UT-Encyclopedia - Formula

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- Ultrasonic Testing -

1. Wavelength where: |wave

f = frequency length|
c = acoustic velocity |frequency|
= wavelength

2. Acoustic Impedance where: acoustic

Z = acoustic impedance impedance
c = acoustic velocity |acoustic
= density of transmitting medium impedance|

3. Transmission Coefficient
for Normal Incidence |transmission
Z1 = acoustic impedance in medium 1
Z2= acoustic impedance in medium 2 (coefficient) |
D = transmission coefficient

4. Reflection Coefficient
for Normal Incidence where:
Z1 = acoustic impedance in medium 1 |reflection
Z2 = acoustic impedance in medium 2 coefficient

R = reflection coeffcient

5. Snell's Law where:

c1 = acoustic velocity in medium 1
c2 = acoustic velocity in medium 2 Example
|Snell's law|
1 = beam angle in medium 1
2 = beam angle in medium 2

6. Near Zone where:

D = the diameter of a flat circular
oscillator |near field|
= wavelength of the ultrasound
N = length of near zone

7. Half Angle of where: beam

Divergence (for flat = half angle of divergence spread
circular oscillators) k dB = constant based on stated dB drop |divergence|
from center maximum
= wavelength
D = the diameter of a net circular
Values of k dB vary for the dB drop that is to be
-1.5dB k=0.37
-3dB k=0.51
-6dB k=0.7
-10dB k=0.87
-12dB k=0.93

8. Convergence Point
For determining the focal fx = new focal distance |convergence
distance of a focused beam f1 = focal distance in coupling medium point|
in a 2 media geometry. c1 = acoustic velocity in coupling medium |focused
c2 = acoustic velocity in second medium beam|
P1 = pathlength in the coupling medium

9. Sound Pressure where:

= density
c = velocity of sound |acoustic
= angular frequency power
= particle displacement
Z = c = acoustic impedance
normally in units of N/m2

10. Intensity of Acoustic where:

Power p = pressure
= angular frequency
= particle displacement
Z = c = acoustic impedance
normally in units of W/m2

11. Intensity Level where:

Jo is the arbitrary (10-12 W/m2) reference
B = 10 log (J/Jo) level corresponding to the faintest sound
detectable by the ear.

Since J is proportional to the sound

pressure squared, the difference between
two intensity levels can be determined by;

normally units are in deciBells (abbr.dB)

12. Attenuation where: |attenuation

po and p are sound pressures at the start
and end of a length d. |decibel (dB)|
alpha is the coeffcient of attenuation for a
given material


normally units of attenuation are in dB and the

attenuation coeffcient is in dB per unit length

Ultrasonic Inspection 2 - Training for Nondestructive Testing
E.A. Ginzel; Prometheus Press Canada.
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