Green Banking

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Discussion Paper Series No.


Draft and not to be quoted without Author’s permission

Green Banking in India

Pravakar Sahoo
Bibhu Prasad Nayak


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Pravakar Sahoo*
Bibhu Prasad Nayaki

Sustainable development can best be achieved by allowing markets to work within an
appropriate framework of cost efficient regulations and economic instruments. One of the major
economic agents influencing overall industrial activity and economic growth is the financial
institutions such as banking sector. In a globalised economy, the industries and firms are
vulnerable to stringent environmental policies, severe law suits or consumer boycotts. Since
banking sector is one of the major stake holders in the Industrial sector, it can find itself faced
with credit risk and liability risks. Further, environmental impact might affect the quality of
assets and also rate of return of banks in the long-run. Thus the banks should go green and play
a pro-active role to take environmental and ecological aspects as part of their lending principle,
which would force industries to go for mandated investment for environmental management, use
of appropriate technologies and management systems. This paper explores the importance of
Green Banking, sites international experiences and highlights important lessons for sustainable
banking and development in India. However, we find that there has not been much initiative in
this regard by the banks and other financial institutions in India though they play an active role
in India’s emerging economy. Therefore, we suggest possible policy measures and initiative to
promote green banking in India.

This paper is forthcoming in Indian Economic Journal (IEJ). We thank the anonymous referee of IEJ,
Dr. Niranjan Sahoo and Dr. Arup Mitra for their comments on the previous draft. We also thank Dr.
Pushpam Kumar and Mr. Ramakanta Subudhi fore the encouragement to write this paper.
*Faculty, Reserve Bank of India Unit, Institute of Economic Growth, Delhi University Enclave, Delhi-7.
[email protected]. # Research Scholar, Jawaherlal Neheru University, Delhi. However, usual
disclaimer applies.


I. Introduction

Sustainable development has emerged as a new paradigm of development in response to

the current discourse of development that over-exploits natural environment for economic
prosperity. The sustainable development can best be achieved by allowing markets to work
within an appropriate framework of cost efficient regulations and economic instruments. One of
the major economic agents influencing overall industrial activity and economic growth is the
financial institutions such as banking sector. The banking sector influences the economic growth
and development in terms of both quality and quantity, there by changing the nature of economic
growth. Banking sector is one of the major sources of financing investment for commercial
projects which is one of the most important economic activities for economic growth. Therefore,
banking sector can play a crucial role in promoting environmentally sustainable and socially
responsible investment (SRI)1. Banks may not be the polluters themselves but they will probably
have a banking relationship with some companies/investment projects that are polluters or could
be in future.

Banking sector is generally considered as environmental friendly in terms of emissions

and pollutions. Internal environmental impact of the banking sector such as use of energy, paper
and water are relatively low and clean. Environmental impact of banks is not physically related
to their banking activities but with the customer’s activities. Therefore, environmental impact of
bank’s external activity is huge though difficult to estimate. Moreover, environment management
in the banking business is like risk management. It increases the enterprise value and lowers loss
ratio as higher quality loan portfolio results in higher earnings. Thus, encouraging
environmentally responsible investments and prudent lending should be one of the
responsibilities of the banking sector. Further, those industries which have already become green
and those, which are making serious attempts to grow green, should be accorded priority to
lending by the banks. This method of finance can be called as “Green Banking”, an effort by the

Internationally SRI funds are highly demanded for example SRI assets in the U.S. have reached $2.29 trillion in
2005 (Starogiannis, 2006)

banks to make the industries grow green and in the process restore the natural environment. This
concept of “Green Banking” will be mutually beneficial to the banks, industries and the
economy. Not only “Green Banking” will ensure the greening of the industries but it will also
facilitate in improving the asset quality of the banks in future2.

Internationally, there is a growing concern about the role of banking and institutional
investors for environmentally responsible/socially responsible investment projects3. Banking and
other financial institutions are more effective towards achieving this goal for the kind of
intermediary role they play in any economy and for their potential reach to the number of
investors. Environment is no longer the exclusive concern of the government and the direct
polluters, but also the other partners and stake- holders in the business like financial institutions
such as banking institutions can play a very important role in fostering linkage between
economic development and environmental protection. To substantiate, quality of service, the
implementation of environmental conservation measures, support to the deprived section of the
society, concern about the quality of life and nature are the basic principles that the financial
institutions are relying on in their business strategy in recent years.

