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(tagetes erecta l.)



ID: 18MSHFC039




Floriculture is a fast emerging and rapidly expanding industry major venture in
the world, especially as a potential money-spinner for many countries in world. It is an
aesthetic branch of horticulture. Many flowers and ornamental plants are being grown for
domestic as well as for export market will provide more return per unit area than any other
agricultural and horticultural crops. Marigold has attractive range of colour of flowers for a
considerably long period and the flower keep remarkably well when cut sometime, the whole
plant is cut and used for decoration. They can be planted in beds for mass display, in mixed
border and can also be grown in plots.   Modern-day floriculture refers to the production of
high-value cut flowers such as Rose, Gladiolus, Carnation, Mom. Orchids, Tuberose,
Anthurium, Lilium, Gerbera etc. Now days, growing of these cut flower crops, suited for
flower arrangements and decorations for bouquets preparation and for floral baskets, have
increased substantially and its share of the total trade has also improved. The sale of loose
flowers of Jasmine, Crossandra, Marigold, China Aster Chrysanthemum, Barleria and
Gaillardia etc. are a profitable business in south India. The present trend in floriculture is for
making dry flowers, extraction of natural colour’s and essential oils.
Maharashtra, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Haryana. Tamil Nadu. Rajasthan,
West Bengal have emerged as major floriculture canters. About 248.51 thousand hectares
area was under cultivation in floriculture. Production of flowers are estimated to be 1.685
thousand tones loose flowers and 472 thousand tones cut flowers (NHB, 2016). The country
has exported 2251858 MT of floriculture products to the world for the worth of Rs. 479.42
crores. United States, Germany, United Kingdom, Netherlands and United Arab Emirates
were major importing countries of Indian floriculture produce (APEDA, 2016).
Marigold, a member of the family Asteraceae previously known as Composite,
is a potential commercial flower that is gaining popularity on account of its easy
marigold there are 55 spp. there are about 33species in genus Tagetes. The important species
are Tagetes .erecta L. (African marigold), Tagetes patula L. (French marigold), Tagetes
Lucida Cav. (Mexico or sweet scented marigold, T.sarmentosa (climbing marigold), T.
tenuifolia Bartl. Synonym T.Signata (bush marigold) and Tagetes lemmonii. Among these
Tagetes erecta L. are most important species and used for commercial cultivation (Arora
and Khanna, 1989). Wide adaptability, and increasing demand in the subcontinent (Asif
2008). The cultivated types of marigold are African marigold and French marigold. In India.
The marigold occupied area 55.89 thousand hectare and production was $11.39 thousand
metric tons as loose flower (NHB 2015-16). It is cultivated all over India successful.
The generic name Tagetes is derived from “Tages” the name of Estrucsch God, known for
his beauty. Fuchs was the first to apply the name Tagetes, which was later adopted by
(Lineaus (Kalpan, 1960). Marigold were domesticated and used as an ornamental plant
during pre-Columbian period before they were introduced in Europe and South Asia
including India. Bailey (1963) mentioned that Tagetes erecta was put into cultivation in
1956 in Europe.
Marigold is mainly grown in India. Tropical Africa, Sri Lanka and Madagascar India
occupies 15 per cent of the area for traditional flower in the world (Jawaharlal, 2004).
Major marigold producing states are Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, and Andhra Pradesh.
Maharashtra, West Bengal. Orissa. Delhi, Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand Karnataka is
cading state in marigold with production of 49,777 tons of flower followed by Delhi (14,570
tons) and Orissa 1.458 tons) (Anon, 2006).
The African marigold (Tales eren ) is hardy about 100 cm tall, erect and
branched leaves are pinnately divided and leaflets are incline and s ale Flowers are single to
fully double The flower colour varies from lemon yellow to golden yellow or Onge. Both the
leaves and flower of marigold are equally important from medicinal point of view. It is
native to Mexico and guerrilla Different varieties of African marigold ovary in plant height
and spread, flower size, quality and yield (Jawaharlal 2004). The flowers are large and
lobular in shape the chromosome number of African marigold is 2n = 24
Marigold can be grown in the seasons i.e., rainy, winter and summer of which
rainy and winter season crops are the main crops under Indian conditions Seedlings are
transplanted in the month of July August and September October, respectively, while
summer season crop is transplanted in the month of February- March. Among different loose
flowers, marigold occupies the top most position and is highly valued for their spectacular
flower, brilliant colour, delightful appearance, myriads of sizes shapes, forms, fragrance,
keeping quality and is endowed with large spectrum of commercial potentialities in
medicinal and industrial sector.
The name Tagetes was given after Tag, a demigod known for his beauty. The uses
of marigold are many fold, often referred to as "Versatile crop with golden harvest" It was
then offered to the attar of Virgin. “Mary” and thus named as Mary's gold, now popularly
known as marigold (Marshal, 1969). Marigolds produce Thiopenes which are toxic to
nematodes and used as trap crop in tomato brinjal, tobacco etc. (Raghav, 2000).
Its habit of free flowering short duration to produce marketable flowers wide
spectrum of attractive colours shape, size and good keeping quality has attracted the attention
of flower growers It is put to many uses like cut flowers, garden displays, garlands, bouquets
and for worship. However, demand is very high during festivals and marriages, i.e.8-10
tonnes daily. It is also excellent for bedding purpose in an herbaceous border and it’s also
ideal for planting in between newly planted shrubberies to provide colour and for filling the
space. It has been reported that marigold cultivation keeps the population of nematodes
under control. Some of the commercial varieties of African marigold (Tagetes erecta) group
are Giant Double African Orange, Giant Double African Yellow, Pusa Narangi Gainda and
Pusa Basanthi Gainda Success in any crop breeding programme depend on the availability of
genetic diversity. Generally varieties can be found in both domesticated and naturalized
habitats in the form of local landraces, modern varieties as well as wild strains. It is grown as
an annual in an herbaceous border and is also ideal as a filler for newly planted shrubberies
to provide colour and to fill the spaces. Flowers are commonly extensively used for
decoration in various religious and social functions Apart from its significance in
Ornamental Horticulture, it has been valued for other purposes too, the aromatic oil extracted
from Tagetes minuta which is being traded as "Tagetes oil" is a fly repellent properties. It is
also being grown as trap crop in Agriculture against some of lepidopteron, coleopterans and
nematodes (Shubha, 2006). It is extensively being used in religious and social functions for
making garland and decoration purpose. Inter cropping of marigold with vegetables and
cereals effectively controlled nematodes (Cayrol, 1990).
Marigold is grown as an ornamental crops for its flowers, which are sold in the
market as loose flowers in bulk, as specialty cut flowers, or for making garlands. It is also
one of the most important natural sources of xanthophyll for use as natural food additive to
brighten egg yolks and poultry skin (Bosma et al. 2003). Marigold flowers which are yellow
to orange red in colour, are a rich source of lutein a carotenoid pigment. Nowadays, Lutein is
becoming an increasingly popular active ingredient used in the Food Industry and Textile
coloration. This pigment has acquired greater significance because of its excellent colour
value. Lutein (CH40 H56O2) is the primary xanthophyll pigment that produces the orange
colour in marigold flower, comprising 90% of the petals identified pigments (Quackenbush
and Miller 1972). This lutein, having antioxidant properties, is also useful in eye health
protection (Vankar et al. 2009).it is one of the traditional flower crops grown extensively in case of pinching, the terminal portion of shoot has been removed early, emergence
of side branches starts earlier and more number of flowers of good quality and uniform size
were produced.
Marigold has been most commonly used by the poultry industry to augment
the xanthophyll present in com and alfalfa feed to standardize the feed's xanthophyll contents
(Delgado-Vergas et al. 1998). Commercial exploitation of the flowers for xanthophyll
extraction has made this flower crop much more popular among the flower growers and
industrialists. At industrial level, most egg producers use a high energy concentrated feed
having a low pigment content, which must be supplemented with natural pigments. This
supplementation should consider people's concerns and governmental regulations preventing
addition of synthetic pigments. Some of the traditional sources of natural xanthophyll are
yellow corn, alfalfa, and marigold (Asif 2008).
The successful commercial cultivation of marigold depends on many factors
amongst which nutrition plays an important role. No single source of nutrient is capable of
supplying plant nutrients in adequate amount and in balance proportion. Thus combination of
organic and inorganic fertilizer is a strategy for advocating judicious and efficient use of
chemical fertilizers. Such practices reduce the amount of inorganic fertilizer, control
pollution in part at least caused due to use of high doses of fertilizers and protection of
natural resources. Among essential nutrients, nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium are most
important for plant growth and flowering. It is also a heavy feeder of nutrients, at present the
nutrients are supplied through chemical fertilizers. To reduce the fertilizer cost to safeguard
the soil health using organic manure such as FYM, vermicompost and poultry manure. The
potential of vermicompost to supply nutrients and to support beneficial microbes is being
realized recently with the advent of vermiculture Poultry manure with its low carbon
nitrogen (C:N) ratio an good nutrient value suits well for almost all crops including flowers.
Nutritional management through organic manure are helpful for enhancing yield, quality of
flowers and carotenoid content. These also enhance the vegetative growth and assist the plant
during the blooming period to mobilize the process of flower opening. Flowering can be
increased with increased levels of NPK application (Anamika and Lavania 1990). There is
an increasing awareness about alternative agricultural system in the present decade, known
variably as biological organic, ecological, regenerative. Biodynamic, low external input
sustainable agriculture (LEISA) and farmers are showing an inclination to revert back to
traditional farming with the least usage of synthetic chemicals. Total organic farming may be
a desirable proposition for improving the quality of agricultural produce. It may not be
possible to maintain the quality of the produce in commercial agriculture, where mostly the
stress will be given mainly on yield.
Soil contains variety and other microorganisms. Some of these pathogens are harmful to
plant growth, whereas, others are beneficial to the plants. Such group of beneficial
microorganisms includes Azotobacter, phosphates solubilizing bacteria, Azosprillium and
VAM fungi. These are eco-friendly, cheap and unlike inorganic fertilizer; do not suffer any
loss in the field. These cannot replace inorganic fertilizers but should be supplemented with
them for higher yield, quality and productivity.
Though voluminous literature is available on the use of bio fertilizer in horticultural crops,
especially vegetable crops, but very little information is available on the use of bio fertilizers
in ornamental crops. The beneficial role of bio fertilizer was suggested by Bhattacharya
and Mishra (1995) and expressed that the bio fertilizer can be beneficial in ornamen5tal
plants like rose, jasmine, chrysanthemum, marigold, dahlia, aster, tuberose, gladiolus and
Therefore, to fulfil the requirements of organic production vermi compost, bio fertilizers,
biocontrol, biodynamic farming are being taken is a store house of over 60 naturally
occurring major and minor nutrients, amino acid and trace minerals. Such as boron,
molybdenum, copper, iron, zinc, manganese, silicon, cobalt, aluminium, calcium,
magnesium, potassium and plant development substances comprising of enzymes, protein,
cytokinin, amino acids, vitamins, gibberellins, auxins etc., which enhance plant
development, colour and vigour.
Maintenance of soil pH by the incorporation of FYM, (Shylaja et al., 2003) observed that
capability of FYM in improvement of available soil NPK. Judicious use of bio fertilizers
supplements a well-balanced crop nutrition program. Increased productivity is a result of
proper utilization of the nutrients provided. Bio fertilizer is compatible with insecticides,
fungicides and fertilizers, which can be used in combination, without additional cost of
application. It is noncorrosive and can be applied with any standard spraying equipment. It
also enhances resistance of the plants to environmental and moisture stress conditions. It also
improves nutritive value of the produce, uniformly and appearance of flowers. One of the
dominant non symbiotic nitrogen fixing heterotrophic bacterium in Indian soils is
azotobacter the ability to fix elemental nitrogen is a vital physiological characteristic of
Azotobacter spp. Therefore the use of organic manures and bio fertilizers along with the
balanced use of chemical fertilizers along with the balanced use of chemical fertilizers is
known improve physical-chemical and biological properties of soil, besides improving the
efficiency of applied fertilizers.
Nowadays, the importance and management of beneficial microorganisms has increased and
has lead to the establishment of commercial trends around the world. The production of bio
fertilizes and their commercialization are focused on the creation and support of sustainable
production systems (Alarcon and Ferrera, 2000).Bio fertilizers can however plays a pivotal
role in achieving sustainable productivity at low cost (Sharma and Prabhakar,2007).
Bio fertilizers are biologically active product containing selective strains of micro-organisms
which can contribute supply nutrients to the plants through microbial activity. They are
supplements of chemical fertilizer as they contribute plant nutrients through biological
nitrogen fixation and solubilization of immobile phosphorus. These supplements of fertilizer
are relatively cheaper and help to reduce chemical fertilizers consumption. Though bio
fertilizers cannot completely replace conventional fertilizes but for most crops upto 20-25
percent of the nitrogen requirement can be met through bio fertilizers (Siva Kumar et al.,
Bio fertilizers such as Trichoderma, Paecilomyces, Beauveria, Rhizobium, Azotobacter,
Azospirillium, Pseudomonas, and Bacillus Megaterium are normally used as bio fertilizers to
improve crop yield. It is reported that 10-20 percent of crop yield can be increased with the
use of bio fertilizer as a supplement (Brown, 1972). Bio fertilizers also control and suppress
soil borne pathogens and some of inoculants produce antibiotics (Singh et al., 1965) and
(Aldrich and Baker, 1970).
Bio fertilizers contain live cells of specific isolated strains of bacteria and fungi which is
formulated in suitable carriers. These microbes upon application to the soil under suitable
conditions secrete metabolites and enzymes which make the deficient element available to
the plant in an assemble from. Nitrogen bacteria fixes atmospheric nitrogen in soil while
phosphor bacteria solubilizes insoluble fixed phosphorus in soil, potassium mobilizing
bacteria mobilizes the immobile potassium in soil and similarly other microbes mobilize and
solubilize the element in soil and make it available to the plant. VAM infected roots
penetrate the soil effectivity make relatively unavailable such as phosphorus, copper and zinc
available to the plant. These beneficial microorganisms works incognito to maintain the
ecological balance by active participation in carbon nitrogen sulphur, and phosphorus cycle
in nature.
Bio fertilizers have been found helpful in proliferation and survival of beneficial
microorganisms and improves soil properties leading to sustained soil fertility (Harris et al.,
1966). Bio fertilizers have reportedly enhanced plant growth due to release of plant growth
substances and vitamins (Brown, 1972) and (Barea and Brown, 1974). Moreover, bio
fertilizers are eco-friendly and pollution free because they contain beneficial microorganisms
and not the chemicals (Syamal et al., 2006).The nutrient supplies of several crops. Besides
other crops, bio fertilizers have also been found beneficial in flower crops like gladiolus,
tuberose, dahlia, rose, and chrysanthemum. Bio fertilizers have an important role to play in
improving marigold (Maurya and Beniwal, 2003). In view of the above mentioned profits,
the present study on the effect of bio fertilizers on plant growth, and flower yield of African
marigold was taken up with following specific objectives.

