Unit 2 Assignment Brief Tai

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Nguyen Manh Tai


Qualification BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Computing

Unit number and

Unit 2: Networking

Date Received 1st

Submission date December, 30th 2019 December, 25th 2019

Date Received 2nd

Re-submission Date

Student Name Nguyễn Mạnh Tài Student ID GCS 17579

Class Networking(1619) Assessor name Hồ Nguyễn Phú Bảo

Student declaration

I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my own work and I fully understand the
consequences of plagiarism. I understand that making a false declaration is a form of malpractice.

Student’s signature

Grading grid

P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 M1 M2 M3 M4 D1 D2 D3
❒ Summative Feedback:

❒ Resubmission Feedback:

Grade: Assessor Signature: Date:

Signature & Date:


Qualification BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Computing

Unit number Unit 2: Networking

Assignment title Networking Infrastructure

Academic Year Fall 2019 (Part 2)

Unit Tutor Hồ Nguyễn Phú Bảo

Issue date December, 25th 2019 Submission date December, 30th 2019

IV name and date Nguyễn Mạnh Tài

Submission format

Part 1

The submission is in the form of an individual written report. This should be written in a concise, formal
business style using single spacing and font size 12. You are required to make use of headings, paragraphs and
subsections as appropriate, and all work must be supported with research and referenced using the Harvard
referencing system. Please also provide a bibliography using the Harvard referencing system. The
recommended word limit is 2,000–2,500 words, although you will not be penalized for exceeding the total
word limit.

Part 2

The submission is in the form of an individual evidence portfolio. This assignment can be completed as a group,
but each student must produce their own portfolio, which will contain:

● A LAN design plan and blueprint and justification document.

● A fully completed test plan including an evaluation of results and recommendations for improvements to

● A proposed and justified maintenance schedule.

Part 3

● Evidence of an implemented network.

You are required to make use of headings, paragraphs, subsections and illustrations as appropriate, and all
work must be supported with research and referenced using the Harvard referencing system.

Unit Learning Outcomes

LO1: Examine networking principles and their protocols.

LO2: Explain networking devices and operations.

LO3: Design efficient networked systems.

LO4: Implement and diagnose networked systems.

Assignment Brief

You are employed as a Network Engineer by Nguyen Networking Limited, a high-tech networking solution development company, which
have branches in Hồ Chí Minh City, Hà Nội, Đà Nẵng and Cần Thơ.

The company has been contracted to implement a networking project from a local educational institute. The specification of the project
is given below:

People: 200 students, 15 teachers, 12 marketing and administration staff, 05 higher managers including the head of academics and the
program manager, 03 computer network administrators.

Resources: 50 student lab computers, 35 staff computers, 03 printers.

Building: 03 floors, all computers and printers are on the ground floor apart from the IT labs – one lab located on the first floor and
another located on the second floor.

As a first task, the CEO of the company Mr. Nguyen has asked you to investigate and explain networking principles, protocols and
devices and submit a report.

Part 1
You will need to produce a report that includes the following:
1. An introduction to provide an overview of your report.

2. Benefits and constraints of different types of networks and networking standards.

3. The impact of network topology, speed of communication and bandwidth requirements.

4. Effectiveness of networking systems.

5. Discussion on operating principles of networking devices and server types and networking software.

6. Discuss the relationship of workstation hardware with networking software.

7. Explore a range of server types and justify the selection of a server, considering a given scenario regarding cost and performance

8. For the given specification, identify the topology protocol for the efficient utilization of a networking system.

The CEO Mr. Nguyen is happy with your first report and now he has asked you to analyze the specification from the institution, as given

You need to design and implement the networking project within a given time frame:

Part 2 - Design efficient networked systems

1. Prepare a written step-by-step plan of how you are going to design a Local Area Network including a blueprint of your LAN.

2. Justify your choice of devices for your network design.

3. Produce a test plan to evaluate this design for the requirements of bandwidth and cost constraints as per user specifications.

4. Justify the security requirements and quality of services needed for selection of accessories.

5. Suggest a maintenance schedule to support the networked system.

Part 3 - Implement test and diagnose networked systems

1. Implement a networked system based on your prepared design.

2. Conduct verification with e.g. Ping, extended ping, trace route, telnet, SSH, etc.

3. Record the test results and analyze these against expected results.

4. Investigate what functionalities would allow the system to support device growth and the addition of communication devices.