The banking operation targets a certain long-term rate of return on their credit and
investment. However, every credit extension and investment caries the risk of non-payment and
reduction of value (in case of direct investment) due to environmental liabilities. Therefore, it is
of importance to the banking sector to follow certain environmental evaluation of the projects
before financing. There are studies showing positive correlation between environmental
performance and financial performance (Hamilton, 1995; Hart, 1995; Blacconiere and Pattern,
1993). Thus, it is imperative for the financial institutions in the present context to consider
environmental performance in deciding whether to invest in companies or advise clients to do so.
The formation of different rules for environmental management like resource conservation, clean
water act, clean air act, toxic substance control act are also viewed as potentially significant

Non-performing Assets (NPAs) have already occupied the center stage of the present day banking. All the
banks are busy in cleaning up the already created NPAs from their asset portfolio.
Earth Summit in 1992, the United Nation Environment Programme Initiative on the Environment and
Sustainable Development” was established in order to initiate a constructive dialogue between UNEP and Financial

contributor to the recent increase in environmental liability for banking institutions. Adoption of
these principles will offer significant benefits to financial institutions, to consumers and also the

There have been attempts to adopt sustainable development strategies from various
quarters at international level4. Multilateral agencies, international consortiums, multilateral
financial and development institutions have been advocating for environmental standards and
strategies to evaluate investment projects. In the recent years, the international organization for
standardization (ISO) has issued series of comprehensive guidelines for incorporating
environmental protection and pollution prevention objectives into industrial activity worldwide,
known collectively as ISO 14000. It would certainly give the much needed impetus for the
banking industry to expand the use of environmental information in their credit extension and
investment decisions. In this backdrop, the paper aims to discuss the issues of sustainability in
Banking and how banks can play a role for sustainable growth and development, particularly in
the Indian context.

II. Importance of Green Banking

Until recently, environmental concerns were not considered relevant to the business
operation of banks and financial institutions. Traditionally, banking sector’s concern for
environmentally degrading activities of clients is like interfering or meddling in their business
affairs. However, now it is being perceived that dealing with environment brings risks to their
business. Although the banking and financial institutions are not directly affected by the
environmental degradation, there are indirect costs to banks. Due to strict environmental
disciplines imposed by the competent authorities across the countries, the industries would have
to follow certain standards to run their business. In the case of failure, it would lead to closure of
the industries leading to a likelihood of default to the bank. For example the enactment of
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act in 1980 (CERCLA)

The UNEP statement by Financial Institutions on the Environment and Sustainable development in 1992 showed
that 80% of the signatories (200 financial institutions) made some kind of assessment of environmental risks of
investment projects before financing.

in the US in late 1980s has resulted in huge loss to the banks in the US as banks held directly
responsible for the environmental pollution of their clients and made to pay the remediation cost.
This is the reason for which banks in the US are ahead of other countries in integrating
environmental concerns into their business operations. In the recent years several other countries
(more in Europe) are seen adopting policies that have made banks responsible for the misdeeds
of their clients. Therefore, the financial institutions need to engage proactively with the
stakeholders on environmental and social policy issues and evaluate the impacts of their client’s
investment. In turn, that would force the customers to take care of their management of
environmental and social policy issues relating to investment. This should cover all project
financing activities across all industries. The importance of Green Banking is immense for both
the banks and economy by avoiding the following risks involved in banking sector.

Credit Risk: - It can arise indirectly where banks are lending to customers whose
businesses are adversely affected by the cost of cleaning up pollution or due to changes in
environmental regulations. The cost of meeting new requirements on emission levels may be
sufficient to put some companies out of business5. Credit risks may be higher due to the
probability of customer default as a result of uncalculated expenses for capital investment in
production facilities, loss of market share and third party liability claim. Credit risks are also
associated with lending on the security of real estate whose value has diminished owing to
environmental problems (additional loss in the event of default). Further, risk of loan default by
debtors due to environmental liabilities because of fines and legal liabilities and due to reduced
priority of repayment under bankruptcy. In few cases, banks have been held responsible6 for
actions occurring in which they held a secured interest (see Schmidheiny and Zorraquin, 1996
and Ellis, Millians and Bodeau, 1992).

