Part-B 159-185

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160 PHENOM'S Kw¤úDUvi I Z_¨cÖhyw³

1. Computer Fundamentals 161-315

1.1 Computer Fundamentals Miscellaneous 161

1.2 Operating System 255

1.3 MS Word 282

1.4 MS Excel 293

1.5 Power Point 302

2. Networking 316-373

3. SQL 374-377

4. Database 378-400
PART-B : weMZ eQ‡ii GOVT. & PRIVATE e¨vs‡Ki cÖ‡kœvËi Ges WEBSITE 161

B Computer
1.1 Computer Fundamentals Miscellaneous
— Command we can use to close the
None of these
 e¨vL¨v : GKwU I‡qemvBU A‡bK¸‡jv I‡qe‡cR wb‡q

Alt+F1 Alt+S MwVZ nq Ges I‡qemvB‡Ui cÖavb †cRwU A_©vr †hLvb

Alt+End Alt+F4 †_‡K I‡qemvB‡Ui Ab¨vb¨ mKj †c‡Ri mivmwi ev
None of these d Ab¨ †c‡Ri gva¨‡g m¤úK© _v‡K †mwU †nvg‡cR| GKwU
2. — computers are used in Banking, Railways, I‡qemvB‡U mvaviYZ †nvg‡cR cÖ_‡g cÖ`wk©Z nq|
and Airlines. (e¨vswKs, †ijI‡q I GqvijvB‡b — 7. — is known as unauthorized access into
Kw¤úDUvi e¨eüZ nq|) [] others system. (†Kvb wm‡÷‡g AbwaKvi cÖ‡ek‡K
Mini computer Micro Computer — e‡j|) []
Super Computer Mainframe Computer Hacking Encryption
None of these d Decryption None of these a
 e¨vL¨v : eo eo cÖwZôvb¸‡jv‡Z RwUj RwUj MvwYwZK  e¨vL¨v : Gbwµckb Ges wWwµckb n‡”Q †Kvb Z_¨‡K
wnmve wbKvk Kivi Rb¨ †gBb‡d«g (Mainframe) GKwU key Gi mvnv‡h¨ e`‡j †`qvi cÖwµqv| evB‡ii
Kw¤úDUvi¸‡jv e¨envi Kiv nq| †gBb‡d«g Kv‡iv n¯Í‡ÿc †_‡K information †K euvPv‡Z GB
Kw¤úDUvi¸‡jv mvaviYZ e„nr AvKv‡ii nq Ges cÖwµqv e¨envi nq| GKwU wbw`©ó key w`‡q data
Ab¨vb¨ Kw¤úDUvi †_‡K (wgwbKw¤úDUvi, mvf©vi, encrypt Kiv nq Ges cwic~iK key w`‡q decrypt
IqvK©‡÷kb, cv‡m©vbvj Kw¤úDUvi) AwaK cÖ‡mwms Kiv nq| Avi GmKj mZK©Zv I wbivcËv‡K AwZµg
ÿgZvm¤úbœ nq| K‡i AbwaKvi m‡Ë¡I †Kvb information †ei KivB
†gBb‡d«g Kw¤úDUvi¸‡jv g~jZ UªvbR¨vKkb cÖ‡mwms n‡”Q n¨vwKs (Hacking)|
8. — is the high speed memory used in the
(†`vKv‡bi cY¨ mg~‡ni †WUv‡eR wbqš¿Y, GqvijvBb I computer. (Kw¤úDUv‡i †h nvB w¯úW †g‡gvwi e¨envi
†i‡ji wUwKU wiRv‡f©kb, e¨vsK g¨v‡bR‡g›U) Gi Rb¨B Kiv nq, †mwU n‡”Q —|) []
ˆZwi Kiv nq| RAM Hard Disk
3. — Devices accept the spoken word through a Cache BIOS c
microphone and convert it into binary code  e¨vL¨v : Cache Kw¤úDUv‡ii cÖvBgvwi †g‡gvwi †_‡KI
that can be understood by the computer. `ªæZ wMZm¤úbœ, ZvB GwU CPU I RAM Gi ga¨eZ©x
Speech recognition buffer wn‡m‡e KvR K‡i| cÖK…Zc‡ÿ GwU n‡”Q nvB
Handwriting recognition w¯úW Static Random Access Memory (SRAM)
Peripheral hv ¯^vfvweKfv‡e e¨eüZ RAM †_‡KI A‡bK `ªæZ
All of the above A¨v‡·m Kiv hvq|
None of these a 9. — is the key we use to run the selected
4,5. — is a program that has been physically command. []
etched onto a chip. []
Firmware Software ENTER CTRL
None of these c
Compiler Interpreter
10. — is the measurement of things such as
None of these a fingerprints and retinal scans used for
6. — is collection of web pages and — is the security access. (wbivcËvRwbZ Kvi‡Y Av½y‡ji Qvc
very first page that we see on opening of a (Fingerprint) I †iwUbv ¯‹¨vb KivB n‡”Q —|)
web-site. (— n‡”Q KZ¸‡jv I‡qe‡c‡Ri mgwó Ges []
GKwU I‡qemvB‡U Xz‡K cÖ_g †h †cRwU †`Lv hvq, †mwU Biometrics Biomeasurement
n‡”Q —|) [] Computer security Smart weapon machinerya
Home-page, Web-page  e¨vL¨v : ev‡qv‡gwUª· n‡”Q weÁv‡bi †mB kvLv †hLv‡b
Web-site, Home-page †Kvb wm‡÷‡gi wbivcËv wbwð‡Z e¨eüZ Av½y‡ji Qvc,
Web-page, Home-page †iwUbvj ¯‹¨vb BZ¨vw`i Z_¨ WvUv‡e‡R Rgv ivLv nq
Web-page, Web-site
162 PHENOM'S Kw¤úDUvi I Z_¨cÖhyw³
Ges cÖ‡qvRb gZ †ei K‡i G‡b BbcyUK…Z Z‡_¨i mv‡_ ¸‡jv †`L‡Z cvIqv hvq, †m¸‡jvB Function Key|
Matching Kiv‡bv nq| dvskb Kx¸‡jvi cÖ‡Z¨KwUiB wbw`©ó wKQz KvR _v‡K|
11. — is the process of carrying out commands 19. — Represents raw facts, where– as — is a
[] meaningful data. []
Fetching Storing Information, reporting Data, information
Decoding Executing Information, bits Records, bytes
None of these d
Bits, bytes b
12. — is the process of finding errors in software
code. (mdUIq¨vi †Kv‡W fzj Lyu‡R †ei Kivi cÖwKqvB 20. — software allows users to perform calculation
on rows and columns of data. (— mdUIq¨vi
n‡”Q —|) [;]
Compiling Testing
e¨enviKvix‡K †WUvi Kjvg I mvwi eivei MvwYwZK
Running Debugging d wnmve wbKvk Kivi myweav †`q|) []
 e¨vL¨v : †Kvb mdUIq¨vi †cÖvMÖvg †jLvi ci †U÷ K‡i Word processing
†`L‡Z nq †h, †Kv‡W †Kvb fzj Av‡Q wK bv, GwUB Presentation graphics
†Uw÷s| †Uw÷s Gic‡i fzj ms‡kvab Kivi cÖwµqvB nj Database management system
wWevwMs| K¤úvBj Kiv n‡”Q †KvW‡K †gwkb fvlvq Electronic spreadsheet d
iƒcvšÍi Kiv Ges ivb Kiv n‡”Q †gwkb †KvW‡K  e¨vL¨v : B‡jKUª wbK †¯úª
W wkU n‡”Q †¯úª
W wk‡Ui
Gw·wKDU Kiv| Kw¤úDUvivBRW fvm©b| Google Sheets, Microsoft
13. — is the science that attempts to produce Exces, Libre Office, iWork Numbers BZ¨vw`
machines that display the same type of †¯úªWwk‡Ui D`vniY| G¸‡jv‡Z †Uwe‡ji wewfbœ mvwi I
intelligence that humans do. (gvby‡li gZ eyw×gËv Kjv‡g WvUv †i‡L mvwi I Kjvg eivei MvwYwZK wnmve
m¤úbœ hš¿ Drcv`bKvix weÁv‡bi kvLvwU n‡”Q —|) Kiv hvq|
21. — Systems use a light beam to scan input
Nano science Nanotechnology
data and convert it into electrical signals,
Simulation Artificial intelligence (AI)
which are sent tithe computer for processing.
None of these d []
 e¨vL¨v : Artificial Intelligence A_© K…wÎg eyw×gËv| Image recognition Optical recognition
GwU M‡elYvi GKwU †ÿÎ †hLv‡b gvbyl ev Ab¨ cÖvYxi PDF Application
b¨vq eyw×gËv m¤úbœ †iveU ev †gwkb Drcv`‡bi Rb¨ None of these b
M‡elYv Kiv nq| 22. ‘ITS’ stands for (ITS Gi c~Yi© ƒcÑ)
14. — is used in first generation computer. []
[] Intelligent Teaching Systems
Integrated circuit Microprocessor
International Tutoring Systems
Vacuum tubes Transistors c
Intelligent Tutoring Systems
15. — is used in fourth generation computer.
[] All of the above
Integrated circuit Microprocessor None of the above c
Vacuum tubes Transistors b 23. “The three most important inventions of this
16. — is used in second generation computer. century are the nuclear bomb, the high yield
[] hybrid speed, and the computer.” Can you
Integrated circuit Microprocessor name the person who made this statement?
Vacuum tubes Transistors d []
17. — is used in third generation computer. Harry R Jordan Buckminster Fuller
[] Jack Smith Jan Timmer
integrated circuit Microprocessor None of the above b
Vacuum tubes Transistors a
24. “Zipping” a file means (GKwU dvBj “Zipping”
18. — keys are present on the top row of the
keyboard. (Kx‡ev‡W© me‡P‡q Dc‡ii mvwi‡Z Aew¯’Z Kivi A_©Ñ) []
Kx ¸‡jv n‡”Q — Kx|) [] Encrypting the message
Function Type writer Compressing the message
Numeric Navigation Transfer the message
None of these a All of the above
 e¨vL¨v : Kx‡ev‡W© me‡P‡q Dc‡ii mvwi‡Z F1 †_‡K F12 None of these b
(wKQz wKQz Kx‡ev‡W© F16 ch©šÍ _v‡K) ch©šÍ †h Kx (Key)
PART-B : weMZ eQ‡ii GOVT. & PRIVATE e¨vs‡Ki cÖ‡kœvËi Ges WEBSITE 163
 e¨vL¨v : GKwU dvBj A_ev †dvìvi‡K Compress 31. A acronym for the organisation that publishes
(msKzwPZ) K‡i size Kwg‡q Avbv hvq| GB msKzwPZ programming language standard is (†m msMVb
dvBjwU .zip G·‡Ubkbhy³ n‡Z cv‡i| ZvB GB †cÖvMÖvwgs fvlvi ÷¨vÛvW© wba©viY K‡i, Zvi mswÿßiƒc
cÖwµqv‡K “Zipping”I ejv nq| n‡”QÑ) []
25. 1024 bytes represent a (wb‡Pi †KvbwU Øviv 1024
evBU †evSv‡bv nq?) []
None of the above c
Megabyte Gigabyte  e¨vL¨v : ANSI Gi c~Y©iƒc American National Standards
Kilobyte None of the above
Institute| GwU †emiKvwi AjvfRbK cÖwZôvb hv
Storage c
 e¨vL¨v : Kilobyte = 1024 bytes = 2 bytes †cÖvMÖvwgs fvlvmg~‡ni Dbœqb I gvb wba©viY K‡i _v‡K|
Megabyte = 1024 Kilobytes = 2 bytes 32. A beam of light used to record and retrieve
Gigabyte = 1024 Megabytes = 230 bytes data on optical disks is known as (AcwUK¨vj
26. Codes consisting of lines of varying widths or wW‡¯‹ WvUv †iKW© Ki‡Z I cybiæ×vi Ki‡Z †h Av‡jvK
lengths that are computer-readable are iwk¥ e¨eüZ nq, Zv n‡jvÑ) []
known as —. [] polarized light unpolarized concentric light
an ASCII code a magnetic tape laser coloured light
an OCR scanner a bar code None of the above c
None of these d 33. A billionth of a second is defined as a : (†m‡K‡Ûi
27. A — is simply an arrangement where multiple GK wewjqb fv‡Mi GKfvM n‡”QÑ) []
disk drives appear as a single disk drive to the millisecond microsecond
user. (†h e¨e¯’vq A‡bK¸‡jv wW¯‹ WªvBf e¨enviKvixi nanosecond picoseconds
wbKU ïaygvÎ GKwU wW¯‹ WªvBfiƒ‡c cÖZxqgvb nq, †mwU None of the above c
n‡”QÑ) [] 1 1
disk disk array  e¨vL¨v : 1000000000 second = 109 second = 10–9
bunch of disks disk pack second = 1 nanosecond
spanned drive b 34. A byte is comprised of : (GKwU evBU MwVZ nq — Øviv|)
 e¨vL¨v : wW¯‹ G¨v‡i n‡”Q GKwU nvW©Iq¨vi Gwj‡g›U hv []
nvW© wW¯‹ WªvB‡fi (HDD) GKwU eo MÖæc‡K aviY K‡i One bit Four bits
iv‡L| GwU A‡bK¸‡jv wW¯‹ WªvBf †Uª aviY Ki‡Z cv‡i Eight bits Sixteen bits
Ges GwU Ggbfv‡e wWRvBb Kiv †hb Gi WvUv None of the above c
cÖ‡UKkb Ges A¨v‡·m w¯úW e„w× cvq| 35. A card on the top of pack of cards containing
Disk Array †K gWvb© †÷v‡iR †bUIqvwK©s information about the cards in the pack is
Gbfvqi‡g‡›Ui †giæ`Ð ejv nq| GKwU †÷v‡iR Gwiqv (GK c¨v‡KU Kv‡W©i Dc‡i _vKv KvW©, hv‡Z c¨v‡K‡Ui
†bUIqvK© (SAN) G GK ev GKvwaK wW¯‹ G¨v‡i †fZ‡i _vKv KvW©¸‡jvi Z_¨ _v‡K, †m KvW©wU n‡”QÑ)
_v‡K| Punched card Card punch
28. A — represent approximately one billion Reader card Punched paper tape
memory locations. (cÖvq 1 wewjqb †g‡gvwi †jv‡Kkb None of the above c
wb‡`©k K‡i wb‡Pi †KvbwU?) [] 36. A characteristic of card systems is : (KvW©
Kilobyte Megabyte wm‡÷‡gi ˆewkó¨ n‡”QÑ) []
Gigabyte Terabyte c slowness in processing data
29. A ‘number crunching’ computer is one that using cards as records of transactions
can handle (msL¨v ms‡KvPbKvix Kw¤úDUvi †KvbwU needing a larger DP staff
wbqš¿Y K‡i?) [] all the above
large spreadsheets large alphanumeric data None of the above d
large volume of numbers only numbers 37. A circuit which can store information is
None of the above c known as (†h mvwK©U Z_¨ Rgv ivL‡Z cv‡i, Zv‡K wK
30. A 32 bit microprocessor has the word length ejv nq?) []
equal to (GKwU 32 weU gvB‡µvcÖ‡mm‡ii word Integrated circuit Chip
length n‡”QÑ) [] Memory cell Gate
2 bytes 32 bytes None of the above c
4 bytes 8 bytes  e¨vL¨v : Memory Cell n‡”Q g~jZ GKwU mvwK©U hvi
None of the above c g‡a¨ 1wU weU‡K Rgv ivLv m¤¢e|
164 PHENOM'S Kw¤úDUvi I Z_¨cÖhyw³
38. A class of random access memory that requires None of the above d
periodic servicing in order for the contents to  e¨vL¨v : K¤úvBjvi (Compiler) n‡”Q Abyev`K †cÖvMÖvg,
remain valid is (Random Access Memory (RAM) hv D”P¯Í‡ii fvlvq †jLv †cÖvMÖvg‡K †gwkb fvlvi †cÖvMÖv‡g
Gi †Kvb cÖKvi‡f`wUi †ÿ‡Î wbw`©ó mgq cici iƒcvšÍi K‡i| cieZ©x‡Z Kw¤úDUvi †gwkb fvlvi †KvW‡K
msiÿYK…Z weU‡K cyYivq wjL‡Z nq?) [] Gw·wKDU Ki‡Z cv‡i|
Static RAM Dynamic RAM
D”P¯Í ‡ii fvlvq †jLv †cÖvMÖvg‡K ejv nq Source code
None of the above b (†mvm© †KvW) Ges †gwkb fvlvi †cÖvMÖvg‡K ejv nq
 e¨vL¨v : Dynamic RAM Avm‡j Volatile memory Object code (Ae‡R± †KvW)|
(we`y¨r cÖevn bv _vK‡j Z_¨ gy‡Q hvq)| G‡Z aviK 45. A computer assisted method for the recording
and analyzing of existing or hypothetical systems
Ges UªvbwR÷‡ii mvnv‡h¨ weU Rgv ivLv nq| wKš‘ is (we`¨gvb ZvwË¡K e¨e¯’vi (Hypothetical System)
aviK ev capacitor G ax‡i ax‡i PvR© wjK (Leak) msiÿY Ges we‡køl‡Yi Rb¨ e¨eüZ Kw¤úDUvi wbf©i
