Assignment Handout: RICS School of Built Environment, Amity University

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Revised on: 24-05-2019


RICS School of Built Environment, Amity University

Program Name MBA CPM & CEQS 1

Course name and Code Sustainable Practices in Built Environment [CM663]

Name of Course faculty(s) Deepti Shitoley

Type of course work Assignment 1 (Presentation)- Group of four - five students

Assessment weightage 10 %

Submission date 18th Oct 2020 via LMS

Aim of the course work Test your knowledge and application of the concepts relating to green
rating system, its features and benefits.
1. Understand sustainability, the need for sustainability and the
Learning outcome
importance of the sustainability movement. (M011)
tested (Competencies
2. Apply sustainability in the built environment through
compliance with green legislation and certification. (M011)
3. Create sustainable solutions in the design, development,
maintenance and operation (M004 & T112)

Module Tested I, II

1. Knowledge and understanding of the Course Work/Assignment

This is the factual foundation of the assignment. The essential facts should be accurate and broad
enough in their scope to allow further application. The requirement of the assignment should be clearly
understood and accordingly students are expected to apply their knowledge gained through classroom
learning, case studies discussed in the class

2. Application and analysis of the topic (subject specific Skill)

This is the way in which you analyze/ examine the context and how you interpret the information to add
value to your answer (this could be in the form of conclusions, solutions, recommendations, etc.). It is
also important to remember that the assessor must logically be able to follow the information in
assignment submissions. For this assignment, you are required to apply the theoretical concepts and
showcase them in your analysis.

3. The structure in terms of logic and coherence

Submissions should have a clear start and a clear end. Information within submissions should also be logical
and well grouped.
Revised on: 24-05-2019

4. Use of relevant work examples and/or examples gained from further reading
Presentations and discussions in the classroom form the background of this PSDA assignment. There will be a
case study of green building features and benefits which will presented in the class, which forms the
foundation of this assignment. Students are expected to apply the concepts and their learning from
classroom discussions and case study for this project. You are advised to broaden you understanding by
reading the prescribed green rating manual and books and other relevant articles on the web for an effective
and well written presentation.

5. Marking scheme

Presentation Submission

Outcome Weightage Marks Allocation

Quality of Analysis and Discussion 50% 5 marks

Plagiarism and References 20% 2 Marks

Timely Submission of presentation 10% 1 mark
Recommendation and Conclusion 20% 2 marks

6. Marking Rubric
Please refer to the course work brief for the marking rubric.

7. Plagiarism
Amity Plagiarism policy will be followed, and all submissions will be checked for plagiarism on Turnitin. Refer
to course guide for plagiarism and referencing details.

8. Important Instructions
1. Plagiarism is a serious offence. In case of any plagiarism detected, penalty will be imposed leading to
zero mark.
2. Course work and reports should be solved by the individual/group.
3. Course work and reports should be submitted on time and submission after deadline will be marked
4. Name, student identification and title of the course work to be written clearly and legibly

9. Indicative Performance Threshold

The evaluation will be done as per standard marking rubric and indicative performance threshold. Refer to
course guide for Indicative Performance Threshold.

Name Course Coordinator Signature

Deepti Shitoley
Revised on: 24-05-2019

Course work brief

Choose a green building project already certified and operational in India from the following sources

Choose the building where details of the project (location, size, features, owner, occupant) and certification
are available from other secondary sources. Click on the scoresheets based on which the certification is given
and download the scoresheet. E.g. the below link contains the certification and scoresheet link to Abode
Systems Building, Sector-25A, Noida

Analyze the scoresheet to understand the percentage score is each of categories given and major credits and
scores achieved by the project. Based on your scoresheet and credit analysis and other data sourced

1) Present the key sustainability features of the building and project.

2) Comment what can be the key driver of certification looking at the scoresheet and credit analyized.

3) What triple bottom line benefits can be achieved by the project based on the sustainability features
given and credit scored?
As the ratings are getting regularly updated and new technology and rating upgrades are coming up from
time to time. Net-zero buildings and automation are getting more prevalent in Indian buildings. Looking at
this upcoming changes and post COVID environment what more can be done to make the building more
sustainable and productive for the occupant.
4) What more can be done in the building to make it more sustainable and resilient post COVID
The students in a group must present this presentation in the class which will be graded in the class as per
below marking rubric.

Marking Rubric for Presentation1

Course Name: Course Code:

Programme and Section: Semester:
Name of the student: Enrollment:

Very Below
Presentation attributes Excellent Good Average Average Poor
(5) (4) (3) (2) (1)
Quality and organization of information

Appropriate use of terminology and visual tools

Quality of Verbal Communication

This marking rubric is for recommendation purpose only, which can be modified for individual
courses in line with the course specific requirement.
Revised on: 24-05-2019

Quality of Non-Verbal Communication

Overall Presentation (20)


Signature of the Faculty Member

Name of the Faculty Member

The final scores will be awarded based on the Marking Scheme given in this document

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