Unit 1 Test Review: Physics Basics, Movement, and Vectors Chapters 1 - 3

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Physics – B

Unit 1 Test Review

Physics Basics, Movement, and Vectors
Chapters 1 - 3
* In studying for your test, make sure to study this review sheet
along with your quizzes and homework assignments.

Multiple Choice Review: On this portion of the test, you will not be allowed to
use your calculator or AP formula sheet. (You may,
however, use your AP table of information.)
Approximate g=10m/s2 for simplicity of calculations.
No partial credit will be given.

1. What is the magnitude of the velocity after 1.5 seconds of a ball thrown
upward from a height of 5m at 40m/s?
a. 15m/s b. 20m/s c. 25m/s d. 30m/s e. 35m/s

2. For an object that travels 20km north and then 15km south, what is the ratio
of the distance traveled to the displacement?
a. 0 b. 1/7 c. 1 d. 7 e. 35

3. Two vectors A and B both have magnitudes of 5 units. The magnitude of the
vector sum of these two vectors...
a. is 5 units.
b. is 10 units.
c. is 0 units.
d. could be answer a or b, but not answer c.
e. could be answer a, b, or c.

4. An object is thrown with a horizontal velocity of 20m/s from a cliff that is

125m above ground level. If air resistance is negligible, the time that it takes
the object to fall to the ground from the cliff is most nearly…
a. 3s b. 5s c. 6s d. 12s e. 25s

5. The rate of change of velocity is the definition of...

a. displacement c. instantaneous velocity
b. average velocity d. acceleration
6. Three balls are projected from the edge of a cliff. Ball I is fired horizontally,
ball II is fired at an angle of 30o above the horizontal with the same speed as
ball I, and ball III is released from rest. Which one of the following is true?
a. I and II hit at the same time, and III hits later.
b. I and II hit at the same time, and III hits earlier.
c. I and III hit at the same time, and II hits later.
d. I and III hit at the same time, and II hits earlier.
e. All three balls hit at the same time.

7. A rock is thrown horizontally off a building. The speed of the rock as it leaves
the thrower’s hand at the edge of the building is v0. It takes an amount of
time, t, to travel from the edge of the building to the ground. How far from
the side of the building, measured horizontally, does the rock land?
g g
a. v0 t − t2 b. − t2 c. v0 t d. t gv014
2 2

8. An object is thrown straight upward. Which of the following are the correct
signs of the velocity and acceleration vectors at the moment the object is at
its highest point?
Velocity Acceleration
a. + -
b. + 0
c. - 0
d. 0 -
e. 0 0

9. A spacecraft has one engine at its tail, which can propel it forward at 400m/s,
as well as stabilizing engines on either side, each of which can propel the craft
at 300m/s perpendicular to the direction of the tail engine’s propulsion. If one
of the side engines and the rear engine are simultaneously operating, at what
angle will the craft travel relative to forward?
a. 30o b. 37o c. 45o d. 53o e. 60o

10. At the highest point of its trajectory, a projectile fired at 30o above the
horizontal from a starting height of 20m...
a. is instantaneously at rest.
b. has traveled half the distance to its impact point.
c. has 0 acceleration.
d. has a horizontal velocity component equal to its initial value.
e. has more than one of the above properties.
Problem Review: On this portion of the test, you may use your calculator, AP
formula sheet, and AP table of information. Partial credit
will be given on these problems.

11. A rock is thrown straight downward at 10m/s from a height of 3.5 m. How
long does it take the rock to reach the ground?

12. Sketch graphs of the following situations, first on position-time graphs and
then on velocity-time graphs.
a. Slowing down at a constant rate. b. Speeding up at a constant rate.
c. Sitting still at a positive position. d. Moving at a constant pos. velocity.

x x v v

a. b. a. b.

t t t t

x x v v

c. d. c. d.

t t t t

13. Two cars are in a race, with Car A driving at an average speed of 70mi/h and
Car B driving at an average speed of 65mi/h. How long does the race take if
it ends (when Car A crosses the finish-line) with Car A 1/4 mile in front of
Car B?
14. A truck on a straight road starts from rest accelerating at 3.0m / s2 until it
reaches a speed of 30.0 m/s. It then applies its brakes and comes to a stop in
8.0 s. What total distance does the truck cover during the total period of
motion described here?

15. The engine of a model rocket accelerates the rocket upward vertically. The
rocket starts from rest and it accelerates upward at 5m / s2 until its engines
stop after 4.1 s. What is the maximum height the rocket reaches?

16. A car takes a trip where there are two different displacements involved. The
car first travels for 2h at a velocity of 60 km/h at 70o north of east. It then
turns and travels for 3.1h at a velocity of 93km/h at 20o north of west. What
is the car’s resultant displacement?

17. A ball is thrown upward at an angle of 25o above the horizontal. It passes its
maximum height, then strikes a wall 30m away from its starting position at a
height of 10m above its starting height. What was the ball’s initial velocity?
18. A stone is kicked horizontally from the edge of a cliff with an initial velocity
of 30 m/s, and it lands on a flat, horizontal beach 70 m (measured
horizontally) from the cliff wall. How far above the beach is the cliff? With
what speed and angle of impact does the stone land?

