052KP 01 New 24" Gas Transmission Pipeline To Alkhalij Power Generation Station Control /ESD and Operating Philosophy 052KP 01 PHL IN 001, Rev.01

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The document discusses control philosophy and operating procedures for a new 24-inch gas transmission pipeline.

The document provides instrumentation and control design basis and operating philosophy for a new 24-inch gas transmission pipeline project by GECOL.

The document references standards and codes from organizations like ISA, NACE, NFPA, NEMA, UL that are applicable to gas pipeline projects.


Project  052KP‐01 ‐ New 24" Gas Transmission Pipeline to Alkhalij Power Generation Station

 Subject  Control /ESD and Operating Philosophy ‐ 052KP‐01‐PHL‐IN‐001, Rev.01


0 1 1 0 0 9 1 9 JRR
Rev yy mm dd Status Prepared by Checked by App.SGGP App.Client
Project Phase Sequence Rev.
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 This document is the property of Sirt Gulf for Gas Projects, any duplication without prior approval is forbidden.
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1.0 Basis / Inputs:

This document is prepared on the basis of available minimum inputs and preliminary documents as given below:
a) Preliminary Process Flow Diagram Doc No # 052KP-01-DA-00002 Rev.A
b) A Letter from Bechtel to GECOL Ref : TC-GEG-00289 dated 10 Nov 2009 indicating some Question
& Answers
c) Project Location Plan Doc No # 052KP-01-DB-00001 Rev.A (Draft)
d) 2 off 18” Fiscal Meter Runs (for Custody Transfer) shall be installed for metering the Gas at the
Launcher area ( near SOC Costal Network Tie-In) i.e before transferring the gas to new 24” Gas
transmission Pipe line.- by Verbal Information
e) PRS at the Receiver Area is not covered in the scope for this Project for SGGP-Sirt Gulf for Gas
Projects and same will installed & commissioned by others.- by Verbal Information

2.0 Assumptions:

As there were no inputs furnished /available from the customer, other than the very few basic documents
as listed above, many assumptions were considered while building this Instrumentation & Control Design
Basis and Operating Philosophy for the indented 24” Gas Transmission Pipe line project by GECOL. The
assumptions were considered in order maintain the State of the Art level and standard Instrumentation &
controls in line with International Standards and good engineering practice.

a) A Local Control Room (LCR) shall be constructed under this project at Launcher area (Near SOC Tie-
In) and SCADA, ESD, F&G, Telecommunication and UPS & Batteries systems shall be installed for
control & monitoring the metering / all above ground facilities and operating the 24” Gas Transmission
Pipe line. The LCR shall be Fiber Optically connected to SOC CCR and all the Control signals shall be
repeated for monitoring and control. However hardwiring shall be used for all critical and ESD signals
b) A Local Equipment Room (LER) shall be constructed under this project at Receiver area ( Near
GECOL Power Station Battery Limit) and SCADA, ESD , F&G, Telecommunication and UPS &
Batteries equipments shall be installed in the LER , however all the for control & Monitoring the PRS
Station facilities shall be from GECOL CCR. The LER shall be Fiber Optically connected to GECOL
CCR for monitoring and control the PRS Station and Receiver/ above ground facilities. However
hardwiring shall be used for all critical and ESD signals
c) Two off Fiber optical cables shall be installed along / parallel to the 24” gas Transmission Pipe line
between LCR and LER and suitable RTUs shall be installed at both end for establishing
communications and exchange the critical control and ESD signals. One of the Fiber optic cable can
be used for Telecommunication purpose i.e Telephone, CCTV are also shall be utilized.
d) Selection of SCADA (PLC Based), ESD and F&G Control Systems and all Field Instruments, Control
Valves, ESD Valves, Blow down Valves(BDV) PSVs and Pipe Line Crash Valves are considered as
per International standard practice and NOC Standards.
e) SIL -3 rated ESD is normally considered for design the control systems and critical instrument loops.
However for all loops and SCADA system, SIL rating shall be used after SIL Study review conducted
during the Engineering Phase.
f) 2/3 voting systems is considered for all critical control functions and ESD actions.
g) Emergency Stop PB are considered both at Field and Control Room as Normal
h) HIPPS is considered for protect the Pipe line from the Over Pressure ( Pipe line Hydraulic Study shall
be under taken during Engineering phase)

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i) Key Engineering Documents P&IDs, Control Schematics, Cause Effect Diagram, FDS and Control &
Protection Philosophy etc shall be developed to finalize the actual instrumentation & control
requirements and same shall be subject to HAZOP Review.
j) Partial Stroke facility are shall be consider for 6” and above ESD, PSD and BDV Valves
k) All the Field Instruments selection would be Sweet & Dry Natural gas applications basis. However all
Valve Internals shall be SS316 material as minimum
l) Metering System (SKID) shall be the Standalone system which shall consist of Flow Metering Panel,
Flow Computers and Supervisory Computers for Totalizing the Flow Values. EWS, HMI and dedicated
printer etc shall be considered also Metering system shall be connected SCADA LAN Network for
Monitoring & Control . Multi path Ultrasonic Flow meter shall be considered for Fiscal Measuring.
m) Utility at Launcher area ( near SOC Tie-In):
• Instrument Air – Not available/ gas to be considered along with this project
• Nitrogen – shall be used from SOC sources
• Electrical Power : 380V AC, 50 Hz, 3-phase from SOC at one point further distribution by SGGP
• UPS Power for the Control Systems : 220V AC, 50 Hz, 1-phase and
• DC Control System, 24V DC

n) Utility at Receiver Area ( near GECOL Power Station ):

• Instrument Air – shall be used from GECOL sources
• Nitrogen – shall be used from GECOL sources
• Electrical Power : 380V AC, 50 Hz, 3-phase from GECOL at one point further distribution by SGGP
• UPS Power for the Control Systems : 220V AC, 50 Hz, 1-phase and
• DC Control System, 24V DC

o) The hazardous area classification shall be in accordance with API RP 505.


