Part-B 159-185
Part-B 159-185
Part-B 159-185
1. Computer Fundamentals 161-315
2. Networking 316-373
3. SQL 374-377
4. Database 378-400
PART-B : weMZ eQ‡ii GOVT. & PRIVATE e¨vs‡Ki cÖ‡kœvËi Ges WEBSITE 161
B Computer
1.1 Computer Fundamentals Miscellaneous
— Command we can use to close the
None of these
e¨vL¨v : GKwU I‡qemvBU A‡bK¸‡jv I‡qe‡cR wb‡q
199. A supercomputer Param has been developed 208. A thin plate or board that contains electronic
and designed in India by: [] components is called —. []
C-DAC, Pune IIT, Kanpur Hard disk Scanner
BARC, Mumbai IIT, Delhi a RAM circuit board d
200. A symbol that modifies an action is known as 209. A type of channel used to connect a central
[] processor and peripherals which uses
Compiler Modifier multiplexing is known as []
Interpreter Mod Modem Network
None of the above b Multiplexer All of the above
201. A system program which helps the execution of None of the above c
user programs is known as [] 210. A type of core store that has a lower access
System software Application program time than the devices used for working store
Batch operating system Utilities in the same processor is known as
None of the above a core memory buffer
202. A systems programming language for microcomputers fast core address register
in the Intel family is (Intel gvB‡µvKw¤úDUvi Gi None of the above c
Rb¨ GKwU †cÖvMÖvwgs fvlv n‡jvÑ) [] 211. A type of instruction that can produce several
PL/C PL/CT lines of machine language code is a
None of the above c Mnemonic Address
e¨vL¨v : PL/M †cÖvMÖvwgs fvlvwU Gary Kildall ˆZwi Macro assemble
None of the above c
K‡iwQ‡jb Intel Gi gvB‡µvKw¤úDUvi Gi Rb¨|
212. A type of line printer that uses an embossed
203. A technique for processing jobs on a first-come, steel band to form the letters printed on the
first-served basis is known as [] paper is []
FAX FIFO Golf ball printer Dot-matrix printer
GIGO cable Optical mark reader Laser printer Band printer
None of the above b None of the above d
204. A technique used by codes to convert an analog 213. A type of simulation method using random
signal into a digital bit stream is known as numbers to determine the evolution of a system
(A¨vbvjM ms‡KZ‡K wWwRUvj weU w÷ªg G iæcvšÍi is []
c×wZ‡K e‡jÑ) [] Model dispersion Monte carlo
Pulse code modulation Pulse stretcher Monadic Padding
Query processing Queue management None of the above b
None of the above a 214. A typical modern computer uses (GKwU AvaywbK
205. A temporary storage area, attached to the Kw¤úDUvi e¨envi K‡iÑ) []
CPU, for I/O operations is a: (BbcyU-AvDUcyU LSI chips Vacuum tubes
Acv‡ik‡bi Rb¨ CPU Gi mv‡_ mshy³ GKwU A¯’vqx Valves All the above
None of the above a
msiÿY GjvKv‡K ejv nqÑ) []
215. A URL is: []
chip buffer A computer program
register core A type of web server
None of the above b The address of a document or page on the world wide web
206. A terabyte comprises [] An acronym for unlimited resources for learning c
1024 gigabyte 1024 kilobyte e¨vL¨v : URL Gi c~Y©iƒc Unified Resource Locator|
1024 megabyte 1024 byte World Wide Web G †Kvb GKwU Content †K wbw`©ó
None of these a K‡i †evSv‡Z URL e¨eüZ nq|
207. A terminal having local processing capability 216. A vertically aligned set of tracks on a disk pack
is [] is known as (wW¯‹ c¨v‡K Djø¤^fv‡e (j¤^vjw¤^) mvwie×
KIPS AI Uª¨vK Gi †mU‡K wK ejv nq?) []
Intelligent terminal Optical terminal Cluster Surface
None of the above c Cylinder Panel
PART-B : weMZ eQ‡ii GOVT. & PRIVATE e¨vs‡Ki cÖ‡kœvËi Ges WEBSITE 177
None of the above c 223. All calculations are performed and all comparisons
217. A Winchester disk is a [] are made in — unit. (mKj MvwYwZK wnmve wbKvk
Disk Stack Removable disk Ges Zzjbv Kiv nq †Kvb BDwb‡U?) []
Flexible disk All of the above control unit arithmetic-logic unit
None of the above b central processing unit primary storage unit
e¨vL¨v : DBb‡P÷vi wW¯‹ n‡”Q IBM Gi ˆZwi GKcÖKvi None of the above b
Removable Disk Drive| Gi Head Ges wW¯‹ †cøUvi e¨vL¨v : Arithmetic Logic Unit ev ALU, CPU
GKwU wmjK…Z As‡ki †fZ‡i _v‡K| d‡j GwU Lye Gi GKwU Ask| GB BDwb‡U Kw¤úDUv‡ii hveZxq
`ªæZMwZm¤úbœ nq| Arithmetic I logical Kvh© m¤úv`b Kiv nq|
218. A wireless network uses — waves to transmit MvwYwZK K¨vjKz‡jk‡bi gva¨‡g `ywU Z‡_¨i Zzjbv
signals. (Iq¨vi‡jm †bUIqv‡K© wmMb¨vj ¯’vbvšÍi
KivI GB BDwb‡Ui Kv‡Ri AšÍM©Z|
Ki‡Z — Zi½ e¨envi Kiv nq|) []
224. All inputs must be in ON position to have an
Mechanical Radio
output is known as (AvDUcyU †c‡Z mKj BbcyU
Sound Magnetic
None of these b ON ivL‡Z nq †Kvb jwRK †MB‡U?) []
219. A wireless technology built in electronic gadgets NOT gate AND gate
used for exchanging data over short distances OR gate XOR gate
is– (¯^í `~i‡Z¡ Z_¨ Av`vb cÖ`v‡bi Rb¨ B‡jKUªwbK None of the above b
M¨v‡R‡U e¨eüZ Iq¨vi‡jm cÖhyw³wU n‡”QÑ) e¨vL¨v : AND †MU Gi Rb¨, 1.1 = 1
[] A_©vr me¸‡jv BbcyU ON n‡jB AvDUcyU ON nq|
USB Bluetooth 225. All of the following are considered to be
Modem Wifi storage devices EXCEPT– []
None of these b floppy disk CPU
220. A(n) — device is any device that provides CD hard disk drive
information which is sent to the CPU. (CPU none of these b
G cvVv‡bv Z_¨ mieivnKvix wWfvBm n‡”QÑ) 226. All of the following are steps involved in the
input output boot process except– (wb‡Pi †KvbwU ev‡` me¸‡jv
CPU memory eyU cÖ‡mm Gi AšÍM©Z?) []
storage a Load the operating system in to RAM.