19. Actual A.P. Physics B Free-Response Question (2000):

A 0.5kg cart moves on a straight horizontal track. The graph of velocity v versus
time t for the cart is given below.
v (m/s)
0 t (s)

-0.2 0 5 10 15 20 25

a. Indicate every time t for which the cart is at rest.

b. Indicate every time interval for which the speed (magnitude of velocity) of the
cart is increasing.
c. Determine the horizontal position x of the cart at t=9.0s if the cart is located
at x=2.0m at t=0.

d. Sketch an acceleration versus time graph for the motion of the cart from t=0
to t=25s.

e. From t=25s until the cart reaches the end of the track, the cart continues
with constant horizontal velocity. The cart then leaves the end of the track
and hits the floor, which is 0.40m below the track. Neglecting air resistance,
determine each of following:
i. The time from when the cart leaves the track until it first hits the floor.

ii. The horizontal distance from the end of the track to the point at which
the cart first hits the floor.
Unit 1 Test Review Answers:
1. C (It slows down by 10m/s every second, so in 1.5s it has slowed by 15 m/s.)
2. D (Distance = 35km and displacement = 5km, so 35/5 = 7.)
3. E (Depending on the orientation of the two vectors, ABC are all possible.)
4. B (The approximation is x = 5t2, so 125 = 5t2 leads to t = 5s.)
5. D
6. C (Balls I and II both begin with vy = 0m/s, so they both hit at same time.)
7. C (Horizontal velocity is not controlled by g, the acceleration due to gravity.)
8. D (v=0 at highest point, acceleration is always -9.8m/s2.)
9. B (Just take tan-1(3/4) to find θ. Notice that the green sheet has helpful
geometry and trig info.)
10. D
11. Using x = v0t + 1 2 at2 we have - 3.5 = ( −10)t − 4.9t2 .
We use the quadratic formula to arrive at the answer t = 0.305s.

x x v v
12. a. b. a. b.

t t t t

x x v v
c. d. c. d.

t t t t

13. vA = 70 and vB = 65
and also, tA = tB and xA = xB + 0.25
xA x xB + 0.25 xB
Since tA = tB then = B and =
70 65 70 65
xB = 3.25mi so the race took time tB = = .05h or 3 minutes.

14. In part I we use v2 = v02 + 2ax to have 302 = 02 + 2(3)x so x = 150m.

In part II we don' t know acceleration, which we need for using any of our
formulas. So we have to find accel. by using the definition of acceleration.
0 - 30
a= = −3.75m / s 2 Now use x = v 0 t + 21 at 2 = 30(8) + 21 ( −3.75)(82 ) = 120m
for part II of the trip. Lastly, xtotal = 150 + 120 = 270m.
15. In the powered part of the rocket' s flight, we use x = v0 t + 1 2 at2 to have
x = 0 + 1 (5)( 4.12 ) = 42.03m and v = v0 + at = 0 + 5( 4.1) = 20.5m / s.
Once the engine stops, we use v2 = v02 + 2ax to have 02 = 20.52 − 19.6x, which
yields x = 21.44m. So, the max height of the rocket is 42.03 + 21.44 = 63.47m.

16. Start by turning it into a displacement problem instead of a velocity problem.

Then it becomes a ‘4-Step Addition’ problem.
xtotal = 288.3cos60 - 120cos70 = 103.11km
ytotal = 120sin70 + 288.3sin60 = 362.44km
R= x2 + y2 = 376.8km @ θ = tan-1(y/x) = 74.12o θ

17. x = vxt gives 30 = vocos25t

Also, y = vyot + 1/2at2 gives 10 = vosin25t - 4.9t2
Now that’s a system of equations w/two unknowns. Solve for vo = 36.7m/s

18. x = vx 0 t gives 70 = 30t which makes t = 2.33s

so y = v y0 t − 4.9t = 0 - 4.9(2.33 ) = −26.6m , the height of the cliff.
2 2

Also, for velocity and angle of impact : v y = v y 0 − gt = −22.87 , which is not the
total final speed. Taking both velocity components into account yields the
following: v = v y 2 + v x 2 = 30 2 + 22.87 2 = 37.7m / s @ θ = tan -1 = 37.3o θ
19.a. On a v/t graph, an object is stopped anytime v=0, or when the graph
crosses the x-axis. This happens twice in this graph- at t=4s and t=18s.
b. The speed is increasing anytime the signs of the vel and accel are the same
sign. So this happens on the graph from t = 4 to 9s (when v and a are both
negative), and from t = 18s to 20s (when v and a are both positive).
c. To use a kinematic to calculate position of the cart, we would first have to
know the acceleration of the cart during the interval t = 0 to 9s.
Acceleration is just slope = -0.2m/s2.
Then use v2 = vo2 + 2ax which gives (-1)2 = 0.82 + 2(-0.2)x and this gives
x = -0.9m. It is lastly important to remember that the x in the above
kinematic refers to a change in position, so we must calculate final position
based on the cart’s initial position being 2.0m. So final position is
2.0 - 0.9 = 1.1m
d. To come up with the correct graph, just calculate the cart’s acceleration
during each time interval by finding slope of each part of the first graph.
e.i. In the vertical direction, y = vyot + 1/2at2 so -0.4 = -4.9t2 so t = 0.286s
ii. In the horizontal direction, x = vxt = (0.8)(0.286) = 0.229m

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