5. Discuss the significance of upgrades and security requirements in your recommendations.


Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria

Pass Merit Distinction

LO1 Examine networking principles and their protocols. LO1 & 2

D1 Considering a given scenario,
P1 Discuss the benefits and constraints of M1 Compare common
identify the topology protocol
different network types and standards. networking principles and how
selected for the efficient
protocols enable the
utilization of a networking
P2 Explain the impact of network topology, effectiveness of networked
communication and bandwidth systems.

LO2 Explain networking devices and operations

P3 Discuss the operating principles of M2 Explore a range of server

networking devices and server types. types and justify the selection of a
server, considering a given
P4 Discuss the inter-dependence of scenario regarding cost and
workstation hardware with relevant performance optimisation.
networking software.

LO3 Design efficient networked systems

P5 Design a networked system to meet a M3 Install and configure network D2 Design a maintenance
given specification. services and applications on your schedule to support the
choice. networked system.
P6 Test and evaluate the design to meet
the requirements and analyse user

LO4 Implement and diagnose networked systems

P7 Implement a networked system based M4 Recommend potential D3 Use critical reflection to

on a prepared design. enhancements for the networked evaluate own work and justify
systems. valid conclusions.
P8 Document and analyse test results
against expected results.

P1 Discuss the benefits and constraints of different network types and standards.
P2 Explain the impact of network topology, communication and bandwidth requirements.
P3 Discuss the operating principles of networking devices and server types.
P4 Discuss the inter-dependence of workstation hardware with relevant networking software.
P5 Design a networked system to meet a given specification.
P6 Test and evaluate the design to meet the requirements and analyse user feedback.
P7 Implement a networked system based on a prepared design.
P8 Document and analyse test results against expected results.
P1 Discuss the benefits and constraints of different network types and standards.
_A network is a set of devices that are connected by physical connection in some way to exchange data
and share resources.
❖ The benefits and constraints of different network types.
➢ Networks are divided into categories based on their characteristics, but this section will only
analyze the advantages and disadvantages of two main types: LAN (Local Area Network) and
WAN (Wide Area Network), but
●(Local Area Network)LAN:
- LAN network is a group of devices connected together in a certain area such as school, hospital,
office, ... The server is used to provide services to workstations. However, Lan's connection range
is small, can only be used in offices, buildings and Workstations can only use services provided by
the server.
-Along with the ever-increasing technological development, LANs are increasingly being developed
and operated in many other forms, such as WANs - LANs are connected together through routers (
Router) or WLAN (Wireless Local Network Area) wireless LAN - computers connected to the
network via Wi-Fi.
-On the off chance that a neighborhood arrange is actualized by means of radio, it is alluded to as
a Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN). The WLAN standard's specialized premise is characterized
by the IEEE 802.11 group of gauges. Remote neighborhood systems offer the capacity to
effortlessly coordinate gadgets into home or corporate systems, and are perfect with wired
Ethernet LANs. In any case, the information throughput is lower than for an Ethernet association.
-Advantages and disadvantages: The devices in the LAN can exchange information and
transfer data easily to each other, can use the same devices as printers, ... High data
transfer rates, low installation costs and administration Simple network (Using server-
workstation model).
●(Wide Area Network)WAN:
-WAN network has unlimited distance connection. Commonly used in multinational companies.
LAN uses third-party service provider's transmission layer, using multiplexers, bridges and routers
to connect local and urban networks to global communications networks like the Internet .
- Advantages and disadvantages: The range of wide (global) networks, connected by cable or
satellite so cost is expensive, suitable for multinational companies.
❖ The benefits and constraints of different network standards.
➢ In order for the data to be sent to the correct destination, the protocols are created and to
explain the principles standards are created. These standards include the OSI reference model,
TCP / IP and IEEE 802.
➢ OSI reference model: OSI reference model is a model based on the hierarchical principle to
explain communication techniques between computers and their network protocols.
● (Metropolitan Area Network) MAN:
-Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) is a broadband media transmission organize that associates
a few LANs in closeness. When in doubt, these are singular foundations in an organization that
are associated with a MAN through rented lines. Superior switches and elite fiber-based
associations are utilized, which empower an essentially higher information throughput than the
web. The exchange speed between two remote hubs is practically identical to that of
correspondence inside a LAN.
❖ The benefits and constraints of different network standards.
-It is difficult to manage if the size and number of local networks increases. This is due to
additional security and configuration issues and it cannot work on the copper wire of the phone.
Copper wire affects the speed of MAN. Therefore, a high cost is necessary for fiber optic cables.

