Spectrum Analysis Principles
Spectrum Analysis Principles
Spectrum Analysis Principles
Not everyone has access to a spectrum analyser. This is an expensive and strangely heavy piece of equipment similar
to an oscilloscope that measures signals in the frequency domain.
The frequencies available to us range from DC (direct current) 0 Hz right upto visible light and beyond. Within this
great range of frequencies lies the radio frequency spectrum. Within that lies our television and radio frequencies, and
our satellite frequencies. It also contains radar and communications for aircraft, police, fire and ambulance, military
forces and shipping to name a few.
Well because RF (radio frequency) waves are invisible, the only way we can see them and then measure them
accurately is to analyse the spectrum of frequencies that they are in.
To do this we use what is called a spectrum analyser. This peice of equipment is two things: expensive and
complicated. They work by plotting the amplitude of a signal against the frequency of the spectrum they are in. If you
look at the picture above, you can see a signal in the middle of the analyser screen.
The noise floor is visible 2 squares up from the bottom and covers all frequencies across the screen. The signal is 5
squares tall and about half a square wide. This all tells us a lot of information about the signal. The reason is that the
screen is divided into squares just like an oscilloscope. Instead of time being on the horizontal axis, it is frequency.
amplitude is the vertical axis measured in dB.
If our screen is set to 10 MHz wide and our center frequency is 6 GHz, then our signal is at 6 GHz, the far left of the
screen is 1 GHz and the far right is 11 GHz. The height of our signal is 5 squares and if our screen is set to 5 dB per
square then our signal is 25 dB above the noise floor. As you can see knowing all about our screen gives us the
information we need to measure our signal.
The noise floor can also be given a value and the rest of the calculations are covered in our next article on 'Using
Spectrum Analysers'.
Hopefully, you now see why we use the analysers to analyse the spectrum and see our signals.
Spectrum Analysis
In order to see all of the signals that are being transmitted over a satellite, or indeed over any radio frequency
system, the most effective tool for visualising them is a spectrum analyser.
These tools give a graphical representation of a portion of radio frequency spectrum which can be selected and
zoomed in on. The centre frequency of the display is set by the user and the span of frequencies shown is also set
along with some other parameters.
The user chooses these settings in order to see the signals of interest and then measure them accurately.
¡á Spectrum Analysers
These tools are very expensive and some engineers would swear they come with added bricks because of the size and
weight of them. The main aim of an analyser is to measure a signal in terms of C/N o and therefore check a signal
against the expected C/N o from the link budget.
Because the analyser shows the signal in the frequency domain (x axis) as opposed to an oscilloscope which would
show the signal in the time domain (x axis) the exact frequency can be determined easily to identify any differences in
expected an actual results.
The y axis measures amplitude just as an oscilloscope does but in dB rather than volts.
¡á Frequency Spectrum
The universe has a vast frequency spectrum which starts at DC (0 Hz) and goes up, way up through radio frequency
through light and beyond. We are only interested in radio frequency which contains our radio stations, terrestrial
television channels, two way radios, mobile phones, all satellite communications and line of sight communications.
In order to see these signals the only way is to use a spectrum analyser. As the technolgy improves these devices are
becoming cheaper and smaller. Now handheld analysers are finally available which makes life a lot easier when
working in the field rather than a lab.
¡á C/N o Measurements
This picture shows a signal displayed on a spectrum analyser. The signal is at a frequency of 6.5 GHz as it is in the
center of the screen and the center frequency of the analyser is 6.5 GHz.
Each square of the display is a division, the analyser is set to 5 dB/DIV which means that each square is 5 dB.
The resolution bandwidth (RBW) is set to 10 KHz which is the width of the sweep filter inside the analyser. This filter is
swept across the frequency span defined by the SPAN of the analyser, in this case 20 MHz. The RBW defines the
amount of power captured by the analyser and displayed on the screen as a signal. Having an RBW to narrow will not
capture all of the signal and will result in a less accurate display.
10 x Log (10,000) = 40 dB
65 dB - 2 dB = 63 dBc/Hz.
This is a fast and easy way to measure, the long way and more accurate way involves measuring the noise floor
power in 1 Hz and subtracting the power of the signal. Not all analysers can do this so I will go into too much detail
about that just yet.