Ivy League Vest

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The vest uses Fair Isle techniques like colorwork patterns and changing colors on every round to create a textured look. It has a fitted silhouette.

The body uses a Fair Isle chart pattern worked in the round.

The vest is shaped by decreasing for the waist and increasing for the bust. It also has armhole and neckband edgings.


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Ivy League
by Eunny Jang
Originally published in
Interweave Knits, Winter 2007

Copyright Interweave Press LLC. Not to be reprinted. All rights reserved.

Ivy League Vest originally published in Interweave Knits, Winter 2007. ©Interweave Press LLC. Not to be reprinted. All rights reserved.
publishers of Interweave Knits magazine…join the online knitting community at KnittingDaily.com
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page 1

Striped Steeks: Work 8 steek sts in vertical stripes every rnd as foll: [K1 background color,
k1 patt color] 2 times, [k1 patt color, k1 background color] 2 times. This provides a clear
2-st centerline in patt color for cutting the steeks open and a clear, unobtrusive edge in
background color for picking up armhole edging and neckband sts.

Fair Isle Increase (FI inc): Yo in patt (with the color called for by the pattern). On the next
rnd, knit the yo through the back loop to prevent a hole from forming. This results in a
nearly invisible inc in the Fair Isle patt.

◆ This vest is worked entirely in the round from the bottom up, with steeks used to form
front and back neck openings and armholes. The vest shown used no reinforcement before
cutting the steeks. Neck and armhole ribbed edges are picked up and worked in the round
after the openings have been cut.
◆ The front neck shaping begins after the bust shaping begins and continues through the
armhole shaping and the beginning of the back neck shaping. The armhole and back neck
shaping begin before the front neck shaping ends. Read through the entire pattern before
beginning to knit.
◆ One side stitch is purled throughout at either side of the vest body as a faux “seam.”

VEST with background color, sl m; rep from *

“I like pieces that use traditional techniques once more. Work through Row 4 (4, 4, 4,
Rib: With larger cir needle and MC, CO 192
in modern contexts. Here, I’ve combined 5) of chart. Shape waist: Dec rnd: (Row 5 [5,
(208, 240, 256, 272) sts. Place marker (pm)
traditional Fair Isle border and peerie pat- 5, 5, 6] of chart) *K2tog, work in patt to
and join for working in the rnd. Join CC.
terns with a body-conscious silhouette,” 2 sts before m, ssk (see Glossary), sl m, p1
Set-up rnd: *[K3 with MC, k1 with CC] 23
says designer Eunny Jang. with background color, sl m; rep from * to
(25, 29, 31, 33) times, k3 with MC, pm for
side “seam,” k1 with CC, pm; rep from * to end—4 sts dec’d. Cont in patt, work Dec
Finished Size 28 (311⁄2, 34 3⁄4, 37 3⁄4, 413⁄4)" bust rnd every 4 (4, 4, 4, 5)th rnd 5 (5, 1, 6, 5)
circumference. Vest shown measures 311⁄2". more time(s), then every 3rd rnd 0 (0, 6, 0,
Rnd 1: *K3 with MC, p1 with CC; rep from *
Note: Deep V-neck accomodates a bust size 0) times—168 (184, 208, 228, 248) sts rem:
to end.
up to 5" larger than finished size. 83 (91, 103, 113, 123) sts each for front and
Rep last rnd 23 more times, changing colors
Yarn Harrisville Designs New England Shet- back, plus 2 seam sts. Work 7 rnds even in
as foll: Rnd 4: Change MC to pearl. Rnd 5:
land (100% wool; 197 yd [180 m]/ 50 g): #46 patt. Shape bust and front neck: Inc rnd: *FI inc
Change CC to woodsmoke. Rnd 7: Change
oatmeal (MC), #41 sandalwood (CC), #14 (see Stitch Guide), work in patt to m, FI
MC to white. Rnd 8: Change CC to loden.
woodsmoke (light blue-green), and #44 white, 2 inc, sl m, p1 in background color, sl m; rep
Rnd 9: Change CC to woodsmoke. Rnd 10:
skeins each; #45 pearl (gray), 1 skein; #15 loden from * to end—4 sts inc’d. Cont in patt
Change MC to pearl. Rnd 12: Change CC to
(dark green-blue), 1 (2, 2, 2, 2) skein(s). and work Inc rnd every 7 (6, 6, 6, 5)th rnd
sandalwood. Rnd 13: Change MC to oatmeal.
Needles Size 4 (3.5 mm): 24" circular (cir). 2 (7, 7, 7, 10) more times, then every 8 (7,
Rnd 14: Change MC to pearl. Rnd 15: Change
Size 2 (2.75 mm): 16" cir. Adjust needle size if 7, 7, 0)th rnd 4 (1, 1, 1, 0) time(s)—28 (36,
CC to woodsmoke. Rnd 17: Change MC to
necessary to obtain the correct gauge. 36, 36, 44) sts total added for bust shaping.
white. Rnd 18: Change CC to loden. Rnd 19:
Notions Markers (m); stitch holders; tapestry Work 7 (6, 6, 6, 5) rnds even, ending last
Change CC to woodsmoke. Rnd 20: Change
needle. rnd 9 (9, 10, 10, 10) sts before end of rnd in
MC to pearl. Rnd 22: Change CC to san-
Gauge 28 sts and 32 rnds = 4" in Fair Isle patt preparation for beg of armhole shaping. At
dalwood. Rnd 23: Change MC to oatmeal.
on larger needle. the same time, beg front neck shaping on Rnd
Body: Work chart as foll: *Beg and ending
as indicated for your size, work to m, p1 59 (62, 63, 67, 70) of body as foll: Work to