_OSI reference model: OSI reference model is a model based on the hierarchical principle to
explain communication techniques between computers and their network protocols.
+Layer 1 (Physical Layer)

-Describing the physical characteristics of the network, they also provide the characteristics
of the signal.

+Layer 2 (Data Link)

-Provide data exchange service (frame). It formats messages into a data frame and adds a
header containing source and destination hardware addresses. In addition, it also controls
errors and traffic control.

+Layer 3 (Network)

-Package the frame and set the logical address. Devices on this floor (router) use that
address and header to guide the package to the destination.

+Layer 4 (Transport Layer)

-Provide reliable data transfer service, ensuring all data is transmitted to the destination. In
addition, this layer also ensures that data is not broke when the transmission fails.

+Layer 5 (Session Layer)

-Control sessions between computers, control the connection process between

+Layer 6 (Presentation Layer)

-This layer is like an interpreter for the whole process. Data is formatted into formats to suit
each process.

+Layer 7 (Application Layer)

-provide means for users to access information and data on the network through the
application program.

_The data transmission process is as follow:

_Data will be imported from the application (layer7), Next, information is transferred to the
Presentation layer to convert to a general format for encoding and compressing data (layer
6). Next, the data is transferred to the Session layer for more information about this session
(layer 5). Data continued to be transferred to the Transportation class, in this class, the data
was cut into multiple Segments and additional information about the mode of data transfer
(layer 4). The data continues to be transferred to the Network layer, in this layer, each
Segment is cut into multiple Packages and added routing information (layer 3). Then the
data is transferred to the Data Link layer. In this class, each Pack will be cut into multiple
Frames and additional information about the package check (will be checked at the
receiver). Finally, each Frame will be turned into a series of bits by the Physical layer and
pushed onto the transmission medium to be transmitted to other devices.

_The benefits and constraints of OSI model:

+ Benefits:

-Help us easily survey and research.

-Model distinguish clearly protocol function.

+ Constraints:

-This model is complex, slow and expensive.

-This model is for reference only, not for actual use

_TCP/IP models: TCP/IP model is similar to the OSI reference model, but has fewer layers.

+Layer 1 (Link layer)

-Is a series of methods that operate on a server connection (Ethernet).

+Layer 2 (Internet)

-Just like the OSI network layer, this layer has the function of navigating the file to the
destination. The common protocol used in this class is IP.

+Layer 3 (Transport)

-This layer perform the same function as Transport Layer in OSI model. The common
protocols used in this layer is TCP and UDP.

+Layer 4 (Application)

-This layer includes layer 5,6,7 of the OSI model.

_The benefits and constraints of TCP/IP model:

+ Benefits:

-Is the standard model made in practice

_The model allows communication between multiple platforms

+ Constraints:

-Do not distinguish the functions of each class.

_Types of Standards:
-Standards are of two types:
· De facto: These are the standards that are followed without any formal plan or
approval by any organization. They have come into existence due to traditions or
facts. For example, the HTTP had started as a de facto standard.
· De jure: These standards are the ones which have been adopted through
legislation by any officially recognized standards organization. Most of the
communication standards that are used today are de jure standards.

_Standards Organizations ,some of the noted standards organizations are:

· International Standards Organization (ISO)
· International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
· Institute of Electronics and Electrical Engineers (IEEE)
· American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
· Internet Research Task Force (IETF)
· Electronic Industries Association (EIA)

1. ITU (International Telecommunication Union)

TheInternational Telecommunication Union (ITU) is made up of telecommunication policy makers and

regulators, network operators, equipment manufacturers, hardware and software developers, regional
standards-making organizations, and financing institutions. The activities, policies, and strategic
direction of the ITU are determined and shaped by the industry it serves : The three sectors of the ITU
are Radiocommunication (ITU-R), Telecommunication Standardization (ITU-T), and Telecommunication
Development (ITU-D).

