High Temperature Plastic Deformation of CuZn30 Bra

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Kovove Mater.

48 2010 41–46 41
DOI: 10.4149/km 2010 1 41

High temperature plastic deformation of CuZn30 brass

– calculation of the activation energy

R. Pernis1 *, J. Kasala1 , J. Bořuta2

Alexander Dubček University of Trenčín, Faculty of Special Technology, Študentská 1, 911 50 Trenčín, Slovak Republic
Materials and Metallurgy Research Ltd., Pohraniční 693/31, 706 02 Ostrava-Vítkovice, Czech Republic

Received 16 September 2009, received in revised form 26 October 2009, accepted 26 October 2009

High temperature plastic deformation of CuZn30 brass was investigated in the temperature
range between 650 ◦C and 850 ◦C. Torsion tests were performed for experimental plan according
to test array 5 × 4, i.e. five temperatures 650, 700, 750, 800, 850 ◦C and four speeds of
torsion shear strain rate 0.5, 2.5, 12.5, and 25 s−1 . Mathematical model has been developed
to predict high-temperature shear stress behaviour of CuZn30 brass. Explicit equation, which
is a function of peak stress, temperature and shear strain rate, was used in the mathematical
model. There are four constants in the equation; one of those is the activation energy which
for CuZn30 brass reaches the value Q = 180.3 kJ mol−1 .
Measured and calculated values of shear stress are shown in graphs in dependence on the
value of deformation, where the temperature of deformation and the speed of deformation
are the parameters for the particular curves. The predicted results are in accordance with
the experimental curves stress-deformation that can be used to model the behaviour of hot
extrusion pressing of CuZn30 brass.

K e y w o r d s : brass CuZn30, torsion test, strain, flow stress, activation energy

1. Introduction to hot forming, the brass has lower formability. There-

fore, by applying hot working to this brass, forming
CuZn30 brass belongs to the alpha brasses. Due becomes hard. Flow stress at extrusion pressing of
to its good cold plastic flow properties it is used in CuZn30 brass significantly depends on temperature,
technologies of deep drawing. Brass cups are tradi- shear strain rate and area ratio. It has been shown that
tionally manufactured from rolled semi products. High alpha-beta brasses are characterized by excellent hot
amounts of material waste originate from the process forming properties. They are not so adaptable to cold
of cutting from the strips, so recycling in metallur- forming process and therefore cold formability reaches
gical plants is necessary [1]. Manufacturers have been lower values [4]. It is caused by change in the hard-
preparing projects that would launch the manufac- ness proportion of α- and β-phase. When α-phase is
ture of cups by no-waste technology from CuZn30 cold formed, it has lower hardness than β-phase. On
brass bars. Input semi products were replaced from the other hand, when α-phase is hot formed, it has
the strips manufactured by rolling with the brass bars higher hardness than β-phase. The tension test is the
manufactured by hot extrusion pressing. This change most common test to find out hot flow stress [5]. It is
is connected with the transition to new technology not sufficient for hot forming processes at higher shear
in metallurgical plants. Hot extrusion pressing resul- strain rates. In the study of hot extrusion process of
ted to be critical operation in technological process of CuZn30 brass, it is necessary to know the value of
CuZn30 brass bars manufacture [2]. In general, alpha the activation energy. Modelling of deformation pro-
brasses have good cold forming properties. The brass cess through torsion plastometer was used to find out
with 30 % zinc reaches the highest level of formability the activation energy [6]. Course of stress in depend-
for cold forming [3]. When CuZn30 brass is subjected ence on deformation is observed during hot torsion
*Corresponding author: tel.: +421 32 7400210; e-mail address: [email protected]
42 R. Pernis et al. / Kovove Mater. 48 2010 41–46

T a b l e 1. Chemical composition of CuZn30 brass for torsion tests

Element Cu Pb Sn Fe Ni Mn Al Si
Content (%) 70.39 0.0004 0.0042 0.0232 0.0022 0.0003 0.0012 0.0002

Element As Sb Bi Cr Cd Ag P Zn
Content (%) 0.0001 0.0031 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0002 balance