Ivy League Vest originally published in Interweave Knits, Winter 2007. ©Interweave Press LLC. Not to be reprinted. All rights reserved.
publishers of Interweave Knits magazine…join the online knitting community at KnittingDaily.com
Visit InterweaveStore.com/knittingpatterns for more great patterns!
page 2
Fair Isle center st of front, place 1 st onto holder, pm, use
oatmeal (MC)
both yarns and the long-tail method (see Glossary)
sandalwood (CC)
to CO 8 steek sts, pm, work to end of rnd in patt.
67 From this point, cont working rnds in patt, working
woodsmoke 8 marked steek sts in steek stripe patt (see Stitch
Guide). Work 2 (2, 1, 0, 0) rnd(s) even. Neck dec
white 63 rnd: Work in patt to 2 sts before first steek m, ssk,
sl m, k8 in steek stripe patt, sl m, k2tog, work to
pearl end in patt—2 sts dec’d. Cont to work bust shaping
59 and armhole shaping (see below) as directed, work
loden Neck dec rnd every 3rd (3rd, 2nd, 2nd, 2nd) rnd 2
(17, 1, 13, 27) more time(s), then every 4th (4th,
pattern repeat 55
3rd, 3rd, 3rd) rnd 18 (7, 27, 19, 10) times— 43 (51,
53 59, 67, 77) sts total removed for neck shaping. Shape
armholes: After bust shaping is complete, shape arm-
holes as foll: Place next 17 (17, 19, 19, 19) sts onto
49 holder, removing m, pm, use both yarns to CO 8
47 steek sts, pm, work across front in patt, working any
neck decs, to 8 (8, 9, 9, 9) sts before first side-seam
m, place next 17 (17, 19, 19, 19) sts onto holder,
43 removing m, pm, CO 8 steek sts using both yarns,
pm, work across back in patt, sl m, k8 in steek
stripe patt. Note: Beg of rnd has moved to first st of
39 body after left armhole steek. Double dec rnd: *K3tog,
work in patt to 3 sts before first armhole steek m,
sssk, sl m, k8 steek sts in steek stripe patt, sl m; rep
from * once more—8 sts dec’d. Work Double dec
33 rnd every rnd 1 (1, 1, 1, 2) more time(s). Dec rnd:
*K2tog, work in patt to 2 sts before first armhole
steek m, ssk, sl m, k8 steek sts in steek stripe patt,
29 sl m; rep from * once more—4 sts dec’d. Work Dec
rnd every rnd 5 (5, 5, 5, 4) more times, then every
other rnd 2 (2, 2, 3, 2) times—82 (82, 86, 90, 90)
25 sts total removed for armhole shaping. Cont in
23 patt, including neck decs, for 37 (39, 41, 41, 45)
rnds. Shape back neck: At the same time, beg back neck
shaping on Rnd 137 (141, 145, 149, 153) of body
19 as foll: Work in patt to center 21 (21, 29, 35, 45)
sts of back, place center 21 (21, 29, 35, 45) sts
onto holder for back neck, pm, use both yarns to
15 CO 8 sts for back neck steek, pm, work to end of
13 rnd. Triple dec rnd: Work in patt to 4 sts before first
back neck steek m, ssssk, sl m, k8 steek sts in steek
stripe patt, sl m, k4tog, work to end in patt—6 sts
9 dec’d. Work Triple dec rnd every rnd 0 (1, 1, 2, 2)
more time(s). Double dec rnd: Work in patt to 3 sts
before first back neck steek m, sssk, sl m, k8 steek
5 sts in steek stripe patt, sl m, k3tog, work to end in
patt—4 sts dec’d. Work Double dec rnd every rnd 0
(2, 2, 1, 1) more time(s). Dec rnd: Work in patt to 2
sts before first back neck steek m, ssk, sl m, k8 steek
sts in steek stripe patt, sl m, k2tog, work to end in
beg beg beg beg beg
413/4" 28" 311/2" 343/4" 373/4"
patt—2 sts dec’d. Work Dec rnd every rnd 3 (0, 0,
end end end end end
0, 0) more times, then every other rnd 2 times— 43
311/2" 28" 413/4" 373/4" 343/4"

Ivy League Vest originally published in Interweave Knits, Winter 2007. ©Interweave Press LLC. Not to be reprinted. All rights reserved.
publishers of Interweave Knits magazine…join the online knitting community at KnittingDaily.com
Visit InterweaveStore.com/knittingpatterns for more great patterns!
page 3
then k17 (17, 19, 19, Cut CC. With MC, BO all sts pwise. Weave