2. ANSI (American National Standards Institute)

-American National Standards Institute (ANSI) serves as administrator and coordinator of the United
States private-sector voluntary standardization system. ANSI was founded in 1918 by five engineering
societies and three governmental agencies, and is a private, nonprofit membership organization. ANSI
ensures each foot-long ruler is accurate in its dimensions, for instance, essentially using a ruler to
measure a ruler. ANSI ensures that each inch on the ruler is in fact 1 inch, and that the foot-long ruler is
in fact made up of 12 of these inches.

-ANSI, like the ITU, regulates telecommunications standards; unlike the ITU, however, ANSI regulates
standards in North America, whereas the ITU regulates standards in Europe. For example, ANSI
regulates the T1 telecommunications standard, whereas the ITU regulates the E1 telecommunications
standard in Europe.

3. IEEE 802 Group

-The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE, pronounced "eye-triple-E") is a nonprofit,
technical professional association in 150 countries. The IEEE is a leading authority in technical areas
ranging from computer engineering, to biomedical technology, to telecommunications, to electric
power, to aerospace and consumer electronics. The IEEE produces 30 percent of the world's published
literature in electrical engineering, computers, and control technology and has nearly 900 active
standards with 700 under development.

+ Some of the best-known IEEE standards are as follows:

a. IEEE 802.1 (LAN/MAN)

The IEEE 802.1 group defined internetworking standards, with IEEE 802.1d and IEEE 802.1q used in the
local-area networking environment.

b. IEEE 802.3 (Ethernet)

Several Ethernet standards are used in today's network environment. Some of these standards dictate
the bandwidth and operation of the Ethernet LAN, such as Ethernet and Fast Ethernet, whereas other
standards dictate how these Ethernet networks function, such as the STP.

c. IEEE 802.5 (Token Ring)

With Ethernet, any host on the network can send data at any time, as long as no one else is on the line.
In contrast, the Token Ring works by passing a token around the network, almost like a relay-race
runner passing the baton to the next runner. When a host has possession of this token, it has the right
to send data across the network, just as the relay runner can run only when in possession of the baton.
If a host has nothing to send, it passes the token to the next host down the line in the network.

d. IEEE 802.11 (Wireless LAN)

The IEEE 802.11 standard refers to a family of specifications developed for wireless LAN technology. IEEE
802.11 specifies an over-the-air interface between a wireless client and a base station, such as a wireless
laptop and a wireless base unit or between two wireless clients, such as between two wireless laptops.
P2 Explain the impact of network topology, communication and bandwidth requirements.
_A network requires many factors to be able to function normally, including topology,
communication and network bandwidth requirements. Network topology is a structure
that shows the layout and arrangement of network devices (physical topology) and data
transmission in the network (logical topology).
_Communication is the exchange of data between devices on the same network.
Communication works on standardized models and protocols to ensure interoperability
between devices and make communication easier.
The bandwidth is called the width of the electronic frequency band, which indicates the
width of the frequency range over which the electrical signal occupies the transmission
_The network setup is simple, it is easy to reconfigure the network (adding, removing
stations) and can control and troubleshoot quickly, and maximize the transmission speed of
the physical line. However, the line length connecting a station to the central equipment is
limited (within 100m, with current technology).
_Star Topology: The star network has all stations connected to a central device that receives signals
from the stations and transfers them to the destination station. Depending on network communication
requirements, the central equipment may be a switch, router, hub or central server. The role of the
central equipment is to establish Point to Point links.
_ Bus Topology: All stations divide a common bus route. The main current is limited at the two ends by
two special connectors called end points. Each station is connected to the main shaft via T connector or
transceiver. The bus network model operates on Point to Multipoint or Broadcast links. The backbone
network is easy to design and has a low cost, but it has poor stability, when it is difficult to detect, only
one broken node will go down the entire network.