221. Access time in a computer memory is the time The power on self test.
required to (Kw¤úDUvi †g‡gvwii A¨v‡·m UvBg n‡”Q Activate the basic input/output system (BIOS).
— Ki‡Z cÖ‡qvRbxq mgq|) [] Load application programs. d
Locate the stored data e¨vL¨v : A¨vwcø‡Kkb †cÖvMÖvg †jvW Kiv eyU cÖ‡mm Gi
Retrieve the stored data AšÍM©Z bq, GwU Acv‡iwUs wm‡÷‡gi KvR|
Both locate and retrieve the data cvIqvi evUb †P‡c Kw¤úDUvi Pvjy Kiv †_‡K †gBb
All of the above †g‡gvwi‡Z Acv‡iwUs wm‡÷g †jvW Kiv ch©šÍ †h cÖwµqv
None of the above c AbymiY Kiv nq, †mwUB eywUs cÖ‡mm|
e¨vL¨v : Kw¤úDUvi †g‡gvwii †Kv‡bv WvUv‡K Read 227. All the instructions and procedures needed to
Ki‡Z n‡j Av‡M Zv‡K Ly‡R †c‡Z nq| †g‡gvwii start up a computer, to the point it can load
A¨v‡·m UvBg ej‡Z †iK‡W©i †jv‡Kkb Ly‡u R †ei Ki‡Z an operating system, are stored in ROM chips.
In IBM compatible PCs this is called the —.
cÖ‡qvRbxq mgq Ges †iKW© co‡Z cÖ‡qvRbxq mgq Gi (Acv‡iwUs wm‡÷g †jvW Kiv ch©šÍ Kw¤úDUvi‡K Pvjy
mgwó‡K †evSvq| Ki‡Z †h mKj wb‡`©kbv Ges Kvh©cÖYvjx cÖ‡qvRb, Zv
222. Accessing records from a file directly without ROM wP‡c †÷vi Kiv _v‡K| IBM Dchy³ wcwm‡Z
searching from the beginning of the file is G¸‡jv‡K wK ejv nq?) []
(dvB‡ji ïiæ †_‡K bv Lyu‡R mivmwi dvB‡ji †iKW©
A¨v‡·m Kiv‡K ejv nqÑ) []
Time sharing Random None of the above b
Direct access Access time e¨vL¨v : BIOS A_© †ewmK BbcyU AvDUcyU wm‡÷g
None of the above c (Basic Input Output System)| Acv‡iwUs wm‡÷g
†jvW nIqvi c~e©eZ©x wb‡`©kbv Kw¤úDUv‡ii ROM BIOS
wP‡cB _v‡K| G¸‡jv‡K firm ware ejv nq|
178 PHENOM'S Kw¤úDUvi I Z_¨cÖhyw³
228. ALU is termed as– [; e¨vL¨v : ïaygvÎ `yBwU BbcyU 1 n‡jB, AND †M‡Ui
Sonali Bank (A.P.-2016)] AvDUcyU 1 nq|
Arithmetic logical unit
I1 I2
Array Logical Unit Output
Application logic unit
Application logic universal a AND †MU‡K Dc‡iv³ fv‡e cÖKvk Kiv hvq, ZvB G‡K
e¨vL¨v : ALU n‡”Q Arithmetic Logic Unit| GwU wmwiR myBwPs mvwK©‡Ui mgZzj¨ aiv nq|
CPU Gi GKwU Ask| CPU Gi mg¯Í MvwYwZK I wm×všÍ OR †MU n‡”Q c¨vivjvj myBwPs mvwK©‡Ui mgZzj¨|
MÖn‡Yi (logical) KvR ALU m¤úbœ K‡i| ALU Gi 233. An automatic machine that performs routine
logical KvR¸‡jv mvaviYZ integer binary msL¨vi seemingly human tasks is (GKwU A‡Uv‡gwUK †gwkb,
Dci n‡q _v‡K| floating point number wb‡q KvR hv iæwUb gvwdK gvby‡li KvR m¤úv`b K‡i, Zv n‡”QÑ)
Kivi Rb¨ FPU KvR K‡i| FPU Gi c~Y©iƒc floating []
point-unit. KIPS AI PL Robot
229. An adder in which the bits of the operands are None of the above d
added one after another is (†h A¨vWv‡i (Adder) e¨vL¨v : †iveU GKwU A‡Uv‡gwUK †gwkb| GwU msiÿYK…Z
Acv‡i‡Ûi weU¸wj GKwUi c‡i Av‡iKwU †hvM Kiv nq, †cÖvMÖv‡gi mvnv‡h¨ gvby‡li wewfbœ KvRI m¤úv`b Ki‡Z cv‡i|
†mwU n‡”QÑ) [] 234. An electrical inter-connection that permit 8 or
Half-adder Full-adder more bits of data to be moved in the same instant
Serial adder All of the above of time is called (GKwU B‡jKwUªKvj B›UviKv‡bKkb
None of the above c hv 8 ev Zvi †_‡K AwaK we‡Ui WvUv‡K GKmv‡_