Example, in United Kingdom, the breach of terms of the license given by integrated pollution prevention control
would lead to prohibition, financial penalties and enforcement notice. All such notices can have significant financial
implications for the business and as well as the financial institutions those who have put money into it. Thus
banks/financial institutions need to take actions before financing the project. The enactment of CERCLA in USA in
1980s has resulted in huge loss to the banks in USA as banks held directly responsible for the environmental
pollution of their clients and made to pay the remediation cost.
Some US courts (H. Thomson) have sought to hold banks and other financial institutions liable for the
environmental damage caused by their customer’s actions, such as clean up costs and other damages associated with

Legal Risk: - It can occur in different forms. Most obviously, banks like other companies
are at risk if they themselves do not comply with relevant environmental legislation. But more
specifically, they are at risk of direct lender liability for clean up costs or claims for damages if
they have actually taken possession of contaminated or pollution causing assets. An
environmental management system helps a bank to reduce risks and costs, enhance its image and
take advantage of revenue opportunities.

Reputation Risk: - In all likelihood, due to growing awareness about environment safety,
banking institutions are more prone to loose their reputations if they are involved in big projects,
which are viewed as socially and environmentally damaging. There are also few cases where
environmental management system has resulted in cost savings, increase in bond value etc
(Heim, G et al, 2005). In few cases the environmental management system resulted in lower risk,
greater environmental stewardship and increase in operating profit. Reputation risks involved in
the financing of ecologically and ethically questionable projects.

The adoption of green banking strategies will help the bank to deal with these risks
involved in their business operation. Green banking strategies involves two components (1)
managing environment risk and (2) identifying opportunities for innovative environmentally
oriented financial products (IFC, 2007). To manage environmental risk, the banks have to design
proper environmental management systems to evaluate the risks involved in the investment
projects. The risks can be internalized by introducing differential interest rates and other
techniques. Moreover, bank can withdraw itself from financing high-risk projects. The second
component of green banking entails creating financial products and services that support
commercial development with environmental benefits. These includes investment in renewable
energy projects, biodiversity conservation, energy efficiency, investment in cleaner production
process and technologies, bonds and mutual funds meant for environmental investments etc7.

hazardous wastes. For example Fleet Factors case in 1990 where the bank (Fleet factor corporation) was held liable
for environmental damages incurred in the foreclosure process by a firm they hired to auction off assets.
The growing market for sustainable investment funds such as Scudder Environmental Value Fund (WBCSD,
1997) and the UBS Eco performance portfolios (UBS 1999) is a good example for this trend.

Thus, the banking and financial institutions should prepare an environmental risk and
liability guidelines on development of protective policies and reporting for each project they
finance or invest (Jeucken, 2001). They can also have an environmental assessment requirement
for the projects seeking finance. Banks also can issue Environmental hazards management
procedures for the each project and follow through8. International financial institutions like
International Financial Corporation (IFC), Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC) have
incorporated environmental management into their business operation. All project proposals are
classified in terms of its potential environmental impact taking into account factors such as the
sector and scale of the project, the substance, proposed project site, the degree and uncertainty of
its potential environmental impact. Often, the World Bank’s loans and grants are associated with
certain level of commitment of the beneficiary countries to adopt environmental protection

The perception towards complying with environmentally norms and standards is

changing over time. Adhering to environmental norms and standards were considered costly and
as a bottleneck to development. If we will consider the economic benefits of these in terms of
health care, productivity and insurance then the benefit is much higher than the cost9. A study
confirms that only air pollution causes the loss of 200 million working days and the resulting
losses in productivity and medical expenses costs around 14 billion pound to the European Union
(Stavros Dimas, 2005). If all the impacts of environmental degradation are considered and costs
are measured, then we can find the huge economic benefits these protection measures brings in.

Environmental friendly technologies also make economic sense for the industries and
actually lessen the financial burden. The cost of pollution is rising with more awareness about
these issues all over the world. The polluting industries face more resistance and often forced to
closedown or face massive boycott by the consumers. This adds to their cost enormously.
Environmental concerns are integrated into the international trade policy and often act as trade

In Philippines, the Land Bank and also Development Bank of the Philippines has set up a specific environmental
unit to analyse environmental aspects of project financing, to finance waste and water projects and to incorporate
environmental factors into its lending operations. They also expanded their environmental units for technical
evaluation of each projects.
See Chopra et al (2005) for more on Ecosystems and Human Well-Being.

barrier for environmentally sensitive goods (ESGs). So adopting environmentally sustainable
technologies or modes of production is no more considered as a financial burden, rather it brings
new business opportunities and higher profit. Green banking saves costs, minimizes the risk,
enhance banks reputations and contribute to the common good of environmental sustainability.
So it serves both the commercial objective of the bank as well as its social responsibility. Green
banking solves the problem faced by the environmental regulation and enforcements authorities
related to size and location of the polluting unit. The authorities have practical limitations on
enforcing environment standard on small-scale industries and also industries located in far off