2.2. Mathematical formulas used in the

evaluation of experimental results

Mathematical relations applied in the evaluation

of measured data of torsion test are listed in Table 2.
Basic deformation resistance was calculated from
measured torque and axial force according to Eq. (1)
(Table 2). The calculation of logarithmic deforma-
tion during torsion test was determined by Eq. (2)
(Table 2). The value of torsion shear strain rate was
Fig. 1. Characteristic points on the curve stress vs. deform-
calculated from Eq. (3) (Table 2). Mathematical de-
ation. scription of hot deformation proceeding from Garafal
empirical formula – Eq. (4) (Table 2) – for the de-
scription of high temperature deformation is stated by
test under defined conditions (geometry of specimen, Drastík et al. [6]. In this equation, the activation en-
temperature and shear strain rate). Figure 1 shows the ergy is the parameter for the specific material. “Activ-
characteristic course of the curve. The curve is char- ation energy” is the most frequently used term in ref-
acterized by several points marked on it. The curve erences; nevertheless, “the activation energy of plastic
where stress achieves the maximum value σ p has co- deformation” is a more precise term [9]. The material
ordinates [ϕp ; σ p ]. This stress is also known as peak constants are determined on the basis of practically
stress σ p . Deformation at which the maximal stress is measured and calculated data.
reached is ϕp . Coordinates [ϕi ; σ i ] characterize point
of inflection. The beginning of steady state of deform- 2.3. Experimental outcomes
ation is characterized by coordinates [ϕss ; σ ss ], where
index ss has its origin in English (steady state). Torsion tests were performed in compliance with
the experimental plan. The control computer was
used to record immediate values: torque, axial force,
2. Experimental procedure temperature of specimen, speed of torsion and time
baseline. Several ten thousands of data were gathered
2.1. Experimental material and experimental during the test; nevertheless, the question how to
plan represent them emerged. Thereby, their visualization
through graphs in coordinates of stress and deform-
Deep drawing CuZn30 brass with chemical com- ation was chosen, while temperature and the speed
position (see Table 1) was used for experimental hot of deformation are parameters. The results of torsion
torsion tests. Bars with diameter 10 mm [7] and [8] test for particular four values of torsion shear strain
were used for the tests. Brass CuZn30 bars were rates are in Figs. 3–6.
manufactured according to the following technological For particular temperatures, Fig. 7 shows curves of
process: melting in electric induction furnace, semi- maximum values of peak stress σ p in dependence on
-continuous casting of billets, hot extrusion pressing natural logarithm of torsion shear strain rate γ̇.
and final cold drawing. The test specimens manufac-
tured according to Fig. 2 were used for hot torsion
tests. 3. Results and discussion
Hot torsion tests of CuZn30 brass were performed
according to the experimental plan consisting of the 3.1. Evaluation of measured data
test array 5 × 4. That is five temperatures 650, 700,
750, 800, 850 ◦C and four torsion shear strain rates 0.5, To describe the curves in Fig. 7, Eq. (4) (Table 2)
2.5, 12.5, and 25 s−1 that correspond to true speed of was used. Material constants are determined by meas-
torsion 16, 80, 400, and 800 rpm. ured and calculated data. At first it is necessary to
R. Pernis et al. / Kovove Mater. 48 2010 41–46 43

T a b l e 2. Mathematical relations applied in the evaluation of torsion test

Equation number Description Symbols Formulas

 2  2

3 · 3·Mk F
(1) Basic deformation resistance σ ZDO σZDO = +
2π · Rt3 π · Rt2


2π · Rt · ns

(2) Logarithmic deformation ϕ ϕ = √ arcsinh
3 3L

2π · Rt nr
(3) Torsion shear strain rate γ̇ γ̇ = ·
L 60
Q n
(4) f (σp ,T ,γ̇) = 0 – γ̇ · exp = C · [sinh (α · σp )]

(5) Activation energy Q Q=k·n·R

(6) Zener-Hollomon parameter Z Z = γ̇ · exp

Mk – torque (N m) ns – number of torsion (–) n – material constant (–)
F – axial force (N) t – temperature ( ◦C) Q – activation energy (J mol−1 )
σp – peak stress (MPa) T – absolute temperature (K) C – material constant (s−1 )
Rt – radius of test specimen (mm) ϕ – logarithmic deformation (–) R – gas constant, R = 8.314 J K−1 mol−1
L – length of test specimen (mm) γ̇ – torsion shear strain rate (s−1 ) k – slope of the line in coordinates
nr – speed of torsion (rpm) α – material constant (MPa−1 ) ln sinh(α · σp ) vs. 1/T (K)

Fig. 2. Test specimen for hot torsion tests.

Fig. 4. Basic deformation resistance of CuZn30 brass for

torsion shear strain rate γ̇ = 2.5 s−1 .

determination of material constant was performed on

the basis of procedure recommended in [6] and [10–
12]. Constant α = 0.00927 MPa−1 was calculated for
hot deformation of CuZn30 brass.
To determine constant n for Eq. (4) (Table 2), we
need to linearize the equation. This can be achieved
through the use of logarithmic scale on both axes.
It requires displaying the scale on both axes where
Fig. 3. Basic deformation resistance of CuZn30 brass for the temperature is parameter. This requirement can
torsion shear strain rate γ̇ = 0.5 s−1 .
be ensured by the independent application of Eq. (4)
(Table 2) for each measured temperature. For temper-
atures 650, 700, 750, 800, and 850 ◦C we display five
specify the material constant α in order to determ- lines in logarithmic coordinates of ln(sinh(α · σp )) and
ine remaining constants for Eq. (4) (Table 2). The ln γ̇ . Line plots are shown in Fig. 8.
44 R. Pernis et al. / Kovove Mater. 48 2010 41–46

Fig. 8. Line plots at different temperatures determining

Fig. 5. Basic deformation resistance of CuZn30 brass for material constant n.
torsion shear strain rate γ̇ = 12.5 s−1 .