1 The result of the research will be helpful to identify the best plant growth, flowering
yield of marigold.
2 Keeping all the above points in view , the present investigation “Studies on the effect
of bio fertilizers on growth, and flowering of marigold is going to be carried out
under the following objectives.
1. To find the most suitable treatment for plant growth and flower yield of marigold.
2. To find out the economics of various treatments.



Atiyeh et al. (2000) studied about earthworm processed organic wastes as components of
Horticultural potting media for growing marigold and vegetable seedlings and reported that
relatively low concentration of vermicompost could promote plant growth in marigold.

Rajdurai and Bearlah (2000) studied about effect of different levels of nitrogen and
methods of irrigation on yield and quality of marigold (Tagetes erecta L.) and indicated that
application of NPK at 45:45: 37.5/kg along with combined inoculation of Azospirillium and
VAM exhibited increased growth in respect of plant height (144.50 cm), number of leaves
(1562) and laterals per plant (28.3) in marigold and also found that increasing levels of NPK
fertilizers resulted in earlier flowering of African marigold.
Swaminathana V. and Sambandamurthi, S. (2000) reported that application of 120 kg N
and 70 kg k per hectare + Azosprillium 2 kg / ha + FYM 30 t /ha showed highest plant
height, number of branches, number of leaves and flower yield per plant in Crossandra.
Kusuma (2001) studied about effect of organic and inorganic fertilizers on growth, Yield
and quality of golden rod (Solidago Canadensis L.) and reported that the maximum plant
height (68.25cem), maximum number of leaves (74.58), highest stem girth (1.65cm),
maximum number of suckers (9.17) were recorded in the treatment applied with different
levels of NPK and vermicompost @ 10t/ha in golden rod Similar to the vegetative
parameters, the flower yield and yield attributes were also influenced by the application of
different levels of NPK and vermicompost at 10t/ha in golden rod.
Narasimharaju and Haripriya (2001) studied about effect of bio fertilizers and inorganic
fertilizer on Crossandra Cv. Din Digul local and reported that number of spikes per plant
spike length (cm), number of flowers per spike and flower yield per plant showed better
results when 100 per cent NPK + Azospirillium and phosphor - bacteria was used. The
increased flower field might be due to the indirect effect of more number of braches as
stimulated and developed by the influence of inorganic fertilizer along with bio fertilizers.
Vimala and Natarajan (2001) conducted a field experiment with pea, 31 combination
inoculating, four level each of nitrogen and phosphorus with and without bio fertilizer
(Rhizobium and phosphobacteria) were studied for their effects on pod characters, yield and
quality. The pod character and number of pods per plant were significantly influenced by the
treatments considering the pod characters, yield and quality, a combination of 120 kg N, 8 kg
P, 2 kg Rhizobium and 2 kg phosphor bacteria/ha gave best result.
Ajit Kumar (2002) studied about effect of organic and inorganic fertilizers on growth, yield
and post-harvest life of marigold and reported maximum plant height number of branches,
number of leaves, number of flowers per plant and flower yield per hectare due to
application of vermicompost at 10 tons per hectare and recommended dose of NPK. In
marigold the maximum flower diameter (7.70cm) was also recorded in the same treatment