III. Green Banking: International Initiatives

The financial sector’s growing adherence to environmental management system is

attributed to the direct and indirect pressures from international and local Non Governmental
Organisations (NGOs), multilateral agencies and in some cases the market through consumers. In
the early 1990s, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) launched what is now
known as the UNEP Finance Initiative (UNEPFI). Some 200 financial institutions around the
globe are signatories of this initiative statement to promote sustainable development within the
framework of market mechanisms toward common environmental goals10. The objective is to
integrate the environmental and social dimension to the financial performance and risk
associated with it in the financial sector. As the commitment of this UNEPFI statement goes,
sustainable development is regarded basic to the sound business management. It advocates for a
precautionary approach towards environmental management and suggests integrating
environmental considerations into the regular business operations, asset management, and other
business decisions of the banks11. IFC’s environmental unit was established in 1991 for

34 international banks follow codes of conduct in the lines of UNEP, environmental reporting, environmental
management systems, environmental policy and environmental risk assessment and guidelines to reduce
environmental impact, both internal and external (Jeucken, 2001).
In the similar lines, the city of London in 2002 launched the London Principles on Sustainable Finance at
Johannesburg Earth Summit. It focuses on the provision for eco-innovation and access to finance for disadvantaged
communities. The London principles constitute seven principles that address the environmental and social impact of
the financial sector and emphasized such issues as transparency, risk management and equitable access to capital.

reviewing each project for environmental assessment. Similarly, the US Export-Import Bank
regularly reviews while financing exports on the ground whether they are environmentally
sound. It will be noteworthy to mention that Netherland-based ABN-Amro bank has developed
certain Reputational Risk Management (RRM) policies to identify, asses and mange non-
financial present within it business engagements. Similarly, some of the big international banks
like ABN Amro, Deutsche, Standard Chartered, HSBC Bank etc. look at environment issues
discussed under Kyoto Protocol. Going further, the Dutch Government has made a formal
request to banks in achieving sustainable development. The dialogue between banks and
government was established in 1999 to initiate policies for environmental improvements through
the development of new financial products and services.

Similalrly, Earth (FoE) and the Rainforest Action Network (RAN) challenged the
industry with high-profile campaign that highlighted cases in which commercial banks were
“bankrolling disasters” in 2000 in the US. In 2002, a global coalition of NGOs formed a network
named ‘BankTract’ to promote sustainable finance in the commercial sector. This coalition came
up with a resolution constituting six principles promoting environmental protection and social
justice by banks and this is popularly known as Collevecchio Declaration. The six principles that
this declaration advocated included commitments to sustainability, no-harm, responsibility,
accountability, transparency and sustainable market, and governance. More than 200
organizations have endorsed this declaration and urged the banks to incorporate these
commitments into their business operation. The declaration states that “Finance and Commerce
has been at the center of a historic detachment between the world’s natural resource base,
production and consumption. As we reach the boundaries of ecological boundaries of the
ecological limit upon which all commerce relies, the financial sector should take its share of
responsibility for reversing the effects this detachment has produced”.

All these concerns for sustainable finance or green finance have compelled the banking
institutions to devise a common and coherent set of environmental and social policies and
guidelines that can be used to evaluate the projects. A small group of banks along with IFC came
together to initiate the process of designing the common guidelines in October 2002 and came up
with a guidelines in June 2003 that is known as Equator Principles with 10 leading commercial
banks adopting these voluntary set of principles. This equator principle was subsequently

updated and the new revised sets of principles are launched in July 2006. The coverage of
projects being financed are expanded in this revised set of principles by lowering the finance
threshold from $50 million to $10 million. Presently 46 financial institutions from 16 countries
with business operation in more than 100 countries have embraced this equator principle. So this
principle has become a common standard of project finance that incorporated environmental and
social issues in project finance.

The activities of the equator banks (banks adopting equator principles) are being
reviewed by NGOs worldwide and are being published whenever it is realized that they are not
committed to Equator Principle. IFC along with the Financial Times has initiated ‘Sustainable
Banking Award’ since 2006. More than 104 financial institutions out of 151 entries from 51
countries have made it to the final lists of award in 2007. The number of banks applying was up
by more than 100 per cent compared to the previous year's 48 banks from 28 countries.

All the international initiatives towards integrating environmental concerns into

business operation of banks are voluntary in nature and are meant to promote a common good
of a better ecosystem. Voluntary commitment has its own shortcoming in a competitive market.
Unless the market for green money will increase, the lenders will always have an incentive to
procrastinate their social commitment and prioritize the commercial interest in the short run. So
demand for green money is a precondition of green banking if it will be voluntary. A
Government legislation that makes banks accountable for the misdeeds of their clients will help
promote green banking.