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1.1 Purpose
1.2 Project Description


2.1 Definitions
2.2 Abbreviations
2.3 References
2.4 Health, Safety and Environment


3.1 Gas Specification and Quality
3.2 Feed Gas Composition at SOC Tie-in


4.1 Field Instruments General
4.2 Meter Sparing and Sizing Philosophy
4.3 Pressure Switch Sparing Philosophy
4.4 Overpressure Protection System
4.5 Control Valve Sparing and Sizing Philosophy
4.6 Control Valves
4.7 Double Block and Bleed Philosophy
4.8 Pressure Relief Valves
4.9 Shutdown Philosophy
4.10 Blow down System
4.11 Pipeline Shutdown System
4.12 Emergency Shutdown System
4.13 Plant Emergency Shutdown Valves
4.14 Operating Philosophy for ESD Shutdown Valve at SOC Tie-In
4.15 ESD Leak Detection System


5.1 LCR at Metering & Launcher Facilities ( near SOC Tie-In)
5.2 LER at PRS & Receiver Facilities ( near GECOL Power Station)
5.3 Communication interfaces


6.1 General
6.2 Control Philosophy
6.4 Emergency Shutdown System
6.5 Control System Description:
6.6 Functional and Technical Requirements
6.6.1 SCADA /PLC System
6.6.2 ESD System
6.7 Telecommunications

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7.1 Fire and gas detection system
7.2 Fire Protection


8.1 Introduction
8.2 Hazardous Area Classification

9.1 Instrument Air
9.1.1 Instrument Air at GECOL –Alkhalij Power Station
9.1.2 Instrument Air at SOC Coastal Network Tie- In Location:
9.2 Electrical Power
9.2.1 Electrical Power at GECOL –Alkhalij Power Station
9.2.2 Electrical Power at SOC Coastal Network Tie- In Location
9.3 Nitrogen
9.3.1 N2 at GECOL –Alkhalij Power Station
9.3.2 N2 at SOC Coastal Network Tie- In Location

10.1 Appendix A: List of Applicable Codes and Standards
10.2 Appendix B: NOC General Engineering Specifications

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1.1 Purpose

The Basis of this Design / FEED covers the basic Instrumentation and Control Systems design inputs for
the Detailed Engineering of the 24” Gas transmission pipeline project from 34” SOC-coastal network to
GECOL- Power Station, which constitutes the project work scope.

1.2 Project Description

GECOL intends to construct approx 4.5 Km new 24” Gas Transmission Pipeline to transfer 317.6
MMSCFD at 40 bar(g) of sweet & dry natural gas from SOC owned 34” Coastal Network to GECOL-
Alkhalij Power Station as a Fuel to their 4 x 350 MW Gas Turbines which require 79.4 mmscfd each.
The new gas transmission pipeline will have above ground facilities at the SOC Tie-In location to filter
and meter the gas before transferring the gas to a new 24” Gas Transmission Pipe Line. Similarly a filter
and Pressure Reduction Station (PRS supply by others) at GECOL-Alkhalij Power Station before it feeds
the Gas Turbines.


2.1 Definitions

Plant GECOL- Alkhalij Power Station.

Transmission Pipe Line The main transmission pipeline conveying a product between SOC-coastal
network and GECOL- Power Station

Block Valve Facility A valve station in the pipeline as required by ASME B31.8 for sectionalizing of
the pipeline (Not req’d. on this project).

Operating Envelope A defined set of key parameters or parameter ranges which must be adhered
to during operation of the pipeline in order to prevent loss of pipeline integrity.

2.2 Abbreviations

AGI Above Ground Installation

BDV Blow Down Valve
BVS Block Valve Station
CCR Central Control Room
ESD Emergency Shut Down
ESDV Emergency Shutdown Valve
F&G Fire & Gas System
FOC Fibre Optic Cable
GECOL GECOL –Alkhalij Power Station
GFS Gas, Fire & Smoke system
HVAC Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning
IA Instrument Air
LDS Leak Detection System
LER Local Equipment Room
LPG Liquid Petroleum Gas
MMSCFD Million Standard Cubic Feet per Day
MOV Motor Operated Valves
MW Mega Watts
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N2 Nitrogen Gas
NA or N/A Not Applicable
NACE National Association of Corrosion Engineers
NGL Natural Gas Liquids
NOC National Oil Corporation (of Libya)
PLC Programmable Logic Controller
PFD Process Flow Diagram
PIMS Pipe line Integrity Measuring System
PRS Pressure Reduction Station
P&ID Piping and Instrumentation Diagram
QA Quality Assurance
SCADA Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition (including Telemetry)
SGGP Sirt Gulf for Gas Projects
SOC Sirte Oil Company
SOE Sequence of Events
TBC To Be Confirmed
TBA To Be Advised
TDM Time Division Multiplexing
TEL Telecommunication

2.3 References

The list of applicable Codes and Standards referenced in this Design Basis is enclosed under Appendix
A. NOC General Engineering Standards indicated under Appendix B and shall be read in conjunction
with this Design Basis.

2.4 Health, Safety and Environment

The project will be executed in accordance with health, safety and environmental philosophies and
procedures with regards to the client’s, consultants and governing body requirements. This will apply to
all project activities, work places and sites.

The parties engaged in the project will be responsible for ensuring that they, and all employees and
subcontractors, comply with established project philosophies and established or derived procedures.
The parties so engaged will employ competent and experienced personnel to produce philosophies and
procedures and to manage and monitor their implementation through periodic audits.


This section specifies the basic design data for the project for the gas transmission to GECOL-
Alkhalij Power Station.

Parameters Design (max) Operating(Normal) Minimum

Flow Rate 317.7 mmscfd 317.7 mmscfd
Pressure 102 Bar (g) 40 Bar(g) 35 Bar(g)
Temperature 93° C 50° C 14° C
HC Dew Point 50° C 38.5° C

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3.1 Gas Specification and Quality

3.1.1 Coastal Network Gas Specification

The gas quality that the new gas transmission pipeline project must deliver at the GECOL-
Alkhalij Power Station is given by the following Sirte Oil Company specification:

• The gas is to be predominantly Methane (CH4) with limited quantities of heavier Hydrocarbons,
Nitrogen and CO2.
• Liquid Hydrocarbons or water must not condense out at pipeline conditions.
• Hydrocarbon dewpoint (cricondentherm) is to be a maximum of 50ºF ( expected 38.50)
• Water vapour content is limited to the lesser of:
- A water dewpoint of 20 F maximum at 600 psig.
- 5.3 lbs/MMSCF
• H2S content to be 5 ppmv maximum.
• Molecular Weight Range 18.7 to 20.9.
• CO2 content to be 6.38 mol % max.

3.2 Feed Gas Composition at SOC Tie-in:

The composition and characteristics of gas from the SOC Coastal Network is as follows in Table 3.1

Table 3.1 - Gas Properties and Data from the SOC Coastal Network

  From the SOC Coastal Network

Gas Composition (mol %)

Water H2 O 0.00%

Carbon Dioxide CO 2 3.74%

Nitrogen N2 0.58%

Hydrogen Sulphide H2 S 0.00%

Methane CH4 84.40%

Ethane C2 H6 7.52%

Propane C3 H8 2.24%

I-Butane C4H10 0.43%

N-Butane C4H10 0.53%

I-Pentane C5H12 0.17%

N-Pentane C5H12 0.20%

Hexane C6H14 0.13%

Heptane + C7H16 0.06%

T otal MOL % 100%

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Instrumentation and Control equipment shall be designed, manufactured and tested in accordance with ANSI
/BSI /CCIT /EIA /IEE /IEC /ISA /ISO /NEMA /NFPA /ITU Codes and Standards including but not limited to those
specified in Appendix A.