K‡i| d‡j wbw`©ó mgq cici †g‡gvwi¸‡jv refresh cÖwµqvwU n‡”QÑ) []
Ki‡Z nq A_©vr weU¸‡jv cyYivq wjL‡Z nq| Data transmission Data flow
39. A code which uses more bits for each character Data capture Data processing
then what is necessary is known as (†h †Kv‡W None of the above b
cÖwZwU K¨v‡i±v‡ii Rb¨ cÖ‡qvR‡bi †P‡q †ewk weU e¨envi 46. A computer has a 1024K memory. What does
Kiv nq, †mwU n‡”QÑ) [] the letter K stand for (GKwU Kw¤úDUv‡i 1024K
Hollerith code Gray code †g‡gvwi Av‡Q| GLv‡b K wKRb¨ e¨eüZ n‡q‡Q?)
Redundant code Mnemonics []
None of the above c Kilometre Thousand
40. A collection of interrelated file in computer 1024 MB
is a– (Kw¤úDUv‡i cvi¯úwiK m¤úK©hy³ dvBj¸‡jvi None of the above c
msMÖn n‡”QÑ) []  e¨vL¨v : Kw¤úDUvi weÁv‡bi †ÿ‡Î K Øviv 210 A_©vr
File manager Field 1024 msL¨v‡K †evSv‡bv nq|
Record Database d 47. A computer has no more sense than a light
 e¨vL¨v : †WUv‡eR n‡”Q †Kvb Kw¤úDUvi wm‡÷‡g mwÂZ (GKwU Kw¤úDUv‡ii †evSvi ÿgZv GKwU jvBU —
DcvË ev †iKW© mg~‡ni GKwU KvVv‡gve× msMÖn| GB †_‡K †ewk bq|) []
DcvË ev †iKW© mg~n dvB‡j _v‡K| bulb pen
41. A common boundary between two systems is switch pad
called (`yBwU wm‡÷‡gi ga¨eZ©x mvaviY mxgvbv‡K ejv None of the above c
nqÑ) []  e¨vL¨v : Kw¤úDUvi 0 Ges 1 Qvov wKQz †ev‡S bv|
Interdiction Interface iƒcKfv‡e 0 A_© jvBU myBP Ad Ges 1 A_© jvBU myBP
Surface None of the above b Ab| Kw¤úDUvi AwWI, wfwWI, †U·U †h‡Kvb ai‡bi
42. A common example of a data storage medium WvUv‡K evBbvwi (0 Ges 1) G iƒcvšÍi K‡i †÷vi Ges
is (WvUv †÷v‡iR gva¨‡gi GKwU mvaviY D`vniY n‡”QÑ) cÖ‡mm K‡i|
[] 48. A computer is a box full of electronic (Kw¤úDUvi
cartidge floppies n‡”Q B‡jKUªwbK — Øviv c~Y© GKwU e·|) []
cluge disk Switching devices Chips
None of the above d Circuits Registers
43. A common use of computer in office is for None of the above a
(Awd‡m Kw¤úDUv‡ii GKwU mvaviY e¨envi n‡”QÑ)  e¨vL¨v : GKwU Kw¤úDUv‡i wPc, †iwR÷vi, mvwK©U, †g‡gvwi
[] meB _v‡K| wKš‘ G mewKQzB Avm‡j wewfbœ cÖKv‡ii
Distributed Word processing myBwPs wWfvBm|
Data All of the above 49. A computer performs operations by comparing
None of the above b data items and then, depending on the results,
44. A compiler means (K¤úvBjvi wK?) [] follows predetermined course of action. What
A person who compiles source programs are such operations called? (GKwU Kw¤úDUvi WvUv
The same thing as a programmer mg~‡ni g‡a¨ Zzjbv K‡i GKwU Kvh©µg cwiPvjbv K‡i
Keypunch operator Ges cieZ©x‡Z djvd‡ji Dci wfwË K‡i wKQz c~e© wba©vwiZ
A program which translates source program Kvh©µg cwiPvjbv K‡i| GmKj KvR‡K wK ejv nq?)
into object program []
PART-B : weMZ eQ‡ii GOVT. & PRIVATE e¨vs‡Ki cÖ‡kœvËi Ges WEBSITE 165
Sequential Logical †cÖvMÖvg¸‡jv‡K wbw`©ó cÖKv‡ii KvR cwiPvjbvi Rb¨
Digital Physical wb‡`©k †`q, Zv njÑ) []
None of the above b System software Application program
50. A computer port is used to? (GKwU Kw¤úDUvi Compiler Interpreter
†cvU© e¨eüZ nqÑ) [] None of the above a
Communicate with hard disks  e¨vL¨v : wm‡÷g mdUIq¨vi¸‡jv Ggbfv‡e wWRvBb Kiv,
Donwload files
†hb Zv Ab¨vb¨ A¨vwcø‡Kkb mdUIq¨vi Gi cø¨vUdg©
Communicate with other computer peripherals
None of the above c wn‡m‡e KvR Ki‡Z cv‡i| DB‡ÛvR, g¨vK IGm BZ¨vw`
 e¨vL¨v : Kw¤úDUvi nvW©Iq¨v‡i †cvU©, Kw¤úDUvi Ges wm‡÷g mdUIq¨v‡ii D`vniY|
Ab¨ †Kvb †cwi‡divj wWfvB‡mi ga¨eZ©x B›Uvi‡dm wn‡m‡e 55. A computer programmer (GKRb Kw¤úDUvi
e¨eüZ nq| gwbUi, I‡qeK¨vg, ¯úxKvi, Kx‡evW©, gvDm †cÖvMÖvgviÑ) []
does all the thinking for a computer
BZ¨vw` †cwi‡divj wWfvBm, Kw¤úDUv‡ii mv‡_ mshy³ can enter input data quickly
nIqvi Rb¨ †cvU© e¨envi K‡i| can operate all types of computer equipment
51. A computer program consists of (GKwU Kw¤úDUvi can draw only flowchart
†cÖvMÖvg MwVZ nqÑ) [] None of the above a
System flowchart  e¨vL¨v : Kw¤úDUv‡ii wb‡Ri wm×všÍ †bIqvi ÿgZv †bB|
Program flowchart Zv‡K †cÖvMÖv‡gi gva¨‡g †cÖvMÖvgvi †h wb‡`©kbv †`q,
Algorithms written in computer’s language Kw¤úDUvi ZvB wbe©vn K‡i| ZvB ejv nq, Kw¤úDUv‡ii
Discrete logical steps mg¯Í wPšÍvfvebv †cÖvMÖvgviB K‡i|
None of the above c 56. A computer system consisting of its processor,
 e¨vL¨v : †d¬vPvU© g~jZ †cÖvMÖvg †jL‡Z mnvqZv K‡i| memory and I/O devices accepts data, processes
Avi jwRKvj †÷c¸‡jv gv_vq †i‡L †cÖvMÖvg Kiv nq| it and produces the output results. Can you
tell in which component is the raw data fed?
Kw¤úDUv‡ii wbR¯^ fvlv (†gwkb fvlv) †Z †jLv (cÖ‡mmi, †g‡gvwi Ges I/O wWfvBm Gi mgš^‡q MwVZ
A¨vjMwi`gB g~jZ Kw¤úDUvi †cÖvMÖvg| Kw¤úDUvi WvUv MÖnY K‡i, †WUv‡K cÖ‡mm K‡i Ges
52. A computer program that converts an entire cieZ©x‡Z djvdj cÖ`k©b K‡i| G‡`i g‡a¨ †Kvb AskwU
program into machine language at one time AcwiewZ©Z ev Acwi‡kvwaZ WvUv (raw data) wb‡q KvR
is called a/an (GKwU Kw¤úDUvi †cÖvMÖvg hv m¤ú~Y© K‡i?) []
†mvm© †cÖvMÖvg‡K GKev‡i †gwkb fvlvq iƒcvšÍi K‡i, Zv Mass Memory Main memory
njÑ) [;] Logic unit Arithmetic unit
interpreter simulator None of the above b
compiler commander  e¨vL¨v : †gBb †g‡gvwi‡ZB GB raw data ¸‡jv ivLv nq,
None of the above c hv‡Z cÖ‡mwms Gi mgq Lye `ªæZ A¨v‡·m Kiv hvq|
 e¨vL¨v : K¤úvBjvi mgMÖ †cÖvMÖvg‡K GKev‡i †gwkb 57. A computer that combines the characteristic
fvlvq iƒcvšÍi K‡i| Avi B›Uvi‡cÖUvi cÖ‡Z¨K jvBb of analog and digital computers–
c‡o B›Uvi‡cÖU K‡i Zvic‡i cieZ©x jvB‡b hvq| Hybrid Computer Digital Computer
53. A computer program that converts assembly Analog Computer Super Computer
language to machine language is (†h Kw¤úDUvi None of these a
†cÖvMÖvg A¨v‡m¤^wj fvlv‡K †gwkb fvlvq iƒcvšÍi K‡i, 58. A computer will function only if it (GKwU Kw¤úDUvi
Zv n‡”QÑ) [] KvR Ki‡e, ïaygvÎ hw`Ñ) []
Compiler Interpreter has a control unit
Assembler Comparator is given input data
None of the above c has a program in its memory
 e¨vL¨v : A¨v‡m¤^jviI K¤úvBjvi I B›Uvi‡cÖUv‡ii gZB has software package
Abyev`K †cÖvMÖvg| wKš‘ GwU wb‡Pi ¯Í‡i KvR K‡i| None of the above c
 e¨vL¨v : Kw¤úDUv‡ii wb‡Ri †_‡K wm×všÍ †bIqvi ÿgZv
A¨v‡m¤^wj fvlv‡K cy‡ivcywi †gwkb fvlvq iƒcvšÍi K‡i|
†bB| Zv‡K †cÖvMÖv‡gi gva¨‡g †h wb‡`©kbv BbcyU †`qv
54. A computer program that instructs other
nq, †m ZvB wbe©vn K‡i| ZvB Kw¤úDUv‡ii †g‡gvwi‡Z
programs to perform a particular type of
operation is (†h Kw¤úDUvi †cÖvMÖvg Ab¨
†Kvb †cÖvMÖvg bv _vK‡j †mwU †Kvb KvR Ki‡Z cv‡i
166 PHENOM'S Kw¤úDUvi I Z_¨cÖhyw³
59. A computer with CPU speed around 100 million 64. A CPU’s processing power is measured in :
instructions per second and with the word length (CPU Gi cÖ‡mwms ÿgZv cwigvc Kiv nq — GK‡K|)
of around 64 bits is known as (†h Kw¤úDUv‡ii []
CPU Gi MwZ †m‡K‡Û 100 wgwjqb wb‡`©kbv Ges IPS CIPS
Iqv‡W©i ˆ`N©¨ 64 weU, Zv njÑ) [] MIPS nano-seconds
Super computer Mini computer None of the above c
Micro computer Micro computer  e¨vL¨v : MIPS Gi c~Y©iƒc Million Instructions Per
None of the above a Second|
 e¨vL¨v : mvaviY Kw¤úDUvi †_‡K mycvi Kw¤úDUvi A‡bK 65. A daisy wheel is a type of? (“Daisy wheel” n‡”Q
D”P ÿgZv m¤úbœ nq| Gi wmwcD mvaviY Kw¤úDUv‡ii GK cÖKviÑ) []
CPU †_‡K A‡bK `ªæZMwZm¤úbœ| Storage device Pointing device
60. A computer, by definition, is any device that Scaning Device Printer d
computes. This broad definition includes  e¨vL¨v : GB ai‡bi wcÖ›Uvi¸‡jv “Letter Quality” Gi
which of the following? (msÁvbymv‡i Kw¤úDUvi n‡”Q wcÖ›U K‡i| GB wcÖ›Uvi¸‡jv ‘ball head’ UvBc ivBUv‡ii
MYbvKvix hš¿| wKš‘ cÖK…Zc‡ÿ Kw¤úDUvi n‡”QÑ bxwZ‡ZB KvR K‡i|
66. A data item which is not broken down into
Calculators Cash registers smaller units is– (†h WvUv‡K ÿz`ª ÿz`ª fv‡M fvOv
Automotive controllers Desktop computers
nqwb †mwU n‡”QÑ) []
All of the above
Data element Elementary data item
 e¨vL¨v : GKwU Kw¤úDUvi K¨vjKz‡jUi, K¨vk †iwR÷vi, Data entry Database management
A‡UvgwUf K‡›Uªvjvi, †W¯‹Uc& me wn‡m‡eB e¨envi Kiv hvq| None of the above b
61. A computer-controlled device for training 67. A database management system based on the
exercises that duplicates the work environment concept of ownership is (gvwjKvbvi Ici wbf©ikxj
is a : (†Uªwbs Gi Rb¨ ev¯ÍweK Kv‡Ri cwi‡e‡ki AbyKiY WvUv‡eR g¨v‡bR‡g›U wm‡÷g njÑ) []
Ki‡Z †h Kw¤úDUvi wbqwš¿Z wWfvBm e¨envi Kiv nq Zv Network topology Network layer
njÑ) [] Network database system Network license system
simulator duplicator None of the above c
trainer COM device  e¨vL¨v : †bUIqvK© WvUv‡eR wm‡÷g g‡W‡j GKvwaK
None of the above a †g¤^v‡ii dvBj I †iKW© Zv‡`i gvwjKvbvaxb dvB‡j
 e¨vL¨v : `yM©g cwi‡ek ev K‡Vvi cwiw¯’wZ‡Z †Uªwbs Gi †iKW© Kiv nq|
Rb¨ cÖKZ… c‡ÿ H cwi‡e‡k bv wM‡qI fvPz©qvwj H iKg 68. A datum that indicates some important state
†Kvb ¯’v‡b Dcw¯’Z _vKv Ges AwfÁZv †bqv m¤¢e| in the content of input or output is (BbcyU
wmgy‡jU‡ii mvnv‡h¨ G KvR Kiv nq| AvDUcyU welqe¯‘i ¸iæZ¡c~Y© Ae¯’v (state) †h WvUv
62. A concentric circle on a disk is called a– Øviv wb‡`©k Kiv nqÑ) []
Sequence Sentinel
cylinder track
SIO Sibling
head sector
None of the above b
none of these b
69. A device designed to read information encoded
63. A connection between two end points, either into a small plastic card is (†QvU cøvw÷K Kv‡W©
physical or logical, over which data may travel
in both directions simultaneously is called– Gb‡KvW Kiv Bbdi‡gkb covi Rb¨ ˆZwi Kiv wWfvBmÑ)
(†h ms‡hv‡Mi (physical or logical) gva¨‡g WvUv GKB Magnetic tape Badge reader
mv‡_ `yB cÖvšÍ †_‡K `yB w`‡KB †h‡Z cv‡i, †h ms‡hvM‡K Tape puncher Card puncher
ejv nqÑ) [] None of the above b
Dump point Datalink  e¨vL¨v : †QvU cøvw÷K Kv‡W© Gb‡KvW Kiv Z_¨ covi Rb¨
Duplex Networks e¨vR wiWvi (Badge Reader) wWfvBmwU e¨envi Kiv
None of the above c nq| wfbœ wfbœ Acv‡iUi‡K Zv‡`i cÖ‡Z¨‡Ki wbR¯^ KvW©
 e¨vL¨v : wmg‡cø· ms‡hv‡M WvUv ïay GKwU wbw`©ó cÖvšÍ Øviv Identify Ki‡Z Ges WvUv Kv‡jKkb Ki‡Z GwU
†_‡K Ab¨ cÖv‡šÍ †h‡Z cv‡i| nvd Wz‡cø· ms‡hv‡M WvUv e¨eüZ nq|
`yBcÖvšÍ †_‡K `yB w`‡KB †h‡Z cv‡i wKš‘ GKmv‡_ bvq| 70. A device for converting handwritten impressions
Avi Wz‡cø· ms‡hv‡M Z_¨ GKB mv‡_ `yB w`‡KB †h‡Z cv‡i| into coded characters and positional coordinates
for input to a computer is (Kw¤úDUv‡i Bbcy‡Ui Rb¨
PART-B : weMZ eQ‡ii GOVT. & PRIVATE e¨vs‡Ki cÖ‡kœvËi Ges WEBSITE 167
nv‡Z †jLv wPý‡K †Kv‡WW K¨v‡i±vi (Coded Character) I 75. A device that can accept data, hold them and
¯’vbv‡¼ G iƒcvšÍi Ki‡Z e¨eüZ wWfvBm njÑ) deliver them on demand at a later time is
[] known as (†h wWfvBm WvUv MÖnY K‡i a‡i ivL‡Z
Touch panel Mouse cv‡i Ges cieZ©x‡Z cÖ‡qvRbgZ WvUv mieivn Ki‡Z
Wand Writing tablet cv‡i Zv n‡”QÑ) []
None of the above d Buffer Memory
 e¨vL¨v : ivBwUs U¨ve‡jU‡K wWwRUvBRvi, Wªwqs U¨ve‡jU, CPU Register
Wªwqs c¨vW, MÖvwdK U¨ve‡jU, †cb U¨ve‡jU, wWwRUvj None of the above b
AvU©‡evW© BZ¨vw`I ejv nq| GwU Kw¤úDUv‡ii GK cÖKvi 76. A device that converts one type of signal into
BbcyU wWfvBm hvi mvnv‡h¨ e¨enviKvixi nv‡Z AuvKv another is called (†h wWfvBm GK cÖKvi wmMb¨vj‡K
Qwe, A¨vwb‡gkb, MÖvwdK GgbwK ¯^vÿi (Signature) I Ab¨cÖKv‡i iƒcvšÍi K‡iÑ) []
BbcyU w`‡Z cv‡i| Modem Transducer
71. A device invented by Dr. Bobeck in 1966, for Punched paper tape Punched card
mass storage of data is (1966 mv‡j W. †ev‡eK None of the above b
Gi D™¢vweZ wWfvBm hv e¨vcK cwigvY Z_¨ msiÿY 77. A device that prints one character at a time
Ki‡Z e¨eüZ nq, Zv njÑ) [] is known as (†Kvb wWfvBmwU GKev‡i GKwU K‡i
Punched paper tape Magnetic bubble storage K¨v‡i±vi (wPý) wcÖ›U K‡i?) []