IV. Green Banking in India

India is on a higher growth trajectory for last one and half decade and the industrial sector
plays the most important role in India’s growth story. However, Indian industry faces the
challenges of controlling environmental impact of their business i.e. reducing pollution and
emission of their clients. Though government has been trying to address the issue by framing
environmental legislations and encouraging industry to follow environmental technologies and

practices, they would not be enough given the poor track records of enforcement, public
awareness and inability to derive competitive advantage by producing eco-friendly products.

Incidentally, India’s is the world’s sixth largest and second fastest growing country in terms of
producing green house gases. Delhi, Mumbai and Chennai are the three of the world’s ten most
polluted cities. The major polluting industries in India are (a) primary metallurgical industries
namely zinc, copper, steel etc. (b) paper & pulp (c) pesticides/insecticides (d) refines (e)
fertilizers (f) tanneries (g) sugar (h) textiles (i) chemicals/pharmaceuticals etc. The banking
operation and investment by financial institutions should take care of environmental
management of these polluting industries by improving the overall environment, the quality and
conversation of life, level of efficiency in using materials and energy, quality of services and
products. In this context, the role of banking sector, which is on major financing sources to the
Industries, assumes high importance.

The environmental regulations in India can be broadly classified into two broad
categories i.e. command and control regulations and liability law. The command and control
regulations are ex ante regulations that are designed to dissuade environmentally damaging
projects. This regulation is implemented by setting industry specific pollution standards,
scrutinizing the projects and granting/denying permissions by the concerned authorities like
Ministry of Environment and Forest. The liability laws are ex post in nature and are implemented
by enforcing authorities through imposing fines, closing down the defaulting industries etc.
However there is no law and rule in India that can hold banks responsible for scrutinizing
investment projects before financing and for the environmental damage created by its client.
Once legal framework for the environmental pollution standards are formulated in India, the
polluting industries either have to close down or have to make necessary investment to comply
with the standard. In this process these industries will loose their competitiveness in the
international market, which would directly affect Indian economy and the banking sector.

Thus in the present context, it is equally important for banks to guard themselves against
the conversion of the now performing assets into non-performing one in the future. Realization
of these facts by banks will certainty make them fast adopt the concept of Green Banking. The

industries, which are ill equipped to control pollution now, are the possible polluters of future. A
day may come, when legislation may take a hard stance against these environmental culprits and
may order the closer of these units. Almost 150 SSI units around Agra and Delhi were forced to
close down for their non-compliance to the mandated environmental standards12. In such an
eventuality, the industries cannot be rescued from becoming the non-performing ones, as the
banking institutions continue to overlook these aspects. Table -1 reflects category-wise summary
status of pollution control in 17 categories of industries in India where we find that industries are
increasingly complying with pollution control norms. However, there are equally increasing
numbers of industries which have been defaulted and closed down. In the case of default and
closed down of industries, banks incur the financial loss due increase in bad asset and liability.
Table- 1
Category-wise Summary Status of Pollution Control in
17 Categories of Industries in India

Year Total Complying* Defaulting** Closed

1999@ 1551 1284 114 153
2000@ 1551 1326 53 172
2001@ 1551 1350 24 177
2002# 1551 1351 22 178
2004# 2155 1877 53 225
2006$ 2678 2044 299 335
Note: *Having Adequate Facilities to Comply with the Standards, ** Not having adequate facilities to Comply with the
Standards. Source: @Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No. 2241, dated 18.03.2002; Annual Report 2003-2004, Ministry of
Environment and Forests, Government of India; $Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No. 3581, dated 15.05.2006 (sourced from )
Besides, the public is gaining consciousness of the multifarious problems associated with
pollution. So, the public will resort to protest, strike, and agitation to stop the misuse of the
environment or in a simple fashion consumers may reject the products produced by the polluting
units. Before 1986, there was no provision for public to file a suit against the polluting units but
now the citizens are also permitted to file suits. The present green consumerism is more
concerned with the quality of the products more than the quantity. In future, market will reward
those industries or the companies, which emerge as the efficient users of the energy and raw
materials and will penalize the less efficient one. Further, the investors in the stock market are
equally aware of environmental pollution and would take a stand against those

Similarly, In River Bhadar in Gujarat, after 14 years of public protests, the high court ordered closure of 1200 sari
dyeing and printing units till effluent treatment plants are installed.

industries/institutions that do not comply with pollution norms (Gupta, 2003; Goldar, 2007). So
the preferences of the investors will dry up in the case of polluting units and market
capitalization will go down significantly. Thus, financial institutions should help developing the
right instruments to meet the needs of industry to control environmental impact.

