; power struggle; frustration feelings are not useless or irrational but human owning choices, uncertainty, power
Compulsive (same) with pull to overfunction, control pt. difficult emotions symbolized, not enacted being' over 'doing;' acknowledge ambivalence
Narcissistic loss of clinician ID; rage; fear wounding pt. identify and repair ruptures, challenge grandiosity development of a cohesive identity
Sociopathic fear of exploitation; countersadism Incorruptable stance, focus on bx. consequences develop conscience, nonexploitative relating
Hysterical overfunction; infantilize; disdain; seduced interpret Uncs conflict, normalize aggression power is possible w/o feminine seterotype
Paranoid attacked, misinterpreted; wish to prove trust build trust, gently address delusions overapplied mistrust may not always apply
Schizoid counterdetachment, pt a lab specimen negotiate conflict between need/fear of others increasing sense of safety of dependency needs

Analytic diagnosis involves 2 levels: 1. 'style' and 2. developmental level of organization: Neurotic: defensive rigidity (DR); Borderline: DR, disturbed
object relations (DOR); identity diffusion (ID), and reactive reality testing impairment (RTI), and Psychotic: DR, DOR, ID, and pervasive RTI.
Core Incompatibilties between PPD and DSM: 1. Personality 'style' is always assessed, regardless of Axis I or II DSM diagnosis..
2.Borderline conditions are not considered a type of PD but developmental level of intrapsychic structure; as evidenced by very high comorbity w other PDs
3. Psychosis does not preclude considering personality like in the DSM: example DSM Paranoid Schizophrenia vs. a psychotic level paranoid personality

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