Magnetic tape Magnetic disk Laser printer Line printer
None of the above b Character printer Dot-Matrix printer
 e¨vL¨v : g¨vM‡bwUK evej †÷v‡iR GK cÖKvi bb None of the above c
†fvjvUvBj †g‡gvwi †÷v‡iR wWfvBm| G‡Z ÿz`ª ÿz`ª 78. A device that stores one item of information
Pz¤^Kxq AÂj (evej) _v‡K †hLv‡b Z_¨ aviY Kivi is (†Kvb wWfvBm Z‡_¨i ïaygvÎ GKwU Dcv`vb Rgv iv‡L?)
Rb¨ †PŠ¤^Kxq c`v‡_©i ˆZwi GK cÖKvi wdj¥ e¨envi Memory element Block Compaction
Kiv nq| MDR Memory guard
72. A device mounted on a communication satellite None of the above a
which receives, amplifies and re-transmits 79. A device that transmits messages in verbal
signals from earth station is (KwgDwb‡Kkb form is (†Kvb wWfvBm AvÿwiKfv‡e †g‡mR †cÖiY K‡i?)
m¨v‡UjvB‡Ui Dci ¯’vwcZ wWfvBm hv Av_© †÷kb †_‡K []
†cÖwiZ wmMb¨vj MÖnY K‡i, weewa©Z K‡i Ges cyYivq Audit trail Card punch
Audio response unit Magnetic tape
†cÖiY K‡i, †mwU n‡”QÑ) []
None of the above c
Track Transponder 80. A device used to bring information into a
Transistor Terminal computer is (†Kvb wWfvBm Kw¤úDUv‡i Z_¨ wb‡q Av‡m?)
None of the above b []
 e¨vL¨v : UªvÝcÛvi Ggb GKwU wWfvBm hv GKwU wmMb¨vj ALU Input device
MÖnY K‡i Zvi †cÖwÿ‡Z wfbœ GKwU wmMb¨vj †cÖiY K‡i| Control unit Output device
73. A device or system not directly connected to None of the above b
the CPU is (GKwU wWfvBm ev wm‡÷g hv mivmwi CPU 81. A device used to measure the circuit density
of a chip is (GKwU wP‡c mvwK©‡Ui NbZ¡ cwigvc Kiv
Gi mv‡_ mshy³ _v‡K bv, †mwU n‡”QÑ) []
nq †Kvb wWfvBm Øviv?) []
On-line Keyboard Light pen Mouse
Memory Off-line LSI All of the above
None of the above d None of the above c
74. A device that both transmits and receives 82. A device which converts human readable data
data, is (†h wWfvBm WvUv MÖnY Ges †cÖiY `ywUB K‡i, into machine language is (†Kvb wWfvBm gvby‡li
†mwU n‡”QÑ) [] covi †hvM¨ WvUv‡K †gwkb fvlvq iƒcvšÍi K‡i?)
Transducer Trapdoor []
Translator Transceiver Card reader Card punch
None of the above d Punched paper tape Character reader
 e¨vL¨v : GKwU UªvÝwgUvi (†cÖiK) Ges GKwU wiwmfvi None of the above d
83. A digital device that processes data is known
(MÖvnK) wb‡q UªvÝwmfvi wWfvBmwU MwVZ| as (WvUv cÖ‡mmKvix wWwRUvj wWfvBm‡K ejv nqÑ)
168 PHENOM'S Kw¤úDUvi I Z_¨cÖhyw³
Data processor Data entry 91. A double sided magnetic disk pack has six
DBMS Database disks. Can you tell how many surfaces of this
None of the above a pack are normally used? (hw` GKwU wØgyLx
84. A digitizing tablet can be used for? (wWwRUvBwRs g¨vM‡bwUK wW‡¯‹i 6wU wW¯‹ _v‡K Zvn‡j Zvi KqwU Zj
U¨ve‡jU e¨envi Kiv nqÑ) [] e¨envi Kiv nq?) []
Tracing diagrams Printing letters 10 12
Reading bar-codes Playing a 6 9
85. A directly accessible appointment calendar is None of the above a
a feature of a — resident package. [] 92. A factor which would strongly influence a
CPU Memory businessperson to adopt a computer is its:
Buffer ALU (wb‡¤œi †Kvb welq¸‡jv GKRb e¨vemvqx‡K
None of the above b Kw¤úDUv‡ii e¨env‡i Lvc LvIqv‡Z ¸iæZ¡c~Y© f‚wgKv
 e¨vL¨v : Memory Resident Package n‡”Q †mB ivL‡e?) []
c¨v‡KR hv ¯’vqxfv‡e †g‡gvwi‡Z _v‡K| Gi GKwU Accuracy Reliability
¸iæZ¡c~Y© ˆewkó¨ n‡”Q Directly Accessible Speed All of the above
Appointment Calendar| None of the above d
86. A disadvantage of the laser printer is : (†jRvi 93. A family of polynomial block codes designed
wcÖ›Uv‡ii GKwU Amyweav n‡”QÑ) [] to correct burst errors is known as (Burst
It is quieter than an impact printer Error †K mwVK Kivi Rb¨ polynomial block code
It is very slow Gi †h †MvÎ e¨envi Kiv nq Zv wK bv‡g cwiwPZ?)
The output is of a lower quality []
All of the above Bar Codes Gray Codes
None of these Fire Codes Mnemonics Codes
87. A disk storage medium in the form of an None of these c
assembly containing a single rigid magnetic 94. A file containing relatively permanent data
disk permanently is (GKwU wW¯‹ †÷v‡iR wgwWqvg hv is (†h dvBj †gvUvgywUfv‡e ¯’vqx †WUv msiÿY K‡i
Assembly Gi gva¨‡g GKwU Single Rigid g¨vM‡bwUK Zv‡K wK e‡j?) []
wW¯‹‡K ¯’vqx fv‡e a‡i iv‡L, Zv njÑ) Random file Transaction file
[] Master file Sequential file
fixed disk disk cartridge None of the above c
card punch card reader 95. A file that includes an index directory to
None of the above b facilitate random access is (Random access Gi
88. A disk with usable recording surfaces on each myweav wbwðZ Kivi Rb¨ †h dvB‡j index directory _v‡K
side is known as (†h wW‡¯‹i `yB cv‡kB †iKwW©s Gi Zv‡K wK e‡j?) []
Rb¨ e¨envi Kiv hvq, Zv njÑ) [] Sequential file Indexed file
Hard disk Single-sided disk Random file Serial file
Double-sided disk High capacity None of the above b
None of the above c 96. A flat-bed plotter uses a pen which moves in
 e¨vL¨v : †h wW‡¯‹i `yB cv‡kB WvUv †÷vi Kiv hvq, two directions across a piece of paper fixed
†mwU n‡”Q Wej mvB‡WW wW¯‹| Gi aviYÿgZv wms‡Mj on a flat-bed. Can you tell who controls the
mvB‡WW wW‡¯‹i aviY ÿgZvi wظY n‡q _v‡K| movements of this pen? (Flat-bed plotter G GK
89. A disk’s content that is recorded at the time cÖKvi Kjg e¨envi Kiv nq hv Flat-bed Gi Dc‡i
of manufacture and cannot be changed or AvUKv‡bv KvM‡Ri Ici Dfqw`‡K PjvPj Ki‡Z cv‡i|
erased by user is– (ˆZix Kivi mgq hw` †Kv‡bv GB Kj‡gi PjvPj‡K wbqš¿Y K‡i †K?) []
wW‡¯‹i Z_¨ †iKW© Kiv nq Ges cieZx©‡Z hw` Zv microfilm microfiche
cwieZ©b Kiv bv hvq Zvn‡j Zv‡K wK e‡j?) film card COM
[;] None of the above c
Read-only Memory-only 97. A floppy disk contains (d¬wc wW‡¯‹ wb‡Pi †KvbwU
Run-only Write-only a _v‡K?) []
90. A dot-matrix printer (WU-g¨vwUª· wcÖ›Uvi wK?) Circular tracks only Sectors only
[] Both circular tracks and sector
is an input device is an output device All of the above
cannot print alphabet has a speed of 1000 cps None of the above c
None of the above b
PART-B : weMZ eQ‡ii GOVT. & PRIVATE e¨vs‡Ki cÖ‡kœvËi Ges WEBSITE 169
98. A framework in which circuit boards can he Mouse Light pen
mounted is (GKwU †d«gIqvK© hv‡Z mvwK©U †evW© None of the above a
gvD›U Kiv hvq Zv‡K wK e‡j?) [] 105. A hand-held device which reads marks or
Switch circuit Chip characters on paper by detecting photo-
Card cage Bar code sensitivity is known as (†Kv‡bv KvM‡Ri Av‡jv‡Ki
None of the above c ZviZg¨ we‡kølY K‡i †h hš¿ gvK© ev Aÿi co‡Z cv‡i
99. A fully functional computing device containing Zv‡K wK e‡j?) []
all the elements of a computer which is built
around a MICROPROCESSOR is known as Light pen Optical-wand
(GKwU m¤ú~Y© Kvh©ÿg Kw¤úDUvi †hUv‡Z mg¯Í hš¿vsk Plotter All of the above
gvB‡µvcÖ‡mmi‡K †K›`ª K‡i ˆZwi Zv‡K wK e‡j?) None of the above b
[] 106. A hard copy of a document is– []
Machine-in-built computer stored in the hard disk
Super computer stored on a floppy
Micro computer stored on a CD
Mini computer printed on the printer
None of the above c None of these d
100. A general purpose single-user microcomputer 107. A hard copy would be prepared on a
designed to be operated by one person at a []
time is (GKwU GKK-e¨envi‡hvM¨ gvB‡µvKw¤úDUvi Line printer Dot matrix printer
†hLv‡b GKRb e¨w³ GKwU wbw`©ó mg‡q e¨envi Ki‡Z Type writer terminal Plotter
cv‡i, Zv‡K wK e‡j?) [] All of the above
Special-purpose computer KIPS 108. A hashing scheme is used with (n¨vwks wK‡mi
M PC mv‡_ e¨envi Ki‡Z nq?) []
None of the above d sequential file organization
101. A generalised software package produced to direct file organization
meet the bugs of a variety of data processing indexed sequential file organization
users is known as (†WUv cÖ‡mwms‡qi fzj ms‡kva‡b partitioned file organization
†h GKRvZxq mdUIq¨vi c¨v‡KR cÖ¯‘Z Kiv nq Zv wK None of the above b
bv‡g cwiwPZ?) []  e¨vL¨v : n¨vwks n‡”Q GKwU w÷ªs †K cwieZ©b K‡i
Utility programs System software Zzjbvg~jK †Qv‡Uv w÷ªs G wb‡q Avmv †hb g~j w÷ªs
Operating system Application package cwiewZ©Z bv nq|
None of the above d 109. A high quality CAD system uses the
102. A group of magnetic tapes, videos or terminals following for printing drawing and graphs
usually under the control of one master is Dot matrix printer Digital plotter
Cylinder Cluster Line printer All of the above
Surface Track None of the above b
None of the above b
110. A high speed device used in CPU for temporary
storage during processing is called (CPU †Z
103. A half byte is know is (A‡a©K evBU wK bv‡g cwiwPZ?)
[] cÖ‡mwms‡qi mgq D”P MwZm¤úbœ †h A¯’vqx †÷v‡iR
Data Bit e¨envi Kiv nq Zv‡K wK e‡j?) []
Half byte Nibble A register A bus
None of the above d A databus All of the above
 e¨vL¨v : 1 byte = 8 bits None of the above a
1 Nibble = 4 bits 111. A hybrid computer uses a — to convert
 1 Nibble = Half byte| digital signals from a computer into analog
signals. (nvBweªW Kw¤úDUv‡i wWwRUvj wmMb¨vj‡K GbvjM
104. A hand-held device for optically reading bar
codes on goods, labels and shelves is (wewfbœ wmMb¨v‡j iƒcvšÍi Ki‡Z wK e¨eüZ nq?)
gvjvgvj ev †j‡e‡ji Dci gyw`ªZ evi‡KvW covi Rb¨ Modulator Demodulator
†h hš¿ e¨envi Kiv nq Zv‡K wK e‡j?) [] Modem Decoder
Wand Touch tablet None of the above c
170 PHENOM'S Kw¤úDUvi I Z_¨cÖhyw³
 e¨vL¨v : Modem Gi c~e©iƒc n‡”Q Modulator None of these c
Demodulator GwU GKwU nvW©Iq¨vi hv Kw¤úDUvi‡K  e¨vL¨v : Keyboard GKwU BbcyU wWfvBm hv Øviv
B›Uvi‡b‡Ui mv‡_ mshy³ K‡i| Modem wWwRUvj Kw¤úDUv‡i mivmwi mdU (soft) BbcyU †`Iqv hvq|
wmMb¨vj‡K GbvjM wmMb¨v‡j Ges GbvjM wmMb¨vj‡K Plotter GKwU AvDUcyU wWfvBm hv cÖK…Zc‡ÿ †cv÷vi,
wWwRUvj wmMb¨v‡j iƒcvšÍi K‡i| e¨vbvimn G ai‡bi wcÖ›U Ki‡Z e¨eüZ nq|
112. A kilobyte also referred to as KB, is equal to: Scanner GKwU BbcyU wWfvBm| GwU GKwU nvjKv hš¿
(wK‡jvevBU‡K KB Øviv cÖKvk Kiv nq| 1 wK‡jvevBU hv Qwe, wcÖ›U Kiv WKz‡g›U BZ¨vw`‡K mdU (soft) †WUvq
mgvbÑ) [] (digital form) iƒcvšÍwiZ K‡i|
1000 bytes 1024 bytes 118. A list of instructions used by a computer is
2048 bytes 512 bytes b called (Kw¤úDUv‡i †hme wb‡`©kvejx e¨envi Kiv nq
113. A language based on graphics for use in Zv‡`i †K GK‡Î wK e‡j?) [;
education is (MÖvwd‡·i Dci wfwË K‡i ˆZwi †Kvb Agrani Bank (Officer Cash-2017)]
fvlvwU wkÿvg~jK Kv‡R e¨eüZ nq?)[] Text CPU
Program Output c
 e¨vL¨v : Kw¤úDUvi †cÖvMÖvg (Programe) n‡”Q Kw¤úDUv‡ii
None of the above b
wjwLZ wb‡`©kvejx hv Kw¤úDUvi Gw·wKDU K‡i| †Kvb
114. A language which is close to that used within wbw`©ó mgm¨v mgvav‡bi Rb¨ †cÖvMÖv‡gi cÖ‡qvRb nq|
the computer is (Kw¤úDUv‡i e¨eüZ fvlvi mgZzj¨ 119. A logic gate is an electronic circuit which
n‡”QÑ) []
(jwRK †MU GK ai‡Yi B‡jKUªwbK mvwK©U hvÑ)
High-level language Assembly language makes logic decisions
Low-level language All of the above allows electron flow only in one direction
None of the above c works on binary algebra
 e¨vL¨v : Kw¤úDUvi ïaygvÎ †jv-†j‡fj j¨v½y‡qR ev alternates between 0 and 1 values
†gwkb j¨v½y‡qR eyS‡Z cv‡i| D”PZi fvlvq †cÖvMÖvg None of the above a
wjL‡j Zv K¤úvBjvi ev B›Uvi‡cÖUv‡ii mvnv‡h¨ †gwkb 120. A machine associated with card-based data
fvlvq iƒcvšÍi K‡i †bq| processing is (wb‡Pi †Kvb †gwkbwU KvW©-wbf©i †WUv
115. A large number of computers in a wide cÖ‡mwms‡qi mv‡_ m¤úwK©Z?) []
geographical area can be efficiently connected Codomain Collator
using (GKwU e„nr †fŠ‡MvwjK mxgvbvq AmsL¨ Kw¤úDUvi‡K Cartridge Digitizer
G‡K Ac‡ii mv‡_ `ÿZvi wK‡mi gva¨‡g hy³ Kiv hvq?) None of the above b
[] 121. A magnetic storage device on which data is
