Contribution of WCL (Western Coal Field Limited) Towards Coal India

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Contribution of WCL (Western coal field limited) towards Coal India


A fittest business survive in this competitive world, in order to survive and grow in this world

organization requires working on domain by doing progress each year. To be a successful in this

competitive world the organization has to always concentrate on their strategic decision.

Strategic management is a very crucial element of organizational success. Strategic success

requires a clear view of the business, future financial needs, competitors, market, suppliers,

customers, employees and the Government. Financial strategic decision which is made based on

keeping in mind the picture of the organization and how will it help to gain competitive

advantage in order to survive and grow in business environment. One among those financial

decisions is Asset management which is also known as coordinated activity of an organization to

know about the value of the assets. Assets are defined as item, things or entity which is probable

or real value of the organization. This is deliberately wider than physical assets but this plays

important focus in mind of many organizations. This will make the organization to concentrate

on cash management, receivable management and inventory management practice of the

organization to achieve better performance of supply chain management which ultimately

increases reputation and goodwill of the company.

Problem Statement

- As the gap is identified for conducting this research which motivates researchers to work on fulfillment
of the need of the study. This helped me in formulation of research problem.

Later on concentration was paid towards studying about the background of the study; ensuring necessary
data’s are available and make sure the study is completed within the time frame. As such the time frame
for completing this was two month for the study of contribution of WCL towards Coal India while
pursuing my MBA degree.
The selection of the topic is been guided by few of the industrial experts. The findings were done to
investigate the impact of familiar models in the market with help of better techniques and approaches. So
for this purpose we will be looking into-

How working capital are been financed.

 How to manage cash.

 How receivable, loans and advances are been managed.
 How payable are been managed
 How the inventory are been managed.

Research Question-

Based on the research conducted, a set of research questions were framed-

 Level of Liquidity in WCL and to what extent do they vary year on year.
 Study about the financing of working capital and what are the different options and sources of
funding available with the company.
 How the company manages the cash? Do they carry out any cash budgeting techniques? Roles
and responsibility of financial executives with related to this issue? Problems faced by companies
regarding cash credit.
 What drives companies towards management of receivable management? Objectives of
management of receivables? Terms of credits been followed by the company? Role and
responsibilities of financial executives with regards to this issue? Various methods to control
accounts receivables? Major components of advances used by the company? Different policies
used by company with regards to granting, financing and charging overdue? Various methods of
controlling advances?
 Objectives of company in managing inventory management? Method of planning and controlling
various components of inventories? How inventories are financed by the company? How
company manages excess and shortage of inventory? Various roles and responsibilities of
financial executives?
The research questions as mentioned above are been done with the help of doing research study.

Literature review.
Nitin Balwani says that cash flow statement helps users of financial statement to study about

company’s ability to have good amount of cash in hand in short term as well as long term

because the cash flow statement is very useful to everyone interested in companies stakeholders

looking for financial health in short as well as long term creditors, inventory, managements and

both current as well as prospective customers.

Cash management is looks into how organizations manages it cash level and operations

cash investments and disinvestments and cash borrowings and lending’s.

Eije and wasterman says cash normally is needed when there is no market imperfection

and resulting transaction cost of urgent need of cash in a short term arises and there is no enough

cash available with the firm.

David G Goderre says about partial fraud by computing variance in a particular

transaction and then calculating ratios, ratios ranging from highest to lowest. The ratio of one

numerical field to another such as current year to previous year or one operational year to


Data Collection.

This study is done purely through secondary data that is Annual time series data for

dependent and independent variables were taken from annual audited financial report from

period 2018-2020. I have used various models for performance evaluation of selected privet

commercial banks.

The presentation of the data is done in two different ways i.e. descriptive and numerical.

Descriptive information’s are presented on basis of response received from WCL. Numerical

data is presented on a tabular form and ratio analysis has been prepared for last three years taking
into account various issues like working capital management, inventory management, receivable


Perception of descriptive information give’s the picture about planning, objective,

organization, control and finally particular problems of different aspects of inventory

management, working capital management and receivable management.

Numerical data presentation is done after taking relevant ratios while preparing ratio

analysis from various data’s available.

Data Analysis.

For this study I have used quantitative data for calculating ratios basically the calculated

ratios are from what I got from annual report of the company and it is done for three year.

However the number of years taken for quantitative analysis is three years so that the comparison

can be more realistic.

Thus interpretation of data has been done collectively in case where ratios analysis was

available. Even few other ratios have been calculated to know the effectiveness. However overall

interpretation of data has been generalized on a collective basis.


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