4.1 Field Instruments General

Field instrumentation shall comply with Functional Specifications developed during the Detailed Design
Phase. Additionally, Project Specifications listed under Appendix A shall apply.

Instrumentation shall generally be in accordance with API RP550. However field instrumentation shall be
designed/selected not limited to the following minimum criteria

• All Transmitters ( Flow/Pressure/Level/Temperature) are shall be smart type with Hart protocol
• No field switches shall be used for Alarm/Trip purpose , the switching action shall be envisaged from
• 10D/5D Philosophy shall be applied for all Flow measurements
• Very Accurate Flow Measuring Fiscal Metering Systems shall be used Metering the Gas before
• Internals for the Control Valves/ESD Valves/PSD Valves/ Blow down Valves shall be minimum
SS316 material or higher
• And the assumption made /indicated in the prefix to this dicument

4.2 Metering System & Sparing and Sizing Philosophy

In relation to Metering Streams it is anticipated that each meter will be sized for Y+1 configuration where
“Y” meters would be in duty and one in stand-by. The meters will be installed according to the number
required to make up the maximum capacity, whilst taking into account the required turndown.

Metering System at Launcher Area (at SOC Tie-In & before export the gas) shall have 2 off Meter
streams with 100% Capacity. One Meter stream will be on duty while another Meter stream will be on
Standby. Meter stream Selection shall be executed in the Metering Control System also shall be able to
do in the SCADA Screen by the Operator. Multi path type Ultrasonic Flow meters (UFM) shall be
provided for monitoring the Volumetric Flow with Gas composition, pressure and temperature
compensation. Instrumentation Associated with each UFM is hardwired back to the respective flow
computer located in the Metering Panel at LCR equipment room. The flow computer shall determine the
instantaneous flow and totalized flow of the gas service and retransmitting these variables back to the
SCADA via LAN Network for monitoring & Control . The Gas composition parameters from the analyzer
shall be transmitted to flow computer via serial communication for flow corrections.

A common inlet stream gas analyzer shall be utilized to enable the gas to be monitored for hydrocarbon
dew point, water dew point, H2S content, total Sulphur content and Gas Composition. Hydrocarbon dew
point, water dew point and total Sulphur content analyzer are hardwired back to the SCADA system for
continuous monitoring.

Metering System shall be designed such that it can work as a stand alone system and it shall have its
dedicated supervisory Computer , Engineering Work Station , HMI and Printer for configuring the Flow
Computers/supervisory and Flow monitoring and control

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4.3 Pressure Switch Sparing Philosophy

Three pressure switches (Transmitters) shall be installed upstream or downstream of the critical control
valves, or critical ESD valves. These shall be connected to the SCADA or ESD (as appropriate) with a
voting system.

4.4 Overpressure Protection System

The process safeguarding system shall ensure that adequate and suitable protection is provided such
that overpressure of the plant and facilities is eliminated. The following approaches may be adopted for
overpressure protection in decreasing order of preference:

a) Fully pressure rated mechanical design

b) Relief valve protection
c) Shutdown systems

The overpressure protection system shall be based on the standards as listed in Appendix A.

Instrumentation: three pressure switches (Transmitters) shall be installed upstream or downstream of

the critical control valves, or critical ESD valves. These shall be connected to the
SCADA with a two out of three voting system.
Mechanical: mechanical relief valves shall be used to vent over pressure gas. Failure scenarios
for which the relief valves are to be sized shall be based on any combination of
control failure, inadvertent operator fault and a single failure of a safeguarding
HIPPS: High Integrity Pressure Protection Systems shall be used where deemed necessary.
These systems will measure pressure through a two out of three voting system and
shut the corresponding emergency shutdown valve to protect the coastal network &
Pipe Line from over pressure.

4.5 Control Valve Sparing and Sizing Philosophy

In relation to Metering Streams it is anticipated that each valve will be sized for N+1 configuration where
“N” valves would be in duty and one in stand-by. The valves will be installed according to the number
required to make up the maximum capacity, whilst taking into account the required turndown.

4.6 Control Valves

Control Valves shall be designed in accordance with Functional Specifications developed during the
detailed Design Phase. Additionally Project Specifications listed under Appendix A shall apply.

Each control valve shall be sized and selected to provide reliable operation and control at the specified
and operating conditions.

The maximum noise level emission from a control valve manifold installation, including contributions
from piping elbows and reducers, shall not exceed the following limits for any specified operating

- 85 dB(A) for process control/feed regulation, continuous letdown, intermittent letdown daily service
- 115 dB(A) for emergency depressurising and blowdown valves.

Control valves shall be provided with one block valve at each side, with a bleed facility in between and
bypass will be provided.

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4.7 Double Block and Bleed Philosophy

Double block and bleed facilities shall be provided at all locations in piping systems which have a rating
of Class 600 and above, which require isolation, and where temporary process equipment is to be

4.8 Pressure Relief Valves

All pressure relief valves shall be designed in accordance with API RP 520 and Specifications as listed
in Appendix A herein. The valve materials shall comply with NACE MR 01 75.

4.9 Shutdown Philosophy

A process shutdown shall be initiated where a shutdown of one or more process units is required due to
operational malfunction, or an excursion of a process variable beyond a pre-set value (due to failure of
the process control system).

The operational requirements of the ESD system are to:

1) Prevent circumstances which could lead to release of hydrocarbons;

2) Prevent ignition of released hydrocarbons;
3) Shut-in and depressurise hydrocarbon systems in the event of fire;
4) Shut-in process systems to minimise any hydrocarbon leak;
5) Limit the spread of released hydrocarbon gases.

This will include facilities to shutdown the plant through Emergency Shutdown (ESD), Process
Shutdown (PSD), Emergency Blow down (EBD) and Unit Blow down (UBD).

4.10 Blow down System

In the event of an emergency or equipment maintenance requirement, the facility may be shutdown,
isolated and blown down to flare/vent

4.11 Pipeline Shutdown System

A line break valve (LBV) shall automatically close at a defined rate of change, thus isolating the
upstream/downstream pipeline section.

4.12 Emergency Shutdown System

The ESD System shall be designed in accordance with Functional Specifications developed during the
Basic Design Phase. Additionally Project Specifications listed under Appendix A shall apply.

In the event of an emergency, the facility shall be shutdown and isolated from all potential hazards via
the ESD system to minimize escalation and damage to personnel, assets, or the environment. The ESD
system may lead to Two levels of Shutdowns are envisaged to safeguard the Pipe line and facilities i.e
Level -1 and Level-2 .