_Ring Topology: On the network, the ring is transmitted in a single direction. Each station of the
network is connected to each other by a relay that receives the signal and then forwards to the next
station on the ring. Thus the signal is circulated on a loop in a successive sequence of Point to Point links
between transmitters. The ring network has advantages and disadvantages similar to the star network,
but the ring network requires a more complex network access protocol than the star network. There are
also mixed connections between such network architectures as the Star Bus or Star Ring.
P3 Discuss the operating principles of networking devices and server types.
-There are many types of network devices, each with different network devices. We will
now discuss some of the main devices: Network interface cards, Switch, route, and
gateway. + Network Interface Card (NIC): A device that connects a computer and a network
cable. They are connected through physical slots such as PCI, ISA, USB, PCMCIA and use
standards such as UTP, BNC, AUI to communicate with network cables.


-Function: Transfer data from bit to electrical signal to transmit on cable, control data flow
between computer and cable. In addition, each card has a different MAC address to
distinguish and help the packets to be returned to the correct address.
+Switch: A device used to connect network segments together (according to the star-shaped
network model) or to connect terminals to the network.
-Function: They act as a multi-port bridge. The switch receives an electrical signal and
converts it into data and passes it to the corresponding port. Most switch work on layer 2,
some high-end switch can work on layer 3 as well.
+ Route: A device used to transfer data packets between networks or between different
VLANS through the routing process.

-Function: Transfer data between networks, divide the network into different lines of the
network. They operate at Layer 3 of the OSI model.
+Gateway: A device used to pair two types of protocols together.

-Function: Function to connect protocols. In addition, it also has many other functions such
as signaling function, packet switching network interface function, signal channel security
functions, management functions, recording and reporting functions of used messages. This
device operates at Layer 4 and 5 in the OSI model.
-The operating principles of server types: Servers are the device used to provide services and
resources to other computers. Based on the usage, the function of the server is divided into
categories: Web server, database server, FTP server, SMTP server, DNS server, DHCP server.
+ Web server: is the server with web software installed (Store and exchange information).
Web servers exchange information with computers using the HTTP protocol.
+ Database Server: Servers used to store web, data, and information.
+ FTP server (File transfer protocol): It is often used to exchange data by TCP / IP protocol.
+ SMTP server (Simple mail transfer protocol): Used to transmit email over the internet.
+ DNS server (Domain Name System): is the server used to resolve domain names.
+ DHCP server (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol): As the server used to provide
dynamic IP to workstations, it manages dynamic IP allocation and TCP / IP configuration
P4 Discuss the inter-dependence of workstation hardware with relevant networking software.
_Workstations are devices used to perform tasks in a network environment. Servers and
workstations can communicate with each other through the server.
_Network software is a collection of commands or instructions written in a programming
language that is run on computers to perform specific tasks.
_Workstation is a computer reserved for users or groups of users engaged in business or
professional work. It includes one or more high-resolution monitors and processors that are
faster than a personal computer (PC). A workstation also has greater multitasking
capabilities due to the addition of random access memory (RAM), disk space and disk space.
A workstation may also have a higher speed graphics adapter and more connected
peripherals. Workstations usually are built with an optimized design for complex data
manipulation and visualization.
❖ The inter-dependence of workstation hardware with relevant networking software:
➢ Network software allows multiple devices, such as desktops, laptops, mobile phones,
tablets, and other systems to connect to each other, as well as other networks. The
Internet is a prime example of a globally connected server and computer system based
on network software to ensure end user access.
➢ Network software is a fundamental element for any network. It helps administrators
deploy, manage and monitor a network. Traditional networks are made up of specialized
hardware, such as routers and switches, and network software packages into the
solution. Software-defined networks (SDNs) separate the software from hardware,
making it easy to innovate and adjust the network to quickly respond to changing
network needs.
➢ Network software is not the same as software applications. Network software shows the
network's internal operations to administrators, while software applications allow end
users to perform specific tasks. Network software is invisible to end users - it is simply
used to facilitate those users to access network resources seamlessly.
- Relationship between workstation and networking software:

+Basically, computer software controls computer hardware. These two components are complementary and
cannot operate independently of each other. In order for the computer to effectively manipulate data and create
useful output, its hardware and software must work together. Without software, computer hardware is useless.
In contrast, computer software cannot be used without supporting hardware. Similarly, computer software must
first be loaded into computer hardware and then executed. There are several types of software, with the two
main types being operating system software, making usable hardware and application software, something
P5 Design a networked system to meet a given specification.
-In this section as a network designer. I would like to present the network design of a 3storey building. Building: 3
floors, 6 computers and printers are on the first floor, 15 computers are on the second and third floor . . The
network devices I use in this design include: DNS server, FTP, DHCP, Mail server, syslog server, NTP, Web server,
and 5 Switch.
-Physical :
+Floor 1.
● Internet: 1 switch,2 router