e¨vL¨v : evBbvwi A¨vWvi `yB ai‡bi nqÑ wmwiqvj I ¯’vbvšÍi Ki‡Z cv‡i, Zv njÑ) []
c¨vivjvj wmwiqvj A¨vWv‡i Acv‡i‡Ûi weU¸wj GKwUi c‡i Outline processor Parallel interface
Av‡iKwU †hvM Kiv nq| Avi c¨vivjvj A¨vWv‡i weU¸wj Page layout program Fasimile system
GKmv‡_B †hvM Kiv nq| wmwiqvj A¨vWvi wm‡Kv‡qwÝqvj None of the above b
mvwK©U Avi c¨vivjvj A¨vWvi Kw¤^‡bUwiqvj mvwK©U| e¨vL¨v : c¨vivjvj B›Uvi‡dm n‡”Q GKwU gvwëjvBb P¨v‡bj
230. An advantage of blocking a tape is that (†Uc hvi cÖ‡Z¨KwU jvB‡bi g‡a¨ w`‡qB GKmv‡_ A‡bK¸‡jv
eøK Kivi GKwU myweav n‡”QÑ) [] weU †cÖiY Kiv m¤¢e|
additional processing time is consumed 235. An electronic circuit with about 20 transistors
the direct file method can be emulated fabricated on a silicon chip is known as (GKwU
tapes contain less data and longer tapes wmwjKb wP‡c cÖvq 20wU UªvbwR÷i w`‡q ˆZwi Kiv
less tape is used to store the same amount of data B‡jKUªwbK mvwK©U n‡”QÑ) []
None of the above d SSI MSI DPS RJE
231. An advantage of overlapped processing activities None of the above a
is : (cÖ‡mwms Gi Kvh©µg Ifvij¨vwcs Kivi myweav n‡”QÑ) e¨vL¨v : SSI n‡”Q Small Scale Integration| G‡Z
[] cÖvq 10wU †MU _v‡K Ges Gi Dcv`vb (component)
more effective use of the CPU msL¨v 100 Gi †P‡q Kg|
increased processing activities for the entire system 236. An electronic logic gate whose output is logic
better coordination of I/O activities 0 only when all inputs are logic 1 is (ïaygvÎ
all the above me¸‡jv BbcyU jwRK 1 n‡jB AvDUcyU jwRK 0 nq
None of the above d †Kvb B‡jKUªwbK jwRK †MU Gi?) []
e¨vL¨v : cÖ‡mwms Gi mgq A‡bK¸‡jv KvR‡K Ifvij¨vwcs NOR NAND
Kiv nq| G‡Z K‡i cÖ‡mwms Gi mgq cÖ‡mmi Gi †Kvb OR NOT
BDwbU‡K Ajm e‡m _vK‡Z nq bv| me¸‡jv BDwbUB None of the above b
GKmv‡_ KvR Ki‡Z cv‡i| d‡j KvR `ªæZ nq| Avevi e¨vL¨v : AND †M‡Ui †ÿ‡Î me¸‡jv BbcyU 1 n‡jB
cÖ‡mm‡ii mvgwMÖK e¨enviI Kiv hvq| ïaygvÎ AvDUcyU 1 nq|
232. An AND gate (GKwU AND †MU wK‡mi mgZzj¨?) NAND †MU‡K Avm‡j AND †M‡Ui mvg‡b NOT
[] †MU Av‡Q Giƒc Kíbv Kiv hvq| ZvB NAND †M‡U
implements logic addition me BbcyU 1 n‡j AvDUcyU 0 nq|
is equivalent to a series switching circuit
237. An error in computer data is called (Kw¤úDUvi
is an any or all gate
is equivalent to a parallel switching circuit
WvUvi fzj (†cÖvMÖv‡g) wK bv‡g cwiwPZ?) []
None of the above b
Chip Bug
Bit Byte
PART-B : weMZ eQ‡ii GOVT. & PRIVATE e¨vs‡Ki cÖ‡kœvËi Ges WEBSITE 179
None of the above b 245. An input device that converts data punched
238. An error in software or hardware is called a into paper tape into a binary format is (†h BbcyU
bug. What is the alternative computer jargon wWfvBm †ccvi †UcG cvÂK…Z WvUv‡K evBbvwi dig¨v‡U
for it? (nvW©Iq¨vi A_ev mdUIq¨vi Gi fzj‡K ejv
nq evM (Bug)| Kw¤úDUvi mv‡q‡Ý Gi weKí bvg iƒcvšÍi K‡i, Zv‡K ejv nqÑ) []
274. Backing storage is so named because it (e¨vwKs 279. Bold, Italic, Regular are known as– (‘Bold’
†÷v‡iR (Backing storage) Gi Giƒc bvgKiY Gi (†evì), ‘Italic’ (BUvwjK), ‘Regular’ (†i¸jvi) G¸‡jv
KviY wK?) [] n‡”QÑ) []
is always kept at the back of the CPU Font Styles Font Effects