Atam et al., (2002)conducted a pot experiment was in the screen house to investigate the
effects of P at 0, 30, 60, 90 and 120 ppm and FYM at 0, 5 and 10 t/ha on the yield parameters
of marigold (Tagets spp.) in chloride dominated saline soil. The number of buds/plant,
flowers/plant, flower size and fresh flower weight decreased with increasing salinity levels
and increased with increasing phosphorus levels. FYM at 5 t /ha increased the yield
parameters, but the increase observed with 5-10 t/ha FYM was only up to 4 dS/m
Binisha et al. (2002) studied about influence of Azospirillium on growth and flowering of
Dendrobium cv., Sonia 17 and revealed that the treatment combination of NPK along with
Azospirillium was more effective in improving vegetative and floral characters of
Haripriya et al., (2002) reported on the effect of organic amendments on the growth and
yield of marigold in lignite mine spoil. Thirty day old marigold seedlings were transplanted
in pots and supplemented with organic manures viz., leaf mould, press mud and FYM, in
combination with lignite mine spoils in a 1:0.5, 1:1 and 2:1 ratio to determine the effects of
lignite mine spoil on the growth and yield of marigold. All the treatments resulted in better
growth and yield of marigold compared to the control. Among the organic manures,
application of FYM at all ratios resulted in better growth and yield compared to application
of leaf mould and press mud. FYM + mine spoil application at 1:2 ratio resulted in the tallest
plants (72.28 cm) and highest number of laterals (9.33), leaf production (59.58), dry matter
content (68.63 g), number of flowers per plant (6.66), size of flowers (5.33), number of seeds
per flower (87.67) and yield per plant (47.33).
Kumar (2002) studied about response of bio fertilizer and GA3 on growth and yield of China
aster. (Callistephus chinensis L.) And reported significant increase in organic matter content
of the soil due to increased levels of FYM, nitrogen and Azospirillium inoculation during two
years 19901991 in sorghum. An increase in organic matter in case of FYM is expected, as its
addition would add to the organic matter content of the soil. The status of available nitrogen
in the soil after harvest was lower than the initial status of the soil under all treatments. The
status under Azospirillium inoculation was slightly higher than that of inoculated one
Kumar (2002) reported significant increase in organic matter content of the soil due to
increased levels of FYM, nitrogen and Azosprillium inoculation during two years (1990-
1991) in sorghum. An increase in organic matter in case of FYM is expected, as its addition
would add to the organic matter content of the soil. The status of available nitrogen in the
soil after harvest was lower than the initial status of the soil under all treatments. The status
under Azospirillium inoculation was slightly higher than that of uninoculated one.
Mostafa (2002) showed the effect of bio fertilizer (Azotobacter chrococcum and
A.vinelandie) and irrigation with magnetically saline water (0.6, 3.8, 7.0, 10.2 dsm-1) on
growth of calendula officinalis Cv. Murraji and Dimorphotheca ecklonis. The bio fertilizer
increased leaf area of C. Officinalis and plant height and inflorescence diameter of Ecklonis
but delayed its flowering time. Bio fertilizer combined with lower level of saline water (0.6
-0 3.8 dsm-1) enhanced the nitrogen content in the leaves of Murraji and height and dry
matter content of D.Ecklonis flower.
Mostafa, M.M. (2002) Observed that the response of gladiolus cultivars Peter Pears and
Rose Supreme to separate and combined applications of organic manures and NPK
fertilizers. In second experiment, NPK was applied with the animal and chicken manures at
60 m3/ fedddan.
Prakash et al. (2002) studied about effect of phosphorus an FYM on yield parameters of
marigold in chloride dominate of saline soil and reported that phosphorous and potassium
content in the leaves increased with addition of 5 and 10 per cent FYM whereas, N content
was increased in the leaves only with addition of 5 per cent FYM. Addition of FYM to the
soil also increased the yield parameters in their studies.
Singh et al. (2002) studied and reported that the beneficial effect of FYM and poultry
manure on growth characters of marigold and other flowering plant.
Sajindranath et al., (2002) conducted a field traits on the effect of growth regulators and
bio fertilizers of in okra. They reported that GA 3 at 10 and 50 ppm + bio fertilizer gave
highest % of seed germination and seeding vigour in okra.
Alkaff and Hassan (2003) carried out an experiment to find out the effect of Halex 2, FYM
and trace element fertilizers on growth and yield of okra local cultivar. They observed that
treatment Halex2 + 10 t FYM + 4g trace element/litre gave the highest yield of all
Jawaharlal and Padma Devi (2003) studied about effect of bio fertilizers on growth and
flowering of Anthurium (Anthurium andraeanum Linn). Cv. Temptation and reported that
the application of bio fertilizer along with inorganic nutrients and growth regulators had
significant positive effect on growth and flowering of Anthurium.
Airadevi and Mathad (2012) reported that with the application of Azospirillium (100g/lit) +
PSB (100g/lit) + 50% Vermicompost + 50% RDF (150:100:100 n p k /ha) recorded
significantly higher plant height (87.00 cm) number of branches/plant (39.61) and early
flower bud initiation (25.13 DAT) in chrysanthemum.
Boshra et al. (2012) reported that obtained results indicated that all vegetative and root
growth parameters were improved with various significant differences as a result of applying
the different bio fertilizer treatments used in such trail. Increasing level of the two bio
fertilizers used in this study, as well as combining between them at any level mostly caused
an additional increment in the rate of growth when applied bimonthly, as a soil drench at the
rates of 0.5 and 10g/pot on growth and quality of 6-months-old Gardenia Augusta.
Barman et al. (2003) conducted an experiment to find out the efficacy of phosphate
solubilizing bio fertilizer (Bacillus firmus) on availability of phosphorus growth and flower
production of tuberose. The quality of flower in terms of length of rachis, length of spike and
number of flower per spike was significantly influenced by the inoculation of bio fertilizer. It
was found that the treatment of FYM along with the bio fertilizer resulted in 21.04 cm of
rachis length and 88.44 cm of spike length as compared to 17.34 cm and 82.50 cm
respectively obtained in control. The flower production was increased by 42.25 per cent in
bio fertilizer along with FYM treatment as compared to control. Furthermore, application of
NPK along with FYM and bio fertilizer increased available phosphorus from 7.77 to 9.94 kg
Barman et al. (2003) conducted an experiment to find out the efficiency of phosphate
solubilizing bio fertilizer (Bacillus firmus) on availability of phosphorus, growth and flower
production of tuberose. The quality of flower in terms of length of rachis, length of spike and
number of flower per spike was significantly influenced by the bio fertilizer inoculation. It
was found that the treatment of FYM along with the bio fertilizer resulted in 21.04 cm of
rachis length and 88.44 cm of spike length as compared to 17.34 cm and 82.50 cm
respectively obtained in control. The flower production was increased by 42.25 percent in
bio fertilizer along with FYM treatment as compared to control. Furthermore, application of
NPK along with FYM and bio fertilizer increased available phosphorus from 7.77 to 9.94
Chaudhary (2010) various bio fertilizers (Azotobacter, Azospirillium, phosphorus
solubilizing bacteria and VAM fungi) show their suitability for application in different
flower crops such as Rose, Tuberose, Carnation, Marigold. Aster, Jasmine, etc. These not
only help in improving the nutrient uptake by the plants, releasing of growth hormones and
antibiotics but also substitutes chemical fertilizers application. To maximise the beneficial
plant growth response it is to identify the best strains of microorganisms, verify their
compatibility and combined efficiency before using them in crop production system as a
potential candidates for sustainable systems of horticulture and floriculture.
Dhiraj and Singh (2009) reported that in marigold application of Azotobacter + PSB +
FYM @ 30 t/ha + Nat 100 kg/ha and P at 50 kg/ha was found to be best for growth flowering
behaviour and yield.
Gotmare et al., (2007) reported that with application of 70% RDF (100:50:25 NPK/ha) +
Azosprillium at 5 kg/ha + PSB at 5 kg/ha recorded maximum height of the plant (119.60
cm), number of primary branches per plant (13.26) in marigold.
Godse et al., (2006) reported that study was carried out to evaluate the effect of organic
manures and bio fertilizers with reduced doses of inorganic fertilizers on growth, yield and
quality of gladiolus at satpuda Botanic Garden, College of agriculture, and Nagpur during
the year 2004-2005. The results revealed that plants receiving vermicompost 8 t ha +
Azotobacter and PSB @ 25 kg ha each + 80 % RDF significantly increased growth, yield
and quality attributes of Gladiolus viz., plant height, number of leaves, number of spikes ha,
number of corms plant, weight of corms ha, length of spike and number of florets spike when
compared with RDF and other treatments. As regarding diameter of open floret, the
treatments of vermicompost 8 t ha + Azotobacter and PSB @ 25 kg /ha each + 80% RDF,
FYM 40t/ha + Azotobacter and PSB @ 25 kg /ha each +80% RDF and RDF, Neem cake 6
t/ha+ Azotobacter and PSB @ 25 kg/ha each + 80% RDF alone were found significantly at
par with each other. FYM 40 t/ha + Azotobacter and PSB @ 25 kg/ha each +80%rdf and
neem cake 6 t/ha + Azotobacter and PSB @ 25 kg /ha each + 80% RDF also increased
growth, yield and quality of Gladiolus significantly over RDF except number of leaves,
number of florets spike and diameter of open floret. As regards B:C ratio, the treatment of
vermicompost 8 t/ha + Azotobacter and PSB @ 25 kg/ha each + 80% RDF exhibited the
highest B:C ratio (3.70) when compared with RDF (2.81), whereas B:C ratio of the treatment
of FYM40 t/ha + Azotobacter sand PSB @ 25 kg/ha each + 80% RDF(2.80) was found equal
to RDF
Anita et al (2013) reported that application of 25% organic manures + 75% vermicompost +
poultry manure + bio fertilizer produced maximum plant height, number of branches per
plant, flower quality, number of flower per plant, flower yield per plant (g) and flower yield
per plot (kg).
Jadhav et al. (2014) studied that effect of organic and inorganic fertilizers on growth and
yield of African marigold (Tagetes erecta L) CV. Pusa Basanthi Gainda Studies showed
significant effect on plant height (58.94 cm), no. of branches per plant (7.20). Total no. of
flowers per plant (38.80). Flower yield per plant (48.93). flower yield per plot (16.75 kg),
flower yield per sq. m (2.58kg) and hectare 25.85t) was observed in treatment with 75%6
RDN +60 kg P2O5 ha-1+ 60 kg K2O ha-1 + Azotobacter Enriched banana pseudo stem Sap (T 8)
The maximum gross return (516930.4 per ha) net return( 435810.4 per ha) and benefit cost
ratio (5.37:1) was recorded maximum with same treatment i.e. T 8 (75% RDN + 60 kg P205 ha
+ 60 kg K20 ha-1 +Azotobacter Enriched banana pseudo stem Sap) under Tansa farm (MH)
Karuppaiah (2005) reported on the effect of Azospirillium, phosphobacteria and organic
manures on growth and yield of French marigold (Tagetes patula L).a field experiment was
carried out in Annamalaingar, Tamil Nadu, India, during 2003-2004 to determine the effect
of Azosprillium, phosphobacteria and organic manures on the growth and yield of French
marigold (T.patula) cv. Red Brocade. The treatments comprised application of FYM, at 25
and 37.5 t \ha and vermi compost at 5 and 7.5 t\ha, alone and in combination with
Azosprillium and phosphobacteria. A control with recommended dose of NPK of
200:100:100 kg/ha was included. Different growth plant height, number of laterals per plant,
leaf area, plant spread and dry matter production, flowering days to 50% flowering, number
of flowers per plant, single, flower weight, flower diameter, flower stalk length and flower
yield, physiological characters along with crop uptake of N.P and K were observed. Based
on biometrical observations, vermicompost at 37.5t\ha along with Azosprillium and
phosphor bacteria was the best, followed by FYM at 37.5 t\ha along with the bio fertilizers.
The N, P and K uptake was also higher in the same treatment.