Twisted pair lines stored on a cylindrical drum, subdivided into
Coaxial cables tracks is known as (g¨vM‡bwUK (†PŠ¤^K) †÷v‡iR
Communications satellites wWfvB‡mi wmwjwÛªK¨vj Wªvg A‡bK¸‡jv Uªv‡K fvM Kiv
All of the above _v‡K, Uª¨vK ¸‡jv‡K wK e‡j?) []
None of the above c
Punched card Magnetic disk
 e¨vL¨v : Communication setellites GK cÖKvi K…wÎg
Magnetic tape Drum
m¨v‡UjvBU hv Uªv݇cvÛv‡ii (transponder) gva¨‡g None of the above d
†UwjKwgDwb‡Kkb wmMb¨vj‡K ewa©Z K‡i Ges c„w_exi  e¨vL¨v : Wªvg‡K g¨vM‡bwUK WªvgI ejv n‡q _v‡K| wKQz
†h †Kvb ¯’v‡bi Kw¤úDUvi¸‡jvi g‡a¨ †hvMv‡hv‡Mi wKQz Wªv‡g 200wU UªvKI _vK‡Z cv‡i|
P¨v‡bj m„wó K‡i| 122. A magnetic tape volume that is used on a
116. A laser printer does NOT use? (†jRvi wcÖ›Uvi data processing operation without any
wb‡Pi †KvbwU e¨envi K‡ibv?) [] change to its contents is (†WUv cÖ‡mwms‡qi Kv‡R
A photo-conductive drum A print head †WUv‡K cwieZ©b bv K‡i Acv‡ikb Ki‡Z †Kvb
A laser beam None of these b g¨vM‡bwUc †Uc fwjDg e¨eüZ nq?)[]
117. A light sensitive device that converts drawing, Magnetic disk Punched paper tape
printed text or other images into digital form Master tape Card reader
is [; Janata Bank Ltd. (A.E.O Teller-2019); None of the above c
Combined 5 Banks (Officer Cash-2019); Sonali Bank (S.O.FF-2019);
Combined 3 Banks (S.O.-2018); Agrani Bank (Officer Cash-2017)] 123. A mechanism for arranging controlled access
Keyboard Plotter to a shared resource is (fvMvfvwM Kiv wi‡mv‡m©i
Scanner OMR g‡a¨ wbqwš¿Z cÖ‡ek wbwðZ Kivi c×wZi bvg wK?)
PART-B : weMZ eQ‡ii GOVT. & PRIVATE e¨vs‡Ki cÖ‡kœvËi Ges WEBSITE 171
Retrieving Sorting †Kvb †g‡gvix evwn¨K †Kv‡bv KviY Qvov Gi Z_¨ cwieZ©b
Balleting Lock-out K‡ibv?) []
None of the above d Dynamic memory Static memory
124. A medium for transferring data between two RAM EEPROM
locations is called (GK ¯’vb n‡Z Ab¨ ¯’v‡b †WUv None of the above b
¯’vbvšÍi Kivi gva¨g‡K wK e‡j?) [] 130. A memory that holds micro programs is
Network Communication channel (wb‡Pi †Kvb †g‡gvix‡Z gvB‡µv †cÖvMÖvg msiwÿZ _v‡K?)
Modem Bus []
None of the above b Core memory ROM
125. A memory bus is mainly used for communication RAM Control memory
between (†g‡gvix evm cÖavbZ wK‡mi g‡a¨ †hvMv‡hvM None of the above b
¯’vcb K‡i?) []
131. A memory that is capable of determining
processor and memory whether a given datum is contained in one of
processor and I/O devices its addresses is []
I/O devices and memory ROM PROM
input device and output device
None of the above a
None of the above c
 e¨vL¨v : †g‡gvix ev‡mi mvnv‡h¨ wmwcBD (CPU) cÖavb 132. A menu-driven operating system is one which
†g‡gvixi †Kv‡bv we‡kl A¨v‡Wªm‡K ms‡hvM K‡i| GB allows you to pick up from the menu of choices
ev‡mi ga¨ w`‡q †g‡gvix G‡Wªm hvIqv Avmv K‡i wKš‘ it displays on the screen. What is the name
†Kv‡bv †WUv Avmv hvIqv K‡ibv| given to the images which are used in such
126. A memory in which the information is stored image oriented menus? []
last is on top and is retrieved first is known Icon Figure
as (†h †g‡gvix‡Z mevi †k‡l msiwÿZ Z_¨ mevi Symbol option
None of the above a
cÖ_‡g †ei Kiv nq Zv‡K wK e‡j?) [] 133. A method for representing digital data with
PROM Buffer analog signals by changing the phase of the
Stack RAM analog carrier to represent the digital
None of the above c information is known as (`kv cwieZ©‡bi gva¨‡g
 e¨vL¨v : Stack n‡”Q LIFO (Last in first out) †WUv wWwRUvj †WUv‡K A¨vbvjM WvUvq iæcvšÍi‡K Kx e‡j?)
ֻvKPvi| []
127. A memory space used for the temporary storage PIA PSK
of data is (wb‡Pi †Kvb †g‡gvix A¯’vqxfv‡e †WUv msiÿY PM PM
None of the above b
Kivi Rb¨ e¨envi Kiv nq?) []
134. A micro processor chip used in a PC system
PROM SAM (Kw¤úDUv‡i wm‡÷‡g e¨eüZ gvB‡µv cÖ‡mmi wP‡ci KvRÑ)
Scratchpad storage Buffer []
None of the above c Performs the arithmetic-logic and control functions
 e¨vL¨v : Scratchpad memory (SPM) †K Is the only chip cound in most PC models
Scratchpad RAM I ejv nq hv GKwU AZ¨šÍ Almost always operates on by-bits of data at a time
`ªæZMwZm¤úbœ Af¨šÍixY †g‡gvix hv wnmvewbKv‡ki Z_¨ Performs the primary storage function
None of the above a
Ges Ab¨vb¨ Kv‡Ri Z_¨ A¯’vqxfv‡e †i‡L †`qvi Rb¨ 135. A microprocessor integrates the arithmetic
e¨eüZ nq| logic and control circuitry of a computer into
128. A memory that contains a fine pattern of data one chip. The first microprocessor was built by
permanently defined is (wb‡Pi †Kvb †g‡gvix‡Z a group of engineers at the Intel Corpn. Can
†WUv GKwU my›`i c¨vUv‡b© ¯’vqxfv‡e †WUv msiwÿZ nq?) you tell who headed this group? []
[] Victor Poor Stan Mazor
RAM EPROM Marcian E. (Ted) Hoff Seymour Cray
ROM PROM None of the above c
None of the above c 136. A mistake in an algorithm that causes
129. A memory that does not change its contents incorrect results is called a– []
Logical error Syntax error
without external causes is known as (wb‡Pi
Machine Error Compiler error
172 PHENOM'S Kw¤úDUvi I Z_¨cÖhyw³
None of these a 145. A new technology which provides the ability
137. A mobile phone charger is [] to create an artificial world and have people
An inverter interact with it is called []
A UPS televirtuality virtual reality
A step-down transformer alternative reality 3-D reality
A step-up transformer c None of the above b
138. A modern digital computer has (GKwU AvaywbK 146. A normal CD-ROM usually can store up to–
Kw¤úDUv‡ii Av‡QÑ) [] (GKwU ¯^vfvweK CD-ROM mvaviYZ msiÿY K‡iÑ)
Extremely high speed Large memory []
Almost unlimited array All of the above 680 KB 680 Bytes
None of the above d 680 MB 680 GB
139. A modern electronic computer is a machine None of these c
that is meant for [] 147. A notation for defining the form and structure
Doing quick mathematical calculations of data is known as []
Input storage, manipulation of outputting of data Data description language
Electronic data processing Binary language
Performing repetitive tasks accurately Data channel
None of the above b
Data definition language
140. A monitor looks like a TV set but it does not None of the above d
(gwbUi †Uwjwfk‡bi gZ †`L‡Z wKš‘ GwU K‡i bvÑ)
 e¨vL¨v : Kv‡Ri avivevwnKZv‡K A¨vjMwi`g e‡j|
Receive TV signals Give a clear picture 148. A notation used to express clearly on algorithm
Give a steady picture Display graphics is known as (A¨vjMwi`‡gi aviYv‡K e¨vL¨v K‡i
None of the above a †KvbwUÑ) []
141. A monitor’s — is the distance between the Algorithmic language Assembly language
holes in the mask behind the screen. This Machine language High level language
helps determine how sharp the dots appear. None of the above a
[] 149. A number system with a base of two is
refresh rate dot pitch referred as– []
resolution color depth Unary number system
None of the above b Binary number system
142. A multi programming system is one that can Octal number system
(GKwU eûgvwÎK †cÖvMÖvwgs e¨e¯’v ev Ki‡Z cv‡iÑ) All of the above
[] None of these b
run very fast 150. A number that is used to control the form of
share hardware resources with many programs another number is known as (†Kvb msL¨v Ab¨
simultaneously msL¨v‡K wbqš¿Y K‡iÑ) []
compute many programs simultaneously Map Mask
use many operating systems Mamtossa Marker
None of the above b None of the above b
143. A name applied by Intel corp. to high speed 151. A number which is stored and processed but
MOS technology is called (†Kvb bvgwU e¨eüZ not in the standard exponential form is
nq Bb‡Uj Ki‡c©v‡ik‡bi D”P MwZi MOS cÖhyw³ called []
Floating point number Fixed point number
†ZÑ) Octal number Decimal number
None of the above b
152. A one-bit signal that indicates the start of data
HMOS SDLC transmission by an asynchronous device is
None of the above c (GK weU ms‡KZ hv DcvË cvVv‡bvi ïiæ wb‡`©k K‡iÑ)
144. A name or number used to Identity a storage []
location is called —. [] Parity bit Status bit
Abyte A record Zero bit Start bit
An address A program c None of the above d
PART-B : weMZ eQ‡ii GOVT. & PRIVATE e¨vs‡Ki cÖ‡kœvËi Ges WEBSITE 173
153. A packet switching network that was sponsored None of the above d
by the Commission of the EEC and became 161. A prewritten program that’s sold to perform a
operational in 1979 is (GKwU c¨v‡KU myBwPs †bUIqvK© common task is called an application
hv EEC Kwgkb KZ…©K ˆZwi nq Ges 1979 mv‡j KvR []
ïiæ K‡iÑ) [] System software Package
LAN Broadband network Utilities Program
Star network Euronet None of the above b
None of the above d 162. A printed document reader which scans the
154. A part located in the central processing unit characters and then encodes them in a computer-
that stores data and information is known as compatible code for direct transmission to the
(†K›`ªxq cÖwµqvKiY As‡k Aew¯’Z †KvbwU DcvË I computer is called (†KvbwU eY©‡K ¯‹¨vb K‡i Kw¤úDUvi
Z_¨ msiÿY K‡iÑ) [] †Kv‡W iæcvšÍi K‡iÑ) []
Core memory PROM Optical character reader
EPROM ROM Kurzweil Data Entry Machine (KDEM)
None of the above a MICR
155. A path by which communication is achieved Laser scanner
between a central processor and other devices None of the above b
is called (†K›`ªxq †cÖ‡mmi I Ab¨ h‡š¿i g‡a¨ 163. A printer in which the characters are embossed
†hvMv‡hvMKvix c_‡K ejv nqÑ) [] on a band is (†Kvb gy`ªYh‡š¿ eY©‡K e¨v‡Û †Lv`vB Kiv nqÑ)
Audit trail Network
Bus Channel []
None of the above c Dot-matrix Laser
156. A path linking 2 hardware or telecommunication Golf-ball Chain
units down which data and control signals can None of the above d
be transmitted is [] 164. A processing unit that coordinates networks
Modulation Demodulation and data communication is known as (GKwU
Channel Signalling cÖwµqvKiY Ask hv †bUIqvK© I WvUv †hvMv‡hvM-Gi
None of the above c mgš^q K‡i Zv Kx bv‡g cwiwPZ?) []
157. A pen shaped device which can sense light, and Control unit Communications processor
is used to point at spots on a video screen. Register unit CPU
Mouse Light pen None of the above b
Joystick Plotter 165. A program component that allows structuring
None of the above b of a program in an unusual way is known as
158. A Personal Computer is a– [] (†cÖvMÖv‡gi †Kvb Ask AcÖPwjZ Dcv‡q †cÖvMÖvg‡K
Mainframe Computer Supercomputer web¨¯Í Kivi AbygwZ †`qÑ) []
Mini Computer Micro Computer d Correlation Coroutine
159. A physical connection between the microprocessor Diagonalization Quene
memory and other parts of the microcomputer
None of the above b
is known as (gvB‡µvcÖ‡mmi †g‡gvwi I gvB‡µvKw¤úDUvi
166. A program that converts computer data into
Gi Ab¨ Ask¸‡jvi g‡a¨ †hvMv‡hvM Kvix Zvi gva¨g‡K
some code system other than the normal one is
ejv nqÑ)
[; Sonali & Janata Bank (S.O. IT-2018)]
known as (†Kvb †cÖvMÖvg Kw¤úDUvi DcvˇK ¯^vfvweK
Path Address bus ms‡KZ e¨ZxZ Ab¨ †Kvb ms‡K‡Z iƒcvšÍi K‡iÑ)
Route All of the above []
None of the above b Encoder Simulation
 e¨vL¨v : Microprocessor Gi mv‡_ Memory Gi Emulator Coding
Kv‡bKkb †`qv nq Address Bus Gi gva¨‡g| None of the above a
160. A prefix for billion which is equal to — is 167. A program that is employed in the development,
called as billi. (wewjq‡bi c~‡e© — †K e‡j wewj|) repair or enhancement of other programs is
[] known as []
100 10000 System software Software tool
1000 10 Applications program Utility program
174 PHENOM'S Kw¤úDUvi I Z_¨cÖhyw³