● main server: 3 PC , 1switch

● staff: 3 PC,3 Printer and 1 switch

+Floor 2: 15 PC and 1 switch

+Floor 3 : 15 PC and 1 switch
_I introduce the popular equipment and prices in the market.
+First floor will use the following types:
_Cost for first floor:
-2 router = 2 * 7,490,000 = 14,980,000 VND
-3 switch (switch D-Link DGS-1100-08/RS 8-Port) = 3* 1,065,000 = 3,195,000 VND
-6 PC =6* 9,820,000 = 58,920,000 VND
-3 printer = 3* 1,600,000 = 4,800,000 VND
-13 Internet cable = 13* 350,000 = 4,550,000 VND
-ALL = 14,980,000 + 3,195,000 + 58,920,000 + 4,800,000 + 4,550,000 = 86,445,000 VND
+Second and third floor will use the following types:
_Cost for second and third floor:
-2 switch (D-Link DGS-1100-18 6 Port Switch) = 2* 3,899,000 = 7,798,000 VND
-30 PC = 30* 14,900,000 = 447,000,000 VND
-30 Internet cable = 30* 350,000 = 10,500,000 VND
-ALL = 7,798,000 + 447,000,000 + 10,500,000 = 465,298,000 VND
+The total value of a building is = 86,445,000 + 465,298,000 = 551,743,000 VND
P6 Test and evaluate the design to meet the requirements and analyse user feedback


_First, we use admin to test as follows: get admin machine to use functions such as FTP, Mail, Web, SSH
because it is an admin machine that should be allowed to use all these functions.

_Next is to test on the remaining machines such as employee machines, student machines, etc. Our goal
is not to let these machines use SSH like admin. The rest is allowed to use as usual.

_After checking we found the system was running in accordance with the requirements of the customer
and the customer was satisfied with it.

+Performance test:

-Performance testing is defined as a type of testing software used to ensure software applications work
effectively within the expected workload of the application.

-Features and Functionality supported by a software system is not the only concern. A software
application's performance like its response time, reliability, resource usage, and scalability do matter.
The goal of Performance Testing is not to find bugs but to eliminate performance bottlenecks.

+Stress test:

-Stress testing is a procedure to determine whether a computer, an application, a device, or the entire
network can withstand high loads and still work and involves testing an application on a workload that is
too large to see how it handles high traffic or how it handles data. The goal is to determine the limit of
an application.

+Reliability test:

-A type of test to verify that software is capable of performing an error-free operation for a specified
period of time in a specified environment. It is also about testing the reliability of that system.

+Failure test:

-Failure testing is very important part of the production process. Failure tests are one way to ensure that
you produce a product and service that does not fail in adverse situations. Continuous failure testing,
even after product development, will help you ensure that your production process is as optimal as
possible and that you are improving your product or service.

+Scalability test:
-The goal of the test is to extend the application, to determine the effectiveness of the software
application when "expanding" to support increased user load, support for capacity addition planning

_Most performance issues are about speed, response time, load time and poor scalability. Speed is
often one of the most important attributes of an application. A slow-running application will take time,
reducing user satisfaction with the system, possibly losing potential users.

P7 Implement a networked system based on a prepared design.

P8 Document and analyse test results against expected results.
+IP Address
-When I was finish, if i want see ip address of any divices.

-I will move mouse to divice that i want see IP Address.

+Performance test.

-I will access random computer, choose desktop and run Command Prompt.
-Then I will enter the ping command on a computer that has a specific IP address. It’s like a way of
transferring data between devices and helps me know if the connection is good.

-I will ping from admin room to staff room.

Then from pc from second floor to a pc on third floor.

Another example I will ping from admin room to the server to see if it can connect to the
server or not
Stress Test:
I will do this test on a random device on each floor
First floor

Second floor
Third floor

Failure Test
In the staff room there are 3 printer. I will ping from 1 pc to a printer
But when 1 printer is breakdown there are still 2 printer left for the staff to use
And if the server is breakdown the entire network won’t be able to connect to the Internet.


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