Kumar et al. (2006) conducted a screen house experiment in pots to study the effect of
different bio fertilizer in combination with FYM on growth and flowering of marigold cv.
Pusa Narangi. Inoculation of bio fertilizer viz., Azospirillium, Azotobacter and phosphate
solubilizing bacteria was done as seed treatment before sowing of seed in nursery. With
inoculation of Azotobacter and PSB plant height and plant spread of marigold increased
while there was no effect of Azospirillium treatment. Number of days taken to first flower
bud formation and first flower decreased, while duration of flowering increased with the
application of Azospirillium, Azotobacter and phosphate solubilizing bacteria in marigold.
Kumar et al. (2003) reported that application of 3/4thof the recommended dose of nitrogen
and phosphorus in combination with full dose of K + VAM + Phosphobacteria is proved to
be the most effective in increasing the plant height, number of leaves, leaf area, number of
branches, flower weight, flower diameter, number of flower and flower yield of China aster
var. Kamini.
Kumaraswamy and Madalageri (1990) also reported the similar findings in tomato.
Maximum number of leaves per plant (221.77) were recorded in plants treated with 1.50 kg
ha-1 of Azotobacter followed by (93.68) in plants treated with 1 kg ha1 of Azotobacter.
Maximum seed weight per flower (0.40 g) and highest weight of 100 seeds (0.43 g) was
recorded in plants treated with 1.50kg ha-1 Azotobacter.
Mathew and Singh (2003) reported that a combined application of PSB, Azotobacter and
Azospirillium produced plant with maximum plant height, number of branches, flower size
and yield when compared with single application of these bio fertilizer and uninoculated
plants of African marigold cv. Pusa Narangi.
Mathew and Singh (2003) studied about effect of bio fertilizers on growth and yield of
African marigold and reported that a combined application of PSB. Azotobacter and
Azospirillium produced plant with maximum plant height, number of branches flower size
and yield when compared with single application of these bio fertilizer and inoculated plants
(control of African marigold Cv.Pusa Narangi
Munichaluvaiah et al. (2004) in their study on integrated nutrient management through
organic and inorganic manures on gladiolus, reported that application of 10 tonnes per
hectare poultry manure along with 50 per cent of recommended doses of NPK (50:30:30
kg/ha) improved the various growth parameters, flower quality traits and corm characters
The yield parameters such as number of spikes, number of corms and number of cormels per
hectare were highest under the treatment of poultry manure enriched compost. The vase life
(1166 days) was also increased significantly under this treatment.
Munikrishnappa et al. (2004) studied about effect of vermicompost on growth and yield of
tuberose (Pollianthus tuberosa L.) and found that in the experiment the application of 50 per
cent of recommended dose of fertilizer (RDF) along with vermicompost at 5 tonnes per
hectare had improved the flower characters viz., spike length, rachis length, forest diameter.
Number of flowers per spike and flower yield of tuberose.
Naik et al. (2008) studied about effect of integrated nutrient management for carotenoid
yield in African marigold and revealed that application of vermicompost (12.5% N) +
poultry manure (12.5% N)+ 200gm of Azosprillium along with 73% RDN ha-1 resulted early
flower bud initiation50%, flowering maximum flower diameter and number of flowers per
plant in marigold under Dharwad Karnataka) conditions.
Puskhar et al. (2008) conducted an experiment to find out the effect of chemical and bio
fertilizer on growth and yield of African marigold (Tagetes erecta L.) cv. Pusa Narangi
Gainda during winter season. It was found that application of chemical fertilizer (200 kg
nitrogen. 80kg phosphorus. 80kg potassium) and bio fertilizer (VAM 10 kg ha ) at the time
of transplanting followed by phosphor bacterize 2 kg ha recorded maximum value of growth
characters viz plant height (97.07 cm) diameter of main stem (1.68 cm), plant spread (47.55
cm), number of primary branches (24), length of longest primary branch (66.76 cm), fresh
weight of plant canopy (448.93 g), dry matter content of primary branches (21%) number of
flower heads per plant (7.66), weight of flower heads per plant (78.40g) was found.
Pathak et al., (2003) carried out an experiment to find out the effect of bio fertilizer, DAP
and Zn SO4 on growth and yield of chick pea plant height, branches per plant root
nodulation, pods per plant, grains per pod and grains yield were maximum at 69 kg P2O5/ha
through DAP and PSB 10t/ha FYM and 12.5 kg Zn SO4 /ha produced the most beneficial.
Patil and Dhaduk (2009) reported that application of 60% organic + 405 inorganic was
most effective for higher quantity and quality production of marigold flower.
Pushkar et al. (2008) conducted an experiment to find out the effect of chemical and bio
fertilizer on growth and yield of African marigold Pusa Narangi Gainda during winter
season. It was found that application of chemical fertilizer (200 kg nitrogen, 80 kg
phosphorus, 8 kg potassium) and bio fertilizer (VAM 10 kg ha1) at the time of transplanting
followed by phosphor bacterine 2 kg/ha recorded maximum value of growth characters viz.
plant height (97.07 cm), diameter of main stem (1.68 cm), plant spread (47.55 cm), number
of primary branches (24), length of longest primary branch (66.76 cm),fresh weight of plant
canopy (448.93 g), dry matter content of primary branches (21%), number of flower heads
per plant (7.66), weight of flower heads per plant (78.40g) was found.
Rajmani et al., (2001) studied the effect of NPK (50:65:120 kg\ha) and bio fertilizers
(Azosprillium and phosphor bacteria each @ 2 kg/ha) and concluded that the maximum plant
height (225.1 cm), number of cassava tubers per plant (6.9) were recorded with the
application of recommended dose of NPK along with bio fertilizers.
Ravindra et al., (2013) reported that application of Azosprillium at 2kg/acre + PSB at 2
kg/acre + Vermicompost 2t/acre + 50%(RDF) recorded maximum plant height (60.90
cm),number of leaves per plant (103.27), number of branches per plant (25.39), number of
days to opening first flower (78.33),number of flower per plant (49.73), flower yield (4.69
t/acre),diameter of flower (5.93 cm), fresh weight of flower (6.03 g) and duration of
flowering days (45.13) in china aster.
Rahul et al., (2013) reported that application 75% RDF, (NPK 225:150:150 kg/ha) +2t of
Vermicompost + PSB (2.5kg/ha) + Azotobacter (2.5kg/ha) gave the maximum plant height,
number of leaves per plant., diameter of flower, number of spikes per plant, vase life of cut
flower and early flowering, days required for visibility of first spike, days required for
opening of the first flower in gladiolus.
Rathod et al., (2003) reported that with application of 75% of the recommended NPK with
Azosprillium + phosphate solubilizing bacteria resulted in the highest number of branches
(41) and leaves (218.67), number of flowers per plant (70.23), flower diameter (5.03 cm),
weight of single flowers (2.03 g), yield per plant (142.57 g) and yield (89.11 q\ha) in
Radhika et al., (2010) reported that in marigold application of 7% RDF(200:100:100 N P K
t/ha) + 3 t /ha vermicompost + Azotobacter + Azosprillium + PSB produced significantly
maximum plant height, number of branches per plant, average flower weight, number of
flowers per plant, flower yield per plant (g) and flower yield per hectare.
Shubha (2006) studied about integrated nutrient management for growth. Flowering and
xanthophyll yield of marigold (Tagetes erecta L.) and reported that the vegetative parameters
viz., plant height, plant spread, number of primary and secondary branches per plant, number
of leaves per plant, total dry matter production were recorded maximum in treatment T8 (i.e.,
vermicompost (12.5 % N) + poultry manure (12.5 % N) + 200 g of Azospirillium along with
75% RDN/ha) at 30, 60, 90 and 120 days after transplanting. The same treatment T 8 found to
be early for flower bud initiation, 50% flowering and maximum flowering duration.
Similarly the floral characters, viz, flower diameter, number of petals per flower, were also
maximum in the same treatment. Besides the above, yield components like number of
flowers per plant, flower yield. Petal meal yield, xanthophyll yield per hectare with
maximum net return and B: C Ratio. Uptake of N and P were also maximum in the treatment
combination of vermicompost (12.5 % N) + poultry manure (12.5%N) + Azospirillium along
with 75% RDN/ha.
Syamal et al. (2006) studied about effect of bio fertilizer on growth and yield in marigold
and reported that in marigold cv. Rusty Red, maximum plant height (61.77 cm) was recorded
by applying 1.50 kg ha-1 Azotobacter followed by 1.00 kg ha-1 Azotobacter i.e. 61.53 cm.
Kumaraswamy and Madalageri (1990) also reported the similar findings in tomato.
Maximum number of leaves per plant (221.77) were recorded in plants treated with 1.50 kg
ha-1 of Azotobacter followed by (93.68) in plants treated with 1 kg ha -1 of Azotobacter.
Maximum seed weight per flower (0.40 g) and highest weight of 100 seeds (0.43 g) was
recorded in plants treated with 1.50 kg ha-1 Azotobacter.
Singh et al.(2015) studied about effect of organic manures and inorganic fertilizers on
growth and flower yield of marigold (Tagetes erecta L) Cv. Pusa Narangi Gainda and
evaluated the performance of marigold var. Pusa Narangi Gainda to various manure and
fertilizers levels on growth and flower yield reveal that maximum plant height, girth of
number of branches plant, plant height, number of flowers plant circulation of flower length,
weight of flower flowers yield plant flower yield/ha gross return and net return recorded with
recommended dose of 120:80:40 kg NPK ha along with border strip method of irrigation,
which significantly superior over control, but statically on a par and closely followed by
vermicompost @ 5t ha and poultry manure @ 3.16 q ha, which gave 19.84 14.57, 30.49,
12.86, 35.01. 27.06, 32.18, 77.94, 78.07, 78.07, 125.68, 61.41 and 104.96% higher growth
characters. Yield attributing characters, flower yield, gross return, net return, BC ratio and
ICR ratio respectively than control plot.
Selvi et al., (1997) recorded maximum plant height, number of fruits per plant and yield per
plant with foliar application of micronutrient with composted coir pith (ccp) and bio
Singh (2006) studied about effect of farm yard manure, Azotobacter and nitrogen on leaf
nutrient composition, growth flowering and yield in rose and reported significant increase in
leaf nutrient content (N, P and K). Leaf area index, plant height, number of petals per flower,
weight of flower per plant during first flush and yield of flower were recorded with
application of FYM (5 kg m). Azotobacter inoculation and higher dose of nitrogen (60g m)
in rose plant. Application of FYM and higher doses of nitrogen (60 and 40 gm) delayed
flowering of rose whereas inoculation of Azotobacter exhibited early flowering. Maximum
flower diameter, average dry weight of flower, number of flowers per plant during first flush
and weight of flower per plant during second flush were recorded with application of FYM
(5 kg m and nitrogen (60 g m) whereas inoculation of Azotobacter failed to exert any striking
effect on these parameters.
Shubha and Hemlaniak B. (2006) reported that in marigold, with application of
vermicompost (12.5% N) + poultry manure (12.5 % N) = 200 g OF Azosprillium along with
75% RDF/ha recorded maximum plant height, number of primary and secondary branches
per plant, number of leaves per plant, early for flower bud initiation, 50% flowering and
maximum flowering duration. Similarly the floral characters, viz., flower diameter, number
of flower per plant, flower yield hectare with maximum net returns and B: C ratio.
Sahoo and Singh (2005) conducted an experiment to evaluate the effectiveness of soil
application of different levels of bio fertilizer such as Azotobacter (4 kg, 5 kg and 6 kg per
hectare) and Azospirillium (4 kg, 5 kg and 8 kg per hectare) on growth, yield and quality of
strawberry (Fragaria ananassa Duch) cv. Sweet Charley during Rabi season. All treatments
with different levels bio fertilizer exhibited significant effects on growth, yield and quality
attributes. Treatment with Azotobacter 6 kg/ha resulted maximum in all attributes. The
growth, yield and quality characteristic such as number of leaves (14.08), yield (242.30 g per
plant) and TSS (8.6) were enhanced by application of 6 kg/ha -1 Azosprillium application
enhanced total sugar (8.1), p H (3.62) and acidity (0.71%) of the juice.
Singh (2006) reported significant increase in leaf nutrient content (N, P and K), leaf area
index, plant height, number of petals per flower, weight of flower per plant during first flush
and yield of flower were recorded with application of FYM (5 kg m -2), Azotobacter
inoculation and higher dose of nitrogen (60 gm-2) in rose plant. Application of FYM and
higher doses of nitrogen (60 and 40 gm2) delayed flowering of rose whereas inoculation of
Azotobacter exhibited early flowering. Maximum flower diameter, average dry weight of
flower, number of flowers per plant during second flush were recorded with application of
FYM (5 kg m-2) and nitrogen (60 gm-2) whereas inoculation of Azotobacter failed to exert
any striking effect on these parameters.
Syamal et al. (2006) reported that in marigold cv. Rusty red, maximum plant height (61.77
cm) was recorded by applying 1.50 kg ha-1 Azotobacter followed by 1.00kg ha-1 Azotobacter
i.e. 61.53 cm.
Thumar et al. (2013) studied about effect of integrated nutrient management on African
marigold (Tagetes erecta L.) Cv. Pusa Narangi and reported that application of 70% RDF + 2
t/ ha-1 vermicompost +Azotobacter +Azospirillium + PSB (TS) registered significantly
maximum (433.24, 422.99 and 428.12 g) fresh weight of plant (g) and significantly
maximum 95.90,94.67 and 95.29) dry weight of plant (g).
Verma et al., (2011) reported that application of Azosprillium 500g/ha, PSB 500g /ha,
Vermicompost and 50% RDF (150:100:100 N P K t/ha) recorded the highest plant height,
number of branches, number of flower per plant and flower yield in chrysanthemum.

This chapter consists of the methods employed and material used during the
investigation, which is briefly explained here below:


A field experiment entitled “Effect of bio fertilizers on plant growth and flower yield of African marigold
(Tagetes erecta L.) CV Pusa Narangi Gainda” was carried out on Horticultural Experimental field,
Department of Horticulture, Sam Higginbottom University of Agriculture Technology and Science. During
summer season 2018-2019. The details of the materials and methods are adopted are presented in this chapter.


Prayagraj is situated at an elevation of 78 meters from mean sea level at. 25.8°N latitude and
81.5°E longitude has a typical subtropical climate with extremes of summer and winter.
During the winter months, especially during December and January, the temperature drops
down to as low as 2°C while during summer the temperature reaches more than 45°C. Hot
scorching winds are a regular feature during Table 3.1 Meteorological data during
experimental period (March-June) 2019summers. The average rainfall is about 100 cm and
occurs mostly during July to September, with a few occasional showers during the winter
months. The meteorological data recorded during the crop growth period has been presented
in figure 3.1 and depicted through. table 3.2.
Weekly metrological observation during the period of (March 2019-June 2019)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Temperature Relative rainfall
Months Week (ºC) humidity (%) (mm

Max. Min. Max. Min.

I 28.69 14.80 92.57 58.71 9.57

II 31.74 15.91 85.57 44.14 NIL

III 33.26 19.77 88.71 47.14 1.17

IV 36.83 20.97 83.71 42.00 NIL

I 42.6 21.00 93.00 50.00 0

II 42.2 20.00 92.00 52.00 0

III 43.8 20.00 91.00 53.00 0

IV 43.0 19.80 92.00 60.00 0

V 42.0 11.40 92.00 52.00 0

I 43.2 15.00 90.00 54.00 0

II 43 11.72 91.42 43.71 0

III 42.8 10.00 90.00 54.00 0

IV 43.4 8.40 92.00 58.00 0

V 43.8 8.80 92.00 61.00 0

I 41.1 9.60 92.00 53.00 0

II 43.2 12.00 90.00 50.00 0

III 43.6 9.00 92.00 57.00 0

IV 45.6 8.60 90.00 47.00 0

V 45.00 10.60 90.00 46.00 0

Horticulture research farm, SHUATS, PRAYAGRAJ, includes soil of medium
texture (alluvial).They are deep soil and occur on level or gently sloping land
,The permeability is moderate and soils are well drained. The soils are neutral to
slightly alkaline in reaction. The chemical and mechanical analysis of soil was
done before the start of the experiments to obtain the intial fertilty gradient and
chemically and procedures are here by presented in the following tables.