None of the above b None of the above b

168. A program that performs a useful task while 175. A repository for data, usually covering specific
simultaneously allowing destructive acts is : topic is []
(†Kvb †cÖvMÖvg GKB mv‡_ DcKvwi I aŸsmvZ¥K KvR Database Data requisition
K‡iÑ) [] Databank Data collection
Worm Trojan Horse None of the above c
Virus Macro Virus b
176. A result of a computer virus can not lead to–
(Kw¤úDUvi fvBivm Gi d‡j nq bvÑ) []
169. A program used to detect overall system
Disk Crash Mother Board Crash
malfunction is (†Kvb †cÖvMÖvg m¤ú~Y© e¨e¯’vi Lvivc
Corruption of program Deletion of files
w`K¸wj wbY©q K‡iÑ) []
None of these b
System analysis System software 177. A section of code that may only be executed
Utilities System diagnostics by one process at any one time is (GKwU †KvW
None of the above d hv GKB mg‡q gvÎ GKwU cÖ‡mm KZ…©K wbe©vn nqÑ)
170. A programming language intended to solve a []
no. of different types of problems is (GKwU CPM Critical resource
†cÖvMÖvwgs fvlv hv wewfbœ ai‡Yi mgm¨v mgvavb Kivi Critical region Gray code
Rb¨ ˆZwiÑ) [] None of the above c
COBOL 178. A section of code to which control is transferred
General purpose programming language when a processor is interrupted is known as
None of the above b None of the above a
171. A random-access data storage device which 179. A self replicating program, similar to a virus
gives rapid access to data is (G‡jv‡g‡jv fv‡e which was taken from a 1970s science fiction
DcvË msMÖnKvix GKwU hš¿ hv `ªæZ MwZ‡Z DcvË novel by John Bruner entitled the Shockwave
†`qÑ) [] Rider is– []
Magnetic tape Punched card Bug Vice
Disk storage unit Buffer Lice Worm
None of the above c None of these d
172. A reflective marker that indicates the end of 180. A set of information that defines the status of
the usable tape is (GKwU cÖwZdwjZ wb‡`©kK hv wb‡`©k resources allocated to a process is– (GK¸”Q
K‡i e¨envi †hvM¨ †U‡ci mgvwßÑ) [] Z_¨ hv Drm eivχK Dc¯’vcb K‡i Zv n‡jvÑ)
End user End-of-tape Process control ALU
Optical mark reader FAX Register Unit Process description
None of the above b
None of these d
173. A register in which of the following that holds 181. A set of step-by-step procedures for accomplishing a
the current instruction while it is being executed task is known as a(n)–
is called instruction register. [] [; Bangladesh Bank (Officer-2018)]
ALU CPU algorithm hardware program
Memory Address software bug firmware program
None of the above b None of these a
174. A regular TV set can be hooked up to a 182. A single bus structure is primarily found in
computer so as to received computer signal (GKwU GKK evm MVb †`Lv hvqÑ) []
instead of a television program. This hooking Main frames
up is achieved with the help of a (GKwU wbqwgZ Super computers
†Uwjwfkb †Uwjwfkb †cÖvMÖvg Gi cwie‡Z© Kw¤úDUvi High performance machines
ms‡KZ MÖnY Ki‡Z cv‡i, GB c×wZ Kvh©Ki nq hvi Mini-and micro-computers
gva¨‡gÑ) [] None of the above d
modem adapter 183. A single packet on a data link is known as
cable aerial []
PART-B : weMZ eQ‡ii GOVT. & PRIVATE e¨vs‡Ki cÖ‡kœvËi Ges WEBSITE 175
Path Frame 191. A specific part of an arithmetic and logic
Block Group unit that is used to perform the operation of
None of the above b multiplication is (MvwYwZK I hyw³ As‡ki mywbw`©ó
184. A six-digit card field used for postal ZIP codes is Ask hv ¸‡Yi Rb¨ e¨envi Kiv nqÑ) []
defined as (GKwU Qq A‡¼i Card field hv †cv÷vj ZIP Multiplier Multiplener
code G e¨eüZ nq Zv n‡jvÑ) [] Multivibrator Quantization
A letter field An alphabetic field None of the above a
A numeric field An alphanumeric field 192. A stand-alone system which produces one page
None of the above c of printed output at a time is []
185. A sizeable geographical area with communication Page printer Line printer
based on the telephone system is thought as Laser printer Dot matrix printer
None of the above a
Local area network Wide area network
193. A standard tape recorder used to save or load
Modulator-Demodulator All of the above
computer information is known as (GKwU Av`k©
None of the above b
186. A small film-plate which is used for microfilming †Uc msMÖvnK hv Kw¤úDUv‡ii Z_¨ msiÿY ev †jvW
the output from a microcomputer screen is K‡iÑ)
called [] []
microfilm microfiche Magnetic tape Cassette drive
film card COM Punched paper tape Card punch
None of the above b None of the above b
 e¨vL¨v : Computer Output Microfilm (COM) nj 194. A step-by-step procedure used to solve a
GKwU wm‡÷g hv msiwÿZ DcvˇK mivmwi iæcvšÍi problem is called (avivevwnKfv‡e mgm¨v mgvav‡bi
K‡i gvB‡µvwd‡j¥| cÖwµqv‡K e‡jÑ) []
187. A small square or rectangular piece of silica on Operating system Algorithm
which several layers of an integrated circuit are Application program All of the above
etched or imprinted is called [] None of the above b
VLSI micro 195. A storage area used to store data to compensate
wafer chip for the difference in speed at which the different
None of the above d units can handle data is []
188. A software package to implement a data base Memory Buffer
is (GKwU mdUIq¨vi c¨v‡KR hv WvUv‡eR ev¯Íevqb Accumulator Address
K‡iÑ) [] None of the above b
System analysis DBMS 196. A storage device that stores the same data on
Database DASD several different disks so if one gets damaged,
None of the above b another one will have the same data is referred
189. A software package to perform calculations on to as– []
data arranged in an array is (GKwU mdUIq¨vi RAID magnetic tape
c¨v‡KR hv A¨v‡i‡Z mw¾Z WvUv‡K wnmve Ki‡Z cv‡iÑ) magnetic disk floppy disk a
[] 197. A storage device which is used to store data
System software Utility programs and information external to the main storage
Electronic spread sheet Application programs is known as []
None of the above c Buffer Backing storage
190. A special type of device which uses an ordinary PROM Accumulator
telephone with a computer is (GK ai‡bi hš¿ hv None of the above b
Kw¤úDUvi Gi mv‡_ mvaviY †Uwj‡dvb‡K e¨envi K‡iÑ) 198. A storage system for small amounts of data is
[] []
Light pen Mouse Magnetic card Magnetic tape
Acoustic couple Touch panel Punched card Optical mark reader
None of the above c None of the above a
176 PHENOM'S Kw¤úDUvi I Z_¨cÖhyw³

199. A supercomputer Param has been developed 208. A thin plate or board that contains electronic
and designed in India by: [] components is called —. []
C-DAC, Pune IIT, Kanpur Hard disk Scanner
BARC, Mumbai IIT, Delhi a RAM circuit board d
200. A symbol that modifies an action is known as 209. A type of channel used to connect a central
[] processor and peripherals which uses
Compiler Modifier multiplexing is known as []
Interpreter Mod Modem Network
None of the above b Multiplexer All of the above
201. A system program which helps the execution of None of the above c
user programs is known as [] 210. A type of core store that has a lower access
System software Application program time than the devices used for working store
Batch operating system Utilities in the same processor is known as
None of the above a core memory buffer
202. A systems programming language for microcomputers fast core address register
in the Intel family is (Intel gvB‡µvKw¤úDUvi Gi None of the above c
Rb¨ GKwU †cÖvMÖvwgs fvlv n‡jvÑ) [] 211. A type of instruction that can produce several
PL/C PL/CT lines of machine language code is a
None of the above c Mnemonic Address
 e¨vL¨v : PL/M †cÖvMÖvwgs fvlvwU Gary Kildall ˆZwi Macro assemble
None of the above c
K‡iwQ‡jb Intel Gi gvB‡µvKw¤úDUvi Gi Rb¨|
212. A type of line printer that uses an embossed
203. A technique for processing jobs on a first-come, steel band to form the letters printed on the
first-served basis is known as [] paper is []
FAX FIFO Golf ball printer Dot-matrix printer
GIGO cable Optical mark reader Laser printer Band printer
None of the above b None of the above d
204. A technique used by codes to convert an analog 213. A type of simulation method using random
signal into a digital bit stream is known as numbers to determine the evolution of a system
(A¨vbvjM ms‡KZ‡K wWwRUvj weU w÷ªg G iæcvšÍi is []
c×wZ‡K e‡jÑ) [] Model dispersion Monte carlo
Pulse code modulation Pulse stretcher Monadic Padding
Query processing Queue management None of the above b
None of the above a 214. A typical modern computer uses (GKwU AvaywbK
205. A temporary storage area, attached to the Kw¤úDUvi e¨envi K‡iÑ) []
CPU, for I/O operations is a: (BbcyU-AvDUcyU LSI chips Vacuum tubes
Acv‡ik‡bi Rb¨ CPU Gi mv‡_ mshy³ GKwU A¯’vqx Valves All the above
None of the above a
msiÿY GjvKv‡K ejv nqÑ) []
215. A URL is: []
chip buffer A computer program
register core A type of web server
None of the above b The address of a document or page on the world wide web
206. A terabyte comprises [] An acronym for unlimited resources for learning c
1024 gigabyte 1024 kilobyte  e¨vL¨v : URL Gi c~Y©iƒc Unified Resource Locator|
1024 megabyte 1024 byte World Wide Web G †Kvb GKwU Content †K wbw`©ó
None of these a K‡i †evSv‡Z URL e¨eüZ nq|
207. A terminal having local processing capability 216. A vertically aligned set of tracks on a disk pack
is [] is known as (wW¯‹ c¨v‡K Djø¤^fv‡e (j¤^vjw¤^) mvwie×
KIPS AI Uª¨vK Gi †mU‡K wK ejv nq?) []
Intelligent terminal Optical terminal Cluster Surface
None of the above c Cylinder Panel
PART-B : weMZ eQ‡ii GOVT. & PRIVATE e¨vs‡Ki cÖ‡kœvËi Ges WEBSITE 177
None of the above c 223. All calculations are performed and all comparisons
217. A Winchester disk is a [] are made in — unit. (mKj MvwYwZK wnmve wbKvk
Disk Stack Removable disk Ges Zzjbv Kiv nq †Kvb BDwb‡U?) []
Flexible disk All of the above control unit arithmetic-logic unit
None of the above b central processing unit primary storage unit
 e¨vL¨v : DBb‡P÷vi wW¯‹ n‡”Q IBM Gi ˆZwi GKcÖKvi None of the above b
Removable Disk Drive| Gi Head Ges wW¯‹ †cøUvi  e¨vL¨v : Arithmetic Logic Unit ev ALU, CPU
GKwU wmjK…Z As‡ki †fZ‡i _v‡K| d‡j GwU Lye Gi GKwU Ask| GB BDwb‡U Kw¤úDUv‡ii hveZxq
`ªæZMwZm¤úbœ nq| Arithmetic I logical Kvh© m¤úv`b Kiv nq|
218. A wireless network uses — waves to transmit MvwYwZK K¨vjKz‡jk‡bi gva¨‡g `ywU Z‡_¨i Zzjbv
signals. (Iq¨vi‡jm †bUIqv‡K© wmMb¨vj ¯’vbvšÍi
KivI GB BDwb‡Ui Kv‡Ri AšÍM©Z|
Ki‡Z — Zi½ e¨envi Kiv nq|) []
224. All inputs must be in ON position to have an
Mechanical Radio
output is known as (AvDUcyU †c‡Z mKj BbcyU
Sound Magnetic
None of these b ON ivL‡Z nq †Kvb jwRK †MB‡U?) []
219. A wireless technology built in electronic gadgets NOT gate AND gate
used for exchanging data over short distances OR gate XOR gate
is– (¯^í `~i‡Z¡ Z_¨ Av`vb cÖ`v‡bi Rb¨ B‡jKUªwbK None of the above b
M¨v‡R‡U e¨eüZ Iq¨vi‡jm cÖhyw³wU n‡”QÑ)  e¨vL¨v : AND †MU Gi Rb¨, 1.1 = 1
[] A_©vr me¸‡jv BbcyU ON n‡jB AvDUcyU ON nq|
USB Bluetooth 225. All of the following are considered to be
Modem Wifi storage devices EXCEPT– []
None of these b floppy disk CPU
220. A(n) — device is any device that provides CD hard disk drive
information which is sent to the CPU. (CPU none of these b
G cvVv‡bv Z_¨ mieivnKvix wWfvBm n‡”QÑ) 226. All of the following are steps involved in the
input output boot process except– (wb‡Pi †KvbwU ev‡` me¸‡jv
CPU memory eyU cÖ‡mm Gi AšÍM©Z?) []
storage a Load the operating system in to RAM.
221. Access time in a computer memory is the time The power on self test.
required to (Kw¤úDUvi †g‡gvwii A¨v‡·m UvBg n‡”Q Activate the basic input/output system (BIOS).
— Ki‡Z cÖ‡qvRbxq mgq|) [] Load application programs. d
Locate the stored data  e¨vL¨v : A¨vwcø‡Kkb †cÖvMÖvg †jvW Kiv eyU cÖ‡mm Gi
Retrieve the stored data AšÍM©Z bq, GwU Acv‡iwUs wm‡÷‡gi KvR|
Both locate and retrieve the data cvIqvi evUb †P‡c Kw¤úDUvi Pvjy Kiv †_‡K †gBb
All of the above †g‡gvwi‡Z Acv‡iwUs wm‡÷g †jvW Kiv ch©šÍ †h cÖwµqv
None of the above c AbymiY Kiv nq, †mwUB eywUs cÖ‡mm|
 e¨vL¨v : Kw¤úDUvi †g‡gvwii †Kv‡bv WvUv‡K Read 227. All the instructions and procedures needed to
Ki‡Z n‡j Av‡M Zv‡K Ly‡R †c‡Z nq| †g‡gvwii start up a computer, to the point it can load
A¨v‡·m UvBg ej‡Z †iK‡W©i †jv‡Kkb Ly‡u R †ei Ki‡Z an operating system, are stored in ROM chips.
In IBM compatible PCs this is called the —.
cÖ‡qvRbxq mgq Ges †iKW© co‡Z cÖ‡qvRbxq mgq Gi (Acv‡iwUs wm‡÷g †jvW Kiv ch©šÍ Kw¤úDUvi‡K Pvjy
mgwó‡K †evSvq| Ki‡Z †h mKj wb‡`©kbv Ges Kvh©cÖYvjx cÖ‡qvRb, Zv
222. Accessing records from a file directly without ROM wP‡c †÷vi Kiv _v‡K| IBM Dchy³ wcwm‡Z
searching from the beginning of the file is G¸‡jv‡K wK ejv nq?) []
(dvB‡ji ïiæ †_‡K bv Lyu‡R mivmwi dvB‡ji †iKW©
A¨v‡·m Kiv‡K ejv nqÑ) []
Time sharing Random None of the above b
Direct access Access time  e¨vL¨v : BIOS A_© †ewmK BbcyU AvDUcyU wm‡÷g
None of the above c (Basic Input Output System)| Acv‡iwUs wm‡÷g
†jvW nIqvi c~e©eZ©x wb‡`©kbv Kw¤úDUv‡ii ROM BIOS
wP‡cB _v‡K| G¸‡jv‡K firm ware ejv nq|
178 PHENOM'S Kw¤úDUvi I Z_¨cÖhyw³
228. ALU is termed as– [;  e¨vL¨v : ïaygvÎ `yBwU BbcyU 1 n‡jB, AND †M‡Ui
Sonali Bank (A.P.-2016)] AvDUcyU 1 nq|
Arithmetic logical unit
I1 I2
Array Logical Unit Output
Application logic unit
Application logic universal a AND †MU‡K Dc‡iv³ fv‡e cÖKvk Kiv hvq, ZvB G‡K
 e¨vL¨v : ALU n‡”Q Arithmetic Logic Unit| GwU wmwiR myBwPs mvwK©‡Ui mgZzj¨ aiv nq|
CPU Gi GKwU Ask| CPU Gi mg¯Í MvwYwZK I wm×všÍ OR †MU n‡”Q c¨vivjvj myBwPs mvwK©‡Ui mgZzj¨|
MÖn‡Yi (logical) KvR ALU m¤úbœ K‡i| ALU Gi 233. An automatic machine that performs routine
logical KvR¸‡jv mvaviYZ integer binary msL¨vi seemingly human tasks is (GKwU A‡Uv‡gwUK †gwkb,
Dci n‡q _v‡K| floating point number wb‡q KvR hv iæwUb gvwdK gvby‡li KvR m¤úv`b K‡i, Zv n‡”QÑ)
Kivi Rb¨ FPU KvR K‡i| FPU Gi c~Y©iƒc floating []
point-unit. KIPS AI PL Robot
229. An adder in which the bits of the operands are None of the above d
added one after another is (†h A¨vWv‡i (Adder)  e¨vL¨v : †iveU GKwU A‡Uv‡gwUK †gwkb| GwU msiÿYK…Z
Acv‡i‡Ûi weU¸wj GKwUi c‡i Av‡iKwU †hvM Kiv nq, †cÖvMÖv‡gi mvnv‡h¨ gvby‡li wewfbœ KvRI m¤úv`b Ki‡Z cv‡i|
†mwU n‡”QÑ) [] 234. An electrical inter-connection that permit 8 or
Half-adder Full-adder more bits of data to be moved in the same instant
Serial adder All of the above of time is called (GKwU B‡jKwUªKvj B›UviKv‡bKkb
None of the above c hv 8 ev Zvi †_‡K AwaK we‡Ui WvUv‡K GKmv‡_
 e¨vL¨v : evBbvwi A¨vWvi `yB ai‡bi nqÑ wmwiqvj I ¯’vbvšÍi Ki‡Z cv‡i, Zv njÑ) []
c¨vivjvj wmwiqvj A¨vWv‡i Acv‡i‡Ûi weU¸wj GKwUi c‡i Outline processor Parallel interface
Av‡iKwU †hvM Kiv nq| Avi c¨vivjvj A¨vWv‡i weU¸wj Page layout program Fasimile system
GKmv‡_B †hvM Kiv nq| wmwiqvj A¨vWvi wm‡Kv‡qwÝqvj None of the above b
mvwK©U Avi c¨vivjvj A¨vWvi Kw¤^‡bUwiqvj mvwK©U|  e¨vL¨v : c¨vivjvj B›Uvi‡dm n‡”Q GKwU gvwëjvBb P¨v‡bj
230. An advantage of blocking a tape is that (†Uc hvi cÖ‡Z¨KwU jvB‡bi g‡a¨ w`‡qB GKmv‡_ A‡bK¸‡jv
eøK Kivi GKwU myweav n‡”QÑ) [] weU †cÖiY Kiv m¤¢e|
additional processing time is consumed 235. An electronic circuit with about 20 transistors
the direct file method can be emulated fabricated on a silicon chip is known as (GKwU
tapes contain less data and longer tapes wmwjKb wP‡c cÖvq 20wU UªvbwR÷i w`‡q ˆZwi Kiv
less tape is used to store the same amount of data B‡jKUªwbK mvwK©U n‡”QÑ) []
None of the above d SSI MSI DPS RJE
231. An advantage of overlapped processing activities None of the above a
is : (cÖ‡mwms Gi Kvh©µg Ifvij¨vwcs Kivi myweav n‡”QÑ)  e¨vL¨v : SSI n‡”Q Small Scale Integration| G‡Z
[] cÖvq 10wU †MU _v‡K Ges Gi Dcv`vb (component)
more effective use of the CPU msL¨v 100 Gi †P‡q Kg|
increased processing activities for the entire system 236. An electronic logic gate whose output is logic
better coordination of I/O activities 0 only when all inputs are logic 1 is (ïaygvÎ
all the above me¸‡jv BbcyU jwRK 1 n‡jB AvDUcyU jwRK 0 nq
None of the above d †Kvb B‡jKUªwbK jwRK †MU Gi?) []
 e¨vL¨v : cÖ‡mwms Gi mgq A‡bK¸‡jv KvR‡K Ifvij¨vwcs NOR NAND
Kiv nq| G‡Z K‡i cÖ‡mwms Gi mgq cÖ‡mmi Gi †Kvb OR NOT
BDwbU‡K Ajm e‡m _vK‡Z nq bv| me¸‡jv BDwbUB None of the above b
GKmv‡_ KvR Ki‡Z cv‡i| d‡j KvR `ªæZ nq| Avevi  e¨vL¨v : AND †M‡Ui †ÿ‡Î me¸‡jv BbcyU 1 n‡jB
cÖ‡mm‡ii mvgwMÖK e¨enviI Kiv hvq| ïaygvÎ AvDUcyU 1 nq|
232. An AND gate (GKwU AND †MU wK‡mi mgZzj¨?) NAND †MU‡K Avm‡j AND †M‡Ui mvg‡b NOT
[] †MU Av‡Q Giƒc Kíbv Kiv hvq| ZvB NAND †M‡U
implements logic addition me BbcyU 1 n‡j AvDUcyU 0 nq|
is equivalent to a series switching circuit
237. An error in computer data is called (Kw¤úDUvi
is an any or all gate
is equivalent to a parallel switching circuit
WvUvi fzj (†cÖvMÖv‡g) wK bv‡g cwiwPZ?) []
None of the above b
Chip Bug
Bit Byte
PART-B : weMZ eQ‡ii GOVT. & PRIVATE e¨vs‡Ki cÖ‡kœvËi Ges WEBSITE 179
None of the above b 245. An input device that converts data punched
238. An error in software or hardware is called a into paper tape into a binary format is (†h BbcyU
bug. What is the alternative computer jargon wWfvBm †ccvi †UcG cvÂK…Z WvUv‡K evBbvwi dig¨v‡U
for it? (nvW©Iq¨vi A_ev mdUIq¨vi Gi fzj‡K ejv
nq evM (Bug)| Kw¤úDUvi mv‡q‡Ý Gi weKí bvg iƒcvšÍi K‡i, Zv‡K ejv nqÑ) []