Level -1: is Section isolation and depressurizing / Blow down through Vent stack
Level -2: is Section Isolation with pressure

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The above Level-1 & Level-2 ESD shutdowns are applicable to above ground facilities at Launcher and
Receiver whereas under ground pipe line is isolated under ESD situations as the buried pipe line will
natural passive fire protection.

Vent System (Stack) shall be located suitably considering sterile area and Gas dispersion etc.( refer
Process Design for this )

4.13 Plant Emergency Shutdown Valves

In the event of an emergency situation, e.g. a process upset that cannot be brought into controllable
limits, the plant will be partially or completely shutdown, in a controlled manner. To achieve this, various
levels of shutdown, of decreasing hazard potential, will be used as the basis of design for the ESD

The operation of the systems will be such that any shutdown action will initiate a lower level shutdown
as defined by cause and effect charts. At the battery limit of each plant (except block valve stations),
ESD valves shall be provided. They will close automatically by the plant ESD system, initiated by the
operator through the SCADA system or local operation.

ESD be initiated by severe process upsets considered to pose a significant risk to the facility. Specifications listed under Appendix A shall
apply. All the associated piping, valves, and equipment shall be suitable for launching and retrieving of intelligent vehicles, cleaning
vehicles, gauging vehicles and spheres.

4.13.1 Valves

4.13.2 General

Location of valves in general shall take account of access for installation, operation and maintenance. All valves and
associated facilities shall have access provided by means of ladders/ platforms/ walkways etc., such that access to all
parts of the valve for operation, inspection and maintenance is possible.

All valves shall be designed in accordance with the following specifications and those in Appendix A herein.
API 520, API 594, API 599,
Pressure Relief Systems Wafer Check Valve Steel Plug Valves Steel Gate Valves
API 600, API 608, API 609,
Steel Ball Valves Butterfly Valves, Lug-Type and Wafer-Type Pipeline Valves
ESDV’s, MOV’s, and LBV’s located in or above a hazardous area, as defined on hazardous area classification
drawings, shall be certified fire safe in accordance with API Std 607, API Spec. 6FA.
The pressure class for all valves shall be specified in accordance with Project Piping Specifications.

The valve materials shall comply with NACE MR 01 75.

Valves will have the following functions as listed in the following table.

Valve Type Function Cause Type of Actuation

Rate of change in Pressure -Manual actuation
LBV - Pipeline Sectionalisation - gas
locally -Remote actuation from CCR
ESDV - Process Isolation Process variable exceeding trip limit - instrument air
Pipeline isolation at plant battery
ESDV - Plant ESD - gas
Isolation Isolation of equipment for maintenance -Manual
- Isolation - electric motor operated
Valve actuation locally -Remote actuation from CCR
- Pressure /Flow Control Process variable control - instrument air

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4.14 Operating Philosophy for ESD Shutdown Valve at SOC Tie-In

The ESD shutdown Valve located just after the SOC Tie-In shall be able to control from LCR by GECOL
as well as by SOC from SOC CCR.

4.15 Leak Detection System

The PIMS shall provide pipeline operational status monitoring, line pack, composition tracking, hydraulic
profiling, operation planning, optimization calculations & load balancing for consignment of gas volume.
The LDS shall be used to monitor a pipeline for leakage, locating the leakage along the pipeline or
designated section of pipeline and then send alarms to the LCR at SOC Tie-In and GECOL –CCR
SCADA systems.

The PIMS system shall be connected to the SCADA server via Serial communication.


5.1 LCR at Metering & Launcher Facilities (near SOC Tie-In):

Control of the new 24” Gas transmission Pipe line shall be carried out from a Local Control Room (LCR)
located at Metering & Launcher Facility ( near SOC Tie-In) and the controls signals are repeated to SOC
Central Control Room (CCR) . The LCR and SOC CCR shall be manned at all times

The following controls are shall be considered as basis for design at LCR:

• PLC based SCADA - shall be used all controlling & Operation of Filters, Fiscal Metering System ,
Launcher Facilities and 24” new Gas Transmission Pipe line signals .
• ESD System - Emergency Shutdown Operations shall be performed during Emergency in the Fiscal
Metering System, Launcher Facilities and 24” new Gas Transmission Pipe line.
• F&G System – Fire & Gas detection, Alarm/Trip functions shall be performed for Fiscal Metering
System, Launcher Facilities and 24” new Gas Transmission Pipe line.

5.2 LER at PRS & Receiver Facilities (near GECOL Power Station):

Controls of PRS and Receiver shall be carried out at the GECOL Power Control Room; however control
signals from PRS and Receiver area shall primarily connected to Local Equipment Room (LER) located
near PRS Station. The GECOL Control Room shall be manned at all times, however LER at PRS is not
normally manned.

The following controls are shall be considered as basis for design at LER:

• PLC based SCADA - shall be used all controlling & Operation of Filters, Pressure Reducing Station
(PRS), Receiver Facilities and 24” new Gas Transmission Pipe line signals .
• ESD System - Emergency Shutdown Operations shall be performed during Emergency in the
Filters, Pressure Reducing Station (PRS), Receiver Facilities and 24” new Gas Transmission Pipe
line signals
• F&G System – Fire & Gas detection, Alarm/Trip functions shall be performed for Filters, Pressure
Reducing Station (PRS), Receiver Facilities and 24” new Gas Transmission Pipe line signals

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5.3 Communication interfaces:

The LCR at Metering Facilities (at SOC Tie-In) and LER at PRS Station at GECOL Power Station shall
be connected through Fiber Optical backbone link which shall be installed along with/ Parallel to new 24”
Gas Transmission Pipe line. All Control signals and Telecommunication (Telephone and CCTV) signals
from each Location shall be connected by installing RTUs and Patch panels as required. However, two
separate Fiber Optic Cables (FOC) shall be used for Controls and Telecommunications.


6.1 General

SCADA /PLC, ESD and Telecommunication equipment shall be designed, manufactured and tested in
accordance with ANSI /BSI /CCIT /EIA /IEC /ISA /ISO /NEMA /NFPA /ITU Codes and Standards
including but not limited to those specified in Appendix A.

6.2 Control Philosophy

The process facilities shall be controlled by Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC). The controllers shall
provide fault tolerance and diagnostic features equivalent to single loop type controller systems.

The controllers shall comply with Functional Specifications developed during the Detailed Design Phase.
Additionally, Project Specifications listed under Appendix A shall apply.

They shall provide all levels of process control required to implement the loops and the control strategy
for this project.