is slow and backward Word Art Text Effects
None of these a
backs up the computer
e¨vL¨v : gvB‡µvmdU Iqv‡W© wewfbœ d‡›U †jLv m¤¢e|
lags behind the main memory
Avevi d›U¸wj‡Z wewfbœ ÷vBj I Kiv hvq| †evì,
None of the above c
BUvwjK, †i¸jviÑ G¸‡jv d‡›Ui ÷vBj| †evì ÷vBj
e¨vL¨v : ZvrÿwYKfv‡e e¨envi‡hvM¨ †gBb †÷v‡iR QvovI
Ki‡j †jLv †gvUv nq| BUvwj‡K evKv †jLv nq| Avi
Kw¤úDUv‡i †h †÷v‡iR wWfvBm †hvM Kiv nq, Zv‡K †i¸jvi n‡”Q mvaviY ÷vBj|
ejv nq e¨vwKs †÷v‡iR| 280. Bubble memory is a (evej †g‡gvwi n‡”QÑ)
GB †÷v‡iR G g~jZ WvUv e¨vKAvc K‡i ivLv nq| []
ZvB Gi bvg e¨vwKs †÷v‡iR| Sequential access device only
275. Basic Building Blocks for a Digital Circuit is– Direct access device only
(wWwRUvj mvwK©‡Ui MvVwbK GKK n‡”QÑ) [] Combination of sequential and direct access devices
CMOS Logic Gate All of the above
BIOS DMOS None of the above c
None of these e¨vL¨v : GwU GKcÖKvi bb †fvjvUvBj Kw¤úDUvi
e¨vL¨v : GKwU wWwRUvj mvwK©‡Ui †gŠwjK MvVwbK GKK †g‡gvwi †hLv‡b †PŠ¤^Kxq c`v‡_©i mvnv‡h¨ Z_¨ msiÿY
n‡”Q jwRK †MU| AND, OR, NOT BZ¨vw` jwRK Kiv nq| GB †g‡gvwi‡Z wW‡i± I wmKz¨‡qwÝqvwj
`yBfv‡eB †g‡gvwi A¨v‡·m Kiv hvq|
†M‡Ui mvnv‡h¨B wWwRUvj mvwK©‡Ui hveZxq Kvh©µg
281. Buying and selling the products over electronic
m¤úbœ Kiv nq| systems like internet is called– (B›Uvi‡b‡Ui
276. Before a disk drive can access any sector record, g‡Zv B‡jKUªwbK gva¨‡gi mvnv‡h¨ cY¨ †Kbv-†ePv‡K ejv
a computer program has to provide the record’s nqÑ) []
disk address. What information does this address Online Shopping Net Banking
specify? (wW¯‹ WªvBf †Kvb †m±‡ii †iKW© A¨v‡·m E-Commerce Dgital Marketing
Kivi Av‡M Kw¤úDUvi-†cÖvMÖvg‡K H †iK‡W©i wW¯‹ None of these c
A¨v‡Wªm mieivn Ki‡Z nq?) [] e¨vL¨v : B-Kgvm© n‡”Q B‡jKUªwbK Kgvm©| GLv‡b
Track number Sector number B›Uvi‡b‡U cY¨ cÖ`k©b Kiv nq Ges Kv÷gvi B›Uvi‡b‡UB
Surface number All of the above cY¨ †`‡L ï‡b AW©vi K‡ib Ges evmvq e‡m †nvg
None of the above d †Wwjfvwi cvb|
277. Binary numbers need more places for counting 282. By default, your documents print in — mode
because : (MYbvi Rb¨ evBbvwi bv¤^v‡ii †ewk RvqMvi (†Kvb Ackb wm‡j± Kiv bv n‡j WKz‡g›U — †gv‡W
cÖ‡qvRb nq| KviYÑ) [] wcÖ›U nq|) [; P.K.B. (S.O.-2018);
0’s and 1’s can be added in front of them Combined 3 Banks (S.O.-2018)]
0’s and 1’s have to be properly placed Page setup Portrait
Landscape Print preview
They are always big numbers
None of these b
Binary base is small e¨vL¨v : Kw¤úDUvi wcÖ›Uv‡i page orientation `yai‡biÑ
None of the above d
portrait I landscape. By default, word document-
e¨vL¨v : evBbvwi bv¤^v‡ii wfwË 2| A_©vr GB msL¨v Gi †cR¸‡jv portrait mode-G wcÖ›U nq| Ab¨w`‡K MS
e¨e¯’vq gvÎ 2wU A¼ i‡q‡Q| ZvB †Kvb GKwU msL¨v excel file-¸‡jv by default landscape mode-G wcÖ›U nq|
†evSv‡Z Ab¨ msL¨v c×wZ‡Z †hLv‡b Aí A¼ e¨envi 283. Cache memory is– []
Ki‡jB nq, †mLv‡b evBbvwi‡Z AwaK A¼ e¨envi Ki‡Z Smaller and faster than main storage
nq| ZvB †ewk RvqMvi cÖ‡qvRb nq| Bigger and slower than main storage