wK?) [] Page reader Paper tape punch

Leech Squid Paper tape reader Card punch
Slug Glitch d None of the above c
239. An IBM System/38 represents the computer 246. An input device that is able to interpret pencil
class of : [] marks on paper media is known as (†h BbcyU
small-scale computer medium-scale computer wWfvBm KvM‡R †jLv †cw݇ji `vM‡K B›Uvi‡cÖU Ki‡Z
large-scale computer super computer cv‡i, †mwU n‡”QÑ) []
None of the above a
240. An IC contains 50 gates each of which consists Magnetic disk Optical Mark Reader
of 6 components. Its belong to (50wU †MU wb‡q Card Puncher Magnetic tape
ˆZwi IC hvi cÖ‡Z¨KwU 6wU Dcv`vb Øviv MwVZ †mwU None of the above b
wb‡Pi †KvbwUi AšÍM©Z?) []  e¨vL¨v : gvby‡li ˆZwi wPý ev †jLv KvMR †_‡K co‡Z
VLSI LSI MSI SSI e¨eüZ BbcyU wWfvBm n‡”Q AcwUK¨vj gvK© wiWvi|
None of the above c GwU OMR bv‡gB AwaK cwiwPZ| eZ©gv‡b ˆbe©¨w³K
 e¨vL¨v : MSI n‡”Q Medium Scale Integration| G‡Z cÖ‡kœi DËi g~j¨vqb I wewfbœ Rwi‡ci cÖkœvejxi DËi
10wUi †ewk wKš‘ 100 Gi Kg msL¨K †MU _v‡K| MSI we‡kølY Ki‡Z OMR dg© e¨eüZ nq|
wP‡c 500 Gi †P‡q Kg msL¨K Dcv`vb (Component)
247. An input device that uses switch contacts
_v‡K (50  6 = 300 < 500)| placed under a plastic pad which may be
241. An identifying label on the first record of
inscribed with symbols is known as (†h BbcyU
magnetic tape is (g¨vM‡bwUK †U‡ci cÖ_g †iK‡W© _vKv
wPwýZKvix †j‡ej‡K ejv nqÑ) []
wWfvBm cøvw÷K c¨v‡Wi wb‡P _vKv myBP K›U¨v± e¨envi
Punched paper tape Optical mark reader K‡i hv‡Z cÖZxK †Lv`vB Kiv _v‡K, †mwU n‡”QÑ)
Tape label Joystick []
None of the above c Punched card Touch pad
242. An image on a computer screen is made up Punched paper tape Magnetic disk
of a matrix of what? [] None of the above b
Byte Pixels  e¨vL¨v : UvPc¨vW Øviv g~jZ BbcyU †bqv nq| UvPc¨v‡W
Bit Palette cøvw÷‡Ki Avei‡Yi wb‡P †mÝi ev myBP K›U¨v± _v‡K
None of these b
hvi mvnv‡h¨ cøvw÷K c¨v‡Wi Dci wbw`©ó wKQz
243. An impact printer creates characters by using?
(B¤ú¨v± wcÖ›Uvi wK e¨envi K‡i K¨v‡i±vi ˆZwi K‡i?) A¨vKk‡bi d‡j Kw¤úDUv‡i wbw`©ó BbcyU hvq|
[] 248. An input device which can read characters
An inked ribbon and print head directly from an ordinary piece of paper is (†h
Electrically charged ink BbcyU wWfvBm mvaviY KvMR †_‡K mivmwi K¨v‡i±vi
An ink pen co‡Z cv‡i, Zv n‡”QÑ) []
All of the above a OCR OMR
 e¨vL¨v : B¤ú¨v± wcÖ›Uv‡i GKwU myP ev wcÖ›U †nW Øviv MSI POS
None of the above a
BbK& wie‡b AvNvZ K‡i KvM‡R `vM †d‡j wcÖ›U Kiv  e¨vL¨v : OCR A_© AcwUK¨vj K¨v‡i±vi wiKMwbkb| GwU
nq| ïay KvMR †_‡K wPý co‡Z cv‡i bv, †Kvb K¨v‡i±vi‡K
244. An index register that is automatically kbv³I Ki‡Z cv‡i|
incremented or decremented with each use is 249. An input/output device at which data enters
(Bb‡W· †iwR÷vi hv cÖwZevi e¨env‡i fv‡e e„w× A_ev or leaves a computer system is (GKwU BbcyU ev
n«vm cvq, Zv‡K ejv nqÑ) [] AvDUcyU wWfvBm †hLv‡b ev †hLvb †_‡K WvUv
Auto index Asynchronous Kw¤úDUv‡i cÖ‡ek Kivq ev Kw¤úDUvi †_‡K †ei nq,
Assembler Compiler Zv‡K e‡jÑ)
None of the above a []
180 PHENOM'S Kw¤úDUvi I Z_¨cÖhyw³
Keyboard Terminal 255. An operating system intended for use on
Printer Plotter microprocessor based systems that support a
None of the above b single user is (ïaygvÎ GKRb e¨enviKvix‡K mg_©b
250. An instruction that transfers program control K‡i Giƒc gvB‡µvcÖ‡mmi wbf©i wm‡÷‡gi Rb¨ ˆZwi
to one or more possible paths is known as (†h Acv‡iwUs wm‡÷g n‡”QÑ) []
wb‡`©kbv †cÖvMÖv‡gi wbqš¿Y‡K GK ev GKvwaK m¤¢ve¨ PC-DOS MS-DOS UNIX CP/M
c‡_ UªvÝdvi K‡i, Zv‡K ejv nqÑ) [] None of the above d
Utility program System software  e¨vL¨v : CP/M Gi c~Y©iƒc Control Program/Monitor|
Broadband channel Application program G‡K cieZ©x‡Z Control Program for Microcomputers
None of the above c ejv nZ| B‡›Uj-8080/85 wbf©i gvB‡µv Kw¤úDUvi
 e¨vL¨v : eªWe¨vÛ ej‡Z GKwU `ªæZMwZ m¤úbœ WvUv †cÖi‡Yi ¸‡jvi Rb¨ G‡K wWRvBb Kiv n‡qwQj|
gva¨g‡K †evSv‡bv nq| G gva¨‡g GKwU jvBb w`‡q 256. An optical input device that interprets pencil
A‡bK WvUv cvVv‡bv m¤¢e| G‡Z GKvwaK P¨v‡b‡ji marks on paper media is (KvM‡Ri Dc‡i _vKv
myweavI Av‡Q| †cw݇ji `vM‡K B›Uvi‡cÖU K‡i Giƒc AcwUK¨vj
251. An Integrated Circuit (IC) is[]
BbcyU wWfvBm n‡”QÑ) []
Fabricated on a tiny silicon chip O.M.R Punch card reader
A complicated circuit Optical scanners Magnetic tape
Much costlier than a single transistor None of the above a
257. An output device that converts data from a
An integrating device binary format in main storage to coded hole
None of the above a
patterns punched into a paper tape is
 e¨vL¨v : Bw›U‡MÖ‡UW mvwK©U ev mgwš^Z eZ©bx n‡”Q []
Aa©cwievnx Dcv`v‡bi Dci wbwg©Z A‡bK¸‡jv AvYyexÿwYK Paper tape punch Punched paper tape
B‡jKUªwbK Dcv`v‡bi AZ¨šÍ ÿz`ª mgš^q ev eZ©bx| G‡K Magnetic disk Magnetic tape
gvB‡µv wPcI ejv nq| None of the above a
252. An intentionally disruptive program that 258. An output device that uses words or messages
spreads from program to program or from recorded on a magnetic medium to produce
disk to disk is known as (GKwU Lvivc audio response is (†h AvDUcyU wWfvBm kã A_ev
D‡Ïk¨g~jK †cÖvMÖvg hv †cÖvMÖvg †_‡K †cÖvMÖv‡g A_ev †PŠ¤^Kxq gva¨‡g †iKW©K…Z †g‡mR e¨envi K‡i AwWI
wW¯‹ †_‡K wW‡¯‹ Qwo‡q hvq, Zv‡K e‡jÑ) †imcÝ ˆZwi K‡iÑ) []
[] Magnetic tape Voice response unit
Trojan horse Voice recognition unit Voice band
Virus None of the above b
Time bomb  e¨vL¨v : VRU ev f‡qm †imcÝ BDwbU GKwU ¯^qswµq
Time related bomb sequence b †Uwj‡dvb Response System| GB e¨e¯’vq nvW©Iq¨vi
 e¨vL¨v : cÖK…Zc‡ÿ Virus I GKcÖKvi †cÖvMÖvg| wKš‘ I mdUIq¨vi `y‡UvB hy³ Av‡Q hvi gva¨‡g KZ¸‡jv
G¸‡jv Lvivc †cÖvMÖvg hv wb‡R †_‡KB †Kvb wW‡¯‹ ev cÖ‡mm AbymiY K‡i †Uwj‡dvb K‡ji †imcÝ †iKW© K‡i
†cÖvMÖv‡g Qwo‡q hvq Ges Kw¤úDUv‡ii ÿwZ K‡i| ivLv hvq Ges cieZ©x‡Z †dv‡bi DËi w`‡Z e¨envi Kiv hvq|
253. An internal storage consisting of arrays of 259. Analytical Engine was invented by —.
small rings of magnetic material called ferrite is []
(†divBU bvgK †PŠ¤^Kxq c`v‡_©i ÿz`ª wis Gi A¨v‡i Øviv Charles Babbage Blaise Pascal
MwVZ internal †÷v‡iR n‡”QÑ) []
Ada Byron Herman Hollerith a
260. Another term for Main Memory is (†gBb †g‡gvwii
Magnetic tape Magnetic core
Magnetic disk Optical mark reader
Aci bvg n‡”QÑ) []
None of the above b
Hard Disk ROM
Floppy Disk RAM d
 e¨vL¨v : 1955 †_‡K 1975 mvj ch©šÍ Kw¤úDUvi i¨v‡gi
 e¨vL¨v : †gBb †g‡gvwi n‡”Q Kw¤úDUv‡ii Af¨šÍixY
RvqMvq g¨vM‡bwUK †Kvi e¨eüZ n‡Zv, †hLv‡b †divBU †g‡gvwi hv cÖ‡mwms G Kw¤úDUvi‡K mnvqZv K‡i| GB Kv‡Ri
bvgK †PŠ¤^K c`v‡_©i ˆZwi ÿz`ª wis e¨eüZ n‡Zv| Rb¨ †gBb †g‡gvwi wn‡m‡e RAM †K e¨envi Kiv nq|
254. An online backing storage system capable of 261. Answer Sheets in bank PO's/Clerk's examinations
storing larger quantities of data is —. are checked by using– []
CPU Memory Optical Character Reader
Secondary storage Mass storage d Optical Mark Reader
PART-B : weMZ eQ‡ii GOVT. & PRIVATE e¨vs‡Ki cÖ‡kœvËi Ges WEBSITE 181
Magnetic ink Character Reader CPU Primary storage
All of the above Intermediate storage Internal storage
None of these b None of the above c
262. Any data or instruction entered into the memory 268. Arranging data in a specific order is called
of a computer is considered as (Kw¤úDUv‡ii (Z_¨‡K GKwU wbw`©ó µ‡g mvRv‡bv‡K ejv nqÑ)
†g‡gvwi‡Z cÖ‡ekK…Z †Kvb Z_¨ ev wb‡`©kbv‡K ejv nqÑ) []
[; Basic Bank (Asst. Manager-2018)]
Storage Output Merging Sorting
Input Information Classification Verification
None of these c None of the above b
 e¨vL¨v : †h‡Kvb data ev instruction hv Kw¤úDUv‡ii 269. As compared to a magnetic tape, the main
†g‡gvwi‡Z msiÿ‡Yi Rb¨ cÖ‡ek K‡i Zv‡`i‡K input advantage of magnetic disk is []
ejv nq| Kw¤úDUv‡i input w`‡Z †hme wWfvBm e¨eüZ rigidity direct access
nq Zv‡`i‡K input wWfvBm ejv nq| †hgbÑ mouse, fetch operations All of the above b
keyboard BZ¨vw`| 270. As compared to diskettes, the hard disks are
263. Any device that performs signal conversion is (wW‡¯‹‡Ui Zzjbvq nvW©wW¯‹¸‡jvÑ) []
(†h wWfvBm wmMb¨v‡ji iƒcvšÍ‡ii KvRwU m¤úv`b K‡i, More expensive More portable
Zv‡K e‡jÑ) [] Less rigid Slowly accessed
Modulator Modem None of these a
Keyboard Plotter  e¨vL¨v : wW‡¯‹U wW¯‹ WªvBf n‡”Q d¬wc wW¯‹ WªvBf| G¸‡jv
None of the above a
nvW©wW‡¯‹ Av‡M e¨eüZ †g‡gvwi †÷v‡iR| nvW©wW¯‹, wW‡¯‹‡Ui
 e¨vL¨v : †Kvb wmMb¨vj ev Zi‡½i wbw`©ó †Kvb ˆewkó¨
†hgbÑ K¤úv¼ (frequency) ev we¯Ívi (Amplitude) Zzjbvq AwaK `vgx|
BZ¨vw` cwieZ©b Kivi cÖwµqvwU n‡”Q gWz¨‡jkb| Avi 271. ASCII stands for (ASCII Gi c~Y©iƒcÑ)
†h h‡š¿i mvnv‡h¨ G cwieZ©b ev iƒcvšÍi NUv‡bv nq
American standard code for information interchange
A_©vr, gWz‡jkb Kiv nq, †mwU‡K ejv nq gWz¨‡jUi|
264. Any method for controlling access to or use All purpose scientific code for information interchange
of memory is known as (†g‡gvwi A¨v‡·m Kiv American security code for information interchange
A_ev e¨envi Kiv‡K wbqš¿Y Kivi cÖwµqv‡K ejv nqÑ) American Scientific code for information interchange
[] None of the above a
Memory map Memory protection  e¨vL¨v : ASCII n‡”Q GKcÖKvi Character Gb‡KvwWs
Memory management Memory instruction wm‡÷g| A_©vr K¨v‡i±vi‡K evBbvwi we‡U iƒcvšÍi K‡i
None of the above b
265. Any piece of equipment forming an interface
Kw¤úDUvi‡K †evSv‡bvi e¨e¯’v| ASCII A_© American
to a data communication system is (WvUv Standard Code for Information Interchange.
KwgDwb‡Kkb wm‡÷‡gi B›Uvi‡dm ˆZwiKvix 272. Assembly language is —. []
DcKiY‡K ejv nqÑ) [] Machine Language
DTE DTA CSA DCA High-level programming language
None of the above b A low-level programming language
266. Any storage device added to a computer beyond Language for assembling computers c
the immediately usable main storage is known 273. AVI (Audio Video Interleave) format was
as (ZvrÿwYKfv‡e e¨envi‡hvM¨ †gBb †÷v‡iR QvovI developed by? (AVI (Audio Video Interleave)
Kw¤úDUv‡i †h †÷v‡iR wWfvBm †hvM Kiv nq, Zv‡K dig¨vUwU †W‡fjc K‡iwQjÑ) []
ejv nqÑ) [] IBM Apple
Floppy disk Hard disk Microsoft Macromedia
Backing store Punched card Adobe c
None of the above c  e¨vL¨v : AVI n‡”Q GKwU gvwëwgwWqv K‡›UBbvi dig¨vU|
267. Any type of storage that is used for holding 1992 mv‡ji b‡f¤^‡i mdUIq¨vi †Kv¤úvwb gvB‡µvmdU
information between steps in its processing is G‡K evRv‡i wb‡q Av‡m| AVI dvB‡j AwWI-wfwWI
(cÖ‡mwms Gi `yBwU av‡ci g‡a¨ information a‡i ivLvi `yBwUB _v‡K Ges `ywU‡KB GKm‡½ Pvjv‡bv hvq|
Rb¨ †h cÖKvi storage e¨eüZ nq, Zv‡K e‡jÑ)
182 PHENOM'S Kw¤úDUvi I Z_¨cÖhyw³