For critical loops, shared microprocessor controllers shall be provided with redundant microprocessors,
ensuring automatic back-up control. In the event of a failure, the primary microprocessor will be switched
over to the back up automatically, immediately and bumplessly.

The control communications system shall be provided with redundant systems, ensuring automatic
back-up control. In the event of a failure, the primary system will be switched over to the back up
automatically, immediately and bumplessly.


The control and operation of the new processing facilities and the pipeline transmission system shall be
based on a SCADA system that shall be designed in accordance with Functional Specifications
developed during the Basic Design Phase. Additionally Project Specifications listed under Appendix A
shall apply.

The SCADA system software shall be an intelligent system based on a comprehensive suite of
applications, which shall provide the operators with a complete set of tools to control supervise and
optimise the entire pipeline operations.

The SCADA system software shall include:

• A continuous automatic data acquisition package, which will collect data and issue commands
through all PLCs and RTUs on the pipeline system
• Comprehensive set of displays
• A real time database for all points on the system.
• A comprehensive alarm handling package,
• Customisable trending, historical data storage and archiving facilities

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• Report generating.
• Intelligent dynamic modelling

The SCADA system will be located in the Central Control Room and which will be manned 24 hours a

Signals for the new facilities shall be transmitted to the SCADA system from Programmable Logic
Controllers via a local network.

Signals from the block valve stations and the PRMS shall be transmitted to the SCADA system from
Remote Terminal Units and PLC via a fibre optic backbone running parallel to the pipeline.

6.4 Emergency Shutdown System

The Emergency Shutdown (ESD) systems shall be capable of reliably performing logic functions, based
on plant information, to safely shutdown or otherwise protect the plant when process conditions require
them to do so.

The ESD systems shall be independent to the SCADA system.

The ESD systems shall comply with the relevant international standards, IEC 61508 and NOC GES J.23
– Emergency Shutdown Systems.

The 24” New Gas Transmission System shall be provided with two independent ESD systems. One
system for the Launcher/Metering Facilities ( Near SOC Tie-In) at LCR and a second ESD system for
the Receiver / PRS facility at LER at GECOL Power Station.

Generally it is recommended SIL-3 Rating for ESD System Design , however , a Safety Integrity Level
(SIL) assessment shall be carried out by following the Safety Lifecycle guidelines given in IEC 61508-1.
These levels shall govern the required integrity of the corresponding process measuring elements and
final control elements (number of and voting requirements). Preliminary Cause and Effect Charts for the
Launcher/Metering Facility Area and Receiver/PRS Station facilities to be developed and shall be used
as a basis for the Safety Lifecycle.

The ESD systems, including ESD modules, subsystem components, process measuring elements and
final control elements, shall be designed to be fail-safe meaning that all components of the system shall
fail to it’s defining fail state. However, the systems shall be designed such that their hardware shall not
include any common failure points.

All interfacing to process measuring elements and final control elements shall be carried out by direct
hard-wired connections.

ESD overrides shall be provided where applicable and shall only be initiated through key control at the
ESD front Panel in the LCR and GECOL –CCR respectively. ESD Push Buttons and ESD resets shall
be provided at ESD Matrix Panels in LCR and GECOL-CCR.

The ESD systems shall be independent to the SCADA system. The SCADA system shall incorporate
mimic page/s for the ESD systems providing all system diagnostics, fault details and shutdown status.
Pre-warning alarms shall be initiated before the protection system causes a trip, in order to enable the
operator to take precautionary steps.

Engineering Work Station and SOE Printers shall be provided as part of the ESD System.

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6.5 Control System Description:

The control system shall be made up of a PLC based SCADA system used for control and supervision
along with dedicated ESD systems for safe startup, operation and shutdown of the new facilities.

At Local Control Room (LCR) located at Metering & Launcher Facility ( near SOC Tie-In), the SCADA
servers, operator workstations, engineering workstations, printers and PLC control equipment shall be
installed on a dual redundant Ethernet Local Area Network (LAN). The PLC control equipment shall be
distributed throughout the various areas of plant and shall communicate over a dual redundant control
data network. All interfaces between the SCADA/PLC system shall be duplex in design unless built in
redundancy at the equipment level allows for simplex communication. The SCADA system shall
interface to packaged equipment controllers via serial communication links. New ESD and Fire and Gas
Detection systems shall be installed. These systems shall communicate all related data to the SCADA
system via the Ethernet LAN.

A fibre optic transmission system shall be provided along the pipeline route and shall be the means for
control communications between the SCADA system at Local Control Room (LCR) located at Metering
& Launcher Facility (near SOC Tie-In) and the PRS PLC at GECOL Power Station. The fibre optic
transmission system is a collapsed ring based system providing dual Ethernet interfaces at all terminals
in the system. Remote Terminal Units (RTU) will be provided along the transmission pipeline to facilitate
the control the block valve/crash Valves.

The Pressure Reduction Station (PRS) and Receiver Facilities at GECOL Power Station shall be
controlled by GECOL from their CCR. The coastal network facilities are controlled by an existing
SCADA/PLC system located in the LER Building. All SCADA servers, operator workstations and PLC
equipment are installed on a dual redundant Ethernet LAN. The PRS PLC shall be integrated onto this
network. All interfaces between the PRMS PLC system shall be duplex in design unless built in
redundancy at the equipment level allows for simplex communication.

The PRS control system shall be designed so that the transmission system can be controlled from the
LCR at Metering Facilities and also at GECOL-CCR in the event of system failure of the 24” New Gas
Transmission pipeline control system.

6.6 Functional and Technical Requirements

This section details the functional and technical requirements for the components defined within the 24”
New Gas Transmission System Control and ESD Systems.

6.6.1 SCADA /PLC System

A SCADA system shall be provided to for the control, supervision and optimisation of the plant.
The SCADA system shall comply with relevant international standards and NOC standards GES
J.21 Programmable Logic Control and GES J.22 Field Automation (SCADA) Systems.

The SCADA system components shall be located in the Central Control Building and shall be
interconnected by dual redundant LANs. The networks shall be based on Ethernet technology
running industry standard TCP/IP protocol.

There shall be two SCADA servers setup in a dual redundant server configuration providing
redundancy in the case of a single server failure. Both SCADA servers shall have direct
connections to an independent Data Storage Device or shall have individual databases
simultaneously updated at all times. The SCADA system shall operate on a Unix or Microsoft
Windows 2000 operating system. System availability and security shall be taken into account
when choosing the SCADA operating system.

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The Operators shall be provided with Operator Workstations and printers as required, each 100%
capable. A minimum of one Engineering Workstation and printer shall also be provided for
Engineering maintenance and configuration purposes. This equipment shall interface with the
SCADA servers via the LAN.