As far as Green Banking in India is concerned, the banking and financial institutions are
running behind the schedules compared to global trends. None of our banks or financial
institutions has adopted equator principle even for the sake of records. None of them are
signatory to the UNEPFI. The British business newspaper and Financial Times which together
nominated following banks for Sustainable Banking Awards in 2006 for leadership and
innovation in integrating social, environmental and corporate governance objectives into their
operations did not find a single Indian nationalized bank or major private bank in the list except
Yes bank (which is a small player in Indian Banking sector) in “Emerging Markets Sustainable
Bank of the Year” category (See Table-2). It seems there was no systematic attempt to integrate
the environmental concerns into the business operation here by our nationalized banks. For 2007
ET sustainable Banking Award only two banks (YES Bank and ABN AMRO Bank) has filed
nominations. This shows the ignorance in the part of our banks about the green banking
initiatives at international level.
Sustainable Banking Award- 2006

Sustainable Emerging Sustainable Sustainable Deal Sustainable Energy

Bank of the Markets Bankers of of the Year Finance Deal of the
Year Sustainable Bank the Year Year
of the Year
ABN Amro, Banco ABN ABN Amro, ABN Amro, Banco ABN Amro
Netherlands Amro Real, Netherlands Netherlands Real/Banco do
Brazil Brasil
Bank Sarasin, Banco Itau, Calyon, Banco ABN Barclays Bank, UK
Switzerland Brazil France Amro Real,
HSBC, UK Nedbank, South Citigroup, Citigroup, Calyon, France
Africa US US/Financiera
WestLB, Standard Mizuho, Deutsche Bank, Credit Suisse,
Germany Chartered, UK Japan Germany Switzerland
Westpac, Yes Bank, India WestLB, HSBC, UK WestLB, Germany
Australia Germany
Source: Willem van Gelder, Profundo May 2006, BankTracK.

Today the products of the countries violating the human rights or the child labour law are
denied entry into the US or the European markets. So it would not be surprising when the export
of the domestic polluting industries gets a severe jolt if they continue degrading the environment.
For the first time, the WTO ministerial talks in Seattle had in its agenda the issue of
Environment. The fall of demand of the product of the units because of green consumerism will
make the units suffer and in turn affect the quality of the assets of lending institutions. The major
blow will be to the performances of the public sector banks in India. Because most of the SSIs
are within the fold of these banks and SSIs are likely to be worst hit in strict environmental

Therefore, banks need to be more careful in India about the environmental aspects of
their clients and products because (1) future of exports and product market are going to go
through stringent environmental rules and eco-friendly product will have better market. (2)
increased demand for pollution controls equipments will require more financial assistance from
banks. (3) Reserve Bank of India (RBI) may follow environmental guidelines for the banks in
the lines of IFC and Asian Development Bank etc (4) recent announcement of the government to
use economic instruments for environmental control may include Banks in future (4) big
investment projects supported by international organizations like the World Bank and ADB
require Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). Therefore the banks should begin
implementing procedures like (1) assessment of risk due to environment (2) Environmental audit
management (3) assessment of credit requirement and loan follow up before investing on
different projects. However, since banking sector is profit driven, it needs incentives and
governmental support to assist environmental protection which is beneficial for the whole
economy and society and also to the banking sector itself in the long-run. For the medium and
large-scale industries, the lending institution should finance only those units, which are
environmentally clean. A unit can be said to be environmentally clean only when its pollution
level is within the permissible level fixed by the pollution control board or any certified agency.

For this measure to succeed the pollution control agencies are required to play an important role
by supplementing the banks efforts to control pollution13.
National Environmental Policy (NEP) in 2006 brings out clear policies, principles and
also rules to implement environmental rules and regulations. Though, NEP is silent about the
role of financial institutions, it brings out clearly the role of different stake holders such as
government, industry, civil society and public. Some of the policies such as enforcement of laws
to conserve the common resources, improving technical capacities for better monitoring and
compliance and involvement of local people in the enforcement process are certainly going to
improve the environmental management system in India. Further, NEP emphasizes industries to
adopt standardized environmental management practices by acquiring ISO 14000. Overall, NEP
has brought about clarity in many ways to control environmental degradation and it covers many
areas which would force industries as well as the other stake holders such as banking sector to be
more responsible for environmental management. Further, the emphasis of the NEP on capacity
building in financial institutions for evaluation of proposal for switching existing production
facilities in industries to clean technology is welcome step.