Compon Composi
ents tion
Sand 45
Silt 35
Clay 25
Organic 0.600
Nitrogen 212.56
Phosphor 28.3
Potash 262.4
Ph 7.4
Ec 0.262
3.4: Experimental details.
A field experiment entitled “Effect of bio fertilizers on plant growth and
flower yield of African marigold (Tagetes erecta L.) CV Pusa Narangi
Gainda” was conducted at on Horticultural Experimental field, Department of
Horticulture, Sam Higginbottom University of Agriculture Technology and
Science. During summer season 2018-2019 under the following details.
3.4.1: Design and details of experiment.
12 treatments combinations having one cultivar were try Randomized Block
Design (RBD) with three replications. The experimental details are given
Name of crop : African marigold
Family : Composite
Design of Experiment : Random Block
Design (RBD)
Number of replications :Ш
Number of treatments : 12
Number of Plots : 36
Total length of experimental field : 14.4 m
Total width of experimental field : 4.3 m
Total area of experimental field : 61.92 m2
Plot length size : 1.2 m
Plot width size : 0.9 m
Plot spacing : 30 x 30cm
Number of plants in experimental field : 216
Number of plants in each plot : 06
Width of bunds : 25 cm
Width of main irrigation channel : 1 m2
Width of sub-irrigation channel : 50 cm
Location of experiment : Horticulture Research
Farm, Department of Horticulture Naini Agricultural
Research farm of Horticulture Naini Agriculture institute N


Main Irrigation Channel (1m2) S

T10 T9 T6
T8 T5 T3

T11 T0 T8

T7 T2 T4

T5 T7 T11

T0 T11 T9

T2 Sub T3 T7 Sub
Irrigation Irrigation
Channel Channel
50cm 50cm
T9 T6 T2 0.95x1.3
T1 T4 T10

(Table: T3 T8 T1 3.3):

T6 T10 T0

T4 T1 T5


Treatment Treatments Details

T0 Control @ 25tone/hectare
T1 Paecilomyces Lilacinus @ 10kg/hectare + Pseudomonas
Fluorescents @ 2.5kg/hectare
T2 Pseudomonas Fluorescens @ 2.5kg/hectare + Trichoderma
Viridae @ 2.5kg/hectare
T3 Trichoderma Viridae @ 2.5kg/hectare + Beauveria Basina
@ 2.5kg/hectare
T4 Beauveria Basina @ 2.5kg/hectare + Azotobacter @
T5 Azospirillium @ 2.5kg/hectare + Fructuria Eurantia @
T6 Fructuria Eurantia @ 5kg/hectare + Bacillus Megaterium @
T7 Bacillus Megaterium @ 13kg/hectare + Paecilomyces
Lilacinus @ 10kg/hectare
T8 Trichoderma Viridae @ 2.5kg/hectare + Azotobacter @
2.5kg/hectare + Bacillus Megaterium @ 132kg/hectare
T9 Trichoderma Viridae @ 2.5kg/hectare + Azospirillium @
2.5kg/hectare + Fructuria Eurantia @ 5kg/hectare
T10 Azotobacter @ 2.5kg/hectare + Pseudomonas Fluorescens @
2.5kg/hectare + Bacillus Megaterium @ 13kg/hectare
T11 Pseudomonas Fluorescens @ 2.5kg/hectare + Azospirillium
@ 2.5kg/hectare + Fructuria Eurantia @ 5kg/hectare


Before the commencement of the present investigation, the field was
exclusively utilized for the cultivation of floricultural crops. The cropping
history of the experimental site for the preceding two years is presented in the
(Table 3.4).
(Table: 3.4): Cropping history of the experimental field.
Sr. No Year Rainy Winter
1 2017-2018 Fallow Gladiolus
2 2018-2019 Fallow Chrysanthemum


3.6.1: Nursery technique.
The Poly trays are used for prepared for raising the seedlings. In Poly trays the
media is filled with 2 kg vermicompost and 2 kg coco peat mixed well in the
polytrays well before sowing. The seeds of African marigold cv. Pusa Narangi
Gainda obtained from the Department of Horticulture, Sam Higginbottom
University of Agriculture Technology and Science, Prayagraj, (U.P), India. The
seeds were sown on 1st March, 2019 seeds are covered with Newspaper for the
completion of seed germination. The water was given regularly in the evening
still the seedlings are ready for transplanting.
3.6.2: Transplanting.
Irrigation was given to the plots two days prior to the transplanting of the
seedlings. So that seedlings could be transplanted in well moist soil. Seedlings
of marigold were transplanted in the main field when they had 2-3 true leaf
stage (25 to 30 days) on March 30th , 2019 transplanting of the seedlings was
done. During the transplanting soil was pressed firmly around the seedlings so
that seedlings will not be disturbed by irrigation. Light irrigation was given
immediately after transplanting.
3: Bio fertilizers.
Seven bio fertilizers namely PAECILOMYCESLILACINUS,
BACILLUSMEGATERIUM used in present investigation. The bio fertilizers
obtained from commercial products of IRA BIOTECH, Hyderabad. Bio
fertilizers all prepared with talcum powder and sucrose. The roots of the
seedlings of African marigold were dipped for 30 minutes before transplanting.
After that the seedlings were transplanted also mixed with soil application
before transplanting.

1.PAECILOMYCES LILACINUS: (bio pesticides)

SOIL APPLICATION: 10 kg of P.L per hectare.
3.TRICHODERMA SPP: (bio pesticides) SOIL APPLICATION: 2.5kg/ha.
SOIL APPLICATION: mix 3-5 kg\acre of B.M apply to an acre of soil.

Consists of a well-established potash solubilizing \ mobilizing free living

bacteria It can save 15-20% of potash fertilizer application in well maintained
soil same as like B.M. treatments.

The following bio-fertilizers were used in the present investigation

Soil application Per plot m2 Per hectare
FYM 2.5gm/plot 25t//hectare
Paecilomyces Lilacinus 1.28gm/plot 10kg/hectare
Pseudomonas 0.32gm/plot 2.5kg/hectare
Trichoderma Viridae 0.32gm/plot 2.5kg/hectare
Beauveria Basina 0.32gm/plot 2.5kg/hectare
Azotobacter 0.32gm/plot 2.5kg/hectare
Azospirillium 0.32gm/plot 2.5kg/hectare
Fructuria Eurantia 0.64gm/plot 5kg/hectare
Bacillus Megaterium 1.664gm/plot 13kg/hectare


3.8.1: Gap filling.
Gap filling was done whenever required during the first two weeks
after transplanting.
3.8.2: Wedding.
The plots were kept free throughout the growth period by weeding at
regular intervals. First weeding was done 30 days after transplanting and later
on as when required.
3.8.3: Pinching.
It was done 30 days after transplanting top of plant was removed to
increase number of branches.
3.8.4: Irrigation.
Immediately after transplanting a light irrigation was done and later
irrigation was done and later irrigation was done depending upon the moisture
requirement of the soil. During the entire period of growth total irrigations were
mentioned in table of cost of cultivation.
3.8.5: Plant protection.
Timely and suitable plant protection measures were taken to protect the
experimental plants from the attack of pests and diseases.
3.8.6: staking.
In order to support the plants earthing up was done manually.
3.8.7: Rouging.
The plants which do not confirm to the varietal characters in African
marigold were removed before flowering to keep the purity of the crop.
3.8.8: Harvesting.
Flowers were picked once in 3 days began from 60 days after
transplanting. Four plants were harvested tagged earlier for recording the
growth, yield and quality parameter.
Observations were recorded on four randomly selected plants of each
treatment to assess the effect of treatments on growth, development and yield
of flower in the following characters. All the recorded observations were
subjected to the statistical analysis.
Technique of random samples was adopted and four plants were
selected from each treatment in all replications for the detailed studied on
vegetative growth, flower yield and quality of African marigold.
3.9.1: Plant height (cm).
Plant height was recorded at 15 day interval starting from 30 th, 45th,
60thand 75th days after transplanting of crop growth. The plant height was
measured by meter scale from ground level to the growing tip of each plant.
3.9.2: Plant spread (cm).
Plant spread was measured as an average of the distance between outer
most side shoots in east to west and north to south directions (Mc Daniel,
1983) and was expressed in centimeters. Plant spread was recorded at 15 days
interval starting from 30th, 45th, 60th and 75th days after transplanting of crop
3.9.3: Number of branches per plant.
To find out the average number of branches, per plant all the branches of
observational plant were counted and average number of branches per plant per
treatment were calculated. This observation was recorded on 30 th, 45th, 60th and
75th days after transplanting of crop growth.
3.10.1: Number of days required for first flower bud emergence from
First flower bud appearance in each plant was noted soon after the
flower buds were visible. To record the first flower bud appearance, the plants
were observed critically and after emergence the buds are tagged. Days taken
for flower bud appearance were calculated from transplanting date to flower
bud appearance date.
3.10.2: Days to 50% flowering.
Number of flowers 50% flowering during the period of flowering was
recorded and total number of flower calculated for all pickings.
3.10.3: Number of flowers per plant.
Number of flowers harvested during the period of flowering was
recorded and total number of flower calculated for all pickings.
3.10.4: Individual flower weight.
Weight of fresh flower picked each one from five randomly selected
plants in morning hour was recorded with the help of weighing balance,
averaged and expressed in grams.
3.11.1: Flower yield per plant (g).
The randomly selected five plants for each treatment plot were used for
this purpose. The cumulative weight at each harvest from each treatment was
recorded and from this data yield per plant was calculated.
3.11.2: Flower yield per hectare (t/ha).
The weight of the flowers produced was recorded from the first to last
harvest per plot and flower yield per plot was calculated. The flower yield per
hectare was calculated on the basis of yield per plot.
3.12.1: Diameter of flower (cm).
The diameter of fully opened flowers was measured in on two
perpendicular axes and the values were averaged as centimeter.
3.13.1: Cost of cultivation (Rs/ha).
The cost of the inputs that was prevailing at the time of their use was
considered (Appendix) to work out the cost of cultivation which is given in
rupees per hectare.
3.13.2: Gross income (Rs).
Gross income was calculated based on the prevailing market price for the

3.16 Statistical analysis

The data recorded on various characters were subjected to Fisher’s method of analysis
of variance and interpretation of data as given by Panse and Sukhatme (2002). The level of
significance in ‘F’ and‘t’ test was p=0.05. Critical difference (CD) values were calculated
whenever the ‘F’ test was significant.
Skeleton of ANOVA

Sou source of d.f S.S MSS F value (5% level)

Due to (r-1) RSS MRSS = RSS F = MRSS
r-1 MESS
Due to (t-1) TSS MTSS = TSS F = MTSS
t-1 MESS
Due to error (r-1)(t-1) ESS MESS = ESS
Total (rt-1) TSS - -

d.f.           = Degree of freedom
r          = Number of replications
S.S.        = Sum of squares
t            = Number of treatments
MSS       = Mean sum of squares
RSS        = Replication sum of squares
TSS         = Total sum of squares
ESS        = Error sum of squares
MRSS      = Mean replication sum of squares
MTSS      = Mean total sum of squares
MESS      = Mean error sum of square
S.E. (d) בt’ error d.f. at 5 % level of significance

S.E. (d)    =     

√ 2 × M . E . S . S           
The significance and non- significance of the treatment effect was judged with the help
of ‘F’ variance ratio test. Calculated ‘F’ value was compared with the table value of ‘F’ at
5% level of significance. If the calculated value exceeds the table value, the effect was
considered to be significant. The significant differences between the means were tested
against the critical differences at 5% level of significance. For testing the hypothesis, the
ANOVA table was used.


The experimental findings of the present investigation on “Effect of bio
fertilizers on plant growth and flower yield of African marigold (Tagetes erecta
L.) Cv. Pusa Narangi Gainda” is presented in this chapter. An endeavor has been
made to elicit the influence of bio fertilizers and their combinations on plant growth,
flower yield of African marigold. The observations recorded at the successive stages
of crop growth were analyzed statistically and are presented in the following heads.
Influence of growth retardants, under study on vegetative growth under different
treatments is described below.

4.1: plant height (cm).

Effect of Bio fertilizers on plant height (cm)
of African marigold (Tagetes erecta L. cv.
Pusa Narangi Gainda.
Treatment 30 45 60 75
T0 Control @ 25tone/hectare 12.22 15.69 39.16 47.20
Paecilomyces Lilacinus @ 10kg/hectare +
T1 9.11 16.76 41.28 50.98
Pseudomonas Fluorescens @ 2.5kg/hectare
Pseudomonas Fluorescens @ 2.5kg/hectare +
T2 9.56 15.36 45.61 56.73
Trichoderma Viridae @ 2.5kg/hectare
Trichoderma Viridae @ 2.5kg/hectare + Beauveria
T3 8.90 14.31 31.91 40.53
Basina @ 2.5kg/hectare
Beauveria Basina @ 2.5kg/hectare + Azotobacter @
T4 10.22 17.07 40.62 52.79
Azospirillium @ 2.5kg/hectare + Fructuria Eurantia @
T5 11.42 14.20 35.12 41.60
Fructuria Eurantia @ 5kg/hectare + Bacillus
T6 8.83 12.83 37.82 44.68
Megaterium @ 13kg/hectare
Bacillus Megaterium @ 13kg/hectare + Paecilomyces
T7 10.28 15.74 37.04 44.82
Lilacinus @ 10kg/hectare
Trichoderma Viridae @ 2.5kg/hectare + Azotobacter
T8 @ 2.5kg/hectare + Bacillus Megaterium @ 7.67 15.44 31.09 41.08
Trichoderma Viridae @ 2.5kg/hectare + Azospirillium
T9 8.01 12.84 32.74 43.32
@ 2.5kg/hectare + Fructuria Eurantia @ 5kg/hectare
Azotobacter @ 2.5kg/hectare + Pseudomonas
T10 Fluorescens @ 2.5kg/hectare + Bacillus Megaterium 9.34 14.82 33.38 45.74
@ 13kg/hectare
Pseudomonas Fluorescens @ 2.5kg/hectare +
T11 Azospirillium @ 2.5kg/hectare + Fructuria Eurantia @ 9.59 14.33 34.17 43.97
Mean   9.60 14.95 36.66 46.12
F-test   N.S  N.S  S S 
SE(m)   1.065  1.549  2.868  3.091 
C.D at 5%   3.124  4.543  8.411  9.067 
Effect of Bio fertilizers on plant height (cm) of African marigold (Tagetes
erecta L.) cv. Pusa Narangi Gainda.