278. BIT stands for —. [] Smaller but slower than main memory
Built In Tasks Binary Digit Bigger and faster than main memory
Before Instructed Task None of these a
Before Interpreting Task b
PART-B : weMZ eQ‡ii GOVT. & PRIVATE e¨vs‡Ki cÖ‡kœvËi Ges WEBSITE 183
284. Can you tell what passes into and out from Transistor Resistor
the computer via its ports? (Kw¤úDUv‡ii †cvU© Integrated Cicuit Smiconductor
w`‡q wK hvq Ges †ei nq?) [] None of these c
Data Bytes e¨vL¨v : A‡bK¸‡jv B‡j±ªwbK K‡¤úv‡b›U GKwÎZ K‡i
Graphics Pictures Integrated Circuit ˆZwi nq| G‡K ms‡ÿ‡c wPc e‡j|
None of the above b
290. COBOL stands for– []
e¨vL¨v : Kw¤úDUvi 0 Ges 1 e¨ZxZ wKQzB eyS‡Z cv‡i
Common Business Oriented Language
bv| ZvB †cvU© w`‡q evB‡ii †Kv‡bv wWfvBm †_‡K †h
Computer Business Oriented Language
BbcyU Kw¤úDUv‡i hvq, ev Kw¤úDUvi †_‡K AvDUcyU
Common Business Operated Language
Av‡m, Zv evBU AvKv‡iB Av‡m|
Common Business Organized Language
285. CD-ROM is a (CD-ROM n‡”QÑ) []
Semiconductor memory Memory register None of these a
Magnetic memory All of the above 291. Codes consisting of light and dark marks which
None of the above may be optically read is known as (mv`v Ges
e¨vL¨v : CD-ROM A_© Compact Disk Read Only Kv‡jv wPý Øviv MwVZ †KvW hv‡K AcwUK¨vwj cov nq,
Memory| CD-ROM n‡”Q GKcÖKvi †g‡gvwi Zv‡K e‡jÑ) []
wWfvBm hv Kw¤úDUvi AcwUKvj WªvB‡fi mvnv‡h¨ Mnemonics Bar code
co‡Z cv‡i| Decoder All of the above
286. CD-ROM stands for– [] None of the above b
central processing unit e¨vL¨v : †Kvb Z_¨‡K wfRy¨qvj I †gwk‡bi †evaMg¨
CD-remote open mouse K‡i cÖKvk Kivi c×wZ n‡”Q evi‡KvW| GB c×wZ‡Z
CD-resize or minimize mv`v Kv‡jv evi (Line) A_©vr Av‡jv Ges AÜKvi wPý
CD-read only memory
None of these d
Øviv wewfbœ Z_¨‡K †evSv‡bv nq|
287. Changing an existing document is called — 292. Codes which do not require to be frequently
the document. (†Kvb Dcw¯’Z _vKv WKz‡g›U‡K updated also promote user efficiency due to
change Kiv‡K ejv nqÑ) [] (†h mKj †KvW‡K wbw`©ó mgq cici Avc‡WU Ki‡Z nq
Creating Editing bv, Zviv e¨enviKvix‡K myweav †`q KviY Zv‡`i Av‡QÑ)
Modifying Adjusting []
None of these b Simplicity Sortability
e¨vL¨v : Editing A_© m¤úv`bv Kiv| wKš‘ Kw¤úDUv‡ii Stability Expansibility
†ÿ‡Î †Kvb dvBj ev WKz‡g‡›U _vKv Z_¨‡K cwieZ©b None of the above c
Kiv‡K Editing e‡j| e¨vL¨v : wKQz †KvW Av‡Q hv‡`i wbw`©ó mgq cici
288. Character readers are those devices which read Avc‡WU Ki‡Z nq, bv n‡j bó n‡q hvq| ZvB G‡`i
the characters printed on the source documents †ewkw`b ivLv hvq bv| wKš‘ †hmKj †KvW‡K Giƒc
and then convert them directly into computer- Avc‡WU Ki‡Z nq bv, Zv‡`i `xN© w`b †i‡L †`qv hvq|
usable input. Which of the following is not a
character reader? (K¨v‡i±vi wifvi †mvm© WKz‡g‡›U d‡j †mmKj †KvW stable nq|
wcÖ›U Kiv K¨v‡i±vi c‡o mivmwi Kw¤úDUv‡i 293. Collecting personal information and effectively
e¨envi‡hvM¨ Bbcy‡U iƒcvšÍi K‡i| wb‡Pi †KvbwU posing as another individual is known as the
K¨v‡i±vi wiWvi bq?) crime of : (Kv‡iv cvi‡mvbvj Z_¨ msMÖn K‡i B›Uvi‡b‡U