Small Scale Sector in India and Green Banking: - Industries irrespective of their size
(large, medium or small) emit pollutants to the environment in which we all inhabit. Though the
large-scale industries are more capable of degrading the environment, they have adequate
financial resources to install pollution control equipment or waste treatment plants to control
pollution. Moreover, these large-scale industries are always in the eyes of the government or the
pollution control board, these industries strives hard to adhere to set emission standards. On the
other hand, the small-scale industries (SSIs), on account of their financial constraints may not be
able to unable to install the necessary equipment to meet the emission standards prescribed by
the competent authorities. Also because of their small scale of operation, the SSIs escape from
the eyes of the concerned authorities.

SSI constitute major portion of Indian industry. These industries account for about 40 per
cent of industrial production and 30% of total manufacturing exports. Use of western

One incentives is to classify the lending of the banks to manufacture and purchase of pollution control
equipments, environment consultant services etc as priority sector lending.

technological systems in small scale industries produce enormous gaseous, liquid and solid
wastes. However, they may not be in a position to bear additional expenditures on account of
environment audit and pollution control equipments. Therefore, banks need to apply different
procedures to promote pollution controls like (1) environmental pollution status of SSI (2)
environmental Clearance from the appropriate authorities and (3) steps undertaken or proposed
for disposal of solid, liquid and gaseous wastes before lending to SSI in India. This is where the
banks and financial institutions can extend the necessary financial support where pollution is on
account of inadequate financial capabilities.

Further, SSI exports takes place through merchant exporters, and export houses. They
may also be in the form of export orders from large-scale enterprises for production of parts and
components for use for finished exportable goods. The exports from SSI sector have been
clocking excellent growth rates in recent years and this has been mostly fuelled by the
performance of garments, leather and gems and jewellery exported by this sector. One of the key
issues for increasing the Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) manufacturers’ role in direct
exporting are quality and conformity. Standards, as well as testing and certification processes,
are a massive hindrance to sales since products cannot be sold if they do not comply with a range
of safety, health and other regulations. SMEs have difficulty in adopting expensive quality
management systems, or certification procedures that sometimes have to be repeated several
times. The main external barriers are technical trade restrictions or non-tariff barriers (like
standardization, quality requirements, conformity assessment, packaging and labeling, ecology
requirements, etc.); Different countries specify different testing and certification procedures.
Assistance with product development and innovation, including product design, packaging,
quality and environmental requirements and providing risk taking investment; obtaining of ISO
9000 series or ISO 14000 certificates. Therefore, a change in the environmental profile of the
SSI industries is called for. Therefore, the lending institutions need to restructure their credit and
financial instruments/products to help SSIs to endorse quality and conformity with
environmental standards.

Realizing the difficulties faced by SSIs in maintaining environmental standards and its huge
impact on economy and society, different state governments provide schemes to encourage small
scale industries to adopt better environmental management practices such as:

• In order to improve the quality of raw materials and also finished products, the SSI units
are allowed for testing facilities for products / raw materials and also to obtain the BIS
Certificate etc.

• Grants and subsidies are given to an extent of 50% of the total for obtaining the ISO 9000
Series (equivalent Indian Standard IS 14000 Series) in many states.

However, SSIs are small but large in number. And most of the industries are in the
unorganized sector. Therefore government and financial institutions must come forward to help
these units financially to adopt expensive pollution control technologies developed in the other
developed countries. However, the most practical solution to these large number of SSI
enterprises would be developing low cost pollution abatement technologies, adopt mechanism
from pollution control to pollution prevention activities and international cooperation.
Government can further provide tax incentives and other financial help to SSIs to meet

V. Environmental Management by the Banking Institutions

Now a days, most of the commercial lending process in different parts of the world
scrutinizes projects with a set of tools by incorporating environmental concerns in their day-to-
day business14. The financial institutions should encourage projects which take care of following
points while financing them viz., (a) sustainable development and use of natural renewable
natural resources (b) protection of human health, bio-diversity, occupational health and safety,
efficient production, delivery and use of energy (c) pollution prevention and waste minimization,

The Development Bank of Philippines (DBP) initiated an environmental management system (EMS) in 1997 and
recently obtained ISO 14000 certification.

pollution controls (liquid effluents and air emissions) and solid and chemical waste management
and (d) there should be a third party expert to draw a plan for the environment management plan.