T0 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 T9 T10 T11

30 DAT 45 DAT 60 DAT 75 DAT

Effect of Bio fertilizers on Primary branches per plant (cm) of African marigold
(Tagetes erecta L.) cv. Pusa Narangi Gainda.

Treatment 30 45 60 75
T0 Control @ 25tone/hectare 1.22 2.33 3.33 7.67
Paecilomyces Lilacinus @ 10kg/hectare +
T1 1.00 2.11 2.78 5.33
Pseudomonas Fluorescens @ 2.5kg/hectare
Pseudomonas Fluorescens @ 2.5kg/hectare +
T2 1.00 1.89 2.00 4.33
Trichoderma Viridae @ 2.5kg/hectare
Trichoderma Viridae @ 2.5kg/hectare + Beauveria
T3 1.00 2.67 3.33 7.56
Basina @ 2.5kg/hectare
Beauveria Basina @ 2.5kg/hectare + Azotobacter @
T4 1.00 2.56 2.56 4.00
Azospirillium @ 2.5kg/hectare + Fructuria Eurantia @
T5 1.00 1.89 2.89 5.44
Fructuria Eurantia @ 5kg/hectare + Bacillus
T6 1.22 2.44 4.22 6.67
Megaterium @ 13kg/hectare
Bacillus Megaterium @ 13kg/hectare + Paecilomyces
T7 1.89 4.33 7.33 12.11
Lilacinus @ 10kg/hectare
Trichoderma Viridae @ 2.5kg/hectare + Azotobacter
T8 @ 2.5kg/hectare + Bacillus Megaterium @ 1.00 2.67 3.56 6.89
Trichoderma Viridae @ 2.5kg/hectare + Azospirillium
T9 1.00 2.11 3.00 6.22
@ 2.5kg/hectare + Fructuria Eurantia @ 5kg/hectare
Azotobacter @ 2.5kg/hectare + Pseudomonas
T10 Fluorescens @ 2.5kg/hectare + Bacillus Megaterium 1.33 2.89 4.44 8.78
@ 13kg/hectare
Pseudomonas Fluorescens @ 2.5kg/hectare +
T11 Azospirillium @ 2.5kg/hectare + Fructuria Eurantia @ 1.00 2.11 3.67 6.22
Mean   1.14 2.50 3.59 6.77
F-test   S S S S 
SE(m)of Bio fertilizers on Primary
Effect   branches per plant0.134  0.390 
(cm) of 0.894  1.193 
C.D at 5% marigold (Tagetes erecta
African   L.) cv. Pusa Narangi0.392 
Gainda.1.143  2.621  3.498 




T0 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 T9 T10 T11

30 DAT 45 DAT 60 DAT 75 DAT

Effect of Bio fertilizers on Secondary branches per plant (cm) of African marigold
(Tagetes erecta L.) cv. Pusa Narangi Gainda.

Treatment 30 45 60 75
T0 Control @ 25tone/hectare 1.22 8.11 10.67 14.00
Paecilomyces Lilacinus @ 10kg/hectare +
T1 0.78 6.89 7.11 16.22
Pseudomonas Fluorescens @ 2.5kg/hectare
Pseudomonas Fluorescens @ 2.5kg/hectare +
T2 0.67 5.78 9.11 14.33
Trichoderma Viridae @ 2.5kg/hectare
Trichoderma Viridae @ 2.5kg/hectare + Beauveria
T3 0.78 6.22 6.22 7.44
Basina @ 2.5kg/hectare
Beauveria Basina @ 2.5kg/hectare + Azotobacter @
T4 1.44 8.44 14.78 19.78
Azospirillium @ 2.5kg/hectare + Fructuria Eurantia @
T5 1.00 7.44 10.67 13.11
Fructuria Eurantia @ 5kg/hectare + Bacillus
T6 1.22 8.78 11.67 17.11
Megaterium @ 13kg/hectare
Bacillus Megaterium @ 13kg/hectare + Paecilomyces
T7 1.12 8.22 9.67 15.33
Lilacinus @ 10kg/hectare
Trichoderma Viridae @ 2.5kg/hectare + Azotobacter
T8 @ 2.5kg/hectare + Bacillus Megaterium @ 1.00 7.56 7.78 11.00
Trichoderma Viridae @ 2.5kg/hectare + Azospirillium
T9 1.00 7.00 7.56 11.11
@ 2.5kg/hectare + Fructuria Eurantia @ 5kg/hectare
Azotobacter @ 2.5kg/hectare + Pseudomonas
T10 Fluorescens @ 2.5kg/hectare + Bacillus Megaterium 0.89 7.33 11.56 16.56
@ 13kg/hectare
Pseudomonas Fluorescens @ 2.5kg/hectare +
T11 Azospirillium @ 2.5kg/hectare + Fructuria Eurantia @ 1.43 9.22 11.78 18.33
Mean   1.05 7.58 9.88 14.53
F-test   N.S  N.S  S S
SE(m)   0.305  1.108  1.480  2.293 
C.D at 5%    0.893 3.250  4.342  6.725 
Effect of Bio fertilizers on Secondary branches per plant (cm) of African
marigold (Tagetes erecta L.) cv. Pusa Narangi Gainda.





T0 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 T9 T10 T11

30 DAT 45 DAT 60 DAT 75 DAT

Effect of Bio fertilizers on Plant Spread North-South (cm) of African marigold (Tagetes
erecta L.) cv. Pusa Narangi Gainda.

Treatment 30 45 60 75
T0 Control @ 25tone/hectare 5.99 9.70 13.77 18.77
Paecilomyces Lilacinus @ 10kg/hectare +
T1 6.73 10.38 15.01 20.86
Pseudomonas Fluorescens @ 2.5kg/hectare
Pseudomonas Fluorescens @ 2.5kg/hectare +
T2 5.59 9.28 14.34 19.84
Trichoderma Viridae @ 2.5kg/hectare
Trichoderma Viridae @ 2.5kg/hectare + Beauveria
T3 6.53 8.84 11.99 16.94
Basina @ 2.5kg/hectare
Beauveria Basina @ 2.5kg/hectare + Azotobacter @
T4 6.36 9.59 12.92 17.56
Azospirillium @ 2.5kg/hectare + Fructuria Eurantia @
T5 6.06 8.53 12.52 17.28
Fructuria Eurantia @ 5kg/hectare + Bacillus
T6 6.26 9.09 13.80 17.82
Megaterium @ 13kg/hectare
Bacillus Megaterium @ 13kg/hectare + Paecilomyces
T7 6.33 9.34 13.37 18.00
Lilacinus @ 10kg/hectare
Trichoderma Viridae @ 2.5kg/hectare + Azotobacter
T8 @ 2.5kg/hectare + Bacillus Megaterium @ 5.94 8.06 12.16 15.53
Trichoderma Viridae @ 2.5kg/hectare + Azospirillium
T9 6.40 9.13 13.02 17.27
@ 2.5kg/hectare + Fructuria Eurantia @ 5kg/hectare
Azotobacter @ 2.5kg/hectare + Pseudomonas
T10 Fluorescens @ 2.5kg/hectare + Bacillus Megaterium 6.21 8.78 13.17 17.06
@ 13kg/hectare
Pseudomonas Fluorescens @ 2.5kg/hectare +
T11 Azospirillium @ 2.5kg/hectare + Fructuria Eurantia @ 6.30 8.56 11.93 14.97
Mean   6.23 9.11 13.17 17.66
F-test    N.S N.S  N.S  N.S 
SE(m)   0.349  0.607  1.037  1.552 
C.D at 5%   1.023   1.780 3.040  4.551 
Effect of Bio fertilizers on Plant Spread North-South (cm) of African
marigold (Tagetes erecta L.) cv. Pusa Narangi Gainda.






T0 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 T9 T10 T11

30 DAT 45 DAT 60 DAT 75 DAT

Effect of Bio fertilizers on Plant Spread East-West (cm) of African marigold (Tagetes
erecta L.) cv. Pusa Narangi Gainda.

Treatment 30 45 60 75
T0 Control @ 25tone/hectare 6.34 10.54 12.86 18.40
Paecilomyces Lilacinus @ 10kg/hectare +
T1 6.12 8.44 15.58 20.23
Pseudomonas Fluorescens @ 2.5kg/hectare
Pseudomonas Fluorescens @ 2.5kg/hectare +
T2 5.36 9.30 13.63 19.24
Trichoderma Viridae @ 2.5kg/hectare
Trichoderma Viridae @ 2.5kg/hectare + Beauveria
T3 6.54 8.39 11.79 16.54
Basina @ 2.5kg/hectare
Beauveria Basina @ 2.5kg/hectare + Azotobacter @
T4 5.81 8.96 13.32 17.29
Azospirillium @ 2.5kg/hectare + Fructuria Eurantia @
T5 6.24 8.07 11.74 17.19
Fructuria Eurantia @ 5kg/hectare + Bacillus
T6 6.04 8.82 13.43 17.06
Megaterium @ 13kg/hectare
Bacillus Megaterium @ 13kg/hectare + Paecilomyces
T7 6.27 8.88 12.92 17.63
Lilacinus @ 10kg/hectare
Trichoderma Viridae @ 2.5kg/hectare + Azotobacter @
T8 5.69 7.81 12.18 13.98
2.5kg/hectare + Bacillus Megaterium @ 132kg/hectare
Trichoderma Viridae @ 2.5kg/hectare + Azospirillium
T9 6.42 8.17 12.41 16.26
@ 2.5kg/hectare + Fructuria Eurantia @ 5kg/hectare
Azotobacter @ 2.5kg/hectare + Pseudomonas
T10 Fluorescens @ 2.5kg/hectare + Bacillus Megaterium @ 6.14 8.19 14.66 16.10
Pseudomonas Fluorescens @ 2.5kg/hectare +
T11 Azospirillium @ 2.5kg/hectare + Fructuria Eurantia @ 6.13 8.27 11.88 14.26
Mean   6.09 8.65 13.03 17.01
F-test   N.S  N.S  N.S  N.S 
SE(m)   0.407  0.633  1.100  1.532 
C.D at 5%   1.194  1.858   3.226 4.495 
Effect of Bio fertilizers on Plant Spread East- West (cm) of
African marigold (Tagetes erecta L.) cv. Pusa Narangi Gainda.





T0 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 T9 T10 T11

30 DAT 45 DAT 60 DAT 75 DAT

Effect of Bio fertilizers on First day to flower bud appearance (Days) of African
marigold (Tagetes erecta L.) cv. Pusa Narangi Gainda.