274. Backing storage is so named because it (e¨vwKs 279. Bold, Italic, Regular are known as– (‘Bold’
†÷v‡iR (Backing storage) Gi Giƒc bvgKiY Gi (†evì), ‘Italic’ (BUvwjK), ‘Regular’ (†i¸jvi) G¸‡jv
KviY wK?) [] n‡”QÑ) []
is always kept at the back of the CPU Font Styles Font Effects
is slow and backward Word Art Text Effects
None of these a
backs up the computer
 e¨vL¨v : gvB‡µvmdU Iqv‡W© wewfbœ d‡›U †jLv m¤¢e|
lags behind the main memory
Avevi d›U¸wj‡Z wewfbœ ÷vBj I Kiv hvq| †evì,
None of the above c
BUvwjK, †i¸jviÑ G¸‡jv d‡›Ui ÷vBj| †evì ÷vBj
 e¨vL¨v : ZvrÿwYKfv‡e e¨envi‡hvM¨ †gBb †÷v‡iR QvovI
Ki‡j †jLv †gvUv nq| BUvwj‡K evKv †jLv nq| Avi
Kw¤úDUv‡i †h †÷v‡iR wWfvBm †hvM Kiv nq, Zv‡K †i¸jvi n‡”Q mvaviY ÷vBj|
ejv nq e¨vwKs †÷v‡iR| 280. Bubble memory is a (evej †g‡gvwi n‡”QÑ)
GB †÷v‡iR G g~jZ WvUv e¨vKAvc K‡i ivLv nq| []
ZvB Gi bvg e¨vwKs †÷v‡iR| Sequential access device only
275. Basic Building Blocks for a Digital Circuit is– Direct access device only
(wWwRUvj mvwK©‡Ui MvVwbK GKK n‡”QÑ) [] Combination of sequential and direct access devices
CMOS Logic Gate All of the above
BIOS DMOS None of the above c
None of these  e¨vL¨v : GwU GKcÖKvi bb †fvjvUvBj Kw¤úDUvi
 e¨vL¨v : GKwU wWwRUvj mvwK©‡Ui †gŠwjK MvVwbK GKK †g‡gvwi †hLv‡b †PŠ¤^Kxq c`v‡_©i mvnv‡h¨ Z_¨ msiÿY
n‡”Q jwRK †MU| AND, OR, NOT BZ¨vw` jwRK Kiv nq| GB †g‡gvwi‡Z wW‡i± I wmKz¨‡qwÝqvwj
`yBfv‡eB †g‡gvwi A¨v‡·m Kiv hvq|
†M‡Ui mvnv‡h¨B wWwRUvj mvwK©‡Ui hveZxq Kvh©µg
281. Buying and selling the products over electronic
m¤úbœ Kiv nq| systems like internet is called– (B›Uvi‡b‡Ui
276. Before a disk drive can access any sector record, g‡Zv B‡jKUªwbK gva¨‡gi mvnv‡h¨ cY¨ †Kbv-†ePv‡K ejv
a computer program has to provide the record’s nqÑ) []
disk address. What information does this address Online Shopping Net Banking
specify? (wW¯‹ WªvBf †Kvb †m±‡ii †iKW© A¨v‡·m E-Commerce Dgital Marketing
Kivi Av‡M Kw¤úDUvi-†cÖvMÖvg‡K H †iK‡W©i wW¯‹ None of these c
A¨v‡Wªm mieivn Ki‡Z nq?) []  e¨vL¨v : B-Kgvm© n‡”Q B‡jKUªwbK Kgvm©| GLv‡b
Track number Sector number B›Uvi‡b‡U cY¨ cÖ`k©b Kiv nq Ges Kv÷gvi B›Uvi‡b‡UB
Surface number All of the above cY¨ †`‡L ï‡b AW©vi K‡ib Ges evmvq e‡m †nvg
None of the above d †Wwjfvwi cvb|
277. Binary numbers need more places for counting 282. By default, your documents print in — mode
because : (MYbvi Rb¨ evBbvwi bv¤^v‡ii †ewk RvqMvi (†Kvb Ackb wm‡j± Kiv bv n‡j WKz‡g›U — †gv‡W
cÖ‡qvRb nq| KviYÑ) [] wcÖ›U nq|) [; P.K.B. (S.O.-2018);
0’s and 1’s can be added in front of them Combined 3 Banks (S.O.-2018)]
0’s and 1’s have to be properly placed Page setup Portrait
Landscape Print preview
They are always big numbers
None of these b
Binary base is small  e¨vL¨v : Kw¤úDUvi wcÖ›Uv‡i page orientation `yai‡biÑ
None of the above d
portrait I landscape. By default, word document-
 e¨vL¨v : evBbvwi bv¤^v‡ii wfwË 2| A_©vr GB msL¨v Gi †cR¸‡jv portrait mode-G wcÖ›U nq| Ab¨w`‡K MS
e¨e¯’vq gvÎ 2wU A¼ i‡q‡Q| ZvB †Kvb GKwU msL¨v excel file-¸‡jv by default landscape mode-G wcÖ›U nq|
†evSv‡Z Ab¨ msL¨v c×wZ‡Z †hLv‡b Aí A¼ e¨envi 283. Cache memory is– []
Ki‡jB nq, †mLv‡b evBbvwi‡Z AwaK A¼ e¨envi Ki‡Z Smaller and faster than main storage
nq| ZvB †ewk RvqMvi cÖ‡qvRb nq| Bigger and slower than main storage
278. BIT stands for —. [] Smaller but slower than main memory
Built In Tasks Binary Digit Bigger and faster than main memory
Before Instructed Task None of these a
Before Interpreting Task b
PART-B : weMZ eQ‡ii GOVT. & PRIVATE e¨vs‡Ki cÖ‡kœvËi Ges WEBSITE 183
284. Can you tell what passes into and out from Transistor Resistor
the computer via its ports? (Kw¤úDUv‡ii †cvU© Integrated Cicuit Smiconductor
w`‡q wK hvq Ges †ei nq?) [] None of these c
Data Bytes  e¨vL¨v : A‡bK¸‡jv B‡j±ªwbK K‡¤úv‡b›U GKwÎZ K‡i
Graphics Pictures Integrated Circuit ˆZwi nq| G‡K ms‡ÿ‡c wPc e‡j|
None of the above b
290. COBOL stands for– []
 e¨vL¨v : Kw¤úDUvi 0 Ges 1 e¨ZxZ wKQzB eyS‡Z cv‡i
Common Business Oriented Language
bv| ZvB †cvU© w`‡q evB‡ii †Kv‡bv wWfvBm †_‡K †h
Computer Business Oriented Language
BbcyU Kw¤úDUv‡i hvq, ev Kw¤úDUvi †_‡K AvDUcyU
Common Business Operated Language
Av‡m, Zv evBU AvKv‡iB Av‡m|
Common Business Organized Language
285. CD-ROM is a (CD-ROM n‡”QÑ) []
Semiconductor memory Memory register None of these a
Magnetic memory All of the above 291. Codes consisting of light and dark marks which
None of the above may be optically read is known as (mv`v Ges
 e¨vL¨v : CD-ROM A_© Compact Disk Read Only Kv‡jv wPý Øviv MwVZ †KvW hv‡K AcwUK¨vwj cov nq,
Memory| CD-ROM n‡”Q GKcÖKvi †g‡gvwi Zv‡K e‡jÑ) []
wWfvBm hv Kw¤úDUvi AcwUKvj WªvB‡fi mvnv‡h¨ Mnemonics Bar code
co‡Z cv‡i| Decoder All of the above
286. CD-ROM stands for– [] None of the above b
central processing unit  e¨vL¨v : †Kvb Z_¨‡K wfRy¨qvj I †gwk‡bi †evaMg¨
CD-remote open mouse K‡i cÖKvk Kivi c×wZ n‡”Q evi‡KvW| GB c×wZ‡Z
CD-resize or minimize mv`v Kv‡jv evi (Line) A_©vr Av‡jv Ges AÜKvi wPý
CD-read only memory
None of these d
Øviv wewfbœ Z_¨‡K †evSv‡bv nq|
287. Changing an existing document is called — 292. Codes which do not require to be frequently
the document. (†Kvb Dcw¯’Z _vKv WKz‡g›U‡K updated also promote user efficiency due to
change Kiv‡K ejv nqÑ) [] (†h mKj †KvW‡K wbw`©ó mgq cici Avc‡WU Ki‡Z nq
Creating Editing bv, Zviv e¨enviKvix‡K myweav †`q KviY Zv‡`i Av‡QÑ)
Modifying Adjusting []
None of these b Simplicity Sortability
 e¨vL¨v : Editing A_© m¤úv`bv Kiv| wKš‘ Kw¤úDUv‡ii Stability Expansibility
†ÿ‡Î †Kvb dvBj ev WKz‡g‡›U _vKv Z_¨‡K cwieZ©b None of the above c
Kiv‡K Editing e‡j|  e¨vL¨v : wKQz †KvW Av‡Q hv‡`i wbw`©ó mgq cici
288. Character readers are those devices which read Avc‡WU Ki‡Z nq, bv n‡j bó n‡q hvq| ZvB G‡`i
the characters printed on the source documents †ewkw`b ivLv hvq bv| wKš‘ †hmKj †KvW‡K Giƒc
and then convert them directly into computer- Avc‡WU Ki‡Z nq bv, Zv‡`i `xN© w`b †i‡L †`qv hvq|
usable input. Which of the following is not a
character reader? (K¨v‡i±vi wifvi †mvm© WKz‡g‡›U d‡j †mmKj †KvW stable nq|
wcÖ›U Kiv K¨v‡i±vi c‡o mivmwi Kw¤úDUv‡i 293. Collecting personal information and effectively
e¨envi‡hvM¨ Bbcy‡U iƒcvšÍi K‡i| wb‡Pi †KvbwU posing as another individual is known as the
K¨v‡i±vi wiWvi bq?) crime of : (Kv‡iv cvi‡mvbvj Z_¨ msMÖn K‡i B›Uvi‡b‡U
[] Zvi bKj †Kvb Kg©KvÛ Kiv GKwU Aciva| G‡K ejv
None of the above d Spooling Identity Theft
 e¨vL¨v : LCD n‡”Q wjKzBW wµ÷vj wWm‡cø (Liquid Spoofing Hacking b
Crystal Display)| GwU cvZjv mgvšÍivj ˆe`y¨wZK  e¨vL¨v : Identity theft GKwU Aciva †hLv‡b wµwgbvj
wWm‡cø †hLv‡b Zij wµ÷vj e¨envi Kiv nq| eZ©gv‡b ev n¨vKviiv Ab¨ †Kvb e¨w³i iƒc wb‡q B›Uvi‡b‡U wewfbœ
wUwf, Kw¤úDUv‡ii gwbUi, Nwo, K¨vjKz‡jUi mn wewfbœ
Kg©KvÛ Pvjvq| Zviv g~jZ Avw_©K jv‡fi Rb¨ GmKj
RvqMvq Gj.wm.wW. wWm‡cø †`L‡Z cvIqv hvq|
289. Chip is a common nickname for a(n)? (wb‡Pi
Aciva K‡i _v‡K|
294. Communication between computers using
†KvbwU‡K wPc (chip) bv‡gI WvKv nq?) standard telephone service (÷¨vÛvW© †Uwj‡dvb
[; Bangladesh Bank (Officer-2018)]
184 PHENOM'S Kw¤úDUvi I Z_¨cÖhyw³
mvwf©m e¨envi K‡i Kw¤úDUv‡ii g‡a¨ †hvMv‡hvMÑ) 299. Compilers and interpreters are themselves
[] (K¤úvBjvi Ges B›Uvi‡cÖUvi n‡”QÑ)
Requires a change to an anolog signal [;]
Is most efficient High-level language Codes
Produces little noise and few disturbances Programs Mnemonics
All of the above None of the above c
None of the above a
 e¨vL¨v : K¤úvBjvi Ges B›Uvi‡cÖUvi‡K ejv nq Abyev`K
 e¨vL¨v : †Uwj‡dvb A¨vbvjM cÖhyw³i wWfvBm| ZvB Gi †cÖvMÖvg| Giv D”PZi fvlvi †mvm© †KvW BbcyU †bq
mvnv‡h¨ †hvMv‡hvM Ki‡Z PvB‡j A¨vbvjM wmMb¨v‡j Ges wb¤œ¯Í‡ii fvlv ev †gwkb fvlvi Ae‡R± †KvW
iƒcvšÍi K‡i KvR Ki‡Z n‡e| AvDUcyU †`q|
295. Communication ports are found on the back 300. Compression of digital data for efficient storage
of microcomputers. They are used to connect
the computer to– (gvB‡µvKw¤úDUv‡i KwgDwb‡Kkb is (`ÿ Zvi mv‡_ msiÿ‡Yi Rb¨ wWwRUvj WvUv Kg‡cÖm
†cvU© †`L‡Z cvIqv hvq| GmKj †cvU© Kw¤úDUvi‡K Kiv‡K ejv nqÑ) []
hy³ K‡iÑ) [] Buffer CPU
printers modems Packing Field
other hardware All of the above None of the above c