The SCADA system software shall be a comprehensive suite of applications, which shall provide
the operators with a complete set of tools to control supervise and optimise the entire operation.
The SCADA system software shall include a continuous automatic data acquisition package,
which shall collect data and issue commands through all PLCs and RTUs in the system and shall
maintain a real time database for all points in the system. The software shall include a
comprehensive alarm-handling package, customisable trending, historical data storage, archiving
facilities and report generating. The SCADA system software shall support a comprehensive set
of displays including plant and pipeline overviews, alarm and event lists, equipment status,
database point displays, site overviews, dynamic mimics, ESD mimics, fire and gas detection
mimics, etc.

The SCADA software shall also incorporate a real time dynamic model capable of representing
the behavior of the facilities and pipeline network. This shall provide features such as intelligent
analysis of the process, hydraulic modeling, optimisation, accurate inventory management and
consignment of gas volumes for dispatch into the transmission system.

A Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) based system shall co-ordinate all process control
requirements for the 24” New Gas Transmission System. The PLC system shall be able to
perform all required PID and advanced control functions. The PLC system shall be
geographically distributed in its design to facilitate reduced field wiring. Each part of the PLC
system shall be located in each areas’ Local Equipment Room (LER) and shall interface with
local instrumentation and control devices. Each PLC shall communicate with each other over a
local data communications network. The network shall be a dual redundant Ethernet network or
an equivalent digital network.. Communication shall use DNP3 protocol or equivalent, vendor
specific protocols such as ControlNet and PROFINet. The PLC system shall interface with the
SCADA servers via the dual redundant LAN based in the Central Control Building.

SCADA and PLC equipment must be adequate for 24 hours/day, 7 days/week operation. As a
design objective the system shall offer a minimum availability of 99.98 % based on an 8 hour
MTTR with no allowance for scheduled shutdown.

The SCADA system shall also interface to “Vendor Packaged” PLC systems such as:

• Metering Skid at Launcher Area

• PRS Station Skid at Receiver Area

Communication link to each vendor package may be adequate. Otherwise the design shall
include redundancy in the communication systems. All serial communication links shall use
industry standard modbus protocol.

6.6.2 ESD System

The ESD hardware for the new facilities shall comprise of a duplex, self-checking PLC type
based system.

All ESD processors, modules and subsystem components shall be located in the equipment
room of the LCR at Launcher/Metering Facilities and LER.at Receiver/PRS at GECOL

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The Dual Modular Redundancy shall be applied for ESD Processor, I/O Modules, Power Supply
and Communication Level. The Processor shall be HOT standby type with Master and Slave
concept. Normally Master is on duty and Slave will be on hot standby. In the event of failure of
Master processor, the slave shall takeover the plant ESD control automatically and vice versa.
The transfer of Master and Slave shall be bumbles. ESD System shall be build to facilitate on-line
replacement of any Module or do the on-line maintenance and also ESD shall allow on-line logic
modification and down loading without interrupting the running plant. First out Alarm and SOE
concepts are shall be the integral part of the ESD Design. The ESD shall communicate to the
SCADA system via the dual Ethernet network. The ESD shall be hard wired to all field
instruments and equipments.

The ESD system at LCR shall also interface with the existing ESD at SOC-CCR. Similarly ESD at
LER shall be able interface with ESD at GECOL –CCR which shall be hard-wired to the
corresponding field equipment in the area. This ESD system shall form part of the overall ESD
system for the new 24” new gas transmission pipe line facilities. A communications network shall
be provided between the two ESD systems, which shall be a safety-rated network complying with
the requirements specified by IEC 61508.

A set of hardwired manual pushbuttons shall be located in the CCR for manual initiation of an
emergency shutdown by an Operator.

ESD pushbuttons shall be provided at specific locations throughout the 24”gas transmission pipe
line facility for manual initiation of an emergency shutdown by a Plant Operator.

The Fire and Gas Detection Panels shall be hardwired to the ESD system to provide input trips
for fire and gas detection, as required.

6.7 Telecommunications
Telecommunications shall be designed in accordance with Functional Specifications developed during
the Detailed Design Phase. Additionally Project Specifications listed under Appendix A shall apply.

Telecommunications systems for the new 24” Gas transmission Pipe line system include:

• Telephone coverage of new Metering & Launcher facilities at SOC Coastal Network Tie-In Location
and the PRS at GECOL- Alkhalij Power Station.
• Fibre Optic Backbone for voice data and video requirements between SOC Coastal Network Tie-In
Location and the PRS at GECOL- Alkhalij Power Station.
• CCTV coverage of the new SOC Coastal Network Tie-In Location and the PRS at GECOL- Alkhalij
Power Station.


7.1 Fire and Gas Detection System

A fire and gas detection system shall continuously monitor all process areas for abnormal conditions. In
the event of a hazardous situation being detected, the system will initiate protective actions and
predetermined alarms.

The fire Protection and Detection System shall be in accordance with Functional Specifications
developed during the Basic Design Phase. Additionally Project Specifications listed under Appendix A
shall apply.

Fire and gas detectors and break glass units shall be strategically located around the Launcher/Metering
Area at SOC Tie-In and LCR & Electrical substation building. Suitable F& G Systems shall be installed
for monitoring and Alarm/Trip. On receipt of the signals the fire and gas system will activate the ESD

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system and activate appropriate extinguishing systems. A fire mimic panel is to be located in the
respective LCR and same will be repeated to SOC CCR.

A similar Fire and gas detectors and break glass units shall be strategically located around the Receiver/
PRS Area at GECOL, LER building. Suitable F& G Systems shall be installed for monitoring and
Alarm/Trip. On receipt of the signals the fire and gas system will activate the ESD system and activate
appropriate extinguishing systems. A fire mimic panel is to be located in the respective LCR and same
will be repeated to GECOL CCR.

Fire detection and protection systems are to be designed in accordance with Functional Specifications
developed during the Detailed Design Phase. Additionally Project Specifications listed under Appendix A
shall apply.

7.2 Fire Protection

Fire protection shall be by the following means and shall be selected /designed in accordance to NFA
standards. Additionally Project Specifications listed under Appendix A shall apply.


8.1 Introduction
Safety is a basic criterion in engineering design. The hazards to be considered in the detailed design shall

• Hazardous properties of materials

• Pressure and temperature
• Leakage
• Fire
• Intrusion

8.2 Hazardous Area Classification

The hazardous area classification shall be in accordance with API RP 505.


The utilities as listed hereunder are available at GECOL –Alkhalij Power Station and the coastal tie-in location.

9.1 Instrument Air

9.1.1 Instrument Air at GECOL –Alkhalij Power Station

Instrument air is available for the GECOL gas transmission project at GECOL –Alkhalij Power
Station ..