Treatments DAYS
T0 Control @ 25tone/hectare 80.22
Paecilomyces Lilacinus @ 10kg/hectare + Pseudomonas Fluorescens @
T1 76.89
Pseudomonas Fluorescens @ 2.5kg/hectare + Trichoderma Viridae @
T2 73.78
T3 Trichoderma Viridae @ 2.5kg/hectare + Beauveria Basina @ 2.5kg/hectare 44.89
T4 Beauveria Basina @ 2.5kg/hectare + Azotobacter @ 2.5kg/hectare 77.44
T5 Azospirillum @ 2.5kg/hectare + Fructuria Eurantia @ 5kg/hectare 86.67
T6 Fructuria Eurantia @ 5kg/hectare + Bacillus Megaterium @ 13kg/hectare 74.56
Bacillus Megaterium @ 13kg/hectare + Paecilomyces Lilacinus @
T7 80.11
Trichoderma Viridae @ 2.5kg/hectare + Azotobacter @ 2.5kg/hectare +
T8 73.56
Bacillus Megaterium @ 132kg/hectare
Trichoderma Viridae @ 2.5kg/hectare + Azospirillum @ 2.5kg/hectare +
T9 53.11
Fructuria Eurantia @ 5kg/hectare
Azotobacter @ 2.5kg/hectare + Pseudomonas Fluorescens @
T10 79.89
2.5kg/hectare + Bacillus Megaterium @ 13kg/hectare
Pseudomonas Fluorescens @ 2.5kg/hectare + Azospirillum @
T11 46.00
2.5kg/hectare + Fructuria Eurantia @ 5kg/hectare
Mean   70.26
F-test   S 
SE(m)   7.409 
C.D at 5%   21.729 
Effect of Bio fertilizers on First day to flower bud appearance (Days)
of African marigold (Tagetes erecta L.) cv. Pusa Narangi Gainda.
T0 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 T9 T10 T11

Effect of Bio fertilizers on 50% Flowering (Days) of African marigold (Tagetes erecta
L.) cv. Pusa Narangi Gainda.

Treatments DAYS
T0 Control @ 25tone/hectare 89.33
Paecilomyces Lilacinus @ 10kg/hectare + Pseudomonas Fluorescens @
T1 86.56
Pseudomonas Fluorescens @ 2.5kg/hectare + Trichoderma Viridae @
T2 81.22
Trichoderma Viridae @ 2.5kg/hectare + Beauveria Basina @
T3 49.89
T4 Beauveria Basina @ 2.5kg/hectare + Azotobacter @ 2.5kg/hectare 86.33
T5 Azospirillum @ 2.5kg/hectare + Fructuria Eurantia @ 5kg/hectare 93.78
T6 Fructuria Eurantia @ 5kg/hectare + Bacillus Megaterium @ 13kg/hectare 91.33
Bacillus Megaterium @ 13kg/hectare + Paecilomyces Lilacinus @
T7 86.78
Trichoderma Viridae @ 2.5kg/hectare + Azotobacter @ 2.5kg/hectare +
T8 82.89
Bacillus Megaterium @ 132kg/hectare
Trichoderma Viridae @ 2.5kg/hectare + Azospirillum @ 2.5kg/hectare +
T9 59.11
Fructuria Eurantia @ 5kg/hectare
Azotobacter @ 2.5kg/hectare + Pseudomonas Fluorescens @
T10 89.11
2.5kg/hectare + Bacillus Megaterium @ 13kg/hectare
Pseudomonas Fluorescens @ 2.5kg/hectare + Azospirillum @
T11 49.33
2.5kg/hectare + Fructuria Eurantia @ 5kg/hectare
Mean   78.81
F-test   S 
SE(m)   7.454 
C.D at 5%   21.861 
Effect of Bio fertilizers on 50% Flowering (Days) of African marigold
(Tagetes erecta L.) cv. Pusa Narangi Gainda.
T0 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 T9 T10 T11


Effect of Bio fertilizers on Flowers per Plant (No’s) of African marigold (Tagetes erecta
L.) cv. Pusa Narangi Gainda.
Treatment No’s
T0 Control @ 25tone/hectare 7.44
Paecilomyces Lilacinus @ 10kg/hectare + Pseudomonas
T1 10.78
Fluorescens @ 2.5kg/hectare
Pseudomonas Fluorescens @ 2.5kg/hectare + Trichoderma
T2 12.67
Viridae @ 2.5kg/hectare
Trichoderma Viridae @ 2.5kg/hectare + Beauveria Basina @
T3 4.33
Beauveria Basina @ 2.5kg/hectare + Azotobacter @
T4 10.78
Azospirillum @ 2.5kg/hectare + Fructuria Eurantia @
T5 10.56
Fructuria Eurantia @ 5kg/hectare + Bacillus Megaterium @
T6 7.78
Bacillus Megaterium @ 13kg/hectare + Paecilomyces Lilacinus
T7 10.11
@ 10kg/hectare
Trichoderma Viridae @ 2.5kg/hectare + Azotobacter @
T8 8.11
2.5kg/hectare + Bacillus Megaterium @ 132kg/hectare
Trichoderma Viridae @ 2.5kg/hectare + Azospirillum @
T9 5.78
2.5kg/hectare + Fructuria Eurantia @ 5kg/hectare
Azotobacter @ 2.5kg/hectare + Pseudomonas Fluorescens @
T10 10.22
2.5kg/hectare + Bacillus Megaterium @ 13kg/hectare
Pseudomonas Fluorescens @ 2.5kg/hectare + Azospirillum @
T11 6.78
2.5kg/hectare + Fructuria Eurantia @ 5kg/hectare
Mean   8.78
F-test   S 
SE(m)     0.839
C.D at 5%    2.462
Effect of Bio fertilizers on Flowers per Plant (No’s) of African marigold (Tagetes
erecta L.) cv. Pusa Narangi Gainda.







T0 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 T9 T10 T11


Effect of Bio fertilizers on Flower Diameter (cm) of African marigold (Tagetes erecta
L.) cv. Pusa Narangi Gainda.
Treatments Cm
T0 Control @ 25tone/hectare 5.36
Paecilomyces Lilacinus @ 10kg/hectare + Pseudomonas
T1 5.60
Fluorescens @ 2.5kg/hectare
Pseudomonas Fluorescens @ 2.5kg/hectare + Trichoderma
T2 5.61
Viridae @ 2.5kg/hectare
Trichoderma Viridae @ 2.5kg/hectare + Beauveria Basina @
T3 3.30
Beauveria Basina @ 2.5kg/hectare + Azotobacter @
T4 5.63
Azospirillum @ 2.5kg/hectare + Fructuria Eurantia @
T5 5.48
Fructuria Eurantia @ 5kg/hectare + Bacillus Megaterium @
T6 5.52
Bacillus Megaterium @ 13kg/hectare + Paecilomyces Lilacinus
T7 5.39
@ 10kg/hectare
Trichoderma Viridae @ 2.5kg/hectare + Azotobacter @
T8 5.04
2.5kg/hectare + Bacillus Megaterium @ 132kg/hectare
Trichoderma Viridae @ 2.5kg/hectare + Azospirillum @
T9 3.93
2.5kg/hectare + Fructuria Eurantia @ 5kg/hectare
Azotobacter @ 2.5kg/hectare + Pseudomonas Fluorescens @
T10 5.50
2.5kg/hectare + Bacillus Megaterium @ 13kg/hectare
Pseudomonas Fluorescens @ 2.5kg/hectare + Azospirillum @
T11 8.37
2.5kg/hectare + Fructuria Eurantia @ 5kg/hectare
Mean   5.39
F-test   S 
SE(m)   0.346
C.D at 5%   1.014
Effect of Bio fertilizers on Flower Diameter (cm) of African marigold
(Tagetes erecta L.) cv. Pusa Narangi Gainda.
T0 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 T9 T10 T11


Effect of Bio fertilizers on Flower Weight per Plant (gm) of African marigold (Tagetes
erecta L.) cv. Pusa Narangi Gainda.
Treatments Grams
T0 Control @ 25tone/hectare 2.56
Paecilomyces Lilacinus @ 10kg/hectare + Pseudomonas
T1 2.78
Fluorescens @ 2.5kg/hectare
Pseudomonas Fluorescens @ 2.5kg/hectare + Trichoderma Viridae
T2 2.79
@ 2.5kg/hectare
Trichoderma Viridae @ 2.5kg/hectare + Beauveria Basina @
T3 1.81
T4 Beauveria Basina @ 2.5kg/hectare + Azotobacter @ 2.5kg/hectare 2.50
T5 Azospirillum @ 2.5kg/hectare + Fructuria Eurantia @ 5kg/hectare 2.24
Fructuria Eurantia @ 5kg/hectare + Bacillus Megaterium @
T6 2.69
Bacillus Megaterium @ 13kg/hectare + Paecilomyces Lilacinus @
T7 2.69
Trichoderma Viridae @ 2.5kg/hectare + Azotobacter @
T8 2.50
2.5kg/hectare + Bacillus Megaterium @ 132kg/hectare
Trichoderma Viridae @ 2.5kg/hectare + Azospirillum @
T9 1.94
2.5kg/hectare + Fructuria Eurantia @ 5kg/hectare
Azotobacter @ 2.5kg/hectare + Pseudomonas Fluorescens @
T10 2.77
2.5kg/hectare + Bacillus Megaterium @ 13kg/hectare
Pseudomonas Fluorescens @ 2.5kg/hectare + Azospirillum @
T11 1.69
2.5kg/hectare + Fructuria Eurantia @ 5kg/hectare
Mean   2.39
F-test   S
SE(m)   0.251
C.D at 5%   0.735
Effect of Bio fertilizers on Flower Weight per Plant (gm)of African marigold
(Tagetes erecta L.) cv. Pusa Narangi Gainda.






T0 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 T9 T10 T11


Effect of Bio fertilizers on Yield per Plant of African marigold (Tagetes erecta L.) cv.
Pusa Narangi Gainda.

Treatment Treatments Yield

T0 Control @ 25tone/hectare 22.33
Paecilomyces Lilacinus @ 10kg/hectare + Pseudomonas
T1 32.33
Fluorescens @ 2.5kg/hectare
Pseudomonas Fluorescens @ 2.5kg/hectare + Trichoderma
T2 38.00
Viridae @ 2.5kg/hectare
Trichoderma Viridae @ 2.5kg/hectare + Beauveria Basina @
T3 13.00
T4 Beauveria Basina @ 2.5kg/hectare + Azotobacter @ 2.5kg/hectare 32.33
T5 Azospirillum @ 2.5kg/hectare + Fructuria Eurantia @ 5kg/hectare 31.67
Fructuria Eurantia @ 5kg/hectare + Bacillus Megaterium @
T6 23.33
Bacillus Megaterium @ 13kg/hectare + Paecilomyces Lilacinus @
T7 30.33
Trichoderma Viridae @ 2.5kg/hectare + Azotobacter @
T8 24.33
2.5kg/hectare + Bacillus Megaterium @ 132kg/hectare
Trichoderma Viridae @ 2.5kg/hectare + Azospirillum @
T9 17.33
2.5kg/hectare + Fructuria Eurantia @ 5kg/hectare
Azotobacter @ 2.5kg/hectare + Pseudomonas Fluorescens @
T10 30.67
2.5kg/hectare + Bacillus Megaterium @ 13kg/hectare
Pseudomonas Fluorescens @ 2.5kg/hectare + Azospirillum @
T11 20.33
2.5kg/hectare + Fructuria Eurantia @ 5kg/hectare
Mean   26.33
F-test   S
SE(m)   2.518 
C.D at 5%   7.385 
Effect of Bio fertilizers on Yield per Plant of African marigold (Tagetes
erecta L.) cv. Pusa Narangi Gainda.