They should keep following aspects in mind while financing any projects
1. Analyzing the project in terms of scale, nature and the magnitude of environmental
impact. The project should be evaluated on the basis of potential negative and positive
environmental effects and then compared with the ‘without project situation’. There
should be an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) of each project recommending the
measures needed to prevent, minimize and mitigate the environmental negative impact
before financing the projects.
2. While investing or funding the projects, the financial institutions should assess the
sensitive issues like vulnerable groups; involuntary displacement etc and projects should
be evaluated in terms of environmentally important areas including wetlands, forests,
grasslands and other natural habitats.
3. Banking institutions need to evaluate the value of real property and the potential
environmental liability associated with the real property. Therefore, the banks should
have right to inspect the property or to have an environmental audit performed through
the life of the loan.
4. Banks also need to monitor post transaction for the ideal environmental risk management
program (Rutherford, 1994) during the project implementation and operation. There
should be physical inspections of production, resources, training and support,
environmental liability, audit programs etc
5. The next round of evaluation includes loan structuring, credit approval, credit review and
loan management. Further banks have annual audits, quarterly environmental compliance
certificate from the independent third party and also from the government.

Further the banks can introduce green bank loans and products like (i) investing in
environmental projects (recycling, farming, technology, waste, etc) for example reduced-rate of
interest on loans to homeowners who install a solar energy system (ii) providing option for
customers to invest in environmentally friendly banking products (iii) investing in resources that
combine ecological concerns and social concerns

VI. Enforcement of Environmental Management and Role of the Government

The financial institutions also should make sure that the customer is ready to comply with
environment management plan during the construction and operation of the project and provides
regular reports, prepared by in house staff and third party experts. There should be a direct
communication between the lenders and monitoring group. However, much less attention is
given for the environmental risk management after the post transaction period. Recently, western
financial institutions use environmental criteria with credit risk management activities than with
formulating overall lending or investment strategy. With the introduction of ISO 14000 and
development of information network, it is easier now to the credit officers to compare firms and
plants regarding their environmental management and measure the relative environmental
liabilities and risks. Though commercial banking has been more attentive to the investment
banking than the environmental problems, the environmental liabilities would play a larger role
in their investment decision in the near future (Schmidheiny and Zorraquin, 1996). Further, the
environmental audits are required to determine the environmental status of a facility, property,
and operation and to identify regulatory compliance status, past present problems and potential
environmental risks and liabilities associated with the project. These should be done by an
independent body or by any environment investigation team.

But to ensure all these work,, there should be legislation, which will enforce the standards
along with training and demonstration skills. Government should enact legislation to force banks
to consider producing a formal environmental policy statement and making this publicly
available. Though Schmidheiny and Zorraquin (1996) conclude from their primary study that
banks are not hindering the achievement of sustainability, banks can also play a hindering role
for sustainable development because (1) they prefer short-terms payback periods where as
sustainable development needs long-term investment (2) investment which take into account of
environmental side-effects usually have lower rate of return in short-term (Jeucken and Bouma,
1999). Therefore, sustainable investments are unlikely to find sufficient funding within current
financial markets. Thus, government must design proper legislation of environmental rules for
banks and ensure enforcement. The problems in India are the legislation is not yet framed and in

few cases, things are not strictly enforced, but things can change overnight resulting in major
compliance problems for the companies concerned and increased risk for the banks that have lent
to them. There should be continuous dialogue relating to environmental matters with relevant
audiences, including stakeholders, employees, customers, governments and the public.

VII. Conclusion
In a rapidly changing market economy where globalization of markets has intensified the
competition, the industries and firms are vulnerable to stringent public policies, severe law suits
or consumer boycotts. This would affect the banks and financial institutions to recover their
return from investment. Thus, the banks should play a pro-active role to take environmental and
ecological aspects as part of their lending principle which would force industries to go for
mandated investment for environmental management, use of appropriate technologies and
management systems.

Green Banking if implemented sincerely will act as an effective ex ante deterrent for the
polluting industries that give a pass by to the other institutional regulatory mechanisms. There
has not been much initiative in this regard by the banks and other financial institutions in India
though they play an active role in India’s emerging economy. The banking and financial sector
should be made to work for sustainable development. As far as green banking in concerned,
India’s banks and financial institutions are running behind time. None of our banks or financial
institutions haves adopted equator principle even for the sake of records. None of them are
signatory to the UNEP Financial Initiative statement. It is time now that India takes some major
steps to gradually adhere to the equator principles-guidelines that use environment-sensitive
parameters, apart from financial, to fund projects.


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“The earlier IEG Occasional Paper Series in
Sociology has been integrated into the IEG
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