2.5 (3.2, 3.8, 3.8, 4.5) cm

16 (18.5, 21.5, 24, 28) cm

19) held sts—112 (116, in loose ends. Trim waste steek sts neatly

61⁄4 (71⁄4, 81⁄2, 91⁄2, 11)"

1 (11⁄4, 11⁄2, 11⁄2, 13⁄4)"
120, 124, 128) sts total. and fold to WS. Tack down if desired with
Front neck drop:
Pm and join for working a whipstitch or blanket st. Wet-block vest
in the rnd. Join CC. Next carefully. -
19.5 (20.5, 21, 21.5, 22) cm

11 ⁄ (11 ⁄ , 11 ⁄ , 11 ⁄ , 11 ⁄ )" 1
73⁄4 (8, 81⁄4, 81⁄2, 83⁄4)"

28.5 (28.5, 30, 30, 30) cm

rnd: *K3 with MC, p1
with CC; rep from * to
end. Cont in rib, chang-
ing colors as foll: On Ssk Decrease
next rnd, change CC to Slip two stitches knitwise one at a time
woodsmoke. On foll rnd, (Figure 1). Insert point of left needle into
change CC to loden. On front of two slipped stitches and knit them
foll rnd, change CC to together through back loops with right

28 (311⁄2, 343⁄4, 373⁄4, 413⁄4)"

woodsmoke. On next

71 (80, 88.5, 96, 106) cm

needle (Figure 2).
131⁄4 (131⁄2, 133⁄4, 14, 1411⁄4)"
33.5 (34.5, 35, 35.5, 36) cm

rnd, change CC to san-

Body dalwood. Cut CC. With
MC, BO all sts kwise.

24 (261⁄4, 293⁄4, 321⁄2, 351⁄2)"

61 (66.5, 75.5, 82.5, 90) cm
Neck edging: With smaller
Figure 1 Figure 2
cir needle and MC, beg
at left shoulder, pick up
and knit 71 (71, 75, 75,
75) sts evenly spaced
27 ⁄ (29 ⁄ , 34 ⁄ , 36 ⁄ , 38 ⁄ )" 1
Three-Needle Bind-Off
70 (75.5, 87, 92.5, 98.5) cm down left side of front
neck between body and Place stitches to be
(51, 59, 67, 77) sts total removed for back steek sts, pm, knit held st joined onto two separate
neck shaping. Next rnd: Work in patt and at center front, pm, pick up and knit 71 (71, needles. Hold them with
BO all steek sts—28 (36, 40, 40, 48) sts rem; 75, 75, 75) sts evenly spaced up right side of right sides of knitting
7 (9, 10, 10, 12) sts for each front shoulder facing together. Insert
front neck, then 37 (41, 49, 53, 61) sts evenly
a third needle into first
and each back shoulder. Cut patt color. Turn spaced across back neck—180 (184, 200, 204, stitch on each of the other two needles and
garment inside out. With RS tog and back- 212) sts total. Pm and join for working in knit them together as one stitch. *Knit next
ground color, use the three-needle BO (see the rnd. Join CC. Next rnd: *K3 with MC, p1 stitch on each needle the same way. Pass first
Glossary) to join shoulders. with CC; rep from * to end. Cont in rib, dec stitch over second stitch. Repeat from * until
1 st at each side of center-front neck st every one stitch remains on third needle. Cut yarn
FINISHING rnd and change colors as foll: Rnd 3: Change and pull tail through last stitch.
If desired, use sewing machine or hand-sew- CC to woodsmoke and MC to pearl. Rnd 5:
ing to reinforce steeks. Cut all steeks care- Change CC to loden and MC to white. Rnd 7:
fully down center lines. Armhole edgings: With Change CC to woodsmoke and MC to pearl.
smaller cir needle and MC, pick up and knit Rnd 9: Change CC to sandalwood and MC to
95 (99, 101, 105, 109) sts evenly spaced oatmeal. Work 1 more rnd—10 rnds total.
around armhole, between body and steek sts,

Continental (Long-Tail) Cast-On Discover knitwear

Leaving a long tail (about 1⁄2” to 1” for each stitch to
be cast on), make a slipknot and place on right needle. designs that will
Place thumb and index finger of left hand between yarn capture your
ends so that working yarn is around index finger and tail
Figure 2 imagination.
end is around thumb. Secure ends with your other fin- Figure 1
gers and hold palm upwards, making a V of yarn (Figure Take advantage
1). Bring needle up through loop on thumb (Figure 2),
of this special
grab first strand around index finger with needle, and go
back down through loop on thumb (Figure 3). Drop loop risk-free offer today!
off thumb and, placing thumb back in V configuration,
tighten resulting stitch on needle (Figure 4). Figure 3 Figure 4 interweave.com/go/kdiwk

Ivy League Vest originally published in Interweave Knits, Winter 2007. ©Interweave Press LLC. Not to be reprinted. All rights reserved.
publishers of Interweave Knits magazine…join the online knitting community at KnittingDaily.com
Visit InterweaveStore.com/knittingpatterns for more great patterns!
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