T0 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 T9 T10 T11


Effect of Bio fertilizers on Flower Yield (hectare) of African marigold (Tagetes erecta
L.) cv. Pusa Narangi Gainda.
Treatments Yield/hectare
T0 Control @ 25tone/hectare 3.72
Paecilomyces Lilacinus @ 10kg/hectare + Pseudomonas Fluorescens
T1 5.39
@ 2.5kg/hectare
Pseudomonas Fluorescens @ 2.5kg/hectare + Trichoderma Viridae @
T2 6.33
Trichoderma Viridae @ 2.5kg/hectare + Beauveria Basina @
T3 2.17
T4 Beauveria Basina @ 2.5kg/hectare + Azotobacter @ 2.5kg/hectare 5.39
T5 Azospirillum @ 2.5kg/hectare + Fructuria Eurantia @ 5kg/hectare 5.28
Fructuria Eurantia @ 5kg/hectare + Bacillus Megaterium @
T6 3.89
Bacillus Megaterium @ 13kg/hectare + Paecilomyces Lilacinus @
T7 5.06
Trichoderma Viridae @ 2.5kg/hectare + Azotobacter @ 2.5kg/hectare +
T8 4.06
Bacillus Megaterium @ 132kg/hectare
Trichoderma Viridae @ 2.5kg/hectare + Azospirillum @ 2.5kg/hectare +
T9 2.89
Fructuria Eurantia @ 5kg/hectare
Azotobacter @ 2.5kg/hectare + Pseudomonas Fluorescens @
T10 5.11
2.5kg/hectare + Bacillus Megaterium @ 13kg/hectare
Pseudomonas Fluorescens @ 2.5kg/hectare + Azospirillum @
T11 3.39
2.5kg/hectare + Fructuria Eurantia @ 5kg/hectare
Mean   4.39
F-test   S
SE(m)   0.420 
C.D at 5%   1.231 
Effect of Bio fertilizers on Flower Yield(hectare) of African marigold
(Tagetes erecta L.) cv. Pusa Narangi Gainda.







T0 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 T9 T10 T11

The present study entitled “Effect of bio fertilizers on plant growth, flower
yield of African marigold (Tagetes erecta L.) Cv. Pusa Narangi Gainda” was
carried out at Horticultural Experimental Field, Department of Horticulture,
Sam Higginbottom University of Agriculture, Technology and sciences. During
summer season of 2019 the experiment was laid out in Randomized Block
Design with 12 treatments and three replications. Different levels of bio
fertilizers were studied in this investigation. The study revealed that all the
characters were significantly affected by the combinations of bio fertilizers.
The results of present investigation are summarized below.
1. The maximum plant height (56.73 cm) was recorded in the Treatment T2
[Pseudomonas Fluorescens @ 2.5kg/hectare + Trichoderma Viridae @
2.5kg/hectare] followed by treatment T4 [Beauveria Basina @ 2.5kg/hectare
+ Azotobacter @ 2.5kg/hectare] (52.79cm) the plant height was found
minimum (40.53cm) in the treatment T3 [Trichoderma Viridae @
2.5kg/hectare + Beauveria Basina @ 2.5kg/hectare].
2. The maximum number of primary branches per plant (12.11cm) was
recorded in the treatment T7 [Bacillus Megaterium @ 13kg/hectare +
Paecilomyces Lilacinus @ 10kg/hectare] followed by T10 [Azotobacter @
2.5kg/hectare + Pseudomonas Fluorescens @ 2.5kg/hectare + Bacillus
Megaterium @ 13kg/hectare] (8.78 cm). The number of primary branches
per plant was found minimum (4.00 cm) in the treatment, T4 [Beauveria
Basina @ 2.5kg/hectare + Azotobacter @ 2.5kg/hectare].
3. The maximum number of secondary branches per plant (19.78cm) was
recorded in the treatment T4 [Beauveria Basina @ 2.5kg/hectare +
Azotobacter @ 2.5kg/hectare] followed byT11 [Pseudomonas Fluorescens @
2.5kg/hectare + Azospirillium @ 2.5kg/hectare + Fructuria Eurantia @
5kg/hectare] (18.33 cm). The number of secondary branches per plant was
found minimum (7.44 cm) in the treatment, T3 [Trichoderma Viridae @
2.5kg/hectare + Beauveria Basina @ 2.5kg/hectare].
4. The maximum plant spread north-south (20.86cm) was recorded in the
treatment T1 [Paecilomyces Lilacinus @ 10kg/hectare + Pseudomonas
Fluorescens @ 2.5kg/hectare] followed by treatment T2 [Pseudomonas
Fluorescens @ 2.5kg/hectare + Trichoderma Viridae @ 2.5kg/hectare]
(19.84 cm) the plant spread was found minimum (14.97cm) in the treatment
T11 [Pseudomonas Fluorescens @ 2.5kg/hectare + Azospirillium @
2.5kg/hectare + Fructuria Eurantia @ 5kg/hectare].
5. The maximum plant spread east-west (20.23 cm) was recorded in the
treatmentT1 [Paecilomyces Lilacinus @ 10kg/hectare + Pseudomonas
Fluorescens @ 2.5kg/hectare] followed by treatment (19.24 cm). T2
[Pseudomonas Fluorescens @ 2.5kg/hectare + Trichoderma Viridae @
2.5kg/hectare] the plant spread was found minimum (14.26 cm) in the
treatment T11 [Pseudomonas Fluorescens @ 2.5kg/hectare + Azospirillium
@ 2.5kg/hectare + Fructuria Eurantia @ 5kg/hectare].
6. The number of days for bud initiation was recorded maximum 44.89 days in
treatment T3 [Trichoderma Viridae @ 2.5kg/hectare + Beauveria Basina @
2.5kg/hectare] followed by treatment T11 [Pseudomonas Fluorescens @
2.5kg/hectare + Azospirillium @ 2.5kg/hectare + Fructuria Eurantia @
5kg/hectare] (46.00 days). The number of days for bud initiation was found
minimum (82.67 days) in treatment T5 [Azospirillium @ 2.5kg/hectare +
Fructuria Eurantia @ 5kg/hectare].
7. The Number of days for 50% flowering was recorded minimum (49.33
days) in treatment T11 [Pseudomonas Fluorescens @ 2.5kg/hectare +
Azospirillium @ 2.5kg/hectare + Fructuria Eurantia @ 5kg/hectare].
Followed by the treatment T2 [Pseudomonas Fluorescens @ 2.5kg/hectare +
Trichoderma Viridae @ 2.5kg/hectare] (49.89 days). The number of days
taken for 50% flowering was found maximum (93.78 days) T5
[Azospirillium @ 2.5kg/hectare + Fructuria Eurantia @ 5kg/hectare].
8. The number of flowers per plant was recorded that the treatment T2
[Pseudomonas Fluorescens @ 2.5kg/hectare + Trichoderma Viridae @
2.5kg/hectare] have maximum flowers per plant (12.67) followed by
treatment T1 [Paecilomyces Lilacinus @ 10kg/hectare + Pseudomonas
Fluorescens @ 2.5kg/hectare] and T4 [Beauveria Basina @ 2.5kg/hectare +
Azotobacter @ 2.5kg/hectare] (10.78). The number of flowers per plant was
found minimum (4.33) in the treatment T2 [Pseudomonas Fluorescens @
2.5kg/hectare + Trichoderma Viridae @ 2.5kg/hectare]
9. The maximum weight of flower was recorded in treatment (2.79 g) T2
[Pseudomonas Fluorescens @ 2.5kg/hectare + Trichoderma Viridae @
2.5kg/hectare] and followed by treatment T1 [Paecilomyces Lilacinus @
10kg/hectare + Pseudomonas Fluorescens @ 2.5kg/hectare] (2.78 g). The
minimum weight of flower was recorded in treatment T3 [Trichoderma
Viridae @ 2.5kg/hectare + Beauveria Basina @ 2.5kg/hectare] (1.53 g).
10. The maximum flower yield per plant was recorded in treatment (38.00 g) T2
[Pseudomonas Fluorescens @ 2.5kg/hectare + Trichoderma Viridae @
2.5kg/hectare] and followed by treatment T1 [Paecilomyces Lilacinus @
10kg/hectare + Pseudomonas Fluorescens @ 2.5kg/hectare] and T4
[Beauveria Basina @ 2.5kg/hectare + Azotobacter @ 2.5kg/hectare] (32.33
g). The minimum weight of flower was recorded in treatment T3
[Trichoderma Viridae @ 2.5kg/hectare + Beauveria Basina @
2.5kg/hectare] (13.00 g).
11.The maximum flower yield (t/ha) was recorded in treatment (6.33) T2
[Pseudomonas Fluorescens @ 2.5kg/hectare + Trichoderma Viridae @
2.5kg/hectare] and followed by treatment T1 [Paecilomyces Lilacinus @
10kg/hectare + Pseudomonas Fluorescens @ 2.5kg/hectare] and T4
[Beauveria Basina @ 2.5kg/hectare + Azotobacter @ 2.5kg/hectare] (5.39).
The minimum weight of flower was recorded in treatment T3 [Trichoderma
Viridae @ 2.5kg/hectare + Beauveria Basina @ 2.5kg/hectare] (2.17).
The maximum gross return Rs. (380,000), net return of Rs. (304,058) and
benefit cost ratio (C: B) (4.0) were recorded in treatment T 2 [Pseudomonas
Fluorescens @ 2.5kg/hectare + Trichoderma Viridae @ 2.5kg/hectare]
followed by treatment T4 [Beauveria Basina @ 2.5kg/hectare + Azotobacter @
2.5kg/hectare] gross return Rs.(323,333), net return of Rs. (247,391) and
benefit cost ratio (C: B) (3.26). The minimum gross return Rs. (76,202) T 8[
Trichoderma Viridae + Azotobacter + Bacillus Megaterium ] and T10
[Azotobacter @ 2.5kg/hectare + Pseudomonas Fluorescens @ 2.5kg/hectare +
Bacillus Megaterium @ 13kg/hectare] and benefit cost ratio (C: B) (1.26) were
recorded in the treatment T9[ Trichoderma Viridae + Azospirillium +Fructuria
Eurantia ].
On the basis of present investigation, it is concluded that treatment (56.73 cm)
T2 [Pseudomonas Fluorescens @ 2.5kg/hectare + Trichoderma Viridae @
2.5kg/hectare] was found to be best treatment in terms of plant height,
(12.11cm) T7 [Bacillus Megaterium @ 13kg/hectare + Paecilomyces Lilacinus
@ 10kg/hectare] was found to be best treatment in terms of primary branches,
(19.78cm) T4 [Beauveria Basina @ 2.5kg/hectare + Azotobacter @
2.5kg/hectare] was found to be best treatment in terms of secondary branches,
(20.86cm) T1 [Paecilomyces Lilacinus @ 10kg/hectare + Pseudomonas
Fluorescens @ 2.5kg/hectare] was found to be best treatment in terms of plant
spread in north-south, (20.23 cm) T1 [Paecilomyces Lilacinus @ 10kg/hectare
+ Pseudomonas Fluorescens @ 2.5kg/hectare]was found to be best treatment
in terms of plant spread in east-west, 44.89 days T 3 [Trichoderma Viridae @
2.5kg/hectare + Beauveria Basina @ 2.5kg/hectare] was found to be best
treatment in terms of bud initiation, (49.33 days) in treatment T 11
[Pseudomonas Fluorescens @ 2.5kg/hectare + Azospirillium @ 2.5kg/hectare +
Fructuria Eurantia @ 5kg/hectare].was found to be best treatment in terms of
number of days for 50% flowering,(12.67)T 2 [Pseudomonas Fluorescens @
2.5kg/hectare + Trichoderma Viridae @ 2.5kg/hectare] was found to be best
treatment in terms of number of flowers per plant, (2.79 g) T 2 [Pseudomonas
Fluorescens @ 2.5kg/hectare + Trichoderma Viridae @ 2.5kg/hectare] was
found to be best treatment in terms of weight of flower, yield parameters,
(38.00 g) T2 [Pseudomonas Fluorescens @ 2.5kg/hectare + Trichoderma
Viridae @ 2.5kg/hectare] was found to be best treatment in terms of flower
yield per plant, (6.33) T2 [Pseudomonas Fluorescens @ 2.5kg/hectare +
Trichoderma Viridae @ 2.5kg/hectare]was found to be best treatment in terms
of flower yield (t/ha) of African marigold cv Pusa Narangi Gainda.
The economics analysis reveals that maximum benefit cost ratio (4.0) in the
treatment [ T2 ]. Obtained with this treatment since this finding is based on
summer season experiment, therefore further trails may be repeated to confirm
the results.

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