9.1.2 Instrument Air at SOC Coastal Network Tie- In Location:

Instrument air is not available for the gas transmission project at the tie-in location. On this basis,
a new instrument air system shall be designed or gas to be used for the meter station and tie-in

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9.2 Electrical Power

9.2.1 Electrical Power at GECOL –Alkhalij Power Station

The voltage supply requirements for the electrical equipment will be distributed via a main LV
distribution board, motor control centers, distribution boards and UPS systems as appropriate to
the various items of electrical plant. The voltage levels will be:

Electric drivers 1H.P. and above -380V AC, 50 Hz, 3-phase

UPS System /TR-Unit Supply 380V AC, 50 Hz, 3-phase
Lighting & Small Power 220V AC, 50 Hz, 1-phase
Fire and Gas System Supply 220V AC, 50 Hz, 1-phase
Control System Supply 220V AC, 50 Hz, 1-phase
DC Control System, 24V DC

9.2.2 Electrical Power at SOC Coastal Network Tie- In Location

The voltage supply requirements for the electrical equipment will be distributed via a main LV
distribution board, motor control centers, distribution boards and UPS systems as appropriate to
the various items of electrical plant. The voltage levels will be:

Electric drivers 1H.P. and above -380V AC, 50 Hz, 3-phase

UPS System/TR-Unit Supply 380V AC, 50 Hz, 3-phase
Lighting & Small Power 220V AC, 50 Hz, 1-phase
Fire and Gas System Supply 220V AC, 50 Hz, 1-phase
Control System Supply 220V AC, 50 Hz, 1-phase
DC Control System, 24V DC

9.3 Nitrogen
9.3.1 N2 at GECOL –Alkhalij Power Station
Nitrogen might be available for the gas transmission project at the GECOL –Alkhalij Power

9.3.2 N2 at SOC Coastal Network Tie- In Location

Nitrogen for maintenance is not available for the gas transmission project at this location.
Provisions must be made.

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10.1 Appendix A: List of Applicable Codes and Standards

The following list of Codes and Standards is intended to be indicative only to the extent of which
guidance should be taken from internationally available Codes. This list shall not be taken to constitute a
complete and exhaustive reference.

A.1 American Petroleum Institute (API)

Code Description
API 6D Specification for Pipeline Valves
API 6FA Specification for Fire Test for Valves
API RP 500 Classification of Area’s for Electrical Installations in Petroleum Facilities
API 520 Sizing, Selection and Installation of Pressure Relieving Devices
API 526 Flanged Steel Pressure Relief Valves
API 527 Seat Tightness of Pressure Relief Valves
API 540 Electrical Installations in Petroleum Processing
Recommended Practice for Analysis, Design, Installation and Testing of Basic Surface
Systems for Offshore Production Platforms
API RP 551 Process Measurement Instrumentation Installation Design and Practice
API RP 553 Refinery Control Valves
API RP 554 Process Instrumentation and Control
API 598 Metal Plug Valves – Flanged and Welding Ends
API 599 Steel Plug Valves
API 600 Steel Gate Valves – Flanged and Butt Welding Ends, Bolted and Pressure Seal Bonnets
API 602 Compact Steel Gate Valves
API 607 Fire Tests for Soft-Seated Quarter-Turn Valves
API 608 Steel Ball Valves
API 609 Butterfly Valves, Double Flanged and Lug and Wafer Type
API 610 Centrifugal Pumps for Petroleum, Heavy Duty Chemical and Gas Industry Services

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A.2 British Standards (BS)

Code Description
BS 3939 Graphical Symbols for Electrical Power, Telecommunications and Electronic Diagrams.
BS 5308 - 2 Instrumentation Cables – Specification For PVC Insulated Cables
Specification for 600/1000 V and 1900/3000 V Armoured Electric Cables having Thermo-
BS 5467
Setting Insulation
Fire Detection and Alarm Systems for Buildings – Part 1: Code of practice For System
BS 5839-1
Design, Installation Commissioning And Maintenance
Fire Detection and Alarm Systems for Buildings – Part 3: Specification For Automatic
BS 5839-3
Release Mechanisms For Certain Fire Protection Equipment
Fire Detection and Alarm Systems for Buildings – Part 5: Specification For Optical Beam
BS 5839-5
Smoke Detectors
BS 6121-
Part 1 to 5
Mechanical Cable Glands
Specification for Junction Boxes for use in electrical installation with Rated Voltage not
BS 6220
exceeding 250V
BS 6346 Specification for 600/1000V and 1900/3000V Armoured Cables having PVC Insulation
Specification for Cables with Extruded Cross Linked Polyethylene or Ethylene Propylene
BS 6622
Rubber Insulation for Rated Voltages from 3.8/6.6kV up to 19/33kV
Code of Practice for Selection, Use and Maintenance of Apparatus for Detection and
BS 6959
Measurement of Combustible Gases
BS 6739 Instrumentation in Process Control Systems – Installation, Design and Practice
BS 7671 Requirements for Electrical Installations

A.3 ANSI /Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE)

Code Description
ANSI C2 Tables from National Electrical Safety Code (NESC)
ANSI C37.13 Standard for Low Voltage AC Power Circuit Breakers Used in Enclosures
ANSI C37.2 Electrical Power System Device Function Numbers and Contact Designations
Standard for Metal Enclosed Low-Voltage Power Circuit Breaker Switchgear
ANSI C62.41 Recommended Practice for Surge Voltage in Low Voltage AC Power Circuits
ANSI 75.01.1 Flow Equations for Sizing Control Valves
IEEE 80 Guide for Safety in AC Substation Grounding
Guide for Measuring Earth Resistivity, Ground Impedance, and Earth Surface Potentials of a
Ground System Part 1
IEEE 141 Recommended Practice Electrical Power Distribution for Industrial Plants
IEEE 142 Recommended Practice for Grounding of Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
IEEE 241 Recommended Practice for Electric Power Systems in Commercial Buildings
IEEE 315 Graphic Symbols for Electrical and Electronic Diagrams

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A.4 European National Standards (EN)

Code Description
BS EN 54 Fire Detection and Fire Alarm Systems – Parts 1 to 9
BS EN ISO 1461 Hot Dip Galvanised Coatings on Fabricated Iron & Steel Articles
BS EN 50014 Electrical Apparatus for Potentially Explosive Atmospheres – General Requirements
BS EN 50020 Electrical Apparatus for Potentially Explosive Atmospheres – Intrinsic Safety ‘I’
BS EN 50054 Electrical Apparatus for Detection and Measurement of Combustible Gases
BS EN 60079-7 Electrical Apparatus for Explosive Gas Atmospheres – Increased Safety ‘E’
BS EN 60079-14 Electrical Installations in Hazardous Areas
BS EN 60079-17 Inspection and Maintenance of Electrical Installations in Hazardous Areas
BS EN 60079-19 Repair and Overhaul for Apparatus used in Explosive Atmospheres
BS EN 60079-20 Data for Flammable Gases and Vapours Relating to the use of Electrical Equipment
BS EN 61000 Electromagnetic Compatibility for EMC – Basic EMC Publication