None of the above d 301. Computer can not do anything without a
 e¨vL¨v : meiKg nvW©Iq¨v‡ii †ÿ‡ÎB, †hvMv‡hvM ¯’vc‡bi (Kw¤úDUvi — Qvov wKQz Ki‡Z cv‡i bv|)
Rb¨ Kw¤úDUvi KwgDwb‡Kkb †cvU© e¨envi K‡i| Chip Memory
296. Communication that involves computers,
establishing a link through the telephone system Output device Program
is called (†h †hvMv‡hv‡Mi Rb¨ Kw¤úDUvi‡K None of the above d
†Uwj‡dvb wm‡÷‡gi ga¨ w`‡q †hvMv‡hvM ¯’vcb Ki‡Z  e¨vL¨v : Kw¤úDUv‡ii wbR¯^ †Kvb eyw× †bB| †cÖvMÖvgvi
nq, Zv‡K e‡jÑ) [] A¨vjMwi`g †g‡b Kw¤úDUv‡i †h †cÖvMÖvg BbcyU †`b,
Teleprocessing Microprocessing Kw¤úDUvi Zv‡K AbymiY K‡iB †Kvb KvR Ki‡Z
Telecommunications All of the above cv‡i| †cÖvMÖvg Qvov wKQzB Ki‡Z cv‡i bv|
None of the above c 302. Computer connected to a LAN (Local Area
 e¨vL¨v : wPý, wmMb¨vj, †g‡mR, kã, †jLv, Qwe, kã Network) can– (LAN ev †jvKvj Gwiqv †bUIqv‡K©
A_ev †h‡Kvb ai‡bi Z_¨‡K Zvi, †eZvi, AcwUK¨vj mshy³ †Kvb Kw¤úDUvi hv Ki‡Z cv‡iÑ)[]
ev Zwor Pz¤^Kxq gva¨‡gi mvnv‡h¨ †cÖiY KivB n‡”Q run faster
†UwjKwgDwb‡Kkb ev †Uwj‡hvMv‡hvM| Zv‡ii gva¨‡g go on line
†Uwj‡hvMv‡hvM Ki‡Z mvaviYZ †Uwj‡dvb jvBbB share information and/or share peripheral equipment
e¨envi Kiv nq| E-mail
297. Communication using a modulated carrier to None of these c
apply a data signal to a transmission medium in  e¨vL¨v : GKB wewìs Gi gv‡S K‡qKwU Kw¤úDUvi wb‡q
analog form is (WvUv wmMb¨vj‡K A¨vbvjM d‡g©i UªvÝwgkb MwVZ †bUIqvK© n‡jv †jvKvj Gwiqv †bUIqvK© ev
wgwWqv‡g cÖ‡qvM Kivi Rb¨ gWz‡j‡UW K¨vwiqvi e¨envi Kiv LAN| Gi mvnv‡h¨ †bUIqv‡K©i AšÍM©Z Ab¨
nq †h †hvMv‡hv‡M Zv n‡”QÑ) [] Kw¤úDUvi ev wWfvB‡mi mv‡_ Z_¨ †kqvi Kiv hvq|
Local area network Modem 303. Computer instructions written with the use
Base band networking Broad band networking of English words instead of binary machine
None of the above d code is called (evBbvwi †gwkb †Kv‡Wi cwie‡Z© Bs‡iwR
 e¨vL¨v : eªWe¨vÛ †bUIqvwK©s n‡”Q `ªæZMwZ m¤úbœ B›Uvi‡bU kã e¨envi K‡i wjwLZ Kw¤úDUvi BÝUªvKkb‡K ejv
A¨v‡·m Gi Øviv †bUIqvwK©s| Gi mvnv‡h¨ A‡bK `ªæZ nqÑ) []
†hvMv‡hvM Kiv m¤¢e| eªWe¨vÛ †bUIqvwK©s G gWz‡j‡UW Mnemonics Symbolic code
K¨vwiqvi e¨envi Kiv nq| Gray code Op-code
298. Compiler in computer system is a–
[] None of the above b
Package System Software 304. Computer memory consists of (Kw¤úDUvi †g‡gvwi
Process Application Software wK wb‡q MwVZ?) []
None of these RAM ROM
PROM All of the above
None of the above d
PART-B : weMZ eQ‡ii GOVT. & PRIVATE e¨vs‡Ki cÖ‡kœvËi Ges WEBSITE 185
 e¨vL¨v : Kw¤úDUvi †g‡gvwi cÖavbZ 2 cÖKvi| cÖvBgvwi evBbvwi (0 ev 1) †Z iƒcvšÍi K‡i wb‡q wnmve wbKvk I
†g‡gvwi I †m‡KÛvwi †g‡gvwi| RAM I ROM g~jZ Ab¨vb¨ KvR K‡i _v‡K|
GB `ywU wb‡qB cÖvBgvwi †g‡gvwi MwVZ| (RAM = 309. Computers that are portable and convenient for
Random Access Memory Ges ROM = Read Only users who travel are known as– (ågYKvix
Memory)| PROM I GKcÖKvi ROM| e¨enviKvix‡`i Rb¨ enb‡hvM¨ Kw¤úDUvi¸‡jv Lye myweavRbK|
PROM n‡”Q Programmable ROM| GmKj Kw¤úDUvi‡K ejv nqÑ) []
305. Computer scientists are exploring the possibility Super computers Laptops
of culturing bacteria to create living chips Mini computers File servers
which have digital electronic properties. What None of these b
are these chips called? (Kw¤úDUvi weÁvbxiv wWwRUvj  e¨vL¨v : j¨vcUc (Laptop) Gi Lap A_© Ô†KvjÕ| GB
B‡jKUªwb· Gi ˆewkó¨mn living chip Drcv`‡bi Rb¨ Kw¤úDUvi‡K †Kv‡ji Dci †i‡LB KvR Kiv hvq e‡j Gi
e¨vK‡Uwiqv KvjPv‡ii Dci M‡elYv Ki‡Q| GmKj bvg j¨vcUc| GB Kw¤úDUvi¸‡jv AvKv‡i A‡bK †QvU
wPc¸‡jv‡K ejv nqÑ) []
nq Ges e¨vUvwi †_‡K we`y¨r mieivn Kiv nq| ZvB
bacterial chips biochips
mn‡RB mv‡_ wb‡q ågY Kiv hvq|
310. Computers use the — number system to store
natural chips neural chips data and perform calculations. (WvUv msiÿY
None of the above b
Ges wnmvewbKv‡ki Rb¨ Kw¤úDUvi — bv¤^vi wm‡÷g
 e¨vL¨v : Avm‡j ev‡qvwPc n‡”Q GKcÖKvi gvB‡µvwPc hv e¨envi K‡i|) []
ev‡qvjwRKvj cwi‡e‡k we‡klZ †Kv‡bv RxweZ cÖvYxi Decimal Hexadecimal
Af¨šÍ‡i KvR Kivi Rb¨ ˆZwi Kiv n‡”Q| e¨vK‡Uwiqv Octal Binary
RxweZ cÖvYxi Af¨šÍ‡i evm K‡i| ZvB weÁvbxiv None of these d
ev‡qvwP‡ci Dbœq‡bi Rb¨ e¨vK‡Uwiqv KvjPv‡ii Dci  e¨vL¨v : Kw¤úDUvi Avm‡j 0 Ges 1 Qvov wKQzB eyS‡Z
M‡elYv Ki‡Qb| cv‡i bv| eo eo msL¨v I K¨v‡i±vi ev wPýI Bbcy‡Ui
306. Computer uses the — number system to store mgq 0 Ges 1 G A_©vr evBbvwi‡Z iƒcvšÍi K‡i †bq|
data and perform calculations. [] wnmve wbKv‡ki Rb¨ ZvB Kw¤úDUvi evBbvwi bv¤^vi
Binary octal wm‡÷g e¨envi K‡i Ges WvUvI evBbvwi msL¨v (0 ev 1)
Decimal Hexadecimal wn‡m‡eB msiÿY K‡i|
None of these a 311. Condensing output data to exhibit specific
307. Computer Virus is a– (Kw¤úDUvi fvBivm n‡”Q GK information is (AvDUcyU WvUv‡K mswÿß K‡i wbw`©ó
cÖKviÑ) [; Sonali Bank (Officer FF-2019), wKQz Z_¨ cÖ`k©b Kiv‡K ejv nqÑ) []
Combined 5 Banks (Officer cans-2019), Combined 3 Banks (S.O.-2018);, Calculating Recording
Basic Bank (Asst. Manager-2018)]
Merging Summarising
Hardware Software
None of the above d
Bacteria Freeware b
 e¨vL¨v : Kb‡Wbwms ev mswÿß K‡i †Kvb Z_¨‡K AvDUcyU
 e¨vL¨v : Computer GKai‡bi ÿwZKviK
virus Gi mgq mKj Z_¨ bv †`wL‡q ¸iæZ¡c~Y© Ges wbw`©ó
†cÖvMÖvg ev mdUIq¨vi| GwU wb‡Ri AmsL¨ Kwc ˆZwi wKQz AvDUcyU WvUv †`Lv‡bv nq| G cÖwµqvwUB
Ki‡Z cv‡i Ges Kwc¸‡jv wewfbœ Gw·wKD‡Uej †KvW I mvgvivBwRs|
WKz‡g‡›U Qwo‡q c‡o| cieZ©x‡Z Giv wm‡÷‡gi ÿwZ K‡i 312. Continuous line drawing are produced using
I e¨enviKvixi †Mvcb I ¸iæZ¡c~Y© Z_¨ Pzwi K‡i †bq| (— e¨envi K‡i Awew”Qbœ †iLvi Wªwqs Drcv`b Kiv nq|)
VIRUS K_vwUi c~Y©iƒc n‡”QÑ Vital Information []
Resources Under Seize. Chain printers Daisy wheel printers
308. Computers are extremely fast and have fantastic Plotters Thermal devices
memories. However, the only thing they can None of the above c
remember is (Kw¤úDUvi A‡bK `ªæZ KvR Ki‡Z  e¨vL¨v : †f±i MÖvwd· wcÖ›U Kivi Rb¨ e¨eüZ Kw¤úDUvi
cv‡i Ges Gi †g‡gvwiI A‡bK fvj| wKš‘ Kw¤úDUvi wcÖ›UviB n‡”Q cøUvi| †f±i MÖvwd·¸‡jv Ab¨vb¨ MÖvwd·
ïaygvÎ g‡b ivL‡Z cv‡iÑ) [] Gi gZ Ryg Ki‡j †d‡U hvq bv| cøUvi Avm‡j AvDUcyU‡K
Instruction Series of 1s and 0s KvM‡R G‡K Hard Copy cÖ`vb K‡i| wewìs cø¨vb, †gwkb
Boolean algebra Logic theorems Ges wkc wWRvBb BZ¨vw` Kv‡R cøUvi e¨eüZ nq|
None of the above b 313. Control of computer system or subsystem operation
 e¨vL¨v : Kw¤úDUvi Avm‡j 0 Ges 1 Qvov wKQzB eyS‡Z by an operator who may intervene at arbitrary times
is (Kw¤úDUv‡ii †Kvb wm‡÷g ev mvewm‡÷‡gi K‡›Uªvj, hv †h †Kvb
cv‡i bv| eo eo msL¨v I Character ev wPý‡KI mg‡q Kw¤úDUv‡ii Acv‡ik‡b n¯Í‡ÿc Ki‡Z cv‡i Zv njÑ)
186 PHENOM'S Kw¤úDUvi I Z_¨cÖhyw³
Manual control Mapping 316. Conversion of a hexadecimal number 4E16 to
Shift register ALU binary number is (†n·v‡Wwmgvj msL¨v (4E)16 Gi
None of the above a evBbvwi msL¨vq iƒcvšÍi n‡”QÑ) []
 e¨vL¨v : g¨vbyqvj K‡›Uªv‡ji cÖv‡qvwiwU me‡P‡q †ewk _v‡K| 10011012 10011102
ZvB GwU †h‡Kv‡bv mg‡q Kw¤úDUv‡ii Acv‡ik‡b 11011002 1101112
n¯Í‡ÿc Ki‡Z cv‡i| None of the above b
g¨vbyqvj K‡›Uªvj n‡”Q GKcÖKvi wbqš¿Y e¨e¯’v †hLv‡b  e¨vL¨v : (4E)16
e¨enviKvix wb‡R †_‡K mewKQz wbqš¿Y K‡ib|
314. Control Unit of a digital computer is often (0100 1110)2 = (1001110)2
called the (wWwRUvj Kw¤úDUv‡ii K‡›Uªvj BDwbU‡K 317. Conversion of an octal number 1068 to binary
number is (A±vj msL¨v (106)8 Gi evBbvwi iƒcvšÍi
wK bv‡gI WvKv nq?) []
Clock Nerve center
n‡”QÑ) []

ICs All of the above 11100102 10001102

None of the above b
11001102 100001102
 e¨vL¨v : gvby‡li mg¯Í Kg©KvÐ †hgb gw¯Í‡®‹i ¯œvqy None of the above b
 e¨vL¨v : (106)8
(Nerve) Øviv wbqwš¿Z nq, †miKg wWwRUvj
Kw¤úDUv‡ii mKj Kg©KvÐI K‡›Uªvj BDwbU Øviv (001 000 110)2 = (1000110)2
wbqwš¿Z nq| ZvB G‡K bvf© wm‡÷g ejv nq| 318. Conversion of an octal number 1428 to binary
315. Conversion of a hexadecimal number 3D16 to number is (A±vj msL¨v (142)8 Gi evBbvwi iƒcvšÍi
binary number is (†n·v‡Wwmgvj msL¨v (3D)16 Gi n‡”QÑ) []
evBbvwi msL¨vq iƒcvšÍi n‡”QÑ) [] 11000102 1101102
1111012 1100112 11000112 11011012
110001102 1100012 None of the above a
None of the above a  e¨vL¨v : (142)8
 e¨vL¨v : (3D)16
(001 100 010)2 = (1100010)2
(0011 1101)2 = (111101)2

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