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Sample Questions for Practice

Subject: Strategic Management

1. Proactive Organizations are those who

a) Anticipate the events and adapt themselves speedily
b) Anticipate events but act moderately fast
c) Stick to their plans irrespective of Change
d) Do not plan

2. Organic growth of the company means

a) Internal growth & expansion
b) Growth through acquisition
c) Growth through merger
d) No growth at all

3. In VUCA, A stands for

a) Ambition
b) Ambivalence
c) Ambiguity
d) Assertion
4. Frequent changes in Tax, Laws & regulations is a characteristic of
a) Uncertain Environment
b) Stable environment
c) Business- friendly Environment
d) Friendly environment

5. Unstable events with unknown durations in the market is the characteristic of

a) Stable Environment
b) Complex Environment
c) Volatile Environment
d) Friendly Environment
6. Nowadays consumers are health-conscious which is giving rise to increased demand of
Organic products. Which factor of business environment is highlighted in the above
a. Legal environment
b. Political environment
c. Economic environment
d. Social environment

7. What are the means by which long term objectives will be achieved?
a. Strategies
b. Policies
c. Strengths
d. Weakness
8. Divestment is what kind of strategy:

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Sample Questions for Practice

Subject: Strategic Management

a. An asset reduction strategy

b. A weakness reduction strategy
c. A strength reduction strategy
d. A Cost reduction strategy

9. McDonalds is deciding whether to expand into manufacturing kitchen equipment in

China. At what level is this decision likely to be made?
a. Business
b. Corporate
c. Functional
d. International

10. Corporate Governance is concerned with the:

a. Executive remuneration, disclosure of information, auditing and accounting
procedures, and organizations’ management structures
b. Elections to the board of directors
c. Relationships with national governments
d. Corporate level strategy
11. The value chain is subdivided into two main headings. These are ‘Primary Activities’
a. Peripheral activities
b. Support activities
c. Important activities
d. Outsources activities

12. The acronym SWOT stands for:

a. Special Weapons for Operations and Timeliness
b. Strength, Weakness, Organisations and Tasks
c. Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats
d. Strengths, Weakness, Optimization and Transport

13. The two internal elements of SWOT are:

a. Opportunities and Threats
b. Strengths and Weaknesses
c. Strengths and Opportunities
d. Weakness and Threats

14. Which refers to decline in the per unit cost of production as volume grows?
a. Product Differentiation
b. Economic of scale
c. Switching Cost
d. Brand Identity

15. Which is not the generic strategy of Michael Porter?

a. Cost Leadership
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Sample Questions for Practice

Subject: Strategic Management

b. Growth Share Matrix

c. Differentiation
d. Focused strategy

16. What is a unified, comprehensive & integrated plan designed to assure that basic
objectives of enterprise are achieved?
a. Strategy
b. Execution
c. Monitoring
d. Management
17. Rivals firms, operating in the same industry rely on different __________ due to their
strategic choice
a. Mission
b. Goals & Objective
c. Business Definition
d. Business Model
18. Best-worded ______ statement clearly & crisply illuminates direction in which
organization is headed.
a. Vision
b. Mission
c. Goals
d. Objective

19. Which of these refers to a strategy where the business seeks to sell its existing products
into new market & this can be achieved by new product packaging, distribution channel
a. Market Penetration
b. Market Development
c. Product Development
d. Diversification

20. Which strategy is adopted by organization when if it chooses to focus on ways & means
to reserve process of decline?
a. Turnaround
b. Expansion
c. Stability
d. Stratification

21. Which is the first stage of turnaround strategy?

a. Assessment of current problems
b. Implementation of emergency action plan
c. Restructuring the business
d. Returning to normal

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Sample Questions for Practice

Subject: Strategic Management

22. Which is a relationship between two or more businesses that enables each to achieve
certain strategic objectives which neither would be able to achieve on its own?
a. Diversification
b. Acquisition
c. Strategic Alliance
d. Merger

23. Implementation of project in pursuance of _________ typically results in increase in

capital work in progress & current assets.
a. Stability Strategy
b. Expansion Strategy
c. Turnaround Strategy
d. Divestment Strategy

24. The concept of TOWS matrix was developed by _______

a. Igor H. Ansoff
b. Willium F. Gluek
c. Heinz Weihrich
d. Arthur D. Little

25. Which strategy has its objective to sell or liquidate the business because resources
can be better used elsewhere?
a. Build
b. Hold
c. Harvest
d. Divest


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