A.5 International Electro – Technical Commission (IEC)

Code Description
Information Technology – Guidelines for the documentation of computer based applications
IEC 60592
IEC 61285 Industrial Process Control – Safety of Analyser Houses
IEC 60529 Protection provided by Enclosures (IP Code)
IEC 60534-1 Control Valve Terminology and General Considerations
Flow Capacity – Section 1: Sizing Equations for Incompressible Fluid Flow under Installed
IEC 60534-2-1
Flow Capacity – Section 2: Sizing Equations for Compressible Fluid Flow under Installed
IEC 60534-2-2
IEC 60534-2-3 Flow Capacity – Section 3: Test Procedures
IEC 60534-4 Inspection and Routine Testing
IEC 60534-8-3 Aerodynamic Noise Prediction for Control Valves
IEC 60534-8-4 Hydrodynamic Noise Prediction for Control Valves
IEC 60870 Telecontrol Equipment and Systems
IEC 61000 Electromagnetic Compatibility
Functional Safety of Electrical /Electronic /Programmable Electronic Safety-related Systems
IEC 61508 – 1 to 7
– Parts 1 to 7
IEC 61511 Functional Safety – Safety Instrumented Systems for the Process Industry
IEC 61607 Graphical Symbols for Diagrams – Binary Logic Elements

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A.6 International Telecommunications Union

Code Description
ITU V.24/RS232 Interface between DTE and DCE for Serial Binary Data Interchange
ITU V.28/RS485 Electrical Characteristics for Unbalanced Double-Current Interchange Circuits
ITU G.652 Characteristics of a Single Mode Optical Fibre Cables
ITU G.707 Network Node Interfaces for the SDH
ITU G.732 Characteristics of PCM Multiplexing Equipment Operating at 2048 kb/s
ITU G.783 Characteristics of SDH Equipment Functional Blocks
ITU G.784 SDH Management
ITU G.874 Management Aspects of the Optical Transport Network Element

A.7 International Standards Organisation (ISO)

Code Description
Description Quality Systems – Model for Quality Assurance in Design, Development, Production,
Code ISO 9001
Installation and Servicing.

A.8 Instrument Society of America (ISA)

Code Description
ISA 5.1 Instrument Symbols and Identification
ISA 5.2 Binary Logic Diagram for Process Operation
Graphic Symbols for distributed control/shared Display Instrumentation, Logic, and Computer
ISA 5.3
ISA 5.4 Loop Diagrams

ISA 12.01.01 Definitions and Information Pertaining to Electrical Apparatus in Hazardous (Classified) Locations

ISA RP 60.8 Guide for Control Centers

ISA 75.01.01 Flow Equations for Sizing Control Valves
ISA 75.05.01 Control Valve Terminology
ISA 75.08.01 Face to Face Dimensions for Flanged Globe Valves
ISA SP75.17 Control Valve Aerodynamic Noise Prediction
Safety Standard For Electrical And Electronic Test, Measuring, Controlling, And Related Equipment
ISA 82.02.01
– General Requirements

ISA 82.02.02 Safety Requirements For Electrical Equipment For Measurement, Control, And Laboratory Use

ISA 82.03 Safety Standard For Electrical And Electronic Test, Measuring, Controlling, And Related Equipment

ISA S84.01 Application of Saftey Instrumented Systems for the Process Industries

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A.9 National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE)

Code Description
Material requirements - Sulphide stress cracking resistant metallic materials for Oil Field
NACE MR 01 75
NACE RP 01 69 Control of External Corrosion on Underground or Submerged Metallic Piping System
Mitigation of Alternating Current and Lightning Effects on Metallic Structures and Corrosion
NACE RP 01 77
Control Systems
NACE RP 02 86 Electrical Isolation of Cathodically Protected Pipelines
NACE RP 05 72 Design, Installation, Operation and Maintenance of Impressed Current Deep Ground Beds
NACE RP 07 92 Standard Format for Computerised Close Internal Survey Data

A.10 National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)

Code Description
NFPA 30 Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code
NFPA 70 National Electrical Code
NFPA 72 National Fire Alarm Code
NFPA 220 Types of Building Construction
NFPA 251 Standard Methods Of Tests Of Fire Endurance Building Construction And Materials
NFPA 252 Fire Tests of Door Assemblies
NFPA 496 Purged and Pressurised Enclosures for Electrical Equipment in Petroleum Refineries

Recommended Practice For The Classification Of Flammable Liquids, Gases, Or Vapors And
NFPA 497
Of Hazardous (Classified) Locations For Electrical Installations In Chemical Process Areas

Recommended Practice For The Classification Of Combustible Dusts And Of Hazardous

NFPA 499
(Classified) Locations For Electrical Installations In Chemical Process Areas
NFPA 780 Installation of Lightning Protection Systems

A.11 National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA)

Code Description
NEMA 250 Enclosures for Electrical Equipment (1000 Volts Maximum)
NEMA 260 Safety Labels for Pad mounted Switchgear and Transformers sited in Public Areas
NEMA AB1 Moulded Case Circuit Breakers and Moulded Case Switches and Circuit Breaker Enclosures
NEMA ICS 1 Industrial Control and Systems General Requirements
NEMA ICS 2 Industrial Control and System Controllers, And Overload Relays Rated 600 Volts
NEMA ICS 3 Industrial Control And Systems: Medium Voltage Controllers Rated 2001 To 7200 Volts AC
NEMA ICS 6 Industrial Control And Systems: Enclosures
NEMA PE5 Utility Type Battery Chargers

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A.12 Underwriters Laboratory (UL)

Code Description
UL 96 Lightning Protection Components
UL 96A Installation Requirements for Lightning Protection Components
UL 467 Grounding and Bonding Equipment
UL 698 Industrial Control Equipment for use in Hazardous (Classified) Locations
UL 886 Outlet Boxes and Fittings for Use in Hazardous (Classified) Locations
UL 924 Emergency Lighting and Power Equipment
Explosion Proof and Dust Ignition Proof Electrical Equipment for use in Hazardous (Classified)
UL 1203
UL 1778 Uninterruptible Power Supply Equipment

10.2 Appendix B: NOC General Engineering Specifications

All applicable NOC General Engineering Specifications are also shall be applied to the 24” New Gas
Transmission Pipeline from SOC Coastal Network to GECOL Power Station Project and should be used
where appropriate.

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