[] Zvi bKj †Kvb Kg©KvÛ Kiv GKwU Aciva| G‡K ejv
None of the above d Spooling Identity Theft
e¨vL¨v : LCD n‡”Q wjKzBW wµ÷vj wWm‡cø (Liquid Spoofing Hacking b
Crystal Display)| GwU cvZjv mgvšÍivj ˆe`y¨wZK e¨vL¨v : Identity theft GKwU Aciva †hLv‡b wµwgbvj
wWm‡cø †hLv‡b Zij wµ÷vj e¨envi Kiv nq| eZ©gv‡b ev n¨vKviiv Ab¨ †Kvb e¨w³i iƒc wb‡q B›Uvi‡b‡U wewfbœ
wUwf, Kw¤úDUv‡ii gwbUi, Nwo, K¨vjKz‡jUi mn wewfbœ
Kg©KvÛ Pvjvq| Zviv g~jZ Avw_©K jv‡fi Rb¨ GmKj
RvqMvq Gj.wm.wW. wWm‡cø †`L‡Z cvIqv hvq|
289. Chip is a common nickname for a(n)? (wb‡Pi
Aciva K‡i _v‡K|
294. Communication between computers using
†KvbwU‡K wPc (chip) bv‡gI WvKv nq?) standard telephone service (÷¨vÛvW© †Uwj‡dvb
[; Bangladesh Bank (Officer-2018)]
184 PHENOM'S Kw¤úDUvi I Z_¨cÖhyw³
mvwf©m e¨envi K‡i Kw¤úDUv‡ii g‡a¨ †hvMv‡hvMÑ) 299. Compilers and interpreters are themselves
[] (K¤úvBjvi Ges B›Uvi‡cÖUvi n‡”QÑ)
Requires a change to an anolog signal [;]
Is most efficient High-level language Codes
Produces little noise and few disturbances Programs Mnemonics
All of the above None of the above c
None of the above a
e¨vL¨v : K¤úvBjvi Ges B›Uvi‡cÖUvi‡K ejv nq Abyev`K
e¨vL¨v : †Uwj‡dvb A¨vbvjM cÖhyw³i wWfvBm| ZvB Gi †cÖvMÖvg| Giv D”PZi fvlvi †mvm© †KvW BbcyU †bq
mvnv‡h¨ †hvMv‡hvM Ki‡Z PvB‡j A¨vbvjM wmMb¨v‡j Ges wb¤œ¯Í‡ii fvlv ev †gwkb fvlvi Ae‡R± †KvW
iƒcvšÍi K‡i KvR Ki‡Z n‡e| AvDUcyU †`q|
295. Communication ports are found on the back 300. Compression of digital data for efficient storage
of microcomputers. They are used to connect
the computer to– (gvB‡µvKw¤úDUv‡i KwgDwb‡Kkb is (`ÿ Zvi mv‡_ msiÿ‡Yi Rb¨ wWwRUvj WvUv Kg‡cÖm
†cvU© †`L‡Z cvIqv hvq| GmKj †cvU© Kw¤úDUvi‡K Kiv‡K ejv nqÑ) []
hy³ K‡iÑ) [] Buffer CPU
printers modems Packing Field
other hardware All of the above None of the above c
None of the above d 301. Computer can not do anything without a
e¨vL¨v : meiKg nvW©Iq¨v‡ii †ÿ‡ÎB, †hvMv‡hvM ¯’vc‡bi (Kw¤úDUvi — Qvov wKQz Ki‡Z cv‡i bv|)
Rb¨ Kw¤úDUvi KwgDwb‡Kkb †cvU© e¨envi K‡i| Chip Memory
296. Communication that involves computers,
establishing a link through the telephone system Output device Program
is called (†h †hvMv‡hv‡Mi Rb¨ Kw¤úDUvi‡K None of the above d
†Uwj‡dvb wm‡÷‡gi ga¨ w`‡q †hvMv‡hvM ¯’vcb Ki‡Z e¨vL¨v : Kw¤úDUv‡ii wbR¯^ †Kvb eyw× †bB| †cÖvMÖvgvi
nq, Zv‡K e‡jÑ) [] A¨vjMwi`g †g‡b Kw¤úDUv‡i †h †cÖvMÖvg BbcyU †`b,
Teleprocessing Microprocessing Kw¤úDUvi Zv‡K AbymiY K‡iB †Kvb KvR Ki‡Z
Telecommunications All of the above cv‡i| †cÖvMÖvg Qvov wKQzB Ki‡Z cv‡i bv|
None of the above c 302. Computer connected to a LAN (Local Area
e¨vL¨v : wPý, wmMb¨vj, †g‡mR, kã, †jLv, Qwe, kã Network) can– (LAN ev †jvKvj Gwiqv †bUIqv‡K©
A_ev †h‡Kvb ai‡bi Z_¨‡K Zvi, †eZvi, AcwUK¨vj mshy³ †Kvb Kw¤úDUvi hv Ki‡Z cv‡iÑ)[]
ev Zwor Pz¤^Kxq gva¨‡gi mvnv‡h¨ †cÖiY KivB n‡”Q run faster
†UwjKwgDwb‡Kkb ev †Uwj‡hvMv‡hvM| Zv‡ii gva¨‡g go on line
†Uwj‡hvMv‡hvM Ki‡Z mvaviYZ †Uwj‡dvb jvBbB share information and/or share peripheral equipment
e¨envi Kiv nq| E-mail