Fig. 9. Line plots describing the activation energy Q.

Fig. 6. Basic deformation resistance of CuZn30 brass for
torsion shear strain rate γ̇ = 25 s−1 .
the process of the determination of the material con-
stant n. Coordinate system ln(sinh(α · σp )) vs. 1/T
is used for measured values where the speed of de-
formation is the parameter [13]. Figure 9 shows line
plots for the determination of the activation energy.
The value of slope of the line k was set as an average
calculated from four values in Fig. 9. The final value
of the activation energy for CuZn30 brass was calcu-
lated from Eq. (5) (Table 2). The calculated value of
the activation energy reaches Q = 180346 J mol−1 .
Constant C is the last material constant of Eq. (4)
(Table 2) describing high temperature deformation.
The Zener-Hollomon parameter Z [14] was used to de-
termine C (see Eq. (6) (Table 2)). Zener-Hollomon
Fig. 7. Peak stress of CuZn30 brass in coordinates of σ p
parameter Z is determined from the known value of
and ln γ̇ .
the activation energy. The specific values of natural
logarithm of Zener-Hollomon parameter for high tem-
perature deformation behaviour of CuZn30 brass are
Parameter n is represented by the slope of the line. stated in Table 3.
Since five lines (for each temperature one) are dis- The graph in coordinates of ln Z and ln (sinh(α ·
played, the resulting constant n was set as an average σp )) shown in Fig. 10 was drawn up by using data
calculated from five values. The first estimation for from Table 3. The curve represents line which slope
constant n is found to be 4.3679. of the line indicates improved material constant n =
The known value of constant n enables us to de- 4.2899. The slope of the line approximates to the value
termine the activation energy in the next step. The of an initially estimated material parameter according
linearization of Eq. (4) (Table 2) is used likewise in to Fig. 8.
R. Pernis et al. / Kovove Mater. 48 2010 41–46 45

T a b l e 3. Natural logarithm of Zener-Hollomon parameter

t γ̇ σp x y
( ◦C) (s−1 ) (MPa) ln(sinh(α · σp )) ln Z

650 0.5 69.949 –0.3646 22.8046

650 2.5 99.580 0.0577 24.4141
650 12.5 133.370 0.4545 26.0235
650 25.0 148.815 0.6203 26.7166

700 0.5 53.739 –0.6563 21.5973

700 2.5 70.687 –0.3526 23.2068
700 12.5 104.608 0.1208 24.8162
700 25.0 119.576 0.2994 25.5093

750 0.5 48.168 –0.7737 20.5080

750 2.5 55.563 –0.6201 22.1174
750 12.5 93.895 –0.0161 23.7269
750 25.0 101.605 0.0833 24.4200

800 0.5 42.534 –0.9053 19.5202

800 2.5 49.683 –0.7406 21.1296
800 12.5 75.053 –0.2838 22.7391
800 25.0 81.654 –0.1852 23.4322

850 0.5 33.377 –1.1576 18.6204

850 2.5 37.258 –1.0437 20.2298
850 12.5 59.678 –0.5420 21.8392
850 25.0 61.211 –0.5140 22.5324

T a b l e 4. Material constants of Eq. (4) (Table 2), CuZn30 used for the first estimation of material parameter
brass n as an arithmetic average for particular temperat-
ures. Segment on y-axis determines natural logarithm
No. Material constants Units Value
of constant C. Constant C reaches the value 3.21603
1 α MPa−1 0.00927 × 1010 s−1 . This process has been used to estim-
2 n – 4.2899 ate the last and the fourth constant C for Eq. (4)
3 Q J mol−1 180 346 (Table 2), which describes high temperature deform-
4 C s−1 3.21603×1010 ation of CuZn30 brass. Calculated values of material
parameters for Eq. (4) (Table 2) are shown in Table 4.
Particular equation describing high temperature
deformation behaviour of CuZn30 brass was obtained
by mathematical treatment of Eq. (4) (Table 2) and
by using constants from Table 4:

σp = 107.87 · (A)
· arcsinh 3.1095 × 10−11 · γ̇ · exp .

The equation represents the peak stress as a func-

tion of temperature and strain rate. The stress can be
considered to be the basic deformation resistance of
hot extrusion pressing of CuZn30 brass.
Fig. 10. Determination of constant C by using Zener-
-Hollomon parameter. 3.2. Discussion

Experimentally measured data from torsion tests

Comparing these two values we get the difference of CuZn30 brass and their evaluation confirmed the
∆n = 4.3679 – 4.2899 = 0.0780. This difference ori- validity of Eq. (4) (Table 2) for the description of high
ginates from imperfect calculation procedure that was temperature deformation behaviour. The proof is the
46 R. Pernis et al. / Kovove Mater. 48 2010 41–46

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