297. Communication using a modulated carrier to None of these c
apply a data signal to a transmission medium in e¨vL¨v : GKB wewìs Gi gv‡S K‡qKwU Kw¤úDUvi wb‡q
analog form is (WvUv wmMb¨vj‡K A¨vbvjM d‡g©i UªvÝwgkb MwVZ †bUIqvK© n‡jv †jvKvj Gwiqv †bUIqvK© ev
wgwWqv‡g cÖ‡qvM Kivi Rb¨ gWz‡j‡UW K¨vwiqvi e¨envi Kiv LAN| Gi mvnv‡h¨ †bUIqv‡K©i AšÍM©Z Ab¨
nq †h †hvMv‡hv‡M Zv n‡”QÑ) [] Kw¤úDUvi ev wWfvB‡mi mv‡_ Z_¨ †kqvi Kiv hvq|
Local area network Modem 303. Computer instructions written with the use
Base band networking Broad band networking of English words instead of binary machine
None of the above d code is called (evBbvwi †gwkb †Kv‡Wi cwie‡Z© Bs‡iwR
e¨vL¨v : eªWe¨vÛ †bUIqvwK©s n‡”Q `ªæZMwZ m¤úbœ B›Uvi‡bU kã e¨envi K‡i wjwLZ Kw¤úDUvi BÝUªvKkb‡K ejv
A¨v‡·m Gi Øviv †bUIqvwK©s| Gi mvnv‡h¨ A‡bK `ªæZ nqÑ) []
†hvMv‡hvM Kiv m¤¢e| eªWe¨vÛ †bUIqvwK©s G gWz‡j‡UW Mnemonics Symbolic code
K¨vwiqvi e¨envi Kiv nq| Gray code Op-code
298. Compiler in computer system is a–
[] None of the above b
Package System Software 304. Computer memory consists of (Kw¤úDUvi †g‡gvwi
Process Application Software wK wb‡q MwVZ?) []
None of these RAM ROM
PROM All of the above
None of the above d
PART-B : weMZ eQ‡ii GOVT. & PRIVATE e¨vs‡Ki cÖ‡kœvËi Ges WEBSITE 185
e¨vL¨v : Kw¤úDUvi †g‡gvwi cÖavbZ 2 cÖKvi| cÖvBgvwi evBbvwi (0 ev 1) †Z iƒcvšÍi K‡i wb‡q wnmve wbKvk I
†g‡gvwi I †m‡KÛvwi †g‡gvwi| RAM I ROM g~jZ Ab¨vb¨ KvR K‡i _v‡K|
GB `ywU wb‡qB cÖvBgvwi †g‡gvwi MwVZ| (RAM = 309. Computers that are portable and convenient for
Random Access Memory Ges ROM = Read Only users who travel are known as– (ågYKvix
Memory)| PROM I GKcÖKvi ROM| e¨enviKvix‡`i Rb¨ enb‡hvM¨ Kw¤úDUvi¸‡jv Lye myweavRbK|
PROM n‡”Q Programmable ROM| GmKj Kw¤úDUvi‡K ejv nqÑ) []
305. Computer scientists are exploring the possibility Super computers Laptops
of culturing bacteria to create living chips Mini computers File servers
which have digital electronic properties. What None of these b
are these chips called? (Kw¤úDUvi weÁvbxiv wWwRUvj e¨vL¨v : j¨vcUc (Laptop) Gi Lap A_© Ô†KvjÕ| GB
B‡jKUªwb· Gi ˆewkó¨mn living chip Drcv`‡bi Rb¨ Kw¤úDUvi‡K †Kv‡ji Dci †i‡LB KvR Kiv hvq e‡j Gi
e¨vK‡Uwiqv KvjPv‡ii Dci M‡elYv Ki‡Q| GmKj bvg j¨vcUc| GB Kw¤úDUvi¸‡jv AvKv‡i A‡bK †QvU
wPc¸‡jv‡K ejv nqÑ) []
nq Ges e¨vUvwi †_‡K we`y¨r mieivn Kiv nq| ZvB
bacterial chips biochips
mn‡RB mv‡_ wb‡q ågY Kiv hvq|
310. Computers use the — number system to store
natural chips neural chips data and perform calculations. (WvUv msiÿY
None of the above b
Ges wnmvewbKv‡ki Rb¨ Kw¤úDUvi — bv¤^vi wm‡÷g
e¨vL¨v : Avm‡j ev‡qvwPc n‡”Q GKcÖKvi gvB‡µvwPc hv e¨envi K‡i|) []
ev‡qvjwRKvj cwi‡e‡k we‡klZ †Kv‡bv RxweZ cÖvYxi Decimal Hexadecimal
Af¨šÍ‡i KvR Kivi Rb¨ ˆZwi Kiv n‡”Q| e¨vK‡Uwiqv Octal Binary
RxweZ cÖvYxi Af¨šÍ‡i evm K‡i| ZvB weÁvbxiv None of these d
ev‡qvwP‡ci Dbœq‡bi Rb¨ e¨vK‡Uwiqv KvjPv‡ii Dci e¨vL¨v : Kw¤úDUvi Avm‡j 0 Ges 1 Qvov wKQzB eyS‡Z
M‡elYv Ki‡Qb| cv‡i bv| eo eo msL¨v I K¨v‡i±vi ev wPýI Bbcy‡Ui
306. Computer uses the — number system to store mgq 0 Ges 1 G A_©vr evBbvwi‡Z iƒcvšÍi K‡i †bq|
data and perform calculations. [] wnmve wbKv‡ki Rb¨ ZvB Kw¤úDUvi evBbvwi bv¤^vi
Binary octal wm‡÷g e¨envi K‡i Ges WvUvI evBbvwi msL¨v (0 ev 1)
Decimal Hexadecimal wn‡m‡eB msiÿY K‡i|
None of these a 311. Condensing output data to exhibit specific
307. Computer Virus is a– (Kw¤úDUvi fvBivm n‡”Q GK information is (AvDUcyU WvUv‡K mswÿß K‡i wbw`©ó
cÖKviÑ) [; Sonali Bank (Officer FF-2019), wKQz Z_¨ cÖ`k©b Kiv‡K ejv nqÑ) []
Combined 5 Banks (Officer cans-2019), Combined 3 Banks (S.O.-2018);, Calculating Recording
Basic Bank (Asst. Manager-2018)]
Merging Summarising
Hardware Software
None of the above d
Bacteria Freeware b
e¨vL¨v : Kb‡Wbwms ev mswÿß K‡i †Kvb Z_¨‡K AvDUcyU
e¨vL¨v : Computer GKai‡bi ÿwZKviK
virus Gi mgq mKj Z_¨ bv †`wL‡q ¸iæZ¡c~Y© Ges wbw`©ó
†cÖvMÖvg ev mdUIq¨vi| GwU wb‡Ri AmsL¨ Kwc ˆZwi wKQz AvDUcyU WvUv †`Lv‡bv nq| G cÖwµqvwUB
Ki‡Z cv‡i Ges Kwc¸‡jv wewfbœ Gw·wKD‡Uej †KvW I mvgvivBwRs|
WKz‡g‡›U Qwo‡q c‡o| cieZ©x‡Z Giv wm‡÷‡gi ÿwZ K‡i 312. Continuous line drawing are produced using
I e¨enviKvixi †Mvcb I ¸iæZ¡c~Y© Z_¨ Pzwi K‡i †bq| (— e¨envi K‡i Awew”Qbœ †iLvi Wªwqs Drcv`b Kiv nq|)
VIRUS K_vwUi c~Y©iƒc n‡”QÑ Vital Information []
Resources Under Seize. Chain printers Daisy wheel printers
308. Computers are extremely fast and have fantastic Plotters Thermal devices
memories. However, the only thing they can None of the above c
remember is (Kw¤úDUvi A‡bK `ªæZ KvR Ki‡Z e¨vL¨v : †f±i MÖvwd· wcÖ›U Kivi Rb¨ e¨eüZ Kw¤úDUvi
cv‡i Ges Gi †g‡gvwiI A‡bK fvj| wKš‘ Kw¤úDUvi wcÖ›UviB n‡”Q cøUvi| †f±i MÖvwd·¸‡jv Ab¨vb¨ MÖvwd·
ïaygvÎ g‡b ivL‡Z cv‡iÑ) [] Gi gZ Ryg Ki‡j †d‡U hvq bv| cøUvi Avm‡j AvDUcyU‡K
Instruction Series of 1s and 0s KvM‡R G‡K Hard Copy cÖ`vb K‡i| wewìs cø¨vb, †gwkb
Boolean algebra Logic theorems Ges wkc wWRvBb BZ¨vw` Kv‡R cøUvi e¨eüZ nq|
None of the above b 313. Control of computer system or subsystem operation
e¨vL¨v : Kw¤úDUvi Avm‡j 0 Ges 1 Qvov wKQzB eyS‡Z by an operator who may intervene at arbitrary times
is (Kw¤úDUv‡ii †Kvb wm‡÷g ev mvewm‡÷‡gi K‡›Uªvj, hv †h †Kvb
cv‡i bv| eo eo msL¨v I Character ev wPý‡KI mg‡q Kw¤úDUv‡ii Acv‡ik‡b n¯Í‡ÿc Ki‡Z cv‡i Zv njÑ)
186 PHENOM'S Kw¤úDUvi I Z_¨cÖhyw³
Manual control Mapping 316. Conversion of a hexadecimal number 4E16 to
Shift register ALU binary number is (†n·v‡Wwmgvj msL¨v (4E)16 Gi
None of the above a evBbvwi msL¨vq iƒcvšÍi n‡”QÑ) []
e¨vL¨v : g¨vbyqvj K‡›Uªv‡ji cÖv‡qvwiwU me‡P‡q †ewk _v‡K| 10011012 10011102
ZvB GwU †h‡Kv‡bv mg‡q Kw¤úDUv‡ii Acv‡ik‡b 11011002 1101112
n¯Í‡ÿc Ki‡Z cv‡i| None of the above b
g¨vbyqvj K‡›Uªvj n‡”Q GKcÖKvi wbqš¿Y e¨e¯’v †hLv‡b e¨vL¨v : (4E)16
e¨enviKvix wb‡R †_‡K mewKQz wbqš¿Y K‡ib|
314. Control Unit of a digital computer is often (0100 1110)2 = (1001110)2
called the (wWwRUvj Kw¤úDUv‡ii K‡›Uªvj BDwbU‡K 317. Conversion of an octal number 1068 to binary
number is (A±vj msL¨v (106)8 Gi evBbvwi iƒcvšÍi
wK bv‡gI WvKv nq?) []
Clock Nerve center
n‡”QÑ) []